gak lidok aaa sesuai ekspetasiku.. Freedom iki istimewa loh nek di konten.. ilmu mahal iki.. skill e profesional pol.. akhir nya tampil juga di youtube.. ayo mas pri & team nya. lanjutkan trus karya nya.. semoga tidak bosan² berbagi ilmu pengalaman & wawasan.. ga onok entek e nek bahan konten e.. joss freedom!
all engines have small differences especially with carbon deposits but for this one think they can measure each chamber and trim them to be the same. For example you plug the valve holes with playdough and poor water then measure the volume.
Kalau lihat bentuk silinder headnya kayaknya ini mesinnya kijang kapsul tahun 1998 seri 7K, kerana dulu pernah ngebubut silinder head kijang kapsul, mantab👍👍🏻
How to make money with restorations: 1 - Get a dead part 2 - Drill many holes in the 3rd cylinder to make it look worse than it is 3 - Poorly melt a lot of aluminum in it 4 - Make some measures to look professional 5 - Rectify the base to make it flat and make some non precise grinding on channels and valve chambers 6 - Show the finished product to camera 7 - Scrap the part for some money and hope RUclips gives a lot of money! :)
The "holes" in the 3rd cylinder does not look like drilled holes, they look more like dents made by a relatively sharp peen hammer or a very blunt center punch.
@@mzuidema100 I guess it could still work if they fit some thicker head gaskets to keep the compression ratio within specs. Maybe it's actually within specs already, they could have made the top a few millimeters thicker already and thus give more space in the ignition chambers.
Dengan adanya las diral fredom maka kita bisa meminit biaya yang sangat tinggi, inilah kreatif anak bangsa yg patut dicontoh juga dikasih acungan jempol 💪💪💪
Nice repair job, especially for using minimal resources and equipment. I like doing repairs of things other folks have written off, resurrecting the dead, so to speak. Growing up on a farm, I was taught to use resources wisely, so we would fix things rather than throw them away and buy new. It is sad to see so many people leaving negative comments.
Yes, you should totally reapir heads like this guy, considering the tolerances and stress that this component has to endure this is 100% the right method to do this - just melt some worse grade metal on. Negative comments are from wise people that understand for this thing to last, its probably just better to recast the whole head or use other ways which would be not worth money wise. If you'd understand things from mechanical engineering and metalurgy standpoint this is not the way things work. If they welded the material on - maybe it would last, but it would require a good welder and a good operator that has experience in welding, understands how to get the least amount of pores and what kind of filler material to use.
Also, the internal stresses are completely different on new added metal which when heated up will lead to distortion and inequal expansion. The way they also drilled the holes is just nice. Fuck the engineers, a hand drill is the most precise tool. Im not saying this thing they created wont work, it just wont survive one heat cycle. Thats why machine shops charge so much for work - the repairs they make are as close or precisely on spec. Ill give props to these guys for making a nice paperweight that looks like a resurfaced head.
We live in a consume and throw away culture, which is pretty sad. We have been taught that trying to repair stuff instead of buying it new makes you a stingy and miserly person… Don’t get me wrong, I’m in favor of a properly done repair, I hate hack jobs.
In some countries you cannot find spare parts or people cannot afford to buy parts. In that case what is shown here is a very good work to be able to use a car, even few years more. So, people who live in countries with lot of dollars and plenty new parts in market should think before to write silly comments.
In every place in the world there is this thing called a ‘Scrap Yard’. There you may find many mysterious trinkets and used items identical to the part that is needed. They can be purchased at a lower cost than the hours spent in making unrealistic repairs to destroyed items that should have been melted down to make nice new parts.
@@kriswelsh3844 yes iknow, because being a european guy i live in southeast asia and i know how people work here. They don't have a million dollars work shop like in your country and they don't have plenty of money like you have in your country. They do with only what they have and i respect them for their ingenuity because they always find solutions with few resources.
better move live good country if want build but own country not have parts. ewerythink can do if have smart. why stay shit country, not understand, i has move better country and test many country were have best live, 26 country live and working.
В этом видео все прекрасно. Особенно всякого рода кратеры, все же оставшиеся на поверхности блока. Особый шик и шарм придает то, что это ручная работа, а значит размеры на глаз, что очень хорошо должно сказаться на компрессии в цилиндрах.
