If Jesus already died for my sins, why do I need to pray for forgiveness every time I sin?

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • "If Jesus already died for my sins, why do I need to pray for forgiveness every time I sin?"
    Dr. Stephen Wellum answers in Honest Answers | Episode 16
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    @VEEKHUB 7 лет назад +35


    • @SouthernSeminary
      @SouthernSeminary  7 лет назад +7

      +Victor Isaac Thanks!

    • @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45
      @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45 5 лет назад +2

      ::✝️ Christians CLAIM Jesus is GOD ✝️👂🏼 Listen every CHRISTIAN Please answer this,,, when JESUS was begging for HELP after being put on the cross,, WHO was he crying out to O God O God why have you forsaken me if he is GOD. ❓

    • @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45
      @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45 5 лет назад +2

      ⚠️ Jesus died for our sins ✝️ means we can sin as much as we want & will still enter heaven without having to repent. All the Cristians who say we still have to repent are actually going against the teachings.... If the owner of a Store was to say to you, you can shop 🛒 :as much as you want from my store forever without paying the bill & if this store owner after 3 years started to take money from you for the shopping, this means he has gone against what he said.

    • @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45
      @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45 5 лет назад

      @James Henderson ⚠️ Questions Christians Can't Answer! ➕ ISLAMIC TEACHINGS IN THE BIBLE IGNORED BY CHRISTIANS (😨) SINNERS WILL BE PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES 😨 ⚠️ JESUS CAN NOT SAVE NO ONE .⚠️ 🔹Romans 2 : 6 God will render to each person 🚶🏼‍♀️ 🚶🏼according to his deeds🔹🔸2 Corinthians 5 : 1 0 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad🔸🔹Revelation 2 0 : 1 2 And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds🔹🔸Colossians 3 : 2 5 For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done🔸🔹Ezekiel 18 : 2 0 - 2 2 The wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them🔹/⚠️\ EZEKIEL 1 8 : 2 0 - 2 2 has got the solution for our sins : which means we do not need to believe Jesus died for your sins 😊 “But if a wicked person turns away from all the sins they have committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, that person will surely live; they will not die. 22 None of the offenses they have committed will be remembered against them. Because of the righteous things they have done, they will live.😊. THE MESSAGE BY JESUS IS VERY CLEAR JUST REPENT & THEN DO GOOD 😊⚠️ If the ONLY way for SALVATION is to believe Jesus died for our sins then what will happen to all those people who have died before Jesus came in this WORLD 🤔 According to the christianity BELIEF THEY WILL ENTER HELL🔥🔥🔥 :✝️ Christians CLAIM Jesus is the son of GOD ✝️👂🏼 Listen every CHRISTIAN Please answer this, when JESUS was begging for HELP after being put on the cross, Why was he crying out O God O God why have you forsaken me if he is GOD ❓ If Jesus was God then Why Does God need HELP ❓ Can God die ❓ if Jesus was willingly dying for our sins then why was he crying & complaining ❓Question .🤔 for all those who believe Jesus had to die for our sins to give us SALVATION ✝️ Why was this method not needed before and it is needed now because humans have always sinned from DAY 1 ❓ ⚠️ If the ONLY way for SALVATION is to believe Jesus died for our sins then what will happen to all those people who have died before Jesus came in this WORLD 🤔. According to the christianity BELIEF THEY WILL ENTER HELL🔥🔥🔥 Why are the bible teachings warning us no one can SAVE us UNLESS we 🤲 REPENT ❓ 🔥🔥🔥 The Truth is God says we must REPENT for SALVATION 🤲 TIME AFTER TIME IN THE BIBLE ⚠️. Mark 1 2: 2 9 - 3 1 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one This bible verse proves Jesus is telling the people our lord is one: that means he ( Jesus ) is human like us & not God. Some Christians might say there are many bible verses which mention Jesus is the son of God, but the truth is if we read the following verse then we are all Gods : Galatians 3 :2 6 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God. ⚠️ for every :✝️ Christian DO NOT USE THE BIBLE 📚 TO PREACH YOUR CHURCH TEACHINGS IT WILL NOT HELP YOUR MISSION 👍 ⚠️ For all those who REJECT Old testament 👉 Matthew 5 : 1 7 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. ( ABOLISH means avoid, cancel, nullify, ( FULFIL means deliver ) ( LAW means rule ) JESUS SAID I HAVE COME TO DELIVER THE RULES SET BY THE PREVIOUS PROPHETS & NOT TO CANCEL THEM. Christians ✝️👂🏼 if a new manager takes over at a shopping store & announces l have not come to Abolish the previous law l have come to fulfill the law of the old manager. The message is very clear no changes..

    • @ahmeddhufir1116
      @ahmeddhufir1116 4 года назад

      @@watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45 I know right

  • @rukusfan1387
    @rukusfan1387 3 года назад +33

    "but if we CONFESS our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins AND cleanse us from all unrighteousness ... ." Confession is not for Him but for me so that I can learn to be honest before Him ... He already knows my sin and wants me to admit it to Him. Jesus is always first.

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад +3

      This would be a wonderful message if you were a Jew under the law of Moses, BEFOR ISRAEL CRUCIFIED JESUS ON CALVARYS CROSS.
      But its not. And since Israel's fall, saying a prayer, turning from your sins, giving your life to Jesus, or doing WORKS in the flesh wont get your sins forgiven. None of these things have the power to save a single soul today.
      We are not saved by our own physical efforts today.
      The book of John was written befor Israels fall. BEFOR. To whom was it written? Israel.. to the Jews in time past. Not gentiles today (Mat 10:5,6 kjv).
      Israel was commanded under the law John 1:9 to confess and be water baptised Acts for the REMISSION of sins. Mark 1:4, Acts 2:38.
      According to the infallible, Holy word of God, we live thousands of years AFTER the events of Isaels fall.
      AFTER the events of Jesus' crucifixion. AFTER the stoning of Stephen. AFTER the demishing of signs & wonders.
      We live in, and get our marching orders in the NOW part of the Bible. We live in the Romans 16:25 "Revelation of the mystery" that was kept hid in God, and not made known to other ages. Ephesian 3:5 kjv. It was hid from John, Mathew, Luke, and Mark.
      So whats the gospel of salvation today?
      I have a Bible, and my Bible (king james version) says that on the cross, Jesus died for my sins, and his blood he shed for me was complete payment for all my sins (Ephesians 1:7 kjv), because the wages of sin was death (Romans 6:23), according to scripture ( 2nd Corinthians 5:19 kjv).
      My Bible says Jesus Christ was also buried, taking those sins to the grave leaving them there,.
      After that, he rose again the third day according to scripture.
      Thats the (1st Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv) GOSPEL OF SALVATION FOR US TODAY!
      Put full trust in this plan of salvation, and be saved and sealed until the day of redemption!
      *Salvation is NOT getting your sins forgiven, it's BELIEVING they already are.* (2 Corinthians 5:18-21)
      1st Corinthians says those that reject Jesus work on the cross will perish:
      1 Corinthians 1:18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
      Are you an "us" or a "them"?
      Lost people will not go to hell because of inforgiven sin. Lost people will go to hell because of unbelief. Because of thier lack of FAITH in what God has already accomplished on thier behalf. Thier unwillingness to reconcile themselves back to God through faith.
      Check out a channel called truth time radio if youd like to listen and folliw along with an open king james Bible
      I challenge and encourage you to study Gods word for yourself (2 Tim 2:15 King James Version).
      Grace and peace to you

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 2 года назад

      Uh confession is so God can pardon the sinner.

    • @scriptwriter1268
      @scriptwriter1268 Год назад

      Ah the Ole Christian bar of soap. 1 John 1:9. But this is wrong

    • @sethw7399
      @sethw7399 6 месяцев назад

      Did my 1st confession yesterday. Now I just need to forgive myself.

  • @joshuawaddell6640
    @joshuawaddell6640 2 года назад +9

    For those that don't understand, think of it this way.
    My wife forgives me when I hurt her feelings. Things I do or say to her, disrupts and hinders our relationship. Even though she is saddened by my words or actions, I am still her husband, and she is still my wife. When I wrong her, I apologize and ask for forgiveness, to restore our relationship. That is what he's referring to by asking for God's forgiveness. When we wrong Him (sin), He does not cast us out (divorce us like in my example) but my actions hinder my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I ask for forgiveness not to be saved again, but to restore our relationship that I've hindered.

    • @scottsherrill3520
      @scottsherrill3520 2 года назад

      You are attempting to understand this in human terms, comparing this with how humans relate to each other. God is not like that. We will never be more accepted in the beloved than we are right now. Yes, we may need to turn back to Him or renew our own focus but unlike human relationships, He is not constrained by us in any way. We may cause Him to grieve (be sad) or WE may hinder our daily infilling, but He never withdraws and ever pursues us.

    • @bereangirl7118
      @bereangirl7118 2 года назад +1

      If you are trying to restore a relationship with God that you believe was hindered that means that you do not understand complete forgiveness or you would be trusting and resting in the truth of complete forgiveness and justification through the cross and would not be trying to restore your relationship because of your sin. You cannot set yourself as an example in the seat of God trying to use human relationships as example to explain how God justifies and forgives. That is council of the flesh and not the spirit".

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад

      The man in this vid does not understand the word reconciliation according to scripture.
      You are already forgiven.
      Jesus (Son of God) DIED for all your sins. The wages of sin was death, and he paid it all. You have nothing to add to his finished cross work.
      Trust the Word of God (king james Bible).
      The bible says that anything that is not of faith in Christ is sin. Romans 14:23 kjv.
      We sin sometimes without realizing it. As long as saved or unsaved people live in a fleshly body on earth, we will sin. Romans 7.
      There is no more sin to confess Everyone born today is a sinner, yet Christ forgave and died for all our sins. Ephesians 1:7; 2nd Corinthians 5:19 kjv.
      He took those sins to the grave and left them there. Then he rose again 3 days later.
      Thats the gospel. 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv. Thats the good news this world rejects.
      If people choose to believe the gospel they are SAVED from Gods eternal rath because they reconciled themselves back to God.
      If people chose NOT to believe, they remain lost and will go to hell in thier disbelief. Because of thier lack of FAITH in what God has already accomplished on thier behalf. Thier unwillingness to reconcile themselves back to God through faith.
      Do you believe Jesus is God? That he forgave your sins, died in your place according to scripture, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to scripture?
      If you do, you are saved and sealed by and with the Holy spirit unto the day he redeems you.
      1st Corinthians says those that reject Jesus work on the cross will perish:
      1 Corinthians 1:18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
      Are you an "us" or a "them"?
      Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven, its believing they already are.
      Grace and peace.

    • @bereangirl7118
      @bereangirl7118 2 года назад

      @@mr.nobodyhere AMEN"💕

  • @grace-n-mercy5426
    @grace-n-mercy5426 4 года назад +5

    I am COMPLETELY FORGIVEN, therefore I rest in the finished work of the cross. Jesus is my one time sacrifice, and He has CLEANSED me FROM ALL SIN.
    The blood of Jesus was sufficient for all time...Hallelujah!

    • @bojosparky8680
      @bojosparky8680 4 года назад +1

      Since your sins were forgiven, have you ever found in your heart a desire to sin? And then sinned? Is this sinful nature ok with God? Do you think such a nature must be removed and replaced before you meet with a perfectly righteous God?

    • @grace-n-mercy5426
      @grace-n-mercy5426 4 года назад +1

      bojo sparky when a believer sins should they ask God to forgive them every time they sin?

    • @grace-n-mercy5426
      @grace-n-mercy5426 4 года назад +1

      bojo sparky my hearts desire is not to sin, and when I fall into sin i feel so remorseful about it. I want to live a life pleasing unto God, do I always obtain this want? No. Regardless I keep striving to do better.

    • @Porkchop1967
      @Porkchop1967 3 года назад

      Alot of people claim to be "cleansed" by God and commit the most horrific atrocities.

    • @6enate
      @6enate 3 года назад +1

      @@Porkchop1967 try studying the difference between flesh and spirit. We are DEAD to sin in Christ.

  • @rickatum
    @rickatum 6 лет назад +9

    Christianity is like giving students a test and then telling them "You can score below 20 out of 100 and I'm still giving you an A+"

    • @Joel-nm6xn
      @Joel-nm6xn 6 лет назад

      Sort of …

    • @cz7755
      @cz7755 5 лет назад +3

      Nah man, that’s not a great analogy.

    • @keihlonzoterrell4269
      @keihlonzoterrell4269 4 года назад

      It is the perfect analogy. Christians know nothing about the God of Israel.

  • @demetriushall1810
    @demetriushall1810 4 года назад +8

    Walking with Christ is also a relationship with him. So if you’ve done wrong you confess and repent. Just like if a husband or wife did something or say something that was hurtful or harmful you apologize and move on and try to not to make that mistake again. Jesus is always Good so continue to put your full faith in him and his promises (: never give up because he’s always with you

    • @childofgod6876
      @childofgod6876 4 года назад +2

      How many times can we repent?

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад +1

      @@childofgod6876 as many times as need be

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад

      Confess what. Sins Jesus already paid for?
      You are already forgiven.
      Jesus (Son of God) DIED for all your sins. The wages of sin was death, and he paid it all. You have nothing to add to his finished cross work.
      Trust the Word of God (king james Bible).
      The bible says that anything that is not of faith in Christ is sin. Romans 14:23 kjv.
      We sin sometimes without realizing it. As long as saved or unsaved people live in a fleshly body on earth, we will sin. Romans 7.
      There is no more sin to confess Everyone born today is a sinner, yet Christ forgave and died for all our sins. Ephesians 1:7; 2nd Corinthians 5:19 kjv.
      He took those sins to the grave and left them there. Then he rose again 3 days later.
      Thats the gospel. 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv. Thats the good news this world rejects.
      If people choose to believe the gospel they are SAVED from Gods eternal rath. If people chose NOT to believe, they remain lost and will go to hell in thier disbelief. Because of thier lack of FAITH in what God has already accomplished on thier behalf. Thier unwillingness to reconcile themselves back to God through faith.
      Do you believe Jesus is God? That he forgave your sins, died in your place according to scripture, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to scripture?
      If you do, you are saved and sealed by and with the Holy spirit unto the day he redeems you.
      1st Corinthians says those that reject Jesus work on the cross will perish:
      1 Corinthians 1:18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
      Are you an "us" or a "them"?
      Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven, its believing they already are.
      Grace and peace.

    • @joyson2907
      @joyson2907 2 года назад

      @@childofgod6876 everyday

  • @WorthyIsTheLamb77757
    @WorthyIsTheLamb77757 4 года назад +4

    I asked this question, searched this video and just ask it started playing the holy spirit answered me and told me we pray for forgiveness to show Jesus gratitude for his sacrifice to show him we are not perfect we do fall but off the back of his sacrifice he will rise us up again and again and again until he brings us face to face with the father and then you have proven you love him for what he has done amen thank you Jesus our lord and saviour

    • @omarjabang5770
      @omarjabang5770 4 года назад

      MAXIMUS XIII ruclips.net/video/O77s_8v4pXQ/видео.html

  • @sihlangubongani5075
    @sihlangubongani5075 4 года назад +5

    When I sin I feel really really bad and find it difficult to face God when I pray. 🤔 It's bad to sin knowingly.

    • @carlcasey4177
      @carlcasey4177 4 года назад +1

      That's the HOLY SPIRIT guiding you back onto the right path letting you know you done wrong. Just repent whenever you get the chance where you cant be desturbed. Immediately if you can 👍

  • @paulmatweyou6195
    @paulmatweyou6195 3 года назад +7

    We are forgiven through Jesus, he was sacrificed ONCE and for ALL.. Grace through faith.... We cant be asking God for forgiveness over and over and over again throughout the day... I've tried being legalistic like that, and it was very stressful trying to ask God to forgive me each time I thought a wrong though or did something imperfect or sinful.... we need to rest in his salvation.. Jesus bore our sins in his body and was murdered to forgive us...you cant maintain your relationship with God, God healed you...he sees us justified....

