A big role that no one can interpreter but only the great and beautiful Elizabeth Taylor. This main role was not easy to play because Cleopatra was a very intelligent woman in the acient world with a rich knowledge in science, maths, she spoke seven languages fluently and metaphisic and chemical field as well and Taylor reached the profile to play this role because she was an educated and sofisticated woman, in addition of being the most elegant and gorgeous actress of the hollywood golden era. The best role played by her in my opinion, I dont imagine another actress that can play this role so well as Elizabeth Taylor did.
elizabeth taylor was truly a beautiful woman, and person. she had her problems like we all do but she was one of, if not the last iconic actor from the golden age of Hollywood. R.I.P Elizabeth Taylor
I was working in in a D.C. Movie theatre around 1979, and Elizabeth Taylor suddenly walked into the lobby with her then-husband, Senator John Warner, just to have a friendly conversation with the manager and staff. That was the lovely kind of woman she was; friendly and sincere and down-to-earth; at ease in conversation with regular working people like ourselves, despite her enormous fame and celebrity.
@Starscream91 true.. But not all celebrities have that ego prob & can't be nice and presentable.. Some of them were/are indeed nice & humble people. Elizabeth was truly one of the most down to earth celebrities who didn't have that ego prob despite all her fame!! And Im sure this people just wanted to share his experience, it's rude to call him fool..
I know someone who met her at a hotel bar in CT, in the days she was trying to get sober. (She got bored at whatever clinic she was signed in at, and went out for the evening.) This was before she found success at Betty Ford. My friend just got done installing a security system in Greenwich. He's blue collar and had his work uniform on. He felt like she was a long list buddy and said she was hysterically funny, charming, great company, and oh yes, gorgeous.
Elizabeth Taylor was stunningly beautiful, but the real Cleopatra was more of a seductress than a beauty. A few scholars have said that her face was not exactly "beautiful".
How tf would they know irl. It’s speculation at this point based on weak evidence like ancient coins that supposedly were minted in her likeness but that’s not accurate as often coin images could have been minted to emphasize symbolic qualities rather than accurate depiction.
Thank you very much for this lovely tribtue to Dame Elizabeth! Cleopatra was definitely one of her best movies. The last time I watched it was months ago, but after watching your video every little scene is in my mind again.. You managed it to put a 4-hour-movie into 5 minutes.. with fantastic music that fits perfectly to the video! Great done! I love it!! ♥♥
Same things with people that broke the mold! The other partner they choose, r u i n the mix! Happened with Rob Lowe, and Charlie Sheen! Choose one that's your 10!!!...
Among many of the great accomplishments of the Ancient Egyptians [they served as inspiration for the Art Deco movement], you have got to give them major props for their makeup! That mascara, those eyeliners and hairdos were so influential that thousands of years later, women are still wearing some version of that.
I guess that it takes very little to amuse you. Nice to know how simple some people are. The fact is that the Ancient Egyptians invented eyeliner and while they didn't invent mascara, I was referring to the concept of painting one's eyes. All of that influenced later styles and was especially influential in the 20's and 60's.
+AugustanFinn Ancient Egypt stopped being great after it got conquered by Acheamenids, Persians. Persia continued to be great with the Timurids and Safavids. The greatest Persian poetry was during Islamic Iran and the greatest Persian philosophers and scientists were only present in the Islamic period. You're an idiot.
Mexican Love Actually she was white, the Ptolemy dynasty practiced incest for centuries to keep the bloodlines pure. And considering Ptolemy was white, so was Cleopatra (tan at the most).
Thank you! A brilliant selection of clips with the gorgeous and captivating Elizabeth Taylor. I've never actually seen the film, I've only heard and read about it, but this video has inspired me to go and watch the film :)
This was so cool, u totally caught all the great moments in which Elizabeth looks devastatingly spectacular, this was great. The music rocks, so hit in the nail with the images. Will subscribe.
