Nikon 58mm f1,4 G review

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 48

  • @musiqueetmontagne
    @musiqueetmontagne 24 дня назад

    Fabulous images and all three 58mm videos were really interesting. Thanks for making and sharing these.Cheers, Robert.

  • @wearetheunknown8162
    @wearetheunknown8162 5 месяцев назад +2

    Would to love to find one of these to try.
    I love the 85mm f1.4.

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  5 месяцев назад

      Its a gem of a lens for sure in my opinion. Its expensive and many do not get it at all. But if you do its a keeper :) yes thats an amazing lens too!

  • @charlisangel6727
    @charlisangel6727 2 месяца назад

    the images are very beautiful they really exhibit what the lens can do for the artistic photographer

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  2 месяца назад

      Thank you :) yes its not a lens for the clinical sharp images kind of photographer.

  • @enricomarconi8358
    @enricomarconi8358 5 месяцев назад +1

    Great Photos Martin and what a lens this is!!

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you SO much :) yes indeed, its a gem for sure, love it !
      /regards Martin.

  • @klarion
    @klarion 4 месяца назад +1

    Right on. I have had the same experience with the df... I did sell both, but I miss the combo, so I bought another 58 and a used D4 with the same sensor as the DF... We'll see what happens..

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  4 месяца назад

      Yeh, i did sell my Df after i bought my Nikon Zf, but still have the combo you mentioned , the D4 and 58 and wont sell that in any foreseeable future :) And might even get another Df at some point if i have the funds and find one in great condition.
      /regards Martin.

    • @klarion
      @klarion 4 месяца назад

      @@martinandreasson5504 How's the ZF in that regard? Is it possible to get the color brilliance as was with the DF/58 combo?

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  4 месяца назад

      @@klarion I will confess that what i thought first would be something i would instantly try, shooting the F lenses on it with the adapter, has been something i avoided just because of my "disdain" for that adapter :P
      So i have not tested it that much yet with the 58mm. The few times i did i would say no, the Df or D4 with the 58 brings something extra special and unique.
      The Zf give me some other things i value like adapting other really cool vintage lenses i have in the arsenal, and together with the new Z28 and Z40mm f2 lenses its a fun smaller package i love using too.
      So its something else fun and versatile, but does not replace my Df in that regard. Will do some more etsting with it at some point because i want to use my 58mm more again :)

    • @klarion
      @klarion 4 месяца назад +1

      @@martinandreasson5504 thanks. We agree yet again.. I too dislike that adapter with a passion... and Nikon's decision not to make one with AF, like Sony did for Minolta users.

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  4 месяца назад

      @@klarion Yes! its wrong in so many ways hehe. It was one of the reasons i did not want to even get into the Z system to begin with.
      For me also adding the non inspiring camera bodies and the heavy looking Z lenses that looked like they tried to be a mix now in design to Sigma or Sony...just cant believe Nikons design team decision when they sat down fo this meeting and how they could make his call...just flabbergasting.
      Then at last the Zf came along and at least i found a camera body id like to use, just had to get past that ugly adapter. But the use of nicer looking vintage lenses and the 2 SE Z lenses made it ok for me even though im not totally satisfied with it. I also added the Voigtlander 40mm f1,2 which is a wonderful lens that goes so well with the Zf :)

  • @lumenlarry6197
    @lumenlarry6197 4 месяца назад

    You really found the sweet spot in this lens that others have discussed. It all comes together in your portraits and they are lovely. Thanks for sharing this!

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  4 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for you kind comments :)
      And thanks a lot for taking the time to watch!
      Regards Martin.

  • @Capcity44
    @Capcity44 2 года назад +3

    Awesome photos here Martin! I was looking forward to your review of the 58mm F1.4G and it was worth the wait. I’d like to see how you use the 105mm F1.4E

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  2 года назад +3

      Thank you Freeman! Glad i finally had some extra time to make it. I was actually also going to quickly say something about all three 58mm lenses now that i made the last review. But i hope the message that all three are great lenses in their own right just for slightly different reasons :) I will make something about the 105mm f1,4 E lens for sure as its one of the best lenses i have ever used for its purpose. Its amazing. Very happy you liked the video. /regards Martin.

    • @Capcity44
      @Capcity44 2 года назад +1

      @@martinandreasson5504 Sounds good, keep up the great work

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  2 года назад

      @@Capcity44 Thanks, will do :)

  • @18yearsoldnot
    @18yearsoldnot Год назад

    Undoubtedly an incredible lens. The only question in my mind is did I make a massive mistake in getting the Nikon z5 over the df 😢. The noise performance, older (but flagship level sensor from the d4) complements the smoothness and rendering quality of this lens so damn well it is better than any other lens I can think of. It’s the same dilemma I have with my Leica tl2… should I have just got the T?! 😂

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  Год назад

      Yes its a fine lens and lovely together with the DF, one favorite for me for sure. hehe well...we all have those regrets ! Hopefully it evens out by other choices we make and learn from it or it feels better in the future.
      I sold my leica Q 2 times and regretted it a bit every time ! ;)

  • @parnilsson322
    @parnilsson322 2 года назад

    Väldigt fina bilder, på alla sätt 👌

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  2 года назад

      Tack så mycket Per, va snällt och kul att du tittade in och skrev :) Mvh Martin.

