My Grandpa was Romani but left the community, married a Ukrainian woman and moved to America. He changed his last name and told everyone he was Polish instead. Personally I find the culture and history fascinating, although I don't look it, I am part Roma and proud!
Gypsies are indeed from India. All Gypsies carry the Indian H1a1a haplotype genetic marker which has been tested in a few thousand Rroma. Gypsies are descendant from a population of about about 1000 individuals that left North Western India 1400 years ago.
I was always ashamed of being romani because of the reputation we carried. I would say I was asian and or Mexican, or half black. I was able and could pass for a lot of other ethnic groups. Blending in was easy and a blessing.
Doesn't mean they have to go to India.But it can help the gypsy to find an identity and sense of belonging and the approval of the indian government for that is a good thing.
+BadRomaMan1 The govt of India acknowledges Roma population as Children of India but fights for your rights in Europe and else where. Be happy Mother India backs you !!
+tellsaurabh I have nothing against the Indian people but the fact is I am (ROM) which translates to my people Indians are by no means my people and it is your motherland not mine I do not believe them are from India being referred to as so-called Gypsy does not make any one ROM\ my people is just a big stupid illusion that a lot of people have
+zbad rom Belief does not accompany proof. You may not be an Indian Roma but many out there are and there are a lot of genetic and cultural evidence to prove it. Govt of India will otherwise not back any population outside India unless they are Indian citizens.
My adoptive daughter is Roma, not that anyone would know it because she looks and acts like any other American. Claiming that all Roma do not want to work is wrong and insulting. My daughter is about to head off to college in the fall to get a degree in Occupational Therapy and I'm proud of her.
Well yeah, because you raised her right. She was not raised in Gypsy culture because you adopted her. If she was raised in her native culture she would be a thief too.
Welsh part west Asia thing blank out somes the anti psychotic medication make people very bad Wales all anti psychotic.and drug s fuck with welsh and English heads
Lot mess up anti psychotic drugs fuck humans with drugs be more lot of white on drugs kill someone kill them self's so fuck in head drugs put into humans brain damage
I'm an American and she's pretty much on point, most of us know nothing about gypsies. I've always thought gypsies were exotic and cool until my British friend told me the exact opposite....
I wouldn't listen to your British friend either. They treat gypsies like Americans treat Mexicans. I'm a Romani American and European people treat me like shit when they come here and I was born here in America.
its stupid how white American population like to ask everyone about their ethnicity. not be racist but do an average white american really ask other white about his or her ethnicity. to show how shallow minded the Europeans are in which white Americans decended from; they called gypsies gypsies just because they thought they were from egypt. no matter how advanced they are they will remain ignorant just because their culture is shallow. i think white americans should be called gypsies not the gypsies because they possess all the bad habits the gypsies are accused of.
+Megan Brayton go take advantage of other people. europe hahaha. what is the situation of algerians in france, the turks in germany. can you please bring me one good thing a white man brought to others. I'm glad im not white because if i was i would kill myself.
Many Europeans are racist towards Roma people so don't listen to your friend's negative opinions. The Roma are treated in Europe just as Black people were treated by white Americans in the 1950s/60s. What's important to know is that the Roma are an ethnic group from India with a specific culture, and who have to be treated equally just as anyone else.
Gypsies have always faced challenges, such as understanding: Basic human decency, knowledge of laws, basic human decency, littering (environment), private property, English (or French, Spanish etc. relative to the country they're in), hygiene and, of course, basic human decency.
I'm stupid? No offence, mate, but I am quite an intellectual man. How am I a hypocrite? Because white males before I was even conceived committed crimes and now I'm to punish for those? Or because you assume that I have broken a law? Well, if it's the latter, then I can assure you that I hold a high respect for the law, and hold an utter hatred for people that choose to disrespect it. Now however, that is not to say that I haven't broken a law, as I regularly smoke weed. Furthermore, though, I have never seen any group of people that care so little about their surroundings and culture as much as gypsies. If you want me to be more specific, then yes, I do believe in private property, and I believe that whenever somebody comes and attacks you on said property, that you have the absolute right to dispose of them. My private property is my house, and when they come around looking for a pet to take or bicycle, I wouldn't hesitate to brutally attack them if they stepped through my gate and into my yard. If they tried to take my pet, then they would have at-least 10 stab wounds, and I would declare personal war upon Gypsies. I disrespect Gypsies because no other race has ever tried to steal THREE of my friends motorbikes, littered like their life depended on it (whilst leaving us to clean the mess), shout loudly in the street at 3am on a Monday, use horses as transportation in the 21st century (who cleans their waste? Oh yeah, us), and have actually tried to steal pets for fighting. Yes, you read that right. Gypsies would come down our neighbourhood, paint on our fences if we owned a dog, and then they would come later on to steal the dog to use in dog-fighting rings. They are scum, maybe you are the exception, but until they change, they are NOT welcome around here.
I'm not a Gypsy nazi, I'm not even a hateful person. I just don't like being disrespected. If I saw you and you were obeying the laws, I would see no reason for us to not be friends. You sound like an alright person, and I meant no disrespect towards you, only to the ones that litter and make a mess on our fields.
Gypsies are low caste Indians of the northwest frontier, and being from India I know how these low caste people think, they have no ambition or desire to start business or work, they; they are only good for menial labor.
I come from a large Hungarian Roma family musicians I'm very proud to be Roma my family I have a beautiful kind talented people music Hungarian gypsy music
Kristina Hosszu I’m half, my parents are from Serbia. My grand father was cerni Steva. Family of successful musicians who played 4 president Tito at the time. I was born in Canada so I can’t relate to all these stereotypes I hear.
The legend (in which I am convinced the Romani parents tell to their sons and daughters) goes: A Romani (gypsy) blacksmith was addressed by God in a dream, where he was told to make four nails, but only hand over three, as the fourth was intended to pierce the heart of Jesus. In return God gave his descendants the right to wander the earth, rather than cursing, them to it) and also the right to steal from non-Romanies, without breaking the 7th of the Ten Commandments "Thou shalt not steal".
It must be difficult to have such a hardened identity that is defined by such narrow parameters. People need to have an open mind no matter what their ethnicity. They fight because they are so closed minded.