To this day I don't know why Elizabeth Taylor never received better and more complimentary reviews.I regret to say have never seen this movie as yet.Hope to one day.
Me muero de amor un poquito cada vez que veo este vídeo, invoca de mi ser todos los sentidos... no puede haber una Cleopatra más perfecta que con la intrínseca elegancia de MI ELIZABETH TAYLOR. Es sencillamente única su interpretación, no cabe más belleza en su ser, más glamour y corrección en cada uno de sus maravillosos gestos. Es morir de amor un poquito...
La interpretación más perfecta de La Reina del Nilo: Cleopatra,Por Elizabeth Taylor.Como artista, desempeñó muy bien su papel. Liz era una mujer culta, de un roce social muy alto.Tenía ese glamourt , esa personalidad para interpretar esa mujer, Diosa de Egipto.Ojos lila, vestidos verde muzgo y sedas lila. Hacen el enmarco genial y de fina galantería.Será recordada por muchos años.Esta esta película entre los mejores clásicos del cine Norteamericano.
I was 12 when the film was replayed in a cinema theatre in Tangier, and I went three times in a row to see her, I didn't a fourth time because I was completely penniless after that!
Since i saw caleopatra clips i wondered who this beautiful women could be ...yes ...elizabeth taylor ..really really made for this role .perfect .gorgeous.stunning beauty ...striking eyes.. supposed 100% like egyptian sculptures..great costumes.. i listened her interview ..down to earth inspite ger enormous fame ..reare comvination of brain and beauty. I saw her last time i saw paris equally spkendid performance of character she played.one wonder on earth God provide all in one like ger persona immaculate beauty
Ikr. I hate how women nowadays use so much makeup to cover up their naturally sparkly blue eyelids. Why can’t they be like Liz Taylor and be all natural?
I'm Egyptian, A COPTIC CHRISTIAN EGYPTIAN, I shout that out loud because we are the most pure blooded Egyptians out there and that's not only my opinion that's what Egyptologists, Historians and Scientists also agreed on , and I tell you that every word that Bassem Youssef said is right and I totally agree with him. Yes Egypt had lots of mixed cultures throughout its history like for example: Greeks, Romans and Arabs, but the Egyptian blood didn't mix and change that much and that's because for centuries we Egyptians had a golden tradition rule to marry our cousins, and that tradition is still present until now especially in Upper Egypt(from Assiut to Aswan), Although that tradition seems silly and bad from a scientific biological point of view, but that doesn't matter, silly or not we kept that tradition of marrying our cousins for centuries and that helped us to preserve our pure Egyptian blood not mixed as long as we could, and the result is what you see now and that is Modern Egyptians looks typical to their Ancient Egyptian Ancestors, just look at my skin color and Bassem Youssef's skin color we are almost the same although he is a Muslim who was born and lived in Cairo and I am a Coptic Christian who was born and lived in Luxor and there is almost a 1000 km distance between us, doesn't that tell you a thing or two about who Ancient Egyptians were and what they looked like? With all due respect for all the Black people and all the other ethnicities out there, but we Egyptians are special very special, WE ARE NOT Black or White or Yellow, Not Europeans or Africans or Asians, Not Assyrians or Persians or Israelites or Nubians or Greeks or Romans or Arabs or French or Italians or Germans or British or Turkish or Ukrainians, Not Middle Easterners or Caucasians or Mediterraneans or Levants or Amazigh or Berbers or even North Africans. WE ARE EGYPTIANS, WE ARE VERY UNIQUE!
