I don't have trouble getting into the mindset even as an assassin main, because I play a lot of Fenrir and Ne Zha support. But I totally agree... even in a game where I was Fenrir and went 1/3/18, I felt happy with a job well done, because I set up virtually all the kills for my team. Guardians are similar, I'm just a dmg fiend so :'D Also, cool story: in Arena the other day, I was Xing Tian (full hp) going after a super low Athena, and a half-health Loki ulted me just to save her, even knowing he couldn't get the kill. I thought that was a really bro move.
+Pewpew Lazergun i was ra one day and my friend was in trouble and i droped a heal 1 and ulted near enough all instantly and i saved him and the other time was as janus bellona had bludgeon i heard it i 180 portalled her and its like i would do anything to save my friends in smite and they know it and they kinda abuse it by tower diving xD but yea i went sobek joust and they was dieing so i used curse and my ult and i slowed them i died for it but i dont care i got them away and its cause i main support i have that mindset
Flaming Justice I mean, I like damage, but more than that I like flashy plays. Saving my teammate with a dramatic Khepri ult is just as good as getting a crit for 1150 on somebody with an assassin, imo :P
Pewpew Lazergun I feeel you on that. It’s flashy asf when a mage going hard and they about to die. Hit them with the alt and they come back next to me . I used the meditation cloak and bam brand new.
1:19 I'm diamond with Bellona, but I'm not all that hot with her. Average at best. Masteries are just an indication of how often you play that god, not whether you're good or bad with them.
MagnetoDorito im a dmnd ymir with only 1586 kills and 3220 assists but i also have like 271 wins with 4k worshippers. The stats do tell a story esp when hunter has double my kills more assists and less wins. Stats speak volumes, esp since you have to always have to have a good awareness of the entire team and what their capable of.
Your team mates take priority. As a player who mains support, whenever I end up playing carry nothing frustrates me more then when I die because my support was off chasing a kill. You ARE NOT there to carry your team. You are there to defend and support your team. If it comes down to you getting the kill or saving your carry, save your team mate.
I considered using the word "always" in my comment, but that's the reason why I didn't. Sometimes it's situational, but for the most part I would say that it's not. The reason I commented this was because I'll see tons of support characters ditching their carry-in-peril as they attempt to chase a kill they won't get. I didn't include the fact that there are some exceptions because those same people find themselves challenged when it comes to making judgement calls.
Jinx Mage try not dying often, when I support, if I notice a specific player is garbage I disregard them. Sometimes I go full kick as mode and end up having more kills and a win for the team.Thats just me.
I'm a ymir main, I've been maiming ymir since I started playing about a month ago, and I keep getting messages saying things like "lol 0/5 scrub" when we won because I have 30 assists. XD It's so hilarious
Man I love seeing my friends and teammates grow and get better when I help them get kills. Personally have ares, ymir, and khepri diamond, although I suck at ares still. I used to hate support, now I sometimes get the first call for it. Just love the role. Honestly stopped caring when people don't thank me, and I always thank a support when they do good while I'm ADC. So happy to see my other support mains here.
Matthew Attisha Yeh bud. I like to play sup but my only sup god is Sylvanus. So I do like using some mid gods like Nox or Scyllia. So I tend to wait to see what people want so I would have an excuse to play a different role.
As a newer guardian, one of the things that I have found that really helps a lot is patience. It never helps your team when you rush into a fight by yourself and get yourself killed your ADC to deal with the enemy by themselves. It is always best to be patient and wait for the best opportunity to guarantee that your ADC gets a kill/survives a fight.
Trolls The King Well, being somewhat new to the game still, I still have much to learn when it comes to countering certain gods My own real issue currently would have to be countering Loki (obviously) along with a few other assassin gods. It is a learning process, not meant to be mastered to a perfect tee.
Good video. As a support main, I can agree with your points. Especially the bit about self gratitude. In order to actually enjoy playing this role you have to be able to praise yourself. Statistically you won't look pretty but there are so many things you do in game that stats don't incorporate. And the biggest thing is just have fun with it, there are so many guardians with cool and fun kits. Once again, nice job Raynday. I enjoyed this video. Good guide for newer players as well as a refresher for us long time veterans. Also Athena is life
Khepri is mah little luv bug and I luv him to death. But seriously though, I play Khepri quite a lot, he's my main alongside Hades. So whenever I am not playing him, I LOVE having a good Khepri on my team. Especially with good communication. Tell the Khepri to use hit Ult, then tower dive for that suicide kill.
I personally have mastered a lot of guardians due to my friends being better elsewhere but it's not like they don't praise me when I get a khepri revive or peel for them with a Ymir freeze and I enjoy it ( some guardians play it cause they like the role)
The worst feeling as a guardian is playing with your friends, give your ass so they can rekt the enemy and they don't realize how I made it possible and get their own ego all the way up :( PS: Raynday, can you re-make your ''Never surrender'' video? It has far less views than all your other videos and maybe it would be a good time to do it again since you probably got a bunch of new viewers recently. People surrender all the time, even when there's still chance.
***** Some players leave the game when I refuse to surrender :\ But last night I had a great example. A dude wanted to surrender right after he died, I holded the enemy back until he was alive again and when he attacked we won. Right after voting to not surrender.
***** I don't think I've ever mentioned Arena. This said, I don't you get the point of the whole ''Never surrender'' thing. It's not (only) because you can still win. It's because you should keep learning. ''You can't handle the truth!'' hmmm... ok...
If Arena had ranked I'd only play guardians lol, I'm a team player, Don't care about kills, I like keeping people alive and helping the hyper carry get online. The quicker they get online, the easier my life gets, I don't have to worry about them and can concentrate on keeping my mage and assassin alive.
I am a Guardian mainer too. I love helping my mates get kills and receive assissts for it :) I do also love saving someone with a Khepri ult, especially when they thank me for it. Guardian For Life xD
+Womby The Wizard From the time I began playing Smite, I mained Are and immediately fell in love with him. I've gotten him to diamond rank 10 now, so I'm branching out and trying new gods, but my favorite now is Khepri. I just had an Arena game yesterday where I went 3-0-27, out of a 38-1 score. The enemy team only got 1 kill on us, and it was when they had less than 100 tickets remaining. It felt amazing to be apart of 30 of 38 total kills on our team.
i actually wanted to come back to this video because it was the first raynday vid i watched, and let me start off by saying that it ended up having the biggest effect on me. so much so that around the time, i would say late may, i had only just picked up sylvanus as a guardian, and only had about mastery 1 with him. as time has gone on, I've become good at almost every single guardian as well as finally achieving my first diamond with my good old boy sylv. so, thanks raynday for helping me to realize how fun it is to play an (overly) supportive guardian. I've helped numerous teammates coast to victory because I've helped them get into a good position during fights, or when they picked them i was there to back them up and get them out safely. so in short, thank you again raynday for helping me help improve myself and my teams experience in game.
Nice! A good Sylvanus is so much fun. Most humble god in the game I'd say. Mastery 10 here. Pointers: Sylvanus is the ultimate set up god. Land your grab. Step 1: Pod Step 2: grab Step 3: Wisp Step 4: Ult (if you want). Step 5: Profit. Second relic: Blink. Trust me, you will need it for engaging. Blink ults are DEADLY in a team fight. I build damage/hp on him. It keeps his damage viable throughout the whole game while you heal for a tremendous amount. No one ever builds this way. They like to build tanky, leaving him completely worthless in terms of damage output. Items like rod of aclepius, Gem of Isolation, Soul Reaver, Mantle (for cooldown and tons of defense for a single item) and your choice of hp or damage items after, and you can handle almost anything anyone throws at you. You still need to be careful though, as you don't have a lot of defense, but it's enough to survive a tough encounter, heal you and your team up, and go back in. Full build level 20 you have almost 3500 hp with some damage/hp items, and your ult will be doing over 100 dmg per second (150 to those squishy jerks), wisps 40-50. Pods 300-400. Going 17-0 in Clash as Sylvanus was probably my most fun game ever. Give this type of build a try. You will be surprised at how fun it is. It's great for casuals.
So, I had an Arena match as Ymir. Apparently, my Nu Wa starts to tell me to "stop feeding" as a 2/5/19 score while she was 0/2/12. Then I get Kukulkan telling me to "learn how to play Ymir" despite the fact that I have him at rank 2 and not stopping. Oh and Kukulkan complains about me ks'ing when he didn't even hit the supposed ks'ed enemy. Needless to say, I've done some crazy shit like blink + freeze at least 3 people in the enemy team to the point where only enemy Bellona was alive (due to Magi's). In the end we won with 30-something tickets to spare as a 3/8/29 Ymir and Kukulkan said I did well. Long story short, if you faggots haven't played a guardian in your whole life, then don't bother talking shit. I pick them up in solo queue because I want to help my team and win, while you sit there with your hunter glue-ing your finger to your LMB.
