Вероятно долгое время людям внушали о невозможности создания перпетум мобиле и поэтому в отзывах бывает столько отрицаницательных комментов. Но сейчас иное дело, создаются такие агрегаты и средства действия которых не вписываются в общие законы физики, но тем не менее работают. Браво новаторам.
Believe nothing else does not work, you only need to experiment with biefer coils and frequency changes as soon as you can during a short circuit to roll the shaft so you immediately get a free energy generator. The more we move in the right direction, the faster we will get what we are all looking for. All seekers of free energy, happiness
@@jimmym2719 For free energy 😆 its very bad idea to use induction motor . Free energy really exist or not i don't know. But one thing is that i can say - when you put something load to alternator ( ac generator) its speed is suddenly change 😊and when speed of an alternator change it directly effects on frequency becausz frequency is directly releted to synchronous speed for its respective poles . When frequency change the output of motor torque speed also change . After all its almost fail 😊😁. Inducton motor,s speed torque is directly releted to the supply frequency . I think you know this think very well . Im not a engineer but also i wanna to suggest you - use the something BLDC motor and its contorl circuit ( invertor ) .😊😊😍
@@yumanbantawaa4248 ya.the load bogged down the whole system. It’s true frequency is the key, also everything that exist. BLDC is also the same thing right ?
@@jimmym2719 for the BLDC it has own control circuit and inverter which create its own frequency for RMF . BLDc invertor circuit need DC supply which is frequency less .
To those of you who doesn't understand don't comment garbage the motor is powered by the same generator which spins the flywheel in a selfsustaining circle so yes its is efficient and no power lost
Do not lose heart - do it right! To fix the problem, try changing the pulleys so that the flywheel rotates at a speed of more than 2000 rpm, but it is better to go to 3000-4500. Then everything will work out.
thank you for sharing this testing video with us! initial voltage with external electricity input shows near about 250 volts, as soon as generator output is looped with electric motor, voltage starts to drop and goes below 180 volts. this shows that, GENERATOR ONLY USES ENERGY STORED IN FLYWHEEL. ** FREE ENERGY DOES NOT EXIST**
I am not saying this device works but there are a lot of these same types of devices which do. free energy is just a term used to say once you build the machine and spend the money you can have a generator which will produce energy for free after your initial investment. and small maintenance costs. looking at it this way free energy does exist. It's like buying a car and putting fuel in it and then driving it. you own the car which is capable of transporting you but you don't really think of the cost of the car as part of what it is costing you to travel around, it's the fuel mainly that you have to keep paying for each time you travel. the generator is your investment, a tool you use that saves you from having to buy electricity. so in a sense we like to say we are getting our electricity for free, because we made a device that will do that. and don't forget the sun, the rivers, the wind, they are all sources of energy we can harvest and they are free. when you hang your clothes on a line out side in the wind and sun how much did it cost you to dry those clothes? your statement that free energy does not exist is incorrect but you can believe that if you want to. you would just be wrong.
Free Energies are all quantum, that exist naturally like the Sun, magnetism and gravity. If we work together towards these by harnessing n converting it into those we could use for humanity. Flywheels is a storage/stabilizing mechanism only, when the charging force is removed it slowly discharges, have to find a sweet spot where there is a surplus in the whole system / involve another natural forces to move it when we use it to put back into storage. It’s all about balance like balancing your account so life goes on😜. I have been doing this on a bigger scale 200kw 415v 1.5 ton flywheel for about 6 months already have learned a lot. There’s synchronicity in all the things we do if we put our heart into it So someone appeared to finance the project. Bro, u are awesome please keep up the good work relax take a break let intuition kicks in, maybe u will find the sweet spot o the 3rd force to keep the momentum of the flywheel going. 💕
@@jimmym2719 study mechanical pulsed power transmission technology , it may help to harness gravitational energy during the power transmission process.
If you really want to make a free energy generator then experiment with changes in the winding of the generator. Try a magnetic rotor based on bifilar coils. It really works. I’m moving in exactly this direction since I tried everything else.
Great insight into the build just subscribed and it’s a nice compact turbine I also have built a homemade 650 watts wind turbine, a treadmill motor turbine and a little but powerful ametek 30v turbine and built 2 diy solar panels, be careful in high winds one of my first turbines blew up 😕and now have only 2 wonderful turbines working daily 😊it’s very satisfying watching those things working, keep up the good work buddy 👍
Your flywheel should be bigger and heavier to have more kinetic energy be sure your bearings are properly centered to lessen friction And your machine will only stop when a part or parts wears out .. good luck and congratz maybe the greedy grids operators will think twice now before rising their electricity cost .
lol works without flywheel why ading extra mass to consume energy use a gear use a low rpm synconus alternator a 500kva at least or it is not worth it a 500kva with a diesel gear from a bmw require a 30 kw 220v dc motor to power the alternator always use dc mottors cause they are more poverfull at the same consumtion
Only thing missing is a capacitor bank to make it more efficient.please try it in tandem with power output.for a more steady and even flow of your over unity.storage as is the flywheel .about 8 large 500k microferinin parallel with each phase.will see much power gain .good luck
this is exactly what i ve tried a year ago , only i ve complicated myself for nothing , i was using a 12v makita drill to spin a car alternator and the power that was coming from the alternator was given to a 12 v invertor to make 220v and i was having the drill recharger conected to recharge the drill , it worked until it broke and after just 20 mins :)) but now with the carantine i want to try again
Sir to make it more reliable try to use transformer step up then connect to alternator...seem transformer step up only use 12v to operate...for recharging try to use capacitor bank instead it way more reliable then batteries...coz capacitor we can use all day long
2 years have passed since this revolutionary, free energy invention, why I still see the conventional power plants around the world? By now, all power generating plants should be gone and everyone should have this free energy at home and manufacturing plants. Hello people in India, do you have already closed all power plants in India and you use absolutly free energy from the air?
