I am glad that you and we (Hayden's fans) respect and appreciate all the work that not just Hayden but every single person that helped build the fabulous film. They deserve it
I mean, he played Anakin as a character, it's only right that he get to be The Dark Lord Himself. I can just imagine his excitement for that. Just imagine, wearing a Darth Vader Suit and talking like him in a deep voice with all the PFFFFF...HAAA...PFFFFF...HAAAA. It was nothing more than incredible.
it’s so sad because he was the chosen one and he didn’t mean any harm but his emotions had torn him since he lost his mother before and was scared for padme 😔
Fagdalf The Gay Yes. Emotion. I´ve seen good actor, but they have flaws. Hayden is not a perfect actor, but a good actor. But he lacked of emotion in that shot.
Hayden really understands and cares about the franchise and he did a really good job as Anakin. He’s PERFECT for the role and I wouldn’t want anyone else. I loved it when he had the Darth Vader suit on, he looked so happy and it was adorable. (:
Yes!!! He wanted to give us the best Anakin Skywalker he could manage, he even trained to speak as Vader. He did an magnificent job. I’m so mad with people hating on him for no reason, and Kennedy firing him. He deserves better
Connar Kent Hayden was supposed to be in The Rise of Skywalker (playing Anakin Ofc) but Kathleen Kennedy thought that his “bad acting” would ruin the movie.
I’ve seen all 9 movies. By far, Hayden’s and Ewan’s fighting scene is the best. Hands down. No fight, out of all movies, can compare. The fighting chemistry between these two was well done. The intensity and rage was all there.
I loved Episode III, probably my favorite. And I actually feel like Hayden was a great adult Anakin, teenager not so much, and his fall to Darth Vader felt more believable than the people waring nostalgia goggles give him credit for!
I have a very unpopular opinion but I genuinely enjoy the prequels. Sometimes the dialogue makes me cringe & there are some plot holes in regards to the original movies but, to me, they're an important part of the story & I like watching them. I also really like Hayden as Anakin. Again, some of his dialogue may be cringe worthy but his facial reactions to things are always on point. Watching his interviews & knowing how much respect he has for the role is just an added bonus that I think they picked the right guy for the role.
Taylore W Hey, don't try to apologize for that. We prequel (and Hayden!) lovers have nothing to be ashamed of. Just because so many people can't stand them doesn't mean we need to join the crowd!
Honestly it comes with the fandom of pretty much every epic story someone brings to film... I mean another epic trilogy I have always loved is Lord of The rings, to me for what it's worth is still probably my favourite films. The acting is superb, I mean Christopher Lee also reprised his role as a baddy with Saruman. And the music in those movies are just "heavenly". But there are still people who hate on them.
That's not an uncommon opinion. The prequels are pretty good (and also pretty cringeworthy at times). But they aren't all time gems of cinema like the originals were. The more recent films however, made in the last few years, were genuine trash with no originality.
Hayden seems like a pretty nice guy. Too bad he gets a lot of hate for his acting in the prequels. It's a shame, as it wasn't even his fault, he was just given bad material to work with.
powersonic0123 I would extremely love it if they gave him a chance to come back in e8 as a force ghost or future movies as darth vader. to me , Hayden is the only anakin I can familiarize him with,
He did well considering the terrible direction he had. Hayden can actually act, he's got drama chops. but George Lucas can't direct. The reason the old Star Wars movies were good is because he just produced them and let other people direct them. He should have done the same with these.
No, it isn't. He directed Episode 1 through 3, and they were still terrible. One good movie doesn't make you a good director, especially when the rest of your track record is crap.
***** He also directed THX-1138 and American Graffiti. Both movies (in my opinion) were very good. I'd say his track record is more hit-and-miss than crap. Not trying to start a flame war or anything. Just pointing out the extra information.
***** Every film directors have their good and bad move on their track record, as well as any other worker and creator. I know what I'm talking about since I've been in the world of work for quite a few years and I had some good and bad experiences in my work. Judging someone only by his bad moves and saying that he no longer has the right to work and do what he likes to do is really unfair. But, I guess that when you'll grow up, be wiser, and find yourself a work that you love, you'll understand what I mean.
It’s so cool how Hayden was able to use Vader’s speech pattern while conveying so much emotion. Any time I hear Darth Vader speak I can imagine Hayden saying it the exact same way. He played Anakin perfectly.
Imagine George, who had this story line in his head since the 70s, and he is still explaining his main character to people. I give the dude credit, he's gotta be exhausted about it by now.
It's nice to see Ewan, an extremely experienced actor, and Hayden, a relatively young actor, being able to slip into their characters so perfectly and then hop right back out into being real friends. I'm probably biased though, I'm a massive prequel fan
that brat was never a hero. that's the biggest flaw in the prequels. they were supposed to make us sympathize more with vader, but now we have this image of him as this guy who was always a selfish asshole and became a genocidal child killer like it was nothing, so we can't sympathize with him at all.
waldoman7 I'm going to correct a few issues with your comment. One, you're using genocide in the wrong context. Killing children is not genocide, and I'm not sure you know what genocide even means. Palpatine committed genocide by ordering the deaths of all the Jedi, and Darth Vader committed a series of child murders. See the difference there? Genocide only applies to a group of people in a nation or ethnicity, and children are neither, whether they be Jedi or not, and since they were just learners and not Jedi, I actually care less about the children that were slaughtered. I'm more concerned about Mace Windu, cause he was a badass, and my favorite Jedi. Samuel L. Jackson is a badass anyway, but whatever.
waldoman7 So what? He still didn't commit genocide, and to be fair, Episode 1, 2, and 3 aren't as bad as people say it is. Oh, Jar Jar Binks was annoying? Do you even remember the shitty Ewoks from the Battle of Endor? I actually wanted to see Storm Troopers kill those stupid things. There's a lot worse shit that's been released than Episodes 1, 2, and 3. I actually enjoyed the movies. Oh you don't like what George Lucas did? How about I sit your sorry ass down and make you watch the Twilight Saga? How about the Care Bears movie? Those are pretty fucking terrible. Actually we can just have a big shit fest and make you watch any movie with Pauly Shore in it. This is why Jedi turn Sith, because of people like you. Most people wonder why they exist, why they are here, but a few people like yourself exist merely to serve as a warning for the rest of us.
