Christian Gives Young Mormon Something to Think About

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • Pastor Andrew Soncrant of Apologia Utah gets into a powerful conversation with a young Mormon man about the nature of God and salvation. Watch as a Christian Gives Young Mormon Something to Think About.

Комментарии • 281

  • @courtneyko1466
    @courtneyko1466 4 месяца назад

    I could tell his soul was stirred at the end. Powerful preaching!

    • @nute742
      @nute742 Месяц назад

      The preacher perhaps had good intentions with "limited" knowledge (as one can only get so far with the bible). You also need "faith" and the spirit! (people forget that sometimes).

  • @nametheunknown_
    @nametheunknown_ 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks for sharing this gracious and important conversation.

  • @ginamiller6754
    @ginamiller6754 5 месяцев назад +8

    Awesome!! Praying for this young man. 🙏🏻

    • @nute742
      @nute742 Месяц назад

      With the beard?

    • @ginamiller6754
      @ginamiller6754 Месяц назад

      No. The LDS one.

    • @nute742
      @nute742 Месяц назад

      @@ginamiller6754 Why the LDS person? (The other one despite preaching, is missing out on facts) Imagine if you only read 1/2 of the book written by God (you'd miss out on a lot of "important" details). Not sure why people are "afraid" of more of Gods word, and clarity.

    • @ginamiller6754
      @ginamiller6754 Месяц назад

      If by other 1/2 you mean the book of mormon, thats ridiculous!

  • @realquickmomma
    @realquickmomma 5 месяцев назад

    Wow. So so so good.

  • @brotherinchrist72
    @brotherinchrist72 5 месяцев назад +3

    I love how well this man preaches the true word of God and as someone who was once heavily involved in Mormonism for many years in the early 1980's ~ 2000's, and had my eyes opened to God's truth, I pray and hope that more LDS folk will have their eyes opened and they will find truth in the word of God.
    The biggest issue I see, is that because many LDS members have spiritual encounters that are positive, like being lost in the woods and praying for help and being prompted to go a certain way and you find the way out, they attribute common grace as being affirmations of their faith.
    This missionary or person who was handing out gospel tracts for the LDS church, he seemed lost and it was clear he hasn't truly read or studied their own
    Book of Mormon, let alone the Bible, and likely thinking "how do I get away from this conversation!" he was being very polite, but in his eyes, I could see he just wanted to escape.
    Whenever we, as Christians, lovingly share the gospel and the truth to LDS members, the vast majority of the time they go back to what they were told time and time again, to reject all claims made against Mormonism, and "trust the living prophet" for he can never lead you astray.... and Satan is just laughing and excited to see so many people deceived that will be joining him in hell forever.

    • @skiu4ea434
      @skiu4ea434 5 месяцев назад +2

      I always think that, no matter how eloquently you deliver a sound argument with love and discernment by saying all the right things with the word of God, in the end, it will be in vain if the Holy Spirit is not moving on that individual. Your testimony is inspiring.
      The more i read and learn scripture, the more i am drawn to this verse... " If I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give away all my possessions to charity, and if I surrender my body to hardship that i may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." 1Corinthians

    • @MRRANDOMZ11
      @MRRANDOMZ11 5 месяцев назад

      Stop lying you know the Holy Ghost is with the Saints

    • @brotherinchrist72
      @brotherinchrist72 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@MRRANDOMZ11 define who the "Saints" are according to you.
      Biblical saints are those who have given their life to the Jesus Christ of the Bible, not to a false Christ who was made by a heavenly father and mother, or a Jesus that is a spirit brother to Lucifer. You deny the deity of Christ in doing so, who is God in the flesh.

    • @BunnyWatson-k1w
      @BunnyWatson-k1w 5 месяцев назад

      How do you know he preaches the true word of God? Who made him the gospel police?

    • @brotherinchrist72
      @brotherinchrist72 5 месяцев назад

      @@BunnyWatson-k1w If you spend real time reading and studying the Bible and humble yourself, asking the Lord to guide you into all truths, then you would know God's word never returns void, and His word is truth.
      We also have mountains of proof of the Bible never being corrupted.
      Unfortunately, we cannot find any proof for the Book of Mormon, and the few things that have been attempted to provide "proof" has been dismissed easily, not to mention, the First Presidency of the LDS church has never endorsed publicly any of these "findings" that many Mormon apologists attempt to use.
      There is a reason for this, because many in the leadership of the LDS church know it will not stand up to genuine scrutiny, unlike the Bible that does.

  • @digdudemoose2536
    @digdudemoose2536 5 месяцев назад +5

    The quote at the beginning asks, "If you can't be perfect in this life, what makes you think you can become perfect in your next life?"
    There are two points I'd like to make. First, my "next life" is not a life separate from my current life any more than my current life is not a separate life from my pre-mortal life. My "next life" is simply a continuation of my eternal progression. It is all a life that hopefully results in exactly what Jesus Christ told me to reach for and become. This leads me to my second point, my answer to the initial question of what leads me to think that I can become perfected eventually. My answer is not so much "what" as it is "who." That "who" is Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, evan as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." I fully believe and know that Jesus knew exactly what He meant and meant exacly what He said. Why would the Savior and Redeemer of the world, the Beloved Son of God, give all of us a standard to work towards and a commandment to pursue if that is not what He and our Father in heaven want for us, or is not possible? The perfect Son of God, the Lord, Jesus Christ does and says only what He has received from our Heavenly Father, God. So, are you assuming that God, our Heavenly Father, or that His Only Begotten Son are lying to us when Jesus made that statement in Matthew 5:48? Either Jesus is stating the truth, or He is not. If He's not stating truth, then why should I even bother to develop and exercise any faith/trust in Him? If He's stating the truth, why would I not develop and exercise faith/trust in Him? I know that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Annointed One, the Messiah, our Savior and Redeemer. I know that Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior. It is only by and through Him that I can become perfected, even as our Father which is in heaven is perfect. It is only through the infinite atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ that I can become a joint-heir with Him, of all that our Father has. (Romans 8:17) So, what/who makes me believe I can be perfect eventually? Jesus Christ. I choose to trust Jesus. I choose to follow Jesus. I'm trying to be like Jesus. I love Jesus.

    • @MRRANDOMZ11
      @MRRANDOMZ11 5 месяцев назад

      Amen Eternal Progression 💯

    • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
      @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад

      Let us imagine what God will be like when we each meet with him at judgment time. Will he say "you are a Mormon. You loved me in this life, you were seeking me. You were trying to love your neighbor. But your beliefs were incorrect so I do not know you."
      Will he say to the men who do this channel "You spent your whole earthly experience preaching instead of serving and loving your fellow man. You did not see the people who needed a shoulder to cry on or a helping hand. You were too busy proving others wrong"
      What will be important to a loving God?

    • @jakeave
      @jakeave 5 месяцев назад

      It was a weird question. Perfection, either in this life and in the afterlife, isn't exclusive to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is a mainstream Christian belief. This is in Hebrews 6:1, Hebrews 10:14, Matt 5, James 3:2, 2 Corinthians 12:9. Being redeemed from the fall, being resurrected, a new Heaven and a new Earth etc. I understand that some latter-day saint scholars talk about different types of perfection like aligning to God's will perfectly vs obtaining a perfected body vs God and Christ are perfect, but the overarching idea is not exclusive to the Church.