Regarde la différence entre un moteur ( synchrone et un moteur asynchrones ) la tu comprendra ou est ton erreur et tu te depechera de changé ton moteur par le bon, et ça fonctionnera beaucoup mieux!!! 👍🏻
use a DC motor with a speed controller. dc motor will engage without the frequency problem. that why the belt begin to get jumping, and when the motor get the speed the current will be near 2 amps, you can only take out the half watts that the motor used no more than that.
Sir I think you are right in using dc motor and also 12 - 24 volt supercapacitors dc supply with diode to prevent harmonic current just like maybe used by ABB, Siemen and Urenco in their flywheel generators.
I built a device once that had several disks all larger than the next. I think I had 10 in all. The smallest 4 inches and the largest 4 feet in diameter. Each disk had aluminum plates on the outer edge side facing the next larger disk. Each disk had magnets on the side facing the smaller disk place in the diameter of the next smaller disk. All except 2 of the disks were on a shaft with bearings that would turn independently of each other except for the largest disk was attached to the shaft. The very smallest disk was attached to a 9 volt motor about the diameter of a quarter. I would turn on the motor and it would spin. This would start the bigger second disk spinning and the second d would start the bigger third and so on. I was able to spin the 4 foot disk at about 135 rpm in the end. You could slow the largest disk with a load and have very little affect on the smaller disks. I have torn it apart and the rennets are still in my basement. I would love to see this built to low tolerance specs. Maybe even use copper plates or coils instead of aluminum plates. Mine was cut out on a table saw from 3/4 project board and some parts made on my cnc router to hold bearings and such.
All you did was spin up the flywheel and stored some rotational kinetic energy which is then slowly being lost to friction and losses in the generator/motor electrical system.
They do work, but instead of showing us a video of it while playing music, try giving us information. Tell us how it works, the internet is where we learn and share information, if you don’t speak, use words to teach us then we don’t learn.
Sanırım ivme yoğunluğu burada baraj sınırına ulaşmadığı sürece, dönüşü sürdürülebilir kılmanın yolu gibi görünüyor, ama baraj sınırı geçilirse çekilen enerji olarak, o zaman sürtünme ivme yoğunluğunu etkileyecek ve dönme duracaktır. Ama sınırı geçmediği sürece bu sistemden enerji çekmek mümkündür. Peki bu sistemi neden kullanmıyorlar..?
lol there is no profit to it lol what a question pay well a alternator factory and they can make you a 5000kva alternato that can be started wby a 100 rpm rotation source lol with a 8 kw alternator is not worth it he could add a 500kw from same motor or better use an dc motor cause those are stronger at the same powerdrawa s ac motors
@@sn_tesla9045 unfortunately no, the flywheel is doing nothing but storing a small amount of energy from the motor turning it. This is basically the same free energy device you see with the car alternators hooked directly to another motor. They say they put magnets in to increase the output also. This just has the added flywheel. None of them can ever work. I like the people like this guy for showing they don't work, though.
Change ton moteur électrique et met un moteur électrique synchrone !!! Ça marchera le moteur électrique synchrone ignore la charge ignore l effort et tourne quand même a la même vitesse du champs magnétiques.
Hmm, vă roade curiozitatea !!! Nu ziceați voi că nu credeți în free energy cu circuit închis ??? V-ati cam grăbit când ați făcut afirmația??? Mai aveți multe de învățat până acolo.....
Well, When you cut the grid power, your motor be come a generator and when you conect the power from real generator you create a short circuit and that's why the strap starts to vibrate ;-)
modify the generator. put magnet on the rotor instead of winding. the winding serve as additional load to the generator that will lessen the power output. magnet serves as external energy that will inputted in the system to make it overunity..
Am făcut eu cu magneți și nu merge, pentru că eu cred că magneții au putere constantă, și atunci când apare sarcina pe statorul generatorului, magneții nu au de unde aduce surplus de energie, ca să compenseze consumul. Așa, cu bobine pe rotor, pe măsură ce apare consum în stator, câmpul electromagnetic indus în rotor va face să crească curentul pe bobinele rotorului, care la rândul lor vor induce un câmp mai puternic în stator, ce face să crească producția, menținând puterea debitată, pe măsură ce apare un consum mai mare. Așa văd eu lucrurile, ca în momentul conectării motorului pentru automenținere, generatorul va produce mai mult, depășind frânarea ce i-o produce motorul. Magneții produc ceva, dar numai atât ! Când apare consum pe stator, tensiunea va scădea, pentru că magneții nu sunt variabili ca putere, numai dacă se mărește turația odată cu conectarea altor consumatori, dar asta va duce la ieșirea din frecvență, apoi cine s-o mărească, că va scădea odată cu creșterea sarcinii. Deci, e mai bine cu magneți, sau cu bobine ?