Like Raynday said, Guardians can be a thankless job. It's a difficult line to walk with deaths, as you may look like you're feeding, but in reality you're sacrificing yourself so your allies can live. For kill-stealing, try not to worry about it in Arena, as everyone levels up quickly anyway. I've had numerous instances as Ares or Khepri where I do my 1 (Shackle, Lunge) intending to hold the enemy back to help someone get the kill, but end up getting the kill myself. A simple "sorry" can go a long way.
i dunno what happend ingame but as a veteran support player , its not your fault if your teamates can`t followup on your cc ,play passive it will be a slow game but you will guarentee a win .
I feel its best just to say sorry and keep moving forward and just watch your teammates and back off when you see them about to land the kill. I normally just try to secure the kill, because sometime i can't rely on my allies....but when I start to edge out their kills, then I back off and just help them. If they can't land anything then I go into baby sitter mode, which is a mode no guardian wants to be in. :/
becoming a guardian helped my gameplay in other classes - A LOT. you get to appreciate the impact of each member of the team and also understand how you can help team fights. your smite IQ will improve if you get to apply these things. Nice vid Raynday! :)
Yes that's what a good support does, especially in a game mode like clash, conquest, or joust where leveling makes all the difference. If you, for example, set up kills for your Xbalanque adc, you will make him more powerful because of his passive ability and he also will get more gold and XP. Your job as a support is to set kills up when they are available. But if you do happen to steal a kill, don't worry about it.
Before even watching this video I looked at my 0/2/22 ratio and thought that I did a good job. This video makes me feel even better about playing Guardian all the time.
That moment you take the kill at 3:00! LOL give that kill up and attempt to catch the dumb players that are trying to help save their fallen comrade. Then turn that Kumba kill into 2 kills.
Tips were on point, I luv support/guard and its one of the finer joys i get in gaming. a 5/5/48 game with geb or a 11/2/61 with soraka or flying a transport heli like a god and landing it behind enemy lines ftw its satisfying to kno tht win and EVERYTHING that led up to it was because of me XD gj m8 u got a sub
I always thank my guardians because they save my ass so hard constantly. I almost always play as mages or assassins and very rarely Neith, Ares, or Ymir. I wouldnt have 3 diamond Gods with over 1k kills and 2 Gods at level 5-ish with over 700 kills if i wasnt for the guardians
+Chris Hughes Great mentality. Thanks for appreciating Guardians, and simply put, appreciating other players. That means a lot, no matter what role they are in. It helps our game to be a better place for everyone. Thanks bud!
+Raynday Gaming I think the worst players in the game though are either the ones who ask for a gank then get mad if the enemies only get pushed back instead of killed or the jungler doesnt save em in time cuz the jungler was actoss the map and the person called for a gank right before they died. Those and the ones who play carry, get 20+ kills cuz the guardian tanked for them, brought them back to life/healed them constantly, etc. great guardian things, but then the carry gets so self righteous as if they're the best around
I've been playing as mages and assassins as my main and I want to learn how to be a guardian more. I've been trying to jungle in conquest maps and well people get pissed when I'm not in one lane while helping another and then I can't and they die and ya. Jungling is a pain and difficult... Guardian is hard because I just dont know how to do it yet haha.
cam purdum hiya, I’m a guardian main, my only diamond gods are guardians :/ Just a little tip: you have to stay alert of your allies’ hp at all times possible, and also know the positions of your team _and_ the enemy team, as you might need to peel. Being a guardian is quite a task, but it is very rewarding to save someone on the brink of death. Athena ult to someone on the other side of the map, taunt the enemy long enoug for your teammate to dash out, for example. It’s a thankless job, and we usually don’t get praise, but it’s all worth it :)
This is hands down the best video I've found for guardians. I'm trying to get better at playing Smite and understanding how each type of character works. Seriously your voice + humour really make do wonders. Also that life lesson was something I needed to hear. You should do motivational/self confidence videos lol. Awesome video! Subscribed 😁
I found my personal niche early in Smite by concentrating on Guardians. Khumba diamond, Sylvanus diamond, Ymir diamond, Geb diamond, Bacchus nearly diamond, Sobek legendary. Athena legendary, Ares nearly legendary. I love playing the support role. I only wish the players who like playing Support would get more respect.
+MrEzra710 ik ur pain i orgianlly was first an adc / jungle player and i always got happy when i got a kill as i was knew and then in an assault game i played sylvanus and i was with my friend shouting suck my balls eat my balls n shit then i was always bummed into support in parties and support kinda became natural to me and i turnt into a support main i may not have as many Support X as u but i have every god mastered and alot of my gods are V+ as my whole entire first page of worshippers is V+
Flaming Justice Yeah, it's a tough world for those of us who _like_ playing support. Nothing makes me happier in a game when another player says "Thanks for saving my butt" or "Thanks for body blocking so I could escape" or "Thanks for that peel, he woulda killed me for sure." I wish the thanks were more often though.
only time i get a thanks is when i play with my good buds that i do play with everyday and heck in assault i got my friend 2 pentas and he never had one
I been support and tanking things since my first mmo, aka never winter. You never get praised, only shot on when the team feels like you’ve not done enough, but it’s ok because you know you tried your best
Ive been playing guardian since the xbox one beta came out and ive loved it forever. Watching this broight me back to my roots and rejuvenated my love for guardians and their abstract playstyle, thanks rayn
Love Athena. Her #3 is brutal. It's like one of the hardest hitting moves in the entire game. The only thing that I DON'T like about her is that no one seems to understand that they're getting buffed and I'm about to blow up around them when I throw my ult on them. In some cases I'll throw the ult and they freak out, running from the fight. The thing ends up being a very expensive teleport.
Yes it soo annyoing ok full healt janus ult him he runs away iam like really but once i had a ratskor on my team and i was in ult stance he understood so he pushed and i hit them it was fun to have a teammate with a brain
I need to recant. If anything her ult is OP! XD I realized with some more plays that being able to jump around the field as a tank means flipping fights, free fountain heals, and not needed boots. Athena is BRUTAL! Love her!
My first game using Bacchus I got 13 kills, 0 deaths, and 20 something assists It was my first game being a guardian, but I watched tons of videos (like this) and I got the hang of it, I had transferred from a Mage to a Guardian with high hopes, and I came on top, Thanks to you! Earned a sub man!
as a support main I completely agree. a couple things to note: you mentioned it briefly, but youve gotta learn to body block. i cant tell you how many times ive been able to take a hunters shots while mine kills it. youve also gotta be willing to change up your build. I see many new players sticking to one build, and building general defense when the enemy team only has magical gods. you talked about this a little as well, but youve gotta know when to be aggressive. when I end up not playing supp, and our supp doesnt know how to apply the right kind of pressure, either over extends or stays behind the team. that being said, applying pressure is NOT taking unnecessary hits. if they're poking you, and you're not getting anything back, you're doing something wrong
+Doom Squared This x5. Tanking auto attacks to save teammates or a Neith ult makes your teammates feel VERY safe and you feel like a boss when you keep the enemy from killing your ADC at 5 Health because your reading their AA like a mind reader!
''Supports are really never be recognised for their inmense effort and effect they have in the game,which is just the truth'' Brah...i play on xbox...every time i get helped by a support in the right way and i see that amazing dude helping me,i fucking thank him every time and in the end of the match i at LEAST text him GG for admiration,good supports are rare for me.
Won 7-10 from my joust ranked qualifiers and my general score was around 1-3-23 I was playing guardian only , got in silver III when the rest of my team (my friends) got in gold III
CKG pc? Me and some friends are looking for a support for conq 5 man queue I play solo, my friends play pretty much every other roll except support so having one would be awesome
Even though this video is 4 years old , i decided to get back into Smite . I wasnt good 3 years ago , but this video definetly help me be a better Gaurdian. Had some great wins last night since I wasnt running a head of the team . Great Video for Newbies looking to learn roles.