    • @brotherinchrist72
      @brotherinchrist72 5 месяцев назад

      @@Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m Then are you not judging as you claim others do? As Christians, we are commanded to contend for the faith, to expose false doctrine and to shine light of truth into the darkness. If a doctor looks at xrays and other scans and knows you have cancer, but then come to you and tells you everything is OK, that would be unloving and he wouldn't give you the hope of the cure they have for that type of cancer.
      Just like the gospel, when you trust in a false doctrine, you are destined for hell, regardless of all your good deeds, your good intentions, etc, for you put your faith and trust in a false Christ, a different Spirit, that is the whole point. This is why many Christians like this man who approached this lost LDS person, he spoke the truth in love, and in many instances, being told the truth can be hurtful of feelings, but Jesus himself declared our feelings do not make a difference, for truth is truth.
      Jesus proclaimed that he came to put family against each other, knowing that some would accept his gospel, and others would not, thus causing contention in their own homes, their families, extended families, and so on. We have to be willing to pick up our cross daily and seek after the Lord our God, in sharing the good news, speaking the truth in love.
      No genuine Christian hates anyone, but we care about everyone so much we do not want to see anyone lost to our Lord God in the end.
      Just a note: Joseph Smith Jr is the one who declared war against Christianity when the LDS church was first formed, citing that all Christians were wrong, all creeds were an abomination, and that all professors were corrupt. Pretty strong language coming from someone who received a different gospel from an "angel" and created additional revelations (which many if not most never happened).
      When we apply the test of a prophet as outlined in Deut, we find that Joseph Smith Jr fails the test. Even if just one prophesy does not happen, they are a false prophet. We also are told that even if someone declaring to be a prophet performs all manner of signs and wonders, but says "let us go after strange gods", they are a false prophet, for our Lord God is testing us, and Paul warned us that some would believe in these false doctrines.
      I have asked other LDS folk to explain how and why higher level leaders in the LDS church, BYU professors, CES caretakers for 30+ years would leave the LDS church after they did their own research and tested every spirit, and tested the prophets, and looked at the true history of the LDS church, and why they themselves are so afraid at researching the truth?
      For most LDS members, they do not want to follow what the Scriptures actually tell us to do, but "follow the prophet" for he can never lead us astray... as more and more LDS members are marched into hell every year because they followed a different Spirit , a different Christ, and a different gospel.

    • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
      @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад

      ​@brotherinchrist72 Let us talk about the fruits of the church shall we. Evangelicals and their limited sola scriptura, infallible bible beliefs create people who will promptly forget the majority of mankind when they are basking in ease of comfort in Heaven while about 90 % of God's creation are being tortured in Hell. Isn't that lovely! (sarcasm). You sir expect to be perfectly happy in Heaven while most people are in Hell. YOUR LOVE FOR MOST PEOPLE IS TEMPORARY! But congratulations. You get ease and comfort for eternity so who cares about anyone else after this life. Right?!
      Mormons expect to have a hard eternal exsistence helping God with what they think his purpose is: to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. They will sacrifice their time and do temple work for everyone who has ever existed and will work for the Millennium and beyond to bring people to Christ. They would and maybe will go to hell and back for their neighbor.
      I respect Atheists more than you. Atheists who spend their existence working. for the betterment of the future generation. even when they will be gone. THAT IS LOVE!
      You do not know eternal love! And you can't say you do. Because your love for most does not go beyond this life.

  • @jeffs4483
    @jeffs4483 5 месяцев назад +3

    I hope this young man can find his out of this Cult and into Christianity.

    • @SacaPuuntas
      @SacaPuuntas 5 месяцев назад +1

      That young man is in the right place. You will figure that out eventually😉

    • @jeffs4483
      @jeffs4483 5 месяцев назад +2

      I thank God everyday I left the LDS.

    • @SacaPuuntas
      @SacaPuuntas 5 месяцев назад

      @@jeffs4483 we have opposite stories. Because I thank God every day that I became converted to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I Pray for the best for your spiritual journey.

    • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
      @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@jeffs4483 What makes you so happy? Is it because you feel you are saved now? Or is it because you don't have the rules that you had in the LDS church? You can now drink Alcohol, coffee, you can spend time doing other things instead of going to the Temple? What do you do with your extra time now?

    • @SacaPuuntas
      @SacaPuuntas 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@jeffs4483 we have opposite stories. I thank God every day that I converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! Wish you the best on your spiritual journey.

  • @Lovecatholicfaith
    @Lovecatholicfaith 5 месяцев назад +1

    I believe that we all are saved but we have to accept Jesus Christ as Our Lord and savior and how can do that? Going through the baptism like said on the Holy Bible. And after that we have to live a Holy life praying, practice charity, give alms, this is going to lead us to Heaven. I don’t know why you guys said over and over again faith alone when we don’t see it on the Holy Gospels! I was raised LDS brain washed my all life that Jesus was my oldest brother and Satan as well! The most heretic and horrific heresy. After 5 years looking for answers I found the Catholic faith over there I found out Jesus is God and we are born to be saints! I’m so happy being Catholic. The peace of the Lord.

    • @nute742
      @nute742 Месяц назад

      Everyone is related to someone! Otherwise we are all "guilty" by assocation, but that doesnt "negate" Christ divinity - nor should it be a main focus or teaching. Jesus apostle was Judas but that doesnt define who Christ is. Jesus is our "elder brother" and Savoir. His father is God (our father too)! Jesus said (in the bible) after his resurrection " I now go to my God and your God, to my Father and your Father)! Jesus was identifying who his and our god is! (Jesus however is also our God and Savoir too)!

  • @jamesbrooks3664
    @jamesbrooks3664 5 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for speaking the truth! John 3:16 we don't have to be baptized to be saved!

    • @EricLovesCHRIST
      @EricLovesCHRIST 5 месяцев назад


    • @cadenallred967
      @cadenallred967 5 месяцев назад +4

      Jesus says we need to be baptized in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven

    • @charlybucket2691
      @charlybucket2691 5 месяцев назад +4

      Faith without dead.

    • @EricLovesCHRIST
      @EricLovesCHRIST 5 месяцев назад +2

      Mark 16:16 has entered the chat

    • @EricLovesCHRIST
      @EricLovesCHRIST 5 месяцев назад +2

      John 3:3-5 has entered the chat

  • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
    @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад +7

    Repentance is a consistent action. That is common sense. When we sin, we repent. Do Evangelicals not believe you need to repent more than once?

    • @JohnChapt.6.Verse.68
      @JohnChapt.6.Verse.68 5 месяцев назад +3

      We repent every day.

    • @jakeave
      @jakeave 5 месяцев назад

      They repent, but it's not part of the gospel. It makes perfect sense 😅 I grew up in the US, so I thought that all Christians believed the baptist / evangelical stuff, but then I found out that they're literally the only sects that have this bizarre belief system. The Eastern churches, Roman Catholics, Armenian Church, not even the Methodists share this sort of "grace that transcends free will", "faith without works", "once saved, always saved" theology. There is a reason the Baptists and ancestors of other Evangelical sects left Europe. They needed a new land to practice their new religions. This brought about a lot of the Religious Freedom principles we share with Baptists and other Evangelicals today.

    • @nute742
      @nute742 Месяц назад

      @@JohnChapt.6.Verse.68 Is "repentance" considered works though?

    • @nute742
      @nute742 Месяц назад

      @@jakeave Yes, they (Pilgrims) came to this promise land (for "freedom of religion") That is why the Lords true gospel was set up here. (In rome it was hard to have a "separation of church and state") That is why the Nicaea councils made a "compromise" to christ teachings + interpretations of the bible. But here in America - those rights (freedom to worship) are granted to all citizens.

