After contacting three hackers previously without any improvement I got to know cyber_security50 on IG who got me into my account in less than an hour...
Comment ain’t enough to celebrate my extreme gratitude to CYBER_SECURITY50 via instagram. He helped me get the evidence that my husband was cheating on me
This actually really helped me a lot , great advice . In one day I began to gain followers and learned how to read who to engage with and how to engage.
Best tips I’ve ever gotten. I have been “liking the Likers” and making genuine comments when I can. The success rate is incredible! Love you guys. So glad you started a channel!
Comment ain’t enough to celebrate my extreme gratitude to CYBER_SECURITY50 via instagram. He helped me get the evidence that my husband was cheating on me
I like your video I like what are you talking about I’m not Instagram until you go on my Instagram I BOTW how do you say I like the video a lot I want to play doesn’t I love you guys a lot I like what you guys talk about my name is man give me a lemonade please
I am so glad I happened to come across your video! Starting a new business, slowly growing my IG site so this is extremely helpful. Will be watching your other videos too. Thank you !
I’ve watched a lot of videos on growth on social platforms, this is by far the best thought out solution that I’ve ever heard! Thanks for the knowledge, it’s cool you guys are Canadian also 🇨🇦👌🏻
We appreciate that a lot, thank you! We try to pack in useful and tactical details in our videos so that you can test them out right away. If you ever have questions you want us to film a video on, let us know. And yesss we're representing for Canada over here. Nice to meet you. 🇨🇦🙌 - T
I like your comments. My best friend moved to Toronto. He Science journals. I felt your sincerity and wanted to tell how much it helps when you use true sentiments that make America a great place to be. God bless.
Hello guys! New subscriber here, great tips and works! :-) I have a question for you about alt text: when I post something I always write the caption in english to better reach people from all over the world, but my IG language is set in italian, but should I write the alt text in english or in italian for a better comprehension by the app? 🤔 Thank you!
Thanks for subscribing and tuning in! It'd be best to write the alt text in English if that's what language the caption is in, as users who speak English would likely be the ones who are served your content. I don't think that having the app in Italian would affect the alt text language as it's all based on what users search for, so unless you're trying to real people searching in Italian, English should be fine. :) - C
Omg, I am truly thankful from my heart that you created this video and share! This is THE ONLY ONE strategy I seen so far feeing right about it and tell myself that’s it!! I’m so lucky I’m in the very right beginning and find the right model to learn from. Thank you guys have a good day❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💕
@@Highseasonco Thanks so much! So when you guys say to go to the comments and interact with people, should I be going to peoples pages that are in my state? For example finding someone with a large following in Denver, Colorado since I live in Colorado that way I draw people to my page that are local or does it matter?
@@kellybethmcgrath243 yes, that would be a great way to do it. But also, there could be people travelling to Denver that don't live there but would be staying long enough to need your services so you could also look at pages that focus on activities to do while in Denver (or the larger Colorado area depending on how far your services stretch geographically).
You are awesome!!! Thanks for sharing! I also find that asking a very specific question, such as something not related to the obvious works. For example, if you like a certain influencers style, then comment on a specific item and complement them and ask where they got that specific item. There are many ways to go about this great example from high season. Thanks again!
Thank you so much for this video. I just stumbled upon this (2 years late) and really like your page. Even though so much has changed on Instagram since this video was made I still think this is very relevant advice. Much appreciated!
ive been doing exactly this, going to similar accounts as mine, and following the likers and liking 3-4 posts of them. but instagram blocked me and told me i have to wait a bit before i do it again. this way is very effective but im afraid im gonna get shadowbanned. any advice? (i also manage 3 other different instagram accounts from the same device, doing the same strategy on each, is that ok?)
Hey! Glad to hear you're already applying this growth strategy. Instagram does have protections set up against spamming, so if there is too much activity that feels "unnatural" during one period of time it will sound off alarms and they will flag your account. Our recommendation is to not exceed 60-80 images in one hour, and to space things out a bit (some time in the morning, afternoon, evening for example). That's where we've found the most success and haven't had any issues with banning or the "you're doing this too much" action blocks. re: the same device for different accounts we haven't had any issues there so you should be all clear with applying the strategy across the board. Let me know if you have any other questions! - T
I’ve been trying to find help in how to get clients for a while now, I’m so glad I used ho old youtube to find the answer. Thank you for this very detailed video. Will be watching more of your channel.