Здорово, отличный ремонт. Но можно время сократить, вместо изготавления бумажной кальки с отверстиями взять прокладку гбц и по ней сделать все технологические отверстия
I have fixed worn away edges around cooling jackets using jb-weld. I used a razor and swiped it on the surface and into the spot and sanded the edge worked great on my 96 Tacoma pitted block..
Nice try, but simply straightening this junk, sand blasting and skimming the deck would have provided better results. It would still be junk, but better junk. Cylinder 3 looks like it’s been having a great party.
I used to use a Head Master machine, with a spacer in it to allow a block to be bolted in, then it was called a Block Master. It wasn’t much more high tech than this method! Lol I forget who actually made the Block Master, but it was old..
@@thomasaltruda Everything in this industry is old - they build the machines so good that it put those companies out of the machining making business. When I shut my shop down in some distant future, all my stuff will end up on some RUclips video in Pakistan.
I miss using cv 6161&ck 10 as well as a few other things likde super flo flow bench, balancer & more. oh well getten old kinda sucks, but Ive still got a few machines at home to play with when I feel like it.
I don't understand Does the machine work with that kind of hand processing? A way I never thought of. The work method is so amazing, but I can't believe it. Anyway, it was an amazing video
I remember watching a TV show of how they kept cars and trucks going in Cuba. It was amazing how they used parts from any manufacture and married them into one car or truck.Was showing how they traded skills so in the end cost very little in trade
I did, for my Chevy Blazer 1999, it works for 4 years and need to replace the packing head. The condition still good, it common thing we did here in Indonesia
I would say it was put back on, it did work, and is probably still working. I wouldn’t drive it cross country, but nothing wrong with using it as a daily driver…
I know, west people didn't believe this happening most of 3rd world country's and they are works always. If west people try to do this they ended up paying half brand new car price for this job. It's 3rd world cheep labor power.
Using that much Heat on an Aluminium Cylinder Head without first Clamping it down would've Warped it, you haven't even taken any Measurements so how do you know how much Metal too take off after Welding, that head is only fit for the Bin.
Need is the mother of invention .....if there was a spear part available you wouldn't bother doing repaire but whene it's not possible you become creative . Great effort
Hace muchos años y cuando digo muchos es que son más de 45 ,conocí a un soldador en mi país que hacía el mismo trabajo , realmente era un experto en soldadura de tapas de aluminio en esa época no habían muchos motores con culatas de aluminio y hacia unos trabajos increíbles ,como los que hacen ustedes, no es fácil de lograr , felicitaciones y todo mi respeto
20 minutos y con el tig en vez de autogena y solucionado..... no es esta una soldadura especialmente dificil... Ese soldador que conocias ¿de donde era??
@@josecompan4235 era de Mendoza, Argentina y su apellido era Giménez cálculo que ya a fallecido porque ya era un hombre de mediana edad y yo un joven inverbe al que le gustaba la mecánica y las motos , realmente era un gran soldador y lo mejor que tenía era que llegabas a su taller y en el acto te hacía el trabajo no te decía volvé la semana que bien ,como pasa ahora
realmente um bom serviço de solda...porem o que se gastou em gas e varetas de solda se compra um cabeçote novo....sem contar que para carros mais "potentes" , inspecionar empenamento com regua é insuficiente.
hola felipe soy de brasil por favor este señor que comento sabes si soldó una culata de motor volkswagen boxer air sabes esas rajaduras en los asientos de valvulas si me puedes ilustrar gracias
Я так понимаю это делалось только для видео? Работать оно точно нормально не будет. И зачем было париться с картонкой, а прокладки родной не было что ли???????
سلام عايكم و رحمة الله ، هاده هي الطريقة الصحيحة حفاظ علي مقاسات غرفة الإحتراق، لأن عملية ضخ الوقود مدروسة بي دقة، حسب مساحة cc الغرفة الإحتراق، ،أما إذا نقصنا من هاذه المساحة دون تعمير، فهادا يتسبب في إنفجارات قوية و سخنة زائدة علي جسم المحرك، شكرا صاحب المقطع، تحيتنا من الجزائر
When they smoothed out the valve pocket you could see all the imperfections in the aluminum, but it will work fine for awhile if more than water is used. What aluminum rods do they use with oxy/acet? It's usually done with a TIG welder to keep the welds clean... Gotta admit, these people can get things done.
