🕊️ First Time at a Seventh-Day Adventist Church

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 319

  • @SuccessHughC
    @SuccessHughC 3 месяца назад +25

    David - As a Seventh-day Adventist, a pastor at that, I heartily welcome your appraisal and sharing of your experience with your first visit to an SDA Church. Put quite honestly, "I like you!" Your unabashed honesty, your lack of guile, all are truly refreshing. In your assessment you have said some much which is worthy of examination and introspection, and for which to give God due praises and thanks. Thank you for sharing.

    • @jandutoit4006
      @jandutoit4006 3 месяца назад +1

      Absolutely Glendon. Thanks David for your sincere and honest testimony.

  • @divergentone777
    @divergentone777 3 месяца назад +20

    Good on you for checking it out for yourself, despite the negative opinions of others. I went to a Baptist church in my youth and discovered the truth about the Sabbath when I was 10 years old. When I confronted my pastor about it, he told me the history of why and when the day was changed, but I was like "what gives us the right to change God's commandments?" He then told me that if I wanted to worship on Sabbath, I only had 2 options, either the Jews who deny Christ or the SDA's but he said "they are a dangerous cult" What he said (and other rumours I heard throughout my life) kept me away for 36 years. I've been there for almost 8 years now, and the focus on the Bible is phenomenal. I've learned more in the last 8 years, than the 46 years beforehand. I even preach sometimes :D

    • @bethcorya3349
      @bethcorya3349 2 месяца назад +2

      Made me cry. ❤

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 2 месяца назад +1

      @@bethcorya3349 I praise God that He is loving and patient, and that He didn't give up on me. When I think of others that are still being kept away because of lies, that upsets me. God bless you Beth

    • @iumaiiumai5402
      @iumaiiumai5402 2 месяца назад +1

      Amen. Honestly, your testimony is very touching. I may not remember the exact words you wrote about your testimony, but I got your story. May God keep blessing you as you keep sharing your testimony and the word of God until we are called into Glory.🙏

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 2 месяца назад +1

      @@iumaiiumai5402 May God bless you also Lumai

  • @joshuafusselman3323
    @joshuafusselman3323 Год назад +24

    My neighbors are 7th Day Adventists and nice people! Glad your visit turned around.

  • @andonbassett5087
    @andonbassett5087 2 года назад +83

    I'm a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints, currently serving a mission in Provo Utah! And I just want to say it's good to see someone show so much respect for different religions and not be harsh toward different beliefs. Thanks for the content! keep it up!

    • @Joshua_One_Nine
      @Joshua_One_Nine 2 года назад +1

      The definition of grace is “the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.”Grace is this beautiful gift that God offers to people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it.
      According to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, Repentance plays a major role in every individuals salvation. (D&C 1: 32-33) states : "Nevertheless, he that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven; and he that repents not,from him shall be taken even the light which he has received; for my Spirit shall not always strive with man, Says the Lord of Hosts."
      The question is now have you met the requirements of repenting defined by the church?
      1.) True or false according to D&C, people who repent of their sins must forsake their sin?
      2.) True or false in order to live with Heavenly Father you must stop sinning?
      3.) True or false true repentance means to never sin again?
      4.) True or false repenting for only some sins never results in complete forgiveness?
      5.) True or false in order to obtain exaltation in this in the next life, you must stop from doing all sin in this life?
      Question 1- True D&C 58,42,43
      Question 2- True Gospel fundamentals, p.67
      Question 3- True repentance brings forgiveness, tract by the LDS, 1984.
      Question 4- True 12th president Spencer w. Kimball, the miracle of forgiveness, p.212
      Question 5- True 12th president Spencer w. Kimball, the miracle of forgiveness, p.210
      How did you do? Are you worried about where you are gonna go yet? Are you tired and heavy laden? Are you sure you are going to be good enough to go to the next life? Well don't worry because Jesus says, (Matthew 11: 28) Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. He also gives you a guaranty of Salvation. (Ephesians 2: 8-9) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man shall boasts. Then how do I get saved you may ask?! Well (John 3: 16) is some really good news my LDS friends, For God so loved the world He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not parish, but have everlasting life. And finally (John 3: 36) He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. You see believing on Jesus is what saves you not your work's. So now my Lds friends go in peace in your life and know God loves us and gives a free gift to all who believe the gift of eternal life through His Son, and if someone makes you pay for for a gift it's no longer a gift,God Bless My friends!

    • @brettduffy1992
      @brettduffy1992 2 года назад +1

      I did not know you had internet access on your mission I thought you only can call home once a week

    • @karinaw6414
      @karinaw6414 Год назад +2

      This was changed years ago. 😊

    • @Joshua_One_Nine
      @Joshua_One_Nine Год назад

      @idahosixgun5601 I don't think my comment missed the point. I think if you are referring to the harsh bit. I just wrote truth, and if truth is harsh, sometimes harsh is nessacery. Well, God bless and have a wonderful day.

    • @GwPoKo
      @GwPoKo Год назад +4

      @@Joshua_One_Nine Lol you forgot to read the Book of Mormon where it says that grace is a free gift. Go back and read Nephi to learn more ;-) You'll understand soon. Don't worry

  • @johnsitumbeko732
    @johnsitumbeko732 9 месяцев назад +8

    I enjoyed this video because of your honesty. I'm an Adventist in Zambia. It is not always the church pastor who preaches. Church members are often given an opportunity to preach. Usually a rota is made showing who is going to preach and when. I'm glad that you enjoyed Jose's preaching.

  • @chukku3871
    @chukku3871 2 года назад +17

    David, I'm sorry you had a negative impression when you visited the SDA church but so grateful that the Lord did not leave you disgruntled. I'd like to give you a possible explanation for the lack of welcome (though not an excuse). The Sabbath service is in two parts in an Adventist church. There is the Sabbath School, which is where we discuss, examine, learn about the Biblical teachings and make sure what we believe is Biblical. This is a discussion and interactive section. There is a children's Sabbath School and an adult Sabbath School where we all study. During this time, an offering is taken up for missions. This is to build schools, hospitals, churches etc and help people who need help in various parts of the world - at home and abroad and to support missionaries. It's the Missions offering. Usually we collect the mission offering after the "Mission Story" which is a report of missionary work in the 'field' but some churches collect it at the end of Sabbath School.
    The second part of the service is the Divine Service which is where we have a sermon. During this part of the service another offering and the tithe are collected. The offering is a freewill offering which we give for various things such as building work, Good Samaritan work (to help those less fortunate or who need special help temporarily), ADRA (Adventist Disaster Relief Agency - the church's charitable organisation which responds to disasters worldwide among other charitable work) Those are the sections on the tithe envelop which you have and are completely voluntary. The tithe is not ours. It is used to pay the ministers and church workers and belongs to God. It goes to a central fund and all church workers are paid a salary from the tithes. We are encouraged to pay tithes in accordance with the injunction given in Malachi 3: 8-10.
    8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
    9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
    10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
    In between the two sections is a short interval where people can stretch their legs, get some water, (apparently coo over a baby just learning to walk). Some churches use this time to report/discuss/plan how they can help or have helped in their communities. This is the Personal Ministries slot.
    Often the welcomers are at the gate at the beginning and sometimes during Sabbath School and then go inside for Divine Service. Visitors get a special welcome from the stage at the beginning of Sabbath School and usually at the beginning of Divine Service as well. From your account, it seems that you arrived just at the end of Sabbath School when the welcomers, if any, had left their post. Though I don't understand why you weren't welcomed from the front during Divine Service.
    I am so grateful that God has inspired you to find out the truth about the Sabbath for yourself. Of course once you start on that road, the devil will not be happy and you will have opposition. I notice it's already started in the comments below, but please persevere. I will be praying that the Lord continues to lead you into all truth. Here's a link that you might find helpful in your search. God bless you.

