Story & Reaction Compilation - The August 14th, 2023 Session - Dusty Thunder

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @hannahallen1799
    @hannahallen1799 Год назад +23

    As someone with endometriosis, I feel so sad for that girl. Find someone who will love you and cherish you and take care of you while you're sick.

    • @HaleyJo1992
      @HaleyJo1992 10 месяцев назад

      I just have a bad gut, and my bf just asks if I need anything whenever I end up chained to the bathroom. I was so worried about that part when I started dating, but he's amazing and totally non-judgmental about it all

    • @paulatobler8354
      @paulatobler8354 8 месяцев назад

      I hated that guy as soon as he said her moving in was great because she cleaned the place up and made it nice. The endometriosis just solidified how big an AH he is. So she takes care of his sloppy ass 25 days of the month and even cleans the tub after she soaks in it for any relief she can find even though she feels like shit and it must be hard to scrub out a tub under those conditions but he can’t handle that she takes a day a month to get nothing done because she is in pain and a few more days where she does very little? He can’t buy noise canceling headphones for his zoom calls and an air purifier for the smells? He just wants someone who cares for him better than he cares for himself every day with no down time and never needs him to do a damn thing for him.

    • @captainduckysworld5176
      @captainduckysworld5176 6 месяцев назад +2

      Make that two of us. Us endo warriors stand as one. Hugs to all my sisters with endometriosis

  • @PrettyMonstarZu
    @PrettyMonstarZu 7 месяцев назад +4

    I had an issue with my oldest stepson... he went through a faze of "you're not my mother and I don't have tonlisten to you" so I stopped being his mother ... he was 16 ...I stopped cooking for him (just him) ...stopped doing his laundry ... stopped inviting to things I did with his brother and my son... he thought his father was in charge of everything (we are a team) ... his father agreed with everything I was doing ... after 2 weeks of him having to spend his money to eat out and massing up his laundry he apologized and we are so close now ...he just turned 30 ... I think that was a lesson to that child and her mother...if you aren't going to let me be a parent ... why should I be a parent ??? He should leave the entire situation... if she was willing to not punish her and ask him to commit insurance fraud ..thats notnthe situation you should be in at all

  • @melissylum4106
    @melissylum4106 Год назад +12

    The kid with the gf with endometriosis would rather SHE go to a hotel, than go to a hotel himself during work hours? Wild. I lol'd at how preposterous that whole story was.

    • @trc3341
      @trc3341 10 месяцев назад +1

      So I think she takes care of him (cooks cleans, etc.) And the one week she's on her period he's so used to being taken care of he doesn't know how to handle or treat her with with the same care as she gives to him, and finds it off-putting and an inconvenience

  • @shadowkissed2370
    @shadowkissed2370 Год назад +10

    I dont have endo but I do have PCOS and at one point I only had periods every 6 - 8 months. When my periods would hit they would be so painful and heavy I would go through a 24 pack of pads a day and end up in the ER on a morphine drip. During it all my husband would be right by my side helping in any way he could.

  • @zoeylandiaa
    @zoeylandiaa Год назад +12

    (1st story) HEAVY on the “YOU DONT GET TO SAY MORE WORDS” @ stepmom, what brand of crazy do you have to be for this to be rational??

  • @chrystalmoore2501
    @chrystalmoore2501 Год назад +9

    The last story made me cry! There are still good people in the world! ❤

  • @RinaRanThatWay
    @RinaRanThatWay Год назад +9

    I don't have endo, but I do get horrific migraines. My partner is super supportive. He has bought me advil and Gatorade, and he has held my hair back when puking. I know that it's not easy to deal with, but he's super understanding.

