J.S. Bach - Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, laß noch einen Strahl" (J.S. Bach Foundation)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • From the protestant church Trogen in Switzerland
    Choir and Orchestra of the J. S. Bach Foundation
    Rudolf Lutz - conductor
    Sibylla Rubens - soprano
    Annekathrin Laabs - alto
    Bernhard Berchtold - tenor
    Manuel Walser - bass
    Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, laß noch einen Strahl" (Let, Princess, let still one more glance)
    First part
    0:42 Chorus: Laß, Fürstin, laß noch einen Strahl
    6:14 Recitative (soprano): Dein Sachsen, dein bestürztes Meißen
    7:23 Aria (soprano): Verstummt, verstummt, ihr holden Saiten!
    11:40 Recitative (alto): Der Glocken bebendes Getön
    12:47 Aria (alto): Wie starb die Heldin so vergnügt!
    20:24 Recitative (tenor): Ihr Leben ließ die Kunst zu sterben
    21:35 Chorus: An dir, du Fürbild großer Frauen
    Second part
    23:35 Aria (tenor): Der Ewigkeit saphirnes Haus
    28:15 Recitative (bass): Was Wunder ists? Du bist es wert
    30:39 Chorus: Doch, Königin! du stirbest nicht
    Subscribe to our channel: goo.gl/8R4k9P
    For further information on the Bach Foundation, go to: www.bachipedia...
    The complete cantata, introductory workshop and reflection lecture (in German) is available at: www.bachipedia...

Комментарии • 108

  • @vinniecoelho
    @vinniecoelho 4 года назад +27

    The tenor aria is one of the most beautiful moments in Bach's music, it is monumental standing on its own feet.

    • @SlateFx
      @SlateFx 2 года назад +3

      Exceptionally sad and dramatic, if I hadn't heard that aria with my own two ears I would definitely not believe such perfect storytelling could exist.

  • @edelahaye
    @edelahaye 2 года назад +8

    The alto's recitative accompaniment is quite original! Bach never ceases to amaze me!

    • @dnp4406
      @dnp4406 2 года назад

      So true!!!

  • @schaulinmarkus6002
    @schaulinmarkus6002 5 лет назад +5

    Dass Bach die größten Vokalwerke aller Zeiten geschaffen hat, ist allgemein bekannt. Aber der Eingangschor ist zusammen mit dem Schlusschor aus BWV 244 meiner Meinung nach außerdem noch eine Topleistung in einer speziellen Disziplin: Keinem anderen Komponisten ist es je gelungen,musikalisch so eindrücklich zu weinen.

    • @toseltreps1101
      @toseltreps1101 3 года назад +2

      Mir zwingt der Eingangschor jedesmal die Tränen in die Augen. Für mich ist es eines der größten, wenn nicht sogar das größte Werk Bachs.

    • @schaulinmarkus6002
      @schaulinmarkus6002 3 года назад +1

      Dass einem hier die Tränen kommen ist kein Zufall. Meines Erachtens geschieht hier etwas total faszinierendes: 7 Jahre nach dem Tod von Bachs erster Frau Maria Barbara drückt der Komponist auf musikalische Weise gegenüber dem frisch verwitweten König August sein Mitgefühl aus, fast scheint es, als wolle er Ihm sagen: "lieber König, ich weiß ganz genau, was du grade fühlst, ich habe das selbe auch schon durchlebt."

    • @samuelfabian9737
      @samuelfabian9737 3 года назад +2

      @@schaulinmarkus6002 Bach - man weiß, was man an dir besessen; die Nachwelt wird dich nicht vergessen, bis dieser Weltbau einst zerbricht. (aus dem Schlusschor)

  • @Arch5280
    @Arch5280 3 года назад +6

    I love the Alto Aria. The soloist is amazing. That long note!

  • @johnh5958
    @johnh5958 3 года назад +5

    Since I was 16 (46 years ago) I've viewed Bach's cantatas as the height of musical perfection. This lifted me on this Thanksgiving Day in America.

