You MUST Know This To Defeat Demons: Interview with Exorcist Father Chad Ripperger Ep. 22

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

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  • @USGraceForce
    @USGraceForce  4 года назад +65

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    Thank you and God bless!

    • @judyrussoniello1497
      @judyrussoniello1497 4 года назад +4


    • @ֆքǟռ-m5g
      @ֆքǟռ-m5g 4 года назадвидео.html
      Are Catholics Saved 🤔- The Pope and the Papacy -John MacArthur

    • @Retrogamer71
      @Retrogamer71 4 года назад +1

      My faith is ever renewed in the Catholic Fathers. Thank you so much.

    • @theresamoore4957
      @theresamoore4957 4 года назад

    • @michellebeebelewisfrith1544
      @michellebeebelewisfrith1544 4 года назад +2

      I need help quickly. Please light a candle for me. The entities in this rental. Are literally trying to kill me.

  • @jamesmichaelmackinthyr4616
    @jamesmichaelmackinthyr4616 4 года назад +141

    Pray for all the exorcists. This is a a serious ministry they are undertaking

  • @mrsnyamajor
    @mrsnyamajor 4 года назад +555

    I'm a Pentecostal Christian, not a Catholic; however, through my research, I have grown increasingly thankful for the works and faith of the Catholic Church. And even though, I'm a part of the overall Protestant Church, I believe the Catholic Church should be honored and not slandered. I can see how the Church is under attack, because for so long, the Catholic Church was the only one casting out demons: one of the main evidences of the Holy Spirit. God bless the entire Body of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior...

    • @jeanlittle405
      @jeanlittle405 4 года назад +44

      And may God bless you for your kind words, Mrs. Major :)

    • @Nathanh56
      @Nathanh56 4 года назад +6

      The Catholic Church is full of abominations and the blood of the innocent

    • @lynn8691
      @lynn8691 4 года назад +88

      nathan henry What most people fail to understand about the Catholic religion is... it’s not the religion itself that is bad! It is the horrible, and corrupt leaders and all the atrocities they committed over many years. The religion itself is beautiful and most holy and pure and praises our Lord, Jesus Christ just as much as any other Christian denomination. I am a Catholic and I can tell you that I’ve known many priests and nuns in my 58 years in this life. Some were not so kind or caring individuals. However, I have also known true priests who were 100% devout, loving, kind and pure in their thoughts, intentions and actions. They were the true essence of what all Catholic priests should be like. So all the crap you hear about the Catholic Church... always remember... there is corruption and evil and ill-intent in EVERY religious organization, denomination and clergy. But please never make the mistake of condemning the entire religion or clergy because the ones who used it to benefit their own greedy, evil ways. ✌🏻❤️🕊✨🙏🏻✝️

    • @Nathanh56
      @Nathanh56 4 года назад +10

      Lynn Milon the religion goes against the Bible and what God says. I was raised Catholic and not one person I know has read the Bible or reads it daily. God will only give someone understanding of the scriptures who truly wants to seek him in righteousness and a pure heart. This is very troubling considering how false and demonic many catholic doctrines are. This goes for all the denominations as well. People follow an organized religion or religious leaders instead of God alone. The word of God says his temple is not built with the hands of men but we the believers are his holy temple. Those who defile the temple God will destroy. The cathedrals filled with millions of dollars of gold and fancy art is an abomination to God. Jesus is King of kings and the high priest forever, yet he was lowly and rode on a donkey. The biggest enemy of Jesus was the religious leaders. Jesus said beware of those who like to wear long robes in public to be seen of men. These catholic priest wear their robes everywhere and most catholic people automatically think they are holy but this is evil in Gods eyes. Jesus said whoever preaches the gospel and does it is greatest in the kingdom of a God but whoever preaches and doesn’t keep everything he says is the least. Jesus told the rabbis that on the outside they are whited sepulchers but on the inside are full of dead mans bones and all uncleanliness. He called them hypocrites, snakes, and children of the devil.
      Even catholic priest that are sincere are only sincere to the catholic cannon, not God. Jesus is the only way. The word of God says we are made priest through the blood of Jesus when the veil was torn on the cross. No more do we need to go to prophets but God speaks to us directly. People are deceived when they hold man or man made doctrines above God and do not seek out God on all matters. The many popes quotes saying they are god on earth were the same who came up with the canon that people blindly follow today. The Roman Catholic Church was just a continuation of the Roman Empire and conceals satanic Babylonian with Christianity. There are so many doctrines I could point out but it’s pointless unless first a person ask God to purify their heart and sets out for the truth by seeking God and repenting of their sins.
      Many Catholics and popes have been pictured bowing to statues of Mary. The law of Moses says this is worthy of death. You shall not make graven images and bow to them. They call Mary the queen of heaven which there is no such thing except from satanic Babylon. They called their mother goddess the queen of heaven. Jeremiah warns the people of worshipping the queen of heaven in his book and God said he will destroy those who do so. Just look up Vatican hall serpent. The pope sits in the mouth of a snake! His throne in Vatican hall is in front of a demonic antichrist Jesus that has him morphing into a snake. Their is a reason the Vatican is full of Roman or Babylonian gods and goddesses. They have the Egyptian obelisk as well which is the penis of Osiris. Just like Washington DC which was originally named Rome, their is the obelisk situated in front of the dome which represent the womb and is a form of occult sex magic.
      Here the word of God says the Catholic Church teaches doctrines of devils:
      1 Timothy 4:1-2 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
      I could go on all day but all that matters is you trust in God before man. Seek God with all your heart and then you will find him. Don’t just follow what you were born into. Buy a Bible, king James is best English version, and ask God for understanding and repent of your sins. Repent means change your heart and actually stop sinning. Don’t just ask for forgiveness over and over without ever changing. Spend time with God not just 15 minutes a day and fast for him. If you do these things God will bless you abundantly and open your eyes and bless you with peace and love that transcends all understanding. God bless. I pray you consider what I have taken the time to write.

    • @raspberrytea8314
      @raspberrytea8314 4 года назад +19

      You need to humble yourself truthfully, seek the truth with your whole heart...and if you do so you you will be directed to the Catholic doctrine....the need to know the truth means accepting even that which we cannot understand, that which we can't accept in our rationality, you will be directed by His Grace, not by your efforts. Apologetics may help you. Check Roy Schoeman Harvard Professor on you tube, his testimony is outstanding, he was born a jewish. Also Marino Restrepo, and many others. All starts with the disposition of your heart to really know the truth. Peace be with you.

  • @margarethill5281
    @margarethill5281 4 года назад +581

    “When Our Lady shows’s over.” Fr. Ripperger speaking about exorcisms. I love it!!

    • @missiwhite8028
      @missiwhite8028 4 года назад +22

      That was the greatest!

    • @mickieknows7712
      @mickieknows7712 4 года назад +29

      @tony You know so little. Keep watching.

    • @immaculateheart1267
      @immaculateheart1267 4 года назад +38

      @tony Satan hates her for many reasons, her humility, her complete and utter submission to Our Lord, and esp her fiat. She had a choice when the Archangel Gabriel approached her. She could have said no but instead she told him, "be it done unto me according to thy word" And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
      She was set apart by Our Lord, full of grace, chosen, blessed among women. What if she had said, no to God? God does not force himself upon us, he allows us to freely choose or reject Him.
      As someone said in an earlier post, keep watching, learning, & discerning. God bless!

    • @immaculateheart1267
      @immaculateheart1267 4 года назад +21

      @tony looks like my comment was deleted. Stop trying to bate ppl. Everyone knows what you're doing. Ive seen, read, done, practiced your side already. Get to work, Tony! Time is short. What are you gonna tell the Lord when you see him? Lord I tried to convince a lot of ppl to deny you in the eucharist. And he will show you all the ppl in hell who never professed His name that you could have been spending time helping to save. Choose your spiritual battles wisely, sir.

    • @lapacker
      @lapacker 4 года назад +27

      @tony Mary said "All generations will call me blessed." She did not say "all generations will say that I was blessed." The Saints are alive in Heaven, not dead. Only the physical bodies lie in their graves, not the souls.

