Today may not be the best. But next day will have new ideas to make it better. Thanks for the ideas. Thanks you for testing and Thanks you for sharing.
4:32 This is where the vertical damper part of the FL system is really helpful, rather than the rollers landing flat on top of the wall, the rollers will angle into it giving a much more natural recovery.
Actually, I don't agree with the term "vertical damper" since the arm movement itself doesn't act as a damper. In fact, the arm flexed and then adapt after being hit by the track wall. So I guess it's not a damper effect. Well, the original FL system may have that effect because all of the unit move together as a unity but still, I think it's more of a flexibility matter and not as a damper (imo). But I get what you mean anyway. Thanks man.
Yea, kinda hard to describe it really, imagine angling the car down front 45degree and the roller hitting the wall. And yea, I also agree "vertical damper" is not the right term, couldn't think what to call it at the time, I should have said the whole stay/roller assembly becoming like an inverted hikuo damper, I think that would have been more accurate. It's also interesting to see what a difference the size of rubber ring connecting the arms can do. I think I know why people add turns to the rubber ring on their setups, they're probably using 17/19mm roller ring also, but put like 3-5 turns on it to make it stiffer/shorter, but I guess it depends on how you cut the arms that dictates which size rings you can use or what you can do with them.
Yes, I kinda get the idea after you explained it that way. Hehehe. Yup, I tried to turn the rubber a few times but still the 13mm rubber is better than 19mm (in this experiment). It's true the shape of the arm will also determine the movement. It also affected by the stopper position, spring placement, etc. There are so much thing to be tested, but I'm glad at least this system can be useful somehow. I was just playing around with leftover FRPs at my place. Hahahahah.
Wahh kemajuan teknologi di tamiya 4wd semakin canggih yah. Baru tau bamper bisa macam hidrolik gitu heheeheh. Dulu maen tamiya asalah speed kenceng aj udah seneng. Bagus2
jd pangen main ginian lg. wajah2 veteran masih bakalan kelihatan gak ya d wahana-wahana begini? salam dari generasi tahun 96'. hehehe jd berasa jompo nyebutnya..... wakakakakak
Mudah untuk dicontoh dan sangat berguna mas bro... Pernah lihat video orang jepang bikin FL SYSTEM,RUMITNYA MINTAAAA AMPUN BROOO... Kuuuenceng,tpi stabil... Thanx bro... Karna saya akan memulai main tamiya lagi...
Bang...saran dong... Saya mau BARU mulai main lgi... Untuk pemula tapi pengen yg sedikit kenceng? Model yang pas apa ya? Saya posisi di surabaya,barangkali ada toko rekom di surabaya...hehehe...thanx bang
Mach satu tingkat diatas hyper.. era saya dlu belu hyper dash sekitar Rp.15000 dan mach dash Rp.30.000.. di tahun 1999 s/d 2001 lah,saya menggeluti tamiya.. salam.. 👋
Lu yakin itu harga tahun 1999? Aku main tamiya waktu masih di indo saat sd kelas 6. Itu tahun 92. Harga hyperdash dan lemans kira kira itu 15000 dan 20000.
Trus ada yg di modif. Pake platinum. We all know gold is best conductor. Hyperdash sampe kencanggggg banget. Bahasa cina medan nya di "khun" (di kumparan), itu nya di rebound.
Hi Roscoe , please can you do video talk about aftermarket parts? teach us how to identify aftermarket parts(copy parts) from "original" tamiya parts. Can it be use for race? do all racer use after market parts? Thank!
Pk nizn battery peak power nya bisa sampai 1.85 volt. Eneloop nimh mah kelaut saja. Nizn juga lebih cepat discharge nya. Voltage nominal juga 1.6 -1.7v dan jadi tetap lebih op dari rechargeable battery yg umumnya yg 1.3v sampai 1.5v. Tapi ya itu. Mahal.. lebih mahal dr nimh dan nicd.
Hi Roscoe. Great vid! You observe that the cornering speed with the FL system is slower, as the rear rollers would extend further away during cornering. What I do notice in your final review is that your car points inwards (towards the inside of the corner) when the arm extends. Doesn’t this actually aid your car in cornering faster? Enjoy watching your channel btw! Keep it up!