Great video, thanks for all of the useful information! When going into the “likers” to drop a few hearts, a lot of time their posts are just a wall of selfies which is not something at all related to my business/product... Is it still worthwhile to like these posts? Also, do you have any guidelines for what accounts my business profile should be following? Random people to get them to notice? Competitors? Thanks!
Hi Sarah, thank you! So I'd say it's worthwhile to like those posts because while the selfies aren't related to your business, engaging with them still serves your purpose of essentially letting people know you exist and potentially generating some genuine conversations. Definitely would not advise following random people as that becomes the follow/unfollow method (we've spoken about this a bunch), and that will essentially ruin all the work you're doing. Only follow accounts you want to follow and typically we'd advise to stay within your niche. - C
I am new to this channel and found you because I want to build my own channel. I am a 61 year old coming back into the art and music world after surviving Covid 19. I have tried to ask young people for help understanding these platforms and it’s like herding cats. I overheard someone say go to RUclips and search for answers to your questions. I have enrolled back into school - NYU - Clive Davis School of Music and Marketing. I am reading the right books and passing quizzes and test. I want to help people in my age group get motivated to get started into a new venture without fear.
That's awesome! lol @ herding cats. I feel your pain, it's never easy to get these youngsters in one place. I hope our videos help, we break down everything you need to know to succeed on Instagram. Keep us posted on your journey, it sounds amazing! - C
Great video! These tips have already helped me and it’s day one of me trying to engage and attract followers. I have an art page, and I’ve been able to attract a lot of other art pages to follow me through likes and commenting. However, when they follow me, should I follow back? Sometimes I feel as though that is their expectation, but I don’t really want to follow back everyone bc I know people will drop off here and there, and I don’t want to be stuck in the follow/unfollow loop
Hi Christina, that's awesome. In case we didn't mention it in the video, keep your actions (liking, commenting) to ~60-100 per hour or you'll get action blocked. Re following back, only follow if you want. If you're following just because they followed, then you'll certainly be stuck in the loop and end up with ghost/dormant followers that you'll just have to remove later on. Be authentic - if you want to follow them because you'll enjoy and engage with their content, then go for it. Otherwise, avoid. - C
Thank you for such easy and valuable information. I’m in esthetics & healing skin care services. I’ll definitely begin to implement your suggestions. Please do make a video on optimized use of hash tags. I’m new to Instagram, trying to understand all the ins and how tos. Thanks again guys!
Hi Irina! Thank you for the kind words. I think you'll certainly see a difference when you utilize these strategies. Conveniently, we actually have two videos about hashtags:видео.htmlвидео.html Hope these help! - C
I'm a barber with 22.3k followers and I know my content is great and unmatched smh... But it's hard getting new followers and enegagment. I'm going to try this
Hi! That's great to hear. We definitely know the feeling, and we can certainly help. We do offer consultations which sound like they might be useful for you. Here's all the info and booking links: - C
Oh my gosh this had changed my profile visit and followers but I have a question if people have One thousand followers if they followed me they will not be able to see my story or my post because they have followed lots of people should I remove them or no?
@@6iitae_v886 you don't have to remove them. If someone chooses to follow you there is a chance that they will see your content and stories when you post. The advice from @Highseasonco will get you going in the right direction
Do we follow the people who like the picture with a lot of followers or a little, because I feel if their too big of an account they won’t pay me no mind and if so what is required number of followers
We're not suggesting that you follow anybody here. If you decide to follow somebody, that would be because you enjoy their content. Otherwise it becomes the Follow/Unfollow method that we absolutely do not recommend. Follow who you want, and engage with any account that seems like they could be. a potential follower for you, regardless of their numbers. - C
Thank you for this information. I just have a question. What if the accounts are private and I will just be able to engage with their posts if I follow them? I don't want to do follow/unfollow strategy though. Any advice?
Glad it's helpful! If the accounts are private there's not much you can do with those, aside from focusing on accounts that are public and engaging with them. We definitely wouldn't recommend the follow/unfollow method. - C
@@Highseasonco Thank you for your reply! I have a client and within their niche, almost all of its competitors' followers are in private accounts. Maybe I'd have to go with ads instead.
@@carlodagdag3703 Hey man I have found with private accounts just DM them and ask hey 'are you a fan of so and so' and if they reply have an engaging conversation with them, After you get to know them a bit, then introduce your business and recommend it to them. Hope this helps because this always works for me!
The latter - the ones who like your post are likely going to already be following you since they're engaging (if they're not following you, go ahead and like their posts), but the idea of this concept is to focus on those liking posts of other larger accounts similar to yours. Hope that cleared it up, thanks for watching! - C
This was a great timeless educational video. Because of my RUclips success and knowledge, I have recently started helping businesses start-up and grow through social media. Your video gave me yet another key to the puzzle, thanks for sharing your knowldge.