    • @ollehedstrom3536
      @ollehedstrom3536 3 года назад

      Yes I agree. The sacred cantatas are the most important body of music to have come down to mankind.

  • @fritsvanderblom8881
    @fritsvanderblom8881 Год назад +3

    Very transparant, amazingly well done!

  • @ianm8137
    @ianm8137 4 года назад +5

    I think that that Der Ewigkeit saphrines Haus is just a most marvellous composition and Bernhard Berchtold and flautist are superb in the way in which his aria takes primacy over everything in the orchestra.....so much brilliance in the counterpoint and the difficulty for the tenor to sing and to build to primacy above the orchestra and I am not a trained musician.Thank you one and all and J.S. Bach.

  • @michaelletellier218
    @michaelletellier218 4 года назад +10

    Another superb performance by your talented ensemble under the direction of Rudolf Lutz. A special commendation for Annekathrin Laabs - alto, who sings with style and feeling. Thank you for sharing and congratulations to all participants.

  • @briangericke8752
    @briangericke8752 5 лет назад +14

    I watch this every day at work. It's one of the most interesting Bach Cantatas I've ever heard. There's something so haunting about the last chorale ...

    • @amelinkydinky
      @amelinkydinky 4 года назад +2

      Agreed, there is a special sound to this cantata. Almost anachronistic, like it didn't come from this era. almost beckoning, luring and lascivious. Sexy dare I say.

    • @carlakonsten1322
      @carlakonsten1322 4 года назад +3

      At work.. nice job!

    • @carltonafghan
      @carltonafghan 4 года назад +2

      I agree...it's a fascinating cantata.

    • @rolfclaus625
      @rolfclaus625 3 года назад +2

      Try to get hold of a proper (plain!) translation and then try to find out about the wider evolutionary history of the cantata - including Augustus' role as king of Poland and his wife's attitude towards that. It's a crime story! It perfectly explains the three repeats of
      You poets, write! We shall read:
      she was the sanctuary of virtue,
      the joy and praise of her subjects,
      the greatest of all queens.
      in the end.

  • @BikeVermont71
    @BikeVermont71 4 года назад +3

    The most beautiful music in the world and the Germans are most themselves in performing it. You'd hope more of them were convinced Christians like Bach was. It's no mere coincidence.

  • @ianm8137
    @ianm8137 3 года назад +1

    I just need to add one more comment and that is that Bach is more than a genius.

  • @patrickriviere697
    @patrickriviere697 4 года назад +2

    Probablement la plus grande cantate de JS Bach. J'ai découvert cette ode funèbre en 1979 - concert donné par Philippe Herreweghe et son collégium vocale de Gand en l'église St Medard à Paris, couplée avec la sublime cantate BWV 39, oeuvres qui vous accompagnent toute votre vie !

  • @sednahbellick2059
    @sednahbellick2059 Год назад +2

    The alto held that gorgeous, colorful note perfectly for about 12 seconds! The lutes sound great and I love how the viola da gambas harmonize. I love this Cantata! Every time I listen to it I hear something new. Absolutely breathtaking!

  • @billyd10
    @billyd10 3 года назад +9

    This cantata shows Bach's genius perfectly. The openning chorus is simply amazing. It brought tears to my eyes.

    • @toseltreps1101
      @toseltreps1101 3 года назад +1

      To mine, too. This is truly pure genius with a touch of the divine.

  • @mariod7473
    @mariod7473 4 года назад +5

    Magnifique, sublime, extraordinaire performance, quelle clarité, quelle ambiance, la 198 est au niveau des Passions. Mille mercis Maestro Lutz.

    • @georgesmelki1
      @georgesmelki1 4 года назад

      Effectivement, sinon Bach n'aurait pas utilisé cette musique pour sa Passion selon St Marc!

