Download the Phased Array App from google play store. Just search "PAUT Buddy" or follow this link:
Question: how can u run a dual side inspection using a 5l16 on each side with a splitter. With just a 16:128 module. Arent we firing 16 elements from each probe at once? That will need a 32:128 ?
So I've tried using two 5L16 on each side with a splitter. It does work. The only explanation I can give is there might be slight time delay in the two groups. Or if you are using the exact same focal law for both the probes, then the the same 16 pulsers can trigger the splitter with the same focal laws which then triggers both the probes same way.
Download the Phased Array App from google play store. Just search "PAUT Buddy" or follow this link:
Thank you for your lectures. Please can you explain calibration thickness and Ref.dB.
Question: how can u run a dual side inspection using a 5l16 on each side with a splitter. With just a 16:128 module. Arent we firing 16 elements from each probe at once? That will need a 32:128 ?
So I've tried using two 5L16 on each side with a splitter. It does work. The only explanation I can give is there might be slight time delay in the two groups. Or if you are using the exact same focal law for both the probes, then the the same 16 pulsers can trigger the splitter with the same focal laws which then triggers both the probes same way.
How to select probe machine model number 32:128
Can you elaborate?
Question: What means "PR" in "PA16:64PR" or "PA32:128PR" ......????????
Dear,How to calculate PAUT image size for SD ram memory
I am sorry I don't know. But I will let you know if I can get answer from someone else.