Hi! You can just tap the Likes area (where it say, "4758 Likes") and it'll bring you to a new screen with all the accounts of folks who liked the post. - C
I have a network marketing business that focuses health and wellness supplements.. you gave the example of Gary Vs fans as a target audience. Do you have any ideas of the target audience I should focus on to gain followers to sell products to and invite as a a business partner?
Hey Christina, we aren’t personally in that world but I would recommend checking out fitness / wellness influencers and brands and targeting their audience (you can typically find this via top hashtags in those categories).
Let me see if I have this straight. So you go to your top competitors and then click on the people who are liking their posts, then are you going thru to indivual likers accounts and liking the likers posts? Should you follow them as well or no?
That's it! Only follow if you want, but if you're following them so they'll follow you back, you're in follow/unfollow territory and that's not where you want to be. I'd typically avoid following unless you genuinely love the account and want to continue to see their posts. - C
one question if you have a clothing boutique and you comment to your competitors post, isnt it like a bad thing cos then their audience see ok " why should I buy from her when I can buy from the bigger one like fashionnova?"
Hey Ayvanna, not necessarily.There's nothing that would indicate your target customer can only purchase from FN and are loyal only to that brand. I follow FN but I also follow a ton of other similar brands if I come across them on Insta and I like their feed/clothing. Also remember it's not just commenting but liking their posts as well so they come over to your profile. - T
When you talk about going into the likes on a post, do you mean go into the likes on the post and go to the accounts of the people who liked it and like and comment on their posts on their profiles? awesome information by the way!
I got a problem while using this strategies. If I try to engage with my "dream follower", I got action blocked several times. Is there a limit on how much Post/ Profiles you can comment/ like without getting action blocked ? It also happens to my girlfriend and also lots of other people I know.
Hey Lukas, that can happen if you're liking and commenting on too many accounts at one time, as Instagram may think you're a bot. These numbers can add up quick - we usually don't engage with more than 60-100 photos in one session. Try to space things out a bit and not go too crazy in one hour to avoid any action blocks.
@@Highseasonco thanks for the reply! I actually wasn't spamming at all 😅 it was like 200 interactions on one day. And I split it. How many sessions do you make per day?
1. Reply to the unresonded people of the comment section of major influencers & competitors of your niche 2. Relative niche hashtags-->comment or like 3~5 post 3. Target the likers of posts in your niche
@@Highseasonco can you please help me to find my niche. Not sure as I’m very confused about this. My Instagram is @jewelry_storage_solutions. I like your last tip but I’m having a difficult time to understand it. Do you offer a free consultation ? Need all the help I can get. Thank you !! My email is Thanks a million.
Hey im currently on unemployment but would like to slowly start purchasing your products and services. Is there a "Getting started" video anywhere? Your information is Great but im lost whete to start its overwhelming.
Hi! Great question - we put this playlist together: I'd suggest you start from the bottom and work your way up. There's definitely a lot of videos on the channel, and as things change with the platforms, the information changes, too. We might look at putting together a shorter playlist with the newest videos with all the most up-to-date tips. I think a lot of them are in this playlist from what I could tell, but this would be your best start. Let us know if you have questions along the way - C
Thank you! I think your videos are timeless and find nuggets of gold in old and new posts. Either way I appreciate you putting all this together! I'm telling everyone about you guys. You are amazing
Not necessarily, unless you're a physical location (eg restaurant, cafe) that renders growth outside your area not as valuable. If the targets can acquire your product or service somehow, then they're good to go. - C
Insta definitely is not a fan of flyers, we recommend always using a carousel and going with a high quality image as the cover and then swiping to the flyer.
Starts at 2.30 ... summary at 8.30
Thanks legend 💯
Thank you
Aryan Hassanandani you are the best!!!
omg thank you for this smh so much fluff it's a shame
Thx brother
Heard the "like the likers" concept a while back. It is DEFINITELY a bullseye. Proven to work
100%, works every time, just gotta put in the effort. - C
_"sorry guys we're Canadian"_
That's an extremely Canadian thing to say
😂 At least we're on-brand 🇨🇦 - C
After contacting three hackers previously without any improvement I got to know cyber_security50 on IG who got me into my account in less than an hour...