  • @NashandaS
    @NashandaS 3 месяца назад +10

    You can Read the 10 Commandments none of them is done away with I’m sorry you had a first bad impression, I did too , I’m now a PROUD SDA !!! Glory be to God I follow the Truth and not man

  • @AFLolowang
    @AFLolowang 3 месяца назад +5

    Our SDA churches may have a bad first impression as it probably have always been, but the Biblical truth in the message always makes me hunger for more. You will never find truth by looking at sinful men. Only through the WORD, Jesus, we can find truth. Thank you for sharing your experience. Blessings.

  • @GabrielRodriguez-um8fi
    @GabrielRodriguez-um8fi 3 месяца назад +16

    SDA here, former Roman Catholic which i'm going to elaborate more on the Sabbath. Glad that you made a good connection with Jose. As a matter of fact, whenever I greet a new visitor, I invite them to lunch and The Book of Revelation Bible Study afterwards. A guy told everyone at potluck that one of my words were, lunch so we was intrigued to come. Him and his family are going to transfer his membership to my church plus there is another guy who is going to get baptized into the church. Keep in mind, there are good and bad apples in all faiths and walk of life. I was an Atheist in college and still was mistreated by them. God will never let you down. Now, here is the truth about the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday. Yes, Emperor constantine was responsible but the Roman Catholic Church officially made that change.
    Q. Have you any other proofs that they(Protestants) are not guided by the Scripture?
    A. Yes; so many, that we cannot admit more than a mere specimen into this small work. They reject much that is clearly contained in Scripture, and profess more that is nowhere discoverable in that Divine Book.
    Q. Give some examples of both?
    A. They should, if the Scripture were their only rule, wash the feet of one another, according to the command of Christ, in the 13th chap. of St. John; -they should keep, not the Sunday, but the Saturday, according to the commandment, "Remember thou keep holy the SABBATH-day;" for this commandment has not, in Scripture, been changed or abrogated;...
    -Rev. Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism; New York in 1857, page 101 Imprimatuer
    Q. In what manner can we show a Protestant, that he speaks unreasonably against fasts and abstinences?
    A. Ask him why he keeps Sunday, and not Saturday, as his day of rest, since he is unwilling either to fast or to abstain. If he reply, that the Scripture orders him to keep the Sunday, but says nothing as to fasting and abstinence, tell him the Scripture speaks of Saturday or the Sabbath, but gives no command anywhere regarding Sunday or the first day of the week.
    If, then he neglects Saturday as a day of rest and holiness, and substitutes Sunday in its place, and this merely because such was the usage of the ancient Church, should he not, if he wishes to act consistently, observe fasting and abstinence, because the ancient Church so ordained?
    -Rev. Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism; New York in 1857, page 181
    Question: Which is the Sabbath day?
    Answer: Saturday is the Sabbath day.
    Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
    Answer: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.
    -Rev. Peter Geiermann C.SS.R., The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, p. 50
    The retention of the old pagan name of Dies Solis, for Sunday is, in a great measure, owing to the union of pagan and Christian sentiment with which the first day of the week was recommended by Constantine to his subjects - pagan and Christian alike - as the 'venerable' day of the sun.
    -Arthur P. Stanley, History of the Eastern Church, p. 184
    The Sabbath was Saturday, not Sunday. The Church altered the observance of the Sabbath to the observance of Sunday. Protestants must be rather puzzled by the keeping of Sunday when God distinctly said, 'Keep holy the Sabbath Day.' The word Sunday does not come anywhere in the Bible, so, without knowing it they are obeying the authority of the Catholic Church.
    -Canon Cafferata, The Catechism Explained, p. 89
    Let me know if you have questions and if you want me to send you a book about The Truth of the Sabbath.

    • @mmtoss6530
      @mmtoss6530 2 месяца назад

      Sunday observance started with the Apostles and this can also be furthered evidenced in the writings of the students of the Apostles.

    • @GabrielRodriguez-um8fi
      @GabrielRodriguez-um8fi 2 месяца назад +1

      @@mmtoss6530 go and re read the quotes made by a Sunday keeping church

    • @mmtoss6530
      @mmtoss6530 2 месяца назад

      @@GabrielRodriguez-um8fi Because Catholics believe Sunday observance is Apostolic, and that Protestants aren’t Apostolic (which is untrue because Protestantism is purified Roman Catholicism), we can’t observe Sunday. You are right, there is no explicit command for Sunday observance, but after Jesus’s resurrection, He always met with His disciples on Sunday, Pentecost (the day the Church was founded) was on a Sunday, every time we see a day mentioned in the NT for Church, it’s Sunday. John said he was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day (Sunday, and a student of the Apostle John said that we no longer keep the Sabbath, but live in accordance of the Lord’s Day and makes a reference to the resurrection), offering was to be collected on Sunday (wonder why SDAs collected offering on Saturday), and it was the day Christ rose from the dead.

    • @GabrielRodriguez-um8fi
      @GabrielRodriguez-um8fi 2 месяца назад +2

      @@mmtoss6530 you may want to read Matthew 12:8, Exodus 20:10 then connect with Revelation 1:10 ;)

    • @GabrielRodriguez-um8fi
      @GabrielRodriguez-um8fi 2 месяца назад

      @@mmtoss6530 you may want to read this passages from centuries after the apostles died
      The primitive Christians had a great veneration for the Sabbath, and spent the day in devotion and sermons. And it is not to be doubted but they derived this practice from the Apostles themselves, as appears by several scriptures to the purpose." "Dialogues on the Lord's Day," p. 189. London: 1701, By Dr. T.H. Morer (A Church of England divine).
      "...The Sabbath was a strong tie which united them with the life of the whole people, and in keeping the Sabbath holy they followed not only the example but also the command of Jesus." "Geschichte des Sonntags," pp.13, 14
      You claim that the apostle met on Sunday for religious purposes but they were together for spending time together. But the early Christians kept the sabbath that depriving from the apostles based on scripture.

  • @SbzeroGames
    @SbzeroGames Год назад +9

    I live in Ooltewah TN, and the Seventh Day Adventists have a college here, and they are one of the biggest religions in the area.

  • @jacquesjems8527
    @jacquesjems8527 Год назад +14

    I’m LDS and went to church dances as a teenager every Saturday night complete with rock and roll bands. I had a good friend who was 7th Day Adventist and asked her if she’d like to go with me to a sponsored church dance. My friend said her religion doesn’t allow them to dance but she was so excited and went to ask her mother, but was told a very emphatic NO. Afterward, I never saw my friend again. So sad.

    • @Joanne_uk
      @Joanne_uk 3 месяца назад +5

      I’ve met very odd LDS members should I see all LDS members as odd?

    • @sigfredrjr
      @sigfredrjr 3 месяца назад +3

      Rock and roll is of the devil. That is why her mom did not allow her daughter.

    • @Diana-eq8ko
      @Diana-eq8ko 3 месяца назад +4

      I was raised SDA from the time I was 8 yrs. old. I, too, was not allowed to go to dances. I was taught that mixed dancing was not a suitable recreational activity for Christians because of the obvious sexuality involved. As a young one, I thought I was missing something. It was later in life, when I left the church and got into all sorts of worldly stuff, that I realized how highly sexual dancing was. I've since ret'd to the faith and am happy and at peace. I don't miss what the world offers cause I know where it leads.

    • @Diana-eq8ko
      @Diana-eq8ko 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Joanne_uk Excellent point.

    • @zippyj.r.4486
      @zippyj.r.4486 12 дней назад

      @@Joanne_uk I don't think he was calling it weird or being mean, he was just saying he lost a friend and he was sad to loose a friend.

  • @TJJustTalk
    @TJJustTalk 2 года назад +28

    I love that you were so much into listening to the sermon. You were patient too. I truly enjoyed how you describe your experience.

  • @nathanmaughan2974
    @nathanmaughan2974 6 месяцев назад +8

    The 7day adventists a really good people

  • @mariadiniz9304
    @mariadiniz9304 3 месяца назад +4

    I am a member of seven day Adventist Church . 🙏🙏

  • @mericasworld1338
    @mericasworld1338 2 года назад +13

    I am blown away by your testimony. Your experience to a greater degree was unfortunate and I'm appalled at the of members at the church you visited. Your testimony does not only reminds me of my journey but of my experience. I believe you to be a genuine seeker for truth and I also believe that God is leading you as he did me. Just cast yourself helplessly on His love and His care, keep praying, keep trusting Him and He will not fail to show you where to go. God bless you abundantly. Shalom.