Trinexx360 what the living hell man. all I did was voice an opinion and you have this epic level freak out. Your last line is so over the top as to be hilarious. trolling?
I'm a huge star wars fan and I really like the prequels, especially ep iii which is my favourite out of the whole series. I love Hayden Christensen as Anakin, I think he nailed the part especially in ep iii. The character development of Anakin/Darth Vader was so carefully done and it's a very emotional journey to see his transformation.
I don't care what people say I love the prequels and I liked Hayden's performance as Anakin in Ep. III, yes I have to admit that his acting in Ep. II was not bad but well deficient, however I love the prequels, LOVE THE ENTIRE SAGA
Yea, people should cut Hayden Christenson some slack. I couldn't imagine anybody else playing the Anakin Skywalker character. (Matt Lanter is an awesome voice cast for animated Anakin.) Hayden did the best he could, under the extremely controlled circumstances, being directed by George Lucas. And, OF COURSE an Anakin Skywalker who eventually succumbs to Palpatine's subtle coercion, with the overwhelming fear of loss, seeded years before, is going to be the perfect example of becoming an ultimate evil. Of course whoever Vader was before would have been a flawed, petulant, whiny, and insecure spoiled brat. Someone more, "honorable," and stoic, fearless and good-natured becoming Darth Vader wouldn't be believable in the least. I think Hayden Christenson did a brilliant job. And should be celebrated forever, especially publicly, by the fans. Because, seeing how absolutely nervous he was at Star Wars Celebration 2016 was painful! He shouldn't have to face so much vitriol, I mean, he WAS the absolute STAR of the Star Wars saga! He should be treated as such! Besides, I'd turn evil for Natalie Portman, too lol I mean just LOOK at her! 😊 Edit; and Ewan McGregor was AWESOME as young Obi-wan. 👍
I heard him say in an interview once that he was trying to talk in the same speech pattern and accent as James Earl Jones. He definitely nailed that, but the problem is that James Earl Jones is a deep voiced old black guy and Hayden is a higher voiced young white guy. That and the script was awful when it came to most of the dialogue. I still like it though, whatever. At least they actually all loved the franchise and tried very hard to deliver to fans everything that they wanted. That alone means so much more to me than anything Disney has done with it and I don’t see myself ever watching one of the new ones again, while I’ll happily enjoy one of the prequels any day of the week.
WarpedParadox sorry , but Empire isn't as emotional. SITH is Shakespearean and has an epic score, large scope brilliant acting. Really touching moments and with a more satisfying end. It's the best in the saga IMO and many others. Excellent film!!
Hayden Christensen cannot play Darth Vader in a Disney plus series, because Vader would have to be voiced by James Earl Jones, and the suit built for Hayden in Episode III had only one scene; the final piece of the Vader transformation. The one we saw in the suit at the end of Episode III was portrayed by Gene Bryant.
Right?! When I found out that Ewan and Hayden are reuniting for the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series, I got so excited and popped off for this announcement! And it's almost here, just 10 more days!
Mr Werid Guy The plot of Episode III is decent, it just needed the odd change, the Kashyyyk and Utapu sequences could probably have been cut down to focus on Anakin's descent to the darkside.
These prequels were way better for me than the new star wars movies, more polished and with real soul, not just to do movies to make money, just like Disney's philosophy
The difference is George Lucas. Like he said , those films were his children.obviously that he would’ve put all the effort for them. From my point of view , the sequel is good compared lonely, without the other trilogys. But if compared with the OT and PT , it sucks on many points
Rogue One and Solo are fine. It's the sequels. Lucas is a great visionary. But for dialogue writing, he's not. The first sequel was okay but not in a way superior to both OT and PT. PT is okay with ROTS my #2 favourite.
Wow I really hate this guy. Idk how he even became an actor! I don't think he's solely responsible for why his character in Episodes 2&3 was unbearable to watch but his terrible skill (he most definitely cannot act!) on top of the bad screen writing/directing gave Star Wars a bad rep.
ZoldierrZzz Obviously the OT isn't immune, but the PT is FAR worse when it comes to dialogue. For example the entire sand segment in AotC, or the scene with Padme on the balcony in RotS...
ZoldierrZzz Anakin's dialogue comes off as INCREDIBLY creepy when he's around Padme. I personally don't blame Hayden for that, because he doesn't come up with the lines
I'm proud to say I love the pre-quels! It reignited my love for Star Wars and can't be more excited for the new movies! It saddens me to see people be so harsh on the pre-quels! You did a great job George! Star Wars Fanboy for life!!!
***** Nah man, the fucking original trilogy sucks. I mean, what the fuck? Shitty practical effects. A dude kissing his sister? Shitty writing, absolutely terrible. Did I mention the shitty graphical effects? Also, EWOKS!? The fuck was Lucas thinking man!?
***** I literally said what you said except made it relevant to the OT. So it's okay for you to trash the prequel trilogy and still be a true Star Wars fan but the second you say one thing negative about the OT you're no longer a Star Wars fan? Please shut the fuck up with your ignorance. I love all of the Star Wars movies unconditionally, whether they have flaws or not.
True Star Wars fans are people who like Star Wars. If you like the prequels and dislike the originals, you're still a fan. If you like the originals and dislike the prequels, you're still a fan. If you like the Clone Wars TV Series and dislike all of the movies, you're still a fan.
