Belfast violence: What’s caused unrest in Northern Ireland? - BBC Newsnight

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @twalker76jspk
    @twalker76jspk 3 года назад +152

    Why are loyalists attacking the Catholic communities when it was their own government who caused the problem?

    • @markymark7803
      @markymark7803 3 года назад +19

      Sinn feinn broke the lockdown rules, 24 of members of their party broke the law and the police have let them off. Pretty obvious it is sinn fein causing this.

    • @IRAwhiskey
      @IRAwhiskey 3 года назад +66

      Wtf? 🤣🤣🤣

    • @chrisoneill3999
      @chrisoneill3999 3 года назад +46

      Well, it might be because they are stupid racist bigots. Or it might be just that they are stupid racist bigots.

    • @jflax2195
      @jflax2195 3 года назад

      @@IRAwhiskey serious story

    • @twalker76jspk
      @twalker76jspk 3 года назад +21

      @@markymark7803 because they broke lockdown rules? Fuckin hell you are dumb.

  • @goattm2
    @goattm2 3 года назад +74

    This is the British nationalism the BBC helped cultivate.

    • @krisinsaigon
      @krisinsaigon 3 года назад +2

      This predates the BBC

    • @kd2239
      @kd2239 3 года назад +5

      @@krisinsaigon - yes but the BBC is stoking up tension with its nationalistic nonsense. We dont need that right now, or ever.

    • @jacobwhite9006
      @jacobwhite9006 3 года назад +2

      Correct - Britain bathed far too long in the glories of the past

    • @sssaaa9043
      @sssaaa9043 3 года назад

      I like how the left complains about the BBC for being to nationalistic, but the conservative complains that they are pro left, I think u should see that that is yhe exact reason BBC should continue to exist, it is the only tv station that actively tries to be impartial...
      P.S. and the growing amount of complains only shows that the parties are more at odds then ever...

  • @marcusaurelius49
    @marcusaurelius49 3 года назад +93

    Being loyal to the English ruling class is like being loyal to a python. Eventually, it will betray you and eat you for its lunch.

    • @barbarapemb3805
      @barbarapemb3805 3 года назад +2

      So we will try the Eu! The Eu is a Crime against Humanity!

    • @aramhalamech4204
      @aramhalamech4204 3 года назад +24

      @@barbarapemb3805 The EU never commited genocide and acts of Imperialism. The UK did!!!

    • @johnkelly5377
      @johnkelly5377 3 года назад +3

      @@aramhalamech4204 Belgium?

    • @aramhalamech4204
      @aramhalamech4204 3 года назад +2

      @@johnkelly5377 What about belgium? Last time I heard there was no War or genocide going on there.

    • @kd2239
      @kd2239 3 года назад +11

      @@barbarapemb3805 - Yes because EU food safety regulations are a crime against humanity. You poor oppressed idiot.

  • @cloudsdrinkwater5398
    @cloudsdrinkwater5398 3 года назад +34

    Even as a Unionist myself I do sometimes wonder why I remain so pro-UK 😌
    1. Boris has thrown us under a burning bus with the Brexit deal (and that's from a Conservative supporter)
    2. Our PPS/ PSNI allows certain "political parties" to break the law without facing any form of prosecution
    3. Our political institution as a whole is nothing short of a shambolic disgrace
    4. Our communities (especially in poorer areas), are simply never listened to
    5. Infrastructure, or what is left of it, has been under invested in for years
    6. The "economy" continues to fall apart
    7. Kids are growing up with fewer opportunities
    We are an absolute disgrace and I am utterly ashamed to say I am from this part of the UK!
    Furthermore, with a UI vote looming, I am preparing to be without any identity at all.
    I will never see myself as Irish and the English will never see me as anything but.
    How I wish I could turn back time and warn the English to stay clear and never invade the Island of Ireland!
    The place is nothing but a money pit for tax payers that embarrasses itself at an International level!

    • @gavinstutler2469
      @gavinstutler2469 3 года назад +3

      There are no conservatives in UK. Boris Johnson is a limp wristed amoral liberal and the other side are communist.

    • @myrddinemrys1332
      @myrddinemrys1332 3 года назад +3

      I wouldn't tell us not to invade as we wouldn't listen but I'd tell us to be better and to actually pass the 1914 Home Rule Act.

    • @earlnoli
      @earlnoli 3 года назад +3

      that is because competition is high on places like China. Why would you build good infrastructure in a city lacking of engineers, business prospects and security? Investors would be better off putting their money in Vietnam, Myanmar or Cambodia. Sure it is problematic there but Ireland is also problematic. UK as a whole is also problematic and costly. You want to fix the opportunity issue, start by being nationalist first (like buy UK). Here in Australia there is a strong by local sentiment, plus strong borders and strong protectionism. Sure it is not ideal in terms of price compared to let us say produce and buy in China but money is a feedback mechanism loop and at some point if money is only going out it means it is not circulating within the economy. Money is only good for a country if it is circulating within so the gains of low cost goods via import has to be balanced with opportunity lost from exported money.
      So good luck Ireland. Rioting will only make it worse as business prospects. Normally that triggers migration instead to send money back in home country to fuel import consumption. Philippines and India are top users of this strategy.

    • @shanekenny9440
      @shanekenny9440 3 года назад +14

      I'm an Irish Unionist/Protestant that's lives (and was born) in Dublin. The Irish Nationalists don't give a shit about my identity and religion.
      Ffs you've nothing to fear from a United Ireland.

    • @earlnoli
      @earlnoli 3 года назад +3

      when I say nationalism, i meant the word, not the party.
      I kept on forgetting there are two Irelands. Well I don't have an answer to that. That is waaay to complex for my intellect. I would say if I have an "iron hand" I would transfer the Unionist back to UK. It is hard to unpack that.
      We have same problem in Philippines somewhat in the south - muslims vs christians. We have a location termed Mindanao and it is majority Muslim and they are complaining all the money goes to the main cities and other "christian" locations. I can't blame them though. But there are also a lot of Christians in Mindanao and it is hard to move them as well.
      I believe the somewhat solution is creating an ARMM - called autonomous region of muslim mindanao. I don't really know the specifics though or how it worked out. But I would say civilians in general don't go into wars. We have rebels but no civil war. I guess we have to be thankful for that. But Filipinos Christians in general respects Muslim and Muslim culture. We in fact lots of workers going to UAE, Saudi, etc. Not sure why Catholic and Protestants fight a lot in Ireland. But I think religion is not the main cause of it. Normally it is economic and good faith bargaining.

  • @Simlife101
    @Simlife101 3 года назад +91

    0:59 can we get some love for the lad in the red coat trying to stop the young lads.

    • @anvilbrunner.2013
      @anvilbrunner.2013 3 года назад +9

      Probably their juniour field officer, reigning them in to orchestrate a more concerted effort.

