You South Africans must be the ones who hire foreigners but you are fighting for employment,you must be ashame of yourself you don't think,go take your land and create jobs don't be like crying baby
We have been failed by government. Why is it an issue when citizens rise up to demand laws be enforced? The reason government has failed is because they’ve never been held accountable by citizens. We are done sleeping. Things are going to get in order in this country. We won’t be done after our demands are met, we will go after everything wrong.
don't go to Africans go to the owner,you guys Malema showed you the way even though he is not saying South Africans only,but his mission is good,go to the owners who employ foreigners don't go to Africans because you now seems like domkops
Let us South Africans solve our own problem, and hold the government accountable. No one must tell us how to go about it simply because it doesn't suit the agitated.
@@zinhledhlamini6320 yeah Zee, problem is initially Mandela and them made people feel as though we were dependent on them, not the other way around. But I think people are starting to see and believe that everyone of us in our homes and out in the streets is forming part of government. And this isn't rhetoric but reality.
Government has purposefully neglected borders and are not addressing immigrant issues and therefore we are fully with Dudula. South Africa has a LOT of internal issues to fix before bringing in millions of people.
Kopanang Africa against xenophobia will happen somewhere else not in SA. We are not inviting foreigners to help us with solve our challenges or unite with us; Trevor must go away and leave SA if he wants to unite Africans knows where AT headquarters is that's where Africans converge to unite...! Trevor is not the sharpest brain in the room government does not create jobs but ensures the environment in fertile for private sector to do that we can't all be employed by government. He is busy attacking private sector/business what does he want??🇿🇦🇿🇦#OperationDudula
Trevor is clearly on another planet. There is absolutely nothing to "discuss" here - we have been discussing since the influx of illegal immigrant in 1993. We are no longer willing to negotiate the presence of illegal immigrants in our own damn country. It undermines our intelligence. It undermines our national sovereignty. It undermines our nationalism. Anyone who is sympathetic of illegal immigrants can go and live in Zimbabwe or Malawi. Leave us to our own issues here in SA. We are the youth, we are educated, we are unemployed. #OperationDudula no retreat, no surrender
So illegal immigrants should live in Zimbabwe or Malawi ..that’s a very foolish point ..Sandile Dlamini just reason deep.. when citizens becomes law enforcement to drive illegal immigrants then it shows high level of confusion among citizens .. The problem in South Africa is bigger than illegal immigrants.. if you are truly educated as you claim, you will understand what is the real problem in South Africa .. I am South African but I don’t agree with you ..” umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu “ , illegal immigrants are human beings .. some are kids .. some are very old .. Let our Government deal with this issue.. Governments where this illegal immigrants are coming from are to blame, these Governments should solve their political issues and help South African government in solving this problem.. For example Zimbabwe is very rich in resources , Zimbabweans are educated too but ordinary people in Zimbabwe are suffering because those in power are ruling using Ak47 .. t it is not the illegal immigrants that are the problem but the Government or leaders where they are coming from ..
hi guys can operation.Dudula collect all our drug addict children n take them to Fnb stadium n call our president to see himself what our future president look like.bcs of our.own government have grilled them alive.pls pls let stand up for our children.
It is the responsibility of the government to regulate and control immigration, not that of an illigal vigilante group. Just imagine the total chaos that will ensue, allowing vigilante groups to take over the responsibility of government!
From my own point of view,Dudula is just an organization of illiterate people who always want to find themselves on tv platform because they think due to their ignorance it's something special
You could be right, but I think the issue of fake papers would be a long and complicated process to deal with, so it should be set aside for now until we have dealt with those who don't have any papers at all (not even fake papers) as well as those who are working in low skill jobs that any south african can do (working in restaurants, driving trucks, clothing shops, etc) If the business owner is a foreign national, I personally don't have a problem if he hires most of his family members for some of the jobs. But once he starts summoning all his friends from his home village from another country, then it becomes a problem. People must understand that South Africa is not like the US. In South Africa you don't just maximize profits at the expense of the surrounding the community. Your business must give you profit but it must also bring some sort of benefit to the surrounding community otherwise you don't deserve to be allowed to run a business there. This is why most compliant businesses (even small ones) always try to do at least one thing to benefit the community (e.g feeding scheme for poor people, donating clothes, bursaries, school fees for needy pupils, giving job training if they don't intend to hire trainees, internships, vacation tours , sports sponsorships, etc).
We must do this every corner of South Africa, check every company for compliance and people should be legal and register. Respect the Law and Viva Dudula ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
There's nothing wrong with Operation Dudula. It is in our constitution to address the criminality in our communities, cities and townships, seize the criminals and hand them over to the police. Which is exactly what this operation is doing. This Trevor guy was quite when Somalis were out with guns in Qgeberha.
@@ndujamz you know it better than me you are in South Africa the last time this happened do you know how many people lost their lives and business all because of nationalism infact most of them are their fellow African so this type of behaviour should not be intern in public platforms nationalism should be transformed in hard working not by attacking non southafrican national distrusting there business and killed them because their had Woking the Last time it happened most people that lost their lives are foragen national so this time it should be incroge in southafrica
People think operation DuDula is a one angled approach, but DuDula is the most effective programme because it talks and dos, not only talk like we have all been doing for so many years now. I love Operation Dudula and I hope it becomes a patriotic franchise across the country
Operation Dudula needs to start walking thru all the wealthy suburbs of Joburg + Cape Town and go door knocking the big wealthy homes and find out all the foreigners doing Domestic work, Gardening etc. All these Domestic workers etc must be kicked out and given to locals.............
