The most -annoying- evil thing I do is if we don’t have any sappers or surgeons and I’m really not in the mood to play either of those classes, I’ll play the class I want to play and then passively aggressively spam “We need a barricade!” Or “I’m bleeding out!” Until someone else switches.
Typically i play as offensive classes like the seaman or line infantry, but if i notice if we have none of one class or just not enough for one map, (ex: Sappers) I switch to that specific class to help the team, this applies to every class even musicians and priests.
Someone said "Nah, i'd win" at the shore of san sebastion, i was using a carbine. He got tackled and you can guess what happened, only 3 people made it out to the boat.
Fun fact: In San Sebastian, sacrificing gives double the reward of the boat, and if you stay in the fort where there are less zombies (because you don't have to deal with any on the beach), you still get the same amount of Francs as on the boat. It's more fun to capture the fort than flee like cowards.
I’m sorry for those victims but… hell being an old player and used to remembering how stupid your team mates used to be and I get an intense sense of satisfactory from murdering my team “accidentally”
Another annoying thing that got fixed was that you couldn't build things while ppl were on that patch of land. Say you were injured as Sapper, now the medic that just responded will not leave you alone, when you really need to build up fortifications first.
the most annoying thing is just being tackled or watching a teammate get tackled but you cant get to them like being tackled is annoying cause now you need help, but the situation depends "is there a swarm overpowering them?" or "are they just blind somehow" watching someone get tackled is a different story, cause now they need help, and the situation is like "is this good enough to slip by the zombies and save them or are we too overpowered by the horde?
I remember when I was playing with a friend and he got overrun by a horde. I was running to get him, but because I was the only one that noticed, and because there were too many zombies on him and in my way, he died before I could get to him. whoops
Lowkey though, I sometimes forget I have the charge meter for officer. Whenever I’m playing as officer I’ll play like normal and completely forget about the charge meter and realize it’s been full for like 10 minutes.
@@ZachBruh38 I'm the opposite for this. Got db and main officer for so long that I feel pointless everytime I melee as any class other than medic or bugle.
i don’t think i’ve ever been in a server where nobody sacrifices in san sebastián and honestly i feel like it’s more common to get left behind or miss the platform because somebody sacrifices themselves too quick lol
Something that annoys me is I tend to try and do some solo bridge on Berezina when the horde comes faster. Some guy followed me, drew 10 zombies to the bridge, died, and his runner got me. Glad this isn’t often but it’s still infuriating
The most annoying thing is when someone is doing all of this, but knows what they're doing (aka ragebaiting/trolling) I was playing La Ferme d'En-Haut and I was reloading the cannon, then a runner tackles me, the guy next to me, instead of just swinging his sabre at the runner, he gets a Tar bottle and burns himself and me, making me die. I told him if he was stupid and he was just laughing, the bad part is, after he burned himself, he was still alive
I’ve seen someone in a charge who ran into a bomber while teammates were next to him, with a *heavy sabre.* Also, someone with a navy pistol shot a bomber, killing 2 teammates the first time (yes, he did it repeatedly). He had to hold out by himself in Copenhagen and he blamed it on us.
1:34 i remember, when i was building a bridge in Berezina there were 3 people, one being me, the second is afk, while the third is probably a mobile player. When i got tackled by a runner in the river, the mobile player (possibly a mobile player) decided to shoot instead of using the sabre or other melee, and i died
An annoying thing that can often happen is using the wrong weapon. This often happens when your not focusing and you can sometimes use your gun on a single zombie or sometimes use water bucket and do nothing.
Agreed with the first one, but another thing is just trollers loading roundshot in Paris, it's annoying and it can also cause your teammates to die because of trollge, this happened multiple times when I want to fire the cannon...
This has happened to me once. I would actively compete against the asshole to place canister shot instead. In hindsight, it didn’t really matter, but god is it annoying.
A common game ending mistake many people make is staying behind. In the new vardohus map alot of people were staying behind thinking people up ahead were still digging shovels. They weren't, and they eventually all died from too many hordes and no sapper not even realizing alot of players have already reached the end game part of the map This usually happens because people are in a kill hungry state or are just new players that don't pay attention to the objective. Very annoying because this is how a majority of the team is wiped
Nah, that one guy that always activates John or ringing bell early after the whole chat was just begging him not to do it and the sappers barely have anytime to build and the server all dies should be number 1
one thing i really hate is when i was tackled by a runner and a teammate was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME with their gun aimed at my direction but then they turned and went to go kill zombies elsewhere 😐
i once saw someone break their legs on catacombes boat, someone shot him, the dude was like "why did you shoot me!" i just found it shocking that it was even possible to break ur legs on the boat lol
The Most annoying thing i do is ring the bell Immediately in Leipzig and then i either wait until the map ends or when someone gets mad about it to say I rang the bell but in my opinion you shouldn't really that much on prep time
For over stacking classes, it’s become more a problem on Copenhagen update, all people who doesn’t even like line infantry change to it, before the Copenhagen update all people play seaman(it’s op), but after Copenhagen all of them playes like wich is indirectly forced me to change my main class from line infantry
embarrassing and annoying is when u dont realize theres a bomber on the other side of the wall and when u decide to go out of the room u explode- or u hit it and make it explode- bad timing and unfortunate
Staying on the bridge in Copenhagen can actually help as theres a part where zombies spawn on the boat near the broken bridge and you can shoot them, helping your team as normally whenever I get to that part, the amount of people getting grabbed and dying spikes rapidly.