  • @seans7778
    @seans7778 4 года назад +26

    Pray for Fr Ripperger, its hard to be a priest with all the demons and darkness attacking him. Pray he always has a heart of deep love for others, hope, faith, and patience through suffering

  • @TeresaAnn
    @TeresaAnn 4 года назад +495

    As a ” Boomer, ” I was misformed by the culture of feminism. I am so sad for the time wasted. Thank you! I will work to be who God formed me to be.

    • @donatadavenport
      @donatadavenport 4 года назад +56

      You are not alone. We need a podcast of women who have the courage to talk about how feminism corrupted us and now, there is only regret!!!

    • @harmonygordon6901
      @harmonygordon6901 4 года назад +41

      I'm in the feminism deceived me club.
      I am grateful to have been set free.
      I once was lost
      But now I'm found.
      I was blind but now I see.
      I thank God for delivering me from chaos into the natural order of life.
      When I started veiling at Mass, I could feel the joy of my proper place in the world. I also know that veiling is a silent witness to other women, especially younger women that feminism is a dark trap.
      To become a fully AUTHENTIC Catholic woman is to live in freedom.
      Praise be to God the Father.
      Praise be to Jesus Christ our Savior
      Praise be to the Holy Ghost
      And unending love to our Mother Theotokos who has interceded powerfully for myself and my family.
      We are not free until we become who God created us to be !
      I'm a sinner saved by AMAZING GRACE.

    • @personalpc7439
      @personalpc7439 4 года назад +34

      The role model for all girls and women is our Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of God.

    • @kathyg.195
      @kathyg.195 4 года назад +3

      Donata Davenport Im with ya!!

    • @Godbepraised714
      @Godbepraised714 4 года назад +3

      I feel the exact same way

  • @sansan357
    @sansan357 4 года назад +256

    Every evening my husband and I say the Auxilium Christianorum--without fail. For over 2 yrs now. Thank you Father Ripperger.

    • @bumblebee5926
      @bumblebee5926 4 года назад +10

      SanSan We do too after we pray the Rosary every night.

    • @kyriaeleison9368
      @kyriaeleison9368 4 года назад +5

      Can u pl put this prayer on the net so we can use it.

    • @jenyoung2473
      @jenyoung2473 4 года назад +1

      @@kyriaeleison9368 if you Google it , it will come up.

    • @sansan357
      @sansan357 4 года назад +2

      @@kyriaeleison9368 Also it's an "App" that you can download to your phone. Very handy. Find it on Play Station on your phone or wherever you download Apps.

    • @renerodriguez8983
      @renerodriguez8983 4 года назад +4

      I'm glad, your doing the right thing...God Bless your family

  • @joannasmith7398
    @joannasmith7398 4 года назад +506

    Please pray for the conversion of my husband. We are without a spiritual head. Thank you.

    • @joyredbird9
      @joyredbird9 4 года назад +38

      I am Catholic too and deal with this issue also. My husband is Catholic but quite a few years ago I received what is called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I began to line myself up with the Word of God and do more righteous things..husband would have no part of it with me. I have come to know Jesus in such a more personal way it's amazing. I also learned that my own walk with Jesus..relationship..eradicating sin..and asking Jesus to be the Head of our home..all of this has begun to bring forth changes in me and then my husband. While I cannot speak too much about my spiritual life to my husband he HAs become more kind and gracious towards me than before. I also exercise more freedom to do more things as I feel the need to do in my life. ONE DAY..his inner conversion will be complete but I no longer worry about this issue. I hope this in some way helps you. Much Love and Prayers for you.

    • @katyarn85
      @katyarn85 4 года назад +34

      You have St Joseph, the communion of saints and Christ. Never feel you’re alone. I will say a prayer

    • @pinkgirlsuzi
      @pinkgirlsuzi 4 года назад +14

      I too, have this problem with my husband and both my children have fallen away as well. I am now a grandmother and tho my granddaughters were baptised, they are not being taught the Faith. My oldest granddaughter is 8 yrs old and has not received 1st Holy Communion. When I asked my daughter about it she told me she 's afraid to teach her girls the Faith because she is divorced and her husband and his family are atheists and will make her life very difficult. She lives 2500 miles from us in CA. We have no other family or friends in CA, so she's all alone with no financial help except from us and we don't have much. Her ex and his family have money. They are also pillars in their community so she's afraid they'll take her shared custody or become uncooperative with her.

    • @michelleart3780
      @michelleart3780 4 года назад +14

      Sister, bless his bed and him, if possible, with Holy Water “daily” with the little prayer “May this Holy Water in The Precious Name of Jesu bless (name) and be humble for your Husband and children to bless you likewise dailyyyy.🙏🏼

    • @detectivetamil8661
      @detectivetamil8661 4 года назад +14

      Offer holy mass for his conversion,and pray for him in mass.

  • @immaculateheart1267
    @immaculateheart1267 4 года назад +259

    Please pray for Fr Ripperger and Fr Heilman daily.

    • @jackhammer9018
      @jackhammer9018 4 года назад

      Don't tell others, to be stupid like You.

    • @malibudolphin3109
      @malibudolphin3109 4 года назад +10

      @@jackhammer9018 you are rude.
      It's not stupid to pray for others.
      It is foolish to Reject God & His command to pray for each other.

    • @jackhammer9018
      @jackhammer9018 4 года назад

      @@malibudolphin3109 The only function those clown show actors have in life is to commit fraud. They are all slave traders and traitors as well. Tell Me slave, What is the meaning in a KJV object spelled "pray"? You seem to use it a lot.

    • @anthonykhoury9292
      @anthonykhoury9292 4 года назад +4

      Jack Hammer you’re the devils advocate

    • @jackhammer9018
      @jackhammer9018 4 года назад

      @@anthonykhoury9292 I don't call for devils silly. What's Your point? Your statement is invalid and makes no sense. If You want to be mean, call Me an asshole or something.

  • @_Dovar_
    @_Dovar_ 4 года назад +392

    Imagine if we had a pope just like Fr. Ripperger.

  • @alannacarlson6715
    @alannacarlson6715 4 года назад +82

    I went to a 7:30-9pm confession time tonight in my small town in North Dakota and there were around 50 people there, most of them quite young! It was nice to see so many people receiving those sacramental graces.

  • @immaculateheart1267
    @immaculateheart1267 4 года назад +119

    I am convinced that Father Rippergers many videos on You Tube are partly responsible for the growth of the traditional movement. Because of his videos I discovered the Latin Mass and then I discovered that I had been living 10 minutes away from a TLM parish and didnt even know it.

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад +13

      Yes I have to say that his videos were very instrumental in leading me to the traditional Latin mass as well. However I'm quite a bit further than you to my traditional Latin Mass Parish. I have to travel an hour and a half each way. But it's well worth it.

    • @immaculateheart1267
      @immaculateheart1267 4 года назад +7

      @@KMF3 Yes it is worth it! I still cant believe how much of a blessing it was to know I was so close. The parish community is wonderful and growing.

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад

      @@immaculateheart1267 if you don't mind my asking what diocese are you in?

    • @donatadavenport
      @donatadavenport 4 года назад +3

      Yes! That was exactly what happened to me!!!

    • @domedweller4202
      @domedweller4202 4 года назад +3

      Amazing.God bless you.

  • @Regina-zx3ex
    @Regina-zx3ex 4 года назад +83

    I consecrated myself then my children and husband to The Blessed Mother and pray for them entrusting all of us into Her care. She's amazing.

    • @what2saynow
      @what2saynow 4 года назад +4

      Indeed our Blessed Mother is amazing. I and my family would be so doomed without Her help and care. I too regularly concesrate me and my family to her. She is our refuge in this cold and oppressive age. Amen. Amen.

    • @thomasjefferson4492
      @thomasjefferson4492 4 года назад

      Tricia,their going to lose their children to satan,AND THEIR SOULS,OUR LORD JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN,the catholic church is SATANS CHURCH,they are NOT the FATHER,do not call them that..they are decieveing everyone,their father is satan.....