    • @JohnChapt.6.Verse.68
      @JohnChapt.6.Verse.68 Месяц назад

      @@nute742 Yes, repentance is a work, but it doesn't save you. We do works, of course, but only Jesus saves us, not our works. We can't contribute anything to what Jesus has done for us.😃

  • @mikhailyaremkiv
    @mikhailyaremkiv 6 дней назад

    If this kid leaves Mormonism, he's leaving everything he knows behind and will more than likely, actually VERY likely be treated like garbage by everyone he knows. Christ is worth it though.

  • @ryansmith6610
    @ryansmith6610 5 месяцев назад +11

    Amen, l love this outreach. I will continue to pray for this ministry and these people.

    • @codeman966
      @codeman966 5 месяцев назад +1

      And we will pray for you to receive the restore gospel of Jesus Christ😊

    • @ryansmith6610
      @ryansmith6610 5 месяцев назад +3

      @codeman966 had it for some 40+ years till I realized that the foundation of the lds church was sand and had washed away from under my feet. The God I worship now is far bigger and greater than what I used to worship. The God I worship is the one and only, the creator of everything out of nothing, not just a being that went down to organize pre-existing matter. I was blind and now I see, and what I have seen I can never unsee. Jesus is enough

    • @codeman966
      @codeman966 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@ryansmith6610 I agree. Jesus is the Christ and our redeemer with the father.

    • @BunnyWatson-k1w
      @BunnyWatson-k1w 5 месяцев назад

      They don't want you prayers or ministry. That type of help they don't need.

    • @nute742
      @nute742 Месяц назад

      @@ryansmith6610 Jesus is enough (especially if we listen, worship and follow him)! have you seen the "chosen" (?) Great series about Jesus and the apostles!

  • @AdamEyers
    @AdamEyers 3 месяца назад

    Apologia is interpreting the Bible for us with his false doctrine right there on the street. Wonderful!

  • @AdamEyers
    @AdamEyers 3 месяца назад

    Paul also said 1 Corinthians 12:3. If Apologia deny that then they are false witnesses. Galatians 1:8. And based on what Apologia teaches how did these brethren know it wasn’t a false sprit witnessing to them? Luke 24:32.

  • @GStar-qd5oi
    @GStar-qd5oi 5 месяцев назад

    Who is right? Who is wrong?
    Who is a true follower of Jesus Christ?
    How does Jesus Christ want us to treat each other, even when that person is saying or doing something that hurts us?
    How should we treat someone who mocks us, reviles against us, who accuses us?
    The Savior taught us…
    “And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
    46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail-
    47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
    48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.“

  • @AdamEyers
    @AdamEyers 3 месяца назад

    Apologia only cares that he can appear right not about the guy he’s trying to pull away from the true Church of Jesus Christ.

  • @MatthewFloor
    @MatthewFloor 5 месяцев назад

    YES YES …. The Gospel is being proclaimed in Utah

    • @xaverrogers4910
      @xaverrogers4910 5 месяцев назад

      Stop drinking coffee or you be left out heaven

    • @benjaminvandenberghe9726
      @benjaminvandenberghe9726 5 месяцев назад

      @@xaverrogers4910 Not part of LDS theology at all.

    • @brannonburton5494
      @brannonburton5494 5 месяцев назад

      @@xaverrogers4910nope. I invite you to learn more.

  • @idahojoe8232
    @idahojoe8232 5 месяцев назад +4

    Soli Deo Gloria

  • @awethinic8379
    @awethinic8379 5 месяцев назад

    I continually hammer out the words of the bible. I know this to be true, God is love, Jesus is God and he is teaching me to love. I know im a sinner and that we all are. I know that at receiving salvation that we are not instantly changed. So works can’t be tied to salvation because the minute after salvation i have sinned. But i know that we can’t stay in sin. Repentance is not debatable. I suggest that we all push all of our chips in with Jesus. Its the safe move. Repent when convicted. Keep the faith

  • @gingermcgovern5682
    @gingermcgovern5682 5 месяцев назад

    Just keep pulling out the cards! haha

  • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
    @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад +2

    Does Apologia utah or Apologia in general do humanitarian work?

    • @jeffs4483
      @jeffs4483 5 месяцев назад +1

      LDS does very little.

    • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
      @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад

      ​@jeffs4483 that is NOT what I asked. I asked what it is that Apologia Utah and Apologia in general does for service and humanitarian aid.

    • @jeffs4483
      @jeffs4483 5 месяцев назад

      More than the LDS does.

    • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
      @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад

      ​@jeffs4483 what do they do?

    • @lorileeelds
      @lorileeelds 5 месяцев назад

      Probably only, if they have a camera stuck on themselves. They had to have a camera to supposedly try and save this young man. This kind of religion I want nothing to do with.

  • @BrianTerrill
    @BrianTerrill 5 месяцев назад +2

    Apologia is so focused on creating and ending debates that they don't even talk human most of the time.

    • @UnlimitedMercy
      @UnlimitedMercy 5 месяцев назад +2

      It’s not about winning a debate, it’s about declaring the truth.

    • @codeman966
      @codeman966 5 месяцев назад

      And what truth does calvanist speak that is different from Mormons' teach when it comes to the doctrine christ?

    • @UnlimitedMercy
      @UnlimitedMercy 5 месяцев назад

      It’s not about Calvinism, just the Bible.
      Ephesians 2 says that we are saved *_by grace_* through faith, that it’s a gift and not of works.
      The LDS 3rd article of faith says that through the atonement of Christ, all men may be saved *_by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel_*
      God’s word says salvation by grace
      LDS 3rd article says it’s by man’s obedience (but only because Christ made it possible).
      Those are 2 different gospels.

    • @codeman966
      @codeman966 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@UnlimitedMercy what did Peter and John say to the people in the book of acts after the people's hearts were pricked? And what does Jesus say in John 3:5?
      Also faith without works is dead.
      And the 3rd article refers to exaltation which is way different from salvation.

    • @BrianTerrill
      @BrianTerrill 5 месяцев назад

      @@UnlimitedMercy Calvin's isn't about salvation by grace, Calvin's teaches Gos is a respect or of persons and has his favorites

  • @akpred
    @akpred 5 месяцев назад

    I don't understand this thumb nail. I thought mainstream Christians taught that you can become "perfected in Christ," just like the LDS church teaches

    • @president234
      @president234 5 месяцев назад

      LDS church reestablishes buffers between us and Christ. So it's very different

    • @akpred
      @akpred 5 месяцев назад

      Ok. But I was talking about the thumb nail. Does mainstream Christianity NOT teach perfection in Christ?

    • @president234
      @president234 5 месяцев назад

      @@akpred Yes I guess how you say "mainstream" Christianity does teach being made perfect in christ. LDS just don't teach that

    • @akpred
      @akpred 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for the answer.
      Yes, we do. Just because our teachings look different, then how you think they should doesn't mean we don't believe it is only through Christ that we can become perfected and only through Christ that we can be saved.
      Our acts do not earn us anything. As we do for God He gives to us. Putting us always in His debt, making us always rely on His good will and mercy and grace.

    • @president234
      @president234 5 месяцев назад

      @akpred LDS invoke Jesus alot and talk about atonement. However they really don't preach perfection through christ because they put too many man made buffers in place to keep people from truly experiencing Christ

  • @skiu4ea434
    @skiu4ea434 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for your ministry. A perfect God already gave us His perfect revelation that is complete and closed with a warning in Galatians 1, "There are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed." Am i to believe the Apostles who Christ chose that walked the earth with Him, or Joseph Smith that came a thousand years after the cannon of scripture was closed claiming the scriptures had been corrupted? and that actually you can become a god one day? How incredibly selfish and prideful.
    The standard by which we measure anything, must be God's unchanged word.

