One positive outcome of the pandemic for me was my discovery of your teachings. This time has brought me closer to the scriptures through my weekly study with you. Please thank your wife for allowing you to spend the extra time away from your family to teach us. The prophet had challenged us to share gratitude this week on social media. I am grateful for you and your passion of teaching others to come to the knowledge of the scriptures and ultimately the admonition to come unto Christ. Thank you.
Thank you for the insights you share from the scriptures. They are an encouragement to follow the Savior. I love your lessons. Thank you for sharing your gift. I love studying the scriptures through your lessons. I’m so grateful I found you on RUclips. Thank you.
We enjoy your lesson s very much. The way you take each verse and bring it into our present day lives really helps us to understand what we need to do as we move forward in these trying times. We see much of the wickedness in the world around us and we need to stand for righteousness at every turn. We need the Lord's help in all things that we endeavor to do for the good of others.
I want you to know Brother Halverson, that you are a part of my prayers every evening. I give thanks the Lord gifted you with the desire to see beyond the surface, to seek the deeper meaning of scripture. I'm grateful you have been blessed with the gift of communication, and the gift to humbly share and teach the Lord's words in a way that touches the spirit. I give thanks that you are a willing servant of our Father in Heaven, willing to go the extra mile to help lift and teach another. Your insights have inspired me to look more closely at the scriptures I have read all my life. To find those messages contained within them specifically for my life. You have helped me find ways to "Hear HIm". You have taught me HOW to fish and not just fed me fish. May the Lord bless your efforts, and may you discover the eternal blessings from those efforts, is my prayer. Thank you Brother Halverson!
Your teachings have become a meaningful part of my scripture studies. Thank you o much for your precious efforts. Thank God I know English to benefit from your tutoring. God bless you, Brother Harvelson!!
There are so many items and aspirations I have in life, but to be one with Christ has recently become my guiding light. It is because of material like yours that has helped me have this realization. Thanks you, Brother Halverson!
Press on brother! I thank God almighty for you and your family. I hope one day we could go fishing as a family. I would like to set a date for 1 Trillion years from now. That way it’s on our schedule and you can say it on your schedule. 🤪😇☺️
What a blessing you are in the lives of so many of us Bro. Halverson. In these times of Lockdown, where we are not, again, even allowed to attend church (here in France), and where the members are few and far between, you are indeed a great blessing. I am a sole member in my family and commune, 50 miles away from my Ward. Your voice and teachings are the comfort that I need each week to grow and learn. I teach Sunday School (for the English speaker in my Ward which are few, sometimes only 3 or4), but I am able to teach with so much more clarity and understanding after listening to you. When I was 10 yrs old and it was reading time (60 yrs ago now) I would run to my schools library and grab Pilgrim's Progress, written with all the 'Thee's and Thou's, and read and read that book. I was the only religious person in my family even then, and was so influenced by that book. It taught me so much about what being a Christian was about and what it was going to be like. It encouraged my faith. I never had a Bible, and the next 'religious' book I read was 'The Book of Mormon' when the Missionaries arrived at my doorstep in England in 1994! I've never looked back from that day onwards. Heavenly Father knows us sooo well, sends us the right influences at the right times, we make our choices for good and bad along the way, but the important things stick and are brought to mind when necessary. I hope that you will be there as we learn more. May you and yours be strengthened throughout the coming days, and may we be willing listeners to your teaching, wisdom and insights throughout these difficult times. Thankyou Bro. Halverson again for all your efforts and time spent in helping many of us throughout the world to grow and learn about our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Prophets.Amen xxx
Brother Halverson, Thank you for the hard work that you put into all your lesson. For bringing the gospel teachings to our homes. I am a new member since February and my life has been greatly Blessed with greater understanding from your lessons. Can't wait for your lessons on D&C. You are a Blessing, Thank you.
I am so grateful to have found you today. You have greatly increased my understanding of secret combinations and the need we have to combat them. I am grateful for the time you so willingly give to help me better understand the Scriptures and the underlying meanings. Thank you. Dolores
I am so grateful for having access to these videos! They have given me great insight to our current way of life in America, and reduced the fear of the future. Thank you Bro. Halverson. 😊
Thank you Brother Halverson! I learn so much from you and look forward to your lessons every week! I can’t get over how I see the world more clearly with studying the Book of Mormon. I’ve been with you since March and I am delighted to see so many comments! I hope you do all the standard works online even if we get out of Covid! This means so much to me!