    • @chorusofoddities
      @chorusofoddities 3 года назад +7

      And for the fact they used a pallet as a weapon😂

    • @bobdowner2500
      @bobdowner2500 3 года назад +4

      This ain't funny, y'all are mean spirited people.

    • @anvilbrunner.2013
      @anvilbrunner.2013 3 года назад +1

      @@bobdowner2500 Border Reivers are a tight knit. They're culturally Anarchist but don't expect any chaos. They live under a Clannish hierarchy. If someone is ordering them. He's their chief. Nothing mean about that. It's just a fact.

    • @ZenzeroCAM
      @ZenzeroCAM 3 года назад +3

      What yis doin lads? Ye gotta light it oan fire first

  • @Mr7ujm7ygv
    @Mr7ujm7ygv 3 года назад +24

    Did someone at the BBC forget to disable comments?
    - an American

  • @jdgreen5422
    @jdgreen5422 3 года назад +38

    ..."There is a growing sense of hopelessness, lack of economic progress, reduced opportunities for employment and educational disadvantage..." Is that bleak outlook only limited to N Ireland, or does it sum up what is happening pretty much everywhere?

    • @taniatinn9072
      @taniatinn9072 3 года назад +9

      That could be the north here in Britain too, yet they still voted for the 🤡

    • @detectiverick9934
      @detectiverick9934 3 года назад +9

      @@taniatinn9072 That's because the conservatives are really good at lying at, and tricking voters.

    • @taniatinn9072
      @taniatinn9072 3 года назад +6

      @@detectiverick9934 would be nice if people weren't so gullible and kept falling for it.

    • @antihypocrisy8978
      @antihypocrisy8978 3 года назад +1

      N Ireland and Scotland should leave the UK. Take back sovereignty to better care for the people.

    • @Dreyno
      @Dreyno 3 года назад +2

      Yes. And it’s no coincidence that some of the poorest parts of the EU were in Britain. But that’s on top of a ton of other issues that aren’t present in most other places. It’s unlikely that you’ll see enormous steel barriers to separate Camden from Brent or Hammersmith and Fulham. The people of Luton don’t march through Stevenage to celebrate an ancient victory over the peoplenof Stevenage every year.
      It’s far too complicated to compare with most places.

  • @coolgranddad5430
    @coolgranddad5430 3 года назад +3

    I'm not in favour of violence, however, what did the police expect? Seriously?????? Police allow a big Republican funeral, if you're a Unionist, can't have one. People aren't stupid. Police give out tickets to women while walking, what's their crime? They dared to be drinking a coffee while walking so were assessed as having a picnic, really? Gee, wonder how that could turn the public against the police? Or an 82 year old woman "cautioned" because she dared to have a tea with a neighbour outside. The family in Scotland who police refused to leave their home and basically assaulted the entire family, all filmed by their daughter because they "suspected" a party was going on, but they refused to leave even when it became apparent no such party was occurring. Or in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada on New Year's Eve, police dragged members of a family outside in the snow. It was only the family of 6 meeting, no guests, no party. The protests in London about Sarah being murdered (with a copper charged no less) and the police were gang tackling the ladies who came to honour the vigil
    This covid stuff has shown everyone how our supposedly democratic governments are ruthlessly power hungry! Belfast is the first to rebel, it won't be the last. You can only push people so far then they snap. Doesn't surprise me the Irish are the first to start fighing back, who will be next? Toronto, New York, London, Sydney, Paris, Frankfurt????? This sort of repression and oppression against the populace is where the likes of George Washington and Oliver Cromwell come from, governments, I love our country, you need to PULL BACK, stop the police from being a thug force, get back to them working with the public instead of against the public. Restore our Democratic Rights and Freedoms before this gets out of control!! This is like watching a little child darting out between two parked cars into heavy traffic, again and again. It's not a matter of IF he'll get hurt or killed, but WHEN. His luck WILL run out, will it be the 2nd time, the 5th time, the 20th time? I hate this!!!! My once great country is being threatened by power hungry politicians using our police as their enforcers, for heaven's sakes, STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @magicroundabout5081
    @magicroundabout5081 3 года назад +37

    “We’ve made good progress”- looks like it.. politicians are out of touch

    • @PHlophe
      @PHlophe 3 года назад +1

      jule at least they had the good sense to not blame BLM this time.

  • @redbeangreenbean
    @redbeangreenbean 3 года назад +31

    BBC, you left out the part in Foster's tweet where she shifts attention and blame back to Sinn Fein.

    • @galoglaich3281
      @galoglaich3281 3 года назад +1

      not the BBC or even RTE ,its a online news source called the journal

  • @colinburnside4425
    @colinburnside4425 3 года назад +79

    Young people do not want jobs not in call centres. They want jobs in Engineering. The problem with this is you need a certificate for everything you do. The internet has done a lot of good but has made a lot of young people feel inferior.

    • @SANDVlCH
      @SANDVlCH 3 года назад +16

      Unfortunately, that’s a symptom of business outsourcing rather than academia. It doesn’t help that electric cars, mobile phones, and trivialities like video games, all need at least undergrad-level understanding of software engineering to not just understand, but keep on top of so you don’t get left behind. Things are changing too quickly for experience to be the only teacher

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад +1

      If that is so, and indeed it could be - then parents should be pro-active in stopping youngsters seeing the nonsense in the Social Media channels.

    • @Venus29
      @Venus29 3 года назад +11

      Then, Their parents should send them to school and college to get that piece of paper, instead of letting them be thugs like we see here.

    • @JSC-4
      @JSC-4 3 года назад +7

      If kids in third world countries can become engineers and other professions, why can't those in these first world countries?

    • @gardengnome2409
      @gardengnome2409 3 года назад +8

      The snowflake generation at its prime

  • @l1u1c1k
    @l1u1c1k 3 года назад +62

    That scene with the thug burning himself sums it all up

    • @ViralKiller
      @ViralKiller 3 года назад +3

      thug are our enemy now with your vax will never have peace from us

    • @NoLefTurnUnStoned.
      @NoLefTurnUnStoned. 3 года назад +12

      “You are our enemy now”
      Who is you?

    • @csm2455
      @csm2455 3 года назад +5

      @@ViralKiller lol wannabe yank

    • @ViralKiller
      @ViralKiller 3 года назад +3

      @@csm2455 what yanks with freedom? enjoy your vax passport uk serf, we are moving to Texas.....amazingly no covid there, even tho they had a packed stadium last weekend with no masks nothing

    • @tofu3193
      @tofu3193 3 года назад +1


  • @krisinsaigon
    @krisinsaigon 3 года назад +8

    How can someone be Northern Ireland secretary for four years and not be aware that Brexit would be bad for Northern Ireland and potentially destroy the peace? Cretinous

  • @sagittariusa2283
    @sagittariusa2283 3 года назад +37

    Haha the BBC " think of the children " shame they didn't think of the children when they covered up Jimmy Saville 😁😂😂

  • @123prestolee
    @123prestolee 3 года назад +62

    The boy burning because of his own stupidity should be broadcast far and wide.

