0:09 Sinfonia 3:08 Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (Chor) 7:13 Seufzer, Tränen (Arie) 11:55 Wie hast du dich (Rezitativ) 13:28 Bäche von gesalznen Zähren (Arie) 18:38 Was betrübst du dich (Chor) 22:17 Ach Jesu, meine Ruh (Rezitativ) 23:46 Komm, mein Jesu (Duett) 27:58 Sei nun wieder zufrieden (Chor) 32:42 Erfreue dich, Seele (Arie) 35:39 Das Lamm, das erwürget ist (Chor)
I have two versions of this piece on my favorites of all time on my Spotify. This one exceeds them both. This is absolute euphoria. I literally burst into tears several times in this performance.
Ich schließe mich einem anderen Kommentar an: "Kaum in Worte zu fassen - einfach nur unglaublich." Und diese Aufführung ist phänomenal, exzellent, wunderschön!! Ja "Bachs Musik ist immer wieder Balsam für Ohren, Geist und Seele."
Netherlands Bach is the most sublime ensemble in the world. Their renderings are transportive. Like the urtext editions that began more than half a century ago, this group has set THE standard for excellence in historical performance. Bravi, all.
I could not agree more. Keeping the chorus small is part of the reason for the singular beauty of this recording. The physics of sound is such that eighteen voices can equal the volume of a much larger group while producing far less of what engineers call "noise" (everything other than the intended "signal"). At the same time, partly in consequence, the smaller group will sing with substantially greater precision at great benefit to purity of tone and clarity of enunciation. This is, indeed, a benchmark performance, setting a high standard to which other professional ensembles may profitably aspire. A thrilling rendition to the most jaded ear.
An excellent performance of my favorite cantata ... I call it the "Little Passion". Heard it for the first time after I was in a high speed collision with a semi that left me in a coma. Must have slept well then, for I didn't sleep again after I awoke from it. Not a wink - for three years. It was a sheer, unmitigated hell that left me looking for a way out on every upper story of a high-rise, at every busy street corner. Only an out-of-body experience, that showed me that pain, even torment, had value for the soul, held me back - grudgingly. It was then that I discovered Bach. First Glenn Gould's 1980 recording of the Goldberg Variations. I listened to it again and again for hours, days. That led to the Well-Tempered Clavier. Something about the counterpoint soothed my frenzied mind. Then I heard the Matthew Passion, which was mysteriously cathartic. Peter's failure was personal, the "Erbarme Dich" was my cry. At some point I found the cantatas, this was the first. It's quick succession from despair, the depths of abandonment, to that dancing dialog - "You hate me!" "No, I don't!". It takes us from utter Verzweiflung to hope again in under 40 minutes. Soli Deo gloria, sure, but Bach's music is like the healing waters of a heavenly health spa.
I am speechless, again, the deep heavenly soothing sounds perfectly composed and performed, it fills my heart with joy! Thank you Shunske Sato and to all performers.
Come descrivere questa cantata se non un opera capace di toccare ogni singola corda della nostra fragile anima. Oramai sono anni che mi trovo a convivere costantemente con un peso interiore che spesso mi fa dire “ne ho abbastanza”. A parte l’amore della mia famiglia Bach è l’unico compagno fedele a cui posso rivolgermi in qualsiasi momento, triste o felice che sia. Che siano lacrime di felicità, energia o tristezza spesso c’è lui ad accompagnarle. La mia battaglia non è ancora finita, anzi il contrario; ogni volta che penso all’indifferenza improvvisa di una persona per cui ho provato qualcosa, per la quale sono sempre stato disponibile, generoso come dovrebbe fare almeno chi si reputa amico, mi devasta. Dopo molte lacrime e sofferenze ho deciso di seppellire quel sentimento e desidero irrealizzabile per cercare di rimanere almeno amici. Ma sembra che io sia scomparso anche se davanti a lei, come chi ha amato il signore in vita ma abbandonato appena posto sulla croce. Sospiri, lacrime, tristezza, miseria, ansia timorosa, paura e morte rodono il mio cuore oppresso, sono pieno di afflizione e miseria. Spesso quando leggo il testo di questa cantata vedo un eco con la mia anima piegata dalla sofferenza. Viviamo accettando parte del nostro dolore ma non viviamo solo con esso, godiamoci i tanti bei doni che la vita ci pone dinnanzi anche nei momenti più oscuri. Godiamo del calore della famiglia, amiamo l’amico con le braccia aperte, accogliamolo e aiutiamolo nel bisogno; preghiamo per chi soffre malanni e subisce ingiustizie. Grazie Bach per avermi accompagnato sempre, per avermi fatto scoprire parti di me sconosciute, grazie per avermi trasmesso l’amore per la fede che sempre accompagna la tua musica.