Brother Jared...your love of the truth shines in your lessons. I feel this Spirit of Truth as I study, pray and ponder these things with you. Finding you has been a great blessing to my life, and has strengthened my reach to understand this truth. Keep up the good work brother😇. David
I join with others in using this media to express my gratitude for what your work has brought to my scripture study. Truly my heart has burned within me with the new insights you've shared, that I have never seen. May you and your family be truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving!
So beautiful! Goodness. Am I heeding the prophets as I should be? I am determined to listen more intently. Remember the great things god has done for me personally. I want to keep my focus on the celestial city! Thank you!
Thank you for the wonderful lesson!! That was a great analogy of the Smokey Mountains. We have been there and Pigeon Forge is exactly how you described. :)
I take these classes every week and it inspires me. Yet I also have doubts. Many things seem to be taken from the Bible. Similarly, bringing a head (chapter 8:10). Then that makes me doubt ...🤔😢
It was in last week's videos (I think) where Brother Halverson talks of doubt being an attitude, like an attitude of faith and doubt. I think your case may be that you have questions, not doubts. The fact that you are watching to learn, feeling the Spirit inspire and uplift you, it's okay and good to have questions and concerns. Let the questions lead you to further study and prayer, seeking understanding of what God has revealed, what He will reveal, and wait patiently for what God will yet reveal.
I feel that maybe you need to stop seeing the bible and the book of mormon as a competition to each other and maybe see them from the perspective that they complement, testify and support each other. Because of this "synergy" many portions of both books will sound familiar, be somewhat alike, remind you of each other or complement or explain each other. I feel the Lord wanted them that way, to prove at the end that his plans are fulfilled and that he designed it that way from the beginning. It will become proof of his godliness when he show us how they all interact, specially, since there will be an additional book of scripture, that will come through the hands of the lost tribes. It will show the mercy of the Lord to ALL his children.
Jared, thank you for your words of wisdom. My wife and I are currently serving a mission, and your lessons are a perfect way for us to prepare for our service each day. By the way, are you related to Mark? We are in the same ward, and I used to “team teach” with him.
It has always amazed me that people would take the time to criticize another’s faith. It tells me that they are not too secure in their own faith. I choose to read things that bring me closer to my Heavenly Father. Not things that are critical of others.
I’m certainly not trying to start a “feud” here, as I perceive that you are not either. I just think that it is interesting that people devote so much of their life to “debunk” another ones faith. That is time that they could have used to follow the Saviors example to “Love one another”. Life is negative enough without devoting so much time to attempt to “lure” good faithful people away from what I believe to be the restored gospel. I have several friends and family who have left the church, because they started to read these types of periodicals. EVERY ONE of them has lost much of the peace that they previously enjoyed. I’m not saying that you need to be a member of the church to have peace, only that every one of them has gone from someone who had a disposition of peace in their life, to now a life where they have a personality with an “edge”. Always looking to find fault. Always looking at the negative. The Tanners have every right to do what they think is right. That is one of the great things about our country, not to be stifled. I’m sure they, as you Juliette, have many wonderful qualities. I would think that it might be better to use one’s time to find peace in their own life, and goodness in others, rather than looking at a perfect church, full of imperfect people, saying imperfect things, and make sure that everyone knows about it. On another note, I hope sincerely you and your family have a very happy thanksgiving, and a wonderful Christmas season.
Great question, and so hard to say! To me, it all depends upon the genre, since I try to read in a lot of different areas. Much of what I read is fairly narrowly-focused scholarship that informs my dissertation research, but books I would actually recommend include: - "Les Miserables," Victor Hugo - "Gulliver's Travels," Jonathan Swift - "Roots," Alex Haley - "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Harriet Beecher Stowe - "Why Religion Matters," Huston Smith - "Crisis of Doubt," Timothy Larsen - "Democracy in America," Alexis de Tocqueville - "Pensees," Pascal - "Man's Search for Meaning," Viktor Frankl - "Understanding the Book of Mormon," Grant Hardy - "Moby Dick," Herman Melville - "Frankenstein," Mary Shelley - "Technopoly," Neil Postman - "The Closing of the American Mind," Allan Bloom - anything by Terryl Givens - anything by C. S. Lewis and so much more! A good book is a friend worth making!
