Reach us on Instagram with your requests and feedback and make sure to check out Andrei’s channel if you have not already: Shahrzad ( Bahador (@BahadorAlast): Andrei’s channel:
Dear Bahador I just noticed that you've had Andrei in your videos for a while now and you've made quite a few videos comparing Romanian with other (European) languages so how come you haven't done a video comparing Romanian and Persian?I'm sure you know they are both Indo-European so finding cognates between them shouldn't be a difficult task.right now I know one word which is the same in Romanian and that's دشمن :) Anyways hope you can manage a video with Mahtab competing with Andrei and I hope that Mahtab wins:D oh,and please bring Serena on the camera more often because we would love to see her
malolelei Thank you my friend! That's a great idea and we've thought about doing it. Each time that Andrei came over we were doing a different language so we just say, we'll do Persian and Romanian another time. So for sure, we'll do it in the future. We all appreciate your lovely message :) sepasgozaram!
Romanian is my favourite language, such a beautiful language. For me it was easy to learn, I'm from Spain The latin language of Eastern Europe, amazing language
You're amazing ! As a Romanian I think the grammar is quite hard, but systematic! Even we Romanians are sometimes questioning if we are correct or not (I personally do :D) 😅😅😂
@alejandro alex 9990 - Back in 1999, I've visited Spain on a 2 week tour. The local guide in Madrid, enumerated the Latin languages to our English speaking group, INTENTIONALLY skipping the Romanian. Once he finished his explanations, I approached him and told him that there is another Latin language : Romanian. He seemed to be embarrassed and made a clear grimace. PS - are you really a Spaniard or just a Romanian living in Spain ? (alejandro - alex ?????????????)
I am French I agree her french accent is terrible. The women is NOT French Maybe english speaker from Canada but definitly not French speaker. By the way I love Romania and Romanian language 💖
@@yellowdoritos oui, mais our-s avec un s est beaucoup plus fréquent. et tout le monde sait que c'est ainsi qu'il faut le prononcer, à moins de n'être jamais allé à l'école... ou alors de venir d'une région assez éloignée...
I speak Italian and French I find that Romanian is closer to Italian than to French in general Romanian is a Latin language that was influenced by Slavic languages merci, grazie, mulțumesc, شكرا
In fact french is closer to italian that roumanian to Italian. But the sound is french ( Paris dialect) has changed a lot . Just like in a family you make look more like your cousin than brother.
She has a big Quebec accent and for people who doesn't speak French it's the hardest accent to understand, the Romanian guy was going to have easier to understand if it was a French or a Belgian
@Finn MickCool I know I'm a French speaker but her accent is particularly difficult especially for foreign people French or Belgian accent would be quite easier
@@lucascordaro6634 I am a Romanian speaking French. No, a native French speaker would have been harder to comprehend, they would speak too "harsh" for us and the difference in accentuation will definitely hinder the understanding. Please note that he repeatedly asks to read or to pronounce the word by each letter: we use almost the same letters for common (between French and Romanian) words. They didn't choose the word "water" :) In Romanian it would be "apa" and in French it would be "eau". Good luck to any Romanian to understand it :) On the other hand, we have very many substantives common with French; very many verbs are different (simple examples: alerga - courir - to run; gindi - penser - to think; citi - lire - to read). This type of exercise would be insanely more complex if they would be having a conversation (2 people in one language, 2 people in another language, trying to understand). If I would have to compare to italian, again, very many common words. But me (and not only me), without studying italian or latin, nor living/visiting Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brasil I will understand maybe 10% of the spoken italian on the street (on tv is easier, their pronunciation is clearer) and about 20-30% written Italian. If we will translate this type of exercise to French, a Romanian without studying French will not understand most of the spoken or written French. Maybe we would understand 1%?
Son accent n'est pas purement québécois. Je pense qu'elle est plutôt un francocanadienne, de l'Ontario ou du Nouveau-Brunswich peut-être. Ses sons nasillards (en, on, in, un) sont vraiment très prononcés, même pour des Québécois.
She is definitely not from an urban area. Her accent was very thick. No one speaks like this in Montreal or other large cities. (I'm from Montreal so it was pretty easy to tell). He would have had a better time if she had a Montreal or Quebec city accent
My advice: next time use a French speaker from France just because it makes it very difficult for people to compare when the vowel sounds in Canadian French are so different!!
No one said it doesn't. It's just a geographical detail, for example...As a Spanish speaker I understand much more Portuguese spoken in Brazil than in Portugal, even when both count. You dumb ass.
Ban Tsar Wow I love Croatia so much ! I always wanted to visit Hrvatski ! You are almost like us but Slavic 😂😂😂 And Serbs are also like us, but Slavic and true sweethearts ❤
French and Romanian are really similar and share much vocabulary in common due to our common Latin origin and due to the 19th century when Romanian started being very influenced by French, latinizing again the language. Even Bucharest, the capital of Romania used to be called “the little Paris of the east” because of its impressive architecture that can still easily be seen everywhere in its downtown! J’adore la langue française! 🇫🇷 Ador limba franceză! 🇷🇴
Da. Foarte adevarat. In sec XIX sa facut relatinizarea limbii prin scoaterea din dictionar de cuvinte slave și adaugarea de cuvinte italiene si franceze. De aceea seama italiana atat de izbitor cu romana și franceza la fel. Multi nu cunosc lucrurile astea. Plus că mai este și baza latină pe langa imprumutul intens de cuvinte din limbile infratite asa sa ajuns să avem un aport de 77% de cuvinte similare cu limba italiana
@@alexsamu3478 Nu este doar asta explicația. Este doar o mică parte din explicație. Adevărul este mult mai profund și complex. Limba latină își trage rădăcinile din limba veche română, care este atât de veche încât cuvintele care par a veni acum din alte limbi, în special din slavă, greacă, turcă, etc., sunt de fapt influențe ale vechii limbi "române" in toate celelalte limbi. Majoritatea influențelor "latine" din celelalte limbi, în special în limbile germanice, slavone, nu vin propriuzis din latină ci din precursoarea ei, limba "română" ancestrală. Populațiile vorbitoare a acestei limbi ancestrale au migrat de-a lungul malului nordic mediteranean precum și în multe alte direcții. Iată deci, o posibilă explicație logică a asemănării dintre albaneză și română de exemplu. Sau a vorbitorilor de vallader in Elveția, care reprezintă o rămășiță a acestor populații de păstori valahi. Dealtfel în întreaga europă găsim rămășițe din aceste populații ce provin din păstorii valahi (valoni, welch, welches). Mai apoi limba a evoluat în direcții diferite, pe de o parte actuala limbă română si pe de altă parte latina și de aici franceza, italiana, spaniola, portugheza care sunt limbi latinice, foarte înrudite cu româna actuală și cea veche - bunicuța lor! Evoluția a fost asemănătoare cu multe intersecții, una fiind cea de acum 2000 de ani cu romanii iar alta e cea menționată de tine - care s-a petrecut în cunoștință de cauză a celor de atunci (istorici și lingviști care cunoșteau prea bine adevărul istoric).