Comment ain’t enough to celebrate my extreme gratitude to CYBER_SECURITY50 via instagram. He helped me get the evidence that my husband was cheating on me
Ummm... I think you guys are overselling it a little bit
It worked I've done it it got me 8 new followers so far thank you
That's what we wanna hear, and you're only getting started - C
This actually really helped me a lot , great advice . In one day I began to gain followers and learned how to read who to engage with and how to engage.
Love to hear that, thanks for watching! - C
Best tips I’ve ever gotten. I have been “liking the Likers” and making genuine comments when I can. The success rate is incredible! Love you guys. So glad you started a channel!
Thanks Aleece! That's so cool to hear, made our day. Keep going! - C
Comment ain’t enough to celebrate my extreme gratitude to CYBER_SECURITY50 via instagram. He helped me get the evidence that my husband was cheating on me
By this do they mean liking posts of people who like yours? Or do they mean liking likers of similar accounts to yours that are larger?
This is so insightful as IG is such a minefield. I'm going to start implementing asap. So thankful for this channel 🙌🏾😍
Thank you so much! I'm super glad it helps, best of luck with this strategy! - C
Tried that and it didn't work so someone here referred me to. hack_king139 on Instagram try him and tank me later.
I like your video I like what are you talking about I’m not Instagram until you go on my Instagram I BOTW how do you say I like the video a lot I want to play doesn’t I love you guys a lot I like what you guys talk about my name is man give me a lemonade please
Great information. Straight to the point and easy to apply. Blessings to you both.
Thanks for watching and for the kind words, Ernest! - C
Amazing content!!! Thank you so much so informative and helpful! Just subscribed!
So great to hear, thanks so much for watching! - C
Awesome content! As I’m try to grow your advice was incredibly helpful!
Amazing, thank you! So happy it's working :) - C
I am so glad I happened to come across your video! Starting a new business, slowly growing my IG site so this is extremely helpful. Will be watching your other videos too. Thank you !
Thanks, Cheryl! So happy it's all working for you, the slow, organic growth is the true hack for long term success. Keep going! :) - C
I’ve watched a lot of videos on growth on social platforms, this is by far the best thought out solution that I’ve ever heard! Thanks for the knowledge, it’s cool you guys are Canadian also 🇨🇦👌🏻
We appreciate that a lot, thank you! We try to pack in useful and tactical details in our videos so that you can test them out right away. If you ever have questions you want us to film a video on, let us know. And yesss we're representing for Canada over here. Nice to meet you. 🇨🇦🙌 - T
aye! 🍁🍁🍁
I like your comments. My best friend moved to Toronto. He Science journals. I felt your sincerity and wanted to tell how much it helps when you use true sentiments that make America a great place to be. God bless.
Hello guys! New subscriber here, great tips and works! :-) I have a question for you about alt text: when I post something I always write the caption in english to better reach people from all over the world, but my IG language is set in italian, but should I write the alt text in english or in italian for a better comprehension by the app? 🤔 Thank you!
Thanks for subscribing and tuning in! It'd be best to write the alt text in English if that's what language the caption is in, as users who speak English would likely be the ones who are served your content. I don't think that having the app in Italian would affect the alt text language as it's all based on what users search for, so unless you're trying to real people searching in Italian, English should be fine. :) - C
Omg guys, thanks so much for that, that last tip is genius! Stay blessed 💕
Appreciate you!! - C
Omg this is the best account ever, I haven’t seen a comment that hasn’t been replied to. Trying this method today!
Thank you! It works well, truly engaging with your community is why we're all here! :) - C
Omg, I am truly thankful from my heart that you created this video and share! This is THE ONLY ONE strategy I seen so far feeing right about it and tell myself that’s it!! I’m so lucky I’m in the very right beginning and find the right model to learn from. Thank you guys have a good day❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💕
That's so awesome to hear! Super glad you found it at this point in your journey. Best of luck with your growth! - C
This was actually one of the best videos i've seen in terms of genuinely improving my account. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Love to hear that, thank you so much! :) - C
Thank you 🙏
Instagram is all new to me. I’m trying to grow my hair business.
It’s a little over whelming but this video helps!
You're welcome! There's a lot to learn but stick with it! - C
@@Highseasonco Thanks so much!
So when you guys say to go to the comments and interact with people, should I be going to peoples pages that are in my state? For example finding someone with a large following in Denver, Colorado since I live in Colorado that way I draw people to my page that are local or does it matter?
@@kellybethmcgrath243 yes, that would be a great way to do it. But also, there could be people travelling to Denver that don't live there but would be staying long enough to need your services so you could also look at pages that focus on activities to do while in Denver (or the larger Colorado area depending on how far your services stretch geographically).
great video. Lot of quality information squeezed into a short video. great Job!