+Cybermat47 If you dislike the prequels and shit-talk them, while also saying the OT has no flaws, you maybe be a Star Wars fan, but you're also a fucking idiot.
No one could have pulled this off like Hayden. Episode 3 is still amazing and the final battle is epic. Very emotional series of three films about how the fear of loss can overcome you.
Hayden is a good actor He portrays an awkward person who does not have any social skill cuz he was never learned from other people as not having a father and all that
Whenever my star wars friends make joke about Hayden as Anakin i say...Leave Anakin alooone! I dont like sand either! lol. in all seriousness i think Hayden did great.
In my opinion ROTS was one of, if not the best of the series. Great performances (Yes even by Hayden), pivotal moments, phenomenal soundtrack and amazing action.
I don't care what other people think about who should play as Darth Vader, but Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader is phenomenal. I prefer Hayden Christensen over Leonardo DiCaprio as Darth Vader.
+I like Ice Cream too totally agree, Lucas has trouble knowing how to use emotion with his characters, I don't know why, the original movies aren't like that.
Just watching Ewan and Hayden's face as they are filming the fight scenes really shows how into the roles they were. They were so dedicated to making these films the best they could. The originals will always be my favorite, but I really love the prequels and the stories they tell.
+Isaac James i would agree with that statement if there wasn't so much exposition in the prequels. He doesn't really care for the show don't tell rule.
@Fatima Carrano That would be amazing to see, maybe a Clone Wars spin off showing us how Anakin became a Jedi Knight or some kind of story like that (things that we have not seen yet in actual canon).
So good that all of Ewan and Hayden’s hard work and dedication to the fight really paid off. Their commitment is truly what made Obi-Wan vs Anakin one of the best Star Wars fights and overall best movie battles of all time
Really interesting. I was 17 in 1977 when Ep.04 came out and to this day I remember the Darth Vader character oozing menace and fear. I'm 58 now and still a massive fan of Star Wars. Thanks for posting..
I remember watching this documentary over and over again on the OT special edition DVD box set leading up to the release of Revenge of the Sith. The hype was real. Those were good days.
the lightsaber duels of the newer movies can never compare to the masterpiece of the prequels and og movies. the newer ones are just basic sword fights but the older movies have moves that show the Force is really a real thing. Revenge of the sith's lightsaber duel is a work of art for everyone involved.
I am so happy the prequels exist. They made my childhood and as an adult I'm even more appreciative of them. I used to waste so much time defending them to critics but now I'm just grateful to George, Hayden and everyone else for telling such a great story.
ewan and hayden are the best casting choices for anakin and obiwan, couldn't imagine it any other way. hoping to see the both of them back for this alleged obiwan series!
The prequels make the 6 movies, they are all one story, the Rise and Fall of Anakin Skywalker, and his Redemption. Take them as one or hand in your fan card, the prequels are an integral part of the Saga!
EXACTLY! 1 - 6 tell one complete story. Disney's fan fiction are three tacked random movies that have no place in the saga. It's like reading a novel where the last three chapters bear no relevance to the rest of the book!
I love how this comment section is just dedicated to praising Hayden
We all are
Sad obi wan noises
That’s how it should be lol
So wholesome
Ewan McGregor was phenomenal as Obi-Wan Kenobi
He even looked like alec Guinness:)
His resemblance to Alec is part of the reason he was chosen.
A certain part of me is convinced he IS Obi-Wan Kenobi
Guinness wars the perfect Öls Kenobi And MC Gragor the Young
Wingedzero101 he is obi-wan
I hope Hayden christiansen sees these comments commending him for his performances
(Edit: i hope the Obi Wan Disney plus show does him justice)
pzyko zillah me too I feel horrible for him :(
Too late lmao
I am glad that you and we (Hayden's fans) respect and appreciate all the work that not just Hayden but every single person that helped build the fabulous film. They deserve it
the haters broke him :'(
A lot of people think Hayden christensen is very handsome
I'm happy for Hayden being able to wear the Darth Vader suit.
So am i, and a little envious (but that's just me) :)
He look pretty happy as Darth Vader it made me happy as well because Darth Vader is my favorite character in the SW universe.
I mean, he played Anakin as a character, it's only right that he get to be The Dark Lord Himself. I can just imagine his excitement for that. Just imagine, wearing a Darth Vader Suit and talking like him in a deep voice with all the PFFFFF...HAAA...PFFFFF...HAAAA. It was nothing more than incredible.
Prowse was better than Hayden
@@Travisvader22 No he wasn't.
Atleast you can tell Hayden actually cares about Star Wars, and has a feel for the franchise
Same can't be said for Daisy Ridley who never even saw a star wars movie prior to being cast.
Dwight K. Schrute Seriously?
@@zayray4283 Yup. She didn't know anything about sw and had never seen one of the movies. Great job, JJ.
Dwight K. Schrute Wow imagine my shock
Um... there are actors in Star Wars that actually hate Star Wars. Stop being a purist.
Anakins story is honestly just depressing
So upsetting
Ikr like it’s just very sad and emotional
it’s so sad because he was the chosen one and he didn’t mean any harm but his emotions had torn him since he lost his mother before and was scared for padme 😔
Qui gon just had to do a obi wan and die for no reason
hayden is actually a really good actor. you can see how greatly he portrays his emotion in the prequals. it was the script that was the problem.
+Nicholas Yonkey I agree, although I've noticed he sounds a bit odd whenever he says 'Master'. It reminds me of a Swedish Gollum (i.e. maaaghhsta)
Episode 3: In the Jedi council, he says "This is madness" with no emotion or expression...please tell me how he's a good actor?
Xiiao Xuan Just cause im right :D
The Luniel I've read movie scripts...You're mean't to guess the emotion in it, by reading it.
