She's in love with him. But, she can't. Because in her mind Emir with Tulay. Emir should clear that to make her feel she's not a home breaker. That's why she's uncomfortable every time, Emir touches her. She didn't deserve that, but Tulay and also Cavidan not happy with her existence being there. Emir knows she's in fear, but he didn't know she also feel guilty between him and Tulay. To make Emir and his mother argue about her is the most she didn't want. If Cavidan can accept her, she will come to Emir with open arms. One of them should make a first step to convincing each other.
Capítulo 373 Español Tülay: ¿por qué? Emir: no puedo ir a Ankara porque me voy a Mardin. Quiero empezar una nueva vida para mí, encontré a un maestro para que hable con su tío, hablaron y me están esperando en Mardin. Tülay: después de la reunión en Mardin, ¿irá Gülperi? ¿verdad? Tülay: Estoy tan feliz por Gülperi, es obvio que lo está pasando mal aquí. Emir: deberás ir sola a Ankara. Tülay: por supuesto. Me voy. (Viajaré hasta Ankara en vano, pero la rata leñera desaparecerá de nuestras vidas para siempre) Emir: te estaba buscando, el maestro Ahmet habló con tu tío. Nos está esperando. Dijo: "Que vengan y me besen la mano, no hay problema" Gülperi: Mi tío. Cavidan: gracias a Dios todo se resolvió finalmente. Niña, sufriste demasiado, pero finalmente obtuviste lo que querías. Oya: Gülperi, espero que todo sea como deseas. Cavidan: ¿Por qué estás callada? tienes lo que querías, ¿no eres feliz? Gülperi: Estoy feliz, ¿no serías feliz tú? Emir: iré a prepararme, reúne tus cosas. Tulay dice que finalmente dirán adiós a Gülperi, lo único que no le gusta es tener que viajar a Ankara en vano, Ercan: Ahora estás diciendo que cuando hagan las paces, su tío los dejará y Gülperi se divorciará. Que bien así continuaremos de donde lo dejamos. Tülay: pero no le quites los ojos, no confío en Gülperi, si un pájaro entra al jardín mantenme informada. Emir: ya compré los boletos. Gülperi: empaqué las cosas, terminaré pronto. Emir: ¿estás bien, algo te molestó? Emir: Estaremos en Mardin por la noche, prepárate. Gülperi: espera, tu legado, no se quedará conmigo. Emir: deberías quedarte con él, será más conveniente. Meltem: tengo una buena noticia SR: Kemal, los hombres aceptaron nuestros términos. Tomemos una taza de café, celebremos el progreso. Kemal: No beberé. Ya tuve suficiente, pero tú puedes beber. Meltem: no quiero molestarte, pero sé que tu mente está con la Sra. Narin. Supongo que me equivoqué cuanto intenté hacer algo bueno. El regalo no funcionó, ¿verdad? Kemal: Narin es una mujer muy especial a la que no le importan los regalos Las emociones son muy importantes para ella. Meltem: por supuesto, pero cierta persona no llamó, te estás quedando en el hotel no importa lo que digas, me siento culpable. Kemal: No es algo que hacemos, pero Narin tenía razón, supongo que es mi culpa. Narin le cuenta a su madre que no habló con Kemal, Meltem y él estaban juntos en un salón del hotel. Siempre está con él, siempre a su alrededor. (no sé quién es peor, Kumru o Meltem, ambas locas) Minuvver: quizá hablaban de trabajo, no pienses en cosas malas de inmediato. Narin: sus intenciones son obvias. Kemal sigue su vida como si nada hubiese pasado. No puedo soportarlo. Emir: No te preocupes, vamos. Tío: bienvenidos. Emir: Gracias, no queríamos que los malentendidos entre nosotros duraran más. Nos trataremos con comprensión. Tío: no me conoces en absoluto, novio, pero parece que mi sobrina tampoco. Que te dije Gülperi, su vida está en tus manos, pero no entendiste. (era un sueño) Gülperi: no, no puedo hacerlo, aún hay problemas, el maestro Ahmet no puede hacer nada, si él hace algo. Cavidan está anciosa para que lleguen a la hora al avión. Emir: ¿pasó algo? Gülperi: yo no voy, Cavidan: ¿Por qué cambiaste tu decisión? iré a hablar. Emir: tú te quedas madre. Qué estás pensando, es lo que siempre quisite y ahora te das por vencida. No te vas si no quieres, pero debes decirme por qué. ¿Qué sucedió que de repente cambió de opinión? Tengo que saber que te hizo cambiar de opinión. Cavidan: Digo que se acabó, está empezando de nuevo, voy a perder la cabeza, en qué pesadilla caímos. No puedo entender. Oya mi hijo se ha convertido en un juguete, por qué no se va. Oya: No lo sé, pero estaba muy entusiasmada, debe haber una explicación, cálmate. No la conozco bien, pero la chica no haría una cosa así sin razón. debe haber una explicación. (Cavidan teme que no quiera divorciarse) iré a averiguar qué pasó. Emir: no me dirás nada. Oya pide que diga sin miedo por qué cambió de opinión, Gülperi: No confío en mi tío. No es como nadie que conozcas. No podría hacer nada aquí, pero él puede hacer lo que quiera en Mardin. No confió en su palabra. Kemal quiere terminar la reunión, pero Meltem dice que quiere revisar otra carpeta. Meltem: me dule mucho el cuello, necesito un masaje. Iré al baño, con su permiso. Kemal llama a Minuvver y pregunta si necesitan algo, se escucha la voz de Meltem , Kemal dice que estan trabajando. Minuvver ves hija, están trabajando, él siempre está pensando en tí. Narin: él no está pensando en mí, piensa en si necesita algo para la casa. Oya le dice a Emir que Gülperi no cree en la palabra del tío, y si piensa bien, ella también le tiene miedo. Emir: tú y ella no tienes nada de qué preocuparse, yo me ocuparé del resto. Emir: mi tía me dijo lo que dijiste, no tengas miedo, nadie puede hacerte nada conmigo, lo sabes, no dejaría que te hicieran daño. No pasará nada malo. No te dejaré, estaré contigo, te protegeré. Gülperi: no es por mí, si no por ti. Emir: ¿crees que me van a hacer algo? Meltem invita a Kemal a cenar, Kemal: estoy muy cansado, pero que disfrutes tu comida. Meltem: es un hotel muy hermoso, con una vista preciosa en qué habitación te alojas, Kemal: Me quedo en la 1524 pero no me importa la vista. (este es el rey de los tontos, cómo tan inocente que no se da cuenta de las intenciones de esta mujer) Ercan le dice a Tülay que aún no se han ido a Mardin. Tülay: maldita sea, sabía que pasaría algo malo, te juro que la estrangularé con mis manos. Gülperi: Guíame Señor, (en mi sueño a los niños, ellos vuelan lejos de este mundo y huelen buenos olores) qué hago madre mía. Meltem llega simulando haber sido asaltada por un motorista. dice que intentó robarle su bolso. Kemal: vamos al hospital y llamemos a la policía, por las cámaras de seguridad pueden ver lo que pasó. Meltem: no tengo fuerzas (se desmaya) Kemal: Sra. meltem, no podías oírme, si la dejo en su casa. Meltem: sólo quiero dormir. Kemal llama a un señor llamado Erol, pide que le de otra habitación y se va. Meltem: maldita sea Kemal Tarhun eres muy difícil, muy duro, pero así eres más atractivo querido Kemal. Emir: despierta, sólo tienes una pesadilla, vamos despierta. Gülperi: te mataban. Emir: ok, era sólo una pesadilla, estoy bien. No tengas miedo, la pesadilla terminó. ok, duerme ahora Narin: tome una decisisón madre, pase lo que pase no dejaré que nuestra familia se destruya. No han sido fáciles estos días. Debería haber pensado en lo que pasamos desde el principio. Minuvver: ni tu ni Kemal pueden estar sin el otro. Narin: me enojé mucho cuando vi a Meltem y Kemal. Estoy muy celosa, pero sé que Kemal nunca pensaría en ninguna otra mujer que no fuera yo, no dejaré que se distancie más. Iré a hablar con él. Meltem: estoy hermosa nuevamente, vamos Kemal dónde estás, sé que estás pensando en mí. (loca) No te irás sin saber si estoy bien, además no puedes perderte una belleza así. Tülay llama a Cavidan y pregunta si todo está bien con Emir en Mardin, Cavidan: No fueron a Mardin, Gülperi se dio por vencida y no sabe por qué. Tülay: Hasta ahora, tanto Emir como yo hemos hecho todo tipo de sacrificios, así que tampoco me ofende, pero no crees que esto es un poco arbitrario. Cavidan: Tienes razón, ella renunció a divorciarse antes y ahora esto. Cavidan: tienes razón yo también lo creo, hablaré con ella si es necesario. Tülay: mis nervios están destruidos ahora de todos modos, tengo que ir a la oficina. (Tú eres mi esperanza, Cavidan, maneja esto) Oya: Creo que sería mejor que interfirieras, cuñada, para que Emir decida qué es lo mejor. Cavidan le pregunta que decisión tomó. Emir: lo pensé mucho, no vamos. hablé con el profesor de Nizamettin, y se cerró el tema, para que nadie te obligue a hacer nada de ahora en adelante, relájate. Gülperi: Yo iré a mi cuarto. Cavidan: Ya no sé qué decir hijo es realmente imposible entender tu decisión. No quiero vivir las mismas cosas, Gülperi seguirá su propio camino. Siempre he tenido la esperanza de que volvamos a nuestra antigua vida. ¿Volvemos a vivir las mismas cosas? ¿Hemos llegado a estos días fácilmente? Emir: Por favor, mira, nadie lo obligará a hacer nada a partir de ahora, está bien, no te preocupes, mi decisión es definitiva. Cavidan: hijo he respetado todas las decisiones que has tomado hasta ahora, te entiendo, pero como tu madre, debería haber sido tan drástica, hablo con Gülperi, la convenzo de que tome su propio camino. Emir: Mamá, ya estamos viviendo nuestra propia vida, esta es nuestra vida, Gülperi seguirá siendo parte de esta vida todo el tiempo que quiera. Por favor, madre el tema está cerrado. Oya hablaré con ella, no te preocupes. Narin llega al hotel, encuentra en la habitación a Meltem y a Kemal. Melike le dice a Emir que lleva remedios para la presión a Cavidan.
