
  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024
  • Biggest New and Used cars website in UK
    Buying imported cars from Japan
    About Number plates convention in UK

Комментарии • 485

  • @cedrichuen4080
    @cedrichuen4080 4 года назад +7

    1. 日本車耐用好多,唔洗點做maintenance,要耐用買日本車,要價格平既買韓國車
    2. 女士提到居英後第一架廉價二手車既自動波入唔到5波。係歐洲地方買棍波其實會平啲,所以識揸棍仔既人其實買棍波更佳,因為維修相對易成本更低亦更耐用
    3. 911絕對係porsche既經典車款,但係價格高昂,如果真係想體驗porsche又沒有911情結可以選擇boxster,相對911是後置引擎格局,boxster係中置引擎,操控感更佳,置物空間亦更多,前提係你無911情結同埋唔介意佢無911咁grand
    4. Supra係20年前toyota既一架跑車,應該屬於JDM(Japanese Domestic Motor)姐係日本車廠為日本本土市場而生產既車輛,係quality上並非一般日本車可比,所以20年車齡都仲賣到4萬鎊,引擎係turbocharged,維修費同油錢都會相對貴返啲。2019年豐田同BMW合作推出咗新一代supra但已經完全唔係果樣野,共用底盤engine豐田果部無開篷既硬頂跑車,而BMW果部係Z4既新一代,詳細分別要你自己睇car review
    5. Mercedes姐係香港人成日講既benz, 全名係mercedes-benz, 係歐洲同美國多數人都係叫mercedes.
    6. 影片最後提及既Mercedes A45同VW Golf R同屬歐洲高性能揭背車,比起base model有更大既馬力扭力,超越300匹,配備4驅系統,落雪同落大雨既時侯更有抓地力更安全,代價就係比起普通版本既A Class同Golf都要貴好多好多。AMG A45S更加係有one man one engine既加持,姐係架車個engine係同一個人assemble,個engine係有佢簽名,所以係香港你貴到離晒譜。
    講起車,不得不提英國BBC電視台有個汽車節目叫top gear,以前仲係jeremy clarkson, james may and richard hammond做果陣真係好好睇,依家chris harris做既又唔係果樣野

  • @coralau7664
    @coralau7664 4 года назад +18


  • @familychan6207
    @familychan6207 4 года назад +45


    • @Michael852
      @Michael852 3 года назад


  • @GooseFamily
    @GooseFamily 4 года назад +15

    本身自己一條佬睇, 聽到PORSCHE 之後, 即刻叫埋太太睇, 好有同惑(要拎MPF) = ) , SUPPORT YOUR CHANNEL

    • @kelvincheng00
      @kelvincheng00 4 года назад

      英國人都識講, 梗係要拎

  • @krystieunicorn
    @krystieunicorn 4 года назад +3


  • @kkfmak74
    @kkfmak74 4 года назад +11


  • @ManlyHK1
    @ManlyHK1 4 года назад +10

    This is the second video I've watched, Steve is such a funny and nice guy - real lovely the way he speaks Cantonese, which sounds exactly like the way my BBC friend speaks Cantonese!

  • @bnohkerruntouk
    @bnohkerruntouk Год назад

    Thanks Stevo and Faye
    謝謝你哋分享自身經歷🙏🏻🙏🏻 感謝你哋
    謝謝你哋詳細資料📃update 我哋☺️🙏🏻

  • @sheilang8491
    @sheilang8491 4 года назад +7


  • @keny2277
    @keny2277 4 года назад +15

    👋 morning yo nice couple 👩‍❤️‍👨

  • @joeluk6133
    @joeluk6133 4 года назад +7

    Thanks for sharing your stories ! It's very interesting no matter the experience was good or not.

  • @yanchan849
    @yanchan849 4 года назад +12


  • @marcolam239
    @marcolam239 4 года назад


  • @tracyko3115
    @tracyko3115 4 года назад +5

    Useful info. Thanks.
    We haven't negotiated with the dealer agents when we bought our new cars in HK.

