For some reason that last shot of Daniel, Emma and Rupert sitting like a trio again made my heart leap. What an impact the entire cast and crew had on so many people...
especially when they start laughing and all I can think about is the moment in order of the Phoenix when they're sitting there and are talking about how old Dumbledore is and start laughing.
I'm the only one who watched this trailer with an open mouth and felt like a little kid again? The brought me back so much memories can't wait for this!
Every time I see Hermione now, I see an old dumb feminist playing that role and it ruins the character because the actress' intelligence is the opposite of Hermione's... It's really insulting to the character.
“When things gets really dark, and times are really hard, there’s something about Harry Potter that just makes life richer”. Bruh, I never thought someone would be able to put it into words…
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Absolutely beautiful, I am a 30 year old man and I cried a few times. Growing up with these characters was one of the greatest experiences I could ever have asked for, being the same age as them helped me follow along with the stories so much easier because I feel I'd act the same as they did. There were many times in my childhood that I'd hope for a letter from Hogwarts in the mail, just a testament to how believable the books/movies really were. I don't believe I'll ever find something as absolutely captivating as this series ever again. I really do hope these movies live on forever, forever bringing magic to the hearts of children like me. Rest in peace to all of the amazing actors that have passed, gives me a real sense of my own mortality that this is the 20 year anniversary. Expecto Patronum!
yeah.I'm 30 too man and it's wonderful how a movie connected all our generation together from all over the world. It made me cry to beautiful memories and RIP For those who are not here . we will be not here one day and hp thought us that " it is fine ".
Can't stop watching the series: harry potter has been my favorite series of all movies. Harry Potter, I could remember the prisoner of Azkaban as a child up till now, at 23, I feel like it's the best series ever. Harry Potter, I wish it would keep my memories fresh of my childhood.
Me all “I’m a grown up person now”… until I cry because I’m so excited for this to happen, because HP has been part of my life since I was very young. I genuinely can’t wait for this!!
"I'm a grown up woman now" oh the irony of this sentence. Isn't it mind-boggling that the cancel culture made sure JK Rowling was not part of this reunion for the very reason that she stated that she believes that women are women and that men are men. I also grew up watching Harry Potter and I've lost all respect for the cast members. Not one of them stood by her side when they found out she was not invited.
@@sandokanmalaysia1864 you’ll see… Harry Potter is all about a magical world that sometimes interacts with the non magical world, is about the fantasy… that’s the primary reason why we all fell in love with this. Sending all of that to the trash for comments that show lack of understanding doesn’t seem valid to me. We can cancel and judge the person, yes; however, for me the art should be looked by what it is. No person in this world is completely good nor completely evil, and the mistakes they make shouldn’t (ideally) take the beautiful things a person has done away.
Tom and Emma in the Great Hall made me smile but that moment where it is Rupert and Emma talking together made me cry...and not because I was a Hermione/Ron fan, because I wasn't, but to hear Rupert talking about watching Emma grow up and them being family was so heartwarming.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
everything about this was so pure and wholesome. Emma and Tom hugging, Gary talking to Daniel, it really brings back the happiness and excitement that came with the movies
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Oh God me too, since 8 and I’m 28 now with one daughter 😭 and we just watched all the Harry Potter films together. Can’t wait till she’s old enough to read the books! That’s where the magic is
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
"we never knew we were making histories, we were just having fun" Truly one of the best if not the best franchise and characters and all the characters who sadly passed on into the realms of heaven We all miss this
The fact that Alan isn’t here to witness this reunion with the rest of the cast truly breaks my heart. The scene where Harry takes his tear in the Deathly Hallows part 2 is one of the greatest scenes in movie history. RIP the Late Great Alan Rickman
Well, of course. Rest in Peace, Allan Rickman But the most heartbreaking moment for me that J. Roaling isn't here (sorry if I'm writting her name in wrong way, I'm Russian). Because Rickman absent because of, I'm sorry, his death. But Roaling is absent because she wasn't even invited to this event which wouldn't have happened if she hadn't written the book. Just because of hysterics of cancel culture
@@all-caps3927 don't you know? One british media published news where they named women "a people who menstruate". It was nearly a year ago. Roaling made fun of this term (said something like "why don't you call they "women"). That's why she was accused of transphobia and began to persecute. Her books were burned. These actors blamed her, too. So she was canceled. And that's why nobody invited her in this event And while watching this feast of life I feel myself very angry. Because I don't see anybody of these people who even at least mentioned her as an author. Like if she never existed. In Russia we usually call these moments "the parade of hypocrisy" ("парад лицемерия")
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Playing Hogwarts Legacy reminded me of this reunion and the words of Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) hit particularly hard. "I won't be here but...Hagrid will."
@@lucyhardy-styles-shield2728 so many memorable faces from the films are sadly no longer with us. Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane, Maggie Smith (passed this year), Verne Troyer, Michael Gambon, and so many others. It's kind of crazy to think about. But in the history of cinema there have been these "event" generation defining films. Harry Potter was something I grew up with. Likewise there were the Jackson LotR films, the MCU, etc. I was too young to have experienced Star Wars, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones in theaters. But Harry Potter was kind of our Star Wars.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so many memories. I watched harry potter more than 10 times and there is NO SHOW or Movie that can beat this one of the greatest movies in history.
Lord of the Rings!! Not the hobbit…those were horrible. But I do love Harry Potter. Walking into Hogsmeade/Diagon Alley at Universal always feels special. EVERY…DAMN…TIME!
I remember reading that last line in a cloudy Friday, the sun was setting and I was alone in my room. Suddenly it felt like I was saying goodbye to a very dear friend. Everything felt sad for a few days
I love that they did this. I am currently rewatching all the movies in order and as an adult I can consciously appreciate so many things in the films I wasn't as aware of as a child - the amazing score/soundtrack, the lighting, the world of hogwarts and magic and the way you as the audience are brought into this world with harry. It is amazing. I remember reading the books as a child and having my night light on as I read way past my bed time. Then going to see the movie with my family and being so excited. The Harry Potter series was epic.
I was not expecting this to be so damn emotional. Being the same age as the young cast members I feel like I grew up with the characters. It's like seeing old friends, which is kind of weird to say.
