@@nomishome6100 我會相信咗官方/報道先,例如英國好鐘意有十大最好或最差的地方。再睇當地人嘅口碑。我起初見到差唔多時間有兩個U tubers話果個新樓盤有幾方便同正,好似好吸引。所以記得個地方名。之後,Stevo and Faye 介紹,Faye個反應對Slough個評價就係畀都唔住,反差好大。加上冇幾耐就見到一篇在倫敦不適宜居住嘅表,我見到Slough係最差排十大。加上,Stevo and his family 都係英國人,咁你話會唔會信果兩個喺英國住咗幾年嘅youtubers?
@@joannechiu4260 Good sensible efforts by you. Try searching on the internet with keywords 'bbc immigration slough' for a useful article. (SW London riverside has been my base for at least 10 years; and I got my first degree at a top university in central London)
My oldest son is studying in Central London year one. However, he lives in hall there. I am not familiar with London or anywhere in UK. I just get the information from the internet and don't want to offend anyone. That was only my opinion.😬😅
Outstanding advice! We viewers do not need paid advertisement. We need someone tell the truth and look out for our interests. I agreed that it is overpriced. Keep up with your good work! Thanks.
Dear Faye and Steve, I am not buying a house. Don’t even live in a England. But just like to hop in to taste the familiar HK-ness. Nice to have you guys!
Location, location and location This new build is in a remote location. Its better to buy an old house with good location and make a luxury renovation the way you want.
Thanks for sharing the authentic info. Would you please help tour some apartments with good quality, convenient & secure locations, reasonable prices and not far away from London?
Fully agree with your comments. Very honest opinions. To fulfil the government’s target to boost housing supply in the UK, mass house building is taking place. Not all new estates are in prime locations and not all developers deliver quality houses. In general to get as many houses as possible on the estate, the plot sizes are much smaller. Hence a lot of new builds have very little front garden and rear gardens are smaller than older houses too. Must pay attention to snagging issues as most new houses have a long list of things to amend or patch up due to builders working to a tight timescale to complete the build lacking workmanship. There are quality developments but often come with premium prices.
Very good and justified comments👍. Can you give us more information about the difference between freehold and leasehold ? I think that many Hong Kong people have no ideas about this.
Stevo 係地道香港人,仲地道過土生土長嘅香港人!好親切🤪
stevo 心底裡嘅蠱惑佬角色,終於爆發咗出來,講説話都隨心咗,離陳浩南不遠了,努力加油啊!我們期待下集睇你表演買餸講價😂😂👍👍
鍾意你哋嘅坦率,最記得你哋講Slough比都唔住,但竟然有兩個U tubers 推介嗰度嘅新樓盤。不過或者你哋太坦白,所以冇sponsor😅😅😅
@joanne chiu - 真心問: 若你身在香港, 要在網上做關於Slough的資料搜集, 在那麼多的搜尋結果中, 你會有哪些準則去衡量何種搜尋結果會給你比較多及準確的資料?
@@nomishome6100 我會相信咗官方/報道先,例如英國好鐘意有十大最好或最差的地方。再睇當地人嘅口碑。我起初見到差唔多時間有兩個U tubers話果個新樓盤有幾方便同正,好似好吸引。所以記得個地方名。之後,Stevo and Faye 介紹,Faye個反應對Slough個評價就係畀都唔住,反差好大。加上冇幾耐就見到一篇在倫敦不適宜居住嘅表,我見到Slough係最差排十大。加上,Stevo and his family 都係英國人,咁你話會唔會信果兩個喺英國住咗幾年嘅youtubers?