@@cianguevarra9764 I made magnets and it doesn't work, because I believe that magnets have a constant power, and when the load appears on the generator stator, the magnets have nowhere to bring the excess energy to compensate for the consumption. Thus, with coils on the rotor, as consumption occurs in the stator, the electromagnetic field induced in the rotor will increase the current on the rotor coils, which in turn will induce a stronger field in the stator, which increases production, maintaining power. charged as higher consumption occurs. This is how I see it, that when the engine is connected for self-maintenance, the generator will produce more, overcoming the braking that the engine produces. Magnets produce something, but only that! When consumption occurs on the stator, the voltage will decrease, because the magnets are not variable in power, only if the speed increases with the connection of other consumers, but this will lead to out of frequency, then who will increase it, that it will decrease with increasing pregnancy. So, is it better with magnets or coils?
@@nelute5 good discovery 👍. I have similar issues cos I am using a 500rpm 3Phase 415v 50K & 200Kw PMG. When loaded it really strained & bogged down the Flywheel 1.5Ton and slows it down very fast within minutes. Maybe we need a variable magnetic field or some sort of freq control on the output. Remember mine is 3Phase so to couple back to run itself would need 3 phase synchronization 😓. If u have any other ideas 💡 or discoveries please share.
@@jimmym2719 mă bucur că poți traduce din L.Română ! Părerea mea , și am s-o demonstrez cât de curând, pentru că am și eu în construcție unul , la care-mi mai trebuie generatorul, și am să pun unul cu magneți permanenți, deci părerea mea nu e tocmai bună despre acest montaj. Pentru a antrena acea volantă, e necesară multă energie, la care se adună antrenarea generatorului. Ce motor ar trebui să ai, pentru a mai dezvolta și ceva în plus ? Hai să luăm exemplul autoturismului, care face același lucru: în mașină patru nebuni, se rulează cu viteză pe o șosea în plan drept, echivalentul motorului electric ce antrenează volanta și generatorul. Când șoseaua se înclină (apare consum pe generator) mașina nu va putea urca panta dacă nu venim cu plus de energie (deci se conectează un consumator pe generator). Deci, orice consumator apărut pe generator, acesta va frâna continuu volanta și motorul. Numai dacă motorul poate , va menține viteza , dar până se va conecta alt consumator, care va continua să reducă din turație. Reducerea turației înseamnă scăderea producției care e continuu scăzătoare pe măsură ce motorul cedează. Dacă motorul e destul de mare la cuplu, sau prin raport de transmisie s-a depășit procentul de frânare al generatorului, adică în jurul valorii de 1/10 dar asta și în funcție de motor, atunci am putea vorbi de o oarecare posibilitate în funcționare, sau poate, rotorul cu bobine la generator. Am să revin cu explicații, sper încurajatoare, pe canalul meu.
If you put a long cable on it from your house to space in orbit then maybe just maybe it will keep rotation but friction will stop it sooner or later on along with the effects of gravity.
that might run by itself,only by itself,but when you applied some load,example another wire output from generator to provide some lights to your house it will stop for sure..
The most realistic I've ever seen its not free energy but its super saver energy a big generator motor run by a small ac motor wow..... Hook the small motor in windmill or solar then there you go free energy
Is that really a Permanent Magnet Generator, as from the outside shell it's more like a brushed ST-8KW Generator. Can you show us what you've done to the rotor of it if so?
For free energy 😆 its very bad idea to use induction motor . Free energy really exist or not i don't know. But one thing is that i can say - when you put something load to alternator ( ac generator) its speed is suddenly change 😊and when speed of an alternator change it directly effects on frequency becausz frequency is directly releted to synchronous speed for its respective poles . When frequency change the output of motor torque speed also change . After all its almost fail 😊😁. Inducton motor,s speed torque is directly releted to the supply frequency . I think you know this think very well . Im not a engineer but also i wanna to suggest you - use the something BLDC motor and its contorl circuit ( invertor ) .😊😊😍
Open you eyes and you will see !! The energy comes from the size/weight of the FLYWHEEL which will only slows a small amount when motor has been disconnected from the mains power supply. (have you ever tried to stop a 15 - 20kg steel wheel from spinning at 1500rpm when the power has been turned off ? it will take minutes to slow down) When the motor is re-powered from the generator lead, it will continue to spin the flywheel at full rate and charge the generator. (assuming the re-powering is done reasonably fast.) The 230volt motor will still freewheel via the FLYWHEEL movement until full power is resumed. Remember the FLYWHEEL SIZE AND WEIGHT ARE THE KEY TO FREE ENERGY !!!!!!!! Open your eyes and you will see.
Generator nawet nie zasili silnika poniewaz właczenie go do generatora powoduje jego duze obciążenie i cały układ zacznie hamować.Ko ło zamachowe musi mieć dodatkowe zasilanie.Te wszystkie filmiki to jedna wielka lipa,!Wolnej energi poprostu nie ma!
Probably confusing power gain with energy generation. Power gain doesn't mean energy gain! Power is. The rate energy is used. Careful measurments will show no net energy is being made here.
Pero se nota q el las revoluciones van descendiendo, por lo tanto a la larga se detendrá. Se ve en voltimetro de salida del generador q va bajando el voltaje??