@@travelinformationbyaxister8091 Exact, frumos explicat, o influenta minora, ci nu majora cum se mediatizează...a fost atunci când cei de la putere au vrut sa explice ca limba noastră a fost de fapt in mare parte influențata de limbi precum franceza, italiana, etc...A fost intentional, ca apoi sa se legitimeze precum ca limba noastră este o limba noua si fondata pe baza limbilor latine si slavice din jur...Daca luam in considerare si istoria mincinoasa scrisa tot de ei, putem vedea usor intentiile, numai ca istoria adevarata se poate gasi si azi in unele carti, la fel si adevarul despre limba noastra veche care de fapt a influentat toate limbile din Europe si nu numai...Cum Rușii au fost conduși de bolș noi am fost si încă suntem controlați de același grup de indivizi care nu au radacini romanesti... Acest grup de indivizi, bucura imens când vad roadele "muncii" lor in exemplu, acest Rares...spălat pe creier...
Listening is only hard because of the speed in which people speak and the slang they use. Listening to an audio book or material recorded for learners is ten times easier than reading it, at least for me. The spelling of that language is, if you aren't used to it, NUTS and makes reading considerably harder. Étais, était, étaient...all pronounced the same and like they should just be spelled étè. French has a more Germanic R than say, Italian, but it's not like a Germanic language. I'd say German is ten times easier to read and write than French though it's much harder to speak. English spelling too is nuts, but I'm just used to it.
This video is super interesting, I did not know Romanian was so close to French! However, please consider differentiating Canada’s French from France’s French. The latter is much closer to other romance languages (pronunciation-wise at least) than the former, that’s for sure... that girl’s pronunciation did not help him at all. The way she said « ours » and « vent » was very misleading (even for a native speaker). Keep it up :)
I want to thank you for featuring Canadian French, as it is important for the world to realize that French-Canadians are also native French speakers. In fact, the Quebec of Canada is home to the second largest native French speakers in the entire world!! This is important for the global community to understand, because some people say French-Canadians aren't really speaking French or aren't native speakers because of their accent and the way they pronounce some words, but that's like someone from England saying a native English speaker from Canada or the United Sates isn't "really speaking English" or "isn't a native speaker". So thank you again and I hope the world recognizes this very important native French speaking community!
@Dunkirk United People from Québec sound nothing like an american trying to speak french. It's called an accent... Same way british, australian & american people have different accents, which are all valid. The way quebecers speak french doesn't make it any less french/valid.
@Dunkirk United And i'm from Montreal, Quebec so I definitely know what i'm talking about. You're just not familiar with the accent... In montreal our accent is less thick & more metropolitan than the rest of Quebec but nonetheless, they sounds nothing like an american trying to speak french.
@Dunkirk United Oh please, you're exaggerating! There are A LOT of frenchies(from France) in Montreal and we understand each other just fine. The same way that Brits, Aussies & American have significantly different accents and have different vocabulary words, so do we and we still understand each other.
Actually I think Canadian French maintains some features of old French. Like pronunciation and using tu as a particle (If I'm not wrong, in old French, tu was ti and no, tu as a particle isn't the personal pronoun tu. When I started learning French, I thought it was xD)
Should've had European French speaker, not quebecois. It's off compared to European French and Romanian is European so it would be closer. For example when she's saying "vent" she says it like a European French speaker would say "vin" (whine). You notice how he immediatly picked up on it when it's spelled out and then the Romanian version "vânt" of the word wind is pronounced exactly like the European French pronunciation of "vent". Basically he would have it easier with European French, hearing her speak those French words even I, who can understand French fine, had to listen twice.
@@thatcherdonovan8138 I think in Quebec what you done with French is the same what US done with English, with different words you modify the language how you like it . In school how they teach you regarding IN and EN?
Plata in romanian is used for "payment" and argint for "silver" This goes around for a lot of other words, so basically if you speak one of the romance languages, with a bit if intuition or imagination, you can figure out basic sentences in the other languages.
As a Romanian, I got everything because I saw it written. Except for chanter. It just didn’t come to mind that it could be cânta because it sounds so different. Everything else, though.
This video gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling seeing people with roots thousands of kilometers apart yet having casual conversation in 3 different languages. We truly live in the best time humanity has had.
I know other Romanians who do speak French, so yes, I would have tried to find another person if Andrei spoke French, but he doesn't which makes him a great candidate!
I don't know a lot of persons that were able to speak French with the acknowledge from school! If you really want to learn a language you have to do it yourself, and so I did !
While the way schools teach languages is pretty ineffective, someone who had a few years of French lessons would likely have recognized some of these words. Even if he couldn't say more than "Bonjour".
Although a lot of people have complained about the girl's accent, I could understand what she was saying. I'm not a French native speaker, but someone who lived in France and has been speaking the language ever since. So, I couldn't understand why the guy was not able to realise the connection or even a slight similarity if he were (is) a native Romanian speaker. For me, they have to find another Romanian native speaker next time.
Awesome video! It really puts light on how phonetic the Romanian language is, which would explain why Andrei (Romanian speaker) was finding it a bit challenging to guess the words without seeing the actual word whilst Jackie (French speaker) wasn’t. Again, love your videos guys and your baby is superrr cute. She looks a lot like Shahrzad!!! Alla ykhallia (~ God keeps her safe - in Lebanese arabic)
Please try and do a mashup of the Iberian romance languages (i.e. Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, etc.) :) and maybe an outlier with them like Basque.
French seems to have a pattern of silencing consonants at the end making it difficult for the other person to detect the closest word. Not sure why French people do that.
The pronunciation of French maybe makes it a bit challenging for Andrei to catch the French words (Unless she spelled it), and with the silent letters, liaisons, etc. But the most challenging thing for me when learning French is the Verb conjugations, sometimes there is not any pattern at all, and you have to remember it all. Oui, Français est très difficile pour moi.
In fact her accent (canadian french i guess) made it a bit harder for Andrei, for example the first word "ours", the "s" should be pronounced. The other words were also pronounced quite differently from "standard" french pronounciation.
Her pronunciation makes it even harder. Quebec French speakers have a very thick accent, even as a native French speaker I sometimes have to make an effort to understand some things they say.
When she was just saying words thought it was a southern France accent (especially the word "vent" it sounded close to southern France accent yet a bit different), but when she said a whole sentence it looked like canadian french to me. And i can't think of other french speaking country with a white people majority (Switzerland and Belgium are so close to France's accent.) If you are from Quebec i think i should take your word for it but i'm still curious what accent is that.
After the simple present, the next few seemed simpler as they were based on it. Then came the conditional..then the subjunctive. Which HAUNTS me. My least favorite ones are the ones that sound the same but are spelled different. I'm looking at you, être in imparfait.
Really cute video, genuine people. French influenced Romanian a lot, especially thr literature. I can understand French if I see it spelled but also because I speak Italian as my third language. I work in Italian and also studied some Portuguese too. ALSO tried a lot of Slavic languages thus I can say that Romanian is a unique mixture of influences from all the countries. A MESSAGE TO MY ROMANIANS: LIBERTÉ, FRATERNITÉ, MUIE PSD!
Salut. Eu stiu spaniola si ma descurz in romana si in franceza. Imi place limba franceza dar recunosc ca prefer limba romana. Desi nu stiu de ce. Romania este Romania pentru mine. O iubesc si iubesc limba, bineinteles. Dar nu ganditi rau. Nu urasc limba franceza. :D Salut. Je suis espagnole, je parle espagnol et je me debrouille en francais et en roumain. J'aime le francais mais je reconnais et je dois reconnaitre que je prefere le roumain. Je ne sais pas pourquoi. Mais ne pensez pas mal. Je ne deteste pas le francais. :D
Entendí todo que dijiste en rumano porque estudio tu idioma creo que para los rumanos les pasa lo mismo que para los hispanohablantes el francés cuesta entender si no te has expuesto mucho al idioma porque no es lo mismo como se escribe en francés que como se habla y eso dificulta mucho pero es un lindo idioma.
