Raising a Muslim daughter in America | Ranna Abduljawad | TEDxFSCJ

  • Опубликовано: 6 дек 2016
  • When Ranna Abduljawad became a mother after twelve years of marriage, she never imagined she would have to explain discrimination to her daughter at an early age, but as a Muslim mother, that has been her reality. In her talk, Abduljawad explains how prejudice and fear profoundly affect families, especially children. Too often, stories of anti-Muslim speech, action and violence go un- or under-reported, and quickly fade from memory, but when each of us takes a stand, we can be the stories of change, uniting with our brothers and sisters of faith and working together to build a happier, safer world.
    Ranna Abduljawad is a vice president within the technology sector for a major nancial corporation and has served as a member of Bank of America LEAD for Women (Leadership, Education, Advocacy & Development for Women). A native of West Bank, Ranna’s time in the Middle East encouraged her to understand con icts as human problems with human solutions. Having spent her free time volunteering in refugee camps in Palestine, Ranna’s experiences have encouraged her to act as an advocate for the refugees. She plays an active role in the FRRC (Floridians Responding to Refugees) and additionally serves as an executive board member at Atlantic Institute of Jacksonville, a nonprofit organization that aims to facilitate interfaith dialog locally and bridge cultural divisions around the globe.
    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Комментарии • 220

  • @choppacal4899
    @choppacal4899 5 лет назад +57

    "Something about me screams I'm not American enough" That statement is true for many in America.

    • @avagage1
      @avagage1 5 лет назад +1

      give me some examples plz?

    • @mariamdahlia2437
      @mariamdahlia2437 3 года назад

      @kiran dixit that's her CHOICE

  • @amandahannoon7864
    @amandahannoon7864 4 года назад +21

    No mother should be afraid for her child because of religion.

  • @toddlow3672
    @toddlow3672 3 года назад +6

    I met her once. She's a very nice person. She mentioned she had done a TedTalk so I asked about it. In the process, she mentioned moving to America after high school and working with immigrants to help them move here as well. She made it sound like she herself was an immigrant, so I asked her where she was from. She smiled and said, "I'm from Washington."

    • @da251
      @da251 3 года назад

      She was born here, but her father took her as child to Palestine. After high school she came back to the states.

  • @tamim8219
    @tamim8219 4 года назад +22

    Full proud as a Muslim, May Allah bless you & the rest of muslims. That is a brilliant inspair to listen to empower ourselves. Thank you ......

    • @hanaelnahas2656
      @hanaelnahas2656 4 года назад +3

      ​@jax demax may allah bless everyone

    • @menna2777
      @menna2777 4 года назад +5

      @jax demax Allah means God so no Allah is not only for muslims. Arab Christians say Allah too

  • @yvest3332
    @yvest3332 3 года назад +8

    No, she is not a "native of the West Bank" but a native of the US, as she says herself. She says, in her video, that she was born in Washington State. She is an American citizen, regardless of her religion.

  • @ohanawarrior456
    @ohanawarrior456 6 лет назад +15

    For those who are 'believers' yet hate Muslims and think any level of 'hate' is becoming of a christian. PS if you hate you're not a real Christian. You're a fake. Accept it.
    God exists regardless of religion and it is not God that needs religion. If a person wants respect, why would they not respect others regardless of their religion? God is no respecter of persons regardless of what they believe even if they do not believe in God. Man can think that only his religion is truth because he believes in what is taught in the religion he practices.
    Every religion exists in an attempt to explain God and to disrespect another religion seems unreasonable for anyone who claims to believe in God. All people are one with God because all are spiritual beings with a material body, having experience in the material realm.
    This means the life in man is God and to disrespect the religion of those who believe in God is to disrespect God. All religions are interpretations of teachings from ascended masters or angels so in truth, God can be the only religion.

  • @sanasaleh148
    @sanasaleh148 5 лет назад +7

    Beautifully well spoken

  • @alone28y1
    @alone28y1 4 года назад +7

    I remember some reaction from a Korean lady heard it on this American life the Korean lady was approached by her caucasian neighbor assuming since she is Korean looking person she must not speak English must not be an American and will definitely love Korean food. But once talked with her the caucasian neighbor said to the Korean lady "I noticed that you speak a very good English and don't have any accent" she replied I am a third generation Korean that was born in the United states don't speak any other languages but English hardly know anything about Korea or Korean culture all together.
    This show how insular people can be but this just doesn't apply to people in the United states or Europe I am sure if a caucasian or an African guy that was born and raised in Korea would be assumed to be a foreigner not Korean just because of his or her looks deep down regardless of the color nationality human nature behaves in the same manner.