0:25 i was once playing leipzig before, and this newbie sapper started building caltdrops and stakes at the church. He didn't make it past the runner horde
Another point could be made. A bunch of people trying to sacrifice on San Sebastián. I notice this specifically in new players trying to get Vos, but when like 5 people try to get on the ladder to sacrifice, you’ve just lost like a whole group of people for no reason, leading to a lack of people for the final part with the lifeboat.
In my case for Sacrificing on San Sebastian, 2-3 players would go to sacrifice everytime, and in some smaller servers that would be like half the group gone
Having multiple people go up to the sacrfice area can be good as they can hold off the zombies for awhile and make it easy for the people on the beach to survive.
Ngl, most server that i play people would go up around 2-3(maybe more) just go sacrifice and then immediately jump down and break their leg if they cant get the Vos Enterrement Badge 💀👍
2:04 I’ve never had that sort of thing happen to me Except for something arguably a lot more annoying, where some knobhead stole the credit of the sacrifice (which I had mentioned earlier that I was willing to do so I can unlock chaplein) just because they wanted a couple more francs Which was really annoying for me, since I got no francs due to dying, and now I had to do it all over again
1:33 happens with me most of the time, and they ARE ALWAYS NEAR ENOUGH TO KILL THE RUNNER but nah, they just let you die and stare at you like a stupid. Most of my deaths are by bomber and teamates letting me die by runners or shamblers simpling by being a coward.
Can’t forget being the only person who has a water bucket only for an igniter to come and burn half the team immobilizing them and you get tackled by a runner or engulfed in the flames aswell.
When I first started playing g&b, I played on console so I never knew that is was bad to start the next objective before sappers are done building, but now that im a pc player I consider myself a pro
0:59 stacking infantry is a good idea* because of how many unlocks they have, and infantry is good anyways, they can replace seamen and officers if you have 8 infantry in your team, you basically only need 1-2 sappers and maybe 1 surgeon, other classes are obsolete *good idea only if you have other members of the team as well
No, while you can do well with a lot of infantry and only a surgeon and two offficers it is far more efficent to spread out your classes a bit more. Officers are better the more infantry you have as heavy Sabre, bayonet and pike all massivley benefit from the charge. A priest can be useful to hold off hordes and to bless people. A second surgeon is helpful as they can heal the first surgeon as well as making it less likely for your team to have no more surgeons. And musicians are incredably useful and it is annoying when you don’t have them.
@@Cutepanda1943 good point, imo the team of 15 players that stacks infantry should look like this: 1-2 officers if things go south, they pop charge and rush 0 seamen 1 fifer for reloading 1-2 sappers, bombers wont be a problem, so it's mostly just maintaining them 1-2 surgeons, 1 is good, the second one is to heal the first surgeon 1 chaplain, crucifix is good when things go south, and gives blessings 7-10 infantry, some play rifle/carbine to snipe bombers, the rest plays musket/pike for melee
How funny is that despite being a new player, i barely have done all of those annoying things ya state above beside saving a teammate from getting tackle... but mostly because there's too much shambler already surround them or i'm just too far away (sugeon when they don't have a long range opition)
if you use gjns fo save people, youre s massive W. dont call yourself a noob unless you die to 2 shamblers (i died to 2 shsmblers once when i had 300 hours)
The optimal strat (assuming the majority of people are still alive) is to stay on the bridge in copenhagen though. Seaman stay behind to shoot zombies that spawn while the rest go on boat and fend the zombies off until seaman can jump in
I find it funny how many people do like votekills for people that start hordes early, without realizing that doing a votekill just kills off one of our teammates for LITERALLY no reason. Like, they CANNOT harm you anymore after that, just keep them at that point..
The most annoying thing for me is that I passively enjoy playing surgeon (not for the priest but just for being a healer / support) and 2 things: When people’s health are still in the green and they spam; “I’m bleeding out!” Or while I’m trying to heal someone some bystander does that weird forward backward thing.
The Thing that quite annoying for me is that sometimes all of my team get on the platform early when barry said "Get on the platform" and no one defend, a few second later all of the defense got broke and we got overran before barry reach death animation 💀👍
Whats really happens is like 4 people get into an argument over who's going to sacrifice on San Sebastian because they all want the badge followed by all 4 dying right before sacrifice time.