  • @TheMirajackson
    @TheMirajackson 2 года назад +8

    I am so glad you stayed and on behalf of that congregation I apologize for you not being welcomed earlier. I grew up SDA and I am actively involved in my church. I love the word of God and my personal relationship with Him and because of this church, I study the word of God daily and live by His word. To everyone who had some negative to say or has had a bad experience and you are blaming the church. I say don't lose your soul salvation because of people. Look at the Cross and the one crucified for your direction, peace and joy.

  • @lydiakuzak5676
    @lydiakuzak5676 Год назад +10

    Just wanted to add, that I attempted to engage with you while in line for our pot luck but you were busy talking with the other visitor. Tried a second time S I purposely sat next to you to eat, but you were focus with Jose. Although I am just a woman I am also one of the Sabbath school leaders. Friendliness is a two way direction. I hope you would give us a second chance as sometimes first impressions are not always the best. I am impressed with your search and pray God's blessing to you.

  • @petervacek267
    @petervacek267 Год назад +7

    I attended for my 1st time today and was impressed both by the message and humble attitudes of the congregation. It was casual, yes, but also scriptural. I do think I will attend again. Thank you for the humble and honest report of your experiences, again. I love your work. Thank God

  • @ParkerJacobs-iw8yn
    @ParkerJacobs-iw8yn Год назад +5

    Once a stranger in a Subway told me this joke:
    What do you get when you cross the Seventh-Day Adventists with the Mormons?
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Saturday Saints.
    Wocka wocka! I appreciate your video and insights. Thanks!

  • @marlamorris6248
    @marlamorris6248 Год назад +8

    Besides having next door neighbors that were Seventh Day Adventists & an Adventist Church within walking distance, I also grew up close to Loma Linda, CA which has a large Adventist population, & also near their University in LA Sierra, CA. They are nice people, very concerned with good health & some of the healthiest people on our planet.

  • @TheFitnessMission
    @TheFitnessMission 2 года назад +9

    I have friends that are this denomination and they love the Lord. It was nice to hear your perspective.

  • @romuelknight1434
    @romuelknight1434 Год назад +8

    In the church of Jesus Christ, we usually attend church on Sundays along with the majority of our christian cousins however this is may change depending on where a congregation is located. In Israel church members meet on Saturday. In the UAE, it's on Friday. In my view, worshipping Christ is most important. Love to all my seventh day adventist friends in Indiana

  • @alex21mu
    @alex21mu Год назад +7

    Amen, Saturday is the Sabbath , genesis 2:1-2. It wa given to humanity

  • @Supsup7777
    @Supsup7777 Год назад +6

    One of the things I like about this church is that they address health and making good food and lifestyle choices. So many churches serve donuts and unhealthy snacks in the morning, meanwhile congregants are struggling with food addictions and health conditions. It’s never seemed like the wisest thing while people in this country are struggling so much with their health.

  • @za-jm8wf
    @za-jm8wf Год назад +9

    5:00 sooo important to have someone welcome you

  • @SingForMeEntertainment
    @SingForMeEntertainment 2 года назад +10

    I have a friend that is a 7 Day Adventist. I was eager to hear what you thought of of it.

  • @jac8493
    @jac8493 Год назад +6

    I believe everything happens for a reason.. Your encounter with a SDA church and your questions about sabbath are right on and can hopefully launch you into your journey to find the right church. Full disclosure I have been an SDA all my life but as I got oder got to researching my faith and beliefs on a deeper level.. There are no mentions to worship on a day other than sabbath (Saturday) (only in casual instances) while there are numerous mentions to do so on the sabbath (see 4th commandment) this will hopefully pique your curiosity and lead to your own resrach.. God bless

  • @jacquelynedwards4878
    @jacquelynedwards4878 2 месяца назад +1

    It's great to see in these last days someone seeking Truth. Study God's Word & He will show you where you should be. The Bible speaks God's Will & Ways for His people. I do hope you'll allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. This is how I'm a member of the SDA Church by Bible Study & my Church always acknowledges the visitors. We start with Sabbath Bible lesson study, your welcomed in the class & when Service starts, Scripture Reading, Special music message song, then one time around for tithes & offerings. I'm glad to hear your experience ended well. I pray you will find a Church that obeys God's Will & Word. God Bless you.❤

  • @brandonn.410
    @brandonn.410 2 года назад +7

    From someone who grew up in a SDA family: members of the Church are some of the nicest people people in the world and I’m saddened at the experience you had at your first SDA Church. I hope you continue to attend more SDA Churches in the future and that your experience is much better than it was this time. Normally tithing and offerings are done after the service is over, so I’m confused why it was done at the beginning at this service.

    • @52churchesin52weeks
      @52churchesin52weeks  2 года назад +7

      Hey Brandon, thanks for watching. It shouldn't be a big deal with the greeting looking back. It happens. Much rather have a little one garnering the attention than my fuzzy, bald-headed self. After the service, reception from this SDA church was phenomenal.

    • @vanfowler
      @vanfowler Год назад +1

      Many SDA churches have two offerings. Many SDS churches also have a school in their program starting with typical 1st grade. They will take up a "children's offering" in which the children collect as they walk among the pews. This usually goes to fund the school or other youth activities. The second offering is the one that is most typical of what people would expect involving tithes and offerings. As far as not being greeted, that is highly unusual. Most churches have a team of greeters. Maybe they were momentarily distracted by the little toddler.

    • @oanthatakealeboga571
      @oanthatakealeboga571 3 месяца назад

      Is it? We do it before the service starts.Like before the preacher stand up...

  • @BibleMythBusters
    @BibleMythBusters 6 месяцев назад +2

    As an Adventist, I'm sorry you had a sour experience at the beginning, but I'm glad it turned out well by the end. I'm still surprised to find people who are not aware of the Sabbath and the change happening centuries after Jesus came. God is still calling people back to keep all the 10 Commandments (not just 9). Blessings to all truth seekers!

  • @Jace28142
    @Jace28142 Год назад +2

    I got your book yesterday. I’m enjoying it so much. Thank you for sharing your insights and being so respectful of each Religion.

    • @52churchesin52weeks
      @52churchesin52weeks  Год назад

      Thank you, appreciate it very much. The more churches visited, the more humbling it gets to see what is all out there. Hope you enjoy the book!

  • @bellainbuenosaires
    @bellainbuenosaires Год назад +1

    I love what you are doing and love how transparent and respectful you are! I'm a seventh-day Adventist. I will clarify a few things.
    *Your experience will vary depending on the church and the demographic. Older people tend to be less welcoming.
    *SDA Pastors serve more than one churches so it's very common for other church members to preach.
    *The second offering may have been a 13th sabbath offering used to do global mission or could be for a specific project.
    *We worship from sunset in Friday to sunset of Saturdays. Your research is right. Bible passages such as Exodus 20:8-11 explain more about the sabbath.

  • @susanvlogz9787
    @susanvlogz9787 3 месяца назад +1

    Amazing experience! If everything was perfect in the beginning, it might not be what God wanted you to experience, which is transformational. I'm blessed by your story. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I hope your spiritual search after then is great. May God bless your new faith journey.

  • @GreenLiv256
    @GreenLiv256 2 месяца назад

    I am so sorry about your firat experience and thank you for being patient. Do more research, you'll be astonished by how much history has been buried and you will be suprised by what you find.
    Would be nice to have you join the Adventists ❤ looking foward to that video for when you are❤❤❤ much love.

