GW is in a unique spot where we essentially have no idea how GW will portray EC as Slaneesh followers, other than the color schemes and of course demonic weird stuff coming out of them, the basic template of all CSM factions. How will GW lean in to "excess" when it comes to Slaneesh, or if they even do that? No doubt we will get Lucius, Fulgrim, and noise marines but what else after that is the big question. What do elites and standard HQ's look like? Will they get vehicles, calvary, or flyers? Do they lean more into the snake aesthetic with Fulgrim or torture/bdms type things like the AoS Hedonites of Slanessh do. Im curious how GW handles this because this could either go over very well or fall flat
I would love it if they all resembled the Noise Marine from awhile back that had the guitar bolter. I know it will never happen but man, that would be such a funny army to build.
@@Alino- That would be incredibly disappointing. Yes, I want noise marines, no question. But they’re only a part of Emperor’s Children, only a minority really. Having the entire army based around that aesthetic would just show me that GW didn’t know what route to take, so got lazy.
What they could do for Eidolon Is make him one of those characters that has a generic character model but with a couple in box swaps he becomes a named character. Like Eternus or that Lord on Juggernaut for World Eaters. Call him like a *Lord of Decadence," or something.
I think we will get an EC reveal on Christmas Day. The Warhammer Community advent calendar has been leaving subtle hints every day. Im sure one day it was a piece of purple army and another was a speaker.
The idea that Emperor's Children won't get their own Legion-specific Cultist alternative is comical. Like, it's not even a question we'll get them. GW isn't going to give one to three out of the four mono-god CSM factions, and NOT give it to the last one. (Besides, low cost chaff units mean GW can stuff them in the "value" boxes, keeping the points nice and low so customers have to buy more kits). The real question is: "What do Emperor's Children Not!Cultists look like?"
They might give them "Roaring Blades" which are the corrupted version of a guardsmen unit the "Righteous Blades" who used to serve the emperors children during the great crusade and turned traitor alongside them.
They haven't been included rumoured (but at this point all but confirmed) release list, could honestly see daemonettes filling the role! Bit of a nightmare for gw keeping slaaneshi cultists store friendly I assume lol
@@the_kieran_show Over in AoS, the explicit plan to make combined Mortal-Daemon mono-god armies didn't stop GW from giving each a bunch of mortal chaff. Why would it be different with Emperor's Children, especially since it would be deviating from the pattern of _every single_ previous mono-god Legion?
Apart from the obvious: Sunkillers Bikes (jetbikes would rock) New men of some sort Eidolon (unlikely) and Palatine Blades (preferably less corrupted in a body horror way and moreso excessively gaudy and proud)
I know it won't happen but I really want space marines riding seekers. We used to be able to take a sorcerer on seeker, I just want an excuse to get loads of dinosaur ant eaters.
We’ll definitely get an EC reveal on Christmas. Grotsmas advent had chaos symbol, purple paint, and a speaker as teaser images. We won’t get one, but I’d like to see a cool demon engine.
I hope that Noise Marine from a few years back comes back as a sergeant type character. It was eay too busy to be a basic troop, But it being a sergeant equivalent would be great.
Forgeworld used to do a squad of heavy weapons guys for EC that looked like awesome noise marines. If they brought similar to plastic they’d be awesome!
They've already started giving me stuff I'm looking for out of Emperor's Children. Those helmets definitely take some inspiration from the Myrmidesh Painbringers of AoS, which are some of my favorite non-hero Infantry GW has ever made. I'm hoping for some very ornate designs more like 30K/HH compared to a lot of the heavy metal aesthetics we got for them in prior iterations. This is why I want to see Phoenix Guard Terminators with all sorts of ornimentation and trim on them, painting experience be damned! Palatine Blades are another good call, I think those would make the perfect 3-man "bodyguard" unit for EC, though a sick part of me wants to see a 3 man squad of Snek-Marines on 50mm bases like Posessed. I like the idea of a Sonic Dread, but I'd rather see something like a snek-dread, or long, lithe, snek-like Daemon Engine if they get any unique vehicles. Also, the unique Cultist unit is inevitable Kieran, we have Tzaangor, Poxwalkers and Jakhals, EC are getting a Cultust unit. Finally, I REALLY want the box art to be Purple and Gold, just tie Pink and Black to Lucius and his Warbands, and it'll be OK in my book, but I always hated the black and pink look and I REALLY hope that Aeldari codex cover is a tease for what Emperor's Children will REALLY look like going forward!