    • @jeffreyhunter4966
      @jeffreyhunter4966 3 года назад +1

      I loved everything you said Paul. Your speech really resonates with me and it really resonates with what Joseph Prince went through. Jesus said "Those who come to me I will never drive away"

    • @paulmatweyou6195
      @paulmatweyou6195 3 года назад

      @@jeffreyhunter4966 thank you.

    • @gintorino4616
      @gintorino4616 2 года назад

      Yeah just try harder everyday and truly repent for your past mistakes

    • @moparmarkstpac
      @moparmarkstpac 2 года назад +1

      You are absolutely right, that is the gospel.

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 2 года назад

      What you call "legalism" I call the details of the gospel. Often when people are asked to think a little harder about their understanding of the Bible they accuse others of "legalism " when it's really just pointing out the fine details people ignore in favor of their own interpretation of the bible. You are required to seek God's forgiveness when you commit sins.
      Are you saying you just repent 1 time Paul, then commit sins and you don't have to ask God for forgiveness for all new sins you committed? Because if so, that doesn't make sense You should ask God to forgive you each time you did something wrong or were imperfect or sinful. It sounds like you aren't giving that much thought Paul.

  • @Xontar02
    @Xontar02 6 лет назад +4

    I see people commenting that this video is "great." To me, this guy talks and talks without ever coming close to really answering the question. A lot of words doesn't mean that a suitable answer is made. I don't feel I understand the answer to this question any better after listening to this, In fact, I know less.

    • @toboredenedo5522
      @toboredenedo5522 6 лет назад

      Is it that you don't understand his answer or you don't agree with his answer?

    • @kickrox4606
      @kickrox4606 6 лет назад +1

      Here is the answer to your question. Yes Jesus forgave "All" sins on the cross. That's it. The world has been reconciled to him. God stoped "imputing" sins to humanity. We are now saved by " Grace through faith". That means if we trust the gospel by which we are saved guess what we are saved. The worlds sins are already forgiven whether they know that or not. Forgiveness and salvation are to separate issues. Forgiveness was unconditional. While salvation is conditional. Please understand once you trust the truth of the gospel you are saved and that's that.

    • @Dingbat60
      @Dingbat60 4 года назад +1

      @@kickrox4606 Fantastic Brandon! So do I believe

    • @kickrox4606
      @kickrox4606 4 года назад

      @@Dingbat60 Glad to know another saved brother in the body of christ👍

  • @livenotonevil8279
    @livenotonevil8279 2 года назад +4

    No matter how many ways this issue is unsatisfactory explained to me, I always fall back on what makes the most sense to me:
    When I pray, instead of "asking" for forgiveness for a certain sin, I simply thank God that he has forgiven me for that sin. That knowledge helps me to move on in my sanctification process

    • @mariejackson9276
      @mariejackson9276 2 года назад

      ck out truth speller out here. he will help u

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 2 года назад

      You don't have any actual certainty that your sin was forgiven that way. However, Jesus did give the Apostles authority to forgive sins in his name. Hence why the Church was given Christ's ministry of forgiving sins (reconciliation)

    • @mariejackson9276
      @mariejackson9276 2 года назад

      @@dman7668 go check out truth speller videos here on utube. they will help u out. , tale care

  • @thebelievertheone1625
    @thebelievertheone1625 5 лет назад +3

    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
    Ephesians 2:8‭-‬9 KJV
    All I know Is only GOD knows who He wants to save or not.
    Renewing my mind everyday from carnal things to good things. God bless to all

    • @sherrydunn4003
      @sherrydunn4003 2 года назад

      Repentance is NOT works...where do you get that lie?

  • @zachwells8994
    @zachwells8994 5 лет назад +4

    If anyone ever asked me that question i would say....stop being so self righteous and just do it. JESUS died for your sins, that does not mean you continue in them, its revealing God’s mercy, if you are forgiven should you continue in what you have been forgiven of?

    • @islametman8431
      @islametman8431 3 года назад

      Yea if I am forgiven no matter how much i sinned, i would have done whatever my desires want without expecting a punishment. That by itself eliminate the concept of heaven and hell, Punishment and reward. Do good go to heaven. Do bad go to heaven ??

    • @zachwells8994
      @zachwells8994 3 года назад

      @@islametman8431 You missed something. “I would have done whatever my hearts desire without expecting punishment” or without fear of punishment. That is one reaction. One is greatful and never sins again because God is so good that he’d do that. If someone does something for you how do you react? Jesus died for your sins.

    • @islametman8431
      @islametman8431 3 года назад

      Dear brother, we were made to sin and repent and sin again and so on. That's just how humans were made by their creator. If God forgave me for my sins even before i was born while he knows that I'm going to sin while my life, then it's either I'm going to heaven anyway and hell and heavens in not true. Or the concept that Jesus died for my sins is not true. One of both got to be true. Moreover, i am Muslim who knows Jesus, love him and respect him as a prophet of God, the question is, Are my sins forgiven as supposedly Jesus died for sins of whole mankind. If not then he didn't really die for nether my sins nor yours.

    • @islametman8431
      @islametman8431 3 года назад

      Lastly, in the Quran there is a whole chapter named Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, where it review the story of Jesus and Mary from the Quran perspective. If you are curious check it out

    • @zachwells8994
      @zachwells8994 3 года назад

      @@islametman8431 The gospel is the kingdom of God, And man wasn’t made to sin.

  • @basmasultan571
    @basmasultan571 4 года назад +5

    There is a lot of comments about Islam and a lot of conflict so here goes nothing.
    God bless you ❤️ just so if any clarification if needed.
    Islam is beautiful when you really get to know it.
    I can only clarify a snippet although it won’t do it justice.
    Islam is the basic level: requires
    Saying the shahadah, praying, giving money annually for the sake of god, fasting during Ramadan, going to pilgrimage if one is able to do so. All these actions purify you from within gives you faith and hope. We worship one god that is above all and we believe that Mohamed is his slave (as in worshipper not in a negative way) and messenger. The higher level of Islam is Emaan ( it literally means faith. Idk if there is something more accurate) has six pillars: have faith in allah, have faith in his angels, believe in the books god sent (we rely on Quran because it is the last one and previous books have been changed.) believe in all his messengers so we are indeed required to believe a jesus but just as someone who conveyed the message and endured hardships and one of the signs of the day of judgement is his return, last two pillars believe in the day of judgment and believe in the destiny allah prepared for you ( the good and bad ) the last pillar sparks the essence of knowing that no matter how bad we are feeling how lonely and hopeless Allah knows best and He all mighty has prepared something great for the ones who are patient (whether in this life or after).
    God said “ with hardships comes ease” with not after to show how no matter how dark things are there is light and we will eventually bask in it.
    Some random beautiful things about Islam:
    Men were ordered to lower their gaze before women were told to be modest so covering up is not to show that ladies are the ones who attract sin so they should cover.
    Islam is religion of moderation and modesty.
    Moderation as in forcing someone to worship or leave something shouldn’t be something any Muslim resorts to.
    Modesty in covering body parts like it is a prized treasure (both men and women but each have different awrahs which is places that should be covered)
    Also modesty as in being humble; the prophet once said the part of a man’s Ezar (dress) that hangs below his ankle is in hell. The explanation that in old times men would let their dress be sooo long and even have a tail to the ground to flaunt that they are rich and can afford the excess fabric. God despises arrogance.
    Women are allowed to kill if they knew that that person’s intention was to rape her.
    In Islam we are sinned for the action not ever the thought no matter how bad that thought was. Even more beautiful is the fact that if the thoughts were so strong but we refrain for the sake of Allah we get reward like it is a good deed. ( I am mentioning this because I read in Christianity you are sinned for thought correct me if I am wrong please)
    The sin is worth just x1 but a good deed is worth x10.
    God is so merciful to an extent that is beyond what we can imagine we pray five times a day it is confirmed that between a prayer and another god forgives and when we pray the bad deed are on our shoulder so every time we prostate they fall.
    There is certain days if we fast god erases all our sins from a year before and year after.
    God encourages alway to seek his refuge in him no matter how we feel even a whisper for help like when we feel depressed or conflict “and not a leave falls that He isn’t aware of” “o pray for me ( make duaas ) for I am close” ( duaas/prayers can be for religious matters or for things in our daily life)
    No matter how dirty you feel because of a sin there is always a room for repentance
    “Every son of Adam (all humans: because we all are descendants of Adam) is a sinner but the best sinner is the one who repents” originally it says “makes mistakes” but mistakes refer to sins.
    Allah didn’t say that to bring us down that we sin but to show that we are humans are weak in front of temptations sometimes so even if we fall we should know that there is always room for repentance ❤️ May Allah protect and guide us all ❤️ bless everyone ❤️
    (Correct me if there is anything wrong I will really appreciate it ❤️)

    • @CharbelFak
      @CharbelFak 3 года назад

      This is a Christian channel not Islam

  • @terierichards1366
    @terierichards1366 2 года назад +3

    I found this video a bit confusing.
    The gospel is simple so that raised a red flag.
    👉🏻As a believer we will always be in a relationship with the Lord. When we fall into sin we should ask forgiveness to restore our fellowship.

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 2 года назад +1

      It's confusing because it's nonsense.

    • @terierichards1366
      @terierichards1366 2 года назад

      @@dman7668 you’re right

  • @timcunningham8842
    @timcunningham8842 2 года назад +4

    Justification deals with our "legal" standing with God. Christians are "declared righteous" by God as a result of the imputed righteousness of Christ. God regards us as righteous from the moment of our justification. But we will not be made actually righteous until we are glorified in the perfect likeness of Christ. Until then, we will continue to sin. Our personal sins hinder our fellowship with God and others. Legally-speaking, our sins are forgiven. But from a practical standpoint, we continue to deal with the reality of sin in our being. Hence, there is the continuing need to ask God for forgiveness.

  • @SpartanBrix
    @SpartanBrix 2 года назад +2

    For anyone who doesn’t understand, think of it this way:
    When you first started your relationship with God and your walk with Christ, you and God created a bridge between you and Him that wasn’t there previously. When you sin, you damage the bridge. It isn’t completely broken, but you put a crack in it. But then, if you admit to that sin and ask for forgiveness, the bridge is healed. It is never truly broken unless you willingly rebuke Him, which, by the way, does NOT mean committing a sin. In that case, it’s destroyed and can never be repaired or recreated again. That is called the unforgivable sin. So, to mend your relationship after every sin, all you need to do is admit to God that you sinned and that it was wrong, and ask him to forgive you again. It’s simple, but it’s not always easy to find that answer out there. Hope this helps :)

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад +1

      Youre not understanding 2nd Corinthians 5:19, Ephesians 1:7, or Ephesians 3:3-5
      Forgivness happened 1900 years ago. The worlds sins have already been paid for in full.
      Jesus said "it is finished"
      Done. Fineto.
      Salvation happens when a lost soul believes the Romans 1:16, 1st Corinthians 15-1-4 gospel of your salvation.
      We currently live in the revelation of the mystery the RISEN Jesus gave to Paul AFTER the cross. The dispensation of GRACE Acts 9.
      Since Jesus died for all sins at the cross, exactly what sin that God put on Christ do you still think you need to ask forgivness for?
      Your thinking is all wrong. You cant have it both ways. Either you ask to get your sins forgiven, or *BELIEVE Jesus already forgave them.*
      Which is it?
      Grace and peace

    • @bhaveaniceday5392
      @bhaveaniceday5392 2 года назад

      @@mr.nobodyhere you can lose your salvation Matthew 18:21-35. After salvation you must pick up your cross and follow Jesus. We are to obey and follow Him. If you don’t follow Him you will be saying Lord, Lord. Part of following Him is His teaching of how to pr ay. We are told to ask for forgiveness in pr ayer as He taught us. Not only that but 1 John 1:7-10.
      1 John 7-10 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
      8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
      9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
      10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
      We are told to confess our si ns and he is just to forgive us and cleanse us. Repentance is a biproduct of salvation. If we are saved, when we s in, we will confess our si ns, ask for forgiveness, ask to be corrected, ask to be shown how to defeat the s in so we don’t keep si nning against Him, ask to be healed, and then asked to be washed. If you don’t acknowledge your s in and then hu mble yourself to ask for forgiveness and correction, why would He exalt you?
      Salvation does happen when a lost soul believes. But to truly believe isn’t just to say so, it’s a complete new heart and change of thinking towards GOD and away from s in. That’s why GOD commands you to repent. We believe that Jesus forgives us undeservedly and unearned by us, and because of that belief we confess our si ns, repent, ask for forgiveness, and follow Him. We aren’t forgiven because we ask, we are forgiven because of His grace. We ask because we follow Him and that’s part of repentance.
      2 Chronicles 7:14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
      Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
      Luke 17:4 And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.
      Here’s the bottom line to this question. I can find many verses directly saying pr ay and ask for forgiveness of your si ns. I can’t find any that say you don’t need to ask for forgiveness. Can you show me any verses that say we don’t need to ask for forgiveness?

  • @goodluck-mx4qr
    @goodluck-mx4qr 4 года назад +5

    Here is the way I see it, say your child wanted a bike for his birthday and you worked hard a 2nd job to get him this perfect bike and the morning of his Birthday you are really pleased and he gets up you give him his bike, later that day you see the bike laying in the yard all scratched and you say look at your bike 'and he says it's only a bike , how hurt would you feel. Jesus went through agony for us and died on the cross and if you cared anything about Jesus you would try hard not to sin again as every time you sin it must be like a spear going into our lord all over again, and this notion that Jesus died and suffered for our sins so I don't need to bother is the most ungrateful selfish attitude I have ever heard.

    • @Porkchop1967
      @Porkchop1967 3 года назад

      Here's another way to see it:
      Say a man told a woman that believes she is a deceitful slut (a sinner) and warns her not to talk to any other man (believe in other Gods), but claims he loves her so much that he won't let her out of his sight and promises to blow her brains out if she doesn't fully love him back (like God promising HELL if you don't love him).
      Shouldn't she call the police on him because how can a person truly love someone when they have a gun to their head?

  • @rredhawk
    @rredhawk 4 года назад +4

    So glad Jesus corrected Peter about forgiving those who offend him up to 7 times. Not 7 times but 70x7 times, which means God will forgive us again and again if we repent and ask forgiveness, and not just 7 times.

  • @ketsialove
    @ketsialove 4 года назад +11

    We don't need to ASK for forgiveness...only the shedding of blood can take away sin..God became man and died, once for all..forgiving all our sin...past, present and future...we BELIEVE it! Belief in the finished work of God is what pleases Him. Ask Him who He is and if this is true...He will answer. May you know the amazing love of God and be set free. ❤️

    • @humzaad9640
      @humzaad9640 4 года назад +3

      What a trashy brain washed thinking

    • @CrystalHigby12212
      @CrystalHigby12212 3 года назад

      Humzad to unbelievers the gospel is foolish to those who are perishing

    • @gutadin5
      @gutadin5 2 года назад

      Repent ask for forgiveness.

  • @lazareeustache3237
    @lazareeustache3237 4 года назад +5

    what are you talking about, in the beginning john the Baptist told us to repent. UNDER GOD WE WERE COMMANDER TO MAKE OUR SINS KNOWN TO HIM, IN OTHER WORDS WE SHOULD CONFESS AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS!!!! SAVED OR UNSAVED we must confess our sins to god, the high priest too!!!