  • @za-jm8wf
    @za-jm8wf Год назад +4

    These videos are very interesting it really opens our eyes to have a more accurate conception of our brothers and sisters in other denominations

  • @NubianX1963
    @NubianX1963 5 месяцев назад +3

    SDA here. Our church can be very neglectful in making visits be welcomed. I visited a SDA church about 10 AM and two women at the door barely spoke to me. I sat in an empty sanctuary for 20 minutes. I was never asked if I wanted to attend Sabbath School. Then slowly people came up from their classes. I am still SDA. Even in our 19th century writings it was said if we (SDA) were friendlier where there would be one new member we would have a hundred. One of the best videos I saw was by a Mormon pastor dressed as a homeless man. And only a few people talked to him. And to their chagrin when he got to the pulpit he told them he was their new pastor. Powerful. Thanks for the video.

    • @annettemacintosh117
      @annettemacintosh117 3 месяца назад +3

      Awww… sorry about that… I suppose now we know how God feels - still, did you ask about attending Sabbath school which is in fact what Seventh day Adventists are known for… did you welcome anyone or encourage anyone in the church?
      Btw, how did you know who were members, and who were visitors? Hmmm… we need to review our way of thinking, turn it on its head, be the one to make the difference…. Welcome the welcoming party, chat to everyone, don’t sit down and wait, ask if there is anything one can do to help and if not, offer to join the welcoming party and if they aren’t there yet, stand at the door and welcome those coming in, introducing yourself to them, smile broadly and tell them you are a visitor and why you are there, tell them you have come to find out if seventh day Adventists are really as friendly as they are purported as being globally :)
      God bless you and glad you stayed, let’s dwell on whatsoever is lovely and of good report, let us dwell on what has merit in it for that’s what God has told us to do. Btw I was converted by Gods perfect law of freedom and made wise and so I left Catholicism and never looked back. Delighted to be in Gods movement where we move forward though never forgetting where He has brought us from.

  • @nanodon4
    @nanodon4 11 месяцев назад +5

    1. I'm glad things turned around for you. It sometimes takes an outsider to make us aware of our shortcomings.
    2. It's Seventh Day AdvEntist, not AdvAntist.
    3. God blessed, sanctified, and made holy the seventh day. Only God can change it.

    • @iumaiiumai5402
      @iumaiiumai5402 2 месяца назад

      But God did not, and will never. ( Not arguing, just elaborating.😁).

  • @tabithabaker4565
    @tabithabaker4565 Год назад +3

    Jose’s sermon sounds awesome! I knew 7th Day Adventist’s did church on Saturday, but I never knew why until today! Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

    • @albertaowusu1790
      @albertaowusu1790 Год назад +2

      Constantine had nothing to do with the church worshipping on Sundays. From the time of Pentecost the church always worshipped on Sundays.

    • @vanfowler
      @vanfowler Год назад +3

      Yes, from the time of Jesus death till 321 AD all Christianity worshiped on Saturday Sabbath. Then the Catholic church changed it to Sunday. It is in the historical records. So when you worship on Sunday you are paying homage to the Catholic church and not the Lord.

    • @SMD2308
      @SMD2308 Год назад +4

      @@albertaowusu1790no that is not true. If you investigate history, all early Christians kept the Sabbath. In the Roman Empire , there is recorded history of early Christians worshipping on both days. By the end of the 2nd century, Roman Christians were moving towards Sundays, but it only became official with Constantine”s conversion. Other parts of the Christian world were still keeping Sabbath as had Jesus and the apostles. There were some groups in the world that maintained the Sabbath for centuries afterwards, such as the Waldensees. I grew up Anglican so had Sunday as my worship day, being told it changed because of the resurrection. But when I read through the whole Bible for the first time, I noticed that it was one of the Ten Commandments, and I noticed Jesus kept the Sabbath and did not change it, and other New Testament writers kept the Sabbath too. Then I studied about when it changed. There is a very good PhD paper on this I read too. So I keep the Sabbath as it was in Jesus’s day but obviously connect to God every day, including for study and meetings.

    • @martinmclean5985
      @martinmclean5985 3 месяца назад

      @@albertaowusu1790 this is false. Early churches all worshiped on the Sabbath.

    • @iumaiiumai5402
      @iumaiiumai5402 2 месяца назад

      ​​​@@albertaowusu1790No scriptural evidence of what you Say. The Jews crucified Jesus not because He was trying to change Sabbath to Sunday. The Jews and Jesus all worshiped on the Sabbath so the Pharisees had no problem with Jesus regarding the Sabbath. The Pharisees accused Jesus of Blasphemy. So the point is: Jesus was born as a Sabbath keeper, died as a Sabbath keeper, and is alive as a Sabbath keeper.
      Saul (Paul) persecuted Christians for preaching about the resurrection of Christ, not because they were worshiping on Sunday. So this also shows that after Jesus went back to Heaven, the Christians and the Judaisers kept the same Sabbath but the Judaisers didn't believe Jesus is God. So where did Sunday sacredness come from? It is as said in the video .( You can also see comment made by @vanfowler).

  • @juanesteban8827
    @juanesteban8827 9 месяцев назад +3

    I was raised in a 7th Day Adventist home but after spending 4 years at boarding school I spent 3 years going to different houses of worship. It was the best thing I have ever done for my faith in God. If people of faith focused more on our similarities and less on our differences

    • @iumaiiumai5402
      @iumaiiumai5402 2 месяца назад +1

      Satan actually works in that way. Little error immersed in truth. Satan can't make his stand entirely on falsehood because you and I will easily avoid. God is plain truth. Satan is truth and error mixed and intertwined with together.

  • @ShannonCarpenterTHMCoach
    @ShannonCarpenterTHMCoach 2 года назад +4

    It is always interesting to see/hear what you learn about each different church. And I always wanted to know why they worship on Saturday’s. Some interesting history here.

  • @ThoseOneGuysInc
    @ThoseOneGuysInc Год назад +1

    I met some 7th Day adventists on my mission and they were a very nice family.

  • @inspiringthenation
    @inspiringthenation Год назад +1

    Interesting venture. It absolutely makes a big difference when you enter a church how you are received, welcome, it can sets the atmosphere for your time there.

  • @RestfullyRenewed
    @RestfullyRenewed Год назад +1

    I hope you get a lot of answers to your questions. Thank you for visiting this church and giving us your findings.

  • @ForTheLoveOfHomes
    @ForTheLoveOfHomes 2 года назад +3

    Another great video and insightful video. Great job David.

  • @richardnelson3538
    @richardnelson3538 Год назад +19

    I am loving the videos. I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As a missionary, I tried to study this exact reason because I had some 7th Day Adventists bring this up. Here is what I found. Like they teach the Sabbath is the 7th day of the week and this practiced until after the death of Christ. However, there are two scriptures in the New Testament that hint that the apostles changed their day of Worship to Sunday. Acts 20:7 and 1 Corintians 16:2. I then turned from the bible to find some answers and turned to the leaders of my church and found that the taught the change was to be in remembrance of the Resurrection of Christ. If you read the accounts in the gospels, you will find that Christ was crucified, and that later that day as the hour drew sunset (which is when the Jews believe the Sabbath begins) the Pharisees came to the Romans and asked that the bodies be removed from the cross for the Sabbath, which the Romans complied with and went to finish off those hanging on the Cross and found that Christ had already died. The saints quickly got his body and placed him in the tomb without all the proper burial prep before the Sabbath had actually arrived. It then speaks of the women preparing of the things they to properly bury the Savior. They then went to the tomb the morning following the Sabbath to properly prepare his body for his burial only to find he had been resurrected earlier that morning thus completing the prophecy of his rising on the 3rd day and showing it was Sunday. However, I do believe this doctrine is not very clear and the confusion is very understandable. We should be worshiping God every day of the week not just on the Sabbath. I think it comes down to how you wish to observe the day, either in commemoration of the day God rested from the creation of the world or of the day Christ was resurrected, I don't think it truly matters.