I have watched all the episodes of Ether in the past 3 days. Can you give me a clue to the episode and time stamp that mentioned morning prayer related to the creation and evening prayer as to return and report so that I may share.
It goes along with the discussion of Ether 12:19. That would be part 1 of Ether 12-15, but I'm not sure when in the video (though I typically address each verse in order, so that should help). If you want to read the talk from Elder Bednar that discusses the idea originally, here's a link:
BROTHER HALVERSON, I believe it's time to delete some of the very ugly comments above. Why some feel the need to challenge the testimony of others is something I don't understand. They must be very bitter indeed. As for me, my testimony of the gospel WILL NOT BE SHAKEN. Thank you for the wonderful work that you do!
As always, I love your lessons and learn so much from you! But I have a question... Omer is the father of wicked Jared, right? The Lord warned him to flee before the plans of Akish and Jared to kill him come to pass. So Akish didn't end up killing Omer, but Jared gets the kingdom anyway so he gives Akish his daughter to wife. It sounded like you said Akish killed Jared's father and they succeeded in their plan. Is Omer Jared's father?
You are right on that. I didn't explain that part correctly--I'm so sorry! I corrected my mistake in the video for Moroni 1-6. Please forgive me for my error!
Study suggestion: review these verses in Ether 8 about getting gain, about seeking to destroy the freedom of ALL lands, nations, and countries... then research the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, (particularly the membership list) the United Nations Agenda 2030, also what 5 companies own all the media outlets in the United States and what is their affiliation? Then reflect on what political leaders say words like “sustainable” “new world” “new world order” (there are others but the terms have been prostituted and would take longer to explain than I have here). Then you might begin to awaken to our awful situation. There is mass corruption in high places. One presidential candidate seeks to expose it. The other seeks to conceal it and perpetrate it in what is euphemistically referee to as “continuity of power.” There is blood crying from the dust for vengeance. Will you pay the price to at best “expose the hidden things of darkness” and “warn your neighbor” that you’ve been warned? Or at the least not continue to uphold it? Or will you shrug it all off as a conspiracy theory and comfort yourself that “all is well in Zion?” Seek discernment my friends.
So incredibly well put! One is trying to expose “IT,” and the other is trying to conceal “IT.” What people don’t understand is the one that is trying to hide it, wants to manipulate the “Constitution of The United States Of America” in every way possible and trodden it under his feet. That one God-inspired document made the restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ possible in this promised land. People need to pay attention carefully, but then Isaiah’s prophecies are being fulfilled. We live in a world where “good is evil, and evil is good.”
I have been concerned about these things for some time and couldn't agree with your assessment more. The question is what can one individual truly DO about it besides recognizing it, praying against it, using our vote, etc, It is HUGE now. The lack of justice and consequences for those who have committed crimes has paved the way for greater and more blatant, widespread corruption. Do we just use it to see where we are in the timeline, or is there something a single person can and should do?
I noticed the past two episodes the close caption text has not been available. Do you typically submit a text transcript with the youtube video? This has not been a problem with the other videos you have posted.
4:13 - nice combination of all of them there. ...Where's the eagle? The eagle whose wings the lion eventually possesses??? The bear, the leopard, the lion, and the dragon with 10 horns...
@Juliette Tellimm What, are you trying to provide an example of "gaslighting"? Destroy corrupted and incorrect individuals, maybe, but "the church" is not its individuals. I'm sorry for whatever you've experienced, if you're one of these "informed" members (x-member, whathaveyou). I have so many questions for you... one of which being, why did you click on this video? (unless you are trying to simply provide me with an example of gaslighting and what you replied to me wasn't genuine)
@Juliette Tellimm You be blessed too :) And the division will continue until that day... “I will try their faith.” The wheat will grow among the tares in the last days, these days, to try people’s faith. And then there will be a harvest... then we won’t be able to have faith because we’ll know...