    • @danCK1990
      @danCK1990 4 года назад +1

      So I guess if the Caucasian was in seoul the Korean neighbour would never have thought the same.... Gimme a break?!

  • @roysam2710
    @roysam2710 5 лет назад +16

    Salaam to all. This is a world wide problem. Do you think that it's only in America. I am a Indian born in Suriname, colony of the Dutch living in the the Netherlands (Dutch). I can say that I live my whole life here and as you I can say "I am not Dutch enough" . There is pain but I am turning this to energy so I can live till the day come to leave this world. I know that this was as long menkind exist. Look in history it will shock you.

    • @kaatje0009
      @kaatje0009 5 лет назад

      Ik begrijp het gevoel...ze denken in Amerika dat het alleen daar gaande is😓

    • @Anonymous_00020
      @Anonymous_00020 3 года назад

      Though I m indian but everyday I face the discrimination

    • @anushkasekkingstad1300
      @anushkasekkingstad1300 6 месяцев назад

      As an Indian born in Suriname, unless you hold a Netherlands passport, you’re not Dutch at all.

  • @aanchal-annaleedeprince5525
    @aanchal-annaleedeprince5525 4 года назад +3

    Ya let's make a difference. I have stood up already and am working deeply hard to provoke the changes I wish to see but I cannot alone. So yea we must all contribute to make the difference we wish to see siting down and complaining is solving nothing let us dtand and make the difference together.

  • @danCK1990
    @danCK1990 4 года назад +12

    Why isn't there a Ted talk for raising a coptic Christian child in Egypt, a kurdish child in Iraq or a parsi in the GCC oh wait I forgot Islamic countries are so liberal

    • @hanaelnahas2656
      @hanaelnahas2656 4 года назад +1

      Woah Woah Woah

    • @hanaelnahas2656
      @hanaelnahas2656 4 года назад +5

      There are Millions of christians in egypt and we live side by side and in peace... Mulsim egyptians love Christian egyptians and the other way around

    • @danCK1990
      @danCK1990 4 года назад

      I grew up in the GCC so call me skeptical with a capital S

    • @belmaohran9152
      @belmaohran9152 4 года назад +4

      Because they don’t feel discriminated as much as we in the West? Otherweise they would come to TED Talks .... Can’t it be ??

    • @danCK1990
      @danCK1990 4 года назад +1

      @@belmaohran9152 miss can u elaborate on ur point cuz discrimination in the west is majorly on economic terms but in the middle east it goes much beyond that...

  • @Marta1Buck
    @Marta1Buck 7 лет назад +9

    -grabbing popcorn- reading comments

  • @MullerFan28
    @MullerFan28 2 года назад +2

    raising a daughter is hard in western world based countries because if you let them go to school and hangout with other races and groups they will easily get influenced and it's hard to educate them on islam without thinking it's unfair that women have to do this and that i've witnessed it with my own sisters and i'm about to have a daughter myself and I wanna be prepared on how to raise her properly

  • @imaginaryfriend3827
    @imaginaryfriend3827 7 лет назад +14

    I came here for the comments.

  • @razansarts194
    @razansarts194 4 года назад +3

    I am muslim, i live in america...but this is not the right place for me.

  • @farahkhawaja878
    @farahkhawaja878 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you!

  • @roysam2710
    @roysam2710 5 лет назад +5

    Sister, yes hate is never the answer. Thank you.

    • @pollykerr7092
      @pollykerr7092 5 лет назад

      exactly...but lets view the VILE HATRED in koran re non believers...and muslim families so HATEFUL they even COMPLY WITH THE DEMANDS OF ISLAM to kick out,disown,ostracise,make enemy of any member with intellect who doesn't accept or believe what islam brainwashes weak minds with
      what do you feel about those SO HATEFUL they even 'support' islam's penalty of DEATH for daring to know,criticise or leaving islam....do you feel repulsed/sickened as decent human beings feel with this obscenity of islam

    • @roysam2710
      @roysam2710 5 лет назад +1

      Let it go. Life your live in peace. Learn every one peace. Love every one. Muslim or not. Love comes from the Lord of the worlds. Be always on peace. Hate darkness your heart. Keep always with Nuur for every one.