The Romani are but one tribe of many different ethnic Gypsies that migrated out of India,north Africa and Persia as refugees exiled from their homeland 1500 years ago and spread out all over Europe and Russia
The Romani language is an Indo-aryan language originate in Northwest of India is a mix languages: Gujarati, Punjabi , Rajasthani,Sanskrit, Hindi Pothwari , Armenian ,and Greek language.
They were lower caste people working with team and showing dance moves, singing etc. then they started their journey towards West and reached Europe in 1000 or 900 CE
I'm an American gypsy I speak fluent in English and in gypsy I was born in America but neither English or Romani was my first language I basically spoke both languages I can give some examples sun: kham sugar: cheeketi bad luck or unlucky person: prekaza be baxtalo pretty: shukahd ugly: man: jungalo woman: jungalie food: khabay chair: skameen
Many blend in with those of us who are of the brown, olive skin people deep dark brunette people, Latinos, Arabs, Sicilians, Armenians, East Indians, Andalusians. We are one people of this complexion, hair color, many blondes and Redheads would call us swarthy, which is a very Racist term for us who have these ethnic features.
Lived in Germany for few years and there was a Gypsy camp that was coming at a famous Frankfurt DIY skate spot. The skaters got along great with them but the locals would talk badly about them. I didn't get it, I didn't and still dont understand the hate they get. They were cool people, why all the hate? Anyways, i like the gypsy people. The kids would cheer as we skated the parents were laid back. This video didn't really answer my question for the hate though.
In reply to Bruce Rouse's "authoritative" comment on Roma origins, while he might suggest spellcheck, he needs to fact check both genetically and linguistically, Romani has a HUGE number of non-Punjabi words that are actually Gujarati and Rajasthani/Marwari, which would preclude that the Romale are homogenously from Punjabi heritage. If you even listen to spoken Romani, it doesn't have any of the nasal tones which are prominent in Punjabi but not the other Indo-Aryan Indian languages. Not sure where the perpetuation of the ethnocentric Punjab region only migration comes from other than comments like his.
Tell us what you do for a living then and do you actually have a house, go by a real name, and send your kids to school? Because most in your culture don't and those are just facts.
In Europe And Middle East As well as parts of Central Asia Romanis may be the most discriminated against but in The Americas it is The Amerindians that are the most discriminated against
I am an American and I happen to know allot about Romainian gypsies first hand. I am related to two who have been US citizens for 11 years. This video is right, but Gypsies in Europe live horrible lives on average. These roma on the video are really awesome and quite different; they are actually working for a better life.
Super, that is what they believe. Gypsies most likely did not really come from India but migrated there. Took on some of the language but that wasn't their true home either.
Ever heard of spellchecker? According to DNA analysis, the initial founding group of Romani likely departed from what is now the Punjab state in northwestern India close to the year 500 CE. From there, they likely traveled through Central Asia and the Middle East but appear to have mingled only moderately with local populations there. The subsequent doorway to Europe seems to have been the Balkan area-specifically Bulgaria-from which the Romani began dispersing around 1,100 CE.
I can't believe you are saying that, If you have experienced the Holy Spirit you would know that is just not the case. I am a gypsy, And I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. I have and do experience the Holy Spirit . That is a crazy statement Maraide45
I do not know how accurate this is or not, it would be lovely to talk to someone from the culture and find out first hand. Regardless, I feel it is important break through stereotypes. Honestly what little I heard about persecution and things like that...I would assume that Roma people are an amazingly strong group of people, and the ability to survive despite persecution is to be admired.
I recommend you go to if you do want to find out more about them Romani but be warned do to harassment she will be shutting down soon.
kelsey conder "but I'm just" no "but", we live in a world where taking steps to make the world better is difficult. People are desensitized to acts that are hurtful, and when they can not defuse the guilt they rationalize or justify their actions. I try to remind myself everyday to do something to improve the world. Somedays I fail but the truth of the situation is apparent comparing my "worst days" with my "helpful days". If I have an odd day and I snap at someone they may snap back but usually they ignore me like they are used to it. When I do small acts of kindness, like helping a mom trying to tie a tree on her car at the store or giving up something I wanted so someone else could have it.....people frequently look at me like I am some alien creature they have never encountered before. "But" implies that what you did was nothing kind act is unimportant. ^_^
Can anyone tell me why Roma gypsies, who have roots in other countries like Romania, are Protestant in the US rather than Romanian Orthodox like in their country of origin?
Most Americans only know the fairytale version of what it means to be Romani. As a non-Romani person I have learned so much within these past few years.
I'm 58. I grew up in a village (pop.500) in NE. Every year the gypsies came through and asked the mayor if they could stay in the park by the church. He always said "yes" All I remember is how perfectly beautiful they were and how shiny their wagons were (enamel?) and the matchless horses. Our farm folk came and bought those gorgeous horses. Now, I live in a city, and see those beautiful people in top-of-the-lime Winnebago's. They are still beautiful, but I miss the horses.
it is a insult to when you call Aroma Indian there's a word in Romani language guyjo. a man not of our race Indians are no exception that's why it's an insult I know you mean well but you're the Indian not me I am a ROM which means one of my people has nothing to do with India
I am looking to contact a Gypsy (Roma) family and confirm that their my language is common, at least some words as I hail from Rajasthan, India from where Gypsies originally are. I found a few common words when I took a Taxi in paris with a Gypsy driver.
Continuation 2 - Just recently (3 months ago) a project of integrating them into society where from 12 Gypsies 3 abandoned the project and 2 didn't pass the final test.We've been trying to teach them into construction jobs but they don't want to work cuz they earn 1500$/month (here is a huge wage) by begging.There are 2 types of Gypsies.The ones more wealthier which call themselves Roma and the poorer Gypsy ones.The Roma hate Gypsies.
Its really pathetic., why these stigma are on gypsies?. is not possible to provide them citizenship in respective country so that they can live peacefully, dignified and come into mainstream.
Dr. Tanaji Rathod I suspect gypsies came from somewhere before India and travelled there. I believe they were once slaves before coming to India. Notice the middle eastern/Indian look? Look at Pashtuns, Native Americans and you'll see what I'm talking about. No matter where they go, they are always treated as if they aren't home. Even if they went to India. They were somewhere else before migrating to India.