  • @willreviewsketo
    @willreviewsketo Год назад +5

    That second to last story was literally my situation almost 2 years ago. I was engaged to a woman who, when i met her, had a job, friends, and was willing to do things. As the years progressed, her mental health tanked. It was everybody elses fault, and She made me start resenting everybody in my life. Friends family, and even coworkers. On top of that, she quit her job and refused to go back to work due to mental health. We were living together at one point, and the deal was if she wasn't going to work, she would take care of things around the house while i worked my two jobs. After 2 months, she stopped taking care of the house and cooking because of mental health. I tried and tried to be understanding. But she only wanted take-out for dinner and wanted fresh bagels every morning with fresh cream cheese. She had a thing with "things in the fridge too long." And it got to the point that i was spending so much money on take out that it was bleeding my bank account dry. I tried my hand at cooking something. But my meals had to be quick, or i would be late to work. She refused to eat any of my cooking, and im a decent cook. Eventually I kept telling her if she wasn't going to clean or cook, that she needed to get a job, so that i could stop working the second job and have time to spend with her and be able to take care of the house.
    She said no, she was too mentally depressed and never bring it up again, and I needed to stop working the second job so i could spend more time with her. Without the second income, we wouldn't be able to stay where we lived or be able to drive anywhere. This caused tons of fights over and over again. She wouldn't get it. Eventually, my resentment went to her.
    Yes she saw a therapist. Yes she was on medication. I tried and tried to be there and understanding. But it got so bad that even when we would spend time together, it was just another fight minutes later. Eventually, our relationship ended, but it had nothing to do with us. It had to do with everybody around us.
    I did go to therapy to work through things, but i had to stop going because i couldn't afford it. On top of that when i wanted to talk something out. She would shut down and tell me to leave her alone and not bother her with my issues. Yet i had to be open to hers. Unfortunately, being unable to talk or share with anybody took a toll and i was forced to vent elsewhere (which i shouldn't have done, i know that now). To let you know in the time i moved in with her to the time we broke up. I gained 60lbs..and my health was declining. It's all over now and i would have done things differently if i could have. Unfortunately putting everything on one person causes resentment and problems.

    • @tessaweisbecker7897
      @tessaweisbecker7897 3 месяца назад +1

      I’m so sorry you went through that. No one should be pinning their mental illness on a specific person, especially someone they are supposed to love and consider and care for. She was unwilling to do the real work and to be uncomfortable with changes to make her life better. There’s nothing anyone could have done to fix it. I hope you are doing better in life and that you have a close network of people after her forcing you to think seeking guidance on the situation was wrong.

    • @willreviewsketo
      @willreviewsketo 3 месяца назад +1

      @tessaweisbecker7897 thank you. Yes, I am. Lost that 60 pounds. Plus, another. So, I am on the right track. But thank you for reading. Sometimes, these stories trigger something, and that caused this, lol.

  • @stephaniemetz4947
    @stephaniemetz4947 Год назад +10

    Story 3, who the hell thinks a size 10 is fat? And to make comments like what the bride did in the middle of a restaurant is pretty much Mega Bridezilla. Glad the OP now sees what a POS this 'friend' was.

  • @karenfishes66
    @karenfishes66 Год назад +3

    Story 8 ... been through this. Worked three jobs to carry the financial load. Had to walk away -- and my ex said none of the things the wife did.
    Don't stay. It will never change.

  • @cherylhooper3513
    @cherylhooper3513 11 месяцев назад +2

    I just love your take on everything and always agree with you….fo damn sho! You and Candy are amazing. She finds great stories and you do an incredible job reading and responding. It’s so impressive how much you understand relationships. Many men just don’t seem to see most things. It’s so cool how you involve your adorable son too.
    You guys rock hard!!!!!

  • @Anothercrazyday21
    @Anothercrazyday21 2 месяца назад

    I've heard the last story a few times and it still makes me cry everytime. But I will choose to listen anytime it comes on 🥰🥰 its just too beautiful and so reassuring

  • @EileenSmith-xq7ec
    @EileenSmith-xq7ec Год назад +3

    The reason I love aita stories is that it gives all of us who may have thought about doing something a reason to not do them. Or do things differently (petty revenge/malicious compliance subreddits). Also how to be thankful our families aren't as f'd up as r/entitledpeople

  • @marymerrikin4543
    @marymerrikin4543 6 месяцев назад

    I have had endometriosis and it is crippling. The bleeding is horrendous and pain is not even a word to describe it. Poor her

  • @Human-kb6xc
    @Human-kb6xc 9 месяцев назад +1

    That last story never ceases to make me cry. That is a woman who truly loves him. His wife must have sent her to him!

