Advise to Hanafi fiqh Channel from Ex "Tableeghi" now Salafi Abu Mussab wajdi Akkari

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2012
  • The hanafi fiqh channel has nothing to do with Imam Abu Hanifa, • Imam Abu Hanifa Kufr F... Its a Deobandi sufi fiqh channel and its using imam abu hanifa as a shield. Alot Deobandi tableeghi brothers think that if you are not from tablighi jamaat then you are not doing tableegh. This video a piece of advise for them and I my self am an EX Deobandi Tableeghi as well so inshaAllah i am willing to help my brothers, provided that they need help. Deobandiyyah is a new sect that came into existance after the 1850's and its a sufi sect. They do not follow Imam abu hanifa in aqeedah as they openly declare it in their aqeedah books • Imam Abu Hanifa Kufr F...
    They only claim to follow imam Abu hanifa but rather they follow their own set of sufi scholars and take the name of Imam Abu hanifa as a shield. They often reject Quran and Sunnah in their love for the set of scholar to whom they refer and they also attribute forgeris to Islam, Rasool Allah s.a.w, the sahaba and even on imam abu hanifa in order to defend their sect and the manhaj of their scholars. The pious Imam Abu hanifa was free from what they attribute to him in their defense. Their Dawah is not to call towards Allah and his rasool s.a.w but its rather to become a part of their sect and follow "imam abu hanifa" blindly, which in reality is not following imam abu hanifa rather its blindly following deobandi scholars. The books of Fadhaail such as Fadhaail e Amaal and Fadhail e sadaqaat are more beloved to them than the Quran. Both these books contain ample amount of lies, fabricated narrations, weak narrations and buhtaans on Allah, the prophet s.a.w and Sahaba. They narrate the stories of their elders as if they were some one more pious and important to Allah than the Sahaba were. Thats why we find incidents like the Kaaba going to visit or doing tawaaf a certain Sufi "Wali" etc in Fadhaail e sadaqaat. I hope this information helps our dear brothers and sisters,
    Brought to you by Former deobandi tablighi / lifewithallah
    Visit our website:
    Advise to Hanafi fiqh Channel from Ex Tableeghi Jamaat member

Комментарии • 117

  • @TSMK900
    @TSMK900 12 лет назад +78

    Akhi, how do Deobandi commit shirk? They are against interceding to dead people in graves and when did they have these so called saints?

  • @TSMK900
    @TSMK900 12 лет назад +97

    Akhi, they don't intercede to graves. If there are some Deobandis who do that then they are not Deobandi. Just some misguided people.
    Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rahimulla argued against Grave worship, this is documented highly and he is one of the biggest ulema of Deoband.
    Akhi, please, for the sake of Allah give these people the benefit of the doubt, they are not grave wirshippers. There are soooo many Deobandis, it's near impossible to put them under a label.
    Just love them as brothers.

  • @HafizQutaiba
    @HafizQutaiba 12 лет назад +16

    So what about Imam Malik's father who left his family for 30 years. And when he came back Imam Malik could not recognize him. Sahaba and Taabein used to go for LONG periods of time.

  • @russelindia
    @russelindia 12 лет назад +8

    Allah ( swt ) does not need to be everywhere. His knowledge and power is everywhere.

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад +20

    tablighi jamat is nt a seperate group according to them. their request to all muslims is only that you include the work of ordering good deeds and stop wrong deeds. and when they go for 3 days or whatever.they, besides giving dawah, has a lot o chance to learn many farz an wajibat during that period of khurooj which is very dificult while staying at home. and during the khurooj they r taught to give dawah and this thing can't be learnt staying at demands concntration n sacrifice etc

  • @uddinshomir
    @uddinshomir 12 лет назад

    JazakAllah Khair

  • @TSMK900
    @TSMK900 12 лет назад +9

    How do you know what their aqeeda is?

  • @immigreat54
    @immigreat54 12 лет назад +36

    Your replies don't contain references, rather they seem more as blatant accusations. You remove ppl comments. This is how you want to change others minds?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    There are many brother, many.. And By Allah there are a few which i dont even want to mention but im forced into uttering kufr just for the sake of those that are unaware. I have many scanned references on facebook, inshaAllah a proper translated video will be available soon along with the scans from Urdu versions of the books. i will try to use the translations which are done by deobadis but i have seen that even the english translations contain extreme forgeries right from the very begining.

