Andy, as a 64 year old bloke I have a range of interests and a few well earned facts that I know and plenty that I don't. One thing I've noticed about "News" is that they always get it wrong about the stuff I know, therefore they must (probably) get it wrong about the stuff I don't. I gave up "The Papers" years ago. The TV "News" is going the same way. YT is about all I've got left now... thanks for the hard work on your part.
@@royking1 Do remember who the journalist were in High School? Not every journalist is clueless, but at age 66 I have come to the conclusion that only about 10% in any profession are competent.
@jdmather5755 I didn't say clueless, but did say poor quality or lazy. The true investigative journalists is unfortunately a rare breed nowadays. The incessant pressure to produce headline grabbing articles is driving down the time available to write well researched stories. It's easy to say its the advent of online news and the one upmanship between news outlets, which is more than likely as clicks equal ad revenue for the organisation in many cases. but its the most likely cause.
Years ago I used to call this the Von Danikan effect. He published books about how the ancients were actually aliens who came here millennia ago by spacecraft. So they asked a bunch of scientists to review it. The Chemist basically said, “well his Chemistry is bollocks, but I found the physics and engineering really fascinating. The Physicist said, “no, his physics is bollocks, but I found the biology and chemistry interesting…”. And so it went. It was all semi-plausible sounding garbage You can fool all of the people some of the time, and if in the process they click on your ads, and make you some money, then that’s all some people really care about
Andy, I’m a 71 year old electrical engineer. What you’re talking about is the tip of the iceberg. “Journalists” these days have one mission….to get noticed and generate advertising revenue for their employer. Truly pathetic. And I agree with you that there are some very dependable bloggers out there, but, sadly, some truly awful ones too.
It's worth pointing out that, depending on the publisher, journalists may have another mission - to promote the line the owner wants. There are an awful lot of fossil fuel interests mixed up with newspaper owners, and they all want the fossil fuel gravy train to carry on as long as possible.
@@ajward137 I agree. Also, Tesla doesn’t spend money on advertising, while legacy auto spends a lot. So publishers need to be careful about who they offend.
Spot on Andy, Journalists throughout the Nationals down to Local rags deliberately write articles to provoke conflict and division, regardless of the truth or facts. This is not just limited to EV's. I've just made a similar criticism of a local article about cycling infrastructure in my city. Speed to get the headline, goes ahead of the facts. And if it stirs up some 💩 they are happy 🤬
Phil wise beyond your years😂However the problem is not opinions but the concept that anyone who has one and reveals it on internet based platforms in some way is contributing anything to humanity.....good or bad. Sadly education and upbringing (one or the other but usually both) was meant to correct the mistaken impression that the world needed to know opinions from those who know little to nothing and can't think independently. My late mother told me from infancy if you don't know anything about a subject listen don't speak as you will just look silly. Good advice don't you think?
@@ajward137 You so correct that journalists promote the line the owner, Just look at the Murdoch media outlets. Lies that almost ended democracy in the USA global climate denying etc. "Truth", "accuracy", and "objectivity" are cornerstones of journalism ethics. Unfortunately most journalists lack ethics.
Getting Clicks is their jobs now. Not truth or integrity. Just get the clicks. Very rare to find journalism anymore. Not surprised but good on you for calling it out.
100% they knew it wasn't an electric car but with a play on words it probably gets 10x the views and with a few days later edit and get a few more views on it.
I disagree with you. I find tons of very intelligent journalism on this site. The trick I use is if i see clickbait used on a channel I click on don't show this channel again button which bans it from my screen. The AI does not take long to see the pattern and selects for me all those who are honest. By the way I'm an experienced computer programmer. It's all about understanding machines and how they work.
I think it varies so to say all they care about is "clicks" is just as clickbaity as what we are trying to get rid of. My grandson is paid by a media company to get football news. After 400,000 clicks on his stories (per month), he then earns a bonus. Sure some will just go all in to get as many clicks as possible but most have a standard that let's face it the gutter press does not. (also his site is more real news than gossip). Any link that says those newspapers are just ignored by me as usually just propaganda. But saying that I would also not believe the BBC when it comes to reporting as they seem to have a bias as well.
Andy, I’m also 64 and gave the papers 30 years ago. I don’t watch it on tv either and if I do get to listen to a snippet on the radio, the not so subtle inflections in the journalists questions (R4) prove it’s still the same. Nothing good happens apparently and they say they’re giving people what they want. EVs and electrification is happening regardless, new tech and sustainable solutions are in the making and positive facts like ‘we can predict tidal power generation to the minute for the next 100 years’ is ignored. Plus of course, they all get advertising money from automakers
Or we could just cancel the bbc and stop reading so called "news" papers. All of which are reporting propaganda and wouldn't recognise a fact it appeared with red line under it on their screen. The dumbing down of Society continues.
BBC 5 live the other week had the EV debate on, they had experts on for the start but decided to let Maureen fro. Glasgow have the last word being "I'd never buy an EV cos all the children are dying in the mine to dig up the lithium." No expert was given a chance to put this right, not even the presenter said anything other than agree.
Yet presumably Maureen is happy enough to drive an ICE car, even when the oil companies are the World's largest users of mined minerals, and have mined cobalt for generations, because they can't refine oil without it...... Ignorance is indeed bliss..... Remember Maureen, you'll never get to heaven on a Jumbo Jet, because the Lord hasn't built any runways yet.......
Children don't mine for lithium. The people who mistakenly make such comments have never cared about children in Africa until now and are all happy using devices that contain 'cobalt' which a proportion of is mined by children in the DRC. It's an appalling practice caused by the abject poverty in that country. People have a right to be concerned but they don't have the right to be such hypocrits.
4.5 Years ago I looked at getting an electric car, no one at the time seemed to explain how much it costs to buy the electricity to run them so I did the sums and thought - that can't be right, it can't be as cheep as that, I must have done the calculations wrong, surely everyone would be shouting about how little they cost to run. From that moment I realised everything the press had to say about them was incorrect. I purchased an eNiro and changed to a EV6 when that came out. In summer Im getting around 500 free miles a month from solar (FIT is paying for the electricity I generate). The car is much safer, quieter and more comfortable andI haven't paid Road Tax for 4 years. Like with Brexit the Public are not being told the truth and the press is being allowed to print lies without anyone taking action.
With a couple of solar arrays and cheap overnight electricity it cost us approximately £50.00 to power our EV last year and like chrisbell5248 we also receive our FIT payment . We received a government grant towards the cost of the car, have paid no road fund tax and have cheaper servicing. We are fortunate to be able to charge the car at home. I'm just amazed that the option of running an EV with zero emissions is not taken up by others with home charging facilities (options) preferring to spend more money running ICE cars. We have been so impressed with EVs that we have just swapped it for an Ioniq 5 - lovely car. Can't think that we would ever buy another ICE car.
Problem is you are currently getting a free ride paid for by all the drivers that are paying fuel duty and road tax. That is not sustainable which is why they are introducing road tax for EVs and talking about per mile charging. Huge amount of the cost in running an ICE vehicle is all the taxes and duties to pay for infrastructure etc.
@@schrodingerscat1863 roads are paid for out of general taxation, there is no such thing as road tax. Yes, there is fuel duty and vehicle excise duty - these go into general taxation.
And if you have to charge in a public charger it will cost you more than petrol per mile - plenty of videos done on that, and the average EV is 6-8 grand more than the ICE counterpart and then most EV's do not actually break even on the carbon footprint for 50,000 to 70,000 miles so if you take your car on a three year lease with a max of 30,000 miles then get a new one you are increasing your carbon footprint not decreasing it.... SO yes if you can always charge at home do very little mileage and are going to keep the car for 10-15 years you may save money and offset the carbon footprint - otherwise. No.
In my career as a Highway Engineer I once had a call around 07:30 from local journalist asking me if a road was going to be opened. Sorry won't know til I get to the office.....Can you make something up so I can meet my deadline. Says it all really. Facts, truth and journalism, never may they meet.
Many years ago, mid 1990s, I was often given the job of briefing the local Journalist on overnight happenings reported to the Police. Occasionally I would drop in a completely fictitious story to see how well it was checked. They still published it.
Well said. Clearly can see a reg plate showing 2014 as well as the model not available in Electric or even hybrid! They Should publish a reply piece explaining their absolute horror of mistakes. Sack em!
There has also been a lot of negative articles across the internet recently. One I saw yesterday was titled "The Biggest Problems With Electric Cars That Still Haven't Been Solved" and it was just a laundry list of all the common issues meant to put people off buying an EV: charging is too slow, batteries wear out and need replacing, lack of charging infrastructure (ignoring home charging completely), range anxiety, coal powered cars, lithium mining, battery recycling, high repair costs / written off for minor damage. It was all in there. Even more peculiar, the byline said it was from a UK author, but the whole article is written about the US market. Clearly, somebody is worried about the rapid growth in EV sales in the US.
No doubt *all* based on *zero* actual experience of owning or using an electric car....... The US is extremely oil centric. There is a lot of money tied up in oil there, and many wealthy people with their fingers in the oil pie......
@@Brian-om2hh Mmmm... oil pie. But seriously, just follow the money. That's the underlying motivation behind nearly any major movement in the world. People that are billionaires off of fossil fuels certainly don't want to say "Great idea -- stop buying/relying on our product!"
@@Brian-om2hh Also they do tbf have their own oil, so people in the oil industry are somewhat concerned about it too but unfortunately that's the way of the world with minerals.
I agree and get your point regarding the negativity in general, but the one and only thing that puts me off going electric is the one you brush off as if it is inconsequential. That is the charging infrastructure. I, and millions like me, live in a mid terrace house. There is absolutely no way I could ever have a home charger on the property. There isn`t really a lack of public charging points near me, but they range in cost per kwh from the cheapest 14p - 21p at one station, depending on time of day, up to 79p at the costliest. Most are in the region of 45 to 65p. I assume, rightly or wrongly, that none of them are selling at a loss. On that basis I assume home charging (if possible) would cost 14p or less per kwh. Bearing in mind my kind of terraced property, high rises etc., where home charging would be near impossible are also predominantly less affluent areas, I am sure you can spot the problem. If it were not for this, coupled with the fact the government is far less enthusiastic about addressing it than they are about implementing the all electric roll out, I would go electric at the earliest opportunity.
