Looking very good! You've done a great job with the garden. Going to be edging mine at the start of next year to get a neater edge and avoid having to strim around the fence and fence posts. Will be using your method, so thanks 👍
Great series of videos and looks an amazing transformation. I follow your Chanel and enjoy your content. Just wondered what size timbers you used for your edging as I’m about to do mine? Maybe you could put links n the comment? That would be great. Thanks and keep the videos coming 👍
Those stains drive me mad! When we first moved in, the housing developer put something on them and they went, but within a few months they were back with a a vengeance. Tried to get them off myself, no chance! We are looking to get some trellis along the back wall to cover it so it doesn’t look too bad.
Thought about it but decided against it in the end as I can get the strimmer right up against the wall. Looking to put some flower beds around some of the edges at some point too.
Nice work buddy, the bottom lawn is looking really nice now 👌
looking great mate, giving me loads of ideas for mine. Nice one
I absolutely love this series! Keep it up!
Looking very good! You've done a great job with the garden. Going to be edging mine at the start of next year to get a neater edge and avoid having to strim around the fence and fence posts. Will be using your method, so thanks 👍
Cheers ! Hope it all goes well 👍🏻
This is awesome
Keep it up 👍👍
Ahh, here it is !! :D
Great series of videos and looks an amazing transformation. I follow your Chanel and enjoy your content. Just wondered what size timbers you used for your edging as I’m about to do mine? Maybe you could put links n the comment? That would be great. Thanks and keep the videos coming 👍
They were 100x20 from what I can remember. I just got them from B&Q - made sure to get pressure treated. Still going strong a couple of years in!
And cheers - appreciate the nice words! 👍🏻
Where did you get the flat and corner brackets from?
What border did you use pal? Is it treated? Thanks
Don't use Buxus, use Ilex Crenata instead. No dramas with Box Blight, Caterpillar etc
Can you power wash the wall. Those white stains just stand out more & more as make this AMAZING transformation!
Those stains drive me mad! When we first moved in, the housing developer put something on them and they went, but within a few months they were back with a a vengeance. Tried to get them off myself, no chance!
We are looking to get some trellis along the back wall to cover it so it doesn’t look too bad.
@@NoviceGardener If the white stains are salts from bricks, wire brushing is best.
Hi mate, great job, what wood did you use for the bordering?
It was 20mm by 100mm. Make sure it’s treated so that it last longer 👍🏻
What was the size of the posts?
How deep is the wood ??
Each of the posts are 100mm deep, double the thickness of the boards
What size wood did you use for edging ?
It was 100x20 mm - I think 1800mm in length from what I can remember
Are they just standard treated timber fence boards?
Just standard treated timber. I forget the exact size. I just went to B&Q with my measurements and found whatever I thought would be best 👍🏻
What wood did you use for this
I just used pressure treated stuff from B&Q. Any pressure treated wood will do the job.
Surpirsed you didnt frame along the fence and the wall at the back
Thought about it but decided against it in the end as I can get the strimmer right up against the wall. Looking to put some flower beds around some of the edges at some point too.