    • @fitchplym
      @fitchplym 4 года назад

      Why not pray to Jesus? Why do you pray to Mary, I didn’t think she was God; part of the trinity. Sounds stupid

    • @dasan9178
      @dasan9178 3 года назад +1

      I agree. We want to do consecration as well. Just over a month ago, we never thought we’d return to the church. The Holy Mother herself brought us back.
      My son was molested at age 8 by a Catholic priest. The priest, who practiced Satanism, had convinced my son that Satan owned his soul and warped him in other ways. The priest went to prison, but the destruction of my son deeply affected my whole family. It’s why we left the church.
      Then after my daughter’s death last year (at age 34), things were at a low point and I had almost no will to live. That’s when the Blessed Mother intervened. To make a long story short, I suddenly understood the swords through her heart and identified with Jesus’ suffering like never before.
      When I explained it to my husband, he agreed. We realized we had been wrong to leave the Church. We should never have abandoned our Mother just because her house was infested with wolves.
      We’ve been praying Rosaries and learning as much as we can ever since. Even my son, still very damaged from having been molested, wanted to come back. He ASKED to start praying with us.
      I’ve been told on (by someone reliable who knows) that most of the priests in our area are involved in gay relationships with each other. We don’t know where to go to make a confession and return to the sacraments.

    • @lilyw.719
      @lilyw.719 3 года назад

      @@dasan9178 My understanding is that the sacraments are just as valid even if the priest isn't in a state of grace. They're still consecrated. I'm not sure I would be so paranoid about gay priests in any case, though. I do not believe for a second that most of them are in relationships with each other. And most, in fact, are not gay, even if a substantial percentage are. Most of them will not even be actively gay but celibate, which is A Okay.

  • @rachelpops9239
    @rachelpops9239 4 года назад +56

    So much information here I've never heard as a cradle catholic. Thank you brave and holy soldiers of Christ. Pray for my husband Jason. He needs to go to confession,which I've encouraged, but he's fighting it. He also struggles with porn.

    • @jamesmedina3271
      @jamesmedina3271 4 года назад +5

      Romans 8. You have to say many Rosaries for him. Prayer, penance, sacrifice, abstinence, etc.. You have to beg our Lady Jesus to save him from spiritual blindness..

    • @rachelpops9239
      @rachelpops9239 4 года назад +12

      He has gone to confession! Thank you St. Joseph and thank you commenters for prayers and words of encouragement

  • @mariaponnudurai9778
    @mariaponnudurai9778 4 года назад +143

    My two adult boys are away from the sacraments and my husband and I haven been saying the Rosary for them every day for the last few years. I have been praying the Rosary for them for years. Have been saying the Auxilium prayers from last year. May God have Mercy upon us.

    • @magdalenep8497
      @magdalenep8497 4 года назад +6

      My adult sons too with one leaving the Church to marry an Evangelical last year and this heartbroken mom could not attend their civil union.

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад +4

      Me too. My son also. Praying the rosary and offering up my sufferings for his conversion.

    • @332star
      @332star 4 года назад +3

      Trust God's timing. I have 2 girls that go through the motions of Mass.

    • @canadiannavigator3346
      @canadiannavigator3346 4 года назад +1

      1. Luke 15: 11- 32
      2. Genesis 39 - 41
      3. Exodus 15: 26

    • @brattyyoung1917
      @brattyyoung1917 4 года назад +13

      Me to,I'm fasting and praying the rosary for my children to come back to the church,and to the sacraments..It breaks my heart...But I keep praying ...I'll never give up...Keep praying...

  • @barbaraannmiller170
    @barbaraannmiller170 4 года назад +132

    *In the name of the* Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    • @blueknight5754
      @blueknight5754 4 года назад +3

      Barbara Ann Miller et nome Patri, et Fielo, et Spirti Santi Amen..forgive the spelling 👍

    • @ihs2021
      @ihs2021 4 года назад +7

      ĭn nōmine Pătris ĕt Fīliī ĕt Spīritūs Sānctī

    • @NamdalasbyBeth
      @NamdalasbyBeth 4 года назад +4

      Yes, I was just thinking of typing the same thing here.

    • @jackhammer9018
      @jackhammer9018 4 года назад +3

      Ghost and spirit are way different words, just so You know.

    • @ransomcoates546
      @ransomcoates546 4 года назад

      Everybody abbreviates the start.

  • @OurLadyForLife
    @OurLadyForLife 4 года назад +208

    My husband is listening to this podcast with me.

    • @elizabethkale7044
      @elizabethkale7044 4 года назад +3

      Same. 💓💓

    • @Aggie-zs1qi
      @Aggie-zs1qi 4 года назад +8

      I just sent this to my husband and my son. ♥️ maybe one day soon we will listen to it together.

    • @loist9022
      @loist9022 4 года назад +5

      How wonderful. You are blessed.

    • @michelleart3780
      @michelleart3780 4 года назад +5

      👍🏻💪🏻👏🙏🏼 Strong Husband, strong Family🙏🏼

    • @jackhammer9018
      @jackhammer9018 4 года назад

      I'm classified to observe, these 3 are frauds, I'm warning You.

  • @soshay8442
    @soshay8442 4 года назад +112

    THANK YOU for bringing Father Ripperger to us this evening. He has sincerely changed my life through his recorded conferences and talks. By bringing awareness to us laity of the legalism in which the demons are allowed to operate in our lives, he has brought me to the correct understanding of the Catholic Church as well. His book, Introduction to the Science of Mental Health, discusses the effects of sin on our mental health, and reveals how much our mental health system is lacking and that we can’t heal without incorporating God and sacraments. I can’t get enough of his knowledge. No one has presented Our Lady better than Father Ripperger in ‘The Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary’. His talks on Virtue and marriage are invaluable. Viewers, I highly recommend if you have not seen already. May God bless Father Ripperger and the Auxilium Christianorum.

    • @robertrivera1751
      @robertrivera1751 4 года назад +4

      Sweet Soshay, thanks for the intro, I was pondering this today ... “the legalism of which the demons are allowed to operate in our lives” and the repercussion of mental health? I will order his book the “The Science Of Mental Health” God Bless

    • @kathyg.195
      @kathyg.195 4 года назад +5

      Sweet Soshay I completely agree, what a gift we have in Fr. Ripperger. And Im loving Grace Force, so cool! Great podcasts!

    • @lisachisnell8137
      @lisachisnell8137 4 года назад +1

      Pray pray pray much

    • @jackhammer9018
      @jackhammer9018 4 года назад

      You are so stupid, You can't even be real. Robo crap is this?

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 4 года назад +1

      @Andy LH did you get here to tell people that?

  • @desktopadonis5646
    @desktopadonis5646 4 года назад +68

    Thank you so much for having an exorcist on!

    • @magdalenep8497
      @magdalenep8497 4 года назад +7

      How we need these teachings!

    • @chrissyschultka6859
      @chrissyschultka6859 4 года назад +1

      Research about
      Targeted individuals/
      Organised gang stalking
      Also pray that Jesus washed away the sin between victim and offender.
      Pray the big miracles of Jesus and repeat it/ rosary.
      Run spiritual warefare prayer at home.

  • @tessiemay1789
    @tessiemay1789 4 года назад +216

    I’m keeping the lust demons away from me by dressing more modestly.

    • @chrissyschultka6859
      @chrissyschultka6859 4 года назад +3

      Research about
      Targeted individuals/
      Organised gang stalking
      Also pray that Jesus washed away the sin between victim and offender.
      Pray the big miracles of Jesus and repeat it/ rosary.
      Run spiritual warefare prayer at home.

    • @jeanie6279
      @jeanie6279 4 года назад +4

      @@chrissyschultka6859 Very good reminder. TI attacks are increasing, and I firmly believe the only way to overcome TI torment is by praying constantly, especially the Rosary. 🙏

    • @raspberrytea8314
      @raspberrytea8314 4 года назад +4

      Me too....I learnt that year ago and IT WORKS!!!

    • @lyt_w8t
      @lyt_w8t 4 года назад

      @@chrissyschultka6859 what is targeted individuals and gang stalking, i have heard it b4 what has to do withdemons?