I hired foreigners and they work they don't complain they come to work without excuses. So please I won't allow anyone at my doorstep. I am done working with my SA brothers and sisters. I once had SA gardener that young man told me straight that he can work under the sun it is too hot he worked for 2hrs ( he arrived at 10am to 12 noon)and took the money you pay a person who would have worked for 8hrs.
@@lyma3880 Well you have 2 choices now. 1.You either keep interviewing + look until you find a SA person who will work for you + you pay decent $ or 2. You will need to do your own Gardening.... We will kick out of SA all the unskilled illegals.......So you no longer will have access to cheap illegals..
Trevor must just rest, if you are a businessman with good intentions and you see people approaching your shop, u shouldn’t be worried if you are following labor laws, but it you are a criminal u’ll be worried
This lady was asking the right questions until she started asking about Dudula working with police when she knows very well Police are the problem of this situation, she was attacking not asking questions
Hi Jerry, im a zimbabwean living in S.A. My worry is shouldnt someone from the police be getting fired or arrested, i mean the police are there and they are doing nothing, but when citizens arise then things start happening....something is wrong. The foreign nationals dont follow the law because the people who are paid to enforce it are doing nothing. Maybe get rid of the incompetent police and give the uniforms to dudula because they get the job done. I cant help but wonder in what other areas is the police not doing their cant be only where foreign nationals are involved. The other thing is im sure there is a gvt department that gets allocated millions of Rands every year to deal with such issues as employement qoutas. Clearly they have not been doing their job. Is someone going to get fired or arrested from there. Or is operation dudula going to keep doing their job for free.
This Article is from Zimbabwean News Outlets Publish July 2021. "The ruling ZANU PF party has moved to ensure that foreign nationals are barred from operating businesses in the economic sub-sectors reserved for Zimbabwean citizens. The reserved sectors include transport (passenger buses, taxis and car hire services), retailing, wholesaling, hair salons, advertising agencies, estate agencies, grain milling, bakeries, tobacco grading and packaging and artisanal mining. Bimha also said foreign-owned businesses in reserved sectors were only allowed where firms would fund local production. Local authorities were supposed to ensure that this aspect of the policy was enforced, Bimha asserted". I don't recall anyone saying Zimbabweans are Xenophobic for saying this.
while they busy focusing on Hibrow the rest of the conutry is watching and people are angry, jobless, tired of politics, operation dudula is just a start #OPERATION DUDULA
Trevor let's focus on one thing first, do not mislead or divert our attention for your own pocket.. White, black, orange and yellow we need to be lawfully documented so that the identy and structure of this country is not lost.. South Africans are leading by example in cleaning their country.. Please go do the same in your own the near future we will be stronger as a continent should we all manage to unite via in-house spring cleaning... Charity begins at home... Fix your yards and we shall socially combine as neighboring countries to build a much greater africa
Forward with Dudula. Let's deal with our challenges as SA citizens; why must we babysit other countries? They ran away from their own because they are cowards and come here to be super heroes.
What is root cause of this fruit we are seeing today 🤔; truth must be told, ANC has failed South Africans big time. As the citizens we are the one's who continually voted and allowed this situation to spread like cancer. Question is do we have a leader that can lead and take this country out of it's pit??? Or must we look for a One World Leader since this sickness has attacked many countries???.
Yes ANC has failed dismally - but why its easy for the to fail when foreigners undermine the sovereigneity of our country. Some respect us for a little while then when their papers expire they dont wanna go back home - do you then blame the ANC or must we blame the foreigners for their illegal deliberate actions against the state? I wish it could be that simple- that we oin everything on the ANC alone but foreigners must take huge responsibility as well for this mess
@@sandiledlamini628 What's happening behind the curtains is bigger than you are I can imagine. This is not a coincidence, something bigger is happening not only here in South Africa but worldwide. Maybe one we will understand One World Order better, as for now let's stay tuned as events unfolds.
Dammit, the problem with you people is that you hate the truth, just learn to live with foreigners around you whether you like it or not that's your problem
Government and his ministers failed South Africans long time ago,, most police are on the pay list of this drug dealers,, our youth is swimming on drugs and alcohol, know jobs, they got know hope,, those who is working act like they don't understand what's happening, bcoz they eat supper every night,,,, Dudula is doing a good job,,,, please come to East London
Where are your policemen and women coming from? Ain’t they SAns? Who’s shoving alcohol and drugs into your youths’ throats. Can SAns sit back, introspect and take responsibilities? You can’t solve the problem by scratch the issue on the surface!Cut some foreigners some slack!
This guy Trevor is out of touch with the masses on the ground, who is he to tell us what we need to do? He can shout to the top of his voice we are not interested in his views.
