My question is “supposedly” these were secret recordings, where was the camera that zoomed in on the soldier/actor? From the back scene you can’t see the camera but from the front view you can’t see the back camera. Those supposed secret films seem staged. Similar to the propaganda war films.
The clip of that soldier is in a film called “Let there be light”(1946), and it’s on RUclips. It’s actually a very interesting film. Everybody knew they were filming.
Coherent and rational take from Arthur Miller amidst all that madness; life contains unavoidable suffering that doesn't necessarily need to be 'treated'.
ARTHUR MILLER QUOTE [quote] Arthur Miller Quote on Suffering and Psychoanalysis: ‘My argument with so much of psychoanalysis, is the preconception that suffering is a mistake, or a sign of weakness, or a sign even of illness. When in fact, possibly the greatest truths we know, have come out of people’s suffering. The problem is not to undo suffering, or to wipe it off the face of the earth, but to make it inform our lives, instead of trying to “cure” ourselves of it constantly, and avoid it, and avoid anything but that lobotomized sense of what they call “happiness”. There’s too much of an attempt, it seems to me, to think in terms of controlling man, rather than freeing him - of defining him, rather than letting him go! It’s part of the whole ideology of this age, which is power-mad!’ (Spotted on Adam Curtis’ documentary Century of the Self) Arthur Miller Quote on Suffering and Psychoanalysis
t.t.: Agree entirely. Used to be when a stone in ones shoe was hurting one stopped and removed the stone- pain gone! sorted. In this day and age one reports the pain to the requisite Authority which duly administers the drug or therapy- pain gone! stone continues to grind and burrow into foot-future problems for one. Meanwhile the pharmaceutical company/psycho-babbler waxes fat. Parents can and should educate their kids to be self reliant.
Well it's easy for Miller to say that, he had a largely successful and happy life. But Curtis is right, capitalism dictates what constitutes happiness and then sets out to brainwash people into accepting what business states constitutes that happiness.
Arthur Miller quote is biased because he was against the Sigmund Freud’s philosophy and was a communist. Meaning, basically he was on Wilhelm Reich’s side.
Its because your different each time, you've grown each time between your viewing and catch things you missed before. No one steps into the same river twice.
I´m guatemalan and this is the first time I hear about Bernays, I´m shocked about knowing the influence he had on our goverment and history. It´s crazy how a man and a company moved by capitalism, by the wrong motivations can affect this much to a country (which isn´t even his own)
They doing it to Maduro in venezuela, just did it to Morales of Bolivia for the lithium. Killed saddam and millions of iraqi cos he wanted to sell their oil in euro, murdered gadaffi and flattened lybia cos he wanted a gold backed african dinar currency, guess what, we are told they were all dictators and had brutal regimes. Same old formula they used on the soviets to demonise China now, not a fkn thing has changed since the 50s and everyone and their dog buy these shits without a second thought. You know what? Bernays is right, the masses are stupid, cannot use their brains for even the slightest of critical thinking.
@@tzc83 You included sweety. You’re more detrimentally ignorant, asinine, stupid and pathetic if you actually believe contemporary China is “only good” and the West is “only bad”.
And, if you had any critical thinking, you would understand the reason why Germany removed the group Freud, Bernays and the other subversive "Psychologists" in this documentary belonged to.
Check out a couple documentaries by Australian John Pilger "the war you don't see " and "the coming war on China " (Trust me on this one). Share if possible afterwards.
I've watched this a few times and it's still so crazy how open and gleeful the people they interview are that they or their ancestors destroyed America.
@@piccinini12521 elates? As in it elevates/exalts them? This documentary series is specifically about how cynical, power-hungry men (yes, for the most part Js) use devious methods to manipulate people's subconscious desires in order to control them. And you think it "elates" them?
@@piccinini12521 OP is right, they sit and show their evil for the world to see -- thanks to this documentary. The film merely shows them saying it. If anything Curtis makes it very clear that he doesn't agree with what they did, and doesn't elevate them at all. If the ominous music wasn't enough, he explicitly states in the start of the series that he wanted to uncover the techniques they used to manipulate and control the public. No sane person will walk away from this film thinking good things of those people.
This is a very compelling documentary for anyone who has been diagnosed, medicated and repeatedly forced through the revolving doors of therapy. This resonates with the nagging stone in your shoe you try hard to ignore throughout it, but which refuses to go away. We've all been played.
it's amazing to think that had old eddy bernays never Brought Sigmund freud into the limelight then we may not have had the psychoanalytic bullshit movement and none of this talk therapy thing would be here to scam everyone.
@@knorieworiebobsnor Probably what David is going through is CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) though, which is more common than psychoanalysis these days. CBT seeks to treat symptomatic behaviors, to modify behavior, stop bad behaviors, try to instill good ones very often through medications but also other approaches. Maybe David is in fact referring to his experiences being psychoanalyzed, but I would bet that it's been more like CBT.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” - Krishnamurti Maybe he nicked that concept from King’s speech at the end of the program but they’re both wise words
The most ironic thing about all of this is how these Tyrants more or instigated a *Self-Fulfilled Prophecy* and shaped the very qualities and characteristics they accused "The Bewildered Herd" of suffering.