    • @trishaa46
      @trishaa46 Год назад +1


    • @BeeAMan58
      @BeeAMan58 Год назад +3

      In Leviticus 23:10-11 on the first day of the week after the Sabbath after Passover the priest was to take a sheaf of the firstfruit of the spring (barley), and wave it before the Lord.
      when Jesus Christ was resurrected on the first day of the week ( Mark 16:9 ), it was at the same time that the priests were waving the firstfruits before the Lord. Thus Jesus became the
      Firstfruits of them that slept (resurrected). The frist day of the week became the Lords Day ( Revelation 1:10 )The Apostles and deciples of Christ met on the first day of the week ever after (John 20:19, 26 after 8 days when the deciples met again first day of the week) (Acts 20:7). I also am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ (LDS)

    • @markkrispin6944
      @markkrispin6944 Год назад

      Richard, you would be closer to the real and true Jesus Christ with the SDA Church than the Mormon Church. Mormon Church is a cult religion. The Mormon Church leaders are racists, liars and false "prophets ". Trust me. I have studied the early Church history for over 25 years now. Think for yourself and not the senile, racists white leaders.

    • @SuperPackerBOY
      @SuperPackerBOY Год назад +8

      God said to eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of his sacrifice. Never said anything about worshipping on the first day of the week. If you read the rest of the new testament. The disciples, new believers and gentiles we're still keeping Sabbath long after Jesus died and ascended to heaven. The day does matter to God.

    • @tabithabaker4565
      @tabithabaker4565 Год назад +2

      I didn’t know this!!!! Thanks for this additional info! I’m learning a lot today!

  • @kjvbible7648
    @kjvbible7648 2 года назад +2

    What a helpful insight, thank you for sharing.

  • @bibleinspiration6244
    @bibleinspiration6244 2 года назад +3

    Wow! It's interesting listening to your experience.

  • @matthewlivergood9624
    @matthewlivergood9624 Год назад +5

    There are many flavors of SDA, some churches are more friendly than others. The church that I attend is more friendly than some. I am sorry that you had that kind of experience.

    • @52churchesin52weeks
      @52churchesin52weeks  Год назад +4

      Hey Matt, thanks for watching. I wouldn't say overall it was a bad experience, just the logistics at the start was off. For someone brand new, that can be detrimental. That said, the people after service opened their arms. Overall, I found appreciation for SDA.

    • @matthewlivergood9624
      @matthewlivergood9624 Год назад +3

      @@52churchesin52weeks I am glad that it ended up being good.

  • @leavai5699
    @leavai5699 3 месяца назад +1

    Hey brother, thank you for your unbiased experience as a first time Sabbath keeper. Meeting and greeting are important I agree but personally, I go for a good dose of spiritual enlightenment from the sermons and then the fellowship over potluck lunches. God has blessed you greatly. You now have a benchmark on which to gauge other denominations by. It's all about worship and as you will without doubt find out there can only be one truth and it can only come from the Bible and Bible alone.
    The fun part is discovering what is truth and what is error. Being open to the Holy Spirit is the only way to discern between the two.
    Blessings on your mission of discovery.

  • @Qootsa
    @Qootsa 2 года назад +2

    Enjoying your journey. This church sponsored a long time TV series called It is Written. It deeply explored hidden gems in the Bible. The apostles and followers of Jesus were Jews and continued to observe that day. So the next day, Sunday, became the day dedicated to Christian worship. As the church converted gentiles, they had no reason to observe Jewish customs. Eventually the sacredness of the "Sabbath" was transferred. It is off putting for worship services to become fund raisers. I felt Jesus did not tolerate money changers in the temple. I told myself I should not join any church that passed the plate. That was reason #1 that I was attracted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

  • @leslied.2173
    @leslied.2173 3 месяца назад +1

    Greetings and to your point about where was the pastor? Many smaller churches like the one you visited will share the pastor with another church. Another point on the Catholic church to attempt a change in the true sabbath outlined throughout Scriptures is they thought to bring many pagans in. My standing example is Christ saying I am "Lord of the Sabbath" and the fact that Christ did not resurrect on the Sabbath but rested in the tomb until first day of the week. How ironic that now Sunday would be labeled the "Lord's Day."

  • @shirlettebrown929
    @shirlettebrown929 2 года назад +1

    Hi David, it's fun watching you discover all these churches. It's a good thing that you want to find out the truth for yourself by personal experience. I would encourage you to remember to pray about what church to join if it is your desire to do so after you have finished your search. Our heavenly father is the source of all truth and he will tell you if you wish to know. That's my two cents... good luck :)

  • @RomeNY2010
    @RomeNY2010 2 месяца назад

    lol. I’m sorry about your first impression. I am SDA and was raised in the SDA church in NY. I went to a conference in Oregon and decided to attend one of the SDA churches there. I think they were affiliated with the Advent hospital there. HUGE church. I think maybe 3 people total spoke to me, the lady that sat next to me and about 2 people on my way out of the church. They had some afternoon services/programs going on of which I’m pretty sure included potluck/meals. Nobody invited me anywhere. I was a bit saddened but didn’t hold it against them. That church was so big they probably didn’t know who was a member or who was visiting. Anyhow I’m glad your experience ended up positive and now you know why we attend church on Saturday 😊

  • @Joanne_uk
    @Joanne_uk 3 месяца назад +3

    I pray that you research the Sabbath. There are some very good Bible studies on it by Amazing Facts Ministries 🙏🏼

  • @TheMercers
    @TheMercers 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing valuable info so people can learn more about different perspectives and while we may not always agree with each other we can understand each other more

  • @rhemasartspace
    @rhemasartspace 2 года назад +6

    I think the people who welcomed you at the end of the service are more genuine than having ushers assigned to welcome newcomers. I guess they are not used to having someome welcome those who drop by the church. At least, there's redemption after Jose shared that message. 😁

    • @52churchesin52weeks
      @52churchesin52weeks  2 года назад +4

      That's a good point, Rhema! Those I spoke with at the conclusion of service felt authentic. What's the saying. 'Its not how you start, its how you end.'

  • @coolcolin1000
    @coolcolin1000 Год назад +1

    In the intro slideshow, the presence of the Christian Flag by the American Flag really stood out to me. The Southern Baptist church I grew up in had that flag styled in the exact same way and until this video that's the only place I've ever seen it. Neat!

  • @carolgraham9518
    @carolgraham9518 2 года назад +5

    This is difficult for me to comment on because of what I know about this church. I'll leave it at that. I applaud you for your reviews and always look forward to them.

    • @petervacek267
      @petervacek267 Год назад

      Please let ME know what you know... about this church, as I attended today for the 1st time. Is there something off about it? Something wrong with it? Please just say, I am open minded to your ideas an opinions. Thank you. God Bless You

    • @carolgraham9518
      @carolgraham9518 Год назад

      @@petervacek267 I would rather not here but you can contact me on my website

    • @petervacek267
      @petervacek267 Год назад

      @@carolgraham9518 what is your website?

    • @petervacek267
      @petervacek267 Год назад +1

      @@carolgraham9518 are the SDA s associated with Masonry in any way you know of?

    • @carolgraham9518
      @carolgraham9518 Год назад

      @@petervacek267 Sorry but this is not the place to discuss this on someone else's post.

  • @Diana-eq8ko
    @Diana-eq8ko 3 месяца назад +2

    David, it's Adventist, not Advantist. Just sayin'. :) Love your "initial thoughts".
    Also, as with anything in life, due to the fallen nature of man, there are good folks and not so good folks in every group environment. I'm SDA and have membership in a large, very friendly, conservative SDA church. On any given Sabbath, we have between 5-8 greeters. The members know each other so visitors are easy to pick out. Our greeters are friendly as are the rest of the leadership. Some are more laid back than others, but most are very people oriented. We always acknowledge our visitors and always extend the invitation to potluck.
    About hymn time. Sometimes, due to unforeseen issues, pre-practice/warm up time is not feasible. My church usually practices on Thursday night and have a brief warm up just before the Divine Service begins.
    Please give the folks at the church you visited another chance or visit another one. Perhaps, it was an "off" day for those you interacted with? It does happen. :)

  • @Gypsy839
    @Gypsy839 2 года назад +4

    I just get so much out of your videos love what and how you’re doing it I will get your book would love to read it❤ in one of your videos I told you that I love you I can do that because I’m a mom and grandma ❤️

  • @gregfayard523
    @gregfayard523 2 месяца назад

    Yeah we really need to be better at the welcome part. But then Jose dropped some BOMBS. Jose!

