Religion Strikes Back: Why Everyone Should Believe in God (ft. Ross Douthat)
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- As a columnist for the New York Times, Ross Douthat has a new book releasing in February on why he believes it is harder NOT to believe in God than to have faith. He traces how the God-conversation has radically shifted since the early 2000s. Join us for a deep-dive on religion today and the latest case for God from order in the cosmos and consciousness.
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Everyone should indeed believe in God!
Yes, I believe in Thor.
Can I believe in Santa Claus instead? Does that count?
I kind of like him better than most other made up characters.
Because I can choose anyone I want right? Allah, Vishnu Baal, Odin etc? The most important thing is that I choose believing in a supernatural identity right?
@@zatraz2573 You cannot be serious. Santa is just a little old guy with a white beard and a red nose reindeer who comes down your chimney whilst you sleep. Thor is a big blonde guy who swings his very large hammer. He’ll beat/ ….up Santa anytime.
That’s the thing about gods, it’s like playing top trumps.
Give me just one piece of evidence that it is impossible that something you are not aware of is the explanation for the origin of our universe? If you can't, then you aren't justified in believing that a mind is responsible for it. Therefore, you should NOT believe in a god.
100 person took a bank loan and it was supposed to be paid in cash but one person said i will die as sacrifice for your loan so that u all need not pay it.. will bank accept such payment of loan????
YES! Thank you for pointing out that we live in the supernatural all the time! Not in a "new thought" or "new age" type of way, but in the way the we have hardware (a body with a brain) and software (a mind and emotions) and the two are inextricably joined as described in Ps. 139:13-14-"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it." NLT. As usual, if someone doesn't want acknowledge the existence of God, it's a heart issue, not a head issue.
Yes, I think historically, philosophy has been too focused on a Platonist model where the body and mind are separate. However, I disagree on two accounts:
1. While this has implications for the supernatural, it’s not predicated on it.
2. I’m an ex-Christian who desperately wanted to hold onto my faith, but found myself unable to. “It’s a heart issue” is a cliche assertion that misrepresents many people like myself. Please don’t repeat it.
You have no proof the mind isnt physical. Meanwhile, we have evidence of brain alteration affecting every part of the "mind" that matters.
Keep coping.
@@seanpierce9386 The reason I say it's a heart issue is because that is where belief and unbelief are held. Most of us will deny truth, proof or evidence when it doesn't line up with our beliefs. That is my opinion, formed over long years of consideration. I understand that you may not agree, and that doesn't offend or anger me. Rom.10:9-10, "If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved." NLT
@@jenniferoutlaw1975 It’s worth differentiating acceptance and confidence. What you’re referring to is confidence-being convinced enough to declare it publicly and put some effort in to show you’re serious. But before that happens, I need to accept the claim. I can’t just will myself to believe, I have to be convinced first.
By saying “it’s a heart issue”, you’re implying that I haven’t tried that yet, because I’m stubborn and stuck in my sinful ways. So the solution is to simply stop it, have some fuzzy feelings, and start believing. It’s frustratingly bad advice.
@@seanpierce9386 I understand what you mean. I remember the moment when I "accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior". I had a belief in God and Jesus, but the chasm I couldn't cross was that I knew myself and what was in my mind and heart and couldn't see myself being a "Christian". When I decided to surrender myself to Jesus Christ and accept Him as my Savior and Lord, a profound change happened in my entire being and I truly was "born again" (a term I was not raised with and had only heard a few times). That began a process that altered the couse of my life. Not in some straight-line, perfect way, but in a way that has had me going through life with the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit rather than on my own. And that will continue after my life in this world is over. But it starts with that surrender. That is why I say it's a heart issue.
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. -2 Timothy 3:5. Not everything spiritual is of Christ.
You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. -2 Timothy 3:1-4 NLT
Everything spiritual IS of God and of Jesus Christ.
@@johnsteichen5239 only in the ultimate sense that everything is created by God, but not in the sense of going out from.
@@johnsteichen5239 Maybe 'spiritual' is the wrong word ......
100 person took a bank loan and it was supposed to be paid in cash but one person said i will die as sacrifice for your loan so that u all need not pay it.. will bank accept such payment of loan????
Everyone should believe in God to keep apologists, pastors, priests, etc. employed and housed.
I’m a Catholic school English teacher and one thing we have in common is the fact that it’s “alternative,” not “alternative.” No big deal because the things we have in common are more important than our differences, right?
100 person took a bank loan and it was supposed to be paid in cash but one person said i will die as sacrifice for your loan so that u all need not pay it.. will bank accept such payment of loan????
Thanks for sharing 🙏🏿
His grace and mercy be upon you both and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯
100 person took a bank loan and it was supposed to be paid in cash but one person said i will die as sacrifice for your loan so that u all need not pay it.. will bank accept such payment of loan????