My mother tongue is Romanian and I really think that it is a beautiful language with Latin roots. If I read something in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or French, I can understand the main idea of the text.
@@useresu301 Of course she has a personal contribution to the languages she speaks. That's how languages appear, evolve and die - through the collective contributions of all those who speak them. (Also, she was just being nice, so no need to be a jerk).
Should've been called "Similarities between Quebecois and Romanian" I was thrown off with "Ours" (Romanian Urs) because here in France, the s is pronounced. I thought I just didn't hear it properly, and then with mare/mer, I realized it was indeed North American French (Quebecois and Cajun) 'er' on a strong syllable is pronounced like ar is Spanish, or even more like in Catalan "mar" (which is also an older French spelling/pronunciation). At the end they mentioned the words for "apple" and "tree". One mustn't forget that words narrow down on their meaning as synonyms take on the general meaning. French "pomme" is a word which used to mean "fruit" but the Latin word "fructus" took over the general meaning while pomme became apple. By the way the same thing happened with apple with the arrival of Norman French nobility/aristocracy in England during the Norman Conquest of 1066. The Norse already gave up their North Germanic tongue when settling in what became Normandy and weren't going to give up their adopted Language for North Sea West Germanic just because they relocated (they Imposed Norman on the court, and vocabulary penetrated the language of the commoners) at least not until their rivalry with the French Kings and need of the support of the English people to fight the French (previously latinized, though it took awhile, Germanic Franks under similar conditions). FR "arbre" = RO "arbore" RO "pom" similar to FR "palmier" which has a top called "palme", and the palm of the hand = paume pronounced almost like Romanian "pom", by the way the Romanian word for palm tree is the French word palmier.
TsalagiAgvnage very interesting! we also have the word “poame” which means fruit, but it is rarely used, you can find it in older texts, we use “fructe” for fruit
Maybe not necessarily an English native speaker but definitely someone who uses English more than French in her life now. You are generally right about them being easy to spot--usually by their r and e's, but some who have less obvious accents actually sound pretty close to her.
My native language + my second language = Beaucoup de bonheur pour moi ! Also the pronunciation makes it a little difficult, she understands easily, but for him it's harder. And people say Romanian is very weird 😂❤
Hello Bahador I know it's not easy to organize such videos and i admire your channel but do you think that you could make a "similarities between Polish and Russian ?" It would be really interesting thank you take care of yourself you are doing great ! I never miss your videos
Thank you so much!! That's a great idea and I'd love to. I'm planning on doing more Polish and other Slavic videos, so hopefully I can organize a day and time to have Polish and Russian participants together! Have a great day!
i just realised that comparing romanian to french is hilarious because the french drop half the letters, while in romanian every letter gets pronounced, e.g. the romanian word "ploaie" --> you actually say each of the vowels... the french would never ahaha
If you want to have good knowledge of French, you need to understand different accents. Yes it's Québécois and Québécois are the 2nd largest native French speakers, and it is a very beautiful accent. Why must other French speakers be so rude and arrogant to always put down Québécois accent?
@@louisfisher614 all I wanted to say is that France's accent might have been closer in pronunciation to Romanian than the Canadian one. For example when she said "our" and he said "ours" these two words are literally the same in France's French. Also I'm allowed to have preferences, Canadian French sounds a little bit odd to me. Still I respect all cultures equally.
lauren sacks Ok, fair enough! I respect. But I think it is not nice when some people in Francophone tell oh you are Québécois oh get out that is not French
Yea because most of the word that she prounounced sounded not correct when she said " vent " I though that she was trying to say " vin " so... well I don't want to offence French canadian speakers, but your prounounciation is not the same with European which made this poor guy looking for hard what word could it be.
The S in Ours is pronounced in French, maybe she is from Quebec but in France it is oo-r-ss. EDIT: Just continued watching, she is definitely Canadian :)
Note how easily Andrei got it AFTER the word is spelled out. Thats what makes French such a departure from the other romance languages , with all the letters you don't pronounce - lol. I likewise find it easy to understand in written form but so difficult when spoken.
Well of course romanian is similar to Spanish because they are two real latin languages, Spanish is influenced by arabic French for me it's the least latin of all romance languages, why? Because it differs a lot from the Latin common root, pronounciation is extremely different and it resembles Germanic languages such as German and English, so you can note the Germanic influence at least in the pronounciation
alejandro alex9990 Yes, it's different, but because of the Celtic origin! Us Romanians also have a Dacic-Thracian origin, but it disappeared in the language ! And actually French influenced German and English more, not the opposite! 27% of English is from French 🤦♂️
alejandro alex9990 Yes, Romanian also does ! I feel like Romanian has words from every language possible😅😅! We have from Slavic, German, Greek, Hungarian and Turkish, in this order :)
You don't know Romanian also Romanian was influenced more by ”Balkan language area”-Old Thracian-Dacian, from Slavs came some words, basic grammar, vocabulary are Latin
+Dibujo de Croquis So I am not alone with this, I am a German who learned French at school ( le lycee ;-)) and I was surprised by her pronounciation of words like " la mer", "vent", "argent" - quite different from what I am used to when hearing French people speak
Man, as a Romanian, I never understood a word in French and had to drop a year in high school just to get the English classes. I mean, why don't you pronounce all the letters in your words? It makes no sense!
Her Canadian pronunciation is very confusing. I probably wouldn’t understand her until I get used to it. She pronounces vent (wind) almost like vingt (20).
I brought myself here after I realized how much I could very roughly “understand” from a favorite actor of mine speaking Romanian as a French student of (currently) 4 years. Fascinating! Though the French speaker had an interesting accent, not what I’m used to (I’m learning standard/Paris French) and might have changed the results slightly then. I could guess Lumina correctly because I also read over things about Rome/the Latin language too, so knowing the “grandfather” language is also helpful : > “Tot” was interesting though, I thought of it as the French world for “early” (tôt)
Friend in Romanian is prieten. Amic is used not so widespread. Maybe in other Romanian regions but in the South we say all the time prieten. Amic is like a slang word.
Louis Fisher did I mention something against quebecois people? Don’t feel offended when there is no need to make any drama. Im just stating that her pronounciation is not standard so this means that the sounds she does are not correct for the french pronounciation standards which makes the comprehension harder, even for a native speaker.
@@louisfisher614 I've lived in France most of my life and never came across any specific instance of rudeness towards Québecois. This is very much a fantasy, probably to have another reason to hate the French.