Хуй в рот, как говорится в старом анекдоте. Стоимость сварки такая, что перекупу проще установить ГБЦ как есть. Или заклеить раковины поксиполом, зачистить наждачкой а потом установить.
@@MrThomashorst then it's incorrect gasket.. or after market they can't just have random holes or oil or water gets to touch the head in parts not meant to be cooled and makes it warp or even turn porous (soffens the metal)
Great repair work on the head! How did you figure out the aluminum content of the head to be equal to the aluminum material you were adding to the head by welding?
This is a video from the future. Post-apocalypse. There are no more factories. All knowledge about technologies and documentation have been lost. There are only a few left who have experience and mastery of skills. Mad Max was a prediction movie...
The people that are making negative comments have never really repaired anything. I call them remove and replace artists. That is a repair that will work far longer than a ford 3.5 ecoboost engine.
The work is great, but I have a phobia of holes, and the bad thing is that there is a hole that contains small holes, and it was convenient to fix it😢😂
Was this a one-of-a-kind cylinder head?! I never saw them measure the overall height of the cylinder head before and after the weld build up🤷 The compression ratio might be a little lower after stacking up all that braze lol😄 I guess you make do with what you’ve got in some areas of the world 🙂
If your cylinder head is taller (assuming it's an OHC engine) the valve timing won't match up anymore either. All in all, while this engine will probably run I don't think it's gonna run very well.
LoL, all that buildup has lowered the compression sooo low, the engine might actually survive a few days. However, with such a low compression it’s probably gonna make half the power it should! It’s a paper wight, any way you look at it.
@@99domini99 Valve timing won't line up?? Really?? What you meant to say was, the timing chain tensioner will be slightly further compressed than it was before. Right?
can we really build up the surface of the cylinder head using aluminum rod?? if it does then i may do this method instead of buying new cylinder head..
Хм.....халтура для ютуба ) По технологическому процессу , есть понимание что, это алюминиевый припой ...из развидности -кастолин 192 с температурой плавления 440 гр....) Интересно, через какое время камера сгорания стечёт в цилиндры? К тому же температурное расширение у этого "композита" будет разное ...Выводы делайте сами )
Всегда было интересно смотреть на подобного рода ремонт, никто не учитывает линейное расширение металла в процессе сварки, после остывания появится внутреннее напряжение, а как следствие возможно появление трещин в гбц
Как скажет Док - тут в очередной раз наебалово. Я не эксперт, но работать это не будет. Тут и степень сжатия изменена и отверстия не в плоскости (правда хз должны ли они быть). Короче. Если бы он это дело поставил на блок, собрал движок и затестил бы его - можно было бы сказать, что всё норм (с большой натяжкой). А так - нас наебали - расходимся.
@@МаксимАтерлей-п6у Ну, там снизу подогрев был, в виде газовой конфорки. Ну и слишком требовательно подходите к, в общем-то, примитивному устройству типа ГБЦ. Не, есть в современных движках заоблачно сложные ГБЦ, но эта не тот случай. Вполне себе нормально сделано. Ну и, надо думать, что может её уже пару раз шлифовали, так что, вполне возможно, что это её нормальный профиль.
As far as I know, the process of deposition of an additional aluminum alloy (there is a complex composition of an aluminum alloy with the addition of silicon) must be carried out in a chamber with an inert gas (for example, argon). Otherwise, an oxide film on the surface of molten aluminum cannot be avoided - and this, in turn, prevents a reliable connection. The thickness of the new layer is approximately 5 mm - this will reduce the compression ratio in the cylinder, which means it will lead to a loss of power. The engine is deforсed in this way, but the engine resource - its service life - increases significantly. Many intend to deforce their engines to increase the resource.
What CR did you end up with? It looks like you added several mm worth of filler. Did the valves seal after you polish the combustion chamber along with the valve seats?