  • @786ALI100
    @786ALI100 12 лет назад +25

    brother why cant ppl look at the good ppl do instead of judging them, we all have faults, explain this to me when a salafi brother reads from a hadith book which has been translated from arabic and without relising he gives fatwa and misguides many many ppl is that okay ?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +5

    Secondly brother, How about you fear Allah and Believe in Allah as He wants? How about fearing Allah in blindly following the messenger s.a.w as the sahaba did instead of following the deobandi sect and giving it the name of taqleed of imam abu hanifa?

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад +1

    my teacher was an ahl e hadith but he himself said that ahl e sunnah is the saved sect. but he also mentioned that ahl e sunnah does not mean those o today, it meant prophet pbuh n sahaba. where have u read these imams saying ahl e hadith as save sect.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +7

    Ahlul hadeeth is the Group of the Sahaba and the people of the prophet s.a.w. We dont follow any one blindly except for Rasool Allah s.a.w. We Understand Quran and Sunnah as Rasool Allah s.a.w, Sahaba and the Salafs have taught us to understand. Is there any purer understanding of Quran and sunnah than this?

  • @786ALI100
    @786ALI100 12 лет назад +3

    which book is this in ?

  • @786ALI100
    @786ALI100 12 лет назад +15

    explain what makes these books kufr and shirk

  • @TSMK900
    @TSMK900 12 лет назад +2

    This means the number of Deobandi is very small considering that most are layman?
    I'll go speak to some hardcore Deobandi and refer to this book which you speak of.

  • @Wag1Taliban
    @Wag1Taliban 12 лет назад +11

    then how come the reilgion is spilt into four imams

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад +1

    ok tell me one of these stories and i will see it my self

  • @salafi133
    @salafi133 12 лет назад


  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +20

    Brother, i belong to a family of Tablighi sect. Atleast, for the sake of Allah dont tell me that they respect other sects. The case over here is that when i sit with them or face them, they say "Every one is correct, Ahle hadees deobandi etc" but when im not there then they back bite about me. Ive seen pure idiots after coming from 4 months chilla and on their return they abusing Dr Zakir Naik only coz he wear a tie. please.. dont tell me that they "respect" every sect.

  • @uddinshomir
    @uddinshomir 12 лет назад +1

    Where do I read on the specifics of what Salafis believe and follow because your answer is very vague and I have heard shias say the same thing which obviously is far from the truth.

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад +2

    well, the same is the claim from all the sects they do follow only prophe n sahaba

  • @thewizardofdark1
    @thewizardofdark1 12 лет назад +2

    where did u find that rasulullah sallallahu wa'ala 'alihi wa-ashabihi wasallam left their family & never returned???

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    and even most of the barelvis say the same thing, they even justify their sujood to the grave by saying that "we dont say "Subhaan Rabbi Al A'laa" during sujood so that doesnt make it Sujood. The facts are open in the books that are being propogated more than the Quran and Sunnah, in the case of TJ it is the Fadhaail books, and in case of Barelvis it is "Faizan e Sunnat" and other raza khani books. One must base his/her aqeedah on Proofs From Quran and Sunnah and not mere claims.

  • @Farxan44
    @Farxan44 12 лет назад +11

    Asalam aleykoum ya akhy , ok we are different . But I disagree what you said , I take allah as witness that I did khuruj , 1days , 1 afternoon , 2 days in my masjid , 6 days and the last time it was 3 days . So what you said about 3 days, 10 days etc... its not true , why the machaikh never said its very important to go 72 hours ? They say it's d
    Good from friday to sunday

  • @mtzango1
    @mtzango1 12 лет назад +2

    where can i find the full lecture? jazakallahu khairan..

  • @786ALI100
    @786ALI100 12 лет назад +7

    tell me what they do that is kufr and shirk ?