I am crying . When Emma said "When things get real dark and times get really hard, there's something about Harry Potter that make life richer." I couldn't agree enough. Every step pf the way, when I am at my lowest or I feel elated I go back to Harry Potter and everything feels better.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
It literally gave me the courage to keep believing and fighting for my future. I grew up with Harry Potter. I was born in a pretty special family with its unique problems and disfunctionallities. I didn't really have quite positive adults figures around me. These books were all I had for the 10 years of my life. It taught me huge amount of wisdoms and life lessons. I really really appreciate how the Weasleys treated Harry like one of his own, so I felt like I would also be welcome the same way by them. I was so happy to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron's friendship - I cherised it like my own friendship that time. I have read the series for 7 times and would definitely read them again someday.
We all grew up with the original Harry Potter cast members so recasting them for a TV show would be dishonoring all the memories and hard work they've put into the movies. Producers need to reconsider an animated streaming series ❤🔥
@@DeathhAngel1Maybe you feel like you don't relate to this. Thank you for taking the time and writing something. Hope you are always at peace and be more positive.
2 года назад+1858
Harry Potter was truly iconic in every way. The cast was indeed magic. I will forever be thankful for being able to witness this beautiful story of friendship, bravery, courage and family.
“There’s something about harry potter that makes life richer.” Yes! that’s exactly it, Emma! This bring back so many childhood memories. I forever love this cast
I was 12 when the first movie franchise came out and they were about the same age as mine. I kind of miss the 12 years old me that is always excited, once a dreamer with full of magic. Adulting is lonely. This reunion is like going back time. Childhood memories to smile with.
it's just a trailer and I burst into tears cause all the beautiful memories come back. It's such a nostalgic feeling when I saw the main casts talk to each others.
0:19 Emma and Tom's tight hug is so wholesome 🥺 Also it made me tear up when I saw Daniel, Rupurt & Emma all sitting together being nostalgic 🥺🤍 First spider-man: no way home and how Harry Potter: return to hogwarts. This year had been the most nostalgic year 🥺✨💫
First of all we got tobey and Andrew in spiderman no way home And now harry Potter 👦⚡📙🧙♂️ best gift 🎁ever for us thanks we got to relieve our childhood again..
Emma's words are so true. Even now as a 25 year old now, whenever I feel like my life is crumbling apart, reading any of the Harry Potter books, or watching any of the movies, just makes me have hope. It just feels my heart with warmth and joy. I know many people feel the LOTR series is the best fantasy movie series ever, but for me, till I die, nothing will be as impactful as Harry Potter. It is just magical.
A student of mine is a 4th grader young girl who's a die hard fan of Draco Malfoy, she has that sparks in her eyes everytime she tells me the first two books storylines.. it's really heart felt thing to see this franchise has been shining for 20 years and still counting~ Alan and all the supporting actors sadly gone to soon ✨😢
This series was one of the biggest parts of my childhood. It's quite literally making me tear up watching this, and I know I'm going to even more watching the actual thing.
First of all we got tobey and Andrew in spiderman no way home And now harry Potter 👦⚡📙🧙♂️ best gift 🎁ever for us thanks we got to relieve our childhood again..
Can you believe we're all adults now? We're so lucky to have grown up with these amazing books, movies and characters! Some of my happiest childhood memories were reading the books, watching the movies with my family and friends, and speculating and debating with them what was going to happen next in the series. HP will always be a part of my life, and I couldn't be more grateful for it. ❤ By coincidence, I'm actually wearing a Hogwarts shirt right now. Yes, I'm in my 30s and I still wear HP merch! And I *always* will.
I know right? I was basically a toddler when my dad brought home the goblet of fire and I got so exited. I only got to see 1 film in the theatre and it was the final film. Truly a remarkable series that everyone still loves and enjoys to this day.
@@laurendaley2503 I'm glad you got to see at least one of the movies in theaters! The last is the best, in my opinion. 😊 Truly, HP will live forever. Modern classics.
"We're family. And we will always be part of each other's life" are the words that describe all of us as well I think. Not just the cast and crew but everyone who has ever loved and was touched by the Harry Potter series
Watching them all sit together and seeing the dining room made me cry. The nostalgia and connection I have with these films bring me back to a place of childhood and growing up that I will always care about deeply. Me being the same age as harry and growing up through high school with the movies make it an even deeper connection. It’s like they were with me and I wish I could jump through time to be in those moments again. Cherish your time
What made the whole series amazing isn't just the story itself, its also the chemistry between the actors and actresses and how they portrayed their characters. Its been years but RIP Sir Alan Rickman you will always and forever be our Professor Snape :>
Unless you happen to be the woman genius who actually wrote this and made their careers. She's apparently not family because several poorly educated twerps online dumbly conflated scientifically factual statements (like there are two sexes) with "anti-trans" bigotry.
@@briansotosf85 I simply quoted what Rupert said. We're all aware of what she has said and how the community feels about her. Surely I don't support her ideas and beliefs, but for you to try and create chaos out of a quote I shared, well, that doesn't seem right, especially considering that I don't happen to be that woman. The fandom is family. It has been for 20+ years now. Happy holidays to you and your loved ones.
@@melanieortiz712 everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I agree on the last part of your comment but I also cannot ignore the fact that the creator's comments have offended and affected the members of the LGBTQ+ community. To me, this series will always have a special place in my heart, for it shaped a generation and offered valuable life lessons. And that's what I wanted to highlight with Rupert's quote. This the series helped us create a "family" of our own.
I still remember when I first watched Harry Potter, I was in 3rd or 4th standard back then, so much time has passed till then but it still feels like it's a matter of yesterday, Harry Potter series carry our childhood memories for long 10 years, the characters, the bond and love they share with each other will never fade away, I think I'll watch this movie with my children and then their children with the same enthusiasm as I watched it for the first time.. Daniel, Emma, Rupert... You guys are our childhood love ❤️
Ive seen every single Harry Potter movie almost 20 times and I still watch them with the same level of enthusiasm everytime. Harry Potter is evergreen, and will always have a special place in my heart. Its something one-of-a-kind and Im so glad I grew up with this masterpiece.
@@Teeheehee093 idk why but I’ve never watched a single lotr movie, maybe when I’m finished watching daredevil I’ll watch the first one to see if I like it
@@sinner2499 I don't think they can continue the same legacy with new actors. As we know some of our favorite actors are no more with us. So it is better that we satisfy ourselves with the interview
I watched the return to Hogwarts thing and man I feel so old now. Seeing them all grown up and still in touch with each other makes me teary. Harry Potter will always be a special thing in my life. Few stories give their world that much detail and characters that will stay with you forever. I will never forget watching and reading the books with my parents. I’m 19 now but I will always be a potterhead. “After all this time?” “Always.”
