life is an illusion

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2023
  • On this week’s episode of ‘Car Chronicles’… lol
    What if Life is a simulation, a game, virtual reality?
    Why are we not living it that way? What could live be like if we did?
    We [We is me] should be enjoying life and trusting our journey wayyyy more.
    If we did, we’d all be at least a little happier. Right?
    #simulationtheory #lifeisagame

Комментарии • 8

  • @SimplyShonnea
    @SimplyShonnea  Год назад

    What do you think about the idea that life could be a very advanced game?

  • @livingblackandfree
    @livingblackandfree Год назад

    We watched a documentary on Netflix recently and DJ is HOOKED. He definitely thinks we are in a simulation 😩😅 it makes sense for sure!

  • @lz8484
    @lz8484 Год назад

    Check out The Game of Life by Florence Scovel Schinn. We have been existing in a cesspool of energy. Stay within yourself keep external influences out stay in control of your thoughts that are creating the moves you make in the daily chess game.

    • @SimplyShonnea
      @SimplyShonnea  Год назад +1

      Oooo, all of that!!!! Thank you!

    • @lz8484
      @lz8484 Год назад

      @Millionaire Mystic you are 1000% correct, what moved you to post your thoughts? Maybe to measure like minded "beings"?

    • @notahouse
      @notahouse Год назад

      Love it! That is so true and this is why they keep us distracted so you never get a chance to even ponder if it's true. Most of these distraction we've created ourselves and enjoy yet a distraction nevertheless. Your comment reminds me of one of my favorite sayings "never let the outside dictate the inside". Unfortunately most never even go down the path as they are sitting on the sidelines watching all the action. The game is going to be played whether we participate or not.
      One of the first things they do to a child is break their spirit connection coming through imagination as we are forced to conform to societal norms to fit in. Regaining that childlike perspective through curiosity is one of the first doors to be opened as all things are made new. Many are sharing the unique experiences they are having while others are trying to live through those experiences without having their own. It's like borrowed magic and it never last but the magic from within can never be taken away.
      Many are looking for the ABCD to the path and yet there is no one size fit all and many couldn't tell you exactly when it began but only tell you when they recognized it as some came in with a foot still on the other side of the door. A lot of those children were considered different and some had invisible friends and that's the first thing that they stumped out and many have never looked back.
      Everything is not for everybody and yet we go around drinking everyone else's Kool-aid without discernment. Some things have to actually be experienced to be truly known. The teacher can show you the door and tell you exactly what's on the other side but until you actually step through you never truly know. It's like Glenda told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz "you've always had the power to go home but you wouldn't have believed me if I told you, you had to experience it for yourself."
      Yes many are creating their own thought forms, positive and negative yet blindly walking through life with no true intentions of their own getting caught up in everyone else's yet wondering how they got there. Everything here is about influence and manipulation of the vibrations and forces around us, like pulling strings for a desired effect. In this duality the word manipulation is often used in it's negative form yet you can exist here without manipulating your environment on a regular basis from getting the kids to clean up their room to getting your husband to take out the trash.
      Willpower through intentions is the key that no one talks about and once that door is opened the universe will respond in kind. God (interpretation varies) makes himself available to everyone but not everyone make themselves available to God. It's like one of my favorite poems "Footprints in the Sand", we have all the help we need if we just Let go and let God.
      Sorry for all that for anybody that has read this far and I probably sound like a crazy person. Many don't want to see this as a game as they feel like they were not given a choice of whether to play or not. There's a school of thought that states our Higher-selves choose to come here and to some degree set a path for our experiences and we're here to reconnect. It's like realizing we're the player and the Dungeon master at the same time and only then can one begin to see all the clues. Some think this is a form of determinism and we have no freedom of choice. If this is only an Avatar and our true selves sent us here who's freedom of choice takes precedence?
      It's an interesting conversation to be had and all I know is it's a lot of fun once you're in it. It was stated in a movie once "life is tough, that's the default setting" and I say if we're not here leveling up then what are we doing? That's when you realize you don't have to move mountains because the mountains already know to move! ❤Talked your ear off, good luck!

    • @SimplyShonnea
      @SimplyShonnea  Год назад

      Absolutely, and I wanted to put a view out there that many people may not consider, but that may resonate with them if they did. 💫

    • @SimplyShonnea
      @SimplyShonnea  Год назад

      I was coming back here to thank you for mentioning Florence Scovel Shinn to me. I am thoroughly enjoying her work. 💫