Deleted Toon hiii..yes u re right..Gypsy came from Israel nd re lost tribes of Israel..orthodox jews have same strict culture nd so do pashtoon ppl...bravo u re intelligent...indeed gypsy are not indian ..all gypsyies round gloube belive in one God have same rules..pashtoon re closest in culture in costuums in dance in looks
Deleted Toon I have also an opinion about the origin of the gypsy people! They could be Afghans, Pakistani or Bangladeshi but mixed with people in the near-east!
Deleted Toon I have also an opinion about the origin of the gypsy people! They could be Afghans, Pakistani or Bangladeshi but mixed with people in the near-east!
@TheEuropeanDream No, they are not Romanians nor from Romania. They are called the Rom and their origins are most likely from Northern India. You're as bad as people who think Austrians are from Australia.
I'm banjara,and my family from Maharashtra of banjara also called lambani/lambadi,that's why Romani,lambani,banjara,gypsy....all are same origin.
That's a good story but it's not true Roma do not originate from India there is nothing Indian in their culture and you do not speak or understand the Romani language Roma do not practice Indian laws they do practice Jewish laws and believe in the Jewish god only and hold no loyalty to India we are our own race we are not from your country never was and being referred to as Gypsy does not make nobody Roma which means our people
@@Cloudnp9458 there is no such team as gypsy Roma's were mistaken to be Egyptian by the Greeks or maybe they claim to be Egyptian because Roma do not always admit to what they are therefore Gypsy does not exist what Greeks have ever mistaken Indians to be Egyptians certainly not I don't know how or why those people from Rajasthan also referred to as Gypsy but they are not related to Roma which literally means our people when we see a stranger we say to each other ROM that means my people there is nothing nothing Indian in our culture of course more than 90% of Roma today are Christians worldwide the only God they believe in is Odell who is the god of the Jews but Roma accepted his son who is also referred to as odile meaning God and the Holy Spirit is also referred to as Odell but they have specific names for each one of them I won't go into that but my point is they believe only in the Jewish god and practice the law of Moses worldwide that could not have come from India Roma are their own race they do have similarities to ancient Israel there's more to it but if you don't get the point by now you never will and Indians deserve no credit for the Romani people which I am proud to be a part of
My step dad is half Moldavian and half Romani. He is the most honest and hard working guy I know. Never cheated anyone. He now runs a semi trucking company in the states that provides jobs for eastern Europeans who couldn't get a job anywhere else because of the language barrier.
This is great. Only fools would say that being one way or the other is inherent. However, the stereotypes didn't come about by accident. I've witnessed it first hand. It is probably still rare, but the frequency is far higher than it should be.
The situation in the Czech rep and Hungary is fucked up no question. The great thing about living here in North America is we can pass as tanned white people, or part Indian, or just random unknown ethnicity and so don't face any real discrimination. History is a bitch in Central/Eastern Europe.
Sorry but excuse me , my family are gypsies and I have never known one of them not to put in a hard days work. And as far as gadje are concerned, I have always been taught to be nice but not to get to close. We never expected anyone to take care of our needs except us. (period)
"ethnically totally indian and still with her people's culture/mentality" 1: "Totally Indian" is a bit difficult to claim. It's like saying that Black Irish are "Totally Spanish". Most Indians do not follow anything that resembles Roma culture, either. 2: It's fair to distinguish Roma from Romanians, but what they said of this family is correct in this context. They are "Romanian Gypsies"; Gypsies from Romania.
i work wth the travellers now and they're not trying to blend in wth anybody and just like any group you have bad and good but everyone ive met and dealt wth are just people trying to take care of their family and shiiiiid we may work 7 days a week so thats alot of money so for the most part they have no reason to steal ANYTHING if i need anything the guy i work WITH is on top of it and all the judgement comes from silly mfs not understanding because they keep to themselves
Te aves bahtalo, is great that you were taught to be nice with gaje and do something like work for a living. As I am a gypsy too, born and raised in a typical community, I can tell you that I havent seen many like your family. By the way, where you from? (I am from Romania). We were taught to take advantage of gaje in every possibile way. Cos that's the chacho rrom, if you understand what I meen
they are from northerwest india, district punjab n rajastan.They are from the jaat clan.They do look indian but not as dark as the native indians in India.Jaat in india will be consider fair skin n roma gypies are light skin too.They are from the jaat punjabi race.Jaat punjabi are also in rajastan n pakistan.They were the last group ppl to enter India.Jaats are roman gypies.
+BadRomaMan1 Your brothers are jaat punjabi.They are farmers in punjab.If you see a jaat punjabi they look very much like roma gypies.In India jaat punjabi are seen as light colour, they are a separate race from native Indians.They are sythian race who migrated to india.They are not native Indians.Native Indians are much darker.You are from jaat punjabi race. roma gypies=jaat punjabi. Your roma gypies language is similiar to punjabi.Google it.
+BadRomaMan1 gypies are from India mate.You are a jaat gypies but over the time you have mixed with Europeans. You are from jaat race from punjab India.Jaat punjabi are farmers in India n they have the same looks as roma gypies.If you see a jaat punjabi without his turban i mean clean shave, he look like roma gypies.😎
Ian Hancock don't know his history! The From are from northern Israel, we are the 1st tribe of Judah called Levit. we warred with India and was taken as slaves until we escaped in the late to early 12th 13 the century. We where not Christians but followed Moses law even until today.. because we wasn't Christians when we went to the city or (foros) to buy goods nobody would sell to us, because there were children at home the Rom had no choice but to steal foods. In Spain at this time the sold
She still speaks Romanian and lived in Romania. It's probably been several centuries since her ancestors went to Europe. That's fair enough. Many French descend from German ancestors and vice versa; they're still French or German.
I've been told a few times I look like a gypsy plus a few times I have an old soul... I am a colorful person and love everything and believe in everything! Life is full of surprises!!
Coninuation - Whenever they're an argument between 2 clans here,police send 3-4-5 vans fool of special forces to calm them.If there only 1 there,they don't get involved.You need 4-5 vans full or special forces cops and Gendarmerie with machine guns to calm them down.