Thanks so much, Chanz! Appreciate you - C
Thanks for putting out so valuable content. I'm learning so much. You guys are awesome!💯
Thanks for watching, Andy! Appreciate the kind words and we're stoked you're getting value from it. - C
Thank you for sharing, I love the idea of growing an audience organically. I also love your energy, so authentic!
Our pleasure! The organic way is the only way in our opinion. Thank you for the kind words :) - C
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for watching, Sam! - C
@@Highseasonco You're welcome.
You are awesome!!! Thanks for sharing! I also find that asking a very specific question, such as something not related to the obvious works. For example, if you like a certain influencers style, then comment on a specific item and complement them and ask where they got that specific item. There are many ways to go about this great example from high season. Thanks again!
Thanks Joseph! Great points, try to grab attention by asking an engaging question, love it. Thank you! - C
Thank u for the 💎s, taking notes, & implementing these A$AP!!!
Our pleasure! Thanks for watching :) - C
❤️I love you guys soo much I’ve been on yt for like 6 yrs and you’re the best
Appreciate you! Love our RUclips fam :) - C
Thank you so much for this video. I just stumbled upon this (2 years late) and really like your page. Even though so much has changed on Instagram since this video was made I still think this is very relevant advice. Much appreciated!
So welcome! So happy to hear that, it definitely holds up even with the changes fortunately, appreciate you, thank you for watching! - C
omg this really helps!! I just paused the video and tried it out. thanks for good content~!
Fantastic! Keep going with it, you'll see the difference. Thanks for watching! - C
Another homerun! Keep up the great content!
Appreciate you! Thank you! 🙌
Got very authentic vibes in your video, big thumbs up 👍 for you guys.
Appreciate that, thank you!
ive been doing exactly this, going to similar accounts as mine, and following the likers and liking 3-4 posts of them. but instagram blocked me and told me i have to wait a bit before i do it again. this way is very effective but im afraid im gonna get shadowbanned. any advice? (i also manage 3 other different instagram accounts from the same device, doing the same strategy on each, is that ok?)
Hey! Glad to hear you're already applying this growth strategy. Instagram does have protections set up against spamming, so if there is too much activity that feels "unnatural" during one period of time it will sound off alarms and they will flag your account. Our recommendation is to not exceed 60-80 images in one hour, and to space things out a bit (some time in the morning, afternoon, evening for example). That's where we've found the most success and haven't had any issues with banning or the "you're doing this too much" action blocks.
re: the same device for different accounts we haven't had any issues there so you should be all clear with applying the strategy across the board. Let me know if you have any other questions! - T
@@doitwithaugustinas8544 exactly! The bots made Instagram so strict, you could like 100s in an hour back in the day.
I’m sorry but I don’t understand what are the “likers” I’m lost I started my insta like a couple of days ago and I’m at 1.8k
Well here's mines ,@entpoisnous
thank you guys. The information is definitely helpful and it works. I have tried it myself. I will continue doing so.
So happy to hear that, glad we could help!
Thank you for the info I just searched and your method popped up (new sub). I'm new in that community so growing is definitely on my agenda.
Awesome! Thanks for subbing. We have tons of videos to get your IG growth moving nicely. :) - C
I’ve been trying to find help in how to get clients for a while now, I’m so glad I used ho old youtube to find the answer. Thank you for this very detailed video. Will be watching more of your channel.
Amazing, you're so welcome, and thank you for watching! - C
Awesome info! You're tips are always actionable! Thank you! xo, Michele
Thank you so much, Michele! :) - C
Hi, didn't understand the 3rd tip. Do you mean if someone has like a post of similar product has mine. I should also like that post for high reach?
Hi Manvi, are you referring to targeting niche hashtags (that seems to be the 3rd point)?
Great video, thanks for all of the useful information! When going into the “likers” to drop a few hearts, a lot of time their posts are just a wall of selfies which is not something at all related to my business/product... Is it still worthwhile to like these posts? Also, do you have any guidelines for what accounts my business profile should be following? Random people to get them to notice? Competitors? Thanks!
Hi Sarah, thank you! So I'd say it's worthwhile to like those posts because while the selfies aren't related to your business, engaging with them still serves your purpose of essentially letting people know you exist and potentially generating some genuine conversations. Definitely would not advise following random people as that becomes the follow/unfollow method (we've spoken about this a bunch), and that will essentially ruin all the work you're doing. Only follow accounts you want to follow and typically we'd advise to stay within your niche. - C
@@Highseasonco Great, thanks so much for the helpful info!