@@georgerubypoppy1063 For many in your situation (and, if I recall, it is about 30-40% of the UK population that have no access to off-street parking at home), there are other places they visit where they could charge, but. as you say, the price certainly varies, normally based on the rate of charge provided. If you drive to work, or to a station every day, then being able to plug in there might be an option. Or plugging in while shopping, at the gym, watching a movie etc. There is a mindset change here which is not easy - much of the time you don't need to find a specific time to charge the way you go to a petrol station. Instead, whenever you park somewhere you get a little charge from a cheap AC charger. It took a little while for me to get used to the idea of just plugging in whenever I can rather than thinking about going to charge the car. Then there are all the options being put in place for those with on-street parking. The UK seems to be ahead of the curve on this, providing everything from lamp post chargers, to having channels in/under the pavement to safely pass cables from your home to the car. We have rented an EV over there two summers in a row now, and while we had off street parking where we stayed, there was no charging option there (not even a three pin plug option because there was no outlet close enough). The nearest DC charger was 6+ miles away. We charged when we were out doing things though. We often found AC chargers at venues we visited (sometimes even free ones), and in one case a DC charger in a town where we went for some shopping. The supermarket we stopped at there had PodPoint chargers in the car park as well - I assume not free since most were available, and if there's one thing I've learned over here in California, if there are free AC chargers anywhere they'll be occupied almost 24/7!
Don’t get despondent. When I considered buying an electric car the 2 people I took notice of for advice on line was yourself and Robert Llewellyn. People that had actually had them. I then bought one and have never looked back. I don’t buy any newspapers now and limited time on news channels as our journalism is appalling. Thanks for what you guys do
We just bought a Tesla and my wife’s coworker went off about how electric cars are worse for the earth than a regular car. Right… Especially considering about 90% of the electricity in my area comes from Hydro power, the carbon break even should be right around 20k miles, or about 1.5 years of ownership for us, but manny news articles are void of scientific or engineering facts.
Don't forget Bjørn Nyland, aka. Teslabjørn Maybe you didn't, but quite a few do. There are quite a few other channels, that give an honest review of EVs,
I think you hit the nail on the head, when you said that how widespread is the misinformation that we receive in the “news” by “professional” journalists. Coming from the rail industry, we see it time and time again.
I also think it's kind of a societal problem as we don't pay for news outlets anymore and their business model has shifted to clicks and ad revenue. At some point in the future, I think our online lives will have to be supported with personal investment. It's kind of hard to critique an industry that has had so much financial pressure exerted on it and has lost a lot of leverage with advertisers.
The more I see these lies on some media, the more I suspect that I need to switch to an electric car when I am ready to trade in or sell my gas car. Thanks for posting this important information and calling out the culprit news agencies.
One thing that is common is the advertisers are the ones who get the good press, and as the likes of Tesla, don’t advertise, they only ever get bad press. Most of the auto industry would love to see the back of electric cars because they are so cheap for the hapless customer and a poor revenue option for dealerships.
Four years with my Model 3, still absolutely fabulous. Would I buy another Tesla? In a heartbeat. Would I buy another ICE car? Snowball’s chance in hell.
The only thing left I am worried about with Tesla is the service, but that seems to be getting better every year. The problems with range anxiety, fit and finish, initial cost seem to be resolved, how is your experience with service when needed? Is it quick enough and the cost low enough in your experience. ? @@FutureSystem738
8 years with EV here. First 4 with eGolf. Then switched to Model 3 as soon as they got the trailer hitch. Wouldn't mind Model Y, but keeping my Model 3 makes more sense economically, and the difference is more like nice to have than anything I need. I so much enjoy driving EV. Even if the cost of ownership were higher, I would still prefer an EV (unless it's significantly higher). I want to replace my 2009 Polaris ATV with an electric, but the cost of replacement is putting a hold on it. I only use it occasionally, for work around the property, and the cost of ownership has to be divided over many years. New electric models I know I could use cost way over budget. There are no older second hand yet. Some models that are closer to budget, and I could possibly use, but they lack required legal documents. Other models have the legal documents but are too light to get the job done.
I've only owned my Tesla for a bit over a year, but I can tell you that the few times I drive my ICE car I couldn't wait to get back in my Tesla. And the fuel/maintenance savings are huge.
Still reading the same old tosh from the anti EV brigade apparently my EV should need the battery replaced right now as it's 8 years old or it should've spontaneously combusted 😂
That's my neighbour's go to argument too I said to him that I'd get a Hyundai Kona if it cost say £5K I don't need to drive that often however equally I go to my parent's house every two weeks. That means most of the time, I need just 15 miles to go to the tram and back (Realistically it's 4 miles each way) However I'd need at least 180 miles to go to my parent's house and back. They don't have a driveway, and therefore don't have a charger there. Otherwise a VW e up would be perfect for me I only drive to the tram typically two times a week too. He thinks I somehow agree with him because I don't have an EV myself, and it's like "No, my Yaris is worth £3K, the insurance is £700/year and I don't drive that much, so I'm not gonna buy a Kona that costs £16K and costs more on the insurance" He was a bit surprised when I didn't agree with him on EVs albeit not massively so given I'm doubling up my solar array soon enough.
What I find almost humorous, are the number of posts claiming that insurance cover for electric cars costs a fortune, the tyres wear out 10 times quicker, the depreciation is horrendous, they cost too much, and there is nowhere to charge them. Why on earth should this be a problem for them if they *never* intend to get one (as they almost all say)?? I even read one post just 2 days ago regarding the car carrying ship which caught fire. The poster claimed the ship had "overturned" and was now at the bottom of the Atlantic, with it's cargo of £500 million worth of electric cars. I replied by saying I found that odd, as the ship was now being towed into a Dutch port...... Some of this negative journalism has now descended into little more than farcical boll**ks...... I'll wager a pound to a pinch of sh*te that none of those newspapers, or the journalists who wrote the articles, will issue a correction or apology..... Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.......
Isn’t it obvious, some day soon, riot police will dawn raid them, seize their keys to their diesel, load it on a flatbed to get crushed, then frogmarch them at gunpoint to sign papers to purchase an EV.!! /s
@@djtaylorutube Honestly that's the worst kind of strawman argument that they have Freaking brake dust. Like they've completely ran out of arguments that they've resorted to that
@@waqasahmed939 Oh I dunno, then there's the "EVs are unsuitable for anything other than going to the local shops". I agree with that one, except that the trip to the shop I wanted happened to be in Switzerland and i'm in the UK. It was quite an expensive trip but still less than the item that I bought from the shop. Apparently i'm only supposed to buy groceries in my electric car. Nobody told me! Silly me. :)
Well I’m a graduate engineer and everything ever written in the papers about engineering issues is always wrong and stupidly wrong at that. I have long come to the conclusion everything else in the papers is equally wrong so I just avoid the rubbish. This is why most people are so ignorant about most things in my opinion.
Has it occurred to anyone, are these professional journalists doing EXACTLY what their paymasters are instructing them to do? ( as opposed to being incompetent). I actually blame the people who read it
Or more to the point, those who believe it...... About the only thing I'd believe in the Daily Mail, would be the date at the top of the page. And as for the Sun, well Ronnie Barker had it right in the episode of Porridge, where Lenny Godber was about to go to the prison library, as asked Fletch if there was anything he wanted while he was there. Fletcher (Ronnie Barker) replied " yes, get me a copy of the Sun while you're there - oh, and something to read as well"........ Ronnie Barker co-wrote Porridge, and had a longstanding rift with the Sun over a comedy award he won.......
I don't believe it's an accident. I have a strong suspicion that these journalists have been told by their management to dig the dirt on EVs, because even Daily Fail journalists can't be that stupid. EDIT: I'm also sure the same is true about stories on immigrants.
I did chuckle however when I saw someone who migrated to Australia saying "most immigrants are criminals, paedophiles and cowards" He decided that it's somehow an issue that I live here even though I was born here but it's somehow not an issue for him to be an actual immigrant. Let's park the fact that saying someone is a paedophile and a criminal is somewhat redundant in both the UK and Oz given it's a crime in both places, but I said to him wait, I was born here and you've basically admitted to being a nonce given what you've said about most immigrants He really didn't like that.
I can't help wondering what's in it for them? Unless of course they've been slipped a bung by big oil. I can't see Shell doing that though, as Shell were one of the organisations who lobbied the Government to bring the ban on the sale of new ICE cars *forward* to 2030...... The National Grid were another.
@@waqasahmed939 I always chuckle at the news-clip of the taxi driver, who said he was fed up of all the foreigners coming to live in Britain. He said he intended to move to Spain..... Oh the irony.
How can I use an electric car?I drive to Spain , but there are more chargers in London than the whole of Spain !the petrol stations are only interested in selling petrol!not selling electric!
I had conversation recently online with a woman that won’t buy an electric car because her friend crashed hers and they wouldn’t fix the car under warranty. ‘Apparently they don’t do that with electric cars’ Sorry?! Who crashes any car and gets it fixed under warranty?! Honestly.
Daily Fail can stop failing any time they like. The fact that they don't shows this isn't a litany of mistakes. It's a litany of deliberate messages to fit their narrative - a narrative which also keeps failing (Brexit will be great, austerity will be great, etc...).
What fascinates me most is that it's just a car. I don't care what anyone else drives or what it's powered by, there's no reason for them to worry about what's powering my car of the day.
The BBC did a story about car fires on Hyundai's, lad who picks up on every ev hate story proclaimed with glee that 96000 Hyundai electrics were catching fire or potential too. He saw a stock photo of a Kona ev that the BBC posted up. Little did the BBC check that all the cars with the potential fire risk were in fact ice vehicles . Just one image of and incorrect EV model was all that was needed to give the wrong impression.
I had a fun couple of hours in the Daily Mail comments section on this story. It's just amazing how many people bite at a headline eventhough it was obviously wrong. They even pixelated the number plate to try and hide the origin of this £22k Ev.
I have to say it's also surprising that the Mirror are very anti EV given they're meant to be a left wing paper - A tabloid, sure but left wing. EVs have become a big of a "culture war" issue for the mail
@@waqasahmed939 No not since it was owned by the same people that own the Express etc... From Wikipedia "Reach plc (known as Trinity Mirror between 1999 and 2018) is a British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher. It is one of Britain's biggest newspaper groups, publishing 240 regional papers in addition to the national Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The Sunday People, Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star, Daily Star Sunday as well as the Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail and the magazine OK! Since purchasing Local World, it has gained 83 print publications."
You get lots saying just ignire them but I am on the other side, you need to fight back and correct them otherwise their obvivious readers won'tever see past the lies being pushed. Ive even seen comments from people saying she went to the media.
Do you know the term "Gell-Mann Amnesia"? Very appropriate here with the rhetorical question about "if they're getting EVs this badly wrong what about everything else they write".