    • @MrGrifft
      @MrGrifft 3 года назад +15

      Perfect metaphor for the unionists.

    • @bobdowner2500
      @bobdowner2500 3 года назад +2

      Riots are the language of the unheard. Unionist politicians are betraying their people.

    • @sibitherapplegrumblecribbi529
      @sibitherapplegrumblecribbi529 3 года назад +13

      Riots are the language of the mindless and naturally violent. It is a fools resolution to a problem when his tongue is not educated enough to tame the debate.

    • @123prestolee
      @123prestolee 3 года назад +1

      @@sibitherapplegrumblecribbi529 Outstanding.

    • @Iazzaboyce
      @Iazzaboyce 3 года назад +6

      @@sibitherapplegrumblecribbi529 You think Hitler couldn't tame the debate? Plenty of intelligent people have used violence.

  • @videos1111111
    @videos1111111 3 года назад +40

    How to be a politician: make ludicrous promises then break them and never answer the question you were asked 😬

    • @ganymede242
      @ganymede242 3 года назад +1

      That's how you get votes. People who tell the truth don't get elected. What does that say about the electorate?

    • @noodlyappendage6729
      @noodlyappendage6729 3 года назад

      What does that say about the electorate? Nothing because EVERY party lies. It doesn’t matter who you vote for because parties are made up of people and people lie. Or people tell the truth and then back track on a promise for whatever reason.

  • @truelies9446
    @truelies9446 3 года назад +3

    Britain created these world problems, falklands, Gibraltar issues, Israel/Palestinian conflict, Kashmir, sabah, remnants of colonialism

  • @ReganSpor
    @ReganSpor 3 года назад +13

    Do you know what caused the divide? Belfast and northern Ireland were divided in 1795 in an effort to keep the north loyal. The United Irishman movement, which desired a republic, was nondominational. But British agents in the North tried to push a sectarian division. Protestants were convinced to band together to avoid being ruled by a majority Catholic country. 1795-1798, the North became the hotbed of loyalism.

    • @hazelmaymcclelland
      @hazelmaymcclelland 3 года назад

      Sean Asa someone who was nearly blown up by the IRA. I witnessed first hand their c old blooded murder tactics . It was the catholic community on the Falls Road who first asked the British army to come into Ulster to keep the peace and then the same community started turned against them. Unfortunately l was an armchair politician. I saw too many atrocities first hand. A United Ireland would dramatically yreduced

    • @hazelmaymcclelland
      @hazelmaymcclelland 3 года назад +1

      Reduce the standard of living for everyone in N Ireland.

    • @hazelmaymcclelland
      @hazelmaymcclelland 3 года назад

      I wasn’t an armchair politician

    • @johnmurphy7316
      @johnmurphy7316 3 года назад +1

      That's it! In a nutshell.

    • @slickrick2420
      @slickrick2420 3 года назад

      @@hazelmaymcclelland Go back to Britain if you don't like it in Ireland

  • @jackpalmer6024
    @jackpalmer6024 3 года назад +41

    That fella saying that unionists have been ignored since the Belfast agreement really ought to look at who all the first ministers have been

    • @Warriorking.1963
      @Warriorking.1963 3 года назад

      Dumb as a box of frogs...

    • @bobwood5211
      @bobwood5211 3 года назад +1

      Yea that’s coz it’s a British nation not an Irish one

    • @johnmorton2723
      @johnmorton2723 3 года назад +1

      You tool it’s in the gfa that the number one elected party will have the 1st minister..that’s not fixed it’s what’s elected by the people

    • @Warriorking.1963
      @Warriorking.1963 3 года назад +1

      @@johnmorton2723 You're the f'n tool a$$hole, why the hell would you comment on something you clearly know nothing about?
      However, here's you big opportunity to make yourself look even more stupid than you already do: please explain to us mere mortals, what being First Minister gives the officer bearer, over the Deputy First Minister. I'll be looking forward to this...

    • @bobwood5211
      @bobwood5211 3 года назад

      @@Warriorking.1963 the first minister of NI is elected democratically which goes to show that the people support the union

  • @theenchiladakid1866
    @theenchiladakid1866 3 года назад +11

    What’s caused unrest in Northern Ireland?
    Has to be the dumbest question ever asked

  • @benmccrory4
    @benmccrory4 3 года назад +96

    What do they think will happen if they throw a pallet of wood at a riot van🤣🤣🤣

    • @briandavis8939
      @briandavis8939 3 года назад +6

      It's called anger you wouldn't know about this country

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад +7


    • @jackhewitt7067
      @jackhewitt7067 3 года назад +2

      That you can't spell for shit, dumb fuck.

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад +15

      @Daniel Campbell NO, NO, NO - nobody is responsible for this mindless, deliberate damage - but the idiots themselves!
      Shameful outrageous behaviour!!!
      "Guns and bombs as an option"?
      Have YOU learned nothing in the last 32 years - or do you miss it and want the bloodshed back?
      Or DID you miss it because you were too young and "think" that you have missed out?
      They were terrible times and your mind is full of garbage!
      Virtually everybody lost someone they loved and knew well - this whole vile mindless rioting failed then, as it will fail now, in producing anything of value!
      It WILL produce loss and heartache - but it sounds like that's what you are looking forward to???
      Johnson et al HAVE made a real balls of it - but THIS disgusting behaviour and your disgusting suggestion are verminous and loathsome and will achieve NOTHING positive, at all!

    • @jameswilson3991
      @jameswilson3991 3 года назад +1


  • @goldstandard4408
    @goldstandard4408 3 года назад +21

    Yo burning an empty bus whilst donning a tracksuit does not make you hard.

    • @chorusofoddities
      @chorusofoddities 3 года назад

      Driver was still in there, thankfully for out unharmed *after* it caught fire

    • @jeelianbb6405
      @jeelianbb6405 3 года назад

      Or throwing a rock or a pallet at an armoured car

    • @LeMerch
      @LeMerch 3 года назад +4

      Loyalists aren't known for being the smartest bunch.

  • @-matt-matt-
    @-matt-matt- 3 года назад +25

    This is what will happen soon in uk the way things are going, I have no doubt

  • @lumo7461
    @lumo7461 3 года назад +13

    Ireland should be returned as an island!!

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад +1 - it IS an island - look on a map.
      And while you're looking things up - learn some social history!
      "the truth"????? HO HO HO HO HO!

    • @chris-swearwazntme956
      @chris-swearwazntme956 3 года назад +2

      @@childofthe60s100 dude you’ve been commenting for the past half hour spamming question marks and exclamation marks, go to bed mate lol

    • @myrddinemrys1332
      @myrddinemrys1332 3 года назад

      @@Johnnie808 It was actually. They were just ruled by the English and later the British monarch is all.

