5 Bible Passages That Caused Me To Lose My Faith

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 31 тыс.

  • @deirdrehbrt
    @deirdrehbrt 2 месяца назад +899

    I was in a cult called The Bible Speaks and in one sermon heard the pastor say "If you are raped and you survive, you have sinned because you did not resist unto death." As a survivor of CSA, this one hit hard.
    Some Christian churches are horrible.

    • @rexpayne7836
      @rexpayne7836 2 месяца назад +69

      Where's their empathy and compassion. Stay strong. You're in control of your life, so live your best life. 🇦🇺 ❤

    • @deirdrehbrt
      @deirdrehbrt 2 месяца назад

      @rexpayne7836 I'll be 64 in a couple of weeks. For anyone who is considering leaving a cult, it's never too late.
      Also, there are churches out there that recognize that the Bible isn't, and wasn't ever meant to be taken as literally true. This whole bullshit about being the literal word of God was nothing but a means of control.
      The idea of the canon of scripture - who selected it? Who decided which books got in? Why can't Christian churches even decide? You've got the Catholic Bible, the Mormon Bible, the JW version, the potties canon, the Ethiopian Orthodox canon, to name a few.
      I'm still a Christian, but I no longer believe that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God. I don't even believe that the canon of scripture that we call The Bible was somehow inspired by God. And I certainly take issue with much of what Paul said, and most of the Western church, and it's attitude against women (and other minorities) comes from him.

    • @Plethorality
      @Plethorality 2 месяца назад +77

      Sounds like he did that to someone himself and is victim blaming to shift his own guilt. Its not a normal thing to sa about that situation. .

    • @knudoboy
      @knudoboy 2 месяца назад +61

      There are many examples of pastors being perverts

    • @deirdrehbrt
      @deirdrehbrt 2 месяца назад +20

      @@knudoboy I've known more than one.

  • @MikeyFig
    @MikeyFig 3 месяца назад +629

    As an ex pastor and church planter now, I remember back then how i found myself skipping verses and not preaching on them like the ones mentioned. I said to myself that I haven't received "Revelation" on them yet. Then I questioned the bible as a whole. Then I questioned the organization called "CHURCH" as a whole. Then I stepped away to connect with my spiritual parent regarding my unanswered questions. I found myself without the noise, busyness of the organization and found a place of peace that I didn't have back then though I repeated that I did. I didn't turn to an evil person or back to the ways before "Christ". I still appreciate and love people as well as care for them. Funny how I used to say "It's relationship, not religion" without realizing "I was the religion". But now I am in relationship and not going back. In Relationship with my family, community, the earth and the universe. Peace

    • @jad3laur3l
      @jad3laur3l 3 месяца назад +18

      I love this!

    • @pauljordan8033
      @pauljordan8033 2 месяца назад +29

      Welcome to reality. We're glad you joined us!!

    • @Shaybyday
      @Shaybyday 2 месяца назад +8


    • @blackholeentry3489
      @blackholeentry3489 2 месяца назад

      @@dalevanderzee4086 NEVER FORGET...Religion and Collosal Ignorance have repeatedly been proven to dovetail together, and it has long been solidly proven.....The lower the IQ, the more apt one is to be religious!
      Over 4000 religions currently exist upon this earth... (Google it)
      ALL 'preach' their own brand of religion!
      Also, While it might NOT appeal to your internal glutationous....instead of man being a creation of God, God is, instead, fully an imaginary creation of man.
      (Praise Allah, but behind has back, sneak in a donation to both Budda and Jehovah!)

    • @proud05645
      @proud05645 2 месяца назад +19

      ​@@dalevanderzee4086 What makes ur or any gods idea of good better than anyone elses

  • @steamybags6338
    @steamybags6338 4 месяца назад +1849

    When I was struggling with faith I read the bible in a last ditch effort to find my purpose and it led me directly out of the church. What a ride.

    • @SimplePerson-zq9tj
      @SimplePerson-zq9tj 4 месяца назад +46

      Many shall fall away in The End Times, you are one of them if you really left your Faith

    • @faizanfarooqui5226
      @faizanfarooqui5226 4 месяца назад +10

      what about islam

    • @Farzana831
      @Farzana831 4 месяца назад +13

      Maybe try reading the books of other religions? I assure you Everything that didn't make sense to you in Christianity will make sense in Islam. Don't think that Islam is what the western media shows bcz in Islam m***ering one person is the Second Biggest sin and those who do that only put dirt on the Relegion. Islam is much more than that. We believe in Jesus (pbuh) too! But as a prophet and we don't worship him. I invite you to Islam and being a Muslim means those who submit to God. Please read the Quran for at least once, you don't have to worry about believing just read❤

    • @JohnPaulArt-lpz
      @JohnPaulArt-lpz 4 месяца назад +66

      @@Farzana831 girl-

    • @Farzana831
      @Farzana831 4 месяца назад +3

      @@JohnPaulArt-lpz yeah?

  • @conundrum2501
    @conundrum2501 Месяц назад +23

    I too was raised as a southern Baptist and I was about 7 years old when I caught on to the glaring gaps in logic. And when the representatives of the church not only failed to answer my questions but back peddled and told me that it was a sin to question God and that if I kept asking questions I turned away....at 7 years old. I went on a long journey lasting a twenty years deep diving every religion and mythology doing a comparative study of not only what they believe but the historical and social conditions that lead them to those beliefs. In the end I came to the conclusion that it was irrelevant. Either there is a soul or their isn't and if there is then it inherently contains all the knowledge I am seeking and my access to that knowledge is only limited by my temporary encapsulation in human form. So if I knew it before and I'll remember it after then my purpose for being here is not to try to remember or learn what I already know but to learn that which can only be learned in my present condition (how to be a human being) so I stopped seeking. Another decade later my personal experience has lead me to acceptance in a higher intelligence and a deeper reality. But not through blind unquestioning faith but rather deep and personally meaningful experience. But still not belief. Belief is dangerous. People fight and die and kill before they change a belief. But an idea is mutable it can evolve with new evidence.

    • @UnbeLISAble
      @UnbeLISAble 10 дней назад +1

      Wow… that was a very good explanation of seeking. To essentially just live this life for what it is and stop trying to know what can’t be known. But how do you find meaning and purpose like that?

  • @waketp420
    @waketp420 3 месяца назад +462

    My older brother came to me a week ago telling me hes beginning his deconversion process.
    He read every piece of scripture he could, studied the histories, and debated the gospel for 12 years. Even helped build a church.
    He said he stopped believing in the existence of God because he read into it, and studied it until he got the answers he needed.
    He read himself out of his faith.

    • @bekksterlab
      @bekksterlab 3 месяца назад +3

      Gotta give it to someone who knows and understands the truth but still says no. I mean, it sucks and it's apostacy. But hey, at least they are hating it for the right reasons.

    • @waketp420
      @waketp420 3 месяца назад +39

      @@bekksterlab I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.
      I knew I didn't believe in God when I was molested by 3 different men from my church, one of which was my father.
      If there was a God, it wanted me to suffer immensely, and since then, I've read the scriptures multiple times. I've picked them apart, and discovered its lies and hypocrisy. I tried to get my brother to follow, but he was in too deep at that point. I knew that he had to discover it for himself.
      He was so bad... He called me a "f*go*" to my face. Screamed it. Because I said I support LGBTQ+ .... he said God would have his way with me. He was... A lot. He was even a flat earther.
      So to have him, of all people, come to me, and tell me he no longer believes in the God that compelled him to abuse me, was something I never thought I'd witness.
      Gonna be interesting to see what he does next.
      Will he pick up a guitar again, and play some zeppelin like he use to?
      Will he play video games again?
      Will he wanna hang with me again?

    • @plextors-playthroughs
      @plextors-playthroughs 3 месяца назад +1

      @@waketp420 God had nothing to do with your experiences. What you went through was due to humans being evil. God wants no one to suffer. He states this throughout The Bible. I think you, like many people, didn't grab what they read enough to understand what God was doing and why it was done just like the lady in the video regarding the Pharaoh. God doesn't just take humans and make them do evil things for no reason. Sorry to say, but your father molested you because he wanted to as well as the other men. People say why couldn't God help me when he is all powerful? Well, why didn't God help himself when he was being killed on the cross? God doesn't work that way all of the time. Sorry about your experiences because it sucks to hear someone especially a family member molesting their own. I can't imagine that pain.

    • @bekksterlab
      @bekksterlab 3 месяца назад +8

      @@waketp420 I'm so so sorry all of that happened to you. I don't know why God allows terrible things to happen all of the time. It's definitely hard to grapple with. I do know that he allows humans to be humans. For now, anyway. He gives everyone a choice and, man, being sinful and depraved, chooses evil. Christians included, we are sinful and depraved. The only difference being that a TRUE Christian knows their deep need for a God to save them. Depravity is a result of man, not God. We, as Christians believe that Jesus came to live his life as a human to teach people what love was, then to die, to further teach us love and to die on our behalf. We all deserve hell and death for wickedness. And he came to save us from the punishment we deserve. Not to send us to Hell, but save us from it. And one day, we believe (and desperately hope) that Jesus will come back, and bring justice. Not of LGBTQ+, as if that's his mortal enemy. He'll bring justice against all those evil people that did those things to you, and the "Christians" who scream slurs and bitterness and live in pride, and against all the other injustices and evils. And all those who suffered but kept faith in Him will be restored and blessed. All those children in slavery, and the families in the middle of wars, and the immigrants who are just protecting their family. All of them will get their justice. That's the true gospel.
      At the very least, know that. And know that Christ cried with you when that happened to you. And it hurt His heart too.

    • @linklobster123
      @linklobster123 3 месяца назад +2

      @@waketp420 personally I have not had a hard life and it makes me sad that other people have seemed to turn from God. In John 16:33 God says that you will have a hard life but even in that hard life he is always with you "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"

  • @xMissPegasusx
    @xMissPegasusx 11 месяцев назад +2325

    My grandfather was arrested when I was 12 years old, on account of sexually molesting at least a dozen girls (including his grandkids). I was told that he asked god and the pastor for forgiveness on his death bed a year later (in prison), and that it was wonderful that he would go to heaven now.
    I think that broke something in me. My sister later retorted that she would rather go to hell than to see him in heaven.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 11 месяцев назад +40

      Some people prefer the winter season of snow (biblical Hell/Sheol).

    • @Mastermirror89
      @Mastermirror89 11 месяцев назад +460

      Just goes to show that Christianity and its teachings of heaven and hell have nothing at all to do with what we consider justice.
      All that matters to this god is whether or not you are willing to bow down and kiss his ass, as though he had the most fragile ego in existence.
      If a rapist is elligible for eternal paradise simply for being gullible enough and "feeling sorry", while their victims might end up in eternal torment simply for worshipping the wrong flavor of deity, then that system is as far removed as possible from actual justice. It's a joke, and an offensive one at that.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 11 месяцев назад +73

      God never talks in the Bible. It's always the liars that talk.

    • @Mastermirror89
      @Mastermirror89 11 месяцев назад +190

      @@harveywabbit9541 I don't believe in god anyway, so something that doesn't exist can't talk to begin with.
      Regardless though, those are Christian teachings. Christianity very plainly states that whoever accepts Jesus as their savior and repents is elligible for eternal paradise, while the rest be damned. You could be the nicest person who ever lived, if you don't believe in Jesus, you'd still end up in hell.
      It's one of the reasons I despise Christianity so much. It tells people that they are born sick in a way (original sin) and that they are obliged to cure themselves. Reject the cure, which is Jesus obviously, and you're screwed.
      Even if I tried really hard, I'd have a hard time proposing a more immoral idea.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 11 месяцев назад +78

      Religion has always been a synonym for insanity.

  • @irishnich4456
    @irishnich4456 2 месяца назад +478

    An easy guide on how to interpret the bible, as practised by all Christians:
    1. Any verse that says something nice and reasonable is to be taken literally and proves how great the bible is.
    2. Any verse that says something outrageous and ridiculous is just a poetic metaphor and needs to be reinterpreted to mean something different.

    • @christopherharper9932
      @christopherharper9932 2 месяца назад +29

      FACTS 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

    • @robf1801
      @robf1801 2 месяца назад +13

      well put.

    • @bjornfeuerbacher5514
      @bjornfeuerbacher5514 2 месяца назад +24

      @@justinfleming5119 " Ignore everything in the Christian Gospels. "
      Wrong, there is plenty of stuff in the Christian Gospels which gets addressed by Atheists all the time. Are you simply ignorant, or are you willfully lying?
      "Hold everything in the Jewish Torah against Christians, ignoring Supecession."
      Supecession is not even a word, what do you mean?
      Additionally, Jesus said specifically that he did not came to change the law (and he was clearly talking about the Torah there), not one single word of it. So obviously that should be binding to Christians, too.
      "Never hold the Torah against Jews; that would be "antisemitic"."
      Wrong again, there are also atheists who point out that the stuff in the Torah also is bad when Jews follow it, especially the Ultra-Orthodox jews are very often critized for that. Again, are you simply ignorant, or are you willfully lying?

    • @bjornfeuerbacher5514
      @bjornfeuerbacher5514 2 месяца назад

      @@justinfleming5119 How on Earth was I supposed to figure out that you meant "supersessionism"? The word you wrote had not much similarity with that.
      Anyway, supersessionism is only based on the words of Paul, while completely ignoring what Jesus himself said. So people who follow supersessionism not only ignore what Jesus himself said, but they simultaneously also ignore a clear contradiction in the New Testament.
      "They just play telephone with the same handful of Torah quotes. Which, as noted, they never hold against jews."
      And I already pointed out that this is simply false, lots of stuff in the Torah is held all the time by lots of atheists agains jews, especially the ultra-orthodox ones. Since I already told you that, just repeating your claim now is a clear lie from you, you can't hide behind ignorance.
      "among of the dozens of monetized YT internet "atheism" channels"
      Oh, and already you are moving the goalposts? :D Now suddenly it's not about all atheists, it's only about atheists on RUclips, and not even that, it's only about atheists on RUclips with monetized channels! :D What a transparent attempt to backtrack your original claims... :D :D :D

    • @bjornfeuerbacher5514
      @bjornfeuerbacher5514 2 месяца назад

      @@justinfleming5119 So because I couldn't figure out that you meant "supersessionism" when you wrote "Supecession", I am the one to blame? Sure, dude. :D :D :D
      And simply repeating your false claim that atheists never argue against Jews does not make it true. And suddenly shifting the goalposts from all atheists to "monetized YT internet "atheism" channels" makes you only look petty and ridiculous.
      Additionally, you totally misrepresent _why_ atheists argue against Christians: it's simply a reaction to the constant proselytizing done by the Christians, and constant attacks againsts science by lots of fundamentalist Christians. Since there are almost no Jews who do that stuff publically, it's no wonder that there are not many atheists arguing against those.
      Additionally, you conveniently ignore that lots of atheists also argue against Islamists, so claiming that all is only "a thin veil for simple anti-Christian bigotry" is obvious nonsense.
      You fail on all points.

  • @maargenbx1454
    @maargenbx1454 Месяц назад +34

    I don’t get how anyone gets past the part where the main character drowns just about every man, woman, child, and animal on the planet without realizing this story is about an anti-hero, at best.

    • @paultiffany7629
      @paultiffany7629 Месяц назад


    • @blu3clown471
      @blu3clown471 6 дней назад +1

      We are also killers. Everyday we kill millions of cells without even realizing

    • @Armibule
      @Armibule 2 дня назад +6

      ​@@blu3clown471Seems accurate, didn't knew that shaving my hair was the same as nuking an entire city. I will remember this one...

    • @blu3clown471
      @blu3clown471 День назад

      @@Armibule We are all sinners, even if we step on the ground we step in a sinful way, only God is sinless

    • @AbedulTG
      @AbedulTG 6 часов назад

      ​@@blu3clown471 nuh-uh. We all are sinners and we do bad things, yes... But we aren't all killers. Human might be a race but we're all individuals.

  • @Salsuero
    @Salsuero Месяц назад +61

    As an atheist who was once not, not by choice, but by happenstance of being born into the situation one is born into, I appreciate these. I will share them with anyone who I believe will benefit from a nudge of critical thought.

  • @rationalsceptic7634
    @rationalsceptic7634 Год назад +2266

    It is always more rational to have questions you can't answer than answers you can't question!

    • @Quarky07
      @Quarky07 Год назад +27

      say something more rational then 1+1=2 then... it's an unquestionable answer and it is as rational and sane as it gets...

    • @tylergodefroy8713
      @tylergodefroy8713 Год назад

      prove it wrong and it will change thats science@@Quarky07​

    • @ThefrenchFranz
      @ThefrenchFranz Год назад +75

      @@Quarky07 Hopefully, "2" is the answer to "How much make 1+1?". It couldn't be an answer if there wasn't a question first.

    • @1GuyGaming
      @1GuyGaming Год назад +65

      @@Quarky07 math is unquestionable, I agree. Religion, however, is questionable. It is not rational to believe it, but not necessarily incorrect either. For example, some people are color blind, and even though color exists it would be hard to 100% legitimately prove it is there to them. The logical belief would be that it doesn't exist until everyone else says it does, it is easier to believe.

    • @annefranciselizabeth3840
      @annefranciselizabeth3840 Год назад +5

      Of course, you would argue that this "clever" maxim of yours is an exception. The arrogance of foolish skeptics!

  • @ilonabaier6042
    @ilonabaier6042 Год назад +1630

    It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand. -Mark Twain

    • @daydays12
      @daydays12 Год назад +72

      Such a clever, good, wise, witty man.

    • @AnnWan-bs2xn
      @AnnWan-bs2xn Год назад +78

      God is patient and urges us to trust Him even though we might not understand everything. This world is not without purpose.
      I lived in the world without God, I thought I was happy but as the years went by and I got older, and my age mates died in their twenties, thirties, fourties' and I lived on , I wondered if I was truly happy.
      My siblings who were Christians seemed to be happier, had more peace, laughed genuinely, were not afraid of death, were not afraid of poverty, they sang Christian songs loud and cheerfully all the time.
      I had more money, more stuff but I had no joy. I wondered hoe can they be happier?
      Then by God’s Grace I got saved and now I have found that elusive joy, peace, happiness,
      I can never exchange it with anything. Not money, not fame, NOTHING will ever take the place of Christ in my life again.
      So I know., those who try to take away your faith have lost theirs and misery loves company.

    • @huggybear539
      @huggybear539 Год назад +18

      Yet, he was a devout christian.
      "the Savior is none the less a sacred Personage & a man should have no desire or disposition to refer to him lightly, profanely, or otherwise than with the profoundest reverence”. (quoted by Doug Aldridge in Mark Twain and the Brazen Serpent, p. 84)

    • @ilonabaier6042
      @ilonabaier6042 Год назад +77

      @@AnnWan-bs2xn as they say, whatever works for you.
      For me, some of the meanest people I have met in my life have been so-called, devout, born-agains. Having this wisdom "I have found that elusive joy, peace, happiness." Those who are not of my opinion I do not condemn to hell, nor have I ever "tried to take away" one's faith.

    • @cheshirecat6518
      @cheshirecat6518 Год назад +64

      ​@@mauricemenard2243no such thing as hell. And if there were, God would definitely deserve to be there!😂

  • @BrucePruiksma
    @BrucePruiksma 5 дней назад +18

    Kristi, I too had a Calvinist upbringing and I don’t go to church today because I left it for good. However, I am surrounded in my daily life by Christian friends and acquaintances. I don’t hold the comforting faith they have against them. You are a refreshing voice in a delusional world.

    • @hollileslie8105
      @hollileslie8105 3 дня назад

      In a delusional world! Absolutely. It’s crazy to witness from the other side

  • @freedompancakes301
    @freedompancakes301 Год назад +1021

    For me, it was the passage where God orders King Saul to kill all the Amalekites. He told him to kill everyone, even the infants and animals. I was read that passage in Sunday School when I was 16. I already was doubting my faith, but that really helped reassure my doubts. I had to sit there and listen to the Youth pastor argue why genocide was good because the group of people had previously attacked the Israelites, ignoring the fact that completely goes against the principle Jesus taught of "turn the other cheek". I watched all the other kids in the room be hesitant about their support of God's actions, but still keep the "well if it's God's plan" philosophy. I knew how dangerous this mentality can be, and was glad that I separated myself from it.