People want to keep God in the realm of concepts, in a box where he can be contained.
But he comes to us with power, Being to being.
The Holy Spirit crashes in like the ocean and wipes away all our sandcastles.
Really? Where can we find this being?
@@horridhenry9920 He has been moving in your life since you were born. Look. Then ask. And listen.
You said it’s not a concept, then you described it with poetry…which is conceptual. Facts don’t care about your feelings?
@@weirdwilliam8500 We can talk about a person in the abstract.
But that is not the same thing as meeting the person, face to face.
The latter is not a concept. It is experience.
That is how we meet God, by experience. The words only point to that direct experience.
@ Oh? What color eyes does god have? Upturned nose or no?
Or are you still talking in conceptual metaphors and analogies?
Sean: Two others that you need to interview are:
James Tour, of Rice University. He is a chemist who has come up with a list of 100 chemical events that need to be explained for evolution to occur. One of these is that there are 4 types of molecules that are needed for living beings. All of them don't naturally occur and therefore they require a creator.
He gave a challenge to 10 of the most vocal believers in life originating without a Creator. After a year none of them have submitted a response. People need to hear about this.
Another person to interview is Randy Guliuzza of the Institute of Creation Research. He says that biology needs a "Theory of biological design" because "Survival of the fittest" directs us away from considering how the fittest arrived.
At this point I have only seen his articles and podcasts on this concept. I suspect that a book is in the future.
Thanks, I already interviewed James tour a year or two ago and hosted a panel with Randy about five years ago. Both great guests!
@SeanMcDowell Randy has been developing a new theory and may be a great interview in 6 months or so.
Here via paul vanderklay
The media plays the biggest part of belief. Social media have reformed access to alternatives.
In all seriousness, a friend of mine had an insight and was going to write about it. But before he could do that, he found that Douthat had already been there, done that.
You think it might be part of A PLOT? 🙂
@@stevenwiederholt7000 You can not be saved by any other gospel than what paul taught 1 corinthians 15:1-4 Its Believe + NOTHING
1 Corinthians 15:1-4: The Gospel That Saves
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also you have received, and wherein you stand, by which also you are saved if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures,
and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures."
Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."
Ephesians 1:13-14:
"In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory."
The gospel of salvation is not found in sacraments, liturgy, the worship of the Eucharist, water baptism, infant baptism, good works, speaking in tongues, or listening to the pope.
Salvation is not achieved by being a good person, as Jesus said, "There is none good but One, that is, God" (Mark 10:18).
It is not through laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit, penance, the mass, worshiping Mary, the rosary, priests saying the last rites, purgatory, keeping the law (10 commandments),
keeping the Sabbath, church membership, fasting, tithing, or confession of sins to a priest.
Salvation is not giving your life to Christ that is not the gospel the gospel is 1 corinthians 15:1-4
or confessing Jesus is Lord; or Believing John 3:16 that is not the gospel that Paul preached. by which you are saved
Or giving your life to Christ that is not the gospel. the gospel is 1 corinthians 15:1-4
If any religion or church or person teaches or adds anything to the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for salvation, they and all who believe and trust in them, according to the apostle Paul, are accursed (damned). Galatians 1:6-12: paul speaking to the church
From the image on the thumbnail, I thought Sean was having Gary's Habermas on this video.
Gary is a lot older
In the intro, "then" was used in place of "than", and alternative was spelled "alternitive". If you want this content to reach some people, avoiding simple mistakes like these may help. In any case, I hope anyone watching isn't watching to see the intro, but to hear what is said in the actual interview.
Metagelical: the coming together of the fractured Christian lineages in conversation around the current metamodern moment.
There ain't no answer.
There ain't gonna be any answer.
There never has been an answer.
There's your answer.
People miss religion. If they do they can go back and start attending the Church. The reality is however that people are walking with their feet out of religious attendance. This will probably get worse as there is a tendency for churches to have congregations of old people. Tom Wadsworth a Christian commentator has done a good video on this. He suggests that self reporting of church attendance is inaccurate. He did a survey of his local churches over time and found that the real decline in church attendance was about twice that reported in Gallup surveys.
He cites a number of reasons including scandals in both the Protestant and Catholic churches plus other effects such as COVID
Interesting spelling of Alternative
Scientists do not confess their belief out of fear of career would be destroyed unless they went along with the accepted science of the past.
And lots of young people pretend they "believe" in your imaginary Sky Daddy because they fear they will lose the love of their families if they "come out" as non-believers. It's almost as difficult to tell your parents that you are an agnostic or atheist as it is to tell them you are LGBTQ.