    • @vikasshukla4553
      @vikasshukla4553 3 года назад

      Yeah, the people who want to be part of Britain should move back to Scotland where there ancestors came from.

    • @myrddinemrys1332
      @myrddinemrys1332 3 года назад

      @@vikasshukla4553 Or we should reannex Ireland.

  • @aguanteboca666
    @aguanteboca666 3 года назад +10

    In short: Brexit has been a pain in the ass in Ireland.

    • @johnlavery3433
      @johnlavery3433 3 года назад

      No, Britisn had been an albatross around Ireland’s neck for a thousand years

  • @kd2239
    @kd2239 3 года назад +3

    So the unionists are against the protocol? But you voted for it, you voted for brexit, you voted to leave the EU, your government refused to accept the deals offered by the EU that would not require the protocol. Boris rejected all reasonable deals and went with a harder brexit that requires a customs border. You unionists are making completely contradictory demands and then threatening violence when reality hits you in the face. The utterly amazing thing is that Northern Ireland, with the protocol remains inside the customs union, giving a unique advantage of having a foot inside both markets. If the unionists had any brains they would work to exploit this advantage for the economic benefit of their country and their people, but no. They are utterly insane.

  • @MrNgaree
    @MrNgaree 3 года назад +41

    There is no doubt the man at 0:25 will never forget that moment in his life😳

    • @celticcheetah6371
      @celticcheetah6371 3 года назад +13

      He’s probably just a boy. So awful.

    • @tomhartland818
      @tomhartland818 3 года назад +10

      fuck him

    • @vivekrao13
      @vivekrao13 3 года назад +6

      @@Browser404 you are quick to judge. I wonder if you were in more difficult circumstances would you act like a saint?

    • @tommymartin8330
      @tommymartin8330 3 года назад +15

      And what difficult circumstances was he in that was trying to burn police officers alive??

    • @maxmaidiac2237
      @maxmaidiac2237 3 года назад +2


  • @QwadLuzr
    @QwadLuzr 3 года назад +13

    Granny can't have a funeral but the IRA can.

    • @briandavis8939
      @briandavis8939 3 года назад

      😭I'm not better but SF kept their distance if it had of been loyalist not one word would have been said over and out.

    @FATHOLLYWOODB123 3 года назад +32

    Brexit which the whole of NI voted against, a Catholic majority in NI for the first time in 400 years expected in the 2021 census, and Sinn Féin polling higher than any loyalist party since partition. The natives are slowly taking there land back. If I was loyal to a monarch from another land. I would be rioting too 😂 If they feel so "British" why are they not living in Britain 😂😂

    • @benmccrory4
      @benmccrory4 3 года назад

      As a house owner they worded the census very vague

    • @kevint8448
      @kevint8448 3 года назад +2

      @Glasgow Kingpin the illiteracy level of you "people " Are SKY high and contradictory, all this false hatred of all things racist concerning Kamara , yet anti Irish and Catholic . Worked with 1 of you bigoted racists years ago in construction industry , his song he sang was , " There ain't no black in the UNION JACK," SO STOP false hatred of racism concerning blacks all of a sudden

      @FATHOLLYWOODB123 3 года назад +7

      @James Fletcher I understand what you are saying, but the majority of Irish people in Britain are descended from the famine Irish, don't forget who caused it. Other than that, the rest are there due to the CTA, which is why there are British people in the republic of Ireland as well. Although most with English blood are descended from people here for the wrong reasons. Research the statistics you chav. If were picking sides, I'd say the Scottish are on ours bruv. While the Welsh are on yours.

    • @horanm5
      @horanm5 3 года назад +4

      @James Fletcher Northern Ireland is not British. It is part of the UK, the front cover of your Passport should clear this issue up for you.
      With regard to Irish people living in Britain, proportionally, there are more UK citizens living in the Republic of Ireland than vice versa.
      I'm quite sure the majority of people of Irish descent living on the Island of Britain do not support the I.R.A. anymore than Irish people living in Ireland do. Reference: The Good Friday Agreement referendum, 1998. Result: - Northern Ireland - 71.1% in favour. Result:- Republic of Ireland - 94.4% in favour.
      Should you have data to support your a claim, I would appreciate it if you could reference it please.

    • @kevint8448
      @kevint8448 3 года назад +1

      @@BerghemDeSura Top bloke Peter , I live near Glasgow with strong Donegal roots a wee village called FROSSES near DONEGAL TOWN go over regularly to Derry and Donegal , but went to Liverpool for 1st time in summer absolutely loved it the street across from the Adelphi Hotel all the Irish pubs excellent, paid my respects at ground to Hillsborough dead , you are great people take care mate

  • @eggandscorpion
    @eggandscorpion 3 года назад +21

    BJ was drunk when he made that promise.

    • @kieranfogarty778
      @kieranfogarty778 3 года назад +4

      He always looks like a person who's coming off a six day sesh

  • @igloogh0st764
    @igloogh0st764 3 года назад +25

    First of all focus on education of your children! I was shocked when 8 year old boy was asking me for cigarettes every god damn morning.. and under age girls asking me to buy them booze! Shit! I'm from Eastern Europe and yet still we don't have such problems over here.. No doubt that youth is completely lost!

    • @giveusanepleasebob992
      @giveusanepleasebob992 3 года назад +8

      I agree. It'd getting bad, dysfunctional kids are sprouting up everywhere and it's normally those from back grounds where the parents point blank refuse to go to work and claim DLA for FAKE health issues instead.
      Most of these kids only see alcohol and cannabis abuse by their parents daily.
      The kids from working parent back grounds seem to have a different mentality.
      I am not criticising the people that have GENUINE sicknesses that don't allow them to work, it's the FAKE claimants that can't be arsed to work that are ruining Britain.

    • @pictishblood5688
      @pictishblood5688 3 года назад +1

      Far too much brainwashing 'education' these days.

  • @prm414
    @prm414 3 года назад +16

    So these 13 year olds know all about the political imbalances and are taking a violent stand? Why did the talkers here never mention drug cartels.

  • @DermotBrophy
    @DermotBrophy 3 года назад +9

    One Ireland

  • @doblighting4600
    @doblighting4600 3 года назад +2

    Free Ireland.

  • @dylandefine6503
    @dylandefine6503 3 года назад +36

    The content person draws on the past. The unhappy, that’s all they got

    • @AB-zl4nh
      @AB-zl4nh 3 года назад +7

      Voting to keep the UK in the EU *Customs* Union would have,
      1. Kept the UK out of the EU = Brexit
      2. Kept GB & NI together = British Unionism
      The DUP & Conservative Party refused to compromise. The border between GB & NI is Boris Johnson & Arlene Foster's fault.

    • @Axel_Kovacs
      @Axel_Kovacs 3 года назад +1

      @@AB-zl4nh Brexit is just an excuse for these yobs

  • @olliegrigg6752
    @olliegrigg6752 3 года назад +15

    No issue in Southern Ireland since they were independent, shows where the problem lies

    • @clancywiggam
      @clancywiggam 3 года назад +10

      Please don't call it Southern Ireland, it is Ireland or the Republic of Ireland.