Usually i use Tig welding and if is so big and thick, Mig welding machine.. what the heck is this method 😮: I’m a fully naval patented welder from 96” 😅 I need see this! Is that magnesium or something?
gak lidok aaa sesuai ekspetasiku.. Freedom iki istimewa loh nek di konten.. ilmu mahal iki.. skill e profesional pol.. akhir nya tampil juga di youtube.. ayo mas pri & team nya. lanjutkan trus karya nya.. semoga tidak bosan² berbagi ilmu pengalaman & wawasan.. ga onok entek e nek bahan konten e.. joss freedom!
This might be the first engine with variable compression for each cylinder!
🤣🤣 valid point, I couldn't ever imagine running it. an aluminum brazed surface doesn't sound ideal.
hahahahaha :)))
LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣
all engines have small differences especially with carbon deposits but for this one think they can measure each chamber and trim them to be the same. For example you plug the valve holes with playdough and poor water then measure the volume.
Wah sangat bermanfaat
Hasilnya bagus rapih
Dyunggu video selanjutnya
Kalau lihat bentuk silinder headnya kayaknya ini mesinnya kijang kapsul tahun 1998 seri 7K, kerana dulu pernah ngebubut silinder head kijang kapsul, mantab👍👍🏻
How to make money with restorations:
1 - Get a dead part
2 - Drill many holes in the 3rd cylinder to make it look worse than it is
3 - Poorly melt a lot of aluminum in it
4 - Make some measures to look professional
5 - Rectify the base to make it flat and make some non precise grinding on channels and valve chambers
6 - Show the finished product to camera
7 - Scrap the part for some money and hope RUclips gives a lot of money! :)
stop saying shit you are even not capable to do half of what they did
And get your comment liked by the person you just criticized for being a moron.
The "holes" in the 3rd cylinder does not look like drilled holes, they look more like dents made by a relatively sharp peen hammer or a very blunt center punch.
Did he just weld the ignition chambers shut, and just leave some room for the valves. WTF
@@mzuidema100 I guess it could still work if they fit some thicker head gaskets to keep the compression ratio within specs. Maybe it's actually within specs already, they could have made the top a few millimeters thicker already and thus give more space in the ignition chambers.
Bagus sekali hasilnya 👍
Dengan adanya las diral fredom maka kita bisa meminit biaya yang sangat tinggi, inilah kreatif anak bangsa yg patut dicontoh juga dikasih acungan jempol 💪💪💪
Semangat bossq..💪💪
Hasil las nya bagus rapih padet😁
Belajar om..heheh
hasil baguss ya bosss. mantap. lanjut vidio selanjutnya bosss
Terima kasih boss.. jam terbang sampai malam 😃😃
Very nice repair.
Silinder head kijang,paling simple di antara mobil2 4 tak lainya
Iya Mase.. termasuk pelajaran anak SMK PSG.. hehehe.. terima kasih🙏🙏
Saya juga tukang reparasi silider head soalnya.salam...🙏😁
Nice repair job, especially for using minimal resources and equipment. I like doing repairs of things other folks have written off, resurrecting the dead, so to speak. Growing up on a farm, I was taught to use resources wisely, so we would fix things rather than throw them away and buy new. It is sad to see so many people leaving negative comments.
Minimal equipment?
Yes, you should totally reapir heads like this guy, considering the tolerances and stress that this component has to endure this is 100% the right method to do this - just melt some worse grade metal on. Negative comments are from wise people that understand for this thing to last, its probably just better to recast the whole head or use other ways which would be not worth money wise. If you'd understand things from mechanical engineering and metalurgy standpoint this is not the way things work. If they welded the material on - maybe it would last, but it would require a good welder and a good operator that has experience in welding, understands how to get the least amount of pores and what kind of filler material to use.
Also, the internal stresses are completely different on new added metal which when heated up will lead to distortion and inequal expansion. The way they also drilled the holes is just nice. Fuck the engineers, a hand drill is the most precise tool. Im not saying this thing they created wont work, it just wont survive one heat cycle. Thats why machine shops charge so much for work - the repairs they make are as close or precisely on spec. Ill give props to these guys for making a nice paperweight that looks like a resurfaced head.
We live in a consume and throw away culture, which is pretty sad. We have been taught that trying to repair stuff instead of buying it new makes you a stingy and miserly person… Don’t get me wrong, I’m in favor of a properly done repair, I hate hack jobs.
