Star wars vs star trek went on to be Jurassic Gamer23's most popular project yet, trumping both into the racc verse movies in the box office by 1.21 morbillion morbucks. World oclaimed critic Jason Von Waterhousermeister the third, upon viewing it, declared it the best movie ever made and ever to be made, giving it a golden globe for the next 500 years worth of ceremonies. George Lucas then rebought the rights to star wars just to hand them off to Jurassic Gamer23 for future projects. Anthony Derby inevitably admitted defeat for best motion picture ever, and vowed revenge for all eternity.
That was an enjoyable project. Thanks for your enthusiasm.
This will be in a recommendations, I have been watching those in past and wanted to see more 🖖🏻
Star wars vs star trek went on to be Jurassic Gamer23's most popular project yet, trumping both into the racc verse movies in the box office by 1.21 morbillion morbucks. World oclaimed critic Jason Von Waterhousermeister the third, upon viewing it, declared it the best movie ever made and ever to be made, giving it a golden globe for the next 500 years worth of ceremonies. George Lucas then rebought the rights to star wars just to hand them off to Jurassic Gamer23 for future projects. Anthony Derby inevitably admitted defeat for best motion picture ever, and vowed revenge for all eternity.