La Dinastia reale greco macedone dei Tolomei, allorquando diventarono Faraoni d' Egitto, accettarono le religione e l'etichetta di corte egizi ( pur conservando la lingua e la cultura greca ). Quindi ,per preservare l'origine divina reale de Faraoni ( figli di Osiride), si univano in matrimoni incestuosi : si sposavano tra fratelli e sorelle! Comunque fu mantenuta la purezza della razza greca. E questo ai dirigenti di Netflix non lo hanno proprio visto , non si sono informati ( volutamente ), perché in nome della idiota e degenarata ideologia woke, hanno scelto un'attrice negra americana, per impersonare Cleopatra in uno sceneggiato di qualche anno fa...Distorcendo completamente la storia. ... Ad ognj modo l'incesto per noi Cristiani è inconcepibile. Li proibisce la Sacra Bibbia. È permesso solo ( sono Cattolica Romana) il matrimonio tra cugini di secondo grado in poi. Ma sempre con riserva. Quelli di primo grado ( e qui in ambito di matrimoni reali dei Re europei ) raramente concessi dal Papa. Ma l'endogamia troppo praticata portava a malformazioni psico fisiche degeneranti di estrema gravità: vedi l'esempio negli Asburgo di Spagna, la morte dell'ultimo ( un vero cadavere vivente sterile, poveretto), portò alla guerra europea detta DI DI SUCESSIONE SPAGNOLA, SEGUITA POI DA QUELLA DI SUCCESSIONE POLACCA ( SEC. XVIII SEC.). Un anticipo delle Guerre Mondiali del XX secolo...ahimè.
Djazia agradecerte por haber compartido este grandioso collage de todas las escenas de Liz Taylor en esta gran película. Mencionar que Renié como la Diseñadora del Vestuario y Alberto De Rossi como el Maquillista. Ambos se lucieron con la Gran Actriz Elizabeth Taylor. Q.E.P.D.
Elizabeth Taylor is the powerful, regal image of Cleopatra, who left a beautiful trace of eternity by starring in the film:" Cleopatra." The actress will be remembered and glorified for centuries! 🙏❤️
+tiffsaver I thought so only in films and in books they portrayed her as " beautiful" - her face impressions made during her life showed that she was a dog
i have seen many cleoptara movies,, but none other actress was as beautiful as Elizebath taylor
Gabriel Cintra cleopatra was Greek so it makes sense that she was white. They got her beauty wrong. She was never beautiful but she was charming.
vivien Leigh was a great Cleopatra
Monica Bellucci
+Gabriel cintra You know Kleopatra was Greek right?
Leonor varela
Not many stars like Elizabeth Taylor these days. When she's in a scene it's nearly impossible to move your eyes away from her.
Je nádherná
Taylor Swift?
@@leonpersephon8046 Not stunningly gorgeous like Elizabeth Taylor!
A big role that no one can interpreter but only the great and beautiful Elizabeth Taylor. This main role was not easy to play because Cleopatra was a very intelligent woman in the acient world with a rich knowledge in science, maths, she spoke seven languages fluently and metaphisic and chemical field as well and Taylor reached the profile to play this role because she was an educated and sofisticated woman, in addition of being the most elegant and gorgeous actress of the hollywood golden era. The best role played by her in my opinion, I dont imagine another actress that can play this role so well as Elizabeth Taylor did.
elizabeth taylor was truly a beautiful woman, and person. she had her problems like we all do but she was one of, if not the last iconic actor from the golden age of Hollywood. R.I.P Elizabeth Taylor
Antonio Del Rio one of, sorry, the most iconic actress if not actor during the golden Hollywood era was Marilyn Monroe.
Antonio Del Rio I
Jacklyn Demon I’m guessing you watched my week with Marylin btw he was 19
@Metal Head 🗣️ Agree
I was working in in a D.C. Movie theatre around 1979, and Elizabeth Taylor suddenly walked into the lobby with her then-husband, Senator John Warner, just to have a friendly conversation with the manager and staff. That was the lovely kind of woman she was; friendly and sincere and down-to-earth; at ease in conversation with regular working people like ourselves, despite her enormous fame and celebrity.
@Starscream91 true.. But not all celebrities have that ego prob & can't be nice and presentable.. Some of them were/are indeed nice & humble people. Elizabeth was truly one of the most down to earth celebrities who didn't have that ego prob despite all her fame!! And Im sure this people just wanted to share his experience, it's rude to call him fool..