It's true it's been much easier to integrate into U.S. society. After overcoming initial racial discrimination between the old world side of the family vs. the Rroma side, descendants, like me, have been able to move on and do whatever we wish without worrying about stereotypes, except from ignorant people we wouldn't have to deal with anyway--because we've surpassed them in education and are impervious to their insults.
gypsies are from india like black people are from africa , romanians are not all gypsies , and gypsies are not all from romanians, u have to learn more about "ur people"
They generally adopt whatever religion is popular in the area they settle. It's like part of blending in in their opinion. Gypsies don't have their own religion.
I have never met a Roma in my life but can understand half of their words. They come from where I am from. Rajasthan, India. We still use the same words today. Same proverbs and even same purity codes.
***** hiii... no u re wrong gypsy ppl are not Dom or Indian..they lived in India nd came out ..why are no gypsy ppl in India..gypsy ppl are lost tribes of Israel old testament nd u will understand...gypsy ppl have closeest culture to Pashtoon ppl from Afghanistan.
***** i know alot about Rroma ppl nd culture nd religion..never ever were Rroma ppl Dom or originaly from India.Rroma ppl have same culture as Pashtoon ppl ..go biggest research ever about Rroma from Avram Sandor check Google..
i dnt see no relation btw Dom nd Rroma nd nthng btw them nd Hindu ...Dom ppl went to war yes ...but not Rroma ppl..end what i asked u ...thnx ahead ...stay safe..dnt let u be fooled by media ..reserach
The only exposure I had of gypsies at an early age was from the disney movie hunchback of notre dame. I thought they were like Esmeralda: exotic, mysterious, talented, and beautiful. Unless you were from Europe did you really think gypsies as theives. But then again europeans are very jugmental not just of gypsies but of americans too.
@DrAbdiDalmar - Uh, no. This is a pitiful generalization. Any educated person who takes time to use logic will analyze this statement and see nothing but flaws.
Thats why we would find out that those that are not mix, actually are very brown on their skin color. those that are already mix with local people, are actually like a lot of mexicans now days, mestisos or mix people. Spain has the same problem just as well as Italy or Poland. They were people from the middle east. The reason they are what they are today; is only because they are rejects for looking different along they're history.
All gypsy are traveled from Rajasthan which is a State of republic of India. There ancestoral lineage is Indian. Indian government should talk with USA government for there welfare and for better lifhood in USA.
Roma culture is fascinating. I am so grateful for documentaries like this, as I know so little about Romani, even when in my own country the Romani population is high and there is such as huge imprint of its culture in the south of the country.
My Grandpa was Romani but left the community, married a Ukrainian woman and moved to America. He changed his last name and told everyone he was Polish instead. Personally I find the culture and history fascinating, although I don't look it, I am part Roma and proud!
Gypsies are indeed from India. All Gypsies carry the Indian H1a1a haplotype genetic marker which has been tested in a few thousand Rroma.
Gypsies are descendant from a population of about about 1000 individuals that left North Western India 1400 years ago.
I was always ashamed of being romani because of the reputation we carried. I would say I was asian and or Mexican, or half black. I was able and could pass for a lot of other ethnic groups. Blending in was easy and a blessing.
+Gypsy Girl Crystal don't be ashamed i am gypsy i am not ashamed
stewart small
I am no longer ashamed thank you though =]
You are Indian.. Time detached you from ours.... We r wid u😢
Gypsy and Romani should be accepted by the Indian government as one of the lost indian tribes.
Doesn't mean they have to go to India.But it can help the gypsy to find an identity and sense of belonging and the approval of the indian government for that is a good thing.
+BadRomaMan1 The govt of India acknowledges Roma population as Children of India but fights for your rights in Europe and else where. Be happy Mother India backs you !!
+tellsaurabh I have nothing against the Indian people but the fact is I am (ROM) which translates to my people Indians are by no means my people and it is your motherland not mine I do not believe them are from India being referred to as so-called Gypsy does not make any one ROM\ my people is just a big stupid illusion that a lot of people have
+zbad rom Belief does not accompany proof. You may not be an Indian Roma but many out there are and there are a lot of genetic and cultural evidence to prove it. Govt of India will otherwise not back any population outside India unless they are Indian citizens.
My adoptive daughter is Roma, not that anyone would know it because she looks and acts like any other American. Claiming that all Roma do not want to work is wrong and insulting. My daughter is about to head off to college in the fall to get a degree in Occupational Therapy and I'm proud of her.
Well yeah, because you raised her right. She was not raised in Gypsy culture because you adopted her. If she was raised in her native culture she would be a thief too.
Do you think the reputation started because of discrimination throughout the centuries? Just curious.
I am banjara. & My family from Rajastan & Gujarat Of India. I Think indian banjaras, Romani & Gypsies are same Community.
Welsh men love Roma gipsey woman
Welsh part west Asia thing blank out somes the anti psychotic medication make people very bad Wales all anti psychotic.and drug s fuck with welsh and English heads
Lot mess up anti psychotic drugs fuck humans with drugs be more lot of white on drugs kill someone kill them self's so fuck in head drugs put into humans brain damage
Some does very evil brain damage is cause
Say have damage right side of brain
Romani are indian ethnicity 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
I'm an American and she's pretty much on point, most of us know nothing about gypsies. I've always thought gypsies were exotic and cool until my British friend told me the exact opposite....
I wouldn't listen to your British friend either. They treat gypsies like Americans treat Mexicans. I'm a Romani American and European people treat me like shit when they come here and I was born here in America.
its stupid how white American population like to ask everyone about their ethnicity. not be racist but do an average white american really ask other white about his or her ethnicity. to show how shallow minded the Europeans are in which white Americans decended from; they called gypsies gypsies just because they thought they were from egypt. no matter how advanced they are they will remain ignorant just because their culture is shallow. i think white americans should be called gypsies not the gypsies because they possess all the bad habits the gypsies are accused of.
+Megan Brayton go take advantage of other people. europe hahaha. what is the situation of algerians in france, the turks in germany. can you please bring me one good thing a white man brought to others. I'm glad im not white because if i was i would kill myself.
Mohammed Ismail that's a disgusting thing to say I'm not white either.
Many Europeans are racist towards Roma people so don't listen to your friend's negative opinions. The Roma are treated in Europe just as Black people were treated by white Americans in the 1950s/60s. What's important to know is that the Roma are an ethnic group from India with a specific culture, and who have to be treated equally just as anyone else.