I have joined oparation Dudula as you will see in the morning when you go do work the taxi will have 95 percent of foreign nationals and only 5 percent of south Africans is it really fair🤷
The movement's position is clear and has always been. People like acting dum as if they don't know what's happening here. Xenophobia this Xenophobia this damn it. There is an Influx of foreign nationals and is out of hand now. This lady is also emotional ....VIVA OPERATION DUDULA VIVA✊
haai wena deal with your own leaders and hold them accountable united Africa doesnt mean we must starve on your behalf what would u do if this was happening in your countries hmmm arabang
What you fail to understand is, illegal immigrants can have criminal records, not only do they work illegally but all those 1000s of zar that they are making is leaving the country by illegal means too now imagine 1 million illegal immigrants, sending back illegally R1000 home each month, that is R 1 billion leaving the country on a monthly basis money that could have gone for education roads electricity you cannot expect this tiny country to carry all of africa
The journalist question at 15:00 is laughable. " We don't want to be know for being Xenophobic?" . What about the fact We are known as the most dangerous countries in world. What about the fact that our Law enforcement services are non existent thus leading to porous borders? Why is it always expected that Sans are always expect to be good people towards those who are illegally invading their economy, their rights to safety and security? WHY IS ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY TO BE GOOD PLACED ON US? Why don't she turn her face to Trevor and ask him about the Zim serial killer who killed 7 women in Seshego within two months? What responsible do we place on foreigners when they are within our borders?
we are known as dangerous because we are harboring illegal people with no registered finger prints who do crime in our country using our space and killing our children and even their own. Stop.. confusing issues
Soon in 1994 on our first freedom Hyenas, Valtures and Wilddogs were on our door steps. They are parasites who are here to suck and destroy this country. Phambili operation dudula phambili. We need you in Cape Town guys please. Let's establish this movement properly, Eastern Cape as well needs u. Informal businessess has been taken over by Wilddogs while citizens were chased by law enforcement officers. But all the cities, Malls, taxi ranks, train stations and every open spaces are for foreigners, mostly Zimbabweans. We respected the laws of the country but see where did that led us?? Today we are called lazy by these very greedy people occupying and crabbing everything for themselves alone. This time I'm capable of doing anything even willing to die
Our African brother's and sisters are not the problem in this countries joblessness, but the system in place which protects the thief's of our resources who are still milking our continent while we fighting over crumbs which fell from their table
Are the majority of ordinary south african people benefiting from Anglo American gold and Debeers? I only see black people fighting against each other while the Europeans are enjoying the benefits of having the majority of productive land.
These gentlemen speak well at the end. If they can find a solution that can solve crime as well as allow business to thrive without harassing migrants who abide the law. Otherwise I think many South Africans agree with them.
While your organizations continue to sit down and talk South Africans continue to be spectators in our economy, bab' Trevor. So, we must wait for talks and organizations that strive for African unity while foreigners continue to eat instead of South Africans? How?
Foreigners came 2 our sa.n made it very very dirty do as they please crime gone worst we cannot do that in their country they don't pay tax this sa..gone free 4 al make our crime ridden please send sadf.
Good evening Nation. ATTENTION: PRAYER WARRIORS!!! Let us all rise up from the Bible and Read Daniel9 daily. It's a nation's prayer and from what I'm seeing, it's a rather DESPERATE SITUATION. It's shocking.
What I'm seeing from this journalist is poor patriotism...the way she says why is Dudula not leaving law enforcement to police. The very same SAPS that is failing due to internal issues... I really respect the discipline from this Dudula operation.... we are not going to wait for the elected... we as South Africans are the government.
Next thing, must dudula the police when they stand on our way, they don't know the frustration of being jobless, they don't know the fear of crime when we're walking in our streets, if they were doing their job none of this would be happening. South African let's unite and conquer 💪
Heee heee let's unite and talk obout this problems , that's bullshit , this guy who is against operation Dudula is med , we sick and tied obout sitting down and talk, kopanang Africa my ass
My question is towards Trevor what has he done in regards to mobilizing people against the level of drugs circulatting in our country...???? sold by illegals
Employment rate of foreign nationals is 4% (of the 4% maybe 30% are Zimbabweans), National unemployment rate is 35%....if the 4% is given to locals how would you explain the 31% shortfall?....this is not about foreigners taking away jobs...there is more that has nothing to do with foreign nationals.
@@thegenie1111 deal with undocumented foreigners and leave documented ones alone..thats the point...besides there is no way undocumented foreigners can be formally employed...undocumented foreigners are mainly in self employment and menial jobs hated by locals but you still bother them and how on earth are they taking away employment from locals...
Spaza shops, internet cafes, clothing shops, Salons, vendors etc aren't critical skills but yet 90% are owned by foreigners how is that xenophobic? Dept home Affairs & employment of labour have failed SA and white monopoly exists cos black ppl are their worst enemy VBS being a practical example.. African ppl cabt even fix their own issues in their own countries! Sana are exploited cos no one wants to pay legal salaries and can get a cheap labour! Illegal vacant building by foreigners. SA don't need the Anc anymore..
You can own one too,look at legends barber how they started and where south African barbershop which is niw found in a few a african countries... smme is something that you start on ur own, it's not like the government gives it to the foreigners and as a south African in smme you have a better chance of success because government gives local funding which foreigners don't receive
Dudula should direct their energy towards government , shouldn't they also focus on trying to develop South Africans to be entrepreneurial instead of begging for Jobs its like begging to be disempowered.
Thus the aim bro SA is enforcing politics than promoting business. Trust there are big politicians behind this Dudula. In as much as it is bold but it's not creating jobs but rather promoting disempowerment of the black masses
The problem was created by anc by destroying closing down of technical colleges those colleges were very helpful during apartheid because they gave our people skills to be self employed. Dress making., bakers , hair dressing, car mechanics black people were doing all these jobs , closing down the schools made it easy for migrants to flood in those spaces.