  • @rush4hire
    @rush4hire 2 месяца назад

    If you're fighting for your life and you make a mistake, you're dead. Striving for perfection is a matter of survival.

  • @za-jm8wf
    @za-jm8wf Год назад +2

    14:50 we all need a Jose at our churches lol

  • @michmouth
    @michmouth 2 месяца назад

    I’d suggest a couple books : Samuel bacchiochi “From sabbath to Sunday” by a catholic man. Also, “Babylon mystery religion ancient and modern,” by Ralph Woodrow. These book should answer all of your questions.

  • @twizzydatwizz1631
    @twizzydatwizz1631 2 года назад +4

    The SDA church is where i found my home. I used to attend a full gospel church when i was first invited to an SDA church by a close friend of mine. At first i was very much skeptical about the church and its teachings, especially about the sabbath day. It really troubled my mind so i began pray sincerely to understand Gods truth and started to do extensive research in the old and new testament to see what it says about the sabbath. After all of it, it was clearly revealed to me of how important the sabbath of the 4th commandment, along with the other 9 commandments, which was written by the finger our Holy God, is for believers of Christ to abide by in order to foster a closer and more cherishable relationship with our Creator. Also i realised how satan is constantly doing his utmost best for believers to be seperated from Christ through rebellion to Gods law of love just as how he rebelled in heaven. He even went as far as to change Gods Holy law through his earthly powers as prophesied in Daniel, so that people can unkowingly rebel against God.
    I know where i stand as a believer of Christ and i am fully aware of the warfare that is going on between satan and Jesus. Therefore i am fully convince that i should should express my gratitude towards the loving gift of salvation given to us through Christ victory at the cross by abiding to Gods law and through Him overcome sin in my life, which is the only way we can show our love and gratefulness to Him.

  • @raywynter3395
    @raywynter3395 2 месяца назад

    Thanks for sharing your experience, brother. Indeed the Sunday is mentioned in the New Testament, and if you study, there is not one word that says that the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday and that it was abolished. On the contrary, Jesus came to fulfill the law... to make it more full, that obeying comes from the heart first and foremost. And the disciples met on Sunday to break bread, just as they came everyday together to break bread as it was their custom. Thanks for sharing your experience, may God lead you into all truth brother.

  • @christinashaw1859
    @christinashaw1859 14 часов назад

    This is super fascinating! Just so everybody knows, Catholics still believe the sabbath is Saturday. A lot of Christians call Sunday the Sabbath because most of us now observe sabbath rest on Sunday, but it’s a misused term. As early as the first century, you can see Christians coming together and celebrating on Sunday. They called it the Lord’s Day, though, not the Sabbath, because that is the day Jesus rose from the dead. By the time Rome became Christian, Christians had already been celebrating the Lord’s Day on Sunday. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s the reason Catholics have the option to go to Mass on Saturday night instead of Sunday. Many Christians couldn’t attend church on Sunday in the days of Roman persecution of Christians because they had to be at their jobs, so the Church allowed people to gather together on Saturday evening…just more proof that people were trying to observe the Lord’s Day on Sunday. I love my SDA brothers and sisters, but I’ve found that a lot of misconceptions about the history of the Catholic Church exist in the SDA Church. I visited once and enjoyed the service, but I was able to catch a few historical misconceptions about Catholicism pretty quickly in an SDA Bible study I attended.

  • @luvetrnl
    @luvetrnl 9 месяцев назад

    Greetings, brother! I hope I and the Holy Spirit can make up for the missed welcome when you first came in!🙏🏾 If you want to understand more of what we believe, you need to sit in the Bible study BEFORE the main service or in the afternoon (depending on when they schedule)...AND, as you discovered, talking to people during potluck! 💗come back anytime, as a member myself (we're worldwide and digital, also.)

  • @sigfredrjr
    @sigfredrjr 3 месяца назад +1

    Before Jesus comes back, there will an issue about worship. Whether you will follow the tradition of men and worship on Sunday or follow God and worship Him on His day the 7th day Sabbath. He said “if you love me keep my commandments “.

  • @meisie62
    @meisie62 Год назад +2

    Hey Dave that Constantine was a naughty guy I think. Didnt he mess about with the cross, Christmas, trinity etc ? It sort of became a melting pot of religions. Jesus did speak about the 'great apostasy' from the early teachings. It is fascinating.

  • @andrestonorivero4951
    @andrestonorivero4951 Год назад

    I don't know ir you still read the comments, but if you do, then (maybe) the reason you weren't welcomed was because you were late -wich also explains the "early" tithing. In a SDA church, you are expected to attend the sabbath school first and then the sermon. Blessings!

  • @AnonyMe-qy5vz
    @AnonyMe-qy5vz 20 дней назад

    Yes, it is true. Jesus and the Apostles worshipped on the Sabbath too. The instances that mention the first day are not actually worship if you read carefully but the one where Paul was with the Church on the first day if the week is because his preaching and their time together carried on from the Sabbath day before.

  • @CanadianBigmoose
    @CanadianBigmoose 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing, David. One of my beliefs as to why I worship on Sunday is that we do so in remembrance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which each of the gospel accounts state was on the first day of the week. He rested in the tomb on the Sabbath, and commenced the work of Resurrection on the Lord's day.

    • @sepik66
      @sepik66 3 месяца назад +3

      Why do you think God thought it necessary to begin the fourth commandment with "Remember". Also, God tells us in the Bible "For I am the Lord, I change not" Malachi 3:6.

    • @CanadianBigmoose
      @CanadianBigmoose 3 месяца назад

      Remembrance is important.

    • @sepik66
      @sepik66 3 месяца назад +2

      @@CanadianBigmoose God wants us to remember the day He chose at creation, as mentioned in the fourth commandment.

    • @gospelnomadgirl3435
      @gospelnomadgirl3435 2 месяца назад

      All through the book of acts the apostles were still going to sygnogoue on Shabbat. The gentiles would request them to speak again on Shabbat and the following Shabbat. Pauls missionary journeys were into the late 50s/early 60s AD-so that’s still almost 20-30 years after the resurrection and ascension of Christ. Isaiah 66:22-23 says we will still be worshipping on Shabbat on the new earth. Just as God designed for all humanity since creation. Shabbat is the 7th day of the week- it’s a day in the weekly cycle. The only one with a name the others are numbered….well the 6th day is also referred to as Preparation Day…
      Osaiah 66: 22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.
      23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.

  • @AliciaLattimore
    @AliciaLattimore 3 месяца назад

    After seeing and watching your post regarding the Mormon Church, I am not at surprised what you ran into. I have attended the Easter program that the LDS Church does at the Mesa AZ Temple. It is a beautiful presentation; although there were a few things I disagreed with; it was very well presented. I am also very aware of their teaching of Jesus being very intense. I have members in my family that are LDS. I am a Seventh Day Adventist and am appalled at the way the churches that are marching around the LDS Temples. I have witnessed it often and it is not the Christian way to handle anything regarding other denominations at all. Being an SDA, we experience some of this behavior and attitude also; but not to the extent that LDS receive it. I agree that all denominations including the SDA could use some modification in greeting people. The Little SDA Church in Golden Colorado welcomed me immediately with open arms!

  • @FrJWF
    @FrJWF Год назад +1

    Saturday is indeed the Sabbath day. The earliest Jewish Christians worshipped at the temple on Saturdays and then met together on Sundays, the day of Christ's Resurrection. As relations between the Christians and Jews soured over the decades, Christians continued to meet together on Sundays.

  • @leem200
    @leem200 Год назад +4

    Would love a video on Sunday or Saturday. It has always bothered me even as a child. I am always told Jesus did away with the seventh day of the week and quoted the two scriptures you referenced. That Sat was for Jewish religion and Sunday for Gentiles because of Jesus it was changed. Yet God says to keep the Sabath in Old Testament, and he also says I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I am of Baptist faith. So, it actually does bother me, because if we are supposed to keep it then it would be Sat.