La souffrance n'est pas rédemptrice, comme les religions continuent à nous le faire ou laisser croire. Elle peut néanmoins susciter en nous de très utiles réflexions, utiles, peut-être nécessaires... Combien parmi ceux qui souffrent dans leur chair ou/et leur âme, n'ont-ils pour leurs semblables, eux aussi souffrants et meurtris, jamais d'empathie, aucune compassion ...quand de nombreuses personnes, parmi les plus empathiques, les plus compatissantes et réconfortantes, n'ont encore jamais vraiment souffert, dans leur chair ou dans leur âme, fort heureusement pour elles ? La souffrance ne rend pas forcément meilleur, et ceux, moins nombreux certes, qui n'ont jamais vraiment souffert, ne sont pas forcément plus indifférents aux souffrances d'autrui... Pouvoir s'imaginer la douleur des souffrants, et souffrir de les savoir souffrants, au point de les réconforter, de les aider à supporter leur souffrance. C'est là, de la part de ces êtres compatissants, ces êtres réconfortants, une grâce, certes pas des plus communes, toutefois sûrement une des plus belles, une des meilleures... Mes mots ne seront peut-être pas pour vous des plus réconfortants, des plus efficaces, ils ne retentiront pas dans votre âme, et votre chair, comme cette Cantate BWV 21, ils participent cependant de la même grâce. Seulement, JS Bach, avec ses Cantates réconforte des millions de personnes, des millions de souffrants dans le monde, quand mes mots ne peuvent prétendre, de temps en temps, réconforter au mieux, qu'une famille, souvent qu'une personne. C'est le miracle de la musique (et de RUclips) de réconforter autant de souffrants. Avec la musique de JS Bach, cette grâce fait je le sais des miracles immensément plus grands. Et parce que c'est Jésus qui lui a sûrement inspiré ses plus grands chefs d'oeuvre, combien depuis plus de deux mille ans le miracle de Jésus Christ ressuscité (même en demeurant très factuel), a-t-il réconforter de femmes et d'hommes, plus ou moins, "grands", plus ou moins riches, ou puissants, mais tous ...souffrants ? Sa grâce, ses grâces, sont inspirantes. C'est peut-être ça aujourd'hui encore ce souffle divin, dont l'humanité a encore tant besoin. Encore faudrait-il qu'on sache chacun percevoir la moindre de ces grâces aussi avec le coeur, comme le plus petit miracle, nous, que n'émeuvent plus guère que les plus spectaculaires spectacles des sons et lumières, artificiels, le spectacle des arts sans messages aux vertus authentiquement humaines, où les technologies au service de la fiction aux vertus les plus illusoires, ont depuis longtemps détrônés l'intérêt des échanges humains naturels les plus nécessaires... Je vous remercie Madame, d'avoir su avec vos mots, avec leur(s) grâce(s), inspirer les miens. Les fêtes de Noël, se profilent. Que la joie de vos proches vous inspirent, vous réconfortent et vous confortent dans votre intérêt des chose humaines, autant j'espère que le fera toujours la musique de JS Bach, et le souvenir des souffrances du Christ (quelles que soient les réalités historique de sa passion, et la foi et les doute qu'elle nous inspire). Didier Belmondo.
This was the first Bach Cantata I had the opportunity to sing, as a 17 year-old baritone with barely a year’s voice lessons under my belt. It was 1988 or so with the Denton Bach Choir (Texas), with my dad at the helm, and I will never forget the first time reading through the final fugue. That experience hooked me on this music for the rest of my life.
Perfection in all aspects. Every performer has his part mastered to perfection yet no one is standing out on his own and in perfect harmony and united in this piece in Bach’s intention. It is not easy to achieve such level of performance and interpretation. Sato is truly talented as a conductor and leader, not just as violinist. He gives each player and singer autonomy and freedom of expression yet unites everyone in perfect balance. Such beauty and humanity.
Like our friend from China, I should love this glorious music to resonate in all the underground bunkers in Ukraine and on the streets so that the Russian soldiers might hear this also and detach themselves from the tragic fighting which is killing 100,s of them as well as the innocent Ukrainian people.God bless both sides and again a million thanks for this heavenly and timely music.Elaine.Cardiff. S Wales
The NBS is an endless miracle. "Bäche von gesalznen Zähren " is a monument of beauty. Just fantastic. What else to add ? we are all running out of superlatives
This performance reached a level of sublime perfection and divine grace that it seemed for a moment that the greatest composer of all time came back to life. Bravo
To think that all over the world we can listen to this magnificence. How I wish my mother was still here so we could enjoy this together ! Such perfection . My blessing to each one of you xxxx Australia.
The first video topped my RUclips on my birthday, thank you UNIVERSE sending this algorithmic serendipity to me. Thank you Bach and the wonderful musicians. I am very grateful to be alive this very moment. 🙏🏻👵🏻🦋🧠🥰🌈
Right from the start you're in one of Bachs finest pieces of music he ever made. This sinfonia, unbelievable well played, is really sensational. Close your eyes and hear how brilliant the instruments are interacting. This is one of a kind.
As a younger man I thought the most joy I could get from Bach performances was the string and keyboard works. As I get older, it's these works with Oboe interplay that are bowling me over. This Seufzer, Tränen Aria with the soprano is close to musical perfection.
So habe ich Johann Sebastian Bach noch nie gehört, ernsthaft,gleichzeitig oder im nächsten Moment verspielt,ein Flirt mit dem ...Schicksal, der Person,die er über Alles liebt ?Voller Hoffnung und Kraft für die Zukunft.Scherzhaft,und tiefgründig,bei meisterhafter Musik,wie auch Solisten. Man hört zu und lächelt über die Leichtigkeit und Scherze,die verdeckte Botschaft ?, den Zuspruch des Komponisten zur Suche nach Freude und Liebe im Leben.