@@pmchunu8450 it's a system meant to destroy the masses to render you useless and depend on 350rand. Freedom was not won people attacked Vusi Thembekwayo, when he said apartheid won. A government thus adamant on really destroying and causing anarchy. Look at July 2021 it wasn't about Zuma it was coordinated zuma was just a scape goat. They busy building covid and mrna vaccine sites. Covid this covid that, no talk of skills Development or something like that. No talk of rooting out crime from society , from government officials but Covid daily on TV thus the news we being fed. Am in Europe trust me these people invest in education, skills, and healthcare and social housing. They promote business, you will never see a church next to a brothel or liquor store.
Can you imagine South Africans negotiating with illegal foreign nationals for their own jobs. iMihlola le!
These people have lost the minds.
Completely crazyy
You South Africans must be the ones who hire foreigners but you are fighting for employment,you must be ashame of yourself you don't think,go take your land and create jobs don't be like crying baby
You are using emotions instead of your head
@@litharnyeoe4714 better to not think than think with poor economies and epic poverty.
We have been failed by government. Why is it an issue when citizens rise up to demand laws be enforced? The reason government has failed is because they’ve never been held accountable by citizens. We are done sleeping. Things are going to get in order in this country. We won’t be done after our demands are met, we will go after everything wrong.
You kept voting for this government 😂
don't go to Africans go to the owner,you guys Malema showed you the way even though he is not saying South Africans only,but his mission is good,go to the owners who employ foreigners don't go to Africans because you now seems like domkops
So why after foreighners not yo government ,dos that make sense to kill inocente foreighners,tourism depende on foreighners (tourists)
@@thembakaziolisah206 your innocent nkunzi's are shooting on your police. Wena as long ufumana indoda u don't care
You get what you vote for.
This ANC government has been this incompetent for 27 years.
Even paying for Cuban doctors.
Let us South Africans solve our own problem, and hold the government accountable. No one must tell us how to go about it simply because it doesn't suit the agitated.
Sometimes it baffles if people do understand that we are the government as citizens of South Africa
@@zinhledhlamini6320 yeah Zee, problem is initially Mandela and them made people feel as though we were dependent on them, not the other way around. But I think people are starting to see and believe that everyone of us in our homes and out in the streets is forming part of government. And this isn't rhetoric but reality.
Government has purposefully neglected borders and are not addressing immigrant issues and therefore we are fully with Dudula. South Africa has a LOT of internal issues to fix before bringing in millions of people.
Bringing them how
Louder for the people that fail to understand the basics please1000%
@@honestmkhokhelikhumalo2468 You know how! Cause you sound like you one of them. I f..en know but you gonna have to pay me to tell you.
I think the gov did that deliberately so that we will fight each other while they are busy stealing from the poor.
Let the people who are affected "on the ground" solve their problems the way they can.
This guy is in denial, we are this mess because of people like him
You nail it 🤣
Zimbabweans have energy to fight South Africans but don't have energy to fight for their country in Zimbabwe
That's true even called us lazy thinkers.
That's ironic right the odesity
I think South Africans are too soft and they label us xenophobic when we try to be harsh...they act like orphans
abantu phendukani ekhaya bakithi lingahlali lapho elingafunwa khona wozani ekhaya bantu beZimbabwe
Unqinisile abantu ababuyele ekhaya .Abaxotshwanga, kulokuthi bahlupheke emazweni abanye abantu.Wozani koBulawayo lizokwaka okwenu,njalo futhi sibambisane.Kuzakuze kulunge.Abadala bathi okungapheliyo kuyahlola.
Thank you very much Dan Radebe from DUDULA... YOU ARE NOT SHAKEN Baba... Viva...👊
South africa will Rise will be a Great nation once again....
You promised to pick the Rand up, but no luck so far.🤭
When you say it will rise again, like when? When was SA ever been great? Please remind me
@@BakheNakile There are a lot of things that People Born After the Year 2000 Will Never Understand..
You guys are shouting the wrong people
With a dancing culture and drinking every weekend, the question is what are we celebrating with this drinking spree?
Kopanang Africa against xenophobia will happen somewhere else not in SA. We are not inviting foreigners to help us with solve our challenges or unite with us; Trevor must go away and leave SA if he wants to unite Africans knows where AT headquarters is that's where Africans converge to unite...!
Trevor is not the sharpest brain in the room government does not create jobs but ensures the environment in fertile for private sector to do that we can't all be employed by government. He is busy attacking private sector/business what does he want??🇿🇦🇿🇦#OperationDudula
His answer is not directed to the issue.They must just go home
True! Trevor can go fly a kite
Africa will unite at the end of the day and all sons and daughters of colonizers claiming to be Africans will leave
We are fighting for our rights in our own country, foreigners must go back to their country and do the same
Trevor is clearly on another planet.
There is absolutely nothing to "discuss" here - we have been discussing since the influx of illegal immigrant in 1993.
We are no longer willing to negotiate the presence of illegal immigrants in our own damn country.
It undermines our intelligence. It undermines our national sovereignty. It undermines our nationalism.
Anyone who is sympathetic of illegal immigrants can go and live in Zimbabwe or Malawi. Leave us to our own issues here in SA.