I started driving electric in 2012 with a Nissan LEAF and have not looked back. I traded the 2012 LEAF for a 2022 LEAF, which I took on a 1700 mile road trip, and I'm planning another road trip for October. I'll probably never go back.
It's almost like the oil companies are paying the newspapers 🤣 As an EV owner, with a Dad who reads The Mirror, we have some fun conversations about EVs, think the last one he came out with was 'I'll never buy an EV' and when I asked him why he couldn't really articulate it, even though the reality is it would save him a fortune as he doesn't drive far. Ultimately it's the initial cost for him, even used ones are currently out of reach, but in the fullness of time I think he's relent. The 'press' have a lot to answer for spreading basically what amounts to disinformation. If challenged with this, the retraction would come in the form of 3 lines buried somewhere which no one would read. The mountain of these types of articles (and I think they found this one by searching Twitter for 'electric' and 'car') is astounding and like you say 20 seconds of Googling would easily show anyone with half a brain that it's bullsh*t! I did like the comment on the twitter post talking about EV sheep, my only response to that person would be that they're a 'Daily Mail Sheep' if you believe everything you read in the newspaper
Have not trusted newspapers or news channels since 1989, the reason? I was on a Royal Navy ship involved in an incident with a Guatemalan Navy gunboat. It happened on a Sunday morning because they knew the RAF based in Belize were stood down on a Sunday. The ship I was on was unarmed as it was a survey vessel. After some difficult negotiation they let us go. The RAF flew over us on the Monday and as you can imagine there was quite a large diplomatic incident. I was sent a cutting from the Daily Telegraph, in this cutting it stated how the RAF had saved us! Good job we saved our selves or I might still be in a Guatemalan prison.
@@scottbarrett4746From "Yes, Minister" Sir Humphrey : The only way to understand the Press is to remember that they pander to their readers' prejudices. Jim Hacker : Don't tell me about the Press. I know *exactly* who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they *ought* to run the country; The Times is read by the people who actually *do* run the country; The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; The Financial Times is read by people who *own* the country; The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by *another* country; and The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is. Sir Humphrey : Oh, and Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun? Bernard Woolley : Sun readers don't care who runs the country as long as she's got big tits.
Former journalist here. You are correct, the standard of reporting in this case - and, sadly, in far too many other cases - is woeful. Why does it happen? Because many news organisations are not actually there to generate reliable, factual news but rather to fill screens or pages as cheaply as possible, and generate as much money as possible. I suspect that a story such as this will be generated by an agency trawling social media for content, and then selling it as quickly as possible to the click warehouse websites, those media monsters than must be constantly fed, and any old rubbish will do. Nevermind quality, quantity and speed is what counts. That explains why the same basic mistakes are repeated by so many media outlets. You ask "are there no editors checking the facts?". Not really. There used to be, but highly trained, experienced, conscientious sub-editors cost a lot of money, so in recent years most have been made redundant. Most reporters who remain are under-trained, over-stressed and target-driven. Only those whose stories get the clicks will keep their job. Another thing that happens is that one story gets lifted from rival publications and reprinted with little more than a "tickle", a light rewrite so it's not completely identical. And of course, these publications cater to and reinforce the prejudices of their readers, reinforcing the bubbles of ignorance. It's awful, isn't it? And who is to blame? Readers, who accept and condone it (even if unwittingly) by continuing to buy the papers and visit the websites.
We need to grab the authors and force them to admit they don't speak the truth. And get them removed from their positions. They CAN'T deserve to continue in post, surely?
I wish we could but have no faith in the tabloid press. I'm waiting for a response regarding a factually incorrect Headline to both the reporter and corrections dept. The article is still wrong, despite others in the comments section saying the same as me.
One thing that often is used to rubbish EVs is the source of the electricity to charge them. They say something along the lines of, ‘coal or other greenhouse gas emitting power stations to power so called zero emissions vehicle’. Yet few worried or even knew what type of power station supplied their homes or businesses, until someone admits to plugging in their vehicle, then suddenly there is a big problem as they see it.
I drive an EV and have a home solar system that produces more than I consume. I didn’t intend to become a superior human being. 😂 I just stumbled into it because the finances made sense. My home solar system is close to paying for itself after five years. The EV I bought ended up about the same price as a comparable ICE car, due to a tax credit and rebates. I find the EV is more fun to drive than my former ICE car. Just my personal experience, others may feel differently.
If you have the capital I am sure the finances made sense but most people do not. My next car will be petrol and I will not install solar panels as it makes absolutely no financial sense to do otherwise even though I am not in financial distress, not yet anyhow but the future looks bleak. Considering 1 in 12 people in the UK are borrowing money just for food and many having to use the despicable usurious pay day loans the coming imposition of the expensive heat pump, solar panel and premium priced EV could not come at a worse time. People should not underestimate how flaky these plans to defossilise energy in such a short time are with so few resources available in this country for even basic health care and policing let alone saving the planet. It will drive a wedge in society, with the superior eco being sitting comfortably at home with the remainder marooned in their freezing houses. Of course all is well and any dissent is just the Daily Mail so the rot will continue.
@@michaeld5888 I'd argue if you're NOT in financial distress, now is a perfect time to decarbonise your house as much as possible even IF the financial returns don't look great for now. Outside of say the Ukraine war, part of inflation is crop failure. Crop failure will be way more likely as climate change bites. It means you're shielded somewhat in the next crisis. I'm not even planning on getting a heat pump, until I've Super insulated my flat roof Super insulated my walls of said flat roof Super insulated the loft Replaced all my copper piping Upgraded to Jaga Strada radiators Upgraded to high quality triple glazed windows Got myself an MVHR Then and only then will I get a heat pump. After that I'll hopefully get some form of waste water heat recovery system and some water recycling system too given most fresh drinking water doesn't need to be fresh (ie: I don't need fresh water for the iron, dishwasher, washing machine, washing the car etc..)
@@michaeld5888 I live in California which is a very different cultural and political context. I am deeply troubled by the growing divide between rich and poor but these are things over which I have little or no control. I am retired and fortunate to have financial resources to allow me to afford these modest luxuries that make some small contribution to a cleaner, more sustainable environment.
@@malcolmfowler8972 I obviously do not do your mileage. Looking at Tesla's site a standard range 2019 Model 3 is still £30,000. Considering a similar petrol car like a Vauxhall Astra of that vintage can be bought for £10,000 that is a payback of 10 years not allowing for interest which I have seen dealers quote at 13% up front and the petrol does not have to be pre-financed. A different world and the you have to wonder if the people who are forcing people down this route in such a hurry are aware of it or even care.
Don't forget, many, not all, major media outlet are owned by Hugh multinational corporations that have vested interests in the oil industry. Al least here in the States
I worked with TV journalists 35 years ago. I work with TV journalists today. They haven't changed. Only their source of stories has changed. They used to trawl through wire-feeds from news agencies like Reuters (still good), and then re-write the story. Pretty much copy-paste. Now they have Twitter (or X) and they work in the same way - copy paste. No skill. No thought. No research. Trouble is today, their source is rubbish, so their output is equally rubbish
They're no longer journalists, there churnalists. Churn an original article over and over. Accuracy is no longer important, being first with an article whether it is wrong or right - is.
It rather shows the state of our 'Media', the 'old days' of actually having 'trained journalists' no longer exist my daughter was a local journalist but was pitifully paid and overworked - so she left. Our local rag now has sales of only a few hundred per week now - and they wonder why!!
The articles are designed for clicks but the overall aim is to contribute towards shaping opinions in a certain way, and 1 article doesn't cut it it has to be a drip drip drip of them to get the seeds planted in people's heads. More opinions == more engagement on future article about said opinion and the cycle continues. This time it's EVs and Heat Pumps and whatever else thats from the status quo, but they'll move on once the clicks die down
I could not agree more. The other day I read an article which said that EVs are not green because the give off rubber particulates from their tyres. This was written as if liquid fuel cars don't have tyres and don't pollute in the same way. Every time an EV catches fire, it's a headline... as if ICEs don't catch fire and you don't have 60 litres of highly inflammable liquid in the boot. I also saw an article entitled 'Can you take an Electric Car through a Carwash?'Duurrrrrrr. I have been driving electric vehicles for ten years now and I would never go back to an ice.
Follow politics, tech, and green tech and all three took a massive nosedive in accurate mainstream reporting (irresponsibly incorrect) in 2018 and its just got worse.
Some people *need* something to believe in or follow, and EV's are the linchpin of the moment. The haters - most of whom have zero EV experience - will close ranks and dig in.... It will take oil running dry, or the oil companies no longer producing road fuel in huge quantities, to finally make them realise it's over.....
Firstly, You have to understand the massive amount of money (well into the billions) being poured into these types of media companies, mainly those owned by the Murdocks, (IE: News Corp) and similar conservative media, from the fossil fuel industry and auto dealers. Secondly, you have to understand their reader and viewership audience, who are mostly a "herding" group of humans. Meaning they follow the herd and believe what they are told without questioning a single thing. And these media companies know that better than anyone. And finally, some blame needs to go to the posters themselves. In this instant, the post needed to include in parenthesis, since she used the word "electric", that it's not an EV. IE: (it's not an EV).
No blame on her, she made a mistake calling an automatic transmission an electric transmission. It was in a tweet, which is not meant to be fact checked - it's just stream of consciousness and sometimes you just tweet the wrong thing. But some readers got hold of the wrong end of the stick by just picking up on literally one word (electric). The rest of her tweet made it clear what she was talking about and any reasonable reader would have understood (perhaps after a bit of puzzlement) what she meant.
@@andysimmonds4023 I'm not blaming her. You noticed I said "posters" not poster. I meant all of us. All people who post need to be very careful these days with the word electric and car/vehicle in the same post with all these anti-EV vultures around. She perhaps should talk to a councel as to possibly bringing a lawsuit as to her post being misused and twisted without her consent even after she clarified it.
40 odd years ago one of my work colleagues observed that tabloid newspaper headlines always included one of the following three words so their paper would get noticed:- Horror, Probe, Shock. They even started doing 2 out of three. This story would have merited a Horror, Shock (get the EV reference in!). Recent history might get me my own headline "Man drives to Sicily and back - never stops at a petrol station. Shock, Horror, Probe".