Lapisan awal dipastikan tidak menempel sempurna . Ketahanan beda dgn mode casting .Lebih baik ganti atau cari copotan
In some countries you cannot find spare parts or people cannot afford to buy parts. In that case what is shown here is a very good work to be able to use a car, even few years more. So, people who live in countries with lot of dollars and plenty new parts in market should think before to write silly comments.
In every place in the world there is this thing called a ‘Scrap Yard’. There you may find many mysterious trinkets and used items identical to the part that is needed. They can be purchased at a lower cost than the hours spent in making unrealistic repairs to destroyed items that should have been melted down to make nice new parts.
@@kriswelsh3844 you think that they didn't try that solution before to do that job?
@@leofabbro456 No I don’t think that they did. But you seem to know all about it so you tell me.
@@kriswelsh3844 yes iknow, because being a european guy i live in southeast asia and i know how people work here. They don't have a million dollars work shop like in your country and they don't have plenty of money like you have in your country. They do with only what they have and i respect them for their ingenuity because they always find solutions with few resources.
better move live good country if want build but own country not have parts. ewerythink can do if have smart. why stay shit country, not understand, i has move better country and test many country were have best live, 26 country live and working.
Las bayar sak elingeee;-) ;-) 😀😀😀😀
В этом видео все прекрасно. Особенно всякого рода кратеры, все же оставшиеся на поверхности блока. Особый шик и шарм придает то, что это ручная работа, а значит размеры на глаз, что очень хорошо должно сказаться на компрессии в цилиндрах.
коллега а как вам тот момент где он ГБЦ прессом правит? по моему это просто щедеврально....
@@АндрейМаряшичев считаю не нам критиковать работу учителя, достигшего в своем познании недосягаемых высот.
@@АндрейМаряшичев распредвал этой головке спасибо скажет!)))
@@NIOIN_001 в этой головке нет распредвала
@@NIOIN_001 распредвал в блоке, например как на Газ 24
Kerjaan yg bagus,luar biasa sobat
Terima kasih 🙏🙏
Dasf thesdat blagtu de anfer.🤣😂
Nice video
Здорово, отличный ремонт. Но можно время сократить, вместо изготавления бумажной кальки с отверстиями взять прокладку гбц и по ней сделать все технологические отверстия
На прокладка гбц обычно не все отверстия дублируются и их форма
@@vitaliyrus4048 а нахрена нужны отверстия, которых нет в прокладке?
Он и прокладку сам сделает)
Так он по прокладке гбц и делал все отверстия. Или ты решил, что он эту картонку просто возьмёт вот и выбросит?))))
А кто сказал что прокладка там вообще была изначально?)
Good work.
Nice idea.. Nice vedeo ...tnks ..
From sri lanka ..
Thanks mister🙏🙏
Excellent work 👍
Sangat rapih dan teliti
Good work
Ajib 😍👍
Lokasix krjx dmn mas
I have fixed worn away edges around cooling jackets using jb-weld. I used a razor and swiped it on the surface and into the spot and sanded the edge worked great on my 96 Tacoma pitted block..
4K Toyota Face weld, very nice job
All by hand! Beautiful...
Nice try, but simply straightening this junk, sand blasting and skimming the deck would have provided better results. It would still be junk, but better junk. Cylinder 3 looks like it’s been having a great party.
Cylinder 3 can have a little ball bearing, as a snack
It was Hammer time in Room 3 Partying hard Bouncing off the walls .
Mjeshter maestro hallall
Sangat rapi dalam perkejaan semoga lancar kedepanya bang
That head machining is how we milled them in the US during the 30's , and I now realize how old my Sunnen CV616 is - Amazing!
I used to use a Head Master machine, with a spacer in it to allow a block to be bolted in, then it was called a Block Master. It wasn’t much more high tech than this method! Lol I forget who actually made the Block Master, but it was old..
@@thomasaltruda Everything in this industry is old - they build the machines so good that it put those companies out of the machining making business. When I shut my shop down in some distant future, all my stuff will end up on some RUclips video in Pakistan.
After eight years they can say the same about machining in the 30's
If it works, don't change it 😄.