All opinions are not right or wrong...It depends on each person 's experiences
Everyone is judged in many ways in the same situation..So which 's real..?
No one 's perfect... just only trys to do the best one can...
I know someone who met her at a hotel bar in CT, in the days she was trying to get sober. (She got bored at whatever clinic she was signed in at, and went out for the evening.) This was before she found success at Betty Ford. My friend just got done installing a security system in Greenwich. He's blue collar and had his work uniform on. He felt like she was a long list buddy and said she was hysterically funny, charming, great company, and oh yes, gorgeous.
Thanks for posting an awesome tribute of Cleopatra to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton who really are in heaven together now. God bless.
2023 and STILL the best video on Elizabeth Taylor as "CLEOPATRA" ! Your music score is BRILLIANT !💙
Her eyes was striking!! So ethereal
Yes, very etherial.
No one actress could play Cleopatra so perfect like Liz Taylor.
Elizabeth Taylor was quite possibly the most beautiful women of all time
and Alexandra Daddario
Thank you.
Elizabeth Taylor was stunningly beautiful, but the real Cleopatra was more of a seductress than a beauty. A few scholars have said that her face was not exactly "beautiful".
How tf would they know irl. It’s speculation at this point based on weak evidence like ancient coins that supposedly were minted in her likeness but that’s not accurate as often coin images could have been minted to emphasize symbolic qualities rather than accurate depiction.
Beautiful is subjective
@@mustafam956 Exactly what I said! And they weren't there when she was in ruling so they don't know what she looked like.
@@خديجة-ع5م2ن I’m pretty sure people wrote about her also old painting
There was only one "Cleopatra". There is only one "Elizabeth Taylor" ! Unbelievably stunning !
BELLA ! Every few months I love to come back here and get my fix of this Beauty ! Your score is perfection ! BELLA !
Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton! Loved these two!
Hello Judith, How are you doing?
Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor were two actresses who embodied female sensuality perfectly. ❤️
Thank you!
Thank you very much for this lovely tribtue to Dame Elizabeth! Cleopatra was definitely one of her best movies. The last time I watched it was months ago, but after watching your video every little scene is in my mind again.. You managed it to put a 4-hour-movie into 5 minutes.. with fantastic music that fits perfectly to the video! Great done! I love it!! ♥♥
Woah, she really is stunning!!! 💖😍💕
Her beauty has no words to describe just speechless
Does she has daughter or son?taylor is such a goddess
@@ClarkKent-bs5xh she has children but they're not as beautiful
Yes! Honey! Beautiful! 😀💖💛
Same things with people that broke the mold! The other partner they choose, r u i n the mix! Happened with Rob Lowe, and Charlie Sheen! Choose one that's your 10!!!...
One of the great actresses of all time. The most beautiful indeed!
Lovely montage, the oriental music made it all the more exotic.
Yes it did. Very exotic.
Among many of the great accomplishments of the Ancient Egyptians [they served as inspiration for the Art Deco movement], you have got to give them major props for their makeup! That mascara, those eyeliners and hairdos were so influential that thousands of years later, women are still wearing some version of that.
I guess that it takes very little to amuse you. Nice to know how simple some people are. The fact is that the Ancient Egyptians invented eyeliner and while they didn't invent mascara, I was referring to the concept of painting one's eyes. All of that influenced later styles and was especially influential in the 20's and 60's.
They were great before the muslims came along.
Same with Persia.
SMH.....what a loss of civilization.
+AugustanFinn Indeed.
+AugustanFinn Ancient Egypt stopped being great after it got conquered by Acheamenids, Persians.
Persia continued to be great with the Timurids and Safavids. The greatest Persian poetry was during Islamic Iran and the greatest Persian philosophers and scientists were only present in the Islamic period.
You're an idiot.
Aaron Richards That's true, but you still have to concede that their work was impeded by that religion.
one of the most beautiful faces in the world.