  • @user-oe1jc6nd6r
    @user-oe1jc6nd6r 3 года назад +1

    شكراً لكِ أنتِ سيدة فاضلة ، أنتِ مسلمة والإسلام ينجيك من كل أذى لأنك توحدي الله عز وجل الذي خلق الكون مالك الملك ذي الجلال والإكرام وتؤمني بالله ورسوله وتؤمني بالقرآن والسنة ، وإن لم ترتدي الحجاب ، ان شاء الله أبعدكِ اللهُ عن النار وأدخلكِ الجنة مع الأبرار ، نسأل الله أن يحفظ الإسلام والمسلمين في كل مكان وأن يأخذ على يدي الظالمين والمعتدين أخذ عزيز مقتدر يا رب .

    • @user-oe1jc6nd6r
      @user-oe1jc6nd6r 3 года назад

      ربما اختيارك لترك الحجاب اختيار مُوَفق لأنك الظاهر أنك تعيشين في بلد غير مسلمة ، وأن الشباب هناك ليسوا بحاجة للنظر إلى مفاتن المرأة وأظن أيضاً أنك إذا ذهبتي إلى بلد مسلم كفلسطين مثلاً ستكونين بكامل حجابك ، أسأل الله عز وجل أن يجعل كل امرأة مسلمة في أمان وسلام تامين وأن يجعلها تتحلى بحجابها وحيائها غير خائفة من أي شيء ما

  • @Anonymous-bk7fn
    @Anonymous-bk7fn 3 года назад +1

    She is an American without doubt, but I'm confident it is her accent that causes people to ask her where she's from most if the time - she does have one even though she herself can't hear it. That is not uncommon that people can't hear their own accents, it happens with Europeans too.

  • @madinah1202
    @madinah1202 7 лет назад +87

    The comments here are disgusting! Saying "you should move to Saudi Arabia and raise your daughter there if you're so sick of Islamaphobia" is not only frustrating, it's stupid- it doesn't make sense. Muslims move to American because they want better lives despite their choice of religion (something which America actually promises= freedom of religion). Saudi Arabia does not promise freedom of religion, gender equality (something America still doesn't actually live up to), etc. So, saying move to Saudi Arabia (insert other Muslims majority countries) doesn't hold up. Again, Muslims leave such countries like Saudi for America because America is supposed to be better. This women is arguing that America isn't doing much better and she wishes/hopes it does. Gawd! People can be so stupid and set in their ways.

    • @imaginaryfriend3827
      @imaginaryfriend3827 7 лет назад +3

      Islam is an arrogant religion. The phrase "There is no God but Allah" is narcissistic and insulting to other religions. In contrast, Christianity is a religion that preaches humbleness.
      And what's with this woman treating Islam as a race? I would never have assumed that she was Muslim, especially since the traditional Islamic attire for women is a ninja costume. And she talks like her daughter is doomed to become a Muslim as well. Her daughter might very well become a Christian instead.
      As another commenter pointed out, Muslims often wear their religion on their sleeve. In contrast, you could rarely identify a Christian because they are humble in their religion. You'd only be able to tell if you watched them enter a church or overheard a conversation.
      I don't understand why a woman would endorse a religion that treats women as second class citizens.

    • @madinah1202
      @madinah1202 7 лет назад +12

      Evil Santa if you knew Islam, you'd know that Islam is a religion of peace, the first religion to give women rights. You're so blinded by your hate for Islam you can't see the hypocrisy in your words and comparisons of Christianity and Islam. Doesn't Christianity also preach that there's one God? Even Jesus is "Son of God" and not God, is he not?
      As for your comment about how Muslim women dress, we dress in all sorts of ways. Some choose to cover more than others. Doesn't nuns also cover fully except their face? Could it be that what you're saying is Christianity is YOUR interpretation of Christianity and not necessarily the Bible's Christianity? It sounds like you've got some issues to work through. Not just with your understanding of Islam, misinformed as it already is, but also your understanding of Christianity. If Christianity preaches peace and humbleness then why are you, a Christian, so hateful towards others simply because they choose to practice another religion? Did your Christian God not create Muslims?