Fagdalf The Gay Yes. Emotion. I´ve seen good actor, but they have flaws. Hayden is not a perfect actor, but a good actor. But he lacked of emotion in that shot.
Hayden really understands and cares about the franchise and he did a really good job as Anakin. He’s PERFECT for the role and I wouldn’t want anyone else. I loved it when he had the Darth Vader suit on, he looked so happy and it was adorable. (:
olivia nunes I know he was perfect my mom thought they should have got someone else but I really like him
Yes!!! He wanted to give us the best Anakin Skywalker he could manage, he even trained to speak as Vader. He did an magnificent job. I’m so mad with people hating on him for no reason, and Kennedy firing him. He deserves better
@@ella.ztr7 what you mean about firing him?
@Fatima Carrano that sucks
Connar Kent Hayden was supposed to be in The Rise of Skywalker (playing Anakin Ofc) but Kathleen Kennedy thought that his “bad acting” would ruin the movie.
Whoever choreographed Anakin and Obi-Wan’s fight deserves a medal
i kno right
There’s a video of it on RUclips, they provided it in the original Dvd as a featurette where you see them create the choreography
Nick Gillard, dude. Nick Gillard. Who also plays one of the Jedi Masters in the Temple; Cin Drallig.
I’ve seen all 9 movies. By far, Hayden’s and Ewan’s fighting scene is the best. Hands down. No fight, out of all movies, can compare. The fighting chemistry between these two was well done. The intensity and rage was all there.
The only one that's close is duel of the fates
Duel of the fates in terms of choreography is up there, luke and vaders fight in jedi is up there as well due to the emotion behind it
Idk man, John wick 1-3 has some great fight scenes
@@zacharyterry3252 yooo john wick as a jedi???
I'm a prequel kid I love them I love Star Wars thank you Mr. Lucas
Mrsager107 yes
This makes sense, because only kids love the prequels.
yeah but it has bad acting, bad direction, bad gci, and bad dialogue tho..... how can you love a movie like that lmao
JacksonEbert prequel kids are people who were kids when the prequels came out I thought so they're most likely teens or older
In that case, I am also a "Prequel kid"
I've defended Hayden since I saw the movies when I was a kid, I haven't stopped over a decade later.
Godspeed, Skywalker.
Yes! We need to protect him with our lives
I agree, i m from 2002 and watched teh entire films from 1 to 6 in order, and I say these films get a whole lot of hate and it doesn't deserve.
I’ve always loved revenge of the sith and Hayden as Anakin,
Same. It's not his fault Blame Lucas for his dialogues. Lucas is a visionary but not a good writer with dialogue only story.
I loved Episode III, probably my favorite. And I actually feel like Hayden was a great adult Anakin, teenager not so much, and his fall to Darth Vader felt more believable than the people waring nostalgia goggles give him credit for!
+drthsons Dot No.
lltheFacell Yes.
just, no
lltheFacell Give me one decent reason he didn't make a good adult Anakin
"IN MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL" and every scene he has with Padme. there's a few to boot.
I have a very unpopular opinion but I genuinely enjoy the prequels. Sometimes the dialogue makes me cringe & there are some plot holes in regards to the original movies but, to me, they're an important part of the story & I like watching them. I also really like Hayden as Anakin. Again, some of his dialogue may be cringe worthy but his facial reactions to things are always on point. Watching his interviews & knowing how much respect he has for the role is just an added bonus that I think they picked the right guy for the role.
Taylore W Hey, don't try to apologize for that. We prequel (and Hayden!) lovers have nothing to be ashamed of. Just because so many people can't stand them doesn't mean we need to join the crowd!
Honestly it comes with the fandom of pretty much every epic story someone brings to film... I mean another epic trilogy I have always loved is Lord of The rings, to me for what it's worth is still probably my favourite films. The acting is superb, I mean Christopher Lee also reprised his role as a baddy with Saruman. And the music in those movies are just "heavenly". But there are still people who hate on them.
You’re not alone. I’m a very strong prequel stan
That's not an uncommon opinion. The prequels are pretty good (and also pretty cringeworthy at times). But they aren't all time gems of cinema like the originals were. The more recent films however, made in the last few years, were genuine trash with no originality.
The bad dialogues are not his fault. He is a great actor I saw him acting in other movies and he is good
Hayden is a legend, he did an incredible job. He HAS to come back in the Obi-Wan show, in a flashback of the clone wars, that would be amazing
Probably have something to do with mandalorian
Goon Capital yes! Since ahsoka came back
surprise! :)
He’s back baby!!!
Hayden seems like a pretty nice guy. Too bad he gets a lot of hate for his acting in the prequels. It's a shame, as it wasn't even his fault, he was just given bad material to work with.
revenge of the sith was the only prequel I liked. it had some bad lines and moments but I still loved it. And I liked Hayden christensen.
powersonic0123 I would extremely love it if they gave him a chance to come back in e8 as a force ghost or future movies as darth vader. to me , Hayden is the only anakin I can familiarize him with,
His acting was bad but they the writing he had to work with was worse. So it's not entirely his fault.
"I don't like sand"
"And not just the men. But the women. And the children too."
powersonic0123 From my point of view, that was a decent line.
I don’t care what anyone says... “Revenge of the Sith” is a masterpiece.
I agree, and I'm a Shakespeare aficionado. I mean its a Tragedy worthy of the Bard.
Yeah, true
Y’all can not tell me Hayden is not the finest man you’ve ever seen
He’s seriously underrated its sad to see
I know! ♡♡♡
episode 3 made me cry
Me too
+katelynfe All the time....
+katelynfe which part?
+Aventus Aretino my dad illegally downloaded it so it was free😁
I absolutely thought Hayden did a great job being Anakin. Haters gonna hate but i would choose him over Leonardo DiCaprio to be Lord Vader any day.
