Travis...this is Chris. Checkin' in on you. Heard you're in AZ. I'm still NE of you...doing my thing. My daughter talks to Emma. lol They're just about the same age. Neither of them had any "introduction". They were both making videos on SnapChat and Instagram, started following eachother and became friends. Then, Kaitlyn found out that you were her dad. Small world, man. Hope life is treating you well. :)
Travis...this is Chris.
Checkin' in on you. Heard you're in AZ. I'm still NE of you...doing my thing. My daughter talks to Emma. lol They're just about the same age. Neither of them had any "introduction". They were both making videos on SnapChat and Instagram, started following eachother and became friends. Then, Kaitlyn found out that you were her dad. Small world, man. Hope life is treating you well. :)
You're CLEAN!!! I'm so proud of you.
Dude Travis is back!!!
Saw them at the Viper Room. He was I think 2 hours late, but it ended up being the best show I’ve seen and I think he played for almost 3 hours
"If you're gonna call me out for being a drug addict, at least say the right drug" 🖕
Love it!❤️✌️