That was so wholesome when Emma and Tom hugged, it really warms my heart to see close friends who hadn't see each other for a long time and seeing each other again :')
I still remember when i was a kid and my dad bought me the CD's of Harry Potter. Those were the days no tensions no dramas a simple life and happy childhood. Can't believe its almost a Two decades.
Harry Potter is a series that most of us watched when we were little, and that we continue to watch and will never be forget. I'm really looking forward to this reunion. Harry Potter is definitely one of the series that will never be forgotten.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Emma and Tom... 🥺 they're so adorable. The way they hugged each other tightly and Tom's big smile to see Emma again... I'm literally rolling around my bed squeaking like a freak 🤪
@@cathy2332 technically it's all so they won't lose fans. The woke agenda goes after her for stupid reasons but if they accept her. The stupid media and woke aholes will crucify them. Blame the woke folks who get offended by everything. Those woke folks seriously need their BINKIES!!!!
Amazing to know that this movie is over 20 years old. I'm 18 and I can say that the HP series is the only old movie I watched that lived up to the hype. It was surprisingly very good. Usually old movies seem very poorly done to me i.e the effects, camera, etc but HP still looks amazing to the new generation, amazing!
Words can't describe how I feel at this moment. This is the best memory in my childhood and adolescence. I love the books, I love the movies and I love everybody in the movies.
Harry Potter was the only series that had 11 year old me sitting down to read instead of playing video games or playing outside. Such a captivating story.
It's a shame that J.K. Rowling, the person, who created this whole wizarding world, is not a part of this reunion. Without her this reunion couldn't even exist.
Emma : " When things get really dark, and times really hard, there's something about harry potter that makes life richer." Me : she actually being super honest about fact how's her life since being cast as Hermione.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
I cried through the whole thing & had to watch over again. THIS is what a reunion should be. No muggle hosts asking boring questions, just the cast hanging out & reminiscing. I can't wait till new year!!!!😍😍😍😍
It's crazy that Harry Potter is still influencing so many people. You'd think that after 20 years, it wouldn't be as popular, since that's the case with many movies. But no, if anything, it's still gaining even more popularity. I see it in my younger sister, who's now the same age I was when I went through my Harry Potter phase, and she's obsessed. In fact, it's making me fall in love with HP all over again.
Doesn't surprise me one bit... I have always said that in 2000 years people are going to be worshiping Harry Potter as a diety.... since, that is clearly what happens with the most popular fictional stories.
Quality lasts a very long time. The books and movies were made with heart. Not to just rake in money. It's part of the reason why Lord of the Rings is still popular.
I still remember how the Harry Potter books, films & games made my highschool life easier. Sitting alone & being a source of continuous mockery, knowing that a world waits for me at home which is opposite in every possible way to mine kept me going. I am so very thankful to Harry Potter & I agree there's definitely something special about Harry Potter that makes life richer.
Some of us grew up with them.. together.. even binge rewatching all the movies still get me crying until now. (I just finished rewatched it 3 days ago)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
These kids came of nothing and became everything and along with them so did we. I still remember back in 2005 when I saw Harry Potter part 1 on HBO on the big box square TV and fast forward in 2021 I saw the entire series in a loop and the 20th anniversary in 2022 on a led tv. But honestly nothing can beat that moment in time that got my attention to this masterpiece.
This feels like home. There are many incredible actors, actresses, stories, movies which I love and appreciate but this is different, this is not just an incredible story with incredibly talented people, this is part of my story, my escape, my strength, my life, my magic.
It inspired people in their darkest moments, it comforted those who needed it most, and it taught us that love and friendship are the most important things in the world. Of course, it taught us a few cool spells as well, which is a bonus.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋 THREE IN ONE L...❤❤❤... RUclips: THIS IS FINE. THREE IN ONE SOMEONE: SAYS ''HECK''. RUclips: BE GONE Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾. Megan: ''Hotter'' Hopi: ''Sweeter'' Joonie: ''Cooler'' Yoongi: ''Butter'' Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались. Megan: "Hotter" Hopi: "Sweeter" Joonie: "Cooler" Yoongi: "Butter" . ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Check out more HBO Max trailers here!
Please sort out a streaming where all fans can enjoy this live ! Because i dont wanna miss this because hbo max isnt available here and same for sky
I am so excited......
@@MagicalSam89 pirate it , simple .
@@sterlingschiftar2300 why is she a terrible person?
Where's JK Rowling..? Weird to not include the author herself
For some reason that last shot of Daniel, Emma and Rupert sitting like a trio again made my heart leap. What an impact the entire cast and crew had on so many people...
especially when they start laughing and all I can think about is the moment in order of the Phoenix when they're sitting there and are talking about how old Dumbledore is and start laughing.
That too in Gryffindor common room 😀
Exactly..the impact!
So true ♥️ , those movies will be always be in our hearths cause they were so well written and acting top notch everyone
i 100% cried
I'm the only one who watched this trailer with an open mouth and felt like a little kid again? The brought me back so much memories can't wait for this!
No, you are not... I'm almost 30 and I feel like I went back to my teenage for a while...
my mouth is still on the floor
Oh me too
This theme music melts something inside
Harry Potter truly raised a whole generation.
Love u dad
And a new future.
Trigger warning: that would explain many things
More than one! My 15 yo cousin is obsessed with the books and movies
Rest in peace Robbie, we'll always miss you!
The keeper of our hearts!❤🙏
RIP Hagrid ❤
And Helen Mccoy
Hagrid is one of the main reasons I rewatch these movies.
"There's something about Harry Potter that makes life richer" - Emma perfectly summed up all of our feelings in these words.
Well it certainly made you richer… and now you won’t even acknowledge the creator of it. Hypocrites.
Jk Rowling should be in this reunion
Every time I see Hermione now, I see an old dumb feminist playing that role and it ruins the character because the actress' intelligence is the opposite of Hermione's... It's really insulting to the character.
Watch anime
Harry Potter truly raised a whole generation. i can’t wait for this
so, so many languages and you decided to speak the truth. let's amen to that
Its the best unoriginal franchise for sure.
I watch it every yeah and it is just as good every time
Lovin the fka twigs album cover avi
Not a whole generation many generations
“When things gets really dark, and times are really hard, there’s something about Harry Potter that just makes life richer”.
Bruh, I never thought someone would be able to put it into words…
Exactly 💯
Dark -hard -richer 😅 not me with dirty mind at all
just the queen itself could
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
JK Rowling, thank you for creating such an amazing Universe! You are brilliant and brave!