I miss using cv 6161&ck 10 as well as a few other things likde super flo flow bench, balancer & more. oh well getten old kinda sucks, but Ive still got a few machines at home to play with when I feel like it.
*An interesting combination of craftsmanship and/or desperation.*
I don't understand
Does the machine work with that kind of hand processing?
A way I never thought of.
The work method is so amazing, but I can't believe it.
Anyway, it was an amazing video
You've turned the engine into a classic, it should have stayed in the museum...
Good 👍
Ok banget bang dilanjut
Terima kasih Mase.. sehat selalu.. semoga bisa terus berbagi🙏🙏
Thanks mister
Perfect!!!!!! Is it possible to weld between the valves?
Awesome work
Um excelente trabalho, sensacional!
Vary nice
good job, how many nozzle numbers did you use there? Also, what kind of stick did you use? Why is it so light to hold?
I remember watching a TV show of how they kept cars and trucks going in Cuba. It was amazing how they used parts from any manufacture and married them into one car or truck.Was showing how they traded skills so in the end cost very little in trade
I think the question is: was the head put back on the motor, did it work and how long it worked?
i think we all know the answer. no, no and zero.
I did, for my Chevy Blazer 1999, it works for 4 years and need to replace the packing head. The condition still good, it common thing we did here in Indonesia
I would say it was put back on, it did work, and is probably still working. I wouldn’t drive it cross country, but nothing wrong with using it as a daily driver…
Looks like a toyota k motor. It will do another 100k kms easy.
I know, west people didn't believe this happening most of 3rd world country's and they are works always. If west people try to do this they ended up paying half brand new car price for this job. It's 3rd world cheep labor power.
Very Good ! - Best wishes from England ! 👍
Nice work.....
Using that much Heat on an Aluminium Cylinder Head without first Clamping it down would've Warped it, you haven't even taken any Measurements so how do you know how much Metal too take off after Welding, that head is only fit for the Bin.
Need is the mother of invention .....if there was a spear part available you wouldn't bother doing repaire but whene it's not possible you become creative . Great effort
Veri good job
Thanks mister
nice work mate
Thanks you sir
belle réalisation et beau travail , félicitation merci pour ce beau moment .
Thanks mister 🙏🙏
Hace muchos años y cuando digo muchos es que son más de 45 ,conocí a un soldador en mi país que hacía el mismo trabajo , realmente era un experto en soldadura de tapas de aluminio en esa época no habían muchos motores con culatas de aluminio y hacia unos trabajos increíbles ,como los que hacen ustedes, no es fácil de lograr , felicitaciones y todo mi respeto
20 minutos y con el tig en vez de autogena y solucionado..... no es esta una soldadura especialmente dificil... Ese soldador que conocias ¿de donde era??
@@josecompan4235 era de Mendoza, Argentina y su apellido era Giménez cálculo que ya a fallecido porque ya era un hombre de mediana edad y yo un joven inverbe al que le gustaba la mecánica y las motos , realmente era un gran soldador y lo mejor que tenía era que llegabas a su taller y en el acto te hacía el trabajo no te decía volvé la semana que bien ,como pasa ahora
Thank mister
realmente um bom serviço de solda...porem o que se gastou em gas e varetas de solda se compra um cabeçote novo....sem contar que para carros mais "potentes" , inspecionar empenamento com regua é insuficiente.
hola felipe soy de brasil por favor este señor que comento sabes si soldó una culata de motor volkswagen boxer air sabes esas rajaduras en los asientos de valvulas si me puedes ilustrar gracias
Mantap horeeee orang pertama yang komen 🤣🤣🤣
Wkwkwwk ada aja lu bng
Ya lu juda masi aja ada😂😂✌
Terima Kasih semangat selalu Mase..
Siap masehhh
"This Head Is RUINED"........"LET'S RUIN IT SOME MORE !".....
Я так понимаю это делалось только для видео? Работать оно точно нормально не будет. И зачем было париться с картонкой, а прокладки родной не было что ли???????
проклаки возможно не было под рукой, а работать будет не хуже новой
This is now very reliable cylinder head it's suitable for experimental aircraft 😆😆
من الجزائر : عمل متن و جيد
عندي سؤال : عند إستعمال لحام الالمنيون ألا تنغلق الثقوب إلى الأبد ؟
شكرا مسبقا
semangat,semoga chanelmu berkembang👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Good job
Thanks mr
Proper skilled people
Very very good job !!! Amazing !!!