A role she was born to play....
lola you are right a role she was born to play 'Cleopatra'
👩🏻👑🐍 Love the movieee
Mexican Love Actually she was white, the Ptolemy dynasty practiced incest for centuries to keep the bloodlines pure. And considering Ptolemy was white, so was Cleopatra (tan at the most).
@Ashley Spurling sir you are wise!!!
Darell Grant she wuz black I tells you shiet man
I'm back for my FIX ! Thanks again for a GREAT look back !
Thank you! A brilliant selection of clips with the gorgeous and captivating Elizabeth Taylor. I've never actually seen the film, I've only heard and read about it, but this video has inspired me to go and watch the film :)
TheCrazyMaskedPerson It’s been 6 years so you’ve probs just finished watching this long-ass film
the music's amazing as well as liz
Her support for people with HIV was exceptional....for that alone I salute her
She did it all without silicone duck lips. Yusss 👏🏻
Yeah but she had the original Instagram brow
Thats why women like her are so rare now.
Elizabeth Taylor will go down as one of Hollywood s most beauitful women, in the world
Sally Newman I know right. Lol
Very cool. Music is great also. Thanks for posting!
Această mare doamna a fost o mare Cleopatra atât în filme cât și în și în viața privată! 💝
How stunningly beautiful was Elizabeth Taylor!
Elizabeth Taylor was the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth.
ET was a legend. No one can ever be her or come close to her. RIP ur so beautiful
This was so cool, u totally caught all the great moments in which Elizabeth looks devastatingly spectacular, this was great. The music rocks, so hit in the nail with the images. Will subscribe.
I'm belly dancing around the house.
Mood 💃🏻💁🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
Tina Huston lol
Ooooh, come to meee Tina!! LOL
Lmao same
This actress is very beautiful, her melanin combination is one of my favorites
she so beautifull !
You are also
Here I am again in 2024 ! Still the best video and score on Cleopatra and Liz ! 👍👍👍🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
To this day I don't know why Elizabeth Taylor never received better and more complimentary reviews.I regret to say have never seen this movie as yet.Hope to one day.
Elizabeth Taylor was my favorited actress. 2 me she was the most beautiful!!!
Hello Mary, How are you doing?
Really great tribute to Cleopatra, the music fits very well.
No,No It Doesn't!
God she was incredible and i love Egyptian music RIP Elizabeth
The song is called "Yearning" by Raul Ferrando. I found the song on iTunes :)
She had the beautiful and hieratic face of Egyptian sculptures.
Nice compilation of shots with appealing music. I just watched this again and you've captured her well.
The music is from Raul Fernando Yearning
Liz Taylor the most beautiful woman to ever live. She was equisite.
Next to me. But GOD did bless her GOOD.
@@janellerollins5893 HUH ?! 😆
@@janellerollins5893 Love this comment lol
She is so beautiful
What can I say? GORGEOUS star! STUNNING epic!
I normally hate music to scenes but....The music is beautiful. Who is it by? Blown away...
the music is from Raul Fernando Yearning
+Djazia Van Buggenhout Where is he from?
+Christina Gina Sounds like good belly dancing music.
+Christina Gina Yes very majestic sounding……the sort of music one would hear in Istanbul.
Sounds very Turkish and I love it.
I love when she literally acts like a real queen...
Liz Taylor was my GODDESS!!!
Me muero de amor un poquito cada vez que veo este vídeo, invoca de mi ser todos los sentidos... no puede haber una Cleopatra más perfecta que con la intrínseca elegancia de MI ELIZABETH TAYLOR. Es sencillamente única su interpretación, no cabe más belleza en su ser, más glamour y corrección en cada uno de sus maravillosos gestos. Es morir de amor un poquito...
As SPECTACULAR as the film was...STUNNING!!!
she's stunning with those eyes and long hair T-T
I have always loved this video and this music... Perfection!