Yes. I made a mistake. Well, actually before my friend made an analysis about this, I still believe that if I put my roller closer to the tires, then the cornering process is faster. But, it turns out that through calculation, the car took a longer distance if you put the roller closer to the tires compared if you put some distance to it. My friend who can understand Japanese language told me that there were also some kind of debate in Japan regarding this matter. I haven't made any comparison yet, but my perspective had been changed through my friend explanation. I also noticed that lots of Japanese racer car don't put their roller too close to the tires. Thank you for watching!
Roscoe Channel Indeed! The car taking a shorter distance travelled (the smaller radius of the turn) by increasing the distance between the front-rear rollers is another manner of looking at cornering speed.
Roscoe Channel I’ve been in the same boat as you. Told to set the car in a certain manner but was never given a broken down analysis to justify the set up. So I started asking LOTS of questions. Haha.
om tolong di bales yak, I use fl system too, but in front bumper, for back i use slide, tapi selalu klontang pake dynamo hyper dash break in, supaya ga klontamg gmn ya om?
Waduh, nggak bisa kasih jawaban nih saya masalahnya dimana. CO di slope, CO di LC, dll beda-beda juga penyebabnya. Beda layout juga beda setelannya. Coba konsul ke racer senior di tempat situ mungkin bisa dpt pencerahan gan.
sayangnya dulu hp masih jadul gabisa bikin vidio haha, coba bang dinamo ganti yg model diamond tapi dalemnya kalo bisa ngilik sendiri terus magnet ganti yg silver, ban make yg busa biar nempel ama aspal lintasan, dijamin super ngebut hahaha
Hehehe. Kalo sekarang, karena acuan peraturannya ke aturan resmi Jepang, nggak boleh dikilik lg mas. Jadi cukup beli dinamo merk Tamiya aja, baru kemudian diolah lagi. Tapi gak boleh dikilik lg sekarang. 😁 Ayo main lagi mas 👍
hahaha masa si stik karetan begiti yg dipake ditamiya ga ada yg order? ya maklum bang mengenang masa dulu lagi rame"nya kan jadi flshback😁 lanjutkan terus bang eksperimennya, coba" ganti dinamonya bang biar kenceng kan buat ekspersimen doang lumayan bang buat tontonan para netijen hahahaha, percobaan aja lagian bukan buat turnamen bang 😄
Yg patah mobil yg tanpa underplate ya om? Mngkn solusinya kalo mau tanpa underplate bisa pakai reinforced gear cover... Cm agak ribet kalo mau ganti motor & gear... 🙄
Betul tanpa frame tengah. Hmm, mungkin juga sih. Saya nggak pernah pakai reinforced gear cover sih gan. Cuma memang, kali ini mobilnya mental dan meluncur jauh sebelum nabrak tembok. Mungkin wajar-wajar saja kalau patah. Tapi saya juga gak paham betul apakah faktor kelemahan mobilnya juga. Maklum, nubi MS. Hahahaha
Cara bikinnya Pake cara gampang aja bang Ane bisa Coba" pake karet 13mm 2 buah kalo gini kan masih dinilai rumit karena banyak Bagian saat pemotongannya Kalo ini gk perlu dipotong hanya saja Melebari lubang 3mm Kayak pivot tapi lebih Lentur Bisa kayak "patah" lebih sadis
mantap reviewnya, tp di 6:28 mobil patah yah? ada solusi buat perbaikan gak bang? atau perkuatan supaya gak patah gitu..saya jg pecinta MS/MSL.. mudah sekali patah klo di buat suspensi
Itu patahnya setelah meluncur jauh banget sih dan nabrak tembok. Saya malah akan bingung kalau nggak patah. Hahaha. Sepertinya kalau pakai frame tengah akan lebih kuat. Tapi saya belum melakukan perbandingan.
+Roscoe Channel saya pengguna single shaft ,saya mau coba praktekin ilmu mas di super2 saya ,semoga mulus seperti mobil si mas hihihi ,terima kasih atas video video nya yg oke oke mas ...