Good video dude, I've been maining Support since i started the game about 2 years ago and what you say is true - we supporters have a hard time getting recognition, we dont get the kills, we die to save our team membes and to add more frustration we level up slowly too. I just want teams to know how important a good support is. Its also very important as a support to not just help other team members get kills, but also help them survive in a teamfight.
raynday could you please make one for an assassin? i am much better at warriors and guardian than as assassins (except for thor, because thor is easy) I can't seem to grasp the concept of smite's assassins, when to farm, when to kill and such. please help XD
+ppyporpeem to me it depends on the god..if you're playing loki for example he's squishy af but does a shit ton of dmg to all the classes (which is why he's becoming my favorite assassin) so you just wait for the supp to initiate and you follow unless they have an assassin like serquet or another loki that can go invisible I suggest to stay a lil bit back and save the mage or hunter he's targeting If you're playing hun batz u might need to initiate the combat yourself thanks to the huge aoe ult same with thanatos although alot of ppl use his ult to get the instakill I do the complete opposite as an assassin you mainly focus the mages and hunters with no escapes like poseidon and skadi
Mohamed Allam ahh i see, i was trying to bastet and i fail really badly at her. It's really hard to find the right rhythm to go in and out of battle as an assassin
+ppyporpeem every assassin has a different combo some combos focus mages and hunters basically squishy targets like the bastet combo and a combo like hun batz just focuses on everyone so if you wanna master an assassin i suggest hun batz I got a penta kill with my third game with him so he's pretty broken in the right hands
One thing that I like to do when I'm Guardian is check out the damage taken and damage mitigated scores. If I had the highest damage taken score and I wasn't dying in stupid ways, that feels pretty good, since damage I'm taking is damage my carries AREN'T taking.
the only reason I hate playing guardians is because if your team sucks and are always going in alone, don't attack when you chain cc, and pretty much be useless, you are fucked. you have to watch your team die over and over because they think they can do everything alone.and unless your dmg cabraken\bacchus you can't do enough dmg to attempt alone
I recently switched to play as guardians, thought I'd figured out how to adapt my play style to benefit the team fully but this video really helped me add to that again, great effort man, really helpful
"Don't blow your load" lol, I laughed so hard! but awesome video as always. I couldn't count how many times I've blown my kit and had to run away with my tail between my legs, lol. Ya live and learn and get better. Also, since I've adopted our guild motto, my gaming has become even better. Looking forward to the next stream. ttyl~
+Raynday Gaming I'm no champ. I leave the wall at 1 until the end because 9 times outta 10 I can time it just right to help a teammate gank whoever I walled and if the god we're chasing has a jump, the wall is down before long so my teammate can keep chasing without using their jump. I focus my 3 for leveling to keep enemies stuck a while longer.
+Dane Gunjic Against a team comp with few jumps. maxing the wall is huge when blocking off escapes in the jungle. Like Raynday said, world champion support player iRaffer from epsilon made huge plays trapping players with it during the SWC2 tournament. Reminds me when I tried out his sylvanus/soulstone start to great effect during season 2.
+Raynday Gaming I did before iRaffer did and you are right but it right now in this new meta where purification is on a longer cool down you most of the you want to maxes his freeze first because a lot of they will use there purification on it leaving your team to give them hell because you can cc them a lot more
+Raynday Gaming Yeah but he maxed his 2 first, then his 1, you're maxing the wall first which isn't needed, you don't do it vs gods with jumps, but vs gods without its also much more valuable in conquest since you can cut off choke points in the jungle.
This is such a great video for support players. My buddy is my clans main support and he said he learned from this. We make sure to scream his name and cheer when he gets an awesome pull or stun, always encourage the guy who takes the fall or makes your kills possible.
If those decisions invalidate this video for you, then that's your choice buddy. However, FYI - world champion iraffer maxes wall first on Ymir and it's incredibly effective - which is why I was using it in the game I showed in the clips of this video. I prefer the duration on the root and safer poke damage as well as the more guarantee burp aoe damage on Bacchus. Always helps to know all the info before you pass judgement. Cheers man!
+Raynday Gaming That's THE greatest point to ever make in this game and probably in any MOBA; the difference of people who know all the info vs people who *think* they know all the info. ...what amazes me is that most people that *realistically* consider themselves "veterans" know only one thing - that they don't know everything. ...somehow though there are a TON of players that have been on for like 3-6 months, or less, who will immediately pass judgements and/or jump on someone exclusively because of their K/D/A, even for roles outside of Guardian, and pay attention to no other stats and such, smh. lmao. There are multiple ways to win, and lose in Smite. Yeah, I said it. Cheers mate! Thanks for another helpful vid!
+Dai C. I love raynday to death, I'm in his clan and everything...but I'm pretty sure tydetime would shrek rayn in a 1v1. I would love to watch it though!
you don't play guardian... lol Your just trying to get kills, and wasting ymir ults and others (cabroken ? wtf)... when u do a video about something make it accurate at least.
+Pedro sequeira This video is very accurate IMO of ways to improve Guardian play. Choose to take what you want from it. You can disregard everything that is said due to cabroken and a wasted Ymir ult - that is your choice. Video is done, up to you to find value or not from it! Thanks for the comment.
hon, supports can get kills. Its all about thinking on your feet. If you've been playing for a long time, you have some pretty good instincts that you develop, like a strong sense of your damaging character's cooldowns, abilities, and skill as a player, which can give you an idea if there's a strong chance of an enemy escaping. I personally play Aphrodite support, or Kephri. If I notice this feeling in a situation, a good team who wants to win will understand if i get more aggressive with damage and take the kill, instead of letting them run away to the safety of base. Plus, a kill to a support character gives just as much assist benefits, gold pooling, etc. as any other character on the team, even if it might be more beneficial to give the kill to a Xbalanque or Anubis, its better to kill them if you can.
I'm actually really happy to hear that my assistance kills mean more. I've recently gotten into the game, and I really enjoy Ares, and the beetle's a style, but my score usually looks something like 5/3/15. I did tell myself "well hey I was apart of 20 of my teams 27 kills" but I hated knowing that my work gave someone else the kill. I guess it'll take time for me to leave that mentally.
Coming from a support main, I think this was very useful! I'm mostly likely going to be referencing this to my friends who need help with their supp/solo gameplay.
As someone who ends up on Support more often than I'd like, I'm surprised you didn't mention body blocking tips (putting yourself in between enemies and weakened players), which is something I've been working on lately and I think a lot of new players aren't hip to doing. But I super appreciate you appreciating supports and making a video like this, you're really given the role the praise it deserves, and I think that going forward I'll feel much better about taking on that role. And of course, I'll make sure to give myself plenty of praise where I earn it for that unsung job well done.
As a Support main for the past 2 years this feels really refreshing. I know a lot of people would need this and maybe, just maybe Supports will be a little more respected! But in all seriousness thank you for making this Raynday!
great Video! Only thing I'd add would be, that you should look out after your squishier allys especially, as they're more likely to be targeted and thus leave great opportunity to counter enemy initiates, primarly enemy assains
Point #4 (Initiate, Peel, Counter Initiate, Zone) Is why I love to play Isis support. When built with some CDR she is a more mobile, more squishy version of her Guardian counterparts. Good points and great video!
Every game I play that has team play I always play as a healer or a support role. Just something really fun to me about helping everyone out. Thanks for the video dude. Played league for years, playing Smite on PS4 now.
Amazing video! You got yourself a new subscriber dude! Please, please and again: please, keep this up! The editting is amazing, fun and nice to watch. Your voice is perfect for commentary and you explain so well! I see a nice future in the Smite community for you man! :D
+DatKanNiet thanks so much dude! That means a lot and thanks for letting me know you've subscribed! Welcome to the family and I look forward to many more great videos and moments together!
Very helping video. Although I usually play the guardian/support role, I think this video learned me some things (especially the wards thing). Great job !
Love these tips man! I've been struggling to get into the guardian role but finally feel i found a good match in Geb. I realized when I play a guardian i really gravitated towards the peeling/bodyblocking side of things instead of initiating. I'm terrible at initiating and definitely have to work on that at some point but finding a guardian that went with what felt most natural to me really helped me get into the role. It has also helped me in other roles. To be more aware of what's happening around me and who is doing what. And I always try and use the guardian mentality on other roles as well. I think the whole guardian mentality is also just a teamwork mentality. What can I do at this time to get my team ahead? Sure that can mean taking out a key target but it can also mean to save my fellow squishy(from loki/ao kuang) by staying near them instead of rushing forward and finishing the kill. Will definitely take these tips into my next matches and see if I can improve my Guardian game.
I've been maining guardian ever since I started playing the game, whether it be Sylvanus, Ymir, Bacchus, Cabrakan, and more! These tips really helped me A LOT and helped me choose what role of guardian to play and when. Thank you for the tips!