Continuación capítulo Hasan: entiendo muy bien a Gülperi, ha sufrido mucho. Ahora hay algo más que realmente me asusta, Espero que esta situación no sea aún más sospechosa para Kasım. Emir: No hay nada que hacer, tío Hasan, así que no puedo obligarla a irse mientras tiene tanto miedo. Si hay un problema con su tío, pensaré en la solución. Tío: ¿así se recibe a un invitado? Emir: no lo esperábamos. Tío: querían hablar y vine tan pronto como pude. Juró lealtad a la relación, no hay forma de terminarla. Vamos, no lo sabes, la que está detrás de ti no te lo dijo. No sabes de tradiciones, dulces, para una dulce conversación. Qué miras tómalos. Emir: entre. Kemal: No es una cosa fácil de superar, beba más agua. Narin: ¿Qué pasó, Sra. Meltem, está bien? Meltem: ahora no me malinterpretes cuando me veas aquí así por favor. Narin: ¿por qué debería entenderse mal? Es evidente que está enferma, ¿debería comprobar su pulso? Kemal le dice a Narin lo que pasó. Narin: Mejora pronto, ¿recibiste algún golpe en la cabeza? Meltem: no, Narin: No hay nada de qué preocuparse. Estás asustado. ¿Entras en pánico? Su presión arterial ha aumentado, y luego tuvo mareos, palpitaciones. Vas a tomar una ducha tibia. Mañana estarás bien, pero no en una habitación de hotel como esta, te llevaré a casa a descansar. ¿Avisaste a la policía? No lo descuides, es mejor que te lleve a casa. Vamos. Meltem: Estoy mejor, no te preocupes, iré yo misma. Narin: Mejor si vas con un médico. Te espero en la puerta. Kemal: por qué viniste, pasó algo malo. Narin: después hablamos. Emir le pide a Yigit que no salga de su cuarto, hasta que él le diga, después pasearán. Oya Emir ¿por qué vino este hombre? Emir: Cuando no fuimos, vino a comprobar si algo andaba mal, por lo que tengo entendido. Independientemente de lo que hayamos hecho hasta ahora, despejáremos sus dudas y lo enviaremos de regreso. Oya: ¿y si no nos cree e intenta hacer algo? Gülperi recuerda las amenazas del tío. Emir: ¿Estás bien? Gülperi: Se me escapó de la mano, Emir: no hay problema, está bien, cálmate. Gülperi: Lo conozco, no viene aquí por nada, pasarán cosas malas, no confíes en él. Emir: Cálmate, lo arreglaré todo, no tengas más miedo. Hasan: Has venido hasta aquí, espero que sea una bendición. Tío: vine a ver qué pasa, dijeron que irían y como no fueron vine a ver que pasa, si están bien de salud. Soy su tío. ¿Qué ha destruido y derramado nuestra chica? No hay nada dentro, Emir: sólo un vaso. Tío: no es nada importante para ti obtienes todo lo que quieres de tus socios, reloj, ropa, casas. (En la cocina Emir: quédate en él, hasta que tu tío se vaya) Emir: hay algún problema. Tío: no, sólo dudas. pregunta por su madre. Emir: estar en contra del enemigo no es tratarlo como un invitado ¿verdad? Tío: Es así, no tendré enemigo ni lloraré, no tenemos ni un caso de honor ni un asunto de honor. Tülay: estamos investigando, nos encargaremos del daño, no es tan grande como pensábamos. Tomaré las medidas necesarias para evitar que se produzca una situación de este tipo en el futuro. Kemal: Ok, espero un informe tuyo. Tülay: Creo que no podremos evitar que se escuche este evento. le enviaré un reporte pronto. Narin: esa mujer es más peligrosa de lo que pensamos, mamá, no hay arrebatamiento, inventa todo. Creo que lo inventó para llamar la atención de Kemal. Está mintiendo tenía su identificación en el bolsillo cuando sacó las llaves. No entiendo que está haciendo esta mujer, constantemente crea planes alrededor de Kemal. Minuvver: esta mujer es realmente una mujer muy peligrosa, así que arregla las cosas con tu marido y que regrese a casa. Estoy segura de que Kemal no se da cuenta de lo que hace. si se inquietan le darán a esa mujer lo que quiere. Meltem le cuenta a su amiga que la mujer no se inquietó cuando vio a su marido, actuó como una profesional, pero su propósito es claro, Pero este trabajo no termina así, está cerca de medir su altura. Llega Mert, pero al igual que Emir no escucha nada. Hasan dice que cuidará de ellos. El día que Gülperi entró por mi puerta, la tome como mi hija. El maestro de Nizamettin, que protegerá y vigilará, también es una persona con mucha experiencia. El tío agradece a Hasan porque no sabe si realmente Gülperi se quería casar. Gülperi: lo quería, estoy bien, Tío: tu esposo está contento contigo. Emir: estoy contento, la acepté, así que no nos importa lo que piensen los demás. Hasan: Kasim debe estar cansado vamos a mi casa y descansa bien, El tío dice que está muy feliz de haber llegado hasta ahí así que se quedará con ellos. Mert va para entregarles las llaves porque volverá con Narin, Meltem pide que se quede con ella. Mert acepta, pero sólo por una noche. Kemal: ¿Quién tiene razón quién puede estar equivocado? no me importa. Todo lo que sé es una cosa, ni siquiera puedo respirar sin ti. Una noche que no te miré a los ojos es como un siglo. No quiero estar en un lugar donde tú no estés. Narin: yo igual, no tiene sentido sin ti. Sólo quiero reconciliarme contigo. Kemal Sabes, dijimos que queríamos ir a cenar solos, hice una reserva para esta noche. Hasan le pide a Gülperi que esté tranquila, Emir está a su lado y la protegerá. Cavidan: Entonces, después de todo, ¿este tipo se quedará aquí en nuestras manos? ¿ahora vamos a levantarnos y recibirlo en la casa? Oya por enésima vez le pide que se calme. Melike: que Dios nos ayude. Tío: bésame la mano chico. Hasan le pide a Emir que tenga cuidado y paciencia. El tío le pregunta a Yigit si ahora Gülperi es su madre. Gülperi: es su hora de cenar tío. Tío: no me respondiste hijo. Yigit: amo mucho al hada, me cuenta cuentos y juega conmigo. Narin: sé que he sido injusta contigo, primero Mert, después el tema de los regalos, lo siento. He sido muy sentimental. No vas a hablar. ok, sólo hablaremos de nosotros dos esta noche. No hemos comido así en mucho tiempo, no volvamos a tomarnos un descanso. ¿Sólo mirarás? ¿No hablarás esta noche? Es nuestra música. Kemal: si, aquí están mis brazos. Siempre así, conmigo. Narin: si, no quiero privarme de esto. Melike les dice que lo dejó en su habitación. Gülperi: si me quedo en mi habitación y salgo temprano mañana por la mañana. Emir. como quieras, pero ten cuidado. No me malinterpretes, pero es mejor si te quedas en mi habitación. Gülperi: no, tendré cuidado. Emir: necesitabas algo. Tío: Cuando escuché las voces, dije que Dios consolará a los novios. Emir y el tío: buenas noches. (Emir le toma la mano a Gülperi, que tierno) Emir. sigue mirando. Gülperi: no dejará nada sobre nosotros, nunca se irá. Él lo entenderá, seguro que me matará. Emir: ok intenta mantener la calma, respira profundo, no te lastimará. Busca una estrella, hay una estrella del pastor que tanto amas. Continúa respirando. Gülperi: demasiado oscuro como de costumbre. Emir: ni la más profunda oscuridad es suficiente para apagar la luz de las estrellas. Ten cuidado con la oscuridad no con las estrellas, sigue respirando. (finalmente Emir logró nuevamente enamorarse) Narin: Sé que no quieres hablar de esto, pero llamaste a Mert, pero estoy muy contenta. Kemal: Le dije que estábamos enojados porque lo criticamos y él entendió. Narin: ¿Crees que volverá, Kemal: aunque no lo piense, hablaremos y tal vez podamos empezar cenando juntos, ¿qué piensas? Narin: creo que estaremos todos juntos. Kemal: esta vez lo elegí yo Meltem no era la indicada. No debería dejar esto a terceras personas. Tengo una sorpresa más, Esta noche estaremos solos, sólo tú y yo. Emir: déjame cerrar la ventana ¿Te duele? aguanta un poco. ¿Qué dijiste? Los ojos todavía están en nosotros. Duerme aquí. Gülperi, no, no voy a dormir de todos modos. Ercan llama a Tülay y le informa que Emir y Gülperi están en la misma habitación. Fuego y pólvora juntos porque llegó el tío. Gülperi dice que el tío parece que se durmió. Emir: no vale la pena correr el riesgo, cálmate un poco y trata de dormir. A dónde vas, acuéstate en esa cama y trata de dormir. Tío: qué pasa a esta hora. Emir: buscar agua te tomó mucho tiempo venía a ver. Mira, si no vas a dormir, no duermas, pero no salgas de esta habitación, no te conviene. (esto es mucho no le ha tocado ni el pelo, demasiada desconfianza). Meltem: si, la esposa comprensiva no funcionó para traer a su esposo de regreso a casa. Namik, ven a la oficina de inmediato, te necesito, no me preguntes, dije que vinieras de inmediato. Emir: pasamos esta noche, un día más, tal vez no haya más. Yigit: hada ...
Chapter 373 English Tülay: ¿why? Emir: I can't go to Ankara because I'm going to Mardin. I want to start a new life for me, I found a teacher to talk to his uncle, they talked and they are waiting for me in Mardin. Tülay: ¿after the meeting in Mardin, will Gülperi go? truth? Tülay: I am so happy for Gülperi, it is obvious that he is having a bad time here. Emir: You must go alone to Ankara. Tülay: of course. I'm going. (I will travel to Ankara in vain, but the wood rat will disappear from our lives forever) Emir: I was looking for you, Master Ahmet spoke to your uncle. He is waiting for us. He said: "Let them come and kiss my hand, no problem" Gülperi: My uncle. Cavidan: thank God everything was finally resolved. Girl, you suffered too much, but you finally got what you wanted. Oya: Gülperi, I hope everything is as you wish. Cavidan: ¿Why are you quiet? you got what you wanted, aren’t you happy? Gülperi: ¿I’m happy, wouldn’t you be happy? Emir: I'll go get ready, gather your things. Tulay says that they will finally say goodbye to Gülperi, the only thing she does not like is having to travel to Ankara in vain, Ercan: Now you are saying that when they make up, their uncle will leave them and Gülperi will get divorced. How well we will continue from where we left off. Tülay: but don't take your eyes off him, I don't trust Gülperi, if a bird enters the garden keep me informed. Emir: I already bought the tickets. Gülperi: I packed things up, I'll finish soon. Emir: ¿are you okay, did something bother you? Emir: We will be in Mardin for the night, get ready. Gülperi: wait, your legacy, it won't stay with me. Emir: you should stay with him, it will be more convenient. Meltem: I have good news SR: Kemal, the men accepted our terms. Let's have a cup of coffee, celebrate progress. Kemal: I won't drink. I've had enough, but you can drink. Meltem: I don't want to bother you, but I know your mind is with Ms. Narin. I guess I was wrong when I tried to do something good. The gift didn't work out, did it? Kemal: Narin is a very special woman who does not care about her gifts. Her emotions are very important to her. Meltem: of course, but a certain person did not call, you are staying at the hotel no matter what you say, I feel guilty. Kemal: It's not something we do, but Narin was right, I guess it's my fault. Narin tells her mother that she did not speak to Kemal, Meltem and he were together in a hotel lounge. She is always with him, always around her. (I don't know who is worse, Kumru or Meltem, both crazy) Minuvver: Maybe they were talking about work, don't think of bad things right away. Narin: her intentions are obvious. Kemal follows his life as if nothing had happened. I can not stand it. Emir: Don't worry, let's go. Uncle: welcome. Emir: Thank you, we didn't want the misunderstandings between us to last any longer. We will treat each other with understanding. Uncle: You don't know me at all, boyfriend, but it seems like my niece doesn't either. What did I tell you Gülperi, his life is in your hands, but you didn't understand. (it was a dream) Gülperi: no, I can't do it, there are still problems, Master Ahmet can't do anything, if he does something. Cavidan is eager to get them to the plane on time. Emir: did something happen? Gülperi: I'm not going, Cavidan: Why did you change your decision? I'll go talk Emir: you stay mother. What are you thinking, is what I always wanted and now you give up. You don't leave if you don't want to, but you must tell me why. What happened that she suddenly changed her mind? I have to know that she made you change your mind. Cavidan: I say it's over, it's starting again, I'm going to lose my mind, what a nightmare we fell into. I can not understand. Hey my son has become a toy, why doesn't he go away. Oya: I don't know, but she was very excited, there must be an explanation, calm down. I don't know her well, but the girl wouldn't do such a thing for no reason. there must be an explanation. (Cavidan is afraid she doesn't want a divorce) I'll go find out what happened. Emir: you won't tell me anything. Oya asks me to say without fear why you changed your mind, Gülperi: I don't trust my uncle. He is not like anyone you know. He couldn't do anything here, but he can do whatever he wants in Mardin. He didn't take his word for it. Kemal wants to end the meeting, but Meltem says that he wants to check another folder. Meltem: I have a lot of neck pain, I need a massage. I'll go to the bathroom, with his permission. Kemal calls Minuvver and asks if they need anything, Meltem's voice is heard, Kemal says they are working. Minuvver you see daughter, they are working, he is always thinking of you. Narin: he is not thinking about me, he thinks about whether he needs something for the house. Oya tells Emir that Gülperi does not believe the uncle's word, and if she thinks well, she is also afraid of him. Emir: you and her have nothing to worry about, I'll take care of the rest. Emir: my aunt told me what you said, don't be afraid, nobody can do anything to me, you know, I wouldn't let them hurt you. Nothing bad will happen. I will not leave