I stand with JK Rowling ❤️
Absolutely beautiful, I am a 30 year old man and I cried a few times. Growing up with these characters was one of the greatest experiences I could ever have asked for, being the same age as them helped me follow along with the stories so much easier because I feel I'd act the same as they did. There were many times in my childhood that I'd hope for a letter from Hogwarts in the mail, just a testament to how believable the books/movies really were. I don't believe I'll ever find something as absolutely captivating as this series ever again. I really do hope these movies live on forever, forever bringing magic to the hearts of children like me.
Rest in peace to all of the amazing actors that have passed, gives me a real sense of my own mortality that this is the 20 year anniversary.
Expecto Patronum!
I am bit younger 24 but still felt like i grew up with them.
yeah.I'm 30 too man and it's wonderful how a movie connected all our generation together from all over the world.
It made me cry to beautiful memories and RIP For those who are not here . we will be not here one day and hp thought us that " it is fine ".
Me 25 same feeling
You can say it did captivate this heart of a young gonna be teen , i love them and i wish one day i could meet them .
Can't stop watching the series: harry potter has been my favorite series of all movies. Harry Potter, I could remember the prisoner of Azkaban as a child up till now, at 23, I feel like it's the best series ever. Harry Potter, I wish it would keep my memories fresh of my childhood.
Me all “I’m a grown up person now”… until I cry because I’m so excited for this to happen, because HP has been part of my life since I was very young. I genuinely can’t wait for this!!
"I'm a grown up woman now" oh the irony of this sentence. Isn't it mind-boggling that the cancel culture made sure JK Rowling was not part of this reunion for the very reason that she stated that she believes that women are women and that men are men. I also grew up watching Harry Potter and I've lost all respect for the cast members. Not one of them stood by her side when they found out she was not invited.
@@sandokanmalaysia1864 ha ha I hope J K Rowling share some anecdotes.
Yep a real biological woman LOL
@@sandokanmalaysia1864 you’ll see… Harry Potter is all about a magical world that sometimes interacts with the non magical world, is about the fantasy… that’s the primary reason why we all fell in love with this. Sending all of that to the trash for comments that show lack of understanding doesn’t seem valid to me. We can cancel and judge the person, yes; however, for me the art should be looked by what it is.
No person in this world is completely good nor completely evil, and the mistakes they make shouldn’t (ideally) take the beautiful things a person has done away.
It’s going to be soo beautiful ✨
Tom and Emma in the Great Hall made me smile but that moment where it is Rupert and Emma talking together made me cry...and not because I was a Hermione/Ron fan, because I wasn't, but to hear Rupert talking about watching Emma grow up and them being family was so heartwarming.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Where's JK Rowling?!
everything about this was so pure and wholesome. Emma and Tom hugging, Gary talking to Daniel, it really brings back the happiness and excitement that came with the movies
Snape 😭😭😭
the hug had me screaming
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
@@leahiglesiascollison7144 you and me both!
R.I.P Robbie Coltrane, a true wizard of our hearts.
I've been a "Harry Potter" fan since I was 12 and I'm 28 now with two daughters, nothing has changed. "Harry Potter" will always be a part of my life.
Over 19 years I'm a Harry Potter fan
Same here 🥲
ok lol
Oh God me too, since 8 and I’m 28 now with one daughter 😭 and we just watched all the Harry Potter films together. Can’t wait till she’s old enough to read the books! That’s where the magic is
It's like the harry potter fans are all a complete family😊 like we are all connected by this magical Harry Potter world.
I love that speech from Rupert. Shows how much he loves his friends.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
When Rupert said we are family and seeing Emma crying i just can't help not to cry it is just pure magical friendship that would never end
Me too, I just got emotional 😢
We are Family. But we will not invite the creator of the story. She's not family.
@@df6504 it's obvious why they didn't do that no?
@@gerardalbiach ha ha I hope J K Rowling share some anecdotes.
"we never knew we were making histories, we were just having fun"
Truly one of the best if not the best franchise and characters and all the characters who sadly passed on into the realms of heaven
We all miss this
The fact that Alan isn’t here to witness this reunion with the rest of the cast truly breaks my heart. The scene where Harry takes his tear in the Deathly Hallows part 2 is one of the greatest scenes in movie history. RIP the Late Great Alan Rickman
Well, of course. Rest in Peace, Allan Rickman
But the most heartbreaking moment for me that J. Roaling isn't here (sorry if I'm writting her name in wrong way, I'm Russian). Because Rickman absent because of, I'm sorry, his death. But Roaling is absent because she wasn't even invited to this event which wouldn't have happened if she hadn't written the book. Just because of hysterics of cancel culture
@@Алена-л1у8г seriously?! Why isn’t she invited? Who cancelled her 💀
@@all-caps3927 don't you know? One british media published news where they named women "a people who menstruate". It was nearly a year ago. Roaling made fun of this term (said something like "why don't you call they "women"). That's why she was accused of transphobia and began to persecute. Her books were burned. These actors blamed her, too. So she was canceled. And that's why nobody invited her in this event
And while watching this feast of life I feel myself very angry. Because I don't see anybody of these people who even at least mentioned her as an author. Like if she never existed. In Russia we usually call these moments "the parade of hypocrisy" ("парад лицемерия")
No one britsh will be able to witness it
By Gramthars Hammer….HE WILL BE AVENGED! 🤣🤣🤣
Anyone get emotional when Gary put his hand on Daniel’s chest? Felt like a real Sirius and Harry moment.
That was the best part of trailer
@@basicallyrandom8021 No, Ron's, 'We're family, we'll always be part of each otheur.' 🥳
He had serious range in acting. It took me years to find out it was Gary Oldman playing Sirius. And voice actor for Reznov in a few the Call of Duty's
I got tears when Emma and Tom hugged each other and were just happy to see each other again 🥺
They are good friends and see each other every year😃
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
me too ! i farted also !
omg me too can't wait to see them
Playing Hogwarts Legacy reminded me of this reunion and the words of Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) hit particularly hard. "I won't be here but...Hagrid will."
There's a little tribute to Robbie that the devs put in the game, there's a gravestone with a Hippogriff on for Robbie around the Groundskeeper's Hut
@@lucyhardy-styles-shield2728 so many memorable faces from the films are sadly no longer with us. Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane, Maggie Smith (passed this year), Verne Troyer, Michael Gambon, and so many others. It's kind of crazy to think about. But in the history of cinema there have been these "event" generation defining films. Harry Potter was something I grew up with. Likewise there were the Jackson LotR films, the MCU, etc. I was too young to have experienced Star Wars, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones in theaters. But Harry Potter was kind of our Star Wars.