Dont put down what you dont understand because you arent willing to pick up the Bible and start reading. Start with the New Testament. I started reading Matthew first at age 11. I fell in love with the words of Jesus. The words written in Red are the words Jesus (Yeshua) spoke. God judges the heart and He knows yours. If you want to know God, pray, ask and God will reveal himself to you. We are all at different levels of spiritual maturity. I think of it as a staircase with a thousand steps. Some are on step one, others step 10 and so on. I see myself around step 100, with much more to learn. Like your ABCs. Have to learn letters before we can make words, and know words before we can write sentences. We are all on our own journey with Christ. Having faith, believing in faith Jesus is the Son of God starts us on this journey.
Reading and studying the Bible is why I became an atheist.
According to multiple surveys, the average atheist is more biblically literate than the average Christian. Roughly a quarter of seminary students stop believing after diving into the history and details of the Bible.
Maybe take your own advice, instead of going off good feelings and the comfort of social belonging. That stuff is nice, but it doesn’t require religion to get them, and they are unrelated to objective truth.
@@weirdwilliam8500 good feelings? Being told I’m a sinner and actually having to wrestle with social belonging (I’m an introvert and a nerdy tomboy, and I don’t feel like I really fit in anywhere, honestly) . Those of us who go to church have to wrestle with the limits of what a social group can do. It’s not about good feelings and social networking.
But even if it was, that is not something that secularists decry either. They’re constantly talking about “community” and being accepted and searching for happiness.
As Christians, we are told basically come and learn how to die well. To die to yourself. That’s a lifelong battle for us.
@@paulacoyle5685 You said, “If you want to know god, pray, and he will reveal himself to you.” For every Christian I’ve spoken with, the moment that god “revealed himself” was a strong emotional feeling that they attributed to a supernatural cause. It’s emotional.
Christianity requires you to degrade your self-image and sense of self-worth, then offers you a limited emotional relief from those feelings.
In adult converts, that’s why they always describe feeling awful, then converting. The necessary desperate despair was already there. In Christian families, they have to first teach children that they’re depraved, wicked failures who can never be good enough, to prime them to accept a message of redemption. A god-shaped hole is cut out your heart through emotional abuse, so that a god concept can be stuffed into it.
Again, this pattern of manipulation and mental architecture fits all the criteria of emotional abuse. You wouldn’t need god’s love if you hadn’t systematically been taught to first hate yourself, with healthy coping skills disparaging and kept out of reach.
As someone who has always been an atheist, I’ve always felt happy, purposeful and hopeful without a belief in any gods. I don’t have to constantly police my thoughts, view myself with disgust, fear violent punishment for asking too many questions, or feel guilty about everything I enjoy. When I see Christians extolling the love and hope they could only find in god, I feel like I’m watching people smash each other’s kneecaps, then praise how much crutches can benefit their life. I’d rather walk, thank you.
Naturally, we do not have to defame the power of a God. It would be nice also to see it, of course... or aspects maybe, of John 14:12.
Also, could the issue of Adam being 'our representative', as some Christians say, in relation to Original Sin - be clearly defined if so? For, once and for ALL... hopefully?
1.16.23 my entire missed education with that and I have listened to it so many times it's brilliant it's so detailed and it's so engaging and it's so wonderful and it makes my learning brains so happy thank you very much for that but we we must continue I would say that I'm you flatter me already I'm not really an expert in Judaism I only know my Hebrew I just and I won't and I also bring the Jewish commentators I just try what I can well you also do some homework for this I mean so you yes you do you go through all these notes and everything and so and then of course you've got a perspective to just a natural perspective when you hear things what we're we're whether we are technically American or not different way of viewing it and so you're going to get insights that we miss the Canadian evangelicals still import
Aron Ra Blasphemer's Bible - Genesis 32
Well I am happy you are so confident in your position..since I cannot read Hebrew or Greek or Egyptian hieroglyphics oe Akkadian I am at a real handicap to work with primary sources. I sincerely wish you well as you study😊
100 person took a bank loan and it was supposed to be paid in cash but one person said i will die as sacrifice for your loan so that u all need not pay it.. will bank accept such payment of loan????
DC had a multi verse first
You admitted that your goal is to sell books. Without the profit motive, I think all religion would disappear.
I definitely understand your thought process 😄 But I feel like there’s so much more at play. For example, think about the arguments presented that point to God. They have to be responded to adequately before you could swat religion (i.e. Christianity) aside. Furthermore, looks at the Christians in the 1/2 centuries. They had absolutely nothing to gain (i.e. monetary or otherwise) and everything to lose (e.g. loved ones and even their own life). But Christianity still prevailed. Does that give you pause?
@@offbrandpauloftarsus What is your best argument for a god? Then I'll see if I can swat it away.
Could a man that walked on a island among the Iguanas be wrong about evolution? Where the monkey evolved from man?
I'm definitely feeling the absence of religion....and I must say, it feels great!