you, I will be with you, I will protect you. Gülperi: It is not for me, if not for you. Emir: ¿do you think they are going to do something to me? Meltem invites Kemal to dinner, Kemal: I'm very tired, but enjoy your food. Meltem: It is a very beautiful hotel, with a beautiful view in which room you want, Kemal: I stay in 1524 but I don't care about the view. (This is the king of fools, how innocent he doesn't realize this woman's intentions) Ercan tells Tülay that they haven't gone to Mardin yet. Tülay: damn it, I knew something bad would happen, I swear I will strangle her with my hands. Gülperi: Guide me Lord, (in my dream the children, they fly away from this world and smell good smells) what am I doing, my mother. Meltem arrives pretending to have been assaulted by a motorcyclist. she says she tried to steal her purse. Kemal: let's go to the hospital and call the police, through the security cameras they can see what happened. Meltem: I don't have the strength (she faints) Kemal: Mrs. Meltem, you couldn't hear me, if he left you at her house. Meltem: I just want to sleep. Kemal calls a man named Erol, asks for another room, and leaves. Meltem: damn it Kemal Tarhun you are very difficult, very tough, but this way you are more attractive dear Kemal. Emir: wake up, you just have a nightmare, let's wake up. Gülperi: they killed you. Emir: ok, it was just a nightmare, I'm fine. Don't be afraid, the nightmare is over. ok, sleep now Narin: make a decision mother, whatever happens I will not let our family be destroyed. These days have not been easy. I should have thought about what we went through from the beginning. Minuvver: neither you nor Kemal can be without the other. Narin: I got really mad when I saw meltem and Kemal. I am very jealous, but I know that Kemal would never think of any other woman other than me, I will not let her distance herself further. I'll go talk to him. Meltem: I am beautiful again, come on Kemal where are you, I know you are thinking of me. (crazy) You won't leave without knowing if I'm okay, and you can't miss a beauty like that. Tülay calls Cavidan and asks if everything is alright with Emir in Mardin, Cavidan: They didn't go to Mardin, Gülperi gave up and doesn't know why. Tülay: Up until now, both Emir and I have made all kinds of sacrifices, so he doesn't offend me either, but you don't think this is a bit arbitrary. Cavidan: You're right, she gave up on divorcing before and now this. Cavidan: you're right I think so too, I'll talk to her if necessary. Tülay: my nerves are destroyed now anyway, I have to go to the office. (You are my hope, Cavidan, handle this) Oya: I think it would be better if you interfered, sister-in-law, so that Emir decides what is best. Cavidan asks him what decision he made. Emir: I thought about it a lot, we're not going. I spoke with the professor from Nizamettin, and the subject was closed, so that nobody forces you to do anything from now on, relax. Gülperi: I'll go to my room. Cavidan: I don't know what to say anymore son, it's really impossible to understand your decision. I don't want to live the same things, Gülperi will follow her own path. I have always hoped that we will go back to our old lives. ¿Do we relive the same things? Have we come to these days easily? Emir: Please, no one will force him to do anything from now on, okay, don't worry, my decision is final. Cavidan: son I have respected all the decisions you have made up to now, I understand you, but like your mother, she should have been so drastic, I talk to Gülperi, I convince her to take her own path. Emir: Mom, we are already life our own life, this is our life, Gülperi will continue to be part of this life for as long as she wants. Please mother the topic is closed. Oya I'll talk to her, don't worry. Narin arrives at the hotel, finds Meltem and Kemal in the room. Melike tells Emir that he brings pressure medicine to Cavidan.
Continuation chapter Hasan: I understand Gülperi very well, she has suffered a lot. Now there is something else that really scares me, I hope this situation is not even more suspicious for Kasım. Emir: There is nothing to do, Uncle Hasan, so I cannot force her to leave while she is so scared. If there is a problem with her uncle, I will think of the solution. Uncle: is this how you receive a guest? Emir: we didn't expect it. Uncle: They wanted to talk and I came as soon as I could. He swore allegiance to the relationship, there is no way to end it. Come on, you don't know, the one behind you didn't tell you. You don't know about traditions, sweets, for a sweet conversation. What are you looking at? Emir: come in. Kemal: It's not an easy thing to get over, drink more water. Narin: What happened, Mrs. Meltem, ¿okay? Meltem: Now don't get me wrong when you see me here like this please. Narin: ¿why should it be misunderstood? Clearly she's sick, should I check her pulse? Kemal tells Narin what happened. Narin: ¿Get well soon, did you get a blow to the head? Meltem: no, Narin: There is nothing to worry about. Re scared. Are you panicking? His blood pressure has risen, and then he had dizziness, palpitations. You are going to take a warm shower. Tomorrow you'll be fine, but not in a hotel room like this, I'll take you home to rest. Did you notify the police? Don't neglect it, I'd better take you home. Let's go. Meltem: I'm better, don't worry, I'll go myself. Narin: Better if you go to a doctor. I wait for you at the door. Kemal: why did you come, something bad happened. Narin: we'll talk later. Emir asks Yigit not to leave his room, Oya Emir why did this man come? Emir: When we didn't go, he came to check if something was wrong, from what I understand. Regardless of what we have done so far, we will clear the doubts from him and send him back. Oya: what if he doesn't believe us and tries to do something? Gülperi remembers the threats from the uncle. Emir: Are you okay? Gülperi: he slipped out of my hand, Emir: no problem, okay, calm down. Gülperi: I know him, he doesn't come here for nothing, bad things will happen, don't trust him. Emir: Calm down, I'll fix everything, don't be scared anymore. Hasan: You've come this far, I hope it's a blessing. Uncle: I came to see what happens, they said they would go and since they did not go I came to see what happens, if they are in good health. I'm his uncle. What has our girl destroyed and spilled? There is nothing inside, Emir: just a glass. Uncle: it is nothing important to you you get everything you want from your partners, watch, clothes, houses. (In the kitchen Emir: stay in it, until your uncle leaves) Emir: there is something wrong. Uncle: no, just doubts. ask about his mother. Emir: being against the enemy is not treating him as a guest, right? Uncle: That's right, I won't have an enemy or cry, we don't have a case of honor or a matter of honor. Tülay: we are investigating, we will take care of the damage, it is not as big as we thought. I will take the necessary measures to prevent such a situation from occurring in the future. Kemal: Ok, I wait for a report from you. Tülay: I think we will not be able to prevent this event from being heard. I will send you a report soon. Narin: that woman is more dangerous than we think, mom, there is no rapture, she invents everything. She think she made it up to get Kemal's attention. She's lying she had her ID in his pocket when she pulled out the keys. I don't understand what this woman is doing, she constantly creates plans around Kemal. Minuvver: This woman is really a very dangerous woman, so she fix things with your husband and have him come home. I'm sure Kemal doesn't realize what he's doing. if they get restless they will give that woman what she wants. Meltem tells her friend that the woman was not upset when she saw her husband, she acted like a professional, but her purpose is clear, But this work does not end like that, she is close to measuring the height of it. Mert arrives, but like Emir she doesn't hear anything. Hasan says that he will take care of them. The day Gülperi walked through my door, I took her as my daughter. The Nizamettin master, who will protect and watch over, is also a very experienced person. The uncle thanks Hasan because he doesn't know if Gülperi really wanted to get married. Gülperi: she loved it, I'm fine, Uncle: your husband is happy with you. Emir: I'm happy, I accepted it, so we don't care what other people think. Hasan: Kasim must be tired let's go to my house and rest well, Uncle says that he is very happy to have gotten there so he will stay with them. Mert goes to give them the keys because she will return with Narin, Meltem asks to stay with her. Mert agrees, but only for one night. Kemal: Who is right who can be wrong? I do not mind. All I know is one thing, I can't even breathe without you. One night that I didn't look you in the eye is like a century. I don't want to be in a place where you are not. Narin: me the same, it makes no sense without you. I just want to reconcile with you. Kemal You know, we said we wanted to go to dinner alone, I made a reservation for tonight. Hasan asks Gülperi to be calm, Emir is by her side and will protect her. Cavidan: So after all, this guy will stay here in our hands? Now are we going to get up and greet him at home? Oya for the umpteenth time asks him to calm down. Melike: God help us. Uncle: kiss my hand boy. Hasan asks Emir to be careful and patient. The uncle asks Yigit if Gülperi is his mother now. Gülperi: it's your dinner time uncle. Uncle: you didn't answer me son. Yigit: I love the fairy very much, she tells me stories and plays with me. Narin: I know that I have been unfair to you, first Mert, then the subject of gifts, I'm sorry. I've been very sentimental. You're not going to talk. ok, we'll only talk about the two of us tonight. We haven't eaten like this in a long time, let's not take a break again. Will you just watch? Won't you talk tonight It is our music. Kemal: yes, here are my arms. Always like this, with me. Narin: yes, I don't want to deprive myself of this. Melike tells them that he left it in his room. Gülperi: if I stay in my room and go out early tomorrow morning. Emir. however you like, but be careful. Don't get me wrong, but it's better if you stay in my room. Gülperi: no, I'll be careful. Emir: you needed something. Uncle: When I heard the voices, I said that God will comfort the bride and groom. Emir and uncle: good evening. (Emir takes Gülperi's hand, how cute) Emir. he keeps looking. Gülperi: he will not leave anything on us, he will never leave. He will understand, he will surely kill me. Emir: ok try to stay calm, take a deep breath, it won't hurt you. Look for a star, there is a star of the shepherd that you love so much. She continues to breathe. Gülperi: too dark as usual. Emir: not even the deepest darkness is enough to extinguish the light of the stars. Be careful with the dark not the stars, she keeps breathing. (finally Emir managed to fall in love again) Narin: I know you don't want to talk about this, but you called Mert, but I'm very happy. Kemal: I told him we were angry because we criticized him and he understood. Narin: Do you think he will come back, Kemal: even if I don't think about it, we'll talk and maybe we can start having dinner together, what do you think? Narin: I think we will all be together. Kemal: this time I chose it. Meltem was not the one. She should not leave this to third parties. I have one more surprise, Tonight we will be alone, just you and me. Emir: let me close the window. Does it hurt? she hangs on a bit. What did you say? The eyes are still on us. Sleep here. Gülperi, no, I'm not going to sleep anyway. Ercan calls Tülay and informs him that Emir and Gülperi are in the same room. Fire and gunpowder together because the uncle arrived. Gülperi says the uncle looks like he fell asleep. Emir: It is not worth the risk, calm down a little and try to sleep. Where are you going, lie down on that bed and try to sleep. Uncle: what happens at this hour. Emir: looking for water took you a long time came to see. Look, if you are not going to sleep, do not sleep, but do not leave this room, it does not suit you. (This is a lot, she hasn't even touched her hair, too much distrust). Meltem: yes, the understanding wife did not work to bring her husband back home. Namik, come to the office immediately, I need you, don't ask me, I said come immediately. Emir: we spent tonight, one more day, maybe there will be no more. Yigit: fairy ...
Same Old annoying Cavidan. Her " love" for Emir is too overbearing and controlling. If she love him as she claimed, she would c that he has no emotional/affectionate connection with Tulay. Yegit dont even like Tulay.
True. I like Kemal but I’m a little annoyed when he can just go to work and act like nothing happened. I wish he can be at hotel room crying over Narin and unable to function. Lol He’s too professional
Also was very funny when he take his suitcase and left ( because he know this scenario means problem lol) Meltem scream her head off because she want him to stay 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@tanseelou806 with those childish act packing and leaving Narin immediately, at least he is in his head that he'll be in trouble if he'll be caught with someone esp woman in his room. Yonja, Kumru and Meltem all gone psycho in liking Kemal bey.
Bizim muzik,Narin, bizim muzik,Onu bagislamaq olarmi,bilmiyorum ask varsa olar,Narin otele gelmese,Kemal boyle tez geri donerdimi,bilmiyorum,gozel Narinim...