    • @autumn5852
      @autumn5852 4 года назад

      Lazare Eustache and God is that still quiet voice inside of you, that always knows what to do, step inside your closet, and pray in secret, and you will always know what to do, regardless of appearances, and when you follow that voice, your fruits will be a life of ease and joy, regardless of the outer appearances, and ‘sin’ doesn’t come into it. Do you live a life of ease?

    • @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084
      @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 4 года назад

      there is no reason to listen to anything any of them say they had no insight in how the world is, they were understandebly ignorant and superstitous but we know now they were wrong as we were in times gone by but scientific discoveries teach us what is real

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад

      Jesus told the *Jews* to repent. Not gentiles.
      Jesus' message was not delivered to Sameritains or Gentiles. Mathew 10:5,6; Mat 15;24-26
      Our marching orders are from our apostle Paul according to the revelation of the mystery.
      Acts 9, Ephesians 3:3-5
      Grace and peace

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад +1

      Ask for forgivness of WHAT sin?
      Since Jesus died for all sins at the cross, exactly what sin that God put on Christ do you still think you need to ask forgivness for?
      Your thinking is all wrong. You cant have it both ways. Either you ask to get your sins forgiven, or *BELIEVE Jesus already forgave them.*
      Which is it?
      Grace and peace

  • @asmrjeweler9237
    @asmrjeweler9237 Год назад +5

    The Lord's prayer was given to people under the law before Jesus died. Don't you think there is a difference after the cross?

    • @rajamatinayak5133
      @rajamatinayak5133 Год назад +2

      Exactly ! You are right .👍 I blessed , wanderful!

  • @eugenegalvez674
    @eugenegalvez674 5 лет назад +5

    I tell you the truth.... God chooses all people to saved the problem is people dont believed it is enough that Jesus died on the cross for thier sin... JOHN 3:16 says For God so love the world (people) He did not say For God so love the few..... I tell you that the Murderer, adulterer, Bisexual, Homosexual will enter the Kingdom of heaven when they believed to the power of death of Jesus Christ from the cross... If admit that they can do nothing but to trust to the death of Christ..... I tell you of someone dis agree with me he is not believing to the power of death of Christ and he is judging people that God will judge him according to his Judge.... This is the truth.... That people Dont love God, People chooses to commit sins... It was written in book of romans that all is sinner and full short to the glory of God... Admit it that we dont love Jesus, nobody love Jesus... But Jesus saw it everything that no people love him, but He chooses to die for us for our sin.. Jesus Love us.. He gave salvation without changed... I tell you the truth, if someone dis agree with this your are a lier, God hates lier (hypocrites)..
    Revelation 21:8 But The FEARFUL (from the truth) , and UNBELIEVING(to the power of death of Christ) , and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all LIERS (hypocrites, those people that they cannot accept the truth that they love to sin) , shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
    God wants us to admit that we choose to sin rather to choose him... Admit it we can do nothing we just put our trust toJesus Death on the cross... And all the credits ia to the Lord..... Were justified as a rigthneous because God love us and we have no credit from it... It was the love and mercy of God for his creation...God saved all kinds of people.. Believed to the power of his death
    This the new covenat of the Lord... Everyone will get saved if we trust only to death of Christ..... Dont ask forviveness we already forgiven,, thank him for his love... I you ask forgiveness again and again you are hesititing his death you are not really believimg him..... The true gospel that we are alredy forgiven we just believed Jesus death and ressurection.... The truth will set you free...

    • @keihlonzoterrell4269
      @keihlonzoterrell4269 4 года назад

      He died for israel, and no one else. What did he say after john 3:16? He said he has come only for the lost sheep of the house of israel! There is no going around that. You are cherry picking verses like every other christian because you can't accept the FACT that YOU ARE NOT CHOSEN NOR ARE YOU HIS PEOPLE! You need to speak for yourself because not everyone is a sinner, many of us keep the laws and commandments that the messiah told us to keep! I love him and I know him because I do as he has commanded me to do and I do not sin. SIMPLY BELIEVING IS NOT ENOUGH ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES. FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD AND VISE-VERSA. YOU DONT KNOW THE SCRIPTURES AND YOU SHOULD STUDY THEM BEFORE YOU SPEAK AND LEAD OTHERS ASTRAY. Keep the laws and commandments of the God of Israel, do the will of Christ's Father, believe that Christ died for israel, and believe that Christ rose again. Those are some of the requirements that are necessary for israel to be saved. The truth will set all men free,.... if they only knew it.

    • @deliverus8340
      @deliverus8340 4 года назад

      Are we are not forgiven the moment Christ died? I think that is the Gospel
      And just unbelieving is only problem

    • @keihlonzoterrell4269
      @keihlonzoterrell4269 4 года назад

      @@deliverus8340 no I believe it you are simply misunderstanding it.

    • @deliverus8340
      @deliverus8340 4 года назад

      @@keihlonzoterrell4269 i was talking to other guy hahah but read my question again :D

    • @keihlonzoterrell4269
      @keihlonzoterrell4269 4 года назад

      @@deliverus8340 I did and the answer is no. No one of israel forgiven only because he died on the cross, there are other qualifications required according to the messiah's words.

  • @KingdomIsNow
    @KingdomIsNow Год назад +7

    We need to repent daily because we sin daily. Just one fleeting wrong thought is sinful. It is also a way to ensure that we do not remain defiled and become a bait for Satan. We must always strive to be pure.

    • @gailgreen1595
      @gailgreen1595 Год назад +1

      Ameeeeeeeeeeen thank you😊😊😊

    • @marcussmith4913
      @marcussmith4913 7 месяцев назад

      strive but im doing such a bad job at that.

  • @tamikajackson3419
    @tamikajackson3419 5 лет назад +1

    Our Heavenly Father said he will Judge and he said it worldwide so every tongue could understand him and he called it Judgement Day of getting to know him

  • @islametman8431
    @islametman8431 3 года назад +3

    if I am forgiven no matter how much i sinned, i would have done whatever my desires want without expecting a punishment. That by itself eliminate the concept of heaven and hell, Punishment and reward. Do good go to heaven. Do bad go to heaven ??

  • @zoezoe610
    @zoezoe610 4 года назад +2

    How humans work is if they don't acknowledge wrong then our conscience begins to harbour guilt which leads to rebellion. God taught to discipline children so that they can let go of their guilt for wrong doing and not become rebellious in their conscience and grow a pattern for more bad behaviour. When we confess or acknowledge our mistakes then God removes the guilt and we have no sense to rebel against our conscience. This is how we learn to make less sinful choices.

  • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
    @seanrathmakedisciples1508 5 лет назад +3

    The Lord’s Prayer is a transitional prayer from old covenant to new covenant. Where does the new covenant begin? Yes you are right at the death of Jesus Hebrews 9:12.Most Believers think the new covenant starts with Matthew but the church age starts in Acts 2 onwards with the coming of the Holy Spirit. Yes a believer is forgiven of all their sins,past,present and future. When we mess up we come to our Heavenly Father and admit that we have sinned again and thank you for the blood of Jesus which cleanses me of all unrighteousness

    • @petratical
      @petratical 5 лет назад

      Good word, as you seem to understand the bible. Not many do, but only those that study it, with prayer and guidance of Holy Spirit. ! John 1:9 and 1 John 2:1, and Romans 6:10 tell's us the truth you share. Thanks

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 2 года назад

      No, a believer is not forgiven of all future sins. That isn't the gospel Sean. If you commit serious sin, and do not repent there remains no more sacrifice for your sins.

  • @sarahhawke5729
    @sarahhawke5729 4 года назад +2

    I thought about the question today and it makes sense you got to watch though else some people won't attend church no more ever since it states we're forgiven thank you Jesus

  • @excellentthings6268
    @excellentthings6268 5 лет назад +4

    Praying for forgiveness is to believe not that they were forgiven through Jesus Christ when God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. It is a denial of the gospel of your salvation. When Christ died for our sins, was buried and was raised again for our justification is when we were forgiven ALL TRESPASSES! It's the very gospel that is the power of God to save you! Trust the Lord believing it and be saved and sealed 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB

    • @petratical
      @petratical 5 лет назад

      Very good, and speaking of saved and sealed, the best scripture is Ephesians 1:13

    • @eggdestroyer-nm4vb
      @eggdestroyer-nm4vb 5 лет назад

      But isn’t that presuming on God’s mercy?

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад

      @@eggdestroyer-nm4vb No. Its reconciling yourself back to him, and being SAVED

  • @cheerjim
    @cheerjim 9 месяцев назад +1

    Very helpful. Everyday, I still ask God to forgive my daily sins, and my millions of past sins. Kind of silly for my past sins, when Christ died for us. But I continue to do it!

    • @runewolf77
      @runewolf77 8 месяцев назад

      Don't forget to ask forgiveness for your future sins too!

    • @raidadtipra2765
      @raidadtipra2765 15 дней назад


  • @timgreen1835
    @timgreen1835 4 года назад +6

    Ridiculous, some of the people that you think are smart intelligent, and they don’t know what salvation truly is. But I will say simply put the essence of salvation is Ephesians 2:8-9 (NASB) 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Salvation is a free gift, which means were also justified which means we’ve never seen the start with. The Bible is very clear that God does not see our sin anymore, but sees the righteousness of his son Jesus Christ, instead of our sin - which is imputed righteousness, that’s what that means. It’s nothing we deserve, it’s nothing we earn to get, it’s nothing we earn to keep. It’s a free gift from God that we do not deserve, and never will… I don’t know how people mess this up and don’t understand. It’s just legalistic people that simply I can’t believe that God can save the sinner, Just the way the sinner is, and as a totally free gift for just simply believing that Jesus died, and took the punishment that we deserved for our sins. Any sin that we’ve ever done, or will do Jesus painfully and willfully took that punishment upon himself, so that we would not have to face the wrath of God. God punished is on son, so we could become gods children. Stop adding humane merit, human effort, human works to a salvation that God planned before the foundations of the earth, and once your gods child, he will never ever leave you or for sake you… The Bible is very clear about
    but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, waiting from that time onward UNTIL H IS ENEMIES BE MADE A FOOTSTOOL FOR H IS FEET
    Hebrews 10 is very very explicitly clear, that there’s only one sacrifice for sin, and there is no more sacrifice for sin… That one sacrifice was sufficient to forgive all sin for all time for all eternity. Hebrews 10:10 - (NASB) 10 By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
    11 Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; 12 but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD,
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:12-13, 15-17‬ ‭NASB‬‬
    1 John 2:19 - They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us. Lots of people are pretenders, and never really believed to begin with.
    The Bible is full of scriptures that say that salvation cannot be lost....Not one instance in the Bible where a person lost their salvation. Salvation is a free gift, Ephesians 2:8-9. If you cannot earn it by being good enough, then you most certainly can’t keep it by being good enough. Believers are made perfect by the blood of Jesus, as he paid the penalty for the believers sins, all sins. God’s standard is perfection… The standard to go to heaven is also perfection… No human being can be perfect enough on their own power, to go to heaven on their own goodness or righteousness. Our father God knew that, and that’s why he provided a way for us to be perfect… We are perfect in Christ, as we are imputed with his righteousness, as we could never ever in 1 million years become good enough In our own power and strength. Grace is not a license to sin, but trying to follow the law Makes a person want to send more. Believing that all of sins are forgiven....Past present and future. We love our savior and redeemer so much, that we do not want to sin anymore, But even the apostle Paul struggled with sin he admitted. Nowhere does it say in the Bible that we have to repent of our sins, to be saved. The verses in first John nine are people that did not believe they ever sinned, And didn’t think that Jesus came
    Jesus Christ has paid the penalty once and for all for sins. God will not demand payment for a second time. The Bible says: For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit (1 Peter 3:18).
    Since Christ has died for our sins we will never have to die for them. If someone believes salvation can be lost, then there is a number of questions that needs to be asked asked. What sin or sins would cause me to lose it? How do I know when I've lost it? If I lose it, can I get it back? Do I have to get baptized again? What does the Bible mean when it promises eternal life for those who believe? How long is eternal life for? Finally, if a person can lose their salvation then how can they explain what John wrote:
    I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13).
    If a person could lose their salvation then no one could know, from moment to moment whether they are saved or not. Yet the Bible says that we can know. This is because once a person truly trusts Christ as Savior they cannot lose that salvation.
    If anyone wonders whether the one time sacrifice that Jesus made was enough, just read Hebrews 1010. And also, nowhere in the Bible does it say that you have to repent of sins to be saved, or say you’re sorry every time you sin. After were saved God becomes our heavenly father, and we are his child… So of course we’re going to feel bad when we sin and mess up, and just talk to God like your father I say that we’re sorry, and for him to help us. But that has absolutely zero to do with our salvation, and losing it. It’s absolutely impossible for someone who’s been born again, saved, filled with the spirit, to lose their salvation. Even Ephesians 2:8 -9 should convince everybody of that, if you’re on the fence.
    Galatians 2:21 - I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.”
    Galatians 3:10-13 - For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law, to perform them.” Now that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, “ The righteous man shall live by faith.” However, the Law is not of faith; on the contrary, “He who practices them shall live by them.” Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us-for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on A tree”
    Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west,
    so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
    2nd Corinthians 5:21 - He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him
    Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
    Romans 8:38 - For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Isaiah 38:17 - Behold, it was for my welfare
    that I had great bitterness;
    but in love you have delivered my life
    from the pit of destruction,
    for you have cast all my sins
    behind your back.
    Galatians 4:3 - In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles [2] of the world. 4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
    Romans 5:6 - For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For one will scarcely die for a righteous person--though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die-- 8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. 11 More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
    Gods standard for having his perfection… No human being in their own power, or own human merit could ever achieve that on their own. God knew that, so that’s why he sent Jesus so that he would suffer the penalty of our sins, so we would have a way to go to heaven. It’s a free gift, not buy anything that we do. You don’t do anything to earn salvation, and there’s nothing you can do that’s good enough to keep it on your own power. If you are one of God’s children, you are just as perfect as what Jesus is… That’s the whole purpose of imputed righteousness.

    • @dopeydonaldtrump3744
      @dopeydonaldtrump3744 4 года назад +1

      Can you tell me what this salvation thing is in one sentence cos I don't understand it and therefore the rest of your post is meaningless.

    • @timgreen1835
      @timgreen1835 4 года назад

      DopeyDonald Trump - Hi there… I tell you what I’ll admit that I’m kind a long winded when I talk and say things, so give me until tomorrow and I’ll narrow it down to a sentence or two the best I can, OK. But honestly, salvation is not a complicated thing, there’s just a few things to understand. Do you know the first thing that comes to mind is John 3:16 - God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not Parrish, but have everlasting life.
      Talk to you tomorrow my friend, hope you have a good night, and you’re keeping safe… Quite the times were living in, Huh, ?

    • @autumn5852
      @autumn5852 4 года назад +1

      Tim Green finally, somebody who has truly been born again. My understanding goes even deeper than what you have written here, but I agree with everything you say. I’ve been in a big argument, (or so it seems to the people at church), with a local church, because just about everything they say and do, goes directly against the teachings of Christ. They are at best, a rubbish community group, and at worst, the anti christ, and yet when I say this to them, they simply walk away 🤷‍♀️. It’s like brain washing of the worst kind, because it closes their minds, where as at least if a person is still curious, their minds are more open.