Beautiful and pretty. Elizabeth Taylor 😇😇
La interpretación más perfecta de La Reina del Nilo: Cleopatra,Por Elizabeth Taylor.Como artista, desempeñó muy bien su papel. Liz era una mujer culta, de un roce social muy alto.Tenía ese glamourt , esa personalidad para interpretar esa mujer, Diosa de Egipto.Ojos lila, vestidos verde muzgo y sedas lila. Hacen el enmarco genial y de fina galantería.Será recordada por muchos años.Esta esta película entre los mejores clásicos del cine Norteamericano.
Gorgeous costumes! ❤️💚💙
The music is stunning
I was 12 when the film was replayed in a cinema theatre in Tangier, and I went three times in a row to see her, I didn't a fourth time because I was completely penniless after that!
She was beautiful
oh my god she is so beautifull her beautifull face and those eyes
Her eyebrows!
I can't believe I'm going to be seeing the iconic green dress tomorrow in person 😁
She was Cleopatra in previous life ❤️ stunning 💋 lovely gorgeous 🌹 dynamic 🌹 you just can't take your eyes off 🌹
She’s gorgeous in this film!
Was she not in real life too?
totally perfect looking
At first thank you very much =D and then =D i love Elizabeth Taylor =D and your video from Cleopatra is very good
Since i saw caleopatra clips i wondered who this beautiful women could be ...yes ...elizabeth taylor ..really really made for this role .perfect .gorgeous.stunning beauty ...striking eyes.. supposed 100% like egyptian sculptures..great costumes.. i listened her interview ..down to earth inspite ger enormous fame ..reare comvination of brain and beauty. I saw her last time i saw paris equally spkendid performance of character she played.one wonder on earth God provide all in one like ger persona immaculate beauty
За всю свою жизнь не видела лица красивее лиз тейлор
My lord. None of the modern Hollywood trash compare to the astonishing beauty of this woman.
Why are u calling women trash? That's so fucking immature
He said modern hollywood trash. Read again 🙄
They are all artificial. I know what you mean. She didn’t have the makeup masks they have now and the filters and photoshopping etc...
@@bridgettebianchi9315 she's wearing a fuckton of makeup lmao
Ikr. I hate how women nowadays use so much makeup to cover up their naturally sparkly blue eyelids. Why can’t they be like Liz Taylor and be all natural?
Grandissima Liz, è stata e resterà per sempre l'unica vera incarnazione della Regina Cleopatra, grandissima vera Star.
I can't understand why she was not nominated for the Academy Awards and why the film couldn't win the Best Picture
I'm Egyptian, A COPTIC CHRISTIAN EGYPTIAN, I shout that out loud because we are the most pure blooded Egyptians out there and that's not only my opinion that's what Egyptologists, Historians and Scientists also agreed on , and I tell you that every word that Bassem Youssef said is right and I totally agree with him.
Yes Egypt had lots of mixed cultures throughout its history like for example: Greeks, Romans and Arabs, but the Egyptian blood didn't mix and change that much and that's because for centuries we Egyptians had a golden tradition rule to marry our cousins, and that tradition is still present until now especially in Upper Egypt(from Assiut to Aswan), Although that tradition seems silly and bad from a scientific biological point of view, but that doesn't matter, silly or not we kept that tradition of marrying our cousins for centuries and that helped us to preserve our pure Egyptian blood not mixed as long as we could, and the result is what you see now and that is Modern Egyptians looks typical to their Ancient Egyptian Ancestors, just look at my skin color and Bassem Youssef's skin color we are almost the same although he is a Muslim who was born and lived in Cairo and I am a Coptic Christian who was born and lived in Luxor and there is almost a 1000 km distance between us, doesn't that tell you a thing or two about who Ancient Egyptians were and what they looked like?