Yep, the idea that people are inherently controlled by their unconscious desires and irrational and nothing can be done about it is a conspiracy theory believed by elite folks who *want* to take control the people.
Soldier: (has panic attacks and guilt after watching friends die and killing people in battle) Psychoanalist: "Let's start with your father. You had a difficult childhood, didn't you?"
Research would suggest that people who have had 'Adverse Childhood Experiences' (ACEs) are more likely to get PTSD than those that have not experienced them. In short, their cups are full of other things, military service and those experiences 'fill the cup':
@@paulc9668 The question is, does psychoanalysis really help? We can't trust our scientific system. We can't trust our system at large. But we are conditioned to do both.
@@liukang85 Modern thinking on the subject suggests that people with PTSD respond better with 'somatic' treatments - that the body needs healing as much as, if not the mind. The work of Stephen Porges and Polyvagal theory gives key support for this, suggesting 6 potential 'states' within our Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system, and that the Vagus nerve plays a significant part in the regulation of this also. Porges highlights that some people cannot even talk about what has happened to them - if they are still living in the emotional trauma - he goes as far to say that talk therapies wont work for those people. Bessel van Der Kolk and Gabor Mate see similar with their work with trauma patients and patients with chronic illness (because the body said no). Others (Dr. Peta Stapleton) identify somatic approaches as the 4th wave of psychotherapy where approaches such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and others, can significantly help to treat the emotional, somatic aspects to trauma - either alone or as an adjunct to psycho analysis. In my experience if someone is stuck in the emotion - then talking is not going to help unless you help to discharge the 'freeze response' where PTSD is typically enabled (Dr Peter Levine, Dr Robert Scaer). That said, Stanislav Grof talks of psychoanalysis and the use of 'altered states' (of which he did numerous experiments with and without drugs (breath work) to also help people make sense of their experiences. For these reasons ( for me) I would say psychoanalysis has limited success, compared to collective approaches that deal with the 'affective' aspects to trauma
@Trevor Sedis Then some forms of therapy may explore how those childhood experiences may have created or had elements of 'freeze' included in them. Freeze is supposedly where the ingredients for PTSD lie, Unexpected, Dramatic, Isolating where the child does not have the Neurological (UDIN) capacity to deal with the situation - whereby they 'freeze'. Situations in later life with similar UDIN criteria can result in the same 'learned helplessness behaviour'. Arguably you need to address the 'freeze' response (without broadening perspectives on that from Polyvagal theory (Stephen Porges)).
Thank you JustAdamCurtis for pulling these broadcasts together, while following copyright rules. At a minimum the BBC should be pulling this out of their archives and re-showing it on a regular basis. Other TV providers should be asking the BBC for the right to show this series. It's the type of education that the average person doesn't get in school or university.
Completely agree. However - Adam Curtis is much too provocative and the majority is not meant to be exposed to this. Not that it matters - since most people will change channel in the first 5 minutes. This is much too disruptive to the beloved narrative consisting of reality-tv, sports and irrelevant talk-shows, that people will care one bit. Most people are simply too stupid to notice they are being played.
Part 2: (rough summary) The engineering of consent: WW2 - US soldiers suffering mental breakdowns (49% of evacuated) - government turns to psychoanalysis - experiment on soldiers with hidden cameras - first time that anyone paid so much attention to fears and anxieties of ordinary people. Psychoanalysts working with the army used SF techniques and were convinced that the stress of fighting merely triggered suppressed fears and anxieties from soldiers’ childhoods That gave proof to the psychoanalysts for the hidden irrational forces. “The ratio between the rational and irrational in America is very much in favour of the irrational. That there is much greater unhappiness, much more suffering.” Democracy left to itself fails to control the destructive forces, so techniques for maintaining them have to be implemented on the masses. Anna Freud (AF) became the acknowledged leader of the psychoanalytic movement dedicated her life and work for the realization of her father’s dream of making his ideas accepted throughout the world. SF saw psychoanalysis as means to teach people how to understand their unconscious drives - AF saw it as means to teach people how to control them. She came to believe this through experiment on her friend’s children by controlling their environment. From that she derived a theory how to control the inner drives - to conform to the rules of society - more than a moral guide, by entraining them to strictly follow rules of social conduct, this strengthens their ego in the struggle with their unconscious, as they grow up. This experiment was set as a blueprint for the grand social experiment on US population: 1946 Truman signs the National Mental Health Act - born directly from the wartime discoveries by psychoanalysts that soldiers suffered mental illnesses - the aim is to deal with this invisible threat to society. Two head architects of the act - Meninger brothers (Carl and Will) - started applying AF methods on wide scale adults. Numerous psychiatric centers were set up in towns to give advice for ordinary people. This act was based on a premise that the culture and social reality around them is itself flawless and ideal, and thus questioning it is not a question. Ernest Dichter (ED) - Institute for Motivational Research - believed that people cannot be trusted, led by irrational behaviour. Uncover the “secret self of the American