    • @russellmiles2861
      @russellmiles2861 Год назад +87

      So not YEHEH burning every last man women and child at Sodom despite Abraham imploring him not to.
      For me it was Noah getting pissed, raping his nephew and damming his clan for all time
      What a prat

    • @ahmedopone4080
      @ahmedopone4080 Год назад +28

      I think it implies Noah was the guy that was molested. Nevertheless, doubtful as it is written after to justify actions against certain enemies.

    • @russellmiles2861
      @russellmiles2861 Год назад +94

      @@ahmedopone4080 Noah was still a prat for leaving the Unicorns behind

    • @Equalshares
      @Equalshares Год назад

      Nephilim offspring and they were sacrificing their own children. Evil through and through the bloodlines

    • @sethgyan
      @sethgyan Год назад +15

      @@russellmiles2861 Where's the verse for that?

  • @southernfriedheathen994
    @southernfriedheathen994 2 месяца назад +48

    I was raised in a fundamental christian family and community in the South East US. My parents, my aunts and uncles, neighbors, teachers; I was literally surrounded by these people. Despite their best efforts to indoctrinate me, I jokingly say that I must have always been a true divergent because, even though I faked it to spare conflict, I NEVER thought any of it made ANY sense. I asked a whole lot of questions and they really really hated that. I was always getting in trouble for asking questions. And the fact that I got in trouble for that, only perpetuated my disbelief. In my early years I was too young to come up with explanations on my own, but I was old enough to sense that religion was suspiciously deceptive. As I got older, becoming an atheist was a very natural progression for me. I'm so proud of who I am and I feel strong for deflecting indoctrination and evolving out of my childhood circumstances.

    • @InformationIsTheEdge
      @InformationIsTheEdge 2 месяца назад +2

      Congratulations on your mental emancipation. It seems you had a spark of curiosity that could not be extinguished or sidetracked. Good for you! You had the fortitude to withstand every pressure there is to conform. Family, friends, community, teachers but were still able to keep your curiosity. That is quite rare. You should be proud of who you are. It takes someone special to withstand what you did and remain intact.

    • @tadpethtel8035
      @tadpethtel8035 Месяц назад +5

      My life experience was very similar to yours. From the start, I saw the bible, and the religion founded upon it, to be nothing more than a man made construct used as a tool of psychologocial manipulaton and control. I just never could turn off my ability to reason, which you absolutely have to do to if your are to have conviction of belief . Like you, I was always at odds with family because I questioned the contradictions, the hypocrisy, the corrupt history of the church....... Over time, learning more of the history of the religion and the bible has only strengthened that disbelief. There is just too much tangible, irrefutable evidence the proves the falsity of their foundational beliefs....that the bible is the divinely create perfect word of God and that the church the divinely chosen arbiter of it's interpretation. The only thing i will concede is that the people of faith, do find some contentment in their belief.....a means to be happy, but as we've seen in this country, we are very susceptible to delusional thinking. But for those of us who cannot simply turn off their ability to reason, it's impossible to live in such a cognitively dissonant way. I actually envy them in some ways, because they don't worry about what is real, credible, or true...because can just choose to believe....to have faith. They somehow are able to ignore the realities outside their bubble of delusion, because acknowledging them would destroy the bubble.

    • @southernfriedheathen994
      @southernfriedheathen994 Месяц назад +4

      @@tadpethtel8035 I agree. It's the "ignorance is bliss" mentality. I've said it many times, most people I know would completely crumble if forced to live an authentic reality. Delusion is their salvation. They simply don't possess the mental fortitude.

    • @elkikex
      @elkikex Месяц назад

      Story of my life...amen, brother 😂

    • @juliekoszelak9918
      @juliekoszelak9918 6 дней назад

      Did anyone notice that the mega-pastors are all endorsing Trump? That tells something.

  • @michaelnewell6385
    @michaelnewell6385 Месяц назад +14

    Whoever wrote the Bible, and we still don’t know who they are, knew that it was an unbelievable book so you gotta put in blind faith in order for people to follow it. You are if you look at the Bible it is absolute pure insanity. The more science we have the less religion we have. That is shown through the ages.

  • @mattalley4330
    @mattalley4330 4 месяца назад +121

    I attended and graduated from a Bible college about three years before deconverting from Christianity. While I did not major in biblical studies everyone had to take a certain number of Bible classes regardless of major. I would not portray myself as an expert on this ancient text but I would bet my next paycheck that my knowledge is deeper than the average Joe or Jane Churchgoer. My professors there encouraged me to ask tough questions regarding my faith. Some might say this advice backfired but I view this as intellectual honesty that I still respect today.
    edit- I guess the point I didn’t eventually get around to making was that my knowledge of the Bible helped rather than prevented my eventual deconversion.

    • @victorwest8041
      @victorwest8041 4 месяца назад

      Any religious book that tries to justify mass murder, human sacrifice and a God that commands his people to murder is a worthless piece of garbage, it deserves NO RESPECT.

    • @blackholeentry3489
      @blackholeentry3489 4 месяца назад +4

      So, mattalley, may I assume you've lost your religion?
      Try being 'forced' to attend church you do NOT want to attend. In the early 50's, my folks moved to Laurelwood, OR....primarily a Seventh Day Adventist community, and, for the three years we lived there, was the only time my religious folks didn't attend some kind of church....and drag we five kids along, of which I was the eldest.
      We three school age children walked a full two miles each way to a small one room school, (rain, snow, or shine) where one teacher tried to teach seven grades a wide range of subjects....then my mother secured a job in a town 25 miles away..
      I elected to stay with an older couple for the final seven weeks of the school year, so I could finish the 7th grade...While there, they 'forced' me to attend their SDA church, and is what I give full credit to morphing into the solid atheist I remain to this day.
      On the final day of school, I had my bicycle packed with all of my possessions somehow tied on, rode to school for a half day and them rode the 25 miles to where my folks had moved.
      Looking back....I guess I should be gratefull they gave me a home to live wihin, but being forced to attend a 'Full of Rotten Balogna Church' offset a lot of things.
      And....now....almost 70 years later, while a lifetime astronomer, I do remain an atheist....and, give full 'credit' to Seventh Day Adventists.....and, thier Saturday religion.....although....recently been giving some serious thought about creating a church whose main services occur on Wednesday!
      Do I hear a loud 'AMEN?'

    • @SuperAllv
      @SuperAllv 3 месяца назад +1

      @mattalley4330 @blackholeentry3489 God Bless You Both , I will Pray For You Both And I Pray That You Both Let The Lord Jesus Christ Back into Your Life’s. God Bless ✝️❤️🙏

    • @kenshiloh
      @kenshiloh 3 месяца назад +1

      @@blackholeentry3489 I had a similar situation, only it was a negative experience raised by an atheist. Should my experience dictate to me the final mysteries of life and the universe? I hope that you will consider Christ. He will judge the world in righteousness. How will you do? If you have lied and stolen, you would face God as a lying thief. Yet, Christ died on a Cross so that you may know Him. Jesus Christ is the light of the world.

    • @grizzlycharizard0017
      @grizzlycharizard0017 3 месяца назад +5

      ​@@SuperAllv When you have an open and intelligent mind, you will question everything you have learned.

  • @spewymcspewson
    @spewymcspewson 3 месяца назад +658

    A classic case of the quickest way to become an Atheist is to read the Bible.

    • @antoninmlynarik6391
      @antoninmlynarik6391 3 месяца назад +31

      No way, I have read Bible many times and I'm still christian.

    • @varaprasad8736
      @varaprasad8736 3 месяца назад +60

      ​@@antoninmlynarik6391 You haven't read it properly. Re-read it with sense and being humane.

    • @antoninmlynarik6391
      @antoninmlynarik6391 3 месяца назад +11

      I have read it very carefully several times and Im a human. But I uderstant that our society and ancient society is diferent. Diferent times an diferent societies means diferent rules and laws. Is big mistake judge 3 or 4 thousant years old rules by nowadays scales. In addition in this video is several missleading statement.

    • @magnuseriksson5547
      @magnuseriksson5547 3 месяца назад +51

      Same god though, right? So the rules and laws should be timeless. Or did god not know any better back in biblical times?

    • @spewymcspewson
      @spewymcspewson 3 месяца назад

      @antoninmlynarik6391 you may have read it but clearly you don't understand it. It's all written by men who used to wipe their ass with their hand we've moved on a little from them. Killing gays and owning people shouldn't be something you advocate for that's disgusting.

  • @auroraasleep
    @auroraasleep Год назад +517

    The SA/forced marriage verse always bothered me, so I asked one of my Jewish friends about it and she chuckled and said, 'yes, but he has to sleep next to her every night for the rest of his life, and think about Yael.' I'm not satisfied with that answer either, because too many women are prisoners in unwilling and unhappy marriages for their entire lives into old age.

    • @connorallgood0922
      @connorallgood0922 Год назад +34

      This is where they get it wrong, the translation is meant to be "intercourse" not "rape". If a man and women have sex before marraige, they are to be married and the man pay the father of the women. It is still sinful and they will be judged for it by God. Women are allowed to get divorced, but it is sinful for them to remarry, but God still calls on people to marry them, even if it is sinful for the man had divorced them depriving them of a marriage and sex.

    • @crisanthon4867
      @crisanthon4867 Год назад

      A few verses before that, it rebukes rape. This is a translation error because of modern translations

    • @rodshop5897
      @rodshop5897 Год назад +70

      @@connorallgood0922 "This is where they get it wrong, the translation is meant to be "intercourse" not "rape"." What is your evidence for your claim?

    • @connorallgood0922
      @connorallgood0922 Год назад

      @@rodshop5897 Do you not know how translating works? Google it if you need to, I can't show you physical documents or study notes online.

    • @Es_gee
      @Es_gee Год назад

      ​@@rodshop5897his silence speaks volumes

  • @maargenbx1454
    @maargenbx1454 Месяц назад +10

    One of my favorite songs for a long time is “Closer to Fine” by the Indigo Girls. This sums it up: “There’s more than one answer to these questions, pointing me in a crooked line. And the less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine”.

  • @josephbyrtus8190
    @josephbyrtus8190 Месяц назад +235

    She didnt lose her faith she found the truth and the truth will set you free

    • @Broliterallymadeyou
      @Broliterallymadeyou Месяц назад +25

      I responded to the video, if you want actual truth, please read it
      1. You need to read these verses in the context of the entire book of romans, not just cherry picking them out of context. This is Paul referring to God's sovereignty, Justice, and Mercy. Essentially, if you want to enter the kingdom of God, you need to deserve it, because he is a perfectly just judge. "Deserving" it, would mean accepting Jesus' gift of salvation through worshipping God and repenting for your sins. If you fail to do this, It doesn't matter what your efforts are (what works you did on earth), and it doesn't matter what you want (If you want to go to heaven but you deserve hell). God is the one who decides your fate based on what you deserve, and who are you to question that? That's the context of that verse, It isn't God creating us to go to hell, it's the fact that if we don't deserve heaven, there is absolutely nothing we can do to change God's mind, and thinking you deserve heaven when God disagrees is blasphemous
      2. Psalm 137 is set in the context of the Babylonian Exile, where the Israelites experienced profound grief and humiliation. The psalm expresses their longing for Jerusalem and their anger towards their captors. You ask a good question. If God is inspiring the Bible, Isn't this God who said this? The answer is no. When Christians say the Bible is inspired by God, they mean that God guided the human authors to convey His messages, but this process involved the authors' own perspectives and styles. When Mark says "I saw this happen" but he's inspired by God, is that God claiming to see something? No, God is inspiring him to convey a message, but the actual perspective of Mark is his own. Similarly, God inspired the authors of the Psalms to convey a message, but the way they do that, including the emotions they feel (resent, anger) is their own, not God's
      3. In the ancient Near East, where these laws were written, a woman's status and future prospects were often tied to her virginity and her ability to marry. If a woman was raped, she would be seen as "damaged" or "disgraced" in that society, which could make it nearly impossible for her to find a husband. Since marriage was crucial for a woman's financial security and social standing, this law aimed to provide a form of protection, ensuring the man who violated her would take responsibility for her well-being. This is why the command specifies that the woman would be a virgin, and nowhere does it state men can't marry women who aren't virgins. This was one of the temporary laws given to the Israelites, and if you understand the social context of it, it's a pretty merciful command. With the arrival of the New Testament, Jesus abrogated this law with his teachings, and thus it is no longer is effect today, because again, it was temporary
      4. Again please read the context of these verses. It doesn't command us to just go and have war with all of our neighboring cities. This was part of a series of commands, again temporary, to the Israelites. "Engaging in war with neighboring cities" was commanded in the context (read the chapter) of the conquest of Canaan, the land promised to the Israelites. This conquest was seen as part of fulfilling divine promises and establishing a homeland for the Israelites. The current inhabitants of this land (Canaanites) had been engaging in practices such as child sacrifice, mass murder, cultic prostitution, incest, idolatry, and oppression. After warning them, they did not stop, so God sent Israel to conquer their land in order to end this suffering.
      The purpose of these specific command in the verses you cited are to command Israelites to offer peace before conquering, rather than going in guns blazing. This succeeded in reducing bloodshed and avoiding unnecessary suffering. The command subjecting the Canaanites to forced labor served 2 purposes. Firstly, the alternative would be what? Killing them? Letting them be a part of society so they can continue their practices of child sacrifice and violence? Slavery is merciful considering your alternative is death, given that the Bible commands you to provide slaves with what they need and give them rest on the sabbath. Secondly, the act of taking captives in war was already something practiced by every nation at this point in history. Again, given the social context of this law, it's not abnormal, and when considering the goal behind the book of Deuteronomy, and the alternatives for the fate of the Canaanites, this is not Evil in any sense.
      5. Yes God still loved the Canaanites, he demanded the conquest of their land in order to prevent the greater evil that would have been caused through their flourishing. God loved the women who were victims of abuse so much that he instated a command to protect them and keep them safe in a society that would deem them to be tarnished and spoiled and unworthy of love.
      Early church fathers and the successors of the disciples and apostles, as well as the successors of the 500+ people who witnessed Jesus' resurrection believed Jesus was God 2000 years ago, and created an entire structured belief system around it. It evolved and grew into trinitarian denominations of Christianity. You just blatantly lied here, Trinitarianism has been around for millennia.
      In case you haven't understood the reason for Christ's sacrifice, let me break it down for you: The qualifications to be worthy of heaven is sinlessness, but wait! No human is sinless, because Satan is much wiser than us and good at tempting us. God knows this, and thus, knows that the only way humans can get into heaven is if they can atone for their sins by paying the price of sin. If God simply forgives us for no reason, there is no atonement, and thus God is unjustly forgiving us, which he can't do because God is just. The price for sin is sacrifice, so before Christ, God commanded animal sacrifices to pay the price for one's sin (this was only meant to be temporary until the time for Christ arrived). This law was in effect until Jesus was sent down by the Father. Essentially, God knows that humans can't atone for their sins forever, because Satan is a lot smarter than we are. This means in order for us to beat Satan, we need God on our side, so God makes a plan to pay the price of our sin for us. But what sacrifice could possibly be so valuable, it can pay the price of all human sin? God himself. He sends down the Son, Jesus, to be a sacrifice to atone for the sins of humanity, and makes a covenant with us. Those who worship God has accepted the gift of Christ and has their sins atoned for them, thus they are worthy of paradise. Those who reject God choose to reject the gift, and thus choose separation from him. The act of sending himself down is a beautiful act of ultimate mercy and love.

    • @cajyfernandes6708
      @cajyfernandes6708 Месяц назад +11

      I am happy she found the truth. She is not alone.

    • @user-wi9hv2pb2q
      @user-wi9hv2pb2q Месяц назад +11

      Yes, she gained mental freedom, her birthright.

    • @jonneexplorer
      @jonneexplorer Месяц назад +20

      @@Broliterallymadeyou what context makes slavery okay? What context makes rape okay? What context makes genocide okay? Saying you’re taking it out of context is a thought ending cliche, and makes you just as much an apologist for these horrific things as the Bible is. You’re now defending slavery sir… Think about what this disputable book made you do…

    • @Broliterallymadeyou
      @Broliterallymadeyou Месяц назад +6

      @@jonneexplorer Taking these at face value instead of actually looking into each instance is intellectually dishonest and you know that, because i answered all your questions but you chose not to address my explanation:
      Did you read what i wrote at all? The choice is between slavery and death. If God had killed all of them you would've said that's unfair, but when God chooses to give them an option to stay alive and work for the Israelites that's also unfair? That's a double standard
      Rape is not defended anywhere in the Bible. Again please read the verse, the guy is literally forced to look after and take care of the girl he assaults to keep her provided for and supported for her entire life since there's not a high chance she'll get married if she's not a virgin. That's a merciful command
      If a thief broke into your house with a gun and started walking to your child's room, would you shoot him? Why? To protect your children! The one death is ok because it prevents greater death. So if the Canaanites are preforming child sacrifice, incest, and mass murder/violence, and after being warned they show no intention of stopping, obviously killing them will lead to less suffering. It's to protect God's children
      I would greatly appreciate if you wouldn't twist my Bible, sir. If you think that God commanding these things is wrong, then you:
      - Are advocating for the mass murder of people who could have otherwise lived
      - Are saying women being assaulted should have to fend for themselves in a society that would reject them
      - Are advocating for unnecessary suffering and evil amongst humanity
      Who's corrupted now?

  • @Coby_Got
    @Coby_Got 3 месяца назад +90

    Great video. I was born Jewish but have been Agnostic for a long time now. As a child I saw all the immorality of religion and have been distancing myself ever since. Pointing out these parts of those books is the only way to get people to see how crazy it all is. Thank you.

    • @TheSignofJonah777
      @TheSignofJonah777 2 месяца назад

      Outside of religion there is no objective morality. Please study philosophy before you comment

    • @dvdrtrgn
      @dvdrtrgn 2 месяца назад +11

      @@TheSignofJonah777 there is no objective morality within religion. Please think before you comment.

    • @TheSignofJonah777
      @TheSignofJonah777 2 месяца назад +2

      @@dvdrtrgn 😂 yes the religion objectively tells you what’s okay or not. It is an outside agency away from a human.

    • @dvdrtrgn
      @dvdrtrgn 2 месяца назад +11

      @@TheSignofJonah777 you are presupposing religion isn't created by humans!?

    • @sallygirl1012
      @sallygirl1012 2 месяца назад +1


  • @itsjustme0123
    @itsjustme0123 Год назад +383

    Some of the best advice I've received was "Keep company with those who seek the truth, and run fast from those who say they've found it."

    • @simionesentheogens3687
      @simionesentheogens3687 Год назад +7

      drink ayahuasca and you'll become the heavens and universe

    • @itsjustme0123
      @itsjustme0123 Год назад +10

      @@simionesentheogens3687 Would be interested in trying for sure.

    • @tatianarose7777
      @tatianarose7777 Год назад +2


    • @bubblitzbubba3501
      @bubblitzbubba3501 Год назад +17

      I just avoid videos like these because they give me existential crisis. I refuse to believe we exist for nothing.

    • @mountbrocken
      @mountbrocken Год назад +3

      Is that true?