He did well considering the terrible direction he had. Hayden can actually act, he's got drama chops. but George Lucas can't direct. The reason the old Star Wars movies were good is because he just produced them and let other people direct them. He should have done the same with these.
No, it isn't. He directed Episode 1 through 3, and they were still terrible. One good movie doesn't make you a good director, especially when the rest of your track record is crap.
***** He also directed THX-1138 and American Graffiti. Both movies (in my opinion) were very good. I'd say his track record is more hit-and-miss than crap. Not trying to start a flame war or anything. Just pointing out the extra information.
LEO DICAPRIO? doesnt he has better movies to do anyway? he did a good job the script and the dialogue writing from the director sucked ass.
***** Every film directors have their good and bad move on their track record, as well as any other worker and creator. I know what I'm talking about since I've been in the world of work for quite a few years and I had some good and bad experiences in my work. Judging someone only by his bad moves and saying that he no longer has the right to work and do what he likes to do is really unfair. But, I guess that when you'll grow up, be wiser, and find yourself a work that you love, you'll understand what I mean.
It’s so cool how Hayden was able to use Vader’s speech pattern while conveying so much emotion. Any time I hear Darth Vader speak I can imagine Hayden saying it the exact same way. He played Anakin perfectly.
Am I the only one that thinks that the footage of the actors fighting with the sticks without any special effects is really cool?
No, it’s cool.
No, there is another
That's because it wasn't over edited and you can see what's going on.
You're not alone. I love them XD
Hayden absolutely doesn't deserve all the hate he got. 😔
This is unfair its outrageous
@@degamo6761 What do you mean I smell profit
i smell profit please speak your truth i smell profit
Same with Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks) and Jake Lloyd (Anakin, Ep.I). None of them did.
Imagine George, who had this story line in his head since the 70s, and he is still explaining his main character to people.
I give the dude credit, he's gotta be exhausted about it by now.
Anyone else get goosebumps first time you saw this and the Imperial March played when the mask went on Hayden?
Yeah the chills are really
+Samurai Momo The chills are strong with this one
+Samurai Momo nope
+Candace S. lol. You must be bored with every movie then
It's nice to see Ewan, an extremely experienced actor, and Hayden, a relatively young actor, being able to slip into their characters so perfectly and then hop right back out into being real friends. I'm probably biased though, I'm a massive prequel fan
Simply put.. The Prequels *are* STAR WARS. That whole era is the pinnacle of STAR WARS (incl. The Clone Wars).
The Prequels are actually really good. They are misunderstood works of art! I love the Prequels!
Same! The prequels are amazing!
Same Page :D
Mandeep Singh I totally agree!!!
Mandeep Singh Prequels are AMAZING.
Mandeep Singh just people who hop on the band wagon of haters and "old school" Star Wars lovers.
A perfect example of the Batman quote. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Brings tears to my eyes.
that brat was never a hero. that's the biggest flaw in the prequels. they were supposed to make us sympathize more with vader, but now we have this image of him as this guy who was always a selfish asshole and became a genocidal child killer like it was nothing, so we can't sympathize with him at all.
I'm going to correct a few issues with your comment. One, you're using genocide in the wrong context. Killing children is not genocide, and I'm not sure you know what genocide even means. Palpatine committed genocide by ordering the deaths of all the Jedi, and Darth Vader committed a series of child murders. See the difference there? Genocide only applies to a group of people in a nation or ethnicity, and children are neither, whether they be Jedi or not, and since they were just learners and not Jedi, I actually care less about the children that were slaughtered. I'm more concerned about Mace Windu, cause he was a badass, and my favorite Jedi. Samuel L. Jackson is a badass anyway, but whatever.
anakin participated in palpatine's genocide of the jedi.
So what? He still didn't commit genocide, and to be fair, Episode 1, 2, and 3 aren't as bad as people say it is. Oh, Jar Jar Binks was annoying? Do you even remember the shitty Ewoks from the Battle of Endor? I actually wanted to see Storm Troopers kill those stupid things.
There's a lot worse shit that's been released than Episodes 1, 2, and 3. I actually enjoyed the movies. Oh you don't like what George Lucas did? How about I sit your sorry ass down and make you watch the Twilight Saga? How about the Care Bears movie? Those are pretty fucking terrible. Actually we can just have a big shit fest and make you watch any movie with Pauly Shore in it. This is why Jedi turn Sith, because of people like you.
Most people wonder why they exist, why they are here, but a few people like yourself exist merely to serve as a warning for the rest of us.
Trinexx360 what the living hell man. all I did was voice an opinion and you have this epic level freak out. Your last line is so over the top as to be hilarious. trolling?
"The Tragedy of Darth Vader"
Really could be an alternate title for episodes 1-6.
Well I would take "The Tragedy of Darth Vader" over "The Skywalker saga" anyday. If you know what I mean 😉
Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker
I would say the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker because he wasn’t called darth Vader in the first 2 prequels
There are no other episodes than 1-6.
Rey, have you ever heard the tragedy, of Darth Vader
I'm a huge star wars fan and I really like the prequels, especially ep iii which is my favourite out of the whole series. I love Hayden Christensen as Anakin, I think he nailed the part especially in ep iii. The character development of Anakin/Darth Vader was so carefully done and it's a very emotional journey to see his transformation.
Danae Foulani ep 3 is my favorite too!
Plot twist : She is Voordeel.
Episode III not iii
I agree ROTS is a masterpiece!!
Danae Foulani I couldn’t Agree more
I don't care what people say I love the prequels and I liked Hayden's performance as Anakin in Ep. III, yes I have to admit that his acting in Ep. II was not bad but well deficient, however I love the prequels, LOVE THE ENTIRE SAGA
Finally someone who agrees
YYYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Im not the imly one!!!!
To be honest episode 3 was my favorite
+Elite Gaming Maybe because I and my master was in it.