    • @racealexander1660
      @racealexander1660 5 месяцев назад

      You misunderstand the doctrine that JS taught. What religion do you follow? One that splintered from catholicism? How can you be sure that your interpretation of scripture is correct?

  • @EricLovesCHRIST
    @EricLovesCHRIST 5 месяцев назад +3

    Fantastic video
    Did a response to it
    I am an LDS legend
    Thank you 🙏

  • @benjaminvandenberghe9726
    @benjaminvandenberghe9726 5 месяцев назад +2

    If we can't be perfect why would Jesus command us to be perfect?

    • @DanA.-jo4sg
      @DanA.-jo4sg 5 месяцев назад +2

      He doesn't.

    • @cadenallred967
      @cadenallred967 5 месяцев назад +4

      “Be ye therefore perfect” -Jesus Christ

    • @UnlimitedMercy
      @UnlimitedMercy 5 месяцев назад +2

      One key part of biblical interpretation is to take into account the context of the passage you’re seeking to interpret. In the context of the sermon on the mount where Jesus says this, He has multiple times said, “you’ve heard it said… but I tell you…” he quotes the law and then explains the heart of it. Murder and hatred of brother are the same, adultery and lusting with your eyes equated with one another, etc. He is explaining the standard of perfection before God is complete purity of heart and mind, if you’re honest with yourself you know that’s not possible. The only hope anyone has is to place all of their faith in the finished work of Christ alone, trusting that His death, burial and resurrection on their behalf is the only thing that brings them peace with God.

    • @iamfritz
      @iamfritz 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@UnlimitedMercy Go and read Matthew 5-7. Matthew 5:48 is the last verse in that chapter, and chapter 6 is a new paragraph. There is no comparison between seeking perfection and anything else. "Be perfect" is his summary of everything He has said in chapter five. "Be ye perfect, THEREFORE, as your Father in Heaven is perfect." Therefore means, "in summary of all I have told you so far". What is perfection? It is defined in all the behaviors He described so far in chapter 5.
      So yes, Jesus did command us to be perfect. And being perfect is choosing to obey the commands He gives us in the beautiful Beatitudes laid out in chapter 5 of the Book of Matthew.

    • @UnlimitedMercy
      @UnlimitedMercy 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@iamfritz did you not see my (very brief) summary? Yes, Jesus is saying, if you do all of these things (never hate, lust, etc.) you will be perfect as your Heavenly Father is. That wasn’t my disagreement, my point is that He is showing them their complete inability to be perfect. Can you honestly say you’ve even lived one day perfectly? I can’t, I need the forgiveness of Christ every day.

  • @NancyBrown-xw8hg
    @NancyBrown-xw8hg 5 месяцев назад

    Jesus will will fill us with his light and then we become perfect.

  • @AdamEyers
    @AdamEyers 3 месяца назад

    Latter Day Saint teaching passes the test given in 1 John 4; 1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
    2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
    3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
    Latter Day Saints follow the true Jesus Christ and are true Christians.

  • @AdamEyers
    @AdamEyers 3 месяца назад

    Apologia misunderstands the scripture James 2:10 to accuse the guy in the white shirt of being a liar. The whole law is to love God with all our heart, might, mind and strength. Any commandment that we break means we do not keep the whole law not that breaking one commandment means we break every commandment. Apologia is preaching their false gospel again. Galatians 1:8.

  • @iamfritz
    @iamfritz 5 месяцев назад +4

    Q: "What makes you think if you can't be perfect in this life that you can be perfect in the next life?"
    A: "Well, I've faithfully laid down the groundwork for it in this life, and if I do make it into Heaven/Celestial Kingdom, I'll have the presence of God the Father and the Son to empower me to be perfect."
    The Gospel is that Christ suffered for our sins, and resurrected from His death on the cross, and made it possible for us to apply faith in Him and obey His commandments. "You must be as a little child" "Narrow is the way to Eternal Life, and few there be that find it" and "By their acts shall ye know them"
    I'm not watching all this. TLDR.
    16:59 -Christ sending the Spirit after His Ascension into Heaven, the Voice from Heaven declaring His Beloved Son, the Spirit in the Form of a dove, Christ praying "Let this cup pass from me, but not my will be done, but thine" and an angel appearing to strengthen the Christ (and dozens more Godhead references) makes it abundantly clear that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are separate individuals.
    The Book of Mormon clarifies this by declaring so many lost truths about the Savior, Jesus Christ. While it proves the Bible as true, it also strengthens it.
    This poor young missionary just isn't prepared for advanced arguments like this. But that's not his job. His job is to find those people who are looking for the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not Christian argumentatives like this who deny the Spirit and pick and choose Biblical verses for their own purposes.

    • @SacaPuuntas
      @SacaPuuntas 5 месяцев назад +1

      This wasn’t a missionary. This was some random young kid they decided to play gotcha with. It’s kind of their thing. But they get schooled constantly in any real debate.

    • @iamfritz
      @iamfritz 5 месяцев назад

      @@SacaPuuntas Maybe he just forgot his nametag?

    • @SacaPuuntas
      @SacaPuuntas 5 месяцев назад

      @@iamfritz where is his companion?

    • @iamfritz
      @iamfritz 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@SacaPuuntas Maybe he just forgot him too?🙃

    • @Lovecatholicfaith
      @Lovecatholicfaith 5 месяцев назад

      Even the “experts “ on the gospel will run away from you when you start to argument with them. They are teaching to be humble and said they testimony and that’s it. This young boy are all the way prepared to answer any questions, because LDS church invest a lot to educate kids and youth. The thing is we never heard about the Bible by itself! We don’t know nothing about it that’s why I see we get confused it was exactly what happened to this boy. I hope this answers lead him to Jesus Our God .

  • @randoman33
    @randoman33 5 месяцев назад +1

    Apololgia? Why do you feel that the Bible is perfect/inerrant??? Humans wrote and translated and transposed them for 2000 years. Seems like a hypocritical position.

  • @iamfritz
    @iamfritz 5 месяцев назад +2

    Biblically, Moses had things revealed to him that Adam didn't. Isaiah revealed more about God than Moses revealed (and was murdered for it). Jesus revealed more than Isaiah did (and was murdered). Paul revealed even more later (and was murdered for it). The prophets (and Son) are always revealing more for us to know.
    How can anyone who has read the Bible say God no longer has prophets or new revelations?
    Answer: They do not understand or believe the Bible.
    This is why God sent modern prophets, like Joseph Smith jr. (who was murdered for it), to continue this process of more and more revelation.

    • @brotherinchrist72
      @brotherinchrist72 5 месяцев назад +1

      Can you provide me a new revolution that we needed after the apostolic age ended? Give me just one new prophesy that we haven't already been given by God in the Bible, that would cause us to change our understanding and know everything that is going to happen and can track Bible Prophesy from the beginning all the way to current events. We already know everything that is going to happen, the time we live in, what to expect, and how it all ends.
      There is literally nothing new under the sun which the Bible has not already provided us with, for God has revealed all revelation that we need to live a full life and how to follow our Lord Jesus Christ, along with all the warnings of what to look out for, false gospels, false Christs, false Spirits, and how to test all of these things by God's own word.