Bang kasih saran dong..Punya saya kalo pake loncatan, susah turun nya..Paling tdk, harus 8-9 potong arena, baru bisa turun.Rem juga udah tebel..Padahal juga sloop bukan speed.. 🙏🏼
Wah, saya nggak main sloop tuh. Kalo di kategori sekarang, lompat 8-9 potong nggak berguna. Beda kelasnya gan. Race-race sekarang acuannya aturan resmi Tamiya Mini 4WD Japan. Jadi kategori sloop, nascar, dll nggak masuk. Bikin mobil baru aja gan pake setting jaman sekarang. Harus bisa lompat pendek tapi ngebut. 😁
Sebagian besar informasi dan trik sudah saya bagikan di video-video saya. Saya sarankan untuk tonton video saya dari nomor 1 sampai terakhir. Banyak sekali info yang bisa didapat. Perhatikan baik-baik di setiap video. Jangan di skip, nanti biasa ketinggalan informasinya dan triknya. Dicicil aja videonya. Tonton tiap hari. Nanti lama2 bisa kok. Coba ditiru aja setting saya dulu
Bang, klo depan belakang pake fl system bagus gak? Soalnya untuk track 5 jalur di japan pake fl depan blakang. Atw sliding depan, blakang fl.. Oh ya, di tggu tutor buat fl system untuk depan yah.. hehehe.. Nice chanel..
Nope. Coz the moving arm can adapt when it hits the track wall. But maybe u wanna put something just to cover the screw head. Just like I did in my Anchor bumper.
Today may not be the best. But next day will have new ideas to make it better.
Thanks for the ideas. Thanks you for testing and Thanks you for sharing.
You're welcome. Share the video bro so everyone can now about this system. Thanks!
4:32 This is where the vertical damper part of the FL system is really helpful, rather than the rollers landing flat on top of the wall, the rollers will angle into it giving a much more natural recovery.
Actually, I don't agree with the term "vertical damper" since the arm movement itself doesn't act as a damper. In fact, the arm flexed and then adapt after being hit by the track wall. So I guess it's not a damper effect.
Well, the original FL system may have that effect because all of the unit move together as a unity but still, I think it's more of a flexibility matter and not as a damper (imo). But I get what you mean anyway. Thanks man.
Yea, kinda hard to describe it really, imagine angling the car down front 45degree and the roller hitting the wall. And yea, I also agree "vertical damper" is not the right term, couldn't think what to call it at the time, I should have said the whole stay/roller assembly becoming like an inverted hikuo damper, I think that would have been more accurate.
It's also interesting to see what a difference the size of rubber ring connecting the arms can do. I think I know why people add turns to the rubber ring on their setups, they're probably using 17/19mm roller ring also, but put like 3-5 turns on it to make it stiffer/shorter, but I guess it depends on how you cut the arms that dictates which size rings you can use or what you can do with them.
Yes, I kinda get the idea after you explained it that way. Hehehe.
Yup, I tried to turn the rubber a few times but still the 13mm rubber is better than 19mm (in this experiment). It's true the shape of the arm will also determine the movement. It also affected by the stopper position, spring placement, etc. There are so much thing to be tested, but I'm glad at least this system can be useful somehow. I was just playing around with leftover FRPs at my place. Hahahahah.
Wahh kemajuan teknologi di tamiya 4wd semakin canggih yah. Baru tau bamper bisa macam hidrolik gitu heheeheh. Dulu maen tamiya asalah speed kenceng aj udah seneng. Bagus2
Yes bro. 3th lalu pas saya balik ke hobi ini juga kaget, walaupun saat itu belom kenal suspensi gitu. Sekarang perkembangannya pesat bro. 😁
Jaman now lebih ke STO yaa.. kalo jaman old pasti lebih ke sloop.. rindu masa2 15 tahun yg lalu.. 😭
Makasih om rekomendasi nya, saya masang di ma saya ga pernah keluar jalur 😀
liat beginian jdi pen rakit lagi saya wkwkw, yg nyisa skrng cuma lilitan sendiri+bemper karbon depan doang wkwkw
Kumpulin lg bro sesuai regulasi yang baru 😁
makasih ilmu nya bro. test di IC bulan ini ahh. nice riset
Luar biasa, saya pencinta mini 4wd jg cuma dah lama pensiun, sukses selalu bro
Thanks bro! Hayuk balik lagi 😁
thanks gan
aku udh pasang di AR-FM ku
memang berbeda tapi bisa di atasi
bnyk2 channel mini 4wd ini channel jdi pilihan sbb laju dan stabil mini 4wd kmu
nice work ka roscoe..ditunggu FL depannya ya...
jd pangen main ginian lg. wajah2 veteran masih bakalan kelihatan gak ya d wahana-wahana begini? salam dari generasi tahun 96'. hehehe jd berasa jompo nyebutnya..... wakakakakak
Di Jordan Toys BSD gan
Kalo dulu ban depannya diganti laker kecil, terus bagian belakangnya pakai pcb gitu. Sekarang makin tambah keren!!!