Gotta say thanks to the gas out there. I was in a game the other day and only realized afterward that I did so well because the geb on my team was there to bail me out of some admittedly stupid plays on my part. Made me wanna start learning to play a couple gaurdians andlearn the role And it has been lots of fun :)
This video is almost 4 years old and is still amazingly helpful. I was an assassin main for the longest time and recently picked up guardian so my friends had a consistent support/meat shield since they main hunter and mage. Khepri's kit sounded cool so I picked him up and ran with him and I don't regret it one bit. Back when I played World of Warcraft, I loved being a healer main and Khepri brings me that same feeling when I can ult someone and rescue them or tank some shots so someone can get away. Now instead of looking at my k/d, I find myself looking at my k/a and getting overjoyed when I see I've had a hand in at least half of (or more) of my team's kills. This video helped me adjust to that quite a lot and I keep returning to it as a refresher course. Thanks a lot for making it. 🙂 Ok, this went on longer than I intended. Gonna actually hit submit now. 😅
Great job on this video! This is the type of content I enjoy most that's informative, funny and most importantly being so positive. I really enjoy playing support roles but some times I don't feel I'm fully grasping how to be enough of a tank that people expect from many guardian gods. I'll try these tips especially learning not to blow my loads too early ;)
Glad he made this video. I'm constantly having to play Guardian to help the team out cause it seems so many players only want to play the roles that get a lot of kills or they don't know how to build a Guardian. Hopefully this inspires more people to play Guardian role on all platforms. Trust me it's fun to be the person who can save a the team a few times a game
I play Guardian and Warrior mostly, I tend to be the peel and initiate, I die a lot but my allies never do. I loved watching this video since maybe this'll allow me to play ADC or Mage and have a good support backing me up
I'm a Guardian main, but I haven't played in a few years. Coming back in is really hard, but you're helping a lot with these guides! My Sobek will never be the same ;y
My main is to be guardian and it really feels like our work is not useful, thats the reason why Im starting to become other roles in Smite, but Ill do an effort and Ill continue with supporting thanks to you bro. VER Dont chang'e!
I main the guardian role and i think I already knew all what you said, but this video is great. Everything you said should be done while playing smite. I really like this video.
dont be afraid of fighting at half health when you have a few items online. You eat damage. Don't be reckless but learn to recognize the fights you CAN pick. Don't be too aggressive early you're still pretty squishy. Know when to drop the Ymir wall or Athena ult to get out of a bad fight. And most importantly always look too see who has their ultimates up and if it's your big hitters or your disruptive warriors or even just mess around with other gods to know their cooldowns. Thos are all big steps once you get these 5 down. Great video Raynday as always
+Bob Westermanshire those are great additional tips Bob. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to support (pun intended) the video and the community. Really makes a difference. Thanks so much!
good tips. especially about saving your abilities because cooldowns are freaking long in this game! Also the god I wanted to play first in Smite turned out to be a Guardian, though you'd think he'd be classified as a warrior -- Xian Tian. He doesn't seem exceptionally good at peeling but dude can initiate on fools.
Want to thank you for this vid, it's not often we see supports get much love haha. I love playing support probably my favorite role in smite and I agree with pretty much all of the points made in this video keep doing what you're doing man it's awesome.
crazy how some of the things you say are inspiring and I could even apply them to my life. Ive watched your 5 ways to be a better smite player(?) and other videos and I love how you're all about positivity!😊
Finally! I thank you for makeing this Video :)) And for show the SMITE community how importent a warrior in the teamfight really is. I hope the mages and hunters out there will now have a little more respect about the work warriors do ^^ Thank you :)
This video helped alot. I'm going for a diverse gameplay. I started with ranged. Hated it. I found home with melee and grew into assasins. I hated the low health, so i went to warrior. Enjoyed that alot! My friends said we needed a guardian so I went with it and really liked that so now I'm trying to be better, (hence the reason i am here). I only stay in the melee family and stay with melee only gods. I have alot of diversity with the roles. I just don't have a mage. This video helped lots. ((awesome gameplay!!))
I've started with Ganesha and saved so many of my friends and sacrificed myself for them. They always thank me. And I thank them for buffs and everything. Good stuff.
Regarding the warding point: I play League and Smite, and in both I could be called a support main. You're so many kinds of right. After all, dying is bad, and warding is conducive to not dying. Not dying is good, so wards are good, because the entire point of the game is to kill the enemy buildings and not die. This has been an idiot's guide to why warding is good.
Great video. I think the best way to focus on being a better guardian is your first 2 items. Watchers gift and hide of the urchin. This will mean that to benefit from the starter item you need to leave creep kills to you carry. Hide means you have to support in getting those kids early for it to be of any benefit as you wont be able to get them quick enough alone. And finally boots plus defence, no damage, last as long as you can, make it so they have to put two or three people on you to kill you, those left are outnumbered and they'll die quick. I'm legendary with a couple out guardians and it's nice to hear someone reinforce what I already know and try to do.
The end of this video was really touching. Thanks man its a hard life as a Support. lol and I'm not gonna lie I said that Ymir line when I 1st watched this video way back. LOL rank X Ymir!
i approve so much of this video!, as a diamond sobek(yes,the one that never gets used,but in reality is quite good) i can say that his charge is a guaranteed kill or a guaranteed saved life if done properly,and the rest of his kit is very supportive too.
I want to play support because most people don't play it so I want to step up and be one and do it well. This video really helped. Thank you so much Raynday!!
For real, huge thank you to all support mains. You guys are the real MVP.
+Aephyn Saerlus Love this comment. I agree!
+Raynday Gaming 9 kills with keprhi how !?!?!?!?!?!?
Thanks :)
+Aephyn Saerlus Thx. Realy got the MVP in some casuals but its very rare.
Thank you. Being a support main, and good at our job, is a thankless job. Nice to hear it once in a while at least.
9:40, watching Tyr annihilate that loki filled me with a deep inner peace
A comment section full of guardian mains turns out to be the most humble place on the internet. =P
James Grant Unless you are a fat Loki main
step 1- pick athena
step 2- focus that filthy neith and get to level 5
step 3- ult, just ULT everything that moves
+Confirmed Sociopath lol
+Confirmed Sociopath Why is this me??
+Confirmed Sociopath i want to play athena now!! :D
+Codah Preston Then you are a bad athena player
Out pressure
Invade red
Taunt into medusa ult
Win game
I don't have trouble getting into the mindset even as an assassin main, because I play a lot of Fenrir and Ne Zha support. But I totally agree... even in a game where I was Fenrir and went 1/3/18, I felt happy with a job well done, because I set up virtually all the kills for my team. Guardians are similar, I'm just a dmg fiend so :'D Also, cool story: in Arena the other day, I was Xing Tian (full hp) going after a super low Athena, and a half-health Loki ulted me just to save her, even knowing he couldn't get the kill. I thought that was a really bro move.
+Pewpew Lazergun i was ra one day and my friend was in trouble and i droped a heal 1 and ulted near enough all instantly and i saved him and the other time was as janus bellona had bludgeon i heard it i 180 portalled her and its like i would do anything to save my friends in smite and they know it and they kinda abuse it by tower diving xD but yea i went sobek joust and they was dieing so i used curse and my ult and i slowed them i died for it but i dont care i got them away and its cause i main support i have that mindset
Flaming Justice I mean, I like damage, but more than that I like flashy plays. Saving my teammate with a dramatic Khepri ult is just as good as getting a crit for 1150 on somebody with an assassin, imo :P
but the problem with the 1150 crit it is not consistant where as u can always rely on khepri with full cdr |:D
Definitely a bro move. Those moments make me hella emo.
Pewpew Lazergun I feeel you on that. It’s flashy asf when a mage going hard and they about to die. Hit them with the alt and they come back next to me . I used the meditation cloak and bam brand new.
1:19 I'm diamond with Bellona, but I'm not all that hot with her. Average at best. Masteries are just an indication of how often you play that god, not whether you're good or bad with them.
XD Well said
DragonFire 161 As a III Sun Wukong, I demolished a VII Sun Wukong (he was hiding his stats. not an indicator of skill)
I was about to type the same thing
TheRealPearl I'm a mastery 10 Wukong and I would show my stats...if I had money for mastery skins RIP
MagnetoDorito im a dmnd ymir with only 1586 kills and 3220 assists but i also have like 271 wins with 4k worshippers. The stats do tell a story esp when hunter has double my kills more assists and less wins. Stats speak volumes, esp since you have to always have to have a good awareness of the entire team and what their capable of.
Your team mates take priority. As a player who mains support, whenever I end up playing carry nothing frustrates me more then when I die because my support was off chasing a kill. You ARE NOT there to carry your team. You are there to defend and support your team. If it comes down to you getting the kill or saving your carry, save your team mate.
I considered using the word "always" in my comment, but that's the reason why I didn't. Sometimes it's situational, but for the most part I would say that it's not. The reason I commented this was because I'll see tons of support characters ditching their carry-in-peril as they attempt to chase a kill they won't get. I didn't include the fact that there are some exceptions because those same people find themselves challenged when it comes to making judgement calls.
Jinx Mage try not dying often, when I support, if I notice a specific player is garbage I disregard them. Sometimes I go full kick as mode and end up having more kills and a win for the team.Thats just me.
Where my fellow guardians at? #wemakethedifference
Guardians. Guardians.