    • @iamfritz
      @iamfritz 5 месяцев назад

      @@brotherinchrist72 I've been here before. And I know exactly how this exchange is going to go.
      I say "Book of Mormon!" and "modern prophets!" and "modern revelation about Celestial realms, temples and [so on]!"
      And then you go "false prophets!"
      Then I go "Amos 3:7- Surely the Lord God will do nothing save He reveal His will to his servants the prophets!"
      And you falsely interpret that as "Ancient prophets!" then "ravening wolves!" and "God has said all He needs to!"
      So I'll save everyone the time and effort jump to the end. The scripture in Amos is quite clear: God will do nothing, not even send His Son, Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life, the Only Source of Redemption, Forgiveness and Eternal Salvation, unless He has called modern prophets on the ground leading and teaching the flocks with new revelations pertaining to such. Amos said as much. Pick and choose this late and great fact, in the Holy Bible, to your own pleasure.
      Then you take your Pharisaic ways, and your god that no longer speaks, and I will take my Living, Breathing and Loving God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, speaking through modern prophets and fulfilling His Word, as I prepare to meet His Son at His Eternal Bar in this world or the world to come.
      And I shout it from my keyboard and across the World Wide Web: God the Father is Love, His Son is the Judge of Quick and Dead, He has called prophets in these messed up times to gather the willing, faithful and obedient children of men to Him, to prepare for that Great and Dreadful Day when the Christ, the Messiah of all, will come again. There is no other way to be saved.
      And if you dispute my testimony, you are a liar.

    • @brotherinchrist72
      @brotherinchrist72 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@iamfritz "Then you take your Pharisaic ways, and your god that no longer speaks"
      You mean the God of Israel, the God of the Bible that I speak of? I do not speak of a "God" who was once a man, who had to earn his Exaltation and then became our "God", nor do I believe in the Mormon Christ who was created by a heavenly father and mother and is the spirit brother to Lucifer...
      no, I trust in the Biblical Jesus who is God in the flesh, the expressed image of God.
      I put my faith and trust in the Biblical Jesus that is the creator, who created all things, the heavens, earth, the universe, and Lucifer.
      That is right, Jesus created Lucifer, and is not his "spirit brother".
      Maybe you do not understand or realize that Satan is very powerful, who can transform into an angel of light, and his followers who are deceived can become apostles and prophets who preach a different doctrine, which we see happen in both Islam and Mormonism.
      There are many highly ranked leaders in Mormonism, BYU professors, CES professors, and so on, with 30+ years of faithfulness in the LDS church, who had their eyes opened, who tested all Spirits, who researched the LDS history, obtained facts, hard evidence, and tested the prophets against what God gave us in Deut in how to know if a prophet is true or not.
      man is appointed to die once, and then the judgement. There are no second chances, there is no spirit prison where people can receive the truth (after rejecting it), and when you face Jesus, you will know right then and there that you followed a different Spirit, a different Christ, and a different gospel, and your mind will be flooded with all the times you were warned, pleaded with to follow Biblical teachings, to test the
      Spirits, test the prophets, and refused to do so...
      Then many will hear our Lord Jesus Christ tell them, "Depart from me, I never knew you" because you followed a different Christ, a different Spirit, a different gospel, and you will know his judgement is just.
      I truly do not want to see anyone be eternally separated from God, and truly pray and hope that you and others might one day soon, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truths before it is too late.

    • @iamfritz
      @iamfritz 5 месяцев назад

      @@brotherinchrist72 Your response is part Mormon mythology and, misrepresented modern revelation (half-lies). You're emotionally invested in the "anti-Mormon" echo chamber.
      But more importantly, you're showing you're the same kind of heart and mind that martyred the great prophet Isaiah for announcing his beautiful revelations about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ... Born sacredly of a virgin, conceived by the Power of the Holy Ghost, to bring peace and redemption to the World.
      But according to you, since it's not in the Talmud, it can't be true, right?
      That's your argument, and your frame of mind.
      The truth:
      Jospeh Smith was a prophet, called of God, the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, and modern prophets continue to reveal great and important truths to humanity to help gather Israel for the last time.

    • @brotherinchrist72
      @brotherinchrist72 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@iamfritz You do realize, there is no such thing as "anti" Mormon, right? There is no such thing as "anti" anything, when one speaks the truth. God's word is truth, his word, the Bible alone, is the inspired word of God and He has given us everything we need to know, and do, to test the Spirits, test the Prophets, and the LDS church to this day will not do so.

    @MRRANDOMZ11 5 месяцев назад +2

    The Trinity is falsehood
    There is nowhere in the Bible where it says in verse The Triune God that Jesus is the Flesh of the father
    No, it states that Christ is one with the Father in his likeness they àre one in purpose
    The Trinity makes no sense
    Jesus agreed with himself and volunteered himself to himself to offer himself.
    That Jesus gave his will to himself.
    Jesus prayed to himself and glorified himself repeatedly.
    Jesus forsook himself and sacrificed himself to prove his loyalty to himself.
    Jesus sat at his own right hand next to himself.😂

    • @jakeave
      @jakeave 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, it's really hard to get down with the current interpretation of the Nicene Creed. I grew up in the US, so I thought that all Christians accepted the Nicene Creed, but I was totally wrong. I think he even said the one being trinity is in the Bible. Which Bible, bruh? What kind of Newer New Translation you reading? 😂

  • @codeman966
    @codeman966 5 месяцев назад +5

    This young man speaks the truth of the restored gospel. Stay strong

    • @skiu4ea434
      @skiu4ea434 5 месяцев назад +3

      The Gospel never needed restoration, nor was it ever lost. If you believe that, then you place more authority on one man's word(Joseph Smith) over the words of Jesus Christ. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away." Isaiah affirms this truth thousands of years prior, "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever."
      What's to stop a new prophet coming today with signs and wonders, saying that the book of Mormon is corrupt and we should believe this new prophet? If you challenge the genuine article by means of supposed revelation or special "feelings", then the Word of God can mean whatever you want it to mean.

    • @codeman966
      @codeman966 5 месяцев назад +1

      2 Thessalonians 2:3
      Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
      And to say God doesn't speak to us today, that is false.
      Proverbs 29:18
      Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he
      And as for feelings not being valid
      John 14:26
      But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

    • @gtf5392
      @gtf5392 5 месяцев назад +3

      Jesus was the restoration - He restored dead sinners to life, He restored us to a right relationship with God.
      Luke 24:44, ‘Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.’
      To say that further restoration was needed after that, means that Jesus was wrong and He did not perfectly accomplish what He was prophesied to do.

    • @codeman966
      @codeman966 5 месяцев назад

      ​@gtf5392 Oh no, Jesus did everything perfect. Humanity is not and we twist the view to fit our own narrative. Jesus word was not lost, his organization after the apostles was corrupt

    • @UwUboi25
      @UwUboi25 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@codeman966Matthew 16:17-19 the gates of hell will not prevail against the church He established

  • @gingermcgovern5682
    @gingermcgovern5682 5 месяцев назад +4

    Dude lol if we sin after we repent our past sins do not fall back on us! You have twisted the doctrine to try and catch this young man and intimidate him with your smooth words and bold hand gestures! The young man has more understanding of the gospel than you do. Yes we need to always be repenting because we are always sinners. We are only made perfect thru Christ but he does not expect us to be perfect in this life. Christ is the only one who has lived perfectly. Stop confusing Gods words and twisting them for your narrative. The restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Works does not save us, but our life of works reflects our conversion and covenants with Him. Stop the Bible babbling to a young man to. make him look like a fool. Pick on another pastor or bishop that would be of equal age and scriptural knowledge as you.