@Linkman247 same, I was 4 when the first one came out in 2001
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so many memories. I watched harry potter more than 10 times and there is NO SHOW or Movie that can beat this one of the greatest movies in history.
star trek is better
For you maybe. I think movies were pathetic, books were amazing.
Lord of the Rings!! Not the hobbit…those were horrible. But I do love Harry Potter. Walking into Hogsmeade/Diagon Alley at Universal always feels special. EVERY…DAMN…TIME!
You gotta have them ribs
Three words to describe this trailer: Nostalgia and memories.
These are two not three
@@harrismalik7688 I think he included "and" 😂
"Ready to feel old af?"
"The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years.All was well."
One day , it was the line which scares me the most.
THE END of a legend
Art the end of this quote, add the words "Until now", and This would also be a FANTASTIC first line to a sequel!
@@shabanasamad7729 no, it’s a reunion special and it’s going to be on HBO on New Years Day😊
The Cursed Child never happened.
I remember reading that last line in a cloudy Friday, the sun was setting and I was alone in my room. Suddenly it felt like I was saying goodbye to a very dear friend. Everything felt sad for a few days
I love that they did this. I am currently rewatching all the movies in order and as an adult I can consciously appreciate so many things in the films I wasn't as aware of as a child - the amazing score/soundtrack, the lighting, the world of hogwarts and magic and the way you as the audience are brought into this world with harry. It is amazing. I remember reading the books as a child and having my night light on as I read way past my bed time. Then going to see the movie with my family and being so excited. The Harry Potter series was epic.
I was not expecting this to be so damn emotional. Being the same age as the young cast members I feel like I grew up with the characters. It's like seeing old friends, which is kind of weird to say.
I was choking up
My god, I felt the same.
I know it
they did not invite and condemned the "mother"
i felt the same way
I am crying .
When Emma said "When things get real dark and times get really hard, there's something about Harry Potter that make life richer." I couldn't agree enough. Every step pf the way, when I am at my lowest or I feel elated I go back to Harry Potter and everything feels better.
I completely understand that as well!
Yes it is 😭
Emma was accurrate on point!!! And that being the case I have as of yet read the whole books 4 times....
@@raghavparanjpe9556 Do you agree with Emma’s cancelling of JK Rowling?
True.. Very True
"We are family, we'll always be part of each others lives"...this melted me😭
They're all so fake tho. They are canceling the very woman who created all.
@@fightingpotato1832 felt bad for jkr but can't resist for appreciating whatever we are about to witness
@@fightingpotato1832 did I miss something?
@@25.asmimarathe12 same ques
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
It literally gave me the courage to keep believing and fighting for my future. I grew up with Harry Potter. I was born in a pretty special family with its unique problems and disfunctionallities. I didn't really have quite positive adults figures around me. These books were all I had for the 10 years of my life. It taught me huge amount of wisdoms and life lessons. I really really appreciate how the Weasleys treated Harry like one of his own, so I felt like I would also be welcome the same way by them. I was so happy to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron's friendship - I cherised it like my own friendship that time. I have read the series for 7 times and would definitely read them again someday.
We all grew up with the original Harry Potter cast members so recasting them for a TV show would be dishonoring all the memories and hard work they've put into the movies. Producers need to reconsider an animated streaming series ❤🔥
Lol calm down kid i mean boomer
@@DeathhAngel1Maybe you feel like you don't relate to this. Thank you for taking the time and writing something. Hope you are always at peace and be more positive.
Harry Potter was truly iconic in every way. The cast was indeed magic. I will forever be thankful for being able to witness this beautiful story of friendship, bravery, courage and family.
"Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there welcome you home"
Nice cast pun
sakendo nen najjim daetu negaeru merima tajilde
@@Firebolt1729 daeneko gikagaendo merami neda iowanwka
Nothing warms my heart more than seeing Rupert Daniel and Emma all sitting together once again 🥺 I’m so excited to see so much of the cast reunite
best golden trio
@@tn76aviary22 I agree with you ☺
“There’s something about harry potter that makes life richer.” Yes! that’s exactly it, Emma! This bring back so many childhood memories. I forever love this cast
that is friendship and loyalty to each other.
This 'something' has a name. JK Rowling, the creator of the magical world. Yet she is not invited
@@olgachernova6225 ... because of covid i think .... or because she is involved in Gantastic beasts 3 out in April...
@@mariofuccio1168 no it is because she dared to defend women.
I was 12 when the first movie franchise came out and they were about the same age as mine. I kind of miss the 12 years old me that is always excited, once a dreamer with full of magic. Adulting is lonely. This reunion is like going back time. Childhood memories to smile with.
it's just a trailer and I burst into tears cause all the beautiful memories come back. It's such a nostalgic feeling when I saw the main casts talk to each others.
I know its amazing
Same I cannot believe that this is actually happening … WHOA IM NOT OKAY
Yes, they are family. That is so cool. Love that they stayed close.
0:19 Emma and Tom's tight hug is so wholesome 🥺
Also it made me tear up when I saw Daniel, Rupurt & Emma all sitting together being nostalgic 🥺🤍
First spider-man: no way home and how Harry Potter: return to hogwarts. This year had been the most nostalgic year 🥺✨💫
It’s adorable 🥺
Weren't both of them each others crush for some time during the filming? I remember that at least one of them had a crush on the other.
@@rainbarfrex3434 yess, all i remember that Emma had crush on Tom when filming HP 1
First of all we got tobey and Andrew in spiderman no way home
And now harry Potter 👦⚡📙🧙♂️ best gift 🎁ever for us thanks we got to relieve our childhood again..
@@Msharma30 yeahh girl. Spiderman no way home made me soo nostalgic. I'm still crying. And the ending tho 🥺
At the end when Emma and rupert talk about their time and they both filled with tears, really loved this reunion
@niduoe stre
It’s was a precious moment
Many thanks for your email😍😍
Received, thank you😍😍😍
nice to hear from you😍😍😍
It makes me cry thinking that Robbie Coltrane made it to this not long before he died.