  • @PeacefulAbiding
    @PeacefulAbiding Год назад +1

    How could the parents NOT know? Seriously? Block them all!!!

  • @emilypaxton5601
    @emilypaxton5601 Год назад +3

    Story 7, I can't believe she didn't break up with him on the spot. I would have responded by packing my bags, blocking him on everything, and never speaking to him again. 💩 human.
    Also btws they didn't send women away when they were bleeding in Medieval times. That was like 3000BC. This guy is like 5000 years behind the times.

  • @trulyinspired8910
    @trulyinspired8910 Год назад +7

    Story 8 - I don't understand this. A therapist's job is to help you heal and move forward. But this therapist is enabling her. My husband and i both live with SMI (i live with major depression & he lives with bipolar I) and our care team encourages us to keep growing. I am the primary income earner because my condition is a little easier to manage. But he still works a decent and consistent job when he can. And while there have been times in our marriage where hes needed to carry the load more or i have, its always been temporary. Its hard putting in all the extra work when your loved one isnt well, but its not meant to be a forever situation. I hope she wakes up to thay fact or she's going to really hit rock bottom. And i dont think her therapist will be very helpful in giving her the tools to climb out of it.

    • @tessaweisbecker7897
      @tessaweisbecker7897 3 месяца назад

      I also don’t understand the therapist in that situation. What have they been doing for five years? Just consistently validating their patient but never making a growth plan? I’ve been in therapy for many years and I’m always actively trying to grow and be accountable for when I’m unnecessarily shitty because therapy allows that other perspective. Major depression causes a selfish attitude, but it doesn’t help anyone to lean into it. Especially the person with it because then they never try to get out of the hole they dug themselves. I hope Story 8’s OP was able to leave the situation and get validated by his support system that a partner should never use him like a labor force to make money & maintain her relaxed life.

  • @elenasimon1270
    @elenasimon1270 8 месяцев назад +2

    Story 8 - Jodi Hildebrandt must be the therapist.

  • @SheSheBoom21
    @SheSheBoom21 7 месяцев назад

    1:00:50 Bawling 😭😭😭😭😭. But happy tears!!!! Elle is a beautiful soul ❤

  • @nataliew1213
    @nataliew1213 Год назад +3

    Story 8: Why can't she take a different job while in therapy? How long is he supposed to pick up the slack?

    • @lachikisfashion
      @lachikisfashion Год назад +1

      I'm with you. I heard someone say (maybe Jordan Peterson) that therapists don't want you better, they want to keep you coming for more so they get paid. I feel like THAT is her current therapist (not the marriage one who was making sense). Hate this for both of them.

  • @PeacefulAbiding
    @PeacefulAbiding Год назад +1

    He should report it and THEN tell her what he did. Otherwise, she may talk him out of it.

  • @rilo7891
    @rilo7891 Месяц назад

    Story 6: NTA. The only idiotic thing, was not leaving, and pressing charges.
    Story 8: He needs to leave. And report the therapist.

  • @olyaalmeroth4117
    @olyaalmeroth4117 10 месяцев назад +1

    #7. People don’t understand how serious endometriosis mine was so rare that I had to have surgery for it about once a year they say it can be as painful as having a baby be kind and understanding. and get rid of someone like that they consider a body‘s natural function. Disgusting.f**** him.

  • @Robert-ps7wy
    @Robert-ps7wy 9 месяцев назад

    I was a child with emotional scars and I acted out, no one ever stopped to think maybe I needed more love, or more help, everyone just marked me bad and sent me away. Never send your kid away, take it from me, they will never forgive you and it will only make more scars on an already scarred child. Remember, the child didn't scare herself.