What can be said of Bach and hid music that hasn't already been said? It is simply miraculous... While teams of engineers and scientists spend decades and billions of dollars to build tools to understand the universe, its majesty and mystery was made manifest in the music of this genius mind three hundred years ago...
The story developing from the initial melancholic and sad choral to the bombastic and glittering final one is just breathtaking. As usual performed by a superb ensemble, of course with the outstanding Ivan Podyomov at the obe. A true gem of baroc music. Thank you NBS!
"The story developing from the initial melancholic and sad choral" - the very first version of the cantata (from Bach of course) was to a funeral, with less sections; after with two parts and 11 sections, to "in ogni tempo" Bach wrote. "the bombastic...final" is a double fugue, and only Bach wrote them like that, and far from others, no one indeed, it's simple like that!
I've never heard this cantata before. Every time I hear your group perform, it feels like it gives me a little foretaste of Heaven. However, this particular one really made me smile more than usual, and cheered me up on what has been kind of a rough week. Thank you, thank you!! Blessings from Colorado, USA.
Sato no es solamente un gran violinista (su versión de la Ciaconna de la Partita 2 es excelente) sino un notable director. Gracias Nederland Bach Society. Y felicitaciones a solistas y orquesta.
Thank very much Sato San and all musicians and chorus/soloists. Thank you J S Bach. Thank all that made possible this wonderful jewel reach my heart and mind.
Oui, moi aussi, depuis ce moment, la musique de Bach me transporte jusqu'au ciel! L'assurance du règne de notre Dieu se trouve dans l'unité et l'authenticité des musiciens tous unis sur la direction irremplaçable de Sato.
J'éprouve une immense reconnaissance envers tous ces artistes qui, 274 après la mort de Bach, perpétuent l'oeuvre si majeure, éblouissante et bienfaisante du maître de Leipzig 🙏 Et quel duo de Stephanie True et Felix Schwandtke avec Komm, mein Jesu, un pur régal !
This is the first of Bach's Cantatas that I have listened to. It's wonderful to know that there are at least 70 more to look forward to, beautifully performed by the Netherlands Bach Society. Thank you!
Quel plaisir de revoir à nouveau Netherlands Bach Society explorer le monde fantastique des cantates de JS.Bach ! Bien sûr nous nous sommes régalés des divers concertos, symphonies, œuvres pour instrument solo etc mais je me disais, lointain néophyte, Qui va diriger de nouveau les cantates en succession du grand et si convivial Van Veldhoven puisque notre très aimé Sato semblait ne se consacrer qu’à son violon ? Allait-il diriger ? Hésitait-il ? Allait-il sauter le pas ? De France loin de votre activité mensuelle, bref je m’inquiétais… Hé bien voilà, nous découvrons avec joie et un grand bonheur, Sato en chef d’orchestre ! Bravissimo ! Et bravo à toute la Compagnie; bonne route ensemble et avec nous, Public international ! Good luck !
This was absolutely stunning; I first heard this performed by Leonhardt/Harnoncourt, which is rather a long time ago. It is one of my favourite cantatas and this performance blew me away. (That oboist is just unbelievable, if one must single out anyone.) Thank you so much NBS. Truly Bach is the master of all.
Toujours aussi merveilleux et émouvant, et comme toujours pour moi les tous meilleurs interprètes pour les œuvres de Johannes Sebastián BACH,... MERCI, DANKE !
I wish the Netherlands Bach Society would produce a video showing us how such a production is recorded, showing us the technicians at work. But also the creation, the composing, the practicing. This is a high quality production in my humble opinion.
Glory to the One who freely gives Everlasting Life to all who believe in Him for it (John 3:16) . This Cantata reflects the most precious and sublime truths of His matchless love .
Congratulations on completing one of Bach's most difficult Cantata's. This has always been one of my favourites of Bach. Difficult and Challenging vocally, instrumentally and logistically. The hardest part with all of this complexity and moving pieces, is keeping the excitement and emotionalism in tack and driving forward. Shunske Sato does an excellent job of directing this extraordinary Cantata. Ivan Podyomov oboe playing is magical and all of the soloists excel.
What a wonderful version of this famous piece! A year ago too. How can I have overlooked this? Unbelievable! Emotionally targeting me totally. My deepest praise to the performers.
Das ist sooo schön,ich weiß nicht, wie hab ich bisher ,ohne das stück zu genießen, leben können!!! Das ist wie Jesu selbst gehört zu haben. Übersteigt alles Lobpreis
Bach is the legend of all time. as always, i was listening to an excellent cantata work of Bach. Excellent orchestra , excellent chorus, excellent soloists, plus, excellent conductor. My congratulations to the whole music body. Thanks for uploading.
This is the most divine performance...I am sitting by a woodburning stove in candle light. In Mid Wales,..grieving + + for the loss of my beloved partner.Thankyou NBS for your uplifting and healing music...Elaine .
Beautiful, to me in a sombre way: the choir and players all positioned as if socially distanced, the dark garments, the restricted lighting, no audience. Yet when the music takes the choir, and they sway forward as one (6:20), the strength of the desire to be one is so present. Beam it out into the galaxy, in case civilisations wiser and better than human are watching and disapproving, so as to tell them 'Yes, but we can be like this'.
Magnificent performance, both in terms of execution and interpretation. Fantastic orchestra (magnificent oboe!) and vocally perfect soloists! One of the most beautiful performances I have ever heard!
