The reason that Ni users don't tend to catch your eye is because we look for patterns and use those patterns in order to blend in. That doesn't mean we don't like to stand out but that we only like to stand out when we are in our element. As an INFJ, I relish the opportunity to jump into a situation and "save the day" as it were, then disappear, satisfied that a life was impacted in a positive way.
Many thanks, been searching for "what are the effects of lack of socialization?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Deyriannal Startling Dominance - (do a google search ) ? It is an awesome exclusive guide for discovering how to stop your shyness and anxiety issues without the normal expense. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my neighbour got great success with it.
@@arturogoleman5221 I've not heard of it and will have to look that up. Thanks. For me, I was extraordinarily shy up until I started college. At that point, I just sort of decided that it wasn't working for me and I forced myself out of my bubble. I tell people that in many ways my personality today is the result of my own social experimentation... Unfortunately, it was not ready for human testing. Haha
Hahaha, I am an INTP woman and I totally relate to what your INTP friend said about deciding on an outfit. I have said multiple times that my ideal would be to have a closet full of identical clothes, so that I never have to make a decision regarding my outfit - I could just reach and grab whatever and be ok with it. And yeah, I have a system for everything. I even have a system for how I make my coffee.
I literally redid my entire wardrobe when I moved out of my parents' house because I didn't want to: 1. Take time to sort lighter and darker colors on laundry day 2. Have to (over)think what I'm going to wear on any given day There is only one color. It's black. If you put a black jacket on, you'll look more put together than you really are. In case you run out of clothes to wear (unlikely in my case because my Si demands it), people won't be able to tell that you wore that shirt two days in a row.
On fashion and the Ni dominant. As an INFJ, I have recently come to understand how much Fe impacts my willingness to be as authentic and expressive in my fashion as I would like to be. I will actually dress more casually/conservatively than I would like, due either wanting to increase the comfort level of someone near me or to reduce negative stereotyping judgements on me. I have had many experiences in which others felt threatened or judged or "frumpy" and this is usually walloped into a back handed compliment or shift in emotional temperature. In my profession, people need to feel comfortable and like I am a genuine human in order for me to work with them. If I dressed how I would really like to, it could interfere with what I am trying to accomplish. I actually spend a significant amount of time carefully putting together outfits that are expressive of me and balanced with societal norms. It's more about not having to wade through the other people's reactions or attention due to Fe, which is tiring, more than a true concern for their personal comfort with me.
Couldn't have said it any better, as a fellow INFJ! I only in a certain level realized how I dress and why until I read your post. I connected with this totally. I knew that I never wore certain things because I didn't want the attention but how you put it makes complete sense. Having that extra attention on us is not something we desire and it is way too much for us to have to go through all the emotions of what that could mean. Having to deal with body language and tone of a person when they said something about what we are wearing or even just the looks we would get, go or bad, is too much too handle. Not to mention just the energy and vibes we pick up from people that we would drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out what they thought of us. I think an INFJ's main goal is to fit in and look aesthetically pleasing all the while trying to blend in. Maybe in a way this is a mask we wear to cover our true selves.
Oh wow, so true words(INFJ too). Thanks for this very insightful sneap peek into Fe! And yeah... Fe is soo tiring and exhaustive; can't empathize it enough.
Yes, yup, I agree. I realized this is also why I wear makeup. Part of me wants to be able to just be natural and comfortable and just- you know, be more authentic :) But then when I do, I find myself constantly checking mirrors, I feel tighter, I feel more self conscious... And I go back to wearing some makeup so I don't actually have to think about my appearance. Also understand the self expression thing and not feeling comfortable. I think I would really love to dress like... I dunno, a fairy. Very loose, very lacy, very mystical. But when I do, all my precious thinking time is spent up wondering what other people are thinking of me and if they are comfortable- and its such a waste
@@destineeneville9707 damn, i feel so attacked. i could never put my head whenever it comes to fashion. i feel like i need to be comfortable but also i dont want to discomfort other people by being overdressed or undressed. it's so hard to balance between what i want and what i think people would want me to look like. and whenever i do dress to 'impress' or a little bit out of my comfort zone, i cant help but feel stiffer and conscious about myself. Its especially hard if its a date or meeting someone because i have to know what the other person will think of my dress or if my dress is fit for the occasion or location. And if its for work or school, i have to fit in and not stand out but also try to be as authentic as possible by not choosing what someone else around me would wear or just highlighting a thing or two about my outfit like a watch or earrings. its so hard. 😧
As an INTJ my stance on fashion is that if it's aesthetically pleasing, fits me well, I'm comfortable wearing it and I find it respectable and modest then I will wear it. I have binned shoes that were too uncomfortable to wear and walked home bare foot in the blazing heat because I couldn't bear the pain. Practicality over fashion for me. I used to be an all black kind of girl but that was due to my lack of confidence and lack of understanding about fashion and what went together. Now I like to wear colours and clothes that fit my physical form without being too revealing, or out there, in order to not garner too much attention. I see the logic behind dressing well or respectably. I like to spend more money on fewer items that I would use daily than buying lots of cheaper items that I wouldn't otherwise wear or would not last very long; not only is it a waste of money but also pollutes the planet so I like to stick to my values. Quality over quantity. I'm the same with food too. When it comes to make up I wear minimal amounts, enough to even out skin tone and open up my eyes, never using it to look like someone else. I do the bare minimum; again, enough to look respectable. I remember once I wore a red lipstick, because I wanted to try it out, and people at work commented on it, nothing bad mind you. It made me so uncomfortable, like a chill going up my spine, that I haven't worn it since. Just let me do my own thing and don't comment on it!
Two of my favorite friends are Ni-doms, one INTJ and one INFJ. You would maybe think that the Fe user is the one you can reach more easily since Fe is about others and stuff but no, the INTJ actually tries to be there for his friends and the INFJ is famous among the squad for disappearing for several days and only responding to messages by 2 lines tops before disappearing again.
Yeah... I don't think friendly and sensitive go together all that much. People misunderstand that about T/F personalities. A lot of the thinkers I know are really nice people--they don't let the angst of the world get to them as much. Kind, on the other hand, tends to be a Feeler thing. Thinkers are friendly, Feelers are kind, not always, but in general.
Believe me, you know nothing about INTJs and INFJs. INFJs dissappear for a reason, just like every other MBTI. And let me guess youve never suffered the cause of INTJs stubbornness? Well i have, 6 of my friends who are INTJs 5/6 is foolishly stubborn and they drag me in to their problem even though i already adviced them the right thing, and that im experienced on the stuff theyll do. They wont listen. They caused me problem for months, one time I fought a senior, PURELY because of their foolish behavior. Oh, do you ever listened to your TJs friend discussing about politics? Trust me your ears will rupture. Not because they arent well-spoken. Its because when theyre speaking with relatives, they let go of everything, including blending logic with feeling to pointless talk. Guys dont judge me on this, my grandma is an INTJ and she lives for 73 years now, and she is a good person. INTJs are good in general, but this guy is biased and nitpicks on INFJs so i give u negative experiences with my INTJs friend. My opinion on this is that, INFJ has Fe, that makes them very vulnerable to depression, cuz they can control their feelings inward, but not outward. INTJs, the opposite, Fi, can control their feeling inward, but not outward. Their burst of rage in times when logic is needed is childish and unnecessary. Im speaking from 4 and 6 years first-hand, VERY CLOSE RELATIONSHIP experience with INTJs.Thats, to be fair.
And Pix, hear this. 3/6 of my INTJs friends always talk big, but when its their time to act, they all of a sudden be soft. Or let their boyfriend do the talking. Im a MBTI communicator, and 3/6 of my INTJs friend, im still a friend to them till this point. Cuz yeah i understand MBTI doesnt really decide if ur a good person or not, its up to us to make the best version of ourselves in this world. I communicated MBTI with them through call, theyre close to me afterall. And i asked them to take a test, even though i knew they are INTJs. 100 Question. came out INTJ. Well soo dont ask me how r u so certajn theyre INTJs? Well this may satisfy you. One time i fought my INTJ friend cuz theyre wrong and they wont admit it, even though they re proven wrong (Yes, such very stubborn people exist, THEY LOST AND STILL WOULD ARGUE TO THE EDGE OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM). This is also the kind of person, or should i say INTJ, who talk about themselves too much. and it ended up on us wrestling in the floor. I made him tap out. And still, he talks shit of me to other people even though i did nothing wrong, and he loses the fight fair and square and still acts like a pussy.
What you said about how people dress is very true! I've noticed that INxJs dress in this way that I'd describe as classic, coordinated, and sometimes minimalist. The INxJs I know in real life all seem to have at least one plain, but somewhat chic looking sweater in their wardrobe lol.
I'm agree, as an Ni-dom. I do live a lot in my head and I'm a scatterbrain. A teacher once told me she didn't know if I was daydreaming or paying attention. About my clothes and make-up: I never wear any make-up and my hear is just long natural. My clothes are most of the time black and I wear a skinny jeans with a t-shirt or a pullover
Sofie D'hoore im an infj and i related to what you said 1000%! In high school i wore mostly black but never an all black outfit. Monochromatic. Now that i am in my career i wear mostly neutral earthy tones. No makeup and no hair styling either. I dont like standing out with what i wear but i also dont like not looking a little put together. I cannot leave my house, even to take out the trash, in scrubby pajama bottoms!
Oh my gosh is this like an Ni-dom thing? Cause I also just have my hair long and natural and not much makeup at all if any😄 how strange, maybe be inferior se?
I've noticed that P's generally dress differently to the masses to either stand out or they dress like they just do not care, while J's generally just dress more normal, from regular to trying to stand out in terms of fasionable. Very simple things I've observed over time, but often helped me to speed-figure-out-mbti people with just these basic observations I've made. (very obvious ones too!)
That is very interesting! I've recognized that as well. I think this could be explained if you consider the MBTI in combination with either an Enneagram type 9 (for dressing like they do not care) or type 4 ( for dressing to reflect a unique personal style). I am an INFP with both 4 and 9 in my Enneagram Tritype and in my teenage years especially I often vacillated between dressing like a slob (or just extremely casual with no care for style whatsoever), and putting effort and intention into my clothing choices.
ISFP's dress in either something that looks artistically expressive or aesthetically pleasing in general. It's all about things that look good for an ISFP. They consider the way they dress as their way of expression and art, they would never go out like a slob. INFP's are more open to looking "weird" i think.