  • @carlamarlene2927
    @carlamarlene2927 6 часов назад

    I went thru a relationship crisis with the church a couple of times. The first time was when our boys were small and our daughter was very young. The speaker in the nursery was broken, had been for awhile and no plans to fix it. So i started staying at home to do some self reflection and deep reading. I went out to lunch with the group and an elder asked why i had been missing church. I explained the why and she said (i kid you not) "thats not gonna save your soul". I have been backing away for a while now. Its hard bc my husband's grandad literally built the parsonage, was a evangelical pastor his whole afult life, his mom played the piano for services, dad taught adult sunday school. But i had to do my conscience's bidding. Now our daughter is going through her own relationship examinations. Keep sharing your thoughts, youre not alone

  • @toddhemphill1030
    @toddhemphill1030 Год назад +517

    I "lost my religion" in 1964 when I was 9 years old. (Long story) Then in 2012 I decided, just to be fair, to read the Bible from cover to cover. Having done that I'm amazed that you were able to limit this list to just five passages. I read 5-10 pages a day and was gob-smacked on a regular basis by how cruel and inane it all was. But, I have to say, the 5 you selected were a fine sampling!

    • @republicansthatdidntvotefo1605
      @republicansthatdidntvotefo1605 Год назад

      I also read the bible.. Her first one.. The pottery for special uses= Equals god's profits..or common uses= Me and you.. A murderer or a thief Or child molester can't just choose God You know how retarded that sounds. God chooses you when you come to him with a pure heart.. That being said, Jesus said you will be known by your deeds..

    • @rickmcdonald1557
      @rickmcdonald1557 Год назад +15


    • @andrewferg8737
      @andrewferg8737 Год назад +46

      "how cruel and inane it all was" ---
      The Bible is a book about evil addressed to a world enamored of evil.
      Are you suggesting that evil should be portrayed in a more positive light and less "cruel and inane"?

    • @GeniyaNewson-g5t
      @GeniyaNewson-g5t Год назад +4

      What you cannot Spiritually digest, will not blind perception in the minds of those who can Consume it.

    • @stambo1983
      @stambo1983 Год назад +54

      ​@@andrewferg8737With God being the most evil character in the bible.

  • @veteranturttle5554
    @veteranturttle5554 6 месяцев назад +180

    When i was younger growing up in a protestant household i always heard the raod to hell is wide and the road to heaven is narrow... wtf is this love and peace it sounds more like American ninja warrior 😂

    • @RickaramaTrama-lc1ys
      @RickaramaTrama-lc1ys 6 месяцев назад +16

      But I believe in Ninja Warriors~!!

    • @SamuelQuaye-zs4uc
      @SamuelQuaye-zs4uc 5 месяцев назад +3

      Allen Parr from THE BEAT by Allen Parr reacted very well to this video. Those seeking truth and are not just looking for an excuse to leave Christianity please check it out

    • @SimplePerson-zq9tj
      @SimplePerson-zq9tj 4 месяца назад

      @@SamuelQuaye-zs4uc Allen Parr is a false teacher, but would like to see the video btw, anyways about him being a false teacher, check out @fuegosavvy

    • @paodealho6795
      @paodealho6795 4 месяца назад +1

      It's easier to live a life that leads to hell without any sacrifices. You are alwasy on tkme to get back on track for eternal life.

    • @rohanking12able
      @rohanking12able 4 месяца назад +3

      I rarely screenshot but you cooked

  • @j.whisper2379
    @j.whisper2379 11 месяцев назад +138

    “I’d rather have questions I can’t answer than answers I can’t question.“ Richard Feynman.

    • @Bethoflife
      @Bethoflife 9 месяцев назад +3

      I prefer questions I can't
      answer, because I learn so
      much more looking for the
      answers as opposed to
      what I know already.

    • @snehakota6068
      @snehakota6068 8 месяцев назад +2

      No believer who is reasonable would say not to have doubts. By all means, inquire about your doubts but have an open mind to receive the answers. If you are not satisfied, research more. You will definitely find the truth if you really want to.

    • @j.whisper2379
      @j.whisper2379 8 месяцев назад

      @@snehakota6068 ! Truth about what? I already know that there is no god!

    • @snehakota6068
      @snehakota6068 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@j.whisper2379 what if you're wrong? You might stay in ignorance assuming that you know the truth. I can understand the supernatural can be overwhelming and uncomfortable to someone who's never experienced it. But, God does exist and I personally experienced his presence in my life which transformed my life and is still doing. If you decide to dismiss tons of testimonies in the world and continue believing what is comfortable to you, then it's you who'd be on the losing end, if what the believers of Jesus are saying is the truth. Do your own research. Peace.

    • @j.whisper2379
      @j.whisper2379 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@snehakota6068 ! I live in Mexico, and yesterday I was chased by a chupacabra! Changed my entire outlook on life! And what if you are kow towing to the wrong god! There are thousands!

  • @jaybrian9402
    @jaybrian9402 Месяц назад +6

    The very first verse of the entire bible is what made me question my beliefs in Christianity. How would man have known what god said before the first humans ever existed? After that, I overheard the bible teacher having a conversation with my teacher (aka her daughter) stating that "all other religions were wrong and Christianity is the only true one". Finally, the last reason is because I didn't want to be associated with bigots. About a year and a half after graduating from that private Christian school, I abandoned all religions altogether. I am honestly glad I did.

    • @SeanPeace
      @SeanPeace 16 дней назад

      Exactly that is an inconsistency I don’t see people talk about very much and proves that there made up stories

    • @jaybrian9402
      @jaybrian9402 16 дней назад

      @@SeanPeace Not just the reasons I gave but also because the stories are out of order, too. Take the first time Lucifer was mentioned, for example. Did we miss a verse earlier about him? No. Lucifer just pops up from out of nowhere and causes chaos. It makes zero sense to put in a character at the very beginning if we know nothing about him. Especially if the book is literally labeled The Bible.

    • @SeanPeace
      @SeanPeace 16 дней назад +1

      @@jaybrian9402 we could talk for hours about all the things that don’t make sense are impossible or contradict themselves even between the different versions also the fact there is zero “original bible” they can’t even find writing that dates back to the dates there claiming all of this stuff happened

  • @blinzy7282
    @blinzy7282 Год назад +126

    Romans 9:16
    Psalms 137:9
    Deuteronomy 22:28
    Deuteronomy 20:10
    John 3:16

    • @Ogofor3913
      @Ogofor3913 Год назад +9

      ​@jessicaras4540I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE MANY MORE BOOKS WRITTEN ABOUT THIS SAME JESUS THAT WAS REJECTED. Who gave them the authority to reject those other books, not Jesus. So all these quotes you are making (with so much conviction) were decided by people like you and me. NOT JESUS or Paul or PETER but by pagan Converts.

    • @Alden-Smith
      @Alden-Smith Год назад +5

      ​@yaksmj3913 its cause they weren't Canon bible books.

    • @Ogofor3913
      @Ogofor3913 Год назад +8

      @@Alden-Smith Who made the DECISION about writing being fit to be Canon OR non-Canon?? On what authority did they make such decisions??

    • @Alden-Smith
      @Alden-Smith Год назад +3

      @yaksmj3913 only books written by real Christians and were part of the apostles are considered real Christian books

    • @Alden-Smith
      @Alden-Smith Год назад +1

      @@Ogofor3913 Mark and Luke were mentioned

  • @sarahhale-pearson533
    @sarahhale-pearson533 Год назад +515

    Reading the bible in earnest was what cured me of Christianity too.

    • @curtisdeckard7325
      @curtisdeckard7325 Год назад +41

      What cured me. Lol. I like that.

    • @paul3441
      @paul3441 Год назад +55

      You may have read it "in earnest," but you didn't read it "in the Spirit." God bless.

    • @paul3441
      @paul3441 Год назад +29

      @@curtisdeckard7325 Wow, so you've been "cured" of salvation, I suppose...

    • @schaekker7411
      @schaekker7411 Год назад +73

      i love it when xtians get in comment sections of all these social media sites on the internet & begin to announce what god can do or is allowed to do based on if their feelings get hurt

    • @allinone-qz2gi
      @allinone-qz2gi Год назад +19

      @@schaekker7411 100%

  • @marvigli993
    @marvigli993 3 месяца назад +104

    I'm an old Italian woman, when I realised that I couldn't be a missionary in Africa because I'm a woman, I started to question the church. I was 7 years old, I'm 69 now &
    happy atheist.

    • @BIayne
      @BIayne 3 месяца назад +3

      Good for you.

    • @lovestodesign
      @lovestodesign Месяц назад

      @@marvigli993 So you took something you didn’t understand at SEVEN years old (I find it strange you were referred to as a “woman” at 7), when 62 years ago, women were discriminated against in many areas, not just religion. Maybe they were sending missionaries to unsafe areas and didn’t know if women would be safe. Maybe it was an area where women were getting raped. All you did was show the threadbare, flimsy excuses people use for being atheist.
      You don’t believe because you don’t want to, there’s no “reason” but you’re still going to meet God, and you’re still going to bow your knee before Jesus Christ, like it or not, then you’ll hear the words “Depart from me, I never knew you”. Unless you repent and turn to Jesus Christ your “happiness” will abruptly end when you take your last breath. And then you’ll wish you’d listened to all the “pesky Christians” who tried to tell you, but you turned a deaf ear.
      I wouldn’t be TOO smug if I
      was you. ✝️

    • @lih1352
      @lih1352 Месяц назад +1

      Sounds like you wanted to be a missionary for the wrong reasons. One thing is to denounce church leaders for their ignorance of not allowing women to be missionaries. Another thing is to denounce God

    • @lovestodesign
      @lovestodesign Месяц назад +1

      @@marvigli993 So you were 7 years old, and already a woman? Your comment makes NO sense. 🙄

    • @dimitritome5118
      @dimitritome5118 Месяц назад +6

      @@lih1352 god's treatment of women in the bible is even worse

  • @allinone-qz2gi
    @allinone-qz2gi Год назад +610

    This is the first video of hers that I've seen. As far as the negative comments she gets, to me it's just very clear that being angry with her is being angry at the messenger, not the message. Rather than pick on her, analyze your religious text and see what's going wrong and why it's turning people away.

    • @paul3441
      @paul3441 Год назад +28

      It's your sin, allinone, that's turning you away from God. You can only love God or sin. Repent or perish. Choose life...

    • @nicsmada
      @nicsmada Год назад +14


    • @allinone-qz2gi
      @allinone-qz2gi Год назад +117

      @@paul3441 Once again (just like I mentioned in my comment) you're picking a fight with the messenger. You don't know anything about me yet you're assuming I'm a sinner because you don't like what I said.

    • @allinone-qz2gi
      @allinone-qz2gi Год назад +105

      @@nicsmada Writing in all caps doesn't make you right.

    • @nicsmada
      @nicsmada Год назад +5

      @@allinone-qz2gi 😒 AWW MAN. 🤔 WELL... HEY, AT LEAST YOU NOTICED! 🤷‍♂️

  • @frogital
    @frogital Месяц назад +3

    I needed this. I left the church almost 30 years ago and I am reconciling a lot of things now having just gotten divorced. But comments like "oh, they're a good Christian" always rang hollow for me; we see a lot of examples every day how faith and ethics do not necessarily intersect. Anyway. I just subscribed and I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos. All the best!

  • @anaccount8474
    @anaccount8474 2 месяца назад +32

    It show that most people's 'christianity' is just something they made up and isn't biblical.

    • @richardgeorge2250
      @richardgeorge2250 Месяц назад +1

      People realized that using fear is a quicker way to pull people to “gods will”. If there is a god, there’s a chance he’s completely left us and we’re all alone.

    • @richardgeorge2250
      @richardgeorge2250 Месяц назад

      People realized that using fear is a quicker way to pull people to “gods will”. If there is a god, there’s a chance he’s completely left us and we’re all alone.

  • @Scottish.Linda.
    @Scottish.Linda. 11 месяцев назад +171

    I,m 62 and have lived without churches since I was 10. I just decided that good people were good and bad are bad. I find it gives me freedom to investigate world religions in an unbias manner. Establishments are corrupt.

    • @RonSafreed
      @RonSafreed 10 месяцев назад +1

      Scottish Linda I recently read 2 books of 2 Christian men who had contact & long-term friendships with benevolent humanlike e.t. beings!! Stranger At The Pentagon & Visitors From Lanulos!! The benevolent beings are in contact with Creator/Source-God!! The malnevolent beings are "evil" & are part of an alternative reality called the "phantom-matrix" which includes that dude satan & his cohorts & a "cosmic A.I." that controls it all!! The benevolent & malnevolent beings out there in space but also in other dimensions of time & space!! The word angel in the Bible is just another word for intelligent beings who live out in the universe & beyond even up into the realm of eternity!!

    • @aymen577
      @aymen577 10 месяцев назад

      Our creator said in Quran:
      "Did you think We had created you in vain (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?’ (Quran 23:115)
      "Exalted is He (God) who holds all control in His hands; who has power over all things; ˹He is the One˺ Who created life and death in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving. who created the seven heavens, one above the other. You will not see any flaw in what the Lord of Mercy creates. Look again! Can you see any flaw?" (Quran 67:1-3 )
      "Can there be any doubt about God, the Creator of the heavens and earth? He calls you to Him in order to forgive you your sins and let you enjoy your life until the appointed hour.’ But they said, ‘You are only men like us. You want to turn us away from what our forefathers used to worship. Bring us clear proof then, [if you can].’ (Quran 14:10)
      "Do man think he will be left without purpose? Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)? Then he was a clinging clot, and [ God ] created [his form] and proportioned [him] producing from it both sexes, male and female. Is such ˹a Creator˺ unable to bring the dead back to life?"
      "We have indeed made whatever is on earth as an adornment for it, in order to test which of them is best in deeds."
      "We shall certainly test you with fear and hunger, and loss of property, lives, and crops. But [Prophet], give good news to those who are steadfast. those who say, when afflicted with a calamity, ‘We belong to God and to Him we shall return.’ (Quran 2:155-156)
      "Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. those who remember God while standing and sitting and on their sides, and reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, You did not create this in vain. Highly Exalted are You, so protect us from the punishment of the Fire." (Quran 3:190-191)
      "Indeed, We have sent revelation to you ˹O Prophet˺ as We sent revelation to Noah and the prophets after him. We also sent revelation to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants, ˹as well as˺ Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon. And to David We gave the Psalms." (Quran 4:163)
      "Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of God . Verily in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest!"
      "O humanity! Indeed, God’s promise is true. So do not let the life of this world deceive you, nor let the Chief Deceiver(Satan) deceive you about God. Surely Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. He only invites his followers to become inmates of the Blaze." (Quran 35:5-6)
      "And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided."
      Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
      “When God loves one of his servant, He tests him to hear his supplication.”

    • @whatareyoulookingat908
      @whatareyoulookingat908 10 месяцев назад +1

      But since you cannot demonstrate what is good aside from personal conjecture, your opinion is as worthless as anyone else's.

    • @Muhluri
      @Muhluri 10 месяцев назад +7

      ​@DrZookI agree with this.
      It's a shame that most people adopt a certain religion because of people around them rather than discovering the truth through personal exploration

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 10 месяцев назад +4

      Not necessarily all establishments are corrupt! But what is good & what is bad must find it's roots in that of a Holy God & in His definition! I have been around too at 76!

  • @kidcthulhufortney1320
    @kidcthulhufortney1320 Год назад +80

    This has been really interesting. I was raised non-religious and I've been an atheist for a long time. So I was never convinced. But in my webcomic, I try to show worldviews beyond my own. Getting these inside perspectives helps me be a better writer as well as just being a fascinating look behind the curtain.

    • @tanyaosterman
      @tanyaosterman Год назад +1

      Your words sound more Agnostic. I think exploring that would be a beneficial path for you. Best wishes!

    • @zoeye7095
      @zoeye7095 Год назад +6

      It certainly is a different world. Even now sometimes I'll say things and my non Christian friends will look at me like I am SO weird. Lol. It really does set you apart a bit from non religious people even as an adult because there are experiences I missed out on as a kid or teen that other people talk about that's just a part of that generation that I didn't experience at that age. So when some friends get nostalgic sometimes, I have nothing to contribute to the conversation even though it was so common for everyone else at the time from my teen years.
      It's amazing how far it spreads into your life and you don't even realize it till years later. Just the other day, I was watching some medical coroner thing and they were talking about skeletal remains they found and mentioned they assumed by the pelvis and smaller stature it must be a woman but they couldn't be 100% sure and it hit me like a slap in the face that when I was younger, I was taught men legitimately had one less rib because that is how god made Eve, from Adam's rib. And I totally believed it for YEARS because I was taught it as a child. It's incredible to me how even years later I can suddenly still come across something small like that, that is such an obvious lie. I think it's why they can be so insular and create groups like upward basketball or upward soccer because the best way to keep kids in the fold is to keep them from the outside world to keep them from questioning. I just questioned stuff to much to be kept in it forever. I think even the pastors grew tired of my questions. Lol

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад +3

      kid...., what's so tough about it? 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. Creation had to be done supernaturally at some point.

    • @jeb1953
      @jeb1953 Год назад +5

      Where to start? Hearing this is sad and normally I wouldn’t offer a reply as it appears you’ve already made up your mind, but you are affecting others with your misinformation. So… Romans 9 is mis-interpreted by Calvinists (Calvinism, by the way, and atheism are just two sides of the same determinist coin). It is part of a larger discussion of how Gentiles are grafted into the “tree” of God’s people. This discussion continues through chapter 11. The key to what God wills is faith or lack of it (Roman’s 9:30-33). In the Old Testament passages your 21st century feminist perspective is projected on 14th century BCE people. God works with people and cultures where they are at, not where we think they should be.
      It appears you already see God as a monster so you misrepresent the meaning of John 3:16. You are wrong about Jesus and by extension the Trinity. The deity of Christ is clear in John 8:53+ (see also Colossians 1 and Philippians 2).
      It is clear from your childish view of God and complete misunderstanding of the Bible that 1 John 2:19 is true about you.

    • @XZITT
      @XZITT Год назад +1

      ​@@zoeye7095 you have grown Spiritually and Emotionally. It's great you are realizing to be an Honest and Caring one needs to have a clean Consciousness and feels good about our deeds. I really enjoyed reading how you became a responsible grown adult.

  • @forgottenhelm1299
    @forgottenhelm1299 Месяц назад +5

    Former Street Preaching Calvinist here, great content. I no longer believe myself and try to help my children see the history of the religion I was raised on (and them) and how it's been used to horribly and systemically oppress people of every race and gender that isn't male.

  • @jessrodriguez2605
    @jessrodriguez2605 3 месяца назад +211

    If he does exist, he’s a raging narcissist

  • @KeytarKris
    @KeytarKris Год назад +199

    Thanks so much for showing the true horrors commanded in the Bible. My faith fell away after seeing how Christians treat others and the stories of the Bible don’t line up with recorded history

    • @undrwatropium3724
      @undrwatropium3724 Год назад +35

      The funniest thing about that is,
      Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all Abrahamic religions but they don't agree with each other. ITS THE SAME GOD the God of Abraham.
      If y'all can't agree with each other how do you expect me to believe?

    • @KeytarKris
      @KeytarKris Год назад

      @@undrwatropium3724 I raise you this… Christianity has at least seven different denominations. Christians can’t agree with themselves. I’m so glad I deconstructed

    • @TommyFlanagan666
      @TommyFlanagan666 Год назад +22

      @@undrwatropium3724 And I would love to hear a Christian Nationalist explain to me how their governmental wet dream differs from that of the Sunni Pashtuns’. They speak of the evils of Muslim Sharia Law, but the overarching philosophies have striking and extremely disturbing similarities.

    • @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008
      @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 Год назад

      Friends Christianity has failed, but the word of God's has not
      Everything in scripture lines up perfectly
      But the devil has infiltrated Christianity with paganism and gave Christianity a bad reputation 🤔
      This is why Jesus, in Rev chapter 3 verse 16, he wants to spew the church of the laodician out of his mouth
      The laodician church is the worst church on the face of the earth.
      You can lose hope in Christianity, but don't lose hope in Jesus christ
      Men and women can cause Christianity to fall, but Jesus is not a failure
      He loves you and wants you in his kingdom

    • @judyswiderski2682
      @judyswiderski2682 Год назад +3

      Was Jesus a Christian nationalist? Obviously not. Yet you are mocking Him because of them!