I'm a ymir main, I've been maiming ymir since I started playing about a month ago, and I keep getting messages saying things like "lol 0/5 scrub" when we won because I have 30 assists. XD It's so hilarious
DragonFire 161
Idiots every one of them
Man I love seeing my friends and teammates grow and get better when I help them get kills. Personally have ares, ymir, and khepri diamond, although I suck at ares still. I used to hate support, now I sometimes get the first call for it. Just love the role. Honestly stopped caring when people don't thank me, and I always thank a support when they do good while I'm ADC. So happy to see my other support mains here.
Matthew Attisha
Yeh bud. I like to play sup but my only sup god is Sylvanus. So I do like using some mid gods like Nox or Scyllia. So I tend to wait to see what people want so I would have an excuse to play a different role.
Been playing support in conquest for years and I FINALLY feel appreciated. Thanks Rayn
As a newer guardian, one of the things that I have found that really helps a lot is patience. It never helps your team when you rush into a fight by yourself and get yourself killed your ADC to deal with the enemy by themselves. It is always best to be patient and wait for the best opportunity to guarantee that your ADC gets a kill/survives a fight.
No love for my main?#GebLivesMatter
Robert Pratt calm down dude
+Robert Pratt yh dude I agree with the other guys also how was my first message racist? please explain
😭😭😭 This was hilariously cute.
+Tahseen Chowdhury FUS RO DAH
+Robert Pratt To be honest I'm with you. He kind of did start this with a bait and I'm sure he didn't realise.
I'm a newer guardian main, and I would have never thought to use wards oftenGood thing to really consider
It's imperative when you get to high level play
Raynday Gaming
I can imagine so
I am now level 20, and I can see my effect on the team drop somewhat
I bet you ban Loki lol
Trolls The King
Well, being somewhat new to the game still, I still have much to learn when it comes to countering certain gods
My own real issue currently would have to be countering Loki (obviously) along with a few other assassin gods.
It is a learning process, not meant to be mastered to a perfect tee.
Odie Cauthon Well your problem was not warding. Wards will save you 90% of the time.
+Summit Shrestha You rock my man!
This goes out to that one guardian yesterday that helped me get 47 kills with thantos yesterday THANK YOU.
Good video. As a support main, I can agree with your points. Especially the bit about self gratitude. In order to actually enjoy playing this role you have to be able to praise yourself. Statistically you won't look pretty but there are so many things you do in game that stats don't incorporate. And the biggest thing is just have fun with it, there are so many guardians with cool and fun kits. Once again, nice job Raynday. I enjoyed this video. Good guide for newer players as well as a refresher for us long time veterans. Also Athena is life
*salutes* Proud fellow support main
Rewatching these videos make me feel great to play as the supportive guardian role
Thanks for the multiple views friend, that is awesome!
where mah fellow guardians at?
+Kappa Kiev howdy.
Athena main here
+Kappa Kiev yo~
Bacchus main here.
khepri main
Solid guardian guide. I'm a Khepri main, and a lot of the pointers you gave are stuff that I use.
you got a like!
Khepri is mah little luv bug and I luv him to death. But seriously though, I play Khepri quite a lot, he's my main alongside Hades. So whenever I am not playing him, I LOVE having a good Khepri on my team. Especially with good communication. Tell the Khepri to use hit Ult, then tower dive for that suicide kill.
how to be a better guardian: pick a guardian (cuz nobody else will)
I personally have mastered a lot of guardians due to my friends being better elsewhere but it's not like they don't praise me when I get a khepri revive or peel for them with a Ymir freeze and I enjoy it ( some guardians play it cause they like the role)
The worst feeling as a guardian is playing with your friends, give your ass so they can rekt the enemy and they don't realize how I made it possible and get their own ego all the way up :(
PS: Raynday, can you re-make your ''Never surrender'' video? It has far less views than all your other videos and maybe it would be a good time to do it again since you probably got a bunch of new viewers recently.
People surrender all the time, even when there's still chance.
i saw that one. i have never surendered and never will vote for it.
***** Some players leave the game when I refuse to surrender :\
But last night I had a great example. A dude wanted to surrender right after he died, I holded the enemy back until he was alive again and when he attacked we won. Right after voting to not surrender.
Wow. Some people need to grow up and get tough.
***** I don't think I've ever mentioned Arena. This said, I don't you get the point of the whole ''Never surrender'' thing. It's not (only) because you can still win. It's because you should keep learning.
''You can't handle the truth!'' hmmm... ok...
***** Thanks for your clear insight on who I am. I will keep on with my life now, thanks.
If Arena had ranked I'd only play guardians lol, I'm a team player, Don't care about kills, I like keeping people alive and helping the hyper carry get online. The quicker they get online, the easier my life gets, I don't have to worry about them and can concentrate on keeping my mage and assassin alive.
you sir is the mvp
I am a Guardian mainer too. I love helping my mates get kills and receive assissts for it :) I do also love saving someone with a Khepri ult, especially when they thank me for it. Guardian For Life xD
+Womby The Wizard Getting Thanks! You Rock! always feels good.
thx :)
+Womby The Wizard From the time I began playing Smite, I mained Are and immediately fell in love with him. I've gotten him to diamond rank 10 now, so I'm branching out and trying new gods, but my favorite now is Khepri.
I just had an Arena game yesterday where I went 3-0-27, out of a 38-1 score. The enemy team only got 1 kill on us, and it was when they had less than 100 tickets remaining. It felt amazing to be apart of 30 of 38 total kills on our team.
I always play support in Smite Ymir and Overwatch i play as Mercy.
You the real MVP bro
Jacob Sutton same
Tell me more
i actually wanted to come back to this video because it was the first raynday vid i watched, and let me start off by saying that it ended up having the biggest effect on me. so much so that around the time, i would say late may, i had only just picked up sylvanus as a guardian, and only had about mastery 1 with him. as time has gone on, I've become good at almost every single guardian as well as finally achieving my first diamond with my good old boy sylv. so, thanks raynday for helping me to realize how fun it is to play an (overly) supportive guardian. I've helped numerous teammates coast to victory because I've helped them get into a good position during fights, or when they picked them i was there to back them up and get them out safely. so in short, thank you again raynday for helping me help improve myself and my teams experience in game.
Really love this story Nia. Thank you very much for sharing :) it's been a pleasure to assist in any way that I could!
Nice! A good Sylvanus is so much fun. Most humble god in the game I'd say. Mastery 10 here.
Pointers: Sylvanus is the ultimate set up god. Land your grab. Step 1: Pod Step 2: grab Step 3: Wisp Step 4: Ult (if you want). Step 5: Profit.
Second relic: Blink. Trust me, you will need it for engaging. Blink ults are DEADLY in a team fight.
I build damage/hp on him. It keeps his damage viable throughout the whole game while you heal for a tremendous amount. No one ever builds this way. They like to build tanky, leaving him completely worthless in terms of damage output. Items like rod of aclepius, Gem of Isolation, Soul Reaver, Mantle (for cooldown and tons of defense for a single item) and your choice of hp or damage items after, and you can handle almost anything anyone throws at you. You still need to be careful though, as you don't have a lot of defense, but it's enough to survive a tough encounter, heal you and your team up, and go back in. Full build level 20 you have almost 3500 hp with some damage/hp items, and your ult will be doing over 100 dmg per second (150 to those squishy jerks), wisps 40-50. Pods 300-400. Going 17-0 in Clash as Sylvanus was probably my most fun game ever. Give this type of build a try. You will be surprised at how fun it is. It's great for casuals.
Nia Denson a
I respect your profile picture.
So, I had an Arena match as Ymir. Apparently, my Nu Wa starts to tell me to "stop feeding" as a 2/5/19 score while she was 0/2/12. Then I get Kukulkan telling me to "learn how to play Ymir" despite the fact that I have him at rank 2 and not stopping. Oh and Kukulkan complains about me ks'ing when he didn't even hit the supposed ks'ed enemy. Needless to say, I've done some crazy shit like blink + freeze at least 3 people in the enemy team to the point where only enemy Bellona was alive (due to Magi's). In the end we won with 30-something tickets to spare as a 3/8/29 Ymir and Kukulkan said I did well.
Long story short, if you faggots haven't played a guardian in your whole life, then don't bother talking shit. I pick them up in solo queue because I want to help my team and win, while you sit there with your hunter glue-ing your finger to your LMB.
Like Raynday said, Guardians can be a thankless job.
It's a difficult line to walk with deaths, as you may look like you're feeding, but in reality you're sacrificing yourself so your allies can live.
For kill-stealing, try not to worry about it in Arena, as everyone levels up quickly anyway. I've had numerous instances as Ares or Khepri where I do my 1 (Shackle, Lunge) intending to hold the enemy back to help someone get the kill, but end up getting the kill myself. A simple "sorry" can go a long way.
i dunno what happend ingame but as a veteran support player , its not your fault if your teamates can`t followup on your cc ,play passive it will be a slow game but you will guarentee a win .