We stay on the bridge so we can kill a large mass of the enemies up ahead, or you’re like me, and played since far before Copenhagen, and remember when you’d randomly fall through the boat, so we try to stay off of it for as long as possible.
do you know what is really annoying if you are playing with console when you waste the charge on acident for example if you play on playstation the charge is the square button and the square is the same button for interacting imagine like on keyboard if the E is interact and its the charge too its a pain sometimes
Also one of annoying things people do is shooting bomber near a person or a group, i once saw like 4 people die of a single bomber because some idiot shot it
-using rifle or nock gun -using pickaxe on maps where axe already one shots zombies -using delicious leg -using rifle and nock gun -using navy man for campaign (heavy sabre or axe is better for crowd control
i think the san sebastian is funny because i have never seen a team have everyone refuse to sacrifice, its more that people are fighting to be the sacrifice
funny story about the tackle one, i saw someone getting tackled from afar and i couldnt save them but another teammate could, they didnt, the didnt save them, SO i got revenge bu luring a runner towards them and to runner tankled them, I stared into that mans eyes while he was screaming for help, I stood next to him staring at him until he died, and i survived san sebastian.
1:01 it can happen everytime when the match end or win , in new match like (vardohus fortress or Copenhagen) player class switched to line infantry in Danish nation.(New player are never changed they class back too)
Never had nobody sacrifice on San Sebastian. Every single time there's millions of people begging to be the sacrifice, and on average I get 3-5 people up there. It's awesome!
0:26 DUDE I LITERALLY GOT THIS AWHILE AGO, YOU SEE ME AND MY HOMEBOYS WERE PLAYING BEREZINA well actually I don't have homeboys the players of this game r stupid, and there's one officer, he doesn't know how to charge so i said "BRO CHARGE" and he didn't charged, the world is doomed😭😭
I experienced gnb and lets say I also been in this situation too 0:07 - Ok I did admit I did it on accident 0:25 - I also feel the same way 0:40 - It depends if I should start the hordes early. Example in Leipzig i have to start the bell early because the team is W can speedrun but if the team L ill just take it slow 0:59 - I swear I hate the fact that so many use Private/Infantry as main in copenhagen and don't even use other classes 1:12 - ??? Ummmm I don't think anyone was annoyed about that part since officer can simply just stay at the bridge to recharge their charge by shooting the cannibals at the boat at the left side of the bridge. But if theres less people alive then I decide to go with them. 1:32 - I also feel the same way 1:48 - I never experienced that before luckily 2:03 - ok it's true and same goes for me I also don't want to sacrifise since I need Francs 😅 2:24 - I feel the same 2:40 - Sometimes I use my charge by misclick 😢 So thats all I experienced about those top 10 most annoying things in gnb :D
I am guilty of letting a person die because I was using the Boarding axe’s sharp end or the bayonet, I always hit the shamblers right next to them and never the runner on them lol
As 30 hours player that still doesn't know if I'm playing it the right way (probably not) 1. Did and somebody also did this to me, it's sad and kinda annyoing, yeah 2. Did and probably still doing, I play only private, seaman, chaplain and sapper tho, sometimes medic, I have no idea how to use officer and musicman right, for private and seaman my logic is kill zombies, protect teammates, push foward, chaplain - I honestly don't know what am I doing but block zombies when there are too much of them with cross and bless people that need it, sapper - build barrcades where I saw other people building them and I take sapper only when there are no sappers in our team. Medic - heal, on defensive parts maybe put bandages down. 3. Never did, annyoing af 4. Probably did, but now I'm just trying to balance it out when I see it as a reason for our team loosing, like taking sapper, medic or chaplain when most of the server is for example private or seaman 5. Never done Copenhagen lmao, failed everytime at getting water part. 6. It's pain when I die like that, being close to teammate but not being seen, me myself, I always prioritize my tackled/grabbed teammates over everything, unironically I have that strong "No man left behind" mindset and it's really, like really strong, I have that feeling where I just can't leave them, especially when patriotism comes into play because I play a Polish regiment 7. Yeah kinda did, I play but sometimes, depending on how nice is server, I do a little breaks to write something on chat 8. Never had that problem, quite the opposite, while getting chaplain I had problem being first up there, finally at some moment I was able to do it but like 3 other guys stayed with me because they wanted too. 9. Nah, I'm either being with group (depending on class somewhere in the middle or at front) or staying at the back because again my strong "No man left behind" mindset, I protect people that were left behind so they can join main group or medic healing teammates so they will be safe while animation is on, died several times like that trying to get my teammates to safety. 10. Kinda annoying, never did it as far as I remember, I don't play officer.
One annoying thing you should’ve added is when accepting heals from a surgeon doesn’t work when you accept it which wastes time and makes it look like you don’t want heals when you do.