  • @CriticalThinker-42
    @CriticalThinker-42 Месяц назад +6

    In The Beginning, Man created God in his own image… and continues to do so!

    • @stefanheinzmann7319
      @stefanheinzmann7319 Месяц назад +4

      In the beginning the Universe was created.
      This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

    • @CriticalThinker-42
      @CriticalThinker-42 Месяц назад +1

      @@stefanheinzmann7319 Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide?
      "People what have you done, Locked him in his Golden Cage,
      Made him bend to your religion, Him resurrected from the grave..."
      -Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, My God, Aqualung, 1971

  • @jeffgreenawalt6006
    @jeffgreenawalt6006 3 месяца назад +27

    Excellent video, Kristi! In my journey, I also found many such things in the Bible that seemed like ancient people trying to make sense out of a world they could not understand and telling myths that don't at all correspond with my experience on this planet. Keep up the great work, please!

    • @TheSignofJonah777
      @TheSignofJonah777 2 месяца назад

      Of course that would be in the Bible. Gods inspiration with undertones of their experience and writing style.

    • @larryscarr3897
      @larryscarr3897 2 месяца назад

      ​@@TheSignofJonah777don't need the wizard part, just the know nothing people part.

    • @TheSignofJonah777
      @TheSignofJonah777 2 месяца назад

      @@larryscarr3897 do you expect ancient people to be nuclear scientists?
      You fail to understand that for there to be a universe you need a pre existing creator.

    • @larryscarr3897
      @larryscarr3897 2 месяца назад

      @@TheSignofJonah777 oh?? so special pleading?
      What created the creator,? You would say the creator was always there, well the universe was always there, and we can toss the magic.
      I've heard all the apologetic garbage, its all stupid childish nonsense. The big bang is not the creation of the universe its the change from one state to the current state, it was always there no creator magic necessary its all natural process. The universe had no choice but to bang big, and its still banging right now.
      We can see it happening, what we can't see, is any god crap ever!!!!

    • @larryscarr3897
      @larryscarr3897 2 месяца назад +1

      @@TheSignofJonah777 ... and I expect ancient people to know nothing about anything and be wrong about everything..
      And thats what we find.

  • @jessiejamesferruolo
    @jessiejamesferruolo 11 месяцев назад +116

    I was raised southern Baptist and grew up going to church. It never really felt right to me, but I did like going because I had a chance to socialize and the church actually let us (i was like 8) drink coffee 😆
    Well, I was 14 and had to go to Juvenile detention for a few weeks for some dumb stuff because my step father and I hated each other. Actually turned 15 there.... when I was in my cell and a guard came by and asked me if I wanted to go to church. It was actually the first time I had ever been asked.... I thought about it for a few moments and said "You know what.... No, I dont think I do."
    I realized in that moment that the only reason I even went along with it because:
    1. I was raised with it and didnt know any other way.
    2. I was scared not to because I was told I would suffer for eternity in firey damnation for not believing (such a lovely thing to tell a child....).
    I realized that these were not good reasons to believe something like that.
    The more I stepped out and saw it from an outside perspective the more disgusted I was at what it really was. I try my hardest every day to be the best person I can be. And I dont necessarily deny the existence of a god, I just see no evidence of one and I believe that the Christian god and religions in general are just like you said.. "Created to control people". And I dont choose to deny the possibility of a god. I just reject all these outrageous stories Ive been told about from people I don't even know.......
    Besides, if there was a god like that, then he is narcissistic and sadistic. So many innocent people.... children.... suffering and dying.......
    "If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.” - victim of a german concentration camp.....

    • @jessiejamesferruolo
      @jessiejamesferruolo 11 месяцев назад

      @@davidboyd1745 You mean if there is a Christian like god.... If there was some sort of real god, then it would be vengeful and spiteful and violent. That kind of god is 100 man made to scare and control people.

    • @natwil735
      @natwil735 11 месяцев назад

      @@davidboyd1745 You apparently did not comprehend this very short and well written comment of @jessiejamesferruolo2009 from 2 weeks ago [today's date is 24 Nov 2023 @7a.m. CDT] reading your comment from 3 days prior to my own in which you stated in response to the ending of the original post (edited, not sure when if it was before or after your post)
      "If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.” - victim of a german concentration camp.....:
      3 days ago
      If there is a God he will not want your forgiveness or company or opinion. Sad
      In taking the original comment (edited) that clearly shows that the comment was that of a victim of a German concentration camp, why then would you state that the person that wrote the comment that they themselves wanted forgiveness from a "God" if it exists?
      And why do you supposit yourself with an "if" as it pertains to "God" existence if you yourself have no doubt in the existence of "God"?
      And if you have *any doubt* that "God" exist, who are you to make any statement on what this "God" will not want?
      And if you have *no doubt* that "God" exist, who are you to make any statement on what this "God" will not want?
      And if you do not even have the mental capacity to understand a small concise comment as the one you are responding to, much less the capacity to comprehend the 21 minutes and 43 seconds of this video, how then can you comprehend the entirety of the Christian Bible or even anything for that matter to have a comprehension of what "sad" is?
      Humans perish due to lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) as they fail to seek it as Yeshua aka "Jesus" encourages them to seek.
      In the age of information where you, or anyone having access to this comment, specifically has access but refusing to seek has purposefully chosen to not seek knowledge so they can perish. Now that is a truly sad state of being [choosing to perish most like due to laziness].

    • @natwil735
      @natwil735 11 месяцев назад +4

      @jessiejamesferruolo2009, [edited @1 hr]
      Good for you in evaluating critically for yourself the difference between right and wrong and doing your best to do the right thing.
      I don’t know it all, I have sought and found some answers. Between 11 Feb 2018 and 9 Sep 2018 of seeking/researching spiritual matters [while I was active duty military with little free time] yet I spent an average of 400 hours per month and over 2,700+ hours of research to free myself from almost 40 years of indoctrination that the blood sacrifice saves! FALSE! The more amazing thing wasn't my oodles of hours of research but that I was clearly spoken to by a unseen, non-vocal voice, that were not my thoughts or another personality, that I choose to call the Spirit of Truth in John 14:26 (I now call it by this name retroactively; at the time I did not know what it was and I didn't trust it. I felt no evil from it. As I had my world previously shattered sometime between March-June 2015 that if "God" exist he was an evil bastard I wanted nothing to do with after reading over 4+ hours of scriptures from an Atheist source that shows the estimated 4+ billion murders of "God" which included the baby of David and Bathsheba). So I heard from the Spirit of Truth on 11 Feb 2018 to go find that video and I automatically knew it was the second of two videos watched in November 2015. At approximately 2,400+ hours of research on 26 Aug *2018,* I was clearly told that Babylon of Revelation sat on the 7 continents of the earth (I didn't even knew how many continents of the earth there was, I think I was raised with a knowledge of 5 continents. The last I took Geography was about 25 years prior around age 15, so I Googled it as I wasn't just going to take something I could validate just eagerly as "gospel." The website I found and verified the number of continents on earth was pretty neat. It showed the different timeline of when the continent number were different. That even up to the 1960s, England taught only 5 continents, and that in the future that we will only have 6 continents as Europe and Asia will be combined to Eurasia. Therefore, I understood that even though the numeric value of the continent changes per perception of mankind, that per my mankind’s knowledge of the current time frame I was reading it, that even though Revelation was written approximately 2,000 years prior that the information was meant for me in this timeline to comprehend the truth of the information in the now regardless of the changing perception of mankind. That moment in knowledge was taken to impart a deeper knowledge). The third time I heard clearly from the Spirit of Truth was on 9 Sep 2023 with over 2,700+ hours of research that the Second Beast and False Prophet of Revelation (immediately after I connected they were the same entity as I was wondering where the heck did the False Prophet of Revelation came from while reading it a 4th time to write about who Babylon is to someone. I had to double back around all the way back to revelation 13 and read forward to realize that they were one and the same. Even though I had read the Book of Revelation in it's entirety 3 times between 11 Feb 2018 and 28 May 2018) is Pharisee Saul Paul of Tarsus who preferred to be called "Apostle" Paul. I already knew with 100 hours of study that the Bright Light and Voice that Pharisee Saul Paul of Tarsus met was not Yeshua aka "Jesus" and I also knew he was a false apostle. Yet never in my wildest dream did I draw the conclusion that he is the Second Beast/False Prophet of Revelation. In fact the second video I was called to find on 11 Feb 2018 was highlighting the difference between was "Jesus" said and what Paul said. I never found the video back then but found many more things [found in 2021). This third clear revelation from the Spirit of Truth on 9 Sep 2018 freed me from my enslavement of hatred/lawlessness.
      Christianity does NOT hold the Truth. I don't even know if the human Yeshua existed, but I believe the human man Yeshua did exist. He had a biological mother and a biological father. He was raised as a Israelite aka "Jew." He woke up from his falsehood indoctrination of a religion as YHWH being the One True Creator and found him vile and evil just like I did, just like the lady on this RUclips video did. I believe his was possibly more exaggerated than mine. Yeshua, which means YHWH saves, set out to show his fellow Israelites that there is a way to Eternal Life. He might have performed miracles (I believe he did), but it is possible that he didn't yet he was giving hope to others from the oppression they were currently suffering. Regardless of whether this man Yeshua existed or not, his message was *not about blood sacrifice saves.* This got added in by Pharisee Saul Paul of Tarsus aka "Apostle" Paul. This idea was stomped out and killed off with the written Gospels and other epistles such as 1-3 John, 2 Peter, James, etc. Council Nicea 325 AD created the pagan worship of Easter as well as created Yeshua as not only Son of "God" but "God." I am very certain that John 1:2 was added in shortly there after to add Him x 3 in John 1:3-4, so they could retroactively change Genesis 1:25-28 where the "Us" is Father-Son combination even though the evidence is female and male🤣and not only female and male but hermaphrodite female-male that was able to procreate🤪. By Council Constantinople I 381 AD, they have decided on a TRINITY and decided to make the Spirit of Truth a separate deity of the 3-in-1 "Godhead."
      All the above Trinity and Yeshua being a "God" is nothing but garbage. Yeshua's murder being a sacrifice that abolished what he taught that steadfast love of others (small sample: Mathew 5:17-20, Matthew 24:35, Matthew 22:34-40, Luke 10:25-37, John 13:34, Hosea 6:6 [Hebrew word is *hesed* and is properly translated in ESV as *steadfast love* not the falsehood of "mercy" as most other major translation rendered it and pretty much anywhere it is ascribed that Yeshua said "mercy" it is *steadfast love* such as Luke 10:37, Matthew 9:13 and Matthew 12:7 which both points us to Hosea 6:6], John 17:2-4) and forgiveness of others (Matthew 6:14-15). Yeshua has pointed out the lies of YHWH and his prophet Moses to include the replication that took place starting in Genesis 2:4 to the destruction by YHWH Genesis 8:22 in the Parable of the Wheat and Tares and its Explanation [Matthew 13] combined with the Parable of the Sower and its Explanation [Matthew 13 + Luke 8] and all of John 8 [specifically v.31-47 with focus on v.44] that shows that YHWH/devil was a liar and murderer from the beginning. Dominion as written in Genesis 1:25-28 means being a caretaker. You do not slaughter the being in your care to then use their skin as clothes. YHWH not only lied in Genesis 2:16-17 as shown by Genesis 1:29-30, Genesis 3:1-7, and his and his demons admitting in Genesis 3:22-24, but is a murderer when he slaughtered those animals in front of Adam and Eve for clothes, the flood, and his glorious track record under his robber [John 10:7-14] Moses [Exodus 3-14].
      While Christianity does not have the Truth and the vast majority of the Christian Bible is filled with *FALSEHOOD,* there is truth within in. I recommend going to Matthew 7:15-20 to get the key codes to find truth which is summarized as follows:
      For example: Exodus 16:4, YHWH claimed he will be giving the Israelites bread from "heaven" and at the same time test them to see if they will follow his laws (to not take more than the daily need).
      James 1:13 clearly states that "God" does not tempt/test. Most English translations hides the English on peirazō:
      *The Greek word peirazō is Strong's 3985 which is the English translation is test as well as tempt.* www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Lexicon.show/ID/G3985/peirazo.htm
      John 6:30-33 has the Israelites disciples/followers of Yeshua asking for a sign as they are quoting Exodus 16:4-21 about getting bread from "heaven" as Moses brought them from YHWH and Yeshua response was in John 6:33 that Moses most ASSUREDLY did not give the Israelites bread from heaven, but that Yeshua's "Father" [Hermaphrodite Parent according to the image in the physical expression of mankind in Genesis 1:25-28] is the one that has the True Bread of Life.
      Exodus :16:4 goes all the way back to YHWH's introduction in Exodus 3, and what he said of Pharaoh in Exodus 3:19, and the multiple hardening of Pharaoh's heart to slaughter the Egyptians and causes the Israelites to be fearful as seen by the end of Exodus 14 shows us that this YHWH is not a good tree. John 6:33 also show us that YHWH does not live in heaven and thus can not give anything from heaven as the lie YHWH told in Exodus 16:4 which shows that John 8:44 that this YHWH/devil creature lies from his resources and kills.
      Now Luke 9:51-56 also show that Elijah's works of killing under YHWH is not the Spirit any of us should ever follow as Yeshua who had the One True Creator's Spirit of Truth living and speaking through Yeshua (John 14) who came to rescue us from lies. Thus John 17:2-4 completed Yeshua's mission to bring us the Knowledge of the One True Creator by knowing the One True Yeshua not the fake communion or bread symbolic cannibalism garbage. The knowledge of loving and forgiving each other regardless of the wrong others do to us is what grants eternal life. When we do anything else, then we are doing YHWH/devil work. The One True Creator does not destroy any of us, our own actions is a magnet to draw us to the place that is present to draw people to. Our actions will determine if our name is in the Book of Life [Revelation 22:10-20]. It's your choice to seek to know what the right thing to do is; because YHWH has polluted and corrupted us to fail. Shake that sh!t off and free yourself as spoken of in John 8:31-47.

    • @markfrost2707
      @markfrost2707 11 месяцев назад

      So, youre LDS??

    • @natwil735
      @natwil735 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@markfrost2707​I am not sure how the original commenter (jessie) that say that they are unsure of there is an existence of "God" or the second commenter (david) who didn't really say anything could be considered a LDS. That only leave myself as the only person on the thread that put 2 comments out of 4 that was on the thread. If you are addressing me, I am *not* a Christian. I left that falsehood on 9 Sep 2018.

  • @PGGraham
    @PGGraham Месяц назад +20

    After struggling with the death of my brother, I really really dug into my bible, trying to find some peace trying to find some answers, and all I found was inconsistencies and abused. And so I did exactly what you said. I tried to imagine it would be like not to believe for a minute,
    And so I did I chose not to believe. I chose not to believe for about 5 minutes. And once I was freed of that yoke of belief, I realized that I didn't have to believe, and that I didn't believe, and I've never come back to the church again, and I have since become an atheist.

    • @Ana-MariaVarsani
      @Ana-MariaVarsani Месяц назад +1

      God is real and He loves you. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the Cross and rose again to cleanse you of your sins. You cannot understand the Holy Bible without the Holy Spirit. In order to have the grace of the Holy Spirit you must be humble before God and feel sorrow for your sins, you have to see the good in others and the bad within you, not the other way, which is pride.
      You can lose the grace of the Holy Spirit by becoming proud(I know because I lost it twice).
      Read about Saint Silouane the Athonite and how he lost the grace of the Holy Spirit many times and read about how we cannot understand God without the grace of the Holy Spirit which illuminates us.
      You can become spiritually blind without the Holy Spirit.
      God is love but He is also just and He will judge all of us. You have a mortal body and an eternal soul.
      Heaven and hell are very real and they are eternal, like your soul.
      May God bless you!
      God= The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit

    • @hji.g
      @hji.g 17 дней назад

      ​@@Ana-MariaVarsani touch a grass bro

    • @SeanPeace
      @SeanPeace 16 дней назад

      @@Ana-MariaVarsanishut up no one cares about your textbook nonsense

    • @MasQueVencedorEnCristo
      @MasQueVencedorEnCristo 9 дней назад

      Watch out for lust of the eye lust of the flesh and pride … that’s what drove me back to the living God. I was doing things I didn’t wanna do anymore May Lord Jesus embrace you!

  • @wepracticealchemy
    @wepracticealchemy Месяц назад +1

    Well done, it’s so good to hear you speak of your journey to waking up and striving for the true care and love for beings. My heart sings 🎶

  • @gi4dtv230
    @gi4dtv230 2 месяца назад +51

    When I bring out those things in the Bible, they usually excuse it by stating, "That was in the old testament, but now we have Jesus in the new testament." In other words, we pay attention to that while ignoring the rest.

    • @MrDalisclock
      @MrDalisclock 2 месяца назад +16

      I've noticed a lot of Christians will do anything to hardwave away the Hebrew Bible except for those parts that they think reference Jesus like Isaiah 53. It's very selective and self serving.

    • @robf1801
      @robf1801 2 месяца назад +8

      And yet Jesus claimed to be the son of the OT God Yahweh, and never corrected any of the OT. The OT God is obviously a made-up tribal war God, and Jesus a delusional preacher who thought he was that God's 'son'.

    • @billsanter
      @billsanter Месяц назад +6

      @@robf1801 Jesus never really claimed to be God himself in the BIble. He may have called himself the son of God but he also called everyone else sons of God as well. He was rather cryptic about it. This idea really only became cemented in the Christian Faith in the fourth century .

    • @ianlaughlin85
      @ianlaughlin85 Месяц назад +2

      That's what my parents do. "OH, that's the old testament". It's impossible to have a conversation with them.

    • @robf1801
      @robf1801 Месяц назад

      @@billsanter okay then he was a favored agent of Yahweh or however you want to put it.

  • @christopherclayton7688
    @christopherclayton7688 Год назад +174

    I am totally comfortable and proud to say I don't know what happens after death, just live my life the best way I can each and every day.

    • @daydays12
      @daydays12 Год назад +25

      The same here. Where were we before we were born? The same place as after we die.

    • @AnnWan-bs2xn
      @AnnWan-bs2xn Год назад +9

      The one who created you, who knows how you came about, says,
      “I created you, that one day I might spend eternity with you,.trust me and be patient. I love you. That is why I send My Son to die for you”
      Myself I have nothing to lose by accepting Him. I know that out there there is a creator, there is no way all we see around is by chance.
      So, He who has claimed me, I will trust Him. I have nothing to loose if I do. If there is nothing out there I lose nothing, if there is something I gain everything. I think a smart thing to do.

    • @soobinism
      @soobinism Год назад +21

      ​​​​@@AnnWan-bs2xnWhat if a god besides the one you believe in is true? What if that god decides to punish you more for devoting yourself to a popular false god, compared to punishing an atheist lightly for not choosing any god?
      Pascal's wager only works if there's only one possible religion, which we would have no way of knowing anyway.

    • @jaysenossai7165
      @jaysenossai7165 Год назад +4

      Ignorance of a law is not an excuse.

    • @_Somsnosa_
      @_Somsnosa_ Год назад

      ​@@jaysenossai7165Exactly, everyone should obey hindu scripture and gain good karma. Praise Lord Krishna 😊

  • @kevdmiller
    @kevdmiller Год назад +304

    This is exactly what made me first express doubt in The Bible: READING it. I found stuff in there that totally went against my understanding of morality. But you shared some horrifying ones I hadn't heard. Just despicable stuff. It was proof to me that at the Bible is at the very least, contorted by human awfulness.

    • @kevinmalone3210
      @kevinmalone3210 Год назад +37

      You can read it, but come up with wrong conclusions about what you read in the Bible. Those verses you read, can easily be taken out of context.

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад +65

      @@kevinmalone3210 Yes, I am sure that when "god" ordered the Israelites to totally destroy the Canaanites, I am just taking this open contradiction of the commandment to not kill out of context.