    • @Liberator54321
      @Liberator54321 5 месяцев назад

      Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, Section 82, verse 7 explained, “When an individual refuses to comply with the further requirements of Heaven, then the sins he had formerly committed return upon his head; his former righteousness departs from him, and is not accounted to him for righteousness:”
      Repentance Spelled With 7 R’s” 1962 by Elder William J. Critchlow, Jr., “"By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins- behold, he will confess them and forsake them" (12 D&C 58:43 ). Resolves which are repeatedly broken merit no forgiveness. "... go your ways and sin no more; but unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God" (D&C 82:7)”
      A Divine Prescription for Spiritual Healing“ 1994 by Elder Malcolm S. Jeppsen, “A fourth ingredient: There must be total abandonment of the sin. All too often I see those who have repented slip sometime later into their old sinful ways. When that happens, previously repented sins return to those who perhaps did not really repent after all. We read: “I, the Lord, will not lay any sin to your charge; go your ways and sin no more; but unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God” (D&C 82:7). A fifth ingredient: There must be compliance with all the commandments of God. This means that those guilty of serious transgressions who are repentant haven’t really repented until they become full tithe payers, or fully overcome Word of Wisdom problems, are morally clean, and keep the Sabbath day holy.”
      “Miracle of Forgiveness” by Spencer W. Kimball, pages 169-170, “FORGIVENESS CANCELED ON REVERSION TO SIN
      Old sins return, says the Lord in his modern revelations. Many people either do not know this or they conveniently forget it. "Go your ways and sin no more," the Lord warned. And again, " ... Unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God." (D&C 82:7.) Would this mean that the person who has returned to the sins he has professedly abandoned must start the process of repentance again from the beginning? that one cannot return to sin and then start repentance from where he left off? To return to sin is most destructive to the morale of the individual and gives Satan another hand-hold on his victim. Those who feel that they can sin and be forgiven and then return to sin and be forgiven again and again must straighten out their thinking. Each previously forgiven sin is added to the new one and the whole gets to be a heavy load.”
      “Miracle of Forgiveness” page 360, “We can hardly be too forceful in reminding people that they cannot sin and be forgiven and then sin again and again and expect repeated forgiveness. The Lord anticipated the weakness of man which would return him to his transgression, and he gave this revelation in warning: And now, verily I say unto you, I, the Lord, will not lay any sin to your charge; go your ways and sin no more; but unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God." (D&C 82:7.)”
      Gospel Principles, 1997, page 253, after citing Kimball’s book, “Those who receive forgiveness and then repeat the sin are held accountable for their former sins (see D&C 82:7; Ether 2:15).”
      “Finding Forgiveness” 1995 by Elder Richard G. Scott, “This is an unyielding, permanent resolve to not repeat the transgression. By keeping this commitment, the bitter aftertaste of that sin need not be experienced again. Remember: “But unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return.” Joseph Smith declared: “Repentance is a thing that cannot be trifled with every day. Daily transgression and daily repentance is not … pleasing in the sight of God.”
      Doctrines of the Gospel Student Manual chapter 14, “When we speak of the continual need of repentance, let it not be understood that we refer to a cycle of sinning and repenting and sinning again. That is not complete repentance. We must see the right and follow it, recognize the wrong and forsake it with a ‘Godly sorrow’ if we would obtain the blessing of complete repentance.”
      Gospel Topics, Repentance, “Although confession is an essential element of repentance, it is not enough. The Lord has said, "By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins--behold, he will confess them and forsake them" (Doctrine and Covenants 58:43). We must maintain an unyielding, permanent resolve that we will never repeat the transgression.”
      I can keep going. I’m sorry, but it’s not a twisting of D&C 82:7. They’re not getting this out of nothing. That’s what it means. Mormonism is an impossible false gospel that cannot save. Please, I urge you, turn from it and turn towards the true Christ and the true gospel. I say this because I care for you, not because I want to “attack” your beliefs. Nor do I think I’m better than you or want to win an argument, and most certainly not because I hate you, as many have accused us of doing or feeling.

  • @DanA.-jo4sg
    @DanA.-jo4sg 5 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you for bringing the word of God to these lost, deceived people. I hope that Mormons can find Jesus one day. Nothing Christian about this false organization as it directly contradicts the teachings of the Bible.

    • @racealexander1660
      @racealexander1660 5 месяцев назад +1

      Nothing we believe contradicts scripture

    • @jeffs4483
      @jeffs4483 5 месяцев назад +4

      All of it does. Read the Bible.

    • @racealexander1660
      @racealexander1660 5 месяцев назад +2

      @jeffs4483 I've read the Bible cover to cover. You're going to have to be more specific. But the real point is, can mankind interpret the Bible correctly? You think yes, I think no, as evidenced by thousands of Christians sects that believe different doctrines. And btw, all protestant faiths are offshoots of catholicism, which I would assume neither you nor I believe is true.

    • @jeffs4483
      @jeffs4483 5 месяцев назад +4

      Start with Genesis when Satan promised that his followers would become Gods themselves. Sound familiar?

    • @MRRANDOMZ11
      @MRRANDOMZ11 5 месяцев назад

      We believe in a God with a body you don't therefore your God has no brain according to your theology 😂

  • @Controle9165
    @Controle9165 5 месяцев назад

    The Mormon is correct about repentance, but his core beliefs are false.
    “The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12‬:‭41‬ ‭
    Now, what change of mind does Jesus want us to have?
    “But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily to God; yes, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands. Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.”
    ‭‭Jonah‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬, ‭10‬ ‭
    That’s the repentance that is acceptable in Christ eyes!!
    The Protestant Calvinistic doctrine is completely false, only been around for 500 years.
    Faith is faithfulness cant have one without the other.

    @MRRANDOMZ11 5 месяцев назад

    All scripture is God breathed
    The Book of Mormon is a treasure to the true belivers 🙌
    Alma 34:16 And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encircles them in the arms of safety, while he that exercises no faith unto repentance is exposed to the whole law of the demands of justice; therefore only unto him that has faith unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption. 💯

  • @AdamEyers
    @AdamEyers 3 месяца назад

    Apologia is a deceitful ministry.

    @MRRANDOMZ11 5 месяцев назад +2

    We LDS are not lost so stop thinking we are not Christians
    To condemn us is not Christlike
    We Believe in Jesus Christ to be the Son of God
    We believe Jesus died for our sins and it's by his merits alone that we are saved
    Here's a Book Of Mormon verse
    Mosiah 3 - 17
    No other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent.

    • @repent6238
      @repent6238 5 месяцев назад

      Jesus is Lord.

    • @iamfritz
      @iamfritz 5 месяцев назад

      @@repent6238 good summary.

    • @spiderpam
      @spiderpam 5 месяцев назад

      Mormons have a different christ, false god(s) and a burden laden gospel that cannot save. The only Christ like behavior is to tell you the truth in love that you may come to repentance. The very "christ" you worship is that you need repentance from.

    • @AdamEyers
      @AdamEyers 3 месяца назад

      Apologia are false teachers. What they always tell LDS actually applies to them. Galatians 1:8.

  • @xaverrogers4910
    @xaverrogers4910 5 месяцев назад

    mormon does not.know gospel

  • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
    @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад +2

    God will help people become perfect in the next life. Don't Evangelicals believe the same thing?

    • @kjvjay
      @kjvjay 5 месяцев назад

      Joseph Smith, taught his followers, ”GOD HIMSELF WAS ONCE AS WE ARE NOW, AND IS AN EXALTED MAN, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens. That is the great secret. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity, I will refute that idea, and will take away and do away the veil, so that you may see It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the *character of God.. AND THAT HE WAS ONCE A MAN LIKE US;* yea, that God himself the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth the same as Jesus Christ himself did; ... to know the only wise and true God; and *YOU HAVE GOT TO LEARN HOW TO BE GODS YOURSELVES,* and priests to God, *THE SAME AS ALL GODS HAVE DONE BEFORE YOU.”*
      Smith announced this brand new teaching at a funeral for Elder King Follett who accidentally fell into a well and was killed. The funeral took place during the time of General Conference, Sunday, Nauvoo, Illinois, April 7 1844, 14 years after Smith had written the Book of Mormon.
      Also at this time, Smith was campaigning to become President of the United States.
      *Obviously is not referring to the God of the Bible and Christians, who was, is and will always be the Lord God Almighty, was never a man on another earth that became a Mormon polygamist exalted man god.*
      God of the Bible and Christians declares, “Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.” (Isaiah 43:10)
      The above quote from Joseph Smith is published in the following official LDS publications;
      Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pages 345-346, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th prophet of LDS;
      History of the Church, Vol. 6 (1843-1844) pages 302-17;
      Achieving a Celestial Marriage, page 129, Published by: Church of Jesus Christ of Larter-day Saints
      My Kingdom Shall Roll Forth, Pub. 1979, page 7, Published by: Church of Jesus Christ of Larter-day Saints
      This is a partial list of Mormon publication where this popular quote is cited.
      Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6 of 26, pages 3-4.