We are the youth, we are educated, we are unemployed. #OperationDudula no retreat, no surrender
So illegal immigrants should live in Zimbabwe
or Malawi ..that’s a very foolish point ..Sandile Dlamini just reason deep.. when citizens becomes law enforcement to drive illegal immigrants then it shows high level of confusion among citizens ..
The problem in South Africa is bigger than illegal immigrants.. if you are truly educated as you claim, you will understand what is the real problem in South Africa .. I am South African but I don’t agree with you ..” umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu “ , illegal immigrants are human beings .. some are kids .. some are very old .. Let our Government deal with this issue.. Governments where this illegal immigrants are coming from are to blame, these Governments should solve their political issues and help South African government in solving this problem..
For example Zimbabwe is very rich in resources , Zimbabweans are educated too but ordinary people in Zimbabwe are suffering because those in power are ruling using Ak47 .. t
it is not the illegal immigrants that are the problem but the Government or leaders where they are coming from ..
You're dull
@@lawrencevensondube8098 u lying ulindebele from Bulawayo, why lying???
@@Sky-dv8mj yaz inkwerekwere lolu nje Lusi jwayela a masimba bayasiphaphela njee odoti
@@lawrencevensondube8098 u don't sound south african
hi guys can operation.Dudula collect all our drug addict children n take them to Fnb stadium n call our president to see himself what our future president look like.bcs of our.own government have grilled them alive.pls pls let stand up for our children.
Every time I go to bed I pray that people should unite and fight for our children
The ultimate day has dawn. People are finally taking matters into their own hands# OPERATION DUDULA
It is the responsibility of the government to regulate and control immigration, not that of an illigal vigilante group. Just imagine the total chaos that will ensue, allowing vigilante groups to take over the responsibility of government!
From my own point of view,Dudula is just an organization of illiterate people who always want to find themselves on tv platform because they think due to their ignorance it's something special
Those immigrant who live in jhb cbd 90% they paper are fake,check with home affair, to cj
Check what am taking about🇿🇦🇿🇦
I fully agree
Its true
I totally agree, one can buy a SA ID for R20000 in pta,home affairs are also a big problem
You could be right, but I think the issue of fake papers would be a long and complicated process to deal with, so it should be set aside for now until we have dealt with those who don't have any papers at all (not even fake papers) as well as those who are working in low skill jobs that any south african can do (working in restaurants, driving trucks, clothing shops, etc)
If the business owner is a foreign national, I personally don't have a problem if he hires most of his family members for some of the jobs. But once he starts summoning all his friends from his home village from another country, then it becomes a problem.
People must understand that South Africa is not like the US. In South Africa you don't just maximize profits at the expense of the surrounding the community. Your business must give you profit but it must also bring some sort of benefit to the surrounding community otherwise you don't deserve to be allowed to run a business there.
This is why most compliant businesses (even small ones) always try to do at least one thing to benefit the community (e.g feeding scheme for poor people, donating clothes, bursaries, school fees for needy pupils, giving job training if they don't intend to hire trainees, internships, vacation tours , sports sponsorships, etc).
The Home affairs office is a joke
Viva operation DUDULA viva🇿🇦💪✊✊✊✊✊
We must do this every corner of South Africa, check every company for compliance and people should be legal and register. Respect the Law and Viva Dudula ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
What's stopping you..... someone was told 2000 years ago, "that which you about to do, do it quickly"
And he did it....
And in every province and every town because now most of illegal immigrants have moved into rural South Africa
Thank you Operations Dudula
Let us unite, AS SOUTH AFRICANS!
Why do migrants have organisations in foreign land?
They must go home n fight thier government for rights not here in SA
Lmao! Shocking
Good question
Zimbabweans have Lawyer's Association in SA wowww! Isivezile le ANC
Dudula must come to the Western Cape/Cape town
Organize it
Stand up for your rights nobody will come from the sky and helps us .
Let us all join hands with Dudula when they are in your area organize family members and friends to join the march
Redistribution of wealth... with Foreigners??? Would South Africans have a share in their countries??? This is pure madness
There's nothing wrong with Operation Dudula. It is in our constitution to address the criminality in our communities, cities and townships, seize the criminals and hand them over to the police. Which is exactly what this operation is doing. This Trevor guy was quite when Somalis were out with guns in Qgeberha.
So it is in your contusion to attack foragen business is madness the lady on the TV have to tell him the truth this man is in Shane
@@sulaymanbajo4043 Nobody attacked anyone. Do not spread false information.
@@ndujamz you know it better than me you are in South Africa the last time this happened do you know how many people lost their lives and business all because of nationalism infact most of them are their fellow African so this type of behaviour should not be intern in public platforms nationalism should be transformed in hard working not by attacking non southafrican national distrusting there business and killed them because their had Woking the Last time it happened most people that lost their lives are foragen national so this time it should be incroge in southafrica
@@sulaymanbajo4043 channel your energy at your Country it will better and improve your Country
@@geraldlekhowane8736 ooh i see i don't blame you you are that type of lazy people who belam people for their failure
Viva Dan Radebe Viva 🇿🇦
The People should govern...
South Africa for South Africans first.
Thank you
People think operation DuDula is a one angled approach, but DuDula is the most effective programme because it talks and dos, not only talk like we have all been doing for so many years now. I love Operation Dudula and I hope it becomes a patriotic franchise across the country
Operation Dudula needs to start walking thru all the wealthy suburbs of Joburg + Cape Town
and go door knocking the big wealthy homes and find out all the foreigners doing Domestic work, Gardening etc.