consumer”. First to create focus groups to analyze consumer behaviour about products, by uncovering their hidden perceptions, they themselves were not aware, to exploit them fully. ED like AF believed that the environment can be used to strengthen the human personality - products can be used both to sate inner desires and give people feeling of common identity with others - new term: “strategy of desire” - for stable society. Identification with a product - therapeutic value New elite began to emerge in politics, social planning and big business - the masses are fundamentally irrational, thus good consumerism is key for democracy’s survival. EB became the leading PR expert and advised Eisenhower in the cold war - instead of reducing fear from soviet communism he should use and manipulate it as a weapon in the cold war - rational argument is fruitless. United Fruit Company (UFC) for decades controlled Guatemala thru pliable dictators, to exploit it’s lands for plantation - “banana republic” 1953 UFC turned to EB to help them get rid of the new regime led by Colonel Arbenz (A) in Guatemala that aimed to get the lands back to the people. EB plotted a scheme to twist the local regime into an alleged communist threat at the shores of the US: 1) EB sent reporters to Guatemala who were clueless and knew little of the situation there to meet selected local politicians to tell them that A was a communist controlled by Moscow 2) EB arranged a violent anti American demonstration at that time 3) EB created fake independent new agency - Middle American Information Bureau - creating fake news that Moscow planning to use Guatemala to attack the US EB and UFC in cooperation with Eisenhower and CIA secretly plotted a coup - trained and armed a rebel army to install a new leader Colonel Armas: 1) terror campaign against A - bombing by CIA pilots 2) propaganda to present this as a liberation of Guatemala by “freedom fighters for democracy” EB was reshaping reality by manipulating public opinion: 1954 staged the liberation of Guatemala with fake found communist books with Nixon giving a speech of congratulation. CIA concerned that USSR is experimenting with psychological methods to actually alter memories and feelings of people - “brainwashing” - CIA decided to do it themselves: CIA started experimenting with patients suffering with depression, using new methods of mind altering drugs (LSD) and ECT (electrifying) to erase memory; then reciting positive affirmations - total failure. The psychoanalysts became very popular in Hollywood and treated a wide range of people from the industry. Tried to cure Marilyn Monroe without avail - This high profile failure made people question psychoanalysis. In the 60’s Herbert Marcuse (philosopher trained in psychoanalysis) accused society of evil and destructive behaviour instead of the forces within individuals themselves: 1) western-american society was fundamentally corrupt (planned obsolescence, waste of resources for endless and pointless production of goods, making people to crave constantly) - leading to eruption of aggression and destructiveness in individuals. 2) very idea to control people is wrong - human innate desires and feelings are not inherently bad - society made them dangerous by repressing and distorting them. Martin L. King - “proud to be maladjusted” One of the children of AF’s experiment commits suicide in AF father’s house, another one becomes alcoholic - most personal failure in AF life work
I am glad I found this, and I am shocked this is still on RUclips after 6 years. By now one would think they would have removed the content for going against their propaganda.
All this talk of dangerous forces inside of people... don't these demons realise they themselves gave in to their darkest nature? Abhorrent. Thanks for posting this documentary.
Yes, it bothered me that dangerous forces were mentioned over and over without actually stating what these forces supposedly are. Makes it seem like a boogey man to drive other agendas. I guess that’s what the film is essentially saying but I do think the producers were neglectful in examining these so-called dangerous forces. Do they mean evil? Selfishness? Sloth? Deception?
Keep in mind, what we know about MK Ultra is only a tiny fraction of a single area. If what was released was the least damning, it makes one wonder how terrible the things were that are still hidden. Also, there were two main areas that were being studied and, to this day, we don't even know what the second one is or have any information about. If mind control (intended not just to control our own population but other world leaders), creating unwilling assassins, creating new ways to torture and interrogate, finding ways to discredit those who speak out against the government, and using micro chips in an attempt to control people like robots was the LESS damning of the two, it boggles the mind what the other area of study involved.
This has not been proven or debunked, but insiders told that the other area involved paranormal psychic experiments, as well as alien technology, time-space altering machinery, tapping into other domains, realities and worlds.
It's madness how we try to reinvent the wheel. Thousands of years ago, a guy named Siddhartha Gautama, aka Buddha (as many other wise people, really, that keep telling us): Suffering/dissatisfaction is an innate characteristic of existence. The origin, cause of this is the "craving, desire or attachment". The cessation of this can be attained by eliminating all "craving, desire, and attachment". Noble Eightfold Path (meditation, mindfulness, honest/ethical way of living... the usual suspects) is the means to end this.
@today is not yesterday Jesus, Sidhartha, Plato... They are all hinting at it but people will just settle for the mere tribal allegiance to the imagery and custom in their land
What do you mean by Fallen man (I'm not native english, but understand most of it). Buddha has taught me some very interesting things, i dont understand how someone could hate him, even less want him to die (?!?!) To me he is the most inoffensive of all the religious figures, like he was sitting in a cave meditating.... Who could feel any rage against such a person?