Emma's words are so true. Even now as a 25 year old now, whenever I feel like my life is crumbling apart, reading any of the Harry Potter books, or watching any of the movies, just makes me have hope. It just feels my heart with warmth and joy. I know many people feel the LOTR series is the best fantasy movie series ever, but for me, till I die, nothing will be as impactful as Harry Potter. It is just magical.
ok uncle
@@cheems3311 please 💁🚪
Yeh you are right even I am 19 right now
Harry Potter still make my day better
i'd say both is good. x)
Where's JK Rowling?!
I actually started crying when seeing this. It’s so beautiful that all these people grew up together.
Yes 😭
I am actually sad that both Prof. Snape and Prof. Dumbledore are dead in real life as well as in the story
"We're family, we'll always be part of each other's life"
Same 🥲
But what about mommy J K Rowling is not a real reunion without her.
"Unless one of them disagrees with me about anything then they're dead to me."
Not only was that a year jerker it was also so touching 😭. That's the kind of relationship I want to build and have with people
Me too. I just know I'll be in pieces
A student of mine is a 4th grader young girl who's a die hard fan of Draco Malfoy, she has that sparks in her eyes everytime she tells me the first two books storylines.. it's really heart felt thing to see this franchise has been shining for 20 years and still counting~ Alan and all the supporting actors sadly gone to soon ✨😢
This series was one of the biggest parts of my childhood. It's quite literally making me tear up watching this, and I know I'm going to even more watching the actual thing.
First of all we got tobey and Andrew in spiderman no way home
And now harry Potter 👦⚡📙🧙♂️ best gift 🎁ever for us thanks we got to relieve our childhood again..
Ha gayyyyyyy
Where's JK Rowling?!
@@Thomas2nguye nah you
@@массажист-з4р that's a good question
Can you believe we're all adults now? We're so lucky to have grown up with these amazing books, movies and characters! Some of my happiest childhood memories were reading the books, watching the movies with my family and friends, and speculating and debating with them what was going to happen next in the series.
HP will always be a part of my life, and I couldn't be more grateful for it. ❤
By coincidence, I'm actually wearing a Hogwarts shirt right now. Yes, I'm in my 30s and I still wear HP merch! And I *always* will.
I know right? I was basically a toddler when my dad brought home the goblet of fire and I got so exited. I only got to see 1 film in the theatre and it was the final film. Truly a remarkable series that everyone still loves and enjoys to this day.
@@laurendaley2503 I'm glad you got to see at least one of the movies in theaters! The last is the best, in my opinion. 😊
Truly, HP will live forever. Modern classics.
I can't explain my feelings
Well I'm still 14 but really loved these films it was the best thing ever
@@St3erz That's awesome! Glad to see young people are still getting into the series. 😃
"We're family. And we will always be part of each other's life" are the words that describe all of us as well I think. Not just the cast and crew but everyone who has ever loved and was touched by the Harry Potter series
this spoiled family has betrayed the Mom
Tell that to J.K. Rowling because they canceled her, and she's not even invited to talk about her own franchise.
Your not my family thank God
What nonsense that the amazing author who created all this is not there! Without JK, no HP. So simple
Watching them all sit together and seeing the dining room made me cry. The nostalgia and connection I have with these films bring me back to a place of childhood and growing up that I will always care about deeply. Me being the same age as harry and growing up through high school with the movies make it an even deeper connection. It’s like they were with me and I wish I could jump through time to be in those moments again. Cherish your time
What made the whole series amazing isn't just the story itself, its also the chemistry between the actors and actresses and how they portrayed their characters.
Its been years but RIP Sir Alan Rickman you will always and forever be our Professor Snape :>
"We're family. We'll always be part of each other's life."
Gosh, this hit me hard!
Unless you happen to be the woman genius who actually wrote this and made their careers. She's apparently not family because several poorly educated twerps online dumbly conflated scientifically factual statements (like there are two sexes) with "anti-trans" bigotry.
@@briansotosf85 I simply quoted what Rupert said. We're all aware of what she has said and how the community feels about her. Surely I don't support her ideas and beliefs, but for you to try and create chaos out of a quote I shared, well, that doesn't seem right, especially considering that I don't happen to be that woman.
The fandom is family. It has been for 20+ years now.
Happy holidays to you and your loved ones.
@@ms_victorious a fandom that throws the creator under the bus for defending women is toxic. Biological reality is not bigotry.
@@melanieortiz712 everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I agree on the last part of your comment but I also cannot ignore the fact that the creator's comments have offended and affected the members of the LGBTQ+ community.
To me, this series will always have a special place in my heart, for it shaped a generation and offered valuable life lessons.
And that's what I wanted to highlight with Rupert's quote. This the series helped us create a "family" of our own.
Such hypocracy against JK, I will not watch it as a fan, who watched all movies. I can happily reread the books:)
Harry Potter never gets old ❤️
Yes ❤
only actor and actress
It's ture
I still remember when I first watched Harry Potter, I was in 3rd or 4th standard back then, so much time has passed till then but it still feels like it's a matter of yesterday, Harry Potter series carry our childhood memories for long 10 years, the characters, the bond and love they share with each other will never fade away, I think I'll watch this movie with my children and then their children with the same enthusiasm as I watched it for the first time..
Daniel, Emma, Rupert... You guys are our childhood love ❤️
This is such a special series. I'm looking forward to watching this!
Yo my guy you're everywhere :D
Ayy, Holden!
Oh hey Holden! Are you going to do a MGFW episode over this? 👀
Im looking forward to watching you watch this
I hope you and Jen will watch it and post your reactions!
Ive seen every single Harry Potter movie almost 20 times and I still watch them with the same level of enthusiasm everytime. Harry Potter is evergreen, and will always have a special place in my heart. Its something one-of-a-kind and Im so glad I grew up with this masterpiece.
It never gets old, i watch them with my children🤩
Тебе сколько лет ?
I'd recommend reading the books if you can. They're truly amazing. I liked them better than the movies!
It never gets old , watched more than 10 times 😭
Never watched Harry Potter..
That hug between Tom and Emma made me jump with joy, there was honestly nothing which could make me this happy
Dramione forever.
@@MissPumpkinJuice if Emma hugs Imelda Staunton will that be hermbridge forever?
I couldn't agree more! Hopefully we'll get some more of those two together in the full thing :)
@@MissPumpkinJuice Heck yeah!
@@MissPumpkinJuice shipped it so hard back in the day
The nostalgia I felt while watching this is immaculate. It's so good to see them again.
the last shot with the trio almost brought me to tears. such a big part of my childhood and I can't wait for this. :')
I full on cried.