Absolutely awesome! Mere mortal words cannot express how this performance truly reflects the text Bach lays out to us in all its magnificence. The facial expressions of the vocalists, singing or not, synchronize so perfectly with the praise and adorations conveyed in the final chorus. Amen, alleluia!
Surely this is THE music to heal the pain of 'these times' of violence and confusion. The human soul feels abandoned and rejected, in torment while the redemptive Light tenderly coaxes it back into loving connection. Deepest gratitude to all involved in the making of this exquisite and sublime video. Bravo!
A interpretação de Bach pelo "Netherlands Bach Society" é sublime, deixa-nos apaixonados pela música de altíssimo nível do mestre germânico. Dicção, sonoridade e instrumentação afinadíssimos. Excelente. Melhor interpretação da cantata "Ich hatte viel bekkümernis" que vi até hoje.
Quelle merveille !... Voilà ce qu'il nous faut en temps de pandémie ! Bach a vraiment tout compris de notre condition humaine ; plus que tous et avant tout, il sait que c'est par l'art seul que nous pouvons étancher cette soif de transcendance qui nous aiguillonne. L'énorme mérite de ce magnifique ensemble qu'est la NBS est de le comprendre également et de nous restituer le génie du Maître dans des interprétations absolument sublimes, tant par la qualité des artistes, musiciens et solistes, que par celle de la réalisation vidéo. Merci et bonne continuation dans votre magnifique projet : il est à la hauteur des plus grandes interprétations.
0:09 Sinfonia
3:08 Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (Chor)
7:13 Seufzer, Tränen (Arie)
11:55 Wie hast du dich (Rezitativ)
13:28 Bäche von gesalznen Zähren (Arie)
18:38 Was betrübst du dich (Chor)
22:17 Ach Jesu, meine Ruh (Rezitativ)
23:46 Komm, mein Jesu (Duett)
27:58 Sei nun wieder zufrieden (Chor)
32:42 Erfreue dich, Seele (Arie)
35:39 Das Lamm, das erwürget ist (Chor)
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥!!!!! (• ◡•)
Breath taken, left speechless! Masterpiece.Literally.
Merveilleux. Je n'ai pas de mots. Je vais la ré-écouter encore et encore. Merci.
Fantastisch! Ik heb deze uitvoering van deze Cantate vastgezet!
Ik ben zó blij met All Of Bach!
Jullie doen fantastisch werk!
Veel dank!
@@jerzysmol14 2xxggtgg
Bach, arguably the best antidepressant available, together with a brisk walk in the woods.
Oh yes indeed!
Yes, Bach, the walk and a dog.
For sure
Or a round of golf with a good friend..
La Musica Terapeutica di Bach mi ha aiutato a sconfiggere la mia Depressione Soli Deo Gloria onore al grande Kappellmeister di Lipsia 😊❤
Je pleure de bonheur. C'est le summum de la civilisation !
I will come back to this performance again and again. A gem! The instrumentalists and vocalists are superb. The oboist is magnificent.
Si señor
Please come Bach :)
@@ru99414 Why, yes! And for the reasons I gave. Their performance is quite wonderful!
I have two versions of this piece on my favorites of all time on my Spotify.
This one exceeds them both.
This is absolute euphoria. I literally burst into tears several times in this performance.
Ich schließe mich einem anderen Kommentar an: "Kaum in Worte zu fassen - einfach nur unglaublich." Und diese Aufführung ist phänomenal, exzellent, wunderschön!!
Ja "Bachs Musik ist immer wieder Balsam für Ohren, Geist und Seele."
Netherlands Bach is the most sublime ensemble in the world. Their renderings are transportive. Like the urtext editions that began more than half a century ago, this group has set THE standard for excellence in historical performance. Bravi, all.
exactly !
Bellísimo,obsolutamente bello
Them and Bach Collegium Japan are in a league of their own.
They transcend time and space in their presentations.
I could not agree more. Keeping the chorus small is part of the reason for the singular beauty of this recording. The physics of sound is such that eighteen voices can equal the volume of a much larger group while producing far less of what engineers call "noise" (everything other than the intended "signal"). At the same time, partly in consequence, the smaller group will sing with substantially greater precision at great benefit to purity of tone and clarity of enunciation. This is, indeed, a benchmark performance, setting a high standard to which other professional ensembles may profitably aspire. A thrilling rendition to the most jaded ear.
佐藤俊介 さん、素晴らしい演奏をありがとうございます。CD買いました。日本で演奏会には是非足を運びます。
Ik kan het niet beter zeggen en ben het helemaal met je eens! Ik mis hem bij de Bachvereniging😢
My brain could almost write a thesis on how wonderful this performance is, but my heart and soul just want to say Thank You!!!
I have the thesis, but RUclips doesn't give me enough space, says Fermat.
Точно так
Kaum in Worte zu fassen - einfach nur unglaublich.
Bachs Musik ist immer wieder Balsam für Ohren, Geist und Seele.
Katka and Love You❤😊❤
this is truly a gift for mankind.
gorgeous style from all players but the oboist is stellar. Bravo sir.