    • @kjvjay
      @kjvjay 5 месяцев назад

      *Here is part of the Mormon so-called restored gospel, described in the own official Mormon Church, (LDS Church) publication.* You may see for yourself what Mormons require you must do the to have eternal life, to maybe, perhaps, might, possibly become a Mormon polygamist exalted man god, or a goddess wife to your Mormon polygamist exalted man god husband.
      At the end is this declaration, “THIS IS THE WAY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER BECAME GOD.”
      "Gospel Principles," Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints
      Salt Lake City, Utah, 1997 Edition
      Unit Ten, Life after Death - Chapter 47, Exaltation, Page 30
      *”What Is Exaltation?”*
      *“EXALTATION IS ETERNAL LIFE,* the kind of life God lives. He lives in great glory. He is perfect. He possesses all knowledge and all wisdom. He is the Father of spirit children. He is a creator. We can become like our Heavenly Father. This is exaltation.”

“If we prove faithful to the Lord, we will live in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom of heaven. We will become exalted, just like our Heavenly Father. Exaltation is the greatest gift that Heavenly Father can give his children (see D&C 14:7).”
      *Blessings of Exaltation*
      Our Heavenly Father is perfect. However, he is not jealous of his wisdom and perfection. He glories in the fact that it is possible for his children to become like him. He has said, "This is my work and my glory--to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39).

Those who receive exaltation in the celestial kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ will receive special blessings. The Lord has promised, "All things are theirs" (D&C 76:59).
      These are some of the blessings given to exalted people:
      1. They will live eternally in the presence of Heavenly Father and
      Jesus Christ (see D&C 76).
      3. They will have their righteous family members with them and will be able to have spirit children also. These spirit children will have the same relationship to them as we do to our Heavenly Father. They will be an eternal family.
      4. They will receive a fulness of joy.
      5. They will have everything that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have--all power, glory, dominion, and knowledge. President Joseph Fielding Smith [10th Mormon prophet] wrote: "The Father has promised through the Son that all that he has shall be given to those who are obedient to his commandments. They shall increase in knowledge, wisdom, and power, going from grace to grace, until the fulness of the perfect day shall burst upon them" (Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 2 of 3, page 36).
      *”Requirements for Exaltation”*
      “The time to fulfill the requirements for exaltation is now (see Alma 34:32-34). President Joseph Fielding Smith said, "In order to obtain the exaltation we must accept the gospel and all its covenants; and take upon us the obligations which the Lord has offered; and walk in the light and understanding of the truth; and 'live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God' " (Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 2 of 3 ,page 43).”

      To be exalted, we first must place our faith in Jesus Christ and then endure in that faith to the end of our lives. Our faith in him must be such that we repent of our sins and obey his commandments.

He commands us all to receive certain ordinances:
      1. We must be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ.
      2. We must receive the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
      3. We must receive the temple endowment.
      4. We must be married for time and eternity.
      In addition to receiving the required ordinances, the Lord commands all of us to--
      1. Love and worship God.
      2. Love our neighbor.
      3. Repent of our wrongdoings.
      [See Ch.19 about the seven steps required for repentance.]
      4. Live the law of chastity.
      5. Pay honest tithes and offerings.
      [Meaning 10% of your gross, i.e., total income. “Gospel Principles," Ch. 32]
      6. Be honest in our dealings with others and with the Lord.
      7. Speak the truth always.
      *8. Obey the Word of Wisdom.*
      [Meaning no tea or coffee, in that they contain caffeine, and no alcohol or tobacco]
      9. Search out our kindred dead and perform the saving ordinances of the gospel for them. [Meaning they go into one of their temples, put their temple garments, and perform baptism for the dead]
      10. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
      11. Attend our Church meetings as regularly as possible so we can renew our baptismal covenants by partaking of the sacrament.
      12. Love our family members and strengthen them in the ways of the Lord.
      13. Have family and individual prayers every day.
      14. Honor our parents.
      15. Teach the gospel to others by word and example.
      16. Study the scriptures.
      17. Listen to and obey the inspired words of the prophets of the Lord.
      18. Develop true charity in our lives. [1995 Edition, deleted in the 1997 Edition]
      Finally, each of us needs to receive the Holy Ghost and learn to follow his direction in our individual lives.
      (1995 Edition included this sentence, deleted in the 1997 Edition)
      *In other words, each person must endure in faithfulness, keeping all the Lord’s commandments until the end of his life on earth.*
      *”Requirement Number 3 above, the requirement of Repentance.”*
      In addition to the above requirements for so-called “Exaltation,” there is a chapter on the seven steps of repentance, what each step mean, and what is required for each step. Included are quotes from Mormon so-called prophets and Mormon so-called apostles, to backup their claim that this is all necessary.
      “Gospel Principles,” 1997 Ed., Chapter 19, entitled “Repentance.”
      *“THIS IS THE WAY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER BECAME GOD.* Joseph Smith taught: ‘It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God. . . . He was once a man like us; . . . God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ himself did.’ (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 345-46)”
      "Gospel Principles," Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints
      Salt Lake City, Utah, 1997 Edition
      Unit Ten, Life after Death - Chapter 47, Exaltation, Page 305

    • @dfoster4234
      @dfoster4234 5 месяцев назад +2

      You gotta make it there first. And you’re not gonna get there with false gospel.

    • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
      @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад

      So, you answer the question then. What makes you think you can become perfect in the next life when you are not in this life? Do you think you have a perfect understanding of the Gospel?

    • @dfoster4234
      @dfoster4234 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m The short answer is the blood of Jesus. I’ll post a long answer, but you’re not gonna like it.

  • @firmfoundation7421
    @firmfoundation7421 5 месяцев назад +1

    Lol. One person teaching people about the love of Christ and another questioning about their religion. Get a life apologia.

  • @BunnyWatson-k1w
    @BunnyWatson-k1w 5 месяцев назад

    Leave the missionaries alone. Their family saves for years to send them on a mission.

  • @clarksetters
    @clarksetters 5 месяцев назад +2

    Pastor Andrew is not correct on a lot of things that his is trying to teach.

    • @kjvjay
      @kjvjay 5 месяцев назад +3

      Name something you think where Pastor Andrew is not correct.

    • @clarksetters
      @clarksetters 5 месяцев назад

      @@kjvjay Pastor Andrew states at marker 16.27 that there are three persons of God but one being. They are actually three separate individuals. The number of references in the Bible to the Separate identity. and separate role of the father and the sone is staggering. 1) in the Garden of gethsemane we recognize the excruciating pain that was yet to be, the Savior Jesus Christ declared not my will but thine be done. You cannot submit to another being if he and the father were one in the same being. 2) The savior prays to the father my God my God why hast thou Forsaken me how could he be forsaken if there was no separate being to forsake. 3) How did Stephen see Jesus standing on the right hand of God if they are not two persons. Luke 3:22 (1st being)The Holy Ghost decended, (2nd beings) a voice came from Heaven saying thou art my beloved son (3rd being)
      3) Jesus prayed for his disciples to be as one as his is one with his father, surely he did not mean for all his disciples to form into one body or being. 4) No being can be his own father and or his own son. 5) After Christ has risen and talking to Mary he said Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father and said I ascend unto my Father and your father and to my God and your god. How can you ascend to someone if that someone is only one person. In order to ascend to someone you must be two separate beings. Let me know if you would like more references, I hope this helped.