@@joannechiu4260 Good sensible efforts by you. Try searching on the internet with keywords 'bbc immigration slough' for a useful article. (SW London riverside has been my base for at least 10 years; and I got my first degree at a top university in central London)
My oldest son is studying in Central London year one. However, he lives in hall there. I am not familiar with London or anywhere in UK. I just get the information from the internet and don't want to offend anyone. That was only my opinion.😬😅
@@joannechiu4260 呢個樓盆附近好似廢虛咁,真係吾會推薦!邊兩個 youtuber 話好架?我都想知🙇🏻
做得好好, 女主持把聲好好聽, 男主持型仔風趣幽默,講廣東話好親切
鐘意個句:呢到係邊倒!No man land!
Steve Faye, 期待比較新樓盤,真實情况👍 Like!
Outstanding advice! We viewers do not need paid advertisement. We need someone tell the truth and look out for our interests. I agreed that it is overpriced. Keep up with your good work! Thanks.
Check 下另一單: "Berkeley-Built London Apartments Evacuate 1,000 on Safety Fears"
所以特別喜歡你地介紹,因為你地嘅意見中肯,貼地!見到你地總係開心D架!thanks so much 😘😘
Faye 揸機好好手勢👍🏻,🤳好定,唔會發來發去🙏🏻 Thanks a lot!
另外,想提醒兩位一下,Bob 叔早前有條片㸃出一個新樓盤的問題,翌日收到發展商律師信,故請小心!
Thanks Faye and Stevo. Your sharing and advice are indeed very useful.
checkatrade.com or or some Tool Station shop has an advertising board with a lot of builder business card.
你兩公婆太老實 如果無專業技能 都幾難發達 但係發達唔係必需品
做人老老實實 開開心心 有幾個知己 加一個夢想 就好足夠 祝健康快樂
'都幾難…' 前寫漏了 '及如非中了歐洲百萬彩票頭獎'…
Faye and Stevo唔係兩公婆嘅關係,佢哋只係同屋住。🤣佢哋之前有段Q&A嘅片, 解答觀衆 有關佢倆人嘅人關係。😜
I think they just made a joke.
Actually I think they are couple.
@@millalau2209 會唔會佢哋講笑咋
@@millalau2209 好多香港男女冇結婚都會用 '老婆' '老公' 稱呼對方, 咁點睇?
多謝妳們 !
Telling the truth is so precious !
希望買咗呢間showroom model 個客唔係呢個channel 嘅subscriber 😂😂
Stevo speaks out what an Englishman thinking. Good job!
Good advice. Apply to everywhere. UK canada USA
Very useful sharing 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Steveo 講廣東話好地道~
Thx for yr info
YEAH 第一個留言!未睇先讚!
輪到Stevo拍阿Faye嘅時候, 她出鏡時會唔會令你有暈的感覺?
唔好做傻事, 非常喜歡您地善意既提醒。
Stevo 同 Faye 真係「有碗話碗,有碟話碟」問心嗰句!
最搞笑都係Stevo 訓吓D床俾大家睇,等大家睇真啲個比例(scale)! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
4 尺半床,點夠Stevo 訓呀!😜🤣🤣🤣
Very useful information ! Thanks Stevo and Faye😊
12:30 的background noise 都幾勁,但又睇唔到條公路
同Toronto 一樣, 依家D新樓越起越細同窄, 係多倫多依家所謂3000sq ft 係三層, 即係每層1000sq ft, 同舊屋只得二層, 每層1500sq ft, 就細好多. 三層行上行落好唔方便. 買屋首選location, 其次就係size, 跟住再到age of the house.
除非間屋係heritage house, 政府唔俾改動外圍, 三十/四十年嘅屋裝修咗就唔會比新屋差.
謝謝介紹新樓。你條片冇廣手,但睇你哋條片時,youtube 就出好多樓盤廣告
Love you guys, so honest and funny! Love living in Hertfordshire.
Thanks Faye and Stevo.🥂
新屋磚頭會容易在下雨天滲入雨水 。
舊屋磚頭就沒有這問題 , 原因是灰塵密了。
香港來的人 , 先租屋住 ,慢慢揀,買舊屋再翻新 。
英國係咪唔興有 Attached Garage? 近 Motorway 咪好嘈?