I love videos like this, I've just started on my Instagram journey keep videos like these coming, could watch you two all day long
Amazing, thank you so much!! - C
Thanks for the great info . That add a lot of clarity for me
Pleasure, happy to help! - C
Thank you for this insight, I've been supporting my 61 year old mother with her business instagram and this is so helpful!
That's amazing, thanks for watching, Kierra! So glad it's helpful. - C
Just stumbled across this great little channel. Likeable hosts and great advice.👍
Thanks Allie! Appreciate it, thanks for checking us out - C
I enjoyed this video, thank you for sharing
So welcome, Deanna, thanks for watching! - C
I am new to this channel and found you because I want to build my own channel. I am a 61 year old coming back into the art and music world after surviving Covid 19. I have tried to ask young people for help understanding these platforms and it’s like herding cats. I overheard someone say go to RUclips and search for answers to your questions. I have enrolled back into school - NYU - Clive Davis School of Music and Marketing. I am reading the right books and passing quizzes and test. I want to help people in my age group get motivated to get started into a new venture without fear.
That's awesome! lol @ herding cats. I feel your pain, it's never easy to get these youngsters in one place. I hope our videos help, we break down everything you need to know to succeed on Instagram. Keep us posted on your journey, it sounds amazing! - C
Any updates on how your doing
Great video! These tips have already helped me and it’s day one of me trying to engage and attract followers. I have an art page, and I’ve been able to attract a lot of other art pages to follow me through likes and commenting. However, when they follow me, should I follow back? Sometimes I feel as though that is their expectation, but I don’t really want to follow back everyone bc I know people will drop off here and there, and I don’t want to be stuck in the follow/unfollow loop
Hi Christina, that's awesome. In case we didn't mention it in the video, keep your actions (liking, commenting) to ~60-100 per hour or you'll get action blocked. Re following back, only follow if you want. If you're following just because they followed, then you'll certainly be stuck in the loop and end up with ghost/dormant followers that you'll just have to remove later on. Be authentic - if you want to follow them because you'll enjoy and engage with their content, then go for it. Otherwise, avoid. - C
@@Highseasonco awesome, will do! Thanks!
Great video and hello from the UK 🇬🇧
Thanks so much for watching! - C
Thank you for such easy and valuable information. I’m in esthetics & healing skin care services. I’ll definitely begin to implement your suggestions.
Please do make a video on optimized use of hash tags. I’m new to Instagram, trying to understand all the ins and how tos. Thanks again guys!
Hi Irina! Thank you for the kind words. I think you'll certainly see a difference when you utilize these strategies. Conveniently, we actually have two videos about hashtags:видео.htmlвидео.html
Hope these help! - C
I'm a barber with 22.3k followers and I know my content is great and unmatched smh...
But it's hard getting new followers and enegagment. I'm going to try this
This will definitely help, especially if your content is already on point. - C
@@Highseasonco thank u
The very last advice sounds really smart and useful, will definitely try it !
It works!! Let us know how you go - C
I just stated watching you. I think you’re right for me. But I’m so overwhelmed. Do you do any face to face coaching for a fee?
Hi! That's great to hear. We definitely know the feeling, and we can certainly help. We do offer consultations which sound like they might be useful for you. Here's all the info and booking links: - C
Such valuable information, thank you!!
Thank you, Toria! :) - C
This is some great info that I’ve never stumbled upon or thought of! Thanks for all the tips guys🙌🏻
You're so welcome, Kori! So happy it's helping, thanks for watching! :) - C
Only a couple minutes in and I can tell you guys know your stuff. Good work guys. Very helpful
Amazing, thank you!
@@Highseasonco You are welcome! Hoping to use your tips to grow my Instagram page even more.
This was actually useful information 💯💯
Nice! Glad you found it useful. 🙌
I learned lots of things in this video thank you and I will definitely try all of them and hopefully it works
You're so welcome! Let us know how it goes!
Oh my gosh this had changed my profile visit and followers but I have a question if people have One thousand followers if they followed me they will not be able to see my story or my post because they have followed lots of people should I remove them or no?