    • @timgreen1835
      @timgreen1835 4 года назад +1

      Autumn - some people will simply never ever ever get that salvation is a totally free gift, and Jesus paid the full price for sin, he was punished on our behalf, God took his anger towards us, and put it on his son Jesus. But so many people that say they’re Christians just cannot believe that that’s true, and they have to be somehow good enough, or earn salvation, Have something to do with it…because I guess God’s idea punishing Jesus for our sins, just simply wasn’t good enough. If they would just believe Ephesians 2:8-9 and hebrews chapter 10.... they could learn about how salvation is totally free, has nothing to do with our behavior or being good enough, and the one time sacrifice of the blood that Jesus shed was enough. Salvation and justification or one time events… Jesus is not going to come to earth And shed his blood over and over and over and over, every time we sin .
      No, when Jesus said it was finished, it was finished… Once you believe and you are saved, God will never leave or for sake you because you are now his child

    • @dopeydonaldtrump3744
      @dopeydonaldtrump3744 4 года назад +1

      @@timgreen1835 You still haven't explained to me what this salvation thing is.

  • @louiegranados7986
    @louiegranados7986 2 года назад +2

    Remember 1John 1:7-10? Verse 10 says?
    .1 John 1:7-10 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
    If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

    • @livenotonevil8279
      @livenotonevil8279 2 года назад

      Here is the bit that causes so much confusion: if we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive our sin ...
      I prefer to think of the verse this way:
      If we confess our sin, (it reminds us) that he is faithful and just to forgive our sin.
      Otherwise we'd be constantly stopping in out tracks to ask for forgiveness for everything lest we lose our salvation. We'd be a wreck.

  • @umairkhan-tu2fr
    @umairkhan-tu2fr 4 года назад +8

    The most confusing religion I have ever seen
    Only Christianity.
    Every one have different interpretation no one agreed in one view.

    • @joburden890
      @joburden890 4 года назад

      Where is Allah?

    • @joburden890
      @joburden890 4 года назад

      Where is Allah?

    • @aSdfgfgish
      @aSdfgfgish 4 года назад +4

      Sorry there are so many lies surrounding the truth. I had to sift through it all too.
      Jesus died for the sins of the world, and whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life... Praise God it really is that simple... The people saying you have to keep asking forgiveness haven't really trusted in Jesus, they trust in their own works of righteousness.

      @DJANDNELL 4 года назад

      @@aSdfgfgish amen,
      But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
      2 Corinthians 11:3 KJV

  • @smeatonlighthouse4384
    @smeatonlighthouse4384 4 года назад +2

    The sin question has been dealt with by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross 2000 years ago and through His death and resurrection we are justified by faith and have peace with God. However, we still are prone to sin as we have a body of flesh which cannot please God and is open to the lusts of the flesh. If we sin the FELLOWSHIP with the Father is broken but the RELATIONSHIP can never be broken. In 1 John ch. 2 we see that we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and He intercedes for us when we sin and draws us back in love to confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, which restores the Fellowship with the Father through Christ Jesus.

    • @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084
      @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 4 года назад

      god is so cruel watch thisruclips.net/video/SIQ4Y5TmrzU/видео.html

    • @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084
      @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 4 года назад

      what gets me is all the different religons all think they are right, only one of them can be right but what are the chances of your one being the true one? but they can all be false. thats what i believe

  • @mrmariobarroso
    @mrmariobarroso 4 года назад +4

    If we say Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, that means sin has been dealt with once for all time. Jesus is not coming back to deal with sin, Jesus has already done that. So even my unsaved neighbor;s sins have also been dealt with.
    When Jesus said to his disciples just before he ascended in
    John 16:8-12 New International Version (NIV)
    8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.
    John 8And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because they do not believe in Me;…
    Here we see that the only sin that now has to be dealt with is "ünblief" in Jesus Christ". Jesus is not dealing with the sins of the world as that has been dealt with. Salvation is then ONLY by believing what Christ has done for our salvation.

    • @deliverus8340
      @deliverus8340 4 года назад

      Yeah i think that too !!!
      But idk why Paul says that God will forgive our sins if we believe. Are sins not forgiven to mankind when Jesus died and rose from the dead? :3

    • @OnTheWaywithZandi
      @OnTheWaywithZandi 4 года назад +1

      Yes sins are forgiven but our part as man kind is to accept the gift of Christ. Accept and Believe because The Father has accepted us back because of the blood of Jesus. Mario you are right. Repetitive confessing is putting Christ back on the cross. Our sins are dealt with the work is FINISHED. Now our focus should be BELIEF. The more we focus on sins the less we focus on BELIEF AND FAITH

    • @deliverus8340
      @deliverus8340 4 года назад

      @@OnTheWaywithZandi agree :DD

    • @CaneSr
      @CaneSr 4 года назад

      Read Romans 14...(Each of us are accountable to our own convictions, God. Don't put our faith or trust in men. In God only, through His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let the Holy Spirit guide us, individually and collectively. Do not become a stumbling block for a brother or sister. Use self-control, it comes with the Holy Spirit. I love you all. We have all sinned. God hates the sinfulness in all of us, yet He loves us, even while we were sinners. None of us are righteous, without God abiding within us. With God, we are one with Christ. We share His glory, there's nothing to worry about ever again, we are immortal, though our flesh will die. It must, it's the penalty of sin. God is just. The devil did a number on us, through Adam and Eve... oh well. Thus is life. Enjoy it. Though it's basically meaningless, in these evil days, and there's nothing new under the sun. It's still the best gift we currently have. Enjoy it. Fear God. Revere God. Love God. Obey His commands. When you sin, repent and try not to do it again. Repeat as many times as necessary. Yet do not worry, cuz worry ain't gone do us no good. Just obey and foster the relationship you have with God.

    • @roncrawford2706
      @roncrawford2706 4 года назад

      mario barroso you are believing the truth. our God no longer holds anyone's sin against them!

  • @Myjesus-1
    @Myjesus-1 Год назад +2

    Sin is spiritual harlotry.
    Sin can open doors that can't be closed. Some of the repercussions of sin over time are coldness or lukewarmness towards God, spiritual blindness, spiritual deafness, spiritual drunkedness, spiritual deception, spiritual darkness, bondage, demonic oppression or possession, perversion, addiction, idolotry, depression, anger, emptiness, desperation, indifference to God's rules and laws, stunted spiritual growth, weak moral compass, love of the world, lack of wisdom, lack of control, lack of contentment, resentment of truth, resentment or mockery of holiness, denial and blasphemy against the power of the Holy Spirit to deliver us from the bondage of sin, a hardened heart, a loss of conscience, depravity, and enmity with God.

  • @somebody12-
    @somebody12- 6 лет назад +8

    thanks a lot

  • @AnjaDellebarre
    @AnjaDellebarre 4 года назад +2

    How can I ask for something that is already given 2000 jears ago. If I believe the gospel I don't have to ask, I only have to receive the gift he gave.
    I can aknowledge that I am a sinner and that I in my fallen state will never be able to live sinnless. So I don't ask for something that is allready given but I do say and feel sorry when I have sinned again.

    • @danielledoyle7645
      @danielledoyle7645 4 года назад

      Anja Dellebarre If Christ himself wasn’t a sinner do you believe that he will accept a continuation of Sin.

    • @AnjaDellebarre
      @AnjaDellebarre 4 года назад

      You can watch this. She can explane this better than I ever could.

  • @Dexion845
    @Dexion845 5 лет назад +5

    Question: If Jesus already died for my sins, why do I need to pray for forgiveness every time I sin?
    Answer: Because you never had a relationship with God before you accepted his death burial and resurrection to pay the penalty for your sins., Don't trample over this, because God is not mocked.

    • @vavavoomsp1
      @vavavoomsp1 5 лет назад


    • @ahmednagib1453
      @ahmednagib1453 5 лет назад

      Michael 534
      Seriously accepted GOD death ? 😂 😂
      Noo man GOD doesn’t DIE and Jesus PBUH is a Prophet from GOD...

    • @church4thetruth684
      @church4thetruth684 5 лет назад

      Ahmed Booby Jesus was never called the prophet. Only the messiah. Which you deny. You need to repent and believe on Him as the messiah

    • @keihlonzoterrell4269
      @keihlonzoterrell4269 4 года назад

      @@church4thetruth684 christ is the messiah that came on behalf of the one true God in heaven. The one true God in heaven did not die and never will. That is pagan theology. Christ said himself that he was a prophet and more than a prophet. Christ could save no man unless God told him or allowed him to do so. You need to repent, keep the laws, have faith in the one true God YAHUWAH, and believe on the name of his son YAHSHUA the messiah of Israel.

    • @masihiylar8414
      @masihiylar8414 4 года назад

      @@keihlonzoterrell4269 are you Jewish

  • @myviews469
    @myviews469 2 года назад +1

    But at Jesus was crucified for our sins why do we still sin or did he eliminate our sins and we are sinning again?

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад

      Romans 7 kjv.
      You are already forgiven.
      Jesus (Son of God) DIED for all your sins. The wages of sin was death, and he paid it all. You have nothing to add to his finished cross work.
      Trust the Word of God (king james Bible).
      The bible says that anything that is not of faith in Christ is sin. Romans 14:23 kjv.
      We sin sometimes without realizing it. As long as saved or unsaved people live in a fleshly body on earth, we will sin. Romans 7.
      There is no more sin to confess Everyone born today is a sinner, yet Christ forgave and died for all our sins. Ephesians 1:7; 2nd Corinthians 5:19 kjv.
      He took those sins to the grave and left them there. Then he rose again 3 days later.
      Thats the gospel. 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv. Thats the good news this world rejects.
      If people choose to believe the gospel they are SAVED from Gods eternal rath. If people chose NOT to believe, they remain lost and will go to hell in thier disbelief. Because of thier lack of FAITH in what God has already accomplished on thier behalf. Thier unwillingness to reconcile themselves back to God through faith.
      Do you believe Jesus is God? That he forgave your sins, died in your place according to scripture, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to scripture?
      If you do, you are saved and sealed by and with the Holy spirit unto the day he redeems you.
      1st Corinthians says those that reject Jesus work on the cross will perish:
      1 Corinthians 1:18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
      Are you an "us" or a "them"?
      Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven, its believing they already are.
      Grace and peace.

  • @kelvinnguyen8686
    @kelvinnguyen8686 7 лет назад +5

    Wait, i thought repentance was a " change of mind". When peter ask the people to repent and believe, he is asking them to change their minds from unbelief to belief...

    • @Derrick1981y
      @Derrick1981y 4 года назад +2

      Repent also means to turn away from your sins

    • @kimberlyr5858
      @kimberlyr5858 3 года назад

      @@Derrick1981y Incorrect. In Greek it’s “Metenoia” which means change of mind.

    • @Derrick1981y
      @Derrick1981y 3 года назад

      @@kimberlyr5858 you mean the definition is incorrect? Not sure why Websters says to 'Turn from Sin' as the first 3 words of the definition. So you're trying to belittle people thinking your so smart huh? Take your comments to a non believer.

  • @acesin-et7pp
    @acesin-et7pp 2 года назад +1

    When a murderer is produced in front of judge, can the Judge forgive the person on the pretext that Jesus died for the sins of the murderer given he the murderer has faith in jesus? If yes then there will be chaos on this planet as no criminal believing in jesus will be held accountable? what type of justice is that? if no that means sacrifice of jesus is not enough for salvation. people are still accountable for their sins. On the day of judgment people will be still held accountable to God even though they believed that Jesus died for their sins. It is still injustice as people had faith on salvation but that salvation requires you to be having good deeds and salvation alone would not free their necks on the day of judgment. secondly if jesus sacrifice was preplanned by God, why Pontius Pilate & Herod Antipas are to be punished for executing Gods plan. How is that justice

  • @yakz9885
    @yakz9885 4 года назад +5

    If God already died for our sins and made a huge sacrifice why believe in the concept of judgement day.

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 4 года назад

      Because he didnt die for all your sins. Thats why he said to pick up your own cross and die like he did.

    • @yakz9885
      @yakz9885 4 года назад +1

      @@RoseSharon7777 didn't god die and sacrifice his only son for all of humanities sins? Why would God even need to die and have a innocent person murdered for us to be forgiven? What do you mean by pick up our own cross and die?
      In islam we believe Allah made humans so everyone sins but his mercy overcomes his wraith and anger so if you make sincere repentance Allah just forgives you. No need for allah to come to earth and die on a cross or any innocent human to be murdered. T

    • @dalepietens2453
      @dalepietens2453 3 года назад +1

      @@RoseSharon7777 This answer is false. He did die for all the sins of those who repent and believe in Him. When He said on the cross " It is finished" He meant it.

    • @dalepietens2453
      @dalepietens2453 3 года назад +2

      Jesus was God in the flesh. The first thing to remember is that God intended for us to live forever and glorify Him. When man fell in the garden of Eden, sin entered, as well as death. At that point there was nothing man himself could do to be good enough to enter heaven. Later the 10 commandments were given, also known as the law. Once again man would fall. Not a single man could live a just enough life to warrant being allowed entry into heaven. Blood sacrifice was the way to cover sin. Unfortunately it is only a cover. Now enter Jesus! God in the flesh, who lived a perfect life, without sin, who offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for ALL man's sin. He took on human form, experiencing every form of temptation, every pain, yet lived a perfect life. He willingly died on the cross, and His perfect blood was spilled to be the absolute cover for sin. This act completely destroyed sin! 3 days later He rose again, completely conquering death! May I ask you what other God has ever cared for His creation this much? None!! And all He asks is that you truly repent of your sin and believe that what He did on the cross was sufficient to not only cover your sin, but wash it away. When you are judged as a believer in Christ, you are seen as being pure. Your sins were laid on Him on that cross, and God will welcome you as a good and faithful servant. There is nothing man can do, no acts he can accomplish, that will justify his entry into heaven. The only way into heaven is to believe in what Christ accomplished on the cross and ask Him for forgiveness. Such a small request from God, yet man in his arrogance denies it. Such a pity!

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 3 года назад

      @@dalepietens2453 So are you saying that people have to repent B4 they're sins are forgiven? Huuuummmm. How exactly does the bible define repentance?

  • @Matt_Stark
    @Matt_Stark 2 месяца назад +2

    Answer: you don’t.

  • @church4thetruth684
    @church4thetruth684 5 лет назад +4

    Ok so every time one of your kids breaks a rule they must come to you begging forgiveness? Or would an apology from the heart suffice? To me I'm forgiven. I know this. I'm still living in a sinning fleshly body and so every day, knowingly or not I'm going to sin. Must I continue to beg forgiveness? Or should I simply and humbly apologize to my Father and then I actually thank Him. For showing me that I am sinning. In all things give thanks He says. Plus I'm an advocate of saying the Lord's Prayer daily. Which for some reason you quoted as being forgiveness of our debts. Not our trespasses , interesting

    • @keihlonzoterrell4269
      @keihlonzoterrell4269 4 года назад

      This is pure ignorance. The messiah told us not to sin dude. What are you talking about? If you are a sinner, then you do not know christ. Accepting christ means that your sins are washed away and therefore it is impossible to sin. Wanting to sin and committing a sin are two different things. Learn the scriptures before you post.

    • @church4thetruth684
      @church4thetruth684 4 года назад

      @@keihlonzoterrell4269 so you don't ever sin ?

    • @church4thetruth684
      @church4thetruth684 4 года назад

      @@keihlonzoterrell4269 you are judging me, wrongly.

    • @church4thetruth684
      @church4thetruth684 4 года назад

      @@keihlonzoterrell4269 did Paul not know Christ ? He said he still sinned. Not that he wanted to but his fleshly body still did.

    • @church4thetruth684
      @church4thetruth684 4 года назад

      @@keihlonzoterrell4269 the old man is dead but the earthly man is still here. Still fighting the enemies assaults daily. Very offensive to say that because my imperfect self still commits sins here on Earth, which we all do , that I don't know Christ. Very offensive. He tells us to love one another like He loves us. Jus saying

  • @crod6431
    @crod6431 6 лет назад

    Amen!!! Perfectly said. Confessing Our Sins is out of Obedience to God and for Our Justification.

