Thank you Drewmas media baba awa varikuti Bible rinoti Mwari vakasika Adam and Eve mukazviona pai imi musingaverengi Bible musavenge varungu chibvisai nhumbi mupfeke nhembe
condemning it dsnt mean havariverenge ka asi varikuti rine kakutwistwa karipo rakauya nevarungu ende ichokwadi uye vakarishandisa kuzopamba hupfumi asi vakanyora kuti wakakomborerwa murombo pamweya yet ivo vanotora hupfumi kunok. Panotoda Mweya Mutsvene kurinzwisisa bible racho saka ivo vane vadzidzi vakatanga kutumwa ndivo vaivapa info yese iyoyo
Bibile its just word of God meaning izwi not all these books you see around. Bible shoko meaning we can get what has been written directly from the holy spirir
For real varungu vatori vana venyoka nekuti Cain mwana wa Satani or Lucifer. Ndicho chokwadi chakavandika ichocho ndosaka akaita simba kuuraya Abel mwana chaiye waAdam. Secondly Cain paakadzingwa kubva mubindu ra Eden akaenda kunyika ye Nod... Nyika iyoyo yanga iine vanhu vakabva kupi kana Adam na Eve vanga varivo varivo vanhu vasikwa chete. Ko painzi zvaranai muwande se jecha regungwa vanhu vacho vaibvepi vaifanira kuzvarisana. Mwari akasika vanhu vakawandisa panyika vasina kunyorwa mu Bible. Pane a lot of unaccounted for information in the Bible. Kana muchitsamwa kuti sei varungu vasingadiwe kumasowe ask your self why varungu vanova ivo vakatanga kuziva mwari maziviro avo iwawo sei vakazouya kuzo colonizer Africa with the disguise of preaching the word. Zvinonzi Satan knows the Bible in and out nekuti ndiye aka inspire most of the chapters. Dai varungu vanga vasiri vana vaLucifer dai vasina kuuraya Jeso and you will come and argue again kuti Jeso akafira zvitadzo zvevanhu which is not true. Akauraiwa nemaJews nehutsinye negodo rakangofanana nesatani. People have been brainwashed to think that Jeso akafira zvitadzo zvedu tell me why did a whole nation of Jews chose Barabas a thief to be saved as opposed to Jesus who performed miracle. It was not God's will that Jesus dies but the will of the people (satan's descendents) bona-fide Jews. Vozouya ku Africa vachiti Jeso akafira zvitadzo zvedu tese ivo variana sekuru vavo vakauraisa Jeso. Voti futi ana sekuru vedu ma demons asi vavo ana David vatsvene vaitora vakadzi vevanhu. I can go on for ever but the reality is there just open your eyes and research with an open out. The devil hides in plain sight. Vapostori vekumasowe ndovanotaura chokwadi chisiri sugar coated
@@hermisphasha5404 a lot of Zimbabwean families have members who are involved in this soet of behaviour even yours! To each their own. You were born alone and you will die alone! Focus on your self and don't worry about others
This reminds me of my late mother. We used to go kumusangano wegore ku gora. Vakafira muvadzidzi, vakovigwa nevadzidzi. Dremas media taking us to another level!!!