Love your videos so far! Too many MBTI videos out there make no sense, haha. I like the dressing points, and I think: Si is trendy and put together. Ni is usually cool but understated (like they try but don't want it to look like they tried). Fi is whatever they like (just what makes them happy, often cute or nice). Ti is efficient, quick, outfits for days of the week or whatever is on top of the laundry basket. Also I love the "what each type removes themselves from" bit. Fi - what they see no value in Ti - what they can't analyze Si - what they can't relate to or can't relate to reality Ni - what they find pointless, not going toward a conclusion of substance
This is what made me realize I use Fe instead of Fi. I speak in moral absolutes. I don’t say “I feel” or “personally I...”. I say “you can’t,” and “you have to,” and “we need.” I thought that I was an Fi-dom because I’m okay with standing up for what’s right and I’m not easily peer-pressured despite it being VERY easy to make me feel guilty. I think the main reason I thought I used Fi is that I’m rather socially awkward but that was more of a learned behavior due to fifteen years of isolation. It’s very natural for me to care and have opinions about everything and have very clear boundaries when it comes to giving too much of myself. I fall very short socially because I tend to think I know what’s best all the time and I’m not patient with self-destructive or selfish behavior.
Oh my gosh. When you guys describes the "fi" one, it was crazy how much it described me as an infp. This actually helped me a lot to realize what I should try to work on to better help others understand me.
Also I just want to comment, you said your ISTP friend suggested “you can take a nap and drink a glass of water.” It’s hilarious how as an enfj when I get emotional that is the exact thing I want to hear. I need to be reminded to take care of my body in almost an si way and it also reminds me that I am probably overthinking it and blowing it out of proportion.
INTJ & INFP Coffee I'm an INFP and my mom is an ESTJ, and she probably would tell me I should go out/dress up to feel better. But that usually doesn't help me 😅
I sometimes try to add 'Maybe eat something, you tend to have more emotional outbursts when your blood sugar is getting low"....or "Maybe it's cause it's that one type of the month and the problem seems worse"? Although I find it a logical solution (of which the first often tends to work out working for that partciular Fe dominant person, somehow she keeps resisting the solution although it keeps working each time)
I'm an INFJ and I agree to a point. I actually talk very fast. But I think that's because I have crippling anxiety. A lot of what I say, my mouth tends to go faster than my mind because my mind is trying to connect my thoughts that are so far away but make sense to me as connected, to my mouth fast enough to say them and often times it can't so I either stutter or make incomplete phrases or points even though in my head I get what I'm saying because I have it all put together but to other people it makes absolutely no sense
@@zellhound156 i very much think so! but, which one of us is mr. hyde? jokes aside, thanks for the description. being an infj with social anxiety sucks. i really mean it when i say "talking is impossible".
Yes, please do extroverts! I'm an Ni dom and I'm all about comfort. My wardrobe consists of 92% dark colors with some reds shirts thrown in. Shorts, jeans, slacks, zip hoodies, and short/long sleeve t-shirts with what I'm into. And 1 warm faux leather jacket.
Same. Black jeans and a t-shirt. Sometimes casual blue jeans and a more vibrant t-shirt. Very sporty in general, unless I choose to wear my boots that makes the look more classy but in a rebel way
I’m an Fi-dom and my wardrobe consists of mostly pastel pink clothing because pastel pink is my favorite color, and if you look at my wardrobe, you can see that I have a little bit of a Pikachu obsession...
Wow, that is so interesting! Purple is another color I really love! Especially, lavender! I don't know why, but pink and purple make me feel happy! It must be our dominant Fi cognitive function haha xD or maybe our Si cognitive function because pink and purple remind me of my childhood! What about you? ^^
Angelica Gutierrez Yes I agree!They make me very happy too.I don't think it has to do with childhood though.What part of ur childhood made u love those colours?They make me happy cuz pink is such a sweet colour,and purple is a mix of the warmest and coolest colour,red (which is used for pink) and blue! I do think that we love those colours because of how awesome we find them.This is weird but,purple only became my favourite colour at a much later time.However,I've always loved pink all my life!Also,I think that mbti has a correalation with ur favourite colour.Lol this paragraph is obvious I'm an INFP.Are u an INFP too?
Haha xD I totally understand! I am an INFP too! I have loved pink my whole life too! I don't know why, but from a young age I was always attracted to pink for the same reason because it is a sweet color mixed with the passion of red and the innocence of white! It is a perfect color for INFPs because we are often called sweet by others, but we can also be very passionate like red or very innocent like white, depending on our mood! Have others called you sweet a lot in the past? I have been called that a lot xD Maybe it is an INFP thing haha xD Same, I did not get attracted to purple or blue, which are some of my favorite colors right now, until later as I got older, but pink has always been my favorite and it still is! ^^
Hi gals great vid. As a Ti dom I would agree, efficiency comes first most of the time, even if its against "social norms" , however as I age dressing "well" seems to become more and more important to me.
BetterU365 for me i value comfort and utility above all else. I hatw being uncomofrtable. I wont sacrifice my comfort for style. I always try to find a middle ground. I started rowing three weeks ago and while eveeybody is in shorts and tank tops, i am wearing a loose fitting longsleeve fishing shirt that i found on clearance in the boy's section that gives me ufp, a grandma hat that offers full protection from the sun, a fanny pack that has my epipen, snacks, and sunscreen and water shoes. It makes me stand out, which isnt something that i want but it is the safest/most comoftable option. My everyday look is a low maintence sort of look jeans, tshirts, i dont mess with my god awful curly hair much and i might accessorize with something quirky like my salvador dali watch, but generally its subtle.
I’m an Ti Dom (ISTP), and my parents always complain about how I wear the same clothes all the time 😂 I literally just pick up whatever is on the top of my clothes pile 😂
My INTP friend and I (INFP here) typed Seth Brundle's character in The Fly as an INTP, and he had ten of the same outfit too and did that so he didn't have to decide what to wear every day. I think he got that idea from Einstein who I also believe was an INTP. That's hilarious, such a strong stereotype!
Judson Joist I knew he said that in the movie but I couldn't remember if it was Einstein for sure. No, I haven't seen any of Cronenberg's other movies but I need to. I'm writing a sci-fi/thriller/drama involving biological foul play and the consequences of our choices. I have four main characters who are INTP, ISTP (heroes), INTJ, and ESTP (villians). I've got my work cut out for me lol
Judson Joist oh trust me I'm well acquainted with the INTJ villian thing. I didn't mean for it to happen that way but alas it was true to the character. I don't believe INTJs are inherently evil, I simply think that they can be so cut off from reality that when they make plans inside their heads and implicate them irl they tend to be so wrapped up in their idea that they don't realize their plans could be seen as nefarious or have unforseen negative consequences (I knew two INTJs and they did this constantly). That sort of happened with my INTJ villian, but he knows he's wrong deep down. My ESTP villian is worse because he believes he's doing good and has no qualms about his actions. He's also sadistic while my INTJ villian is more distant and doesn't make misery his goal, but if it's needed he will implicate it.
I'm an INFJ guy and I wear *extra wide* cargo pants, and extra hidden pockets everywhere. Carrying tools, medical equipment, etc. My fiance often struggle figuring out where I keep everything. What I always struggle to figure out is where I put the stuff I don't have in my pockets...
Meghan LeVota My hubby is ISTP and yes, no fashion care, just practical. It’s about having all the tools with you to fix the actual material broken things everywhere.
as an INTP (Ti dominant) I tend to dress quite extravagant (aka not the norm but not weird) (esp for typical INTP terms) with matching clothes, going for the "artistic look", so at first I did not reconise myself into the 'practical thing' description you girls gave at all, but when I thought more of it, it does help make people give the right impression about myself when I meet them. It saves time if they already think if my looks fit the stereotype that is already closer to myself than 'regular type of styling'. Turns out It's pretty effective in that sense, if people predict at least put me in the right box. Also helps attracting the right people i'd say its very effective in that sense
P O W E R - R E D - B U L L yes I agree as an INTP, I dress quite extravagant too and I do care of how I dress sometimes but it really depends on my mood
That is so interesting! I am never quite sure who I am, so the idea of using my wardrobe to pigeonhole myself makes me uncomfortable. I knew an ISTP who was quite the clotheshorse... and I think he would have had the same practical reasoning. Are you sure you're an N?
As an ENFP, I thought Fi was all about analyzing why you love what you love and why you hate what you hate and so on lol. I think the world “analysis” has a weird stigma surrounding it that implies that it can only be logical. Analysis is just trying to get a deeper understanding of something. Looking deeper than “face value” pretty much. Like, I’ll be upset at something and go “well I’m probably upset about that because of this deeper problem I still have...and this pisses me off because of my deeper value of X...” and so on. Like, I’ll legit get mad that I’m mad at a certain thing lol. Recently, I’ve hated that I hated someone that I was jealous of because they’re really a good person at heart and don’t deserve my insecure hate... But yeah. Analyzing feelings for me is just trying to understand them deeper than just a physical reaction. Like how Ti is trying to understand the world and logical systems deeper than a purely face value, “what can be proved externally” level.
INFP: Yeah I analyze my feelings all the time! In the video I said Fi doesn't need to analyze why it likes something, because these chats are unscripted, but I think I was just getting at the difference between Fi and Ti: People are capable of different modes of analysis, but Ti tends to favor the externally verifiable while Fi can revel in subjectivity. For example, one thing I noticed is that I analyze why I like a movie using myself and my experiences as references (something you also seem to be doing based on your comment.) There's nothing illogical about this, since it does provide an explanation of why I like something. But my ENTP friend tends to focus on the objective merit of the movie based on its context: if it was well-received, if it was innovative for its time, if it influenced a lot of people, and so on. We can both like a movie that has a relatable character in it but I'll say "I liked it because I could relate to the character. He did something I also did years ago" and he'll say "I liked it because the movie highlighted a universal struggle, plus it came out when other movies were afraid to touch this subject matter, so it resonated with its contemporary audience."
First sentence hits the nail on the head. I'm an INFP and I am constantly looking "inside myself" trying to understand who I am, why I am the way I am, etc. And you're right that it is not a strictly intellectual analysis. It's almost like feeling something (whether you like it or not) and following the thread of feeling backwards, trying to figure out where it came from and why its there. Does it have to be there? Is this something I need to simply accept as a part of myself or is there a way to work through it and find an understanding that brings me peace in an area of anxiety? What belief is at the heart of this feeling (causing it at its root)? And does it fit in with what I want to believe? Or is my mind at odds with my heart? And it goes on and on and on. There's always another question to be answered. For myself, I find that while asking and answering these questions inside of myself leads to greater understanding, it always leads me to more questions. And my struggle has been to find peace regardless of how well I know myself. Because knowing myself and understanding other people is a seemingly never-ending journey. Every layer pealed back reveals another. Okay. NOW I'm rambling. Thanks for reading my thoughts and sharing yours!