    • @chrissyschultka6859
      @chrissyschultka6859 4 года назад +1

      @@lyt_w8t Dr. Katherine Horton explains a lot on youtube

  • @msrguez39
    @msrguez39 4 года назад +156

    Please pray for my husband's conversion, we are without a spiritual leader.

    • @jodibarrick2152
      @jodibarrick2152 4 года назад +6

      Same here. I'll write down your msrguez39 R and pray for you if you could also play for my husband and two teenage boys

    • @msrguez39
      @msrguez39 4 года назад +3

      @@jodibarrick2152 of course, thank you

    • @jackhammer9018
      @jackhammer9018 4 года назад +1

      Why don't You rely on Yourself? No one in this world is here to help You, so why don't "You" help "You". The idiots on this video don't care about You. None of them do.

    • @RomanusVII
      @RomanusVII 4 года назад +7

      Jack Hammer
      Does anyone love you? At all? Or are you just this pathetic?

    • @jackhammer9018
      @jackhammer9018 4 года назад

      @@RomanusVII Your comment is just as stupid as the one I was commenting about. Think about this for a minute, when You love, is for them, or for "You". You can't even grasp that concept, can You.

  • @7SeventhFromAdam
    @7SeventhFromAdam 4 года назад +10

    First time viewer here. I don't know why this video was in my list of suggestions. I'm a Catholic, but not a practicing one. There's so much information that I've gathered from this video alone. I'm subscribing and am looking forward to your next video. Thanks for the lessons,

  • @MrTagahuron
    @MrTagahuron 4 года назад +44

    It is very true what father has said. My mom was always submissive to my dad and all of us 6 siblings were obedient to both of them in the process.

    • @elionjonotan9075
      @elionjonotan9075 4 года назад +2

      I strongly second this. men are so loving

    • @colywogable
      @colywogable 4 года назад +2

      That’s great, except if the father passes away prematurely. Mine did, and my mother was completely lost, no ability to parent on her own.

    • @rettlindberg8716
      @rettlindberg8716 4 года назад +1

      @Anne Asgard abuse is always wrong nobody disagrees with you on that.

    • @rettlindberg8716
      @rettlindberg8716 4 года назад

      @Anne Asgard that is not the cause of abuse. Abuse is caused by deeper problems like alcoholism and drug use.

    • @rettlindberg8716
      @rettlindberg8716 4 года назад +1

      @Anne Asgard men aren't the only abusers out there either do don't try to pretend this is a male only problem. Its just as if not more common for females to be abusive to their children

  • @theoldguy1956
    @theoldguy1956 4 года назад +15

    Im just without words to say how thankful I am for Father Ripperger,I have learned so much.

  • @samuelguillen7590
    @samuelguillen7590 4 года назад +21

    What a blessing this podcast has been to me! Thank you Fathers and Doug!

    • @TheSaraManal
      @TheSaraManal 4 года назад

      Bc you are from the devil like they are

    • @samuelguillen7590
      @samuelguillen7590 4 года назад +1

      @@TheSaraManal Thanks and may God bless you.

  • @lucillebonds4332
    @lucillebonds4332 4 года назад +9

    Traditional Roman Catholic here. The Blessed Mother said go to Confession at least once in 2 weeks but much better once a week. We usually sweep or clean our house once a week more so with our soul.

  • @mariyadepeche1658
    @mariyadepeche1658 2 года назад +4

    This is an awesome video. Thank you Fr. Ripperger & the others here too. May God bless you. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💕💖🕊🕯🌻🇻🇦🇺🇸

  • @heatherfeather1293
    @heatherfeather1293 4 года назад +38

    Clicked as soon as I saw Fr. Ripperger!!!

  • @miqumiqu8673
    @miqumiqu8673 4 года назад +28

    I Created Her...
    I let Her feed Me, teach Me, raise Me,
    I trusted and Loved Her...
    Living with Her all but three years of My Life...
    But then She followed Me...
    Remained with Me when all the others ran away...
    She Loved Me when no one did...
    She is My Mother, and from the Cross, I gave Her to you...
    Why do you find it so hard to love Her?

    • @MG-il9oj
      @MG-il9oj 4 года назад +1


    • @wendyjansen2272
      @wendyjansen2272 4 года назад


    • @kentyiluminada7676
      @kentyiluminada7676 4 года назад


    • @miqumiqu8673
      @miqumiqu8673 4 года назад +2

      @Curtis Jones
      Curtis, Our Blessed Mother lead you here for a reason, She must want your conversion.
      So I will remember you in every Rosary I pray and my family prays together until I die! And I will put you on every prayer group list I belong to. No need to think me Happy to do it! :) So heads up, when the warning comes do not despair go to a Catholic Priest. Our Mother will be waiting for you!
      God Bless miqu

  • @philominaeapen9240
    @philominaeapen9240 4 года назад +14

    This Video , should be listened by all Catholics and the other Christians ✝️✝️✝️

  • @andrealarker9451
    @andrealarker9451 4 года назад +93

    There is a reason Padre Pio stayed in the confessional for hours

    • @jeanie6279
      @jeanie6279 4 года назад +2

      Yes. And a reason he constantly prayed the Rosary, even in his sleep! 🙏

    • @elionjonotan9075
      @elionjonotan9075 4 года назад

      Too much makeup

    • @annekristenryecroftbennett2741
      @annekristenryecroftbennett2741 4 года назад +1

      Someone is going to judge you on your make up? Real great way to see what's in someone's heart or get to know them...geeze

    • @AndreaWanting
      @AndreaWanting 4 года назад +1

      Stop judging her and pray

    • @spyroluver0951
      @spyroluver0951 4 года назад +2

      DeCoR18 can you not try and pick up girls in a RUclips comment section....

  • @christianwflaws749
    @christianwflaws749 4 года назад +12

    I don’t even know where to start w/ my gratitude for the blessing of Fr. Ripperger’s teachings and wisdom. Jesus our Lord is truly merciful. Please pray for his and all good priests continued protection & for complete deliverance for the family members and ancestors that are being tormented by the demons of their families freemasonry involvement. Thank you and may the Lord bless you!

  • @BronxCat
    @BronxCat 4 года назад +55

    I just received the Holy Water and Blessed Salt!!!!!!! Thank you Father!!!!

    • @dominicward1812
      @dominicward1812 4 года назад +2

      I think I need this

    • @BronxCat
      @BronxCat 4 года назад +1

      @@dominicward1812 i free set per family..shipping $4.98...

    • @dominicward1812
      @dominicward1812 4 года назад +1

      Katie Yee
      How or where I am in Ireland 🇮🇪

    • @BronxCat
      @BronxCat 4 года назад +2

      @@dominicward1812 go to US GRACEFORCE on utube and go to website..

    • @dominicward1812
      @dominicward1812 4 года назад +1

      Katie Yee
      There is nothing on it

  • @phoult37
    @phoult37 4 года назад +33

    Want to give a recommendation for Fr. Ripperger's book "Deliverance Prayers for the Laity." Many great prayers and devotions that can be prayed for oneself or one's family.

    • @joywisdom6598
      @joywisdom6598 4 года назад's excellent and worth every penny !

    • @anniehill2639
      @anniehill2639 4 года назад

      It’s amazing!

    • @alicer9390
      @alicer9390 4 года назад

      It includes Auxillium Christenorem prayers, too!

  • @andrewf.castaneda4695
    @andrewf.castaneda4695 4 года назад +24

    After listening to Fr. Chad Ripperger on Sensus Fedelis for so long and many of his podcasts I started buying his books, The Principle of the Integral Good, Magisterial Authority, Topics of Tradition, and also Introduction to the Science of Mental Health. I've read all of them except for the last one but I'm half way through it, (800+ pages).Fr. Ripperger (Phd.) has helped me a lot and he probably is not aware of it!

    • @cotaryan3740
      @cotaryan3740 4 года назад +1

      Andrew F. Castaneda which is the best and most informative book?