I think all of us , who appreciate this serie , should put pressure to this page to block all these sick minds !!! It's getting annoying and they know that !
Just ignore these clowns, no matter what they write, the series must continue without Reyhan, don't forget she's the one that decided to leave, there's not going back, she's not coming BACK, just let them have their fun 🤣🤣🤣, at least I have fun reading their nonsense, even though is annoying .
Aku suka karakter kemal dan Narin yang saling mempertahan pernikahan dan cinta ❤️❤️❤️yang awal pertengkaran selalu di akhiri dengan romantis. Salam dari Indonesia
They are crazy. Just ignore them. They are wasting their time. The actress who played the role of Reyhan didn't know them at all. And they get what? Money? Hug? Or candy from her? No, they got nothing. They just got angry and being an idiot. That's all. That actress has already moved on and happy with her life, never thinking about an idiot people who keep wailing about Reyhan.
De verdad que si es muy molesto, con esa actitud hacen que hasta la actriz te caiga mal por tener fans tan obsesionados, no puede ser que después de tanto tiempo sigan pidiendo que regrese a una historia en donde ella murió hace años, como quieren que la revivan???
oh huh! gulpari and emir looks like falling in love to each other now. I love it plus smart handsome yigit and oya likes them to be together ❤. but it's so disgusting that that stranger and bad uncle is the one intimidating them in their own house,why is that? that is so un unbelievable. the love story of narin is much more better and sweet
Ale masz Tulay wredny uśmiech pani Cavidan jest tak tak ślepa ich zobacz Tulay wredna zmija dwulicowiec Gulprei Emir Yigit sam Super 💖💖💖W tych firmach nie ma dobrych ludzi tylko parę osób są kochana ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
BRAVO NARIN!! Kraljice i damo! Pokazala si svoju ljudsku velečinu, elokventnost, ljubaznost, smirenost i kako se brani brak,ljubav i voljena osoba a da se nespustaš na nivo ove male zlobnici, na kulturan način su joj pokazala gde joj je mesto, lepo bi bilo da se ovako volite i u privatnom životu i da vam Bog da da ostvarite na istom jastuku uz još voćoj dozi ljubavi...u svakom slučaju želim vam svu sreću ovog sveta🙏❤️💙👍
I can’t believe he still doesn’t know 🙄, I’m also shocked that Narin didn’t kick the snake’s @$$ and threw her out of the hotel! She should also punch 🥊 Kemal in the face leaving him with a broken nose 👃😂😂
@@dijlah70 I think Narin did a smart thing not to fuss about it because that was what Meltem wanted. This would have caused the couple to really break up. Narin is on to Meltem, that’s why she played it like she did. Kemal on the other hand seems to still think Meltem is miss innocent, the only way he will realize is if Meltem tells him out right she wants him otherwise I fear he’ll continue to be stupid 🤦🏻
@@tanseelou806 I think women like these snakes have to be confronted directly, have you seen how she cowered when she saw Narin? Even Kemal was embarrassed by the situation he put himself in! You go to your husband's hotel bedroom and see a woman lying in his bed!!! Of course on a different planet other than the Yemin, Narin should confront both of them and end this absurdity! I wasn't happy that Kemal got away with it that easily!
@@dijlah70 lol yes when you put it that way you are right but Narin and Kemal cannot be apart for long. It’s too much stress and agony for them. But I’m telling you with the cycle of Yemin storytelling this happiness will be short lived Narkem still have to deal with issues such as Kemal,s blindness towards Meltem and Narin has to deal with knowing the real Meltem and not come off as a jealous wife. Anyway Meltem has a lot of tricks to get her way so we will see if our couple fairs in dealing the obstacles. It’s entertaining to watch. This break up wasn’t much of a break up. I really wanted Kemal to cry and miss Narin so bad, he can’t sleep, he can’t eat, he can’t go to work because of the break up.( I imagined him growing a beard and crying to Emir on the phone lol) He was very cool about the break up, Narin was a beautiful mess. But he carried on life as usual. Regardless I’m happy they are back together. It’s hard to resist Kemal bey, he’s super romantic 🥰❤️😍🌹
Melocotón: Saludos y buenas vibras para continuar adelante con entusiasmo sin límites!Esto que hacemos los que somos tus fans es como un examen en donde la vista puesta en los personajes ejerce su evaluación continua y sostenida hasta que llega tu traducción para confirmar si acertamos o no! Menudos ejercicios, sin tu impecable traducción: imposible ...aunque hay que reconocer el talento interpretativo de los actores y actrices sobretodo Emir!!! Me gusta la novela así que puestas las pilas para seguir adelante! Cuídate y un eterno: GRACIAS! 🙏
Lo que si no me gusta mucho es Cadivan quiso matar a Reyhan a su nieto ,a su esposo, a Cembre y todavía con cinismo se mete en la vida Emir. La injusticia y la crueldad siguen latentes en esta serie!!!
Com certeza nada mudou, a Sra Nazmye deve sofrer de Alzheimer, pois vive repetindo tudo que já fez em termos de maldades e personagens maléficos iguais a Cavidan e Mertem
Supuestamente cambio, y ahora nos damos cuenta que es todo lo contrario, otra cosa que vemos es mucha maldad, no tiene limites está guionista, Tulay esta siempre tres pasos antes de Emir y Gulperi, las villanas de está serie tienen oidios y ojos bionicos, ven y escuchan todo, lo único bueno es que todas las maldades que tratan de hacer les falla 🤣, es hora que Naz cambie el chip, ya cansa ver esté drama que cuando alguien les escuchan hablando lo que van hacer o hicieron, le cambian el panorama a la convenencia que quieren.
Emir es tan romántico, tiene una voz tan bella que me relaja,como la mira,quien fuera Gulperi para estár cerca de él (bueno menos tener un tío tóxico como él que ella tiene)
Kemala tam olaraq sahiblenmek istiyor,qocaq kizdi vallah...Kemal da is problemlerinde,meslehetlerinde ona cox guveniyor,mence bu cox seyi hall eder...Narini sevir,amma sevgini qorumasan yok olar!...
Bu güzel şarkı Ağlaya ağlaya özel bir video olarak koyabilir misiniz acaba? Çünkü çok güzeldir. Bu versiyon çok seviyorum. Karadağa'dan (Montenegro'dan) herekese selamlar 🇹🇷💙🇲🇪
She's in love with him. But, she can't. Because in her mind Emir with Tulay. Emir should clear that to make her feel she's not a home breaker. That's why she's uncomfortable every time, Emir touches her. She didn't deserve that, but Tulay and also Cavidan not happy with her existence being there. Emir knows she's in fear, but he didn't know she also feel guilty between him and Tulay. To make Emir and his mother argue about her is the most she didn't want. If Cavidan can accept her, she will come to Emir with open arms. One of them should make a first step to convincing each other.
I agree with your analysis👌👍
But EMIR broke up with Tulay. She doesn't understand that how
Capítulo 373 Español
Tülay: ¿por qué? Emir: no puedo ir a Ankara porque me voy a Mardin. Quiero empezar una nueva vida para mí, encontré a un maestro para que hable con su tío, hablaron y me están esperando en Mardin. Tülay: después de la reunión en Mardin, ¿irá Gülperi? ¿verdad? Tülay: Estoy tan feliz por Gülperi, es obvio que lo está pasando mal aquí. Emir: deberás ir sola a Ankara. Tülay: por supuesto. Me voy. (Viajaré hasta Ankara en vano, pero la rata leñera desaparecerá de nuestras vidas para siempre) Emir: te estaba buscando, el maestro Ahmet habló con tu tío. Nos está esperando. Dijo: "Que vengan y me besen la mano, no hay problema" Gülperi: Mi tío. Cavidan: gracias a Dios todo se resolvió finalmente. Niña, sufriste demasiado, pero finalmente obtuviste lo que querías. Oya: Gülperi, espero que todo sea como deseas. Cavidan: ¿Por qué estás callada? tienes lo que querías, ¿no eres feliz? Gülperi: Estoy feliz, ¿no serías feliz tú? Emir: iré a prepararme, reúne tus cosas. Tulay dice que finalmente dirán adiós a Gülperi, lo único que no le gusta es tener que viajar a Ankara en vano, Ercan: Ahora estás diciendo que cuando hagan las paces, su tío los dejará y Gülperi se divorciará. Que bien así continuaremos de donde lo dejamos. Tülay: pero no le quites los ojos, no confío en Gülperi, si un pájaro entra al jardín mantenme informada. Emir: ya compré los boletos. Gülperi: empaqué las cosas, terminaré pronto. Emir: ¿estás bien, algo te molestó? Emir: Estaremos en Mardin por la noche, prepárate. Gülperi: espera, tu legado, no se quedará conmigo. Emir: deberías quedarte con él, será más conveniente. Meltem: tengo una buena noticia SR: Kemal, los hombres aceptaron nuestros términos. Tomemos una taza de café, celebremos el progreso. Kemal: No beberé. Ya tuve suficiente, pero tú puedes beber. Meltem: no quiero molestarte, pero sé que tu mente está con la Sra. Narin. Supongo que me equivoqué cuanto intenté hacer algo bueno. El regalo no funcionó, ¿verdad? Kemal: Narin es una mujer muy especial a la que no le importan los regalos Las emociones son muy importantes para ella. Meltem: por supuesto, pero cierta persona no llamó, te estás quedando en el hotel no importa lo que digas, me siento culpable. Kemal: No es algo que hacemos, pero Narin tenía razón, supongo que es mi culpa. Narin le cuenta a su madre que no habló con Kemal, Meltem y él estaban juntos en un salón del hotel. Siempre está con él, siempre a su alrededor. (no sé quién es peor, Kumru o Meltem, ambas locas) Minuvver: quizá hablaban de trabajo, no pienses en cosas malas de inmediato. Narin: sus intenciones son obvias. Kemal sigue su vida como si nada hubiese pasado. No puedo soportarlo. Emir: No te preocupes, vamos. Tío: bienvenidos. Emir: Gracias, no queríamos que los malentendidos entre nosotros duraran más. Nos trataremos con comprensión. Tío: no me conoces en absoluto, novio, pero parece que mi sobrina tampoco. Que te dije Gülperi, su vida está en tus manos, pero no entendiste. (era un sueño) Gülperi: no, no puedo hacerlo, aún hay problemas, el maestro Ahmet no puede hacer nada, si él hace algo. Cavidan está anciosa para que lleguen a la hora al avión. Emir: ¿pasó algo? Gülperi: yo no voy, Cavidan: ¿Por qué cambiaste tu decisión? iré a hablar. Emir: tú te quedas madre. Qué estás pensando, es lo que siempre quisite y ahora te das por vencida. No te vas si no quieres, pero debes decirme por qué. ¿Qué sucedió que de repente cambió de opinión? Tengo que saber que te hizo cambiar de opinión. Cavidan: Digo que se acabó, está empezando de nuevo, voy a perder la cabeza, en qué pesadilla caímos. No puedo entender. Oya mi hijo se ha convertido en un juguete, por qué no se va. Oya: No lo sé, pero estaba muy entusiasmada, debe haber una explicación, cálmate. No la conozco bien, pero la chica no haría una cosa así sin razón. debe haber una explicación. (Cavidan teme que no quiera divorciarse) iré a averiguar qué pasó. Emir: no me dirás nada. Oya pide que diga sin miedo por qué cambió de opinión, Gülperi: No confío en mi tío. No es como nadie que conozcas. No podría hacer nada aquí, pero él puede hacer lo que quiera en Mardin. No confió en su palabra. Kemal quiere terminar la reunión, pero Meltem dice que quiere revisar otra carpeta. Meltem: me dule mucho el cuello, necesito un masaje. Iré al baño, con su permiso. Kemal llama a Minuvver y pregunta si necesitan algo, se escucha la voz de Meltem , Kemal dice que estan trabajando. Minuvver ves hija, están trabajando, él siempre está pensando en tí. Narin: él no está pensando en mí, piensa en si necesita algo para la casa. Oya le dice a Emir que Gülperi no cree en la palabra del tío, y si piensa bien, ella también le tiene miedo. Emir: tú y ella no tienes nada de qué preocuparse, yo me ocuparé del resto. Emir: mi tía me dijo lo que dijiste, no tengas miedo, nadie puede hacerte nada conmigo, lo sabes, no dejaría que te hicieran daño. No pasará nada malo. No te dejaré, estaré contigo, te protegeré. Gülperi: no es por mí, si no por ti. Emir: ¿crees que me van a hacer algo? Meltem invita a Kemal a cenar, Kemal: estoy muy cansado, pero que disfrutes tu