Its a bug when you are inside a sapper's building you cant heal, you have to go to an empty space to fix it. Shoulda fix long time ago, its very annoying
Bro at the new vardohus fortress map I was at the church then I got grabbed by a zombies the 3 people next to me were just there doing nothing next to me AND GUESS WHAT they were near me and saw me and watch me die💀
I agree with all, although I've done all of these all the time... when starting the horde is fine, tbh If your team is bad or good but then again, people are gonna start complaining, trying to votekill You or everybody just dies... I do start hordes early. ONLY when my team is like goated " When they are not so experienced, i let them take their time to just sit there and wait for them to prepare. Also another one is meleeing bomber yea it's accidental and quite funny sometimes and also some mobile players just melee them thinking there are a normal zombie it's gets pretty annoying if you are in the Frontline fighting cause these bombers also Jumpscare and they look like normal shamblers so sometimes people get confused and melee them Killing 1-2 of there teammates next to them.. now I find it funny at first, but it's just happened so many times I'll just sit there and be like, " Seriously. " AND yes, I've done it as well by surprise, so yea, I'm a dumbass as well
@Running_doggo yea same team I get a little to overconfident and my team ends up dying and only the experienced players like me and 1-2 survive longer than the others but breaking ankles isn't really gonna save u so I end up dying aswell
1:39 one time it was too risky to save a teamate cuz he was surrounded by a horde and bro started screaming in chat "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ME" "YOU GUYS ARE IDIOTS" "YOU JUST LOST A SURGEON" lmao there's still 2 others my guy
Sometimes I just get bored so I troll by getting people killed and starting everything before they prepare and then act like it's their fault when we inevitably fail (I play mobile)
bro once i got tackles by a runner infront of my entire team and they walked over me and i died then they all lost after that so atleast that satisfied me
How the hell is Starting hordes early annoying, I've told someone if Jean keeps talking the sappers still have time to build. If the bell is still ringing the sappers have time to build. If Barry keeps- Oh no wait it's unnecessary Unless someone gets annoyed but still if Barry keeps talking the sappers still build. If the players are almost near the door the sappers still have time to build. One catch of them all is They have to be fast, so Starting hordes early can be annoying but less annoying
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The most -annoying- evil thing I do is if we don’t have any sappers or surgeons and I’m really not in the mood to play either of those classes, I’ll play the class I want to play and then passively aggressively spam “We need a barricade!” Or “I’m bleeding out!” Until someone else switches.
Borned to main Line Infantry, forced to play Sapper.
Typically i play as offensive classes like the seaman or line infantry, but if i notice if we have none of one class or just not enough for one map, (ex: Sappers) I switch to that specific class to help the team, this applies to every class even musicians and priests.
Dang that's a skill issue
It's really annoying when I get tackled and the player closest to you just watches you get eaten while they're reloading their weapon...
i remebered in hard mode on san sebastian, 2 runners tackled me while the rest of the players were watching the warehouse explode
Someone said "Nah, i'd win" at the shore of san sebastion, i was using a carbine. He got tackled and you can guess what happened, only 3 people made it out to the boat.
thats the fifer the one in endless mode that tries to get old guard by being cowarded away from the zombies and go behind their teammates
Fun fact: In San Sebastian, sacrificing gives double the reward of the boat, and if you stay in the fort where there are less zombies (because you don't have to deal with any on the beach), you still get the same amount of Francs as on the boat. It's more fun to capture the fort than flee like cowards.
But is the fun worth death?
"Never miss the opportunity to shoot a bomber next to someone." -evil me.
I’m sorry for those victims but… hell being an old player and used to remembering how stupid your team mates used to be and I get an intense sense of satisfactory from murdering my team “accidentally”
Another annoying thing that got fixed was that you couldn't build things while ppl were on that patch of land. Say you were injured as Sapper, now the medic that just responded will not leave you alone, when you really need to build up fortifications first.
I remember when that was a thing, it sucked!
It was annoying but as a sapper getting to yell "STAND ASIDE/GET BACK" at them for it was funny
I felt like i just get expose bruh :skull:
I get the feeling but as the same time I'm kinda happy to have a responsible teammate
annoying when on console too cuz you cant chat and tell them to get away
the most annoying thing is just being tackled or watching a teammate get tackled but you cant get to them
like being tackled is annoying cause now you need help, but the situation depends "is there a swarm overpowering them?" or "are they just blind somehow"
watching someone get tackled is a different story, cause now they need help, and the situation is like "is this good enough to slip by the zombies and save them or are we too overpowered by the horde?
I remember when I was playing with a friend and he got overrun by a horde. I was running to get him, but because I was the only one that noticed, and because there were too many zombies on him and in my way, he died before I could get to him.
Lowkey though, I sometimes forget I have the charge meter for officer. Whenever I’m playing as officer I’ll play like normal and completely forget about the charge meter and realize it’s been full for like 10 minutes.
I do this all the time, they should an a update that sends a ping when your meter is full.
Good point
@@ZachBruh38 I'm the opposite for this. Got db and main officer for so long that I feel pointless everytime I melee as any class other than medic or bugle.
@@TuMooYT Maybe they could use a call-out for it, like for example:
"Prepare to charge, men!"
@@Running_doggo there is a call-out for it, when you select classes there is an option to call as an officer which, tells your teammates to charge
Not saving ur teammates is the most annoying
i don’t think i’ve ever been in a server where nobody sacrifices in san sebastián and honestly i feel like it’s more common to get left behind or miss the platform because somebody sacrifices themselves too quick lol
or more people get on the top because most of them haven't get the badge and less survivors going to the boat
"we need a barricade" my brother in Christ i'm the only sapper, help me
1:59 Hey that's me as the Polish officer with the blue bicorne. We were waiting for the saps to buildthe eiffel tower
sappers on their way to build a 5 star hotel in huogomont:
@@catfacecat. Zappers on their way to destroy that asap.
