My dog-loving sentiments aside, my zepheadedness aside... Like clouds in the sky, like waves in the sea, like spots on a leopard skin - no two are alike, never the same, never walking the same path, no turning back, no resorting to familiar ways - always moving, always ahead, always straying away. Pure genius.
What magic Zep could do no wrong. Thxs for posting!!
Love it.
awesome!!!! thanks again for sharing!!
My dog-loving sentiments aside, my zepheadedness aside... Like clouds in the sky, like waves in the sea, like spots on a leopard skin - no two are alike, never the same, never walking the same path, no turning back, no resorting to familiar ways - always moving, always ahead, always straying away. Pure genius.
Jimmy was on this night, even with a broken string accident!!
jazzy and banjo and let me boogie woogie!!! :))
Acoustic music (with Jazz music) on this live performance that's sounded a lot like Charles Mingus.
A trick: you can watch series at flixzone. I've been using it for watching a lot of movies these days.
@Baker Cain yup, been using Flixzone} for since november myself =)
@Baker Cain definitely, have been watching on Flixzone} for since november myself :)
“STRIDER” named after Aragorn straight outta Lord of the Rings & the Hobbit. Plant loved the writings of JRR Tolkien
His Dog was named Stryder
Page and Plant hated it when the audience threw fire-crackers. JPJ and Bonzo did too, I suppose.