Gypsies have always faced challenges, such as understanding: Basic human decency, knowledge of laws, basic human decency, littering (environment), private property, English (or French, Spanish etc. relative to the country they're in), hygiene and, of course, basic human decency.
I'm stupid? No offence, mate, but I am quite an intellectual man.
How am I a hypocrite? Because white males before I was even conceived committed crimes and now I'm to punish for those? Or because you assume that I have broken a law? Well, if it's the latter, then I can assure you that I hold a high respect for the law, and hold an utter hatred for people that choose to disrespect it. Now however, that is not to say that I haven't broken a law, as I regularly smoke weed. Furthermore, though, I have never seen any group of people that care so little about their surroundings and culture as much as gypsies.
If you want me to be more specific, then yes, I do believe in private property, and I believe that whenever somebody comes and attacks you on said property, that you have the absolute right to dispose of them. My private property is my house, and when they come around looking for a pet to take or bicycle, I wouldn't hesitate to brutally attack them if they stepped through my gate and into my yard. If they tried to take my pet, then they would have at-least 10 stab wounds, and I would declare personal war upon Gypsies.
I disrespect Gypsies because no other race has ever tried to steal THREE of my friends motorbikes, littered like their life depended on it (whilst leaving us to clean the mess), shout loudly in the street at 3am on a Monday, use horses as transportation in the 21st century (who cleans their waste? Oh yeah, us), and have actually tried to steal pets for fighting. Yes, you read that right. Gypsies would come down our neighbourhood, paint on our fences if we owned a dog, and then they would come later on to steal the dog to use in dog-fighting rings.
They are scum, maybe you are the exception, but until they change, they are NOT welcome around here.
I'm not a Gypsy nazi, I'm not even a hateful person. I just don't like being disrespected. If I saw you and you were obeying the laws, I would see no reason for us to not be friends. You sound like an alright person, and I meant no disrespect towards you, only to the ones that litter and make a mess on our fields.
Gypsies are low caste Indians of the northwest frontier, and being from India I know how these low caste people think, they have no ambition or desire to start business or work, they; they are only good for menial labor.
Biscally like black people
this statement is correct
Wonderful to discover that Roma/gypsy are actually Indians from North India!!
Language, customs, dresses are all similar, really impressed that they traveled thousands of miles facing so much persecution
@@thethinkingcap8296 Gypsies will never unite because Muslims and Christians are different from religion.
@@gypsyhistory4641 you are right... It can only be a miracle now for them to recognize that they have same roots
@@thethinkingcap8296 Bulgaria is Christian but the gypsies are Muslim. Gypsies can establish a country there. 'Cause there were so many fights
I come from a large Hungarian Roma family musicians I'm very proud to be Roma my family I have a beautiful kind talented people music Hungarian gypsy music
Kristina Hosszu I’m half, my parents are from Serbia. My grand father was cerni Steva. Family of successful musicians who played 4 president Tito at the time. I was born in Canada so I can’t relate to all these stereotypes I hear.
Kristina Hosszu I think Roma ppl are more accepted in certain Eastern European countries
We still have major discrimination here in the US as well.
The panhandler on the side of the road with their kids as props don't help the image of Romani people
I'm an American and I didn't know what a Gypsy was until one tried to steal my luggage at a train station in Europe.
John Adams luggage ?
The legend (in which I am convinced the Romani parents tell to their sons and daughters) goes:
A Romani (gypsy) blacksmith was addressed by God in a dream, where he was told to make four nails, but only hand over three, as the fourth was intended to pierce the heart of Jesus. In return God gave his descendants the right to wander the earth, rather than cursing, them to it) and also the right to steal from non-Romanies, without breaking the 7th of the Ten Commandments "Thou shalt not steal".
It must be difficult to have such a hardened identity that is defined by such narrow parameters. People need to have an open mind no matter what their ethnicity. They fight because they are so closed minded.
The Romani are but one tribe of many different ethnic Gypsies that migrated out of India,north Africa and Persia as refugees exiled from their homeland 1500 years ago and spread out all over Europe and Russia
A think that the original gypsies came from what is now India and in southern Europe you can still see that in their skin colour and shape.
The Romani language is an Indo-aryan language originate in Northwest of India is a mix languages: Gujarati, Punjabi , Rajasthani,Sanskrit, Hindi Pothwari , Armenian ,and Greek language.
+Adrian i am a gypsy it is not aryan language
Many of the Indian languages you have mentioned are much younger.
@@roosterkicksass2 sure It s rromani language it SIMILAR like hindi search wikipedia
They were lower caste people working with team and showing dance moves, singing etc. then they started their journey towards West and reached Europe in 1000 or 900 CE
@@chunk63708 Actually there were Prakrits (regional versions of Sanskrit spoken by people) of from where these modern languages came
Their ancestors come from INDIA.
hence have indian blood
Gypsies in Turkey and Bulgaria are similar to Indians. Gypsies in America are not like
I'm an American gypsy I speak fluent in English and in gypsy I was born in America but neither English or Romani was my first language I basically spoke both languages I can give some examples sun: kham sugar: cheeketi bad luck or unlucky person: prekaza be baxtalo pretty: shukahd ugly: man: jungalo woman: jungalie food: khabay chair: skameen
Latscho dives prala miros
Baal hair, naak nose ,muh aouth your are indian bro
@@RajendraKumar-tz3byThey are not Indian anymore they are mixed with different races over the years so now let's called them mixed race
They are Indian
1,000,000 with an estimated USA population of 311,584,051 in 2011 --> 0.03%. That guy was pretty spot on
Many blend in with those of us who are of the brown, olive skin people deep dark brunette people, Latinos, Arabs, Sicilians, Armenians, East Indians, Andalusians. We are one people of this complexion, hair color, many blondes and Redheads would call us swarthy, which is a very Racist term for us who have these ethnic features.
Lived in Germany for few years and there was a Gypsy camp that was coming at a famous Frankfurt DIY skate spot. The skaters got along great with them but the locals would talk badly about them. I didn't get it, I didn't and still dont understand the hate they get. They were cool people, why all the hate? Anyways, i like the gypsy people. The kids would cheer as we skated the parents were laid back. This video didn't really answer my question for the hate though.