comida. Meltem: es un hotel muy hermoso, con una vista preciosa en qué habitación te alojas, Kemal: Me quedo en la 1524 pero no me importa la vista. (este es el rey de los tontos, cómo tan inocente que no se da cuenta de las intenciones de esta mujer) Ercan le dice a Tülay que aún no se han ido a Mardin. Tülay: maldita sea, sabía que pasaría algo malo, te juro que la estrangularé con mis manos. Gülperi: Guíame Señor, (en mi sueño a los niños, ellos vuelan lejos de este mundo y huelen buenos olores) qué hago madre mía. Meltem llega simulando haber sido asaltada por un motorista. dice que intentó robarle su bolso. Kemal: vamos al hospital y llamemos a la policía, por las cámaras de seguridad pueden ver lo que pasó. Meltem: no tengo fuerzas (se desmaya) Kemal: Sra. meltem, no podías oírme, si la dejo en su casa. Meltem: sólo quiero dormir. Kemal llama a un señor llamado Erol, pide que le de otra habitación y se va. Meltem: maldita sea Kemal Tarhun eres muy difícil, muy duro, pero así eres más atractivo querido Kemal. Emir: despierta, sólo tienes una pesadilla, vamos despierta. Gülperi: te mataban. Emir: ok, era sólo una pesadilla, estoy bien. No tengas miedo, la pesadilla terminó. ok, duerme ahora Narin: tome una decisisón madre, pase lo que pase no dejaré que nuestra familia se destruya. No han sido fáciles estos días. Debería haber pensado en lo que pasamos desde el principio. Minuvver: ni tu ni Kemal pueden estar sin el otro. Narin: me enojé mucho cuando vi a Meltem y Kemal. Estoy muy celosa, pero sé que Kemal nunca pensaría en ninguna otra mujer que no fuera yo, no dejaré que se distancie más. Iré a hablar con él. Meltem: estoy hermosa nuevamente, vamos Kemal dónde estás, sé que estás pensando en mí. (loca) No te irás sin saber si estoy bien, además no puedes perderte una belleza así. Tülay llama a Cavidan y pregunta si todo está bien con Emir en Mardin, Cavidan: No fueron a Mardin, Gülperi se dio por vencida y no sabe por qué. Tülay: Hasta ahora, tanto Emir como yo hemos hecho todo tipo de sacrificios, así que tampoco me ofende, pero no crees que esto es un poco arbitrario. Cavidan: Tienes razón, ella renunció a divorciarse antes y ahora esto. Cavidan: tienes razón yo también lo creo, hablaré con ella si es necesario. Tülay: mis nervios están destruidos ahora de todos modos, tengo que ir a la oficina. (Tú eres mi esperanza, Cavidan, maneja esto) Oya: Creo que sería mejor que interfirieras, cuñada, para que Emir decida qué es lo mejor. Cavidan le pregunta que decisión tomó. Emir: lo pensé mucho, no vamos. hablé con el profesor de Nizamettin, y se cerró el tema, para que nadie te obligue a hacer nada de ahora en adelante, relájate. Gülperi: Yo iré a mi cuarto. Cavidan: Ya no sé qué decir hijo es realmente imposible entender tu decisión. No quiero vivir las mismas cosas, Gülperi seguirá su propio camino. Siempre he tenido la esperanza de que volvamos a nuestra antigua vida. ¿Volvemos a vivir las mismas cosas? ¿Hemos llegado a estos días fácilmente? Emir: Por favor, mira, nadie lo obligará a hacer nada a partir de ahora, está bien, no te preocupes, mi decisión es definitiva. Cavidan: hijo he respetado todas las decisiones que has tomado hasta ahora, te entiendo, pero como tu madre, debería haber sido tan drástica, hablo con Gülperi, la convenzo de que tome su propio camino. Emir: Mamá, ya estamos viviendo nuestra propia vida, esta es nuestra vida, Gülperi seguirá siendo parte de esta vida todo el tiempo que quiera. Por favor, madre el tema está cerrado. Oya hablaré con ella, no te preocupes. Narin llega al hotel, encuentra en la habitación a Meltem y a Kemal. Melike le dice a Emir que lleva remedios para la presión a Cavidan.
Continuación capítulo
Hasan: entiendo muy bien a Gülperi, ha sufrido mucho. Ahora hay algo más que realmente me asusta, Espero que esta situación no sea aún más sospechosa para Kasım. Emir: No hay nada que hacer, tío Hasan, así que no puedo obligarla a irse mientras tiene tanto miedo. Si hay un problema con su tío, pensaré en la solución. Tío: ¿así se recibe a un invitado? Emir: no lo esperábamos. Tío: querían hablar y vine tan pronto como pude. Juró lealtad a la relación, no hay forma de terminarla. Vamos, no lo sabes, la que está detrás de ti no te lo dijo. No sabes de tradiciones, dulces, para una dulce conversación. Qué miras tómalos. Emir: entre. Kemal: No es una cosa fácil de superar, beba más agua. Narin: ¿Qué pasó, Sra. Meltem, está bien? Meltem: ahora no me malinterpretes cuando me veas aquí así por favor. Narin: ¿por qué debería entenderse mal? Es evidente que está enferma, ¿debería comprobar su pulso? Kemal le dice a Narin lo que pasó. Narin: Mejora pronto, ¿recibiste algún golpe en la cabeza? Meltem: no, Narin: No hay nada de qué preocuparse. Estás asustado. ¿Entras en pánico? Su presión arterial ha aumentado, y luego tuvo mareos, palpitaciones. Vas a tomar una ducha tibia. Mañana estarás bien, pero no en una habitación de hotel como esta, te llevaré a casa a descansar. ¿Avisaste a la policía? No lo descuides, es mejor que te lleve a casa. Vamos. Meltem: Estoy mejor, no te preocupes, iré yo misma. Narin: Mejor si vas con un médico. Te espero en la puerta. Kemal: por qué viniste, pasó algo malo. Narin: después hablamos. Emir le pide a Yigit que no salga de su cuarto, hasta que él le diga, después pasearán. Oya Emir ¿por qué vino este hombre? Emir: Cuando no fuimos, vino a comprobar si algo andaba mal, por lo que tengo entendido. Independientemente de lo que hayamos hecho hasta ahora, despejáremos sus dudas y lo enviaremos de regreso. Oya: ¿y si no nos cree e intenta hacer algo? Gülperi recuerda las amenazas del tío. Emir: ¿Estás bien? Gülperi: Se me escapó de la mano, Emir: no hay problema, está bien, cálmate. Gülperi: Lo conozco, no viene aquí por nada, pasarán cosas malas, no confíes en él. Emir: Cálmate, lo arreglaré todo, no tengas más miedo. Hasan: Has venido hasta aquí, espero que sea una bendición. Tío: vine a ver qué pasa, dijeron que irían y como no fueron vine a ver que pasa, si están bien de salud. Soy su tío. ¿Qué ha destruido y derramado nuestra chica? No hay nada dentro, Emir: sólo un vaso. Tío: no es nada importante para ti obtienes todo lo que quieres de tus socios, reloj, ropa, casas. (En la cocina Emir: quédate en él, hasta que tu tío se vaya) Emir: hay algún problema. Tío: no, sólo dudas. pregunta por su madre. Emir: estar en contra del enemigo no es tratarlo como un invitado ¿verdad? Tío: Es así, no tendré enemigo ni lloraré, no tenemos ni un caso de honor ni un asunto de honor. Tülay: estamos investigando, nos encargaremos del daño, no es tan grande como pensábamos. Tomaré las medidas necesarias para evitar que se produzca una situación de este tipo en el futuro. Kemal: Ok, espero un informe tuyo. Tülay: Creo que no podremos evitar que se escuche este evento. le enviaré un reporte pronto. Narin: esa mujer es más peligrosa de lo que pensamos, mamá, no hay arrebatamiento, inventa todo. Creo que lo inventó para llamar la atención de Kemal. Está mintiendo tenía su identificación en el bolsillo cuando sacó las llaves. No entiendo que está haciendo esta mujer, constantemente crea planes alrededor de Kemal. Minuvver: esta mujer es realmente una mujer muy peligrosa, así que arregla las cosas con tu marido y que regrese a casa. Estoy segura de que Kemal no se da cuenta de lo que hace. si se inquietan le darán a esa mujer lo que quiere. Meltem le cuenta a su amiga que la mujer no se inquietó cuando vio a su marido, actuó como una profesional, pero su propósito es claro, Pero este trabajo no termina así, está cerca de medir su altura. Llega Mert, pero al igual que Emir no escucha nada. Hasan dice que cuidará de ellos. El día que Gülperi entró por mi puerta, la tome como mi hija. El maestro de Nizamettin, que protegerá y vigilará, también es una persona con mucha experiencia. El tío agradece a Hasan porque no sabe si realmente Gülperi se quería casar. Gülperi: lo quería, estoy bien, Tío: tu esposo está contento contigo. Emir: estoy contento, la acepté, así que no nos importa lo que piensen los demás. Hasan: Kasim debe estar cansado vamos a mi casa y descansa bien, El tío dice que está muy feliz de haber llegado hasta ahí así que se quedará con ellos. Mert va para entregarles las llaves porque volverá con Narin, Meltem pide que se quede con ella. Mert acepta, pero sólo por una noche. Kemal: ¿Quién tiene razón quién puede estar equivocado? no me importa. Todo lo que sé es una cosa, ni siquiera puedo respirar sin ti. Una noche que no te miré a los ojos es como un siglo. No quiero estar en un lugar donde tú no estés. Narin: yo igual, no tiene sentido sin ti. Sólo quiero reconciliarme contigo. Kemal Sabes, dijimos que queríamos ir a cenar solos, hice una reserva para esta noche. Hasan le pide a Gülperi que esté tranquila, Emir está a su lado y la protegerá. Cavidan: Entonces, después de todo, ¿este tipo se quedará aquí en nuestras manos? ¿ahora vamos a levantarnos y recibirlo en la casa? Oya por enésima vez le pide que se calme. Melike: que Dios nos ayude. Tío: bésame la mano chico. Hasan le pide a Emir que tenga cuidado y paciencia. El tío le pregunta a Yigit si ahora Gülperi es su madre. Gülperi: es su hora de cenar tío. Tío: no me respondiste hijo. Yigit: amo mucho al hada, me cuenta cuentos y juega conmigo. Narin: sé que he sido injusta contigo, primero Mert, después el tema de los regalos, lo siento. He sido muy sentimental. No vas a hablar. ok, sólo hablaremos de nosotros dos esta noche. No hemos comido así en mucho tiempo, no volvamos a tomarnos un descanso. ¿Sólo mirarás? ¿No hablarás esta noche? Es nuestra música. Kemal: si, aquí están mis brazos. Siempre así, conmigo. Narin: si, no quiero privarme de esto. Melike les dice que lo dejó en su habitación. Gülperi: si me quedo en mi habitación y salgo temprano mañana por la mañana. Emir. como quieras, pero ten cuidado. No me malinterpretes, pero es mejor si te quedas en mi habitación. Gülperi: no, tendré cuidado. Emir: necesitabas algo. Tío: Cuando escuché las voces, dije que Dios consolará a los novios. Emir y el tío: buenas noches. (Emir le toma la mano a Gülperi, que tierno) Emir. sigue mirando. Gülperi: no dejará nada sobre nosotros, nunca se irá. Él lo entenderá, seguro que me matará. Emir: ok intenta mantener la calma, respira profundo,
no te lastimará. Busca una estrella, hay una estrella del pastor que tanto amas. Continúa respirando. Gülperi: demasiado oscuro como de costumbre. Emir: ni la más profunda oscuridad es suficiente para apagar la luz de las estrellas. Ten cuidado con la oscuridad no con las estrellas, sigue respirando. (finalmente Emir logró nuevamente enamorarse) Narin: Sé que no quieres hablar de esto, pero llamaste a Mert, pero estoy muy contenta. Kemal: Le dije que estábamos enojados porque lo criticamos y él entendió. Narin: ¿Crees que volverá, Kemal: aunque no lo piense, hablaremos y tal vez podamos empezar cenando juntos, ¿qué piensas? Narin: creo que estaremos todos juntos. Kemal: esta vez lo elegí yo Meltem no era la indicada. No debería dejar esto a terceras personas. Tengo una sorpresa más, Esta noche estaremos solos, sólo tú y yo. Emir: déjame cerrar la ventana ¿Te duele? aguanta un poco. ¿Qué dijiste? Los ojos todavía están en nosotros. Duerme aquí. Gülperi, no, no voy a dormir de todos modos. Ercan llama a Tülay y le informa que Emir y Gülperi están en la misma habitación. Fuego y pólvora juntos porque llegó el tío. Gülperi dice que el tío parece que se durmió. Emir: no vale la pena correr el riesgo, cálmate un poco y trata de dormir. A dónde vas, acuéstate en esa cama y trata de dormir. Tío: qué pasa a esta hora. Emir: buscar agua te tomó mucho tiempo venía a ver. Mira, si no vas a dormir, no duermas, pero no salgas de esta habitación, no te conviene. (esto es mucho no le ha tocado ni el pelo, demasiada desconfianza). Meltem: si, la esposa comprensiva no funcionó para traer a su esposo de regreso a casa. Namik, ven a la oficina de inmediato, te necesito, no me preguntes, dije que vinieras de inmediato. Emir: pasamos esta noche, un día más, tal vez no haya más. Yigit: hada ...