  • @sanlkar
    @sanlkar 5 лет назад +3

    Después de millones de años, una criatura se alzo sobre sus dos patas, empezó a utilizar herramientas, aprendió a utilizar el fuego, desarrolló un lenguaje, se protegió de la lluvia, el frío, de los animales salvajes, aprendió a vivir en comunidad, desarrollo el afecto, el amor, la compasión.. el arte, se asomó al universo, pensó en un Dios. Hambre, enfermedad, guerra,muerte, miseras acompañaron a esta criatura durante milenios... pero un día nació Bach y se puso a componer...Mereció la pena tanto esfuerzo.

    • @ronwalker4849
      @ronwalker4849 4 года назад +1


  • @clairejarts
    @clairejarts 4 года назад +5

    What a gift this performance is!!

  • @marcogiusti1358
    @marcogiusti1358 4 года назад +4

    La ode e' un capolavoro E' sempre un piacere poi vedere ed ascoltare questa orchestra ed il coro, il loro grande direttore, e i vari cantanti scritturati veri specialisti del barocco

  • @alexluck4420
    @alexluck4420 4 года назад +3

    I just love how into the groove the floppy-haired bass in the back row is in the opening chorus- I feel just the same when singing Bach! Aside from him such joyous and skilled singing and playing all-round. This is one of my favourite cantatas. Bravi tutti!

  • @margaretharypkema5714
    @margaretharypkema5714 5 лет назад +6

    From the first notes..this music just feels so good!

  • @nicola84palm
    @nicola84palm 4 года назад +2

    The final chorus is so sublime and dance-like, full of grace and melancholy ❤❤

  • @powerliftingcentaur
    @powerliftingcentaur 5 лет назад +7

    I am so grateful for all these performances. Each of them heals the soul. And thank you Bach. Genius heals like nothing else.

  • @gapfran
    @gapfran 5 лет назад +3

    The area 8 (Der Ewigkeit Saphiren Haus) is one of the most outstanding achievements of Bach's art. And this is the best performance I know of. Amazing! Thank you very much for the gift of bringing it to life again.

  • @AML2000
    @AML2000 5 лет назад +2

    No matter how skilled a female soprano is, you'll never get the touching effect the soprano aria intends unless you use a very skilled boy soprano. Bach shows that he is unashamedly willing to rip the emotional hearts out of the audience by having a young boy sing about his dead mother! Jan Patrick O'Farrell of the Hanover Boys Choir did a good job of it on the Harnoncourt/Leonhardt set. (How a boy with a very Irish name ended up in a German boys choir is an entirely different question!)

    • @phwbooth
      @phwbooth 5 лет назад +2

      But you have to have unusually talented boy sopranos, and it doesn't always work in the Harnoncourt/Leonhardt recordings. Bach's sopranos were about sixteen or seventeen years old, not ten or eleven.

  • @RafWu
    @RafWu 9 месяцев назад

    I sent this to a music professor in Vermont who had never heard it, and she loved it.

  • @user-hn4hu5ud1j
    @user-hn4hu5ud1j Год назад

    Ms. Laabs just became my favorite alto! The way she held that really long note in the aria gave me chills! Herr Lutz has found the BEST performers for this ambitious cantata project. Just....WOW!! 🤩

  • @gianlucamarcialis3595
    @gianlucamarcialis3595 3 года назад +1

    Da un po' di tempo ascolto le esecuzioni della J.S.Bach Foundation, e devo dire che quanto ad amalgama orchestrale e vocale sono davvero tra i primi in circolazione. Apprezzo moltissimo la scelta dei solisti vocali operata da Rudolf Lutz, voci belle, chiare, rotonde, leggermente liriche (magnifico il contralto), perfettamente incastonate nella produzione bachiana. Congratulazioni!

  • @MrUseur
    @MrUseur 5 лет назад +4

    Sehr sehr schön. Ich habe im Eingangssatz auf den Einsatz des Chores gewartet, um die Musik mit meiner heimlichen Referenz, nämlich einer Aufnahme mit und von Herrn Gardiner und dem Monteverdi Choir, zu vergleichen. Es gibt keinen Sieger. Beide Aufnahmen sind spitze. Herr Wollny in seiner Funktion als Leiter des Leipziger Bacharchivs hat ganz vorzüglich die Historie der Aufführung dieser Kantate beleuchtet und sie seinerzeit im NDR Kulturradio vorgestellt. Aber auch zu dieser Thematik haben die St. Gallener Bach- Enthusiasten ja ganze Arbeit geleistet. Nochmal zur Aufführung der Kantate selbst: das Publikum kann sich glücklich schätzen, an dieser vorzüglichen Aufführung teilgenommen haben zu dürfen. Danke.