Good video! btw i wanted to mention that when i first watched a video including french, the girl speaks french-canadian, its hard to understand her xD french(france) is way easier to understand
@@louisfisher614 im saying it's just hard to understand. Like when she said Ours, she had to pronounce the S. And when she said Vent. It sounded like va
What is wrong with making it more challenging by including Québécois accent? I think it is fascinating and not something you find anywhere else in the net
+@@Michelhyk I agree, I know French but given her pronounciation I would have had a hard time as well and I definitely wouldn´t have recognizied her "va" for "vent"
Reach us on Instagram with your requests and feedback and make sure to check out Andrei’s channel if you have not already:
Shahrzad (
Bahador (@BahadorAlast):
Andrei’s channel:
Dear Bahador I just noticed that you've had Andrei in your videos for a while now and you've made quite a few videos comparing Romanian with other (European) languages so how come you haven't done a video comparing Romanian and Persian?I'm sure you know they are both Indo-European so finding cognates between them shouldn't be a difficult task.right now I know one word which is the same in Romanian and that's دشمن :) Anyways hope you can manage a video with Mahtab competing with Andrei and I hope that Mahtab wins:D oh,and please bring Serena on the camera more often because we would love to see her
Romanian and serbian please. They are a lot of similar and same words
Thank you my friend! That's a great idea and we've thought about doing it. Each time that Andrei came over we were doing a different language so we just say, we'll do Persian and Romanian another time. So for sure, we'll do it in the future. We all appreciate your lovely message :) sepasgozaram!
Khahesh mikonam,payandeh bashid!
Bahador alast I'm new what languages do you speak ?
I'm italian and I got all the romanian and french words. Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, French and Spanish are very alike.#Romancepeople
Catalan too.
Not all but I got a lot of them also,I speak portuguese...
Italian is the missing link between French and Romanian
@@brendangordon2168 But there's something missing between Italian and French (...Friulian...)
Parlare retoromano ?? (Rumantsch) Catalano? Galego ? Veneto ?? Friulano? Lombardo ?
Portuguese and romanian are quite similar
Vânt - Vento
Amic- amigo
Tot- Tudo
Verde- Verde
Urs - Urso
Mare- Mar
Cânta- Cantar
Dormi- Dormir
Also "eu" is the same in both Romanian and Portuguese.
Also :
Josué Gabriel Eu sou romeno e adoro a lingua portuguesa! 🇵🇹 Eu sunt român și ador limba portugheză! 🇷🇴
iodeceneu I understood all the Portuguese 😁
Romanian is my favourite language, such a beautiful language.
For me it was easy to learn, I'm from Spain
The latin language of Eastern Europe, amazing language
You're amazing ! As a Romanian I think the grammar is quite hard, but systematic! Even we Romanians are sometimes questioning if we are correct or not (I personally do :D) 😅😅😂
@@Cris-hd1wb mulțumesc prieten
alejandro alex9990 Prietene* bcz it's in vocative case 😅 ! But you can also say amice, it's just as good and prettier for me 😘
@alejandro alex 9990 - Back in 1999, I've visited Spain on a 2 week tour. The local guide in Madrid, enumerated the Latin languages to our English speaking group, INTENTIONALLY skipping the Romanian.
Once he finished his explanations, I approached him and told him that there is another Latin language : Romanian. He seemed to be embarrassed and made a clear grimace.
PS - are you really a Spaniard or just a Romanian living in Spain ? (alejandro - alex ?????????????)
@Ilinca Sirbu That means a lot to us*
I am a French and Romanian speaker and her accent confused me at first lol
nice video, Andrei is handsome ;)
I am French I agree her french accent is terrible. The women is NOT French Maybe english speaker from Canada but definitly not French speaker. By the way I love Romania and Romanian language 💖
@@mbp9790 C'est québécois
, n'est-ce pas
@@mbp9790 elle est quebecoise, ils parlent un ancien francais
Moi aussi elle m a perturbé avec son “ va “ ( vent)
@@sarys5169 Je pense pas qu'elle soit québécoise - plutôt Franco-Ontarienne.
She said « ours » without the « s » sound maybe it’s how the québécois say it but not French from France.
No, we also pronounce it. she's not a native french speaker so she's making mistakes
I see there is something wrong with the way she says *Argent*
She has an accent that is a bit strange, not fully québécois. I wonder if she's a francophone from an english province.
@@yellowdoritos oui, mais our-s avec un s est beaucoup plus fréquent. et tout le monde sait que c'est ainsi qu'il faut le prononcer, à moins de n'être jamais allé à l'école... ou alors de venir d'une région assez éloignée...
IT's more the accent of a franco-canadian than one of a Quebecois. She has an english accent when she speaks.
I speak Italian and French
I find that Romanian is closer to Italian than to French in general
Romanian is a Latin language that was influenced by Slavic languages
merci, grazie, mulțumesc, شكرا
In fact french is closer to italian that roumanian to Italian. But the sound is french ( Paris dialect) has changed a lot . Just like in a family you make look more like your cousin than brother.
Romanian is more closer to Vulgar Latin the Italian.
You should listen to Vulgar Latin wich I doubt someone speaks it in the modern age.
Its also influenced by turkish/persian because of the ottoman empire
@@AnoNym09878 i dont think so
@@scottpascal3099 Actually vulgar Latin was not a language but a variety of different dialects and slangs.
French from Europe is even more similar to romanian in the pronunciation...
A little beat im roumanian because is latin language
She has a big Quebec accent and for people who doesn't speak French it's the hardest accent to understand, the Romanian guy was going to have easier to understand if it was a French or a Belgian
@Finn MickCool I know I'm a French speaker but her accent is particularly difficult especially for foreign people French or Belgian accent would be quite easier
Lucas Cordaro yep no wonder it sounded so different she pronounced more words than usual which I knew right away French Candian #Caught
@@lucascordaro6634 I am a Romanian speaking French.
No, a native French speaker would have been harder to comprehend, they would speak too "harsh" for us and the difference in accentuation will definitely hinder the understanding.
Please note that he repeatedly asks to read or to pronounce the word by each letter: we use almost the same letters for common (between French and Romanian) words. They didn't choose the word "water" :) In Romanian it would be "apa" and in French it would be "eau". Good luck to any Romanian to understand it :)
On the other hand, we have very many substantives common with French; very many verbs are different (simple examples: alerga - courir - to run; gindi - penser - to think; citi - lire - to read). This type of exercise would be insanely more complex if they would be having a conversation (2 people in one language, 2 people in another language, trying to understand). If I would have to compare to italian, again, very many common words. But me (and not only me), without studying italian or latin, nor living/visiting Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brasil I will understand maybe 10% of the spoken italian on the street (on tv is easier, their pronunciation is clearer) and about 20-30% written Italian. If we will translate this type of exercise to French, a Romanian without studying French will not understand most of the spoken or written French. Maybe we would understand 1%?
Son accent n'est pas purement québécois. Je pense qu'elle est plutôt un francocanadienne, de l'Ontario ou du Nouveau-Brunswich peut-être. Ses sons nasillards (en, on, in, un) sont vraiment très prononcés, même pour des Québécois.
@@atchoummette exactement, elle a un accès très prononcé. et qui est étrange même pour quelqu'un du Québec....
Her Canadian French is giving him a real hard time :))
Not really, her "mær" o "mar" is closer to Romanian "mare" than France French "mer."
@Potica Alexandru-Daniel and still most can't speak it properly anyway
I was wondering why she was saying her en as in
She is definitely not from an urban area. Her accent was very thick. No one speaks like this in Montreal or other large cities. (I'm from Montreal so it was pretty easy to tell). He would have had a better time if she had a Montreal or Quebec city accent
@Mike Hagarty this sort of French is not spoken by French people though
Heeey, thank you so much for making a Romanian and French similarities, big love
I'm French and I laughed at the way she pronounced her first word. I was even more confused than Andrei
OUR mdrrrrrrrrrrr, maybe in Quebec they say it this way idk XD
I know it's very hard to do but I would really like to see romanian and aromanian.