@@mandacai3014 As an INFJ, I take my emotions out of my head (maybe by writing them down or talking to someone) and then I analyze them intellectually. I like your description of "following the thread of feeling backward." I think that must be something Fi personalities can do, that I can't. I have to follow three steps to your one, to process my feelings.
@@anival9576 I think I can "follow the thread" partially due to Si, because I can go back into my memory and relive the feelings I had only this time paying more attention to the "why" behind it. Sometimes it's like trying to capture the wind or perhaps it's more like trying to find the source of the wind. For me, if this could be described as steps, I don't know if it would be one step, two steps or a million infinitesimal steps. It lacks a certain concreteness that makes it difficult to explain. I also think I externalize as a way to process things. Even as I'm writing this I have to go back and edit myself so that I don't confuse anyone because typing is another form or external processing for me (I believe that is Ne). My mom is an INFJ, and sometimes I think I hold myself back from externally processing with her because it seems to be overwhelming for her. I can often be interpreted by someone with high Ni as if everything I say has already been processed and reached the point of conclusion. Which I have found they can misread my intention in those moments, as if I have a purpose behind what I am saying that requires something of them or is supposed to be a judgement of some kind. What I'm really doing in those moments is throwing a bunch of observations and information in the air and looking to see the patterns, coming to conclusions as I talk. Mmmm, hopefully some of this made sense. I explained more than I originally intended, and not very well. Thanks for chatting!
INFP here an I like to make my own clothing style that has a color coordinating palette. Usually I like to wear fun solid colors together but I notice most people wear muted colors in public, unless it's sunny out then I will stand out less if I wear a color that suits my mood. So if I'm in a mood where I don't feel like standing out I tend to go with either darker, gray, cool colors on top, teals/aquas, sometimes lavenders & a casual midtone jean on the bottom so I don't look like I'm dressing up. I also avoid reds or cranberry colors if I'm around a lot of new people or someone I may have offended so I don't put off a brazen vibe when I haven't had a chance to put off a calm vibe with my words & actions. It just feels contradictory to my intentions for the situation.
I personally feel like ISFP's like to dress in a flattering way while INFP's don't, they're more open to unconventional styles because theyre not intune with their surroundings so they don't really know what looks good, only what they feel looks good. ISFP's are more interested in looking aesthetically pleasing because they are in tune with their surroundings and they're often trend setters.
@ruby ; You are very right about your observation. But the MBTI based explanation is so obviously so very wrong. isfp's are actually Si+Fe. Si is about sensory pleasure, so obviously Si-dominants want to look pleasing to the senses. infp's are actually Ni+Fe. Ni is about internal imagination and internal non-visible qualities of an object, so obviously they dress in way that reflects their inner self and highly personal imagination. It's as simple as that.
Frequently when trying to express my thoughts out loud in the moment I get caught way up in the imagery inside and end up spewing out words that sometimes are only loosely related. It takes a great focus (and time) to make sure what I am saying is actually what I mean.
I think so. A lot of the time I do not even realize what I said, I think because of being preoccupied with the impression I have or am trying to make of the whole concept, idea or whatever. It took awhile before I actually became aware of this. (And becoming aware of it and making more of an effort to be present has helped communication a lot!) Writing is my preference most of the time. Out of curiosity, do you experience this at all?
I have the same experience as an INFP. The struggle is very intense at times, and frustrating. And I don't think it is relegated to INxJs. I actually know more P's with this problem. I also have an INFJ family member who has no trouble articulating when she does choose to speak.
Amanda Morse i am also an infj and i can come across eloquently in speech but thats because i have already well thought out how i am going to articulate the cloud of thoughts in my head. I think thats fhe combo of Ni and Fe. I do sometimes slip up tho in the way OP said. Or later on i feel like what i said could me misconstrued as offensive or passive aggressive even if that wasnt my intent.
This is so accurate! I’m a fashion student. Me and my friends are all “alternative”, but it’s expressed very differently in the way we dress. My INTP friend wears the same style of all-black clothing every day, while my INTJ friends are all about discreet aesthetic fashion and INFP me dresses in a crazy way that’s not so pleasing to everyone.
I really liked your comments on how each type relates to fashion. They coincide with my own observations. My sister is an ISFP, and her sense of style is very well developed and a bit quirky--I can see the Fi you guys are talking about. I'm an INFJ, and sometimes INFJs get stereotyped as clothes junkies (must have beautiful/expensive clothes), but I am not that way at all! I really agree with your analysis of Ni. I go for classic, timeless styles, flattering, but not trendy. I think INFJs strive for quality or economy, depending on the ideals we were raised with, but I think you are right. Generally we don't draw attention to ourselves through fashion.
I'm an ni dom. I find it when my classmates were asking on how to solve the equation. I was like discussing it then pausing for a while, at least 2 minutes trying to recall the process on my brain. Mostly I gave up on them then telling them to ask someone. It is because I find it hard to explain the equation
Y'all are awesome! You are so smart and knowledgeable about MBTI! I'm always impressed when I listen to you both. I'm an INTJ. And I think you nailed all of the introvert the descriptions. Nice job!
I especially liked the bit on Ni and how it must look like in their minds when they are tethering concepts to other things.i'll stay on the lookout for those little hints at how people dress and behave. I have put that off due to feeling indifferent and dull in my past. I plan on changing my wardrobe a lot when i get the chance. I have very little that feels right to me at the moment. Sure, i have a general color scheme i like(cold colors) but beyond that,what i have is boring and does not feel that good on my skin.Lack of comfort pretty much.
I think the clothing trends you've noticed are accurate!And yes,do the extraverts one too.I've noticed that Ni-doms wear aesthetically soothing clothing?Especially INTJs in particular.And INTPs look very simple.Fi doms indeed have this sense of uniqueness,so they often look out of place. XD Si doms look trendy or smart.Even though INTJs look like they fit into this era,they indeed do not look like they are following a particular trend or anything.
I think that the reason Ni Dom's seem to be more integrated with the world, is because we have Se in our main stack, which gives us more of a grounded presence than we would have otherwise. Se keeps us energetically bound to the planet, preventing us from becoming lost in Ni. We would probably experience more psychotic breaks with reality without our inferior function to keep us anchored to the earth - plane.
oh my god that thing you said about Ni users not going for any Se experiences that are too predicable and won't offer new insight is soooo true :D I used to be super into going out in college first cause it was a new experience and gave me a new perspective on people and life, but these days I'm not into it because I feel like I already know how an evening will go in certain company and it doesn't excite me :p I'd rather stay home and be on RUclips learning new stuff about the world
As an Ni introvert anything style related I use to influence others perception of me. Anecdotally, I went through a phase in highschool where I wore neon almost exclusively. This was to play down might height in response to bullying in middle school, the rationale was that the more harmless and silly I seemed the more people wouldn't dislike me. Seemed to work well. Most other styles I've had have been held for some desired outcome, or a need to communicate without having to explain whatever verbally.
As an INFP, people think I’m an isfp because I’m fashionable and stuff but I realized it is my fi ne and si working. I wear a lot of athleisure type clothes because I like the memory/vibe/comfort attached to them. Sometimes my NE comes up and make me go “what if I did this?” And it’s either hit or miss 😂 and I don’t realize if it was good or bad literally until I go home and look at pictures or think about the day again LMFAO. I worn some hideous things, but it’s also the confidence that sells it to people.
I’m an Si Dom and I never write out or create a schedule of my day. But I do agree with having a routine and having stored memory of sense impressions.
My makeup so highlights my Fi. Jk. Maybe. But nice video! I agree with the what you both said. I was talking today with a friend about Fi and its hidden emotions and detachment, but also sudden bursts of energetic "I'm putting foot down now and nothing can stop me" standpoint.
those few sentences basically describe me lol, even the makeup thing! hahah. I don't give a crap about things that are not my cup of tea, therefore I can be either great at things or extremely bad lol. Nothing in between!
I am an NI and an auditorial learner so I process what is being said, how it is being said, and who is saying it. I also assign purpose to the communication. I process cultural norms, then check and verify what is required of me, then what I am willing to reveal based on my intellect, social and cultural norms. When I truly, communicate I choose to be engaged. My culture place great value on saying something that is valued as authentic, and artistically playful. So it it's not just the words..But if it's small talk I'll phone it in, because that is what's required.
INFP here and I couldn't relate to what the girl with the flower said about INFP, but the other one was spot on. I am very emotional about ethics, important things, and things that don't make sense to me.
lol what you said about clothes to fi and ti from my perspective is completely right. I'm and INFP and I love expressing myself through clothes. And when you said that Ti's also stand out in that aspect I was like "how?? my dad is an ISTP and he literally couldn't care less about how he's dressed" but then when you said it's more of in a functional and not caring what others think kinda way it made so much sense. For example, my dad wears these unusual af shoes, called "vibran five fingers" that people always find weird, but he doesn't really care and just wear them cause it's comfy and practical
I love watching your videos. I have a suggestion for a topic, going over the most commonly mistyped types (intp, intj, infj etc.) And how to tell if you're mistyped
I think part of the reason why IxFPs don't bother to explain why something is meaningful to them is because of the emotional drain put on them from even trying to express themselves to begin with; any further explanation or expansion on their rationale would feel like emotional labor--esp if they're not close with that person.