I felt that way before Jesus revealed the truth to me.
@@jude.niranjanWhy is he playing favorites?
Imagine interviewing someone with ties to the heritage foundation and thinking they aren't insanely biased.
Very cool, Sean. Let's keep supporting religious extremism. Just stop pretending that you actually give a crap about anything other than your religion.
No, apparently he cares more about worldly power and treating the least among us with cruelty, even more than he cares about his actual religion.
Materialism/natural emergence require magic? If any world view is founded on magic it is Roman Catholicism.
Gave it 35 minutes. This Catholic had no compelling apologetic
100 person took a bank loan and it was supposed to be paid in cash but one person said i will die as sacrifice for your loan so that u all need not pay it.. will bank accept such payment of loan????
No, they would not. Now where does that get us? 😄
@@offbrandpauloftarsus it get us that the story of sin payment on cross is a lie and only sweet cake nothing reality in it and those who believe it are dumbest person on earth.
I hate hucksters.
Yep, more fail from Sean and Douthat. Christiansn do love to trot out the "but but it takes more faith to be an atheist" garbage every few years. Alas, it takes no faith to be an atheist at all. It just takes no evidence for a cult that can't even agree within itself what its god wants, what its god has done, how people are saved, who is saved, how to interpret the bible, is it free will or predestination, what heaven and hell are, what morals their god wants, etc. Curious how neither sean or ross or any other christian can do what their jesus promsies to his true followers. Per their own bible, they are liars.
Each of these frauds makes up their very own version of their god and their rleigion and that's why there are literally dozens, if not thousands of different versions of this nonsense.
It's funny every time you post, I'm thinking, "if velkyn would be convinced of his atheism, he'd have better things to do than comment on this channel". Obviously you don't.
The divisions and factions are challenging in the "body" of believers. Still as we are admonished by the Holy Spirit, indwelling Presence of Jesus Christ, we seek unity through the Word itself. No traditions, not self-imposed translations, rather a seeking heart to learning the Mind of Christ.
When you are aware of the questions in your own heart, may Christ Himself reveal Truth and comfort for you, whereby you may know His redeeming Love and His promise to keep your soul forever.
Colossians I:13 for the Father rescues us from the the dominion of darkness, into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins
Atheists have different divisions. Christians do as well. For you to be considered a Christian, you have to agree on the essentials: The inspiration of the Bible, The Triune nature of God, Jesus' literal resurrection, his atonement on the cross, etc. Everything else such as views of salvation (Calvinism vs. Arminianism), spiritual gifts (cessationists vs.continuist)s are nonessentials and depend on your interpretation of certain verses (guided by educated teachers of course) For you to be an atheist, just believe God doesn't exist. Simple.
@@terraloft Right, but if assorted children in clerical settings could be consistently protected, from abuse...
Then that would be nice. Many feel.
Also, many certainly had questions. Like when Achan's family was about, to be stoned...
Or black people - about to end up, in transatlantic ships.... while chained.
@@MrSeedi76 I know right. If you're an atheist, why waste time trolling other people's channels. If God doesn't exist, why waste your time. Just shows how much atheists fear Christianity. I'd like to see how much time he spends trolling Muslim channels.
Giants are really… buy gun and bible ms to fight the Nephalem
Sean you should do a episode on Catholicism and its origins in history and what what it's done to protestantism and all the countries that the Jesuits have taken over and the things that famous people have said about them and and if the church is actually the woman drunk with the blood of the Saints you know mystery Babylon because it totally is you have to be totally dense to like not not get to that conclusion or like super oblivious or deceived
You win the prize for most unintelligible word salad of the week and worst run-on sentence of the month.
God, I Am, the Self-existent & Eternally existent, non-contingent Creator Source of all contingent beings and objects is not "god," "a god," "one of many gods," etc. atheists continually strawman the Christian view of God, I Am, and commit the Category Error Fallacy when they describe God as one of these other categories of being.
Nice fantasy. No matter how you "categorize" it, there is no evidence to support the "God" hypothesis.
@williamgreenfield9991 Only to those blind to what the vast majority sees, knows and experiences.
atheists put blind faith in the belief that a non-programmed-by-a-Mind, unguided-by-a-Mind accident (the brain/mind if there is no Creator, God, I Am) can be "trusted." I don't have enough blind faith to be an atheist!
Yes, believe in the real Goddess. Praise Amaterasu!
I wrote a story in which archeologists discovered Yahweh's tomb, in which were his and his wife's remains. DNA studies were able to identify their descendants alive today ... or rather ... her descendants. He didn't have any.
Just because something is complicated or unknown does not mean a god exists. It just means it is unknown just like the Mayans assumed a god existed because of a lunar eclipse. And where did god come from other than someone wrote in a book? All weak arguments.