@Juliette Tellimm ALSO, doubting your doubts is about proving your doubts wrong instead of your beliefs. Conclusions are theories plus evidence. You can feed whichever conclusion you want and deem it correct based on the evidence you chose to accept and *believe*. They call that a confirmation bias and it can work both ways. If you want to look at “doubt your doubts” as manipulative then that’s what you’re going to see regardless of what the issuer of the statement intended. So... be blessed, but also be wise and don’t be deceived by those who wish to murder your faith. I know the Book of Mormon is a true history written by ancient prophets of ancient American civilizations, translated by the prophet and seer Joseph Smith Junior, because it testifies of Christ and bolsters the testimony of Christ in the Old and New Testaments. If THAT is true and the church is “false” then no other organized church has all the truth we need in our lives which equates to the blind leading the blind, exactly how an adversary would want it.
@Juliette Tellimm Juliet it seems you have a story behind your comments. I sincerely hope you find something to listen to that will build you up. I’m pretty sure you aren’t actually listening to these. If so then I’ feel sorry that you block out any warmth that is there to be had. With your passion I’m sure there is much out there to spend your time on that would be building to you snd others. Criticizing and dragging others down does nothing positive to either soul. I hope you have or will find something good in your life to embrace. So much good out there to do regardless or what church affiliation you hold dear. Think what a world this could be if all of us simply kept the first and second great commandments to love god and others...Christ is all about building not tearing down. I for one would have much less heartburn. I pray for you to find the peace your soul aches for. Happy thanksgiving to all listening! Even in the midst of all this crazy there is so much good out there♥️
Good catch, both of you! I messed up that part and I apologize. I corrected it in the video for Moroni 1-6, so I hope my "mea culpa" is acceptable! It wasn't Moroni alone that lamented over his own imperfections :) Thanks for being such close readers, and for helping to keep me on the strait and narrow!
@@Unshaken I had same question, about Omer. Then, I had prompting to read other comments! It was then, I discovered others had same question.Thanks Michelle, for asking same question. I have never made a reply on here before, but had to say thanks SO MUCH for clarifying! You are an AMAZING teacher!! Thanks for your humility and preparation, EVERY WEEK with these lessons!! I truly FEAST on EVERY ONE of them! I tell EVERYONE I know about them!! YOU have blessed our lives in bringing these scriptures to life! I feel the spirit with every one of them!! I used to follow 5 different others, but now I just follow YOURS! Words cannot begin to express my gratitude!
@Juliette Tellimm you need to check yourself and stop hounding and spamming those who find great peace and truth in these videos. Your bitterness and hatred towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not welcome.
The closed captioning is something that RUclips does automatically for the hearing impaired (and you're right that it's not always correct, but hopefully that technology is improving). I believe each viewer can turn it on or off by clicking on the "CC" button at the bottom of each video.
One positive outcome of the pandemic for me was my discovery of your teachings. This time has brought me closer to the scriptures through my weekly study with you. Please thank your wife for allowing you to spend the extra time away from your family to teach us. The prophet had challenged us to share gratitude this week on social media. I am grateful for you and your passion of teaching others to come to the knowledge of the scriptures and ultimately the admonition to come unto Christ. Thank you.
Thank you for the insights you share from the scriptures. They are an encouragement to follow the Savior. I love your lessons. Thank you for sharing your gift. I love studying the scriptures through your lessons. I’m so grateful I found you on RUclips. Thank you.
We enjoy your lesson s very much. The way you take each verse and bring it into our present day lives really helps us to understand what we need to do as we move forward in these trying times. We see much of the wickedness in the world around us and we need to stand for righteousness at every turn. We need the Lord's help in all things that we endeavor to do for the good of others.
Beautifully said! The relevance of the Book of Mormon for our day is one of its many great miracles. Thank you!
I just found you today. I love your teaching. Thank you for your willingness to be on youtube and help us understand more
You are so welcome! Welcome aboard!