Based on going through the other three Chaos Legions, I am expecting the following things: Fulgrim (though they might do it like Angron and release him a little later), Eidolon as a second named Character; a generic Lord Options which can possibly be built from the Eidolon Kit, new Noise Marines as Battleline; a unique cultist unit (possibly "Roaring Blades" as I mentioned in another comment), a Terminator like Unit possibly the Pheonix Guard. As for their last Unit, they might get something new, but I could see them getting a heavy Weapons team named the Kakophoni (which were the first Noise marines) or maybe they get Palatine Blades, which they could make stand out by giving them recognizable weapons from Xeno factions like Necron Phase Blades, Drukhair Klaive's, Votann Concussion Weapons, Aedari Ghost Blades/Axes and other non-imperial melee weapons, since they used to take good weapons from defeated Xenos. Since they didn't refresh Kharn I could see them not refreshing Lucius either, and I feel like otherwise they will simply get the same treatment like all the other Legions and get Rhino/Daemon Prince/Helbrute etc in addition to that. I doubt they will get a larger Range than World Eaters got at launch and looking at the other two, they don't have many more Unique units either (Death Guard mostly has extra Characters).
@@the_kieran_show They did it for Angron if I remember it correctly and both Death Guard and 1kSons came out before their primarchs too as far as I know. So I could see them release him around christmas for some extra sales.
Same give us them lead by new lucius. Save fulgrim for once aeldari and gaurd hype is done with. Although could give us a small teaser or silhouette of fulgrim or pheonix lords.
I see it as unlikely, but it would be interesting if EC got a detachment from grotsmas - the rule that would be gained here could be basically play-tested and with EC codex it would become an army rule. (like reverse of what is planned for Aeldari - current army rule will become a detachment rule) Other than that... I would like to keep some CSM units, like Venomcrawler, Heldrake or Discolord. Also, not have all units like noise marines, but have different forms of excess - that includes some polished, non-deranged figures - basically 40k version of Sigvald. Other than that... I would prefer to see specialized bikes over terminators. Or at least base those terminators on Tartatos terminators. (something in style of phoenix warden from HH) - those are seriously the best looking terminators in whole Warhammer.
I'm really hoping to see their terminators personally, because I just love the big beefy armor. Honestly if GW nails it they might sway me away from going Death Guard first....but that's a big might because I love the plague bois.
Really looking forward to EC everything we've seen so far looks really cool! Just hoping that they get all of a playable army rather than the half army launches we've seen previously....
It will absolutely be another half army launch. This seems like just GW's standard operating procedure these days. Release a new army with just enough unit options to make it technically playable. Just to gauge interest, and see how profitable future investments in the faction will be. Just look at Leagues of Votann. The only exceptions seem to be when it's time to do the antagonist army range refresh every new edition. Death Guard got a big push, because of that. Unfortunately, the timing just doesn't seem that way for EC.
I doubt they will do a bunch of guitar wielding Marines, but that is actually want I want. I love guitars. That one-off marine modeled after the old one is perfect for me.
I would want(but probably won’t get) a Lucius box to be like the thousand sons exalted sorcerer kit, I can make a few characters, but mostly come with all the bits for emperors children to kit-bash with.
Loved your Fulgrim on Pintrest, I'd take Fulgrim in plastic under £100. Ha removed the rest of the comment as I'm in total agreement with you. I mean they do still have Emporer's Children paint, if they don't use that on their own range...
I started researching EC lore after getting hyped up for release and they’ve become my favorite legion with Fulgrim as one of my favorite characters. I’m very excited since I’m planning for EC to be my first official 40k army but it’s been tough to not start World Eaters in the meantime while waiting.