    • @happygolucky922
      @happygolucky922 4 года назад

      Now is actually the best time to buy a new car post covid 19 lockdown
      Some have zero interest rates deposit contribution free service courtesy car first three payments paid!
      Just ask they can only say no
      Bigger savings if you buy what the trade calls a demonstrator car where they let potential customers try a test drive prior to purchase
      These cars will have a few thousand miles on the clock which is no big deal
      Bear in mind a new car on day one loses one third of its value being second hand
      Any car between 6 to 12 months from a authorised dealer will have its remaining warranty (when new 3 years) or you can buy an extended
      If in doubt look at the trade bible for price guide GLASS MOTOR GUIDE
      Can also go to We Buy Any Car website but caution as they are very mean with their valuations
      Never feel you have to make decision on the spot,,,
      At times go outside your home base to another near by town where there is a dealership who needs to get sales for survival and will bend backwards to get your sale
      As they also have lower overheads
      In the event of you buying a second hand car not from an authorised dealer have the Automobile Association (AA) DO AN ENGINE CHECK
      This will save you from having post purchase headache of astronomical repair bills as superficial examination and looks even after test drive may not reveal any
      All cars over three years need a MOT (ministry of transport) certification which you will need to purchase road tax

  • @kakeungtam6615
    @kakeungtam6615 4 года назад +2

    我係老嘢,我鍾意German Car,襟撞.............😂😂😂我曾經在roundabout 撞落架Corsa 度,純屬意外,我架車是VW Passat。對方的左邊尾轆&suspension被撞到變形。我只是損失了車頭Number Plate。

  • @josewong8852
    @josewong8852 4 года назад +4

    V funny 😄 thx for sharing! My first car is also VW Golf & I bought it for hk$8k - it gave me a great value and you don’t need to feel shame about it 😁. Probably 🇬🇧 cities have more flat roads than hk so you don’t really need a powerful car in UK - of course I a lot of fun when it’s affordable 😍

  • @leungkent
    @leungkent 4 года назад +3

    This video is informative but also cracked me up! You guys are funny

  • @keechan8106
    @keechan8106 4 года назад +2


  • @李淳-n9v
    @李淳-n9v 4 года назад +3


  • @ahmanliu2242
    @ahmanliu2242 4 года назад

    次次看完你們的片,心情都輕鬆咗。thanks for sharing.

  • @jacobgerry
    @jacobgerry 4 года назад +1


  • @iammangostar
    @iammangostar 4 года назад +3

    Fun sharing, 你Daddy有智慧!

  • @gbush1620
    @gbush1620 4 года назад +1

    一萬蚊車冇所謂嘅, 行車裡數高, Valve會Gasket硬咗田漏油, 如果你DIY, 揸歐洲車, 得閒整個部車反而係樂趣.
    Engine Oil Leak 可以試下AT205 ruclips.net/video/LgctUEfEE14/видео.html
    Coolant Leak 就用呢隻K seal ruclips.net/video/Zaqxp9_WwB8/видео.html

  • @leungc5913
    @leungc5913 4 года назад

    見到你們很開心😃 多謝晒分享!

  • @xhovisx1
    @xhovisx1 4 года назад +3

    A thing that I would like to add is that if you are getting a JDM car in the UK, make sure to get the underside of the car undercoated as you know our winter roads are very harsh with the salt on the roads and most JDM cars do not have enough protection on the underside so, unless you want a rust bucket after a few years... its worth asking that at the dealership or getting it done as soon as you buy the car! i was lucky when I bought a stepwgn from the specialist i was able to talk them into giving it to me for free :) (Although this only really applies to imported cars, the ones they sell domestically will be fine.)