@@melocoton1659 gracias por la traducción
Buena noche descanza
@@melocoton1659 thanks, good luck
Obrigado pela tradução,
Boa Noite, abraços!
Gracias Melocoton, por la traducción y por tus comentarios 😉😁
Chapter 373 English
Tülay: ¿why? Emir: I can't go to Ankara because I'm going to Mardin. I want to start a new life for me, I found a teacher to talk to his uncle, they talked and they are waiting for me in Mardin. Tülay: ¿after the meeting in Mardin, will Gülperi go? truth? Tülay: I am so happy for Gülperi, it is obvious that he is having a bad time here. Emir: You must go alone to Ankara. Tülay: of course. I'm going. (I will travel to Ankara in vain, but the wood rat will disappear from our lives forever) Emir: I was looking for you, Master Ahmet spoke to your uncle. He is waiting for us. He said: "Let them come and kiss my hand, no problem" Gülperi: My uncle. Cavidan: thank God everything was finally resolved. Girl, you suffered too much, but you finally got what you wanted. Oya: Gülperi, I hope everything is as you wish. Cavidan: ¿Why are you quiet? you got what you wanted, aren’t you happy? Gülperi: ¿I’m happy, wouldn’t you be happy? Emir: I'll go get ready, gather your things. Tulay says that they will finally say goodbye to Gülperi, the only thing she does not like is having to travel to Ankara in vain, Ercan: Now you are saying that when they make up, their uncle will leave them and Gülperi will get divorced. How well we will continue from where we left off. Tülay: but don't take your eyes off him, I don't trust Gülperi, if a bird enters the garden keep me informed. Emir: I already bought the tickets. Gülperi: I packed things up, I'll finish soon. Emir: ¿are you okay, did something bother you? Emir: We will be in Mardin for the night, get ready. Gülperi: wait, your legacy, it won't stay with me. Emir: you should stay with him, it will be more convenient. Meltem: I have good news SR: Kemal, the men accepted our terms. Let's have a cup of coffee, celebrate progress. Kemal: I won't drink. I've had enough, but you can drink. Meltem: I don't want to bother you, but I know your mind is with Ms. Narin. I guess I was wrong when I tried to do something good. The gift didn't work out, did it? Kemal: Narin is a very special woman who does not care about her gifts. Her emotions are very important to her. Meltem: of course, but a certain person did not call, you are staying at the hotel no matter what you say, I feel guilty. Kemal: It's not something we do, but Narin was right, I guess it's my fault. Narin tells her mother that she did not speak to Kemal, Meltem and he were together in a hotel lounge. She is always with him, always around her. (I don't know who is worse, Kumru or Meltem, both crazy) Minuvver: Maybe they were talking about work, don't think of bad things right away. Narin: her intentions are obvious. Kemal follows his life as if nothing had happened. I can not stand it. Emir: Don't worry, let's go. Uncle: welcome. Emir: Thank you, we didn't want the misunderstandings between us to last any longer. We will treat each other with understanding. Uncle: You don't know me at all, boyfriend, but it seems like my niece doesn't either. What did I tell you Gülperi, his life is in your hands, but you didn't understand. (it was a dream) Gülperi: no, I can't do it, there are still problems, Master Ahmet can't do anything, if he does something. Cavidan is eager to get them to the plane on time. Emir: did something happen? Gülperi: I'm not going, Cavidan: Why did you change your decision? I'll go talk Emir: you stay mother. What are you thinking, is what I always wanted and now you give up. You don't leave if you don't want to, but you must tell me why. What happened that she suddenly changed her mind? I have to know that she made you change your mind. Cavidan: I say it's over, it's starting again, I'm going to lose my mind, what a nightmare we fell into. I can not understand. Hey my son has become a toy, why doesn't he go away. Oya: I don't know, but she was very excited, there must be an explanation, calm down. I don't know her well, but the girl wouldn't do such a thing for no reason. there must be an explanation. (Cavidan is afraid she doesn't want a divorce) I'll go find out what happened. Emir: you won't tell me anything. Oya asks me to say without fear why you changed your mind, Gülperi: I don't trust my uncle. He is not like anyone you know. He couldn't do anything here, but he can do whatever he wants in Mardin. He didn't take his word for it. Kemal wants to end the meeting, but Meltem says that he wants to check another folder. Meltem: I have a lot of neck pain, I need a massage. I'll go to the bathroom, with his permission. Kemal calls Minuvver and asks if they need anything, Meltem's voice is heard, Kemal says they are working. Minuvver you see daughter, they are working, he is always thinking of you. Narin: he is not thinking about me, he thinks about whether he needs something for the house. Oya tells Emir that Gülperi does not believe the uncle's word, and if she thinks well, she is also afraid of him. Emir: you and her have nothing to worry about, I'll take care of the rest. Emir: my aunt told me what you said, don't be afraid, nobody can do anything to me, you know, I wouldn't let them hurt you. Nothing bad will happen. I will not leave you, I will be with you, I will protect you. Gülperi: It is not for me, if not for you. Emir: ¿do you think they are going to do something to me? Meltem invites Kemal to dinner, Kemal: I'm very tired, but enjoy your food. Meltem: It is a very beautiful hotel, with a beautiful view in which room you want, Kemal: I stay in 1524 but I don't care about the view. (This is the king of fools, how innocent he doesn't realize this woman's intentions) Ercan tells Tülay that they haven't gone to Mardin yet. Tülay: damn it, I knew something bad would happen, I swear I will strangle her with my hands. Gülperi: Guide me Lord, (in my dream the children, they fly away from this world and smell good smells) what am I doing, my mother. Meltem arrives pretending to have been assaulted by a motorcyclist. she says she tried to steal her purse. Kemal: let's go to the hospital and call the police, through the security cameras they can see what happened. Meltem: I don't have the strength (she faints) Kemal: Mrs. Meltem, you couldn't hear me, if he left you at her house. Meltem: I just want to sleep. Kemal calls a man named Erol, asks for another room, and leaves. Meltem: damn it Kemal Tarhun you are very difficult, very tough, but this way you are more attractive dear Kemal. Emir: wake up, you just have a nightmare, let's wake up. Gülperi: they killed you. Emir: ok, it was just a nightmare, I'm fine. Don't be afraid, the nightmare is over. ok, sleep now Narin: make a decision mother, whatever happens I will not let our family be destroyed. These days have not been easy. I should have thought about what we went through from the beginning. Minuvver: neither you nor Kemal can be without the other. Narin: I got really mad when I saw meltem and Kemal. I am very jealous, but I know that Kemal would never think of any other woman other than me, I will not let her distance herself further. I'll go talk to him. Meltem: I am beautiful again, come on Kemal where are you, I know you are thinking of me. (crazy) You won't leave without knowing if I'm okay, and you can't miss a beauty like that. Tülay calls Cavidan and asks if everything is alright with Emir in Mardin, Cavidan: They didn't go to Mardin, Gülperi gave up and doesn't know why. Tülay: Up until now, both Emir and I have made all kinds of sacrifices, so he doesn't offend me either, but you don't think this is a bit arbitrary. Cavidan: You're right, she gave up on divorcing before and now this. Cavidan: you're right I think so too, I'll talk to her if necessary. Tülay: my nerves are destroyed now anyway, I have to go to the office. (You are my hope, Cavidan, handle this) Oya: I think it would be better if you interfered, sister-in-law, so that Emir decides what is best. Cavidan asks him what decision he made. Emir: I thought about it a lot, we're not going. I spoke with the professor from Nizamettin, and the subject was closed, so that nobody forces you to do anything from now on, relax. Gülperi: I'll go to my room. Cavidan: I don't know what to say anymore son, it's really impossible to understand your decision. I don't want to live the same things, Gülperi will follow her own path. I have always hoped that we will go back to our old lives. ¿Do we relive the same things? Have we come to these days easily? Emir: Please, no one will force him to do anything from now on, okay, don't worry, my decision is final. Cavidan: son I have respected all the decisions you have made up to now, I understand you, but like your mother, she should have been so drastic, I talk to Gülperi, I convince her to take her own path. Emir: Mom, we are already life our own life, this is our life, Gülperi will continue to be part of this life for as long as she wants. Please mother the topic is closed. Oya I'll talk to her, don't worry. Narin arrives at the hotel, finds Meltem and Kemal in the room. Melike tells Emir that he brings pressure medicine to Cavidan.