@@6iitae_v886 you don't have to remove them. If someone chooses to follow you there is a chance that they will see your content and stories when you post. The advice from @Highseasonco will get you going in the right direction
Guys, you make amazing video content :) thank you very much for that :) You're helping me a lot :)
Thank you, Viktorija! So happy it helps :) - C
Do we follow the people who like the picture with a lot of followers or a little, because I feel if their too big of an account they won’t pay me no mind and if so what is required number of followers
We're not suggesting that you follow anybody here. If you decide to follow somebody, that would be because you enjoy their content. Otherwise it becomes the Follow/Unfollow method that we absolutely do not recommend. Follow who you want, and engage with any account that seems like they could be. a potential follower for you, regardless of their numbers. - C
Very discovering! I'll be practicing starting today 👌👍👌👍
Fantastic, best of luck! - C
These are great tips! Thanks.. using these tips for my new Instagram page
and my new RUclips channel! 😊😊
You're so welcome! Let us know how you go :) - C
This is great info!!! Love that you say not to focus on vanity metrics
You're so welcome! Vanity metrics are overrated, and if you just focus on those numbers, you'll miss out on creating a real community. - C
Thank you for this information. I just have a question. What if the accounts are private and I will just be able to engage with their posts if I follow them? I don't want to do follow/unfollow strategy though. Any advice?
Glad it's helpful! If the accounts are private there's not much you can do with those, aside from focusing on accounts that are public and engaging with them. We definitely wouldn't recommend the follow/unfollow method. - C
@@Highseasonco Thank you for your reply! I have a client and within their niche, almost all of its competitors' followers are in private accounts. Maybe I'd have to go with ads instead.
@@carlodagdag3703 Hey man I have found with private accounts just DM them and ask hey 'are you a fan of so and so' and if they reply have an engaging conversation with them, After you get to know them a bit, then introduce your business and recommend it to them. Hope this helps because this always works for me!
You guys are great! Thank you for the rad tips. ;-)
Our pleasure, thanks so much for watching! -
This was sooo helpful!!
Thanks Yana!!! - C
Great advice! Keep it up guys!
Thanks Anthony, appreciate you! - C
this was the first video that didn't tell me 1000 things i already head xx
So happy to hear that! 🙌
By liking the liners do you mean the likers on your own posts or on likers of a larger account similar to yours?
The latter - the ones who like your post are likely going to already be following you since they're engaging (if they're not following you, go ahead and like their posts), but the idea of this concept is to focus on those liking posts of other larger accounts similar to yours. Hope that cleared it up, thanks for watching! - C
Thanks for the helpful content! How can we "target" likers whose accounts are private though?
Hi Michelle, thanks for watching! The private users aren't possible to engage with, you'd only be focusing on public users. - C
Hope u get 1million subs soon from India both of u
You're so kind thank you Siddhartha! Hopefully soon! 😊
Awww thank u🤗🤗🤗
Very helpful info! Thanks for sharing!
You're so welcome! - C
Thanks! This was helpful. I am going to give this a try for sure!
Pleasure! So happy it was valuable, let us know how you go! - C
Thank you so much! I couldn't not subscribe. This is so helpful!!!
Love to hear that, Melissa! Thanks for subbing, appreciate you!! - C
Thank you for given this valuable info
You're so welcome, I hope it helps! - C
Great info... I will start using this method today and follow up. :)
Thank you! Definitely let us know how it goes.
Great feedback. Thank you 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Thanks Nicole! - C
What's your IG mines is @entpoisonous
This was a great timeless educational video. Because of my RUclips success and knowledge, I have recently started helping businesses start-up and grow through social media. Your video gave me yet another key to the puzzle, thanks for sharing your knowldge.
Thanks for the feedback, appreciate you! - C
What great information. This content goes great with GoPro challenge this week
Thank you! I hope the challenge goes well - C
This is amazing thanks for the help
So welcome! - C
Sweet vid thanks guys
Thank you for watching! 🙌
You guys have 1000+ RUclips as well salute you!!
Thank you! 🙌
Great tips, awesome video. Thanks for the insight! 🙏🏼
Thank you, Eman! Glad it was helpful - C
Earned a new subscriber I love quality Content
Appreciate you, thanks for watching! - C
Good job guys! Serios info! Thanks 🙏🏽
You're welcome, thanks for watching!
You guys are my guru!
Appreciate you, Dian!! - C
How do you find the likers of a post? Thanks so much!
Hi! You can just tap the Likes area (where it say, "4758 Likes") and it'll bring you to a new screen with all the accounts of folks who liked the post. - C
Thank you guys for the info 👍🏾💯
Pleasure, hope it was helpful! - C
Greaaaaaaaat video,this guys are legit
Thanks Leo!
Your videos are so helpful, thanks so much!! 💛
Thank you! You're so welcome! ❤️
I have a network marketing business that focuses health and wellness supplements.. you gave the example of Gary Vs fans as a target audience. Do you have any ideas of the target audience I should focus on to gain followers to sell products to and invite as a a business partner?