Dear Faye and Steve, I am not buying a house. Don’t even live in a England. But just like to hop in to taste the familiar HK-ness. Nice to have you guys!
近motorway就是賣點,方便開車去返工。亦有人喜歡住middle of nowhere.
要空出一個房間做 衣帽間/儲物櫃/書房.
You're funny,humor and approachable guys!
張床同間房真係好細, 我香港間主人房都擺到5呎床, 同有L型大衣櫃!
Location, location and location This new build is in a remote location. Its better to buy an old house with good location and make a luxury renovation the way you want.
住番 over 6 to 12 months 周圍行睇清楚先
Thanks! You guys speak the truth, unlike other real estate agents on RUclips who exaggerate their properties for a quick sale to Hong Kongers!
唔怕嘅, 以前香港驗樓師占制男都好敢言講新樓有咩執漏,一開始搞到好多地產商black list 咗佢, 宜家變咗星級驗樓師,就因為佢夠膽講,地產商有做反應做反好,反而變相讚好地產商,更有信心。
Stevo 好正呀!好肉緊好似自己要買屋嘅反應,同其他RUclipsr 好吾同。💪😂
Hi ,我見好都多樓盤都有黑廁,即係無窗嗰種廁所,咁請問一下,有冇抽氣扇/抽風設備㗎?
多謝Stevo, Faye分享,說說好忠肯,鐘意兩位坦摔👍👍
好鐘意你們分亨,睇晒片啦,我要去食香港雲吞麵啦,see you
@Nigel - 可唔可以揞名爆一爆邊幾個 RUclipsrs?
Love you videos, love from Singapore. 卑like 👍
Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Good to the market of uk properties 👍🏻👍🏻
謝謝你地嘅介紹,提醒好多香港人👍(提提你地小心啲,上次睇Bob叔講一個樓盤,可能佢太直,比發展商投訴,要delete 條片)
Thanks for sharing the authentic info. Would you please help tour some apartments with good quality, convenient & secure locations, reasonable prices and not far away from London?
Stevo you should get a sponsor of new mattress (at least 6 feet and a half)
Thz for sharing.
Faye and Stevo 好可愛哦!
係呀啲人成日將英國樓盤同香港樓compare, 係唔實際的!
好似compare英國食物同香港食物價錢一樣, 成日話平過香港, 其實應該要將佢同英國入息佔嘅比率來比較先真實啲,
Really good advice (e.g. visit at least 20 units before making purchase decision)
阿菲 and Stevo, 你地好 on topic, looking for house must be what everyone is asking. 唔知你地用唔用 Unblocktech 或者 homeTV?可以用做下一discussion 嗎?
Thank you Faye and Stevo😊
Good video😍good job👍👍👍👍👍
Customers love Stevo being honest!
Builders hate Stevo being honest though!
想問下可吳可以拍一D過路安全同開車要注意既片 , 因為香港同呢度好吳同,(好多時無班馬線,有單車等), 而且對新手開車既人好緊張,加上路上經常有人超速同狂躁症,就算香港渣慣車來到都好易出意外。。。
Fully agree with your comments. Very honest opinions. To fulfil the government’s target to boost housing supply in the UK, mass house building is taking place. Not all new estates are in prime locations and not all developers deliver quality houses. In general to get as many houses as possible on the estate, the plot sizes are much smaller. Hence a lot of new builds have very little front garden and rear gardens are smaller than older houses too. Must pay attention to snagging issues as most new houses have a long list of things to amend or patch up due to builders working to a tight timescale to complete the build lacking workmanship. There are quality developments but often come with premium prices.
Very good and justified comments👍. Can you give us more information about the difference between freehold and leasehold ? I think that many Hong Kong people have no ideas about this.
Freehold, you own it forever, leasehold, we own it for only certain years, e.g. 99 years.