I agree everybody Monday morning quarterbacks and second guesses Everything I own all the films
who’s here after hayden christensen and ewan mcgregor returning for obi-wan kenobi?
Can't wait
Sorry, i'm new star wars fan, is this true?? It is confirmed the Obi wan series?????
@@kellyp.m.9679 yep! they confirmed it back in december!
@@kellyp.m.9679 yes
I needed that video to realize how hard the performence of lightsabers fighting was. My respect to the actors, the final version is worth it!
In my opinion Hayden Christensen was really good as Anakin Skywalker and brilliant as Darth Vader.His preformance at the end of ROTS was magnificent!
IvailoKamburov «LIAR! You’re with him! You brought him here to kill me...» unfortunately all people seem to remember is the line about sand.
We needed more Vader in this film!
*Vader. His
Yea, people should cut Hayden Christenson some slack.
I couldn't imagine anybody else playing the Anakin Skywalker character.
(Matt Lanter is an awesome voice cast for animated Anakin.)
Hayden did the best he could, under the extremely controlled circumstances, being directed by George Lucas.
And, OF COURSE an Anakin Skywalker who eventually succumbs to Palpatine's subtle coercion, with the overwhelming fear of loss, seeded years before, is going to be the perfect example of becoming an ultimate evil.
Of course whoever Vader was before would have been a flawed, petulant, whiny, and insecure spoiled brat.
Someone more, "honorable," and stoic, fearless and good-natured becoming Darth Vader wouldn't be believable in the least.
I think Hayden Christenson did a brilliant job.
And should be celebrated forever, especially publicly, by the fans.
Because, seeing how absolutely nervous he was at Star Wars Celebration 2016 was painful!
He shouldn't have to face so much vitriol,
I mean, he WAS the absolute STAR of the Star Wars saga!
He should be treated as such!
Besides, I'd turn evil for Natalie Portman, too lol I mean just LOOK at her! 😊
Edit; and Ewan McGregor was AWESOME as young Obi-wan. 👍
I think he suited anakin perfectly
I heard him say in an interview once that he was trying to talk in the same speech pattern and accent as James Earl Jones. He definitely nailed that, but the problem is that James Earl Jones is a deep voiced old black guy and Hayden is a higher voiced young white guy. That and the script was awful when it came to most of the dialogue. I still like it though, whatever. At least they actually all loved the franchise and tried very hard to deliver to fans everything that they wanted. That alone means so much more to me than anything Disney has done with it and I don’t see myself ever watching one of the new ones again, while I’ll happily enjoy one of the prequels any day of the week.
@ what difference does skin colour make?
Hayden was made for it
Revenge of the Sith is the best movie of the entire saga
That's not how you spell "The Empire Strikes Back"
JacksonEbert episode III is more epic and sad than episode V which I love both but I cried on episode III and VI, episode V cant make you cry
JacksonEbert No he spelled Revenge of the Sith right
Episode 3 is the best action wise, empire is best story wise
WarpedParadox sorry , but Empire isn't as emotional. SITH is Shakespearean and has an epic score, large scope brilliant acting. Really touching moments and with a more satisfying end. It's the best in the saga IMO and many others. Excellent film!!
Ewan McGregor's voice is unique.
joyguard hello there
Bing bong bit late
@@oblivionguard7727 GENERAL KENOBI!
He's scottish I think? He has a really cool accent
Scottish I believe
We should get a darth vadar series on Disney + with hayden
Live action Clone Wars with the prequel actors
@@colegudmunson9488 yes, and a series with some parts being about Luke's childhood and other parts being's about Leia's childhood.
Alexis Graziano no that’s for the Obi Wan Series
Hayden Christensen cannot play Darth Vader in a Disney plus series, because Vader would have to be voiced by James Earl Jones, and the suit built for Hayden in Episode III had only one scene; the final piece of the Vader transformation. The one we saw in the suit at the end of Episode III was portrayed by Gene Bryant.
@@mikeor- ohhhhh look who just got proven wrong!
“It either scares or it thrills you.”
- James Earl Jones
‘Nuff said.
Duel of the fates makes everything epic :-)
Antonio Reyes hell yea
of course it does
Antonio Reyes omg so true, cant wait for Disney using that at least once. ... so far no epic duels from episode 7 and 8
They didn’t use duel of the fates they used battle of the heroes
Hayden at last you have started your journey Now you are a proper Sith Lord 8:27
17 years later we have a reunion. I'm so emotional.
Right?! When I found out that Ewan and Hayden are reuniting for the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series, I got so excited and popped off for this announcement! And it's almost here, just 10 more days!
God Hayden is attractive
😁 hehehe my wife said the same thing about Hayden when I took her out to see Episode 2 years ago, my wife was drooling 😍🤤 it was so Hilarious!!!
Haha he really is😋 whenever he’s talking, he’s just so sweet and handsome!
Boys please dont like
Daddy Palp is the attractive one
John Zhao
“I can sense the good in you.”
The script was the problem not the acting, the cast was a good choice
The overarching story was good, but the dialogue, and the plot was pretty bad.
Mr Werid Guy The plot of Episode III is decent, it just needed the odd change, the Kashyyyk and Utapu sequences could probably have been cut down to focus on Anakin's descent to the darkside.
Plot of Ep3 is bad, yes
I don't like sand
These prequels were way better for me than the new star wars movies, more polished and with real soul, not just to do movies to make money, just like Disney's philosophy
The difference is George Lucas. Like he said , those films were his children.obviously that he would’ve put all the effort for them.
From my point of view , the sequel is good compared lonely, without the other trilogys. But if compared with the OT and PT , it sucks on many points
Sebastian Argañaraz I know I don’t really like 7,8,9 but I love 1,2,3 and I like 4,5,6
@@jophiesavinsiper6301 yes it Is Ashley those first installments were way better
Rogue One and Solo are fine. It's the sequels. Lucas is a great visionary. But for dialogue writing, he's not. The first sequel was okay but not in a way superior to both OT and PT. PT is okay with ROTS my #2 favourite.