  • @colleenosullivan857
    @colleenosullivan857 27 дней назад

    Dad and stepmother had better have enjoyed the look at the baby, because they will never see the baby again

  • @Nak3dTalk
    @Nak3dTalk 9 месяцев назад

    Mamma L is fucking LOVELY. ❤

  • @colleenosullivan857
    @colleenosullivan857 27 дней назад

    With the step dad and the car. Dad checked out the minute the mom said he didn’t have a say. That comment put an end to the marriage

  • @melissamomo7605
    @melissamomo7605 2 месяца назад

    Put cameras around your house to make sure your dad and his wife don't do anything and you will have proof

  • @LaunchPadMcQuack4Hire
    @LaunchPadMcQuack4Hire 10 месяцев назад

    The endometriosis story: i was a kid during the AIDS epidemic in the 80s, and i remember when nobody knew how it was passed, just that it was contagious. I told the adults in my family that we should gather all the AIDS patients up and put them on an island somewhere with food, water, and other supplies that they needed.
    All the adults got these awkward looks on their faces and were like, "yeah, maybe..."
    I could tell they didn't like my plan but couldn't figure out why. It seemed so logical at the time...
    Yeah, that's the OP, except hes an adult 😑

  • @death2boredom338
    @death2boredom338 Год назад +1

    Ok story 8 is something that I feel should be stated more often now that we've all decided therapy is a necessary aspect of life. Therapists are still only people and people have flaws. They're more educated and they're supposed to be objective, but I think it's clear to say that objectivity is a myth. It's odd to bring it up here, but the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial put it on display that therapists can have biases. I'm assuming and applying my own biases, but the wife's therapist sounds like she might have a bit of misandry and "traditionalism" at play behind her decisions. Gave me the feeling that behind everything she said was the thought that it's the man's "job" to bring in the money so obviously he should just "suck it up" and work himself to death for his wife. Sometimes you let a bad influence into your life and if that person is influencing someone else you care about you have unfortunately no right to force them to separate, so you have to be the one that separates.

  • @Rainbowofthefallen
    @Rainbowofthefallen Год назад +1


  • @death2boredom338
    @death2boredom338 Год назад

    Welp shit, Story 9 brought some tears to my eyes I had to fight back 58:15

  • @MrBobbymacaroni
    @MrBobbymacaroni 21 день назад

    Oh, how selfish of me! Of course I will stop the chemo immrdiately! With the cancer thriving, I should lose weight in no time...

  • @jachyra4
    @jachyra4 10 месяцев назад +2

    I'm pretty sure that therapist is a straight up fraud. I've heard that you should be seeing progress by 8-10 sessions with a therapist. If not, be suspicious of whether tgat therapist is actually helping you.
    Also worth pointing out that it's in a therapist's best interest if you DON'T get better, so make darn sure your therapist is actually a moral person.

  • @serialmigrant
    @serialmigrant 11 месяцев назад

    Omg the wedding story. Who would look at pictures and think "who is that whale" , and the new wife "yeah I know right ??" Nobody ? If ppl do criticize a size 10 dress ... then they are petty

  • @BrickGirl101
    @BrickGirl101 9 месяцев назад

    My symptoms are not nearly as bad as this poor girl in story 7…. The fact that she’s in so much pain and discomfort that she’s throwing up and this idiot is just repulsed and disgusted…. Dude! I haven’t even fully finished listening to this story I am so mad on behalf of this woman. I am so thankful my husband is as understanding as he is and gets that it’s not laziness that keeps me down… so grateful!!!! Why do people suck?!

  • @ravenbohannon6481
    @ravenbohannon6481 3 месяца назад

    Why do the new generation need therapy for mental health. Talk to a stranger and not your own spouse. Why talk to the whrink and not your partner you married your partner why not talk problems out?

  • @dragonmaid1360
    @dragonmaid1360 8 месяцев назад

    God some people are awful individuals

  • @EverydayJohn931
    @EverydayJohn931 9 месяцев назад

    Story 6 I don't agree with the analysis. He was told he wasn't the dad and didn't have a say in anything after he approached it properly. So he did exactly what she said and just put action to it.