I feel its best just to say sorry and keep moving forward and just watch your teammates and back off when you see them about to land the kill. I normally just try to secure the kill, because sometime i can't rely on my allies....but when I start to edge out their kills, then I back off and just help them. If they can't land anything then I go into baby sitter mode, which is a mode no guardian wants to be in. :/
SlayerFan961 I am worlds best Ymir please run
Joe O Don't smite me with your freeze, plz.
my boyfriend sent me this link because I suck as a guardian lol. This video was so helpful. Thank you !
becoming a guardian helped my gameplay in other classes - A LOT. you get to appreciate the impact of each member of the team and also understand how you can help team fights. your smite IQ will improve if you get to apply these things. Nice vid Raynday! :)
Nice video and nice channel , new to smite and to the channel. Thumbs up!
+Antharian Amazing, awesome to have you around!
Me too
I like playing a guardian and this was very helpful, pointed out some things I was doing wrong like blowing my load too early.
so is it good im not getting kills and letting my carry get kills? confused. often end with at least 20 assists
That's good I guys
+Ørâńgę Štørm I guess
Yes that's what a good support does, especially in a game mode like clash, conquest, or joust where leveling makes all the difference. If you, for example, set up kills for your Xbalanque adc, you will make him more powerful because of his passive ability and he also will get more gold and XP. Your job as a support is to set kills up when they are available. But if you do happen to steal a kill, don't worry about it.
Before even watching this video I looked at my 0/2/22 ratio and thought that I did a good job. This video makes me feel even better about playing Guardian all the time.
That moment you take the kill at 3:00! LOL
give that kill up and attempt to catch the dumb players that are trying to help save their fallen comrade. Then turn that Kumba kill into 2 kills.
Tips were on point, I luv support/guard and its one of the finer joys i get in gaming. a 5/5/48 game with geb or a 11/2/61 with soraka or flying a transport heli like a god and landing it behind enemy lines ftw its satisfying to kno tht win and EVERYTHING that led up to it was because of me XD gj m8 u got a sub
I always thank my guardians because they save my ass so hard constantly. I almost always play as mages or assassins and very rarely Neith, Ares, or Ymir. I wouldnt have 3 diamond Gods with over 1k kills and 2 Gods at level 5-ish with over 700 kills if i wasnt for the guardians
+Chris Hughes Great mentality. Thanks for appreciating Guardians, and simply put, appreciating other players. That means a lot, no matter what role they are in. It helps our game to be a better place for everyone. Thanks bud!
+Raynday Gaming I think the worst players in the game though are either the ones who ask for a gank then get mad if the enemies only get pushed back instead of killed or the jungler doesnt save em in time cuz the jungler was actoss the map and the person called for a gank right before they died. Those and the ones who play carry, get 20+ kills cuz the guardian tanked for them, brought them back to life/healed them constantly, etc. great guardian things, but then the carry gets so self righteous as if they're the best around
I've been playing as mages and assassins as my main and I want to learn how to be a guardian more. I've been trying to jungle in conquest maps and well people get pissed when I'm not in one lane while helping another and then I can't and they die and ya. Jungling is a pain and difficult... Guardian is hard because I just dont know how to do it yet haha.
Gerami nice way to add a humble brag there :P
cam purdum hiya, I’m a guardian main, my only diamond gods are guardians :/ Just a little tip: you have to stay alert of your allies’ hp at all times possible, and also know the positions of your team _and_ the enemy team, as you might need to peel. Being a guardian is quite a task, but it is very rewarding to save someone on the brink of death. Athena ult to someone on the other side of the map, taunt the enemy long enoug for your teammate to dash out, for example. It’s a thankless job, and we usually don’t get praise, but it’s all worth it :)
This is hands down the best video I've found for guardians. I'm trying to get better at playing Smite and understanding how each type of character works. Seriously your voice + humour really make do wonders. Also that life lesson was something I needed to hear. You should do motivational/self confidence videos lol. Awesome video! Subscribed 😁
I found my personal niche early in Smite by concentrating on Guardians. Khumba diamond, Sylvanus diamond, Ymir diamond, Geb diamond, Bacchus nearly diamond, Sobek legendary. Athena legendary, Ares nearly legendary.
I love playing the support role. I only wish the players who like playing Support would get more respect.
+MrEzra710 ik ur pain i orgianlly was first an adc / jungle player and i always got happy when i got a kill as i was knew and then in an assault game i played sylvanus and i was with my friend shouting suck my balls eat my balls n shit then i was always bummed into support in parties and support kinda became natural to me and i turnt into a support main i may not have as many Support X as u but i have every god mastered and alot of my gods are V+ as my whole entire first page of worshippers is V+
Flaming Justice Yeah, it's a tough world for those of us who _like_ playing support. Nothing makes me happier in a game when another player says "Thanks for saving my butt" or "Thanks for body blocking so I could escape" or "Thanks for that peel, he woulda killed me for sure."
I wish the thanks were more often though.
only time i get a thanks is when i play with my good buds that i do play with everyday and heck in assault i got my friend 2 pentas and he never had one
I been support and tanking things since my first mmo, aka never winter. You never get praised, only shot on when the team feels like you’ve not done enough, but it’s ok because you know you tried your best
Ive been playing guardian since the xbox one beta came out and ive loved it forever. Watching this broight me back to my roots and rejuvenated my love for guardians and their abstract playstyle, thanks rayn
my opinion: Athena is one of the best guardians:)
Love Athena. Her #3 is brutal. It's like one of the hardest hitting moves in the entire game.
The only thing that I DON'T like about her is that no one seems to understand that they're getting buffed and I'm about to blow up around them when I throw my ult on them. In some cases I'll throw the ult and they freak out, running from the fight. The thing ends up being a very expensive teleport.
+David Mathis yeah I hate when I ult someone and then they run away like it's ok there's damage mitigation and damage, get close.
Yes it soo annyoing ok full healt janus ult him he runs away iam like really but once i had a ratskor on my team and i was in ult stance he understood so he pushed and i hit them it was fun to have a teammate with a brain
she is the best , in terms of ranked win rate
I need to recant.
If anything her ult is OP! XD
I realized with some more plays that being able to jump around the field as a tank means flipping fights, free fountain heals, and not needed boots.
Athena is BRUTAL! Love her!
My first game using Bacchus I got 13 kills, 0 deaths, and 20 something assists It was my first game being a guardian, but I watched tons of videos (like this) and I got the hang of it, I had transferred from a Mage to a Guardian with high hopes, and I came on top, Thanks to you! Earned a sub man!
Thank You For Respecting The Guardians!
+The Asbridge Thank you for supporting the video man!
as a support main I completely agree. a couple things to note: you mentioned it briefly, but youve gotta learn to body block. i cant tell you how many times ive been able to take a hunters shots while mine kills it. youve also gotta be willing to change up your build. I see many new players sticking to one build, and building general defense when the enemy team only has magical gods. you talked about this a little as well, but youve gotta know when to be aggressive. when I end up not playing supp, and our supp doesnt know how to apply the right kind of pressure, either over extends or stays behind the team. that being said, applying pressure is NOT taking unnecessary hits. if they're poking you, and you're not getting anything back, you're doing something wrong
+Doom Squared This x5. Tanking auto attacks to save teammates or a Neith ult makes your teammates feel VERY safe and you feel like a boss when you keep the enemy from killing your ADC at 5 Health because your reading their AA like a mind reader!
''Supports are really never be recognised for their inmense effort and effect they have in the game,which is just the truth''
Brah...i play on xbox...every time i get helped by a support in the right way and i see that amazing dude helping me,i fucking thank him every time and in the end of the match i at LEAST text him GG for admiration,good supports are rare for me.
but on pc, and even sometimes in the hi rez office they don't recognize the guardians and they're importance
Won 7-10 from my joust ranked qualifiers and my general score was around 1-3-23 I was playing guardian only , got in silver III when the rest of my team (my friends) got in gold III
ThatGuy. That is exactly what I mean we need a new guardian like, right now
play with me. I've been told imma great supp
CKG pc? Me and some friends are looking for a support for conq 5 man queue I play solo, my friends play pretty much every other roll except support so having one would be awesome
Even though this video is 4 years old , i decided to get back into Smite . I wasnt good 3 years ago , but this video definetly help me be a better Gaurdian. Had some great wins last night since I wasnt running a head of the team . Great Video for Newbies looking to learn roles.
To all the hunters and assassins....Appreciate your guardian!!!!'
Good video dude, I've been maining Support since i started the game about 2 years ago and what you say is true - we supporters have a hard time getting recognition, we dont get the kills, we die to save our team membes and to add more frustration we level up slowly too.
I just want teams to know how important a good support is.