    • @aghazally3832
      @aghazally3832 7 лет назад +1

      Thank u Darling u are 100% Right. May God Bless u for talking the Truth, Ameen

    • @allatgoddess8961
      @allatgoddess8961 7 лет назад +3

      It's valid, because islam is NOT compatible with American or Western society.
      If you cannot put your nationality FIRST, your loyalty to a country FIRST, as being the most important, and religion SECOND, you DON"T belong in the West.
      If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!

    • @suraj22ish
      @suraj22ish 7 лет назад

      Madinatou Diallo Yes america is suppose to be better than saudi , that dosent mean americans should give up their every freedom just act as ideological slaves and make way for a fundamentalist to pass.

  • @patrickjanssen8918
    @patrickjanssen8918 3 года назад +1

    The media does not portrait your faith negatively , the beloevers of that same faith do that.

  • @afifkhaja
    @afifkhaja 4 года назад +8

    Ranna, nice talk and I wish the best upon you and your child. But by accepting Islam, you are also accountable for defending Islam's teachings such as: killing apostates, stoning homosexuals, chopping off hands for stealing, etc. I am not advocating violence against any Muslim (my entire extended family is Muslim and I love them all dearly) but I believe that Muslims cannot claim immunity from criticism by hiding under the cloak of Islamophobia. Great talk, by the way :)

    • @s.j.4061
      @s.j.4061 4 года назад


    • @vitathaisis9407
      @vitathaisis9407 4 года назад +1

      Shireen Jamil are christians getting respect and equal treatment in muslim countries? Are muslim apostates getting respect from other muslims in the west?

    • @sppecials606
      @sppecials606 3 года назад +1

      @@vitathaisis9407 @ Muslims never answer questions like yours. They're on an open field here.

    • @justelizabeth3954
      @justelizabeth3954 3 года назад

      Blanket statements for very controversial and complicated subjects. You have misread the Quran and missed many hadiths which counteract your statements. Are you a scholar or have you even studied Shariah law? None of what you said is true but either taken out of context or misunderstood in ignorance. Many criterias must be met for Shariah laws to take place and I see absolutely no problem with Allah's laws. Allah is merciful and just.

  • @drkim4077
    @drkim4077 4 года назад +16

    As an ex-Muslim atheist I also wonder the same things...
    How am I gonna tell my kids that their grandparents the Muslim community I grew up in hate me just because I exercised my freedom of religion.
    How am I gonna explain to my kids that in 23 Muslim countries the punishment leaving Islam is death by decapitation?
    This world is scary.

    • @hanaelnahas2656
      @hanaelnahas2656 4 года назад +5

      The countries that do that is NOT Islam... Trust me its really not

  • @arminiushermann09
    @arminiushermann09 6 лет назад +8

    It is sad to hear these stories. Nobody should have to hide their beliefs or principles. They should be able to be proud of their religion. Their children should not have to live in fear of showing their faith. It really pains me and my heart breaks when I hear these stories.

    • @lennyhardi3760
      @lennyhardi3760 6 лет назад +2

      Arminius Hermann that because they stay in america, come and stay in Indonesia, over here muslim who take control, the minority don't dare to speak up against the majority. If she want to stay more peacefully then go to muslim country. Every side of the world there will always what you call majority and minority. Ask her to just accept it, just like other minority accept it in the other side of the country...

    • @social-mathematics
      @social-mathematics 5 лет назад

      One of my neighbours is a Nazist. He hides his beliefs and principles.
      My other neighbour is a Cannibal. He also hides his beliefs and principles.
      They should be proud of it. Their children shourld not have live in fear of
      showing their beliefs and principles. It really pains me and my heart breaks
      when i think about them.

    • @social-mathematics
      @social-mathematics 5 лет назад

      @@jeffrutt5292 At least I hope that you agree about the Cannibal.

    • @danCK1990
      @danCK1990 4 года назад

      Arminius Hermann Islamic countries are so fond of minorities that they dutifully execute them for their beliefs and lay down draconian blasphemy laws to torture them for enlightenment..... How horrible are the west for pointing a finger at these practices

  • @saharbakr4333
    @saharbakr4333 5 лет назад +3

    You don’t HAVE to raise a MUSLIM daughter in the USA.
    The way I see it is that you either let your daughter choose her own religion- or no religion at all, which is Okay btw. Or forcefully make her be a Muslim in a Muslim country which is in my opinion not ideal ‘cause it’s technically making your child’s choice for her but would make the child feel less confused about her identity and whether she fits in.
    Islamophobia is real, but let’s face it, Muslim’s earned it and we- people of Arabic ancestry- are paying the price.