I want you to know Brother Halverson, that you are a part of my prayers every evening. I give thanks the Lord gifted you with the desire to see beyond the surface, to seek the deeper meaning of scripture. I'm grateful you have been blessed with the gift of communication, and the gift to humbly share and teach the Lord's words in a way that touches the spirit. I give thanks that you are a willing servant of our Father in Heaven, willing to go the extra mile to help lift and teach another. Your insights have inspired me to look more closely at the scriptures I have read all my life. To find those messages contained within them specifically for my life. You have helped me find ways to "Hear HIm". You have taught me HOW to fish and not just fed me fish. May the Lord bless your efforts, and may you discover the eternal blessings from those efforts, is my prayer. Thank you Brother Halverson!
Thank you Angel. I feel the same as you do!!
I agree Brother Halverson's lessons have been a great blessing. Thank you for the reminder to put him in my prayers.
Thank you so much, Angel! It's an honor to be a part of your scripture study!
What a blessing to find you Brother Halverson as we study the Book of Mormon. I feel like I am in class at BYU
Your teachings have become a meaningful part of my scripture studies. Thank you o much for your precious efforts. Thank God I know English to benefit from your tutoring. God bless you, Brother Harvelson!!
There are so many items and aspirations I have in life, but to be one with Christ has recently become my guiding light. It is because of material like yours that has helped me have this realization. Thanks you, Brother Halverson!
Press on brother! I thank God almighty for you and your family. I hope one day we could go fishing as a family. I would like to set a date for 1 Trillion years from now. That way it’s on our schedule and you can say it on your schedule. 🤪😇☺️
Haha! Sign me up for the celestial fishing trip!
What a blessing you are in the lives of so many of us Bro. Halverson. In these times of Lockdown, where we are not, again, even allowed to attend church (here in France), and where the members are few and far between, you are indeed a great blessing. I am a sole member in my family and commune, 50 miles away from my Ward. Your voice and teachings are the comfort that I need each week to grow and learn. I teach Sunday School (for the English speaker in my Ward which are few, sometimes only 3 or4), but I am able to teach with so much more clarity and understanding after listening to you.
When I was 10 yrs old and it was reading time (60 yrs ago now) I would run to my schools library and grab Pilgrim's Progress, written with all the 'Thee's and Thou's, and read and read that book. I was the only religious person in my family even then, and was so influenced by that book. It taught me so much about what being a Christian was about and what it was going to be like. It encouraged my faith. I never had a Bible, and the next 'religious' book I read was 'The Book of Mormon' when the Missionaries arrived at my doorstep in England in 1994! I've never looked back from that day onwards. Heavenly Father knows us sooo well, sends us the right influences at the right times, we make our choices for good and bad along the way, but the important things stick and are brought to mind when necessary.
I hope that you will be there as we learn more. May you and yours be strengthened throughout the coming days, and may we be willing listeners to your teaching, wisdom and insights throughout these difficult times.
Thankyou Bro. Halverson again for all your efforts and time spent in helping many of us throughout the world to grow and learn about our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Prophets.Amen xxx
I love Come Follow Me. 66 and single but I have Bro. Halverson to study with. Thanks
Brother Halverson, Thank you for the hard work that you put into all your lesson. For bringing the gospel teachings to our homes. I am a new member since February and my life has been greatly Blessed with greater understanding from your lessons. Can't wait for your lessons on D&C. You are a Blessing, Thank you.
I am so grateful to have found you today. You have greatly increased my understanding of secret combinations and the need we have to combat them. I am grateful for the time you so willingly give to help me better understand the Scriptures and the underlying meanings. Thank you. Dolores
I am so grateful for having access to these videos! They have given me great insight to our current way of life in America, and reduced the fear of the future. Thank you Bro. Halverson. 😊
Thank you Brother Halverson! I learn so much from you and look forward to your lessons every week! I can’t get over how I see the world more clearly with studying the Book of Mormon. I’ve been with you since March and I am delighted to see so many comments! I hope you do all the standard works online even if we get out of Covid! This means so much to me!
Thank you for the lessons each week. Have really enjoyed them.
Thank you I really enjoy studying with you.
Thank you for another wonderful lessos this week.🤗🙏🇬🇧
Thank you for another insightful lesson. I loved your analogy relating our journey to Pilgrim's Progress.
I love your comment about secret combinations that we are still talking about today. So much for secrecy. Keep up the good work.