I know Fabius Bile doesn't hugely associate with the Emperor's Children, anymore, but it'd be cool to see Terata (Enhanced Soldiers made by Bile) as a unit for EC and/or CSM. A Creations of Bile-themed detachment for either Emperor's Children (Or CSM with the Grotmas Calendar?) would also be nice. Maybe the Cultist Unit could be enhanced New Men dedicated to Slaanesh? Who knows!
I love the heresy colors so much I'll probably stick with that scheme however, depending on how the models sculpt look, I think there's room for me to reconsider
Mine is Fulgrim Lucius Eidolon/generic terminator Lord Noise Marines with either Sonic Cannons or Dual Scimilars and treat them like the Nids so each is a separate date sheet. Phoenix Terminators with Doom Sirens. Then give us standard Cultists (or just give us access to the AOS Slaanesh mortals to use as our cultists), DPs, Rhino, LR, Sorceror (MOE replacement so we look a little different), Maulerfiend (both), and Possessed because I just think they looks so Slaanesh Inspired and you have a pretty solid start for the army. And if they want to be cool actually do the rumored thing and give us the Slaagor from AOS as our 8Bound equivalent.
The EC followers/cultists in 30k were the artists - the writers, painters and composers. Have a dual kit where you can build them as artsy syberites, or bdsm torturers. I am leaning towards classic 30K color scheme, but i am going to test a Lilac / Screamer Pink combo while we wait.
Considering how good the new mortals of Hedonites of Slaanesh (eg Blissbarb Archers or Slickblade Seekers) look, I'd be fine with a cultist equivalent for Emperor's Children in that style. Big, fancy, snakey Fulgrim, Noise Marines and some high class melee Marines (like warptouched Palatine Blades) are the top priorities though.
I would like there Palatine Blades being there Battleline troop unit and the Noise Marians being Infantry. Also there defiantly gonna have some sort of Cultist unit, but what I really want (non-character wise) is Hellbrute w/ Sonic blaster to return.
Main thing I like many others want is a good generic foot lord, good Lucius update, Noise Marines, and then something fun for diversity. I will say i think the fear of one of the kits just being an upgrade sprue is a bit unfounded since none of the other 3 legions have done that at all in their brand new kits. Also i wonder if Slaangors will get ported over from AoS. Tzaangors got in, while Pestigors and Khorngors don't exist yet. So I'm curious if the Slaanesh beastmen will get in the EC book. They'd be an interesting 3 model 40mm units with only melee. Could step on a potential Palantine blade unit's toes but who knows.
Yes new noise marines for the metal heads need to get that dark angels battle box done first 😂 the lion taking longer than planned but worth it great model. Cheers
My wishlist: Plastic Fulgrim & Lucius Noise Marines as troops Kakophoni as not-Havocs New models for Bikes Phoenix Terminators I suspect we can see small teaser on 11.12.2024 and then big one on Christmas.
Whilst I personally don't care too much for EC or chaos in general. I do hope that GW does more than just the sexy route for excess. I'd love to see something down the route of a human that got so deep in their love of money that Slaanesh turned that into red hot coins pouring out of their arms always getting more of what they covet but at a great cost of agony to themselves
Emperor's Children are supposed to be paragons of perfection right? Having them be the small units of elites faction of CSM would make a lot of sense, and would be a way to make it so each model has a lot of personality. I'd also like a Terminator unit where the armor is like a facade of their former elegant perfection with a bunch of nasty freakishness stuffed into it.
Lucius being a dual kit would be a disappointment, he deserves his own thing as the mortal champion of Slaanesh like Kharn, Typhus and Ahriman. Eidolon could be a good dual kit option for leading a squad of noise marines though
@the_kieran_show if they ain't making one, I am. Also hoping they merge in daemons to the 4 cult books. So we can summon Daemonettes using a Warp Amp mounted on a Rhino 🤘
I feel like we shouldn’t use the World Eaters release as a baseline for the Emperor’s Children release. WE was an insanely unpopular release because of how bare bones it was, and the army still is. I’d hope, though I wouldn’t fault putting stock in GW’s incompetence, they would have learned from that mistake.
Can't wait for this! Not that I need another army. Can see Fulgrim, Noise Marines as Battle line, a 3 man kit for sonic blasters, Lucius and something close combat and that's it. I feel like daemonettes will be the pox walkers for EC.