INTP here, yeah... I used to think i was messed up because I have trouble responding correctly to peoples emotions. Comforting somebody when I am not really that invested in the issue makes me feel like Sheldon from tbbt with his "there there" and "let me make a hot beverage for you"
Haha, yeah, the INFP guys I've known have had NO sense of style AT ALL. They just wore 2nd hand random clothes, shirts with ugly patterns and pants that were either too long or too short. My INFP ex did not want to wear 'boring' shirts with plaid or anything so instead wore shirts with dragons or bright flowers or whatever. I was always trying to get him to look just a little no avail. lol I'm still a little unclear if I'm an INFP or INFJ...I've never been into fashion and I dress for comfort mainly. I also like to look nice but informal, and my clothes have to fit right. I don't see the point in wearing something in the winter that I'm going to be cold in, for example...I can't stand seeing women wearing mini skirts in winter, like, aren't they dying?? Sometimes I get an outfit that I think is really cool but if i stand out too much I won't really wear it. I've noticed INFP women seem kind of varied with regards to their style, some are quite into their look which tends to be quite personal and feminine, others are maybe less concerned. My mom is an INFJ so I guess I've just gone with what she recommended, it's been hard to find my own style because it seems too complicated to match all the things I'd like to wear. lol
sienna you seem INFP because when you talk it seems random and all over the place. So your ex dressed lazy lol so do I. A friend of mine who test as ESFP helps me with style a bit because I really do look bland
lol My mom is an INFJ and she is aaalllllll over the place, speaking whatever is in her head, starting the next topic mid sentence, midway through the current topic, and you have no idea what's going on. Then she acts like "Why don't you know what I'm talking about?" like everyone is supposed to be 5 topics ahead of what is actually being talked about. Haha!! My ENTP dad and I are actually very coherent in comparison and often both stare at her dumbfounded because we're completely lost. ;) And, she is definitely not an INFP, her mannerisms and personality are nowhere near characteristic of INFP. I could go on about the differences between us, which is one thing that made me think I must be an INFP. I can ramble and expand upon an idea quite a lot, I make the Ne connections from one thing to the next while writing. While speaking it's another thing, I'm usually slow and scattered, though other times can't turn off the talking. I'm not very good at brainstorming though, which is uncharacteristic of INFP. However, my way of thinking overall is actually more similar to my dad with Ne, I think. We both have bursts of goofy humor as well. With my mom it's more like, she just assumes people can read her mind and make all the connections she made to get from A to Z, but no one can see that. I might jump around a bit but honestly not nearly like my mom, she's constantly thinking about the future and can't be emotionally present at all. She has to plan every second. She might be a strange INFJ, I don't know. I'm also not as 'free' and spontaneous as people cliche INFPs as being. But yeah...most noticeably I'm not much of a Fe-user, which is the biggest difference. Glad to hear your ESFP friend is helping you out! ;D Hehehe I personally find it cute how INFPs can be oblivious to the Fe/Se realm. We are an endearing bunch. But yes, some loving friends can help us out with our weaknesses! I don't think my ex saw his clothes as lazy, he just didn't like men's clothes in general and wanted more 'interesting' shirts than he usually found...just that...his taste was bad. hahaha He also would spend his money on his collections rather than on clothes. Also, Fi-doms can get so attached to our favorite things...right now I have a jacket that has the surface tearing off of it, but I love it so much so I keep wearing it, much to my INFJ mother's horror! I want an ESFP friend to help me out...I need a personal stylist. I can never get my makeup to look right and I feel like my clothes never really express myself like I want to . I don't know where to shop or how to deal with it all. *First world problems*
My Dom Ni and my Inferior Se have an agreement-- Se works on snapping me to attention when needed, i.e., retail and driving, which my Ni space cadets over anything and everything else in my noggin. xD
I always wondered why none of the labels (introvert, ambivert, extrovert) seemed to apply to me. Then I learned about the types. I'm a thinking/social type; my Myers-Briggs is INTJ. The test always likes to tell me I'm 51/49 on intro/extra lol. Sometimes even spits out ENTJ. I talk too much to really agree with the "processing time" thing. I think out loud lol, so I don't think and then speak. I just talk! I have to process out loud because my mind is always racing, and it's hard for me to processing things without just talking...if that makes sense. Even doing math problems. I have to talk out the steps. It makes testing hard, especially since I'm a Math major, I have to silent talk 😂
You sound like an extrovert... (or read like one). Sometimes those tests aren't very useful. I would suggest learning about the MBTI functions and picking the stack that describes you the best.
I'm ok glossing over disagreement unless I feel someone may be in danger if they hold that view.... Then I would carefully try to help them.. uh... but very cautiously aware they may feel upset or I may stir conflict. I don't like conflict. Also I feel if I don't say something that goes against how I see myself as caring.. and my value of helping people. I don't like to stirr the pot with people though... and if it gets heated I usually try to break the tension. I do many things based off of my values, beliefs and after I have internally processed if I want to do something even if it's a quick check in.
Am I the only Fi dom who believes words are stronger than appearance? Whenever I look at Fi, it's mentioned that they care a lot about dressing and make up but I just don't care because I find them superficial. I'm a poet who cares more about unique perspective and unique choice of harmonizing words much much more than fashion. Are poets more likely to be Si dom as you said they are excellent with words and good at writing?
I would say that introversion and extroversion are cognitive processes that can be expressed in a multitude of ways as opposed to attaching 'one size fits all' definitions to them.
I'm probably an ISFP, but I do relate to some of the Ti stuff, like about efficiency, system and flunking the social norms. I do that kind of wardrobe planning your INTP friend does, but thankfully I also sense not to make it boring but still fit the system (probably because I use Se). I'm quite spontaneous, but it's degree is also accounted within a certain relevant system. I could've said I'm a Thinker type sometimes, but I'm not at all mechanical and I'm not a natural analyst either, it's just that efficient systems part. Generally, I feel deeply and it's definitely inwards, and it's true that I'm actually detached from things I don't like. I couldn't exactly say that I'm detached from external emotions and less analytical stuff however, and I think that's what makes me an Fi dom instead of Ti.
Can you please do a general overview of each 16 type? A lot on the overview on mainstream MBTI website is probs not accurate. Or you can just do a video going through type overview on see what you agree or disagree
I'm literally known for wearing pyjamas with pockets to university classes, even my professors have consistently teased me about it. Idk if that's an INTP characteristic but I just couldn't bother to dress up to morning classes everyday.
My relationship with my friend is so funny. She's an Fi dom while I'm an Ni or Si dom having Fe as my second function. The difference is very easy to spot. 😅
It is interesting to see this video because I can see which one of these two ladies is INTJ and INFP rightaway...even though I am a newcomer to this channel....I think Ni dom person's stare is very intense, focused, and kinda like getting into your head kind of gaze and for Fi dom person...their gaze is kinda lost contact from external world and has hazy quality in the way they look at you..but at the same time I feel that inside of that hazy gaze, there is a judgmental or strong personal value in filtering what they see interesting video, good job!!!
INFP will probably have more of the "hazy quality" due to using Ne-Si, whereas ISFP would probably have more of an intense stare (similar to INTJ) due to using Se-Ni.
9:06 Yeah that's more of Oi stuff or TJ , but it's not that surprising that it occurs to be Ni thing when there are propably 10 times more Ntype people watching that MBTI topics than Stypes
It's so funny how Ti-doms give advice to others. My ENFP friend with an eating disorder was once crying one night about overeating, an an INTP told her to just "eat less" but that advice never helped.
Fi do not think analysis of why they do/feel what they do is that important. Do you think INFPs are the biggest "sensors" of the intuitives ? Since sensors don't do as much analysis as intuitives do, it seems.
I remember talking to my cousin and thinking about something, zoning out and then I came back and thought that she didn't hear my internal monolouge so she was just waiting there. The other day before maths lesson I was telling my cousin something about the subject physics and I put physic books on my desk instead of the ones I needed. 😅 What function might it be?
I explain why I like things or find things valuable.. um but idk if I feel the NEED to... uh... sometimes I feel the need to maybe because someone may seem a bit confused or idk.. showing some kind of emotional reaction that may call for that... besides that I seem very IXfp
I am rather surprised that this video has more views than "The 4 Types of Extraverts." Not slamming anyone. I just didn't know how interesting we were to so many. :)
The reason that Ni users don't tend to catch your eye is because we look for patterns and use those patterns in order to blend in. That doesn't mean we don't like to stand out but that we only like to stand out when we are in our element. As an INFJ, I relish the opportunity to jump into a situation and "save the day" as it were, then disappear, satisfied that a life was impacted in a positive way.
Well said. WELL said. - INFJ
Many thanks, been searching for "what are the effects of lack of socialization?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Deyriannal Startling Dominance - (do a google search ) ? It is an awesome exclusive guide for discovering how to stop your shyness and anxiety issues without the normal expense. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my neighbour got great success with it.
@@arturogoleman5221 I've not heard of it and will have to look that up. Thanks. For me, I was extraordinarily shy up until I started college. At that point, I just sort of decided that it wasn't working for me and I forced myself out of my bubble. I tell people that in many ways my personality today is the result of my own social experimentation... Unfortunately, it was not ready for human testing. Haha
Been there done that.
INTJ: IxxJs can have a dry sense of humor
INFP: so IxxPs have a wet sense of humor :DD
that's it. that's the difference.
IxxPs have a silly sense of humor?
nts have a dry sense of humor in general
xNTPs have dark humour.
@@creeperkingdom3190 what do you even mean
@@creeperkingdom3190I am an INFP
Hahaha, I am an INTP woman and I totally relate to what your INTP friend said about deciding on an outfit. I have said multiple times that my ideal would be to have a closet full of identical clothes, so that I never have to make a decision regarding my outfit - I could just reach and grab whatever and be ok with it.
And yeah, I have a system for everything. I even have a system for how I make my coffee.
I literally redid my entire wardrobe when I moved out of my parents' house because I didn't want to:
1. Take time to sort lighter and darker colors on laundry day
2. Have to (over)think what I'm going to wear on any given day
There is only one color. It's black. If you put a black jacket on, you'll look more put together than you really are. In case you run out of clothes to wear (unlikely in my case because my Si demands it), people won't be able to tell that you wore that shirt two days in a row.
@@terminalglimmer True but with slight variation, just pick up whatever is on the top.
This makes me think of cartoon characters that wear the same outfit every day 😆
@@eval4495 lol
don't you already need a system for things like making coffee
On fashion and the Ni dominant. As an INFJ, I have recently come to understand how much Fe impacts my willingness to be as authentic and expressive in my fashion as I would like to be. I will actually dress more casually/conservatively than I would like, due either wanting to increase the comfort level of someone near me or to reduce negative stereotyping judgements on me. I have had many experiences in which others felt threatened or judged or "frumpy" and this is usually walloped into a back handed compliment or shift in emotional temperature. In my profession, people need to feel comfortable and like I am a genuine human in order for me to work with them. If I dressed how I would really like to, it could interfere with what I am trying to accomplish. I actually spend a significant amount of time carefully putting together outfits that are expressive of me and balanced with societal norms. It's more about not having to wade through the other people's reactions or attention due to Fe, which is tiring, more than a true concern for their personal comfort with me.