Its also very important as a support to not just help other team members get kills, but also help them survive in a teamfight.
raynday could you please make one for an assassin? i am much better at warriors and guardian than as assassins (except for thor, because thor is easy) I can't seem to grasp the concept of smite's assassins, when to farm, when to kill and such. please help XD
+ppyporpeem to me it depends on the god..if you're playing loki for example he's squishy af but does a shit ton of dmg to all the classes (which is why he's becoming my favorite assassin) so you just wait for the supp to initiate and you follow unless they have an assassin like serquet or another loki that can go invisible I suggest to stay a lil bit back and save the mage or hunter he's targeting
If you're playing hun batz u might need to initiate the combat yourself thanks to the huge aoe ult same with thanatos although alot of ppl use his ult to get the instakill I do the complete opposite
as an assassin you mainly focus the mages and hunters with no escapes like poseidon and skadi
Mohamed Allam ahh i see, i was trying to bastet and i fail really badly at her. It's really hard to find the right rhythm to go in and out of battle as an assassin
+ppyporpeem every assassin has a different combo some combos focus mages and hunters basically squishy targets like the bastet combo and a combo like hun batz just focuses on everyone
so if you wanna master an assassin i suggest hun batz I got a penta kill with my third game with him so he's pretty broken in the right hands
Mohamed Allam ohhhh so that's how it is. Thank you very much! i'll try out hun batz then!
ppyporpeem you're welcome
and tell me how it goes and If you need the build I use
One thing that I like to do when I'm Guardian is check out the damage taken and damage mitigated scores.
If I had the highest damage taken score and I wasn't dying in stupid ways, that feels pretty good, since damage I'm taking is damage my carries AREN'T taking.
the only reason I hate playing guardians is because if your team sucks and are always going in alone, don't attack when you chain cc, and pretty much be useless, you are fucked. you have to watch your team die over and over because they think they can do everything alone.and unless your dmg cabraken\bacchus you can't do enough dmg to attempt alone
I recently switched to play as guardians, thought I'd figured out how to adapt my play style to benefit the team fully but this video really helped me add to that again, great effort man, really helpful
I carry my team with a guardian.
I know how you feel
+th kevin Khepri
I love it when I'm playing ares and the Enemy team only uses physical damage dealers then I can go full aura and just wreck their team
Fafnir can do anything XD
"Don't blow your load" lol, I laughed so hard! but awesome video as always. I couldn't count how many times I've blown my kit and had to run away with my tail between my legs, lol. Ya live and learn and get better. Also, since I've adopted our guild motto, my gaming has become even better. Looking forward to the next stream. ttyl~
+Dane Gunjic The world champion in Smite, Iraffer...that's when I started attempting it and found it can be valuable in several circumstances.
+Raynday Gaming I'm no champ. I leave the wall at 1 until the end because 9 times outta 10 I can time it just right to help a teammate gank whoever I walled and if the god we're chasing has a jump, the wall is down before long so my teammate can keep chasing without using their jump. I focus my 3 for leveling to keep enemies stuck a while longer.
+Dane Gunjic Against a team comp with few jumps. maxing the wall is huge when blocking off escapes in the jungle. Like Raynday said, world champion support player iRaffer from epsilon made huge plays trapping players with it during the SWC2 tournament. Reminds me when I tried out his sylvanus/soulstone start to great effect during season 2.
+Raynday Gaming I did before iRaffer did and you are right but it right now in this new meta where purification is on a longer cool down you most of the you want to maxes his freeze first because a lot of they will use there purification on it leaving your team to give them hell because you can cc them a lot more
+Raynday Gaming Yeah but he maxed his 2 first, then his 1, you're maxing the wall first which isn't needed, you don't do it vs gods with jumps, but vs gods without its also much more valuable in conquest since you can cut off choke points in the jungle.
This is such a great video for support players. My buddy is my clans main support and he said he learned from this. We make sure to scream his name and cheer when he gets an awesome pull or stun, always encourage the guy who takes the fall or makes your kills possible.
too bad you killstole throughout this entire video, maxed belch before the jump, maxed kheps root before the pull, and ymirs wall first
If those decisions invalidate this video for you, then that's your choice buddy. However, FYI - world champion iraffer maxes wall first on Ymir and it's incredibly effective - which is why I was using it in the game I showed in the clips of this video. I prefer the duration on the root and safer poke damage as well as the more guarantee burp aoe damage on Bacchus. Always helps to know all the info before you pass judgement. Cheers man!
+Slade Wright I bet you get your kills stolen a lot...
+Tom Danner i dont and i have no idea how that is relevant to what i said. as a support, you shouldnt be killstealing.
+Raynday Gaming That's THE greatest point to ever make in this game and probably in any MOBA; the difference of people who know all the info vs people who *think* they know all the info.
...what amazes me is that most people that *realistically* consider themselves "veterans" know only one thing - that they don't know everything.
...somehow though there are a TON of players that have been on for like 3-6 months, or less, who will immediately pass judgements and/or jump on someone exclusively because of their K/D/A, even for roles outside of Guardian, and pay attention to no other stats and such, smh. lmao. There are multiple ways to win, and lose in Smite. Yeah, I said it.
Cheers mate! Thanks for another helpful vid!
+TheNeverFrownClown im not saying i know alll the info. i know not to killsteal as a support.
I love how these videos are timeless. Like they don’t age and are always helpful.
They even aged enough so that I could heart them - when they first released hearts didn’t exist!
Raynday Gaming wow bro😂 thanks for your positive content
Raynday me and my little brother are having an argument. I say you can beat TydeTyme in a 1v1
+Dai C. I love raynday to death, I'm in his clan and everything...but I'm pretty sure tydetime would shrek rayn in a 1v1. I would love to watch it though!
+sam sally I have Faith Raynday would hold up and win. But it's a duel I want to see.
+Dai C. dude love this channel,but we are talking about a 1vs1 player from beta,no chance dude..
+Dai C. ok raynday is a good player overall but TydeTyme is a grandmasters dueler. Raynday might be good but TydeTyme is better
Lol, that might be true. But I think Raynday can give him a run for TydeTyme. I still think he can win. Master deuler or not.
As a support main I agree with everything stated in the vid well done it's nice to see someone giving us supports some love.
you don't play guardian... lol
Your just trying to get kills, and wasting ymir ults and others (cabroken ? wtf)... when u do a video about something make it accurate at least.
+Pedro sequeira This video is very accurate IMO of ways to improve Guardian play. Choose to take what you want from it. You can disregard everything that is said due to cabroken and a wasted Ymir ult - that is your choice. Video is done, up to you to find value or not from it! Thanks for the comment.
Yes you are a guardian but you can get kills, better to kill them then to let them go to spawn. It helps you're whole team that way
+Pedro sequeira In the end if a guardian gets a kill, it's not the end of the world so what that means that the enemy team is still at a disadvantage.
You rely do not understand smite, this is not conquest man, it's clash.
hon, supports can get kills. Its all about thinking on your feet. If you've been playing for a long time, you have some pretty good instincts that you develop, like a strong sense of your damaging character's cooldowns, abilities, and skill as a player, which can give you an idea if there's a strong chance of an enemy escaping. I personally play Aphrodite support, or Kephri. If I notice this feeling in a situation, a good team who wants to win will understand if i get more aggressive with damage and take the kill, instead of letting them run away to the safety of base. Plus, a kill to a support character gives just as much assist benefits, gold pooling, etc. as any other character on the team, even if it might be more beneficial to give the kill to a Xbalanque or Anubis, its better to kill them if you can.
Guardian main here- Diamond Khepri. There's something about saving my teammates that is so satisfying. Great videos! You are awesome.
I'm actually really happy to hear that my assistance kills mean more. I've recently gotten into the game, and I really enjoy Ares, and the beetle's a style, but my score usually looks something like 5/3/15. I did tell myself "well hey I was apart of 20 of my teams 27 kills" but I hated knowing that my work gave someone else the kill. I guess it'll take time for me to leave that mentally.
Coming from a support main, I think this was very useful! I'm mostly likely going to be referencing this to my friends who need help with their supp/solo gameplay.
As someone who ends up on Support more often than I'd like, I'm surprised you didn't mention body blocking tips (putting yourself in between enemies and weakened players), which is something I've been working on lately and I think a lot of new players aren't hip to doing.
But I super appreciate you appreciating supports and making a video like this, you're really given the role the praise it deserves, and I think that going forward I'll feel much better about taking on that role. And of course, I'll make sure to give myself plenty of praise where I earn it for that unsung job well done.
+Christopher Lam I can't tell you how many lives I've saved with some sick bodyblocks
As a Support main for the past 2 years this feels really refreshing. I know a lot of people would need this and maybe, just maybe Supports will be a little more respected! But in all seriousness thank you for making this Raynday!
great Video! Only thing I'd add would be, that you should look out after your squishier allys especially, as they're more likely to be targeted and thus leave great opportunity to counter enemy initiates, primarly enemy assains
Point #4 (Initiate, Peel, Counter Initiate, Zone)
Is why I love to play Isis support. When built with some CDR she is a more mobile, more squishy version of her Guardian counterparts.