    • @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084
      @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 4 года назад

      if you go into this already believing you'll never see that you've been indoctrinated to accept bold assertions with not a shred of evidence to support them. Would you accept such propositions in other areas of life?

  • @mybelldeals
    @mybelldeals 5 лет назад +3

    Everyone is responsible for their sins. Adam and Eve asked for forgiveness for the sin . Pls ask for foregiveness and repentence every time from One God and promise not to repeat. Also don’t tell your sins to others as God is keeping your secrets and you should too. Pls pray to one Lord who made Jesus.

    • @Nexus-ub4hs
      @Nexus-ub4hs 5 лет назад +1

      You should repent to those you’ve wronged too for healing, whether they forgive you or not is up to them

  • @spiderjump
    @spiderjump 3 года назад +2

    The answer is yes

  • @preciselymade4975
    @preciselymade4975 6 лет назад +1

    Because its makes you a better person to expect the right choices in life even at times when we believe its not our addictions. It also shows that you believe in your perfection and believe that your potion that you may deliver heartfully to world may not be a cast of a stone. In repentence, you believe that you can do better and not have a fixation of being lawless or prideful that such may seem being addicted of such past insignificance that may dwell along into eternal damnation such as murder lying and stealing.

  • @ylarakuh2702
    @ylarakuh2702 4 года назад +2

    Crucifixion and death is Christ’s part of Salvation... our part is repentance and change our ways for the better.

    • @ashleyrandleas8157
      @ashleyrandleas8157 4 года назад

      Ylara Kuh no one could never do good enough to enter heaven by themselves and you are not rewarded for your good deeds Ephesians 2:8-9 also God will not remember your sin Hebrew 10:12 so why pray or ask for forgiveness? All you gotta do is have faith that Jesus died for your sins and just live life lol so say all the righteous bible believers. This is where the Bible is very very wrong and the interpretations of the Bible is the cause for all the unjust in this world. Turn to Islam to find the truth and beauty.

    • @ylarakuh2702
      @ylarakuh2702 4 года назад

      Ashley Randleas there’s no need to convince me to be in another religion. I am fully satisfied confident with what faith and religion I am in. Ultimate justice can’t be found in this world and those who seek to find that ‘justice’ here are the ones who belong to this world. I am just a traveller - passing by this world of ‘justice’ seekers. The world is not my ultimate end and my God is waiting for me at the end of my journey. So, good luck with whatever you believe in.

    • @kathyhenderson2114
      @kathyhenderson2114 4 года назад

      That's works...anything that you think you have to do is works....and that's not biblical.
      Ephesians 2:8,9 KJV
      8 For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
      9 Not of works, least any man should boast.
      Titus 3:5 KJV
      5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
      Believe and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and He helps with the rest...
      Philippians 1:6 KJV
      Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
      Has Jesus begun a good work in you? Trust in Him and let Him do the works...then you can rest in the Lord...

    • @omarjabang5770
      @omarjabang5770 4 года назад

      Ashley Randleas ruclips.net/video/O77s_8v4pXQ/видео.html

  • @markcaffey5396
    @markcaffey5396 4 года назад

    Just so joyed to have find another teacher of truth. Jon Bennet walks every question he gets through the Holy Bible in answering. Check, check and re-check. God Bless, thanks for sharing.

  • @edwardedwindevasahayam8536
    @edwardedwindevasahayam8536 4 года назад +2

    Accepting Jesus as the son of God is not possible without having faith in Bible. The same way accepting my worldly father depends upon my faith on my mother's words which I never doubt. It is a question of placing our faith on Bible and on our Mother. Bible is the Holy Scriptures for Christians like the Mother.
    So why a Christian needs to pray for forgiveness every time he sins? Because the Bible tells us so.

    • @evilmelez
      @evilmelez 4 года назад

      this is matter of sin.you obey the law of god which are commandments. and if you follow them then st paul was wrong from the beggining .did jesus die to lift the curse(law) for the sins of ours. or you just simply follow the law. they are contradiction. if the law was a curse from the beggining then why god destroyed other people? if human needed salvation this badly then its okey to sin because we were doomed and if the law was dooming factor then why he destroyed people then forgive us? you see now. since James, Brother of Jesus was the leader of new testament commanded paul to repent and follow the law. there are tons of contradictions.preachers talk like paul while people that obeying the law are like James. 2 of them cant exist together. one follows a speculation of a man other the law of god.

    • @d3et1roi3t
      @d3et1roi3t 4 года назад

      Their is not 1 contradiction in the complete bible. If there were it wouldn't be the bible.

  • @lionfuzzgamer9110
    @lionfuzzgamer9110 5 лет назад +2

    My fellow brother you have to pray for your forgiveness because god isnt just from the past he is from present and future....he is internal and he knows every single event from past present and what is going to happen in the future....and praying for forgiveness is a sign of respect from mankind that they are still sorry for what they did and what they are doing now at this moment in the past as jesus is seeing me write this comment in the future

    • @epiccomedy227
      @epiccomedy227 5 лет назад

      If God knows every event in the future i bet he/she didn't see this coming 2:21 "Christ still must cum"

    • @lionfuzzgamer9110
      @lionfuzzgamer9110 5 лет назад


  • @duke-swtmate4154
    @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад +3

    In Luke 10:27 it says that we should fully love God. How can someone love God with all his heart, soul, and mind if he or she committed a sin against the LORD and does not ask for forgiveness.

    • @rickatum
      @rickatum 6 лет назад +2

      Because you have no fear factor
      Everything is permitted, either if you asked your Lord for forgiveness or you didn't, you're still going to paradise. This is the contradiction. It's clear and this is a sign for the people of knowledge that this religion is not the straight and right path.

    • @rickatum
      @rickatum 6 лет назад +2

      Well, but in the end it doesn't matter because God will forgive you, right?
      So if I converted to Christianity, I can kill, steal, rob, drink, and commit all these sins and not going to Hell though, right? Jesus paid for my sins! Besides, this means that it's not necessary to be a Christian in order to go to paradise, since Jesus paid for my sins. Think it through, because it makes no sense. I didn't even watch the video but whatever he's saying must be be relevant to the question even though the question is clear and makes sense. Seriously though, how would you remember God if there is no fear factor? I'm not talking about you in particular. But think about it again. If God had to sacrifice his only begotten son, why didn't he send Jesus way earlier to people? If God really did that, then how the trinity would still be functioning? If God has 3 parts and 1 part is missing then how this whole universe was being run? If God is all powerful, why did he need to create a son and a holy spirit to help him? Seriously though, God existed before creating them, then why did he have to create them back then? Or did He feel as weak that he couldn't run this universe alone? Can God be bounded by the realms that He created? Moreover, did God tell you that you should build churches with the cross on top of them your prayers should be like doing the cross sign on your body? This doctrine is indeed a man-made invention. If Jesus was killed on the cross, then the cross shouldn't really please you. Would you be wearing an ax if it was used to chop your mother up into pieces? The whole thing doesn't make sense. Al Slam Alikom. May God show you the right and straight path. Love

    • @duke-swtmate4154
      @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад

      +Omar Osama 1) Of course it matters whether you sin or not. God is just. You will have less reward in heaven if you sin (see 1Corinthians 3:13-14). Romans 6:15-18: "What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness."
      2) Jesus Christ died for all sins, yes. But the atonement with God by the sacrifice on the cross is just given to those who accept Jesus as their savior by believing in him. God does not forgive if people don't convert to him. One is justified by grace through faith and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9). This means that you are not saved as you don't believe in Jesus Christ because you're a Muslim.
      3) Jesus died for the sins that were committed before his incarnation and were to be committed after his death and resurrection.
      4) Jesus was fully human and fully God. By his incarnation, he did not give up his divinity, but just added the human nature to his divine. Philippians 2:5-8: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."
      Jesus says in John 3:13: "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." Jesus said that to Nicodemus while he was standing on earth. This clearly proves his divinity as he existed before and is at two places at the same time (earth + heaven).
      5) As God cannot die because God is life (Jesus says in John 8:58 that he is al-haqq: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me."), it was the human nature of Jesus dying on the cross, while His divine nature still sustained the universe. It was Jesus himself who resurrected his own body. John 2:19.21: "Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. (...) But he spake of the temple of his body."
      6) God did not create a son or the Holy Spirit, he IS Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 1John 5:7: "For there are three that bear record in heaven: The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one."
      7) I am not Roman Catholic, I was Roman Catholic. But Roman Catholicism is a cult that teaches demonic doctrines by forbidding priests to marry (1Timothy 4:1-5). According to the Bible, the believers are the temples of God (2Corinthians 6:14-18). Building churches is not a Christian thing, but a pagan thing. And Roman Catholicism is a syncretic religion, meaning it combines paganism with Christian elements. That is why there are these huge churches, celibate priests, nuns and monks etc.
      Finally, let me just ask you one question: How did God create the universe according to the Quran?

  • @bojosparky8680
    @bojosparky8680 4 года назад +2

    The death of Jesus on the cross was only for the redemption of our sins. But even though we have been redeemed, how many of us still have a nature that wants to sin? This sinful nature must be defeated, destroyed and replaced with a perfectly righteous essence before we can be in the presence of a 100% righteous God. God and sin cannot be in the same place at the same time.

    • @dalepietens2453
      @dalepietens2453 3 года назад +3

      Once we repent and believe in what Christ did on the cross, God looks past our sins as though they never happened. Washes us completely white. Our fleshly bodies will always struggle, but our spirit is seen as being pure by God, through the death and resurrection of Christ.

    • @Porkchop1967
      @Porkchop1967 3 года назад

      @Max so, if God's creations are not perfect, then how do you claim God is perfect?
      After all, you don't praise an artist if you think their painting is crap, right?

  • @jameshunk7211
    @jameshunk7211 Год назад +5

    This doesn't make sense

    • @trimwix9944
      @trimwix9944 Год назад +5

      Cuz what he saying is incorrect.

    • @jakefromstatefarmjakefarm4233
      @jakefromstatefarmjakefarm4233 Год назад +2

      You need to confess our sins. 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”. John 3:17 “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
      Roman’s 3:10 “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:”
      The truth is we are sinners. Even the believers. Romans 3:22-23 “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”.
      1 Corinthians 5:21
      “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
      Truth is Christ died for us so we can be in heaven with him ONLY IF YOU BELIEVE IN HIM. Which is grace. He took the punishment we deserve. And if we sin again we repent Mark 1;15.

  • @aSdfgfgish
    @aSdfgfgish 4 года назад +2

    Once we Believe in Jesus we don't!
    He paid it all in full.
    We confess our sins after that to be in fellowship, but our salvation is already done for the believer, once and for all!

    • @Porkchop1967
      @Porkchop1967 3 года назад

      Strange that a person can molest children all their life, rape and murder women, and at the end of their life just simply believe in Christ and be brought into heaven to be surrounded by their victims for all eternity.

  • @SeriousSounds8
    @SeriousSounds8 3 года назад +4

    Didn't answer anything

    • @joshuawaddell6640
      @joshuawaddell6640 2 года назад +1

      Really? I suggest watching it again, then again if you still don't understand.
      Think of it this way. My wife forgives me when I hurt her feelings. Things I do or say to her, disrupts and hinders our relationship. Even though she is saddened by my words or actions, I am still her husband, and she is still my wife. When I wrong her, I apologize and ask for forgiveness, to restore our relationship. That is what he's referring to by asking for God's forgiveness. When we wrong Him (sin), He does not cast us out (divorce us like in my example) but my actions hinder my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I ask for forgiveness not to be saved again, but to restore our relationship that I've hindered.

  • @gailgreen1595
    @gailgreen1595 Год назад +1

    I believe in Jesus name we must examine ourselves daily Amen😊

  • @kudzikadzimu7050
    @kudzikadzimu7050 Год назад +3

    what happens when we dont ask for forgiveness

    • @waldrekotze5118
      @waldrekotze5118 Год назад +1

      Christ will reject unrepentant sinners

    • @dailydoseofexistence7159
      @dailydoseofexistence7159 Год назад

      @@waldrekotze5118 but didn't he already died for my sins?

    • @waldrekotze5118
      @waldrekotze5118 Год назад +2

      @@dailydoseofexistence7159 yes He did, just read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

    • @newme1589
      @newme1589 4 месяца назад

      If you accept Jesus, it means you accept he died for your sins, it means you searched for repent.
      So if you don't seek out Jesus, the "he died for your sins" becomes null because you dont accept that through the power of your free will.
      Basically you're saying "God, i reject your forgiveness", so he sends you to hell as per your request

  • @aftermathofgrace7308
    @aftermathofgrace7308 Год назад

    Thank you so much for answering the most difficult ambiguity of my Christian walk.

  • @messengerisrael3817
    @messengerisrael3817 4 года назад +4

    The apostle Paul made it plain ( Romans 6;14-16 , " For sin shall not have dominion over you ; for ye are not under the law , but under grace . What then ? shall we sin , because we are not under the law , but under grace ? God forbid . Know ye not , that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey , his servants ye are to whom ye obey ; whether of sin unto death , or obedience unto righteousness " ) ? In Romans 6;14 , the law that you are not under is the law of animal sacrifice , not the law or covenant of God . To be forgiven from sin requires blood as the atonement ( Hebrews 9;22 ) ; remember , the wages of sin is death ; something must die . The law that the children of Israel were under before the blood of Christ was the blood of the animals . Paul preached to Strangers/Gentiles , and Israelites together ( Acts 9;15 ) . In Romans 6;15 , Paul is saying , shall we sin because we are not under the law of animal sacrifice , or blood of the animals , but under grace , or the blood of Christ ? God forbid - No . Jesus Christ is the mediator of faith , the law of faith . He obeyed the word of the Father completely , and overcame sin and death ; to serve him , we must live as he lived ; keeping the commandments of the Father ( 1st John 2;1-7 ) . Paul also says ; who do you serve ? The Lord Jesus Christ by obeying the word of the Father , by obedience unto righteousness ; or disobeying God by sin unto death ( second death , the lake of fire , because Jesus Christ has redeemed all men from the first death - the grave ) . Shalom !

  • @SwitchBloodify
    @SwitchBloodify 5 лет назад +2

    When you have a relationship with God you will understand. A loving wife will ask for forgiveness when she know she hurt her husband.

    • @church4thetruth684
      @church4thetruth684 5 лет назад +2

      Puia B.Tevo or she would say I'm sorry babe. Love you. Thanks for being understanding

    • @SwitchBloodify
      @SwitchBloodify 4 года назад

      @@church4thetruth684 that's how a relationship works... We are in a very disturbing age, we really need to pray for spiritual discernment. God knows His sheeps and He will take care of them....God bless you my friend

  • @petratical
    @petratical 5 лет назад +3

    Actually no, we don’t ask for forgiveness “if” we sin, we merely confess our sin, 1 John 1:9. Asking for forgiveness would be like asking Jesus to die on the cross again. No, he will not do that, as he has once for all died, Romans 6:10; “he died unto sin once”.
    As for your saying; “as we do sin,…” That sounds like one expects to sin! No, John said; “if” we sin we have an advocate, Christ Jesus, 1 John 2:1, as it should be, “if”, as he said; “Whosoever abides in him sins not: whosoever sins has not seen him, neither known him.” 1 John 3:6. Speaking as you did about “relation ship”, this is the results of said relation, and that is a life that does not continue in sin!

