The Grimhailer Comes to Aqshy - Shadow of the Crone pt 2

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • We pick our story up with the Crusade of Fire as we continue the Downbringers campaign through Aqshy!
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Комментарии • 24

  • @VaultBoy1300
    @VaultBoy1300 5 месяцев назад +9

    When I look at Krethusa's model I just think: "so that's what they meant by a new kind of FOOT hero"

  • @atragonx7939
    @atragonx7939 5 месяцев назад +14

    I think the undead have it worst. They're "immortal" so whenever they show up, they can "die" and just get respawned later with no consequences. Even their named characters wind up as punching bags all the time. There's no narrative tension with them.

    • @wrongix6544
      @wrongix6544 5 месяцев назад +5

      This. It feels like we lose every single battle... I just want a win for death. I understand that its easy to have them lose because it changes nothing compared to if other forces lost but still. Makes us seem so weak...

    • @Malisteen
      @Malisteen 5 месяцев назад +2

      I'm not sure what you mean. Death had a near unbroken string of victories from late 1e until the end times in 2e: Nagash re-taking Nagashizzar from Archaon, successfully pulling off the Necroquake despite combined armies of every other grand alliance trying to stop him, establishing an entire new ghost faction with a new mortarch at their helm threatening every realm, Olynder retrieving Katakros's soul, unleashing the bibereapers & founding the ossiarch empire - another entire new realms-shaking undead faction with another new mortarch to lead them, Neferata re-taking Neferatia from Khorne, Mannfred re-taking Carstinia from Nurgle, big wins for Katakros & Olynder in wrath of the everchosen taking and holding territory in the eight points - something no Order faction has been able to do in AoS thus far.
      Sure these victories were always qualified and incomplete, always measured on the margins, but nobody said wiping out all life wouls be easy.
      The problem I think is that too many fans are hero-hammer brained and can only see victories and losses in terms of which big hero won a duel, and are blind to how the battle taking place around that duel advanced the overall setting narrative or pushed the needle in terms of greater strategic objectives.
      For example, look at the battle of the Cage of Bones during (but not really part of) the Realmgate Wars. This was Nagash's first big outing after finally reconstituting himself, and his first time facing Archaon since the Everchosen cast Nagash down in the Battle of Black Skies at the dawn of the Age of Chaos. At the Cage if Bones Archaon again defeated Nagash in a one on one duel, forcing Nagash to flee the field before Archaon could tear his painstakingly created new body apart. But while that fight had been going on in the skies above, the massive undead army Nagash had raised before Archaon's arrival uttely overqhelmed Archaon's elite chaos strike force one the ground below, and tore down the knornate fortress that had been built on the ruins of Nagashizzar. Archaon had won his duel with Nagash, but had lost the battle, and the territory, to the undead, a critical loss without which the Necroquake wouldn't have been possible.
      Likewise with the Wrath of the Everchosen campaign in late 2e. Yes that Campaign ends with Archaon beating Katakros & Be'Lakor beating Olynder in their respective duels, successfully driving off the undead seige of the Varansprire. But the undead hadn't even been aiming for the Varanspire when they initially attacked. The undead had launched their campaign to take and hold both sides of the End Gate, which they did, while the Chaos objective at the start of the campaign was to free Slaanesh, which they failed to do. Even Be'lakor's win against Olynder left the daemon cursed and the ghost queen absolutely fine. Wrath of the Everchosen was an absolutely overwhelming undead victory, yet because the undead hero's 'lost' their one on one fights with the chaos heros much of the fandom was blind to it.
      Same with the necroquake 'skaven stopped nagash's ritual again how embarrassing' - that ritual still created the nadiir, flooded all the realms with death magic, and created a new undead faction large enough to pressure all the other realms at once, putting both order and chaos on the back foot for all of 2e. This was an undead loss how exactly?
      'Olynder failed to destroy Lethis' Olynder was there to retrieve Katakros's soul and she succeeded despite no lesser figure than the Celestant Prime with Sigmar's own hammer standing in her way.
      'Archaon's counterattack against Katakros's fortress in the 8 points corrupted the mortarch's reserve bodies' I'm sorry, I didn't hear you over your admission that the ossiarchs successfully defended the territory they had taken in the 8-points, the heart of chaos power in the realms, from a direct attack by Archaon himself.
      I'm not saying the undead never lose, Nagash certainly lost big in Broken Realms. But that was only after a long string of victories that the fandom seems unable to recognize, victories that defined the narrative of 2e and re-shaped the Realm if Death forever in Nagash's image. That's certainly far more than chaos has accomplished since the Age of Sigmar began.
      For those who have been paying attention, Archaon, not Nagash, has been the big loser in AoS. The Everchosen has the opposite and far more fatal problem from the Great Necromancer - he keeps 'winning' fights, yet somehow losing battles, territory, realmgates, and with them the respect of his own soldiers and divine patrons, with Be'lakor capitalizing on Archaon's failures.
      Hopefully 5e turns that around somewhat.

    • @wrongix6544
      @wrongix6544 5 месяцев назад

      @@Malisteen Ok i probably overreacted a bit. But the thing with ppl only think about heroe battles is not what i mean. It always feels like when death does lose they lose all progress and full armies, while when others lose its just a setback. But i do understand why that is. A full army destroyed for death is not as bad as for others :)

    • @wrongix6544
      @wrongix6544 5 месяцев назад

      @@Malisteen Also you seem really knowledgeable so i have a question. I remember reading that before the battle of Nagash and archaon, Archaon had inner dialog that he knew he couldnt beat Nagash fair and square. Is that from my dreams or is it in the books? xd Also how was the fight? Was it based on pure power or did Archaon have to do anything to beat Nagash?