  • @warriorfortruth2838
    @warriorfortruth2838 6 лет назад +4

    I agree tolerance and love for all regardless of religions. my sister is muslim and my friend was muslim until he passed frm cancer. What you DONT address though, my muslim friend told me all about their lifestyle in greeat depth is that muslims are encouraged to NOT mix outside of school with non muslims. This is a two way blend. I hate racism i abhore it there is no need for it non muslims to muslims but also muslims to non muslims but it works both ways. In uk muslims segrate off. They do not allow their kids to mix with non muslims outside of school and they are encouraged by their mosque leaders to stay away from the unclean non muslims. They are told to not allow their kids to be affected by the non muslims immorality. THIS needs addressed as muslim cultures living within other countries. We have to break down this segregation that goes on becaue of religions and faiths and colour.
    I think we should all be maknig an effort to understand we are ALL ONE all from the SAME source same god just different names. We have got to work on blending together regardless of faith religion and colour and cultures and make an effort to be loving kind compassionate and to integrate with on another. Muslim religion needs to address this segregation that goes on.

    • @altGoolam
      @altGoolam 5 лет назад

      This is simply not true. I'm Muslim. This is not true. Sorry for you.

  • @ibtisamhtewek8899
    @ibtisamhtewek8899 3 года назад +1

    what are you talking about what a game you are playing what if she did not choose to take Islam as a religion or she has no choice

  • @mahtazdin
    @mahtazdin 7 лет назад +5

    but I get what she saying. she wanted us to be peaceful. she has a point. but all Abraham faith is has pegan root.

  • @aminanadir1787
    @aminanadir1787 5 лет назад +1

    Good peace is possible if women wear tradition dress where scaf is the part of dress

  • @nikitakhliestov3578
    @nikitakhliestov3578 3 года назад +1

    1. She states she wants a better life for her kid
    2. But, somehow, she's so interested in her precious identity she doesn't even think about switching religion or becoming publicly atheist.
    Just in case, I'm of muslim ancestry, and I don't think there's lots of difference between any religions, as I'm atheist/non-religious.
    And yes, I think Islamophobia is an absurd thing that makes situation worse.
    But anyway, it's really easy to blame environment if you have strong beliefs instead of adaptability.
    And, imho, it's immoral to give your child ideological traits that will make it harder for her to survive.

  • @katiellegiovannucci4857
    @katiellegiovannucci4857 2 года назад +1

    A good speech, but unfortunately, the Muslim religion is facing huge problems because of people's fanaticism, misconceptions, and its facts have been shown to everyone.
    Now, I ask her a question: Why doesn't she change her religion? After all, when you have something that only brings you problems, you have two choices, change or face the problems. The name of this is consequences and each of us faces the consequences of our choices.
    I believe it is impossible to change people's opinions about their beliefs, but we need to be intelligent enough to know how to choose our consequences.
    She made her choice and I make mine, I get my consequences and she gets hers.
    Everyone deserves respect regardless of religion! We all need to respect each other even if we are different, but coexistence is something very different!
    The US is a free country for all whether they worship any religion or not! Imposing a religion in the USA is a waste of time!

  • @gordeady6802
    @gordeady6802 5 лет назад +6

    Have you people never read the Koran?

    • @asmamazauze734
      @asmamazauze734 5 лет назад +8

      We did and that's why we are muslims. You should too :)

    • @nayilaahmed2162
      @nayilaahmed2162 5 лет назад +3

      @@asmamazauze734 no thanks

    • @javaskin
      @javaskin 5 лет назад +4

      ​@@asmamazauze734 Don't be silly, you're muslim because your parents are muslims.

    • @asmamazauze734
      @asmamazauze734 5 лет назад +4

      @@javaskin nope. I was not a practitioner at all since my birth and my parents didn't care. Until age of 19, when I read about Islam I realized how beautiful it is.

    • @asmamazauze734
      @asmamazauze734 5 лет назад +3

      @Roosje Keizer lool what do you mean by when muslim hear Allahu Akbar chanted ... ?? We SAY it THOUSAND times a day !!!