    • @aceragain
      @aceragain Год назад +24

      "I found stuff in there that totally went against my understanding of morality." By far the biggest reason people choose to not believe eternal truth as revealed in the Bible. But if you are unable to perfectly describe morality, how can you claim to accurately determine if something is moral or not? The "I don't know exactly what it is but I can tell you what it's not" approach used by you and many other commenters here is completely bogus. If you do not have a completely flawless understanding of morality, you have no place judging what is or is not moral.
      So, since none of us have a completely flawless understanding of morality, what option remains? Morality has a source, just as all things do. We must find and align ourselves with the source, not so we can proclaim to now be the source ourselves, but so we can have our thoughts and deeds saturated in that source. The main problem is that most people reject the true source of morality since it seems to grate against their flawed concept of it. Talk about cyclical reasoning!
      "I can't accept the Bible as the true source of morality!"
      "Because it doesn't agree with my understanding of morality!"
      "Do you have a perfect understanding of morality?"
      "Well, no...but I’m searching - trying to keep an open mind."
      "So, wouldn't you expect the true source of morality, once you find it, to present numerous contradictions when compared to your imperfect concept of morality?"
      "Huh...what? Okay, maybe, but I know the Bible isn't moral!"
      "And why is that?"
      "Because it doesn't agree with my understanding of morality!"
      (ad nauseam)
      OMT; the two main sources of morality are love (compassion, if you prefer) and mercy. Once you find the source of those, you will be able to better understand morality.

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад +36

      @@aceragain Most everyone knows what morality is. It is the social code of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in any given society, with many and sometimes confusing variants depending on region, social class and church. For some, a skirt above X height is immoral. For others it is immoral for people to cheat on their taxes, or lie about important things. Some find it immoral for women to appear in public uncovered, or to do any work on the sabbath. Our societies are so diverse and complex that it is difficult to know for sure what is considered correct. There is absolutely not anyone who has a "completely flawless understanding of morality," but as members of a society, we all have a "place judging what is or is not moral." Love and mercy have nothing to do with morality, just society-wide norms of behavior.

    • @OpcertSchool
      @OpcertSchool Год назад +12

      @@stevepierce6467 "Love and mercy have nothing to do with morality..." It is no wonder you are so confused about what morality is if you truly believe this. While your refusal to recognize that there is an absolute source of morality affects your life (and those around you), it does not invalidate that fact.

  • @muscletribe
    @muscletribe День назад +2

    God did not answer my prayer when I was being kidnapped and tortured then then was told I was going to be hung from a bridge.
    I asked God to allow me to die by gun shot and not be hung from a bridge but here I am 🤷

  • @jaw147
    @jaw147 Год назад +49

    Amazing! I've been following questioning resources like this for decades and this is some of the best focused examples and discussions I've seen in a very long time! Bless you for publishing this and for the work you did to produce it!

    • @childofgod4862
      @childofgod4862 Год назад +1

      Bless you??? Who gonna bless her? And what God do you believe in that will bless her? There are two powers in this world #1 Good which we call God and #2 Evil power whom we call Satan.

    • @Bob31415
      @Bob31415 Год назад +1

      Why do you say "Bless you"??? You come across as very confused.

    • @otahkeki1111
      @otahkeki1111 4 месяца назад

      I admit, the 4th in the list is tough. But I understood how ruthless their era was. God promised them a land, and that land was occupied by other tribes. What God did, was to lead them to battle, so they take the land by right of conquest. Yes, they were told to kill the men and take their wifes and children to add them to their numbers (as slaves or not?). Even when knowing all of that, hard to take in....but nothing give me the right to judge a nation who escaped slavery and lead by God!

    • @cynthiaellis1578
      @cynthiaellis1578 10 дней назад

      @@childofgod4862Really? The word bless is not exclusive to God. Ever said, well bless your heart? Or just bless you when someone sneezes? I have a tee shirt that says Believe, but it doesn't mean I believe in God. I can believe in anything I want. Remember the song, I Believe? It starts: I believe for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows... We can believe in any thing we'd like or nothing at all. Get it now?

    • @childofgod4862
      @childofgod4862 10 дней назад

      @@cynthiaellis1578 So do you believe two powers of this world? #1 Good which is God and #2 Evil which is Satan.
      You can believe whatever you want but if you do not believe in God, everything is in vain.
      The choice is yours! Ok? Rest all are useless thoughts!

  • @alieninthecaribbean
    @alieninthecaribbean Год назад +82

    All of these passages I am familiar with and they also helped in my deconstruction as well. There is another Bible Passage about rape, which says if a woman is raped in the city and nobody knows she should be put to death because clearly, she did not scream: Deuteronomy 22:25-27
    The Christian denomination I was raised in would shun any female members who reported rape if they deemed she did not look like she fought hard enough. They would use this passage to justify it. So a perfectly innocent member who was raped or sexually assaulted would get disciplined and condemned and disfellowshipped for the crime of fornication because some male elders decided they do not look physically damaged enough.
    In my later work in raising awareness of Gender Based Violence here in the Caribbean, I would learn about trauma responses to sexual assault which include freezing up and getting into a catatonic state. Not all women fight and scream while raped. Many just freeze and mentally detach. How many women were killed under that PRIMITIVE, MISOGYNISTIC, TRIBAL law written by men?
    The Bible Passages detailing the genocide of all the Canaanite people came up in an impactful movie about Jews during the Holocaust who while in the concentration camps put Yahweh on trial. They concluded at the end of it Yahweh is an EVIL deity. Here is a clip from it. It is VERY moving. ruclips.net/video/a3OaCuspPaE/видео.html

    • @mrlacksoriginality4877
      @mrlacksoriginality4877 Год назад +8

      That isnt what Deutronomy 22:25-27 says, it says the man should die if she is raped.
      "25 But if out in the country a man happens to meet a young woman pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. 26 Do nothing to the woman; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders a neighbor, 27 for the man found the young woman out in the country, and though the betrothed woman screamed, there was no one to rescue her."

    • @jakegreen5081
      @jakegreen5081 Год назад +1

      @@mrlacksoriginality4877 Deuteronomy 22:23-24

    • @mrlacksoriginality4877
      @mrlacksoriginality4877 Год назад +5

      @@jakegreen5081 "Deuteronomy 22:23-24 New International Version 23 If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24 you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death-the young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife."

    • @toydigger
      @toydigger Год назад

      ​@jake green that has to do with adultery.

    • @jakegreen5081
      @jakegreen5081 Год назад +8

      @@toydigger No it isn't. Deuteronomy 22:23 The woman is *not* married, but engaged. Deuteronomy 22:22 is a married woman.

  • @stormchasemike6015
    @stormchasemike6015 11 месяцев назад +147

    I had an intervention from a Church I belonged to for questioning the pastor . They actually said I would be escorted out if I didn't conform to their dogma . I caught them and pointed out contradictions of the Bible and their ways

    • @soioioioioioio34
      @soioioioioioio34 11 месяцев назад +28

      Well that makes sense god hates when people do things like THINK or REASON or heaven forbid QUESTION something.

    • @jamesmanm3623
      @jamesmanm3623 11 месяцев назад +2

      What is that contradiction?

    • @paultimson6674
      @paultimson6674 11 месяцев назад

      you've not understood what THE CHURCH is? all believers in CHRIST, are the Church, his bride. Only believers who LOVE JESUS, accept his authority, are the CHURCH . I would never pop along to a catholic-protestant church? as many people there are DODGY. The Churches? on earth are infiltrated. Like the BORGIAS, the MEDICIS infiltrated the Catholic system. You are more likely to meet Satan in a so called Church than in any place? Satan allows such places to exist? to flag up who's side are you on? If you are a budding christian, there is no place worse than a man made church. I've seen witchcraft in such places. I've seen dodgy priests? who use their authority to molest. Its not KOSHER. God alone picks out his PRIESTS and KINGS, and we assemble in heaven. The early church fathers, said we should meet in fellowship. We come together to pray, to chat. Not to form a CHURCH? so METHODIST? CATHOLIC? BAPTIST? is all wrong. we should abandon every such establishment. We have a bible, we have our middleman-daysman JESUS. that is all you need. If you want a club? join an art class or chess club. Do not feed RELIGION. They are CLERGY. False teachers. God chooses his priests. It was the priesthood that had Christ executed. So do not go near such places. You only will get spiritual attacks. Already you are having arguments. People accuse you? No one can accuse a son of the father. If you believe in CHRIST. you have no sin. You are accepting GRACE. If i say to any believer.. you are a bad Christian... i'm at fault. You do not accuse any one? when you are at fault as well. No one is a paragon of virtue.

    • @tjrizzo1619
      @tjrizzo1619 11 месяцев назад

      @@jamesmanm3623for God so loved the world that he gave his son and whoever believes will have eternal life. Faith without works is dead. Thou shall not kill. God regretted making man and killed everyone. God sent an Angel to kill babies. God sent 2 bears to kill 42 kids for making fun of a bald guy. Here’s some contradictions.

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 11 месяцев назад +14

      The Bible has no contradictions. People have misunderstandings. All so-called contradictions were shown to be illegitimate by those who know the ins and outs of biblical culture and language.

  • @ulysisxtr
    @ulysisxtr Месяц назад +6

    You have a point. We should question everything. But be careful not to ignore the everything else. Think of it like this: where are you? Where did you grow up? How safe are you? What morals do the people in your community follow? Now think about 2k years ago, or if you don't want to just try to understand the modern places that where mentioned in the whole bible. What are the worries of people who don't have the luxury of the life you have. Now think about the things you disagree with might make sense in another situation. I am glad you question the bible, we all should. But question context, question the world, see the big picture.
    Take care

  • @c-wayne-u
    @c-wayne-u Год назад +93

    I, like you figured out the con about the time I reached 20. It has been said that studying the Bible is a direct path to atheism. Obviously, that is not always true, but it worked for me. During my quest, I found it filled with blood and guts, ambiguities, contradictions, and just silliness. One of my favorites was when poor Job's life and family were totally destroyed over a "Mine is bigger than yours" bet between god and Satan. In the end I concluded that the Bible, and ALL holy books, are entirely based on "Some guy(s) claimed that some other guy said stuff and did magic.". This may be evidence that some guy(s) claimed it, but in no way is evidence that any of those claims hold a shred of truth.

    • @kkelleybass
      @kkelleybass Год назад +12

      Interesting. I have experienced the exact opposite. The more I study the Bible, the MORE I believe and the stronger my faith grows!

    • @c-wayne-u
      @c-wayne-u Год назад +8

      @@kkelleybass So you like the story of Job too? LOL
      As I said, the Bible is based entirely on hearsay, just as the Qur'an, The Vedas, and even the Book Of Mormon are all based on hearsay. Maybe talking snakes, talking donkeys, and seven-headed beasts seem real to you, but I can no longer buy that old folklore as real.

    • @c-wayne-u
      @c-wayne-u Год назад

      @@rkip123456 Religion is the "con" and many religious leaders are the profiteers.

    • @jonjeskie5234
      @jonjeskie5234 Год назад

      ​@@rkip123456did you not watch the vid? The book itself is the con, perpetuated solely by humans. That's why it's always just hearsay and fables. Ever wonder why an almighty God always needs humans to talk for him? Convenient right... 😂

    • @pinky9440
      @pinky9440 Год назад

      @rkip123456 The "con" is control. Total control of the people. They fear God, they fear being left behind, they pay a tenth of their income freely, which is nothing other than legal extortion. That is the con. The "who" is not so easy to answer.

  • @docsmellyfella
    @docsmellyfella Месяц назад +75

    Why cant people just be nice to each other without the threat of not meeting their imaginary friend when they die?

    • @lovestodesign
      @lovestodesign Месяц назад +8

      I have a relationship with Jesus Christ and I read the Word of God and I love it.❤️If a person doesn’t have the Holy Spirit in them, the Bible will seem dry to them, but I’ve witnessed so many miracles, I could write a book about it. It really is about relationship. No one that leaves Christ that easily is a true Christian, they were just fooling themselves. The Bible talks about those that walk away at the first sign of trouble, that they weren’t true disciples.
      Many are on this thread.
      And it’s not about church, either. I went to the same church for years until it started being weird about some things, then I left, but I feel closer to God now than ever, still praying every day, and reading the Word, and still loving it. ❤️

    • @sentoo7606
      @sentoo7606 Месяц назад

      @@lovestodesign And thats one of the reasons i really cant with christians anymore. To pretend the world is simple and that every person, who left thier religion, simply wasnt a true belivier is stupid. You dont know shit about the persons life and what theyve been threw, but of course it was them simply not beliving enough...
      I left christianity cause of the "holy" book. If you read it obejetivly once, you cant unsee how unholy and human this book is.
      Alone the fact, that a supreme, allknowing, allmighty beeing is pretty much ignoring humanity for 300.000 years, to then decide to drop a book just in one country, written by humans, in a time where 99,9% of all people are illiterate...doesnt sound like a godly marketing strategy, more like human work

    • @dimitritome5118
      @dimitritome5118 Месяц назад +2

      Their faith is built around threats and fear. It's essential to its spread.
      See how not even here you were spared from their scorn.

    • @dimitritome5118
      @dimitritome5118 Месяц назад +5

      ​@@lovestodesigni wonder if you love the verses about genociding children

    • @justabreeze460
      @justabreeze460 Месяц назад

      No need to disrespect people’s religion.

  • @batsls1
    @batsls1 Год назад +479

    I love the first thing you said about getting to a place where you can accept not knowing the answers to the mystery of life. That's been a part of my process as well (formerly religious Jew). I think it's actually a sign of normal and healthy maturity to get to that point, but those in fundamentalist religions aren't given the chance to mature in that way. They have to hold tight to their doctrine.

    • @jezebelvibes
      @jezebelvibes  Год назад +82

      Definitely. It's very hard to embrace the unknown, but I think it can also be very liberating to just admit that we don't have all the answers. And that's ok.

    • @batsls1
      @batsls1 Год назад +35

      @@jezebelvibes yes and to just live your life, as you said, without extra externally imposed rules

    • @berkslaw
      @berkslaw Год назад

      You wouldn't know about, nor fear the "unknown" were it not for indoctrination.
      Why are Christians worried about YOUR soul being damned to eternal hell when THEY won't be there?
      "Life AFTER death" ?
      "Eternal life"?
      What? Now THAT'S selfish.

    • @MariaPedersen-mq5hk
      @MariaPedersen-mq5hk Год назад +9

      I love this. I did find a new spiritual path after some time as an atheist, but it's different this time. I'm happy to admit that I really don't have many answers and I'm just following what I find personally helpful. I can be happy for other people doing the same and don't feel the need to tell everyone what I believe all the time.

    • @theunclejesusshow8260
      @theunclejesusshow8260 Год назад

      They're led to believe they can never ride their bikes without Training Wheels. May their Pickle Jars of Indoctrination be Broken

  • @justinedenhofer
    @justinedenhofer День назад

    I‘m so impressed and happy for you that you were able to identify the hypocrisy and begin your deprograming in your 20‘s! It took me to my late 30‘s to start that long and painful process. Thank you for contributing to an actual accepting and positive community.

  • @backroads82
    @backroads82 Год назад +98

    The bible has been "cherry picked" by many to fashion a lifestyle of their liking while overlooking the parts they dont like. There is so much contradiction in the bible but is overlooked and explained in a way as to side-step the issue. Some people have personal reasons to believe in the bible and that brings them comfort which I will never try to take away from them but hope that they show me the same respect when it comes to my resons for not believing......to each their own.

    • @avf326
      @avf326 Год назад +1

      @jessicaras4540Please forgive me for not understanding fully. Could you explain why you chose this verse?

    • @andreweff1284
      @andreweff1284 Год назад +3

      Which contradiction in the Bible do you think is the worst contradiction?

    • @mwperk02
      @mwperk02 Год назад +9

      ​@@andreweff1284worst? They are all equally bad. One of my favorites occurs in all 4 gospels where the empty tomb story occurs each gospel tells a different series of events including different women, the women seeing and doing different things at the tomb, doing different things after the fact, and not all of it could occur at the same time. In one gospel the women don't tell anyone about the empty tomb while in others they tell the disciples just as an example.

    • @ibrahimalharbi3358
      @ibrahimalharbi3358 7 месяцев назад

      Sorry but I think you can find better answers in the next text:
      Topic: A loving God would never reject a sincere heart searching for direction from its creator!
      "O My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another. O My servants, all of you are astray except for those I have guided, so seek guidance of Me and I shall guide you, O My servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed, so seek food of Me and I shall feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing of Me and I shall clothe you. O My servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of Me and I shall forgive you. O My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and will not attain benefitting Me so as to benefit Me. O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any one man of you, that would not increase My kingdom in anything. O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any one man of you, that would not decrease My kingdom in anything. O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more that a needle decreases the sea if put into it. O My servants, it is but your deeds that I reckon up for you and then recompense you for, so let him who finds good, praise Allah, and let him who finds other than that, blame no one but himself."
      God is not a dead man!
      Utilize your brain to uncover life's purpose. Reject faiths that ignore facts or lack coherence. Foster clear thinking by reflecting alone, free from external influence.

    • @APS378
      @APS378 7 месяцев назад

      @@mwperk02because none of the writers were eyewitnesses for the empty tomb.

  • @VeganWithAraygun
    @VeganWithAraygun Год назад +101

    Wisdom is explified with this statement, no matter who first said this:
    "I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned."

    • @oriza2
      @oriza2 Год назад +3

      Isn't it a quote of Feynman?

    • @VeganWithAraygun
      @VeganWithAraygun Год назад +1

      @@oriza2 Winner! Winner!
      💯🎯 I just looked it up on Phind.

    • @thomasmaughan4798
      @thomasmaughan4798 Год назад

      You can have both!

    • @hukman707
      @hukman707 Год назад +1

      I seek wisdom and understanding knowing that I'm but a fool. I know what the Bible says but am constantly in the state of reproof by it. I never question the bible as truth but my understanding of it.

    • @paultiffany7629
      @paultiffany7629 Месяц назад

      Lee Harvey Oswald

  • @chrisclegg8441
    @chrisclegg8441 5 месяцев назад +25

    To align your 1st and last verses, starting with the last; It doesn't matter what we believe because our efforts don't matter. You go girl! You've enlightened me! Thanks.

    • @gwain7179
      @gwain7179 3 месяца назад +5

      It's ALL about OUR efforts. WE are the ones that were & are supposed to subdue the earth. WE are the ones that are take down the strongholds. WE are the ones that are to defy the devil & his efforts. What they heck are you talking about our efforts don't matter? You need to read The Bible again.

  • @imnotbonnie
    @imnotbonnie День назад +1

    Whenever I questioned the old testament and someone said "it was the law at that time" I couldn't stop thinking that an all-knowing eternal god would not have to keep adapting to the culture of whatever time it's words are being read.

  • @LOwens-xf8yo
    @LOwens-xf8yo Год назад +232

    My name is Leah and my mother told me it was a biblical name, so as a good 7-8 year old Catholic girl, I ran to my Bible and looked it up to read about my biblical namesake. Omg! Reading the story of Leah’s life was traumatizing! There is nothing about her life story that suggests the existence of a loving god! It was the beginning of the end of my faith. The Bible is some scary sh-t!
    Thank you for sharing your stories! I’m all in!
    So many christians use the “cafeteria” approach, picking the best parts of the Bible & ignoring the horrors (slavery, genocide, homophobia, sexism, etc), yet still believe the Bible speaks truth. If every person is allowed to pick and chose, then how could the Bible be the moral standard? Instead each person chooses only what seems reasonable to them, by applying their own individual moral standard. Proving the Bible doesn’t give us values, it only provides a selection of values to chose from. No wonder there are thousands of different versions of christianity, all believing their version and their version alone is the true path to heaven.
    Nothing perfect about that perfect word!

    • @stevesheppardmusic
      @stevesheppardmusic Год назад +29

      ​@@craigsmith1443 and the real word is even simpler "Mythology"

    • @shaqyardie8105
      @shaqyardie8105 Год назад +26

      @@craigsmith1443 What evidence do you have that a god exists? The bible is a book of claims, not evidence.