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад +1

      Wow good for you I have the last one and I'm having a hard time with it. And I have a master's degree in psychology from a Catholic University so I shouldn't be having such a hard time. But then again I also have chronic migraines. And that has limited my ability to be able to focus and concentrate.

    • @andrewf.castaneda4695
      @andrewf.castaneda4695 4 года назад +2

      Ry Koda Topics of Tradition, if you’ve read Bp Schneider latest, Christus Vincit, is a strong affirmation of Fr Ripperger. 🙏🏻

    • @andrewf.castaneda4695
      @andrewf.castaneda4695 4 года назад +2

      KMF, It May take me than the usual 3X to re-read to comprehend, for you less than that 🙏🏻😉

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад +1

      @@andrewf.castaneda4695 don't be so sure about that. I'm having to do a lot of rereading to comprehend myself.

  • @bellasouthward5362
    @bellasouthward5362 4 года назад +13

    Great show! Could have been another hour. Thank you Fr Heilman and Doug and Fr Ripperger. This was a blessing indeed.

  • @patrickpottinger3250
    @patrickpottinger3250 4 года назад +8

    If I could meet 1 person in the world today It would be Fr. Ripperger! Outstanding episode USGF! You are making the Layity a fighting force!

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад +1

      I had the Great Fortune to meet him. I even had an opportunity to go to confession with him. I was a little bit scared about going to confession with him but actually he's really sweet in confession.

    • @patrickpottinger3250
      @patrickpottinger3250 4 года назад +1

      @@KMF3 that is so excellent. Thanks for sharing!

  • @nancylemieux8058
    @nancylemieux8058 4 года назад +4

    Thank You Fr. Ripperger for taking the time to be on the USGF!! I hope you become a return guest on occasion everyone learns so much from you and we are so in need of the knowledge. ... Ave Maria!

  • @bruce9635
    @bruce9635 4 года назад +20

    This is so important about Confession. You feel physically lighter cleaner. In most Churches there is not the emphasis and in fact being disabled its hard to get a priest to come on a regular basis. I have to pray very quickly a perfect act of contrition and make the intention to get to Confession as soon as possible

  • @d.m.3898
    @d.m.3898 3 года назад +3

    This podcast is timeless. Still very relevant today. Thank you U.S. Grace Force and Fr. Ripperger!

  • @alphashanahan4323
    @alphashanahan4323 4 года назад +12

    This topic is so important. Thank you! And please, Fr. Ripperger, write as much as you can about this. I'd read a 1000-page book if need be.

  • @Canetracker92
    @Canetracker92 4 года назад +9

    Thank you for bringing on Father Ripperger! So inspirational and direct. It’s a true blessing to hear The Holy Spirit speak through him. Could listen to Father Ripperger for hours. What does that say? What he speaks is food for the soul, in a world of starving souls.

  • @santinasongbird8551
    @santinasongbird8551 4 года назад +16

    *👩💭"One of my wishes is to meet Fr Ripperger".I guess I have to pray for that.*

  • @ppepke70
    @ppepke70 4 года назад +15

    Ok guys so there's like 70,412,021 Catholics in the United States. So.........LIKE WE SHOULD BE AT AT LEAST,,,,25,000,000 VEIWS by now. Again this is the best content out here. Common Catholics,,,, tell others about this video !!!!!!!

    • @jamesmedina3271
      @jamesmedina3271 4 года назад +2

      Paul Pepke While we are at it can we set up an official petition for Pope Francis to Consecrate Russia 🇷🇺 to the Immaculate Heart ❤️ of Mary and Sacred Heart ❤️ of Jesus. ✝️💯

  • @jeromeswanson9265
    @jeromeswanson9265 4 года назад +7

    I'm so excited for this podcast! I love father ripperger! Please pray for me. Praised be Jesus and Mary!

  • @Scoli121
    @Scoli121 4 года назад +12

    Absolutely magnificent talk - a must hear, especially for Catholic dads.

  • @ppepke70
    @ppepke70 4 года назад +31

    I mean serious whats with 2.4k views on this. !!!! This is like the absolute best content on RUclips !!!! Father Heilman, Father Chad Ripperger, and !Doug Barry. Really this topic,, these guys,,,,, this should be 2.4 million views !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    • @lorrainem8234
      @lorrainem8234 4 года назад


    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад +2

      Give it time the viewership will go up. And particularly if people share the video.

    • @terribist
      @terribist 4 года назад +1

      And YT has been known to skew the likes and subscribes.

    • @santinasongbird8551
      @santinasongbird8551 4 года назад

      @@terribist 👩💭"I am interested in your comment". Please explain more what you mean? I am not sure.

    • @GenXer82
      @GenXer82 4 года назад

      Well, it's only been 4 days since this video was posted, so 2.4k views is pretty darn good!!

  • @kathyking9148
    @kathyking9148 4 года назад +3

    My son, is 48 years old, was abused by our priest when he was an altar boy and just before Confirmation. He quit the church and absolutely refused to go back. His life from then has been a constant series of horrible choices and bad repercussions. He told me of the abuse after he had been married with two children. I've prayed and fact it's felt as if I've been battling for his soul against the darkness for forever!! I need the "right" prayers for him and this situation please.

  • @luiscalderon7251
    @luiscalderon7251 4 года назад +14

    Amazing Episode!!! I will have to replay this over and over!! Great Stuff!! Thank you!!

  • @FrDavidC
    @FrDavidC 4 года назад +13

    Awesome! Thank you so very much for this discussion. Very powerful and timely!

  • @cfaciara4005
    @cfaciara4005 4 года назад +31

    I am looking forward to the long version of your book on diabolic influence. Hope this will be available on Kindle.
    God bless you Fr Ripperger

  • @georgevalenzuela2489
    @georgevalenzuela2489 4 года назад +62

    Buy Father Ripperger’s book “Deliverance Prayers For The Laity” it’s a must have. You can buy it on paperback or kindle.

    • @CGMcDonald1
      @CGMcDonald1 4 года назад +4

      George: just read your comment a moment ago and just gone into Amazon and bought Kindle edition

    • @georgevalenzuela2489
      @georgevalenzuela2489 4 года назад

      Kitti McDonald That’s great!

    • @joywisdom6598
      @joywisdom6598 4 года назад +5

      I have the book and prayers are awesomely powerful ! Worth every penny .

    • @patriciaa.5571
      @patriciaa.5571 4 года назад

      @@joywisdom6598 Excellent book.

    • @hummingbirdee9389
      @hummingbirdee9389 4 года назад +2

      Bought one during lockdown and it's amazing! Thank you Fr Ripperger for all your wonderfully books (I got a few!) Viva Cristo Rey!!! ✝️🙏♥️

  • @monicao5472
    @monicao5472 4 года назад +12

    Great video. Fr. Ripperger is wonderful, so much to learn from him. The only bad is that it feels like short, even though it was a good amount of time, I always want to learn more from him and the interaction of the 3 of you is excellent. Thanks

    • @domedweller4202
      @domedweller4202 4 года назад

      Yes,I agree with you.God bless you.

    • @chrissyschultka6859
      @chrissyschultka6859 4 года назад

      Helpfull advice:
      Research on youtube about
      Targeted Individuals/
      Organized gang stalking.
      Also pray that Jesus washes away the sin between victim and defender.
      Repeat the big miracles of jesus / rosary.
      Run spiritual warefare at home...

  • @illumoportetcresceremeaute887
    @illumoportetcresceremeaute887 4 года назад +17

    USGF and Fr Ripperger! Definitely going to play this one on a loop

    • @chrissyschultka6859
      @chrissyschultka6859 4 года назад

      Helpfull advice:
      Research on youtube about
      Targeted Individuals/
      Organized gang stalking.
      Also pray that Jesus washes away the sin between victim and defender.
      Repeat the big miracles of jesus / rosary.
      Run spiritual warefare at home...