Desires and attachments are issues of balance, not to be disdained but carefully assessed. Buddha treats them as an alcoholic treats beer. That's not balance, it's simple abstinence, which I don't agree with at all. If I weren't attached to certain people and animals around me, I'd be poor. If I didn't crave the love of my kin I'd be empty. If I desired nothing I wouldn't move.
@@pappapaps the fact that suffering comes from desires, cravings doesn't mean that ALL desires are to be avoided hence "right effort". Wholesome will can and should be deployed or, as you say, we wouldn't move :)
So let me get this straight...they ignored what the soldiers went through during WW2 as a possible reason for their breakdowns in favor of past repressed memories, they ignored all the historical events that took place in Germany that gave rise to Hitler & the Nazis such as the punishments leveled in the Treaty of Versailles which were inordinately against Germany and instead of trying to help people with what they knew, they used what they knew to manipulate them? I don't even know what to say to that. That's just flat out evil.
It’s funny how some of these guys were so afraid of something that they became exactly what they were afraid of. It really shows that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
It would be more accurate to view at as, the Germans cracked down on them for this behaviour, they fled to America and carried on that same behaviour, only this time pathologising Americans so they wouldn't resist it like the Germans did.
the banality of evil is alive and well today; so called 'good' people 'just following orders'. Highly recommend the 5 part series Never Again - to be found on CHD channel.
'Ordinary people' were supposed to have had a different psychological constitution from 'non-ordinary' people. Democracy has never been a solution to a stable society: it is merely an assurance that all citizens have input regarding the leadership and policy which affects them. Regulating the forces which affect citizens depends upon the type of democracy: a spectrum from communist to socialist or capitalist. 'People' i.e. the masses erupt when their lives are impacted and they have no recourse but to attack whatever perceived threat exists. Horrifically, this is where the masses are easily manipulated by those who present the information and this is where democracy is undermined: who provides you with the information upon which you base your decisions?
Severely brainwashed society.. still occurring till this present day.. more and more people started to realize it.. how we respond is what really matters to change the course of humanity..
The Germans tried and were destroyed by the powers that have since become the core of this issue. Looking back at that period makes a lot more sense after watching this documentary, and noting which group all these people are, instead of the pop culture narrative about them just randomly persceuting people for the sake of it.
Most ppl would have a mental breakdown to realize everything they’re working towards is a lie. Whole world a lie. It’s too heavy so they ignore it and max out on pleasures to distract
Hi JustAdamCurtis, thanks for sharing these videos! Is it possible to put 'English Subtitles" as an add-on feature? I am unfortunately unable to make out all the words with a accent :( It would be appreciated.
I hope the families of the soldiers who were interviewed by psychiatrists gave their permission for the publication of their interviews - which the narrator said were filmed without their knowledge ("They made a filmed record of the experiment, using hidden cameras" 2:23-2:29). If a therapist today secretly filmed and then broadcast hir sessions with patients this would be considered highly unethical. These distressed soldiers and their families deserve the same consideration.
Yeah and just look at the over abundance of audio products. I'm in the Home studio/headphone/amp/dac niche and it blows my mind just how much sh** there is, like the guy towards the end of the video said: "That all do the same thing!!" Hundreds if not thousands of microphones, amps, dacs, headphones, but yet we have people bickering and arguing constantly over what's "better." What they don't realize is that they're just propping up their own confirmation bias and/or cognitive dissonance. It's a classic case of buyer's remorse, where they'll do anything to justify the more expensive purchase, even if that means lashing out at someone (me) who's simply reviewing gear, and giving my opinion - in an attempt to help them save money! The irony is crazy to me. People are honestly f'd up in the head man.
@@HomeStudioBasics im going to sell my cheap amp and guitar.. all those thing are not neccessary.. the advertisement really fuck up our minds.. we are so brainwashed.. they know how to lure us in their cognitive tyranny
The clip of that soldier is in a film called “Let there be light”(1946), and it’s on RUclips. It’s actually a very interesting film. Everybody knew they were filming.
I recommend Laurence A. Rickels' Nazi Psychoanalysis: Volume I: Only Psychoanalysis Won the War . "Psychoanalysis was a symptom of everything the Nazis reviled: an intellectual assault on Kultur largely perpetrated by Jews. It was also, as this remarkable revisionary work shows, an inescapable symptom of modernity, practiced, transformed, and perpetuated by and within the Nazi regime. A sweeping, magisterial work by one of the most incisive and interesting scholars of modern philosophy, theory, and culture, Nazi Psychoanalysis studies the breadth of this phenomenon in order to clarify and deepen our understanding not only of psychoanalysis but of the twentieth century itself. Tracing the intersections of psychoanalysis and Nazism, Laurence A. Rickels discovers startling conjunctions and continuities in writers as diverse as Adler and Adorno, Kafka and Goethe, Lacan, H. Rider Haggard, and Heidegger, and in works as different as Der Golem, Civilization and Its Discontents, Frankenstein, Faust, and Brave New World. In a richly allusive style, he writes of psychoanalysis in multifarious incarnations, of the concept and actual history of "insurance," of propaganda in theory and practice, of psychological warfare, Walt Disney, and the Frankfurt School debates-a dizzying tour of the twentieth century that helps us see how the "corridor wars" that arise in the course of theoretical, clinical, social, political, and cultural attempts to describe the human psyche are related to the world wars of the century in an intimate and infinitely complicated manner. Though some have used its appropriation by the Nazis to brand psychoanalysis with the political odium of fascism, Rickels instead finds an uncanny convergence-one that suggests far-reaching possibilities for both psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic criticism. His work, with its enormous intellectual and historical span, makes a persuasive argument that no element of modernity-not psychoanalysis any more than Marxism or deconstruction, cultural revolutions or technological advances-can be adequately understood without a thorough consideration of its Nazi component." Laurence A. Rickels is professor of German and comparative literature at the University of California at Santa Barbara. His books include The Vampire Lectures (1999), The Case of California (2001), and the edited volume Acting Out in Groups (1999), all published by Minnesota.