  • @wtf.O_O
    @wtf.O_O 4 года назад

    有血有肉的分享,謝謝你倆 👍🙏

  • @happygolucky922
    @happygolucky922 4 года назад +3

    "Which" is a consumer organisation is a great place to further your knowledge of car buying new or old
    Together with section on on finance options

  • @bylee020670
    @bylee020670 4 года назад +20


    • @jay-cchong6011
      @jay-cchong6011 4 года назад +2

      第一 買車手續好簡單 買車時候dealer 會幫你搞 新車就基本上上網註冊 ,二手車會有一個叫V5C 要填完之後郵寄比DVLA ,兩個禮拜到會郵寄到你屋企,跟住要買保險,無保險唔可以上路,跟住就road tax ,唔同車 唔同價錢,一般黎講 200几到300几一年 ,可以每個月比 自動轉賬 ,網上都可以搞掂。 跟住就係如果你無公司 唔可以claim vat 甘就唔好買新車 ,可以考慮買dealer入面上左牌既准新車 會便最少12-15%

    • @jpan7075
      @jpan7075 4 года назад

      @@jay-cchong6011 你好😊
      我剛到埗,想 買二手車 未曾申請V5C,又未有保險。咁樣咪冇得試車囉? 有冇辦法合法地試下部車,早啲可以用部車呢?

  • @enentlau2423
    @enentlau2423 4 года назад +3

    好有趣既分享😂 我都好想揸豬扒,如果比我老婆知我買架咁貴既車我一定要跪玻璃😨

  • @carlynoguera4376
    @carlynoguera4376 4 года назад +1

    You guys are so funny😄 like this film very much😂

  • @marketchoi3501
    @marketchoi3501 4 года назад +3


  • @honestlo1388
    @honestlo1388 4 года назад +1

    我相信全世界買車嘅情況都係差唔多,就係搵二手車agent一定好多蠱惑野。所以喺香港我通常都係搵啲私人放售嘅車。另外香港都好流行買日本水貨車,已經發展到喺網上睇啱有公司會幫你喺日本bid架車返嚟 (當然冇得試啦),跟住喺香港辦手續出牌。

  • @anguspoon7379
    @anguspoon7379 4 года назад +2

    👍🏻😂thanks for sharing your interesting experience. Btw, should it needed to pay VAT to purchase a used car in a car dealership?

  • @yuenmak4002
    @yuenmak4002 4 года назад +3


  • @jwong4842
    @jwong4842 4 года назад +1

    舊車買日本車好過歐洲車!all the best for you with your car ! Hope you have a friend know how to fix and a handyman with car!!$$

  • @irisho8806
    @irisho8806 4 года назад +4

    Thanks for sharing your experience!!👍👍

  • @corinardh8635
    @corinardh8635 2 года назад


  • @tvgertvg2067
    @tvgertvg2067 4 года назад

    你地真係好夾好好笑 祝永遠幸福快樂😊😊

  • @patrickyeung3798
    @patrickyeung3798 4 года назад


  • @sukiay3384
    @sukiay3384 4 года назад +1

    Cute couple! Love your RUclips channel!
    好多實用嘅資訊,Thank you for sharing!
    想問下會唔會出一集係講Tax? For example今集你提到離開咗香港之後隔幾年先返嚟拎MPF, 咁你哋拎返去嘅MPF需唔需要交稅?

  • @ericck4823
    @ericck4823 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for sharing your stories

  • @crossrunnerxx
    @crossrunnerxx 4 года назад +2

    你好彩啦~!仲取回 MPF .我地還身在 香港 有 BNO 戶照都唔知比唔比.
    所為 天下烏鴉一樣黑 全世界賣車也是一樣作風.... 騙騙騙... 就算代理都係一樣.

  • @charlieyu3379
    @charlieyu3379 4 года назад +2

    Like to watch your video. The feeling look like talking with friends in living room

  • @manchan8627
    @manchan8627 4 года назад +2

    Decode number plate, best period to make good deal! Very very useful! 👍👍👍

  • @paultang2849
    @paultang2849 4 года назад +2

    very interesting, thank you very much.

  • @yenna_kat
    @yenna_kat 4 года назад +4

    I like your bargaining stories, my dad is like that as well, my dad loves to bargain against anything especially cars.