They're going to drop the ball on Emperors Children big time. They'll be so generic, vain, arrogant, Chaos Space Marines it'll be painful. Noise Marines will be their eightbound style 3 man flavour units. EC Legionnaires which will be an upgrade sprue to the normal unit. A sadist cult style filler cultists unit which will be the most un pg 13 unit in the range. And the two elite terminator units in a dual kit. Fulgrim as an impressive centre piece. Lucius will be a double kit with alternative breast plate, head and weapons to make a generic EC lord. That's my predictions.
@the_kieran_show seriously hope I'm wrong. But I can see them just not pushing the sex drugs whips chains and rock n roll elements that have characterised Emperors Children and Slaanesh till now. More and more movement has been towards PG friendly, generic SciFi in recent years with GW, particularly with 40k. I think I'm more likely to be wrong on the limited number of units, characters and vehicles than on how bland I expect it'll all be. God I'm cynical at times!
I cannot wait for Emperor's Children. The most excited I've been for anything Warhammer in a long time
Likewise! 😈
Woah buddy your excitement is getting a bit excessive
GW is in a unique spot where we essentially have no idea how GW will portray EC as Slaneesh followers, other than the color schemes and of course demonic weird stuff coming out of them, the basic template of all CSM factions. How will GW lean in to "excess" when it comes to Slaneesh, or if they even do that? No doubt we will get Lucius, Fulgrim, and noise marines but what else after that is the big question. What do elites and standard HQ's look like? Will they get vehicles, calvary, or flyers? Do they lean more into the snake aesthetic with Fulgrim or torture/bdms type things like the AoS Hedonites of Slanessh do. Im curious how GW handles this because this could either go over very well or fall flat
I would love it if they all resembled the Noise Marine from awhile back that had the guitar bolter. I know it will never happen but man, that would be such a funny army to build.
That would be incredibly disappointing. Yes, I want noise marines, no question. But they’re only a part of Emperor’s Children, only a minority really. Having the entire army based around that aesthetic would just show me that GW didn’t know what route to take, so got lazy.
Yeah this is a really good point. Be interesting to see how then align with Slaneesh and how….weird they are
@@rickkcir2151 Well, could happen. For the World Eaters release the also just doubled down on "World Eaters is just chainaxe go brrr"
@Alino- lol I think that's what some would prefer. Changed up the color scheme and I'd love to see a marching bands worth of EC on table
I’d like to see the Doom Rider. This is a golden opportunity to refresh the Chaos Bikers and an upgrade sprue for the character
That would be wicked!!
❌️ No step on SNEK
✅️ SNEK step on me
Ah yes of course 😂
The Snek's Dilemma. "I have no feet and I must step".
What they could do for Eidolon Is make him one of those characters that has a generic character model but with a couple in box swaps he becomes a named character. Like Eternus or that Lord on Juggernaut for World Eaters. Call him like a *Lord of Decadence," or something.
Yeah this could work!
I think we will get an EC reveal on Christmas Day. The Warhammer Community advent calendar has been leaving subtle hints every day. Im sure one day it was a piece of purple army and another was a speaker.
Yeah agreed!
Valrak leaked that that’s the case.
The idea that Emperor's Children won't get their own Legion-specific Cultist alternative is comical. Like, it's not even a question we'll get them. GW isn't going to give one to three out of the four mono-god CSM factions, and NOT give it to the last one. (Besides, low cost chaff units mean GW can stuff them in the "value" boxes, keeping the points nice and low so customers have to buy more kits).
The real question is: "What do Emperor's Children Not!Cultists look like?"
They might give them "Roaring Blades" which are the corrupted version of a guardsmen unit the "Righteous Blades" who used to serve the emperors children during the great crusade and turned traitor alongside them.
Depends how things like demonettes fit into the equation (they are demons though)
They haven't been included rumoured (but at this point all but confirmed) release list, could honestly see daemonettes filling the role! Bit of a nightmare for gw keeping slaaneshi cultists store friendly I assume lol
@@the_kieran_show Over in AoS, the explicit plan to make combined Mortal-Daemon mono-god armies didn't stop GW from giving each a bunch of mortal chaff. Why would it be different with Emperor's Children, especially since it would be deviating from the pattern of _every single_ previous mono-god Legion?