    • @chickensprint
      @chickensprint 3 года назад +1

      @@clancywiggam does it really matter

    • @clancywiggam
      @clancywiggam 3 года назад +7

      @@chickensprint It shows an insulting disregard for another country if you cannot even be bothered to use the correct appellation.

    • @noodlyappendage6729
      @noodlyappendage6729 3 года назад +2

      No issue in Southern Ireland? Why did hundreds of thousands leave then? Do you know anything?

    • @terryscott4746
      @terryscott4746 3 года назад

      Ireland voted not to join the euro. Then they were told to vote again. They are Europe's puppets.

  • @jasonkuan8769
    @jasonkuan8769 3 года назад +9

    anyone noticed 0:22 one rioter was set on fire by his own comrades? what an irony

    • @rightfromwrong
      @rightfromwrong 3 года назад +6

      Play with fire and karma is likely to burn you.

    • @Yconntection
      @Yconntection 3 года назад +2

      The real irony is that they are eating their own shit

  • @sgtzim7747
    @sgtzim7747 3 года назад +2

    Free Northern Ireland from British occupation

  • @jimroberts7466
    @jimroberts7466 3 года назад +7

    This is nothing to do with brexit it’s about the loyalists thinking they are becoming minimalists.

    • @kd2239
      @kd2239 3 года назад +2

      Correct. The sad thing is they are right. They are blaming the irish government though which is utter nonsense. Its the british establishment that has rejected the northern unionists. The unionists have invested entire generations into worshipping the idea of being british, but they are like the girlfriend who has been dumped but keeps clinging on and stalking around even when the boyfriend has moved on married and has five kids. Its pathetic.

  • @alanfair9125
    @alanfair9125 3 года назад +1

    Standing up for our rights isn't a thug or nothing it's trying to prove a point!! Funny how they got away with attending a funeral in big crowd yet anyone else who past away had set people allowed to funerals! It's a joke!

  • @riderskater7248
    @riderskater7248 3 года назад +4

    The UK need to get out of Ireland. Stop meddling in the domestic affairs of other foreign nations. And those living in Ireland that want to live Irish will live in peace. Those in Ireland that want little Britain in Ireland are free to move to the UK. But we can't continue with the madness. And America is watching!

    • @galoglaich3281
      @galoglaich3281 3 года назад +1

      Bernie Biden I don't know as a citizen of the republic of ireland my enthusiasm for an United Ireland has dimmed greatly.I mean we will have to deal with 1million people who hate our guts and who will never accept an united ireland even if the majority in the North want it.Its easy for americans you don't have to live with it.

    • @Matt-uv9lr
      @Matt-uv9lr 3 года назад

      You clearly know nothing. There is no easy solution. There is more deference between NI and ROI than USA and Canada. Also, telling people to just move to the UK if they live in NI is just ignorant. NI is the poorest area in the entire of Western Europe. The housing and expenses are so much cheaper in NI than it is over in England. A lot ot the people rioting are living in terrible housing and extremely poor parts of the country. Alos, ROI does not want a United Ireland, nor do people in NI. There are some many benefits with sticking in UK, like free health care.

    • @riderskater7248
      @riderskater7248 3 года назад

      @@galoglaich3281 I understand your point of view. But can Ireland go divided into the future and live with the status quo?
      We Americans understand the complex issue of different religions separating the Irish but at the end of the day you're all irish. That has to mean something. If Americans can change and learn to love all ethnicities then Ireland should be able to bridge the divide of political difference. I'm Black American and I see togetherness here in the states every day.
      Wouldn't you agree most irish people see that in fellow irish people?

    • @riderskater7248
      @riderskater7248 3 года назад

      @@Matt-uv9lr I absolutely hate seeing all those good people in Northern Ireland suffering generation after generation. I honestly think since much of ni want to live under British rule they should live in the UK
      What other solution is there?

    • @galoglaich3281
      @galoglaich3281 3 года назад

      @@riderskater7248 Republic of ireland doesn't need northern ireland to be frank ,ireland is per capita one of the richest countries in the world however taking on the poorest part of the UK could cripple us.Despite that there is majority support for unification in the republic(not in NI yet) ,but events such as these will put off very many . Can we live with the status quo well yes we have for 100 years ,45 minute drive from my house is technically a foreign country.In short unification for people of the republic is like a piece of cake that looks inviting but we won't eat it if it has too much sugar coating.
      You said we are all irish,but the thing is its all about identity not religion those rioters.I mean even here some people regard NI as a different country and the loyalists will never consider themselves irish and infact hate everything about ireland.I mentioned the economics above although unification will be through a majority of the people in NI voting for it and a majority in the Rep ,but we will still have to deal with 1 million who hate our guts . Would i vote for unification i probably would put is it an easy decision absolutely not.

  • @sagittariusa2283
    @sagittariusa2283 3 года назад +7

    United Ireland and Scottish and Welsh independence,

  • @ismailajassey8664
    @ismailajassey8664 3 года назад +17

    People just don't care anymore life goes on still....

    • @tiaraireland9415
      @tiaraireland9415 3 года назад

      But you care enough to comment... clown! 🤡

    • @taniatinn9072
      @taniatinn9072 3 года назад

      You'll care if it spreads to the mainland. If the troubles start again you'll know about it

  • @gadofegaas7424
    @gadofegaas7424 3 года назад +16

    the dude who got his head burnt 💀

    • @Rando_Shyte
      @Rando_Shyte 3 года назад +1

      The molotov that got him was thrown by some guy behind him lol. That's gotta smart

  • @JestersDeadUK
    @JestersDeadUK 3 года назад +4

    It’s not reallyyyyyy the UK, it’s Ireland

    • @chorusofoddities
      @chorusofoddities 3 года назад +3

      Northern Ireland is in the UK

    • @chorusofoddities
      @chorusofoddities 3 года назад

      @@icuigloo it's the island of Ireland, but saying Ireland typically refers to ROI, while NI is I ln the Uk

  • @krisinsaigon
    @krisinsaigon 3 года назад +3

    Ulster unionists voting for Brexit is like Turkey’s voting for Christmas

  • @rivergladesgardenrailroad8834
    @rivergladesgardenrailroad8834 3 года назад +10

    Unfortunately this has been going on since Henry VIII. Britain had a chance to pull out of the entire island in 1918 and got leaned on by the 'Loyalists to an unsustainable ridiculous 'border weaving around 'Catholic' villages and 'Protestant' ones. We only have ourselves to blame. Its one of the most costly mistakes in history for British taxpayers....