No funciona, ves que el voltaje empieza a disminuir por la pérdida de rpm, ocasionada por la perdida de energía cinética del volante. Estos sistemas no so autónomos, 5 min y se detienen.
ah if in this case the motor eats a quarter of the generator power you need to let a 10% reserve even less because the motor as long as it gets electricity it will maintain the rpm bigger generators are much more worth it a 500kva alternator will require a 30kw 500 rpm motor to power it done myself you can even ad a gear to the system like 1 to 10 ratio
Why you have secondary motor is turning while I can understand concept magnet is not enough to produce 8kw force or you need other motor to get all time spin
Newton kuvvetinden yararlanarak bir tork elde ediliyor..... Burada bir enerji açığı çıksada ben buna free enerji diyemem. Bence bu tür çalışmalar kısa vadeli enerji kullanımı için geçerli..... Biz bu tür çalışmaların alt yapısını oluşturan..... Köylerde ekin zamanı traktör ve patos sistemine benzetiyorum
Ben yaptım kullanıyorum kısa vadeli diye birşey yok beş aydır 24 saat hiç durmadan çalışıyor beş aylık periyotta bakım ve temizlik yapıyorum kayışlar değişiyor rulmanlar değişiyor jeneratör kömürleri değişiyor sonra ver startı bi beş ay daha devam
dont use ac electric motor wasting, use dc genarator instead with battery only to start, dont let genarotor close system, open system with flywheel to overunity
230V to a 230V gen your using the gen to run the motor . nothing to run electric lights or a fridge off the gen its feeding the motor . if the motor was 110 with a 220 gen you have one 110 leg to run a light or something small a drill maybe . 1500$ set up to do nothing .
ah simple you wim use a 12v dc motor that you start with a batery then you conect a convertor to the alternator but it has to be a bigger alternator a 8kw is not worth it a 500 kva will be better
Вероятно долгое время людям внушали о невозможности создания перпетум мобиле и поэтому в отзывах бывает столько отрицаницательных комментов. Но сейчас иное дело, создаются такие агрегаты и средства действия которых не вписываются в общие законы физики, но тем не менее работают. Браво новаторам.
everyting works a 500 kva alternator nedds ca 500 rpm and with a diesel gear from a car bmw for example you can do such without that big steal thing
Estoy de acuerdo con tu comentario
Sólo hace falta un buen diseño
Прошёл год и я читаю свой коммент.. сейчас осень 22го года, а точнее 7 ноября.
Believe nothing else does not work, you only need to experiment with biefer coils and frequency changes as soon as you can during a short circuit to roll the shaft so you immediately get a free energy generator. The more we move in the right direction, the faster we will get what we are all looking for. All seekers of free energy, happiness
Alex Smirnov, please describe how to change the frequency when u load the generator? Yes there is a bog down when load is applied.Thanks
@@jimmym2719 For free energy 😆 its very bad idea to use induction motor . Free energy really exist or not i don't know. But one thing is that i can say - when you put something load to alternator ( ac generator) its speed is suddenly change 😊and when speed of an alternator change it directly effects on frequency becausz frequency is directly releted to synchronous speed for its respective poles . When frequency change the output of motor torque speed also change . After all its almost fail 😊😁. Inducton motor,s speed torque is directly releted to the supply frequency . I think you know this think very well .
Im not a engineer but also i wanna to suggest you - use the something BLDC motor and its contorl circuit ( invertor ) .😊😊😍
@@yumanbantawaa4248 ya.the load bogged down the whole system. It’s true frequency is the key, also everything that exist. BLDC is also the same thing right ?
@@jimmym2719 for the BLDC it has own control circuit and inverter which create its own frequency for RMF . BLDc invertor circuit need DC supply which is frequency less .
Значит вы верите в создании перпетум мобиле..
To those of you who doesn't understand don't comment garbage the motor is powered by the same generator which spins the flywheel in a selfsustaining circle so yes its is efficient and no power lost
Do not lose heart - do it right! To fix the problem, try changing the pulleys so that the flywheel rotates at a speed of more than 2000 rpm, but it is better to go to 3000-4500. Then everything will work out.
thank you for sharing this testing video with us!
initial voltage with external electricity input shows near about 250 volts, as soon as generator output is looped with electric motor, voltage starts to drop and goes below 180 volts.
this shows that,
It exists. You need tech to do it and of course money.
To flywheel add car alternator battery ups and supply voltage to source motor
I am not saying this device works but there are a lot of these same types of devices which do. free energy is just a term used to say once you build the machine and spend the money you can have a generator which will produce energy for free after your initial investment. and small maintenance costs. looking at it this way free energy does exist. It's like buying a car and putting fuel in it and then driving it. you own the car which is capable of transporting you but you don't really think of the cost of the car as part of what it is costing you to travel around, it's the fuel mainly that you have to keep paying for each time you travel. the generator is your investment, a tool you use that saves you from having to buy electricity. so in a sense we like to say we are getting our electricity for free, because we made a device that will do that. and don't forget the sun, the rivers, the wind, they are all sources of energy we can harvest and they are free. when you hang your clothes on a line out side in the wind and sun how much did it cost you to dry those clothes? your statement that free energy does not exist is incorrect but you can believe that if you want to. you would just be wrong.
Free Energies are all quantum, that exist naturally like the Sun, magnetism and gravity. If we work together towards these by harnessing n converting it into those we could use for humanity.
Flywheels is a storage/stabilizing mechanism only, when the charging force is removed it slowly discharges, have to find a sweet spot where there is a surplus in the whole system / involve another natural forces to move it when we use it to put back into storage. It’s all about balance like balancing your account so life goes on😜.