    • @JohnChapt.6.Verse.68
      @JohnChapt.6.Verse.68 5 месяцев назад +3

      Like what? I didn't hear him say anything incorrect. He only spoke the truth.

    • @dfoster4234
      @dfoster4234 5 месяцев назад +3

      Please enlighten us. I don’t agree with apologia on Calvinism, but their stance on salvation is solid. Calvinism is just a side issue and has no real bearing on salvation.

    • @clarksetters
      @clarksetters 5 месяцев назад

      @@dfoster4234 what is their standd on salvation?

  • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
    @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад +2

    Sometimes I wonder if the Evangelicals will be the ones the Lord will turn away from saying he never knew them. Because they are so caught up in proving people wrong, that they only know God as a fierce being who only shows mercy to a few and only desires people to see him superficially as the uncreated creator, incomprehensibe trinity and bow down to him. They see him and themselves as only having charity for most in this life. And then that charity is gone. I wonder...I wonder...

    • @AdamsTaiwan
      @AdamsTaiwan 5 месяцев назад +1

      Since you brought up Matt. 7 "He never knew them". Tell me according to the that passage what is the the reason?

    • @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m
      @Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m 5 месяцев назад

      ​@AdamsTaiwan Because the works that Evangelicals (or at least Apologia and GLM) do involve picking apart other belief systems instead of just loving and serving their fellow man. Jesus may look at them and say, "really, you spent your life analyzing other religions to tear them apart instead of following me, having faith, being baptized and learning to do my will which includes love one another."
      So many people are too busy trying to see how wrong others are, instead of serving them, loving them and teaching truth while trusting the spirit to do the teaching.
      Also, let's face it, the men who do Aplogia Utav get paid. They use preaching as a way to get money. And I dont think Jesus did that.
      Obviously this is my own opinion. But I don't think Jesus would be impressed. Maybe I am wrong. But I can't help thinking that the LDS who have childlike faith in following the Savior are innocent while those who get money for preaching are not.

    • @jamesbaldwin7676
      @jamesbaldwin7676 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@AdamsTaiwan Joseph Smith translated "I never knew you" into "you never knew me"
      Right or wrong, it certainly makes more sense, since the Lord and creator of everyone, knows everyone, both the righteous and the wicked.

    • @UnlimitedMercy
      @UnlimitedMercy 5 месяцев назад +1

      That’s not how *_translation_* works… it changes the entire meaning of what Christ is saying. What He is saying aligns with Romans 8
      ”Because those whom He *_foreknew_* He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers; and those whom He predestined, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified; and those whom He justified, He also glorified.“
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭29‬-‭30‬ ‭LSB‬‬

    • @jamesbaldwin7676
      @jamesbaldwin7676 5 месяцев назад

      @@UnlimitedMercy Since you bought up Romans 8, that fits nicely with Jeremiah 1:5
      "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."
      Not only does this support "LDS" teachings of pre-existence, but also our view of the predestination of the Prophet Joseph Smith. His translation of "I never knew you" is therefore,, not without authority.

  • @gingermcgovern5682
    @gingermcgovern5682 5 месяцев назад +1

    Teaching false doctrine! We are not saved by belief alone! A narcissist trying to preach to a righteous young man who def knows his own testimony and knows he is saved! Move on Pastor!

    • @skiu4ea434
      @skiu4ea434 5 месяцев назад +1

      What do you think Christ would have to say about a man that came over a thousand years after Christ's ministry, that proclaimed all the original scriptures had been corrupted, that he had special revelation (when Jesus warned against this very thing), and preached that people can actually become gods one day? Open your eyes... satan said the same thing to Eve in the garden.
      Why do Mormons place so much emphasis on a feeling from the "Holy Spirit" when scripture itself tells us we can be more sure of the prophetic word as opposed to any experience or feeling we have? If we are to base the Holy Spirit on "feelings", then how are you any different than a muslim, Jehovah's witness or any other religion where that person has had strong "feelings"?? "God has exalted His name and His Word above all things." That is how much gravity is placed upon the word of God, not feelings, and not a man that came a thousand years after Christ.
      Galatians 1, "There are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."

    • @MRRANDOMZ11
      @MRRANDOMZ11 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@skiu4ea434Why do Christians tear down good people follow Christ be kind let others live their faith no need to debate
      Also Do you believe in a God who has no feelings?

    • @BunnyWatson-k1w
      @BunnyWatson-k1w 5 месяцев назад

      Mormons believe it is grace that saves you "when all we can do".

    • @gingermcgovern5682
      @gingermcgovern5682 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@BunnyWatson-k1wno that’s not a real quote. We believe we need to reconcile our sins and repent with a broken heart and contrite spirit and ask God to forgive us. That’s our part that Christ commanded us to repent and forsake our sins and then by showing faith in Him and his power to save we can be reborn thru the power of Christs atoning sacrifice. We are not forgiven without any action of faith on our part. He taught faith without works is dead. The work he’s talking about is the action we need to make to turn to him with full purpose of heart and intention to turn away from sin and follow him. Part of that is keeping his commandment of being baptized as he showed by example. If he being perfect and sinless had to submit himself to Gods law then how greater is our need being less than the dust? Nobody is above the laws of God.

    • @BunnyWatson-k1w
      @BunnyWatson-k1w 5 месяцев назад

      @@gingermcgovern5682 I assume you are LDS when you use the term "broken heart and contrite spirit". If you are LDS then you should be aware of the "all that we can do" part. Covenants and action are also an important under Christ's plan. Grace is part of that. Read or watch Brad Wilcox's talk on "Why Grace is Sufficient."

  • @jakeave
    @jakeave 5 месяцев назад +2

    This kid was a rock star. Even when he was being talked at, rather than talked to, with the same Baptist schpeel we've all heard 10,000 times, he maintained his calm and civility. And I'll add these Baptists and Evangelicals are nice people who worship God and accept Jesus Christ, and I would consider them friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. However theologically, I can't jive with the current doctrine of the baptists.
    North American Baptist Theology in a nutshell:
    1. poorly interpret Ephesians 2:8-9
    2. close the Bible before reading verse 10
    3. ignore the rest of the Bible
    bUt DoNt YoU bElIeVe In ThE gOsPeL??
    There's a reason why the ancient christian church and the creeds never embraced this bizarre grace theology, and there's a reason why it hasn't seeded well anywhere else in the world since it's inception. It's a ridiculous, unapologetically extreme over simplification of faith, obfuscates human agency, erases the commandments (from the New and Old Testament), trivializes divine grace into a comical get out of jail free card, conflates works (ritual works / ἔργων νόμου) with good works (acts of faith / καλῶν ἔργων) and is anti-biblical as far as the nature of the Godhead because it accepts the Nicene Creed. North American Evangelicalism as a whole is on course to join Marcionism, Pelagianism and Shakerism as an extinct Christian theology. It's been a fun 300 years, but all inventions of man have an end.
    The beloved God fearing communities that have sprung from North American Evangelicalism will need to accept Biblical and traditional doctrine, aligned with truth, to continue to grow and thrive in future generations.