Good points and great video!
+Alco4real Thanks very much buddy! I appreciate it. I love Isis as well :)
+Raynday Gaming Im not 100% sure saying 'I love Isis' is something i would wanna say on the internet at the moment.
+AmericanCkia good point!
Every game I play that has team play I always play as a healer or a support role. Just something really fun to me about helping everyone out. Thanks for the video dude. Played league for years, playing Smite on PS4 now.
Amazing video! You got yourself a new subscriber dude! Please, please and again: please, keep this up! The editting is amazing, fun and nice to watch. Your voice is perfect for commentary and you explain so well! I see a nice future in the Smite community for you man! :D
+DatKanNiet thanks so much dude! That means a lot and thanks for letting me know you've subscribed! Welcome to the family and I look forward to many more great videos and moments together!
Very helping video. Although I usually play the guardian/support role, I think this video learned me some things (especially the wards thing). Great job !
I think this sums up almost all you need to know about guarding it smite! I salut you back raynday!
Nice vid raynday
Man your channel is growing!
Love these tips man! I've been struggling to get into the guardian role but finally feel i found a good match in Geb. I realized when I play a guardian i really gravitated towards the peeling/bodyblocking side of things instead of initiating. I'm terrible at initiating and definitely have to work on that at some point but finding a guardian that went with what felt most natural to me really helped me get into the role.
It has also helped me in other roles. To be more aware of what's happening around me and who is doing what. And I always try and use the guardian mentality on other roles as well. I think the whole guardian mentality is also just a teamwork mentality. What can I do at this time to get my team ahead? Sure that can mean taking out a key target but it can also mean to save my fellow squishy(from loki/ao kuang) by staying near them instead of rushing forward and finishing the kill.
Will definitely take these tips into my next matches and see if I can improve my Guardian game.
This vid rly helped me understand the basics of being a good support. I'd be happy if u continue to make similar vids for warriors, mages etc.
I've been maining guardian ever since I started playing the game, whether it be Sylvanus, Ymir, Bacchus, Cabrakan, and more! These tips really helped me A LOT and helped me choose what role of guardian to play and when. Thank you for the tips!
Gotta say thanks to the gas out there. I was in a game the other day and only realized afterward that I did so well because the geb on my team was there to bail me out of some admittedly stupid plays on my part. Made me wanna start learning to play a couple gaurdians andlearn the role And it has been lots of fun :)
Gosh dang it auto correct. Guys not gas sorry
This video is almost 4 years old and is still amazingly helpful. I was an assassin main for the longest time and recently picked up guardian so my friends had a consistent support/meat shield since they main hunter and mage. Khepri's kit sounded cool so I picked him up and ran with him and I don't regret it one bit. Back when I played World of Warcraft, I loved being a healer main and Khepri brings me that same feeling when I can ult someone and rescue them or tank some shots so someone can get away. Now instead of looking at my k/d, I find myself looking at my k/a and getting overjoyed when I see I've had a hand in at least half of (or more) of my team's kills.
This video helped me adjust to that quite a lot and I keep returning to it as a refresher course. Thanks a lot for making it. 🙂
Ok, this went on longer than I intended. Gonna actually hit submit now. 😅
Great job on this video! This is the type of content I enjoy most that's informative, funny and most importantly being so positive. I really enjoy playing support roles but some times I don't feel I'm fully grasping how to be enough of a tank that people expect from many guardian gods. I'll try these tips especially learning not to blow my loads too early ;)
in team games I was never the person scoring or getting all the kills, so the guardian appealed. Now thanks to you I can keep on supporting my team
Glad he made this video. I'm constantly having to play Guardian to help the team out cause it seems so many players only want to play the roles that get a lot of kills or they don't know how to build a Guardian. Hopefully this inspires more people to play Guardian role on all platforms. Trust me it's fun to be the person who can save a the team a few times a game
I play Guardian and Warrior mostly, I tend to be the peel and initiate, I die a lot but my allies never do. I loved watching this video since maybe this'll allow me to play ADC or Mage and have a good support backing me up
I'm a Guardian main, but I haven't played in a few years. Coming back in is really hard, but you're helping a lot with these guides! My Sobek will never be the same ;y
I'm a newer smite player and a Khepri main and I have to say thank you, your videos have been incredibly helpful.
My main is to be guardian and it really feels like our work is not useful, thats the reason why Im starting to become other roles in Smite, but Ill do an effort and Ill continue with supporting thanks to you bro. VER Dont chang'e!
I main the guardian role and i think I already knew all what you said, but this video is great. Everything you said should be done while playing smite. I really like this video.
This was very helpful, thank you!
You're a great speaker. This "how to smite" series is great!
dont be afraid of fighting at half health when you have a few items online. You eat damage. Don't be reckless but learn to recognize the fights you CAN pick. Don't be too aggressive early you're still pretty squishy. Know when to drop the Ymir wall or Athena ult to get out of a bad fight. And most importantly always look too see who has their ultimates up and if it's your big hitters or your disruptive warriors or even just mess around with other gods to know their cooldowns. Thos are all big steps once you get these 5 down. Great video Raynday as always
+Bob Westermanshire those are great additional tips Bob. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to support (pun intended) the video and the community. Really makes a difference. Thanks so much!
good tips. especially about saving your abilities because cooldowns are freaking long in this game! Also the god I wanted to play first in Smite turned out to be a Guardian, though you'd think he'd be classified as a warrior -- Xian Tian. He doesn't seem exceptionally good at peeling but dude can initiate on fools.
As new player trying to improve at Smite in general, including playing guardians, this was a very useful video. Thanks very much! :)
Thank you so much for this! I just started Smite yesterday, and I was thinking I would like support. And this really helps!
Want to thank you for this vid, it's not often we see supports get much love haha. I love playing support probably my favorite role in smite and I agree with pretty much all of the points made in this video keep doing what you're doing man it's awesome.
crazy how some of the things you say are inspiring and I could even apply them to my life. Ive watched your 5 ways to be a better smite player(?) and other videos and I love how you're all about positivity!😊
Finally! I thank you for makeing this Video :)) And for show the SMITE community how importent a warrior in the teamfight really is. I hope the mages and hunters out there will now have a little more respect about the work warriors do ^^
Thank you :)
New to Smite, I know this video is old, but it's still got quality and I'm gonna binge the rest of the class videos for tips
This video helped alot. I'm going for a diverse gameplay. I started with ranged. Hated it. I found home with melee and grew into assasins. I hated the low health, so i went to warrior. Enjoyed that alot! My friends said we needed a guardian so I went with it and really liked that so now I'm trying to be better, (hence the reason i am here). I only stay in the melee family and stay with melee only gods. I have alot of diversity with the roles. I just don't have a mage. This video helped lots. ((awesome gameplay!!))
I've been playing support since beta and you reminded me of some really important fundamentals that I need to keep in mind. Thanks!
I've started with Ganesha and saved so many of my friends and sacrificed myself for them. They always thank me. And I thank them for buffs and everything. Good stuff.
Love your "How to" videos, wondering if you're going to do a video for the other roles as well.
Regarding the warding point: I play League and Smite, and in both I could be called a support main. You're so many kinds of right. After all, dying is bad, and warding is conducive to not dying. Not dying is good, so wards are good, because the entire point of the game is to kill the enemy buildings and not die. This has been an idiot's guide to why warding is good.
How to win the game by Chuck Norris
Great video. I think the best way to focus on being a better guardian is your first 2 items. Watchers gift and hide of the urchin. This will mean that to benefit from the starter item you need to leave creep kills to you carry. Hide means you have to support in getting those kids early for it to be of any benefit as you wont be able to get them quick enough alone. And finally boots plus defence, no damage, last as long as you can, make it so they have to put two or three people on you to kill you, those left are outnumbered and they'll die quick. I'm legendary with a couple out guardians and it's nice to hear someone reinforce what I already know and try to do.
The end of this video was really touching. Thanks man its a hard life as a Support. lol and I'm not gonna lie I said that Ymir line when I 1st watched this video way back. LOL rank X Ymir!
I started on yamir and ares and tbh I enjoy helping my friends get deicides and hearing them get happy I like tanking too
i approve so much of this video!, as a diamond sobek(yes,the one that never gets used,but in reality is quite good) i can say that his charge is a guaranteed kill or a guaranteed saved life if done properly,and the rest of his kit is very supportive too.
Always wanted to try out Guardian, and after this video, I definitely will this weekend! Thanks!
I want to play support because most people don't play it so I want to step up and be one and do it well. This video really helped. Thank you so much Raynday!!