I have been doing this on a bigger scale 200kw 415v 1.5 ton flywheel for about 6 months already have learned a lot. There’s synchronicity in all the things we do if we put our heart into it So someone appeared to finance the project. Bro, u are awesome please keep up the good work relax take a break let intuition kicks in, maybe u will find the sweet spot o the 3rd force to keep the momentum of the flywheel going. 💕
@@jimmym2719 study mechanical pulsed power transmission technology , it may help to harness gravitational energy during the power transmission process.
If you really want to make a free energy generator then experiment with changes in the winding of the generator. Try a magnetic rotor based on bifilar coils. It really works. I’m moving in exactly this direction since I tried everything else.
You must visit me.
I wish I could do this! I would be happy to test for you!
Restenergie im Schwungrad, welches als mechanischer Speicher der Energie die du vorher eingespeist hast funktioniert.
Very very nice for future world very good 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Great insight into the build just subscribed and it’s a nice compact turbine I also have built a homemade 650 watts wind turbine, a treadmill motor turbine and a little but powerful ametek 30v turbine and built 2 diy solar panels, be careful in high winds one of my first turbines blew up 😕and now have only 2 wonderful turbines working daily 😊it’s very satisfying watching those things working, keep up the good work buddy 👍
I wish I could do that
Change the ac motor to dc motor and add multiple super capacitor to maintain the rpm and use ac to dc voltage converter.
Dobrze daje tak trzymać Pakistan!!!!!
Your flywheel should be bigger and heavier to have more kinetic energy be sure your bearings are properly centered to lessen friction
And your machine will only stop when a part or parts wears out .. good luck and congratz maybe the greedy grids operators will think twice now before rising their electricity cost .
lol works without flywheel why ading extra mass to consume energy use a gear use a low rpm synconus alternator a 500kva at least or it is not worth it a 500kva with a diesel gear from a bmw require a 30 kw 220v dc motor to power the alternator always use dc mottors cause they are more poverfull at the same consumtion
@@adriancoanda9227 good day sir . so u don't need a pulley
@@adriancoanda9227 what is the best rpm to use
@@archiparrana1662 not really if the alternator is low rpm
@@archiparrana1662 it depends on what alternator you want there are alternators that work on 125 rpm
Only thing missing is a capacitor bank to make it more efficient.please try it in tandem with power output.for a more steady and even flow of your over unity.storage as is the flywheel .about 8 large 500k microferinin parallel with each phase.will see much power gain .good luck
this is exactly what i ve tried a year ago , only i ve complicated myself for nothing , i was using a 12v makita drill to spin a car alternator and the power that was coming from the alternator was given to a 12 v invertor to make 220v and i was having the drill recharger conected to recharge the drill , it worked until it broke and after just 20 mins :)) but now with the carantine i want to try again
did you use flywheel in your set up?
there is a lot of free energy videos out there, but I'm still skeptical!
do you have any suggestions?
Sir to make it more reliable try to use transformer step up then connect to alternator...seem transformer step up only use 12v to operate...for recharging try to use capacitor bank instead it way more reliable then batteries...coz capacitor we can use all day long
2 years have passed since this revolutionary, free energy invention, why I still see the conventional power plants around the world?
By now, all power generating plants should be gone and everyone should have this free energy at home and manufacturing plants.
Hello people in India, do you have already closed all power plants in India and you use absolutly free energy from the air?
Because someone have to make money for selling energy - That why Tesla will not sell cars with solar panels
That's another make you believe it works but it doesn't!
You can make it more efficient if you have the right size cogs.
Motor always has the biggest cog and generator the smallest.
Regarde la différence entre un moteur ( synchrone et un moteur asynchrones ) la tu comprendra ou est ton erreur et tu te depechera de changé ton moteur par le bon, et ça fonctionnera beaucoup mieux!!! 👍🏻
А какой нужно поставить чтобы работал правильно?
use a DC motor with a speed controller. dc motor will engage without the frequency problem. that why the belt begin to get jumping, and when the motor get the speed the current will be near 2 amps, you can only take out the half watts that the motor used no more than that.
Sir I think you are right in using dc motor and also 12 - 24 volt supercapacitors dc supply with diode to prevent harmonic current just like maybe used by ABB, Siemen and Urenco in their flywheel generators.
I built a device once that had several disks all larger than the next. I think I had 10 in all. The smallest 4 inches and the largest 4 feet in diameter. Each disk had aluminum plates on the outer edge side facing the next larger disk. Each disk had magnets on the side facing the smaller disk place in the diameter of the next smaller disk. All except 2 of the disks were on a shaft with bearings that would turn independently of each other except for the largest disk was attached to the shaft. The very smallest disk was attached to a 9 volt motor about the diameter of a quarter. I would turn on the motor and it would spin. This would start the bigger second disk spinning and the second d would start the bigger third and so on. I was able to spin the 4 foot disk at about 135 rpm in the end. You could slow the largest disk with a load and have very little affect on the smaller disks. I have torn it apart and the rennets are still in my basement. I would love to see this built to low tolerance specs. Maybe even use copper plates or coils instead of aluminum plates.
Mine was cut out on a table saw from 3/4 project board and some parts made on my cnc router to hold bearings and such.
Dean Elliott sounds interesting...
И ...ваши эксперименты были свёрнуты....конечно из-за политики пентагона,,Бен Ладена и ещё невесть каких " хренов".
Input ... Watt output .... Watt... Input
All you did was spin up the flywheel and stored some rotational kinetic energy which is then slowly being lost to friction and losses in the generator/motor electrical system.
They do work, but instead of showing us a video of it while playing music, try giving us information. Tell us how it works, the internet is where we learn and share information, if you don’t speak, use words to teach us then we don’t learn.