  • @camdiffright460
    @camdiffright460 5 лет назад +1

    Sin I suggest is limited accurate knowledge or awareness of the power of God's love, mercy,protection in fact everything that makes life worth living.
    We do sin apart from the main reason I gave above,because we haven't yet gotten a complete understanding of God's personality.
    That's why by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, who gives us understanding of the TRUE nature of God thus delivering us from sin.
    The Sins we commit after confessing Jesus as our Lord is because we are in the process of knowing and understanding God Almighty.
    Thus we ask for forgiveness.
    But the problem I have here is that most people don't ask God to help them understand sin and to avoid it.
    If we keep committing the same sin over and over and keep asking God's forgiveness then we should check if we do really have an intimate relationship with YHWH if not then let's try to do so by asking God in prayers

  • @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45
    @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45 5 лет назад +4

    .⚠️. Jesus died for our sins ✝️ means we can sin as much as we want & will still enter heaven without having to repent. All the Cristians who say we still have to repent are actually going against the teachings. If the owner of a Store was to say to you, you can shop: 🛒 :as much as you want from my store forever without paying the bill & if this store owner after 3 years started to take money from you for the shopping, this means he has gone against what he said..

    • @yulia1217
      @yulia1217 5 лет назад

      Just interested to know who & where teaches this view?

    • @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45
      @watch13famouspeoplewhoacce45 5 лет назад

      @@yulia1217 Are you christian & do you believe you have to repent

    • @josephaionotofilau2015
      @josephaionotofilau2015 5 лет назад

      First of all shut the fuck up because we “CHRISTIANS” are not going against the teachings. 2nd of all shut the fuck up again because I get that’s what you think but bitch you fuck thought wrong‼️
      Now have a blessed day

    • @Basiito
      @Basiito 5 лет назад +3

      Suppose A Christian Man Comes And Rapes Your Wife! So It Means He Will Still Enter Heaven Right Because He Believes In Jesus Had Died For His Sins...So Whatever Sins He Commits Its Already Paid Off!
      Seriously! What Kind Of Nonsense Is That! That Is Indeed A False Believe

    • @Android-ds9ie
      @Android-ds9ie 5 лет назад

      @@josephaionotofilau2015 you does not sound like a Christian

  • @JohnWeichel
    @JohnWeichel 4 месяца назад +1

    We not being judged for our sins

  • @patrickphilip777
    @patrickphilip777 2 года назад +4

    We do not need to keep confessing. We sin every day to some extent whether we know it or not.

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 2 года назад

      That sounds very scriptural that we do not need to keep confessing lol. Not.

    • @Bert_de_Wit
      @Bert_de_Wit Год назад +1

      @@dman7668 He is correct. You really think god wants 7 billion humans to be confessing every damn day?? Wake up friend! God is not stupid!

    • @justanotherbaptistjew5659
      @justanotherbaptistjew5659 Год назад +1

      Yes He does!
      He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
      But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion.
      - Proverbs 28:13
      When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away
      Through my groaning all day long.
      For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
      My vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer. Selah.
      I acknowledged my sin to You,
      And my iniquity I did not hide;
      I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord”;
      And You forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah.
      Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found;
      Surely in a flood of great waters they will not reach him.
      - Psalm 32:3-6

    • @Bert_de_Wit
      @Bert_de_Wit Год назад

      @@justanotherbaptistjew5659 Nowhere in those scriptures does it say the words "every day" or "daily". You have proven nothing, brother.

  • @andreaj.2188
    @andreaj.2188 Год назад +1

    " You forgive us our sins so we have to do it with our next one."

  • @church4thetruth684
    @church4thetruth684 5 лет назад +3

    That's because He's talking about the sinless spirit of Christ within us the flesh still sins daily. If you don't believe me then answer this Did you pass by even one human today without sharing the gospel ? If so then guess what. You sinned. Sry

    • @danielledoyle7645
      @danielledoyle7645 4 года назад

      Church4 theTruth can you show me that in the Bible?

    • @church4thetruth684
      @church4thetruth684 4 года назад +1

      @@danielledoyle7645 do you actually think your sinless now ? Wow. Go download the 613 Levitical laws. They were simply to show the Jews they couldn't live sinless lives. Only through the Grace of God are we saved.

    • @keihlonzoterrell4269
      @keihlonzoterrell4269 4 года назад

      @@church4thetruth684 you are completely ignorant. What kind of dumbass god do you serve? What kind of supreme entity gives humans laws that they can never even hope to keep? That would be such a waste of time, toying with humans and punishing them for breaking a set of laws that are impossible to keep. Lol your god is a dumbass. The law is perfect and righteous. Those who follow the God of Israel love the law and uphold it with faith.

  • @dripness9975
    @dripness9975 4 года назад +3

    The whole point of Jesus Christ is to make it easier to be with god the only way to get to heaven is though Jesus unless u never sined which is impossible so the only way to get to heaven is to call on Christ to help so he can give a mega boost like 99.99% boost all u got to do is believe in Jesus and the lord and Jesus loves everyone even the people who hate him❤️

    • @omarjabang5770
      @omarjabang5770 4 года назад

      Dripness # ruclips.net/video/O77s_8v4pXQ/видео.html

  • @ofitlhilemmamosweummamoswe9844
    @ofitlhilemmamosweummamoswe9844 5 лет назад +3

    I want to born again help I'm a sinner pray for me

    • @djmseclectic
      @djmseclectic 5 лет назад +2

      Boxer Bee Just said a prayer for you. We are all sinners and have come short! God bless you on your spiritual journey and being born again

    • @ofitlhilemmamosweummamoswe9844
      @ofitlhilemmamosweummamoswe9844 5 лет назад

      Thank you man of God

    • @ENCwwe
      @ENCwwe 5 лет назад

      Just say a prayer accepting Jesus to be your savior and lord of your life, asking him to begin to change you into the person he wants you to be.

    • @japexican007
      @japexican007 5 лет назад +1

      Boxer Bee To all my friends who are waking up to the truth, it’s not too late to be saved!
      The bad news: We are all sinners with a fallen nature. No sin is greater or worse than any other, sin is sin. God is a Holy God and he cannot allow not even 1 sin into heaven.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”
      The good news, If Jesus could ask his Father to forgive those who tortured, mocked, blasphemed and crucified him what makes you think he won't forgive you!?
      The Gospel:
      Jesus paid for our sins so that we might be saved, nothing we can do on this earth can ever save us.
      Ephesians 2:8-9“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
      “Romans 3:20-26 “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.”
      How to be saved?
      As a repentant sinner Look into your heart and confess: Dear God I am a wretched sinner, as I repent I put my faith that Jesus is God and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins I put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in Jesus name I pray Amen.
      Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."

    • @kiranjan9748
      @kiranjan9748 5 лет назад

      Boxer Bee pray to the One God to forgive you. We are all sinners. However if you truly repent then God is most Gracious and most Merciful.

  • @tamikajackson3419
    @tamikajackson3419 5 лет назад +1

    The Romans wrote hundreds of Bibles with false gods between the scriptures mainly psalms and gave them to the churches with their roman crucifix cross and change the sabbath day Saturday to Sunday.

  • @timothyalvarado9412
    @timothyalvarado9412 7 лет назад +6

    The reason we need to ask for forgiveness everytime we sin is because we Love God and something inside us gets sad and it drives you to God.

    • @rickatum
      @rickatum 6 лет назад +2

      Well, but in the end it doesn't matter because God will forgive you, right?
      So if I converted to Christianity, I can kill, steal, rob, drink, and commit all these sins and not going to Hell though, right? Jesus paid for my sins! Besides, this means that it's not necessary to be a Christian in order to go to paradise, since Jesus paid for my sins. Think it through, because it makes no sense. I didn't even watch the video but whatever he's saying must be be relevant to the question even though the question is clear and makes sense. Seriously though, how would you remember God if there is no fear factor? I'm not talking about you in particular. But think about it again. If God had to sacrifice his only begotten son, why didn't he send Jesus way earlier to people? If God really did that, then how the trinity would still be functioning? If God has 3 parts and 1 part is missing then how this whole universe was being run? If God is all powerful, why did he need to create a son and a holy spirit to help him? Seriously though, God existed before creating them, then why did he have to create them back then? Or dis He feel as weak that he can't run this universe alone? Can a God be bounded by the realms that He created? Moreover, did God tell you that you should build churches with the cross on top of them your prayers should be like doing the cross sign on your body? This doctrine is indeed a man-made invention. If Jesus was killed on the cross, then the cross shouldn't really please you. Would you be wearing an ax if it was used to chop your mother up into pieces? The whole thing doesn't make sense. Al Slam Alikom. May God show you the right and straight path. Love

    • @rickatum
      @rickatum 6 лет назад +2

      Jesus will return. Who did say otherwise? However, Jesus by no means can never be the son of God or a part of him that renders God weak and needy that He, All-Powerful, needs His own creatures. That's not a god if he needs a second and/or third party to come over and help Him rule the world even though He's the One who created them. It just doesn't make sense. God isn't like humans. I mean you might like to build a car in order to ease things and life for you, but you won't become the car, right? We build the car because we're vulnerable and weak, is God weak? Just think about it. I already explained why the bible is so corrupt that even evidence contradicts one another. A god can never be bounded by any of the realms He has created, neither would they be time, matter, place, etc which prevent God from being a powerful entity that possesses this universe. It's just this question: how could a might god be crucified and killed by a bunch of thugs and he stands impotent? No power! Nothing! Think it over!

    • @NekoNoAme
      @NekoNoAme 6 лет назад

      Don't be lead away by Omar Osama. Jesus is the son of God and he willingly chose to be the sacrifice for our sins. Yes, no one could forcefully bind him to the cross, no one could confine him to a prison, but he chose to die for us. He is one with God. Time will show the truth. Eternal hellfire is not enjoyable. And the Bible is not corrupt, if Omar took the time to seek God and figure things out, then he would find the answers.
      Now to answer some of Omar's questions:
      Question: If God had to sacrifice his only begotten son, why didn't he send Jesus way earlier to people? Answer: Many, many, many prophecies were said before the birth of Jesus, foreshadowing his coming. The long length of time between the prophesies being said and the birth of Jesus shows that the future was known long before it would happen. Jesus fulfilled so many prophecies in his life that it would be ridiculous for a person to intentionally try to fulfill them to fake being the prophesied Messiah.
      Next question: If God really did that, then how the trinity would still be functioning? Answer: This answer is quite simple: God is powerful enough to keep the Trinity functioning.
      Moving on. Question: If God has 3 parts and 1 part is missing then how this whole universe was being run? Answer: I don't believe you understand how the Trinity works. Although both God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost/Spirit can have different roles, they are all still God. God is powerful and can manage running the universe. After all, God created it. Jesus dying on the cross for our sins does not remove His power or any power from the Holy Spirit or from God the Father.
      Next up: If God is all powerful, why did he need to create a son and a holy spirit to help him? Answer: " John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." It does not look to me like Jesus or God the Father were created but that they have always been since the beginning. The Holy Spirit is a comforter and helper for us and has also been existing since before our Earth was created. (See Genesis 1) The Holy Spirit may also have existed without being created. Either way, all three are One and have their own roles: this does not diminish the power of God but is perfect. Even if any were created, this would just show perfect design for different roles and allows order just as the system of the government has roles and order. This also answers his next questions of "Seriously though, God existed before creating them, then why did he have to create them back then?" and "Or dis He feel as weak that he can't run this universe alone?"
      And here's another one of his questions: Can a God be bounded by the realms that He created? Answer: "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?"Jeremiah 32:27
      Two Questions: Moreover, did God tell you that you should build churches with the cross on top of them your prayers should be like doing the cross sign on your body? Would you be wearing an ax if it was used to chop your mother up into pieces? Answer: I don't even think the church I go to has a cross on top of it. Prayers can be while standing, while sitting, while crying, while crouching. Doing a cross sign on your body is Catholic. And about wearing crosses, I'll quote a part from a song about God.
      "In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine
      A wondrous beauty I see
      For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died
      To pardon and sanctify me"
      Now for you, I want to tell you something. In this world, there's lots of people with lots of views but there is only one God and one truth. God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him as stated in the Bible. So pay him the diligence due and seek him. Seek who's the real God. Seek the truth. And don't be lazy and expect Him to give you the answer while you're doing it. There's evidence of God and I reccomend starting by watching "The Case for Christ" which is an atheist's journey to prove God as a fraud because he hated the conversion of his wife.
      (And don't fall into the view of evolution because nothing cannot create something. What came first, the heart to pump our blood, the blood vessels to hold our blood, the blood for our heart to pump, the valves to prevent backflow, the lungs to bring oxygen to the blood, etc etc.)

    • @deliverus8340
      @deliverus8340 5 лет назад

      @@rickatum if you are believed you can become Hitler and still go to Heaven
      but that would not be nice !!!

  • @QuackingQuack
    @QuackingQuack 5 лет назад +1

    What happens if I already accepted Jesus, but keep sinning, I always ask for forgiveness right after, but am I truly forgiven

    • @luisb3426
      @luisb3426 5 лет назад +1

      Yes, you are forgiven. Now stop sinning. God bless you.

    • @QuackingQuack
      @QuackingQuack 5 лет назад +1

      Thank you

    • @luisb3426
      @luisb3426 5 лет назад

      Some Default no problem

    • @luisb3426
      @luisb3426 5 лет назад

      Some Default Check out BBC International

    • @deliveredbyyahawashi2245
      @deliveredbyyahawashi2245 5 лет назад

      Some Default have you really accepted Jesus?

  • @user-mn8tz4nf2s
    @user-mn8tz4nf2s 2 года назад +4

    Can't give a straight forward answer cause it doesn't make sense

    • @bedtimebiblechat7152
      @bedtimebiblechat7152 2 года назад +1

      Here's how I look at it and hope it helps you. Even though Jesus died for us...and our sins are forgiven...we must acknowledge we messed up. Admit we have sinned so we can mend our relationship with Him. Like when you were a kid, your parents loved you and you knew they would forgive you when you messed up, but it was expected of you that you ADMIT you messed up so you were less apt to do it again. I believe this is the same concept here. Repent means to say you are sorry and not do it again. I hope this makes sense for you. God bless.

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад

      @@bedtimebiblechat7152 A lost forgiven individual is saved and reconciled back to God when they BELIEVE the Romans 1:16, 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 "gospel of your salvation":
      Believe the Bible:
      *According to Ephesians 1:7, 2nd Corinthians 5:19, and 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv) we simply believe.:*
      How Jesus DIED for the forgiveness of our sins according to scripture
      Jesus was BURIED and took our sins to the grave, leaving them there
      and Jesus ROSE AGAIN the third day according to the scriptures
      Thats the (1st Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv) GOSPEL OF SALVATION! Put full trust in this FINISHED plan of salvation, and be saved and sealed until the day of redemption!
      *Salvation is NOT getting your sins forgiven like Israel had to do under the old testiment law to gain thier earthly kingdom, it's BELIEVING your sins are already forgiven.* (2 Corinthians 5:18-21)
      Ephesians 2:8 KJV
      "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:"
      Ephesians 2:9 KJV
      *"Not of works,* lest any man should boast
      He doesnt require your own efforts, he wants to know if you BELIEVE the FINISHED work he already accomplished on your behalf.
      Check out a channel called Truth Time Radio if youd like to listen and follow along with an open king james Bible.
      Im here if you have any questions.
      Grace and peace

  • @tamikajackson3419
    @tamikajackson3419 5 лет назад +1

    Bind the commandments upon a tablet of your heart where it beats and let's serve him.

    • @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084
      @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 4 года назад

      if you wish to be a sycophant to this ideology then go ahead but why would anyone take it seriously? It was produced by ignorant bronze age sheperds but it's not their fault they were ignorant we are all ignorant about much me included.