Однажды я отказался от пайки радиатора, когда увидел как паяют радиаторы, решил купить новый.
What kind of vehicle you have?
а у меня пепельница заполнилась, решил купить навую машину
سلام عايكم و رحمة الله ،
هاده هي الطريقة الصحيحة حفاظ علي مقاسات غرفة الإحتراق، لأن عملية ضخ الوقود مدروسة بي دقة، حسب مساحة cc الغرفة الإحتراق، ،أما إذا نقصنا من هاذه المساحة دون تعمير، فهادا يتسبب في إنفجارات قوية و سخنة زائدة علي جسم المحرك،
شكرا صاحب المقطع، تحيتنا من الجزائر
This was both equally stressful and impressive to watch LOL.
All in all you have to salute being resourceful with the tools at your disposal
and who noticed the serfacer was what looks to be a homade one.
Mantap boosss kuuu👍😍
Terima kasih dukungannya🙏🙏
When they smoothed out the valve pocket you could see all the imperfections in the aluminum, but it will work fine for awhile if more than water is used. What aluminum rods do they use with oxy/acet? It's usually done with a TIG welder to keep the welds clean... Gotta admit, these people can get things done.
Si. El aporte es una varilla de aluminio especial con *Fundente en el Interior* . Se puede soldar con Hidrogeno igualmente. Saludos.
Most of these repairs will work fine for a while. Lasting long enough is probably all that is required though in these situations.
мда вот еще одна годная тема для перекупа Спасибо Автор ))
Хуй в рот, как говорится в старом анекдоте. Стоимость сварки такая, что перекупу проще установить ГБЦ как есть. Или заклеить раковины поксиполом, зачистить наждачкой а потом установить.
Can use head gasket to confrim the hole... Saving time 4 drawing on paper...
You are correct
Sometimes these gaskets have more holes than the actual head. I wouldnt rely on it.
@@MrThomashorst then it's incorrect gasket.. or after market they can't just have random holes or oil or water gets to touch the head in parts not meant to be cooled and makes it warp or even turn porous (soffens the metal)
@@michaellegg9381 youll often find additional holes in aftermarket gaskets.
Good work👍
it seems awesome but it just seems. I mean how it is reliable or durable under the compression and overheat, i wonder that.
Perfect 👍
Ready for turbocharger
Good work
is it just me or did the cylinder head about 3/8" thicker after this job?
It’s the new low comp model.
@@ashc3765 ready for boost now!
the heads been machined so much in the past this is prob OEM deck height who knows if it works it work lol
@@monera9675 nah you can’t machine a head that far you would run out of clearance
Great repair work on the head! How did you figure out the aluminum content of the head to be equal to the aluminum material you were adding to the head by welding?
Many foreign repairs utilize recycled aluminum filler from similar parts
This is a video from the future. Post-apocalypse. There are no more factories. All knowledge about technologies and documentation have been lost. There are only a few left who have experience and mastery of skills.
Mad Max was a prediction movie...
Que buen trabajo ,perfecto para cuando no encuentras la pieza quedas salvado
Everyone that is clueless in the process is this guy's best friends. He is doing it for money...utube money
The people that are making negative comments have never really repaired anything. I call them remove and replace artists. That is a repair that will work far longer than a ford 3.5 ecoboost engine.
Eta teh mobil naon ? Toyota kijang lain
The work is great, but I have a phobia of holes, and the bad thing is that there is a hole that contains small holes, and it was convenient to fix it😢😂
Ahh lovely. The good ole cylinder head detune, turned the 40hp the engine once made, now into 27hp
Was this a one-of-a-kind cylinder head?! I never saw them measure the overall height of the cylinder head before and after the weld build up🤷 The compression ratio might be a little lower after stacking up all that braze lol😄 I guess you make do with what you’ve got in some areas of the world 🙂
Looks like a K Toyota head to me.
@@derekhobbs1102 yep, from a 3K of 4K. Not rare at all
If your cylinder head is taller (assuming it's an OHC engine) the valve timing won't match up anymore either.