Ndizvo mudzidzi aripo iyeye ndiye I like that because ndizvo zvazviri. Let us also look back in to history vakarwa vakarwa inguva yavo yekutonga isu vana vema war collaborators takamirirawo kuma 2050
Baba ava vakazungaira.....Busy brainwashing those poor kids..... Hanzi varungu vese vana vaSatan....🤣🤣🤣🤣Ahhhh zvemaChurch izvi itai mega....Hanzi Bible takarasa, asi Jesu ndewedu🤔🤔🤔Confusion yacho, shame.....Hanzi njuzu ndedza Satan......Apparently this silly dude knows it all....NONSENSE 🤣
Pamanjuzu baba ava vataura zvimwe manyepo, varinkunyepera kuzungaira panhawu iyi asi chivanhu vanochiziva, chandaona vanhu vema church vanorasikisa vanhu havazivi kupatsanura mashavi
Jesu aiva murungu zviya here kana kuti mutema, ko nyaya yaCain naAbel haisi mubible here ini ndatorohwa nekoniwero ini kkkkkkk hanzi varungu vanehutsinye vana vasatan uye vakauraya vanhu kunhingi uku.... Drewmas media taking us to another level am happy takupinda mu100k guys
There is lot of confusion in this world. No one knows the truth and nature is difficult to understand especially when one judge through human flesh like that Principal
The confusion of this guy and his role as Principal is dangerous. They denounced the bible but are referring to it with shallow knowledge. They should decide academic knowledge with the bible or purely spiritual. He is mixing up in a dangerous way and I wonder how such radicalization can be good for God/Jesus who they pray to. 😏
Baba Ava murwere Jesu wacho aimbova munhu mutema here Ivo vakavenga murungu vachatidzidzisira Vana zvisizvo benzi even Ku church kwavo havatobatsire vasingapinde church yavo Jesu aisasarudza who are u to judge
ava vari right pahuWrong hwavo kune mashavi ndiwo mweya yakaipa e.g shavi rekuba nehuroyi kozoita vashavi ndivo masahwira anodedzwa neMudzimu wedzinza rako, panjuzu apa kune njuzu dzinotengwa nedzakaipa dzakaita senjuzu mupeperekwa ndidzo dzavari kutaura dzekuti dzinongopepereka nenyika dzichitsvaga varume or vakadzi ndidzodzisingagare mumba pozoita vashavi venjuzu vanoshavira nekubatsira homwe inenge yakagarwa nemudzimu wedzinza iyi inogara mumusha, vashavi kune venjuzu nevavhimi nevamwewo understand difference between shavi neVashavi. Touya panyaya yevarungu, it funny they condemn varungu and say vana vasatan havapinde denga we dont associate navo yet they use their language at school, they use their syllabus,they use their innovations and technology isnt it ukadziya moto wembavha wavevo mbavha? this is just racism honestly it doesnt make sense theyre already associating navo, kuti vaone mapictures evamwe vadzidzi vavo avo it was cameras tech yevarungu so varikumbotii asi? Anyways thank drewmas nebasa renyu rambai mutipusha.
Murume uyu ndinoona kunge he is commiting crime against humanity 😥, dzidziso dzake idzi ma1, now considering vana ava, no one can ever convince them about the real truth! Ngavasadero
Drewmas munospaka. When you interview people from a place of being well informed ka, zvinospaka. Coz imi munema facts enjuzu, I don't think blaz munyori ava vanoziva kuti makabva kuChiredzi last week 😆 😂 😅. Nhasi ndaseka. Thank you, you never disappoint.
MR Neshamba group revanhu vamakagona ku controller muri 1 riya rakazotadzwa rikaita noise big time.....Tangoti tipanane ma updates ••• Makadii mhuri ye Drewmas
Varume vanobvumirwa kuita vakadzi hobho.... Ko vakadzi ve church iyi vanobvumirwawo here kuitawo Varume hobho nekuti kusavimbika kuri ku vanhurume nevanhukadzi????????
It baffles me how one would enroll their child to such school and be satisfied that their children are safe. Brainwash is really dangerous, unfortunately my take from this is that this so called leader of the school is leading young people the wrong way. How can you claim to not want varungu nekuti vana va Satan yet your students speak fluent English!!!!! I honestly feel scared for these kids but each to their own. I’m glad I can safely say that my child is growing up open minded, in an environment that is diverse. If this is church or religion, please do it yourself.
It’s good for our children to grow up knowing and loving God. But this idea of saying this/ that person is the one bewitching this/that it’s not good. It has caused misunderstanding/conflicts, disgrace, hatred and you name it within societies. By the way Pre-eclampsia is a condition that causes high blood pressure during pregnancy and after labour saka zvekunanga huroyi not good. Why not teaching us to pray against evil doers than pointing fingers when no one has the truth.
