There were some awkward moments in Sex Education and a kid giving advice for money was interesting but a show I feel I couldn't consistently pull off reviewing.But great you had the confidence to.
Just curious and hope this doesn't sound weird but have you ever heard of a show on Netflix called Bonding it's a dark comedy but maybe you might like it.I also found a show called Hung with Thomas Jane I haven't had time to start watching yet.Euphoria to me gets strange but seems popular.
I saw only the first 2 season of Sex Education and was at some point going to get to the third.I liked the girl they added who writes stories.I fell off Euphoria also because I didn't understand at some point.But I've seen a bit of everything so when trying to find something popular it takes a while.So I understand what you mean about your algorithm.I had even seen the L Word and actually liked the stories in that show.I really appreciate you taking the time to chat and hopefully I can find more relevant things at some point.
Definitely adding some of these to my watchlist!!
Good choice I watched half this list. We do good TV over here .
You really do!
There were some awkward moments in Sex Education and a kid giving advice for money was interesting but a show I feel I couldn't consistently pull off reviewing.But great you had the confidence to.
Just curious and hope this doesn't sound weird but have you ever heard of a show on Netflix called Bonding it's a dark comedy but maybe you might like it.I also found a show called Hung with Thomas Jane I haven't had time to start watching yet.Euphoria to me gets strange but seems popular.
AH, man yeah I loved Sex Education!
I haven't seen Bonding hasn't come up on my algorithm haha. I couldn't hang with Euphoria-too heavy for me.
I saw only the first 2 season of Sex Education and was at some point going to get to the third.I liked the girl they added who writes stories.I fell off Euphoria also because I didn't understand at some point.But I've seen a bit of everything so when trying to find something popular it takes a while.So I understand what you mean about your algorithm.I had even seen the L Word and actually liked the stories in that show.I really appreciate you taking the time to chat and hopefully I can find more relevant things at some point.