An excellent performance of my favorite cantata ... I call it the "Little Passion". Heard it for the first time after I was in a high speed collision with a semi that left me in a coma. Must have slept well then, for I didn't sleep again after I awoke from it. Not a wink - for three years. It was a sheer, unmitigated hell that left me looking for a way out on every upper story of a high-rise, at every busy street corner. Only an out-of-body experience, that showed me that pain, even torment, had value for the soul, held me back - grudgingly. It was then that I discovered Bach. First Glenn Gould's 1980 recording of the Goldberg Variations. I listened to it again and again for hours, days. That led to the Well-Tempered Clavier. Something about the counterpoint soothed my frenzied mind. Then I heard the Matthew Passion, which was mysteriously cathartic. Peter's failure was personal, the "Erbarme Dich" was my cry. At some point I found the cantatas, this was the first. It's quick succession from despair, the depths of abandonment, to that dancing dialog - "You hate me!" "No, I don't!". It takes us from utter Verzweiflung to hope again in under 40 minutes. Soli Deo gloria, sure, but Bach's music is like the healing waters of a heavenly health spa.
Such joy in the perfect blend of voices and instruments thankyou.
I am convinced that listening to Bach's music re-orders the wiring of the brain - gradually putting it into it's proper functioning state.
That sounds awful, I'm so glad you're better.
I feel so proud that the first violinist of this famous institute, has been chosen as their music director.
and is disappeared again.
@@3pan1 Where can i read about that if i may humbly ask?
I am speechless, again, the deep heavenly soothing sounds perfectly composed and performed, it fills my heart with joy!
Thank you Shunske Sato and to all performers.
Come descrivere questa cantata se non un opera capace di toccare ogni singola corda della nostra fragile anima. Oramai sono anni che mi trovo a convivere costantemente con un peso interiore che spesso mi fa dire “ne ho abbastanza”. A parte l’amore della mia famiglia Bach è l’unico compagno fedele a cui posso rivolgermi in qualsiasi momento, triste o felice che sia. Che siano lacrime di felicità, energia o tristezza spesso c’è lui ad accompagnarle. La mia battaglia non è ancora finita, anzi il contrario; ogni volta che penso all’indifferenza improvvisa di una persona per cui ho provato qualcosa, per la quale sono sempre stato disponibile, generoso come dovrebbe fare almeno chi si reputa amico, mi devasta. Dopo molte lacrime e sofferenze ho deciso di seppellire quel sentimento e desidero irrealizzabile per cercare di rimanere almeno amici. Ma sembra che io sia scomparso anche se davanti a lei, come chi ha amato il signore in vita ma abbandonato appena posto sulla croce.
Sospiri, lacrime, tristezza, miseria,
ansia timorosa, paura e morte
rodono il mio cuore oppresso,
sono pieno di afflizione e miseria.
Spesso quando leggo il testo di questa cantata vedo un eco con la mia anima piegata dalla sofferenza.
Viviamo accettando parte del nostro dolore ma non viviamo solo con esso, godiamoci i tanti bei doni che la vita ci pone dinnanzi anche nei momenti più oscuri. Godiamo del calore della famiglia, amiamo l’amico con le braccia aperte, accogliamolo e aiutiamolo nel bisogno; preghiamo per chi soffre malanni e subisce ingiustizie.
Grazie Bach per avermi accompagnato sempre, per avermi fatto scoprire parti di me sconosciute, grazie per avermi trasmesso l’amore per la fede che sempre accompagna la tua musica.
La souffrance n'est pas rédemptrice, comme les religions continuent à nous le faire ou laisser croire. Elle peut néanmoins susciter en nous de très utiles réflexions, utiles, peut-être nécessaires... Combien parmi ceux qui souffrent dans leur chair ou/et leur âme, n'ont-ils pour leurs semblables, eux aussi souffrants et meurtris, jamais d'empathie, aucune compassion ...quand de nombreuses personnes, parmi les plus empathiques, les plus compatissantes et réconfortantes, n'ont encore jamais vraiment souffert, dans leur chair ou dans leur âme, fort heureusement pour elles ? La souffrance ne rend pas forcément meilleur, et ceux, moins nombreux certes, qui n'ont jamais vraiment souffert, ne sont pas forcément plus indifférents aux souffrances d'autrui... Pouvoir s'imaginer la douleur des souffrants, et souffrir de les savoir souffrants, au point de les réconforter, de les aider à supporter leur souffrance. C'est là, de la part de ces êtres compatissants, ces êtres réconfortants, une grâce, certes pas des plus communes, toutefois sûrement une des plus belles, une des meilleures...
Mes mots ne seront peut-être pas pour vous des plus réconfortants, des plus efficaces, ils ne retentiront pas dans votre âme, et votre chair, comme cette Cantate BWV 21, ils participent cependant de la même grâce. Seulement, JS Bach, avec ses Cantates réconforte des millions de personnes, des millions de souffrants dans le monde, quand mes mots ne peuvent prétendre, de temps en temps, réconforter au mieux, qu'une famille, souvent qu'une personne. C'est le miracle de la musique (et de RUclips) de réconforter autant de souffrants. Avec la musique de JS Bach, cette grâce fait je le sais des miracles immensément plus grands. Et parce que c'est Jésus qui lui a sûrement inspiré ses plus grands chefs d'oeuvre, combien depuis plus de deux mille ans le miracle de Jésus Christ ressuscité (même en demeurant très factuel), a-t-il réconforter de femmes et d'hommes, plus ou moins, "grands", plus ou moins riches, ou puissants, mais tous ...souffrants ? Sa grâce, ses grâces, sont inspirantes. C'est peut-être ça aujourd'hui encore ce souffle divin, dont l'humanité a encore tant besoin. Encore faudrait-il qu'on sache chacun percevoir la moindre de ces grâces aussi avec le coeur, comme le plus petit miracle, nous, que n'émeuvent plus guère que les plus spectaculaires spectacles des sons et lumières, artificiels, le spectacle des arts sans messages aux vertus authentiquement humaines, où les technologies au service de la fiction aux vertus les plus illusoires, ont depuis longtemps détrônés l'intérêt des échanges humains naturels les plus nécessaires...