I subscribed today because of this interview. Good questions to the spokesperson of this church. Umwe noumwe was able to make up their minds on what the church stands for. Follow up questions for me are: Do they follow any written word anywhere or just the spirits as they manifest Have there ever been fake spirits that manifested in their church that they thought to be not of God? If not or if so, do they have a process of vetting the spirits as good or bad as they manifest in their church Can he clarify on the one he called Emmanuel or Jesus, was that just the spirit on him or was he actually standing in for Jesus Christ? Do they believe in the process of voting for the president of a country? I loved the spokesperson's answers on mashavi and njuzu and his answer on midzimu was creative. I am assuming then that mweya in the church would discern which mudzimu is good and which is bad. Inga tiri panguva yakaoma with our spirituality as Zimbabweans! But Drewmas you are helping us with research. Thank you!
I think the guy who’s narrating the story must stick to the church history than talking about things in the bible which they don’t read…Adam didn’t have 2 boys …there was Seth after Cain and Abel
Maivapo here gogo wedu Ever vachimitiswa ityai Mwari baba siyanai nevachena.rasikai zvakanaka
Apa vachitaura English vanodii kubva varega kutaura chirungu chacho
@@munyaradziusai9973 zvaEver vakazvinzwepi Bible havaverengi. Ko kuverenga vakakudIdza kupi zvavanovenga varungu. Ko munhu zvaanotongwa namwari ko varungu vatongerwei nhai
@@dadiraikagoro5413 panondinetsawo ipapo hama dai vanhu taita zvekunamata chete kwete kushorana Mwari ndiwo chete vane kodzero yekutonga vamwe
@@munyaradziusai9973 exactly
Maivapo here Bhaibheri richinyorwa koo kana rakatambwa narwo
Thank you Drewmas media baba awa varikuti Bible rinoti Mwari vakasika Adam and Eve mukazviona pai imi musingaverengi Bible musavenge varungu chibvisai nhumbi mupfeke nhembe
condemning it dsnt mean havariverenge ka asi varikuti rine kakutwistwa karipo rakauya nevarungu ende ichokwadi uye vakarishandisa kuzopamba hupfumi asi vakanyora kuti wakakomborerwa murombo pamweya yet ivo vanotora hupfumi kunok. Panotoda Mweya Mutsvene kurinzwisisa bible racho saka ivo vane vadzidzi vakatanga kutumwa ndivo vaivapa info yese iyoyo
Bibile its just word of God meaning izwi not all these books you see around. Bible shoko meaning we can get what has been written directly from the holy spirir
For real varungu vatori vana venyoka nekuti Cain mwana wa Satani or Lucifer. Ndicho chokwadi chakavandika ichocho ndosaka akaita simba kuuraya Abel mwana chaiye waAdam. Secondly Cain paakadzingwa kubva mubindu ra Eden akaenda kunyika ye Nod... Nyika iyoyo yanga iine vanhu vakabva kupi kana Adam na Eve vanga varivo varivo vanhu vasikwa chete. Ko painzi zvaranai muwande se jecha regungwa vanhu vacho vaibvepi vaifanira kuzvarisana. Mwari akasika vanhu vakawandisa panyika vasina kunyorwa mu Bible. Pane a lot of unaccounted for information in the Bible. Kana muchitsamwa kuti sei varungu vasingadiwe kumasowe ask your self why varungu vanova ivo vakatanga kuziva mwari maziviro avo iwawo sei vakazouya kuzo colonizer Africa with the disguise of preaching the word. Zvinonzi Satan knows the Bible in and out nekuti ndiye aka inspire most of the chapters. Dai varungu vanga vasiri vana vaLucifer dai vasina kuuraya Jeso and you will come and argue again kuti Jeso akafira zvitadzo zvevanhu which is not true. Akauraiwa nemaJews nehutsinye negodo rakangofanana nesatani. People have been brainwashed to think that Jeso akafira zvitadzo