  • @dstudio8314
    @dstudio8314 4 года назад

    Extremely religious beliefs can be trashed by standard education and population control

  • @carlocullen9453
    @carlocullen9453 5 лет назад


  • @overthetopandrewgoal1580
    @overthetopandrewgoal1580 5 лет назад +6

    Too be honest this sounds way too pretentious

    • @danCK1990
      @danCK1990 4 года назад +1

      I agree

    • @hanaelnahas2656
      @hanaelnahas2656 4 года назад +3

      I'm sorry, if you don't understand a religion, I ask you to not comment at all, especially when it's something that is important to someone else

  • @anushkasekkingstad1300
    @anushkasekkingstad1300 6 месяцев назад

    How does she explain the discrimination shown by countless muslims towards homosexuals, atheists and others of whom they disapprove?

  • @sallybowers7231
    @sallybowers7231 3 года назад +1

    Have you read a Koran..?..and comprehend it...I wonder

    • @user-oo6vr1ky5f
      @user-oo6vr1ky5f 3 года назад +2

      Yes I have. Have you read your Bible. Can you explain Samuel 15:3?

  • @Think_pls
    @Think_pls 4 года назад +1

    It's frustrating to hear this real people stories, good people suffering because of discrimination, but unfortunately religion has caused this which she doesn't realize yet , after countless debates and dialogue, different Faith are very exclusive in nature, although they say they are not, it's time for religion to go, keep all good things , but the TAg of religion should go, it will make this world a better place

    • @Ravikumar-op1fw
      @Ravikumar-op1fw 3 года назад +1

      Religion is not the only reason, humans always find reasons to discriminate, hate, war.

    • @Think_pls
      @Think_pls 3 года назад

      @@Ravikumar-op1fw agree Ravi

  • @neutronstar5544
    @neutronstar5544 7 лет назад +25

    Raising a christian/jew/hindu daughter in Saudi Arabia.oops i forgot they banned churches, monasteries and temples.

    • @Sign4lyf
      @Sign4lyf 7 лет назад +2

      You're not a Muslim so don't pretend to speak for them.

    • @Sign4lyf
      @Sign4lyf 7 лет назад +2

      John Doe Except that you are when you taint their religion kind of the way Isis does. Maybe you should join them as you seem to have a similar mindset.

    • @Sign4lyf
      @Sign4lyf 7 лет назад +3

      John Doe Don't worry we will continue to fight your ideology. Thank you for motivating us with your spiteful, ignorant hatred.

    • @Sign4lyf
      @Sign4lyf 7 лет назад +2

      Daniya Mallick Don't worry about it. You don't have to tell us you're a good human as long as you live that way. This dude is a vicious troll who will always choose fear because he is an uneducated coward. Don't expect better from him because he is unable to be better or smarter or stronger. It's why he is so afraid and belligerent. You have been nothing but polite and respectful to him and he has come back somehow stupider. His comments are all the proof we need of his weakness. It's tragic really that some people are too afraid to venture outside their comfort zones to educate themselves.

    • @FutureKyra
      @FutureKyra 7 лет назад +4

      Dude from what I can see, you have done nothing but vilify a religion that many people hold dear. Guess what, that shit is personal and you started it. A lot of countries that are backwards and have terrible cultural traditions are bad because of those, which means that they are so uneducated that religion is just another route to take for them to enforce their horrific ideals on the public. Blaming Islam is not fixing the problem, the issue is subjective which means you deal with it differently for disparate individuals. It is not as simplistic as you would have people believe so please don't attack people, which is what you do when you attack their religion btw.

  • @justelizabeth3954
    @justelizabeth3954 3 года назад +2

    If you want to raise a pious Muslim you should lead first by example. One important thing for woman in Islam is to dress modestly. Example...cover your hair and body and wear loose fitting clothes. None of her talk is about the religion or Allah. It's about culture and human perception. Raising righteous kids in a non Muslim culture requires you to be different. Who cares what anyone thinks if your true intention is to please Allah s.w.t ?? Be very different from the non Muslims. Be proud of your religion.

  • @robertzali3340
    @robertzali3340 4 года назад +4

    Go there where you belong. Not to any European country where you always will be a stranger. That is absolutelly understable and normal. No hard feelings.

  • @pumoneynaidoo6385
    @pumoneynaidoo6385 3 года назад

    I know how you feel we all feel just like that to zakir naik is that problem he miss lead very one

  • @samiralfarabi750
    @samiralfarabi750 4 года назад +1

    Haha...the only innocent here is Islam and its teachings....get real!

