Minecraft Datapack: Pseudo-Random number generator

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
  • I was going to do a voice over and explain how it works, but i got really cringed by my shitty voice so here is the "script" i made in 5 minutes..:
    Hello, and welcome to this little showcase of a creation i made, and that is a pseudo random number generator.
    I will provide the datapack in the video description, and i will explain how to use it as well as there will be a document inside the datapack which will also explain how to use the datapack.
    Firstly to reload the datapack you type, slash reload which will create any scoreboards and prepare them
    Then you need to set your maximum number that will be generated, by setting the trigger called input dot treshhold, to be honest i dont know why i did name it that way and not something like max number but whatever.
    when you want to generate the actual number you need to trigger another objective and that is done by typing only slash pseudo dot trigger. That will generate your number between zero and one minus your maximum number for example if your maximum nubmer is 20 the maximum number you will get will be 19. Finally your result will be stored in the objective pseudo dot data and will be identified by the name RESULT typed in all caps.
    Now this is the end of the showcase, wow such a long showcase but i will tell you now the technical part and how its done, if you are not interested you can leave.
    So im actually using ingame events for example the player's coordinates and something called gametime which is basically the time passed after the first join in this world counted in ticks. There are more but these are the major ones, then what im actually doing is using some math operations with those numbers and because the numbers are always changing atleast with one unit from tick to tick, this pretty much guarantees a pseudo randomness which should be very very hard to predict if not impossible with the amount of variables used.
    Thank you for watching, i hope this helped you, bye.

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