With all due respect for all the Black people and all the other ethnicities out there, but we Egyptians are special very special, WE ARE NOT Black or White or Yellow, Not Europeans or Africans or Asians, Not Assyrians or Persians or Israelites or Nubians or Greeks or Romans or Arabs or French or Italians or Germans or British or Turkish or Ukrainians, Not Middle Easterners or Caucasians or Mediterraneans or Levants or Amazigh or Berbers or even North Africans.
La Dinastia reale greco macedone dei Tolomei, allorquando diventarono Faraoni d' Egitto, accettarono le religione e l'etichetta di corte egizi ( pur conservando la lingua e la cultura greca ). Quindi ,per preservare l'origine divina reale de Faraoni ( figli di Osiride), si univano in matrimoni incestuosi : si sposavano tra fratelli e sorelle! Comunque fu mantenuta la purezza della razza greca. E questo ai dirigenti di Netflix non lo hanno proprio visto , non si sono informati ( volutamente ), perché in nome della idiota e degenarata ideologia woke, hanno scelto un'attrice negra americana, per impersonare Cleopatra in uno sceneggiato di qualche anno fa...Distorcendo completamente la storia. ... Ad ognj modo l'incesto per noi Cristiani è inconcepibile. Li proibisce la Sacra Bibbia. È
permesso solo ( sono Cattolica Romana) il matrimonio tra cugini di secondo grado in poi. Ma sempre con riserva. Quelli di primo grado ( e qui in ambito di matrimoni reali dei Re europei ) raramente concessi dal Papa. Ma l'endogamia troppo praticata portava a malformazioni psico fisiche degeneranti di estrema
gravità: vedi l'esempio negli Asburgo di Spagna, la morte dell'ultimo ( un vero cadavere vivente sterile, poveretto), portò alla guerra europea detta DI DI SUCESSIONE SPAGNOLA, SEGUITA POI DA QUELLA DI SUCCESSIONE POLACCA ( SEC. XVIII SEC.). Un anticipo delle Guerre Mondiali del XX secolo...ahimè.
Richard, Burton, was very handsome! 😀❤
A nice music and a very beloved actress
The one and only Liz Taylor..unbeatable.❤❤❤
Beautiful !
Djazia agradecerte por haber compartido este grandioso collage de todas las escenas de Liz Taylor en esta gran película. Mencionar que Renié como la Diseñadora del Vestuario y Alberto De Rossi como el Maquillista. Ambos se lucieron con la Gran Actriz Elizabeth Taylor. Q.E.P.D.
She is beautiful and a legend , however I can never see her as Cleopatra the Great Queen . I see Elizabeth Taylor in the sixties .
While they' re playing Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius began their love. ❤
Ovvero Elizabeth Taylor e Richard Burton.
Beautiful Arabian music 💖
I think every belly dancer has danced to this music before ;-)
Nice music choice
Liz Taylor fue una figura femenina muy importante en Hollywood, fue símbolo sexual de la época de oro de Hollywood
I saw this 02 ad and its my favorite movie...lol
Ella es una diosa realmente , magnifica , belleza inigualable
she was really underrated
eterna diva elizabeth taylor
She, was SO beautiful! 😀💖
R.I.P. Wonderful woman
En un par de películas de Cleopatra que e visto solamente a Taylor elizabeth le va ese papel por gran belleza que poseilla
Love it soooooo beautiful
Elizabeth Taylor is the powerful, regal image of Cleopatra, who left a beautiful trace of eternity by starring in the film:" Cleopatra." The actress will be remembered and glorified for centuries! 🙏❤️
can we focus on the fact how gorgeous she is
No one.
Not even to this day..compares to her..
Unfortunately, the real Cleopatra looked NOTHING like this :(
What do you mean? Better or uglier?
+Yuri Cherniakov
+tiffsaver I thought so
only in films and in books they portrayed her as " beautiful" - her face impressions made during her life showed that she was a dog
+Yuri Cherniakov
Don't put down dogs like that!
+tiffsaver I'm not putting her down
oh well - she was a beautiful dog then
Look at what she managed to achieve during her rather short life