    • @Schleiermacher1000
      @Schleiermacher1000 4 года назад

      Na ja, es sind eben persönliche Erfahrungen. Ich finde, Gardiner hinkt da ziemlich hinterher.

  • @stavrosvenizelos610
    @stavrosvenizelos610 11 месяцев назад

    Sublime music making. As played here, this major Cantata shines all the way through. Majestic choral and orchrstral parts coupled with intimate, heartfelt solo parts. Excellent choice of voices and great purity and sensitivity of period intruments, like the violin, the violas and the woodwinds. A balanced and harmonious ensemble marked by simplicity and humanism.

  • @alvarogarciabarbosa3199
    @alvarogarciabarbosa3199 5 лет назад +6

    Great performance!! Thank you for posting. Unser Vater JS BACH never dissapoints us in any way!! Allways the best of the best.

  • @ferdiriordan1
    @ferdiriordan1 5 лет назад +4

    Yet another sublime perofmance from Bach Foundation with Herr Lutz. Thank you all.Greetings from Ireland.

  • @jordifranch7426
    @jordifranch7426 3 года назад

    A taste of Heaven. Thank you.

  • @3brahms6
    @3brahms6 4 года назад +2


  • @javierbernardodelgado7927
    @javierbernardodelgado7927 5 лет назад +3

    Me parece una interpretación, además de elegante y bella, sincera. Se nota que los músicos se identifican con la música, la entienden y la saben transmitir. Excelentes todos. Bravo por el director que con honestidad y sinceridad transmite el legado de Bach. Ojalá podamos ver más como esta

  • @user-gr9xt8iw8x
    @user-gr9xt8iw8x Год назад

    So schön! Alle Stimmen sind einwandfrei! Danke für den baren Genuss!

  • @briscaba
    @briscaba 5 лет назад +4

    Every time I hear YOUR version of ANY Bach cantata, it results being always better than all the versions I heard. Where is your secret?

    • @MitchBoucherComposer
      @MitchBoucherComposer 5 лет назад +2

      Probably great unknown soloists and instrumentalists. Also their performance venue is a treasure in terms of reverberation, which add a lot to a performance.

    • @konrad.bach4ever
      @konrad.bach4ever 5 лет назад +10

      luca baresi I think there are three reasons: First, the recordings are live. This means, that the whole piece is performed in a sequence. Second, we give our musicians enough time to rehearse. Everybody, also the instrumentalist, know exactly what the text means. Third, Rudolf Lutz. Nothing to add.

    • @marcogiusti1358
      @marcogiusti1358 4 года назад

      Io penso grande serieta' e professionalita' come primo requisito, fondamentale Poi ovviamente la bravura degli interpreti, che sono artisti di levatura internazionale E naturalmente il fatto di avere un talento come direttore artistico

  • @MrGer2295
    @MrGer2295 5 лет назад +3


  • @user-bi6fg9iy6o
    @user-bi6fg9iy6o 5 лет назад +2

    excellent performance !!!!!!!!!

  • @alaindubouetiez910
    @alaindubouetiez910 5 лет назад +1

    Quel beau cadeau que nous offre Rudolf Lutz avec cette cantate parmi les plus extraordinaires de J.S. Bach. Je l'avais découverte, il y a assez longtemps avec l'interprétation de Jurgen Jurgens et a toujours fait partie de mes cantates préférées.

  • @franciscoantonioferreiraam6084
    @franciscoantonioferreiraam6084 5 лет назад +2

    Peça maravilhosa.
    Rudolf Lutz, sempre nos brindando com a sua competência, a Genialidade de JS Bach!