Thank you very much. Listen to Prophet, repent, obedience, Come unto Christ. Great lesson 😍👏
Brother Jared...your love of the truth shines in your lessons. I feel this Spirit of Truth as I study, pray and ponder these things with you. Finding you has been a great blessing to my life, and has strengthened my reach to understand this truth. Keep up the good work brother😇. David
You are great teacher.
The truths are for the ones that wants to go back to the presence of God. Thank you so much for your lessons.
I just watched this video with my wife. She loved it. This will help us work towards the Smokey Mountains. Thank you for sharing.
I join with others in using this media to express my gratitude for what your work has brought to my scripture study. Truly my heart has burned within me with the new insights you've shared, that I have never seen. May you and your family be truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving!
So beautiful! Goodness. Am I heeding the prophets as I should be? I am determined to listen more intently. Remember the great things god has done for me personally. I want to keep my focus on the celestial city! Thank you!
thank you elder jared...ive had to pray all the time in these chapters ..cant get my head round all the names and changes..
wo be unto those who think our country isn't there yet...
I love your analogy of the Smoky Mountains and Pigeon.
I love the scripture you quoted in 2 Chronicles 20: 20 (2020) Great advice for this year!
Thank you for the wonderful lesson!! That was a great analogy of the Smokey Mountains. We have been there and Pigeon Forge is exactly how you described. :)
A great lecture. Also, Now, want to read “Pilgrims Progress”.
Redemptive turbulence? Profound❤️
I take these classes every week and it inspires me. Yet I also have doubts. Many things seem to be taken from the Bible. Similarly, bringing a head (chapter 8:10). Then that makes me doubt ...🤔😢
It was in last week's videos (I think) where Brother Halverson talks of doubt being an attitude, like an attitude of faith and doubt. I think your case may be that you have questions, not doubts. The fact that you are watching to learn, feeling the Spirit inspire and uplift you, it's okay and good to have questions and concerns. Let the questions lead you to further study and prayer, seeking understanding of what God has revealed, what He will reveal, and wait patiently for what God will yet reveal.
I feel that maybe you need to stop seeing the bible and the book of mormon as a competition to each other and maybe see them from the perspective that they complement, testify and support each other. Because of this "synergy" many portions of both books will sound familiar, be somewhat alike, remind you of each other or complement or explain each other.
I feel the Lord wanted them that way, to prove at the end that his plans are fulfilled and that he designed it that way from the beginning. It will become proof of his godliness when he show us how they all interact, specially, since there will be an additional book of scripture, that will come through the hands of the lost tribes. It will show the mercy of the Lord to ALL his children.
The sub-text covers information I need in order to understand what Jared is teaching.
Jared, thank you for your words of wisdom. My wife and I are currently serving a mission, and your lessons are a perfect way for us to prepare for our service each day. By the way, are you related to Mark? We are in the same ward, and I used to “team teach” with him.
You read a book a week???!!! Ok, Bro. Halverson, what are your top 10 recommendations?
I want to know too 👀
It has always amazed me that people would take the time to criticize another’s faith. It tells me that they are not too secure in their own faith. I choose to read things that bring me closer to my Heavenly Father. Not things that are critical of others.
I’m certainly not trying to start a “feud” here, as I perceive that you are not either. I just think that it is interesting that people devote so much of their life to “debunk” another ones faith. That is time that they could have used to follow the Saviors example to “Love one another”. Life is negative enough without devoting so much time to attempt to “lure” good faithful people away from what I believe to be the restored gospel. I have several friends and family who have left the church, because they started to read these types of periodicals. EVERY ONE of them has lost much of the peace that they previously enjoyed. I’m not saying that you need to be a member of the church to have peace, only that every one of them has gone from someone who had a disposition of peace in their life, to now a life where they have a personality with an “edge”. Always looking to find fault. Always looking at the negative. The Tanners have every right to do what they think is right. That is one of the great things about our country, not to be stifled. I’m sure they, as you Juliette, have many wonderful qualities. I would think that it might be better to use one’s time to find peace in their own life, and goodness in others, rather than looking at a perfect church, full of imperfect people, saying imperfect things, and make sure that everyone knows about it. On another note, I hope sincerely you and your family have a very happy thanksgiving, and a wonderful Christmas season.