Projeye 1: transmisyon sanjuman sistemle destekle 2n ci yol dişli çarkla yağ basıncını turbune ver yeterli
It's just the inertia of the flywheel that keeps the motors running until they stop...
Alexandru Claudiu, will it stop even if the motor is running?
Te-ai lămurit cu Free Energy?
@@kindatheist4216 lol mo not all the motor produces same rpm as long as it has power
@@nicolaeagrofarm9414 ah cu un alternator de joasa turatie era mai eficient unu de 5000kva are nevoie de 500 rpm si de 30 kw doar lol
Sanırım ivme yoğunluğu burada baraj sınırına ulaşmadığı sürece, dönüşü sürdürülebilir kılmanın yolu gibi görünüyor, ama baraj sınırı geçilirse çekilen enerji olarak, o zaman sürtünme ivme yoğunluğunu etkileyecek ve dönme duracaktır. Ama sınırı geçmediği sürece bu sistemden enerji çekmek mümkündür. Peki bu sistemi neden kullanmıyorlar..?
lol there is no profit to it lol what a question pay well a alternator factory and they can make you a 5000kva alternato that can be started wby a 100 rpm rotation source lol with a 8 kw alternator is not worth it he could add a 500kw from same motor or better use an dc motor cause those are stronger at the same powerdrawa s ac motors
Good evening
Please send the sizes of all the used rollers 1- Motor Roller
2- Dynamo Ball
3- Flywheel pulleys
Thank you very much
In my opinion, if you used a permanent magnet generator and a less energy-efficient dynamo, you would succeed, right or not
He succeeded by switching to solar, look at his current videos. These things never work.
@@KevinSmith-os5yz If he used a permanent low-speed magnetic generator, would the project be successful ???
@@sn_tesla9045 unfortunately no, the flywheel is doing nothing but storing a small amount of energy from the motor turning it. This is basically the same free energy device you see with the car alternators hooked directly to another motor. They say they put magnets in to increase the output also. This just has the added flywheel. None of them can ever work. I like the people like this guy for showing they don't work, though.
@@sn_tesla9045 think of it this way, if these could work then it would be the same as using a battery to charge itself. Which of course doesn't work.
Very goid alternative fot the future yes yes thank
बहुत अच्छा लगा
ahora dale un uso a la energia producida, para ver si se mantiene girando al motor...
Change ton moteur électrique et met un moteur électrique synchrone !!! Ça marchera le moteur électrique synchrone ignore la charge ignore l effort et tourne quand même a la même vitesse du champs magnétiques.
Hmm, vă roade curiozitatea !!! Nu ziceați voi că nu credeți în free energy cu circuit închis ??? V-ati cam grăbit când ați făcut afirmația??? Mai aveți multe de învățat până acolo.....
yeah it will stop, you can see the flywheel is slowdown
Free energy machine never stops. Only on day of judgement is will come to stop.
@@engineerkohat That would have been around 5 minutes after this video ended at most.
@@engineerkohat never stops because it doesnt exist
Valliant effort, but falls short of free energy. Sad to see people pushing videos that are garbage.
Well, When you cut the grid power, your motor be come a generator and when you conect the power from real generator you create a short circuit and that's why the strap starts to vibrate ;-)
Seems like fizic doesn’t work same in all part of earth 😂😂😂 it’s miracle 😂😂☺️
When the flywheel energy go down, the electric generator will stop. Without friction, the system will go forever.
No it won't ! The flywheel slows down mostly because the generator is braking it. It takes torque to generate the power. Electricity is not free.
What cost please give information
@@rammohanty6373what do you think? Can you beat the physics law?
You have a great understanding.
This design is useless without ac source to fire the generator.
modify the generator. put magnet on the rotor instead of winding. the winding serve as additional load to the generator that will lessen the power output. magnet serves as external energy that will inputted in the system to make it overunity..
Am făcut eu cu magneți și nu merge, pentru că eu cred că magneții au putere constantă, și atunci când apare sarcina pe statorul generatorului, magneții nu au de unde aduce surplus de energie, ca să compenseze consumul. Așa, cu bobine pe rotor, pe măsură ce apare consum în stator, câmpul electromagnetic indus în rotor va face să crească curentul pe bobinele rotorului, care la rândul lor vor induce un câmp mai puternic în stator, ce face să crească producția, menținând puterea debitată, pe măsură ce apare un consum mai mare. Așa văd eu lucrurile, ca în momentul conectării motorului pentru automenținere, generatorul va produce mai mult, depășind frânarea ce i-o produce motorul. Magneții produc ceva, dar numai atât ! Când apare consum pe stator, tensiunea va scădea, pentru că magneții nu sunt variabili ca putere, numai dacă se mărește turația odată cu conectarea altor consumatori, dar asta va duce la ieșirea din frecvență, apoi cine s-o mărească, că va scădea odată cu creșterea sarcinii. Deci, e mai bine cu magneți, sau cu bobine ?
I can not understand.. please translate it in English.. thanks
@@cianguevarra9764 I made magnets and it doesn't work, because I believe that magnets have a constant power, and when the load appears on the generator stator, the magnets have nowhere to bring the excess energy to compensate for the consumption. Thus, with coils on the rotor, as consumption occurs in the stator, the electromagnetic field induced in the rotor will increase the current on the rotor coils, which in turn will induce a stronger field in the stator, which increases production, maintaining power. charged as higher consumption occurs. This is how I see it, that when the engine is connected for self-maintenance, the generator will produce more, overcoming the braking that the engine produces. Magnets produce something, but only that! When consumption occurs on the stator, the voltage will decrease, because the magnets are not variable in power, only if the speed increases with the connection of other consumers, but this will lead to out of frequency, then who will increase it, that it will decrease with increasing pregnancy. So, is it better with magnets or coils?