Iyess. Ganteng2 sekarang mobilnya 😎
I wanna know more about this hobby it looks awsome
Hi. Welcome to the world of Mini 4WD. If you're a beginner, it's better for you to watch my MA building series. Enjoy! 😁
Tamiya, in my place, on years 2000.. every child have this toy.
not with high specification like this of course.
Yes, though it's not as big as those days, Mini 4WD community still exist in many countries. Let's make it bigger! 😁
channel gini ni yg harus di subs, jgn game online doang
Mudah untuk dicontoh dan sangat berguna mas bro...
Pernah lihat video orang jepang bikin FL SYSTEM,RUMITNYA MINTAAAA AMPUN BROOO...
Kuuuenceng,tpi stabil...
Thanx bro...
Karna saya akan memulai main tamiya lagi...
Bang...saran dong...
Saya mau BARU mulai main lgi...
Untuk pemula tapi pengen yg sedikit kenceng?
Model yang pas apa ya?
Saya posisi di surabaya,barangkali ada toko rekom di surabaya...hehehe...thanx bang
MA aja. Kenceng. Ada videonya di playlist building MA chassis. Tinggal ditiru.
Oke aaasiiaaaap bang
Bang 1 lagi...
Kalau dinamo yg buat tarung ma temen nih...sama tarung untuk race apa ya?
Wah doc.. Nice content 👍👍
Thank u
Kalo pake under guard.. tanpa sistem atas bawah juga bisa?
Haduh jadi pengen main lagi😐
Ayoo majuuu 😁
Menit terakhir bikin pedih melihatnya.. T.T broken chassis
Butuh chassis zmc nih. Biar kuat. Haha
Mach satu tingkat diatas hyper.. era saya dlu belu hyper dash sekitar Rp.15000 dan mach dash Rp.30.000.. di tahun 1999 s/d 2001 lah,saya menggeluti tamiya.. salam.. 👋
Lu yakin itu harga tahun 1999? Aku main tamiya waktu masih di indo saat sd kelas 6. Itu tahun 92. Harga hyperdash dan lemans kira kira itu 15000 dan 20000.
Trus ada yg di modif. Pake platinum. We all know gold is best conductor. Hyperdash sampe kencanggggg banget. Bahasa cina medan nya di "khun" (di kumparan), itu nya di rebound.
Kenceng banget om
Rubber tube yg buat stopper dapetnya dari mana bang ?
Hi Roscoe , please can you do video talk about aftermarket parts? teach us how to identify aftermarket parts(copy parts) from "original" tamiya parts. Can it be use for race? do all racer use after market parts? Thank!
Will consider about it. Thanks for the advice. 👍
Pk nizn battery peak power nya bisa sampai 1.85 volt. Eneloop nimh mah kelaut saja. Nizn juga lebih cepat discharge nya. Voltage nominal juga 1.6 -1.7v dan jadi tetap lebih op dari rechargeable battery yg umumnya yg 1.3v sampai 1.5v. Tapi ya itu. Mahal.. lebih mahal dr nimh dan nicd.
I think better than I thought!
ありがとうございました。それを試してみてください! 😁
ros, coba MA pakein FL system nya pen tau wkwkwkwkw jd kangen maen lg dahhh
Nahh itu Bon... Slama ini kan MA brutal banget tuh torsi sama speednya. Semoga dan semoga bisa ketolong sama bginian. Hehehehe.
Hayuk dah main lagi 😁
NIce video. Question. On this side rollers the ring material is silicon or polyurethane?
I don't know the material used in the roller
Terbaik lah mass... Aku copy yaa
Hi Roscoe. Great vid!
You observe that the cornering speed with the FL system is slower, as the rear rollers would extend further away during cornering. What I do notice in your final review is that your car points inwards (towards the inside of the corner) when the arm extends. Doesn’t this actually aid your car in cornering faster?
Enjoy watching your channel btw! Keep it up!
Yes. I made a mistake. Well, actually before my friend made an analysis about this, I still believe that if I put my roller closer to the tires, then the cornering process is faster. But, it turns out that through calculation, the car took a longer distance if you put the roller closer to the tires compared if you put some distance to it.