  • @Gabitronia
    @Gabitronia 3 месяца назад

    Story 7 pisses me off

  • @vanessasampayan4587
    @vanessasampayan4587 10 месяцев назад

    I have a mental health issues, and I have physical health issues, my husband is the only one working, I cook and clean! I do what I can to make things easy for him! I get disability! And I can’t most of it to him, to pay our bills! He does give me an allowance. Days when I don’t feel good, he tells me to take it easy, sleep! Don’t cook! Relax! This woman and her therapist, or just a bunch of cons! What kind of therapist tells their patient to do nothing! What kind of therapist don’t try to use tools, to help their patients get better! How is moving to a apartment going to send her through a break down! Nah that is bs! How is learning how to cook going to hurt her! But ordering every single day is OK… and what about the husbands mental health does he matter? No! because he’s just the cash cow! And if her mental health is that bad! Why not apply for disability! Nah they are taking advantage of this poor guy! Party trying to off him, with a heart attack, for something more sinister that he does to himself! Because he can’t take it anymore! He matters just as much! And the wife is just being selfish! And it said that they are using mental health! Because if she cared! She would’ve said yes! I need help, I can’t work right now! So yes let’s downgrade our home for now! No, she wants to live the high mighty nice life! While she just sits at home.. I say this with a grain of salt! I’m disabled! I have mental health issues! And I still think of my partner’s well-being! No he needs to get a lawyer, make sure that she can’t see with him for spell support, or at least make sure it’s the minimum! Because of emotional distress and abuse! Because what is happening to him is considered abuse! Just because she seen mental illness, doesn’t give her the right to do what she’s doing! Op talk to a lawyer, protect yourself! You need to be selfish for once! Or it won’t and nice for you! Please, for your own sake, take care of yourself! By the way! You cannot make a horse drink water, you can only leave them to the water! Your wife needs to help herself now! If not! You need to take care of yourself! I just don’t understand what kind of therapist doesn’t think of their spouses mental capacity! During this time smh!

  • @melissamomo7605
    @melissamomo7605 2 месяца назад

    Your step daughter could get you in serious trouble or land you in jail

  • @kierarahrah
    @kierarahrah 2 месяца назад

    Story 6. Sorry, but divorce.

  • @meganism8349
    @meganism8349 5 месяцев назад

    The gf with endometriosis set me off. People can be so cruel to women who suffer any kind of reproductive health issue. I know from personal experience. I have equally hellish cycles, and haven't found a single answer, not even my past doctors could/would diagnose me with anything. I've had to come up with solutions on my own because painkillers do not work and the only "treatments" for women who cycle issues is birthcontrol or surgery (if you can convince a doctor to even o a surgery or figure out what's wrong with you beyond shoving The Pill on you). So not only is she dealing with that side of it, but this Brozo dumb boyfriend is making it that much worse by shaming her for every symptom of this horrible condition which he didn't even bother to educate himself about. Endo can perminantly damage a woman's reproductive organs, make her infertile, cause her lifelong agony every month until menopause, and worse yet there's really no solution as the medical professionals who women are supposed to rely on don't even treat them like people with real problems about 70% of the time. That poor girlfriend needs someone to shake some sense into her boyfriend, and leave him. I've had pets more concerned with why I was laying half conscious on the floor beside the toilet due to period pain than this guy is. Complete jerk of a boyfriend... even my ex, who is an ex for a reason was more understanding about women's health.

  • @Chezzy9791
    @Chezzy9791 Год назад +3

    Erm nope father of bullied child is not an asshole I would have gone nuts, but he should have talked to mom

  • @keplersdream901
    @keplersdream901 10 месяцев назад +4

    Story 2: They are NOT on the same page. Anna was always going to protect Kelly, even at the expense of OP's bio daughter. I'd consider divorce, honestly. The need for "an explanation" is a stalling tactic. I highly doubt Anna will allow Kelly to be disciplined.