zvedu tell me why did a whole nation of Jews chose Barabas a thief to be saved as opposed to Jesus who performed miracle. It was not God's will that Jesus dies but the will of the people (satan's descendents) bona-fide Jews. Vozouya ku Africa vachiti Jeso akafira zvitadzo zvedu tese ivo variana sekuru vavo vakauraisa Jeso. Voti futi ana sekuru vedu ma demons asi vavo ana David vatsvene vaitora vakadzi vevanhu. I can go on for ever but the reality is there just open your eyes and research with an open out. The devil hides in plain sight. Vapostori vekumasowe ndovanotaura chokwadi chisiri sugar coated
Basa rekubirira vachiverenga Bible havanyare
Ini ndaakutotya zvemaChurch ndonamata ndega
Kkkkkkk wakapenga zvaune basa rakafanira kuitwa rekuparidza kukosha kwezita raJeso woita sei hama
kikikikikikikiki huyayi
Madzimai Chihera and madzibaba Andrew Neshamba taking us to another level
Oh welll yes oh aaah ndashamiswa kuona vakanyura mugemhenzi lol
Its Mudzidzi Andrew Neshamba
The late wimbo is my uncle, my dad's older brother. Rest in peace babamukuru
Unoziva munhu anonzi perpetua Gomo ......
@@letwinchiremba4242 I know a few gomos. Vana vababa mukuru.i don't know all of them but I was close to exnevia gomo
Bbmkuru vako vanga vakaromba but anyway kwachihuri ndeekwe hurombwa, uye chipositori hachishande
@@hermisphasha5404 a lot of Zimbabwean families have members who are involved in this soet of behaviour even yours! To each their own. You were born alone and you will die alone! Focus on your self and don't worry about others
@@ishaaqchihuri2707 Dr Gomo, was my instructor, mwana waa Wimbo ..a very brilliant guy
This reminds me of my late mother. We used to go kumusangano wegore ku gora. Vakafira muvadzidzi, vakovigwa nevadzidzi. Dremas media taking us to another level!!!
Ndizvo mudzidzi aripo iyeye ndiye I like that because ndizvo zvazviri. Let us also look back in to history vakarwa vakarwa inguva yavo yekutonga isu vana vema war collaborators takamirirawo kuma 2050
The first song brought tears to my eyes. Such angelic voices.
Me too hey
I didn't even know this school existed 😳. Thanx Drewmas
Chikoro chanaka plus kuchena
Neniwo wena ndavhunduka
Me two
Same here. I'm surprised
Me too
Nhai madzibaba Andrew baba ava vanga vadya here nekuti nzara chaiyo inohumanisa
Bitterness kurotomoka dondi
Uyu baba uyu handifunge kt dzirimo ini kt hanzi takaongororora ndimi magovamwari hre baba munochinja mitemo murimhombwe imi makatorasika 💯%
Baba VaVimbo havasi mutumwa vamurikuvengera kt ndivo vakasiirwa basa naManueri ipapo manyepa henyu zvekare chaakaita kt midzi vadzidzi zvakabva pakupanduka kwakaita vaVimbo kubva kumadzibaba nekuda hukuru,zvekare nyaya yenyu yamavekuita yekuita srogan yezvematongerwo enyika hazviko pakunamata izvo nenhau dzenyu dzemabarika johan akazviramba izvozvo ,chisiyai kutaura zvekt Johan cz makarasika
Mface uyu he is foolish bitter and an idiot zidofo ndamunyarira
Ndosaka musina vhangeri rinonzi Jeso ndimi mukushoresa sangano re Johane masowe ndovakatsanangura basa rese rinonzi Jeso zita rekuti Vimbo ishortcat vakanzi Chivimbiso zvairevei vakapihwa na Manuel kuramba kana kubvuma ndozviripo
Wainge usipo pakanzi naManuwere ndakufamba rwendo iwe Wimbo ndiwe uchava musara pavana maSvikiro ainge otonga kumasowe kupfuura Manuwere wacho aive mudzimuunoera
MA charts akanyorwa ne chirungu apa varungu ndivana Satan, so why kudzidza nechimutauro cha satan😀😂🤪😅🤣
Baba Ava vandisvota he is foolish and bitter chozikanwa hapana
Ko iro bhazi rakagadzirwa nasatan rakapakwa panze iro. I have never heard a lot of bulldust from the whole church leader.