  • @AlexanderaCherie
    @AlexanderaCherie 12 лет назад +2

    my first marriage was to a taablighi and as I am a revert and was kicked out of home a few months before my marriage this was all I knew for 4 years, I did not receive my rights from my husband nor to my children even though he is an 'alim of these people.
    After our divorce I started to read more on taabligh and finally left it. This causes problems for me because they all call me a wahab. I don't get full child support because he refuses to pay these are the kind of people they are.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    ok, so this was your proof on the buhtaan on rasool Allah s.a.w. Subhan Allah, your comments are available for every one to see and this confirms what ever i said in the description of this video about deoband and deobandis. May Allah guide you, ameen.

  • @786ALI100
    @786ALI100 12 лет назад +4

    please show me brother

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    Watch the video after 6:26 and you will see your self.
    And you say the messenger left every thing and never returned. Ok mashAllah another buhtaan on Rasool Allah s.a.w, when did he leave his family and never returned back? Wallahi billahi if u do not present for this buhtaan then just learn to Shut up and read the life of the prophet s.a.w atleast.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    MashAllah, doing Jihad is not enough and one must have firmness of emaan? Ok MashAllah so how many people have tableeghi Jamaat produced with this firmness of Emaan that can go for Jihad? Its been many decades so how many has it produced? Wallahi the peak of Emaan is when one is in the battle field. The test of the Firmness of Emaan is in the battle field. How many people have TJ produced that can atleast try and test the firmness of their emaan?

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад +1

    doing jihaad is not enough. for it, one must have the firmnesso imaan so firm to take the help o Allah directly . it isnt that it comes in one's mind to go to jihad n he went. but here i've seen most o jihaadis doing this thing. they don't see any purpose in life or bcome exausted so they decide to comite sucide or etc n make the excuse o jihaad. but in reality jihad isn't the case to be treated like this.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    Subhan Allah, just keep following ur whims and desires for a book like fadhaail e amaal which is full of shirk and kufr and inshaALlah on the day of judgement you will be with those that propogated the same book. No need to bother, im blocking u my self.

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад

    if any one does this, i have already said, he is not following the true teachings. if the true tablighi cant speak good o any other sect then atleast he doesnt speak ill o others

  • @jubzfree
    @jubzfree 12 лет назад +4

    For some reason RUclips doesn't let me dislike this video...

  • @uddinshomir
    @uddinshomir 12 лет назад +2

    Brother do you believe in a life after death?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    And dont say u follow Quran and Sunnah, u just blindly follow the whims and desires of Deoband tableeghi jamaaat. Thats it. If u had followed quran and sunnah then atleast u would have made your aqeedah and salaah according to quran and sunnah and rejected the book of kufr and shirk known as fazail e amaal.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +3

    secondly, i advise you sincerely to gain some knowledge and dont ever say that tableegh is only done by tableeghi jamaat. This is just false thinking of Deobandis that dont know the basics of Islam nor do they know their own aqeedah, works or manhaj. If your criteria is that TJ changed ur life hence u shudnt let it go, then brother.. Alot of christians are accepting Islam through the bible it self but Alhamdulillah they are not so dumb to apply such criteria on baatil.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +3

    now coming to the main point, Alhamdulillah u do admit that they preach their own sect. If they do want to preach the teachings of Any sect, then Why dont they preach the sect which has been termed as the Saved Sect or Victorious group? Do you that Imam Bukhari, Ahmed Bin Hanbal, Ibn Taymiyyah etc have all said that Ahlul hadeeth are the saved sect. Imam Shafee have such tremendous words for the ahlul hadeeth and he himself was one as well Bihamdillah.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    i added the link in the video, below right corner of the video.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    Subhan Allah... MashAllah, see the justification of the Buhtaan on Rasool Allah s.a.w :) I can only say Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon. Dear brother the first thing u need to do is show some Islamic character while u talk about our beloved prophet s.a.w. Secondly, i want to know from you again, produce one proof for ur buhtaan that the prophet left his family and never came back. Produce 1 or i will block u as i cannot bare such ignorance that leads to Kufr. Produce ur proof.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    ok as u asked me to do dua then i will do a dua that is written in fazail e sadaqaat, please say ameen if u support tableeghi jamaat.
    Ya Allah, forgive me that i am writing this, I am a liar and i am nothing... What ever i am Is You (Allah) .. me and you are Shirk With in Shirk"
    Can u say ameen to that? This is just 1 reference.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +11

    3) But if the layman finds out all these things, yet if he adheres to them then that is what is called a "Deobandi". Right now the majority of these innocent people are laymen and they dont know. They are being mislead into believing that they are following the path of the prophet s.a.w where as in reality the elders of deoband are leading them to blindly follow the sect of Deoband in the name of imam abu hanifa (rah).