  • @Rosasarmadas
    @Rosasarmadas 4 года назад +1


  • @CanaldeArquitetura
    @CanaldeArquitetura 5 лет назад +3


  • @ezzovonachalm7038
    @ezzovonachalm7038 4 года назад +2

    Johann Sebastian Bach hat wohl die Noten geschrieben, die Orchestration organisiert, die Tempi gesetzt, aber Rudolf Lutz mit seinen wunderbaren Instrumentisten, Sänger und Sängerinnen, hat die Partitur aus dem Staub herausgeholt, sie alle haben ihr das Leben eingehaucht

  • @patriciarodriguezmartinez3233
    @patriciarodriguezmartinez3233 5 лет назад +3

    Absolutamente bello. Tempo maravilloso. Mil gracias

  • @user-ih8kp1xl9l
    @user-ih8kp1xl9l 2 года назад +1

    Seit20Jahre höre ich die Kantsten zu von Fern Asien Korea

  • @wuillymay8815
    @wuillymay8815 Год назад

    Amazing ensemble 👏👏👏

  • @lamangouste_
    @lamangouste_ 10 месяцев назад

    Quand on "tombe" sur les publicités RUclips, celles qui viennent polluer l'écoute de la musique qu'on aime, on n'est pas déçu : on voit quel monde de référence RUclips promeut. Parfois du chocolat, parfois des chaussures de sport, mais souvent des voyages et des croisières. Je rassure RUclips : le chocolat, oui, parfois, les chaussures de sport, une fois tous les tremblements de terre, les croisières Costa ou les voyages Leclerc, jamais. Ces publicités lancées au hasard, aucun risque de convaincre. Une pollution sonore et visuelle, reflet d'un monde décadent, uniquement mercantile. Beurk !

  • @gorgesraulant2133
    @gorgesraulant2133 5 лет назад +1

    Très belle interprétation de cette cantate par les choristes et instrumentistes. Merci à Bachstiftung .

  • @johnstag1391
    @johnstag1391 3 года назад

    Outstanding and astounding.

  • @aneashumm203
    @aneashumm203 Год назад


  • @marcnagels4864
    @marcnagels4864 3 года назад

    Alles sehr schön ! Gute Musiker mit viel gefühl gebracht. Nur sehr schade das diese Sopran nicht geeignet ist für diese diskrete Musik.

  • @3brahms6
    @3brahms6 4 года назад

    Much better with womens singying the superior voices! Thank you, so much!

  • @antonellabaluganti8109
    @antonellabaluganti8109 2 года назад

    Siete meravigliosi

  • @xresdkj
    @xresdkj 5 лет назад +2

    Belíssimo o trabalho que vocês desenvolvem - o conjunto da obra. Lastimo que moro no Brasil, país que vem perdendo sua tradição cultural musical, sendo massacrada pela baixa cultura como o funk e outras coisas deploráveis. Encontrar um trabalho como o que vocês desenvolvem resgata nossa esperança na divulgação da alta cultura musical. Brasil, país cada vez mais perdido na área cultural e política. Parabéns a toda equipe. Continuo acompanhando as apresentações. Um dia, talvez, se conseguir algum dinheiro, vou conhecê-los pessoalmente.
    The work that you develop - the whole of the work - is beautiful. I am sorry that I live in Brazil, a country that has lost its musical cultural tradition, being massacred by the low culture like funk and other deplorable things. Finding a job like the one you develop rescues our hope in spreading high musical culture. Brazil, a country increasingly lost in the cultural and political area. Congratulations to the whole team. I continue to follow the presentations. One day, maybe if I can get some money, I'll meet them in person. (google translation).

  • @jannoordijk7055
    @jannoordijk7055 5 лет назад +2

    Sehr schön!!!!

  • @cillyede
    @cillyede 5 лет назад +1


  • @ricardovaldez7094
    @ricardovaldez7094 Год назад

    @Bachstiftung thanks for existing!