I don't think there are lots of Aromanians..
@@Cris-hd1wb not a lot but enough. I think you can find them if you deeply search them in Greece
Dragos Popovici Yes, but I don't feel like they are the most developed people....
@@Cris-hd1wb balkans have never been developed so it's not only about them...
My advice: next time use a French speaker from France just because it makes it very difficult for people to compare when the vowel sounds in Canadian French are so different!!
Canadian accents worth as much as those from France, dumb ass.
No one said it doesn't. It's just a geographical detail, for example...As a Spanish speaker I understand much more Portuguese spoken in Brazil than in Portugal, even when both count. You dumb ass.
I agree.
Romanian is an amazing language.
French is an incredible language.
Not for me because I speak it, but French is for me 100% art ! where you from? 😅😂
Croatia :)
Ban Tsar Wow I love Croatia so much ! I always wanted to visit Hrvatski ! You are almost like us but Slavic 😂😂😂 And Serbs are also like us, but Slavic and true sweethearts ❤
Aww, thanks! I hope you do one day! 😀
French and Romanian are really similar and share much vocabulary in common due to our common Latin origin and due to the 19th century when Romanian started being very influenced by French, latinizing again the language. Even Bucharest, the capital of Romania used to be called “the little Paris of the east” because of its impressive architecture that can still easily be seen everywhere in its downtown! J’adore la langue française! 🇫🇷 Ador limba franceză! 🇷🇴
Da. Foarte adevarat. In sec XIX sa facut relatinizarea limbii prin scoaterea din dictionar de cuvinte slave și adaugarea de cuvinte italiene si franceze. De aceea seama italiana atat de izbitor cu romana și franceza la fel. Multi nu cunosc lucrurile astea. Plus că mai este și baza latină pe langa imprumutul intens de cuvinte din limbile infratite asa sa ajuns să avem un aport de 77% de cuvinte similare cu limba italiana
@@alexsamu3478 Nu este doar asta explicația. Este doar o mică parte din explicație.
Adevărul este mult mai profund și complex. Limba latină își trage rădăcinile din limba veche română, care este atât de veche încât cuvintele care par a veni acum din alte limbi, în special din slavă, greacă, turcă, etc., sunt de fapt influențe ale vechii limbi "române" in toate celelalte limbi. Majoritatea influențelor "latine" din celelalte limbi, în special în limbile germanice, slavone, nu vin propriuzis din latină ci din precursoarea ei, limba "română" ancestrală. Populațiile vorbitoare a acestei limbi ancestrale au migrat de-a lungul malului nordic mediteranean precum și în multe alte direcții.
Iată deci, o posibilă explicație logică a asemănării dintre albaneză și română de exemplu. Sau a vorbitorilor de vallader in Elveția, care reprezintă o rămășiță a acestor populații de păstori valahi. Dealtfel în întreaga europă găsim rămășițe din aceste populații ce provin din păstorii valahi (valoni, welch, welches). Mai apoi limba a evoluat în direcții diferite, pe de o parte actuala limbă română si pe de altă parte latina și de aici franceza, italiana, spaniola, portugheza care sunt limbi latinice, foarte înrudite cu româna actuală și cea veche - bunicuța lor! Evoluția a fost asemănătoare cu multe intersecții, una fiind cea de acum 2000 de ani cu romanii iar alta e cea menționată de tine - care s-a petrecut în cunoștință de cauză a celor de atunci (istorici și lingviști care cunoșteau prea bine adevărul istoric).
@@travelinformationbyaxister8091 Exact, frumos explicat, o influenta minora, ci nu majora cum se mediatizează...a fost atunci când cei de la putere au vrut sa explice ca limba noastră a fost de fapt in mare parte influențata de limbi precum franceza, italiana, etc...A fost intentional, ca apoi sa se legitimeze precum ca limba noastră este o limba noua si fondata pe baza limbilor latine si slavice din jur...Daca luam in considerare si istoria mincinoasa scrisa tot de ei, putem vedea usor intentiile, numai ca istoria adevarata se poate gasi si azi in unele carti, la fel si adevarul despre limba noastra veche care de fapt a influentat toate limbile din Europe si nu numai...Cum Rușii au fost conduși de bolș noi am fost si încă suntem controlați de același grup de indivizi care nu au radacini romanesti... Acest grup de indivizi, bucura imens când vad roadele "muncii" lor in exemplu, acest Rares...spălat pe creier...
Interessante, não sabia isso
E lefranse te bay nesans a lang'm ! Anpil ane yo apre...
Same as always the best video you have created, great job Baharor jan
Knowing Latin, this was stupid easy.
Beautiful languages, great job Bahador 💙👍🏼
I'm american but family comes from Romania and took I French in high school. Such a cool video. Love Andrei 😍❤
French is different then other latin languages. The pronunciation is like the germanic language.
Read is easy, listen is hard
Well, if one speaks French, nothing is difficult...It is pretty difficult to learn, but when it is learnt, it is both spoken and understood perfectly.
It is easy if one speaks French, I speak it, so it is easy for me.
Listening is only hard because of the speed in which people speak and the slang they use. Listening to an audio book or material recorded for learners is ten times easier than reading it, at least for me. The spelling of that language is, if you aren't used to it, NUTS and makes reading considerably harder. Étais, était, étaient...all pronounced the same and like they should just be spelled étè.
French has a more Germanic R than say, Italian, but it's not like a Germanic language. I'd say German is ten times easier to read and write than French though it's much harder to speak. English spelling too is nuts, but I'm just used to it.
Indeed, French doesn't sound Latin, but Germanic...
You can blame the Normans... their pronunciation became the prestige way of speaking in northern France
This video is super interesting, I did not know Romanian was so close to French! However, please consider differentiating Canada’s French from France’s French. The latter is much closer to other romance languages (pronunciation-wise at least) than the former, that’s for sure... that girl’s pronunciation did not help him at all. The way she said « ours » and « vent » was very misleading (even for a native speaker). Keep it up :)
Romanian is one of the 5 romance languages. It shares similar words with the other 4.
@@unnemernic6936 5 MAJOR Romance Languages, there are abou 35 existing Romance Languages
@@Mrdachi87 cool, did not know that, literally first time I'm hearing about it. You live, you learn, I guess.
@@unnemernic6936 sorry I might have been read as condescending but it wasn't my intention, I learn things online too, glad to help.
Superb!!! Iar sfârșitul este extraordinar, cât de drăguț. Pupici.
Uploaded on my birthday; a great birthday present! Thank you as always.
I want to thank you for featuring Canadian French, as it is important for the world to realize that French-Canadians are also native French speakers. In fact, the Quebec of Canada is home to the second largest native French speakers in the entire world!! This is important for the global community to understand, because some people say French-Canadians aren't really speaking French or aren't native speakers because of their accent and the way they pronounce some words, but that's like someone from England saying a native English speaker from Canada or the United Sates isn't "really speaking English" or "isn't a native speaker". So thank you again and I hope the world recognizes this very important native French speaking community!
@Dunkirk United People from Québec sound nothing like an american trying to speak french. It's called an accent... Same way british, australian & american people have different accents, which are all valid. The way quebecers speak french doesn't make it any less french/valid.