  • @slimspeed9604
    @slimspeed9604 4 года назад +2

    Vw波箱出哂名架🤣🤣歐洲車既聖誕🎄又係馳命( in hk)🤣

  • @Pires520
    @Pires520 4 года назад +6


  • @ManlyHK1
    @ManlyHK1 4 года назад +1

    Why couldn't you just get a 718? It's a Porsche and it's even nicer (in my opinion) than the 911!

  • @cone6052
    @cone6052 3 года назад

    Thanks for your time.

  • @snakam775
    @snakam775 4 года назад +2

    HI, Can you up grade high quality moive in 1080p pls.

  • @monicawong6764
    @monicawong6764 4 года назад +3

    Thanks for sharing the experience. Really useful👍

  • @7776-n6w
    @7776-n6w 3 года назад


  • @wwsmichelle
    @wwsmichelle 4 года назад


  • @florencewong7839
    @florencewong7839 4 года назад +1

    Thank you very much for your sincere sharing of experience. You information is practical and well explained.

  • @TgTg-pw7kh
    @TgTg-pw7kh 4 года назад +7


  • @benwong3895
    @benwong3895 4 года назад +1

    I have doing these crabs over 20yrs, if you have no any experiences of VW keep hand off any of VW. it never has big issue but always many small problems on running. Thinking about going UK, if there is a opportunity of offering VAG cars service in UK with clues? no idea

    • @rickidango8969
      @rickidango8969 3 года назад

      VW dsg gearbox has problems. Go to WhatCar? HonestJohn, Autoexpress, etc to see any problems for a particular car.

  • @briantang6092
    @briantang6092 4 года назад +2

    very helpful and interesting sharing!! thanks!!

  • @sumfancy
    @sumfancy 4 года назад +1

    I like your video, useful and funny 😆thanks so much!!!

  • @nick_9435
    @nick_9435 4 года назад +4

    So to conclude, if you are rich enough, just buy a new car so that you won’t get scammed 😂( the point is we don’t want to use that amount of money to buy a car)

    • @MovingSocks2.0
      @MovingSocks2.0  4 года назад +21

      Used cars at large dealerships are generally good. I fact I would stay away from buying new. In UK there are May pre registered cars and cars with only a few k miles on them. They are just as good. We will do another video to talk deeper into this topic.

    • @rayckng
      @rayckng 4 года назад +2

      @@MovingSocks2.0 could you pls share some dealerships web link for us?

    • @happygolucky922
      @happygolucky922 4 года назад +1

      Just Google brand model of vehicle and city you are in

  • @MrGadgets888
    @MrGadgets888 4 года назад +1

    Nice video. What care are you driving now? I am surprised you pay so much for the 2nd hand cars!

  • @williamchanchan7845
    @williamchanchan7845 4 года назад


  • @wilsonmung3044
    @wilsonmung3044 4 года назад +4

    never trust salesman my friend

  • @barrylau9948
    @barrylau9948 4 года назад +1

    Thanks a lot. Very interesting and useful sharing. It definitely helps me a lot because I am planning to buy a car in the future.

  • @MrLegantWong
    @MrLegantWong 4 года назад +3

    Excellent cantonese speaking wor 👍

  • @ManlyHK1
    @ManlyHK1 4 года назад +1

    You know what, I think the biggest lesson for you guys should be to NEVER BUY EXPENSIVE 2ND HAND FANCY CARS! For 40k pounds you can get a real nice NEW car from BMW, Mercedes or Audi.

    • @MovingSocks2.0
      @MovingSocks2.0  4 года назад

      Thanks Zegna man in UK there is not much to be gained by buying brand new cars. The used market offers a lot of options including lot of almost new cars. I agree with you and Stevo had a lot of options but he thinks the brands you mentioned are boring 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe one day he will think differently.😌

    • @wahchung5248
      @wahchung5248 3 года назад

      我記得有一集top gear, 嗰一集講 啲sales揸 2 b1A揸得太悶, 好似返工套西裝咁, 介紹咗一架澳洲v8 房車。

  • @chanchirs2958
    @chanchirs2958 4 года назад +4

    useful, thanks a lot

  • @helenleehkg
    @helenleehkg 4 года назад

    Stevia 呀飛,你們好!多謝資訊🌻

  • @queenieqq7404
    @queenieqq7404 4 года назад +1

    非常實用及有趣的分享,thank you so much!