Years ago when the ‘migrant crisis’ was happening with alleged hoards of people trying to get in to people’s cars and breaking in to trucks whilst queuing at the borders we were doing a cross European road trip. I read a ‘live’ report of absolute chaos at the ferry ports in national media whilst sat in that same port. I had texts from family telling me to be ‘careful’ as the situation there isn’t great. When we arrived, and whilst reading the ‘breaking news’ articles I found that everything was entirely normal with no sign of anything that the media reported. The real shame is that when I reported my experience to family and friends they still believed the media’s account over mine and most were of the view I was ‘lucky’ or must have ‘just missed it’. Bonkers!
This is how these kind of articles were described to me: “Elon Musk rarely if ever advertises in The Mainstream Media (he generally organizes clever publicity stunts) General Motors spends three billion U.S. dollars a year on advertising. If you owned a newspaper or Media Outlet, whose side would you be on?” Add to that the general Fear of All Things New in the minds of the British Public and you have your Media Bias…
Interested in EV....but price. To much for me.... Its still early days yet.. Getting better, more range cheaper price but bit of a way to go yet.. Love the tech..... But at moment struggling to pay leccy bill running a home, companies making record profits with no sign of gov controlling the nightmare most face.... Still an option for better off, my old diesel still running fine... Until leccy prices, leccy cars come down a lot of people put off...... It will get better...... But not yet.
Hi my name MichaelO’Grady, thank you for your Utube channel, keep up your good work, i like electric cars and very often get into discussions in the local pub about them, as a retired electrician I have a degree of electrical knowledge but when people recount the recent electric car fires on board a cargo ship I’m not quite sure how to respond to such comments? What would be your response? I value your opinion . Regards Michael O’Grady
Ive tried to persuade my parents into getting one, couple of reasons why they still dont consider one. 1. Higher upfront cost 2. Range unless you go for a top spec model, we do a lot of miles from travelling for football matches 3. Charging infrastructure 4. They cant get rid of batteries in the mainstream market as of right now
All these reasons can be easily debunked, even the upfront costs (MG 4). Range is a function of charging speed, the charging infrastructure is ramping up massively all over the country. I respect it's their opinion, but from someone who's been running one for two years now, it's fine.
It’s just about generating clicks and views. Which means the incentive is to lie/remove context and make one side or both sides angry. Each side then shares. Comments. Views more ads and they get more cash.
O. M. G, E. V. M...!! The standard of written English in these comments is AWFUL!! ... Just depressing, really! I wonder if it correlates with the intellect of people who are anti EV.......!?
I lived in a two car household for years, but one of the reasons that I purchased my current 2023 Crosstrek PHEV is to cover all of my needs in a single package. I have to say that it was a great decision as well. I am not going to get stuck if the weather, temperature or routes do not have charging options or I lack the time to do so. In other words, no range anxiety, which is essential as I need to drive at least 750-900 km a week between city and long distance trips. It also allows me to pack all of my active gear, tools, camera gear, etc without issue. I would love to one day have a full EV as well, but the temperature ranges where I live make this a bit difficult as we can have -35C at times in winter and +40C at times in late spring and summer.
It’s not usually the owner who gets to write off the value of the car. It’s the insurance company who makes that decision. Often there is enough water damage just to the interior of the car to make it not repairable.
You're so, so right about this. Professional journalists are simply not doing their jobs properly (maybe deliberately) if they disseminate unchecked information -- they should be ashamed. When people resort to spreading incorrect information to support a point of view they need to realise they're probably on the wrong side of the argument.
So, so true! If you know anything about something, somebody or somewhere that they are 'reporting' about, you can bet your life it'll be incorrect. A couple of years ago, a local paper printed a story about my late grandfather, based entirely on a piece that had been written back in 1963 for the same paper. Back in those days the person who wrote it didn't make any errors of fact. He/she wrote that during the First World War he'd wanted to join the Royal Flying Corps but instead joined to the infantry. Just a few words in a long article. The guy who wrote the recent article used this phrase to create a whole fantasy about my grandfather, that he was a 'Flying Ace' and 'He was one of the world’s first ever pilots'. Not a word of truth in it. He never travelled in a plane ever, let alone flew one. I eventually spoke to the Managing Editor and all she could say was that it wasn't actionable! I retorted that it wasn't true either and that I wanted it taking down from their website. (It was far too late for print - that was pulp by then) How dare they concoct these distorted inaccurate lies?
Hanlon's razor says "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." However, in the case of journalism, I think that malice and incompetence occur in equal measure.
You're quite right Andy, Journalists these days don't do their homework. Just take huge paypackets for doing shoddy work. However I am not an EV fan until battery development improves and the high cost of owning one decreases.
The high cost of owning one? EVM bought a 2016 Renault Zoe with 35k miles on for £4400 just a few weeks back..... Something like that, along with a decent off-peak EV tariff, and you could be looking at 1.5p per mile motoring...... Not *that* high surely?
What annoyed me during the previous fuel shortages was that even though they had LPG which I could have used, they still closed the service station locally. The reason? They said "it would confuse people of they were open". I guess a sign saying LPG ONLY was being possibility.
Buy an electric and make use of how cheap it is to operate in the short run, while at the same time buying parts of a classic car and build that. By the time you're done building the classic car, too many people will be using electric cars and destroying the grid, so that your classic car will then be the Mad Max grocery getter.
Years ago I had a small fire that was contained in the basement. the fire brigade were called and a tender put out the smoldering boxes that a faulty compressor had started. The headline was. "Road closed as flames stopped traffic." No it wasn't.That was in 1995.
It’s very similar to the ship fire report that was caused by an ev. Yep you guessed it. It had absolutely nothing to do with any Of the 400 cars on the ship 300 ICE and 100 EV. It was caused by shipborne equipment Took them 48hrs to correct that mistake.
The journalists absolutely did their job correctly. They got clicks, they got people talking about it - that's their job. Accuracy is part of their remit.
I get this all the time. I've been following electric car tech for at least 20years now, and I have friends that know it, but don't agree. One of them sent me a video about electric cars burning. There were about six shown in flames during the film. There was one that was so in flames it wasn't apparent what it was, but the others were all gas powered. For Pete's sake, the first was a Ford Taurus!
To declare an interest I’m one of those people who is highly sceptical of EV’s being the only solution to personal transportation in the future but I’m totally with the content provider in this video that much of the MSM is waging an EV bashing campaign whether that be reposting false SM posts or reporting on ship fires etc. Often backlashes like this come about due to it being popular to rail against government policies (no one likes to be told what to do or how to live their lives). The success or otherwise of EV’s, sustainable fuel, hydrogen powered vehicles or other ways to allow us to get about in an environmentally friendly manner in the future will like most things in life come down to how much they cost us and whatever hits us in the wallet the least and in that respect the media whether they report accurately or report blatant lies will have minimal effect. All that said whether people are pro, neutral or anti EV’s I hope they come to realise no one form of transport is the answer and demonising one of those solutions solves nothing.
I have read many news and review sites and I always find it interesting that when I already know the facts that I find many faults and inaccuracies with the reports, and as other people have already commented, make the obvious leap in logic that when I don't know the facts that the report is also probably wrong. I have come to the conclusion that most media outlets; be it newspaper, Internet or TV must be in one of three boxes: 1. Inept reporters. 2. Have an agenda. 3. Clickbait reward. So a deliberate lie will get rewards when the truth won't, for example: RUclips algorithms and Website/TV adverts.
It’s the same with all cars and in particular with change! The problem is the useless government stance on EVs is what is causing the issue, if they allowed the EVs to organically grow in society we wouldn’t be having such divisive discussions
I work at 5/3rd Bank and we charge for free, they gave about 20 chargers at my location. They bought an Energy contract from a Solar company 5 years ago. When I go long and have to use a supercharger I spent $12 bucks to charge 280 miles. At 28 mpg that's would have been $44 bucks for gas. Oh yeah, Ohio is nuclear. Game over.....ICE is a end of life technology. Both GM and Toyota have cancelled their super V8 projects. It's over. It took about 15 years to replace horse and buggys. We are in year 3ish of this transition. 96% of EV drivers will NEVER buy a ICE vehicle again.
Andy, as a 64 year old bloke I have a range of interests and a few well earned facts that I know and plenty that I don't. One thing I've noticed about "News" is that they always get it wrong about the stuff I know, therefore they must (probably) get it wrong about the stuff I don't. I gave up "The Papers" years ago. The TV "News" is going the same way. YT is about all I've got left now... thanks for the hard work on your part.
Honestly, even the BBC got things woefully incorrect.
Poor quality or lazy journalism and the constant rush to put something out there. So many utter mistruths out there.
@@royking1 Do remember who the journalist were in High School? Not every journalist is clueless, but at age 66 I have come to the conclusion that only about 10% in any profession are competent.
@jdmather5755 I didn't say clueless, but did say poor quality or lazy.
The true investigative journalists is unfortunately a rare breed nowadays. The incessant pressure to produce headline grabbing articles is driving down the time available to write well researched stories.
It's easy to say its the advent of online news and the one upmanship between news outlets, which is more than likely as clicks equal ad revenue for the organisation in many cases. but its the most likely cause.
Years ago I used to call this the Von Danikan effect. He published books about how the ancients were actually aliens who came here millennia ago by spacecraft.
So they asked a bunch of scientists to review it. The Chemist basically said, “well his Chemistry is bollocks, but I found the physics and engineering really fascinating.
The Physicist said, “no, his physics is bollocks, but I found the biology and chemistry interesting…”. And so it went. It was all semi-plausible sounding garbage
You can fool all of the people some of the time, and if in the process they click on your ads, and make you some money, then that’s all some people really care about
Andy, I’m a 71 year old electrical engineer. What you’re talking about is the tip of the iceberg. “Journalists” these days have one mission….to get noticed and generate advertising revenue for their employer. Truly pathetic. And I agree with you that there are some very dependable bloggers out there, but, sadly, some truly awful ones too.
It's worth pointing out that, depending on the publisher, journalists may have another mission - to promote the line the owner wants. There are an awful lot of fossil fuel interests mixed up with newspaper owners, and they all want the fossil fuel gravy train to carry on as long as possible.
@@ajward137 I agree. Also, Tesla doesn’t spend money on advertising, while legacy auto spends a lot. So publishers need to be careful about who they offend.
Spot on Andy, Journalists throughout the Nationals down to Local rags deliberately write articles to provoke conflict and division, regardless of the truth or facts. This is not just limited to EV's. I've just made a similar criticism of a local article about cycling infrastructure in my city. Speed to get the headline, goes ahead of the facts. And if it stirs up some 💩 they are happy 🤬
Phil wise beyond your years😂However the problem is not opinions but the concept that anyone who has one and reveals it on internet based platforms in some way is contributing anything to humanity.....good or bad. Sadly education and upbringing (one or the other but usually both) was meant to correct the mistaken impression that the world needed to know opinions from those who know little to nothing and can't think independently. My late mother told me from infancy if you don't know anything about a subject listen don't speak as you will just look silly. Good advice don't you think?