  • @saidtoshimaru1832
    @saidtoshimaru1832 5 лет назад +1


  • @samuelfabian9737
    @samuelfabian9737 3 года назад +1

    Aus dem Schlusschor:
    Man weiss, was man an dir besessen
    Die Nachwelt wird dich nicht vergessen
    Bis dieser Weltbau einst zerbricht.
    Damit hat Bach sich selbst das schönste Denkmal gesetzt.

  • @celsoalvesfilho2443
    @celsoalvesfilho2443 3 года назад


  • @walterkonig8792
    @walterkonig8792 3 месяца назад

    Also Leute!
    Dieser Bach ist sowieso so eine Nummer ...
    Stichwort: Fugen, Psalmen, Bratschen ...
    Dann noch dieser Text !!!
    Ich bin zwar zu 100% Klassikfan, aber er läßt mich at first an einen n a h e l i e g e n d e r e n Strahl denken; mano, auch weil es vom Bach ist, und und er mir sowieso mit fast allem auf den ... Senkel geht!
    Nichts für ungut,
    Ihne Ihrn W.K.😊

  • @Schleiermacher1000
    @Schleiermacher1000 5 лет назад

    Alles wunderbar, alles komplett und das Tüpfelchen auf dem i ist Bernhard Berchthold.

  • @cml9862
    @cml9862 5 лет назад +1

    Sibylla Rubens, ist sie Beste Soprano, dass meine Meinung ist.

  • @omarsolis4618
    @omarsolis4618 5 лет назад +6

    A lado de Bach, los demás compositores que ha dado la historia son solamente niños.

  • @extrasalt4595
    @extrasalt4595 7 месяцев назад


  • @jacintcerroabad7915
    @jacintcerroabad7915 4 года назад

    Fundació Bach (Bachstiftung) i a més suïssa. Que més per fer una música perfecta? Gracies Sr. Lutz per fer-nos coneixar una mica més al pare Bach (Johan Sebastian)

  • @flemmingranch8777
    @flemmingranch8777 5 лет назад

    Ualmindelig smuk og velspillet musik og et veloplagt skønt kor. Smukt......

  • @DocTommy1972
    @DocTommy1972 5 лет назад +1

    Please don't stop

  • @rjuttemeijer
    @rjuttemeijer 7 месяцев назад

    Beautiful, but why the rush?

  • @ronwalker4849
    @ronwalker4849 4 года назад


  • @slothostpUL
    @slothostpUL 5 лет назад +1

    Another sublime performance! Maestro Lutz never disappoints. My wife and I must find a way to get to protestant church Trogen in Switzerland. Don't worry: no Go-Fund-Me request. Again, can this interpretation be any more glorious?

  • @Tizohip
    @Tizohip 4 года назад

    11:40 NICE

  • @johnstag1391
    @johnstag1391 3 года назад +1

    Can the dislikers explain themselves?

  • @juerbert1
    @juerbert1 5 лет назад +1

    What about that lady with the double bass, on the far right ?

  • @aliensapien9854
    @aliensapien9854 5 лет назад

    Magnificent performance! I don't know why but I imagined everyone wearing a monocle and it made it funnier

  • @lakkfatt2321
    @lakkfatt2321 5 лет назад +2


  • @micheal49
    @micheal49 4 года назад

    Is it just me, or do the two viola da gamba look very different?

  • @ronwalker4849
    @ronwalker4849 4 года назад +1


  • @flemmingranch8777
    @flemmingranch8777 5 лет назад +1

    Lad os se Herrens lys for vor fod.......

  • @medievalmusiclover
    @medievalmusiclover 5 лет назад +1

    I prefer Palestrina, Orlando di Lassus, Gesualdo, Palestrina, Pergolessi, and meny more, these composers and many more give as more enjoy and deep feeling of God.

  • @bvsiness
    @bvsiness 5 лет назад

    Its such wonderful music. Bach is dangerous, because one would prefer to believe his theology through his music, than the bible. Good that his theology is so bible-close.

  • @olgaerler4111
    @olgaerler4111 5 лет назад

    Alt ist toll