@@rickardkaufman3988 Maybe it will take years for them to fully get and appreciate the sequel trilogy. They hated Return Of The Jedi at first, too.
See the behind-the-scenes dedication and excitement that went into creating Darth Vader for Revenge of the Sith.
Wow I really hate this guy. Idk how he even became an actor! I don't think he's solely responsible for why his character in Episodes 2&3 was unbearable to watch but his terrible skill (he most definitely cannot act!) on top of the bad screen writing/directing gave Star Wars a bad rep.
This kid can do better.
Daniel García quit bitching. All great movies.
This guy and portman were unwatchable!
I always really liked Hayden as Anakin, even though the dialogue sucked ass...
ZoldierrZzz LOL, uh huh...
ZoldierrZzz Obviously the OT isn't immune, but the PT is FAR worse when it comes to dialogue. For example the entire sand segment in AotC, or the scene with Padme on the balcony in RotS...
His expressions are great. As it's always been known most of the time a good actor can't be a good actor with poor direction.
i agree 100%, the scenes where he had 0 dialog was powerful and great. just be awesome if the directing of the movie wasn't so poor
ZoldierrZzz Anakin's dialogue comes off as INCREDIBLY creepy when he's around Padme. I personally don't blame Hayden for that, because he doesn't come up with the lines
I would love to meet Hayden. He seems like a great guy and is definitely the best actor to play anakin
I'm proud to say I love the pre-quels! It reignited my love for Star Wars and can't be more excited for the new movies! It saddens me to see people be so harsh on the pre-quels! You did a great job George! Star Wars Fanboy for life!!!
***** Nah man, the fucking original trilogy sucks. I mean, what the fuck? Shitty practical effects. A dude kissing his sister? Shitty writing, absolutely terrible. Did I mention the shitty graphical effects? Also, EWOKS!? The fuck was Lucas thinking man!?
***** I literally said what you said except made it relevant to the OT. So it's okay for you to trash the prequel trilogy and still be a true Star Wars fan but the second you say one thing negative about the OT you're no longer a Star Wars fan? Please shut the fuck up with your ignorance. I love all of the Star Wars movies unconditionally, whether they have flaws or not.
***** True Star Wars fans like all of the movies despite their flaws. You are just a pleb prequel-hater.
True Star Wars fans are people who like Star Wars.
If you like the prequels and dislike the originals, you're still a fan.
If you like the originals and dislike the prequels, you're still a fan.
If you like the Clone Wars TV Series and dislike all of the movies, you're still a fan.
+Cybermat47 If you dislike the prequels and shit-talk them, while also saying the OT has no flaws, you maybe be a Star Wars fan, but you're also a fucking idiot.
George always had the fans in mind, I'll take the prequels over the Disney trash anyday
Freddie Mercury you might be right about that
Freddie Mercury are you really the front man of the band queen
But sir i thought you said you didn't like Star Wars
Freddie Mercury fk disney
And you are 100% right!
It’s just amazing to me how Hayden and Ewan both did pretty much that whole fight scene themselves
I’m so happy Hayden and Ewan are coming back to Star Wars 💙
Ewan and Hayden are two incredible actors. Ewan was an absolutely flawless choice for Obi-wan
No one could have pulled this off like Hayden. Episode 3 is still amazing and the final battle is epic. Very emotional series of three films about how the fear of loss can overcome you.
The battle sequence of Revenge of the Sith was great. I always wanted to see Anakin Skywalker vs. Obi-Wan.
They did fight in a new hope
Darth Vader cull Well, technically.
Darth Vader cull that was barely a serious fight old schooler
If you do not like Lucas' story, write your own Space opera and get it made into 6 movies.
We don't have 100's of millions of dollars, and there are better space operas out there made by more competent movie makers
ToseRoyal Oh please list them for me, I'll watch them right bloody now!
StarDagger777 If your a gamer, Mass Effect is a crowning jewel with the most controversial ending ever created.
SkiDaBird I just played through ME1 and 2, nothing wrong with either of them
Oh just you wait...
I love ME3 to death but that ending...
Hayden is a good actor He portrays an awkward person who does not have any social skill cuz he was never learned from other people as not having a father and all that
Love me or hate me but the Prequels are my faves of the whole saga
Same here. Anything that involves the clone wars and old Republic I absolutely enjoyed.
Film wise it’s the ot. Lore and setting wise prequels for sure.
Still can't believe they cut his scenes out in the new movie
@Jimb0 yep
@Jimb0 yep
Leo Simple Boy wow..
It's treason then...
@@thecatholiccorner accurate
Who here is wachting this after the announcement that Hayden is back ? 😁
Whenever my star wars friends make joke about Hayden as Anakin i say...Leave Anakin alooone! I dont like sand either! lol. in all seriousness i think Hayden did great.
I find it coarse, rough, and irritating. And I think it gets everywhere
In my opinion ROTS was one of, if not the best of the series. Great performances (Yes even by Hayden), pivotal moments, phenomenal soundtrack and amazing action.
Bridger Murray
Hayden is only in the edit of Return of the Jedi
Watching this since he was just confirmed to come back as Darth Vader in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. I’m so glad he gets to play this character again.
I don't care what other people think about who should play as Darth Vader, but Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader is phenomenal. I prefer Hayden Christensen over Leonardo DiCaprio as Darth Vader.
I always felt that Christian Bale should’ve been Anakin Skywalker after watching Equilibrium. He also looks like a young Sebastian Shaw.
I liked Haydens portrayl of Anakin
+I like Ice Cream too totally agree, Lucas has trouble knowing how to use emotion with his characters, I don't know why, the original movies aren't like that.