Je vous remercie Madame, d'avoir su avec vos mots, avec leur(s) grâce(s), inspirer les miens. Les fêtes de Noël, se profilent. Que la joie de vos proches vous inspirent, vous réconfortent et vous confortent dans votre intérêt des chose humaines, autant j'espère que le fera toujours la musique de JS Bach, et le souvenir des souffrances du Christ (quelles que soient les réalités historique de sa passion, et la foi et les doute qu'elle nous inspire). Didier Belmondo.
Uit de woestijn ten noorden van Saoedi-Arabië, bedankt
Only Bach could create the tremendous sadness expressed immediately by the choral part.
I agree with you. Bach expresses the negative emotions much better than the positive ones, I think. This has long been a favorite cantata of mine...
Una delle migliori esecuzioni per questo immenso capolavoro di Bach. Orchestra, direttore e cantanti magnifici.
This was the first Bach Cantata I had the opportunity to sing, as a 17 year-old baritone with barely a year’s voice lessons under my belt. It was 1988 or so with the Denton Bach Choir (Texas), with my dad at the helm, and I will never forget the first time reading through the final fugue. That experience hooked me on this music for the rest of my life.
Perfection in all aspects. Every performer has his part mastered to perfection yet no one is standing out on his own and in perfect harmony and united in this piece in Bach’s intention. It is not easy to achieve such level of performance and interpretation. Sato is truly talented as a conductor and leader, not just as violinist. He gives each player and singer autonomy and freedom of expression yet unites everyone in perfect balance. Such beauty and humanity.
Like our friend from China, I should love this glorious music to resonate in all the underground bunkers in Ukraine and on the streets so that the Russian soldiers might hear this also and detach themselves from the tragic fighting which is killing 100,s of them as well as the innocent Ukrainian people.God bless both sides and again a million thanks for this heavenly and timely music.Elaine.Cardiff. S Wales
I do agree with you Elaine... Olivier from Paris, France.
Perfectly said. Wonderful, wonderful, so many thanks to all!
😮iiii 0:53 0:53 😅😅😅😮😮😮😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 0:58
Keep coming back to this page. It means so much to me. Thank you!
The NBS is an endless miracle. "Bäche von gesalznen Zähren " is a monument of beauty. Just fantastic. What else to add ? we are all running out of superlatives
This performance reached a level of sublime perfection and divine grace that it seemed for a moment that the greatest composer of all time came back to life. Bravo
Wundervoll! Demokratische Art zu leiten und den einzelnen Künstlern den Raum zur Mit-Führung zu überlassen...
It is wonderfully addictive listening to this particular cantata, thank you to all Netherlands Bach Society members.
Just terrific. I don’t know what I’d do without the NBS! And Shunske Sato’s inspired, joyful direction is everything!
To think that all over the world we can listen to this magnificence. How I wish my mother was still here so we could enjoy this together !
Such perfection . My blessing to each one of you xxxx Australia.
MERCI, où que soit votre Maman, Bach partage sa musique chez les Élus, il est une emanation de Dieu💫✨💞🙏 🌟
Very moving, thank you to all the players and singers, and to Mr. Sato of course.
This is easily becoming my favorite RUclips channel.
This cantanta is one of the most heartstrucking, so emotive and deep!!!
Wow, Bach must be jumping up and down with joy! Wonderful!!!
Thank you to all who made it possible for me to experience this musical wonder, starting with Bach in the first place!❤
The first video topped my RUclips on my birthday, thank you UNIVERSE sending this algorithmic serendipity to me. Thank you Bach and the wonderful musicians. I am very grateful to be alive this very moment. 🙏🏻👵🏻🦋🧠🥰🌈
the social distancing adds another dimension to the overall sound. I like it
Right from the start you're in one of Bachs finest pieces of music he ever made. This sinfonia, unbelievable well played, is really sensational.
Close your eyes and hear how brilliant the instruments are interacting. This is one of a kind.
Ich höre es immer wieder.
It's a privilege living in the world where I can subscribe this channel.🤝
As a younger man I thought the most joy I could get from Bach performances was the string and keyboard works. As I get older, it's these works with Oboe interplay that are bowling me over. This Seufzer, Tränen Aria with the soprano is close to musical perfection.
Bach is always wonderful, but I find that he always gave his very best to the glorification of God. Blessings be upon you, my friend.
@@mathieuguillet4036 of course Bach always knew who deserve all the glory, worship and love .
Ich bin sprachlos. Seriously what are those voices and instrumentists??? Amazing!!!!!
A superb piece and a superb perfomance!