@@ajward137 You so correct that journalists promote the line the owner, Just look at the Murdoch media outlets. Lies that almost ended democracy in the USA global climate denying etc. "Truth", "accuracy", and "objectivity" are cornerstones of journalism ethics. Unfortunately most journalists lack ethics.
Getting Clicks is their jobs now. Not truth or integrity. Just get the clicks. Very rare to find journalism anymore. Not surprised but good on you for calling it out.
100% they knew it wasn't an electric car but with a play on words it probably gets 10x the views and with a few days later edit and get a few more views on it.
I disagree with you. I find tons of very intelligent journalism on this site. The trick I use is if i see clickbait used on a channel I click on don't show this channel again button which bans it from my screen. The AI does not take long to see the pattern and selects for me all those who are honest. By the way I'm an experienced computer programmer. It's all about understanding machines and how they work.
I think it varies so to say all they care about is "clicks" is just as clickbaity as what we are trying to get rid of. My grandson is paid by a media company to get football news. After 400,000 clicks on his stories (per month), he then earns a bonus. Sure some will just go all in to get as many clicks as possible but most have a standard that let's face it the gutter press does not. (also his site is more real news than gossip). Any link that says those newspapers are just ignored by me as usually just propaganda. But saying that I would also not believe the BBC when it comes to reporting as they seem to have a bias as well.
Andy, I’m also 64 and gave the papers 30 years ago. I don’t watch it on tv either and if I do get to listen to a snippet on the radio, the not so subtle inflections in the journalists questions (R4) prove it’s still the same. Nothing good happens apparently and they say they’re giving people what they want. EVs and electrification is happening regardless, new tech and sustainable solutions are in the making and positive facts like ‘we can predict tidal power generation to the minute for the next 100 years’ is ignored. Plus of course, they all get advertising money from automakers
Thank you for calling this out. The only way we can fight misinformation and flat out lies is with more truth being told. Thank you again.
Or we could just cancel the bbc and stop reading so called "news" papers. All of which are reporting propaganda and wouldn't recognise a fact it appeared with red line under it on their screen. The dumbing down of Society continues.
BBC 5 live the other week had the EV debate on, they had experts on for the start but decided to let Maureen fro. Glasgow have the last word being "I'd never buy an EV cos all the children are dying in the mine to dig up the lithium." No expert was given a chance to put this right, not even the presenter said anything other than agree.
Yet presumably Maureen is happy enough to drive an ICE car, even when the oil companies are the World's largest users of mined minerals, and have mined cobalt for generations, because they can't refine oil without it...... Ignorance is indeed bliss..... Remember Maureen, you'll never get to heaven on a Jumbo Jet, because the Lord hasn't built any runways yet.......
Cos children never die to make our freaking clothes or regular old ICE vehicles.
Children don't mine for lithium. The people who mistakenly make such comments have never cared about children in Africa until now and are all happy using devices that contain 'cobalt' which a proportion of is mined by children in the DRC. It's an appalling practice caused by the abject poverty in that country. People have a right to be concerned but they don't have the right to be such hypocrits.
4.5 Years ago I looked at getting an electric car, no one at the time seemed to explain how much it costs to buy the electricity to run them so I did the sums and thought - that can't be right, it can't be as cheep as that, I must have done the calculations wrong, surely everyone would be shouting about how little they cost to run. From that moment I realised everything the press had to say about them was incorrect. I purchased an eNiro and changed to a EV6 when that came out. In summer Im getting around 500 free miles a month from solar (FIT is paying for the electricity I generate). The car is much safer, quieter and more comfortable andI haven't paid Road Tax for 4 years. Like with Brexit the Public are not being told the truth and the press is being allowed to print lies without anyone taking action.
Well said 👍👍
With a couple of solar arrays and cheap overnight electricity it cost us approximately £50.00 to power our EV last year and like chrisbell5248 we also receive our FIT payment . We received a government grant towards the cost of the car, have paid no road fund tax and have cheaper servicing. We are fortunate to be able to charge the car at home.
I'm just amazed that the option of running an EV with zero emissions is not taken up by others with home charging facilities (options) preferring to spend more money running ICE cars.
We have been so impressed with EVs that we have just swapped it for an Ioniq 5 - lovely car. Can't think that we would ever buy another ICE car.
Problem is you are currently getting a free ride paid for by all the drivers that are paying fuel duty and road tax. That is not sustainable which is why they are introducing road tax for EVs and talking about per mile charging. Huge amount of the cost in running an ICE vehicle is all the taxes and duties to pay for infrastructure etc.
@@schrodingerscat1863 roads are paid for out of general taxation, there is no such thing as road tax. Yes, there is fuel duty and vehicle excise duty - these go into general taxation.
And if you have to charge in a public charger it will cost you more than petrol per mile - plenty of videos done on that, and the average EV is 6-8 grand more than the ICE counterpart and then most EV's do not actually break even on the carbon footprint for 50,000 to 70,000 miles so if you take your car on a three year lease with a max of 30,000 miles then get a new one you are increasing your carbon footprint not decreasing it....
SO yes if you can always charge at home do very little mileage and are going to keep the car for 10-15 years you may save money and offset the carbon footprint - otherwise. No.
Video of Prius with fire in engine compartment also shows battery in back completely un touched by fire, yet the headline is about EVs burning.
Sounds about right....
In my career as a Highway Engineer I once had a call around 07:30 from local journalist asking me if a road was going to be opened. Sorry won't know til I get to the office.....Can you make something up so I can meet my deadline. Says it all really. Facts, truth and journalism, never may they meet.
Its not just for clickbait, they are getting fed articles/copy directly by the oil lobby
That's been going on for some time.....
@@Brian-om2hhsince the 1970s...
Many years ago, mid 1990s, I was often given the job of briefing the local Journalist on overnight happenings reported to the Police. Occasionally I would drop in a completely fictitious story to see how well it was checked. They still published it.
Well said. Clearly can see a reg plate showing 2014 as well as the model not available in Electric or even hybrid! They Should publish a reply piece explaining their absolute horror of mistakes. Sack em!
There has also been a lot of negative articles across the internet recently. One I saw yesterday was titled "The Biggest Problems With Electric Cars That Still Haven't Been Solved" and it was just a laundry list of all the common issues meant to put people off buying an EV: charging is too slow, batteries wear out and need replacing, lack of charging infrastructure (ignoring home charging completely), range anxiety, coal powered cars, lithium mining, battery recycling, high repair costs / written off for minor damage. It was all in there. Even more peculiar, the byline said it was from a UK author, but the whole article is written about the US market. Clearly, somebody is worried about the rapid growth in EV sales in the US.
No doubt *all* based on *zero* actual experience of owning or using an electric car....... The US is extremely oil centric. There is a lot of money tied up in oil there, and many wealthy people with their fingers in the oil pie......
@@Brian-om2hh Mmmm... oil pie. But seriously, just follow the money. That's the underlying motivation behind nearly any major movement in the world. People that are billionaires off of fossil fuels certainly don't want to say "Great idea -- stop buying/relying on our product!"
@@Brian-om2hh Also they do tbf have their own oil, so people in the oil industry are somewhat concerned about it too but unfortunately that's the way of the world with minerals.
I agree and get your point regarding the negativity in general, but the one and only thing that puts me off going electric is the one you brush off as if it is inconsequential.
That is the charging infrastructure.
I, and millions like me, live in a mid terrace house. There is absolutely no way I could ever have a home charger on the property. There isn`t really a lack of public charging points near me, but they range in cost per kwh from the cheapest 14p - 21p at one station, depending on time of day, up to 79p at the costliest. Most are in the region of 45 to 65p.
I assume, rightly or wrongly, that none of them are selling at a loss. On that basis I assume home charging (if possible) would cost 14p or less per kwh.
Bearing in mind my kind of terraced property, high rises etc., where home charging would be near impossible are also predominantly less affluent areas, I am sure you can spot the problem.
If it were not for this, coupled with the fact the government is far less enthusiastic about addressing it than they are about implementing the all electric roll out, I would go electric at the earliest opportunity.
@@georgerubypoppy1063 For many in your situation (and, if I recall, it is about 30-40% of the UK population that have no access to off-street parking at home), there are other places they visit where they could charge, but. as you say, the price certainly varies, normally based on the rate of charge provided. If you drive to work, or to a station every day, then being able to plug in there might be an option. Or plugging in while shopping, at the gym, watching a movie etc. There is a mindset change here which is not easy - much of the time you don't need to find a specific time to charge the way you go to a petrol station. Instead, whenever you park somewhere you get a little charge from a cheap AC charger. It took a little while for me to get used to the idea of just plugging in whenever I can rather than thinking about going to charge the car.
Then there are all the options being put in place for those with on-street parking. The UK seems to be ahead of the curve on this, providing everything from lamp post chargers, to having channels in/under the pavement to safely pass cables from your home to the car.
We have rented an EV over there two summers in a row now, and while we had off street parking where we stayed, there was no charging option there (not even a three pin plug option because there was no outlet close enough). The nearest DC charger was 6+ miles away. We charged when we were out doing things though. We often found AC chargers at venues we visited (sometimes even free ones), and in one case a DC charger in a town where we went for some shopping. The supermarket we stopped at there had PodPoint chargers in the car park as well - I assume not free since most were available, and if there's one thing I've learned over here in California, if there are free AC chargers anywhere they'll be occupied almost 24/7!
Don’t get despondent. When I considered buying an electric car the 2 people I took notice of for advice on line was yourself and Robert Llewellyn. People that had actually had them. I then bought one and have never looked back. I don’t buy any newspapers now and limited time on news channels as our journalism is appalling. Thanks for what you guys do
We just bought a Tesla and my wife’s coworker went off about how electric cars are worse for the earth than a regular car. Right… Especially considering about 90% of the electricity in my area comes from Hydro power, the carbon break even should be right around 20k miles, or about 1.5 years of ownership for us, but manny news articles are void of scientific or engineering facts.
Don't forget Bjørn Nyland, aka. Teslabjørn
Maybe you didn't, but quite a few do.
There are quite a few other channels, that give an honest review of EVs,
I think you hit the nail on the head, when you said that how widespread is the misinformation that we receive in the “news” by “professional” journalists. Coming from the rail industry, we see it time and time again.