All in all, while this engine will probably run I don't think it's gonna run very well.
LoL, all that buildup has lowered the compression sooo low, the engine might actually survive a few days. However, with such a low compression it’s probably gonna make half the power it should! It’s a paper wight, any way you look at it.
@@99domini99 Valve timing won't line up?? Really?? What you meant to say was, the timing chain tensioner will be slightly further compressed than it was before. Right?
can we really build up the surface of the cylinder head using aluminum rod?? if it does then i may do this method instead of buying new cylinder head..
Хм.....халтура для ютуба ) По технологическому процессу , есть понимание что, это алюминиевый припой ...из развидности -кастолин 192 с температурой плавления 440 гр....) Интересно, через какое время камера сгорания стечёт в цилиндры? К тому же температурное расширение у этого "композита" будет разное ...Выводы делайте сами )
Перепукы то коленвал то бошку запаяют
@@Валерий-п5э9с Перекупы никогда не лезут в бошку или коленвал:)))
Дельный комментарий на русском.. Ни дай бог это видео было бы для русского ютуба... Закопали бы автора комментами:)))
Приплюсуй к этому качество фрезеровки. Отсюда видны полосы, продует сразу же
Terima kasih suportnya 🙏🙏 kita masih pemula. Sukses selalu untuk boss mannya👍👍
Минус степень сжатия,при таком ремонте
Kan ada packing jadi mass buat patokan lobang2 y
Paking jadi biasanya lubang gak sesuai bentuk aslinya mas
Vvt taken to the next level
Всегда было интересно смотреть на подобного рода ремонт, никто не учитывает линейное расширение металла в процессе сварки, после остывания появится внутреннее напряжение, а как следствие возможно появление трещин в гбц
Как скажет Док - тут в очередной раз наебалово. Я не эксперт, но работать это не будет. Тут и степень сжатия изменена и отверстия не в плоскости (правда хз должны ли они быть). Короче. Если бы он это дело поставил на блок, собрал движок и затестил бы его - можно было бы сказать, что всё норм (с большой натяжкой). А так - нас наебали - расходимся.
@@МаксимАтерлей-п6у Ну, там снизу подогрев был, в виде газовой конфорки.
Ну и слишком требовательно подходите к, в общем-то, примитивному устройству типа ГБЦ. Не, есть в современных движках заоблачно сложные ГБЦ, но эта не тот случай. Вполне себе нормально сделано. Ну и, надо думать, что может её уже пару раз шлифовали, так что, вполне возможно, что это её нормальный профиль.
Ну да на солярис такое не прокатит,а на трактор может и да...
@@dimaadj377 На солярис как раз и пойдёт.Там всё из корейского риса сделано.
высокие индийские технологии))) это только на продажу)
As far as I know, the process of deposition of an additional aluminum alloy (there is a complex composition of an aluminum alloy with the addition of silicon) must be carried out in a chamber with an inert gas (for example, argon). Otherwise, an oxide film on the surface of molten aluminum cannot be avoided - and this, in turn, prevents a reliable connection. The thickness of the new layer is approximately 5 mm - this will reduce the compression ratio in the cylinder, which means it will lead to a loss of power. The engine is deforсed in this way, but the engine resource - its service life - increases significantly. Many intend to deforce their engines to increase the resource.
You can properly weld alu with oxyfuel ! Just requires proper flux
@@AxelP33 This is brazing, not welding. Welding melts the base metal and the base metal (the head) isn't being melted.
Lower compression + more boost + more fuel = more power.
@@AxelP33 They didn't use any flux, I don't know what rods they used either but at least they weren't homemade Pakistani rods...
Maybe the head was resurfaced so many times in the past and thickening it again restored it to the original compression ratio who knows
What CR did you end up with? It looks like you added several mm worth of filler. Did the valves seal after you polish the combustion chamber along with the valve seats?
Verstappen's next head upgrade
Прекрасная работа. Браво.
Wow ' clever...
Usually i use Tig welding and if is so big and thick, Mig welding machine.. what the heck is this method 😮: I’m a fully naval patented welder from 96” 😅 I need see this! Is that magnesium or something?
Looking great lovely job
That's beautiful 😻❤️