  • @sweetiepie4328
    @sweetiepie4328 2 года назад

    News flash! You have an accent

    • @user-kn2ub2cj8z
      @user-kn2ub2cj8z 2 года назад

      I don't think so , Her English is perfect.

  • @fluffyanne2396
    @fluffyanne2396 5 лет назад +5

    I am sure that you want to be a good mother. I also want to be a good mother. I have worked very hard to teach my children about love. As an infidel how do you think I feel when your faith teaches you to hate me and not take me as a friend. You need to take a very loooooong look in the mirror and realize you are not a victim of the west but you are a victim of Islam. Do your daughter a big favour and realize we are not your enemy but your faith is.

    • @fillfinish7302
      @fillfinish7302 5 лет назад

      👍👍fluffy Anne

    • @avagage1
      @avagage1 5 лет назад

      Very well spoken.

    • @nadiaakhtar690
      @nadiaakhtar690 4 года назад

      I am a Muslim and I welcome all Faith's as well as non believers into my life and home. What you described is more of a cultural issue which I agree exists within some old fashioned communities. Islam teaches us to co exist and respect all Faith's and beliefs.

  • @netinaut8746
    @netinaut8746 7 лет назад +4

    Ranna, consider these central tenets of Islam:
    1. Islam means a 'slave'.
    2. Life is hereafter, not here.
    Does it surprise you that Islam demands unquestioning 'faith and belief' to peddle these two tenets ? Now, consider that with some rationality and reason... Please allow your daughter/son to question the same...

    • @belajijo5054
      @belajijo5054 7 лет назад +5

      Neti Naut Islam means slave? Um where did you get that definition? 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @netinaut8746
      @netinaut8746 7 лет назад

      Islam means slave of allah, servant of allah, submission to allah... Sadly, 1.5 billion muslims accept it without ever questioning it :(

    • @jenn3853
      @jenn3853 7 лет назад

      It means submission

    • @netinaut8746
      @netinaut8746 7 лет назад +1

      How pathetic is that :(

    • @alawamalawam53
      @alawamalawam53 6 лет назад +2

      Do you still burn witches ?

  • @kuehnel16
    @kuehnel16 4 года назад

    It's America, not Pakistan

  • @KK-jo2uf
    @KK-jo2uf 6 лет назад +3

    First of all your daughter was not born as a muslim .
    And You put the muslim tag on her . Then why playing V card Now , It was your choice .
    yes its racism and islamophobe but still they want to go america . and live their , ever seen any american living in saudi arabia ?? No but they want ??

    • @anshika-_-motwani
      @anshika-_-motwani 6 лет назад +5

      K V firstly, yeah Americans do live in all parts of the world, including Saudi Arabia.
      And secondly, they live in America because it's their choice. They live their legally. And they are as much American as you are. It is supposed to be a developed and modern country, where society is supposed to have moved on from these petty differences. You think the millions of companies, factories, offices, etc. can work without people coming in from all parts of the world? They work for you, pay taxes as much as you do, and they deserve an equal amount of respect. They deserve to not be suspected and threatened every day.

    • @lennyhardi3760
      @lennyhardi3760 6 лет назад +1

      It is very true...even it's hurt...the daughter can't choose what religion she wants. The parwnts who put the tag on her...that is what all muslim do. So, don't complain!

    • @altGoolam
      @altGoolam 5 лет назад

      Parents do what they believe is best for their children. But their children will have choices in a free society. What you're afraid of, is that given the choice, Muslims don't give up the religion, but maybe Christians become Muslim. You are afraid of equality. We are not.

  • @muzapps2733
    @muzapps2733 7 лет назад +15

    How about people just keep their bloody religions to themselves & stop wearing it on their sleeves, if you say you're an individual then bloody well act like it!

    • @altGoolam
      @altGoolam 5 лет назад

      What you want is for people to conformb to your norms. You have a belief system that is threatened by other people living theirs. These people do not have that problem.

  • @social-mathematics
    @social-mathematics 5 лет назад +4

    Why she left her beautiful peaceful and free muslim country to live with
    the bad christians? Also I would suggest her to move to Saudi Arabia.

    • @altGoolam
      @altGoolam 5 лет назад

      She's Palestinian. Palestine is illegally occupied by the colonial state of Israel.