Great question, and so hard to say! To me, it all depends upon the genre, since I try to read in a lot of different areas. Much of what I read is fairly narrowly-focused scholarship that informs my dissertation research, but books I would actually recommend include:
- "Les Miserables," Victor Hugo
- "Gulliver's Travels," Jonathan Swift
- "Roots," Alex Haley
- "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Harriet Beecher Stowe
- "Why Religion Matters," Huston Smith
- "Crisis of Doubt," Timothy Larsen
- "Democracy in America," Alexis de Tocqueville
- "Pensees," Pascal
- "Man's Search for Meaning," Viktor Frankl
- "Understanding the Book of Mormon," Grant Hardy
- "Moby Dick," Herman Melville
- "Frankenstein," Mary Shelley
- "Technopoly," Neil Postman
- "The Closing of the American Mind," Allan Bloom
- anything by Terryl Givens
- anything by C. S. Lewis
and so much more! A good book is a friend worth making!
I have watched all the episodes of Ether in the past 3 days. Can you give me a clue to the episode and time stamp that mentioned morning prayer related to the creation and evening prayer as to return and report so that I may share.
It goes along with the discussion of Ether 12:19. That would be part 1 of Ether 12-15, but I'm not sure when in the video (though I typically address each verse in order, so that should help). If you want to read the talk from Elder Bednar that discusses the idea originally, here's a link:
@@Unshaken Thank you for being so prompt to reply and thank you for being so good!!
BROTHER HALVERSON, I believe it's time to delete some of the very ugly comments above. Why some feel the need to challenge the testimony of others is something I don't understand. They must be very bitter indeed. As for me, my testimony of the gospel WILL NOT BE SHAKEN. Thank you for the wonderful work that you do!
As always, I love your lessons and learn so much from you! But I have a question... Omer is the father of wicked Jared, right? The Lord warned him to flee before the plans of Akish and Jared to kill him come to pass. So Akish didn't end up killing Omer, but Jared gets the kingdom anyway so he gives Akish his daughter to wife. It sounded like you said Akish killed Jared's father and they succeeded in their plan. Is Omer Jared's father?
You are right on that. I didn't explain that part correctly--I'm so sorry! I corrected my mistake in the video for Moroni 1-6. Please forgive me for my error!
Study suggestion: review these verses in Ether 8 about getting gain, about seeking to destroy the freedom of ALL lands, nations, and countries... then research the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, (particularly the membership list) the United Nations Agenda 2030, also what 5 companies own all the media outlets in the United States and what is their affiliation? Then reflect on what political leaders say words like “sustainable” “new world” “new world order” (there are others but the terms have been prostituted and would take longer to explain than I have here). Then you might begin to awaken to our awful situation. There is mass corruption in high places. One presidential candidate seeks to expose it. The other seeks to conceal it and perpetrate it in what is euphemistically referee to as “continuity of power.” There is blood crying from the dust for vengeance. Will you pay the price to at best “expose the hidden things of darkness” and “warn your neighbor” that you’ve been warned? Or at the least not continue to uphold it? Or will you shrug it all off as a conspiracy theory and comfort yourself that “all is well in Zion?” Seek discernment my friends.
So incredibly well put! One is trying to expose “IT,” and the other is trying to conceal “IT.” What people don’t understand is the one that is trying to hide it, wants to manipulate the “Constitution of The United States Of America” in every way possible and trodden it under his feet. That one God-inspired document made the restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ possible in this promised land. People need to pay attention carefully, but then Isaiah’s prophecies are being fulfilled. We live in a world where “good is evil, and evil is good.”
I have been concerned about these things for some time and couldn't agree with your assessment more. The question is what can one individual truly DO about it besides recognizing it, praying against it, using our vote, etc, It is HUGE now. The lack of justice and consequences for those who have committed crimes has paved the way for greater and more blatant, widespread corruption. Do we just use it to see where we are in the timeline, or is there something a single person can and should do?
I noticed the past two episodes the close caption text has not been available. Do you typically submit a text transcript with the youtube video? This has not been a problem with the other videos you have posted.
what is the beast and the merchant city you are talking about? Are tou giving your own interpretation on some scriptural texts?