All these Domestic workers etc must be kicked out and given to locals.............
I hired foreigners and they work they don't complain they come to work without excuses. So please I won't allow anyone at my doorstep. I am done working with my SA brothers and sisters. I once had SA gardener that young man told me straight that he can work under the sun it is too hot he worked for 2hrs ( he arrived at 10am to 12 noon)and took the money you pay a person who would have worked for 8hrs.
@@lyma3880 Well you have 2 choices now.
1.You either keep interviewing + look until you find a SA person who will work for you + you
pay decent $
or 2. You will need to do your own Gardening....
We will kick out of SA all the unskilled illegals.......So you no longer will have access to cheap illegals..
I told one of friend Not to rent spaza foreigner national recently her daughter have been raped
I told one of friend Not to rent spaza foreigner national recently her daughter have been raped
This reporter is exceptionally beautiful
Trevor must just rest, if you are a businessman with good intentions and you see people approaching your shop, u shouldn’t be worried if you are following labor laws, but it you are a criminal u’ll be worried
They just want to turn SA into a slum.
Mxm. That store will be looted. Don't pretend here
@@NgolaNalane loot expired goods 😂
This lady was asking the right questions until she started asking about Dudula working with police when she knows very well Police are the problem of this situation, she was attacking not asking questions
Hi Jerry, im a zimbabwean living in S.A.
My worry is shouldnt someone from the police be getting fired or arrested, i mean the police are there and they are doing nothing, but when citizens arise then things start happening....something is wrong. The foreign nationals dont follow the law because the people who are paid to enforce it are doing nothing. Maybe get rid of the incompetent police and give the uniforms to dudula because they get the job done.
I cant help but wonder in what other areas is the police not doing their cant be only where foreign nationals are involved.
The other thing is im sure there is a gvt department that gets allocated millions of Rands every year to deal with such issues as employement qoutas. Clearly they have not been doing their job. Is someone going to get fired or arrested from there. Or is operation dudula going to keep doing their job for free.
@@okamadlala You are absolutely correct my brother
Xenophobia 😂. Go home, its not a negotiation. South Africa needs to fix ourselves, go fix your country
This Article is from Zimbabwean News Outlets Publish July 2021.
"The ruling ZANU PF party has moved to ensure that foreign nationals are barred from operating businesses in the economic sub-sectors reserved for Zimbabwean citizens. The reserved sectors include transport (passenger buses, taxis and car hire services), retailing, wholesaling, hair salons, advertising agencies, estate agencies, grain milling, bakeries, tobacco grading and packaging and artisanal mining.
Bimha also said foreign-owned businesses in reserved sectors were only allowed where firms would fund local production. Local authorities were supposed to ensure that this aspect of the policy was enforced, Bimha asserted". I don't recall anyone saying Zimbabweans are Xenophobic for saying this.
Your name tells me that u are a visitor in Africa, u need to go home
Mr Radebe thank you for your relentless spirit together with the masses of Dudula to uplift South Africa.
We supporting operation Dudula
Time for talking is over. Dudula is right. Why does the law not apply to foreigners?
We support Operation Dudula
while they busy focusing on Hibrow the rest of the conutry is watching and people are angry, jobless, tired of politics, operation dudula is just a start #OPERATION DUDULA
Forward Dudula phambiliiiii👏
Trevor let's focus on one thing first, do not mislead or divert our attention for your own pocket.. White, black, orange and yellow we need to be lawfully documented so that the identy and structure of this country is not lost.. South Africans are leading by example in cleaning their country.. Please go do the same in your own the near future we will be stronger as a continent should we all manage to unite via in-house spring cleaning... Charity begins at home... Fix your yards and we shall socially combine as neighboring countries to build a much greater africa
as a South African I dnt want my country to share jobs with foreigners whether illegal & legal
You are weak... You know you cant compete.. We are living in a global world, its survival of the fittest not the entitled! Its old Shaka brains!
Forward with Dudula. Let's deal with our challenges as SA citizens; why must we babysit other countries? They ran away from their own because they are cowards and come here to be super heroes.
Viva Dudula Viva
What is root cause of this fruit we are seeing today 🤔; truth must be told, ANC has failed South Africans big time.
As the citizens we are the one's who continually voted and allowed this situation to spread like cancer.
Question is do we have a leader that can lead and take this country out of it's pit??? Or must we look for a One World Leader since this sickness has attacked many countries???.
Yes ANC has failed dismally - but why its easy for the to fail when foreigners undermine the sovereigneity of our country. Some respect us for a little while then when their papers expire they dont wanna go back home - do you then blame the ANC or must we blame the foreigners for their illegal deliberate actions against the state?
I wish it could be that simple- that we oin everything on the ANC alone but foreigners must take huge responsibility as well for this mess
What's happening behind the curtains is bigger than you are I can imagine. This is not a coincidence, something bigger is happening not only here in South Africa but worldwide.
Maybe one we will understand One World Order better, as for now let's stay tuned as events unfolds.
You raise good point and questions.
You can't find answers elsewhere, but only in the Bible and the solution of all this system.
@@rejoiceinthelord3406you are severely deranged. this is an illegal immigration issue which has been taking place before the Xenohobic attacks in 2008
Amen and Amen.