    • @shellys.9531
      @shellys.9531 3 месяца назад

      @leem200 Totally understand where you’re coming from when bearing conflicting stories. Someone mentioned this on here but I would recommend checking out Amazing Facts here on YT and how Pastor Doug Bachelor explains about the sabbath. Lmk if I can help in any way :)

    • @CKoch-cv7nm
      @CKoch-cv7nm 2 месяца назад

      Saturday is my Sabbath because Jesus wrote it in the 10 commandments which are with us forever. We will keep the Sabbath in heaven as stated in Revelation. Also, the 10 commandments were given 1,500 years before a Jew existed so they were not just for the Jews. Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for ‘man’ not man for the Sabbath. It is our reminder every week that God is our Creator. “Worship him who made the heavens & earth”. So many examples in the bible as to why the Sabbath is meant to be kept. Keep asking questions, researching and praying. You will find the truth.

  • @oanthatakealeboga571
    @oanthatakealeboga571 3 месяца назад

    Yeah, update us on what you find on that research...

  • @judebampoe2045
    @judebampoe2045 2 года назад +2

    I attended once. It was very different. Not for me. I have read a lot about their history. Another good video.

  • @chattinglifestyle6008
    @chattinglifestyle6008 2 месяца назад

    Praise God for the young man! One thing he could have woven in and would have helped answer the Sabbath question is that Naaman had to dip 7 times because the blessings is on the 7th time (in parallel to the blessing being on the 7th day!) (also teaches perseverance with natural remedies :).
    Anyway praise God some still live up to the name that the Adventist church has been know for being “people of the Book”. May we continue to study our Bible so we can give an answer to those who ask a reason for our faith.
    As for hospitality, it is uncommon to not be welcomed but it is not an isolated incident, Which is very unfortunate.
    The reason there is an additional offering is the children’s offering (taken at the time of the children’s story) is often to sponsor children who want to have a Christian education.
    Also, unless mentioned that the pastor was on vacation, he was most likely at a different church as pastors (esp of small churches) have a pastoral district with 2 or more churches and he divides his time among them during the month.

  • @alex21mu
    @alex21mu Год назад

    Sorry to hear about the experience. May be they thought you are a member in a different location

  • @WItennisplayer
    @WItennisplayer 5 месяцев назад

    Waukesha is so FUN!

  • @lincolndunstan3057
    @lincolndunstan3057 Год назад +1

    If you're a SDA you always ask, Why is everyone so happy to observe nine commandments, but throw out the fourth!? The correct (if you are stuck on selecting) day is rarely, if ever it would appear, questioned as to its validity. Pretty much everyone except SDA's worship on Sunday, so why not?!

  • @ChristCenteredMentalHealth
    @ChristCenteredMentalHealth 2 года назад +6

    I’ve been to one SDA church and I had a similar experience as you. They tend to be very legalistic so I’m not surprised about how that boy felt after messing up. Have you ever visited a reformed church before or are you planning on visiting one? I’d be interested in seeing your thoughts on a reformed church. Thanks for watching and may God bless you!

    • @52churchesin52weeks
      @52churchesin52weeks  2 года назад +1

      First time doing this, by the end I found myself attracted to the restless reformed movement and would listen to a lot of sermons and podcasts from Tim Keller, Paul Washer, and John Piper. Calvinism was a head-scratcher to me though, and some media outlets like Wretched felt extremely poor in taste in how it represented the unchurched. I would like to do a reformed church with that type of preaching, just haven't found one yet.

  • @monus782
    @monus782 8 месяцев назад

    My mother used to know someone who went to a Spanish speaking Adventist congregation and I just knew that through the Kellogg brothers they’re the reason why we have breakfast cereal (and also the vegetarian diet that apparently has given them a long lifespan), I think I heard their argument about Sunday when arguing against Catholics about it.

  • @kayrush9834
    @kayrush9834 3 месяца назад +1

    The true sabbath is Friday 6 o'clock in the evening till Saturday, 6 o'clock in the evening. You can also read this account where Jesus crucifixion and where it states that the sabbath was coming on so they had to hurry and get him in the separate tree and they didn't even have time to do the spices and things that they do during burial. And so that's why Mary Magdalene, on the 1st day of the week came in to do the spices. And he has already risen.

    • @kermly87
      @kermly87 3 месяца назад +2

      Hi, I appreciate that you took the time to explain that Sabbath starts on the evening of Friday. Just a little correction. Sabbath does not always start at 6 pm. It depends when the sunsets. So it's Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. My time is EST and sundown at this time is at 8:20 pm.
      Genesis 1:5 NKJV
      [5] God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

    • @kayrush9834
      @kayrush9834 3 месяца назад +1

      @@kermly87 correct

  • @dsbennett
    @dsbennett 2 месяца назад

    Dr. Samuel Gamble, a minister, did extensive research and established the following in his book "Saturday or Sunday - Which is the True Sabbath": Work 6 days, rest on the 7th. However, Passover is a two-day sabbath. So, the sabbath fell on a different day each year until the Savior died. Then the Christians celebrated Sunday as the sabbath because that's when Jesus was resurrected. Also, where the New Testament says "first day of the week", the original text says "sabbath".

    • @gospelnomadgirl3435
      @gospelnomadgirl3435 2 месяца назад

      No it doesn’t. The first day in Greek is still the first day in english. Sabbath is a day-the seventh day. It’s part of the weekly cycle from creation. It’s not day one of the week. Day one is day one- the first day.

    • @dsbennett
      @dsbennett 2 месяца назад

      @@gospelnomadgirl3435 Let me try again. I have a Bible that shows English on one side and Greek on the other. Where it says "First day of the week" in English, the corresponding part in Greek is "sabbath".

    • @gospelnomadgirl3435
      @gospelnomadgirl3435 2 месяца назад

      @@dsbennett hmmm…. Sounds like a inaccurately translate or erroneously interpreted bible that is passing on a church tradition they believe Sunday became Sabbath… but historically and biblically it is inaccurate. Just going from the Greek manuscripts the first day is the first day of the week is the first day in the 8x in the NT it refers to the first day. None of it is referring to Sabbath-half of them are just referring to the resurrection early on the first day of the week. Which is after the 7th day which is the Sabbath day-from Genesis to Revelation.

    • @dsbennett
      @dsbennett Месяц назад

      @@gospelnomadgirl3435 Dr. Gamble submitted his research and findings to the head organizations of the Jews, Protestants, and Catholics. They all replied they could find no errors in his research and conclusions. My father joined the Adventists so I did my research. And in the process, I submitted my book to two Adventist ministers asking their viewpoint. The first one got mad, wrote all over my book and said "You can't do that." He refused to talk to me after that. The second minister (in a different city) returned my book and told me he would be pleased to talk to me about anything but the Sabbath day!

  • @lukesteele4510
    @lukesteele4510 2 года назад +2

    I was taught that Christians worship on Sunday because it is the Lord's day. The day Christ rose from the dead and was resurrected. Trivia fact there were two days of sabbath when he was killed so the sabbath actually started on Thursday night instead of Friday night.

    • @returntoeden
      @returntoeden 2 года назад +1

      They were two different types of Sabbaths: feast Sabbath (Passover) vs. 7th day Sabbath of YHVH (the LORD). All feast Sabbaths were treated holy like the 7th day Sabbath. See Lev 23; verse 37-38 distinguishes between the two.
      Where in the bible did God the Father or His Son command us to honor them on the 1st day or the resurrection day?
      Around 60 years after Messiah's ascension, John still honored the "LORD's day" in Rev 1:10. As far as I read, the LORD's day was always on the 7th day: Exo 20:10, Lev 23:3, Deu 5:14, Isaiah 58:13-14, Mark 2:28.
      YHVH bless.