@Dunkirk United And i'm from Montreal, Quebec so I definitely know what i'm talking about. You're just not familiar with the accent... In montreal our accent is less thick & more metropolitan than the rest of Quebec but nonetheless, they sounds nothing like an american trying to speak french.
@Dunkirk United Oh please, you're exaggerating! There are A LOT of frenchies(from France) in Montreal and we understand each other just fine. The same way that Brits, Aussies & American have significantly different accents and have different vocabulary words, so do we and we still understand each other.
As someone who isn't used to Québécoise, it just didn't sound like "native French". That doesn't make it any less valid, of course.
Actually I think Canadian French maintains some features of old French. Like pronunciation and using tu as a particle (If I'm not wrong, in old French, tu was ti and no, tu as a particle isn't the personal pronoun tu. When I started learning French, I thought it was xD)
Should've had European French speaker, not quebecois. It's off compared to European French and Romanian is European so it would be closer. For example when she's saying "vent" she says it like a European French speaker would say "vin" (whine). You notice how he immediatly picked up on it when it's spelled out and then the Romanian version "vânt" of the word wind is pronounced exactly like the European French pronunciation of "vent". Basically he would have it easier with European French, hearing her speak those French words even I, who can understand French fine, had to listen twice.
no, when she says VENT, it is on point. A lot of French speakers of France pronounce the sounds IN and EN almost as if it was the same sound....
Québécois is more accurate with its vowels. In France it’s all just en en en but in Québec we differentiate un in an en.
@@thatcherdonovan8138 I think in Quebec what you done with French is the same what US done with English, with different words you modify the language how you like it . In school how they teach you regarding IN and EN?
@@eleonorer.6861 you pronounce vent with an "ong" sound, and vin with a "a|n" sound... Idk where did this woman in the video learned her French lol
Ionuț-Claudiu Vasilescu that false, the french quebecois is just more similiar tho the Middle French, that why this is different
I've been waiting for ages for you to make this one. My language ( romanian) and my school language ( french ).
Great job Bahador!!
En español:
Oso // ro: Urs // fr: Ours
Mar // ro: Mare // fr: Mer
Cantar // ro: Cânta // fr: Chanter
Dormir // ro: Dormi // fr: Dormir
Plata // ro: Argint // fr: Argent
Lobo // ro: Lup // fr: Loup
Viento // ro: Vânt// fr: Vent
Luz // ro: Lumina // fr: Lumière
Lluvia // ro: Ploaie // fr: Pluie
Pesadilla // ro: Coșmar // fr: Cauchemar
Amigo // ro: Amic // fr: Ami
Todo // ro: Tot // fr: Tout
Hoy es martes // fr: Aujourd'hui ç'est mardi
Este árbol es verde // ro: Acest pom e verde
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez // ro: Unu, doi, trei, patru, cinci, șase, șapte, opt, nouă, zece // fr: Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
*aujourd'hui c'est mardi
In Romanian you could also say "Acest arbore e verde."
Este arbol es verde / fr: Cet arbre est vert ;)
Plata in romanian is used for "payment" and argint for "silver"
This goes around for a lot of other words, so basically if you speak one of the romance languages, with a bit if intuition or imagination, you can figure out basic sentences in the other languages.
@@roibu1160, in romanian it's PLATĂ, not PLATA. It's not the same thing. Just a coincidence.
Yaaay finally another Latin language
Romanian and French both came from latin languages, which means Romance languages. It is natural that these two are quite similar.
As a Romanian, I got everything because I saw it written. Except for chanter. It just didn’t come to mind that it could be cânta because it sounds so different. Everything else, though.
-Vlad- -tepeS- Cool. Pozdrav iz rumunije.
-Vlad- -tepeS- Здраво пријатељи!Свиђа ми се српски !
@@z0ranz0ran i ja isto,ali isto. Iz Srbije sam,u skoli sam ucila osam godina francuski,a rumunski naucila preko kablovske dok sam jos mala bila
@@thatboiryqn Bună din serbia!
You just have to switch (almost) every french word which comes with a sh- sound to k- sound, and you're on track !
Château = castel, etc.
Românii Like🇷🇴🇷🇴
This video gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling seeing people with roots thousands of kilometers apart yet having casual conversation in 3 different languages. We truly live in the best time humanity has had.
not if you are romanian and the whole europe denys your identity and affiliates us with the gypses ( the largest minority in romania )
@@georgianageorgiana2575 The largest minority is Hungarian nevertheless, at 7%. Gypsies are 3%.
Elle prononce "vent" comme "vin" ou "vain", j'imagine que ça se prononce comme ça au Québec...
Yolson Son accent me stresse ils auraient dû préciser que c’est le français canadien et non pas le français de France mais tant pis
C'est l'accent acadien et non québécois. Il n'y a pas que le Québec qui parle français au Canada.
Ça ne ressemble pas l'accent québécois
I speak romanian and i fully understood what you just said
In Romania we learn french in school,what would you have done if Andrei knew french? Invite other Romanian?
I know other Romanians who do speak French, so yes, I would have tried to find another person if Andrei spoke French, but he doesn't which makes him a great candidate!
I don't know a lot of persons that were able to speak French with the acknowledge from school! If you really want to learn a language you have to do it yourself, and so I did !
While the way schools teach languages is pretty ineffective, someone who had a few years of French lessons would likely have recognized some of these words. Even if he couldn't say more than "Bonjour".
Although a lot of people have complained about the girl's accent, I could understand what she was saying. I'm not a French native speaker, but someone who lived in France and has been speaking the language ever since. So, I couldn't understand why the guy was not able to realise the connection or even a slight similarity if he were (is) a native Romanian speaker. For me, they have to find another Romanian native speaker next time.
Oh yeah this is the frustration with french. All those weird sounds that make no sense and words that sound 98% similar but mean different things.
Awesome video! It really puts light on how phonetic the Romanian language is, which would explain why Andrei (Romanian speaker) was finding it a bit challenging to guess the words without seeing the actual word whilst Jackie (French speaker) wasn’t.
Again, love your videos guys and your baby is superrr cute. She looks a lot like Shahrzad!!! Alla ykhallia (~ God keeps her safe - in Lebanese arabic)
Please try and do a mashup of the Iberian romance languages (i.e. Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, etc.) :) and maybe an outlier with them like Basque.
Catalan is not ibero romance is gallo romance
French seems to have a pattern of silencing consonants at the end making it difficult for the other person to detect the closest word. Not sure why French people do that.
The pronunciation of French maybe makes it a bit challenging for Andrei to catch the French words (Unless she spelled it), and with the silent letters, liaisons, etc. But the most challenging thing for me when learning French is the Verb conjugations, sometimes there is not any pattern at all, and you have to remember it all. Oui, Français est très difficile pour moi.
I’m french and I also have dificulties with the French conjugaison !
In fact her accent (canadian french i guess) made it a bit harder for Andrei, for example the first word "ours", the "s" should be pronounced. The other words were also pronounced quite differently from "standard" french pronounciation.
Her pronunciation makes it even harder. Quebec French speakers have a very thick accent, even as a native French speaker I sometimes have to make an effort to understand some things they say.