Apart from the obvious:
Bikes (jetbikes would rock)
New men of some sort
Eidolon (unlikely)
and Palatine Blades (preferably less corrupted in a body horror way and moreso excessively gaudy and proud)
I know it won't happen but I really want space marines riding seekers. We used to be able to take a sorcerer on seeker, I just want an excuse to get loads of dinosaur ant eaters.
Ooooh that would be sick!
Tbf the exalted steeds from AoS slickblade seekers are probably big enough.
Don’t noise marine, sometimes have sonic mounts?
We’ll definitely get an EC reveal on Christmas. Grotsmas advent had chaos symbol, purple paint, and a speaker as teaser images. We won’t get one, but I’d like to see a cool demon engine.
Yeah hope so!
I hope that Noise Marine from a few years back comes back as a sergeant type character.
It was eay too busy to be a basic troop, But it being a sergeant equivalent would be great.
That’s a good point!
Forgeworld used to do a squad of heavy weapons guys for EC that looked like awesome noise marines. If they brought similar to plastic they’d be awesome!
Just imagine 🤤
@ I’m trying no too. The bank can’t take it 😂
Imagine a duel plastic kit where you either equip them as regular Noise Marines, or Heavy Noise Marines, depending on what weapons you choose.
They've already started giving me stuff I'm looking for out of Emperor's Children. Those helmets definitely take some inspiration from the Myrmidesh Painbringers of AoS, which are some of my favorite non-hero Infantry GW has ever made. I'm hoping for some very ornate designs more like 30K/HH compared to a lot of the heavy metal aesthetics we got for them in prior iterations. This is why I want to see Phoenix Guard Terminators with all sorts of ornimentation and trim on them, painting experience be damned! Palatine Blades are another good call, I think those would make the perfect 3-man "bodyguard" unit for EC, though a sick part of me wants to see a 3 man squad of Snek-Marines on 50mm bases like Posessed. I like the idea of a Sonic Dread, but I'd rather see something like a snek-dread, or long, lithe, snek-like Daemon Engine if they get any unique vehicles. Also, the unique Cultist unit is inevitable Kieran, we have Tzaangor, Poxwalkers and Jakhals, EC are getting a Cultust unit. Finally, I REALLY want the box art to be Purple and Gold, just tie Pink and Black to Lucius and his Warbands, and it'll be OK in my book, but I always hated the black and pink look and I REALLY hope that Aeldari codex cover is a tease for what Emperor's Children will REALLY look like going forward!
Mini snek Marines would be awesome!!
@@the_kieran_showYeah, if we can have Eightbound, we can have no stepee on snek-Marines.
I love Kieran. Also hot pink and black please, the scheme TT uses on theirs is the one
Hot Pink and Black Kieran coming up
Based on going through the other three Chaos Legions, I am expecting the following things: Fulgrim (though they might do it like Angron and release him a little later), Eidolon as a second named Character; a generic Lord Options which can possibly be built from the Eidolon Kit, new Noise Marines as Battleline; a unique cultist unit (possibly "Roaring Blades" as I mentioned in another comment), a Terminator like Unit possibly the Pheonix Guard. As for their last Unit, they might get something new, but I could see them getting a heavy Weapons team named the Kakophoni (which were the first Noise marines) or maybe they get Palatine Blades, which they could make stand out by giving them recognizable weapons from Xeno factions like Necron Phase Blades, Drukhair Klaive's, Votann Concussion Weapons, Aedari Ghost Blades/Axes and other non-imperial melee weapons, since they used to take good weapons from defeated Xenos.
Since they didn't refresh Kharn I could see them not refreshing Lucius either, and I feel like otherwise they will simply get the same treatment like all the other Legions and get Rhino/Daemon Prince/Helbrute etc in addition to that. I doubt they will get a larger Range than World Eaters got at launch and looking at the other two, they don't have many more Unique units either (Death Guard mostly has extra Characters).
Some really good points here! Releasing Fulgrim later like you mentioned would be a good move to keep the hype up!