@@Running_doggome and the seaman gang not shooting the 99 bombers thats coming because we are "reloading
@@Running_doggo sapper shove"
@@catfacecat. Welp, send more then.
11th Reason: No Support Classes and the dumbasses they call themselves your teammates decides to use brute force
Something that annoys me is I tend to try and do some solo bridge on Berezina when the horde comes faster. Some guy followed me, drew 10 zombies to the bridge, died, and his runner got me. Glad this isn’t often but it’s still infuriating
Seamen players after shooting a barrel next to their teammates: “Because, I felt like it…”
I am one but I am VERY careful of my moves and instead doesn't shoot when we teammate is close to a bomber-
I always like playing as sailor, but I refuse to waste my shot on an already activated bomber.
The most annoying thing is when someone is doing all of this, but knows what they're doing (aka ragebaiting/trolling) I was playing La Ferme d'En-Haut and I was reloading the cannon, then a runner tackles me, the guy next to me, instead of just swinging his sabre at the runner, he gets a Tar bottle and burns himself and me, making me die. I told him if he was stupid and he was just laughing, the bad part is, after he burned himself, he was still alive
i feel like the most annoying thing i see people doing is shooting basic shamblers instead of bombers and igniters
I’ve seen someone in a charge who ran into a bomber while teammates were next to him, with a *heavy sabre.*
Also, someone with a navy pistol shot a bomber, killing 2 teammates the first time (yes, he did it repeatedly). He had to hold out by himself in Copenhagen and he blamed it on us.
1:34 i remember, when i was building a bridge in Berezina there were 3 people, one being me, the second is afk, while the third is probably a mobile player. When i got tackled by a runner in the river, the mobile player (possibly a mobile player) decided to shoot instead of using the sabre or other melee, and i died
The most annoying is when you are facing a crowd of zombies, you fight them off until you spot a bomber by the time you melee it, bomber decieves.
An annoying thing that can often happen is using the wrong weapon. This often happens when your not focusing and you can sometimes use your gun on a single zombie or sometimes use water bucket and do nothing.
As a surgeon main, sometimes i use the wrong weapon as other classes since I'm so used to 1 as sabre.
Agreed with the first one, but another thing is just trollers loading roundshot in Paris, it's annoying and it can also cause your teammates to die because of trollge, this happened multiple times when I want to fire the cannon...
This has happened to me once. I would actively compete against the asshole to place canister shot instead. In hindsight, it didn’t really matter, but god is it annoying.
@@goodboi1725 yes same here I would try to put canister before they put round
when I was new to the game I had both canisters and roundshots, and would use both, Because I didn't know about roundshots being not great.
@@Running_doggo Roundshot are usally useless unless your breaking something during an objective map.
@@Cutepanda1943 Yeah I know that since I played for a while, I was mentioning that I was new at the time and was unaware.
A common game ending mistake many people make is staying behind. In the new vardohus map alot of people were staying behind thinking people up ahead were still digging shovels. They weren't, and they eventually all died from too many hordes and no sapper not even realizing alot of players have already reached the end game part of the map
This usually happens because people are in a kill hungry state or are just new players that don't pay attention to the objective. Very annoying because this is how a majority of the team is wiped
Nah, that one guy that always activates John or ringing bell early after the whole chat was just begging him not to do it and the sappers barely have anytime to build and the server all dies should be number 1
one thing i really hate is when i was tackled by a runner and a teammate was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME with their gun aimed at my direction but then they turned and went to go kill zombies elsewhere 😐
i once saw someone break their legs on catacombes boat, someone shot him, the dude was like
"why did you shoot me!"
i just found it shocking that it was even possible to break ur legs on the boat lol
I remember back then it's more possible but I think less often now cause the haystack hit boxes improved. and nahh that shooter did him dirty 🤣
The Most annoying thing i do is ring the bell Immediately in Leipzig and then i either wait until the map ends or when someone gets mad about it to say I rang the bell but in my opinion you shouldn't really that much on prep time
For over stacking classes, it’s become more a problem on Copenhagen update, all people who doesn’t even like line infantry change to it, before the Copenhagen update all people play seaman(it’s op), but after Copenhagen all of them playes like wich is indirectly forced me to change my main class from line infantry
embarrassing and annoying is when u dont realize theres a bomber on the other side of the wall and when u decide to go out of the room u explode- or u hit it and make it explode- bad timing and unfortunate
its like that one spot in san sebastian where you spawn in the runner part
The most basic annoying in every g&b server is that most than half of the server are just going infantry
ive been ignored by countless fifers that walked past me when there wasnt any zombies near me, me being damn well in a lit area and easy to spot
Staying on the bridge in Copenhagen can actually help as theres a part where zombies spawn on the boat near the broken bridge and you can shoot them, helping your team as normally whenever I get to that part, the amount of people getting grabbed and dying spikes rapidly.