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад +4

    dont they teach aqeedah o tauheed? all the times i sat in their speeches they have talked about it that every thing is in the control o Allah n nothing is done but by only one far as teachings o their sect are concerned, then u see it is nt possible to teach th concepts o every sect in only one sitting or group the only thing that can b done z to respect th teachings o other sects n i think they do this at the best n if any one not doing this he z nt following the teachings o jamat

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    Imam Abu Hanifa says that, Not me.

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад

    ok wait a which country do u belong?

  • @786ALI100
    @786ALI100 12 лет назад +23

    first of all they dont seek help from graves so u are slandering muslims because its onli da salafis who bad mouth them, they give dawah to our muslim brothers who became practasing because of this effort, brother they didnt do to a grave and ask 4 help from dead ppl, so calm down, do u want your good deeds going to them on judgement day.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +4

    my brother, when some 1 stands infront of the sun then he shouldnt claim that the sun doesnt give out light.
    Similarly i myself as an ex tableeghi know that its a sect/group which is propogating the teachings of its Sufi sect, its scholars and its books.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +4

    Thats a totally false and fabricated story. For the sake of Allah atleast know your deen and believe in authentic narrations and stories. Sahaba didnt go around preaching their own sect, rather they were under the hukm of the Khaleefah and they went out to conquer the countries upon Dawah and Jihad along with Quran and Sunnah. Where as you know your self brother that tableeghi jamaat only preaches its own sect and does not propogate quran and sunnah or Jihad.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    You are not even willing to listen to some one that does your islaah. Do you not fear Allah for not doing ur islaah in the light of Quran and Sunnah? Do you not fear Allah? Do you not Fear that Allah will hold u accountable for not following quran and sunnah? Do you not fear Allah for propogating a book that is filled with shirk and buhtaan against Rasool Allah s.a.w??
    may Allah give you hidaya and guide u to the straight path of Quran and Sunnah, Ameen.

  • @roto811
    @roto811 12 лет назад +3

    Mashallah, sheikh. Zazkumullah khair for the lovely lecture

  • @AlexanderaCherie
    @AlexanderaCherie 12 лет назад

    @LifewithAllah Forgive me I didn't know there was a difference between the two.

  • @umarali-91
    @umarali-91 12 лет назад +1

    ALLAH Subhanahu wa Tahala says what means,
    On the day when their faces shall be turned back into the fire, they shall say: O would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger! {66} And they shall say: O our Lord! surely we obeyed our leaders and our great men, so they led us astray from the path; {67} O our Lord! give them a double punishment and curse them with a great curse. {68}
    (Surah Al_Ahzab Ayaat 66,67,68)

  • @iqraiqbal2783
    @iqraiqbal2783 11 лет назад +41

    You are so true I also live in the UK and have roots from Jhelum, majority of the Pakistanis, Indian Muslims and Bengalis follow people like Ashraf Ali Thanvi and when they do something which goes completely against the sunnah I explain to them that this is not what our Prophet did... They start to label me as a WOBLER (wahabi) or Salaami (salafi)!

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    I agree brother but thats the irony you see. They show the layman or sort of fool the layman into believing that they are doing "tableegh". Wallahi, they only propogate the teachings of their Sect which is not even close to the tableegh which the anbiyaa or sahaba did. The first thing the sahaba and anbiya concentrated on was Aqeedah of Tawheed. Once that is established and the muslim starts believing in Allah as Allah and his messenger wants us to believe, then the later part comes.