I agree with the fact that Mugabe was protected by an angel of God
Kkkkkk hakuna zvakadaro munoziva here kuti mudzimu chaiyo haugare pamunhu akabata ropa like kuponda/kuuraya munhu.ko kuzoti ngirozi hakuna zvakadaro
Nyaya ya Adam na Eve iyo yamabata baba, makainzwa nemweya mutsvene here or Maka verenga mu Bible?
Vanhu vekuvadzidzi vaJeso vakatorasika Mwari wedu Majinesta MIGS vaitaura nema parables . Namatai Mwari wenyu weAfrica Majinesta MIGS kuti murarame.
Such sweet innocent voices, i can feel their purity through their voices
Madzibaba Andrew ini hangu ndinokumbirawo mugondibvunzirawo amudzidzi avo kuti ko vanotaura sei chirungu icho chakauya nevana vasatan.
Nhai zvako iwe
This is encouraging thank you Drewmas Media crew especially Andrew NeShamba may the will of God grant you more years
Mudzidzi I am proud of you your explanations are pregnant varungu vanehutsinye I totally agree with you
Baba ava vakazungaira.....Busy brainwashing those poor kids..... Hanzi varungu vese vana vaSatan....🤣🤣🤣🤣Ahhhh zvemaChurch izvi itai mega....Hanzi Bible takarasa, asi Jesu ndewedu🤔🤔🤔Confusion yacho, shame.....Hanzi njuzu ndedza Satan......Apparently this silly dude knows it all....NONSENSE 🤣
He is misleading those upcoming youth
Exactly he is even annoying to listen to he has theories he heard not facts and is very assertive on such nonsense
@@masbaekatanda6987 Exactly his assertion on theories is astounding...Iko kuzotaura with so much confidence kunge munhu arikutaura chokwadi....
These guys, do they quote the bible? That's not good word about white people. The more he talks, the more it sounds like a cult and racist.
Mwari pindirai henyu 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Marange High haisi ye mapositori plzzzzz itai kuti St Noah Mafararikwa ndooyema Positori ekwa Marange
Church ye ZANU😂😂
Yooooo you take us another level.taisatoziva kt kune chikoro chemasowe.
Pamanjuzu baba ava vataura zvimwe manyepo, varinkunyepera kuzungaira panhawu iyi asi chivanhu vanochiziva, chandaona vanhu vema church vanorasikisa vanhu havazivi kupatsanura mashavi
Ava ndoana Mwari vedu vemubible in Zimbabwe Africa satarn ndisu tairehwa mubilble
Maitabasa mudzidzi ,ini ndirimadzibaba,tsanangurirai kanakuti dzidzisai nyika inamate
Ndapera strong. Hatitori warungu.. zii semuchembere hangu. Dei wadzimu naMwari waitatiziwe mhepo dzose dzakanaka dzonodeira kuna Musikavanhu.