0:25 i was once playing leipzig before, and this newbie sapper started building caltdrops and stakes at the church. He didn't make it past the runner horde
The thing is i have literally done all of these things except for San Sebastian but it's more rare to see me to do all of these
Another point could be made. A bunch of people trying to sacrifice on San Sebastián. I notice this specifically in new players trying to get Vos, but when like 5 people try to get on the ladder to sacrifice, you’ve just lost like a whole group of people for no reason, leading to a lack of people for the final part with the lifeboat.
In my case for Sacrificing on San Sebastian, 2-3 players would go to sacrifice everytime, and in some smaller servers that would be like half the group gone
Having multiple people go up to the sacrfice area can be good as they can hold off the zombies for awhile and make it easy for the people on the beach to survive.
Ngl, most server that i play people would go up around 2-3(maybe more) just go sacrifice and then immediately jump down and break their leg if they cant get the Vos Enterrement Badge 💀👍
Jesus loves ya all and He wants you to turn to Him and repent, it’s your choice if you want to or not.
@@MostrandomM_toexisttoday kinda hard to repent if I haven’t done anything wrong
"shooting bombers next to people" fr it's so annoying alr happened to me 20+ flipping times
im sorry but whats ur username
2:04 I’ve never had that sort of thing happen to me
Except for something arguably a lot more annoying, where some knobhead stole the credit of the sacrifice (which I had mentioned earlier that I was willing to do so I can unlock chaplein) just because they wanted a couple more francs
Which was really annoying for me, since I got no francs due to dying, and now I had to do it all over again
1:33 happens with me most of the time, and they ARE ALWAYS NEAR ENOUGH TO KILL THE RUNNER but nah, they just let you die and stare at you like a stupid. Most of my deaths are by bomber and teamates letting me die by runners or shamblers simpling by being a coward.
I used to not know how to activate a charge so i had to ask my teammates, they were very helpful
Can’t forget being the only person who has a water bucket only for an igniter to come and burn half the team immobilizing them and you get tackled by a runner or engulfed in the flames aswell.
When I first started playing g&b, I played on console so I never knew that is was bad to start the next objective before sappers are done building, but now that im a pc player I consider myself a pro
The things I have not yet done are refusing to sacrifice, staying on the bridge (I have Copenhagen like 3 times lol), and overstacking.
That feeling when you accidentally use the crucifix when there’s only one zombie
0:59 stacking infantry is a good idea* because of how many unlocks they have, and infantry is good anyways, they can replace seamen and officers
if you have 8 infantry in your team, you basically only need 1-2 sappers and maybe 1 surgeon, other classes are obsolete
*good idea only if you have other members of the team as well
No, while you can do well with a lot of infantry and only a surgeon and two offficers it is far more efficent to spread out your classes a bit more. Officers are better the more infantry you have as heavy Sabre, bayonet and pike all massivley benefit from the charge. A priest can be useful to hold off hordes and to bless people. A second surgeon is helpful as they can heal the first surgeon as well as making it less likely for your team to have no more surgeons. And musicians are incredably useful and it is annoying when you don’t have them.
@@Cutepanda1943 good point, imo the team of 15 players that stacks infantry should look like this:
1-2 officers if things go south, they pop charge and rush
0 seamen
1 fifer for reloading
1-2 sappers, bombers wont be a problem, so it's mostly just maintaining them
1-2 surgeons, 1 is good, the second one is to heal the first surgeon
1 chaplain, crucifix is good when things go south, and gives blessings
7-10 infantry, some play rifle/carbine to snipe bombers, the rest plays musket/pike for melee
Seamen do most of the kills. It's a fact. Infantry is trash without having seamen to support them with kills
@@whatnot1235 And Seaman is worse in melee.
How funny is that despite being a new player, i barely have done all of those annoying things ya state above beside saving a teammate from getting tackle... but mostly because there's too much shambler already surround them or i'm just too far away (sugeon when they don't have a long range opition)
if you use gjns fo save people, youre s massive W. dont call yourself a noob unless you die to 2 shamblers
(i died to 2 shsmblers once when i had 300 hours)
@@catfacecat. real
@@unhappysappermmain also, i had a stroke while writing my comment.
"gjins" "youre s massive W"
0:47 basically a ghost rule (which is a rule made by the players)
The optimal strat (assuming the majority of people are still alive) is to stay on the bridge in copenhagen though. Seaman stay behind to shoot zombies that spawn while the rest go on boat and fend the zombies off until seaman can jump in
For me the most annoying thing I’ve experienced were Lazy Sappers they’d just start the horde and don’t build Barricades
I find it funny how many people do like votekills for people that start hordes early, without realizing that doing a votekill just kills off one of our teammates for LITERALLY no reason. Like, they CANNOT harm you anymore after that, just keep them at that point..
3:15"commanded by Lord Nelson!"
"The French for to meet!"