@@the_kieran_show They did it for Angron if I remember it correctly and both Death Guard and 1kSons came out before their primarchs too as far as I know. So I could see them release him around christmas for some extra sales.
So 1 thing that has to be thought about is what units the renders that have been previewed go on and I think the answer is the palentine equivilants.
Pls Santa, it's my only Christmas wish
Same give us them lead by new lucius. Save fulgrim for once aeldari and gaurd hype is done with. Although could give us a small teaser or silhouette of fulgrim or pheonix lords.
I see it as unlikely, but it would be interesting if EC got a detachment from grotsmas - the rule that would be gained here could be basically play-tested and with EC codex it would become an army rule. (like reverse of what is planned for Aeldari - current army rule will become a detachment rule)
Other than that... I would like to keep some CSM units, like Venomcrawler, Heldrake or Discolord. Also, not have all units like noise marines, but have different forms of excess - that includes some polished, non-deranged figures - basically 40k version of Sigvald.
Other than that... I would prefer to see specialized bikes over terminators. Or at least base those terminators on Tartatos terminators. (something in style of phoenix warden from HH) - those are seriously the best looking terminators in whole Warhammer.
Yeah would be interesting to see from Grotmas as they did give them their own index!
I'm really hoping to see their terminators personally, because I just love the big beefy armor. Honestly if GW nails it they might sway me away from going Death Guard first....but that's a big might because I love the plague bois.
Some terminators would be amazing!
The Terminators are the best parts of the Thousand Sons and Death Guard ranges, totally agree!
Bikes, the EC can bring bikes
Ooh, imagine if they brought back Doomrider as a duel build with a generic EC Biker Lord. That would be fun.
Man, why didn’t I think of that. That’s amazing!
This is actually a really good idea, Like half of the Hedonites line are mounted humans so giving EC like demon engine bikers would be really cool.
Why do people say that? EC have nothing to do with bikes
Really looking forward to EC everything we've seen so far looks really cool!
Just hoping that they get all of a playable army rather than the half army launches we've seen previously....
Us too!
It will absolutely be another half army launch. This seems like just GW's standard operating procedure these days. Release a new army with just enough unit options to make it technically playable. Just to gauge interest, and see how profitable future investments in the faction will be. Just look at Leagues of Votann.
The only exceptions seem to be when it's time to do the antagonist army range refresh every new edition. Death Guard got a big push, because of that. Unfortunately, the timing just doesn't seem that way for EC.
If the year is anything to go by we need a enough to fill not just release box but also a combat patrol
Very true!
To be fair, it's not like Combat Patrol boxes these days include that many models anyway.
Doesn't necessarily have to be all new stuff for the release box though. They could slide a rhino or a generic demon engine or two in there.
I doubt they will do a bunch of guitar wielding Marines, but that is actually want I want. I love guitars. That one-off marine modeled after the old one is perfect for me.
If only 🫠
I would want(but probably won’t get) a Lucius box to be like the thousand sons exalted sorcerer kit, I can make a few characters, but mostly come with all the bits for emperors children to kit-bash with.
Truthfully I don't think we're EVER getting as good a box as the Exalted Sorcerer's again
Fulgrim has to pull of the Smug Loki face
Oh absolutely
Loved your Fulgrim on Pintrest, I'd take Fulgrim in plastic under £100.
Ha removed the rest of the comment as I'm in total agreement with you. I mean they do still have Emporer's Children paint, if they don't use that on their own range...
Good point about the paint hahahaha
I started researching EC lore after getting hyped up for release and they’ve become my favorite legion with Fulgrim as one of my favorite characters. I’m very excited since I’m planning for EC to be my first official 40k army but it’s been tough to not start World Eaters in the meantime while waiting.
It's going to be a very fun year!
Just don’t f@ck up noise Marines, just don’t f@ck up noise marines, just don’t f@ck up noise marines (and I really want sonic dreads)
Pls I beg
I'm so looking forward to the new Fulgrim. Also hoping for Palatine Blades in the same vain as Inner Circle Companions and Bladeguard
Pls pls pls Palatine Blades 🩷
Looking forward to the Christmas Day reveal
As are we!