  • @Fawad5734
    @Fawad5734 12 лет назад

    u tell me ur id n i will meet u there coz i ve already make the mistake o giving my id

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    brother Your other buhtaan was on me but i dont really bother about it, you see this is the case.. If u can even lie about the prophet s.a.w then why cant u lie about me? How easy for u is it to say that i sit on FB and youtube and money hug etc... I ignore your ignorance because u havent spared the prophet s.a.w either.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    and the family of Rasool Allah s.a.w was in madina and was with them i.e Abu Bakr, Usman, Ali, Umar, Aysha, Hafsa, Fatima, Safiya, Umme Kulsoom and every other.. Radhi Allahu Anhom. Every Jihad of His involved his own family, every act he did has reached us through his family and He died in the lap of his most beloved wife, and u want to come here attribute buhtaan to Rasool Allah s.a.w and justify your destructive creed and manhaj.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    3) The Farz and Wajibaat which their Sect says. There are many many things brother, i can give a whole lecture on them and their double face nature coz i belonged to them as well a few years back. Ive been with the son of molana tariq jameel and his students as well. There are Scholars of Quran and Sunnah out there and we learn from them in the light of Quran and Sunnah instead of going out with a sect and learning what their sect has to say. I hope these short and precise answers help u brother

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    Walykum assalaam, Allah knows best. You can ask him personally on his RUclips channel "onewaytoparadise"

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    MashAllah, u quote the aayah and you propogate of kufr, shirk and khurafaat in the shade of this Aayah. You propogate a book filled with shirk and buhtaan on rasool Allah s.a.w and u call this tableegh? U attribute lies to Allah and u call it tableegh? U propogate whims and desires of deoband and u call it tableegh? Akhi.. read the life of Rasool Allah s.a.w or any sahabi to learn what tableegh is.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    Read their books brother. Read Fadhaail e Amaal and the belief of kufr shirk and buhtaan on Rasool Allah s.a.w in it. No one is willing to defend it nor is any one willing to reject what is being said, none will reject it except for the one that is guided by Allah.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    very good question, even when i used to sit with them they would always say "every thing is in the control o Allah n nothing is done but by only one Allah" Also they would say "Success is in obeying Allah and his rasool s.a.w". Thats their trademark punchline to attract people initially. Then when you open fadhail e amaal and sadaqaat and see all these blasphemous stories against the sahaba and the prophet s.a.wand also tons of grave worshipping, thats when things are exposed.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    exactly brother, every one claims that he or she follows prophet pbuh and sahaba and the only way to know this is just to cross check the proofs, I invite you for the sake of Allah to atleast check the proofs. I know that deobandis dont like at all that their followers read proofs from Quran and hadeeth. I am unable to PM you, can u send me a PM so i can send u my profile link?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    Akhi, read the quran. Read the life of the prophet s.a.w and his ahadeeth with the understanding of the sahaba and the remaining salaf as saliheen. refer to wwwDOTislamqaDOTcom if u want to know anything about us insha Allah.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    Look brother... Get this fact straight. "Tableegh" and "tableeghi jamaat" are 2 different things. Tableeghi Jamaat is a Sect that propogates false teachings of Islam, books of shirk and their own brand of selective teachings. Where as Tableegh is fard upon every muslim to do.
    Dont compare your lives with Sahaba..Sahaba didnt go around preaching their own sect, rather they were under the hukm of the Khaleefah and they went out to conquer the countries upon Dawah and Jihad along Quran n Sunnah

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    Is doing naseeha to you showing off? Is telling u not to be a part of Ahlu shirk showing off? Subhan Allah the Ahle hadees imam of the kaaba Sheikh Shuraim visits deoband and you thought that he gave u the certificate of being haqq? Subhan Allah brother... These are the sayings of a person that already knows he is not on the true path. Here is why our imam sheikh shuraim went to deoband:
    Deobandis gave their own meaning to his visit but only to satisfy them selves.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +35

    This was not split up in the lives of the four imams brother. This act of blind following one imam started after the 3rd century. Islam was never divided into 4 imams and the 4 imams them selves condemned this to be done and they spent their lives preaching quran and sunnah and asking people to follow quran and sunnah. There is not a single statement of them calling people to blind follow them.