Couldn't have said it any better, as a fellow INFJ! I only in a certain level realized how I dress and why until I read your post. I connected with this totally. I knew that I never wore certain things because I didn't want the attention but how you put it makes complete sense. Having that extra attention on us is not something we desire and it is way too much for us to have to go through all the emotions of what that could mean. Having to deal with body language and tone of a person when they said something about what we are wearing or even just the looks we would get, go or bad, is too much too handle. Not to mention just the energy and vibes we pick up from people that we would drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out what they thought of us. I think an INFJ's main goal is to fit in and look aesthetically pleasing all the while trying to blend in. Maybe in a way this is a mask we wear to cover our true selves.
Damn it, that's why I don't feel like I can ever really express myself.
Oh wow, so true words(INFJ too). Thanks for this very insightful sneap peek into Fe! And yeah... Fe is soo tiring and exhaustive; can't empathize it enough.
Yes, yup, I agree. I realized this is also why I wear makeup. Part of me wants to be able to just be natural and comfortable and just- you know, be more authentic :)
But then when I do, I find myself constantly checking mirrors, I feel tighter, I feel more self conscious... And I go back to wearing some makeup so I don't actually have to think about my appearance.
Also understand the self expression thing and not feeling comfortable. I think I would really love to dress like... I dunno, a fairy. Very loose, very lacy, very mystical. But when I do, all my precious thinking time is spent up wondering what other people are thinking of me and if they are comfortable- and its such a waste
@@destineeneville9707 damn, i feel so attacked. i could never put my head whenever it comes to fashion. i feel like i need to be comfortable but also i dont want to discomfort other people by being overdressed or undressed. it's so hard to balance between what i want and what i think people would want me to look like. and whenever i do dress to 'impress' or a little bit out of my comfort zone, i cant help but feel stiffer and conscious about myself. Its especially hard if its a date or meeting someone because i have to know what the other person will think of my dress or if my dress is fit for the occasion or location. And if its for work or school, i have to fit in and not stand out but also try to be as authentic as possible by not choosing what someone else around me would wear or just highlighting a thing or two about my outfit like a watch or earrings. its so hard. 😧
As an INTJ my stance on fashion is that if it's aesthetically pleasing, fits me well, I'm comfortable wearing it and I find it respectable and modest then I will wear it. I have binned shoes that were too uncomfortable to wear and walked home bare foot in the blazing heat because I couldn't bear the pain. Practicality over fashion for me.
I used to be an all black kind of girl but that was due to my lack of confidence and lack of understanding about fashion and what went together. Now I like to wear colours and clothes that fit my physical form without being too revealing, or out there, in order to not garner too much attention. I see the logic behind dressing well or respectably.
I like to spend more money on fewer items that I would use daily than buying lots of cheaper items that I wouldn't otherwise wear or would not last very long; not only is it a waste of money but also pollutes the planet so I like to stick to my values. Quality over quantity. I'm the same with food too.
When it comes to make up I wear minimal amounts, enough to even out skin tone and open up my eyes, never using it to look like someone else. I do the bare minimum; again, enough to look respectable. I remember once I wore a red lipstick, because I wanted to try it out, and people at work commented on it, nothing bad mind you. It made me so uncomfortable, like a chill going up my spine, that I haven't worn it since. Just let me do my own thing and don't comment on it!
i would NOT have walked in blazing heat barefoot, same exact stance, just i can NOT stand the heat. i live in texas, figure that one out
Two of my favorite friends are Ni-doms, one INTJ and one INFJ. You would maybe think that the Fe user is the one you can reach more easily since Fe is about others and stuff but no, the INTJ actually tries to be there for his friends and the INFJ is famous among the squad for disappearing for several days and only responding to messages by 2 lines tops before disappearing again.
Yeah... I don't think friendly and sensitive go together all that much. People misunderstand that about T/F personalities. A lot of the thinkers I know are really nice people--they don't let the angst of the world get to them as much. Kind, on the other hand, tends to be a Feeler thing. Thinkers are friendly, Feelers are kind, not always, but in general.
Believe me, you know nothing about INTJs and INFJs. INFJs dissappear for a reason, just like every other MBTI. And let me guess youve never suffered the cause of INTJs stubbornness? Well i have, 6 of my friends who are INTJs 5/6 is foolishly stubborn and they drag me in to their problem even though i already adviced them the right thing, and that im experienced on the stuff theyll do. They wont listen. They caused me problem for months, one time I fought a senior, PURELY because of their foolish behavior. Oh, do you ever listened to your TJs friend discussing about politics? Trust me your ears will rupture. Not because they arent well-spoken. Its because when theyre speaking with relatives, they let go of everything, including blending logic with feeling to pointless talk. Guys dont judge me on this, my grandma is an INTJ and she lives for 73 years now, and she is a good person. INTJs are good in general, but this guy is biased and nitpicks on INFJs so i give u negative experiences with my INTJs friend. My opinion on this is that, INFJ has Fe, that makes them very vulnerable to depression, cuz they can control their feelings inward, but not outward. INTJs, the opposite, Fi, can control their feeling inward, but not outward. Their burst of rage in times when logic is needed is childish and unnecessary. Im speaking from 4 and 6 years first-hand, VERY CLOSE RELATIONSHIP experience with INTJs.Thats, to be fair.
And Pix, hear this. 3/6 of my INTJs friends always talk big, but when its their time to act, they all of a sudden be soft. Or let their boyfriend do the talking. Im a MBTI communicator, and 3/6 of my INTJs friend, im still a friend to them till this point. Cuz yeah i understand MBTI doesnt really decide if ur a good person or not, its up to us to make the best version of ourselves in this world. I communicated MBTI with them through call, theyre close to me afterall. And i asked them to take a test, even though i knew they are INTJs. 100 Question. came out INTJ. Well soo dont ask me how r u so certajn theyre INTJs? Well this may satisfy you. One time i fought my INTJ friend cuz theyre wrong and they wont admit it, even though they re proven wrong (Yes, such very stubborn people exist, THEY LOST AND STILL WOULD ARGUE TO THE EDGE OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM). This is also the kind of person, or should i say INTJ, who talk about themselves too much. and it ended up on us wrestling in the floor. I made him tap out. And still, he talks shit of me to other people even though i did nothing wrong, and he loses the fight fair and square and still acts like a pussy.
@@Antoniooooooooooooooo what's your type?
What you said about how people dress is very true! I've noticed that INxJs dress in this way that I'd describe as classic, coordinated, and sometimes minimalist. The INxJs I know in real life all seem to have at least one plain, but somewhat chic looking sweater in their wardrobe lol.
I don't think Ni doms are super detached, but just super chill, because they just keep internalizing things constantly, I guess aka listeners.
I’m an INTP and so spot on, I enjoy exploring systems.
I'm agree, as an Ni-dom. I do live a lot in my head and I'm a scatterbrain. A teacher once told me she didn't know if I was daydreaming or paying attention. About my clothes and make-up: I never wear any make-up and my hear is just long natural. My clothes are most of the time black and I wear a skinny jeans with a t-shirt or a pullover
Sofie D'hoore im an infj and i related to what you said 1000%! In high school i wore mostly black but never an all black outfit. Monochromatic. Now that i am in my career i wear mostly neutral earthy tones. No makeup and no hair styling either. I dont like standing out with what i wear but i also dont like not looking a little put together. I cannot leave my house, even to take out the trash, in scrubby pajama bottoms!
Oh my gosh is this like an Ni-dom thing? Cause I also just have my hair long and natural and not much makeup at all if any😄 how strange, maybe be inferior se?
I'm sure this is an INFJ things because I'm doing exactly the same :D
Wow you pretty much described me to a T. Except for the skinny jeans, I can't seem to fit into those. (INTJ)
@@kellylyons1038no...infj's are very expressive in what they wear.
INTP male. I've reached the point where I have multiple sets of the exact same clothes. Plain black tshirt and black cargo pants.
I've noticed that P's generally dress differently to the masses to either stand out or they dress like they just do not care, while J's generally just dress more normal, from regular to trying to stand out in terms of fasionable. Very simple things I've observed over time, but often helped me to speed-figure-out-mbti people with just these basic observations I've made. (very obvious ones too!)
That is very interesting! I've recognized that as well. I think this could be explained if you consider the MBTI in combination with either an Enneagram type 9 (for dressing like they do not care) or type 4 ( for dressing to reflect a unique personal style). I am an INFP with both 4 and 9 in my Enneagram Tritype and in my teenage years especially I often vacillated between dressing like a slob (or just extremely casual with no care for style whatsoever), and putting effort and intention into my clothing choices.
ISFP's dress in either something that looks artistically expressive or aesthetically pleasing in general. It's all about things that look good for an ISFP. They consider the way they dress as their way of expression and art, they would never go out like a slob. INFP's are more open to looking "weird" i think.
Love your videos so far! Too many MBTI videos out there make no sense, haha. I like the dressing points, and I think: Si is trendy and put together. Ni is usually cool but understated (like they try but don't want it to look like they tried). Fi is whatever they like (just what makes them happy, often cute or nice). Ti is efficient, quick, outfits for days of the week or whatever is on top of the laundry basket.
Also I love the "what each type removes themselves from" bit.
Fi - what they see no value in
Ti - what they can't analyze
Si - what they can't relate to or can't relate to reality
Ni - what they find pointless, not going toward a conclusion of substance
This is what made me realize I use Fe instead of Fi. I speak in moral absolutes. I don’t say “I feel” or “personally I...”. I say “you can’t,” and “you have to,” and “we need.”
I thought that I was an Fi-dom because I’m okay with standing up for what’s right and I’m not easily peer-pressured despite it being VERY easy to make me feel guilty. I think the main reason I thought I used Fi is that I’m rather socially awkward but that was more of a learned behavior due to fifteen years of isolation. It’s very natural for me to care and have opinions about everything and have very clear boundaries when it comes to giving too much of myself. I fall very short socially because I tend to think I know what’s best all the time and I’m not patient with self-destructive or selfish behavior.
IxxP - detached from things they don't care about. Yes!!! But so passionate about things we do care about.
Oh my gosh. When you guys describes the "fi" one, it was crazy how much it described me as an infp. This actually helped me a lot to realize what I should try to work on to better help others understand me.
Also I just want to comment, you said your ISTP friend suggested “you can take a nap and drink a glass of water.” It’s hilarious how as an enfj when I get emotional that is the exact thing I want to hear. I need to be reminded to take care of my body in almost an si way and it also reminds me that I am probably overthinking it and blowing it out of proportion.
INFP: Interesting! Perhaps we're prone to appreciating advice from our dual types. I wonder what an ESTJ might suggest.
I watch both of ur channels haha!
That's because Ti is your inferior. It could just be that you admire that way of thinking.