I also think it's kind of a societal problem as we don't pay for news outlets anymore and their business model has shifted to clicks and ad revenue. At some point in the future, I think our online lives will have to be supported with personal investment. It's kind of hard to critique an industry that has had so much financial pressure exerted on it and has lost a lot of leverage with advertisers.
The more I see these lies on some media, the more I suspect that I need to switch to an electric car when I am ready to trade in or sell my gas car. Thanks for posting this important information and calling out the culprit news agencies.
One thing that is common is the advertisers are the ones who get the good press, and as the likes of Tesla, don’t advertise, they only ever get bad press. Most of the auto industry would love to see the back of electric cars because they are so cheap for the hapless customer and a poor revenue option for dealerships.
Four years with my Model 3, still absolutely fabulous. Would I buy another Tesla? In a heartbeat.
Would I buy another ICE car? Snowball’s chance in hell.
The only thing left I am worried about with Tesla is the service, but that seems to be getting better every year. The problems with range anxiety, fit and finish, initial cost seem to be resolved, how is your experience with service when needed? Is it quick enough and the cost low enough in your experience. ? @@FutureSystem738
8 years with EV here.
First 4 with eGolf.
Then switched to Model 3 as soon as they got the trailer hitch.
Wouldn't mind Model Y, but keeping my Model 3 makes more sense economically, and the difference is more like nice to have than anything I need.
I so much enjoy driving EV. Even if the cost of ownership were higher, I would still prefer an EV (unless it's significantly higher).
I want to replace my 2009 Polaris ATV with an electric, but the cost of replacement is putting a hold on it.
I only use it occasionally, for work around the property, and the cost of ownership has to be divided over many years.
New electric models I know I could use cost way over budget.
There are no older second hand yet.
Some models that are closer to budget, and I could possibly use, but they lack required legal documents.
Other models have the legal documents but are too light to get the job done.
I've only owned my Tesla for a bit over a year, but I can tell you that the few times I drive my ICE car I couldn't wait to get back in my Tesla. And the fuel/maintenance savings are huge.
Still reading the same old tosh from the anti EV brigade apparently my EV should need the battery replaced right now as it's 8 years old or it should've spontaneously combusted 😂
That's my neighbour's go to argument too
I said to him that I'd get a Hyundai Kona if it cost say £5K
I don't need to drive that often however equally I go to my parent's house every two weeks. That means most of the time, I need just 15 miles to go to the tram and back (Realistically it's 4 miles each way)
However I'd need at least 180 miles to go to my parent's house and back. They don't have a driveway, and therefore don't have a charger there. Otherwise a VW e up would be perfect for me
I only drive to the tram typically two times a week too. He thinks I somehow agree with him because I don't have an EV myself, and it's like "No, my Yaris is worth £3K, the insurance is £700/year and I don't drive that much, so I'm not gonna buy a Kona that costs £16K and costs more on the insurance"
He was a bit surprised when I didn't agree with him on EVs albeit not massively so given I'm doubling up my solar array soon enough.
Just reply by saying it exploded 2 years ago, and you died in hospital. Then see how many actually believe you....
Follow the money. Who pays their paychecks? The advertisers. Who advertises? Legacy auto companies.
What I find almost humorous, are the number of posts claiming that insurance cover for electric cars costs a fortune, the tyres wear out 10 times quicker, the depreciation is horrendous, they cost too much, and there is nowhere to charge them. Why on earth should this be a problem for them if they *never* intend to get one (as they almost all say)?? I even read one post just 2 days ago regarding the car carrying ship which caught fire. The poster claimed the ship had "overturned" and was now at the bottom of the Atlantic, with it's cargo of £500 million worth of electric cars. I replied by saying I found that odd, as the ship was now being towed into a Dutch port...... Some of this negative journalism has now descended into little more than farcical boll**ks...... I'll wager a pound to a pinch of sh*te that none of those newspapers, or the journalists who wrote the articles, will issue a correction or apology..... Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.......
You forgot that they create lots of brake dust because they need big brakes due to the weight. ;)
Isn’t it obvious, some day soon, riot police will dawn raid them, seize their keys to their diesel, load it on a flatbed to get crushed, then frogmarch them at gunpoint to sign papers to purchase an EV.!! /s
@@djtaylorutube Honestly that's the worst kind of strawman argument that they have
Freaking brake dust. Like they've completely ran out of arguments that they've resorted to that
@@waqasahmed939 Oh I dunno, then there's the "EVs are unsuitable for anything other than going to the local shops". I agree with that one, except that the trip to the shop I wanted happened to be in Switzerland and i'm in the UK. It was quite an expensive trip but still less than the item that I bought from the shop. Apparently i'm only supposed to buy groceries in my electric car. Nobody told me! Silly me. :)
@@djtaylorutube And they forgot about regenerative braking which means that the actual brakes aren't used as much as ICE cars.
Well I’m a graduate engineer and everything ever written in the papers about engineering issues is always wrong and stupidly wrong at that. I have long come to the conclusion everything else in the papers is equally wrong so I just avoid the rubbish. This is why most people are so ignorant about most things in my opinion.
Daily Mail are always printing photos of the "Spitfire Jet Fighter". It's not even funny anymore.
Has it occurred to anyone, are these professional journalists doing EXACTLY what their paymasters are instructing them to do? ( as opposed to being incompetent). I actually blame the people who read it
Or more to the point, those who believe it...... About the only thing I'd believe in the Daily Mail, would be the date at the top of the page. And as for the Sun, well Ronnie Barker had it right in the episode of Porridge, where Lenny Godber was about to go to the prison library, as asked Fletch if there was anything he wanted while he was there. Fletcher (Ronnie Barker) replied " yes, get me a copy of the Sun while you're there - oh, and something to read as well"........ Ronnie Barker co-wrote Porridge, and had a longstanding rift with the Sun over a comedy award he won.......
I don't believe it's an accident. I have a strong suspicion that these journalists have been told by their management to dig the dirt on EVs, because even Daily Fail journalists can't be that stupid. EDIT: I'm also sure the same is true about stories on immigrants.
You really don't believe they can be that stupid?
Spot on!
I did chuckle however when I saw someone who migrated to Australia saying "most immigrants are criminals, paedophiles and cowards"
He decided that it's somehow an issue that I live here even though I was born here but it's somehow not an issue for him to be an actual immigrant.
Let's park the fact that saying someone is a paedophile and a criminal is somewhat redundant in both the UK and Oz given it's a crime in both places, but I said to him wait, I was born here and you've basically admitted to being a nonce given what you've said about most immigrants
He really didn't like that.
I can't help wondering what's in it for them? Unless of course they've been slipped a bung by big oil. I can't see Shell doing that though, as Shell were one of the organisations who lobbied the Government to bring the ban on the sale of new ICE cars *forward* to 2030...... The National Grid were another.
@@waqasahmed939 I always chuckle at the news-clip of the taxi driver, who said he was fed up of all the foreigners coming to live in Britain. He said he intended to move to Spain..... Oh the irony.
How can I use an electric car?I drive to Spain , but there are more chargers in London than the whole of Spain !the petrol stations are only interested in selling petrol!not selling electric!
Then don’t get one.
Plenty of Superchargers and why would you go to a petrol station with an EV?!
I had conversation recently online with a woman that won’t buy an electric car because her friend crashed hers and they wouldn’t fix the car under warranty. ‘Apparently they don’t do that with electric cars’ Sorry?! Who crashes any car and gets it fixed under warranty?! Honestly.
Daily Fail can stop failing any time they like. The fact that they don't shows this isn't a litany of mistakes. It's a litany of deliberate messages to fit their narrative - a narrative which also keeps failing (Brexit will be great, austerity will be great, etc...).
it's not just the u.k. in the u.s. we have alternative facts.
What fascinates me most is that it's just a car. I don't care what anyone else drives or what it's powered by, there's no reason for them to worry about what's powering my car of the day.
Most people I know don't care what powers their car, being cheap to run and reliable is what concerns them most
The BBC did a story about car fires on Hyundai's, lad who picks up on every ev hate story proclaimed with glee that 96000 Hyundai electrics were catching fire or potential too. He saw a stock photo of a Kona ev that the BBC posted up. Little did the BBC check that all the cars with the potential fire risk were in fact ice vehicles . Just one image of and incorrect EV model was all that was needed to give the wrong impression.
As a society we need to have regulation against this fud and disinformation with real penalties otherwise nothing will change.
I just saw an article saying "Electric car stranded on West Country beach" even though its a bloody hybrid Toyota Prius!
I had a fun couple of hours in the Daily Mail comments section on this story. It's just amazing how many people bite at a headline eventhough it was obviously wrong. They even pixelated the number plate to try and hide the origin of this £22k Ev.
I have to say it's also surprising that the Mirror are very anti EV given they're meant to be a left wing paper - A tabloid, sure but left wing.
EVs have become a big of a "culture war" issue for the mail
@@waqasahmed939 No not since it was owned by the same people that own the Express etc...
From Wikipedia "Reach plc (known as Trinity Mirror between 1999 and 2018) is a British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher. It is one of Britain's biggest newspaper groups, publishing 240 regional papers in addition to the national Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The Sunday People, Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star, Daily Star Sunday as well as the Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail and the magazine OK! Since purchasing Local World, it has gained 83 print publications."
You get lots saying just ignire them but I am on the other side, you need to fight back and correct them otherwise their obvivious readers won'tever see past the lies being pushed.
Ive even seen comments from people saying she went to the media.
cos if you noticed, many of us cant afford 2 meals a day let alone an EV ffs @@waqasahmed939
@@waqasahmed939The Desperate Express is even worse. I know it's hard to believe.
Keep up the good work, we need to correct the mainstream media about EVs
Do you know the term "Gell-Mann Amnesia"? Very appropriate here with the rhetorical question about "if they're getting EVs this badly wrong what about everything else they write".
In a family with an EV and an internal combustion engine, the most popular is usually the EV, as they are fun to drive.
I started driving electric in 2012 with a Nissan LEAF and have not looked back. I traded the 2012 LEAF for a 2022 LEAF, which I took on a 1700 mile road trip, and I'm planning another road trip for October. I'll probably never go back.
You only need to ask one question, how much do the ICE car companies pay in advertising fee's to the media. It's a lot more than the EV companies.