A lot of them stole from people
In reply to Bruce Rouse's "authoritative" comment on Roma origins, while he might suggest spellcheck, he needs to fact check both genetically and linguistically, Romani has a HUGE number of non-Punjabi words that are actually Gujarati and Rajasthani/Marwari, which would preclude that the Romale are homogenously from Punjabi heritage. If you even listen to spoken Romani, it doesn't have any of the nasal tones which are prominent in Punjabi but not the other Indo-Aryan Indian languages. Not sure where the perpetuation of the ethnocentric Punjab region only migration comes from other than comments like his.
I think she's cute - Don't care what others say.
@@The1200r nobody said this but your totally right.
@Norman I' m not a gypsy, which makes things a bit difficult. But most importantly I wouldn't know how to find her.
@@The1200r Sure. Physical attraction is subjective, personal, irrational, illogical and definitely not a 'brain' thing, but rather a 'body' thing.
So because I am Romani I am automatically a thief and a drug dealer. Nice.
Return to your homeland, India :)
well to be fair, i am, lol kidding of course
Indian Skeptic yup we'll accept romanis happily. Stop being jerks to them.
Thank you for admitting this
Tell us what you do for a living then and do you actually have a house, go by a real name, and send your kids to school? Because most in your culture don't and those are just facts.
In Europe And Middle East As well as parts of Central Asia Romanis may be the most discriminated against but in The Americas it is The Amerindians that are the most discriminated against
0:26 Looks very Indian !!
They have indian genes..
Gypsies are Indians
Gypsies are originally Indian tribe from Punjab region
I am an American and I happen to know allot about Romainian gypsies first hand. I am related to two who have been US citizens for 11 years. This video is right, but Gypsies in Europe live horrible lives on average. These roma on the video are really awesome and quite different; they are actually working for a better life.
Hey Paul gypsys are from India they travelled the middle east to.get to get to Europe where
well maybe your ancestors travelled from india to egypt. where you from?
Me to I was wondering why that was. Lol
Well you know know what they say we're romas which means we Rome the world
***** interesting
Super, that is what they believe. Gypsies most likely did not really come from India but migrated there. Took on some of the language but that wasn't their true home either.
***** where you from
I am thankful for this documentary. I have been called a liar, while explaining being Rroma, because of all of these stereotypes. It's unfair.
Ever heard of spellchecker? According to DNA analysis, the initial founding group of Romani likely departed from what is now the Punjab state in northwestern India close to the year 500 CE. From there, they likely traveled through Central Asia and the Middle East but appear to have mingled only moderately with local populations there. The subsequent doorway to Europe seems to have been the Balkan area-specifically Bulgaria-from which the Romani began dispersing around 1,100 CE.
I can't believe you are saying that, If you have experienced the Holy Spirit you would know that is just not the case. I am a gypsy, And I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. I have and do experience the Holy Spirit . That is a crazy statement Maraide45
We are all humans after all.God blessed you all.
After all that’s what Romano means. Opre mire manush!
@@friedsalmons8377 manush is sankrit word for human, manushya
I do not know how accurate this is or not, it would be lovely to talk to someone from the culture and find out first hand. Regardless, I feel it is important break through stereotypes. Honestly what little I heard about persecution and things like that...I would assume that Roma people are an amazingly strong group of people, and the ability to survive despite persecution is to be admired.
I recommend you go to
if you do want to find out more about them Romani but be warned do to harassment she will be shutting down soon.
Thank you
Christina Stevenson
You're welcome but I'm just doing what little I can to make the world a little better. ^-^
kelsey conder "but I'm just" no "but", we live in a world where taking steps to make the world better is difficult. People are desensitized to acts that are hurtful, and when they can not defuse the guilt they rationalize or justify their actions. I try to remind myself everyday to do something to improve the world. Somedays I fail but the truth of the situation is apparent comparing my "worst days" with my "helpful days". If I have an odd day and I snap at someone they may snap back but usually they ignore me like they are used to it. When I do small acts of kindness, like helping a mom trying to tie a tree on her car at the store or giving up something I wanted so someone else could have it.....people frequently look at me like I am some alien creature they have never encountered before. "But" implies that what you did was nothing kind act is unimportant. ^_^
you just made my day thank you
Can anyone tell me why Roma gypsies, who have roots in other countries like Romania, are Protestant in the US rather than Romanian Orthodox like in their country of origin?
Bunny Love they are mixed with white black asian Hispanic and middle eastern 👍 cuz they migrated to a lot of countries
Lizzi Marie bullshit.
Because they adopt the religion of their host country typically.. this is why there are also Muslim gypsies in some areas of the Balkans.
>she's Romanian
No she isn't. The only thing we have in common is that we both speak the same language sometimes.
I'm a gypsy and they do have jobs my dad does scrap and alot more gypsies do car repairs
Why is the Roma population in the U.S. alot different than the Roma in Europe?
@@stillsmashin1529 every culture in america is different than the homeland. there is different cultures within the roma people as well.
@@stillsmashin1529 also probably no immediate prejudice easy to blend in, in America
I doubt he's qualified in MOT tests or even NVQ motor Mechanics. Now u gotta pass English and maths to do level 3!
Most Americans only know the fairytale version of what it means to be Romani. As a non-Romani person I have learned so much within these past few years.
My friend the gypsies in northern India and the Balkans are Muslim.
A certain percentage are Muslim in the Balkans.. the majority are orthodox Christians ..
I'm 58. I grew up in a village (pop.500) in NE. Every year the gypsies came through and asked the mayor if they could stay in the park by the church. He always said "yes"
All I remember is how perfectly beautiful they were and how shiny their wagons were (enamel?) and the matchless horses. Our farm folk came and bought those gorgeous horses.
Now, I live in a city, and see those beautiful people in top-of-the-lime Winnebago's. They are still beautiful, but I miss the horses.
They are of Indian origin. They should return to India, their homeland.
Indian Skeptic I am a Roma which means my people which are not part of your India that's a big lie that only fools believe
it is a insult to when you call Aroma Indian there's a word in Romani language guyjo. a man not of our race Indians are no exception that's why it's an insult I know you mean well but you're the Indian not me I am a ROM which means one of my people has nothing to do with India
We Are Indians. You Idiot Moron. Take A Test. YOU Will SEE South Asia.