INTJ & INFP Coffee I'm an INFP and my mom is an ESTJ, and she probably would tell me I should go out/dress up to feel better. But that usually doesn't help me 😅
I sometimes try to add 'Maybe eat something, you tend to have more emotional outbursts when your blood sugar is getting low"....or "Maybe it's cause it's that one type of the month and the problem seems worse"? Although I find it a logical solution (of which the first often tends to work out working for that partciular Fe dominant person, somehow she keeps resisting the solution although it keeps working each time)
Around the 12 minute mark, you can really see the Ni/Fi eye movements. Interesting lol
I'm an INFJ and I agree to a point. I actually talk very fast. But I think that's because I have crippling anxiety. A lot of what I say, my mouth tends to go faster than my mind because my mind is trying to connect my thoughts that are so far away but make sense to me as connected, to my mouth fast enough to say them and often times it can't so I either stutter or make incomplete phrases or points even though in my head I get what I'm saying because I have it all put together but to other people it makes absolutely no sense
But I'm also extremely quiet until around people I feel care enough and "deserve" my words?
@@zellhound156 are you me?
@@tavrine9729 I don't know 😂 are you me?
@@zellhound156 i very much think so! but, which one of us is mr. hyde?
jokes aside, thanks for the description. being an infj with social anxiety sucks. i really mean it when i say "talking is impossible".
In high school, I would hate to do subjects I found worthless to my attention. Totally prove Ni here as an INFJ.
Yes, please do extroverts!
I'm an Ni dom and I'm all about comfort. My wardrobe consists of 92% dark colors with some reds shirts thrown in. Shorts, jeans, slacks, zip hoodies, and short/long sleeve t-shirts with what I'm into. And 1 warm faux leather jacket.
That sounds Si.
Same. Black jeans and a t-shirt. Sometimes casual blue jeans and a more vibrant t-shirt. Very sporty in general, unless I choose to wear my boots that makes the look more classy but in a rebel way
fellow Ni-dom, i agree, comfort is S-Tier
I’m an Fi-dom and my wardrobe consists of mostly pastel pink clothing because pastel pink is my favorite color, and if you look at my wardrobe, you can see that I have a little bit of a Pikachu obsession...
Angelica Gutierrez I noticed many Fi-doms/INFPs have pink as their favourite colour!Maybe even purple too.I'm an INFP and they are my fav colours!
Wow, that is so interesting! Purple is another color I really love! Especially, lavender! I don't know why, but pink and purple make me feel happy! It must be our dominant Fi cognitive function haha xD or maybe our Si cognitive function because pink and purple remind me of my childhood! What about you? ^^
Angelica Gutierrez Yes I agree!They make me very happy too.I don't think it has to do with childhood though.What part of ur childhood made u love those colours?They make me happy cuz pink is such a sweet colour,and purple is a mix of the warmest and coolest colour,red (which is used for pink) and blue! I do think that we love those colours because of how awesome we find them.This is weird but,purple only became my favourite colour at a much later time.However,I've always loved pink all my life!Also,I think that mbti has a correalation with ur favourite colour.Lol this paragraph is obvious I'm an INFP.Are u an INFP too?
Haha xD I totally understand! I am an INFP too! I have loved pink my whole life too! I don't know why, but from a young age I was always attracted to pink for the same reason because it is a sweet color mixed with the passion of red and the innocence of white! It is a perfect color for INFPs because we are often called sweet by others, but we can also be very passionate like red or very innocent like white, depending on our mood! Have others called you sweet a lot in the past? I have been called that a lot xD Maybe it is an INFP thing haha xD Same, I did not get attracted to purple or blue, which are some of my favorite colors right now, until later as I got older, but pink has always been my favorite and it still is! ^^
INFP: I also love pink! And the way you two talk about why you like these colors is deliciously indicative of your Ne Si axes :)
Being an ISTP female is so hard! My Fe is my biggest struggle I’m 26 and finally starting to consciously use it more thanks for the video!
Hi gals great vid. As a Ti dom I would agree, efficiency comes first most of the time, even if its against "social norms" , however as I age dressing "well" seems to become more and more important to me.
BetterU365 for me i value comfort and utility above all else. I hatw being uncomofrtable. I wont sacrifice my comfort for style. I always try to find a middle ground. I started rowing three weeks ago and while eveeybody is in shorts and tank tops, i am wearing a loose fitting longsleeve fishing shirt that i found on clearance in the boy's section that gives me ufp, a grandma hat that offers full protection from the sun, a fanny pack that has my epipen, snacks, and sunscreen and water shoes. It makes me stand out, which isnt something that i want but it is the safest/most comoftable option.
My everyday look is a low maintence sort of look jeans, tshirts, i dont mess with my god awful curly hair much and i might accessorize with something quirky like my salvador dali watch, but generally its subtle.
I’m an Ti Dom (ISTP), and my parents always complain about how I wear the same clothes all the time 😂 I literally just pick up whatever is on the top of my clothes pile 😂
Me too.
Me three.
"We´re not participating in real time" I sometimes wonder what it would be like to reeeaaally live in the present.
I try sometimes. It works for about five minutes and then I get distracted.
ISFP, love you guys 🌈🌸🌟
My INTP friend and I (INFP here) typed Seth Brundle's character in The Fly as an INTP, and he had ten of the same outfit too and did that so he didn't have to decide what to wear every day. I think he got that idea from Einstein who I also believe was an INTP. That's hilarious, such a strong stereotype!
Judson Joist I knew he said that in the movie but I couldn't remember if it was Einstein for sure. No, I haven't seen any of Cronenberg's other movies but I need to. I'm writing a sci-fi/thriller/drama involving biological foul play and the consequences of our choices. I have four main characters who are INTP, ISTP (heroes), INTJ, and ESTP (villians). I've got my work cut out for me lol
Judson Joist oh trust me I'm well acquainted with the INTJ villian thing. I didn't mean for it to happen that way but alas it was true to the character. I don't believe INTJs are inherently evil, I simply think that they can be so cut off from reality that when they make plans inside their heads and implicate them irl they tend to be so wrapped up in their idea that they don't realize their plans could be seen as nefarious or have unforseen negative consequences (I knew two INTJs and they did this constantly). That sort of happened with my INTJ villian, but he knows he's wrong deep down. My ESTP villian is worse because he believes he's doing good and has no qualms about his actions. He's also sadistic while my INTJ villian is more distant and doesn't make misery his goal, but if it's needed he will implicate it.
that sounds like me, it cuts down on thinking that is needed for more important things. I am INTP (female)
Maybe I'm a little bit of an intp because I do this to some extent, in that I just remember a short list of clothes I wear all the time.
Haha I grew up being told by my family that I’m a dreamer, “in my head” and that they can never tell what I’m thinking about. INTJ btw.
I know too many INTP men who wear cargo pants. Sooooo many pockets to put things in, so not in style :/ lmao
Meghan LeVota
Lmao, that's literally me every day 😂
I'm an INFJ guy and I wear *extra wide* cargo pants, and extra hidden pockets everywhere. Carrying tools, medical equipment, etc. My fiance often struggle figuring out where I keep everything.
What I always struggle to figure out is where I put the stuff I don't have in my pockets...
It's not even about having alot of things to carry, it's about having the option available to carry alot of things.
100% me as a kid
Meghan LeVota My hubby is ISTP and yes, no fashion care, just practical. It’s about having all the tools with you to fix the actual material broken things everywhere.
as an INTP (Ti dominant) I tend to dress quite extravagant (aka not the norm but not weird) (esp for typical INTP terms) with matching clothes, going for the "artistic look", so at first I did not reconise myself into the 'practical thing' description you girls gave at all, but when I thought more of it, it does help make people give the right impression about myself when I meet them. It saves time if they already think if my looks fit the stereotype that is already closer to myself than 'regular type of styling'. Turns out It's pretty effective in that sense, if people predict at least put me in the right box. Also helps attracting the right people i'd say its very effective in that sense
P O W E R - R E D - B U L L yes I agree as an INTP, I dress quite extravagant too and I do care of how I dress sometimes but it really depends on my mood
That is so interesting! I am never quite sure who I am, so the idea of using my wardrobe to pigeonhole myself makes me uncomfortable. I knew an ISTP who was quite the clotheshorse... and I think he would have had the same practical reasoning. Are you sure you're an N?
INTP here, totally like a that. My life is all about, efficiency, analysis and understanding.
Yes! You explained this so well. I've been trying to understand my dominant function better and this definitely helped.
As an ENFP, I thought Fi was all about analyzing why you love what you love and why you hate what you hate and so on lol. I think the world “analysis” has a weird stigma surrounding it that implies that it can only be logical.
Analysis is just trying to get a deeper understanding of something. Looking deeper than “face value” pretty much. Like, I’ll be upset at something and go “well I’m probably upset about that because of this deeper problem I still have...and this pisses me off because of my deeper value of X...” and so on. Like, I’ll legit get mad that I’m mad at a certain thing lol. Recently, I’ve hated that I hated someone that I was jealous of because they’re really a good person at heart and don’t deserve my insecure hate...
But yeah. Analyzing feelings for me is just trying to understand them deeper than just a physical reaction. Like how Ti is trying to understand the world and logical systems deeper than a purely face value, “what can be proved externally” level.
INFP: Yeah I analyze my feelings all the time! In the video I said Fi doesn't need to analyze why it likes something, because these chats are unscripted, but I think I was just getting at the difference between Fi and Ti:
People are capable of different modes of analysis, but Ti tends to favor the externally verifiable while Fi can revel in subjectivity. For example, one thing I noticed is that I analyze why I like a movie using myself and my experiences as references (something you also seem to be doing based on your comment.) There's nothing illogical about this, since it does provide an explanation of why I like something. But my ENTP friend tends to focus on the objective merit of the movie based on its context: if it was well-received, if it was innovative for its time, if it influenced a lot of people, and so on.
We can both like a movie that has a relatable character in it but I'll say "I liked it because I could relate to the character. He did something I also did years ago" and he'll say "I liked it because the movie highlighted a universal struggle, plus it came out when other movies were afraid to touch this subject matter, so it resonated with its contemporary audience."
She's probably analyzing with the Te?