A lot of the plot lines and settings of the old British 60s TV series “The Prisoner” were clearly statements (of horror) about psychology being used like this to “reprogram” people.
The newer US series Nowhere Man from 1995 is also about reprograming. After seeing this and some other documentaries, it seems there's nothing fictitious about it. It's practically a documentary itself
It seems to me again that conforming to the golden rule is all that is needed,to treat people the way you want to be treated and not to treat people the way you wouldn’t want to be treated,that is not society imposing some unreasonable request,It’s the same reasonable request that people are asking from society and each other.
The book 'The Pink Swastika' is weak reference material for a book of such grandeur as 'Libido Dominandi'. Don't forget the globalist want you to identify with the idea of being white. Lol
@@user-co2ps4yo7k 'the globalists want you to identify with the idea of being white' is a ridiculous quote from Alex Jones during his interview with Richard Spencer. Obviously the group with the most objection to white identity are the Jews
The premise that democracy is the pinnacle of rationality, & anything which opposes it is driven by "evil irrationally", & people must be manipulated to not threaten the established order is an extremely dangerous premise. The fruits of that premise is playing out in front of our own eyes today. You can't twist it any other way, the reality is that people aren't ruled by equality but rather by the subjective morals of the established order which covers itself with the slogan of "equality".
54:06 "It was society that made these drives dangerous, by repressing them and distorting them. Anna Freud and her followers had increased that repression by trying to make people conform to society. In so doing, they made people more dangerous, not less."
@@mtn1793 Yeah, except what they are really doing is succumbing to propaganda from a foreign adversary. They're such obedient and well-trained consumers.
Chronic human stupidity is to blame. To understand this amazing doc you need to be intelligent. Ten years and look at the views, for this it’s a joke. Meanwhile videos of cute cats receiving millions. Most humans are stupid, we are a limited intelligence species.
Tigerr Bebes history is written by those who look back and interpret what they observe to suit their own purpose. It is read by those wishing to learn about and from past events. What is written by historians is entirely subjective and should not be regarded as a set of facts. Credulity is the most dangerous of all human behaviour as it leads to the development of paradigms based on possibly false information fed by those wishing to control people.
This should be REQUIRED viewing for educators followed by discussion. A couple of the newer directions of understanding human nature that shed light ... the moral implications of exceeding Dunbar's Number, and the persistence and salience of dark-triad personality traits which make up a majority of the would-be managers of populations beyond the community level.
Multiple viewings and still finding connections I had no idea were there. The idea that PR and Bernays were basically doing early CIA propaganda is crazy but makes perfect sense. Everything is built upon early United States systems of power
The Marcuse book "5 Lectures; Psychoanalysis, Politics & Utopia'" has cleared up a lot of Freudian thought for me. It parallels and contrasts info in this video series.
The “ptsd” is caused by the fact that they are fighting abstract wars. They arent killing a neighboring tribe that is trying to take their water access and women, nor are they killing to take their women and water access. They fight for “abstract” (bullshit) reasons thatbhave nothing to do with them.
Better than him and long before, is Erich Fromm! The Frankfurt School.......The book "Escape from Freedom" published 1941. Tells all and much more than this rigged documentary! Not to mention, Fromm's book "The Sane Society".....It's all there and always was! We were warned!
Tolle teaches great stuff in that he brings mindfulness to westerners in a way most can understand and relate to. But I don't believe he is an enlightened being and suspect that he's a marketing genius as well. You may have to double check but I heard his wife/partner is in marketing
All of this about “democracy this”, “democracy that”, “we must do this to keep democracy” etc makes me think that maybe democracy isn’t such a good thing
political parties aside a republic is superior to democracy, but in context, the issue wasn't with democracy but that the few tried to enforce what they believe is best on the masses.