I love it whe my husband explain yo me the history of baba johane handisi mupostori hangu asi i love the history
Beware vakaromba vanawimbo
MApenzi imi zvifeve we know you tsek who akataura aniko mudzidzi chiiko mboko imi tseke
Jesu aiva murungu zviya here kana kuti mutema, ko nyaya yaCain naAbel haisi mubible here ini ndatorohwa nekoniwero ini kkkkkkk hanzi varungu vanehutsinye vana vasatan uye vakauraya vanhu kunhingi uku.... Drewmas media taking us to another level am happy takupinda mu100k guys
Tomboti aive muchimiro chevarungu asi haasi ropa remunhu akabva kudenga
Ndochechi yandainamata iyi ndakazvirega ndaona dzidziso dzacho kutorasisa vanhu
Panduka wega usatuka izwi kana usina kunzwisisa
Pavarungu apo hamuzi mavakudhomoka here nhayi mudzidzi?видео.html
Kkk fodya zvadzo
There is lot of confusion in this world. No one knows the truth and nature is difficult to understand especially when one judge through human flesh like that Principal
You are ryt i wonder where he got that information
I agree with you on this. No one knows which way to take
atsanangura mdara uyo ane info yakanyanya yemweya mutsvene chaiyo
Kkkkk yaa a lot of confussion
The confusion of this guy and his role as Principal is dangerous. They denounced the bible but are referring to it with shallow knowledge. They should decide academic knowledge with the bible or purely spiritual. He is mixing up in a dangerous way and I wonder how such radicalization can be good for God/Jesus who they pray to. 😏
Saka mukuti vana vatove nema spectacular miracle here kkk musadaro
Njjuzu mweya yetsvina .Tarisai vanhu vanozviti manjuzu hunhu hwavo .Njjuzu .Bvunzai vakabuda mazvirj
Hats off to you drewmas for keeping your cool kkkkkkk you are an example of true journalism
Happy 100k subscribers
Hanzi Eva akamitiswa nasatan hamaweeee
Baba Ava murwere Jesu wacho aimbova munhu mutema here Ivo vakavenga murungu vachatidzidzisira Vana zvisizvo benzi even Ku church kwavo havatobatsire vasingapinde church yavo Jesu aisasarudza who are u to judge
I like his closing remarks though. Ichokwadi ngatibataneyi 🇿🇼 🇿🇼 🇿🇼
Headteacher nagogo njuzu should be brought on program together. Church discipline is good tho
🤣🤣🤣😂😂 bho here
ava vari right pahuWrong hwavo kune mashavi ndiwo mweya yakaipa e.g shavi rekuba nehuroyi kozoita vashavi ndivo masahwira anodedzwa neMudzimu wedzinza rako, panjuzu apa kune njuzu dzinotengwa nedzakaipa dzakaita senjuzu mupeperekwa ndidzo dzavari kutaura dzekuti dzinongopepereka nenyika dzichitsvaga varume or vakadzi ndidzodzisingagare mumba pozoita vashavi venjuzu vanoshavira nekubatsira homwe inenge yakagarwa nemudzimu wedzinza iyi inogara mumusha, vashavi kune venjuzu nevavhimi nevamwewo understand difference between shavi neVashavi. Touya panyaya yevarungu, it funny they condemn varungu and say vana vasatan havapinde denga we dont associate navo yet they use their language at school, they use their syllabus,they use their innovations and technology isnt it ukadziya moto wembavha wavevo mbavha? this is just racism honestly it doesnt make sense theyre already associating navo, kuti vaone mapictures evamwe vadzidzi vavo avo it was cameras tech yevarungu so varikumbotii asi? Anyways thank drewmas nebasa renyu rambai mutipusha.
Hanzi hatidi kugara pamwe chete nevarungu asi toda kuita business navo.
@@chirambacreations imagine 😂😂
awesome interview munyori anoziva uyo.. kudos to Drewmas media for taking us to another level
Murume uyu ndinoona kunge he is commiting crime against humanity 😥, dzidziso dzake idzi ma1, now considering vana ava, no one can ever convince them about the real truth! Ngavasadero
real truth inodiwa ndeyekuziva Jesu chete the rest marara kungopedzawo nguva
He's brainwashed hake
Real truth yawakauya kuzodzidziswa nechinyorwa chevachena Bhaibheri gara pasi
Vashe vanonyepa Ava
Baba ava vanopenga zveshuwa muverenge Bible muzive kuti Rudzi rwevarungu rwakwabva Pavana vaNoah vaive 3 Japhet and his siblings.
Nesuwo vatema pa3 ipapo tiripo tisu rudzi rwemwana waNoah akaseka kushama kwababa vake vadhakwa neWine
Varungu vana va Mwari from Japhet. Vatema from Ham then the rest Shem. Ndiwo vana va Noah.