First sentence hits the nail on the head. I'm an INFP and I am constantly looking "inside myself" trying to understand who I am, why I am the way I am, etc. And you're right that it is not a strictly intellectual analysis. It's almost like feeling something (whether you like it or not) and following the thread of feeling backwards, trying to figure out where it came from and why its there. Does it have to be there? Is this something I need to simply accept as a part of myself or is there a way to work through it and find an understanding that brings me peace in an area of anxiety? What belief is at the heart of this feeling (causing it at its root)? And does it fit in with what I want to believe? Or is my mind at odds with my heart? And it goes on and on and on. There's always another question to be answered. For myself, I find that while asking and answering these questions inside of myself leads to greater understanding, it always leads me to more questions. And my struggle has been to find peace regardless of how well I know myself. Because knowing myself and understanding other people is a seemingly never-ending journey. Every layer pealed back reveals another. Okay. NOW I'm rambling. Thanks for reading my thoughts and sharing yours!
@@mandacai3014 As an INFJ, I take my emotions out of my head (maybe by writing them down or talking to someone) and then I analyze them intellectually. I like your description of "following the thread of feeling backward." I think that must be something Fi personalities can do, that I can't. I have to follow three steps to your one, to process my feelings.
@@anival9576 I think I can "follow the thread" partially due to Si, because I can go back into my memory and relive the feelings I had only this time paying more attention to the "why" behind it. Sometimes it's like trying to capture the wind or perhaps it's more like trying to find the source of the wind. For me, if this could be described as steps, I don't know if it would be one step, two steps or a million infinitesimal steps. It lacks a certain concreteness that makes it difficult to explain. I also think I externalize as a way to process things. Even as I'm writing this I have to go back and edit myself so that I don't confuse anyone because typing is another form or external processing for me (I believe that is Ne). My mom is an INFJ, and sometimes I think I hold myself back from externally processing with her because it seems to be overwhelming for her. I can often be interpreted by someone with high Ni as if everything I say has already been processed and reached the point of conclusion. Which I have found they can misread my intention in those moments, as if I have a purpose behind what I am saying that requires something of them or is supposed to be a judgement of some kind. What I'm really doing in those moments is throwing a bunch of observations and information in the air and looking to see the patterns, coming to conclusions as I talk. Mmmm, hopefully some of this made sense. I explained more than I originally intended, and not very well. Thanks for chatting!
INFP here an I like to make my own clothing style that has a color coordinating palette. Usually I like to wear fun solid colors together but I notice most people wear muted colors in public, unless it's sunny out then I will stand out less if I wear a color that suits my mood. So if I'm in a mood where I don't feel like standing out I tend to go with either darker, gray, cool colors on top, teals/aquas, sometimes lavenders & a casual midtone jean on the bottom so I don't look like I'm dressing up. I also avoid reds or cranberry colors if I'm around a lot of new people or someone I may have offended so I don't put off a brazen vibe when I haven't had a chance to put off a calm vibe with my words & actions. It just feels contradictory to my intentions for the situation.
I personally feel like ISFP's like to dress in a flattering way while INFP's don't, they're more open to unconventional styles because theyre not intune with their surroundings so they don't really know what looks good, only what they feel looks good. ISFP's are more interested in looking aesthetically pleasing because they are in tune with their surroundings and they're often trend setters.
@ruby ;
You are very right about your observation. But the MBTI based explanation is so obviously so very wrong.
isfp's are actually Si+Fe. Si is about sensory pleasure, so obviously Si-dominants want to look pleasing to the senses.
infp's are actually Ni+Fe. Ni is about internal imagination and internal non-visible qualities of an object, so obviously they dress in way that reflects their inner self and highly personal imagination.
It's as simple as that.
@@mmestari That is socionics. MBTI ISFP is Fi-Se-Ni-Te, and INFP is Fi-Ne-Si-Te. In socionics, it is ISFj and INFj.
@Janko M. "That is socionics."
Indeed, Socionics and Jungian.
Erilaz Bro INFPs are FiNeSiTe
Frequently when trying to express my thoughts out loud in the moment I get caught way up in the imagery inside and end up spewing out words that sometimes are only loosely related. It takes a great focus (and time) to make sure what I am saying is actually what I mean.
INFP: Ni dom?
I think so. A lot of the time I do not even realize what I said, I think because of being preoccupied with the impression I have or am trying to make of the whole concept, idea or whatever. It took awhile before I actually became aware of this. (And becoming aware of it and making more of an effort to be present has helped communication a lot!) Writing is my preference most of the time. Out of curiosity, do you experience this at all?
INFP: No but Alex talks about it in her INTJ Struggle with Articulation video :)
I have the same experience as an INFP. The struggle is very intense at times, and frustrating. And I don't think it is relegated to INxJs. I actually know more P's with this problem. I also have an INFJ family member who has no trouble articulating when she does choose to speak.
Amanda Morse i am also an infj and i can come across eloquently in speech but thats because i have already well thought out how i am going to articulate the cloud of thoughts in my head. I think thats fhe combo of Ni and Fe. I do sometimes slip up tho in the way OP said. Or later on i feel like what i said could me misconstrued as offensive or passive aggressive even if that wasnt my intent.
This is so accurate!
I’m a fashion student. Me and my friends are all “alternative”, but it’s expressed very differently in the way we dress. My INTP friend wears the same style of all-black clothing every day, while my INTJ friends are all about discreet aesthetic fashion and INFP me dresses in a crazy way that’s not so pleasing to everyone.
I really liked your comments on how each type relates to fashion. They coincide with my own observations. My sister is an ISFP, and her sense of style is very well developed and a bit quirky--I can see the Fi you guys are talking about. I'm an INFJ, and sometimes INFJs get stereotyped as clothes junkies (must have beautiful/expensive clothes), but I am not that way at all! I really agree with your analysis of Ni. I go for classic, timeless styles, flattering, but not trendy. I think INFJs strive for quality or economy, depending on the ideals we were raised with, but I think you are right. Generally we don't draw attention to ourselves through fashion.
I'm an ni dom. I find it when my classmates were asking on how to solve the equation. I was like discussing it then pausing for a while, at least 2 minutes trying to recall the process on my brain. Mostly I gave up on them then telling them to ask someone. It is because I find it hard to explain the equation
I have a similar experience 😅
Y'all are awesome! You are so smart and knowledgeable about MBTI! I'm always impressed when I listen to you both. I'm an INTJ. And I think you nailed all of the introvert the descriptions. Nice job!
I absolutely loved this conversion. You two play well off each other.
I especially liked the bit on Ni and how it must look like in their minds when they are tethering concepts to other things.i'll stay on the lookout for those little hints at how people dress and behave. I have put that off due to feeling indifferent and dull in my past.
I plan on changing my wardrobe a lot when i get the chance. I have very little that feels right to me at the moment. Sure, i have a general color scheme i like(cold colors) but beyond that,what i have is boring and does not feel that good on my skin.Lack of comfort pretty much.
INFP: Oh yeah, Alex is huge on cohesive color scheme and physical comfort. Me? Not so much.
That's interesting. I wonder if you'll develop that later once you develop your Si more? I thought comfort was associated to Si.
Yes!! 4 types of extroverts please =D
lovely video! i am a fan! subbed
I think the clothing trends you've noticed are accurate!And yes,do the extraverts one too.I've noticed that Ni-doms wear aesthetically soothing clothing?Especially INTJs in particular.And INTPs look very simple.Fi doms indeed have this sense of uniqueness,so they often look out of place. XD Si doms look trendy or smart.Even though INTJs look like they fit into this era,they indeed do not look like they are following a particular trend or anything.
I think that the reason Ni Dom's seem to be more integrated with the world, is because we have Se in our main stack, which gives us more of a grounded presence than we would have otherwise.
Se keeps us energetically bound to the planet, preventing us from becoming lost in Ni. We would probably experience more psychotic breaks with reality without our inferior function to keep us anchored to the earth - plane.
oh my god that thing you said about Ni users not going for any Se experiences that are too predicable and won't offer new insight is soooo true :D I used to be super into going out in college first cause it was a new experience and gave me a new perspective on people and life, but these days I'm not into it because I feel like I already know how an evening will go in certain company and it doesn't excite me :p I'd rather stay home and be on RUclips learning new stuff about the world
As an Ni introvert anything style related I use to influence others perception of me. Anecdotally, I went through a phase in highschool where I wore neon almost exclusively. This was to play down might height in response to bullying in middle school, the rationale was that the more harmless and silly I seemed the more people wouldn't dislike me.
Seemed to work well.
Most other styles I've had have been held for some desired outcome, or a need to communicate without having to explain whatever verbally.
As an INFP, people think I’m an isfp because I’m fashionable and stuff but I realized it is my fi ne and si working. I wear a lot of athleisure type clothes because I like the memory/vibe/comfort attached to them. Sometimes my NE comes up and make me go “what if I did this?” And it’s either hit or miss 😂 and I don’t realize if it was good or bad literally until I go home and look at pictures or think about the day again LMFAO. I worn some hideous things, but it’s also the confidence that sells it to people.
I’m an Si Dom and I never write out or create a schedule of my day. But I do agree with having a routine and having stored memory of sense impressions.
My makeup so highlights my Fi. Jk. Maybe. But nice video! I agree with the what you both said. I was talking today with a friend about Fi and its hidden emotions and detachment, but also sudden bursts of energetic "I'm putting foot down now and nothing can stop me" standpoint.
those few sentences basically describe me lol, even the makeup thing! hahah. I don't give a crap about things that are not my cup of tea, therefore I can be either great at things or extremely bad lol. Nothing in between!
I am an NI and an auditorial learner so I process what is being said, how it is being said, and who is saying it. I also assign purpose to the communication. I process cultural norms, then check and verify what is required of me, then what I am willing to reveal based on my intellect, social and cultural norms. When I truly, communicate I choose to be engaged. My culture place great value on saying something that is valued as authentic, and artistically playful. So it it's not just the words..But if it's small talk I'll phone it in, because that is what's required.
INFP here and I couldn't relate to what the girl with the flower said about INFP, but the other one was spot on. I am very emotional about ethics, important things, and things that don't make sense to me.
Really amazing channel very educational and learned a lot!! So many channels make me so much more confused I shall binge watch your vidoes
Infps (me) sometimes don't just feel one feeling and emotion. It a rainbow of emotion like i could be sad and angry at the same time.
lol what you said about clothes to fi and ti from my perspective is completely right. I'm and INFP and I love expressing myself through clothes. And when you said that Ti's also stand out in that aspect I was like "how?? my dad is an ISTP and he literally couldn't care less about how he's dressed" but then when you said it's more of in a functional and not caring what others think kinda way it made so much sense. For example, my dad wears these unusual af shoes, called "vibran five fingers" that people always find weird, but he doesn't really care and just wear them cause it's comfy and practical
I’m INFP and I justify constantly my feelings thru logic
I love watching your videos. I have a suggestion for a topic, going over the most commonly mistyped types (intp, intj, infj etc.) And how to tell if you're mistyped
INFP: We plan on making something like that soon!