I know Fabius Bile doesn't hugely associate with the Emperor's Children, anymore, but it'd be cool to see Terata (Enhanced Soldiers made by Bile) as a unit for EC and/or CSM. A Creations of Bile-themed detachment for either Emperor's Children (Or CSM with the Grotmas Calendar?) would also be nice.
Maybe the Cultist Unit could be enhanced New Men dedicated to Slaanesh? Who knows!
Yeah be interesting to seen where Bile and his creations land. Maybe they will get their own detachment?
I love the heresy colors so much I'll probably stick with that scheme however, depending on how the models sculpt look, I think there's room for me to reconsider
Could knock out a few test models while you wait!
Mine is
Eidolon/generic terminator Lord
Noise Marines with either Sonic Cannons or Dual Scimilars and treat them like the Nids so each is a separate date sheet.
Phoenix Terminators with Doom Sirens.
Then give us standard Cultists (or just give us access to the AOS Slaanesh mortals to use as our cultists), DPs, Rhino, LR, Sorceror (MOE replacement so we look a little different), Maulerfiend (both), and Possessed because I just think they looks so Slaanesh Inspired and you have a pretty solid start for the army. And if they want to be cool actually do the rumored thing and give us the Slaagor from AOS as our 8Bound equivalent.
Sounds good 🫡🫡🫡
The EC followers/cultists in 30k were the artists - the writers, painters and composers.
Have a dual kit where you can build them as artsy syberites, or bdsm torturers.
I am leaning towards classic 30K color scheme, but i am going to test a Lilac / Screamer Pink combo while we wait.
Good idea to test it before hand! Really nail it down
I want the guy with guitar to get his own datasheet, he's my favourite model of all time. I want unique cultists , not daemonettes or slaangors.
Be interesting to see if the incorporate him into the book!
Considering how good the new mortals of Hedonites of Slaanesh (eg Blissbarb Archers or Slickblade Seekers) look, I'd be fine with a cultist equivalent for Emperor's Children in that style.
Big, fancy, snakey Fulgrim, Noise Marines and some high class melee Marines (like warptouched Palatine Blades) are the top priorities though.
Yeah those do look wicked!
I would like there Palatine Blades being there Battleline troop unit and the Noise Marians being Infantry. Also there defiantly gonna have some sort of Cultist unit, but what I really want (non-character wise) is Hellbrute w/ Sonic blaster to return.
That would be so much fun!
Main thing I like many others want is a good generic foot lord, good Lucius update, Noise Marines, and then something fun for diversity.
I will say i think the fear of one of the kits just being an upgrade sprue is a bit unfounded since none of the other 3 legions have done that at all in their brand new kits.
Also i wonder if Slaangors will get ported over from AoS. Tzaangors got in, while Pestigors and Khorngors don't exist yet. So I'm curious if the Slaanesh beastmen will get in the EC book. They'd be an interesting 3 model 40mm units with only melee. Could step on a potential Palantine blade unit's toes but who knows.
Yeah it will be interesting to see what happens with those demons!
Yes new noise marines for the metal heads need to get that dark angels battle box done first 😂 the lion taking longer than planned but worth it great model. Cheers
Too many minis, too little time 🥲
Red gobbo, the guy in the big red coat
Who could forget sweet Gobbo
I really hope they bring back the Sonic Dreadnaught
Omg can you imagine
After watching rocky horror show last night, I wouldn’t mind seeing cultists dressed up in that sort of fashion for EC 🤣
My wishlist:
Plastic Fulgrim & Lucius
Noise Marines as troops
Kakophoni as not-Havocs
New models for Bikes
Phoenix Terminators
I suspect we can see small teaser on 11.12.2024 and then big one on Christmas.
Noise Marines AND Kakophoni is a great shout
Fabius Bile? Reckon he'll come across into the range, or stay as a CSM character? Be odd not to see him with the rest of his pink boys
Yeah, probably end up with a detachment!
I just want to build a Noise Marine band. Maybe a saxophone, bagpipes and a pipe organ?
Bagpipes would be wicked!
@the_kieran_show Can you imagine a helbrute with organ pipes in the back? I'm already sold.