    • @Infinity-eb6mx
      @Infinity-eb6mx Год назад +43

      @@craigsmith1443 By your logic, the Harry Potter books are proof of Hogwarts.

    • @shaqyardie8105
      @shaqyardie8105 Год назад

      @@craigsmith1443 a book is not evidence. By your logic, the Koran is true and the Torah and all the other religious books.
      The original claim is that Jesus was the son of god born of a virgin, he then grew up to moonwalk on water, raise the dead, heal the blind, feed 5000 people with 7 food items and die and come back to life. Until you have evidence of this dumb shit actually happening, they are just claims. Now what evidence do you have that any of these claims actually happened?

    • @davidbmilton524
      @davidbmilton524 Год назад +2

      You could take the approach that the Bible is history and literature. Take The Old Testament as "The History of YHWH and His People", because that's what it is. Take the NT as "The Account of Jesus, Only Begotten of the Most High God". No sense throwing baby out with the water - simply stop referring to Jesus as YHWH, or the Son of YHWH, and stop giving YHWH false attributes (all powerful, all knowing, etc- you'll have to stop going to church). The Father of Jesus is pure light, he doesn't dwell in thick darkness. He is pure Grace - that's why He allows YHWH to do his thing, and Jesus' action is putting a stop to it.

  • @tinyshepherdess7710
    @tinyshepherdess7710 Год назад +31

    Thank you for pointing out the absurdity of John 3:16. That verse, and the idea that human kind needed a savior at all, was one of the original, nagging doubts I had when I accepted Christ in my early 20s (took me 35 years to fully deconvert). If a God is omniscient, already knows who is saved, can turn people away from or toward himself, why the need for a savior???

    • @harrydecker8731
      @harrydecker8731 Год назад +4

      I wish Kristi would have discussed the verse John 3:14 as well: "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up." Most Christians don't discuss this peculiar verse. Though Moses supposedly was commanded by God not to make idols shaped like animals or humans, Moses made a bronze snake and put it on a pole as a way to heal people who had been bitten my a snake. Later in the Bible (2 Kings 18:4) we are told that King Hezekiah destroyed idols and altars and poles, and he smashed the bronze snake Moses had made. If ever Christians find this out, they should say, "Huh? What?" In verses 3:13 and 14, Jesus seems to refer to himself as the Son of Man, and then in verses 3:16 through 18, Jesus seems to refer to himself as the Son of God. By this point Christians should say, "Huh? What?" So when Christians solely focus on the verse John 3:16, they totally ignore these other puzzling and contradictory questions.

    • @manon562
      @manon562 Год назад +3

      @@harrydecker8731 The list of controversial and contradictory stuff is pretty long in the Bible. She couldn't have listed everything. For me, my deconstruction started with "if you don't accept Jesus as your savior, your punishment is eternal hell". I mean... really? Furthermore, the concept of "salvation" was mind boggling. Why do you need to put someone on the cross and have him suffer and agonize in order to save mankind? How does accepting that person as a "personal savior" atone you from your sins? Another thing that was strange for me, was : why didn't Jesus leave anything in writing himself? ....and so on...

    • @polynesia8733
      @polynesia8733 Год назад +3

      @@harrydecker8731 I don't ignore those scriptures....and I'm a Christian...she can't discuss because she doesn't understand....because if she did she won't discuss because it points to Christ becoming the curse for sins of the world and that would support the God is who HE says is and Jesus is God.....read all if John 1

    • @harrydecker8731
      @harrydecker8731 Год назад

      @@manon562 If one studies all historical religions, one realizes that most of them via a figurehead or priesthood tell the people that they will be cursed by God or the gods if they don't obey certain commands, and that they will be blessed by God or the gods if they do obey certain commands. For certain, the people had to offer a gift or a sacrifice to the priest to prove their sincerity and to be redeemed. Animals sacrifices were common. In extreme conditions, human sacrifice, particularly virgins and children, were required. For the most part, religion was a racket that allowed a privileged class of priests (and sometimes priestesses) to enjoy a comfortable sheltered existence in a temple while the working class, who brought the gifts and sacrifices, were out there toiling in the hot sun raising crops and cattle while fighting off wild beasts. Judaism and Christianity were among many such religions that employed fear and guilt to get the people to do what they wanted.

  • @rneedham667
    @rneedham667 4 месяца назад +79

    When i read noah and ark it was like a horror movie. All i could think about was all the children and animals drowning. I remember at 7yrs. A girl calling me asking if i wanted to be saved? I said no.

    • @RandomHuman1103
      @RandomHuman1103 4 месяца назад +5

      Back in the day after i just left i would gladly debate JWs when they came,but today i realise that its pointless

    • @blackholeentry3489
      @blackholeentry3489 4 месяца назад

      @@RandomHuman1103 My ex SIL has been a lifetime JW....and, I even attended a few conventions with her 20 years ago at San Francisco's Cow Palace. However, I must admit....listening to their nonsense drivel only farther deepened my athiestic convictions.
      JWs are prevented from rereading 'back' issues simply because of their numerous and endless failed predictions have subsequently proven to be false....including going all the way back to their founder, Charles Taze Russel.....who falsely predicted Jesus's 2nd return..... not once, but TWICE. The 'fish' sold and/or gave away all of thier possessions, gathered and waited....and waited.....Only after the 3rd failed predicted return, then, (in order to save face) CTR brazenly declared Jesus had returned and was living secretly amongst them...and the FISH bought it.
      For 35 years of my life, I worked the graveyard shift on the weekends....seems like I would no sooner get to sleep on Saturday morning, when I'd get "The KNOCK" on my door. Eventually tiring of this, I once greeted them wearing only the briefest of underwear....not only did they quit knocking on my door, I haven't seen them on my entire street in over 15 years.
      My ex SIL, who took my side when I divorced her sister 20 years ago, says they do have a "Do NOT Call" list....I must have gotten onto it.....LUCKY ME! BHE

    • @blackholeentry3489
      @blackholeentry3489 4 месяца назад +2

      @@RandomHuman1103 Debating JWs is great training to prep for hitting the campaign trail while campaigning for 'Poopy Britches Trump'

    • @blackholeentry3489
      @blackholeentry3489 4 месяца назад

      @diezeljames7910 WHAT you so desparately NEED are THREE things.... some REAL EDUCATION, a BULLHORN and a STREETCORNER to stand upon!.....also.....WHAT more proof do we ALL need to amply proove religion, along with Collosal Ignorance truly do co-exist and dovetail together, just as do peas in a pod?
      1) Your lengthy and tiresome religious TIRADE is just the very thing which you-tube should permantly BAN!!
      2) It's now been over two weeks....NOT ONE single like should speak for itself and tell you plenty!....except most likely you're probably far too DENSE to pick up on it!

    • @heythere6983
      @heythere6983 3 месяца назад +1

      Not sure 7 years is the age to make life decisions

  • @littlemspd9674
    @littlemspd9674 2 дня назад

    Very informative, I've been struggling a lot lately with my faith. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thanks so much for your perspective and insight.

  • @timweaver4551
    @timweaver4551 Год назад +102

    Well done. I've had many former Christians tell me that what turned them away was reading the bible for themselves.

    • @seektruth5074
      @seektruth5074 Год назад +11

      @akashic seer What a peculiar comment. “The most evil book on earth?” We are truly living in a time when good is evil and evil is good.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 Год назад +1

      @akashic seer Ask him to read Deuteronomy 21, Judges 21, and 2 Samuel 24, next...! (Seek Truth, that is)

    • @polynesia8733
      @polynesia8733 Год назад +4

      They were never Christians...former or otherwise

    • @resaucefull444
      @resaucefull444 Год назад +14

      ​@@polynesia8733that's what all Christians say...

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 Год назад +6

      @@polynesia8733 Well, if you do not fulfil John 14:12-13, say... then how, do we know you are?

  • @AngryNewAger
    @AngryNewAger Год назад +29

    Wow. Your video came up on my feed - it’s one of the most thoughtful and eloquent that I’ve come across. (I’ve been watching a lot lately.) What strikes me most about you - you seem to have no anger, or chip on your shoulder, or ax to grind. You speak your truth simply and openly and talk about your journey. I so admire and appreciate that - I’m an ex-Southern Baptist (and gay man) who is, at age 54, still rageful and bitter about my childhood religious upbringing. Thank you for this video - I really enjoyed it and I am subscribing.❤

    • @jezebelvibes
      @jezebelvibes  Год назад +5

      From a fellow former southern Baptist, so sorry for what you must have experienced. Happy you found freedom! Thanks so much for your kind words ❤️

    • @lrduff
      @lrduff Год назад +3

      Keep processing through those real feelings, to get to more clarity and peace. They probably tie into other childhood feelings as well. True for me. A difficult but necessary process to get to your own truth.

    • @andreablack3328
      @andreablack3328 Год назад +1

      Don't stay tied to your anger. Free yourself on your way to growth.❤

    • @GeniyaNewson-g5t
      @GeniyaNewson-g5t Год назад

      What you cannot Spiritually digest, will not blind perception in the minds of those who can Consume it.

    • @4LLT0G3TH3R
      @4LLT0G3TH3R Год назад +1

      ​@@GeniyaNewson-g5t we digested it and found it to be nutritionally lacking. We can know Spirit and reject the Bible both.

  • @rajivgoes6
    @rajivgoes6 Год назад +39

    Kristy, As a former Christian, I've been on this journey for the last 3 years. I tried to search for the answers/truth everywhere. Im so glad I found your channel. I hope people will be awakened sooner or later.

  • @amyhodges959
    @amyhodges959 22 дня назад +2

    Grew up southern Baptist. When I was 9, I asked my mom (who over & over again said we must believe the Bible literally) how an ‘eye for an eye’ and ‘turn the other cheek’ meant completely different things & so how was I supposed to believe both of these beliefs literally??? She told me to ignore the Old Testament & just focus on the New. Sigh - I’m so glad I lost my religious beliefs a few years ago. It’s not the easiest journey but it’s worth it.

    • @8000RPM.
      @8000RPM. 22 дня назад

      You are taking these passages completely out of context. Jesus telling us the world says "eye for an eye", but He advised, "turn the other cheek".

    • @spider-woman9482
      @spider-woman9482 11 дней назад

      @@8000RPM. turn the other cheek isn't good either, tf? what happens if you're walking down a street and you see a woman getting assaulted? ah, right. turn the other cheek xoxo. what happens when a country is debating whether or not to extend human rights and resources to communities? turn the other cheek xoxo.

    • @spider-woman9482
      @spider-woman9482 11 дней назад

      @@8000RPM. We have always lived in an age where bystanders don't stand up for others and mind their business when it really matters, but when a person is living their life, everyone has a problem with it. "turn the other cheek" cannot be applied to both.

  • @Lance_Arn
    @Lance_Arn Год назад +20

    Thank you for this video. I have been preaching Romans for over a decade now.
    You have a new subscriber.

    • @jezebelvibes
      @jezebelvibes  Год назад +4

      Thanks for being here!

    • @pigmeatishambacon
      @pigmeatishambacon Год назад

      @@jezebelvibes shaytain reeled you in

    • @JohnnyBGood-vm7rx
      @JohnnyBGood-vm7rx 6 месяцев назад

      i only listened to her argument on john 3:16 and after listening to her for less than 2 minutes (it's unbearable to listen to as it's full of bs), here are my thoughts.. she kept confusing herself, possibly to also confuse the viewers. i'm 100% sure she was never a christian, her reasoning, her arguments are not only far from the truth, but also twisted and full of malice. like i'm listening to the demon himself. she's totally clueless as to why jesus had to die, and that reason is "central to christian belief". totally unbelievable for an "ex-christian". maybe she got herself into a cult or something. but i'm sure she's lying that she was a christian.
      i would've believed her if she explained the verse in good faith and tell us why christians believe that way, and then criticize that belief. if she really was a christian why not tell us a christian pov? most probably because she knows NONE of it.. and what she did? she explained the verse in a very twisted, almost diabolical way. the look on her face and how her voice changed to a high pitch is very disturbing, like someone's been possessed or something. probably what happens to someone who goes too much to bIm/hummus rallies.
      one last thing, she kept blabbering on the last part about belief. how you could be saved by just having belief only. again, totally clueless. obviously driven by their Ieftist/w0ke/d3monic agenda.
      “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me." (John 14:23-24)

  • @PumpkinMozie
    @PumpkinMozie 2 месяца назад +33

    The intro was spot on. I went from a devout Catholic constantly living in fear and shame to just a regular person doing my best day to day, comfortable with the fact that I don’t know what comes next. And that’s okay. It’s okay to not know sometimes.

    • @janelleabbott2227
      @janelleabbott2227 Месяц назад +1

      When we accept Gods word satan will try to destroy and come at you more. This is when your faith is tested. My depressionn and fear brought me closer to the Lord. I still have a difficult time with getting out to find. But this is just another issue I am working on with the Lord guiding me. Patience😊❤

    • @314159265mangler
      @314159265mangler Месяц назад

      Uncertainty is at the core of life and gives it both richness and hope. Bravery is embracing uncertainty and accepting it as a fact of life. You lived in fear and now you live in bravery - I admire you for making this choice as it is not the easy path. But I believe it is the truth. I don’t know, and nobody knows. All we can do is be the best people we can be. That’s all that matters. I don’t need to believe in God to act that way, and indeed one should act that way out of one’s own desire to be a better person, and not for fear of offending some “god”. Usually these conceptions of god are of a vengeful, narcissistic, immature creature - why on earth would anyone choose to worship that? God should be an example, an aspiration, the ultimate asymptote of moral behaviour, and not this sociopathic, judgemental creature of the old testament. If god is not even better than us, what’s the point?

    • @fallengaming5
      @fallengaming5 Месяц назад

      Running from the truth does not change it, it will still happen. Trust me, God seeks for all sinners to be saved

    • @AxhenioShkurti
      @AxhenioShkurti Месяц назад

      The word "Do not be afraid" is written 365 times in the Bible, for a reason. If you got to believe in Jesus, just from the fear of hell you never knew Him. God is not inside a church. God is spirit and we worship him in spirit. What got you out was the humans, not God.

  • @steveglover6411
    @steveglover6411 Год назад +21

    I love how you said, “I just came up with a more moral solution.” Because it proves that morality is not the sole domain of religion. It’s often the main cause for immoral acts. Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts on this subject. It’s the most frustrating part of discussing these things with religious people. Society supporting and not condemning victims of assault.👍
    Imagine that 😊👍

    • @calebhusby4107
      @calebhusby4107 10 месяцев назад +1

      Your first two sentences make no sense. This was actually one of the largest fallacies in the video. Morality does not exist without a transcendent foundation. What does "MORE moral" mean for someone who doesn't believe in a god? To what external standard of morality are you referring? In the beginning of the video, she says something like 'I no longer look for absolute truth.' If you are skeptical about absolute truth, there can be no MORE or LESS moral things. It could only be your opinion.

  • @CozmicFirefly
    @CozmicFirefly День назад +1

    You work towards him, but many think they are working towards God, but their intentions are not good, therefore, He chooses us, we do not choose Him

  • @WildandFree4
    @WildandFree4 Год назад +193

    Ex evangelical, now atheist here.
    You were the first person I came across, that helped me deconstruct my faith. You made me feel validated and not alone. Deconstruction is one of the hardest things I've gone through! A million thankyous Kristi 🥰💓🥰💓🥰

    • @adamantiumbullet9215
      @adamantiumbullet9215 Год назад

      People think atheists are atheists because they *haven't* read the Bible.
      The fact is, most atheists become atheists because they *have* read the Bible.

    • @polynesia8733
      @polynesia8733 Год назад

      Actually it wasn't this chick who helped deconstruct your faith....it was Jesus who sent this chick cause he didn't like your lack of discipline and didn't think you were a good fit because you didn't represent him well....he didn't want you. Like Bible says below
      2 Thessalonians 2:11-13
      New Living Translation
      11 So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. 12 Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.
      God made you believe this jezebel chick according to this scripture cause frankly he found you lazy and wanting.

    • @polynesia8733
      @polynesia8733 Год назад +8

      Also don't forget to to study Darwinism...so you can fully go to the darkside....also read alister crowlys books as well...and then don't forget about your horoscopes and tarot cards...dont want to miss out on all of those goodies from satan as well...oh and don't forget to pick up a Ouija board at your local Walmart fir some fun night time entertainment

    • @todradmaker4297
      @todradmaker4297 Год назад +29

      @@polynesia8733 Why so much hate?

    • @nightoffbaldman
      @nightoffbaldman Год назад +21

      @@polynesia8733why does science scare you?

  • @crystalheart9
    @crystalheart9 Год назад +132

    A very good video on the same questions I had when I was in Catholic school. It never made sense to me either. The nuns would tell us when I was in first grade that only Catholics go to heaven. Even at that young age I couldn't believe that. The brainwashing was epic in Catholic school. I subscribed.💖

    • @RedLion502
      @RedLion502 Год назад +24

      Same here. I remember thinking “but what about all the people who lived outside of that area at that time? Were they all damned for not knowing about the Christian religion?” It didn’t make sense.

    • @erbiumfiber
      @erbiumfiber Год назад +12

      So now the Catholic church has backtracked (long story but I live in Taipei, been going to one because it's the only English-language one near me, and yes, I have enormous questions). Now they say others can go to heaven (yes, even the pagans! No need to send money to baptize pagan babies anymore...sigh.). And, for me, the whole "why did Jesus need to die for my sins, why couldn't God just forgive us" is a question I ask all the time. Asked some lovely Mormon missionaires and they had a whole talk about the justice/mercy continuum and that there is no mercy without justice, and that is why Jesus died (they had very much rehearsed this talk, and were very earnest, I could not "not like" them). That was the closest I ever got to a real explanation, bless their hearts. Oh, I also never believed in transsubstantiation, so, yeah, first communion a bit of a let-down. Wish I could believe but I just can't. And even if I did, why do I need to eat someone every week? Feels...vampire-ish.

    • @michaelautrey6641
      @michaelautrey6641 Год назад +6

      its because catholicism is a long term grift and always has been. it isnt an accident that the catholic church is the wealthiest organization on earth.

    • @laneneal3510
      @laneneal3510 Год назад +4

      After Bible school which I felt I was told these were great stories to help you live a good life now and ever more. Then as a tween it turned into seriousness about the Bible written by God himself. Every word taken as literal meaning. Had so many questions that they could not answer. I just had to have “faith”. So I said it doesn’t matter what the word of God says, just have faith, just believe regardless. At that time I realized you could believe in anything. Doesn’t make it right, wrong or indifferent. All man made. There wasn’t anyone or thing directing me. It was always me, you, each of us. I truly felt free. I still chose to be morally kind. I had my values of course from my family which could grow and change. It was all so simple. Relief

    • @timmotel5804
      @timmotel5804 Год назад +1

      Yup. I've been there. Not Any More.

  • @ElleriaZer
    @ElleriaZer Год назад +109

    I was a much more progressive christian and came at my loss of faith on a very different way, but that first thing you mentioned was how i decided that even if the god of the bible existed, i shouldn't worship it because its clearly a psychopath or a narcissist.

    • @jonjeskie5234
      @jonjeskie5234 Год назад +15

      If a psychologist were to honestly look at his characteristics he would technically be both, plus several other mental conditions.

    • @Bunny99s
      @Bunny99s Год назад +6

      @@jonjeskie5234 God would be the prime example of someone suffering from the God complex ^^

    • @omariwashington2570
      @omariwashington2570 Год назад +6

      ​@jonjeskie5234 I mean I would be a narcissist if I created everything and everybody worships me 24/7

    • @jonjeskie5234
      @jonjeskie5234 Год назад

      @@omariwashington2570 that's cause you're a fallible human who needs validation. An omnipotent God shouldn't have this problem.

    • @nevaehhamilton3493
      @nevaehhamilton3493 Год назад +1

      Pessimism is my personal shield from the world's crappiest traits.