+LegitGaming117 I think that's because Lucas didn't write the dialogues of the original trilogy, but did write the dialogues of the prelogy
Frname Thank goodness they weren't written by him in the original trilogy.
Just watching Ewan and Hayden's face as they are filming the fight scenes really shows how into the roles they were. They were so dedicated to making these films the best they could. The originals will always be my favorite, but I really love the prequels and the stories they tell.
George Lucas: Incredible story teller, lame script writer.
Fair enough. He did say he was a visual director in one of his interviews.
+Isaac James i would agree with that statement if there wasn't so much exposition in the prequels. He doesn't really care for the show don't tell rule.
dav 2one True enough.
Max Frankow and he would be the first to tell you that. It’s why he always tried to get people to direct Star Wars films
I wish Hayden Christensen plays Darth Vader in Rogue One. I hope Ewan McGregor plays Obi Wan in his new Star Wars movie.
He will
Ewan will return as Obi Wan in Kenobi's series. I hope Hayden returns in a flashback or as Darth Vader himself.
@Fatima Carrano That would be amazing to see, maybe a Clone Wars spin off showing us how Anakin became a Jedi Knight or some kind of story like that (things that we have not seen yet in actual canon).
He’s back boys!
So good that all of Ewan and Hayden’s hard work and dedication to the fight really paid off. Their commitment is truly what made Obi-Wan vs Anakin one of the best Star Wars fights and overall best movie battles of all time
I really don’t care about what people say, for me the Prequels are fantastic movies and Hayden is an incredible Anakin/Darth Vader!
Anakin: Put the ship down!
Kenobi: Anakin, you aint supposed to catch feelings for no hoes!
Bros before hoes, Anakin! xD
The dedication from Hayden to this character even as his second counterpart, I admire him for that
I like Hayden because he did a really good job of expressing evilness in Anakin
Justice for Hayden. All the real fans who loved him from day one unite in this comment section and it’s great!
Here after announcing his return for the Obi-Wan series, this is going to be awesome!
Hayden was great as anakin
I want more footage of Hayden Christensen wearing the Vader suit :D
I miss Hayden he was sick a great actor. I loved the prequels so much
hes coming back:D
taylor he is??? when???
@@katelinhertel398 in the Kenobi series that they’re starting to film in January!
Anakin my favorite jedi
+mzk000 bcn My favorite sith
+Darth Vader is my Favirote Sith And Luke is my Favirote JedI
+mzk000 bcn Why?
+Leon Lind why not lol
+Paul La Luke is lame
Really interesting. I was 17 in 1977 when Ep.04 came out and to this day I remember the Darth Vader character oozing menace and fear. I'm 58 now and still a massive fan of Star Wars. Thanks for posting..
I remember watching this documentary over and over again on the OT special edition DVD box set leading up to the release of Revenge of the Sith. The hype was real. Those were good days.
A boy taught to be emotionless and detachment form his loved ones by old people I think he portrayed perfectly.
the lightsaber duels of the newer movies can never compare to the masterpiece of the prequels and og movies. the newer ones are just basic sword fights but the older movies have moves that show the Force is really a real thing. Revenge of the sith's lightsaber duel is a work of art for everyone involved.
Hayden here looks just exactly as Anakin in the Clone Wars
Just goes to show that Hayden *is* Anakin Skywalker. Like Christopher Reeve is Superman.
Ewan McGregor is an excellent for playing as Obi Wan Kenobi. Ian McDiarmid is an excellent actor for playing as Palpatine.
The best Star Wars movie !
I can' help say but.. GOOSEBUMPS ! The intimidating DARTH Vader nostalgia.
The Prequels aged like fine wine imo
I am so happy the prequels exist. They made my childhood and as an adult I'm even more appreciative of them. I used to waste so much time defending them to critics but now I'm just grateful to George, Hayden and everyone else for telling such a great story.
ewan and hayden are the best casting choices for anakin and obiwan, couldn't imagine it any other way. hoping to see the both of them back for this alleged obiwan series!
How about Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Christian Bale as Anakin Skywalker (Eventually becomes Darth Vader).
George did a good job on the prequels. I wish he had directed and written the sequel trilogy.
I heard there is a ton of duel footage not used in ROTS, wonder if Disney will release that
yeah, actually there was a lot more, which i would like to see, i mean, this is the most epic battle of the saga, but wait... theres more :P
Bre Fujimoto probably not. Disney doesn't have the rights to that because they didn't own it when the prequels came out.
@@JustinBocci Disney bought Lucasfilm. They have the rights to all the IP associated with Star Wars.
There was a duel that was supposed to include a Mustafarian creature.
Now he's really returning as *Darth Vader* , pumped! 🔥
is Hayden still using that suit at costume parties :D LOL
It doesnt work if you dont have J.E. Jones with you all the time lol.
The prequels make the 6 movies, they are all one story, the Rise and Fall of Anakin Skywalker, and his Redemption.
Take them as one or hand in your fan card, the prequels are an integral part of the Saga!
EXACTLY! 1 - 6 tell one complete story. Disney's fan fiction are three tacked random movies that have no place in the saga. It's like reading a novel where the last three chapters bear no relevance to the rest of the book!
Both actors did a great job filling their roles
I would love to see him back as Vader in rogue one.
Although he's too short...
+Johansson Tales One must also remember that Luke was a little short to be a stormtrooper, but Leia still thought he was one.
It still wouldn't be true to the original. I'm not saying he's short, I'm saying he's not tall enough for Vader
+Johansson Tales I know. I was simply making a joke lol
“They were nice enough to build a Darth Vader suit that fit me.” That’s cute. 😂❤️
I can’t stop watching this video!
This reminds me of the Good times of Star Wars before the Dark Times, Before Darth Disney, The Sith Empire.
Darth Vader has got to be the most interesting character I’ve ever watched!
Hayden is too good looking!