It's almost like the oil companies are paying the newspapers 🤣 As an EV owner, with a Dad who reads The Mirror, we have some fun conversations about EVs, think the last one he came out with was 'I'll never buy an EV' and when I asked him why he couldn't really articulate it, even though the reality is it would save him a fortune as he doesn't drive far. Ultimately it's the initial cost for him, even used ones are currently out of reach, but in the fullness of time I think he's relent. The 'press' have a lot to answer for spreading basically what amounts to disinformation. If challenged with this, the retraction would come in the form of 3 lines buried somewhere which no one would read. The mountain of these types of articles (and I think they found this one by searching Twitter for 'electric' and 'car') is astounding and like you say 20 seconds of Googling would easily show anyone with half a brain that it's bullsh*t! I did like the comment on the twitter post talking about EV sheep, my only response to that person would be that they're a 'Daily Mail Sheep' if you believe everything you read in the newspaper
Thank you Andy for this. I can tell you that this is also very common in Sweden, where I live.
Have not trusted newspapers or news channels since 1989, the reason? I was on a Royal Navy ship involved in an incident with a Guatemalan Navy gunboat. It happened on a Sunday morning because they knew the RAF based in Belize were stood down on a Sunday. The ship I was on was unarmed as it was a survey vessel. After some difficult negotiation they let us go. The RAF flew over us on the Monday and as you can imagine there was quite a large diplomatic incident. I was sent a cutting from the Daily Telegraph, in this cutting it stated how the RAF had saved us! Good job we saved our selves or I might still be in a Guatemalan prison.
The Daily Telegraph is just the Daily Mail or Express for those who like longer words.
@@scottbarrett4746From "Yes, Minister"
Sir Humphrey : The only way to understand the Press is to remember that they pander to their readers' prejudices.
Jim Hacker : Don't tell me about the Press. I know *exactly* who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they *ought* to run the country; The Times is read by the people who actually *do* run the country; The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; The Financial Times is read by people who *own* the country; The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by *another* country; and The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.
Sir Humphrey : Oh, and Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?
Bernard Woolley : Sun readers don't care who runs the country as long as she's got big tits.
Former journalist here. You are correct, the standard of reporting in this case - and, sadly, in far too many other cases - is woeful.
Why does it happen? Because many news organisations are not actually there to generate reliable, factual news but rather to fill screens or pages as cheaply as possible, and generate as much money as possible.
I suspect that a story such as this will be generated by an agency trawling social media for content, and then selling it as quickly as possible to the click warehouse websites, those media monsters than must be constantly fed, and any old rubbish will do. Nevermind quality, quantity and speed is what counts.
That explains why the same basic mistakes are repeated by so many media outlets.
You ask "are there no editors checking the facts?". Not really. There used to be, but highly trained, experienced, conscientious sub-editors cost a lot of money, so in recent years most have been made redundant.
Most reporters who remain are under-trained, over-stressed and target-driven. Only those whose stories get the clicks will keep their job.
Another thing that happens is that one story gets lifted from rival publications and reprinted with little more than a "tickle", a light rewrite so it's not completely identical.
And of course, these publications cater to and reinforce the prejudices of their readers, reinforcing the bubbles of ignorance.
It's awful, isn't it? And who is to blame? Readers, who accept and condone it (even if unwittingly) by continuing to buy the papers and visit the websites.
I feel we need to buttonhole the writers and get them to give an account of their work.
What is good about EV's then ?
We need to grab the authors and force them to admit they don't speak the truth. And get them removed from their positions. They CAN'T deserve to continue in post, surely?
I wish we could but have no faith in the tabloid press. I'm waiting for a response regarding a factually incorrect Headline to both the reporter and corrections dept. The article is still wrong, despite others in the comments section saying the same as me.
One thing that often is used to rubbish EVs is the source of the electricity to charge them. They say something along the lines of, ‘coal or other greenhouse gas emitting power stations to power so called zero emissions vehicle’. Yet few worried or even knew what type of power station supplied their homes or businesses, until someone admits to plugging in their vehicle, then suddenly there is a big problem as they see it.
I drive an EV and have a home solar system that produces more than I consume. I didn’t intend to become a superior human being. 😂
I just stumbled into it because the finances made sense. My home solar system is close to paying for itself after five years. The EV I bought ended up about the same price as a comparable ICE car, due to a tax credit and rebates. I find the EV is more fun to drive than my former ICE car. Just my personal experience, others may feel differently.
If you have the capital I am sure the finances made sense but most people do not. My next car will be petrol and I will not install solar panels as it makes absolutely no financial sense to do otherwise even though I am not in financial distress, not yet anyhow but the future looks bleak. Considering 1 in 12 people in the UK are borrowing money just for food and many having to use the despicable usurious pay day loans the coming imposition of the expensive heat pump, solar panel and premium priced EV could not come at a worse time. People should not underestimate how flaky these plans to defossilise energy in such a short time are with so few resources available in this country for even basic health care and policing let alone saving the planet. It will drive a wedge in society, with the superior eco being sitting comfortably at home with the remainder marooned in their freezing houses. Of course all is well and any dissent is just the Daily Mail so the rot will continue.
@@michaeld5888 I'd argue if you're NOT in financial distress, now is a perfect time to decarbonise your house as much as possible even IF the financial returns don't look great for now.
Outside of say the Ukraine war, part of inflation is crop failure. Crop failure will be way more likely as climate change bites.
It means you're shielded somewhat in the next crisis. I'm not even planning on getting a heat pump, until I've
Super insulated my flat roof
Super insulated my walls of said flat roof
Super insulated the loft
Replaced all my copper piping
Upgraded to Jaga Strada radiators
Upgraded to high quality triple glazed windows
Got myself an MVHR
Then and only then will I get a heat pump. After that I'll hopefully get some form of waste water heat recovery system and some water recycling system too given most fresh drinking water doesn't need to be fresh (ie: I don't need fresh water for the iron, dishwasher, washing machine, washing the car etc..)
@@michaeld5888 I live in California which is a very different cultural and political context. I am deeply troubled by the growing divide between rich and poor but these are things over which I have little or no control. I am retired and fortunate to have financial resources to allow me to afford these modest luxuries that make some small contribution to a cleaner, more sustainable environment.
@@michaeld5888 Why not buy a used EV? I did and am saving about £2k a year in fuel costs compared to my previous fossil fuel car.
@@malcolmfowler8972 I obviously do not do your mileage. Looking at Tesla's site a standard range 2019 Model 3 is still £30,000. Considering a similar petrol car like a Vauxhall Astra of that vintage can be bought for £10,000 that is a payback of 10 years not allowing for interest which I have seen dealers quote at 13% up front and the petrol does not have to be pre-financed. A different world and the you have to wonder if the people who are forcing people down this route in such a hurry are aware of it or even care.
Don't forget, many, not all, major media outlet are owned by Hugh multinational corporations that have vested interests in the oil industry. Al least here in the States
Come on! All cars are electric - they must be, they have a 12v battery in them! :-)
Not only that but they use half as much electricity as would move an EV the same distance. Extracting and refining petrol uses rather a lot of energy.
I worked with TV journalists 35 years ago. I work with TV journalists today. They haven't changed. Only their source of stories has changed. They used to trawl through wire-feeds from news agencies like Reuters (still good), and then re-write the story. Pretty much copy-paste. Now they have Twitter (or X) and they work in the same way - copy paste. No skill. No thought. No research. Trouble is today, their source is rubbish, so their output is equally rubbish
They're no longer journalists, there churnalists. Churn an original article over and over. Accuracy is no longer important, being first with an article whether it is wrong or right - is.
They'd often churn, but they used to have enough money to have time to rewrite it so they weren't stealing.
@@AnonYmous-rw6un you're talking plagiarism. Rewriting or not, is plagiarism therefore still churning
That's incredibly generous of you, calling people who write for the Daily Mail "journalists"!
It rather shows the state of our 'Media', the 'old days' of actually having 'trained journalists' no longer exist my daughter was a local journalist but was pitifully paid and overworked - so she left. Our local rag now has sales of only a few hundred per week now - and they wonder why!!
The articles are designed for clicks but the overall aim is to contribute towards shaping opinions in a certain way, and 1 article doesn't cut it it has to be a drip drip drip of them to get the seeds planted in people's heads. More opinions == more engagement on future article about said opinion and the cycle continues.
This time it's EVs and Heat Pumps and whatever else thats from the status quo, but they'll move on once the clicks die down
Elvia Presley seen standing next to his broken down Electric car….now let’s see if this story makes the Daily Mail 😅
It would if it was Princess Di's standing there....... :-)
@@chrispenn715 That's the express :)
That might even beat the old "London Bus Found on Moon" headline. Remember that one?
There’s a Tesla floating around in space 😂
I could not agree more. The other day I read an article which said that EVs are not green because the give off rubber particulates from their tyres. This was written as if liquid fuel cars don't have tyres and don't pollute in the same way. Every time an EV catches fire, it's a headline... as if ICEs don't catch fire and you don't have 60 litres of highly inflammable liquid in the boot. I also saw an article entitled 'Can you take an Electric Car through a Carwash?'Duurrrrrrr. I have been driving electric vehicles for ten years now and I would never go back to an ice.
Follow politics, tech, and green tech and all three took a massive nosedive in accurate mainstream reporting (irresponsibly incorrect) in 2018 and its just got worse.
"Car does not particularly enjoy being exposed to deep water over time." Wow, who'd have thunk it!
It makes you wonder what boats are used for......
It’s almost reminds me of Covid and BS that went on then
Yes, a very similar scenario.....
It’s so frustrating because people are just repeating utter nonsense they get from media
Some people *need* something to believe in or follow, and EV's are the linchpin of the moment. The haters - most of whom have zero EV experience - will close ranks and dig in.... It will take oil running dry, or the oil companies no longer producing road fuel in huge quantities, to finally make them realise it's over.....
Firstly, You have to understand the massive amount of money (well into the billions) being poured into these types of media companies, mainly those owned by the Murdocks, (IE: News Corp) and similar conservative media, from the fossil fuel industry and auto dealers.
Secondly, you have to understand their reader and viewership audience, who are mostly a "herding" group of humans. Meaning they follow the herd and believe what they are told without questioning a single thing. And these media companies know that better than anyone.
And finally, some blame needs to go to the posters themselves. In this instant, the post needed to include in parenthesis, since she used the word "electric", that it's not an EV. IE: (it's not an EV).
No blame on her, she made a mistake calling an automatic transmission an electric transmission. It was in a tweet, which is not meant to be fact checked - it's just stream of consciousness and sometimes you just tweet the wrong thing. But some readers got hold of the wrong end of the stick by just picking up on literally one word (electric). The rest of her tweet made it clear what she was talking about and any reasonable reader would have understood (perhaps after a bit of puzzlement) what she meant.