  • @ngterry9653
    @ngterry9653 Год назад +2

    I enjoy all your review on all the three 58mm lens. I am very happy with the 58mm Nokton with df because it balances very well with the Nikon df. I believe Nikon df is best dslr for manual focus lens. But i sometimes miss having autofocus when shooting people. However nikon df cannot auto focus very well in dim lighting. AFS 58mm has more pleasing bohek than the nokton 58mm, just it look bulkier on df and twice more expensive. I am hesitate to buy it for nikon Df. :)

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  Год назад +1

      Thank you Terry :) Agree with all that you are saying. The little green dot is sometimes a bit hard to see and focus with accurately . But its fine for when you have time hehe. And like you say with the bokeh and strength and weakness of the two lenses i agree there as well. The Nokton is not as pleasing, but i love the handling and built of the Nokton vs the af-s G lens. But for weddings and situations when you need speed the G lens is the only one i use for those kids of shots, then the Nokton stays home ;)

  • @Lon1an
    @Lon1an Год назад

    Kul att se att detta är ett av dina favoritobjektiv. Jag har just beställt ett exemplar av nikon 58mm f1.4 väldigt billigt så förväntningarna är stora. Jag tror att det kan komplettera mitt Nikon 105mm f1.4 som jag använder tillsammans med Nikon Z9. Min tanke var först att gå på Z 85mmf1.2 eller Z 50mm f1.2 men det är något med de äldre objektiven som ger en annan look än den perfekta skärpan och kontrast som får mig att ledsna. Med Nikons Z objektiv ser allt nästan likadant ut, om du förstår vad jag menar :p

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  Год назад +1

      Hej ! Spännande att höra att du tycker så angående Z objektiven. Jag gick aldrig över till Z husen då jag hade allt jag behövde redan med mina F-gluggar, och kände iaf just då att jag var besviken på adaptern etc också när den första Z kameran kom. Sedan har det ju såklart hänt en del och har hört att de senare Z kamerorna är grymma kameror ändå. Men jag har ju hört andra precis som du som fortfarande tycker att de nyare objektiven är vassa men saknar just karaktär lite.
      Ja jag förstår verkligen vad du menar :)
      Mina favorit objektiv till F husen jag kör med är fortfarande just 105 f1,4 och 24 f1,4 och 58mm f1,4 G. Det är samma rendering i just de objektiven och jag gillar verkligen det drömska och "popen" man får i dom bilderna :)
      Jag kör ju mycket med äldre Nikkor objektiv också och ju "roligare" karaktär och känsla desto bättre tycker jag . Så jag tror verkligen du kommer digga ditt 58mm om du gillar 105an. Men skillnaden där är att 105an är mycket "bättre" kontrollerad medan 58an verkligen är lite mer soft och drömsk när man får till det. Och jag använde mitt 58 mycket mer då man kan använda det lite mer som en vanlig 50 också men samtidigt ta riktigt fina porträtt om man behöver. Så ska bli kul att höra vad du tycker sedan :)
      Mvh Martin.

  • @thomastuorto9929
    @thomastuorto9929 Год назад

    Nice photos!

  • @DansHotShots
    @DansHotShots Год назад

    excellent work

  • @gregoryowain2073
    @gregoryowain2073 Год назад +1

    As someone who owns the 35mm F1.4 and the 105mm F1.4 i'm pretty keen to add in the 58mm F1.4 that slots nicely between the two. There's a certain quality that the Nikon F1.4 primes have with just the right amount of quality but also just the right amounts of flaws to give the images a certain look and feel.
    Have you ever tried shooting film with the 58mm F1.4G?

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  Год назад

      Hey Gregory :) The one missing for me has been the 35 G i heard it has similar characteristics to the 58 and 105. Is it any different in any regard in your opinion?
      I have had it on my F100 a few times yeh but only shot Fuji 400H pro and no other film, have you tried it on film and on what camera and with which film stock :)? Curious to know of your experience with it in that case .

    • @gregoryowain2073
      @gregoryowain2073 Год назад

      @@martinandreasson5504 The 105 mm F1.4 I've owned for a couple of years but the 35mm F1.4 only arrived this week! Shooting with the 35mm there's definitely some of the 3D pop that people talk about with the 58mm and it has a consistent look with the 105mm. I think the 105 has less of a 3D effect as it is newer and optically sharper edge to edge, and the fact you have less distortion with a longer focal length (in my opinion). Still a fantastic lens and one of my favourites when outdoors. I have shot a few frames on my F100 with it, but as it has an electronic diaphragm you can only shoot at F1.4. I'd need to spend more time with it to give a better answer.
      I do fully intend to use the 35mm with it as well. Unfortunately I've never even held a 58mm F1.4 in my hand so can't comment there.
      I'll DM you some photos I've taken with the 35mm on Instagram.