    • @basilfawlty123
      @basilfawlty123 3 года назад

      Why would we leave British soil and British subjects to be ruled by a foreign country?
      That's like saying "Britain had the chance to pull out of Yorkshire but didn't"

    • @finmcmullan7760
      @finmcmullan7760 3 года назад

      @RiverGlades Garden Railroad. Stop smoking spice you nitty

    • @rivergladesgardenrailroad8834
      @rivergladesgardenrailroad8834 3 года назад +2

      @@Johnnie808 ok if you say so

    • @rivergladesgardenrailroad8834
      @rivergladesgardenrailroad8834 3 года назад +3

      @@basilfawlty123 its not the same in anyway shape or form.

    • @basilfawlty123
      @basilfawlty123 3 года назад

      @@rivergladesgardenrailroad8834 it is. Its their land, their soil, their decision as to whom they belong

  • @StevenX-v1r
    @StevenX-v1r 3 года назад +9

    Let them be independent. freedom. The empire was the past long time ago. Forget about it. UK is small country now. UK should learn to be humble in the world. Other countries that suffered from UK's colonization are forgiving UK, UK should learn to behave.

    • @basilfawlty123
      @basilfawlty123 3 года назад +1

      We gave them a referendum. They voted overwhelmingly to be part of Britain. We are respecting their wishes.

  • @davesthrowawayacc1162
    @davesthrowawayacc1162 3 года назад +3

    2 nights in and the BBCs already calling it a riot, when its just 7 guys in coats chucking things at police.

    • @tiaraireland9415
      @tiaraireland9415 3 года назад +1

      You clearly weren’t there. There was 700 loyalists and equally as many republicans on the street on Wednesday night.

    • @Dreyno
      @Dreyno 3 года назад

      50 odd police ended up in hospital. Just because the BBC decide it’s better for Boris not to show the riots doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

    • @chris-ryan
      @chris-ryan 3 года назад +1

      It might have just been the camera angles they used. But to me it looked like a quiet Tuesday night in Finglas 😁

  • @juixystardust5305
    @juixystardust5305 3 года назад +2

    Ms Cahill has got it right. The hate , ignorance and bias starts at home. What parent would feed hate to their child, well balanced parents want a better life for their child. The cyclical generational hate needs to stop. The state can only do so much. I left in 1975, and I’m still shaking my head. You must learn to work together . It’s imperative for a peaceful NI.

  • @bishopsbeers4855
    @bishopsbeers4855 3 года назад +4

    They left out the bad half of Arlene's tweet. The BBC sensor stuff now?

    • @Dreyno
      @Dreyno 3 года назад +2

      The BBC are basically Tory propaganda nowadays. They twist everything.

  • @watercutterlan1401
    @watercutterlan1401 3 года назад +1

    Free Northern Ireland.

  • @ImSicKPaLOfficial
    @ImSicKPaLOfficial 3 года назад +24

    This is not political this is between me and you 😂 say that in a Northern Ireland accent it sounds well good lol

  • @slaynzawin244
    @slaynzawin244 3 года назад +1

    If the people of Ireland were majority black then the world may actually care about that history and oppression but they’re not so they don’t 🙄

  • @YorkGod1
    @YorkGod1 3 года назад +3

    How can things get better when they have walls and gates permanently separating the communities?!!?

    • @kennymitchell4361
      @kennymitchell4361 Год назад

      the walls and barriers in peoples minds must come down first before the metal ones can go and unfortunately it will be another 30-40 years when everyone from this and the last generation involved croak it because there is to much resentment and hate

  • @goldielocks2621
    @goldielocks2621 3 года назад +14

    The communities that you now see the unrest in is the same communities that didn't benefit from the Good Friday Agreement purse.

    • @RJH1971
      @RJH1971 3 года назад +4

      Now that is whataboutery at its finest, they absolutely did benefit from the GFA financially

    • @TheRiordanlad
      @TheRiordanlad 3 года назад +3

      They just don't like to play on a level playing field....after 50 years of apartheid in their favour

    • @Dreyno
      @Dreyno 3 года назад +1

      Didn’t benefit from peace? Why, were they arms dealers? What benefits did they expect from peace?

    • @goldielocks2621
      @goldielocks2621 3 года назад

      @@Dreyno Normality a Society at one within itself. This is what the Billions of pounds of investment didn't deliver to the less well off communities. We have sat and watched the money constantly spent to improve on the already affluent parts in the north of Ireland.

    • @Dreyno
      @Dreyno 3 года назад

      @@goldielocks2621 Arlene might know where some of that money went. 500 million, wasn’t it?
      Westminster doesn’t care about Northern Ireland. It doesn’t even understand it. Karen Bradley admitted she didn’t know nationalists didn’t vote for unionist parties and unionists didn’t vote for nationalist parties. And she was Secretary for Northern Ireland.
      And Stormont is riven with division which makes it completely ineffective. And as long as people keep voting for Sinn Geon and the DUP, that will never change. Never, never, never, to quote someone.

  • @leeshepherdtrading
    @leeshepherdtrading 3 года назад +9

    I still laugh at the burning karma effigy. 😂

  • @smellslikethinice1107
    @smellslikethinice1107 3 года назад +1

    We sold out India, we sold out Hong Kong and we'll sell out Nothern Ireland.
    The UK is an insidious country.
    No doubt Northern Ireland has benefited to the already fat and rich, but like the UK, the great wealth doesn't trickle down to the people.

  • @goldielocks2621
    @goldielocks2621 3 года назад +11

    Most of these kids are high on drugs and NO ONE is addressing that problem either.

    • @glennbrennan7999
      @glennbrennan7999 3 года назад +1

      I think that’s a world wide problem there’s more specific issues here

    • @goldielocks2621
      @goldielocks2621 3 года назад

      @@glennbrennan7999 Specific issues that you and I have no control of.

    • @glennbrennan7999
      @glennbrennan7999 3 года назад

      @@goldielocks2621 the way we vote had a big influence on this. DUP no longer holds any sway in Westminster or at grassroots level, unionism has had opportunities to adapt and change but our arrogance and underestimation of nationalism has kicked unionists in the teeth

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад

      SO - that's your method of justifying, this behaviour????
      Nobody FORCES them to do drugs.
      There are youngsters in far worse socio-political conditions than these who don't do drugs!
      You make a facile suggestion.

  • @PrinsTan
    @PrinsTan 3 года назад +1

    4 years Secretary for NI and still shows disregard and contempt to NI. Completely out of touch, Westminster bubble, and no sense of honesty or responsibility. That’s why they are strongly pushing to blame it on gangs and local mafia.

  • @glennbrennan7999
    @glennbrennan7999 3 года назад +5

    Theresa Villiers is honestly the last person that should be interviewed- she was hated by all sides, failed in her role miserably

  • @中国云南文山
    @中国云南文山 3 года назад +1

    There was such an event in Hong Kong in 2019. At that time, an influential granny said: what a beautiful scenery it was. Now this beautiful scenery is no longer in Hong Kong. It is growing in your area. People, come on!