@@medusachristo3725 we all have it I guess right? Thought it's pretty ancient by this point we are rather mixed
I am looking to contact a Gypsy (Roma) family and confirm that their my language is common, at least some words as I hail from Rajasthan, India from where Gypsies originally are. I found a few common words when I took a Taxi in paris with a Gypsy driver.
Continuation 2 - Just recently (3 months ago) a project of integrating them into society where from 12 Gypsies 3 abandoned the project and 2 didn't pass the final test.We've been trying to teach them into construction jobs but they don't want to work cuz they earn 1500$/month (here is a huge wage) by begging.There are 2 types of Gypsies.The ones more wealthier which call themselves Roma and the poorer Gypsy ones.The Roma hate
Don't call them gypsy they are Indian..
Its really pathetic., why these stigma are on gypsies?. is not possible to provide them citizenship in respective country so that they can live peacefully, dignified and come into mainstream.
wow great. its interested. i m gypsies of south india studing on gypsies. can we share information on international front.
Dr. Tanaji Rathod
I suspect gypsies came from somewhere before India and travelled there. I believe they were once slaves before coming to India. Notice the middle eastern/Indian look? Look at Pashtuns, Native Americans and you'll see what I'm talking about. No matter where they go, they are always treated as if they aren't home. Even if they went to India. They were somewhere else before migrating to India.
Deleted Toon hiii..yes u re right..Gypsy came from Israel nd re lost tribes of Israel..orthodox jews have same strict culture nd so do pashtoon ppl...bravo u re intelligent...indeed gypsy are not indian ..all gypsyies round gloube belive in one God have same rules..pashtoon re closest in culture in costuums in dance in looks
Deleted Toon I have also an opinion about the origin of the gypsy people! They could be Afghans, Pakistani or Bangladeshi but mixed with people in the near-east!
Deleted Toon I have also an opinion about the origin of the gypsy people! They could be Afghans, Pakistani or Bangladeshi but mixed with people in the near-east!
@TheEuropeanDream No, they are not Romanians nor from Romania. They are called the Rom and their origins are most likely from Northern India.
You're as bad as people who think Austrians are from Australia.
I'm banjara,and my family from Maharashtra of banjara also called lambani/lambadi,that's why Romani,lambani,banjara,gypsy....all are same origin.
That's a good story but it's not true Roma do not originate from India there is nothing Indian in their culture and you do not speak or understand the Romani language Roma do not practice Indian laws they do practice Jewish laws and believe in the Jewish god only and hold no loyalty to India we are our own race we are not from your country never was and being referred to as Gypsy does not make nobody Roma which means our people
@@BadRomaMan1 Gypsy are Christians too. They are from India. You should probably visit Rajasthan. You can relate if you are a Gypsy.
@@Cloudnp9458 there is no such team as gypsy Roma's were mistaken to be Egyptian by the Greeks or maybe they claim to be Egyptian because Roma do not always admit to what they are therefore Gypsy does not exist what Greeks have ever mistaken Indians to be Egyptians certainly not I don't know how or why those people from Rajasthan also referred to as Gypsy but they are not related to Roma which literally means our people when we see a stranger we say to each other ROM that means my people there is nothing nothing Indian in our culture of course more than 90% of Roma today are Christians worldwide the only God they believe in is Odell who is the god of the Jews but Roma accepted his son who is also referred to as odile meaning God and the Holy Spirit is also referred to as Odell but they have specific names for each one of them I won't go into that but my point is they believe only in the Jewish god and practice the law of Moses worldwide that could not have come from India Roma are their own race they do have similarities to ancient Israel there's more to it but if you don't get the point by now you never will and Indians deserve no credit for the Romani people which I am proud to be a part of
@@BadRomaMan1 you a bad Roma
@@BadRomaMan1stop stealing
Genetics proves that Romani and Gypsies are of Indian Origin.
My step dad is half Moldavian and half Romani. He is the most honest and hard working guy I know. Never cheated anyone. He now runs a semi trucking company in the states that provides jobs for eastern Europeans who couldn't get a job anywhere else because of the language barrier.
This is great. Only fools would say that being one way or the other is inherent. However, the stereotypes didn't come about by accident. I've witnessed it first hand. It is probably still rare, but the frequency is far higher than it should be.
They originated from India go way way back in History.
gypsys are from India...they migrated to Europe...they aren't genetically European
Yes We Are We Left India More Than 1000 Years Ago. You Think We Did Not Mix AT All? I Am Of Greek Descent.
Thank you so much for this documentary!
It's funny how one video leads to another video, which leads to another video on youtube lol I came here from watching an esmerelda video XD
The situation in the Czech rep and Hungary is fucked up no question. The great thing about living here in North America is we can pass as tanned white people, or part Indian, or just random unknown ethnicity and so don't face any real discrimination. History is a bitch in Central/Eastern Europe.
Sorry but excuse me , my family are gypsies and I have never known one of them not to put in a hard days work. And as far as gadje are concerned, I have always been taught to be nice but not to get to close. We never expected anyone to take care of our needs except us. (period)
t am a gypsy i am not bad
"ethnically totally indian and still with her people's culture/mentality"
1: "Totally Indian" is a bit difficult to claim. It's like saying that Black Irish are "Totally Spanish". Most Indians do not follow anything that resembles Roma culture, either.
2: It's fair to distinguish Roma from Romanians, but what they said of this family is correct in this context. They are "Romanian Gypsies"; Gypsies from Romania.
U would be surprised when u visit India😂
i work wth the travellers now and they're not trying to blend in wth anybody and just like any group you have bad and good but everyone ive met and dealt wth are just people trying to take care of their family and shiiiiid we may work 7 days a week so thats alot of money so for the most part they have no reason to steal ANYTHING if i need anything the guy i work WITH is on top of it and all the judgement comes from silly mfs not understanding because they keep to themselves
The random guys estimate wasn’t too off
Te aves bahtalo, is great that you were taught to be nice with gaje and do something like work for a living. As I am a gypsy too, born and raised in a typical community, I can tell you that I havent seen many like your family. By the way, where you from? (I am from Romania). We were taught to take advantage of gaje in every possibile way.