  • @j.bat.8235
    @j.bat.8235 5 месяцев назад +4

    Zenestra going full-Dante Alighieri and passing out in a realm of fire and brimstone is *chef kiss* p-e-a-k italian

  • @mjskits2299
    @mjskits2299 5 месяцев назад +4

    2 Dawnbringer videos within 24 hours. You're spoiling us 🥰

  • @seraphoncobus
    @seraphoncobus 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you Doug for doing these! They are great for at work and in the car and as someone who can't afford these books but loves the lore.

  • @thomasjacobs9889
    @thomasjacobs9889 5 месяцев назад +2

    Just finished the new Callis and Toll black library novel, and it’s full of flesh eater court goodness. Highly recommended! Thanks again for all your great content.

  • @xar9499
    @xar9499 5 месяцев назад +2

    So I have 2 main factions that I love and am building armies for. The daughters of khaine and Soul blight specifically Neferata. Love DoK right now. Having a civil war with them is going to be a great time! On the other hand I need my SBGL to start getting some wins. With the way this is going the bloody skaven are going to have more wins than the undead by the end of 4th edition.

    • @xar9499
      @xar9499 5 месяцев назад +1

      Upon a little thinking on it I guess nothing too big is going to happen until Big Papa Nagash returns. Would still be nice though.

  • @philurbaniak1811
    @philurbaniak1811 5 месяцев назад +1

    👍👍 I think I'd take the place with the portal which might get closed over the place with the reservoir that might never recover 🤢 But either way I'd be thinking of moving 😅

  • @jasoncoe944
    @jasoncoe944 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have no clue what this is but I'm watching it :D

    • @dmeep
      @dmeep 5 месяцев назад +2

      It is lore/ story of the tabletop game Age of Sigmar from Games workshop. Doug/ 2+ tough does a great job on this channel of explaining the story and why the factions fight on the tabletop.

  • @Liz01749
    @Liz01749 5 месяцев назад +1

    For some reason I just love to hate zenestra. She's a well made character but not a character type that i like. For once I'm on the nighthaunts side, that was such an interesting encounter. Fast forward the clock though, if the nighthaunt don't flatten them, the crimson keep will? Curious to see if it gets that far

  • @chlorarthur9638
    @chlorarthur9638 5 месяцев назад +3

    Zenestra and her crusade are a bunch of marry sues imo

    • @chlorarthur9638
      @chlorarthur9638 5 месяцев назад +4

      We lost most of our army, but oh look an ideal spot for the city right here
      Another army comes, oh look we hardcounter them because nothing could happen to our new darlings

    • @cthulhubecausewhynot1182
      @cthulhubecausewhynot1182 5 месяцев назад

      God I wish she didn’t have a new model so Reikenor could be allowed to kick her ass. She just DOESN’T experience meaningful resistance to her bullshit.

  • @Tom-bf2nm
    @Tom-bf2nm 5 месяцев назад

    I listen to all your vids, usually an hour or so after they drop. You need to get some uk affiliates as I'd use them when buying.

  • @DiekenSmith
    @DiekenSmith 5 месяцев назад

    Definitely not much for ether dead people water (King's blood) or the basement of my mine having night haunt. But I'll take ghosts over madness.

  • @wrongix6544
    @wrongix6544 5 месяцев назад +2

    Death srsly need more wins... OBR is the only thing giving death armies victories. Well ik OBR hasnt stopped expanding and winning most battles since they were formed but still.

    • @Malisteen
      @Malisteen 5 месяцев назад +2

      Can't agree. Undead victories by all factions were near unbroken from the Cage of Bones in 1e until Broken Realms. Since then a few losses sure, but that's still a pretty impressive record, and a lot better than destruction or chaos have managed as antagonists.
      Just a few undead victories:
      Arkhan manipulating a Nurgle host to wake Nagash early then wiping them out at the dawn of the Age of Sigmar (Undying King)
      Nagash retaking Nagashizzar from Archaon & tearing down the Cage of Bones
      The Malign Portents & the Necroquake - not quite the result Nagash wanted but still an overwhelming victory for the undead despite combined armies of every other grand alliance trying to stop him
      Olynder retrieving Katakros's soul during the Seige of Lethis despite the Celestant Prime with Sigmar's own hammer trying to stop her
      Neferata retaking Neferatia from Khorne (Dominion of Bones)
      Mannfred retaking Carstinia from Nurgle
      Lauka Vai destroying a massive beastherd that threatened the Collonnade in Ghur, then destroying the Collonnade herself when the Sigmarite City failed to honor the terms of their alliance (dynasty of monsters, not a good book but still a victory for the undead).
      katakros & olynder taking & holding both sides of the 8-points Death gate, despite a counter-attack from Archaon himself
      Olynder's alliance with Be'lakor successfully cutting of Chamon ftom the other realms & supplying Olynder with a host of trapped stormcast souls.
      Admittedly the undead have been on the back foot in 3e, but that's only fair after the degree that we dominated the narrative in 2e. Even so, if you look at victories & losses in terms of territory gained or lost, the undead have held on remarkably well in 3e despite Nagash & Arkhan being temporarily out of the picture.

    • @wrongix6544
      @wrongix6544 5 месяцев назад

      @@Malisteen Thanks for giving me hope again. On 2 different comments haha