  • @danielocean1310
    @danielocean1310 12 лет назад +2

    tableeg followers are nowadays making worse comments to those people who want to follow quran and sunnah

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    brother, they seek help from graves. They associate them selves to Allah. If u have fazail e sadqaat, then i can give u references from that very book it self. I have maktaba rehmaaniyah version, which one do u have?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    SubhanAllah, a tablighi deleted all his comments in which he passed on some abuses to me and claimed that the prophet s.a.w Left his family for Islam and did not return back. He tried to justify this buhtaan on Rasool Allah s.a.w and was given the chance to provide proof but all he did was present more abuses along with unconcerned comments. I replied back to him and blocked him as well for his buhtaans. Now he deleted his comments instead of taking his buhtaan back. Inna Lillaahi...

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    1) My comments will be detailed brother so please read them. I want to make one thing very clear brother and i hope you pay heed to this because i dont ruin my fasts with lies. I have said on many occassions that Most of the people that have associated them selves to "Deoband", Wallahi Billahi they dont know their aqeedah or manhaj. I was the same and my whole family was the same. I believed that they were strict in tawheed and they acted on the Sunnah.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    wa iyyak.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    I again ask you, send me ur facebook ID coz these are long discussions. Long mainly due to the fact that what ever you are told about the tableeghi jamaat is against facts that are mentioned in their books which they dearly propogate and also due to the fact that there are tons of lies which they have propogated against ahlul hadeeth. I will help you in the best way possible and you can consult any deobandi scholar on earth. Send me ur Facebook ID.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    i do sadqa my brothr but i will not be a part of a group that propogates these books instead of Quran and Sunnah. If u want to read the reference then send me ur facebook id so i can send u the pic. Believe me this is just 1 out of the many.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    I have made a whole video about majority of the references.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    yes akhi i dont disagree with what you said. My own uncle has been in tableeghi jamaat for years now. He just comes back home for a few days to meet his wife and children and then goes back again for 4 months or longer. He doesnt even turn on his cell phone whilst he is away in 4 months khurooj. His family die to hear from him but he doesnt bother. He's so brain washed now that he even rejected Quranic verses which i presented to him coz it went against what he was taught by tablighi elders.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    sure brother. Speak to hard core deobandis and also the layman. and Also wait for my video which i will release after ramadan insha Allah and u can show that to them as well.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    one example: In a dua of seeking forgiveness from Allah, Zakriyah kandholvi sahb copies the statements from tazkiratur rasheed which is as follows (in english)
    "...I am a liar, i am nothing... what ever i am, it is U. And me and you are Shirk with in Shirk".
    What do u call this brother? Kufr shirk or tawheed?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    brother which version of fazail e sadqaat do u have? i have maktaba rehmaniya. Do u have access to maktaba rehmaniya fazail sadqaaT?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    Fazail sadqaat and tazkiratur rasheed. This is just one example brother. I will make the video insha Allah after Eid. If only the deobandis of UK could read urdu, it would have been excellent. Ive seen people of UK being fooled by deobandi scholars ONLY because they cant read urdu. but none the less.. Allah is the one that guides. I will make a video with a lot of references after eid.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад


  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    Walykum assalaam brother, Only one comment at a time. :) And i rarely allow abuses of some deobandis. most of the time i delete them. So just one comment at a time so we can discuss inshaAllah. And what did Abu Mussab say about 3 days that u disagree with? Wallahi i am witness as an ex tableeghi and i know what Abu Mussab is saying and ive been through it. Ive even spent time with the students of tariq jameel as well as his son. So what r u disagreeing with brother?? clarify