@@nelute5 good discovery 👍. I have similar issues cos I am using a 500rpm 3Phase 415v 50K & 200Kw PMG. When loaded it really strained & bogged down the Flywheel 1.5Ton and slows it down very fast within minutes. Maybe we need a variable magnetic field or some sort of freq control on the output. Remember mine is 3Phase so to couple back to run itself would need 3 phase synchronization 😓. If u have any other ideas 💡 or discoveries please share.
@@jimmym2719 mă bucur că poți traduce din L.Română ! Părerea mea , și am s-o demonstrez cât de curând, pentru că am și eu în construcție unul , la care-mi mai trebuie generatorul, și am să pun unul cu magneți permanenți, deci părerea mea nu e tocmai bună despre acest montaj. Pentru a antrena acea volantă, e necesară multă energie, la care se adună antrenarea generatorului. Ce motor ar trebui să ai, pentru a mai dezvolta și ceva în plus ? Hai să luăm exemplul autoturismului, care face același lucru: în mașină patru nebuni, se rulează cu viteză pe o șosea în plan drept, echivalentul motorului electric ce antrenează volanta și generatorul. Când șoseaua se înclină (apare consum pe generator) mașina nu va putea urca panta dacă nu venim cu plus de energie (deci se conectează un consumator pe generator). Deci, orice consumator apărut pe generator, acesta va frâna continuu volanta și motorul. Numai dacă motorul poate , va menține viteza , dar până se va conecta alt consumator, care va continua să reducă din turație. Reducerea turației înseamnă scăderea producției care e continuu scăzătoare pe măsură ce motorul cedează. Dacă motorul e destul de mare la cuplu, sau prin raport de transmisie s-a depășit procentul de frânare al generatorului, adică în jurul valorii de 1/10 dar asta și în funcție de motor, atunci am putea vorbi de o oarecare posibilitate în funcționare, sau poate, rotorul cu bobine la generator. Am să revin cu explicații, sper încurajatoare, pe canalul meu.
Ok felicitari
If you put a long cable on it from your house to space in orbit then maybe just maybe it will keep rotation but friction will stop it sooner or later on along with the effects of gravity.
2.2Kw Motor Driving an 8Kw Generator, 2.2Kw in 2Kw out if your lucky, Don't expect more Out, if you want more out use a Larger Motor, like 8Kw +.
"✓ Науч. Студия ✓ Sergey Kachan": ruclips.net/p/PLlEX99xZE8qOvEV7vDZf_oAkyCOrS1p-z
that might run by itself,only by itself,but when you applied some load,example another wire output from generator to provide some lights to your house it will stop for sure..
Boy Akyat I think it really depends on how much power it’s generating
The most realistic I've ever seen its not free energy but its super saver energy a big generator motor run by a small ac motor wow..... Hook the small motor in windmill or solar then there you go free energy
Маховичный стабилизатор напряжения для районов с нестабильным напряжением
Is that really a Permanent Magnet Generator, as from the outside shell it's more like a brushed ST-8KW Generator. Can you show us what you've done to the rotor of it if so?
Yes. It is truth because 2500rpm motor can easily give 1500rpm at alternated. Side
For free energy 😆 its very bad idea to use induction motor . Free energy really exist or not i don't know. But one thing is that i can say - when you put something load to alternator ( ac generator) its speed is suddenly change 😊and when speed of an alternator change it directly effects on frequency becausz frequency is directly releted to synchronous speed for its respective poles . When frequency change the output of motor torque speed also change . After all its almost fail 😊😁. Inducton motor,s speed torque is directly releted to the supply frequency . I think you know this think very well .
Im not a engineer but also i wanna to suggest you - use the something BLDC motor and its contorl circuit ( invertor ) .😊😊😍
Very good idea
Open you eyes and you will see !!
The energy comes from the size/weight of the FLYWHEEL which will only slows a small amount when motor has been disconnected from the mains power supply.
(have you ever tried to stop a 15 - 20kg steel wheel from spinning at 1500rpm when the power has been turned off ? it will take minutes to slow down)
When the motor is re-powered from the generator lead, it will continue to spin the flywheel at full rate and charge the generator. (assuming the re-powering is done reasonably fast.)
The 230volt motor will still freewheel via the FLYWHEEL movement until full power is resumed.
Open your eyes and you will see.
To nie jest darmowa energia. Prąd wytwarzany w generatorze zasila silnik i tylko silnik. Gdy podlączymy do tego cos więcej, silnik zatrzyma się.
Generator nawet nie zasili silnika poniewaz właczenie go do generatora powoduje jego duze obciążenie i cały układ zacznie hamować.Ko ło zamachowe musi mieć dodatkowe zasilanie.Te wszystkie filmiki to jedna wielka lipa,!Wolnej energi poprostu nie ma!
Failed?try to makes auto switch from motor to power line outlet when flywheel go down to stabilize it
Probably confusing power gain with energy generation. Power gain doesn't mean energy gain! Power is. The rate energy is used. Careful measurments will show no net energy is being made here.