  • @za-jm8wf
    @za-jm8wf Год назад +1

    12:40 it wasn’t the slave girl who convinced him it was his soldiers who were with him

  • @kathleenamatangelo3713
    @kathleenamatangelo3713 Год назад

    Exodus 20:8-11, Matthew 5:17-18 The law of God is an abiding witness to the person and work of Christ, and through Him we are able to call this law our delight.

  • @caligirl2288
    @caligirl2288 Год назад

    Hi --- I just watched this video. I've always been taught that we observe the Sabbath on Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, in truth, the day of the week we observe the Sabbath is not as important as how we observe it. It needs to be a holy and special day set aside for us to worship the Lord and to rest from our regular work.

    • @shellys.9531
      @shellys.9531 3 месяца назад +1

      @caligirl2288 I’ll start off with I believe people in all religions will be saved. As far as the sabbath the guy in the video is correct and the Catholic church (another commenter went into it further) admits that they felt they had the authority to change it from Saturday to Sunday. Neither God nor Jesus ever said that in the bible. I would think with something as important as one of the ten commandments (the 4th-Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy…the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord the God…who *blessed* and *hallowed* (meaning its sacred) it…) that it would be important enough for God to say He made that change. Since He did not I continue to keep it and I believe it is a sacred day that man has no right to change. Yes every day is right to spend time with God on (devotional, reading His word, praying etc) but the Sabbath was set aside as sacred and special by the Lord Himself as a day of rest for us. Feel free to do your own research.

    • @caligirl2288
      @caligirl2288 2 месяца назад


  • @renildesduartevarjao9265
    @renildesduartevarjao9265 Год назад

    Sou adventista aqui no Brasil. Aguardamos sua visita.

  • @lydiakuzak5676
    @lydiakuzak5676 Год назад

    Hi. I remember you at our pot luck. Hope you would consider a second time with our church. We are Sabbath keepers because we worship the creator God and follow His commands Ex 20. I would love to share are faith. We are conservative and a peculiar people. Come again. God bless you on your journey.

  • @Attila_The_Bun
    @Attila_The_Bun 3 месяца назад +2

    "Christians of past generations observed the Sunday, supposing that in so doing they were keeping the Bible Sabbath; and there are now true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion, who honestly believe that Sunday is the Sabbath of divine appointment. God accepts their sincerity of purpose and their integrity before Him. But when Sunday observance shall be enforced by law, and the world shall be enlightened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath, then whoever shall transgress the command of God, to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome, will thereby honor popery above God. He is paying homage to Rome and to the power which enforces the institution ordained by Rome. He is worshiping the beast and his image. As men then reject the institution which God has declared to be the sign of His authority, and honor in its stead that which Rome has chosen as the token of her supremacy, they will thereby accept the sign of allegiance to Rome the mark of the beast. And it is not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people, and they are brought to choose between the commandments of God and the commandments of men, that those who continue in transgression will receive "the mark of the beast'" -The Great Controversy,

  • @bambie1830
    @bambie1830 7 месяцев назад

    I think acts 2 has the apostles breaking bread on the first day of the week (Sunday) that’s the only scripture to set Sunday as the holy day

    • @CKoch-cv7nm
      @CKoch-cv7nm 2 месяца назад +1

      Breaking bread does not make a day holy. They broke bread on many days of the week. The 10 commandments were written in stone and the Sabbath will also be kept in heaven according to revelation. We should follow Gods word, not man’s traditions. God bless.

  • @finray2
    @finray2 10 месяцев назад

    That understanding of the history of Saturday versus Sunday worship is a bit skewed. Christians have been already meeting on Sunday. Does references in Acts about that. There are mentions of Paul going to the synagogue on Saturday Sabbath however he was going to witness to the Jews not to go and worship.

  • @getvloggy3556
    @getvloggy3556 Год назад

    Ya should go back to a church sometime when they do communion! Adventists do communion differently then any other churches!

  • @tcvaneeden
    @tcvaneeden Год назад

    Not sure if you already looked into Sabbath being on a sunday. What I understood from the "sunday worship" is that it has to do with Jesus' resurrection on the first day of the week, after Jewish sabbath; meaning sunday.
    (Matt 28:1, marc 16:2, luke 24:1, john 20:1).
    In one of the early church councils it was decided that this was the basis for Christianity to have sunday as the day of worship.

  • @veritassaecula7910
    @veritassaecula7910 Год назад +1

    The reason that Christians today worship on Sunday instead of Saturday is because that is what the Apostles and the first Christians did. They worshipped on the first day of the week, Sunday, the Lord's day. The day that Christ rose from the dead.
    It's in the New Testament. Paul tells Christians not to let anyone judge them because they didn't keep the festivals, new moons or Sabbaths. and they didn't eat kosher food (Colossians 2:16). In this passage he lists the Jewish holy days first by YEARLY holy days (festival), then by MONTHLY observance for the new moon, and then the WEEKLY holy day (Sabbath). In the very next verse he then explains why Christians don't observe ANY of the Jewish holy days, because "...These are SHADOWS of things to come." (Col 2:17)
    Other passages such as Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2, and Rev 1:10 indicate that even during the New Testament times the Sabbath was no longer binding, and that Christians were to worship on Sunday instead
    The Early Church Fathers compared the observance of the Sabbath to the observance of circumcision, and from that they demonstrated that since the Apostles abolished circumcision (Gal 5:1-6), so also the observance of the Sabbath was abolished and replaced with the observance of the Lord's day.
    God made the Sabbath obligatory ONLY for the ISRAELITES and he explained why in Deuteronomy 5:15 "Remember that you too were once slaves in the Land of Egypt, and the Lord brought you out from there with a strong hand. THAT IS WHY THE LORD, YOUR GOD, HAS COMMANDED YOU TO OBSERVE THE SABBATH DAY."
    There are many more Bible verses that I can quote to prove that the Sabbath Day observance was NEVER obligatory for Christians. I've debated and refuted Seventh Day Adventists dozens of times using scripture and the historical writings of the Early Church Fathers
    Barnabas, who's mentioned in the book of Acts, wrote "We keep the eighth day [Sunday] with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead" (Letter of Barnabas 15:6-8 [A.D. 74] )

    • @SMD2308
      @SMD2308 Год назад

      I disagree with how you interpret the NT scriptures. It is clear that both Jesus and the apostles worshipped on the Sabbath, but met with others and maintained their faith in meetings etc on other days as well. The reason behind the annual Sabbaths had been fulfilled with Jesus coming as Messiah and dying on the Cross as the lamb of God, but even He said He had not come to take away from the law, so we still keep the Ten Commandments, not to be legalistic, but out of our love for God. I assume you no longer keep any of the other nine Commandments either?

    • @jonsmith8116
      @jonsmith8116 4 месяца назад

      ​@@SMD2308the ten commandments were a Covenant with Israel and Israel alone. We are under a New Covenant

  • @skatehunny
    @skatehunny 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for your video.
    A few verses regarding the sabbath if you’d like. When looking at the crucifixion and resurrection.
    Jesus died on the preparation day, often called Good Friday, which historically has and is still viewed as Friday, because people are preparing for the sabbath day of rest by completing work and chores so they can focus on resting in the Lord.
    Matthew 28:1 Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.
    Mark 15:42 Now when evening had come, because it was the Preparation Day, that is, the day before the Sabbath.
    Mark 16:1-2 Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices that they might come and anoint Him.
    2) Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen.
    Luke 23:54 That day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath drew near 56…. Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And the rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
    Luke 24:1 Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared.
    John 19:42 So there they laid Jesus because of the Jews’ Preparation Day, for the tomb was nearby
    John 20:1
    Side note: Most of the SDA churches I’ve visited have been very warm and usually greet you at least. But, I’ve noticed they are also respectful of your space. Many members will greet with hugs if you permit it. Perhaps this one had an off day as far as greetings and showing you where to go. But glad you got to sit and meet some members, heard a wonderful sermon, and it ended on a good note!

  • @brandenharvey9817
    @brandenharvey9817 11 месяцев назад

    They only had a lamb's offering (children's offering)? No children's story?