  • @tideslider664
    @tideslider664 День назад +1

    If you choose not to decide you have still made a choice

  • @EugeneRossi
    @EugeneRossi Год назад +46

    I remember years ago my then pastor who was also teaching one of my accredited Bible classes told me that the Bible technically doesn’t definitively condemn slavery. He said he didn’t preach details like that on Sunday because most wouldn’t understand, would get offended and might leave his church and question their faith. I think that was one of those milestones where I was like “wtf God, really? This is supposed to be the greatest book through which you chose to reveal the ultimate truth to the world?” Definitely was a tipping point for me.

    • @JP-ec9rl
      @JP-ec9rl Год назад +1

      You think you're not a slave? Interesting!

    • @zJohnnyMac
      @zJohnnyMac Год назад +1

      We are all a slave to something in this world. I'd rather be under one that has my back on death. You are a slave to the people that love you, the money that keeps you, and the environment that comforts you.

    • @WildandFree4
      @WildandFree4 Год назад

      The pastors know the truth. They cannot be trusted.. Charlatans 💵💵💵

    • @P.M.O.S.69
      @P.M.O.S.69 Год назад +1

      Check out Slavery and True Liberty, John MacArthur.
      It's disgusting.

    • @floccinaucinihilipilifications
      @floccinaucinihilipilifications Год назад

      @@JP-ec9rl back at ya 😉

  • @jakestrahms7924
    @jakestrahms7924 Год назад +27

    Thank you so much for this video, i fell out of religion in my 30s. After dealing with doubts for about 5 years. I love the gentle and calm and logical approach you have. While there is time and place for Dawkins and co’s sharp tongues, Im sure some people respond better to calm dialogue and time to digest it.

    • @AverageCommentor
      @AverageCommentor Год назад

      To call this a "logical approach" is an insult to logic in and of itself.

    • @sarag1158
      @sarag1158 Год назад +1

      ​@@AverageCommentoras opposed to your logic? The Bible is true because the Bible says it's true.

    • @AverageCommentor
      @AverageCommentor Год назад

      That's not my logic lmao. If it was, I'd believe a lot of other religious books.

    • @johngodley256
      @johngodley256 Год назад

      @@AverageCommentor Something is sadly missing in your psychological make up.
      Believing without question is indoctrination, not logical thinking.

    • @johngodley256
      @johngodley256 Год назад +1

      @@AverageCommentor Noah´s ark is not only illogical, it is not feasible.

  • @michaelwedding9648
    @michaelwedding9648 Год назад +61

    Thank you, thank you. For so long I have had those feelings about the Bible and religion but didn’t have words to express it. I was raised and educated catholic. I was told the Catholic Church was the one true church and always questioned that. After all, what happens to others. I read a book by actor/entertainer Steve Allen. He wrote a book mentioning the contradictions in the Bible. I’ve always questioned why we are allowed free will but are discouraged from using it. You touched on so many things and I agree wholeheartedly. I believe we should be able to live our lives freely, treating others with respect and dignity, but living and enjoying life without guilt or shame. Thank you. So well done.

    • @paulyeatman303
      @paulyeatman303 Год назад +2

      Steve Allen was a Unitarian Universalist. You should check it out
      We were married by a female UU minister.

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад +6

      That question, what happens to others, was the first big crack in my faith structure, brought on by a discussion with a vehemently (angrily) devout evangelical. I doubt he ever realized that his words had the opposite of their intended effect. I am now an atheist since 1969.

    • @darkworld5026
      @darkworld5026 Год назад +1

      The Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses claim to the the only "true church." Catholic doctrine is steeped in falsehoods and heresy. Rebelling against God is your choice, but hell is full of "nice" respectful people.

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад +3

      @@darkworld5026 I cannot "rebel" against an entity which has never been shown to exist. According to other churches, each one is the only true church and all others are steeped in falsehoods and heresy. I'm going with "They are all full of falsehoods and heresy." And until you show me one single solitary person who is in hell, or even that hell exists, I do not feel particularly threatened (and threats is all you have to coerce folks to follow your sect). If you have something actually true to say, you will be able to bring evidence to back it up.

    • @Mr.HotRod
      @Mr.HotRod Год назад

      @@stevepierce6467 Good 4 U......:-))

  • @tideslider664
    @tideslider664 День назад +1

    Very soon everything will come too light the world as we know it is never going to be the same

  • @robertgray323
    @robertgray323 3 месяца назад +99

    The best way to create more atheists is to get them to read the bible. Really read it. Information is such a wonderful thing

    • @angelita1895
      @angelita1895 2 месяца назад +5

      A former pastor once said that when you set out on a journey to find and know god, that’s when you lose your faith. That’s exactly what happened to me

    • @Whiskey.T.Foxtrot
      @Whiskey.T.Foxtrot 2 месяца назад +9

      @@robertgray323 I'm an Agnostic Atheist and I read most of the bible before I was 30. I just got to Revelation about 6 years ago because it's just so ghastly.
      I was never a believer and I read it in the order presented...every word.
      It's about what you'd expect from a particularly nasty, primitive, warlike culture.

    • @blackholeentry3489
      @blackholeentry3489 2 месяца назад

      When I was about 13, I started reading the bible, but somehow never could get past ALL of the 'begats'.
      Just FYI.....Ezekiel's Wheel....A VERY early sighting of a 'Flying Saucer' which worked its way into the bible...We've been visited for a LONG time!

    • @Whiskey.T.Foxtrot
      @Whiskey.T.Foxtrot 2 месяца назад

      @@blackholeentry3489 I skipped over the Begats but read the rest of it.
      Revelation was a psychopath's LSD trip.

    • @blackholeentry3489
      @blackholeentry3489 2 месяца назад

      @@Whiskey.T.Foxtrot Most likely a kind and more considerate evaluation than it actually warents. Even though I did own a bible for many years, I have to admit I read very little of it....and haven't had one in the house for 40+? years. My 2nd wife....one of those no-nonsense Red-headed Aussies, thinks pretty much as I do.
      I once, when young, started off reading Genesis, but could never seem to get through ALL of those 'begats.'
      In the mid 50's, my folks moved to Laurelwood, OR.....primarily a Seventh Day Adventists community. This was the only time they didn't attend some 'brand' of church and drag us five kids along.
      Their schools were all tuition, my crop picking parents had enough to handle just putting food on the table for us five kids. Three of us walked a full two miles (I know, for I later went back and measured it) to a small one room schoolhouse, where one teacher taught 25 kids, all in one room, in grades one through seven. As a result, my English suffered until I got into college and then buckled down and got it.
      In my life I have been exposed to about 20 religions.....Once saw and heard Billy Graham speak at the Cow Palace in San Francisco....then, 20 year later went to a Jehovah's Witless convention at the same place with my ex SIL.
      Seven weeks prior to school ending in Laurelwood, my folks moved on to another town 25 miles away while I elected to stay with an older couple so I could finish the school year at the samll school I walked to. While there, they forced me to attend thier SDA church....which was the turning point which started me down the road to becoming the solid atheist I remain until this day.....that, and as an active lifetime amatuer astronomer, I have a fair idea of the true enormity of this awesome universe we ALL reside within....and man's total insignificance within it....just another grain of sand on the beach! BHE

  • @DD-gi6kx
    @DD-gi6kx 9 месяцев назад +160

    it is of my opinion that those that have the courage to say "i don't know" are the ones that have the most to live for

    • @simpumoon
      @simpumoon 8 месяцев назад +3

      If you don’t know who god is you have a really bad problem it’s obvious, and you choose a life of blindness and lies to say you don’t know. The truth is you don’t want it to be true and you don’t care

    • @i_want_order
      @i_want_order 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@simpumoonyou mean God? Just have to understand.

    • @jkm9332
      @jkm9332 8 месяцев назад

      Is there anything you do know?

    • @simpumoon
      @simpumoon 8 месяцев назад

      @@jkm9332 if you're breathing that's proof enough

    • @jkm9332
      @jkm9332 8 месяцев назад +12

      @@simpumoon I don't know what you mean.

  • @MakinziMiller08
    @MakinziMiller08 11 месяцев назад +167

    as a teenager who has anxiety ,separating from the church has been horrible. Thank you so much for talking about this it makes me feel better about my thoughts 🫶🏻

    • @meezuswest1781
      @meezuswest1781 11 месяцев назад +31

      “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
      You will only find true peace through Christ, your faith in Him has to remain strong…… don’t abandon your relationship with God.

    • @twinkincarnate
      @twinkincarnate 11 месяцев назад +32

      “Christ” is not the only way you’ll find peace. I believe in a Higher Power, but not the Christian God. That Higher Power has brought me so much peace, without all of the backwards rules and regulations. This religious brainwashing needs to be eradicated

    • @meezuswest1781
      @meezuswest1781 11 месяцев назад +16

      @@twinkincarnate can you elaborate on what backwards rules and regulations Christ has preached about? Also you can’t have a personal relationship with a “higher” power if you don’t know them. God speaks to you through the Holy Bible and sent his only Son to experience human pain and suffering so you can have someone to relate to and He died for you to save us from our sins because we’re all imperfect and fall short. No other god or “higher” power will ever do that for you.

    • @twinkincarnate
      @twinkincarnate 11 месяцев назад +17

      @@meezuswest1781 She literally explained it in the video? 😭 Also her whole entire channel is dedicated to debunking the bible. One more thing, everyone has a different belief system, you cannot tell someone “you can only do xyz because xyz said so” if that person doesn’t even believe in what you’re saying in the first place. I literally do not believe in the bible, nor sin, so what you just said has no bearing on me. I identify with being a spiritual human being, not Christian. You wouldn’t tell a Muslim, Mormon, Buddhist, or Jewish person that they’re wrong and you’re right would you? That would be incredibly ignorant and disrespectful.
      You can believe whatever you want, but fact of the matter is, your religion is not superior to anyone else’s. Even if we did go that route, God gave us free will, and he also gave us multiple ways to have a relationship with him. I don’t know who told you that you can’t have a personal relationship with God, but that is incredibly false and actually very hurtful for you to say. You don’t say that to people, even if you believe it for whatever bizarre reason. Once again, if someone doesn’t practice your religion, why would you expect them to abide by whatever rules the “Holy Bible” says? Thank you for reinforcing why I, and many other people, stay away from Christianity and it’s toxicity :)

    • @meezuswest1781
      @meezuswest1781 11 месяцев назад +18

      @@twinkincarnate 1. She never quoted Jesus once ( the gospel) also if you understood Christianity you would know that God made a new covenant with humanity and a lot of things from 2,000 years ago don’t apply to us anymore
      2. You’re right I can’t tell you what to believe in I can only tell you about the good news and you decide what to do with it
      3. I would tell someone that that their religion is false and that Christ is their only salvation, that’s how strong my faith is. I would never attack them personally though.
      4. The RUclipsr is literally saying the Judea-Christian God is fake so by your logic she’s being ignorant and disrespectful
      5. I believe in a God who actually existed on Earth, hundreds of witnesses who saw him die and get buried, and dozens of witnesses who saw him after being resurrected. My God’s tomb was empty while Mohammed and Buddha are still dead in their graves.
      6. You believe in a pagan god whose name you don’t even know, a god who doesn’t reveal himself to you, or a god who won’t even suffer for you. Your spiritual relationship with the god that you claim is based on nothing.

  • @ronberryessa
    @ronberryessa Год назад +32

    Well done. You presented your concerns with these scripture verses very well. Thanks.

    @APOTI_FRANK День назад +1

    People need to get comfortable with not knowing things.

  • @PatriciaOdom
    @PatriciaOdom Год назад +97

    I was a Christian for 25 years. I fully understand your questions and even asked hundreds more myself. At every turn I found contradictions within the pages of a book that’s supposed to be infallible. At this point in my life I believe it has some cultural and historical references filled with a whole lot of man-made stories and rules. My husband and I discuss all the time how the Bible reads a lot like a book of myths.
    After asking the heartfelt question, “WHO AM I?”, I got more in touch with myself and came back around to remembering what my dad used to always say when I was growing up, “can we even prove god exists?”
    Christianity has an answer to that question but are they right???!!! 🤔🤔🤔🤨
    Every other religion has their own answer as well. And each religion says that all the other ones are cult, of the devil, leading people astray, wrong, etc. yeah, you know the mantra.
    So what makes Christian’s so arrogant and self-righteous that they are the only ones who know “the truth.” I used to be one of them. Looking back, I am ashamed at myself for being that kind of woman.
    What I can say is that my life has been 100% more peaceful and better since I left it behind and all the struggles that I couldn’t find answers to as a Christian, I have now found answers. And I’m more in touch with myself and who I am. That’s a value I wouldn’t trade for anything.
    Life is a journey. It’s a quest of finding your own way. And now I’m all about encouraging people to search for their own truths and find their own path. But what I constantly find, mostly 99.999% of the time, is that a Christian just can’t seem to let others find their own way. They always have to pray that you will return to the truth.

    • @undrwatropium3724
      @undrwatropium3724 Год назад +23

      Man created God in his image

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere Год назад +2

      @@undrwatropium3724 Why to give man = short for human. (us) so much credit? Is it not visible that we cannot carrie this "burden"?
      If you or any souls have ? marks or complains about the bible. SOULS, GOD IS LIVING, up, in HIS KINGDOM, able to hear the souls who seek after truth. Why do you not PRAY? Into what heaven(KINGDOM) you all want to go if not speaking with THE KING? Like you and I through internet speak with one another, the same deal with GOD, be alone and pray.
      James 1:5 - If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
      How am i to give answers after answers? Am i not also just a dust who`s been alive for a moment (27 years)? What is it that you give me so much credit? Is not GOD also above me as He is above you? Do we not have A GOD up there, in the 3th heaven?
      You keep denying truth and seek it out not, then you saying to GOD, that you love lies and not the truth, placing you worthy to be under strong delusion.
      Why soul why?
      We pray not, yet expected to be allowed into the KINGDOM OF GOD?
      GOD shall say to us:
      Matthew 7:23
      And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
      Luke 13:27
      But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
      =lukewarm christians, who believe yet have no works which show their faith to be alive.

    • @undrwatropium3724
      @undrwatropium3724 Год назад

      Yep they were studying the bible for sure on this topic....
      Kill adulterers (Lev 20:10)
      Kill all witches (Ex 22:18)
      Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14)
      Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3)
      Kill fortune-tellers (Lev 20:27)
      Kill anyone who sins (Ezek 18:4)
      Kill the curious (1 Sam 6:19-20)
      Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32)
      Kill all non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17)
      Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah 14:21)
      Kill non-believers (2 Chron 15:12-13)
      Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16)
      Kill any child who hits a parent (Ex 21:15)
      Kill children who disobey parents (Dt 21:20)
      Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15)
      Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10)
      Kill strangers close to a church (Num 1:48-51)
      Kill all males after winning battles (Dt 20:13)
      Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9)
      Kill men who have sex with other men (Lev 20:13)
      Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt 22:21)
      Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9)
      Kill anyone who does not observe the Sabbath (Ex 31:14)
      Kill everybody in a town that worships the wrong god (Dt 13:13-16)
      And most importantly: Kill anyone who kills anyone (Lev 24:17).

    • @MrRezillo
      @MrRezillo Год назад +2

      I appreciate your words of wisdom here; thanks.

    • @debrawehrly6900
      @debrawehrly6900 Год назад

      ​@@undrwatropium3724 a projection of onself

  • @christerrence5049
    @christerrence5049 Год назад +46

    I started to question my faitjh when my awakening started. Now, I've stopped going to church, and I was very devoted. My church colleagues say I'm attacked by the spirit of unbelief. I see it as a manipulative and coercive I just don't submit to anything that is fear based!

    • @rosihayes8254
      @rosihayes8254 Год назад

      hi christerrence
      I just started going to church after some 30 years of not going. I don't know how long that will last, because my observation is, that most christians/churches operate on fear of hell and collecting brownie points for heaven.
      I also noticed over and over, that they just read over and ignore certain controversial verses. Which most of you guys do as well. You also cling to the favorite dogmas of 'christianity" , namely heaven and hell. Check out
      verses like 1 timothy 6:16.
      uh, no, you are not immortal.
      or Malachi 4 or some verses in Psalm 37 and on and on. you die and dead means dead. And in the end, everything bad and evil is being destroyed, in a big fire and afterwards nothing is left of them but ashes. check your bible. You are not going to heaven when you die.
      45 years ago or so. there was an offer of I believe 5000 bucks, if you can show a scripture that says that the saved will go to heaven, or that unbelievers will go to an everburning hell. The money was never claimed.
      Once you realize there is no such thing as an everburning hell, things shift around a bit.
      On this planet evil is actually necessary to teach you a lot of things. Did you ever read in the bible of getting your reward in this world? Apply this to pharao and etc.. Riches and palaces and power and girls and who knows. And afterwards it is all over for him. Just like you atheists believe.
      Check out Dr Michael Heiser on the unseen realm.
      Why did God give his son and why did he have to not only die but to die on the cross?
      Certainly not to keep you out of hell.

    • @TWitherspoon
      @TWitherspoon Год назад +2

      _"Why did God give his son..."_
      The Bible makes it clear that a human descendant of David, not God, was the father of Jesus. The terms, "seed", "flesh", "root", "fruit of his loins", and "offspring" mean that Jesus was the biological son of Joseph.
      Matthew 1:1
      "This is the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David."
      John 6:42
      "They said, "Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I came down from heaven’?”
      Acts 2:30
      "Therefore being a prophet [David], and knowing that God had sworn an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne."
      Hebrews 2:16
      "For he [Jesus] took not the nature of angels, but the seed of Abraham."
      Acts 13:23
      "Of David's seed hath God, according to his promise, raised unto Israel a savior, Jesus."
      Romans 1:3
      "Concerning his son Jesus Christ, who was made of the seed of David according to the flesh."
      2 Timothy 2:8
      "Remember that Jesus Christ is the seed of David."
      Revelation 22:16
      "I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches; I am the root (progeny) and the offspring of David."
      John 1:45
      “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote; Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
      Matthew 9:27
      "When Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, thou son of David, have mercy on us."
      Jesus had brothers and sisters (not half-brothers and half-sisters):
      Galatians 1:19
      "I saw none of the other apostles--only James, the Lord's brother."
      Mark 6:3
      "Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are His sisters not here with us?"
      Matthew 13:55-56
      “Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary, and aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren't all his sisters with us?"

    • @TWitherspoon
      @TWitherspoon Год назад +3

      _"Why did God give his son..."_
      God stated multiple times that he has multiple sons, multiple "begotten" sons, and multiple first-born sons, presumably with his wives, Asherah, Aholah and Aholibah.
      Jeremiah 31:9
      Ephraim is God's first-born sone:
      "For I am the father of Israel, and Ephraim is my first-born."
      2 Samuel 7:13-14
      Solomon is God's son:
      "I will be his father, and he (Solomon) shall be my son."
      Luke 3:38
      Adam is God's son:
      "Adam, who is the son of God."
      Psalm 2:7-8
      David (the king set on Mount Zion) is God's begotten son:
      "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee."
      Genesis 6:2
      "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."
      Job 38:6-7
      God's sons were present when the universe was created:
      "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy."
      Job 1:6
      "One day the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them."
      The earliest account of primogeniture to be widely known in modern times involved Isaac's son Jacob being born second (Genesis 25:26) and Isaac's son, Esau being born first (Genesis 25:25) and entitled to the birthright, but eventually selling it to Isaac's second son, Jacob, for a small amount of food (Genesis 25:31-3).
      Exodus 4:22
      Jacob is God's son and first-born:
      "Thus says the Lord; Israel is my son, my first-born."
      Ezekiel 23:4-20
      "They were mine (God's) and gave birth to sons and daughters. For Aholibah lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like the genitals of donkeys and whose ejaculate were like the ejaculate of horses."