When she was just saying words thought it was a southern France accent (especially the word "vent" it sounded close to southern France accent yet a bit different), but when she said a whole sentence it looked like canadian french to me. And i can't think of other french speaking country with a white people majority (Switzerland and Belgium are so close to France's accent.) If you are from Quebec i think i should take your word for it but i'm still curious what accent is that.
After the simple present, the next few seemed simpler as they were based on it. Then came the conditional..then the subjunctive. Which HAUNTS me. My least favorite ones are the ones that sound the same but are spelled different. I'm looking at you, être in imparfait.
Yeeey!!! Thank you Bahador for this video :)
Really cute video, genuine people.
French influenced Romanian a lot, especially thr literature.
I can understand French if I see it spelled but also because I speak Italian as my third language. I work in Italian and also studied some Portuguese too. ALSO tried a lot of Slavic languages thus I can say that Romanian is a unique mixture of influences from all the countries.
@@Cris-hd1wb Your name though....
Il rumeno che ama l'italiano My gosh no way 😅😅😅😅
@@Cris-hd1wb oh you little 🔝
What to say to a Romanian so you win his heart: "MUIE PSD". :))
@@Ben-ox6sk indeeed
Romanian again yeees!! Would love to see Romanian and Turkish!
Salut. Eu stiu spaniola si ma descurz in romana si in franceza. Imi place limba franceza dar recunosc ca prefer limba romana. Desi nu stiu de ce. Romania este Romania pentru mine. O iubesc si iubesc limba, bineinteles. Dar nu ganditi rau. Nu urasc limba franceza. :D
Salut. Je suis espagnole, je parle espagnol et je me debrouille en francais et en roumain. J'aime le francais mais je reconnais et je dois reconnaitre que je prefere le roumain. Je ne sais pas pourquoi. Mais ne pensez pas mal. Je ne deteste pas le francais. :D
Peut-être parce que français est un peu difficile à prononcer. J’ai appris le français car ce sonne bien
Entendí todo que dijiste en rumano porque estudio tu idioma creo que para los rumanos les pasa lo mismo que para los hispanohablantes el francés cuesta entender si no te has expuesto mucho al idioma porque no es lo mismo como se escribe en francés que como se habla y eso dificulta mucho pero es un lindo idioma.
You got the Nines wrong. It's the other way around.
@@moisepicard3417 You are right I will change it right now
Gheorghiță Al Sunculiței I thought ‘one’ is ‘un’ in French
Finn MickCool yes but in this case it’s an indefinite article like ‘a’ and ‘an’ in English
One is un in French, une is the feminine. In Romance Languages (at least the Western, I don't know much about Romanian) masculine is always standard.
My mother tongue is Romanian and I really think that it is a beautiful language with Latin roots. If I read something in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or French, I can understand the main idea of the text.
fantastic video as always!! keep up the great work and congrats on the happy and beautiful family
Thank you ❤❤
Romanian is just Beautiful 😍
👋🏻😂 thanks
@@da-eu what's the thanks for? do you have a personal contribution to any language? nationalism at its "best" (I'm Romanian)
@@useresu301 Of course she has a personal contribution to the languages she speaks. That's how languages appear, evolve and die - through the collective contributions of all those who speak them. (Also, she was just being nice, so no need to be a jerk).
Pom in Romanian specifically refers to trees that bear fruit, so the words "pom" and "pomme" are likely related.
That was a very good video, proud to see some Romanians on the Internet.
Should've been called "Similarities between Quebecois and Romanian" I was thrown off with "Ours" (Romanian Urs) because here in France, the s is pronounced. I thought I just didn't hear it properly, and then with mare/mer, I realized it was indeed North American French (Quebecois and Cajun) 'er' on a strong syllable is pronounced like ar is Spanish, or even more like in Catalan "mar" (which is also an older French spelling/pronunciation).
At the end they mentioned the words for "apple" and "tree". One mustn't forget that words narrow down on their meaning as synonyms take on the general meaning. French "pomme" is a word which used to mean "fruit" but the Latin word "fructus" took over the general meaning while pomme became apple. By the way the same thing happened with apple with the arrival of Norman French nobility/aristocracy in England during the Norman Conquest of 1066. The Norse already gave up their North Germanic tongue when settling in what became Normandy and weren't going to give up their adopted Language for North Sea West Germanic just because they relocated (they Imposed Norman on the court, and vocabulary penetrated the language of the commoners) at least not until their rivalry with the French Kings and need of the support of the English people to fight the French (previously latinized, though it took awhile, Germanic Franks under similar conditions).
FR "arbre" = RO "arbore"
RO "pom" similar to FR "palmier" which has a top called "palme", and the palm of the hand = paume pronounced almost like Romanian "pom", by the way the Romanian word for palm tree is the French word palmier.
TsalagiAgvnage very interesting! we also have the word “poame” which means fruit, but it is rarely used, you can find it in older texts, we use “fructe” for fruit
@TsalagiAgvnage loved seeing your username! (BlackCherokee
Nice video, make it longer next time, I cant have enough of languages 😆
Is this Canadian French?
Yes she is clearly a native French speaker from Quebec! Quebecois French is still French.
She sounds like someone who probably went to French immersion school in Canada but speaks more English than French.
@@mchobbit2951 Well, to me, she has a genuine Québécois accent, an English native speaker is easy to spot.
Maybe not necessarily an English native speaker but definitely someone who uses English more than French in her life now. You are generally right about them being easy to spot--usually by their r and e's, but some who have less obvious accents actually sound pretty close to her.
She is not a real french canadian, I think she is more "Anglophone" (in french). Because the french canadian is really different
`Dormir` is also used in Portuguese and spanish.
In Sicilian Lenguage:
1) "Ura" (Hour)
2) "Mari" (Sea)
3) "Cuntari" (Sing)
4) Dormiri (Sleep)
5) Zirru (Silver)
6) Lupu (Wolf)
7) Chioggia (Rain)
8) Cumpari (Friend)
9) Tutti (All)
World N.1:"Doppu luniri vegnu martiri".
World N.2:"Òi è martiri".
World N.3:"Un puma virdi e strinu".
Neur α
It is... Well, being surrounded by Slavs it makes sense...
french has 20% frank( german ) influence in the vocabulary and accent! even the Name of the langauge FRENCH IT MEENS FREE MAN IN FRANKISH!!!
Кошмар also in serbian mean nightmare.
It's borrowed from French (or so they say) but it goes deeper than French, all the way back to Proto-Indo-European.
@Maritha Svetlana Bella 99 ???
My native language + my second language = Beaucoup de bonheur pour moi ! Also the pronunciation makes it a little difficult, she understands easily, but for him it's harder. And people say Romanian is very weird 😂❤
I love your channel, Bahador.
Thank you :)
Hello Bahador
I know it's not easy to organize such videos and i admire your channel but do you think that you could make a "similarities between Polish and Russian ?" It would be really interesting thank you take care of yourself you are doing great ! I never miss your videos
Thank you so much!! That's a great idea and I'd love to. I'm planning on doing more Polish and other Slavic videos, so hopefully I can organize a day and time to have Polish and Russian participants together! Have a great day!
Thank you for replying this fast and for your interest ! I am sorry to reply late but hopefully it is not a big deal. Thanks a lot. Take care
I’m French and I’ve never heard "ours" being pronounced this way in my life. We do always pronounce the letter "s" at the end of the word
Also the sea one... It's "la mer" not "la mar" ...