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  Год назад

      @@gregoryowain2073 A right! I have heard som many wedding photographers swear by the 35 G lens and love it :) I always had a bit of "trouble" falling in love with the 35mm FL as i started out a lot with 24mm as a documentary FL. I have the 24mm f1,4 G which has been my favorite wide angle for years now. It also can take some incredible quality images in the right setting and even being 24mm you can get some really nice separation and bokeh with it and the close focus is very nice too so you can get in nice and close to get even more separation :)
      I think you will love the 35 on film too then, a bit more versatile being used there than the 105. I have used the 105 on film a few times too, and like you noticed i could only shoot at 1.4 but was cool to try and it looked great in the shots that you could nail focus hehe.

    • @gregoryowain2073
      @gregoryowain2073 Год назад

      @@martinandreasson5504 It very much depends on what you are used to. I've always been a 50mm guy so going but wider with 35mm suits me well I think. Will have a go with by film camera this week. Do check out the photos I've DM'ed you on Instagram, it might be I'm in your requests.
      Yes nailing photos on an old film camera with the 105mm is not easy haha. No way to check your focus until it's developed of course.

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  Год назад +1

      @@gregoryowain2073 yeh i had a few 35 mm lenses i really liked as well on film. Like the Nikkor 35mm f1,4 and the takumar 35mm etc for Pentax, but in general i feel its too narrow or too long at times hehe, but its alla matter of perspective of course and what situations you find yourself in :) Oh! yeh havent seen so probably in another folder, will check them out for sure, thank you :)

  • @dinkobilic9078
    @dinkobilic9078 10 месяцев назад me out, please :(
    I have this lens, and got my first mirrorless ever, which happens to be Z8. I wanted to use this lens so bad, but I CANNOT get a tack sharp photo wide open, and it's driving me crazy.
    I am getting frustrated with my Z8, but I am a very new to it, so please advise....what settings I need to check to fix the problem? I am constantly getting soft images below f2.8 (they progressively get sharper), but once I hit f2.8, the lens is super sharp. But it's a premium lens with a premium price, on a premium camera, and I cannot get a sharp photo at f1.4? What am I doing wrong?

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  10 месяцев назад +2

      hello! im so sorry to hear you having this issue, especially on a Z body. I thought maybe with mirrorless the AF tune problem would not be as much of an issue.
      But to begin with the 58 G is not the sharpest wide open although i feel already at F2 you should be able to get sharp images where you want it.
      Can you check your images that are unsharp and see if and where its sharp, i mean maybe you put your focus on the eye but the sharp areas begin either after where you put it instead or before?
      If that is the case it seems to need to AF tune your lens with the Z body. You can google it and see how you can remedy it yourself, but if its too hard you can hand the body plus lens in at a camera shop that sells Nikon and they will pair your lens with the body and it is fixed :)
      If its not that it sounds really weird and while the 58 G can be quite soft wide open, you should not have that problem after 2,0 or such and even at 1,8 i feel.
      Let me know how that goes, and again sorry to hear you have this issue with such a fantastic lens otherwise.
      /regards Martin.

    • @fishfamily5408
      @fishfamily5408 2 месяца назад

      When I went to the store I picked the best copy out of 4. It was the only one sharp wide open. I've noticed on my Nikon ZF focusing is super accurate and consistent now. In the past it would sometimes front focus. Love this lens though!

  • @iToZoo
    @iToZoo Год назад

    Nice photos!不知道58 1.4在Df上会不会跑焦

  • @Lansunous
    @Lansunous 11 месяцев назад

    Great portraits. I ordered a DF today and I'm excited to shoot with it. Any compact lenses that you'll recommend? I ordered a manual nikon 45 2.8, a pancake lens. I hope mnaual shooting isn't going to be too difficult! Take care and thanks for the video!

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  11 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you so much :) That is awesome, really hope you will enjoy it, Hehe yeh, sure i would love focus peaking or something similar, my eyesight has gone worse over the last 10 years too so its not always super easy. But i have managed well enough so i think/hope you will be ok with it :) I have not used the 45mm actually, thats a pretty cool FL.
      I think several of those older Nikkor lenses are pretty compact for the quality you get. The only other pancake i have tried earlier was the 50mm f1,8 japanese version. I thought it was a bit too soft but i know many people who like it.
      But otherwise the 28mm f2,8 Ai-s is a legend of course, and perfect size. The 20mm f3,5 is also a great lens for landscapes etc.
      Another lens i could recommend is the 58mm f1,4 voigtländer i also review here. Looks awesome on the df with its old style.
      Good luck! Kind regards Martin.

  • @stuartwalker121
    @stuartwalker121 Год назад

    Did you have to adjust the focus any in camera Martin?

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  Год назад

      Hey Stuart :) well to be honest i have been quite bad with dealing with adjusting focus to compensate for any mis calibration on any lens i have. I have not had a huge problem on any lens but i believe it might have been slightly off on this and others but have just compensated for that manually and its been fine in practice :)

  • @isaiasanchez1987
    @isaiasanchez1987 Год назад

    Wich camera was that again?

    • @martinandreasson5504
      @martinandreasson5504  Год назад

      You mean that took the photo with the santa baby? if so its the Nikon Df :)