4:13 - nice combination of all of them there.
...Where's the eagle? The eagle whose wings the lion eventually possesses???
The bear, the leopard, the lion, and the dragon with 10 horns...
5:39 - We might call this "gaslighting"
@Juliette Tellimm What, are you trying to provide an example of "gaslighting"?
Destroy corrupted and incorrect individuals, maybe, but "the church" is not its individuals.
I'm sorry for whatever you've experienced, if you're one of these "informed" members (x-member, whathaveyou).
I have so many questions for you... one of which being, why did you click on this video? (unless you are trying to simply provide me with an example of gaslighting and what you replied to me wasn't genuine)
@Juliette Tellimm You be blessed too :)
And the division will continue until that day... “I will try their faith.” The wheat will grow among the tares in the last days, these days, to try people’s faith. And then there will be a harvest... then we won’t be able to have faith because we’ll know...
@Juliette Tellimm ALSO, doubting your doubts is about proving your doubts wrong instead of your beliefs.
Conclusions are theories plus evidence. You can feed whichever conclusion you want and deem it correct based on the evidence you chose to accept and *believe*. They call that a confirmation bias and it can work both ways.
If you want to look at “doubt your doubts” as manipulative then that’s what you’re going to see regardless of what the issuer of the statement intended.
So... be blessed, but also be wise and don’t be deceived by those who wish to murder your faith.
I know the Book of Mormon is a true history written by ancient prophets of ancient American civilizations, translated by the prophet and seer Joseph Smith Junior, because it testifies of Christ and bolsters the testimony of Christ in the Old and New Testaments.
If THAT is true and the church is “false” then no other organized church has all the truth we need in our lives which equates to the blind leading the blind, exactly how an adversary would want it.
Danny, YES!
@Juliette Tellimm Juliet it seems you have a story behind your comments. I sincerely hope you find something to listen to that will build you up. I’m pretty sure you aren’t actually listening to these. If so then I’ feel sorry that you block out any warmth that is there to be had. With your passion I’m sure there is much out there to spend your time on that would be building to you snd others. Criticizing and dragging others down does nothing positive to either soul. I hope you have or will find something good in your life to embrace. So much good out there to do regardless or what church affiliation you hold dear. Think what a world this could be if all of us simply kept the first and second great commandments to love god and others...Christ is all about building not tearing down. I for one would have much less heartburn. I pray for you to find the peace your soul aches for. Happy thanksgiving to all listening! Even in the midst of all this crazy there is so much good out there♥️
Omer wasn't killed. Akish did *not* get, "two heads for the price of one". Omer heeded the dream and got out of the land.
That's what I thought. I was confused by that.
Good catch, both of you! I messed up that part and I apologize. I corrected it in the video for Moroni 1-6, so I hope my "mea culpa" is acceptable! It wasn't Moroni alone that lamented over his own imperfections :) Thanks for being such close readers, and for helping to keep me on the strait and narrow!
@@Unshaken I had same question, about Omer. Then, I had prompting to read other comments! It was then, I discovered others had same question.Thanks Michelle, for asking same question. I have never made a reply on here before, but had to say thanks SO MUCH for clarifying! You are an AMAZING teacher!! Thanks for your humility and preparation, EVERY WEEK with these lessons!! I truly FEAST on EVERY ONE of them! I tell EVERYONE I know about them!! YOU have blessed our lives in bringing these scriptures to life! I feel the spirit with every one of them!! I used to follow 5 different others, but now I just follow YOURS! Words cannot begin to express my gratitude!
@@tandyhammond6584 Thank you so much! I'm grateful you've enjoyed the lessons. The Book of Mormon is such a treasure trove!
Any book recommendations for anti religious rhetoric books?
@Juliette Tellimm you need to check yourself and stop hounding and spamming those who find great peace and truth in these videos. Your bitterness and hatred towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not welcome.
Please stop the captions. It is annoying
The closed captioning is something that RUclips does automatically for the hearing impaired (and you're right that it's not always correct, but hopefully that technology is improving). I believe each viewer can turn it on or off by clicking on the "CC" button at the bottom of each video.
annoying, incorrectly spelled and/or translated, and unnecessary. Thank you ☺️