    • @TWitherspoon
      @TWitherspoon Год назад +2

      _"Why did God give his son and why did he have to not only die but to die on the cross?"_
      Christians believe that God sent one of his sons to be tortured and killed as a sacrificial offering (a practice adopted from Paganism).
      They worship this father who sent one of his sons to be tortured and executed (and literally called it a sacrifice) as part of a ritual intended to appease a god. In Christian theology, atonement refers to the forgiving of sin through God's sacrifice of Jesus.
      Paul created Christianity in 48 AD and this is how he put it:
      Romans 8:32
      "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all."
      1 Corinthians 5:7
      "Christ our passover is sacrificed for us."
      Romans 3:25
      "God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement."
      Romans 5:8
      "God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us."
      Hebrews 10:10
      "We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ."

    • @bradleylove8606
      @bradleylove8606 Год назад

      God our creator is Holy above our understanding. It's true man and religion mess things up but please don't give up on God. Yes our self will and sin gets in the way but he is maturing us believers so please don't give up on Him. He will help you through this life and lead you to eternal peace.

  • @marcdes6316
    @marcdes6316 3 месяца назад +76

    3:18 As a ex-christian, when I meet christians who asserts that god gave free will, I share Romans 9 and ask them what is the plain meaning of the chapter. They try to give various explanations but I drive them back by asking them does it align with the plain meaning of the chapter.

    • @johnheaton5058
      @johnheaton5058 3 месяца назад +4

      If I understand you correctly you're saying that predestination and free will are incompatible?

    • @marcdes6316
      @marcdes6316 3 месяца назад +4

      @@johnheaton5058 that's for the christian I'm asking to sort them out. It will depend on the degree of free will humans have and the scope of god's predestination.

    • @Christian-q9s
      @Christian-q9s 3 месяца назад

      Like just the chapter 9 in general? Are there any specific verses or just that chapter?

    • @roleplayer5564
      @roleplayer5564 3 месяца назад +8

      I would say that if the outcome is already determined, free will cannot exist. Yes you can have the illusion of free will, but what you choose cannot have a different outcome, it's not a choice. It's like if you can pick one of two doors to go into but they both lead to the same place, did you have a choice? Yeah you can feel like you picked by your choice didn't matter at all

    • @stephenspackman5573
      @stephenspackman5573 3 месяца назад +2

      @@roleplayer5564 Free will arises not from randomness but from Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem. It is a mathematical fact that you cannot reliably predict your own future actions; therefore you have free will even in a rigidly deterministic universe. It is _you_ that makes your choices, and no one, not even you yourself, can predict them.
      Indeed, it seems to me that the amount of free will you have is reduced by randomness. How is it “you” that chose if an outcome was arrived at by the toss of a coin and not by the operation of your own internal logic? The word “will” implies that you are in fact in control, that the outcome is in fact determined by you and by who you are.
      (This discussion always puzzles me, since the popular conception always seems to be the reverse of what logic tells us.)

  • @bobj.7782
    @bobj.7782 День назад +3

    Apparently all those five verses are interrupted in wrong ways. We cannot use a modern western way to understand the Bible literally.

  • @valerioiovine2517
    @valerioiovine2517 Год назад +19

    As an italian former roman catholic (now atheist) I was raised in a very religious environment. I was quite young when I first started questioning many Bible passages and the most frequent answer I got by local preachers of my community was
    "well, you see, our Lord had to 'inspire' those words as they were the next best thing people of that time would accept and consider wise. Those passages you're picking are actually an 'improvement', considering their condition and their primitive laws"
    And of course, it never made any sense to me. Almost the same passages you mentioned here were the start of my catharsis, but it took me a while to deal with everything...family, friends, school, etc. Thank you for your video, cheers from Italy.

    • @Justin.Martyr
      @Justin.Martyr Год назад

      *& your DeMonicUserName is the PROOF of who you Are!!!*

    • @nosrac95
      @nosrac95 Год назад

      @@Justin.Martyr Justin what are you even talking about please elaborate on his “demonicusername”

    • @MG-ot2yr
      @MG-ot2yr Год назад +1

      Same here, raised Catholic, but here in the US. I was about 8 or 9 when I called BS on the whole thing. I questioned it and the answers I got were most frequently "you just have to have faith" or "god works in mysterious ways". That was 50 years ago, at a time when religiosity was quite high in the US, so I was a closet atheist for a long time. Now I'm a very open atheist. BTW, have been to Italy many times, love it!

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres Год назад

      Search for "Why i am no longer roman catholic"

    • @Justin.Martyr
      @Justin.Martyr Год назад


  • @chennebicken372
    @chennebicken372 Год назад +110

    First time, I have seem this channel and it immediately feels really positive. I like this, because it takes the hate out of the controversy and seems self-reflected.

    • @darkmikel001
      @darkmikel001 Год назад

      Romans 9:16 - It does not depend on human desire and effort, but on God's mercy..
      This is because people can have evil desires and effort that they justify themselves as good intentions but having bad actions (Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, also Jeremiah 17:9 - The heart is deceitful - who could understand it.
      Psalms 137:9 - Expresses human desires told by the psalmist - the bible did not asks Christians and NO it is not fine to God's eyes to do this, instead it says (Romans 12:17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.)
      Deuteronomy 22:28-29 - Old law used during Moses time.. There are a lot of weird laws created by man during that time (You can have a field day but). And yes it wasn't part of the 10 commandments because it says (Exodus 20:17 - Thou shall not covet.... - this refers to everything that your neighbor has (including that persons virginity)) - The problem is that not all of the commandments can't cater for all the possible situations, this is why man made laws were created in form of Moses Law. (Like laws formed by a government from the old times)
      Deuteronomy 20:10 - Another one.. -> (Exodus 20:17) - There are a lot of this things created to handle people during their time with their limited wisdom and knowledge.. Do you know why anyone doesn't apply this anymore? Because for one, we are not those Israelites.. Second is that we have new man made laws that made more sense now, at least some of them (This differs per country or where you live in also differs on who leads it)
      John 3:16 - Your points made no sense to even reach this part as your argument wanted to use your first 4 to negate God's love.
      For me at least, I think it was taken out lf context.. Not sure it if was taken out of context on purpose but I sure did learned a lot.. Thank you. God bless

    • @otahkeki1111
      @otahkeki1111 4 месяца назад

      All who follow this line of thinking, as displayed in the video, are such arrogant, ignorant and spoiled children. Who actually are not trying to find God or to know Him. What you're doing is trying to impose your "highly moral" standard on God. You need to understand the irony of your arrogance, specialy because there is a pathetic side to it! You see, this Human rights inspired moral education you got, you got it from Christianity. YES, Human rights, equality, etc are all inspired by judeo-christianity and the Bible. If you didn't know, go check it, history will tell you how you are taking advantage from christian values.
      Lastly, if you are atheists, you need to understand, if there is no creator, we are a cosmic accident, and this world wouldn't have order and intelligence in it's design. There wouldn't be science, math or your minds as evidence. Moral would be subjective and there would be no right of wrong. But life doesnt come from none-life, which there is no example for it. You lack common sense and wisdom, you're not humble at all to try to grasp what's in front of you. Fact is, you won't have one excuse when facing judgement. Enjoy your insignificant arrogance while you can. I'll pray for you as long as I can. I admit, the 4th in the list is tough. But I understood how ruthless their era was. God promised them a land, and that land was occupied by other tribes. What God did, was to lead them to battle, so they take the land by right of conquest. Yes, they were told to kill the men and take their wifes and children to add them to their numbers. Even when knowing all of that, hard to take in....but nothing give me the right to judge a nation who escaped slavery and lead by God!I admit, the 4th in the list is tough. But I understood how ruthless their era was. God promised them a land, and that land was occupied by other tribes. What God did, was to lead them to battle, so they take the land by right of conquest. Yes, they were told to kill the men and take their wifes and children to add them to their numbers. Even when knowing all of that, hard to take in....but nothing give me the right to judge a nation who escaped slavery and lead by God!

  • @zerocero5850
    @zerocero5850 Год назад +297

    Kristi, as someone who was brought up outside of the absurdity of religion, I haven’t had to deal with your struggle, but I so admire the intellectual wherewithal and emotional courage it took you to do what you are doing. We need more people like you. Our fate as a species depends on it.

    • @johnrowell1711
      @johnrowell1711 Год назад

      Sorry, but Romans 9 says NOTHING about sending anyone to hell. Quote it straight or shut the hell up!!!!!!!!

    • @davidstirk4732
      @davidstirk4732 Год назад +26

      ​Religions give false hope in a non-existent second blissful life. Find meaning in this life. Family, friends, altruism. Try and work towards human flourishing. Reduce suffering where you can. Dignity, cooperation and compassion. These are all meaningful and are not pie in the sky when you die. Try and leave the world a better place because you were here. There is no supernatural realm.

    • @BrianBrayMedia
      @BrianBrayMedia Год назад +12

      @CannabisDreams Just because you don't believe in a god doesn't mean you don't believe in anything, and all the time not wasted in prayer and church attendance allows you to achieve more. No hope for tomorrow? What does god belief have to do with hope for tomorrow?

    • @jasfan8247
      @jasfan8247 Год назад

      Haha, intellect and emotion are tools of satan to make you believe you can think. Explaining and confusing men-made words with believing is exactly what she is doing, satan is pleased! God doesn't care at all.

    • @omariwashington2570
      @omariwashington2570 Год назад +9

      ​@CannabisDreamsif you are a true Christian you wouldn't be saying this so rudely

  • @ricku9487
    @ricku9487 23 часа назад

    Oooof right out the gate with a very good passage. Its a great counter to those that heavily push that "Jesus is the only way" and that we "choose" to go to hell for refusing to believe.

  • @toogsintheteeth
    @toogsintheteeth Год назад +210

    Former Mormon here. Thank you for the video. I'm glad you are sharing your thoughts for others to consider.

    • @the20thDoctor
      @the20thDoctor Год назад +5

      I dig your black hole profile picture. Have you seen "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once"? I'd highly suggest it... ✌️&🤍

    • @davidlafleche1142
      @davidlafleche1142 Год назад

      Mormonism is a Satanic cult, almost as bad as Roman Catholicism.

    • @daydays12
      @daydays12 Год назад +1

      Yes. You are so right.

    • @RealFireAndGlory
      @RealFireAndGlory Год назад

      Nelson won’t like it that you referred to yourself as a Mormon. I’m still a member, but in name only.

    • @danielvonbose557
      @danielvonbose557 Год назад +1

      I put in my notarized resignation letter to the LDS church years ago.

  • @paulthomas1165
    @paulthomas1165 Год назад +54

    Oh how glad I am coming across your channel. My deconversion happened nearly 15 years ago and yes, it was like coming up and gasping for fresh air. Keep it up, Kristi, we desperately need some articulation of clarity and sound logic in believing the things that we do.

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      I don't go to churches any longer but I didn't stop thinking either. 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. Creation had to be done supernaturally at some point.

    • @JariSatta
      @JariSatta Год назад

      My deconversion story.
      Heaven is for people that believe, hell is for people that do not believe.
      I'm fine with that, so, I decided that I am no longer people, I am now a gila monster instead.

    • @lilajagears8317
      @lilajagears8317 Год назад +2

      @@JariSatta Laugh all you want, hell Is all to real (enjoy your "comedy routine) you will find out in the end

    • @JariSatta
      @JariSatta Год назад +3

      @@lilajagears8317 You're just people

    • @lilajagears8317
      @lilajagears8317 Год назад +2

      @@JariSatta How profound.

  • @markoshun
    @markoshun Год назад +55

    Your immediate solutions on how to deal with the assaulted woman are infinitely more moral and caring than anything you’ll find in the bible.
    It’s almost like the bible was written by a bunch of tribal warring men thousands of years ago..

    • @pzmoore007
      @pzmoore007 Год назад +2

      Virginity was not just about being pure, though that was important! It was also about not raising someone else child. There was a fear that a family could raise the child of an enemy or just another family, and when that child grew to maturity would take over the wealth of the family. When and how a woman become pregnant was not an exact science, there was no DNA testing. If she was not a virgin then she was imprinted with the father's family seed. That would scare a lot of families away. Families did not marry for love back then anyway, they married for political reasons, so an impure daughter meant a broken deal. I am not saying it's right, just that there is more to it. Who is too judge ancient cultures, look at ours!

    • @markoshun
      @markoshun Год назад +12

      @@pzmoore007 If this was an ordinary historical book, I'd be mostly agreeing with you, as in: ancient, not right, but just the way it was. Though I'd question how many of the vast majority of ordinary people ever married for political reasons or to save the family wealth.
      But the bigger issue is that this video is about bible passages, from a book that is supposed to be inspired by god to stand the test of time, to guide us and inform us of the best ways to live. In that sense, to me, it fails completely. I'm not judging the ancient culture, I'm judging the wisdom of following this ancient book.
      Why use it at all if we have to decide for ourselves what is right and moral in the here and now anyway?

    • @nancywhite3501
      @nancywhite3501 Год назад +2

      Much of the Old Testament actually "was written by a bunch of tribal warring men thousands of years ago". Some of the writings were perhaps written in more urban settings, such as the poems by King David who built temples, etc. The Jewish People who wrote the various books in the Bible were quite amazing. The pithy comments, poetry, laws, etc. were the educational material for the Western World for generations. The word Bible actually means library. It is a collection of ancient (Old Testament) and not so ancient (New Testament-Roman Empire era) writings. The Bible gives great insight into ancient cultures. Why would we expect such an ancient group of books to fit today's sensibilities? Rather, we should glean universal truth when we see it. We also should expect disagreements about translations, confusions, missing words, and a different attitude towards morality than we have now. Yet, some people see a unified whole. Like any library, there are stories that you might not relate to.

    • @markoshun
      @markoshun Год назад

      @@nancywhite3501 Yes, that's joke.
      As you say, unfortunately the bible is treated as something beyond a collection of ancient stories. Held up as an inspired by god moral masterpiece for all time and people.
      If it was just another book that we could learn about history and by contrast, our modern world, I'd be fine with it.
      'Might not relate to..' is a funny understatement! Like the stories of murder, genocide, incest, and raping and killing your own children? Sorry, couldn't resist.

    • @mikewebb2355
      @mikewebb2355 Год назад +2

      Your comment is your comment but it shows the ignorance of those who to not understand the bible, which it seems that you never read or understood what God was saying. But its your life.

  • @girlnado
    @girlnado 2 дня назад +1

    I grew up in a cultish family environment based on my mom's understanding of Calvinism. Romans 9 was her favorite and that was the God I grew up with. All of these examples are things that our family knew and were open about and believed. It still kinda blows my mind that there are so many Christians who find these verses shocking and distasteful because I was taught that this is what Christianity was. Don't think a woman should have to marry her r*pist? Not a Christian. Don't think child m*rder and g*nocide are justified at God's command? Not a Christian. Think you have any say whatsoever in your own salvation? Definitely not a Christian.
    It was a fun upbringing🙃

  • @jeanniem76
    @jeanniem76 Год назад +53

    These 5 are some of the many that deconstructed my beliefs as well. I studied wholeheartedly so that I could debate nonbelievers, but in doing that, I studied my way out of believing and I, too, have learned to just be ok with not knowing all the answers.

    • @isaacthegoat1432
      @isaacthegoat1432 Год назад


    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx Год назад +26

      @@isaacthegoat1432 Critically examining the things you have been taught and then changing your opinions based on what you find is not being a sellout

    • @isaacthegoat1432
      @isaacthegoat1432 Год назад +2

      @@xXEGPXx Selling out to atheism because of your emotions is dumb.

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx Год назад +16

      @@isaacthegoat1432 You are a Christian because you are afraid of death, that is making a decision out of emotions, I am not bound by that same weakness

    • @isaacthegoat1432
      @isaacthegoat1432 Год назад +9

      @@xXEGPXx I'm not scared of death. I continue follow Christianity because I believe it's true.

  • @proud2bpagan
    @proud2bpagan Год назад +24

    i feel ya...i was raised in the SB faith,and left the church when i was 23. I came out as a lesbian,and at the same time, i had questions about parts of the Bible that nobody could answer other than "take it on faith" or "Just look at the bigger picture,don't ask 'why' or 'how'?". I also had enough of being patronized when i asked the pastor questions during Bible study,and basically got treated like i was 5, and then a man would ask pretty much the same question,and get treated like it was the most intelligent question the pastor had ever heard.

    • @polynesia8733
      @polynesia8733 Год назад

      sorry you experienced the misogynist part of Church but Christ is not misogynist ...He loves you and died for my sins and yours

    • @resaucefull444
      @resaucefull444 Год назад +4

      ​@@polynesia8733we didn't ask him to

    • @mikewebb2355
      @mikewebb2355 Год назад +1

      Find a different bible study to join - obvious this teacher didn't care to much for you. A true teacher of God would definitely answer your questions in love. By the way lesbians don't believe in God, except the God they create in their own minds and beliefs, which is not the true and living God. Hope you remove your self one day from a lesbian life, and get saved and come to one of Christ.

    • @danielblair4413
      @danielblair4413 Год назад

      I have never answered a question with "take it on faith" because I don't believe that a true born again Christian continues to believe by faith due to God confirming our salvation because when something gets confirmed you know it beyond all doubt and knowing something beyond all doubt puts an end to having to continue to believe by faith.
      I also never answered a question with "Just look at the bigger picture, don't ask 'why' or 'how" either.
      Asking "why" or "how" is how we go about proving all things which is exactly what the bible tells us to do...
      1 Thessalonians 5:21(KJV): Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
      So, if you have questions that you don't want "take it on faith" or "Just look at the bigger picture, don't ask why or how" for the answers to those questions then feel free to ask me those questions.

    • @polynesia8733
      @polynesia8733 Год назад

      @@resaucefull444 He doesn't love you silly...only this lady ...you do not have a shot..but this lady does have a shot because some fake Christian people at church who themselves were never saved fed her a load of nonbiblical bull...
      Sister above who calls yourself pagan...Jesus knows you were hurt by so called christian people...but He is greater than them...He says choose life! God bless! my He reveal himself to you because He is life

  • @RoamingRamble
    @RoamingRamble 6 месяцев назад +32

    The "pro-life" crowd often focuses narrowly on the issue of abortion, but the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade goes beyond that. This decision stripped away protections that safeguarded women's rights to privacy. Roe v. Wade was about more than just legalizing abortion-it was a constitutional recognition of women's privacy rights. The implications extend beyond abortion to broader questions about women's rights. What rights will conservatives seek to curtail next? Will they challenge women's voting rights or other fundamental freedoms?

    • @unclejuan8301
      @unclejuan8301 6 месяцев назад

      There’s no such thing as a “right to abortion”. Anyone who thinks it’s their right to murder an innocent baby is pure evil.

    • @philipliethen519
      @philipliethen519 6 месяцев назад +1

      Indeed! 👍

    • @andrejjackson3890
      @andrejjackson3890 6 месяцев назад +2

      I think you answered your question already.
      Pro- lifers are focused on abortion(children's rights).
      Roe v. Wade was overturned(court came to the conclusion that young tiny humans have rights too)
      What women's rights have Conservatives tried to overturn since then or before then?
      Conservatives were the ones that gave women rights in the first place.
      What evidence, historical or modern, do you have that shows conservatives focus on women's rights?

    • @zombies4evadude24
      @zombies4evadude24 6 месяцев назад

      No doubt conservatives will go after lgbtq rights next, as for voting I do remember one Republican saying that they should remove female rights because if not “in 50 years we won’t have a Christian nation anymore”.

    • @maryamory1549
      @maryamory1549 5 месяцев назад +3

      Maybe their right to undress in a female only locker room, to compete only against other females ? The right to raise their children without the government and schools trying to take the place of their parenting?
      Those rights?

  • @RagtimeBillyPeaches
    @RagtimeBillyPeaches 7 дней назад +1

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is God able to prevent evil, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
    Is God both willing and able to prevent evil? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is God neither willing nor able to prevent evil? Then why call him god?"
    Epicurus: b. February 4, 342 BC Samos - d.270 BC Athens