Bra Dan Radebe 🔥✊🏽🙌🏽💯
This Man is taking like some one who received bribery every month
I mean the first one
Dammit, the problem with you people is that you hate the truth, just learn to live with foreigners around you whether you like it or not that's your problem
Stupid comment how are you going to learn to share something you don't have with someone who do not belong here
This Ngwane guy must go home to Zim as well
Government and his ministers failed South Africans long time ago,, most police are on the pay list of this drug dealers,, our youth is swimming on drugs and alcohol, know jobs, they got know hope,, those who is working act like they don't understand what's happening, bcoz they eat supper every night,,,, Dudula is doing a good job,,,, please come to East London
Where are your policemen and women coming from? Ain’t they SAns? Who’s shoving alcohol and drugs into your youths’ throats. Can SAns sit back, introspect and take responsibilities? You can’t solve the problem by scratch the issue on the surface!Cut some foreigners some slack!
Everytime Trevor opens his mouth I want to vomit. I don't know if someone else feels the same. I choke just listening to him.
Kanti yini enzima ku government to put South Africa first
This Trevor Ngwane is deluded.
Just look at his teeth. He must get braces.
This guy Trevor is out of touch with the masses on the ground, who is he to tell us what we need to do? He can shout to the top of his voice we are not interested in his views.
Leader of Dudula 100% percent....South African...not this Ngwane.
Trevor should go back to his own country to solve their own problem in their own countries.
The Dudulas do not allow this people to come and tell us what to do , we do not need any one to mobilize with , we are South africans 100%
Waaaw l like this Lady she's asking important things
It is the people of Julius, he welcomed all Africans in SA
He already lost our votes
I have joined oparation Dudula as you will see in the morning when you go do work the taxi will have 95 percent of foreign nationals and only 5 percent of south Africans is it really fair🤷
Bra Dan! 🔥🔥🔥
The movement's position is clear and has always been. People like acting dum as if they don't know what's happening here. Xenophobia this Xenophobia this damn it. There is an Influx of foreign nationals and is out of hand now. This lady is also emotional ....VIVA OPERATION DUDULA VIVA✊
Yes she is emotional
haai wena deal with your own leaders and hold them accountable united Africa doesnt mean we must starve on your behalf what would u do if this was happening in your countries hmmm arabang
We don't need foreign hands to solve our problems, period!
Brothers and Sisters? 😄 Never.
What you fail to understand is, illegal immigrants can have criminal records, not only do they work illegally but all those 1000s of zar that they are making is leaving the country by illegal means too
now imagine 1 million illegal immigrants, sending back illegally R1000 home each month, that is R 1 billion leaving the country on a monthly basis money that could have gone for education roads electricity you cannot expect this tiny country to carry all of africa
At this point people are REVOLTING against lack of jobs .
The journalist question at 15:00 is laughable. " We don't want to be know for being Xenophobic?" .
What about the fact We are known as the most dangerous countries in world. What about the fact that our Law enforcement services are non existent thus leading to porous borders? Why is it always expected that Sans are always expect to be good people towards those who are illegally invading their economy, their rights to safety and security? WHY IS ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY TO BE GOOD PLACED ON US? Why don't she turn her face to Trevor and ask him about the Zim serial killer who killed 7 women in Seshego within two months? What responsible do we place on foreigners when they are within our borders?
we are known as dangerous because we are harboring illegal people with no registered finger prints who do crime in our country using our space and killing our children and even their own. Stop.. confusing issues
It's the best thing to happen to the country in 20 years. :)
No immigrants must go back to sort out their challenges... South Africans must deal with their challenges on their own...
Huh? What?
Trevor is a shame💔
Soon in 1994 on our first freedom Hyenas, Valtures and Wilddogs were on our door steps. They are parasites who are here to suck and destroy this country. Phambili operation dudula phambili. We need you in Cape Town guys please. Let's establish this movement properly, Eastern Cape as well needs u.
Informal businessess has been taken over by Wilddogs while citizens were chased by law enforcement officers. But all the cities, Malls, taxi ranks, train stations and every open spaces are for foreigners, mostly Zimbabweans. We respected the laws of the country but see where did that led us??
Today we are called lazy by these very greedy people occupying and crabbing everything for themselves alone. This time I'm capable of doing anything even willing to die
This interviewer did a great job 👏🏽
& she's pretty too.
Trevor doesn't car about South Africans
Viva Dudula viva wena old man shut up forward we go
There is only one solution to this problem. Remove ANC government in this country period otherwise nothing is going to change.
Theres no time To Talk, Old People must step aside
voetsek trevor
He can go fly a kite
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bra Dan said " i dont knw if people were NOT inside the country when we went to UNION BUILDING"..🤣🤣 m DEADDDE
Our African brother's and sisters are not the problem in this countries joblessness, but the system in place which protects the thief's of our resources who are still milking our continent while we fighting over crumbs which fell from their table
Are the majority of ordinary south african people benefiting from Anglo American gold and Debeers? I only see black people fighting against each other while the Europeans are enjoying the benefits of having the majority of productive land.
Everybody to adress his/her problems or crises, poverty been in their own countries
Trevor our sons are on drugs because of foreigners, Dudula long live
What about us who employ South Africans 😂😂😂😂
Lmao and Malema too
Documented or undocumented, we need space t breathe. Me Im very xenophobic its no secret.