  • @NK-el4or
    @NK-el4or 3 года назад


  • @pokinleung4100
    @pokinleung4100 4 года назад +1


  • @ww9753
    @ww9753 3 года назад

    本人意見千萬不要買太平二手車,維修會太多,花多錢,還有外國除時會晚上drive motorway. 又太冷.don't spend too much money for repair . Waste time as well

  • @samsonstrong
    @samsonstrong 4 года назад +1


  • @dannycheung561
    @dannycheung561 4 года назад +1

    thanks your informative sharing

  • @vincentleung5298
    @vincentleung5298 3 года назад

    In the USA, you walk in a dealership parking lot of a thousand cars. Check all the details and price of any car on the window listing. No price negotiation. Pick one you like and you drive it home the next hour. No money down. You start paying the on the next month.

  • @mhuc-k6h
    @mhuc-k6h 4 года назад +1


  • @Fyccr
    @Fyccr 4 года назад +2

    Interesting 😂Thanks for sharing

  • @sharonlui1165
    @sharonlui1165 4 года назад +1

    好鍾意聽你哋嘅youtube, 講嘢好真,同埋你兩個好sweet👍🏻

  • @awk828ha
    @awk828ha 4 года назад +2


  • @mchristm5210
    @mchristm5210 4 года назад +1


  • @wingkaykeung1697
    @wingkaykeung1697 4 года назад +1


  • @287d2
    @287d2 3 года назад


  • @jamesytfong794
    @jamesytfong794 4 года назад +1


  • @louislee5147
    @louislee5147 4 года назад

    I reserved a B200d with £1000 deposit after reviewed the car conditions on the dealer’s website. The salesman promised to provide the car’s video. The video is yet to be received and the salesman says the car still in the garage having body treatment. The car is in the showroom with Mercedes dealership in Ascot. As we are still in HK we cannot inspect the car condition in person until 27 Aug. Do u think it is normal the salesman to provide video for this long times?

  • @tlam9228
    @tlam9228 4 года назад +1

    我第一架車是Toyota Supra 的跑車!火紅色、對一個18 歲女孩是正!

  • @JonSnow-ji9rv
    @JonSnow-ji9rv 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for your sharing. Love to watch your video.

  • @joe8572
    @joe8572 4 года назад


  • @alicelaw5357
    @alicelaw5357 4 года назад +3

    My first owned car is Supra too

  • @yeeshunhong8151
    @yeeshunhong8151 4 года назад +1

    Perfect couple perfect experience sharing

  • @黃錦順-g4u
    @黃錦順-g4u 4 года назад

    So interesting talks on this video, don't believe wha did sales saying and it is only a toy not such importance for you

  • @wytsui8126
    @wytsui8126 3 года назад +1

    車保險,第三保險又如何呢? Thx.🙏

  • @tsluckapcm1691
    @tsluckapcm1691 4 года назад


  • @fionh8290
    @fionh8290 4 года назад +1

    Looking forward to watching the next video.😊

  • @SDUHK1
    @SDUHK1 4 года назад +2

    Common problem at VW !

  • @cathylam3233
    @cathylam3233 4 года назад +1


  • @joycelau1120
    @joycelau1120 3 года назад

    想請教下你 如果買混能車 是否隨我選擇用電或用汽油呢?
    定還是強制一定要用電,但當沒有電的時候才能用汽油 請指教

  • @NgaiChiKwong
    @NgaiChiKwong 4 года назад


  • @paulling9984
    @paulling9984 4 года назад

    Like sharing of your real life experience and stories! 想問如果喺英國學車難唔難,相對香港而言?謝謝!

  • @loading418
    @loading418 3 года назад

    vw is a cheap car in EU lol
    japanese brand is actually more durable.

  • @hpiprohb
    @hpiprohb 4 года назад +2
