How was the build? Experienced/competitive off road racer here. Want to try on road. Think I may grab one of these. Any build tips or special tools? I see the 8mm/9mm tool is needed I believe? Thx
Yes I would get the 8/9mm tool. And the bulkhead alignment tool. I also like to have long ball end wrenches. (camber adjustments, etc) Tricky build, like all sedan kits. Take your time measure twice cut once!!
How was the build? Experienced/competitive off road racer here. Want to try on road. Think I may grab one of these. Any build tips or special tools? I see the 8mm/9mm tool is needed I believe? Thx
Yes I would get the 8/9mm tool. And the bulkhead alignment tool. I also like to have long ball end wrenches. (camber adjustments, etc)
Tricky build, like all sedan kits. Take your time measure twice cut once!!
@ thx. Can I ask which ball ends you need and what alignment tool you have or recommend?
@@rycam418418 B0558 and get a 2.0mm extra long ball end wrench.