Cos that's the chacho rrom, if you understand what I meen
I love my mom Fay Williams.
yeah if they want their culture then they can go to their country and get it..
The media stereotypes Black people the worst. It hasn't gotten any better...
they are from northerwest india, district punjab n rajastan.They are from the jaat clan.They do look indian but not as dark as the native indians in India.Jaat in india will be consider fair skin n roma gypies are light skin too.They are from the jaat punjabi race.Jaat punjabi are also in rajastan n pakistan.They were the last group ppl to enter India.Jaats are roman gypies.
+BadRomaMan1 Your brothers are jaat punjabi.They are farmers in punjab.If you see a jaat punjabi they look very much like roma gypies.In India jaat punjabi are seen as light colour, they are a separate race from native Indians.They are sythian race who migrated to india.They are not native Indians.Native Indians are much darker.You are from jaat punjabi race.
roma gypies=jaat punjabi.
Your roma gypies language is similiar to punjabi.Google it.
+BadRomaMan1 gypies are from India mate.You are a jaat gypies but over the time you have mixed with Europeans. You are from jaat race from punjab India.Jaat punjabi are farmers in India n they have the same looks as roma gypies.If you see a jaat punjabi without his turban i mean clean shave, he look like roma gypies.😎
Yes your neighbor next door could be one and you'll never know.
Ian Hancock don't know his history! The From are from northern Israel, we are the 1st tribe of Judah called Levit. we warred with India and was taken as slaves until we escaped in the late to early 12th 13 the century. We where not Christians but followed Moses law even until today.. because we wasn't Christians when we went to the city or (foros) to buy goods nobody would sell to us, because there were children at home the Rom had no choice but to steal foods. In Spain at this time the sold
Dont you cats ever visit "The Homeland!" it is>>"Jaisalmer Ayo! 1/2"
She still speaks Romanian and lived in Romania. It's probably been several centuries since her ancestors went to Europe. That's fair enough. Many French descend from German ancestors and vice versa; they're still French or German.
I've been told a few times I look like a gypsy plus a few times I have an old soul... I am a colorful person and love everything and believe in everything! Life is full of surprises!!
Coninuation - Whenever they're an argument between 2 clans here,police send 3-4-5 vans fool of special forces to calm them.If there only 1 there,they don't get involved.You need 4-5 vans full or special forces cops and Gendarmerie with machine guns to calm them down.
"Stereotypes". You should go to Romania and create documentary about gypsies from Romania.
It's true it's been much easier to integrate into U.S. society. After overcoming initial racial discrimination between the old world side of the family vs. the Rroma side, descendants, like me, have been able to move on and do whatever we wish without worrying about stereotypes, except from ignorant people we wouldn't have to deal with anyway--because we've surpassed them in education and are impervious to their insults.
they are not from Roma capital of Italy ? or perhaps from Romania ? the country ? hmm
gypsies are from india like black people are from africa , romanians are not all gypsies , and gypsies are not all from romanians, u have to learn more about "ur people"
They generally adopt whatever religion is popular in the area they settle. It's like part of blending in in their opinion. Gypsies don't have their own religion.
Roma people came from Northern India
but they did intermix a lot I mean they traveled to Egypt, middle east, Europe...etc
mr hancock barley speaks about the romany people?
Elvis Presley was a Roma
Once again they are not all the same
@aatteeii - When I dish up food for my guests, I always take the smallest portion. I'm always giving.
PUPPIES LIVE FEED God bless you man!
Well,.... You're not Roma.
I have never met a Roma in my life but can understand half of their words. They come from where I am from. Rajasthan, India. We still use the same words today. Same proverbs and even same purity codes.
Lacho dives
***** hiii... no u re wrong gypsy ppl are not Dom or Indian..they lived in India nd came out ..why are no gypsy ppl in India..gypsy ppl are lost tribes of Israel old testament nd u will understand...gypsy ppl have closeest culture to Pashtoon ppl from Afghanistan.
***** i know alot about Rroma ppl nd culture nd religion..never ever were Rroma ppl Dom or originaly from India.Rroma ppl have same culture as Pashtoon ppl ..go biggest research ever about Rroma from Avram Sandor check Google..
i dnt see no relation btw Dom nd Rroma nd nthng btw them nd Hindu ...Dom ppl went to war yes ...but not Rroma ppl..end what i asked u ...thnx ahead ...stay safe..dnt let u be fooled by media ..reserach
Rroma ppl came out 1000 years ago..
She look like fair skinned Indian
The roma are from Rajasthan (north west india) or from Sindh (east Pakistan)
Calling all Romanies Roma is like calling all Native Americans Cherokee.
The only exposure I had of gypsies at an early age was from the disney movie hunchback of notre dame. I thought they were like Esmeralda: exotic, mysterious, talented, and beautiful. Unless you were from Europe did you really think gypsies as theives. But then again europeans are very jugmental not just of gypsies but of americans too.
I was making a point. I was comparing his discrimination of the romanis to discrimination against jews.
im not ashamed of being a Spanish gypsy!!! thats the little bit of blood of my Great great grandmother from spain!!!
Jay Shree Ram 🚩🇮🇳
@DrAbdiDalmar - Uh, no. This is a pitiful generalization. Any educated person who takes time to use logic will analyze this statement and see nothing but flaws.
Thats why we would find out that those that are not mix, actually are very brown on their skin color. those that are already mix with local people, are actually like a lot of mexicans now days, mestisos or mix people. Spain has the same problem just as well as Italy or Poland. They were people from the middle east. The reason they are what they are today; is only because they are rejects for looking different along they're history.
I'm part of a grassroots independent film company that's dedicated to changing the media image of Roma. Check out my channel for more info.
All gypsy are traveled from Rajasthan which is a State of republic of India. There ancestoral lineage is Indian. Indian government should talk with USA government for there welfare and for better lifhood in USA.
BadRomaMan1 Its scientifically proven You low life shite Are not from the Europe .
So who's these people on tlc ??
why its so?
Where is part 2?
Roma culture is fascinating. I am so grateful for documentaries like this, as I know so little about Romani, even when in my own country the Romani population is high and there is such as huge imprint of its culture in the south of the country.