Continuation chapter
Hasan: I understand Gülperi very well, she has suffered a lot. Now there is something else that really scares me, I hope this situation is not even more suspicious for Kasım. Emir: There is nothing to do, Uncle Hasan, so I cannot force her to leave while she is so scared. If there is a problem with her uncle, I will think of the solution. Uncle: is this how you receive a guest? Emir: we didn't expect it. Uncle: They wanted to talk and I came as soon as I could. He swore allegiance to the relationship, there is no way to end it. Come on, you don't know, the one behind you didn't tell you. You don't know about traditions, sweets, for a sweet conversation. What are you looking at? Emir: come in. Kemal: It's not an easy thing to get over, drink more water. Narin: What happened, Mrs. Meltem, ¿okay? Meltem: Now don't get me wrong when you see me here like this please. Narin: ¿why should it be misunderstood? Clearly she's sick, should I check her pulse? Kemal tells Narin what happened. Narin: ¿Get well soon, did you get a blow to the head? Meltem: no, Narin: There is nothing to worry about. Re scared. Are you panicking? His blood pressure has risen, and then he had dizziness, palpitations. You are going to take a warm shower. Tomorrow you'll be fine, but not in a hotel room like this, I'll take you home to rest. Did you notify the police? Don't neglect it, I'd better take you home. Let's go. Meltem: I'm better, don't worry, I'll go myself. Narin: Better if you go to a doctor. I wait for you at the door. Kemal: why did you come, something bad happened. Narin: we'll talk later. Emir asks Yigit not to leave his room, Oya Emir why did this man come? Emir: When we didn't go, he came to check if something was wrong, from what I understand. Regardless of what we have done so far, we will clear the doubts from him and send him back. Oya: what if he doesn't believe us and tries to do something? Gülperi remembers the threats from the uncle. Emir: Are you okay? Gülperi: he slipped out of my hand, Emir: no problem, okay, calm down. Gülperi: I know him, he doesn't come here for nothing, bad things will happen, don't trust him. Emir: Calm down, I'll fix everything, don't be scared anymore. Hasan: You've come this far, I hope it's a blessing. Uncle: I came to see what happens, they said they would go and since they did not go I came to see what happens, if they are in good health. I'm his uncle. What has our girl destroyed and spilled? There is nothing inside, Emir: just a glass. Uncle: it is nothing important to you you get everything you want from your partners, watch, clothes, houses. (In the kitchen Emir: stay in it, until your uncle leaves) Emir: there is something wrong. Uncle: no, just doubts. ask about his mother. Emir: being against the enemy is not treating him as a guest, right? Uncle: That's right, I won't have an enemy or cry, we don't have a case of honor or a matter of honor. Tülay: we are investigating, we will take care of the damage, it is not as big as we thought. I will take the necessary measures to prevent such a situation from occurring in the future. Kemal: Ok, I wait for a report from you. Tülay: I think we will not be able to prevent this event from being heard. I will send you a report soon. Narin: that woman is more dangerous than we think, mom, there is no rapture, she invents everything. She think she made it up to get Kemal's attention. She's lying she had her ID in his pocket when she pulled out the keys. I don't understand what this woman is doing, she constantly creates plans around Kemal. Minuvver: This woman is really a very dangerous woman, so she fix things with your husband and have him come home. I'm sure Kemal doesn't realize what he's doing. if they get restless they will give that woman what she wants. Meltem tells her friend that the woman was not upset when she saw her husband, she acted like a professional, but her purpose is clear, But this work does not end like that, she is close to measuring the height of it. Mert arrives, but like Emir she doesn't hear anything. Hasan says that he will take care of them. The day Gülperi walked through my door, I took her as my daughter. The Nizamettin master, who will protect and watch over, is also a very experienced person. The uncle thanks Hasan because he doesn't know if Gülperi really wanted to get married. Gülperi: she loved it, I'm fine, Uncle: your husband is happy with you. Emir: I'm happy, I accepted it, so we don't care what other people think. Hasan: Kasim must be tired let's go to my house and rest well, Uncle says that he is very happy to have gotten there so he will stay with them. Mert goes to give them the keys because she will return with Narin, Meltem asks to stay with her. Mert agrees, but only for one night. Kemal: Who is right who can be wrong? I do not mind. All I know is one thing, I can't even breathe without you. One night that I didn't look you in the eye is like a century. I don't want to be in a place where you are not. Narin: me the same, it makes no sense without you. I just want to reconcile with you. Kemal You know, we said we wanted to go to dinner alone, I made a reservation for tonight. Hasan asks Gülperi to be calm, Emir is by her side and will protect her. Cavidan: So after all, this guy will stay here in our hands? Now are we going to get up and greet him at home? Oya for the umpteenth time asks him to calm down. Melike: God help us. Uncle: kiss my hand boy. Hasan asks Emir to be careful and patient. The uncle asks Yigit if Gülperi is his mother now. Gülperi: it's your dinner time uncle. Uncle: you didn't answer me son. Yigit: I love the fairy very much, she tells me stories and plays with me. Narin: I know that I have been unfair to you, first Mert, then the subject of gifts, I'm sorry. I've been very sentimental. You're not going to talk. ok, we'll only talk about the two of us tonight. We haven't eaten like this in a long time, let's not take a break again. Will you just watch? Won't you talk tonight It is our music. Kemal: yes, here are my arms. Always like this, with me. Narin: yes, I don't want to deprive myself of this. Melike tells them that he left it in his room. Gülperi: if I stay in my room and go out early tomorrow morning. Emir. however you like, but be careful. Don't get me wrong, but it's better if you stay in my room. Gülperi: no, I'll be careful. Emir: you needed something. Uncle: When I heard the voices, I said that God will comfort the bride and groom. Emir and uncle: good evening. (Emir takes Gülperi's hand, how cute) Emir. he keeps looking. Gülperi: he will not leave anything on us, he will never leave. He will understand, he will surely kill me. Emir: ok try to stay calm, take a deep breath, it won't hurt you. Look for a star, there is a star of the shepherd that you love so much. She continues to breathe. Gülperi: too dark as usual. Emir: not even the deepest darkness is enough to extinguish the light of the stars. Be careful with the dark not the stars, she keeps breathing. (finally Emir managed to fall in love again) Narin: I know you don't want to talk about this, but you called Mert, but I'm very happy. Kemal: I told him we were angry because we criticized him and he understood. Narin: Do you think he will come back, Kemal: even if I don't think about it, we'll talk and maybe we can start having dinner together, what do you think? Narin: I think we will all be together. Kemal: this time I chose it. Meltem was not the one. She should not leave this to third parties. I have one more surprise, Tonight we will be alone, just you and me. Emir: let me close the window. Does it hurt? she hangs on a bit. What did you say? The eyes are still on us. Sleep here. Gülperi, no, I'm not going to sleep anyway. Ercan calls Tülay and informs him that Emir and Gülperi are in the same room. Fire and gunpowder together because the uncle arrived. Gülperi says the uncle looks like he fell asleep. Emir: It is not worth the risk, calm down a little and try to sleep. Where are you going, lie down on that bed and try to sleep. Uncle: what happens at this hour. Emir: looking for water took you a long time came to see. Look, if you are not going to sleep, do not sleep, but do not leave this room, it does not suit you. (This is a lot, she hasn't even touched her hair, too much distrust). Meltem: yes, the understanding wife did not work to bring her husband back home. Namik, come to the office immediately, I need you, don't ask me, I said come immediately. Emir: we spent tonight, one more day, maybe there will be no more. Yigit: fairy ...
Çuk techekur ederim 🥰
@@melocoton1659 thnku
Thank you for translation
Cavidan. I get it Emir is your son. I think he is old enough to make a decision on his own. Your true self is coming out again.
Same Old annoying Cavidan. Her " love" for Emir is too overbearing and controlling. If she love him as she claimed, she would c that he has no emotional/affectionate connection with Tulay. Yegit dont even like Tulay.
She doesn't lìke peace. She'll die alone and without girends
Gulperi with Curly thick hair, beautiful features and innocent face... Emir mature rich handsome man both look superb.. lovely..OMG
Kemal Narine bakdikca,Kemal oldugundan memnun oluyor,Narin ise bu askdan guc aliyor,iste buher zaman yaranmaz...
Heç güc alana oxşamır, hələ də Meltemi tanıya bilmir . Bilsəydi Meltemin yox Narinin yanında olardı. Ayı meşədən küsüb meşənin xəbəri yox.
How Kemal so naive with those ninja moves by Meltem? He should know when a woman is flirting to a man. And Narin, should improve her clothes.
Yes she should and her shoes too, bring a man to work with her to see how the Kemal will feel. Naive Silly Kemal.
@@philipsylvia ..."bring a man to work with her to see how the Kemal will feel. Naive Silly Kemal." Yesss, very true!!!!
I appreciate Kemal. Kemal is very gentleman he didn't touch Meltem.b'cause he knew's really love so much Narin💖💕👍
True. I like Kemal but I’m a little annoyed when he can just go to work and act like nothing happened. I wish he can be at hotel room crying over Narin and unable to function. Lol He’s too professional
Also was very funny when he take his suitcase and left ( because he know this scenario means problem lol) Meltem scream her head off because she want him to stay 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@tanseelou806 with those childish act packing and leaving Narin immediately, at least he is in his head that he'll be in trouble if he'll be caught with someone esp woman in his room.
Yonja, Kumru and Meltem all gone psycho in liking Kemal bey.
Kemal regele proștilor,,,,
Bizim muzik,Narin, bizim muzik,Onu bagislamaq olarmi,bilmiyorum ask varsa olar,Narin otele gelmese,Kemal boyle tez geri donerdimi,bilmiyorum,gozel Narinim...
I was waiting for Peri Amca to ask Cavidan hand in marriage. These two would be a perfect match.
I think all of us , who appreciate this serie , should put pressure to this page to block all these sick minds !!! It's getting annoying and they know that !
Just ignore these clowns, no matter what they write, the series must continue without Reyhan, don't forget she's the one that decided to leave, there's not going back, she's not coming BACK, just let them have their fun 🤣🤣🤣, at least I have fun reading their nonsense, even though is annoying .
Lo h denunciado pero no los bloquean
🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ We only want best for the series.
Yes really I've enjoyed reading and replaying comments here but because of them I stopped watching the episod from youtube 😑😑
Hayatımın ən dəyərli varlığı olan yemin ve Emir tarihin yanı gökber demirci❤️❤️🇦🇿🙏🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿
Aku suka karakter kemal dan Narin yang saling mempertahan pernikahan dan cinta ❤️❤️❤️yang awal pertengkaran selalu di akhiri dengan romantis.
Salam dari Indonesia
Salam juga ...
Saya juga cuma seneng narin sama kamal
Salam jg. Sy suka betuln nonton drama turky ini.Yemin...LoveEmir n gulfery❤❤❤❤
Kemsl y Nerin, son los mejores. Bellos
Pentru ei urmaresc serialul,pacat ca au adus in roll de mama a Narinei o actrita atat slaba!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉4
what Meltem said at the beginning: "Kemal Tarhun is a good opportunity but his wife is a little naive" 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Narin is anything but naive😀😀💪💪
I agree. She is a great actress!
She's great. 😍❤️🔥🥰
I hope for a new project, because she can show even more.
Maybe a more ergic role.
Yagmur super !!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤😂
Admin , you should blocked all these crazy parasites who still crying over Reyhan character , and invade this page with their sickly comments !
They are crazy. Just ignore them. They are wasting their time. The actress who played the role of Reyhan didn't know them at all. And they get what? Money? Hug? Or candy from her? No, they got nothing. They just got angry and being an idiot. That's all. That actress has already moved on and happy with her life, never thinking about an idiot people who keep wailing about Reyhan.
It's better to avoid these sick mentally people and let us enjoy the show.
De verdad que si es muy molesto, con esa actitud hacen que hasta la actriz te caiga mal por tener fans tan obsesionados, no puede ser que después de tanto tiempo sigan pidiendo que regrese a una historia en donde ella murió hace años, como quieren que la revivan???
Kemal ❤️ Narin 👍👍👍👍
Multi bărbați si-ar dori o soție ca Narin!!!! Frumoasa ,inteligenta si cu o cariera de succes!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
pjesa e fundit e serjalit turk premtimi e perkthyer ne shqip
@danielhosszu8384 28:11 😂
Emir is marvelous😍 as he always was in the previous seasons. He is really 😘a brilliant actor!
فوق رائع امير❤❤
Narinle Kemal cok gözelsiniz barisdiniz sukur💖💞🥰🥰👍👍👍
Gokberk bravo favorite...
Ozge gokberk actor actris my favorite..
Acting ozberk bravo...
My favorite 1&2...
Ozge Yagiz-🤑😈💀🤑💩😈💀🤑💩😈💀🤑💩😈💀🤑💩😈💀🤑💩😈💀🤑💩
Bu Kasım ağa Cavidana sevdalı olsa hiç şaşırmam 😃😃😃
Kemal ❤️Narin ❤️👍👍⭐⭐👈
Kəmalə ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹🌹Narin
Narin Kamalla ürəyimi yerindən oynadır,hələ o musiqi 👏👏👏
Gokberk is the best
امير كان ممتاز مع ريحان وبس أصبح متخلف وفاشل بدون ريحان
Emir yiğit❤❤❤❤❤
Yes love this couple
I wonder why narin is dressed so shabbily
@@Summerlilly2022 the polka dot dress was pretty. The dress she wore to initially meet Kemal at the hotel was a nice style but I hated the colors.
oh huh! gulpari and emir looks like falling in love to each other now. I love it plus smart handsome yigit and oya likes them to be together ❤. but it's so disgusting that that stranger and bad uncle is the one intimidating them in their own house,why is that? that is so un unbelievable. the love story of narin is much more better and sweet
Can you imagine at the same time Gulperi can't tell Emir that the thug criminal Uncle pointed the gun at Emit that's her most fear I think.