  • @jwolsk2
    @jwolsk2 4 года назад +8

    This is awesome. Without me knowing this information, Our Blessed Mother led me away from mortal sin through the rosary which at the same time made my anxiety go away. I didn't even know anything about/didn't like the theology of Mary but would fall asleep holding and listening the rosary. I felt like someone was watching me, was anxious falling asleep. I eventually finally went to confession. I don't have an exact time frame for this, but my anxiety went completely away
    Please pray for my husband to become the spiritual head of our family

  • @canadiannavigator3346
    @canadiannavigator3346 4 года назад +20

    1. A child of the 70's. I saw my mother come under the grip of "feminism". She destroyed everything in her wake: her health a nd vitality, her husband's health and vitality, her marriage, her friendships, the peace and stability of the home. Total chaos 24/7. Only now, after my father ( a good man ) passed away, being in 24/7 care, has she realized the absolute mistake of her ways. Only now has this "crazy-eyed" fever seemed to have subsided.
    2. I firmly believe society at large now sees clearly the Dark Triad of Marxism-Feminism-Trans-genderism infecting all aspects of society. Why now ? The internet and social media: men across the Globe are now speaking with each other, sharing common experiences; and in real-time seeing the affects across society.
    3. Understanding Genesis is imperative to understanding the scope of humanity history, suffering, and indeed redemption. Genesis gives a few scant lines about the Creation, yet 70 books of the Bible tell of the redemption. I will be your God, and you shall be my people ... I am your FATHER ... I am your HEALER.
    4. Glad to see the Latin and Greek being exposited. English lacks nuance: it doesn't translate well at all!
    Thank You !

    • @TheSaraManal
      @TheSaraManal 4 года назад

      Thank God for feminism ... you can go live somewhere we’re there’s no feminists’ influence & leave this for those who deserve it
      Yes there are bad feminists just like there are realists priests ( like this satanic face here) but that doesn’t mean the whole fruit is bad

  • @karenfarrell7371
    @karenfarrell7371 4 года назад +48

    Jesus,Mary and Joseph,I give you my heart and my soul!!!

    • @mec325
      @mec325 4 года назад +2

      Jesus is the only one to whom we must entrust ourselves entirely. Mary and Joseph were creatures and the Bible forbids to pray to his creation.(Romans 1: 25) They turned the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature instead of the Creator.We must read the bible to discern what THE TRUTH is, otherwise we only follow others who are also in error.Jesus did say that he was the >> ONLY WAY > HE ALONE

    • @mec325
      @mec325 4 года назад +1

      @Shema Echad(Luke 14: 8-11) Philip said to him, Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us. 9 Jesus said to him, I have been with you for so long, and you have not known me, Philip! HE WHO SAW ME SAW THE FATHER; how do you say, Show us the Father? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words which I speak unto you, I say not of myself; and the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. 11 Believe me, I am in the Father, and the Father is in me; believe at least because of these works.(Luke 8:57-58) The Jews said to him, You are not yet fifty years old, and you have seen Abraham! 58 Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am.

    • @mec325
      @mec325 4 года назад +1

      @Shema Echad (1 John 2: 9)
      He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is still in darkness.

    • @mec325
      @mec325 4 года назад

      @Shema Echad (Malachi 2:10) Do we not all have one Father? Is it not one God who created us?

    • @mec325
      @mec325 4 года назад

      @Shema Echad (Psalms 119:53). I would like to ask you a very simple question, and may your answer be clear and supported by at least one verse
      On mount Sinai, who gave the tables of the Law to Moses?

  • @userPs91victory
    @userPs91victory 4 года назад +7

    May God bless you for this wonderful interview. By the grace of God I plan to buy Father Ripperger's new book.

  • @joseantoniojriniguez4092
    @joseantoniojriniguez4092 4 года назад +7

    "When you're in a state of sin, it's like climbing My. Everest to pray a rosary." (Fr. Rick Heilman)

  • @manzimfura
    @manzimfura 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for having Fr Ripperger on... I have watched and listened to many of his conferences and this has changed my life, renewed my faith and allowed me to grow immensely in my spiritual life!
    May God bless Fr Ripperger!

  • @francisfrancis7137
    @francisfrancis7137 4 года назад +1

    This is exceptional for men and women. We are all in the fight for holiness. Let’s lift each other up.

  • @ppepke70
    @ppepke70 4 года назад +6

    As is said over and over. Thanks guys for having FCR on !!! I love all his talks on SF. FH and Doug thanks so much. I'm waiting to buy my US Grace Force 3by5 flag for my pole out front Sirs. Im Battle ready Doug !!! Lets do this. Hold my Holy water !!! 💪

  • @lorrainebrown7099
    @lorrainebrown7099 2 года назад +3

    Prayers for repentance conversion and salvation of souls 🙏🏼

  • @jackiestarrs7554
    @jackiestarrs7554 4 года назад +23

    Where can I get your theme music as a ringtone?? I'm serious, I love the music, so inspiring! Thank you Father Ripperger for being with us!

    • @elaraviens8229
      @elaraviens8229 4 года назад +2


    • @immaculateheart1267
      @immaculateheart1267 4 года назад

      I dont think Fr or Doug reply to comments. There are just too many and they are very busy. But yes, cool sounds.

  • @Catholicspeaker
    @Catholicspeaker 4 года назад

    Great interview. Thanks Doug, Fr Heilman and Fr Ripperger for taking the time to do this interview. Excellent stuff!

  • @Kathrynlove
    @Kathrynlove 4 года назад +3

    Wow. I never thought about St. Joseph for all these years and just last week I started watching movies about him and began to love him!! He was a beautiful man!

    • @ihs2021
      @ihs2021 4 года назад

      Chaste heart of Joseph, pray for us

  • @dellchica2373
    @dellchica2373 4 года назад +7

    Love love Fathee Chad!!
    Greetings from the Caribbean!!

  • @suzannehorn5170
    @suzannehorn5170 4 года назад +26

    How do I get my husband to do these things? My husband doesn’t see what you are telling about. I believe Fr. Rippergger. I have experienced cold zones in nursing homes. How can I convince my husband to pray this way?

    • @terribist
      @terribist 4 года назад +9

      Send him this video. Pray that the Holy Spirit convicts him. Don't nag but invite him to pray with the family.

    • @lawrencekeenan9234
      @lawrencekeenan9234 4 года назад +7

      Sadly, usually with men , they need to be physically destroyed before they want to listen. I’m talking about almost being on deaths door. They do not want to live that life that you speak of. That’s when you need to tell them that at least they won’t have to live that way because they will be dead soon. It sounds cruel, but do you want to coddle them up until their damnation. You need to scare them so bad at their weakest that their demons can’t keep them calm and make them feel safe.

    • @emilys5024
      @emilys5024 4 года назад +2

      Do you work in a nursing home? Just curious about what you stated about the cold.

    • @robertrivera1751
      @robertrivera1751 4 года назад +1

      Suzanne Horn, might I suggest the rosary it been a dawn of hope in my life!

    • @laurayunque4296
      @laurayunque4296 4 года назад

      @@lawrencekeenan9234 it is my experience with my husband and brothers that leads me to agree with you on this point.

  • @trishahukins9343
    @trishahukins9343 4 года назад +6

    Joy! I've been waiting for this video for weeks!!! ❤💜💛💙

  • @Artty-fl8ul
    @Artty-fl8ul 2 года назад +2

    So unbelievably powerful. Thank you gentlemen. God bless you.

  • @hornatham1487
    @hornatham1487 4 года назад +2

    This is precious wonderful gift of video viewing piece,Thank you to Grace Force, Graces pour on this wonderful channel I pray.