The most annoying thing for me is that I passively enjoy playing surgeon (not for the priest but just for being a healer / support) and 2 things:
When people’s health are still in the green and they spam; “I’m bleeding out!” Or while I’m trying to heal someone some bystander does that weird forward backward thing.
this video is actually fire subbed
Thanks man, appreciate the support!
hey tumoo your the gratest latest and better yt about g&b
ill subb
The Thing that quite annoying for me is that sometimes all of my team get on the platform early when barry said "Get on the platform" and no one defend, a few second later all of the defense got broke and we got overran before barry reach death animation 💀👍
Whats really happens is like 4 people get into an argument over who's going to sacrifice on San Sebastian because they all want the badge followed by all 4 dying right before sacrifice time.
holy shit the bridge one is way too true, especially when you’ve got a small amount of survivors
I'm the 220 Subscriber awesome sauce
We stay on the bridge so we can kill a large mass of the enemies up ahead, or you’re like me, and played since far before Copenhagen, and remember when you’d randomly fall through the boat, so we try to stay off of it for as long as possible.
do you know what is really annoying if you are playing with console when you waste the charge on acident
for example if you play on playstation the charge is the square button and the square is the same button for interacting
imagine like on keyboard if the E is interact and its the charge too its a pain sometimes
Also one of annoying things people do is shooting bomber near a person or a group, i once saw like 4 people die of a single bomber because some idiot shot it
-using rifle or nock gun
-using pickaxe on maps where axe already one shots zombies
-using delicious leg
-using rifle and nock gun
-using navy man for campaign (heavy sabre or axe is better for crowd control
nuh uh
bro though he ate with this one
Nock gun and the rifle are not bad li'l bro
so you're saying that we can't play as we choose?
@@mariotheidiot25 duh uh it's coming from a experienced player
The most evil thing i do is become sapper on endless then use up all the barricades on the sides of walls or places they wont be useful
The fact I did half of the thing in the video you said is crazy
i think the san sebastian is funny because i have never seen a team have everyone refuse to sacrifice, its more that people are fighting to be the sacrifice
stacks of infantry is forgivable as it make officer charge more deadly
funny story about the tackle one, i saw someone getting tackled from afar and i couldnt save them but another teammate could, they didnt, the didnt save them, SO i got revenge bu luring a runner towards them and to runner tankled them, I stared into that mans eyes while he was screaming for help, I stood next to him staring at him until he died, and i survived san sebastian.
1:01 it can happen everytime when the match end or win , in new match like (vardohus fortress or Copenhagen) player class switched to line infantry in Danish nation.(New player are never changed they class back too)
im your 382th subscriber 🎉🎉
392th i mean
Never had nobody sacrifice on San Sebastian. Every single time there's millions of people begging to be the sacrifice, and on average I get 3-5 people up there. It's awesome!
2:53 The bugle recharges so fast and the player who use it are good enough to know it
That's why I always ask if someone will sacrifice or not,or if I can be the one to sacrifice in San Sebastian
0:26 DUDE I LITERALLY GOT THIS AWHILE AGO, YOU SEE ME AND MY HOMEBOYS WERE PLAYING BEREZINA well actually I don't have homeboys the players of this game r stupid, and there's one officer, he doesn't know how to charge so i said "BRO CHARGE" and he didn't charged, the world is doomed😭😭
a simple counter part to this video... we play for ourselves and not for the others.
I am sapper main and with over 60 hours never shot a bomber. Even when no one around.
no crap because you dont have a gun
I experienced gnb and lets say I also been in this situation too
0:07 - Ok I did admit I did it on accident
0:25 - I also feel the same way
0:40 - It depends if I should start the hordes early. Example in Leipzig i have to start the bell early because the team is W can speedrun but if the team L ill just take it slow
0:59 - I swear I hate the fact that so many use Private/Infantry as main in copenhagen and don't even use other classes
1:12 - ??? Ummmm I don't think anyone was annoyed about that part since officer can simply just stay at the bridge to recharge their charge by shooting the cannibals at the boat at the left side of the bridge. But if theres less people alive then I decide to go with them.
1:32 - I also feel the same way
1:48 - I never experienced that before luckily
2:03 - ok it's true and same goes for me I also don't want to sacrifise since I need Francs 😅
2:24 - I feel the same
2:40 - Sometimes I use my charge by misclick 😢
So thats all I experienced about those top 10 most annoying things in gnb :D
I am guilty of letting a person die because I was using the Boarding axe’s sharp end or the bayonet, I always hit the shamblers right next to them and never the runner on them lol
My friends and other players got annoyed when me and the other ppl playing at the same time and making zombies slower and louder music 😅
As 30 hours player that still doesn't know if I'm playing it the right way (probably not)
1. Did and somebody also did this to me, it's sad and kinda annyoing, yeah
2. Did and probably still doing, I play only private, seaman, chaplain and sapper tho, sometimes medic, I have no idea how to use officer and musicman right, for private and seaman my logic is kill zombies, protect teammates, push foward, chaplain - I honestly don't know what am I doing but block zombies when there are too much of them with cross and bless people that need it, sapper - build barrcades where I saw other people building them and I take sapper only when there are no sappers in our team. Medic - heal, on defensive parts maybe put bandages down.