@@andysimmonds4023 I'm not blaming her. You noticed I said "posters" not poster. I meant all of us. All people who post need to be very careful these days with the word electric and car/vehicle in the same post with all these anti-EV vultures around. She perhaps should talk to a councel as to possibly bringing a lawsuit as to her post being misused and twisted without her consent even after she clarified it.
40 odd years ago one of my work colleagues observed that tabloid newspaper headlines always included one of the following three words so their paper would get noticed:- Horror, Probe, Shock. They even started doing 2 out of three. This story would have merited a Horror, Shock (get the EV reference in!). Recent history might get me my own headline "Man drives to Sicily and back - never stops at a petrol station. Shock, Horror, Probe".
Years ago when the ‘migrant crisis’ was happening with alleged hoards of people trying to get in to people’s cars and breaking in
to trucks whilst queuing at the borders we were doing a cross European road trip.
I read a ‘live’ report of absolute chaos at the ferry ports in national media whilst sat in that same port. I had texts from family telling me to be ‘careful’ as the situation there isn’t great.
When we arrived, and whilst reading the ‘breaking news’ articles I found that everything was entirely normal with no sign of anything that the media reported.
The real shame is that when I reported my experience to family and friends they still believed the media’s account over mine and most were of the view I was ‘lucky’ or must have ‘just missed it’.
For anyone with a clue the phrase “gear box” is a giveaway that this isn’t an electric car…
But why are you so surprised?
Did you really expect anything more from the British press?
Fantastic video, well done for highlighting the appalling standards of the media
This is how these kind of articles were described to me: “Elon Musk rarely if ever advertises in The Mainstream Media (he generally organizes clever publicity stunts) General Motors spends three billion U.S. dollars a year on advertising. If you owned a newspaper or Media Outlet, whose side would you be on?” Add to that the general Fear of All Things New in the minds of the British Public and you have your Media Bias…
Interested in EV....but price. To much for me.... Its still early days yet.. Getting better, more range cheaper price but bit of a way to go yet.. Love the tech..... But at moment struggling to pay leccy bill running a home, companies making record profits with no sign of gov controlling the nightmare most face.... Still an option for better off, my old diesel still running fine... Until leccy prices, leccy cars come down a lot of people put off...... It will get better...... But not yet.
Many great points. EV ignorance, state of today’s media, questions about what are facts and what are errors taken as facts.
Hi my name MichaelO’Grady, thank you for your Utube channel, keep up your good work, i like electric cars and very often get into discussions in the local pub about them, as a retired electrician I have a degree of electrical knowledge but when people recount the recent electric car fires on board a cargo ship I’m not quite sure how to respond to such comments? What would be your response? I value your opinion . Regards Michael O’Grady
The days when real facts and evidence are considered inportant have long gone; perception is the new reality .
Ive tried to persuade my parents into getting one, couple of reasons why they still dont consider one.
1. Higher upfront cost
2. Range unless you go for a top spec model, we do a lot of miles from travelling for football matches
3. Charging infrastructure
4. They cant get rid of batteries in the mainstream market as of right now
All these reasons can be easily debunked, even the upfront costs (MG 4). Range is a function of charging speed, the charging infrastructure is ramping up massively all over the country. I respect it's their opinion, but from someone who's been running one for two years now, it's fine.
It’s just about generating clicks and views. Which means the incentive is to lie/remove context and make one side or both sides angry. Each side then shares. Comments. Views more ads and they get more cash.
O. M. G, E. V. M...!!
The standard of written English in these comments is AWFUL!!
... Just depressing, really!
I wonder if it correlates with the intellect of people who are anti EV.......!?
I lived in a two car household for years, but one of the reasons that I purchased my current 2023 Crosstrek PHEV is to cover all of my needs in a single package. I have to say that it was a great decision as well. I am not going to get stuck if the weather, temperature or routes do not have charging options or I lack the time to do so. In other words, no range anxiety, which is essential as I need to drive at least 750-900 km a week between city and long distance trips. It also allows me to pack all of my active gear, tools, camera gear, etc without issue. I would love to one day have a full EV as well, but the temperature ranges where I live make this a bit difficult as we can have -35C at times in winter and +40C at times in late spring and summer.
It’s not usually the owner who gets to write off the value of the car. It’s the insurance company who makes that decision. Often there is enough water damage just to the interior of the car to make it not repairable.
They are going to have to do a better job of journalism if they don't want to get replaced by an AI like ChatGPT.
Did you notice the Mirror's link still says 'electric-car' in the link, even after being "corrected".
You're so, so right about this. Professional journalists are simply not doing their jobs properly (maybe deliberately) if they disseminate unchecked information -- they should be ashamed. When people resort to spreading incorrect information to support a point of view they need to realise they're probably on the wrong side of the argument.
And these so called professional journalists frequently demonstrate their poor grasp of the King's English too. Grump grump
Robert from fully charged had a rant too, totally agree with you about the poor state of journalism.
Shocking, (no pun intended) truly shocking journalism!!!!
So, so true! If you know anything about something, somebody or somewhere that they are 'reporting' about, you can bet your life it'll be incorrect.
A couple of years ago, a local paper printed a story about my late grandfather, based entirely on a piece that had been written back in 1963 for the same paper. Back in those days the person who wrote it didn't make any errors of fact. He/she wrote that during the First World War he'd wanted to join the Royal Flying Corps but instead joined to the infantry. Just a few words in a long article.
The guy who wrote the recent article used this phrase to create a whole fantasy about my grandfather, that he was a 'Flying Ace' and 'He was one of the world’s first ever pilots'. Not a word of truth in it. He never travelled in a plane ever, let alone flew one. I eventually spoke to the Managing Editor and all she could say was that it wasn't actionable! I retorted that it wasn't true either and that I wanted it taking down from their website. (It was far too late for print - that was pulp by then)
How dare they concoct these distorted inaccurate lies?
Hanlon's razor says "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." However, in the case of journalism, I think that malice and incompetence occur in equal measure.
You're quite right Andy, Journalists these days don't do their homework. Just take huge paypackets for doing shoddy work. However I am not an EV fan until battery development improves and the high cost of owning one decreases.
The high cost of owning one? EVM bought a 2016 Renault Zoe with 35k miles on for £4400 just a few weeks back..... Something like that, along with a decent off-peak EV tariff, and you could be looking at 1.5p per mile motoring...... Not *that* high surely?
High cost of ownership? My Kia eNiro costs 2/3 as much to run as my wife's Kia Piccanto. That's a big difference.
Can't wait till there's another fuel strike crisis, they will blame the ev
For not queing at petrol stations to get charged 😅
What annoyed me during the previous fuel shortages was that even though they had LPG which I could have used, they still closed the service station locally.
The reason? They said "it would confuse people of they were open".
I guess a sign saying LPG ONLY was being possibility.
I appreciate you bringing us this conversation. We need to talk about things like this. So many others just don't or just join the haters.
Buy an electric and make use of how cheap it is to operate in the short run, while at the same time buying parts of a classic car and build that.
By the time you're done building the classic car, too many people will be using electric cars and destroying the grid, so that your classic car will then be the Mad Max grocery getter.
Well said. Crazy times
The mail, the mirror and the sun? Slightly less MSM than the Dandy.
Spot on. I feel your pain!!!
They are paid to be negative about EV’s. Especially when a car catches fire. Or the Chinese will have control over your car.
Years ago I had a small fire that was contained in the basement. the fire brigade were called and a tender put out the smoldering boxes that a faulty compressor had started. The headline was. "Road closed as flames stopped traffic." No it wasn't.That was in 1995.
It’s very similar to the ship fire report that was caused by an ev. Yep you guessed it. It had absolutely nothing to do with any
Of the 400 cars on the ship 300 ICE and 100 EV. It was caused by shipborne equipment
Took them 48hrs to correct that mistake.
The journalists absolutely did their job correctly. They got clicks, they got people talking about it - that's their job. Accuracy is part of their remit.
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story (click bait)
New one EV gets stranded in Cornish harbour and being surrounded by sea water, and the picture is of a Prius.
I get this all the time. I've been following electric car tech for at least 20years now, and I have friends that know it, but don't agree. One of them sent me a video about electric cars burning. There were about six shown in flames during the film. There was one that was so in flames it wasn't apparent what it was, but the others were all gas powered. For Pete's sake, the first was a Ford Taurus!
Fantastic rant you are at your best when you do. Thanks
Well said...I can't put it any better. Thanks for your content by the way, always informative and helpful!
To declare an interest I’m one of those people who is highly sceptical of EV’s being the only solution to personal transportation in the future but I’m totally with the content provider in this video that much of the MSM is waging an EV bashing campaign whether that be reposting false SM posts or reporting on ship fires etc.
Often backlashes like this come about due to it being popular to rail against government policies (no one likes to be told what to do or how to live their lives).
The success or otherwise of EV’s, sustainable fuel, hydrogen powered vehicles or other ways to allow us to get about in an environmentally friendly manner in the future will like most things in life come down to how much they cost us and whatever hits us in the wallet the least and in that respect the media whether they report accurately or report blatant lies will have minimal effect.
All that said whether people are pro, neutral or anti EV’s I hope they come to realise no one form of transport is the answer and demonising one of those solutions solves nothing.
I have read many news and review sites and I always find it interesting that when I already know the facts that I find many faults and inaccuracies with the reports, and as other people have already commented, make the obvious leap in logic that when I don't know the facts that the report is also probably wrong. I have come to the conclusion that most media outlets; be it newspaper, Internet or TV must be in one of three boxes:
1. Inept reporters.
2. Have an agenda.
3. Clickbait reward. So a deliberate lie will get rewards when the truth won't, for example: RUclips algorithms and Website/TV adverts.
I would have thought EV’s would be popular with mainstream media. It’s about saving the planet after all.
Why? They're about saving shareholder/owner profits, nothing else.
It’s the same with all cars and in particular with change! The problem is the useless government stance on EVs is what is causing the issue, if they allowed the EVs to organically grow in society we wouldn’t be having such divisive discussions
I work at 5/3rd Bank and we charge for free, they gave about 20 chargers at my location. They bought an Energy contract from a Solar company 5 years ago. When I go long and have to use a supercharger I spent $12 bucks to charge 280 miles. At 28 mpg that's would have been $44 bucks for gas. Oh yeah, Ohio is nuclear. Game over.....ICE is a end of life technology. Both GM and Toyota have cancelled their super V8 projects. It's over. It took about 15 years to replace horse and buggys. We are in year 3ish of this transition. 96% of EV drivers will NEVER buy a ICE vehicle again.