  • @nguyetho683
    @nguyetho683 4 года назад +5

    Please pray for my daughters Monica and Nicole. They don’t go to Church, never got confirmed, wasn’t raised up in the Catholic Church and don’t believe in demons. They need lots of healing being rejected by their Dad when he got remarried and his wife kicked my daughters out of the house they grew up in. Nicole came lived with me for 12 years but she still blames me for everything.
    She came back home for the the Holidays and we went to Christmas Eve Mass together (she was in and out the pew and on her phone 😥💔🙏🏼) and on Christmas Day when I came back home from morning Christmas Mass she was gone. I called her, texted her and even her boyfriend (she probably made him blocked me too) but no replies back from them. I believe she’s living back to San Francisco, California today but no good bye or why she even left without a word.
    The only thing I think of is on Christmas Eve we came back home from Mass. She mentioned something and I said it’s Jesus birthday so offers your problems and concerns and baby Jesus be happy to help you. Her replied was, “No, I offer it up to Satan!”
    That was shocking and scared me so I said I rebuke that in Jesus name and I will pray for you. She walked off and that was the last time we talked (12-24-19) and saw her. Nicole (named after St. Nicholas) will be 27 year old on January 27th, 2020. And her sister Monica (names after St. Monica) will be 29 year old on January 30th.
    I give her to Jesus and mother Mary. Praying for her (her boyfriend) and her sister and her husband daily. I plead the Precious blood of Jesus Christ over them and Angels watches and protect them daily.
    Thank you for praying for them and God bless you all that praying for my daughters. I pray they’ll come back to the church and bring their mates to The Catholic Church too.

    • @mistyviolet3825
      @mistyviolet3825 Год назад

      Hello 👋🏻 there! I just read your comment! Have you heard at all from your lost daughter??!😢💔

  • @lggardenia3929
    @lggardenia3929 4 года назад +5

    Viva Cristo Rey! Thank you for this RUclips! We pray without ceasing for our good and holy priests!

  • @gina3767
    @gina3767 4 года назад +3

    Please pray for my 5 brothers. My brother is an atheist, My brother is a big drinker and they all don’t go to church except for my younger brother.

  • @richarddorion3502
    @richarddorion3502 3 года назад +1

    May we all be blessed by our blessed Mother and her almighty son 🛐🛐🛐🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @cindypass3453
    @cindypass3453 3 года назад +2

    If not for the grace of God, and Fr Chad Ripperger as of 7 years ago, i dont know where i and my family would be.....thank you Fr Ripperger

  • @thomaszabrenski2379
    @thomaszabrenski2379 4 года назад +94

    Reasons why I love the world right now:
    1. Trump is President
    2. U. S. Space Force will become a thing
    3. There's a Catholic podcast called U. S. Grace Force
    4. Fr. Chad Ripperger is on it

    • @kathyg.195
      @kathyg.195 4 года назад +4

      Thomas Zabrenski Yes!! Same here! All good things! 🌸👏

    • @kathyandterry7031
      @kathyandterry7031 4 года назад +9

      You love the world right now because donald trump is president, REALLY!

    • @Mary-gz1qw
      @Mary-gz1qw 4 года назад +9

      I'm a Catholic, but Trump is the most corrupt, con man ever - let alone a pathological liar. And btw, we already HAVE NASA.

    • @freakylilg
      @freakylilg 4 года назад

      Space force already is a thing.......beware genius on the prowl......

    • @lorrainepec7577
      @lorrainepec7577 4 года назад +10

      @@Mary-gz1qw He has his faults but he's the most Pro-life President ever!

  • @christinemorrissette6794
    @christinemorrissette6794 4 года назад +26

    Father, could you please instruct those of us who don't really know what to say when praying a binding prayer? Thank you!

    • @dmarie7714
      @dmarie7714 4 года назад +11

      Fr Ripperger has a book of deliverance prayers for laity. It's a must have for your home. Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity.

    • @grandmaforjordan
      @grandmaforjordan 4 года назад +1

      Christine Morrissette what is the binding prayer?

    • @tl7876
      @tl7876 4 года назад +32

      @@grandmaforjordan Here is a binding prayer that I use everyday. I know it works for I had to deal with retribution one night from one of the demons when I started this years ago. I have not had any issues since. I also pray my rosary every day and ask the Blessed Virgin for her protection. You are starting a spiritual battle so prepare. Here it is: "Spirit of N...I bind you in the Name of Jesus, by the power of the most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Michael the Archangel, the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul and all the Saints, and I command you to leave N. (Name of person or object) and go to the foot of the Holy Cross to receive your sentence, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." I have a list of specific demons that I read off everyday in this prayer concerning my family, such as: spirit of pornography, spirit of hate, spirit of anger, spirit of sloth, spirit of Acedia, spirit if intemperance, etc.. Add any demon you feel you are having issues with. Keep the faith. I leave you peace. TL

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад +3

      @@tl7876 wonderful thanks

  • @katyarn85
    @katyarn85 4 года назад +27

    Never met him but, Father Ripperger was the real source of my catechism learning when I came into the church last year. Without the RUclips videos I would not have learned hardly anything.
    If I was adopted and not raised by my biological father, does he still have authority over me or did he give that up spiritually when he left? He is not Catholic can I help him/pray for him because of obligation via 4th commandment or again, was that link broken?

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 4 года назад +2

      Great question

    • @katyarn85
      @katyarn85 4 года назад

      Johnathan Dough yes, according to the video at 11:38 yes they do. 😊You are correct. In a way my question is silly because you can obviously pray for anybody. I was just hoping prayer for my (Dad ?, I dunno, it’s confusing) would be more efficacious.
      Parents who adopted me have passed. I can now adult responsibly 🤪, sort of, mostly

    • @jamesmedina3271
      @jamesmedina3271 4 года назад +1

      Because the Norvus Ordo doesn’t teach anything. Subscribe to Church Militant. ♥️✝️

    • @peaceandlove544
      @peaceandlove544 4 года назад

      @@katyarn85 Pray for biological father

    • @peaceandlove544
      @peaceandlove544 4 года назад +1

      @@katyarn85 I recommend Lifesite more than church militanr and Dr Taylor

  • @leoniea138
    @leoniea138 4 года назад +2

    Our Lady makes me cry....I wonder why I feel full of pain when I look at her statue but when I pray the rosary I'm totally calm .....

  • @LyndaT17
    @LyndaT17 4 года назад +3

    Excellent interview Fr.! They just get better and better. I have a friend that has a few things going on in her home. I sent her Sacramento’s and oil, salt exorcized with Holy water and instruction. It made immediate changes. Her dog would not enter the children’s room for yrs. right after the blessing of each room, she entered.

  • @gazzadazza8341
    @gazzadazza8341 4 года назад +3

    Fr Chad, I kindly request for your Prayer, I am always falling ill when I get to work. Please Father Pray for me. God Bless from Australia Gary D’cruz

    • @peaceandlove544
      @peaceandlove544 4 года назад

      God bless you. Pray rosary. Just say with love peace joy and devotion the morning Jesus in you I trust, as many times as possible.

  • @lucycaron1739
    @lucycaron1739 4 года назад +110

    My parish priest needs to say a binding prayer for our parish, no one in line for confession

    • @lawrencekeenan9234
      @lawrencekeenan9234 4 года назад +8

      Maybe they are all Saints 🙄

    • @justme-uw6bz
      @justme-uw6bz 4 года назад +6

      I would say that's the same all over the world.

    • @jenyoung2473
      @jenyoung2473 4 года назад +13

      As St JP 2 said lines for communion are long; the lines for confession are short. 😭

    • @lindag1372
      @lindag1372 4 года назад +9

      sacrilegious communions...Our Lady weeps.

    • @dominicward1812
      @dominicward1812 4 года назад +4

      Gsos Seth
      The answer is always Prayer 🙏
      Pray for them

  • @tth3609
    @tth3609 4 года назад +3

    I have to listen again and take notes!!!

  • @cynthiajohnson9896
    @cynthiajohnson9896 4 года назад

    Phenomenal talk/lesson! Father Ripperger is awesome and I have listened to many of his RUclips talks. Thank you U.S. Grace Force for asking Father Ripperger to come on your show. Great show and it’s not even over with yet!

  • @karenbrady5574
    @karenbrady5574 3 года назад +2

    LOVE your cap Doug! Prayers from Ireland and please PRAY FOR IRELAND!

  • @DanSuolo
    @DanSuolo 4 года назад +42

    Father Chad talks about generational spirits in one of his talks. Someone will put a hex or spell on our great-great-great great grandfather or grandmother. You have to pray binding prayers and cast those demons out of your family bloodline!