@@ruthmiles4826 ndipoo pazviri mu bible I want to know cuz poo ma verses acho
Pasiiiiii nemurungu nenjomboo dzakee
It's true masowe yandinopinda watching from Pretoria 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Drewmas munospaka. When you interview people from a place of being well informed ka, zvinospaka. Coz imi munema facts enjuzu, I don't think blaz munyori ava vanoziva kuti makabva kuChiredzi last week 😆 😂 😅. Nhasi ndaseka. Thank you, you never disappoint.
Zvenjuzu zvekumama izvo zvimambuya zviya zvotaura zviri conflicting
MR Neshamba group revanhu vamakagona ku controller muri 1 riya rakazotadzwa rikaita noise big time.....Tangoti tipanane ma updates ••• Makadii mhuri ye Drewmas
Drewmas Media, basa renyu rinodakadza. Ndafara netsananguro yapihwa nanyamutauriri wesangano pakuipa kwemanjuzu, vachitsinhira pachena kuti njuzu mweya inomira naSatani. Uku ndikokuona kwemachurch mazhinji anovimba neMweya WaMwari weIdi.
Uu6m mazotaura chokwadi,,Thanku madzibaba,,I like last 23minutes
Thank you Drewmas hmmmm kutori ne a school like this interesting
pakuroora vakadzi hobo bho, ndichabatwa pamusoro kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Thank you Drewmas . Goora ndokumba
My first time to see this school. Eeeh interesting indeed.
Hevoi madzibaba Andrew namadzimai Chihera
Aaaah nhau yevarungu ndaoma nekuseka hangu
Baba ,mamwe maChurches anotozvizivawo xx vekudrnga zviye
Vanhu ndevamwari havasirwe vanhu
Its the gemenzi for me Shumba 🥰🦁
Mandiisa panerimwe level
Mapostori anotaura zvandinonzwa..varungu vane utsinye vakomana!!
things that happen on earth may God have mercy upon every human being that we may be filled with knowledge that we may not be led astray
Njuzu ishavi rechirungu 💯, I agree. That's why kunjuzu kuchidyiwa zvechirungu
Kana mukut murungu mwana wasatan moimba zva Jesu fut anga asiri murungu here Jesu 🤷🏻♀️ mukutii baba imi
Akati Jeso murungu ndiani Ropa rake harina kubva kudenga here kunoiswa mumimba yomunhu
Hahaha imika imi vamugabe vanga vane ngirozi. Haiwa musatinyangadza ma mineral edu aperera ku China
Varume vanobvumirwa kuita vakadzi hobho.... Ko vakadzi ve church iyi vanobvumirwawo here kuitawo Varume hobho nekuti kusavimbika kuri ku vanhurume nevanhukadzi????????
Ende Drewmas crew mune patience kutotererera here sure mune basa thanks for taking us to another level
Explanation yacho maiwhe. Ndapera strong
True. Ndokuti journalist manje. Sando kuDrewmas
Chihera nhasi mundiregere busy kufunga mashuku aye varisei Bambo vangu Shumba..
Mwari tiziviseiwo chokwadi,
Marange High its a United Methodist Church school not vapositori
Njuzu mweya wakaipa, hanzi dzinorarama nekuba, kuba kwakarambwa
It baffles me how one would enroll their child to such school and be satisfied that their children are safe. Brainwash is really dangerous, unfortunately my take from this is that this so called leader of the school is leading young people the wrong way. How can you claim to not want varungu nekuti vana va Satan yet your students speak fluent English!!!!! I honestly feel scared for these kids but each to their own. I’m glad I can safely say that my child is growing up open minded, in an environment that is diverse. If this is church or religion, please do it yourself.
That is my church l grew up in…. but l feel sorry for the students. This is bad environment to raise a kid. Varungu are just human beings like us
I don't like the fact that he doesn't quote the bible. Bible first please and not preach hatred 🙏 or where does it say Cain wasn't Adam and Eve son ??