My friend who can understand Japanese language told me that there were also some kind of debate in Japan regarding this matter.
I haven't made any comparison yet, but my perspective had been changed through my friend explanation. I also noticed that lots of Japanese racer car don't put their roller too close to the tires.
Thank you for watching!
Roscoe Channel Indeed! The car taking a shorter distance travelled (the smaller radius of the turn) by increasing the distance between the front-rear rollers is another manner of looking at cornering speed.
I was blinded by the "keep the roller as close as possible" theory without looking further about the fact... *facepalm
Where are u from bro?
Roscoe Channel I’ve been in the same boat as you. Told to set the car in a certain manner but was never given a broken down analysis to justify the set up. So I started asking LOTS of questions. Haha.
Roscoe Channel I am currently residing in Kuala Lumpur. Which part of Indonesia are you at?
parah keren bgt ni channel
Thanks bro
Wow, this perfect.
Brilliant !
mantap broo setingan jepang
om tolong di bales yak, I use fl system too, but in front bumper, for back i use slide, tapi selalu klontang pake dynamo hyper dash break in, supaya ga klontamg gmn ya om?
Waduh, nggak bisa kasih jawaban nih saya masalahnya dimana. CO di slope, CO di LC, dll beda-beda juga penyebabnya. Beda layout juga beda setelannya. Coba konsul ke racer senior di tempat situ mungkin bisa dpt pencerahan gan.
@@roscoechannel pake sponge apa om? atau ga pake rem sama sekali? untuk kekuatan rem tiap sponge beda2. Coba cek video tentang info dasar brake sponge di playlist basic info channel saya
sayangnya dulu hp masih jadul gabisa bikin vidio haha, coba bang dinamo ganti yg model diamond tapi dalemnya kalo bisa ngilik sendiri terus magnet ganti yg silver, ban make yg busa biar nempel ama aspal lintasan, dijamin super ngebut hahaha
Hehehe. Kalo sekarang, karena acuan peraturannya ke aturan resmi Jepang, nggak boleh dikilik lg mas. Jadi cukup beli dinamo merk Tamiya aja, baru kemudian diolah lagi. Tapi gak boleh dikilik lg sekarang. 😁
Ayo main lagi mas 👍
stik model begitu yg order daerah mana bang, mantep juga jadi ngondisiin ama jalur
Ahaha, ini gak ada yg order. Saya cuma eksperimen aja. Gak nyangka juga banyak yg nonton trus ikutan buat
hahaha masa si stik karetan begiti yg dipake ditamiya ga ada yg order? ya maklum bang mengenang masa dulu lagi rame"nya kan jadi flshback😁 lanjutkan terus bang eksperimennya, coba" ganti dinamonya bang biar kenceng kan buat ekspersimen doang lumayan bang buat tontonan para netijen hahahaha, percobaan aja lagian bukan buat turnamen bang 😄
Sip, udah banyak video2 bemper2 kekinian. Monggo ditonton satu2 bro. Lumayan buat hiburan 😁
makasih ilmu nya bang
Sama-sama 👍
Biar lebih oke gulung sendiri tembaga ya bray
Nggak boleh bro. Melanggar peraturan resmi Tamiya Mini 4WD Japan.
tracknya kayak di courts di QBig yak? mau berguru donk om.. hehe.. ane mau bikin sto50, tapi blom ada pandangan.. hehe
Ilmunya ada di youtube smua om. Silahkan ditonton satu per satu videonya dari awal sampai habis.
Bro. How did you do the front bumper?
No mods on the front regular bumper
Yg patah mobil yg tanpa underplate ya om? Mngkn solusinya kalo mau tanpa underplate bisa pakai reinforced gear cover... Cm agak ribet kalo mau ganti motor & gear... 🙄
Betul tanpa frame tengah. Hmm, mungkin juga sih. Saya nggak pernah pakai reinforced gear cover sih gan. Cuma memang, kali ini mobilnya mental dan meluncur jauh sebelum nabrak tembok. Mungkin wajar-wajar saja kalau patah. Tapi saya juga gak paham betul apakah faktor kelemahan mobilnya juga. Maklum, nubi MS. Hahahaha
Cara bikinnya Pake cara gampang aja bang Ane bisa Coba" pake karet 13mm 2 buah kalo gini kan masih dinilai rumit karena banyak Bagian saat pemotongannya Kalo ini gk perlu dipotong hanya saja Melebari lubang 3mm Kayak pivot tapi lebih Lentur Bisa kayak "patah" lebih sadis
Wah ga kebayang tuh. Video tutorialnya mana?