  • @boredalchemist
    @boredalchemist 3 года назад +10

    took bbc long enough

  • @interalia_Y
    @interalia_Y 3 года назад +18

    I thought the big thing for the UK this year would be the leaving of the Scots, obviously the NI situation is getting ahead. Definitely will be an eventful year for the Brexited UK

    • @dannyboywhaa3146
      @dannyboywhaa3146 3 года назад +1

      Dream on - what you hope for and reality are not one and the same.

    • @dannyboywhaa3146
      @dannyboywhaa3146 3 года назад

      @charles well fortunately we live in a democracy, so a lot of people have to share the same dream for it to happen.

    • @antihypocrisy8978
      @antihypocrisy8978 3 года назад

      Fight for freedom. Stand with Scotland and N Ireland. Both should leave the UK.

    • @antihypocrisy8978
      @antihypocrisy8978 3 года назад

      @@dannyboywhaa3146 Yes, a lot of people dreamt about Brexit and we got it.

    • @noodlyappendage6729
      @noodlyappendage6729 3 года назад +1

      Scotland voted to remain in the UK. How about standing up for the result.

  • @kevinthornley7659
    @kevinthornley7659 3 года назад +7

    It’s Easter in Ulster.

  • @stl758
    @stl758 3 года назад +2

    Stand for North Ireland people. Support the independence of Northern Ireland.

    • @galoglaich3281
      @galoglaich3281 3 года назад +1

      Rambo they can't agree on the name of they country or the name of their second city

  • @williamwootton9458
    @williamwootton9458 3 года назад +8

    God wants love peace brother and sisters no matter who u ar wat u ar

    • @williamwootton9458
      @williamwootton9458 3 года назад

      @charles my brother we should all love each other wea all originate from adam and eve wy live like this wen we canall live i n peace love catholic protestent is 1 anyway cristuanity jesus but every 1 comes from god wy not be friends not enemys all over world imagine that no good sain god helpme wen u passaway wat we donow wear we go nxt parddise or hell jesus holy bible

    • @wowulam7411
      @wowulam7411 3 года назад

      @charles Small conflicts at best. Then you have the authoritarian Communist that does not believe at any God but for the good of the people. Which kinda resulted a mass genocide of people that dont follow the ideology.

  • @incognito96
    @incognito96 3 года назад +3

    All this burning and violence is not good.

  • @ULHIS
    @ULHIS 3 года назад +5

    Our people are no longer broken, it's our politicians and politics are broken.

  • @kilmainhamdub
    @kilmainhamdub 3 года назад +1

    As an Irish national socialist and an Atheist I would just like to say that I welcome reunification and the protestant community of Northern Ireland. Their won't be a two tier system (no second class citizens) and freedom of religion is 100% anyway. I think the vast majority of loyalists realise their lives won't change much and will integrate into a joint society effortlessly. There are unfortunately a percentage of loyalists who won't go for this and won't move to England or Scotland. These people will have to be neutralised for the greater good.

  • @atescem
    @atescem 3 года назад +4

    What’s going on? Can some one explain it in simple terms?

    • @noodlyappendage6729
      @noodlyappendage6729 3 года назад

      Sinn Fein is a separatist party. They want NI to separate from the UK and join the RoI. Sinn Fein politicians attended the funeral of an IRA terrorist during lockdown. The law is that only 30 people are allowed to attend but well over 30 people attended. The Unionist majority are rioting because the police have not arrested these politicians for breaking the law. Basically Unionists see it how it is. That the police are too scared to arrest Sinn Fein politicians incase separatists get angry. so Unionists are getting angry themselves and attacking the police. Also the UK prime minister capitulated to the EU and put a border within the UK to appease separatists and the EU which is quite rightly unacceptable to unionists. In a nut shell.

    • @paulduffy4585
      @paulduffy4585 3 года назад +1

      That's some nutshell. "Unionist majority are rioting...?" No, a bunch of little crackheads with nothing better to do are rioting. But, because it's Northern Ireland, it's news.

    • @noodlyappendage6729
      @noodlyappendage6729 3 года назад

      @@paulduffy4585 They aren’t “crackheads”.

    • @paulduffy4585
      @paulduffy4585 3 года назад

      Sorry, meth heads.

  • @bobdowner2500
    @bobdowner2500 3 года назад +1

    Should the hateful conservative who helped cause this sectarian violence be given screen time?

  • @rosemariegorman5462
    @rosemariegorman5462 3 года назад +8

    Just like to say how Arlene all of asuden became ill when questions confronted with the trouble that she made contact with loyolist murderers a few weeks after she was giving death threats ?

    • @Warriorking.1963
      @Warriorking.1963 3 года назад +2

      Well she's had plenty of practice talking to murderers when she has to sit in Stormont with sinn fein.

  • @rooftoprumble7845
    @rooftoprumble7845 3 года назад +8

    BBC news somewhat adding fuel to the fire I think

  • @dynamolurgan1132
    @dynamolurgan1132 3 года назад +6

    Can you elaborate on Andrew's 'Community Worker' title?

    • @TheCrescentFusilier0961
      @TheCrescentFusilier0961 3 года назад

      A Church Youth Club Leader and a very good one at that

    • @dynamolurgan1132
      @dynamolurgan1132 3 года назад

      @@TheCrescentFusilier0961 Wanting to politicise these kids. For what reason is that? Has there not been enough trouble. Seems to have went to the same University of Life as a certain Jamie Bryson

    • @TheCrescentFusilier0961
      @TheCrescentFusilier0961 3 года назад

      @@dynamolurgan1132 to politicise young Loyalists would get them away from violence and have a positive impact on their community, the same way SF rolls out young new recruits on a regular basis

  • @Alex-pj8nz
    @Alex-pj8nz 3 года назад +6

    Northern Ireland should be return back.

    • @saxglend9439
      @saxglend9439 3 года назад +3


    • @Josh142
      @Josh142 3 года назад +1

      That’s up to the people of NI and the republic and nothing to do with you so mind your own business little man

    • @OwainOwine
      @OwainOwine 3 года назад +1

      @@Josh142 what if he is from Northern Ireland? Very much his business in that case

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад

      "should be return back"????????????

  • @brendanm4179
    @brendanm4179 3 года назад +4

    Why oh why does Jamie byrson keep getting getting voice on BBC??? He's the type of person who encourages these kids to go on the streets

  • @eisvogel8099
    @eisvogel8099 3 года назад +1

    It's easy to get rid of outer walls. But walls inside of people take way longer to remove.

  • @cashcleaner
    @cashcleaner 3 года назад +5

    I can’t help but think that the youths throwing bricks and petroleum bombs don’t actually have a strong opinion either way on Brexit.

    • @loop1479
      @loop1479 3 года назад

      Probly have very strong opinions on being jailed with no symptoms of the

    • @christopherblackburn6811
      @christopherblackburn6811 3 года назад +1

      If your self identity is called Unionism and there is a customs border between you and the rest of your Union it is likely to have an effect.