  • @scottsherrill3520
    @scottsherrill3520 2 года назад +5

    This is hog-wash. Either we are truly forgiven or we are not. Yes, we should repent and be contrite, but we should constantly be in receipt of the the forgiveness that He already gave us. We are Not forgiven our daily sins because of confession or repentance. We were and are forgiven, but we should be aware of ours sins and be honest with God about them. He is no longer keeping a record of wrong. If we had unforgiven sins, then He who cannot abide with sin could not be living inside us. He put sin(s) away, once and for all "time." Now we simply come to Him, resting in the assurance that He accepts and loves us unconditionally, because of what HE achieved on the cross. Nothing to do with us but to believe!!

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад +1

      Amen amen amen.

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere 2 года назад

      You are already forgiven.
      Jesus (Son of God) DIED for all your sins. The wages of sin was death, and he paid it all. You have nothing to add to his finished cross work.
      Trust the Word of God (king james Bible).
      The bible says that anything that is not of faith in Christ is sin. Romans 14:23 kjv.
      We sin sometimes without realizing it. As long as saved or unsaved people live in a fleshly body on earth, we will sin. Romans 7.
      There is no more sin to confess Everyone born today is a sinner, yet Christ forgave and died for all our sins. Ephesians 1:7; 2nd Corinthians 5:19 kjv.
      He took those sins to the grave and left them there. Then he rose again 3 days later.
      Thats the gospel. 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv. Thats the good news this world rejects.
      If people choose to believe the gospel they are SAVED from Gods eternal rath. If people chose NOT to believe, they remain lost and will go to hell in thier disbelief. Because of thier lack of FAITH in what God has already accomplished on thier behalf. Thier unwillingness to reconcile themselves back to God through faith.
      Do you believe Jesus is God? That he forgave your sins, died in your place according to scripture, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to scripture?
      If you do, you are saved and sealed by and with the Holy spirit unto the day he redeems you.
      1st Corinthians says those that reject Jesus work on the cross will perish:
      1 Corinthians 1:18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
      Are you an "us" or a "them"?
      Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven, its believing they already are.
      Grace and peace.

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад

      @@mr.nobodyhere it is the power of God✝️✝️🐑✝️❤️❤️🩸

  • @mimilove7182
    @mimilove7182 5 лет назад +1

    First off all that you talked about is one thing it is forgiveness. Since Jesus died on the cross for our sins we are to ask for him to forgive us for our sins. Then we are to pick up our cross and follow him.

    • @deliverus8340
      @deliverus8340 4 года назад

      Why we ask if He already paid for that?
      We are forgiven
      And Jesus cleaned us

  • @Porkchop1967
    @Porkchop1967 3 года назад +3

    Wow! Simple question ....yet, a muddled answer. Did Jesus die for your sins or didn't he?

    • @axript
      @axript 3 года назад +2

      I was not satisfied too

  • @embodythelogos
    @embodythelogos 4 года назад

    Thanks for the video! From what I understand from the video, we should repent for our sins, but we don't have to, right? My question is: what if your sin cause you to turn away from Jesus? Since faith is the willful act of entering into a covenant with God, that act can also be reversed since it is of the will. And since repentance is a constant process of turning away from sins and recommiting ourselves to Christ, it makes sense to think that it is necessary for our salvation to continue to ask God for His forgiveness and mercy (especially for serious sins) so that we can remain faithful in His covenant for the rest of our lives.

  • @sismnfamily3426
    @sismnfamily3426 4 года назад +4

    So all the video is his opinions not scripture!!!🤔🤔🤔

  • @becka4121
    @becka4121 4 года назад +1

    Since God cannot allow even one sinner/sin in into heaven, and Jesus sacrificed himself so that we may be forgiven of our sins and our punishment is done, so that means all I have to do is acknowledge my sins and say that I'm sorry? (Repent in my heart) I don't have to ask for forgiveness?
    So what will happen when I die and I am not able to repent right before I die and I sinned before I died. will that mean I will go to hell since I died with a sin? or will that mean I will go to heaven since Jesus already paid the price and I repented in the past?

    • @michealmichael1131
      @michealmichael1131 4 года назад

      Yes you go to heaven because you accepted jesus as you savour who died on the cross, before you die, at anytime

    • @danielledoyle7645
      @danielledoyle7645 4 года назад

      I love the question it shows that genuinely want a heart to please God. And your statement is correct about God not allowing sin into heaven. And yes Jesus died so that you can repent from your sins but God also wants to give you power over them because he’s more powerful than a personal confession but he has the power to take the very nature of sin out of you. When you truly repent from your heat and ask God for a new spirit. Sin won’t even be in your nature it’ll only be in your nature to do those things that please him. I’m speaking from Expedia

    • @danielledoyle7645
      @danielledoyle7645 4 года назад


    • @danielledoyle7645
      @danielledoyle7645 4 года назад

      Michael eM Michael so what about the Christians who’ve actually dedicated their lives to God and turned from a lifestyle of sin? The ones who actually suffered and strived to become like him? I want to let you know this is not true it takes a lifestyle lived to make it to heaven it’s more the just an accepting him but he has to accept you. If the righteous scarcely make it to heaven then where should the sinner and ungodly appear? (Where should the one who only made a confession right before they died with no lifestyle lived before God appear?)

  • @tonyornelas9374
    @tonyornelas9374 7 месяцев назад +5

    Repenting of sin to be saved is not Biblical.
    Believing Jesus is your Lord and Savior is how we are saved.
    Repent (turn from non-believer to a believer) is how we are justified.
    Salvation is a gift that was given to believers and Jesus is not an Indian giver.

    • @Isabellaosses01
      @Isabellaosses01 6 месяцев назад +2

      Even demons believe in God but they are doomed for hell

    • @tonyornelas9374
      @tonyornelas9374 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@Isabellaosses01 Demons may believe in God by they don't follow his word. Doing the will of the Father is what Jesus wants his people to do.

    • @TruthOnlyX
      @TruthOnlyX 6 месяцев назад +1

      What's ' Indian giver" .?

    • @emptyx9593
      @emptyx9593 4 месяца назад +1

      @@tonyornelas9374how can you do the will of god if u keep sinning? It’s like if I kill someone then say Jesus forgive me so ima do it again n again n again n again so ima go to heaven cuz I believe n Jesus

    • @tonyornelas9374
      @tonyornelas9374 4 месяца назад

      If you stay focused on Jesus and continue to do the will of the Father, you won't be separated from him because sin separates us from him.
      Repent just means changing your mind about something. Even God, the father repented when he made samual king.
      God can't sin, but he can change his thinking. We don't change our minds about sin. We all know it's wrong, and Jesus hates it. We all sin, but if we stay in Christ, we he will protect us from the evil one that keeps trying to get us to sin.
      That's my takeaway from the Bible. If another view comes along, that's Biblical. I will look at it.

  • @mrmariobarroso
    @mrmariobarroso 6 лет назад

    The Lords pray was for them in the old testament,
    We can not use it in the new testament , can we>
    Can we forgive sins? Is we can then we did not need Jesus to die for our sins??

  • @grounded7362
    @grounded7362 2 года назад +2

    We were never instructed to pray and ask for forgiveness.
    Yeah I know you use the "Lord's" prayer as proof of being instructed to ask forgiveness but the "Lord's" prayer is not something we were told to pray but rather to pray in sort of way.
    It is an example of admission of who the Father is and an admission of where we are.
    When we look at Psalms we see many examples of this sort of prayer.
    We are are instructed to confess our sins to the Father and he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
    Asking forgiveness does not mean a person has acknowledged/admitting their sin or taken responsibility for the sin the have committed.
    Confessing your sin before the Father is admitting you have done wrong and have taken responsibility for your actions.
    1 John 1:9 KJV
    9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    • @asmrjeweler9237
      @asmrjeweler9237 2 года назад

      Why do we assume that Jesus' instructions on prayer before his death to remove our sins is the same as after his death?

    • @grounded7362
      @grounded7362 2 года назад +1

      For the same reason people teach that Paul is claiming that we will always be in sin, living in sin in Romans 7 and leave off moving to Romans 8
      Because it fits their sinful life and makes them feel good about living in sin.

  • @Sirous369Cyrus
    @Sirous369Cyrus Год назад +5

    the fact is that it has been a lie from the beginning that Jesus has died for the sin of people, you are accountable for what you do, period.

    • @pauljomento8357
      @pauljomento8357 Год назад +1

      1 Corinthians 15:3
      For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,
      It is explicitly stated here that Christ died for our sins.

    • @kitjones6896
      @kitjones6896 Год назад

      @@pauljomento8357 Jesus said he will spit out lukewarm Christians and not everyone who says lord lord will go to Heaven. I'm confused.

    • @kitjones6896
      @kitjones6896 Год назад

      @@pauljomento8357 There are many verses of hypocrisy. Jesus said himself, "If you are not more righteous than that of the Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdome of Heaven". It sounds more like Jesus died for our sins to have a second chance at judgment by God and to be cleared of wrath if you actually followed Jesus. If you purposely sin that means you don't truly believe in Jesus so you are not accepting his sacrifice ; you are just pretending to say Lord Lord only to get into Heaven which is a hypocrite.
      Example would be a child predator using Jesus's offer to shield himself from God's wrath in order to do get away with his sick fantasies and pleasures which in turn would be mocking God and his son which is an unforgivable sin called blasphemy of the Holy Spirit because you are trying to exploit Jesus Christ's sacrifice as leverage against his own grace he is offering. Purposely sinning and using Jesus's offer and sacrifice to exploit and cheat the Holy Spirit against Jesus himself which is unforgivable and is stated in the Bible.

    • @pauljomento8357
      @pauljomento8357 Год назад

      @@kitjones6896 I never said that human accountability is disregarded when one accepts the sacrifice of Jesus. We have to show our faith by our works. James 2:18

    • @kitjones6896
      @kitjones6896 Год назад

      @@pauljomento8357 I was a little hard on you and took it on you randomly. I was watching videos and everyone was just saying we can do whatever we want to, and Jesus can even forgive that dictator in 1940 that starts with an H. Like people are disregarding the entire Bible. If God was that forgiving then we wouldn't need a Bible. We would just need 1 page that says Jesus died for all our sins and we live happily ever after for all eternity, the end.

  • @Vynachadzavy
    @Vynachadzavy 10 месяцев назад +1

    If you believe it you better get on your knees and stay there whole day. Because you don't want to miss any sins.

  • @daniellemcalpine-hawkins6756
    @daniellemcalpine-hawkins6756 5 лет назад +3

    Repentance means turning away from sin/changing your mind. God repented in the Bible. if you keep asking for forgiveness then you crucify Jesus all over again

    • @thebelievertheone1625
      @thebelievertheone1625 5 лет назад

      Amen ....change of mind. same with Romans 12:2

    • @liljs4189
      @liljs4189 5 лет назад

      Dee Dee 1 peter 3:18 says that Christ died once for our sins and not continuously being crucified. What you’re saying sounds along the lines of what the Catholic Church claims to happen in when you partake of the lords supper

    • @outtheboxministrysd
      @outtheboxministrysd 5 лет назад +1

      We confess our sins not to “be” forgiven, but because we “are” forgiven.

    • @outtheboxministrysd
      @outtheboxministrysd 5 лет назад +1

      Marie W 777
      • The motivation behind forgiving others under the Law is to "GET" the Father to forgive you.
      “[14] For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
      [15] But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:14-15‬ ‭
      • The motivation behind forgiving others under Grace is because we "HATH" been forgiven.
      “[32] And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”
      ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:32‬

    • @outtheboxministrysd
      @outtheboxministrysd 5 лет назад

      Marie W 777 No bother at all. Great questions.
      What would help us forgive others, is a deeper understanding/revelation of how much we are forgiven by God. And With much prayer for Gods healing help to forgive the individual who has deeply hurt us. Takes time, but with God it’s possible to forgive & no longer hurt.

  • @transformationofthebride2295
    @transformationofthebride2295 5 лет назад +2

    1 John 3:9 ESV - No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God.

    • @teemu1381
      @teemu1381 5 лет назад

      Transformation of the bible- the verse is talking about the spirit, not the flesh...the flesh continues to sin, it's the spirit (the inward man) that does not sin. God does not see the sin of those who are justified by FAITH. See Romans 7:14-25 as Paul makes clear distinction...V-25 "I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin"

    • @transformationofthebride2295
      @transformationofthebride2295 5 лет назад

      @@teemu1381 Do not be mislead by false preachers. The mystery is Christ in you... (Col. 1:27) He is the gift of righteousness. (Romans 5:17) Your spirit and His Spirit becomes one in a born again Christian (1 Cor. 6:17) It is His righteousness that is manifested in you. The righteousness which is by faith. This is what overcomes the world even our faith (1John 5:4). The Christ in you is the empowerment that allows you to overcome sin.
      Romans 8:12-13 KJV - Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

    • @teemu1381
      @teemu1381 5 лет назад

      Transfomation of the bride- And yet you still sin....you just don't get it do you? I John 1:8 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
      There is no truth in you if you think you don't sin, you fool!

    • @transformationofthebride2295
      @transformationofthebride2295 5 лет назад

      @@teemu1381 We are perfecting holiness in the fear of God. We stumble occasionally but we confess and repent from our sin.
      1 John 1:9 KJV - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
      There is a difference between someone who continues sinning (habitually) and someone who stumbles in sin by accident or otherwise. Yes, we are not perfect until The Perfect comes...Jesus Christ.
      God bless you and I forgive you for your harsh language. I am not a fool.

    • @teemu1381
      @teemu1381 5 лет назад

      Transformation of the Bible- Right! we confess our sins, but we STILL sin,every single day and you know in your heart that you willfully sin LOL or you are just a liar like I John 1:8 says...! Romans 3:10-12 says your are NOT good,you are not righteous,...so stop thinking that you are, you FOOLISH prideful pharisee!
      Wake up! Ecclesiates 7:20 "For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not."

  • @freegoldbug
    @freegoldbug 2 года назад +6

    This is heretical. The fact that Jesus died for our sins does NOT mean we are automatically forgiven! Future sins are NOT automatically forgiven. The soul that sins will die. Sin leads to death.

    • @tonyzamberlin
      @tonyzamberlin 2 года назад +2

      Do you have a bible verse that backs this up?

    • @freegoldbug
      @freegoldbug 2 года назад

      @@tonyzamberlin Yes, I do.
      When we receives Jesus our former sins up to that point are forgiven.
      Romans 3:25 (ESV) God put (Jesus) forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over FORMER sins.
      If we sin after that we need to confess and repent to be forgiven.
      1 John 1:9 (ESV) IF we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
      If we keep on sinning, we will not be forgiven.
      Hebrews 10:26-27 (ESV) For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.
      The wages of sin is death.
      Romans 6:23 (ESV) For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
      James 1:15 (ESV) Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

    • @omnitone
      @omnitone 2 года назад +2

      @@freegoldbug you realize that if this is the case, not a single soul would go to heaven? you underestimate original sin. all human beings will forget certain sins because they are sinful, and will forget to confess before God, and by your interpretation that would damn them. but if you think that it's even conceivable to confess every sin, as someone who is sinful, than you are very wrong. straight up. if this were actual heresy, we would've figured this out quicker.

    • @freegoldbug
      @freegoldbug 2 года назад +1

      @@omnitone I'm talking about willful sin, where there is no repentance. I'm not advocating perfection for salvation

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 2 года назад

      The problem with you Mr. Gold bug is that your thinking logically and I feel threatened by that because it destroys my fantasy understanding of how I think Christianity works.

  • @SannaMarin-uw1nu
    @SannaMarin-uw1nu Год назад +2

    Why don't Christians just do what God asked and follow the commandments ? Is that not what Jesus wanted?