Roscoe Channel bentar bang tak buatin aja hihi
Roscoe Channel dapet dari coba" yaa berhasil hehe
Gila terbang2 gitu 🤣
Mantap jiwa 🤩
Mas tamiyanya dijual
mantap reviewnya, tp di 6:28 mobil patah yah? ada solusi buat perbaikan gak bang? atau perkuatan supaya gak patah gitu..saya jg pecinta MS/MSL.. mudah sekali patah klo di buat suspensi
Itu patahnya setelah meluncur jauh banget sih dan nabrak tembok. Saya malah akan bingung kalau nggak patah. Hahaha.
Sepertinya kalau pakai frame tengah akan lebih kuat. Tapi saya belum melakukan perbandingan.
semangat bang, ditunggu video yg lainnya, yg lebih gokil.
Om, situ pakek battery eneloop lite pakek charger apa dan berapa jam sampe penuh
Powerex mh-c9000
Mau nanya bg, beli mobil tamiya ny dimana ya bg, klo aku pesan bisa g bg.. Lgkp dengan full aksesoris rool dll ny bg...
Bang FL system ini kalo dipake buat track yg technical kira2 cocok ngga.?
Dicoba dulu aja bro
Lokasi itu dimana gan?, gue mau coba juga....
Jordan Toys BSD
Vang, armada kapan keluarin lagu baru 😂
mau tanya mas ,apakah pernah nyoba settingan itu di chasis single shaft ,super 2 misalnya ???? terima kasih
Belum pernah coba gan
+Roscoe Channel saya pengguna single shaft ,saya mau coba praktekin ilmu mas di super2 saya ,semoga mulus seperti mobil si mas hihihi ,terima kasih atas video video nya yg oke oke mas ...
Mantap gan. Selamat mencoba! 👍
Bang kasih saran dong..Punya saya kalo pake loncatan, susah turun nya..Paling tdk, harus 8-9 potong arena, baru bisa turun.Rem juga udah tebel..Padahal juga sloop bukan speed.. 🙏🏼
Wah, saya nggak main sloop tuh. Kalo di kategori sekarang, lompat 8-9 potong nggak berguna. Beda kelasnya gan. Race-race sekarang acuannya aturan resmi Tamiya Mini 4WD Japan. Jadi kategori sloop, nascar, dll nggak masuk. Bikin mobil baru aja gan pake setting jaman sekarang. Harus bisa lompat pendek tapi ngebut. 😁
Edan boss
Mas klau mau main mini 4wd di jogja di mana ya tempatnya.?
Saya belum pernah ke Jogja mas. Coba tanya ke komunitas mini 4wd yang ada di Facebook. Atau cari di Google.
is that gonna work on newer FM-A chassis? TIA
I can't say for sure becausw every car is different. But I think this system can be applied to every car with some adjustment
Mantap jiwa mas, di jual gk mas
Udah dibongkar gan 😁
Bisa dipakai untuk kelas SDC ga om 🙏
ga bisa gan
Di jogjakarta ada trak khusus tamiya ga ya
Coba tanya di forum Mini 4WD di Facebook deh gan. Sepertinya ada deh seingat saya.
tanya gan. knp karet ban ga di ganti berbahan seperti karet rem?
Gak ada pengalaman pake ban sponge gan. Waktu kembali lagi ke hobi ini hanya tau tipe ban soft, normal, hard, super hard dan low friction saja gan.
roller depan berapa saiz om? 12-13mm atau 8-9mm?
Om kertas hijau yang buat di meja namanya apa ?
Cutting mat
Can u let me know what parts is needed for this fl setup
You can Google this: Side Mass Damper Set for AR chassis. I forgot the item number.
Is the tires medium dia trim to 24mm or large dua trim to 24mm?
Med dia trimmed to 24mm
Roscoe Channel wow that was quick response 🙂 thanks again!
Harus ya mau naroh bilang mahhh das proo, anjayyy
Hyper dash pro sama hyper dash 3 kenceng mana?
Sama2 kencang. Pro lebih besar torsinya
Bang saya boleh tak minta resepnya bikin tamia nya?
Soalnya saya masih mau belajar main STO...