Hey Christina, we aren’t personally in that world but I would recommend checking out fitness / wellness influencers and brands and targeting their audience (you can typically find this via top hashtags in those categories).
Really helpful. Thank you. Very straightforward and easy to understand!
Thanks Rachel! That's what we were aiming for, so that makes us happy :) - C
Let me see if I have this straight. So you go to your top competitors and then click on the people who are liking their posts, then are you going thru to indivual likers accounts and liking the likers posts? Should you follow them as well or no?
That's it! Only follow if you want, but if you're following them so they'll follow you back, you're in follow/unfollow territory and that's not where you want to be. I'd typically avoid following unless you genuinely love the account and want to continue to see their posts. - C
one question if you have a clothing boutique and you comment to your competitors post, isnt it like a bad thing cos then their audience see ok " why should I buy from her when I can buy from the bigger one like fashionnova?"
Hey Ayvanna, not necessarily.There's nothing that would indicate your target customer can only purchase from FN and are loyal only to that brand. I follow FN but I also follow a ton of other similar brands if I come across them on Insta and I like their feed/clothing. Also remember it's not just commenting but liking their posts as well so they come over to your profile. - T
We just started our Instagram account 1 week ago. I am going to utilize this information to see if it helps grow ours!!
Stick with it and you'll see results. Good luck! - C
I tried it it works by the way my IG is @entpoisonous follow everyone I follow back
When you talk about going into the likes on a post, do you mean go into the likes on the post and go to the accounts of the people who liked it and like and comment on their posts on their profiles? awesome information by the way!
Exactly! Nailed it. Just remember to only comment if you have something authentic to say, don't force it. Glad it's helping, thanks for watching! - C
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!!!
You're so welcome, Deana! - C
I got a problem while using this strategies. If I try to engage with my "dream follower", I got action blocked several times. Is there a limit on how much Post/ Profiles you can comment/ like without getting action blocked ? It also happens to my girlfriend and also lots of other people I know.
Hey Lukas, that can happen if you're liking and commenting on too many accounts at one time, as Instagram may think you're a bot. These numbers can add up quick - we usually don't engage with more than 60-100 photos in one session. Try to space things out a bit and not go too crazy in one hour to avoid any action blocks.
@@Highseasonco thanks for the reply! I actually wasn't spamming at all 😅 it was like 200 interactions on one day. And I split it. How many sessions do you make per day?
1. Reply to the unresonded people of the comment section of major influencers & competitors of your niche
2. Relative niche hashtags-->comment or like 3~5 post
3. Target the likers of posts in your niche
Nailed it 🙏 - C
@@Highseasonco can you please help me to find my niche. Not sure as I’m very confused about this. My Instagram is @jewelry_storage_solutions. I like your last tip but I’m having a difficult time to understand it. Do you offer a free consultation ? Need all the help I can get. Thank you !! My email is Thanks a million.
Hey im currently on unemployment but would like to slowly start purchasing your products and services. Is there a "Getting started" video anywhere?
Your information is Great but im lost whete to start its overwhelming.
Hi! Great question - we put this playlist together: I'd suggest you start from the bottom and work your way up. There's definitely a lot of videos on the channel, and as things change with the platforms, the information changes, too. We might look at putting together a shorter playlist with the newest videos with all the most up-to-date tips. I think a lot of them are in this playlist from what I could tell, but this would be your best start. Let us know if you have questions along the way - C
Thank you! I think your videos are timeless and find nuggets of gold in old and new posts.
Either way I appreciate you putting all this together! I'm telling everyone about you guys. You are amazing
@@HoodBizEdu Thank you so much! That's really kind, and it means a lot to hear that. Very much appreciate it :) - C
Thank you, best advice loved it
Thank you, Adrienne! :) - C
Love her voice , so strong
Agreed! - C
Should the large influencer or competitors necessarily be in your city or country?
Not necessarily, unless you're a physical location (eg restaurant, cafe) that renders growth outside your area not as valuable. If the targets can acquire your product or service somehow, then they're good to go. - C
Instagram kills reach for flyers ,,once you post a flyer and not verified...not a would sees the flyer ...
Insta definitely is not a fan of flyers, we recommend always using a carousel and going with a high quality image as the cover and then swiping to the flyer.
@@Highseasonco smart
Thank you 🙌
Thanks for this awesome information. I'm just getting started with this method.
So happy to hear, Reuben. It'll get you going nicely. Thanks for watching! - C