Fårå cuvinte respect respect respect Amin
Pero se nota q el las revoluciones van descendiendo, por lo tanto a la larga se detendrá. Se ve en voltimetro de salida del generador q va bajando el voltaje??
Osea se detendra ?? Y la causa..?
waw. cos phi of 1. incredible.
pls calculate the ideal ratio of pully,, so U can get ideal combination
Looks great.....but do you sell these or sell the plans 🤔
Pourquoi les angles des vidéos sur la soit disant énergies libre sont coupées ???? Triple buze !!!
Very nice
I think your altenator very bigger. Better use 5kw. And motor elektric you use 2.2 kw.. so you free 2.8kw
For a 13 kVA system that starter motor would be necessary?
Thank you. From Colombia
No funciona, ves que el voltaje empieza a disminuir por la pérdida de rpm, ocasionada por la perdida de energía cinética del volante.
Estos sistemas no so autónomos, 5 min y se detienen.
ਸਰਦਾਰ ਜੀ ਇਹਦੀ ਕੀਮਤ ਦੱਸੋ9646068130
Y donde se puede comprar?
The voltage keep droping
It's free energy. So such problem don't come.
@@engineerkohat at 0:06 the voltage is 250v then at 2:09 the voltage drop significantly and continue drop.
If we could achieve say even 95% efficiency we would be delighted, let alone free power!
Nice project. How many load (Kw) you can connect without de-accelerate it?
ah if in this case the motor eats a quarter of the generator power you need to let a 10% reserve even less because the motor as long as it gets electricity it will maintain the rpm bigger generators are much more worth it a 500kva alternator will require a 30kw 500 rpm motor to power it done myself you can even ad a gear to the system like 1 to 10 ratio
Salut.Am tot vazut prin india si china ,dar nu stiu cat de eficiente sunt.Care este parea voastra,merita?
Toate cele bune.
I want buy it,love!
यह जनरेटर की जुगाड़ कितने खर्चे में तैयार हो जाती है और कहां मिलेगा
Is this available in the market, what is the price?
ফেল্ট পজেট
สอบถามหน่อย Motor กินกระ 15A 2.2kW Generator ผลิตไฟได้กี่วัตต์ครับหลังจากเอาไปใช้ขับมอเตอร์แล้วจะเหลือพลังงานที่จะเอาไปใช่กี่แอมป์ครับ?
the voltage is dropping down until the supply of the geneator to induction motor will be lessen
hho energy
fake video
@@suryakumaravvaru2737 Thank you! Finally someone who can see through bullshit 👍.
Does this also heal all illnesses?
Why you have secondary motor is turning while I can understand concept magnet is not enough to produce 8kw force or you need other motor to get all time spin
How many hours you can operate this machine? I think its only less than 1 hour..electric motor will burn out..
Newton kuvvetinden yararlanarak bir tork elde ediliyor.....
Burada bir enerji açığı çıksada ben buna free enerji diyemem.
Bence bu tür çalışmalar kısa vadeli enerji kullanımı için geçerli.....
Biz bu tür çalışmaların alt yapısını oluşturan.....
Köylerde ekin zamanı traktör ve patos sistemine benzetiyorum
Ben yaptım kullanıyorum kısa vadeli diye birşey yok beş aydır 24 saat hiç durmadan çalışıyor beş aylık periyotta bakım ve temizlik yapıyorum kayışlar değişiyor rulmanlar değişiyor jeneratör kömürleri değişiyor sonra ver startı bi beş ay daha devam
Machine parfaite.... manque juste un tendeurs de courroies
Can you details the weights of the flywheels and the size of the pulley?
If this things work...it could have been in the market hundreds of years ago...study thermodynamics my friend
Cual es la funcion de la rueda grande, la central? What is the function of the big wheel, the central one?
Volante de Inercia
how do you solve the voltage drop?
Spoji potrošač od 8 kw i generator će da stane ,tako da od tog nema ništa
o br se acha isso funciona msm de verdade kkk nao tem nada explicando isso
Perpetual motion generator; friction losses will not make it work. The power is transient!
Is the Gen. Powering up the electric motor after you get the system started and will it maintain the output consistently?
No, lost kinetic energy in flywheel and stop sistem.
વાહનની એવરેજ વધારવા ફ્લાય વિલ નો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાય છે....
بسیار عالی.
لنکر دارای چقدر وزم است؟
Khalid Hashimi 40 کیلو
how many hours will it take?
dont use ac electric motor wasting, use dc genarator instead with battery only to start, dont let genarotor
close system, open system with flywheel to overunity
Bonito proyecto
Diameter of Flywheel and kg ?, can i use same size for a 12kw Generator ?
230V to a 230V gen your using the gen to run the motor . nothing to run electric lights or a fridge off the gen its feeding the motor . if the motor was 110 with a 220 gen you have one 110 leg to run a light or something small a drill maybe . 1500$ set up to do nothing .
Y que pasa si no tienes energia de 220 para que funcione el motor, y como se que funciona el generador
ah simple you wim use a 12v dc motor that you start with a batery then you conect a convertor to the alternator but it has to be a bigger alternator a 8kw is not worth it a 500 kva will be better
this thing will stop after some time
Rene Kreher why ?
Yeah....in like 200 years without maintenance, lmao. That's the only time it will stop.
tray to use capacitor
Is it really working ? Because whenever you disconnected external and connected on alternator the RPM and voltage goes down
... а почему . никто , не сообщает , массу маховика ?