So habe ich Johann Sebastian Bach noch nie gehört, ernsthaft,gleichzeitig oder im nächsten Moment verspielt,ein Flirt mit dem ...Schicksal, der Person,die er über Alles liebt ?Voller Hoffnung und Kraft für die Zukunft.Scherzhaft,und tiefgründig,bei meisterhafter Musik,wie auch Solisten. Man hört zu und lächelt über die Leichtigkeit und Scherze,die verdeckte Botschaft ?, den Zuspruch des Komponisten zur Suche nach Freude und Liebe im Leben.
More anti-depressive than listening to Bach is only singing it!
Oboist was star of performance--all were superb!!! What glorious music!!!
I can’t get enough of this performance and of the incredible master stroke that this cantata is. Bravo Sato.
Ich freue mich, wenn man wieder ohne diese blöden Corona-Auflagen Konzerte anhören und besuchen kann! Danke, Danke!
This cantata is a masterpiece, and so is the interpretation, too! What a wonderful flirtation between the soul and Jesus :D
What can be said of Bach and hid music that hasn't already been said? It is simply miraculous... While teams of engineers and scientists spend decades and billions of dollars to build tools to understand the universe, its majesty and mystery was made manifest in the music of this genius mind three hundred years ago...
The story developing from the initial melancholic and sad choral to the bombastic and glittering final one is just breathtaking. As usual performed by a superb ensemble, of course with the outstanding Ivan Podyomov at the obe. A true gem of baroc music. Thank you NBS!
"The story developing from the initial melancholic and sad choral" - the very first version of the cantata (from Bach of course) was to a funeral, with less sections; after with two parts and 11 sections, to "in ogni tempo" Bach wrote. "the bombastic...final" is a double fugue, and only Bach wrote them like that, and far from others, no one indeed, it's simple like that!
I've never heard this cantata before. Every time I hear your group perform, it feels like it gives me a little foretaste of Heaven. However, this particular one really made me smile more than usual, and cheered me up on what has been kind of a rough week. Thank you, thank you!! Blessings from Colorado, USA.
Sato no es solamente un gran violinista (su versión de la Ciaconna de la Partita 2 es excelente) sino un notable director. Gracias Nederland Bach Society. Y felicitaciones a solistas y orquesta.
Komm, mein Jesu is just perfect. So beautiful. And the soprano is amazing!
…but of course the crown jewel is the movement that follows!
Thank very much Sato San and all musicians and chorus/soloists. Thank you J S Bach. Thank all that made possible this wonderful jewel reach my heart and mind.
meine aussi!
depuis que mon épouse est décédée, c'est Bach qui me soutient
Oui, moi aussi, depuis ce moment, la musique de Bach me transporte jusqu'au ciel! L'assurance du règne de notre Dieu se trouve dans l'unité et l'authenticité des musiciens tous unis sur la direction irremplaçable de Sato.
This Sinfonia gives me the chills even after 1000 times of listening in my life.
J'éprouve une immense reconnaissance envers tous ces artistes qui, 274 après la mort de Bach, perpétuent l'oeuvre si majeure, éblouissante et bienfaisante du maître de Leipzig 🙏 Et quel duo de Stephanie True et Felix Schwandtke avec Komm, mein Jesu, un pur régal !
Best music channel ever, what a treasure these performances are.
A most stunning performance all around. Felix Schwandtke’s vocals are delicious. And Sato’s direction perfection.
Святая по своему внутреннему настрою музыка. Тепло души, её чистота. И её сила. Спасибо!
I literally stopped working to hear the soprano aria. This is the BEST performance I've heard of this aria ever...OMG Stefanie is WONDERFUL
one of the best musical performances I ever witnessed - cultural heritage of mankind!!
This is the first of Bach's Cantatas that I have listened to. It's wonderful to know that there are at least 70 more to look forward to, beautifully performed by the Netherlands Bach Society. Thank you!
Quel plaisir de revoir à nouveau Netherlands Bach Society explorer le monde fantastique des cantates de JS.Bach ! Bien sûr nous nous sommes régalés des divers concertos, symphonies, œuvres pour instrument solo etc mais je me disais, lointain néophyte, Qui va diriger de nouveau les cantates en succession du grand et si convivial Van Veldhoven puisque notre très aimé Sato semblait ne se consacrer qu’à son violon ? Allait-il diriger ? Hésitait-il ? Allait-il sauter le pas ? De France loin de votre activité mensuelle, bref je m’inquiétais… Hé bien voilà, nous découvrons avec joie et un grand bonheur, Sato en chef d’orchestre ! Bravissimo ! Et bravo à toute la Compagnie; bonne route ensemble et avec nous, Public international ! Good luck !
The final choir is thrilling ! Goosebumps !
It's my most favorite piece among this cantata!
Soul food. Very moving. Thank you.
Heel mooi, bedankt alle uitvoerenden, thank you all musiciens and tecnical supporters
This was absolutely stunning; I first heard this performed by Leonhardt/Harnoncourt, which is rather a long time ago. It is one of my favourite cantatas and this performance blew me away. (That oboist is just unbelievable, if one must single out anyone.) Thank you so much NBS. Truly Bach is the master of all.
Toujours aussi merveilleux et émouvant, et comme toujours pour moi les tous meilleurs interprètes pour les œuvres de Johannes Sebastián BACH,... MERCI, DANKE !