Aaron Copland: Billy the Kid (ballet) Arvo Pärt: Spiegel im Spiegel, Für Alina, Fratres Dmitri Shostakovich: 24 Preludes and Fugues (Shostakovich), Prelude 1 (C major) Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90, beginning of the third movement (poco allegretto) Kano: She's a Star (from the album New York Cake) Louis Armstrong: What a Wonderful World Ralph Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis Raymond Scott: Portofino 2 (from Manhattan Research Inc.) The Gold Diggers' Song (We're in the Money) (from the film Gold Diggers of 1933) Ennio Morricone: Quelle foto (from the film Le foto proibite di una signora per bene) Felix Slatkin: The Green Leaves of Summer The John Barry Seven: Hit and Miss
Psychologists and Psychiatrists involved in mental health treatment today have not progressed very far past those in the same field long ago. It's best to avoid any official diagnosis - who is anyone to tell you what mental illness you have? Do all you can to look for natural treatments and alternatives to help yourself feel better. One small step at a time. The medications are a form of imprisonment and change the chemistry of the brain, but also put you at the bidding of the person writing the prescription. Many of the medications have horrifying side-effects, but quite often doctors do not warn about this. Facial ticks, inability to speak clearly are two side-effects that diminish a patient's self-respect, as well as making life more difficult generally. Many clients in mental health told me that they wished there was a way to see if you might be treated by adding or removing certain foods from the diet. That's what scientists might spend some time doing - something useful for a change.
So Bernays thought people were irrational. But he was a person too, so by his own logic he was also irrational, and therefore it would be irrational to think everyone was irrational. But I bet he didn't think that.
A democratically elected government was overthrown for the benefit of the owners and major shareholders of the American Fruit Company . The US taxpayers dollars were used to put workers back into misery . Lower standard of living for the workers in Guatemala meant more profits for American Fruit Company and their compradores in Guatemala . This is the crux of the matter regarding virtually every regime change after ww2 and even prior .
@JL-CptAtom Evola>Spengler>Moldbug>Hoppe>Nietzsche>Hitler. Hitler is preddy low brow reading and there are plenty of traditionalist critiques to be made of him.
This (and the previous video too) seem to talk about very high-level/conceptual ideas, rather than real "nuts-n-bolts" on how to apply Freud's theories to advertising. Does anyone have any recommended books/videos/etc that gets more into the real techniques and strategies used rather than the zoomed-out talking ABOUT it that makes up this video?
Gustave Le Bon- Mass Psychology Gustave Le Bon- Psychology of Revolution Sigmund Freud- Group Psychology and Ego Analysis Sigmund Freud- Civilization and Its Discontents Edward Bernays- Propaganda Jean Baudrillard- Simulacra and Simulation George Ritzer- The McDonaldization of Society Joseph Nye Jr.- Soft Power Peter Diamond, Hannu Vartiainen - Behavioral Economics and Its Applications If you are interested in the phenomenon of leadership: Niccolo Machiavelli- Prince Dick Morris- The New Prince Archie Brown- The Myth of the Strong Leader
So, you get hooked on advertising slogans that pump you up so you can 'be the person you always knew you were' and lead a fulfilled life while helping stabilize society. How could that possibly go wrong?
And rather than products, we are being sold identities. We have become the products. No choice, I guess, when most of us are too poor to be able to buy anything.
The soldier talking about his sweetheart… just lovely. Wish I could give him a hug.
My question is “supposedly” these were secret recordings, where was the camera that zoomed in on the soldier/actor? From the back scene you can’t see the camera but from the front view you can’t see the back camera. Those supposed secret films seem staged. Similar to the propaganda war films.
The clip of that soldier is in a film called “Let there be light”(1946), and it’s on RUclips. It’s actually a very interesting film. Everybody knew they were filming.
Coherent and rational take from Arthur Miller amidst all that madness; life contains unavoidable suffering that doesn't necessarily need to be 'treated'.
[quote] Arthur Miller
Quote on Suffering and Psychoanalysis: ‘My argument with so much of psychoanalysis, is
the preconception that suffering is a mistake, or a sign of weakness, or a sign even of
illness. When in fact, possibly the greatest truths we know, have come out of people’s
suffering. The problem is not to undo suffering, or to wipe it off the face of the earth, but
to make it inform our lives, instead of trying to “cure” ourselves of it constantly, and avoid it, and avoid anything but that lobotomized sense of what they call “happiness”. There’s
too much of an attempt, it seems to me, to think in terms of controlling man, rather than freeing him - of defining him, rather than letting him go! It’s part of the whole ideology of
this age, which is power-mad!’ (Spotted on Adam Curtis’ documentary Century of the Self)
Arthur Miller Quote on Suffering and Psychoanalysis
t.t.: Agree entirely. Used to be when a stone in ones shoe was hurting one stopped and removed the stone- pain gone! sorted. In this day and age one reports the pain to the requisite Authority which duly administers the drug or therapy- pain gone! stone continues to grind and burrow into foot-future problems for one. Meanwhile the pharmaceutical company/psycho-babbler waxes fat. Parents can and should educate their kids to be self reliant.
Well it's easy for Miller to say that, he had a largely successful and happy life. But Curtis is right, capitalism dictates what constitutes happiness and then sets out to brainwash people into accepting what business states constitutes that happiness.
Thanks for transcribing it. Copying into my fridge right now
I found it to be a powerful statement.