@@Dobreasabina In the past we used to say « mare » to mean « sea » in french, because « mare » means « sea » in latin
i just realised that comparing romanian to french is hilarious because the french drop half the letters, while in romanian every letter gets pronounced, e.g. the romanian word "ploaie" --> you actually say each of the vowels... the french would never ahaha
Next time please don't believe the first person you meet who tells you "I do speak french".... come on!
She's from Québec. That's why her pronounciation might seem weird to you.
She speaks Canadian French, I feel like it would've been easier for him if she was actually French.
If you want to have good knowledge of French, you need to understand different accents. Yes it's Québécois and Québécois are the 2nd largest native French speakers, and it is a very beautiful accent. Why must other French speakers be so rude and arrogant to always put down Québécois accent?
@@louisfisher614 all I wanted to say is that France's accent might have been closer in pronunciation to Romanian than the Canadian one.
For example when she said "our" and he said "ours" these two words are literally the same in France's French.
Also I'm allowed to have preferences, Canadian French sounds a little bit odd to me. Still I respect all cultures equally.
lauren sacks
Ok, fair enough! I respect. But I think it is not nice when some people in Francophone tell oh you are Québécois oh get out that is not French
Yea because most of the word that she prounounced sounded not correct when she said " vent " I though that she was trying to say " vin " so... well I don't want to offence French canadian speakers, but your prounounciation is not the same with European which made this poor guy looking for hard what word could it be.
The S in Ours is pronounced in French, maybe she is from Quebec but in France it is oo-r-ss. EDIT: Just continued watching, she is definitely Canadian :)
Romanian/french x Portuguese
I love that he compares many languages but, there is a visible ackwardness between them. Overall, good idea.
In French, you pronounce ours with the "s", what's going on?
The girl is not French...
I love these videos!
Please, French and Catalan or Romanian and Serbian/Croatian :)
Yay, it would be great ! A already know some words in common 😁
I want to watch a video with French and Catalan. People say they're very similar
@@mep6302 As I know they are part of the same group, right ?
I am in love with Andrei, he's got such a positive personality
French is prolly one of the most difficult of the latin langs, since they "eat" like 50% of the letters of their words xD
Romanian and Portuguese
Note how easily Andrei got it AFTER the word is spelled out. Thats what makes French such a departure from the other romance languages , with all the letters you don't pronounce - lol. I likewise find it easy to understand in written form but so difficult when spoken.
Ce tare... Sunt Român!
Bravo,cum ai descoperit? bine ca nu esti turc!..
@@alexalexy1809 ^_^
As someone who is a native English speaker who is studying French, I am happy to say that I understood about 85% of both 💜💜
Well of course romanian is similar to Spanish because they are two real latin languages, Spanish is influenced by arabic
French for me it's the least latin of all romance languages, why? Because it differs a lot from the Latin common root, pronounciation is extremely different and it resembles Germanic languages such as German and English, so you can note the Germanic influence at least in the pronounciation
@Heyo German didn't influence French. French influenced French.
alejandro alex9990 Yes, it's different, but because of the Celtic origin! Us Romanians also have a Dacic-Thracian origin, but it disappeared in the language ! And actually French influenced German and English more, not the opposite! 27% of English is from French 🤦♂️
@@Cris-hd1wb well of course french influenced english but french has germanic influence as well
alejandro alex9990 Yes, Romanian also does ! I feel like Romanian has words from every language possible😅😅! We have from Slavic, German, Greek, Hungarian and Turkish, in this order :)
You don't know Romanian also
Romanian was influenced more by ”Balkan language area”-Old Thracian-Dacian, from Slavs came some words, basic grammar, vocabulary are Latin
Good video once again.
But Jackie has a very strong accent ! I think she’s from canada, right ?
yes, but she seems to come from an english part of Canada.
I dont know french but I had the feeling that she didnt say six
"La mar"? Why does this French speaker pronounce "a" instead of "e"? Is she from Quebec? In France they say "La mer".
+Dibujo de Croquis So I am not alone with this, I am a German who learned French at school ( le lycee ;-)) and I was surprised by her pronounciation of words like " la mer", "vent", "argent" - quite different from what I am used to when hearing French people speak
Canadian French.
Man, as a Romanian, I never understood a word in French and had to drop a year in high school just to get the English classes. I mean, why don't you pronounce all the letters in your words? It makes no sense!
Pentru ca francezii au facut o,, limbã" care in scris sã semene cu latina!
Μου αρέσει τα βίντεό σας! Θέλω να δω περισσότερα ελληνικά ;) Ευχαριστώ
Her Canadian pronunciation is very confusing. I probably wouldn’t understand her until I get used to it. She pronounces vent (wind) almost like vingt (20).
Next one Turkish and French please there are about 6200 common words(not joking)
I brought myself here after I realized how much I could very roughly “understand” from a favorite actor of mine speaking Romanian as a French student of (currently) 4 years. Fascinating! Though the French speaker had an interesting accent, not what I’m used to (I’m learning standard/Paris French) and might have changed the results slightly then. I could guess Lumina correctly because I also read over things about Rome/the Latin language too, so knowing the “grandfather” language is also helpful : > “Tot” was interesting though, I thought of it as the French world for “early” (tôt)
Ce tot aveti cu românii ??
When she forgot 6, i went back like 3 times because it went from cinq to sept and I was so confused
Romanian and Serbian/Croatian please 👍👍
Friend in Romanian is prieten. Amic is used not so widespread. Maybe in other Romanian regions but in the South we say all the time prieten. Amic is like a slang word.
Is the girl a real french native speaker? Because her pronounciation is bad
Yes it's Québécois accent and it is a very beautiful accent. Why must people of France be so rude and arrogant to always insult Québécois?
Louis Fisher did I mention something against quebecois people? Don’t feel offended when there is no need to make any drama. Im just stating that her pronounciation is not standard so this means that the sounds she does are not correct for the french pronounciation standards which makes the comprehension harder, even for a native speaker.
@@louisfisher614 I've lived in France most of my life and never came across any specific instance of rudeness towards Québecois. This is very much a fantasy, probably to have another reason to hate the French.
@@louisfisher614 Take a chill pill. A Quibecois sucks. it sounds ridiculous.
Do you guys know Nadia Comaneci???
I never realised how similar French and Romanian are. Thank god i picked French for my gcse’s.
Good video! btw i wanted to mention that when i first watched a video including french, the girl speaks french-canadian, its hard to understand her xD french(france) is way easier to understand
Yes, she is speaking Québécois accent, and it's very cute. I wish the other French speakers would stop putting down Québécois!!
@@louisfisher614 im saying it's just hard to understand. Like when she said Ours, she had to pronounce the S. And when she said Vent. It sounded like va
What is wrong with making it more challenging by including Québécois accent? I think it is fascinating and not something you find anywhere else in the net
+@@Michelhyk I agree, I know French but given her pronounciation I would have had a hard time as well and I definitely wouldn´t have recognizied her "va" for "vent"
5:30 Same in Russian Кошмар.
Anton Slavik because are indo europeans languages lol -_'
English , Romanian, French, German
how is it in the order from the hardest to the easiest ??
Romanian and Turkish ? Please ? xD
Sure, I definitely plan on it! For any future suggestions, could you please reach us on Instagram. Thank you :)
Argent in french doesen't mean money????
Do Romania with Serbia/Croatia !!
Similarities between hindi and arabic!