    • @noodlyappendage6729
      @noodlyappendage6729 3 года назад +1

      100%. This border between GB and NI breaks the 1800 Act of Union. And it is being done to appease the EU. Unionists like myself won’t accept it.

    • @terryscott4746
      @terryscott4746 3 года назад

      Most of the little fucks haven't a clue why they are rioting. They just enjoy it.

  • @jamesbohlman4297
    @jamesbohlman4297 3 года назад +3

    We have militia units in our country too. This is not the mark of success.

  • @tomlydon3123
    @tomlydon3123 3 года назад +2

    "why would loyalists support this agreement?"
    Maybe they shouldn't call themselves "loyalists". If they don't support the will of Westminster and the laws their Queen signs into law (such as the withdrawal agreement), they aren't really "loyal", are they?

    • @hamishf7444
      @hamishf7444 3 года назад

      So loyalty in your mind is just blindly following where your leaders take you?
      Surely loyalty is a lot more to do with understanding and pushing for what you believe to be best for you and your country?

    • @tomlydon3123
      @tomlydon3123 3 года назад

      @@hamishf7444 Historically "loyalism" has meant allegiance to the British Crown.
      Laws which have received royal assent are by definition the will of the British Crown.
      Perhaps the loyalists in NI are loyal to some institution other than the British Crown.

  • @xerxes1871
    @xerxes1871 3 года назад +3

    Hong Kong people stand with people from Northern Ireland. Fight for your freedom!
    No independence, No peace!!

  • @Clickerbarmicker
    @Clickerbarmicker 3 года назад +5

    Was anyone else getting IRA Vids on RUclips reccomennded the last few months leading up to this???

  • @fuzzyparker7045
    @fuzzyparker7045 3 года назад +4

    If so many great things have been done in the past two decades then why are people rioting in the streets?

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад

      Apart from EVERYTHING - what don't you understand here?

  • @mcshaft2760
    @mcshaft2760 3 года назад +3

    So they are crying because the english wont babysit them anymore?

  • @stopthetories
    @stopthetories 3 года назад +1

    This is a direct result of Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol and it's dishonest for the report to try and skirt around it.

    • @barokfin
      @barokfin 3 года назад

      @@margaretrutherford5548 They were warned this would happen and yet they still voted for it? Not the sharpest tools in the shed I guess.

  • @goldielocks2621
    @goldielocks2621 3 года назад +3

    It was wrong for the English Government not to listen to the majority of people in the North of Ireland who didn't want to leave the EU.

    • @dannyboywhaa3146
      @dannyboywhaa3146 3 года назад +2

      We voted as one nation... the United Kingdom.

    • @joeoshea30
      @joeoshea30 3 года назад +1

      well if a united Ireland will be in EU so they will remain which they voted for!

    • @dannyboywhaa3146
      @dannyboywhaa3146 3 года назад

      @@joeoshea30 Northern Ireland didn’t vote for anything... the UK did... I don’t understand why so many people can’t grasp this simple fact.

    • @goldielocks2621
      @goldielocks2621 3 года назад

      @@joeoshea30 Tiocfaidh ar la

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад +2

      Did the Three Bears tell you that - or have you just thought it up??
      Wise after the event?
      20/20 vision with hindsight?

  • @keveydaking
    @keveydaking 3 года назад +1

    Jamie Bryson is a UVF sympathiser. He is a loyalist, not a unionist

  • @simonkoolaurch4449
    @simonkoolaurch4449 3 года назад +5

    A form of the "Two State Solution" or the devide and conquer mantra .Ireland for Ireland thank you.

    • @basilfawlty123
      @basilfawlty123 3 года назад +3

      And screw the wishes of the majority of those in NI who wish to remain part of the UK right?

    • @eggandscorpion
      @eggandscorpion 3 года назад +7

      @@basilfawlty123 Northern Ireland was created to ensure a majority. Britain gerrymandered a country into existence. The majority is shrinking quickly though.

    • @tonywilliams7152
      @tonywilliams7152 3 года назад +2

      @@basilfawlty123 they are actually in the minority if you take the whole of the island. The Republic will have a say in this aswell.

    • @basilfawlty123
      @basilfawlty123 3 года назад +2

      @@tonywilliams7152 we are a minority if you consider the whole continent. What a moronic argument.
      The only way for civilisations to progress is to first give them the right to self determination. The people of NI want to remain British, therefore it's British soil.

    • @basilfawlty123
      @basilfawlty123 3 года назад +3

      @@eggandscorpion Northern Ireland was created to put a line between those who wanted to remain British and those who didn't. If what you say is right though, let the majority have their say.
      Self determination should always win.

  • @sangueneroeblu
    @sangueneroeblu 3 года назад +1

    Enjoy the consequences of Brexit!

  • @judykinsman3258
    @judykinsman3258 3 года назад +4

    What a ridiculous question!!! Brexit must take responsibility for this mess, period.

  • @militarymad2840
    @militarymad2840 3 года назад +1

    Did I see a petrol bomber getting his own back, maybe he now knows what it's like on the receiving end and what damage he causes.

  • @DifferentDose
    @DifferentDose 3 года назад +5

    At 1st I was wondering about it, but now I'm sure, White Boy Summer is still on!!!

  • @dennisgreene7164
    @dennisgreene7164 3 года назад +1

    What a government. What a prime minister. Absolute shambles. Lies, lies and more lies.

  • @ravercorum20
    @ravercorum20 3 года назад +10

    When that spud brain set himself alight I felt that.

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад +1

      Felt was "pay back"?

    • @fergxson1650
      @fergxson1650 3 года назад +4

      Someone else threw it not him. Apparently he didnt have such a good throw

    • @terryscott4746
      @terryscott4746 3 года назад +4

      I enjoy seeing those fucks burning themselves

  • @ulicadluga
    @ulicadluga 3 года назад +1

    When Theresa Villiers says she doesn't want Northern Ireland to be stuck in EU rules without a say over them", she doesn't seem to realise that this is the situation that Brexit has thrown the entire UK into.
    Britain cannot escape other country's, other market's standards. And, of course, now the UK has NO say in the deciding and implementing of such standards and protocols.
    Britain is in a "lose-lose" situation - and so are NI and Wales.

  • @bip3937
    @bip3937 3 года назад +4

    Always trying to make the narrative about the police being victims

    • @childofthe60s100
      @childofthe60s100 3 года назад +1

      I don't see the police throwing petrol bombs and destroying civilian property, dimwit!

  • @josephslater2266
    @josephslater2266 3 года назад +1

    Bigoted comments from a biased BBC reporter. Same comments when reporting stories relating to the SNP, showing the SNP in good light by not aggressively seeking the truth.

  • @JiSiShen
    @JiSiShen 3 года назад +14


  • @niceboy60
    @niceboy60 3 года назад +2

    Is this not related to not allowing people to Work and pay their bills and put food on the Table 🤔
    BBC started the Campaign of miss Informing people