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    No problem sister. Many people are like this. Even i my self was like this and had this false concept that "Tableegh" = "Tableeghi Jamaat". It was later that i realised that both these things are different and Alhamdulillah Allah guided me to repent from their ways, aqeedah and Manhaj.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    2) I was a layman but i used to associate my self to tableeghi jamaat. I thought that they are doing a wonderful job and they are the only ones doing tableegh and i loved tableegh. I never knew wahdat ul wujood and i never knew the kufr and shirk in the fadhaail books and insha Allah i was free from the kufr and shirk mentioned in these fadhaail books even when i associated my self to deoband. The Bottom line that i want u to understand is that the Layman is free from all these things.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    and its evident from your comments that you are absolutely unaware of Jihad or Mujahideen. You said Mujahideen commit suicide, MashAllah, May Allah question you for this accusation and if u have TTP in ur mind then the dirty TTP are not mujahideen. They are brain washed deobandis as well.
    Dont keep them in mind when i say Mujahideen. Im talking about the true jihad and the opression in Afghanistan, Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq and Kashmir etc.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +5

    brother when ever a salafi scholar makes a mistake, we our selves are the first one to say that he erred. We realise that even sahabas made mistakes as human beings so we are not super natural humans that dont make mistakes. You talked only looking at the good of people brother i and u both know by now that no matter how much good one does, if there is shirk in aqeedah then no good is of any use. I dont see any much difference between Dawat e islami (barelvi tableegh) and tableeghi jamaat.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    Akhi, whoever told u this has just lied to you. I am an ex deobandi and now salafi. Alhamdulillah we follow nothing but quran and sunnah with the understanding of the prophet s.a.w and the sahaba and then the remaining salaf as saliheen. its just a lie whoever has said this to u.

  • @786ALI100
    @786ALI100 12 лет назад

    no dont have either

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    2) The invite people to good and forbid people from bad, which is good but thats what they do partially. Allah says in the Quran "Enter into Islam Whole Heartedly" 2:208, I will just give one example from the many i.e They will never speak good about Jihad Fee Sabeelillah i.e Qitaal (fighting), never will they pray for the Mujahideen nor will they ever give dawah of Jihad. Rasool Allah s.a.w did Qitaal for 10 years almost but TJ brothers have excuses of not entering into Islam whole heartedly.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    and for ur information, sheikh shuraim has twice been the chief guest of Peace conferences and will insha Allah continue to do so. Just open ur mind out of your sect and type on youtube "Sheikh Shuraim Peace conference".

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    I really dont allow unrelated stupidity here. Now u r here asking for proof, i will give u proof. What will u do in return? Accept the kufr or shirk or just happy with the buhtaan on Allah?
    Watch that video which contains the reference that i mentioned. I will make a whole video on this, till then i dont u to disturb me. Wait until the video brother and save ur emaan.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    and Subhan Allah u dont even know what sort of kufr and shirk is contained in ur fadhail books and u dont even know that ibn al Qayyim rah did Rujoo from alot of his "Kitab ur Ruh" opinions and the scholars dont take that book in consideration because they know that ibn al qayyim did rujoo from Almost the false things mentioned in it. So you can stick to some one's error for your kufr and Shirk, Having said that.. The Kufr and Shirk of Fadhail books that i have, they arent in Kitab ur ruh.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    5) Finally i just want to say that a few years back i heard an ex barelvi scholar say that there is no such difference between Barelvi and Deobandis. And another scholar said that the Only difference between barelvi and deobandis is that the Gutter of Barelvi is wide open but the gutter of Deoband is closed. Every knows about barelvi but there was hardly any work done on deobandis until recently and now Alhamdulillah people are knowing their reality.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    akhi it may seem harsh but trust i am an ex tableegh from the tableeghi sect. I agree that tableeghi jamaat is not a group rather its an obligation bestowed upon us by Allah and he has taught us what to propogate and what not to. Wallahi the Tableeghi jamaat members dont even know how to pray and wallahi i just iftaar and came back from Salaah, they teach such lies in the name of Sunnah such as Extreting according to Sunnah.. this is just one example and its a buhtaan on rasool Allah

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    Akhi, i have documented evidence. Let me tell u again coz its possible that u r not reading my other comments to other people. I dont consider the layman a deobandi that only labels himself as deobandi but is far from deobandi aqeedah. Such a person is not deobandi. When i say deobandi, I mean the person that adheres to the aqeedah of deoband and its manhaj. I have tons of evidence for this even in fazail sadqaat.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    ok, then wait for the video after eid brother.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    Open fazail e sadqaat and come back. i will tell u the references.

  • @cyberspiral
    @cyberspiral 12 лет назад