I watched this episode multiple times and loved it....Gulperi and Emir💖💖💖💖💖
A la verdad que esta cuarta temporada está buenísima.
Harika!!! So happy Narkem is back together, cok romantik 🥰🥰😘😘🌹🌹😍😍😍❤️❤️😘😘❤️❤️👏👏
Kemal and Narin are born for each other🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
Narin ❤️ Kemal 👍👍👍👍
Ale masz Tulay wredny uśmiech pani Cavidan jest tak tak ślepa ich zobacz Tulay wredna zmija dwulicowiec Gulprei Emir Yigit sam Super 💖💖💖W tych firmach nie ma dobrych ludzi tylko parę osób są kochana ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gulperi and Emir look fabulous together
They really do😘😘😘
BRAVO NARIN!! Kraljice i damo! Pokazala si svoju ljudsku velečinu, elokventnost, ljubaznost, smirenost i kako se brani brak,ljubav i voljena osoba a da se nespustaš na nivo ove male zlobnici, na kulturan način su joj pokazala gde joj je mesto, lepo bi bilo da se ovako volite i u privatnom životu i da vam Bog da da ostvarite na istom jastuku uz još voćoj dozi ljubavi...u svakom slučaju želim vam svu sreću ovog sveta🙏❤️💙👍
Reyhan susursu Feride susurdu indi de Gülperi susur.senaristin izleyicilere rehmi gelmir Cavidana rehmi gelsin.mecbur edir ki kötüleşsin😄
From season 2 I don't know from where I started liking narin kemal more that emir and rehyan...
Same here 😍
If only they would dress narin appropriately! They giver her baggy clothes and shabby hair.
@@Summerlilly2022 yes u right her dresses are better in season 2
When Reyhan died
Bu Gülpərinin sagır davranışı, yersiz geyimləri nə uzun çəkdi? 😴😩😩
Kemal was smart enough to leave the room
I sure hope by now Kemal can sense that Meltem is trying to get with him… I mean the signs are so obvious
I can’t believe he still doesn’t know 🙄, I’m also shocked that Narin didn’t kick the snake’s @$$ and threw her out of the hotel! She should also punch 🥊 Kemal in the face leaving him with a broken nose 👃😂😂
@@dijlah70 I think Narin did a smart thing not to fuss about it because that was what Meltem wanted. This would have caused the couple to really break up. Narin is on to Meltem, that’s why she played it like she did. Kemal on the other hand seems to still think Meltem is miss innocent, the only way he will realize is if Meltem tells him out right she wants him otherwise I fear he’ll continue to be stupid 🤦🏻
@@tanseelou806 I think women like these snakes have to be confronted directly, have you seen how she cowered when she saw Narin? Even Kemal was embarrassed by the situation he put himself in! You go to your husband's hotel bedroom and see a woman lying in his bed!!! Of course on a different planet other than the Yemin, Narin should confront both of them and end this absurdity! I wasn't happy that Kemal got away with it that easily!
@@dijlah70 lol yes when you put it that way you are right but Narin and Kemal cannot be apart for long. It’s too much stress and agony for them. But I’m telling you with the cycle of Yemin storytelling this happiness will be short lived Narkem still have to deal with issues such as Kemal,s blindness towards Meltem and Narin has to deal with knowing the real Meltem and not come off as a jealous wife. Anyway Meltem has a lot of tricks to get her way so we will see if our couple fairs in dealing the obstacles. It’s entertaining to watch. This break up wasn’t much of a break up. I really wanted Kemal to cry and miss Narin so bad, he can’t sleep, he can’t eat, he can’t go to work because of the break up.( I imagined him growing a beard and crying to Emir on the phone lol) He was very cool about the break up, Narin was a beautiful mess. But he carried on life as usual. Regardless I’m happy they are back together. It’s hard to resist Kemal bey, he’s super romantic 🥰❤️😍🌹
Kemal is not sharp at all
Vorrei che non finisca mai, per me Yemin è stato più interesante tutti sezon 1,2,3,4 , le musiche piacciono moltissimo!
فعلا المرأه لا تحتاج الا الحب والحنان والعطف والرحمه
Gok is the best 👌 ❤ 💓 💕 💖 💗 actor
Balqabaq,,,,,,,Neden Narine de bir partner gətirmir ssenarist ,onda Kemal ne durumda olar anlamaq lazim
Emir Tarhun 👏❤
Setenay is portraying a very complex character. She really played it very well😘😘😘 " She got into it👍👍👍👏👏👏"
Ban Ozbekistalim hapingiza taşakur edarim film gozal
Melocotón: Saludos y buenas vibras para continuar adelante con entusiasmo sin límites!Esto que hacemos los que somos tus fans es como un examen en donde la vista puesta en los personajes ejerce su evaluación continua y sostenida hasta que llega tu traducción para confirmar si acertamos o no! Menudos ejercicios, sin tu impecable traducción: imposible ...aunque hay que reconocer el talento interpretativo de los actores y actrices sobretodo Emir!!! Me gusta la novela así que puestas las pilas para seguir adelante! Cuídate y un eterno: GRACIAS! 🙏
Narin to piękna młoda i mądra kobieta.🌹🌷🌺🍀❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘💞💞💞💞⭐💞
Gdyby Kemal ja zostawil to mialby wszy na oczach jak ruskie czolgi
@@marzannaziarno3689 Kemal nie zostawi Narin ,za bardzo ją kocha.🍀🍀🍀💞🌹🌷🍷🌺(^^);-);)
Ja uważam tak samo.Tylko dla Narin i Kemala oglądam ten serial, no i dla Sehrie.Super była także Masal❤😘
Urmaresc serialul pentru Narin Kemal si Sehrie!Mert si Bade doi tineri actori foarte buni !!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤1
Yagmur o actrita foarte frumoasa si talentata !!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
gulpery when he s always crying he s cutting the onions.
I didn't notice😆😆😆😆😆
Ygit is the most 🔥 👌 ❤ 💯 😍 ♥ beautiful 😍 ❤ and
Wow Meltem you got no shame.
Woman like her think they could have any man they want, or just take them, there are those for the taking which is most men, as women.
Narın. ve. Kemal. Muhtesem. 👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯♥♥♥♥🙏
Emir este eroul filmului,!!
Bravo Narin for real emotions..and how she handled the Meltem situation in the most savage calm way..that's like a punishment to both of them.
Narinin sesi titriyor,sevgiden...
Kemal is careless to visit melcem ib her hotel knowing narin is already jealous
They just need a tight hug..😊
Gulperi still didn't satisfied with him, he let Tulay touch him.
@@dadiduda718 yes they have to cross an ocean of time to hug each other..🙂
@@shamimasultana2118 We should throw Cavidan and Tulay into the Black Sea, they will hug each other. 😊😊
@@dadiduda718 ha ha ha...yes or let gulparis uncle stay at Emir's house..
Foarte frumos!
Yazıq Amir nə günah işlədib ki Gulpəri kimi bir mələməzi onun yoluna cıxartdı .Dağ keçisinə yox lal qoyuna oxsayır.
Lo que si no me gusta mucho es Cadivan quiso matar a Reyhan a su nieto ,a su esposo, a Cembre y todavía con cinismo se mete en la vida Emir. La injusticia y la crueldad siguen latentes en esta serie!!!
eso mismo me pregunto yo estuvo unos meses en la carcela y ya está perdonado los pecados que fácil
Com certeza nada mudou, a Sra Nazmye deve sofrer de Alzheimer, pois vive repetindo tudo que já fez em termos de maldades e personagens maléficos iguais a Cavidan e Mertem
Esa señora nunca va a cambiar
Supuestamente cambio, y ahora nos damos cuenta que es todo lo contrario, otra cosa que vemos es mucha maldad, no tiene limites está guionista, Tulay esta siempre tres pasos antes de Emir y Gulperi, las villanas de está serie tienen oidios y ojos bionicos, ven y escuchan todo, lo único bueno es que todas las maldades que tratan de hacer les falla 🤣, es hora que Naz cambie el chip, ya cansa ver esté drama que cuando alguien les escuchan hablando lo que van hacer o hicieron, le cambian el panorama a la convenencia que quieren.
@@nancyrobayo5266 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Gulperiemir ❤❤❤❤
Periqizi sanki bir hastadi.bu qizi bu qeder sakit etmeyin Nazmiya hanim
Of Ne zaman final olacaq bele uzun dizi gormedim hemi baxiram hemide😠Sinir oluram.
😅😂mende senin gunundeyem😁
Bu lalın dili nə vaxt açılacaq lap bezdik.Artıq açılsın bu Gulprinin dili
Emir es tan romántico, tiene una voz tan bella que me relaja,como la mira,quien fuera Gulperi para estár cerca de él (bueno menos tener un tío tóxico como él que ella tiene)
Me encanta su voz, su personalidad es tan bello.
Si para tener a emir, hay que tener también al tio😂, que le vamos a hacer , todo sea por un momento de felicidad 😂😂😂
Bu bölümde ağladım çok güzeller iyi oyuncu Emir ve Gülperi aslinda Hasan aga haklı elbise konusunda bu bölüm harika
Kemala tam olaraq sahiblenmek istiyor,qocaq kizdi vallah...Kemal da is problemlerinde,meslehetlerinde ona cox guveniyor,mence bu cox seyi hall eder...Narini sevir,amma sevgini qorumasan yok olar!...
الف الصلاه والسلام على خاتم الأنبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم الوصف الوحي الرساله الحكمه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا
صل الله على حبيبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
Love The show beautiful❤ Gulmir
Gulperi is cute too, she looks like the sister of Narin 🥰🥰
Of course NOT 😒
Advakat bəy kor və kor olduğu qədər də keydir, bu necə advakatdlr?Görmür, duymur, heç nə hiss etmir.
The best series I watched in my life ☺️🤣🤣 and the most beautiful couple 😍💗💘 Gogberk Dimerçi and Ozge Yagiz love them Very very much 💗😍💗💗😗
Iam chakri rawiya form Algeria
بصراحة الكاتب يعاني من عقده نفسية شديدة وهي البكاء والصمت والخطف والطعن والقتل لم نجد بالمسلسل سوى هذه الصفات
Émir 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👹👹👹👹👹👹👹😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Really nice 🚀🏆🥇
Emir ❤❤❤
Yaren. ve. Kemal. 👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯♥♥♥🙏
I can't stop laughing guarding them in their own house 🤣🤣🤣🙈
Emir ve gülperi çok güzel olmuş ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷
amca cavidanı kacırda kurtulalım
Emir didn’t are about mardin. Do you understand Tulay 😡
Oya is so loving and caring🥰🥰🥰🥰💓💓💓
امير دوم الخاتم جاهز بدال السلاح
يليق دور الأمير لجوكبيرك سوبر داااائما بكل المواسم 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💗
How's behavior goolperi wow. Always silent when she's stay with Amir.
Whaaaaaaat???? 🤦🏼♀️ Why would you tell her your room number Kemal??
😂😂😂😂😂 Gulperi copying Reyhan Emir. Try again try again. Reyhan Emir anyday ❤
Original always remain Original, Love Reyhan Emir in the yemin ❤
Senden sonra
Nazmiye bringing feride tulay gulperi
But Genuine audience will always love REYHAN EMIR
Bu güzel şarkı Ağlaya ağlaya özel bir video olarak koyabilir misiniz acaba? Çünkü çok güzeldir. Bu versiyon çok seviyorum. Karadağa'dan (Montenegro'dan) herekese selamlar 🇹🇷💙🇲🇪
Gracias melocotón por tu tiempo cuídate mucho y que estés bien
@@draganapopovic4271 язык скоро отвалится.
Selam Kizimin acoutu bu
Allah bizi hayirli insanlarla karsilastirsin
Ne bitmez kotülükler........🤐😪
Emir and Ygit and Golbear are the most important from YAMIN s4 💋💕💞💓💗💖💋💢💥💯💫
Pobre Gulperi el tío la tiene bien traumada, yo hubiera abrazado a Emir, yo me pregunto cuando Emir se dará cuenta que Gulperi lo ama