Shoutout to j.k. rowling
Harry Potter is the movie series that I can never be tired of rewatching, even after 100 times.
Harry Potter and Star Wars ot
I watch all 8 movies every year 😊
@@Capybara2240 and LOTR
@@Teeheehee093 idk why but I’ve never watched a single lotr movie, maybe when I’m finished watching daredevil I’ll watch the first one to see if I like it
This is literally my entire childhood, I can't hold my tears.
And this is my entire 5th and 6th grade and now I'm in 8th grade 😭😭😭 2 years have passed due to covid
@Akki Singh same
@Akki Singh same here
tell me why would u care about these intreviews ? i wanted a new movie not interviews..
@@sinner2499 I don't think they can continue the same legacy with new actors. As we know some of our favorite actors are no more with us. So it is better that we satisfy ourselves with the interview
I watched the return to Hogwarts thing and man I feel so old now. Seeing them all grown up and still in touch with each other makes me teary. Harry Potter will always be a special thing in my life. Few stories give their world that much detail and characters that will stay with you forever. I will never forget watching and reading the books with my parents. I’m 19 now but I will always be a potterhead. “After all this time?” “Always.”
Is it just me or does it feels like seeing your childhood friends again. After all they were part of it.
The ones who stabbed you in the back?
@@bonniepupowner347 no they didn’t lol
OmG a potterhead and an Army... hi buddy
@@bonniepupowner347 nope, the one's that i made good memories with. The ones that stab your back are usually grown ups friends😬
@@enejdaqama1822 hi, Army here 💜
That was so wholesome when Emma and Tom hugged, it really warms my heart to see close friends who hadn't see each other for a long time and seeing each other again :')
They did a whole lot more than hug at her bday party years back
@@jaysonovo4778 lmfao
Rumours have it that there's something going on between them🤷🏽♀️
@@kateg1981 no she already has a boyfriend
@@goreizz She and Leo are no more
I still remember when i was a kid and my dad bought me the CD's of Harry Potter. Those were the days no tensions no dramas a simple life and happy childhood. Can't believe its almost a Two decades.
I still feel the same 💪
1:38 My eyes are looking for Alan Rickman😥
He passed so I guess that is why
He is died😢He is a very good actor
Harry Potter is a series that most of us watched when we were little, and that we continue to watch and will never be forget. I'm really looking forward to this reunion. Harry Potter is definitely one of the series that will never be forgotten.
But will it be forgotten?
I forgot it
So i will rewatch it
How did you do your name like that?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Where's JK Rowling?!
Emma and Tom... 🥺 they're so adorable. The way they hugged each other tightly and Tom's big smile to see Emma again... I'm literally rolling around my bed squeaking like a freak 🤪
I know!!!!
Adorable hypocritical traitors ❤️
I stand with JK Rowling
@@cathy2332 technically it's all so they won't lose fans. The woke agenda goes after her for stupid reasons but if they accept her. The stupid media and woke aholes will crucify them. Blame the woke folks who get offended by everything. Those woke folks seriously need their BINKIES!!!!
So much nostalgia this series was my whole childhood and i still rewatch it everytime its in TV, its so nice to watch all the actors grow up
Amazing to know that this movie is over 20 years old. I'm 18 and I can say that the HP series is the only old movie I watched that lived up to the hype. It was surprisingly very good. Usually old movies seem very poorly done to me i.e the effects, camera, etc but HP still looks amazing to the new generation, amazing!
Rupert just moved me, I mean, he's so sweet and the words he said was so touching, especially the:"We're family' it was so, so good moment
I can't be the only one replaying that adorable hug between Emma and Tom.
Hahah you are indian!
Especially since Emma wanted tom and he didn't. Can't believe he actually turned her down lol
@@SageO6PathzGON that didn’t happen
Me too!
My fanfic dreams came to life when they hugged 🥺🥰🥰 UGH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
Words can't describe how I feel at this moment. This is the best memory in my childhood and adolescence. I love the books, I love the movies and I love everybody in the movies.
Way younger
I got chills every single second of this trailer , especially Daniel Radcliffe and Gary Oldman ❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺
Merry Christmas all my friends
Love you from Wee meme shorts
@@tajiktajik8216 Oh my God the Google translation for this! 😂
This reunion made me cry 🥺.. We can never expect this type of reunion with our friends in real life....
I literally just sobbed when Emma Watson said Harry Potter is always there during dark times 😭
There There fellow Potterhead😭🥺
Another potterhead here.Feeling like I am back to those days .Nostalgia at its apex🤧
@@spicy46475 Back? I never left. 😂😅
“When things get really dark, and times get really hard, there’s something about Harry Potter that makes life richer,” - Emma Watson
True ♥️
So true , it helps me with anxiety
She really meant it as that made her rich literally
She should, she must, she have to give this sentence to Rowling. 🙃🙃🙃
don't be a hypocrite man.
@@vicky_yuzu1111 ha ha I hope J K Rowling share some anecdotes.
Harry Potter was the only series that had 11 year old me sitting down to read instead of playing video games or playing outside. Such a captivating story.
It was the same for me
Same for me also
It was Harry Potter and the inheritance cycle ((Eragon series)) for me.
Playing outside is not bad though....
@Light 😮😮 that's my fault, i misunderstood the comment... Good old times when we used to read stuff and now it's all digitalized 😶
It's a shame that J.K. Rowling, the person, who created this whole wizarding world, is not a part of this reunion.
Without her this reunion couldn't even exist.
She still appears in it though, just not at the reunion
I prefer it without her.
@@bucket6487 Without her, this movie, all the hp saga wouldn't exist. And you blame her for telling the truth, lol.
@@алексейггг забей, у них отсутствует хоть капля критического мышления
@@алексейггг Personal opinions are allowed. I prefer it without Rowling.
"When things get really dark and times are really hard, there's something about Harry Potter that makes life richer."
So true Hermione, even for us. 💯
Where's JK Rowling?!
How to watch this in India as HBO max is not available here..?
After all this time?
here before this hits 1k likes 🏃🏼♀️
That feels!
Always ❤️
❤️ that was perfect
"When it's dark , there's a something about Harry Potter that makes life richer" Emma Watson said.
And she is right
Then Rupert said (cue Vin Diesel's voice): We're *FAMILY*
All thanks to the amazing JK Rowling without her none of it would be possible
The fact that Daniel Radcliffe stayed wholesome after his childhood literally been taken from him is quite amazing. It's nice to see him doing well
Emma : " When things get really dark, and times really hard, there's something about harry potter that makes life richer."