Angisho nalabo cc a balambile Balala nabo bayenza izingane nabo
These gentlemen speak well at the end. If they can find a solution that can solve crime as well as allow business to thrive without harassing migrants who abide the law. Otherwise I think many South Africans agree with them.
Once you enter a country illegally and commit crime, you must go home or go to prison.
While your organizations continue to sit down and talk South Africans continue to be spectators in our economy, bab' Trevor. So, we must wait for talks and organizations that strive for African unity while foreigners continue to eat instead of South Africans? How?
Foreigners came 2 our sa.n made it very very dirty do as they please crime gone worst we cannot do that in their country they don't pay tax this sa..gone free 4 al make our crime ridden please send sadf.
We are not fighting with foreigners here but we are fighting with illegal things in our country.
Thulas Nxesi & Motsoaledi are supposed to be leading Dudula every day
Those 2 are fast asleep
Thulas is a worse snoring sleeper, he even failed the truck industry issue.he must step down.
This Trevor guy.. we will deal with govt after We have cleaned our streets..
I ws jhb cbd this afternoon Sunday it looks very clean
Good evening Nation.
Let us all rise up from the Bible and Read Daniel9 daily. It's a nation's prayer and from what I'm seeing, it's a rather DESPERATE SITUATION. It's shocking.
Amen powerful thanks
Thanks man, I don't know if 50% of people here have Bibles in their houses.
Well said . any help comes from above .
@ Jay Ram yes we are not all Christians and please respect our religions while you continue with your European Western Religion
What I'm seeing from this journalist is poor patriotism...the way she says why is Dudula not leaving law enforcement to police.
The very same SAPS that is failing due to internal issues... I really respect the discipline from this Dudula operation.... we are not going to wait for the elected... we as South Africans are the government.
The journalist is not supposed to portray patriotism... she has to be seen as an outsider looking in. That is proper journo skill Bongiwe
Next thing, must dudula the police when they stand on our way, they don't know the frustration of being jobless, they don't know the fear of crime when we're walking in our streets, if they were doing their job none of this would be happening. South African let's unite and conquer 💪
Heee heee let's unite and talk obout this problems , that's bullshit , this guy who is against operation Dudula is med , we sick and tied obout sitting down and talk, kopanang Africa my ass
Lmao! True screw Kopanang Africa
A wise once said these ppl in positions sound robotic...all of them sound the same 🤦 that line stuck with me Mr Lux
Why is this lady so emotional now.. Chill lady or go live in Zimbabwe if you feel they have the right to oparate their businesses illegal here.
My question is towards Trevor what has he done in regards to mobilizing people against the level of drugs circulatting in our country...???? sold by illegals
Employment rate of foreign nationals is 4% (of the 4% maybe 30% are Zimbabweans), National unemployment rate is 35%....if the 4% is given to locals how would you explain the 31% shortfall?....this is not about foreigners taking away jobs...there is more that has nothing to do with foreign nationals.
You know about the 4% because it is DOCUMENTED, the question is: What percentage is UNDOCUMENTED??!!
@@thegenie1111 deal with undocumented foreigners and leave documented ones alone..thats the point...besides there is no way undocumented foreigners can be formally employed...undocumented foreigners are mainly in self employment and menial jobs hated by locals but you still bother them and how on earth are they taking away employment from locals...
Spaza shops, internet cafes, clothing shops, Salons, vendors etc aren't critical skills but yet 90% are owned by foreigners how is that xenophobic? Dept home Affairs & employment of labour have failed SA and white monopoly exists cos black ppl are their worst enemy VBS being a practical example.. African ppl cabt even fix their own issues in their own countries!
Sana are exploited cos no one wants to pay legal salaries and can get a cheap labour! Illegal vacant building by foreigners.
SA don't need the Anc anymore..
You can own one too,look at legends barber how they started and where south African barbershop which is niw found in a few a african countries... smme is something that you start on ur own, it's not like the government gives it to the foreigners and as a south African in smme you have a better chance of success because government gives local funding which foreigners don't receive
Dudula should direct their energy towards government , shouldn't they also focus on trying to develop South Africans to be entrepreneurial instead of begging for Jobs its like begging to be disempowered.
Thus the aim bro SA is enforcing politics than promoting business. Trust there are big politicians behind this Dudula. In as much as it is bold but it's not creating jobs but rather promoting disempowerment of the black masses
The problem was created by anc by destroying closing down of technical colleges those colleges were very helpful during apartheid because they gave our people skills to be self employed. Dress making., bakers , hair dressing, car mechanics black people were doing all these jobs , closing down the schools made it easy for migrants to flood in those spaces.
@@pmchunu8450 this Ramaphosa president has destroyed whatever has been left. No one is pointing fingers at him because hes got friends in high places.
@@phumzilexolo17 I will never understand the logic behind closing down our technical colleges
@@pmchunu8450 it's a system meant to destroy the masses to render you useless and depend on 350rand. Freedom was not won people attacked Vusi Thembekwayo, when he said apartheid won. A government thus adamant on really destroying and causing anarchy. Look at July 2021 it wasn't about Zuma it was coordinated zuma was just a scape goat. They busy building covid and mrna vaccine sites. Covid this covid that, no talk of skills Development or something like that. No talk of rooting out crime from society , from government officials but Covid daily on TV thus the news we being fed.
Am in Europe trust me these people invest in education, skills, and healthcare and social housing. They promote business, you will never see a church next to a brothel or liquor store.