I am an Infj but I am good at speaking until people give me smthg I didn't expect
i’m an INFP and i prob have the worst fashion sense among my classmates. i’m pretty insecure about it ;-;
I'm definitely detached from other people's emotional dramas or obligations. ^^
I can’t stop laughing watching your videos. They are so true yet so funny.
Amazing work! These descriptions are very accurate!
Great observations. I like your casual presentation.
I can see myself in all of these so much 😂 it’s like impossible to tell which is more me
I'm an INTJ and I dresscode is dependent on my mood.
Omg I loved INFP's reaction in the beginning..."Um, yeah, I have like, nothing to add to this..."
I think part of the reason why IxFPs don't bother to explain why something is meaningful to them is because of the emotional drain put on them from even trying to express themselves to begin with; any further explanation or expansion on their rationale would feel like emotional labor--esp if they're not close with that person.
INTP here, yeah... I used to think i was messed up because I have trouble responding correctly to peoples emotions. Comforting somebody when I am not really that invested in the issue makes me feel like Sheldon from tbbt with his "there there" and "let me make a hot beverage for you"
I'm an Fi dom I wear band shirts have long hair and a beard and I have no since of style I just look brutal
You spelled 'sense' incorrectly. #intj lol jk
Haha, yeah, the INFP guys I've known have had NO sense of style AT ALL. They just wore 2nd hand random clothes, shirts with ugly patterns and pants that were either too long or too short. My INFP ex did not want to wear 'boring' shirts with plaid or anything so instead wore shirts with dragons or bright flowers or whatever. I was always trying to get him to look just a little no avail. lol I'm still a little unclear if I'm an INFP or INFJ...I've never been into fashion and I dress for comfort mainly. I also like to look nice but informal, and my clothes have to fit right. I don't see the point in wearing something in the winter that I'm going to be cold in, for example...I can't stand seeing women wearing mini skirts in winter, like, aren't they dying?? Sometimes I get an outfit that I think is really cool but if i stand out too much I won't really wear it. I've noticed INFP women seem kind of varied with regards to their style, some are quite into their look which tends to be quite personal and feminine, others are maybe less concerned. My mom is an INFJ so I guess I've just gone with what she recommended, it's been hard to find my own style because it seems too complicated to match all the things I'd like to wear. lol
sienna you seem INFP because when you talk it seems random and all over the place. So your ex dressed lazy lol so do I. A friend of mine who test as ESFP helps me with style a bit because I really do look bland
lol My mom is an INFJ and she is aaalllllll over the place, speaking whatever is in her head, starting the next topic mid sentence, midway through the current topic, and you have no idea what's going on. Then she acts like "Why don't you know what I'm talking about?" like everyone is supposed to be 5 topics ahead of what is actually being talked about. Haha!! My ENTP dad and I are actually very coherent in comparison and often both stare at her dumbfounded because we're completely lost. ;) And, she is definitely not an INFP, her mannerisms and personality are nowhere near characteristic of INFP. I could go on about the differences between us, which is one thing that made me think I must be an INFP.
I can ramble and expand upon an idea quite a lot, I make the Ne connections from one thing to the next while writing. While speaking it's another thing, I'm usually slow and scattered, though other times can't turn off the talking. I'm not very good at brainstorming though, which is uncharacteristic of INFP. However, my way of thinking overall is actually more similar to my dad with Ne, I think. We both have bursts of goofy humor as well. With my mom it's more like, she just assumes people can read her mind and make all the connections she made to get from A to Z, but no one can see that. I might jump around a bit but honestly not nearly like my mom, she's constantly thinking about the future and can't be emotionally present at all. She has to plan every second. She might be a strange INFJ, I don't know. I'm also not as 'free' and spontaneous as people cliche INFPs as being. But yeah...most noticeably I'm not much of a Fe-user, which is the biggest difference.
Glad to hear your ESFP friend is helping you out! ;D Hehehe I personally find it cute how INFPs can be oblivious to the Fe/Se realm. We are an endearing bunch. But yes, some loving friends can help us out with our weaknesses! I don't think my ex saw his clothes as lazy, he just didn't like men's clothes in general and wanted more 'interesting' shirts than he usually found...just that...his taste was bad. hahaha He also would spend his money on his collections rather than on clothes. Also, Fi-doms can get so attached to our favorite things...right now I have a jacket that has the surface tearing off of it, but I love it so much so I keep wearing it, much to my INFJ mother's horror! I want an ESFP friend to help me out...I need a personal stylist. I can never get my makeup to look right and I feel like my clothes never really express myself like I want to . I don't know where to shop or how to deal with it all. *First world problems*
Charles Benson George Benson's son?
they are blending into the wood work, mostly a defense mechanism i believe, since attracting attention is very low on the wish list.
My Dom Ni and my Inferior Se have an agreement-- Se works on snapping me to attention when needed, i.e., retail and driving, which my Ni space cadets over anything and everything else in my noggin. xD
super interesting. Helps to understand people
I always wondered why none of the labels (introvert, ambivert, extrovert) seemed to apply to me. Then I learned about the types. I'm a thinking/social type; my Myers-Briggs is INTJ. The test always likes to tell me I'm 51/49 on intro/extra lol. Sometimes even spits out ENTJ.
I talk too much to really agree with the "processing time" thing. I think out loud lol, so I don't think and then speak. I just talk! I have to process out loud because my mind is always racing, and it's hard for me to processing things without just talking...if that makes sense. Even doing math problems. I have to talk out the steps. It makes testing hard, especially since I'm a Math major, I have to silent talk 😂
You sound like an extrovert... (or read like one). Sometimes those tests aren't very useful. I would suggest learning about the MBTI functions and picking the stack that describes you the best.
Good explanation of why I love my twin
I'm ok glossing over disagreement unless I feel someone may be in danger if they hold that view.... Then I would carefully try to help them.. uh... but very cautiously aware they may feel upset or I may stir conflict. I don't like conflict. Also I feel if I don't say something that goes against how I see myself as caring.. and my value of helping people. I don't like to stirr the pot with people though... and if it gets heated I usually try to break the tension.
I do many things based off of my values, beliefs and after I have internally processed if I want to do something even if it's a quick check in.
Am I the only Fi dom who believes words are stronger than appearance? Whenever I look at Fi, it's mentioned that they care a lot about dressing and make up but I just don't care because I find them superficial. I'm a poet who cares more about unique perspective and unique choice of harmonizing words much much more than fashion. Are poets more likely to be Si dom as you said they are excellent with words and good at writing?
very insighful comments from both of you! :)
both need buffering time. ti takes longer than te because it does more checks.
I would say that introversion and extroversion are cognitive processes that can be expressed in a multitude of ways as opposed to attaching 'one size fits all' definitions to them.
I'm probably an ISFP, but I do relate to some of the Ti stuff, like about efficiency, system and flunking the social norms. I do that kind of wardrobe planning your INTP friend does, but thankfully I also sense not to make it boring but still fit the system (probably because I use Se). I'm quite spontaneous, but it's degree is also accounted within a certain relevant system. I could've said I'm a Thinker type sometimes, but I'm not at all mechanical and I'm not a natural analyst either, it's just that efficient systems part.
Generally, I feel deeply and it's definitely inwards, and it's true that I'm actually detached from things I don't like. I couldn't exactly say that I'm detached from external emotions and less analytical stuff however, and I think that's what makes me an Fi dom instead of Ti.
Best MBTI channel I have seen so far. I'm confused on whether I'm a ISTP or ENTJ.
Can you please do a general overview of each 16 type? A lot on the overview on mainstream MBTI website is probs not accurate. Or you can just do a video going through type overview on see what you agree or disagree
Or INTJ lol
I'm confused whether I'm INFJ or ISFJ.
I'm literally known for wearing pyjamas with pockets to university classes, even my professors have consistently teased me about it. Idk if that's an INTP characteristic but I just couldn't bother to dress up to morning classes everyday.
It’s not that I’m incapable of emotions, I just don’t see the need for them. INTP
My relationship with my friend is so funny. She's an Fi dom while I'm an Ni or Si dom having Fe as my second function. The difference is very easy to spot. 😅
I dont know why, the facial features of the left girl are very attractive to me.
It is interesting to see this video because I can see which one of these two ladies is INTJ and INFP rightaway...even though I am a newcomer to this channel....I think Ni dom person's stare is very intense, focused, and kinda like getting into your head kind of gaze and for Fi dom person...their gaze is kinda lost contact from external world and has hazy quality in the way they look at you..but at the same time I feel that inside of that hazy gaze, there is a judgmental or strong personal value in filtering what they see
interesting video, good job!!!
INFP will probably have more of the "hazy quality" due to using Ne-Si, whereas ISFP would probably have more of an intense stare (similar to INTJ) due to using Se-Ni.
Dude. I'm also an INTP who has 7 outfits.
I am INFJ but I am more of a ambivert.
9:06 Yeah that's more of Oi stuff or TJ , but it's not that surprising that it occurs to be Ni thing when there are propably 10 times more Ntype people watching that MBTI topics than Stypes
ENTJ I like to know where some of my strange patterns come from. I have a uniform set of outfits for each day too.
It's so funny how Ti-doms give advice to others. My ENFP friend with an eating disorder was once crying one night about overeating, an an INTP told her to just "eat less" but that advice never helped.
Their advices actually work for me. Because it's that easy, if you overeat, you gotta eat less.
thats a great vid !!!!
Fi do not think analysis of why they do/feel what they do is that important. Do you think INFPs are the biggest "sensors" of the intuitives ? Since sensors don't do as much analysis as intuitives do, it seems.
Wow. You guys have literally 3 subscribers less than NT support, lol. I didn't realize you were so close to one another.
I remember talking to my cousin and thinking about something, zoning out and then I came back and thought that she didn't hear my internal monolouge so she was just waiting there.
The other day before maths lesson I was telling my cousin something about the subject physics and I put physic books on my desk instead of the ones I needed. 😅
What function might it be?
I explain why I like things or find things valuable.. um but idk if I feel the NEED to... uh... sometimes I feel the need to maybe because someone may seem a bit confused or idk.. showing some kind of emotional reaction that may call for that...
besides that I seem very IXfp
I am rather surprised that this video has more views than "The 4 Types of Extraverts." Not slamming anyone. I just didn't know how interesting we were to so many. :)
probably more introverts on youtube (home alone with a computer)... & esp on this channel...
INTJ here and I totally agree!