I'm in tears. This performance touched me to the core! Thank you seems so inadequate to express the profound gratitude in my heart.
As am I.
The first Bach Cantata I ever bought when I was a boy in the early 70s, and still my favourite.
I wish the Netherlands Bach Society would produce a video showing us how such a production is recorded, showing us the technicians at work. But also the creation, the composing, the practicing. This is a high quality production in my humble opinion.
Glory to the One who freely gives Everlasting Life to all who believe in Him for it (John 3:16) .
This Cantata reflects the most precious and sublime truths of His matchless love .
Qué maravilla de Oboe¡¡¡ Un sonido celestial¡¡ Gracias¡¡
Congratulations on completing one of Bach's most difficult Cantata's. This has always been one of my favourites of Bach. Difficult and Challenging vocally, instrumentally and logistically. The hardest part with all of this complexity and moving pieces, is keeping the excitement and emotionalism in tack and driving forward. Shunske Sato does an excellent job of directing this extraordinary Cantata. Ivan Podyomov oboe playing is magical and all of the soloists excel.
Even geen zorgen bij het horen van deze muziek van BACH!!!
What a wonderful version of this famous piece! A year ago too. How can I have overlooked this? Unbelievable! Emotionally targeting me totally.
My deepest praise to the performers.
Une merveille absolue. Chaque mot est de trop. Écouter. Et se taire.
3 écoutes aujourd'hui ......un vrai bonheur . Le duo est un vrai chant d'amour exprimé avec cette complicité si palpable . Merci !
Das ist sooo schön,ich weiß nicht, wie hab ich bisher ,ohne das stück zu genießen, leben können!!! Das ist wie Jesu selbst gehört zu haben. Übersteigt alles Lobpreis
Grandioos, muziek, uitleg erover, opnames , Shunske Sato en zijn musici and everything in All of Bach ♡
Wspaniała! Dla mnie ta kantata to jedno z największych osiągnięć w całej historii muzyki.
Wykonanie i realizacja wizualna NBS - fantastyczne.
Acompanho e admiro muito a Netherlands Bach Society.
Bach is the legend of all time. as always, i was listening to an excellent cantata work of Bach. Excellent orchestra , excellent chorus, excellent soloists, plus, excellent conductor. My congratulations to the whole music body. Thanks for uploading.
This is the most divine performance...I am sitting by a woodburning stove in candle light. In Mid Wales,..grieving + + for the loss of my beloved partner.Thankyou NBS for your uplifting and healing music...Elaine .
Wauw Nederlandse Bach vereniging🌷🇭🇺❤
Zo troostrijk in deze tijd😘
Beautiful, to me in a sombre way: the choir and players all positioned as if socially distanced, the dark garments, the restricted lighting, no audience. Yet when the music takes the choir, and they sway forward as one (6:20), the strength of the desire to be one is so present. Beam it out into the galaxy, in case civilisations wiser and better than human are watching and disapproving, so as to tell them 'Yes, but we can be like this'.
Magnificent performance, both in terms of execution and interpretation. Fantastic orchestra (magnificent oboe!) and vocally perfect soloists! One of the most beautiful performances I have ever heard!
Stefanie True is an incredible soloist. The depth of her voice during "Suefzer, Traenen" (7:13) just shakes me to my core.
You say True and I say Thank You!
合唱が始まって、私は突然何故か、涙が出た。指揮Violinistのshunsuke satoとは佐藤さんでしょうか。日本人がバッハをこれ程に厳しく乾いて解釈している姿勢にBravo!
Absolutely awesome! Mere mortal words cannot express how this performance truly reflects the text Bach lays out to us in all its magnificence. The facial expressions of the vocalists, singing or not, synchronize so perfectly with the praise and adorations conveyed in the final chorus. Amen, alleluia!
Surely this is THE music to heal the pain of 'these times' of violence and confusion. The human soul feels abandoned and rejected, in torment while the redemptive Light tenderly coaxes it back into loving connection. Deepest gratitude to all involved in the making of this exquisite and sublime video. Bravo!
A interpretação de Bach pelo "Netherlands Bach Society" é sublime, deixa-nos apaixonados pela música de altíssimo nível do mestre germânico. Dicção, sonoridade e instrumentação afinadíssimos. Excelente. Melhor interpretação da cantata "Ich hatte viel bekkümernis" que vi até hoje.
Muito obrigado.
Abraços de Portugal.
Beautiful, complex, well done; blessings on all the musicians who made this happen.
Words are simply inadequate. Divine perfection!!! I could listen to this group all day long. Thank you for sharing!
Congratulations to Shunsuke Sato. This performance is the best, I ever heard!
Welch eine meisterliche Aufführung. Grandios. Herzlichen Dank für diese Interpretation.
Quelle merveille !... Voilà ce qu'il nous faut en temps de pandémie ! Bach a vraiment tout compris de notre condition humaine ; plus que tous et avant tout, il sait que c'est par l'art seul que nous pouvons étancher cette soif de transcendance qui nous aiguillonne. L'énorme mérite de ce magnifique ensemble qu'est la NBS est de le comprendre également et de nous restituer le génie du Maître dans des interprétations absolument sublimes, tant par la qualité des artistes, musiciens et solistes, que par celle de la réalisation vidéo. Merci et bonne continuation dans votre magnifique projet : il est à la hauteur des plus grandes interprétations.