Whilst I personally don't care too much for EC or chaos in general. I do hope that GW does more than just the sexy route for excess. I'd love to see something down the route of a human that got so deep in their love of money that Slaanesh turned that into red hot coins pouring out of their arms always getting more of what they covet but at a great cost of agony to themselves
Us too!
Emperor's Children are supposed to be paragons of perfection right? Having them be the small units of elites faction of CSM would make a lot of sense, and would be a way to make it so each model has a lot of personality. I'd also like a Terminator unit where the armor is like a facade of their former elegant perfection with a bunch of nasty freakishness stuffed into it.
That’s a good point! Would add a lot of flavour!
It’s the cultists I’m looking forward to, weirdo that I am.
I haven't heard anything about cultists, do you think they'll just use the ones already available?
@ nah special sexy cultists I reckon. Probably Jojo-ish.
I think EC will get a WE release...Fulgrim, Lucius, special cultists and battleline, etc
Yeah I think you're right!
Totally different subject for a kit bash orc servitors with human synthetic skin read it this afternoon I thought of you 😂
As a WE player.... I really hope EC get a full ranges.
I think they will, but it'll be in waves similar to WE
@@the_kieran_show urgh... guess I'll just set a reminder for 2026 before looking at them then?
I hope they get some super gross and cool unique cultist equivalent
That would be super cool!
Lucius being a dual kit would be a disappointment, he deserves his own thing as the mortal champion of Slaanesh like Kharn, Typhus and Ahriman. Eidolon could be a good dual kit option for leading a squad of noise marines though
Yeah I think that's a fair point!
So we need Full snek man to look like Dio 😎
Hahaha yes 🤣
Warp Amp 🔊
Yes yes yes
@the_kieran_show if they ain't making one, I am. Also hoping they merge in daemons to the 4 cult books. So we can summon Daemonettes using a Warp Amp mounted on a Rhino 🤘
With noise marines, noise doesn’t travel through space? 👀
Good point 😂
I really want to see it with the snake demon head with hair but his human face in the chest cavity of a more snaky body if that makes sense
It certainly does and I think you're right. Big sexy snake please Mr GW.
Special chaos treat being just a new faction and codices for each army doesn’t sit right. There has to be a big release that’s hidden away.
It is a strange one I admit. Chaos often feels like an afterthought considering how massive the possibilities are.
I want Doomrider, though I know for a fact that’s not gonna happen
We can pray!
I feel like we shouldn’t use the World Eaters release as a baseline for the Emperor’s Children release. WE was an insanely unpopular release because of how bare bones it was, and the army still is. I’d hope, though I wouldn’t fault putting stock in GW’s incompetence, they would have learned from that mistake.
Can't wait for this! Not that I need another army. Can see Fulgrim, Noise Marines as Battle line, a 3 man kit for sonic blasters, Lucius and something close combat and that's it.
I feel like daemonettes will be the pox walkers for EC.
Yeah good point about daemonettes actually!
They're going to drop the ball on Emperors Children big time. They'll be so generic, vain, arrogant, Chaos Space Marines it'll be painful. Noise Marines will be their eightbound style 3 man flavour units. EC Legionnaires which will be an upgrade sprue to the normal unit. A sadist cult style filler cultists unit which will be the most un pg 13 unit in the range. And the two elite terminator units in a dual kit. Fulgrim as an impressive centre piece. Lucius will be a double kit with alternative breast plate, head and weapons to make a generic EC lord. That's my predictions.
I think it'd be a shame if it's lackluster for sure. Let's hope it's not!
@the_kieran_show seriously hope I'm wrong. But I can see them just not pushing the sex drugs whips chains and rock n roll elements that have characterised Emperors Children and Slaanesh till now. More and more movement has been towards PG friendly, generic SciFi in recent years with GW, particularly with 40k. I think I'm more likely to be wrong on the limited number of units, characters and vehicles than on how bland I expect it'll all be. God I'm cynical at times!
bring back Doomrider!
Purple and Gold is based and should be the colors for the 40K 3rd legion. Hot pink and black is garbage….
Ouch 😂
Baby girl pink with black trim looks awful.
Black armour with magenta elements might work though.
Purple and gold is the best look IMO.
Definitely the magenta tone with an electric pink highlight!