Exactly my thoughts
Yaaa pavarungu apa kana iye leader wacho unotoona kuti he is brainwashed and lacks reasoning
Machurch aya anoda kuchenjererwa,vanhu vari kukanganiswa brain
vamudzidzi garai pasi muitwe tsvakurudzo yakakwana nezvemashavi nenjuzu muwane zivo yakakwana
Hanzi murungu mwana wasatani..🤣asi tinombozviwanepiko zvatinotaura isu sevanhu sure
Imagine iri church yevarungu ichitaura kuti vanhu vatema vana vasatani. Just thinking aloud hangu.
Mukuru gemenzi rakakufitai but mutauriri akudhomoka
Baba ava shuwa vanopenga ngavangoita zvechisowe vasiyane nemashavi nemudzimu
Great wisdom from you man of God
Nhau yaAdam vanyepa madzibaba regai ndivabatsire zvokusaisanganizwa navarungu zvakaitirwa kuti taizorerutsa chinamati kwete uisa ruvengo kana rusarura ganda pavanhu hazvitenderwi musava vatongi pasi
Aaaah never knew of this school. So they go to school nemaGemenzi for weekends/after school activities/ Sundays?
Cool though
Avawo sekuru ava regai ndinyarare
99.7k subscribers go Drewmas taking us to another level all the tym
Congrats drewmas media 100k subscribers 24 dec 2021
It’s good for our children to grow up knowing and loving God. But this idea of saying this/ that person is the one bewitching this/that it’s not good. It has caused misunderstanding/conflicts, disgrace, hatred and you name it within societies. By the way Pre-eclampsia is a condition that causes high blood pressure during pregnancy and after labour saka zvekunanga huroyi not good. Why not teaching us to pray against evil doers than pointing fingers when no one has the truth.
No comment koz ndakakurira kumasowe but hazvimeke sense zvekumasowe apo havaverenge bible futi
Varungu havana kushata pazvinhu. Vakashata pahunhu. Ndopane problem yangu navowo.
I just want to go back to church
Kupusisa vana uku
Chiporofiti hachina zera...mkuru avepo uyu akuita zviri lavish lifestyle vaWimbo vakanga vasingadero
Chihera ndaona vachityora muzura, Mudzidzi Chihera
Uyo murume anezvaanoziva anezvaasingazivi
Wonderful work
Beautiful school
Vanonyepa baba awa
Bitterness at it's highest level 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kana mazodzidza kuipa kwemurungu muchazonzwisisa
I subscribed today because of this interview. Good questions to the spokesperson of this church. Umwe noumwe was able to make up their minds on what the church stands for.
Follow up questions for me are:
Do they follow any written word anywhere or just the spirits as they manifest
Have there ever been fake spirits that manifested in their church that they thought to be not of God?
If not or if so, do they have a process of vetting the spirits as good or bad as they manifest in their church
Can he clarify on the one he called Emmanuel or Jesus, was that just the spirit on him or was he actually standing in for Jesus Christ?
Do they believe in the process of voting for the president of a country?
I loved the spokesperson's answers on mashavi and njuzu and his answer on midzimu was creative. I am assuming then that mweya in the church would discern which mudzimu is good and which is bad. Inga tiri panguva yakaoma with our spirituality as Zimbabweans! But Drewmas you are helping us with research. Thank you!
Marange high school is a United methodist institute, havasi mapostori.I'm from marange
I think the guy who’s narrating the story must stick to the church history than talking about things in the bible which they don’t read…Adam didn’t have 2 boys …there was Seth after Cain and Abel
Hamusi nemiwo murikuri verenga wrong here
@@donaldmushove it’s there wangu u can read it
you only picked one example yekurasika kwavo ...... pakawanda pavarukurasika in relating to the bible coz havariverenge havarinzwisisi
Am not judging zvangu but why teaching vana ava english yakabva kuvarungu vacho? 🤔🤔
Vamunoti vawimbo ivavo ndivo Mwari we Africa Majinesta MIGS ndivo vave kunamatwa muAfrica yose .
Hee? 😩