    • @magdalenep8497
      @magdalenep8497 4 года назад +4

      I understand only to the 4th generation even with masonic bloodline curses but there are prayers to break them.

    • @lawrencekeenan9234
      @lawrencekeenan9234 4 года назад +2

      Actually, I believe that the only way to get rid of generational spirts is by having a Mass said for “ the spiritual healing of your family “ by name obviously.

    • @userPs91victory
      @userPs91victory 4 года назад +1

      Shaming those spirits with unceasing prayers and let them know are useless they are, how vile, weak and ineffective they are binding them in your mind or speaking and praying aloud with a Crucifix at hand can be very helpful.

    • @veronicav575
      @veronicav575 4 года назад +2

      Can you link to that talk, please? I am interested in hearing it. I’m a 2 year old catholic (as well as my husband) and my parents and siblings are Protestant, but my moms family is steeped in freemasonry.

    • @stephenmckay5911
      @stephenmckay5911 4 года назад

      The Healing of Families: How to pray effectively for those stubborn personal and familial problems by Fr. Yozefu - B. Ssemakula

  • @dallasbeus2117
    @dallasbeus2117 4 года назад +26

    Original - Prayer to St. Michael
    “O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.
    “Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.
    “These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be.
    “Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.
    V. Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.
    R. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered the root of David.
    V. Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.
    R. As we have hoped in Thee.
    V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
    R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
    Let us pray.
    O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy Name, and as supplicants, we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin Immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious St. Michael the Archangel, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all the other unclean spirits who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen.”

    • @booboo45ish
      @booboo45ish 4 года назад +5

      Thank you! God bless you

    • @dallasbeus2117
      @dallasbeus2117 4 года назад +3

      @@booboo45ish God bless you and may St. Michael protect you. Amen.

    • @anagomez9620
      @anagomez9620 4 года назад +2

      Thank you🕊❤️🙏

    • @dallasbeus2117
      @dallasbeus2117 4 года назад +1

      @@anagomez9620 God bless and may St. Michael protect you! Amen. 🌹💐🌼

  • @1999convert
    @1999convert 4 года назад +4

    "When she shows up, it's over."
    -Fr. Chad Ripperger, on Our Lady

  • @Adammadawooww
    @Adammadawooww 4 года назад +3

    I'm new to US Grace Force. But I love this stuff. Thank you.

  • @moirapetroni8131
    @moirapetroni8131 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for this pod cast Fathers and Doug. ❤️

  • @lovehappiness3911
    @lovehappiness3911 4 года назад +5

    God bless our holy priests!!

    • @huub1989
      @huub1989 4 года назад

      And help the weak.

  • @Eight-PointedStars
    @Eight-PointedStars 4 года назад +42

    I noticed that he mentioned "Communism" by name. For some reason other commentators avoid that word.

    • @kbcmighty
      @kbcmighty 4 года назад +2

      Sadly though he omits capitalism , which is even more demonic and insidious in my view .

    • @Eight-PointedStars
      @Eight-PointedStars 4 года назад +5

      @@kbcmighty I know there is an encyclical and a private revelation that condemn Communism by name, but throwing Capitalism in there sounds like you are trying to muddy the waters with a 'seamless garment' -type tactic.

    • @kbcmighty
      @kbcmighty 4 года назад +4

      Far from it . For example the porn industry is a purely capitalist construction . So too the music industry that promotes some pretty horrific stuff to our kids . Marketing, advertising , the destruction of meaningful work undermines meaningful relationships , marriage.. everything . What we are experiencing today is late stage capitalism which is focused upon individual ism and " do AST thou wilt " as the Satanist Crowley commanded . A portion largely exists because the market has deemed the unborn poor as surplus to the markets requirements. We live in a capitalist society which is focused on profit to the detriment of all else . These evils stem from that .

    • @gccenteno
      @gccenteno 4 года назад +2

      As someone who lived under communism and now capitalism, the big distinction between the two is that in capitalism it is up to the individual to choose evil whereas in communism the government mandates individuals to follow evil. I honestly choose capitalism over communism because you have the same freedom God has given us to choose between right or wrong. Have you wondered why our great Saint John Paul II fought communism until the end? Because he lived through and understood the evil of it.
      You made a good point, but communism is by far more evil.

    • @Eight-PointedStars
      @Eight-PointedStars 4 года назад +1

      @@kbcmighty Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. What has Jesus said about Communism and Capitalism? Has He ever mentioned them by name? The answer is...He has mentioned Communism by name in a Church-approved prayer he dictated to a Carmelite nun. "Eternal Father, I offer You the Holy Face Jesus, covered with blood, sweat, dust, and spittle in reparation for the crimes of COMMUNISTS, blasphemers, profaners of the Holy Name and of the Holy Day of Sunday."
      Jesus has not mentioned Capitalism by name, but Scripture has warned about avarice and the grief that comes to people who want to get rich.

  • @jeanweymier2572
    @jeanweymier2572 4 года назад +12

    Fr. Heilman gives a quote by Vince Lombardi: "...and in truth I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long-run, deep down in his heart didn't appreciate the grind the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat. I don't say these things because I believe in the brute nature of men or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God and I believe in human decency but I firmly believe that a man's finest hour, his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear is that moment that he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on a battle victorious." . . . yes, it is a great quote but it means absolutely NOTHING if/when men do not show up at these battles we are having with Drag Queen Story Hours to help us protest against this heinous crime towards our children. Yes, we do have SOME men who come. . . but there should be HUNDREDS of men who want to come to these to protect the children from this garbage. I see older people (men included) and women who are the ones who come to these the most to protest. When I say these people are hostile to this message I am not exaggerating. WE NEED MEN TO JOIN THE FIGHT FOR THE PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN. Also for the fight for life and the fight for the faith. There is a large group of men who like to say they live their faith BOLDLY. . . . .well, where are they? I don't see them showing up for this stuff. We ask you to join us. We beg you to join us in this fight.

    • @kubasniak
      @kubasniak 4 года назад

      Don't blame all of it on men... men sold out men as well as women sold men out. Feminism and justice system made everything against your sons, young and older men. We men have no opinions, only women are able to talk about social issues, men not at all because they're shamed and shunned right away by everyone and get bad image, much worse than any woman who would stand up and call out hypocrites on their shit. As much as women fought for feminism and everything I want to see women fight for their sons and husbands but as far as I see women as mothers have sympathy and unconditional love towards their children, their fathers and male family members and it's not the same towards their husbands. So many older men tell me to never marry, so many are divorced even my parents, so much entitlement, so much narcissism and male shaming for everything. Men don't want to fight boldly because they will get NO SUPPORT AT ALL and end up homeless forgotten by everyone.

  • @pascalinakabiaru3437
    @pascalinakabiaru3437 4 года назад +1

    U.S Grace Force Team, congratulations on the good job you are doing the World needs to change we start with our families especially father's taking their rightful places in protecting families spiritually may God bless you through the intercession of Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and St Michael

  • @F3z07
    @F3z07 4 года назад +1

    This is fantastic. Thank you, everyone, for putting this together. Frs Heilman and Ripperger have done more for my Catholic faith and path to virtue than anyone except, praise God, my parish priests and confessor. Men, we can set an example and take back our lives for Christ. ¡Viva Christo Rey!

    • @chrissyschultka6859
      @chrissyschultka6859 4 года назад

      Helpfull advice:
      Research on youtube about
      Targeted Individuals/
      Organized gang stalking.
      Also pray that Jesus washes away the sin between victim and defender.
      Repeat the big miracles of jesus / rosary.
      Run spiritual warefare at home...

  • @Highinsight7
    @Highinsight7 4 года назад +3

    Father Chad is AWESOME!

  • @Cpripri85
    @Cpripri85 4 года назад +4

    Thank you thank you thank you if I could be a seminarian under this man I would

    • @immaculateheart1267
      @immaculateheart1267 4 года назад +2

      Fr Ripperger has an order called. Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother. Look it up.

  • @conor5821
    @conor5821 4 года назад +8


  • @chab1rd155
    @chab1rd155 4 года назад +2

    Thank you SO much faithful men of Christ!!!
    Keep up the GREAT work!!