    • @benmeininger2257
      @benmeininger2257 Год назад

      Being a christian does not make you a perfect being (sinless) it makes us realize our flaws, and repent…to show love for God. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Christians that take sinning for granted and don’t care about the consequences, which isn’t the true way to the love of God. Nonetheless if Jesus suffered for us in a human form on that cross, the least we can do is be granted forgiveness and praise his holy name.

    • @kenp9477
      @kenp9477 9 месяцев назад +1

      What commandments? The Law of the Old Covenant or Agape Love of the New Covenant? Jesus wants us to obey him which is practicing Agape love to one another.

  • @saudqadir7444
    @saudqadir7444 Год назад +6


    • @austin6544
      @austin6544 Год назад +5

      There's a reasons He didn't choose to "save" Himself. He was the only perfect person to walk on this earth. He took the punishment that we deserve, and through His death we are able to receive the free gift of salvation which can save us from eternity in Hell. He is real. He is alive and He did rise three days after his death.♥

    • @justanotherbaptistjew5659
      @justanotherbaptistjew5659 Год назад +1

      In the same way the chief priests also, along with the scribes, were mocking Him among themselves and saying, “He saved others; He cannot save Himself. Let this Christ, the King of Israel, now come down from the cross, so that we may see and believe!” Those who were crucified with Him were also insulting Him.
      - Mark 15:31-32
      Incredible that you’re accidentally quoting the very men who killed Christ. Yet this was done according to the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, so He could abolish death and usher in immortality.

  • @capn_shawn
    @capn_shawn 5 лет назад +2

    Where did Jesus (or anyone else) say Jesus "paid" for your sins?
    Where did God state that man "owes" him for sinning?
    You owe God to "walk with him" and to "Love him with all your heart",
    Deuteronomy chapter 6:1-6 tells you exactly what it means to "love God with all your heart"
    And that command is not a paraphrase of the first 4 commandments!
    Jesus cannot obey for you, you either Love God the way God says to love him or you don't.
    You cannot "walk with God" while you are rebelling against his words!
    Quit listening to this verse-hopping justification dribble, get on your knees and confess and forsake your sins!
    Sin is REBELLION against God's spoken word... same for Adam... same for us (1 John 3:4)
    I am telling you to QUIT REBELLING!
    And yes, I know... Jesus "bore your sins" in Isaiah 53:11, a concept repeated several times in the NT.
    But Ezekiel also "bare the sins" of the people in Ezekiel 4:4-5...
    So, "bearing our sins" it doesn't mean what you are told it means.
    Job called him "my redeemer", but Job refused to sin because he understood that only the faithful can be redeemed.
    Sinners die.

    • @mikethomas4570
      @mikethomas4570 5 лет назад

      Capn_Shawn Amen! Keep telling this

    • @painnagato1828
      @painnagato1828 5 лет назад

      My friend, please, don't misunderstand it. Jesus the Son of God who is himself God was sent by the Father to take away our sins by his death on the cross. John 3:16 "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE."
      And Jesus is the word of God who if you disobey you won't enter heaven. John 1:1-4.1 IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD, AND THE WORD WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WORD WAS GOD. 2 HE WAS WITH GOD IN THE BEGINNING. 3 THROUGH HIM ALL THINGS WERE MADE, WITHOUT HIM NOTHING WAS MADE THAT HAS BEEN MADE. 4 IN HIM WAS LIFE, AND THAT LIFE WAS THE LIGHT OF ALL MANKIND. And then John 1:14. THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND MADE HIS DWELLING AMONG US. WE HAVE SEEN HIS GLORY, THE GLORY OF THE ONE AND ONLY SON, WHO CAME FROM THE FATHER, FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH. No matter what, but if you don't accept Jesus Christ in your heart as your Lord and Savior, you will not enter the kingdom of God. John 14:6. JESUS ANSWERED, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME. Jesus also states in John 13:20 that whoever receives him also receives the Father, but if anyone doesn't receive him, he also receive not the Father.

    • @capn_shawn
      @capn_shawn 5 лет назад

      @@painnagato1828 Thank you for your response.
      BUT.... nothing you quoted said anything about Jesus paying for or taking away our sins from God.
      Jesus did not "take away" our sins at the cross!!!!! He came to show us how not to sin!!!!
      The only reference to Jesus "taking away" our sins is in 1 John 3:5.... and it has nothing to do with us believing in his death because it says IF YOU REMAIN IN CHRIST, YOU WILL NOT SIN!!!!
      If you BELIEVE in Jesus, you will do what Jesus DID and will not SIN.
      If you DO what Jesus DID, you will have the Father... because you will be obeying him.
      BECAUSE JESUS IS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD!!!!! (as you quoted)
      Do the word of God and you will not sin.
      Break the word of God and you will.
      No matter what every single evangelist will tell you, there is no reference anywhere in Scripture that believing in Jesus dying will grant you eternal life.
      He died BECAUSE of our sins... not to pay for them.

    • @sarco64
      @sarco64 5 лет назад

      Are you familiar with the heresy of Pelagianism? If not, look it up, because you are repeating this same heresy. Please read the Bible. Consider, for example, the words of John the Baptist -- "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." Consider Romans 4:5 -- However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness." How about I Corinthians 1:30, which tells us that Christ IS our righteousness, not that he tells us to become righteous, or Hebrews 9:28 --"so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people." Don't be like the wedding guest in the parable of Jesus in Matthew 22. Don't think that you can stand in judgement before God clothed in your own imperfect righteousness. You must be clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ. (Isaiah 61:10). I don't know where you got your theological education, but I hope you will find a book on the Christian doctrine of justification and read it.

    • @capn_shawn
      @capn_shawn 5 лет назад

      @@sarco64 you are confounding several doctrines in your argument.
      My question has nothing to do with Pelagianism... that is the belief that we are all "good" beings.
      I simply asked: Where did Jesus say (or anybody else say) that Christ PAID for our sins?
      This isn't a semantic trick. Every church on the planet teaches it, but it is said NOWHERE in Scripture!
      Yes, as Scripture clearly states: Christ can take your sins away... IF YOU PUT HIM ON and KILL THE "OLD MAN".
      I want to be VERY CLEAR, so read this slowly:>>>>>>>>>
      If you are still sinning, then Christ did not take your sins away!
      This isn't Pelagianism
      This is why the church tells you the lie that he "paid" for your sins... because they are still sinning and need need to come up with an excuse why they are. Church says that he "covers" your ongoing sin and they refuse to stop sinning and walk as HE WALKED.
      Are you making the same mistake as the church or are you walking sinless as he told you to over and over and over again?

  • @Whatyousee1
    @Whatyousee1 4 года назад +7

    Hi everyone I am a Muslim, I worship one lord he is Allah (god). Please everyone save your selves. Every sin you do you will answer in this world and the next judgement day. That’s why it’s called judgement day. Allah has put us in this world as a test. Allah will punish the evil people who made partners with Allah. Jesus is a prophet.

    • @discipleofjesus9967
      @discipleofjesus9967 4 года назад +2

      Kabir miah Jesus Christ loves you all, he came to save us from the curse of the law, he died on the cross for our sins once and for all instead of us having to sacrifice bulls and animals. In the beginning God was with the word and the word became man he did all of the laws correctly and didn’t sin at all, he was holy so when he got baptized the spirit went into him. Baptism is repentance of sins but he knew no sin. He was persecuted like the prophets but in the Bible it days there will be one prophet like Moses who is coming. Which leads to the New Testament. All of theses laws in religion people do And if you don’t meet the mark or mess up you feel condemned, guilt, or shame. Jesus died on the cross and took that for us he was the atonement since he was God it was an eternal atonement unlike back in the Old Testament he bore our sins and burdens it showed Gods love for us yes he is a God of wrath but he is also full of grace and mercy all at the same time ❤️ God created us in his image, doesn’t that mean something to you? He loves us he wanted relationship with us.. not just to feel like we are earning and have to check something off of our checklist and feel like we are okay and we’re safe. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 the Bible already predicted the these false prophets which are Muhammad. Be free in Jesus not to sin of course when we believe in him and get born again we are sons and daughters and adopted by God he predestined that for us... to put his spirit in us and Change us to be like him. open your eyes! It’s not about going to the temple and worshipping! Our bodies are made to be the temple! Jesus said tear down this temple and he will rebuild it in 3 days! He meant his body and he resurrected back to life. He was Holy his whole life the only man born from a virgin. We will spend eternity with God if we believe in his SON Jesus Christ. Do you know who God is do you have a relationship with him? God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are all one. And he’ll is eternal nobody can get out of that nobody can pay for their sins alone and do their time. Will they then say God ive done my time can I come into heaven now? No! God will not let the idolaters, murderers etc into the kingdom of heaven. And they would have something to boast about that Jesus didn’t die for their sins but that they made it to heaven themselves out of self righteousness.. Blood has to be shed to get into heaven for our sins! But thank God Jesus has already paid the price for us who believe! Nobody can enter heaven if they go to hell it is eternal! Believe in Jesus he’s changed my life, he’s a God who is not mute and deaf. In the Old Testament is foreshadows so many coming of Christ Jesus. I’ve seen Jesus many times in my life. In the Bible it says Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. 1John 2:23
      Watch this video please! ruclips.net/video/FYJY_QkBRhI/видео.html

    • @Whatyousee1
      @Whatyousee1 4 года назад +3

      Diana Piña hi hope you are well. I would like to start by letting you know that Allah has created Adam from clay. And eve from Adams rib bone. They both had no father or mother but created by your lord and my lord. They are the first human kind. Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Solomon, Joseph, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed (peace be upon them) they All worshiped God alone. No messenger ever said anything else except worship your lord. Only one God Allah. Jesus is coming back to destroy the Antichrist we call him dajal. Jesus never died Allah saved him and he will be sent back to kill the Antichrist. He never said he was god worship me. He never said there was trinity. He said pray to your lord and my lord. The Torah is corrupt and the bible is corrupt that is why Allah gave us a another messenger Mohammed and the final messenger. The Quran can never be corrupt because Allah said he will protect it him self. In the Quran Jesus is mentioned 25 times. Adam 25 times. Moses mention 135 times. One whole chapter called Maryam (Mary). The Quran is sent down by Allah command, angel Gabriel had the job to give the Quran sentence by sentence over 23years to Mohammed and was memorised by thousands of people. Only after Mohammed peace be upon him died was the Quran made into a book. Today the six original books still exist in the world. Read the Quran you will know the truth. Down load Quran on your phone for free. May God guide you. We love Jesus more than you because we follow his teachings. The mosques are full and the fastest growing religion in the world and the most practicing religion. Quran no mistakes or contradiction. Perfect perfect perfect because it is Allah words.

    • @twistedbutbliss9333
      @twistedbutbliss9333 4 года назад +2

      Jesus was god in the flesh. Jesus was no prophet.

    • @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084
      @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 4 года назад

      you're talking like an indoctrinated person which is OK but not when you incourage others to stop thinking for themselves and blindly follow an invisible god we have no reason to believe even exists. I know you won't be able to see it and won't try due to your indoctrination so I wont try and persuade you but just have a think about why you believe in that particular god and religion over others

    • @Whatyousee1
      @Whatyousee1 4 года назад

      Lethal Dose no he is a prophet. Can a god have a mother? Will god want to stay in a women’s body and get developed into a baby and then come out through a lady’s virginal with blood and embelical cord. Is this how god comes out. He had to eat, sleep and had to use the toilet. No1 and no2. Man cannot be god. He never said him self that he is god or did he say worship me. ?

  • @sik4techgaming452
    @sik4techgaming452 6 лет назад +1

    I have a question that goes against the belief that our future sins are already forgiven or pardoned. Doesn't it only stand to reason that if God has already forgiven our future sins then our future sins are written in stone and we will without fail commit each of them whether we have a free will or not either way? If our future sins are written in stone then it doesn't matter the fact that we are told in scripture that we will not face a temptation that we are not able to bear and that God makes or has made a way of escape. Of course if God's nature is such that He must foreknow everything as absolutely certain whether He wants to foreknow it or not then all of our future sins are written in stone whether they are forgiven or not. Here is another question. If God has no say in the matter and must foreknow everything whether He wants to or not then can He freely choose to make changes to the future? In order for a theology to truly amount to a high view of God it must amount to a high view of both His knowledge and a high view of His freedom to freely make choices for Himself and not just a high view of His knowledge only.

  • @faaiz2785
    @faaiz2785 4 года назад +5

    If we believe Jesus died for our sins, we should sin, in order to honor his death. Otherwise he died for nothing.

    • @saradugna7444
      @saradugna7444 4 года назад +3

      why? so you would do the things that put him on the cross in the first place?

    • @Porkchop1967
      @Porkchop1967 3 года назад

      @@saradugna7444 Perhaps ask God why he created sin in the first place. I would start there.
      If you say God didn't create sin, then God either didn't create anything, is not perfect, or simply doesn't exist.

  • @michelleroman5844
    @michelleroman5844 5 лет назад +2

    what if you sin forget to repent and die?

    • @luisb3426
      @luisb3426 5 лет назад +2

      Don't forget to repent.

  • @richardgorsuch103
    @richardgorsuch103 3 года назад +4

    Jesus died to pay for our sins. Pay who ? Satan ? did god have to pay homage to Satan for our sins. Or did god have to pay himself ? God sent Jesus to suffer and die to satisfy his own need for suffering to pay for mans sins ? Sound pretty syco.

    • @TOPGGcontent
      @TOPGGcontent 3 года назад +2

      That’s why Christianity doesn’t make sense

    • @tissosweet....8638
      @tissosweet....8638 3 года назад +3

      God is good. God does not do good. He is the definition of good. Sin is bad and bad is the opposite of good. Sin is not something belongs to Satan. Sin is just opposite to good. Sin is opposite to God's nature. If you do something against his nature that is called sin. God doesn't pay for Satan. Satan wants people to do against God's nature. You belong to Satan not because you do sin. You belong to Satan because you don't want God. God paid the price for us. Because God is just. He is like the judge in the court. Judge won't let go any criminal freely who did bad things without paying the fine. And if someone paid the fine for the criminal then the criminal is legally free to go. So is God. he is just. he won't let sinners simply inherit the eternal gift. Someone has to pay the fine. So he did. God cannot let someone who is against his nature to be with him. Since he loves us so much he paid the fine so that we can be with him. If he simply forgive everything that makes him unjust. His fine just proved his love for this tiny creatures. That's the whole point. I hope it helps. In simply sentence he died so that we can be sinless and live with him. He didn't pay for Satan or human. He did it out of love because he doesn't want to lose anyone. That's why it's free gift. It's not earned.

    • @cjoladimeji4154
      @cjoladimeji4154 3 года назад

      no the wages of Sin is death(rom 6:23). God pays us our wage of sin in the result of death. If you believe in Christ your debt is payed and you’ll have eternal life.

    • @FoodRushh
      @FoodRushh 3 года назад +2

      You need to learn about islam, in islam jesus is only a prophet he never died on the cross and in islam no one dies for anyone's sins and the sin of adam is the sin of adam and god forgave him for it. God will never need anyone to die he is all mighty all great all he needs to do ia forgive and tell something to be and it will be. Basing a religion on a human who was only a prophet is just insane anything jesus did was in gods name and god gave him the ability to do so because in that time thats what it took for them to believe and yet they didn't.

    • @Porkchop1967
      @Porkchop1967 3 года назад

      @@tissosweet....8638 Have you read the Bible? It says God flooded the whole world save Noah, his family and some animals. It says God condones slavery, rape, and murder.
      But besides that, just realize that if God created us, and humans are not perfect, then why call God "perfect"? Oh, and he created Satan too! So does that mean Satan is as powerful as God?
      I think all the answers lie in a science book that says "Yo! That's all a myth. Here is what is real."