3. Never did, annyoing af
4. Probably did, but now I'm just trying to balance it out when I see it as a reason for our team loosing, like taking sapper, medic or chaplain when most of the server is for example private or seaman
5. Never done Copenhagen lmao, failed everytime at getting water part.
6. It's pain when I die like that, being close to teammate but not being seen, me myself, I always prioritize my tackled/grabbed teammates over everything, unironically I have that strong "No man left behind" mindset and it's really, like really strong, I have that feeling where I just can't leave them, especially when patriotism comes into play because I play a Polish regiment
7. Yeah kinda did, I play but sometimes, depending on how nice is server, I do a little breaks to write something on chat
8. Never had that problem, quite the opposite, while getting chaplain I had problem being first up there, finally at some moment I was able to do it but like 3 other guys stayed with me because they wanted too.
9. Nah, I'm either being with group (depending on class somewhere in the middle or at front) or staying at the back because again my strong "No man left behind" mindset, I protect people that were left behind so they can join main group or medic healing teammates so they will be safe while animation is on, died several times like that trying to get my teammates to safety.
10. Kinda annoying, never did it as far as I remember, I don't play officer.
Your content is so good idk why you don’t have more subs.
Thanks man means alot, Ill grow with time but your support now means alot!
I agree with this statement, I will now sub
The most annoying thing has gotta be playing sisyphus simulator (no sapper gaming)
One annoying thing you should’ve added is when accepting heals from a surgeon doesn’t work when you accept it which wastes time and makes it look like you don’t want heals when you do.
Its a bug when you are inside a sapper's building you cant heal, you have to go to an empty space to fix it. Shoulda fix long time ago, its very annoying
Jesus loves ya all and He wants you to turn to Him and repent, it’s your choice if you want to or not.
Bro at the new vardohus fortress map I was at the church then I got grabbed by a zombies the 3 people next to me were just there doing nothing next to me AND GUESS WHAT they were near me and saw me and watch me die💀
I agree with all, although I've done all of these all the time... when starting the horde is fine, tbh If your team is bad or good but then again, people are gonna start complaining, trying to votekill You or everybody just dies... I do start hordes early. ONLY when my team is like goated " When they are not so experienced, i let them take their time to just sit there and wait for them to prepare. Also another one is meleeing bomber yea it's accidental and quite funny sometimes and also some mobile players just melee them thinking there are a normal zombie it's gets pretty annoying if you are in the Frontline fighting cause these bombers also Jumpscare and they look like normal shamblers so sometimes people get confused and melee them Killing 1-2 of there teammates next to them.. now I find it funny at first, but it's just happened so many times I'll just sit there and be like, " Seriously. " AND yes, I've done it as well by surprise, so yea, I'm a dumbass as well
Yep, happened to me, and i'm on console, every time I'm like: "I should've been more careful, but I was overconfident"
@Running_doggo yea same team I get a little to overconfident and my team ends up dying and only the experienced players like me and 1-2 survive longer than the others but breaking ankles isn't really gonna save u so I end up dying aswell
Shooting the bomber next to a person is his fault, It's instinct to assume someone is aiming to shoot the bomber.
As a 386 hours played on guts and blackpowder i do these things alot. Since im geting bored
Imagine if doing these stuff are in your side quests.
I have never played a san game where someone didnt want to sacrifice
1:39 one time it was too risky to save a teamate cuz he was surrounded by a horde and bro started screaming in chat "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ME" "YOU GUYS ARE IDIOTS" "YOU JUST LOST A SURGEON" lmao there's still 2 others my guy
Sometimes I just get bored so I troll by getting people killed and starting everything before they prepare and then act like it's their fault when we inevitably fail (I play mobile)
Dude the bomber thing happened to me two times and got killed by the same guy that shot the bomber
Them commenting on classical music videos thinking the song is a gnb reference
I haven’t triggered a single objective early, except the San Sebastián finale but some players do it anyway
i have 30 hours yet i did only like 2 of the entire list and quickly learned them
One time during brezina we had 3 sappers neither build fortifications
bro once i got tackles by a runner infront of my entire team and they walked over me and i died then they all lost after that so atleast that satisfied me
The fact I’m trying to be the most annoying person ever make this be a good tip
when my team is idiotic/ lets me die then i ALWAYS start the horde early
How the hell is Starting hordes early annoying, I've told someone if Jean keeps talking the sappers still have time to build. If the bell is still ringing the sappers have time to build. If Barry keeps- Oh no wait it's unnecessary Unless someone gets annoyed but still if Barry keeps talking the sappers still build. If the players are almost near the door the sappers still have time to build. One catch of them all is They have to be fast, so Starting hordes early can be annoying but less annoying
It’s annoying because people aren’t ready or willing to start, because it can end runs or just make the run worse.
Play hardcore mode and say that again
@Killerz_GD it went fine, beep Boop Bap🤖
I havent done any of these. Still a cool video tho