Me : she actually being super honest about fact how's her life since being cast as Hermione.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Watching Emma walk through the station just made me tear up. How lucky were we to have this incredible series as a part of our childhood 💜
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Oh, but who should we thank for it in the first place? And why is this person not invited to selebrate her creation? JK Rowling ❤️
@@olgachernova6225 you can separate the art from the hateful artist
@@olgachernova6225 exactly they are being disrespectful to her and are discriminating against her. She doesn't deserve this whole backlash
@@jacobwalls1990 No she is allowed to have her opinions and morals. Never heard of freedom of speech?
Harry Potter is not a series, it's emotion and life for millions
Just a series to me lol
No. It's a series.
Very few peoples lives revolve around Harry Potter books and movies.
I cried through the whole thing & had to watch over again. THIS is what a reunion should be. No muggle hosts asking boring questions, just the cast hanging out & reminiscing. I can't wait till new year!!!!😍😍😍😍
Friends reunion would have been great if they left out James Comey and the fans talking about how awesome the show was
@@LittleDalton13 Yeah, it was all over the place. Literally. I got more reunion feels from this trailer than that whole circus.
When Rupert said we're family and we will always be part of each other's life, it was kinda hard not to cry😭⚡
Hope you cry as much about people you actually know in real life… 🙄
@@edithtierce8209 Be quiet
Tell that to JK Rowling who been blacklisted from her own creation for stating a simple biological fact.
Accio tissues 😭
@@StreamOnMax Where is JK Rowling?
It's crazy that Harry Potter is still influencing so many people. You'd think that after 20 years, it wouldn't be as popular, since that's the case with many movies. But no, if anything, it's still gaining even more popularity.
I see it in my younger sister, who's now the same age I was when I went through my Harry Potter phase, and she's obsessed. In fact, it's making me fall in love with HP all over again.
Doesn't surprise me one bit... I have always said that in 2000 years people are going to be worshiping Harry Potter as a diety.... since, that is clearly what happens with the most popular fictional stories.
Quality lasts a very long time. The books and movies were made with heart. Not to just rake in money. It's part of the reason why Lord of the Rings is still popular.
Thank you so much for making this short film. Hopefully we can get more reunion type of content in the future.
I still remember how the Harry Potter books, films & games made my highschool life easier. Sitting alone & being a source of continuous mockery, knowing that a world waits for me at home which is opposite in every possible way to mine kept me going. I am so very thankful to Harry Potter & I agree there's definitely something special about Harry Potter that makes life richer.
wow we both basically are the same person with the same get away hobby lol
That feeling was giving a hope towards future ❤
I grow up with them, I mean with HP movies. The casts' reunion got me feeling like I join the reunion too. I miss Hogwarts and its magic.
I know what you mean cause I was born in 1998 so I basically grew up with the Harry Potter gang.
@@5552-d8b you where 3 years old when the first movie came up. How tf you grew up with them?
Ik what you mean like it’s literally my childhood and easily my favorite movie series ever.
Yep and they destroyed it
Me too
Some of us grew up with them.. together.. even binge rewatching all the movies still get me crying until now. (I just finished rewatched it 3 days ago)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
These kids came of nothing and became everything and along with them so did we. I still remember back in 2005 when I saw Harry Potter part 1 on HBO on the big box square TV and fast forward in 2021 I saw the entire series in a loop and the 20th anniversary in 2022 on a led tv. But honestly nothing can beat that moment in time that got my attention to this masterpiece.
This feels like home. There are many incredible actors, actresses, stories, movies which I love and appreciate but this is different, this is not just an incredible story with incredibly talented people, this is part of my story, my escape, my strength, my life, my magic.
My favorite part of this trailer was Gary Oldman and Daniel Radcliffe recreating the Sirius and Harry moment at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban.
Oh man the reaction of Emma when she meets Tom Felton is so heart warming!
They must still like each other then.
@@Nickypink09 um no lol
Yep stills likes each other arnt they smiles?
It was just a basic surprise reaction. Don't hype unnecessarily.
So lovely they grew up together like that. The film crew seemed to really nurture them
I hope they include a tribute towards Helen McCrory and Alan Rickman. They were phenomenal in every HP film.
And JK Rowling. Since she's socially dead.
And Richard Harris who was Dumbledore in the first two films and would've been Dumbledore for the rest had he not died in 2002.
@@juulondres6684 Only to the small-minded. To the fans she has touched, she will never die and she can never be erased.
@@heatchills4093 she sure is mentally dead too based on her tweets.
@@heatchills4093 what do you mean? Daniel Radcliffe is the writer of Harry Potter. Never heard of a JKR
It inspired people in their darkest moments, it comforted those who needed it most, and it taught us that love and friendship are the most important things in the world. Of course, it taught us a few cool spells as well, which is a bonus.
Naruto-Cough cough....did anyone say friendship?
And "whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there welcome you home".
The part when he said “We’re family” really touch the ❤️
Dom Torreto
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Family that betrayed their mother. Non of them would be hare if not for JK Rowling, and now they pretend she doesn't exist. Really touching, though.
I wanna watch Harry Potter all over again, but this won’t be the same without Snape.
Edit: and Hagrid
Tom and Emma hugging made the fangirl in me so happy!! I love them both!
Harry Potter is a movie series that will always have a special place in my heart. I can't wait for this reunion, it's going to be great!
ofc , its one of the best series in the world
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💋 NUDE.YOUNGGIRLS.TODAY/AGNEZ
𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💋
RUclips: BE GONE
Life's story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
#Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
Megan: ''Hotter''
Hopi: ''Sweeter''
Joonie: ''Cooler''
Yoongi: ''Butter''
Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Where's JK Rowling?!
It's not a movie series.
It's anook series written by j.k. rowling
We're family
And we'll always be part of each other's life.....
Giving me chills 😩🤧😭
Joan wasn't even called((
It's a pity they stabbed the mother of the family in the back........or doesn't that bother you?
@@ffshorts3731 yup
Except the person who actually gave them the career
R.I.P. Robbie Coltrane, I instantly thought of the words you've said here about "I'll Not be here sadly… but Hagrid will".
I can watch the entire Harry Potter series again n again. I’ll never get bored of it♥️
Same here ❤️❤️❤️
I too priya
We definitely can watch the harry potter again alongside our grandchild
Me too🤩🤩
@@kyle.9691 without any second thoughts 😅
We can