Sebagian besar informasi dan trik sudah saya bagikan di video-video saya. Saya sarankan untuk tonton video saya dari nomor 1 sampai terakhir. Banyak sekali info yang bisa didapat. Perhatikan baik-baik di setiap video. Jangan di skip, nanti biasa ketinggalan informasinya dan triknya. Dicicil aja videonya. Tonton tiap hari. Nanti lama2 bisa kok. Coba ditiru aja setting saya dulu
Makanan kali resep
@@fatwamaulana1321 brang kli ada micin nya hihihi
Bang, klo depan belakang pake fl system bagus gak? Soalnya untuk track 5 jalur di japan pake fl depan blakang. Atw sliding depan, blakang fl..
Oh ya, di tggu tutor buat fl system untuk depan yah.. hehehe..
Nice chanel..
Depan sih biasa bukan FL. Nanti ada tutorial bumper depan. Ditunggu ya
Kalo pakek ban 24mm clearence depan belakang berapa mas ?
Lupa ukur wkt itu gan
Oalah ok ok om
can u list all the parts so i can make a car like that?
Watch the tutorial video
Can the fl system be use in the tamiya competetion?
lokasi test nya dmn nih gan? keren
Di Jordan Toys BSD om
Roscoe Channel knp yang keren2 selalu di barat yak, haha graha jg disekitar sana, btw yg di timur/bekasi dimana ya gan tmpt main yg enak? thanks
Di timur ada Tonkky Toys om. Geser dikit ke utara ada Dolphin di Kelapa Gading.
Lokasi tempatnya dimana itu bang?
Jordan Toys BSD
Masih pelan itu mah ... jaman saya thn 2000 udh pake hyper plasma sampai2 gk kelihatan tuh tamiya seperti kecepatan cahaya....
Is underguard no longer needed in FL systems?
Nope. Coz the moving arm can adapt when it hits the track wall. But maybe u wanna put something just to cover the screw head. Just like I did in my Anchor bumper.
Can you give me your opinion if something like this is (FL system setup) is necessary for a track this small?
I can't open the link. U can just send me the picture thru my fb page Roscoe Channel.thanks.
sent you a pm there! :)
main nya dimana pak?
Jordan toys bsd
Partnya utk bamper belakang ap saja ?
Sesuai video tutorialnya gan
Is that auldy
kalo mach dash ama hyper dash 3 kebut mana omm roscoe
Mach Dash Pro
Which is better anchor or fl
Both is ok. But I prefer Anchor.
Kira2 abis berapa bikin ky gt om
1 mobil om? Kira 3jtaan kalo ga salah deh
Bisa bikinin
Inii dimana yaa ??
Jordan Toys BSD
beli dimana itu bang belakangan nya?
Bikin sendiri bro. Ada tutorialnya kok
Mas,itu clearence depan belakang berapa ya ?
Belakang 2.5mm, depan 3mm
Roscoe Channel ok mas terima kasih 🙏🙏🙏
Itu tapi 2.5 depan 3mm depan udah pakek brake ya mas
Betul sekali
jalannya masih odong" om
Lokasi trackny dmn mas ?
Jordan Toys BSD. The courts.
ini dimana tokonya?
Jordan Toys BSD
Jordan Toys bang?
Kalo ngrakit seperti ini habis berapa gan? ☺
Lupa gan. Kyny abis 3jtaan
Where is this store?
Jordan Toys at The Courts BSD
Mach dashbpro dmana beli mas??🤔🤔
Coba cek di toko online ya. Ketik aja mach dash pro di google
@@roscoechannel bng udah di like dn sub ok
Mantapz. Makasih ya! 👍
@@roscoechannel bng dmana bisa beli tamiya rakitan seperti tamiya bng di pakai??🤔🤔
Harus dibuat dulu itu
Bang roller nya namanya roller apa bang?
Plastic ring roller 19mm 👍
@@roscoechannel makasih bang
Sama-sama. Share channel & videonya yaaa. Makasih sudah nonton
Itu habis berapa mas?
Lupa gan
Bang maksudnya Gear 3:5:1 apaan ya??
Perbandingan gear yang digunakan pada mobil Mini 4WD. Nama lainnya Super Speed Gear.
ini mainnya dmn gan?
Jordan Toys BSD
bang dinamonya beli dimna bang?
Di online shop banyak kok
Habis brp duit??