Arthur Miller quote is biased because he was against the Sigmund Freud’s philosophy and was a communist. Meaning, basically he was on Wilhelm Reich’s side.
Absolutely awesome. I've watched this series several times and it gets better with each return 😊
I Found it Interesting :)
Its because your different each time, you've grown each time between your viewing and catch things you missed before. No one steps into the same river twice.
I agree. I watch it often.
So true
@@1IRoyle Has this radical leftist made a movie about what the Soviets did to Ukraine? Thought not.
I´m guatemalan and this is the first time I hear about Bernays, I´m shocked about knowing the influence he had on our goverment and history. It´s crazy how a man and a company moved by capitalism, by the wrong motivations can affect this much to a country (which isn´t even his own)
A country and the whole world
They doing it to Maduro in venezuela, just did it to Morales of Bolivia for the lithium. Killed saddam and millions of iraqi cos he wanted to sell their oil in euro, murdered gadaffi and flattened lybia cos he wanted a gold backed african dinar currency, guess what, we are told they were all dictators and had brutal regimes.
Same old formula they used on the soviets to demonise China now, not a fkn thing has changed since the 50s and everyone and their dog buy these shits without a second thought.
You know what? Bernays is right, the masses are stupid, cannot use their brains for even the slightest of critical thinking.
You included sweety. You’re more detrimentally ignorant, asinine, stupid and pathetic if you actually believe contemporary China is “only good” and the West is “only bad”.
And, if you had any critical thinking, you would understand the reason why Germany removed the group Freud, Bernays and the other subversive "Psychologists" in this documentary belonged to.
Check out a couple documentaries by Australian John Pilger "the war you don't see " and "the coming war on China " (Trust me on this one). Share if possible afterwards.
I've watched this a few times and it's still so crazy how open and gleeful the people they interview are that they or their ancestors destroyed America.
That's why the Germans rejected them...
And how the documentary elates them while still demonizing the US
@@piccinini12521 elates? As in it elevates/exalts them? This documentary series is specifically about how cynical, power-hungry men (yes, for the most part Js) use devious methods to manipulate people's subconscious desires in order to control them. And you think it "elates" them?
@@Vingul They do, just as OP said they gleefully remember and present them as geniuses when they should be held as low as murderes
@@piccinini12521 OP is right, they sit and show their evil for the world to see -- thanks to this documentary. The film merely shows them saying it. If anything Curtis makes it very clear that he doesn't agree with what they did, and doesn't elevate them at all. If the ominous music wasn't enough, he explicitly states in the start of the series that he wanted to uncover the techniques they used to manipulate and control the public. No sane person will walk away from this film thinking good things of those people.
This is a very compelling documentary for anyone who has been diagnosed, medicated and repeatedly forced through the revolving doors of therapy. This resonates with the nagging stone in your shoe you try hard to ignore throughout it, but which refuses to go away. We've all been played.
it's amazing to think that had old eddy bernays never Brought Sigmund freud into the limelight then we may not have had the psychoanalytic bullshit movement and none of this talk therapy thing would be here to scam everyone.
It's not because it's therapy, that it's psychoanalysis. There are luckily plenty of psychiatrists who don't believe in Freud's theories.
@@knorieworiebobsnor Probably what David is going through is CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) though, which is more common than psychoanalysis these days. CBT seeks to treat symptomatic behaviors, to modify behavior, stop bad behaviors, try to instill good ones very often through medications but also other approaches. Maybe David is in fact referring to his experiences being psychoanalyzed, but I would bet that it's been more like CBT.
@@mikeisapro CBT isn't brilliant either though buddy. Remember it flourished out of the bogus psychoanalytic therapy
There are no brilliant therapies. Just worse and better methods. And the best therapy is not *no therapy*.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” - Krishnamurti
Maybe he nicked that concept from King’s speech at the end of the program but they’re both wise words
More likely King knicked it from Krishnamurti. Anyway, both incredible gifts to humanity.
The most ironic thing about all of this is how these Tyrants more or instigated a *Self-Fulfilled Prophecy* and shaped the very qualities and characteristics they accused "The Bewildered Herd" of suffering.
Unintended consequences…. Cold War megalomaniacs and secrecy is still with us more than ever.
Yep, the idea that people are inherently controlled by their unconscious desires and irrational and nothing can be done about it is a conspiracy theory believed by elite folks who *want* to take control the people.
Just manifest it bro just read some new age bro
Soldier: (has panic attacks and guilt after watching friends die and killing people in battle)
Psychoanalist: "Let's start with your father. You had a difficult childhood, didn't you?"
Research would suggest that people who have had 'Adverse Childhood Experiences' (ACEs) are more likely to get PTSD than those that have not experienced them. In short, their cups are full of other things, military service and those experiences 'fill the cup':
@@paulc9668 The question is, does psychoanalysis really help? We can't trust our scientific system. We can't trust our system at large.
But we are conditioned to do both.
@@liukang85 Modern thinking on the subject suggests that people with PTSD respond better with 'somatic' treatments - that the body needs healing as much as, if not the mind. The work of Stephen Porges and Polyvagal theory gives key support for this, suggesting 6 potential 'states' within our Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system, and that the Vagus nerve plays a significant part in the regulation of this also. Porges highlights that some people cannot even talk about what has happened to them - if they are still living in the emotional trauma - he goes as far to say that talk therapies wont work for those people. Bessel van Der Kolk and Gabor Mate see similar with their work with trauma patients and patients with chronic illness (because the body said no). Others (Dr. Peta Stapleton) identify somatic approaches as the 4th wave of psychotherapy where approaches such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and others, can significantly help to treat the emotional, somatic aspects to trauma - either alone or as an adjunct to psycho analysis. In my experience if someone is stuck in the emotion - then talking is not going to help unless you help to discharge the 'freeze response' where PTSD is typically enabled (Dr Peter Levine, Dr Robert Scaer). That said, Stanislav Grof talks of psychoanalysis and the use of 'altered states' (of which he did numerous experiments with and without drugs (breath work) to also help people make sense of their experiences. For these reasons ( for me) I would say psychoanalysis has limited success, compared to collective approaches that deal with the 'affective' aspects to trauma
@Trevor Sedis Then some forms of therapy may explore how those childhood experiences may have created or had elements of 'freeze' included in them. Freeze is supposedly where the ingredients for PTSD lie, Unexpected, Dramatic, Isolating where the child does not have the Neurological (UDIN) capacity to deal with the situation - whereby they 'freeze'. Situations in later life with similar UDIN criteria can result in the same 'learned helplessness behaviour'. Arguably you need to address the 'freeze' response (without broadening perspectives on that from Polyvagal theory (Stephen Porges)).
@@liukang85 You're absolutely correct. This is a system of total mind control.
Thank you JustAdamCurtis for pulling these broadcasts together, while following copyright rules. At a minimum the BBC should be pulling this out of their archives and re-showing it on a regular basis. Other TV providers should be asking the BBC for the right to show this series. It's the type of education that the average person doesn't get in school or university.
You're not polite! That's all I will say.
If you don’t try, than we know for sure it will never happen. At least by trying, maybe it’s getting noticed
Completely agree. However - Adam Curtis is much too provocative and the majority is not meant to be exposed to this. Not that it matters - since most people will change channel in the first 5 minutes. This is much too disruptive to the beloved narrative consisting of reality-tv, sports and irrelevant talk-shows, that people will care one bit. Most people are simply too stupid to notice they are being played.
@Jesper-bl2ns including you lol.
So cathartic to hear Arthur Miller finally talking some sense at 50:40
Just watched this today... Excellent piece of work...
Part 2: (rough summary)
The engineering of consent:
WW2 - US soldiers suffering mental breakdowns (49% of evacuated) - government turns to psychoanalysis - experiment on soldiers with hidden cameras - first time that anyone paid so much attention to fears and anxieties of ordinary people.
Psychoanalysts working with the army used SF techniques and were convinced that the stress of fighting merely triggered suppressed fears and anxieties from soldiers’ childhoods
That gave proof to the psychoanalysts for the hidden irrational forces.
“The ratio between the rational and irrational in America is very much in favour of the irrational. That there is much greater unhappiness, much more suffering.”
Democracy left to itself fails to control the destructive forces, so techniques for maintaining them have to be implemented on the masses.
Anna Freud (AF) became the acknowledged leader of the psychoanalytic movement dedicated her life and work for the realization of her father’s dream of making his ideas accepted throughout the world.
SF saw psychoanalysis as means to teach people how to understand their unconscious drives - AF saw it as means to teach people how to control them. She came to believe this through experiment on her friend’s children by controlling their environment.
From that she derived a theory how to control the inner drives - to conform to the rules of society - more than a moral guide, by entraining them to strictly follow rules of social conduct, this strengthens their ego in the struggle with their unconscious, as they grow up.
This experiment was set as a blueprint for the grand social experiment on US population:
1946 Truman signs the National Mental Health Act - born directly from the wartime discoveries by psychoanalysts that soldiers suffered mental illnesses - the aim is to deal with this invisible threat to society.
Two head architects of the act - Meninger brothers (Carl and Will) - started applying AF methods on wide scale adults. Numerous psychiatric centers were set up in towns to give advice for ordinary people.
This act was based on a premise that the culture and social reality around them is itself flawless and ideal, and thus questioning it is not a question.
Ernest Dichter (ED) - Institute for Motivational Research - believed that people cannot be trusted, led by irrational behaviour. Uncover the “secret self of the American consumer”.
First to create focus groups to analyze consumer behaviour about products, by uncovering their hidden perceptions, they themselves were not aware, to exploit them fully.
ED like AF believed that the environment can be used to strengthen the human personality - products can be used both to sate inner desires and give people feeling of common identity with others - new term: “strategy of desire” - for stable society.
Identification with a product - therapeutic value
New elite began to emerge in politics, social planning and big business - the masses are fundamentally irrational, thus good consumerism is key for democracy’s survival.
EB became the leading PR expert and advised Eisenhower in the cold war - instead of reducing fear from soviet communism he should use and manipulate it as a weapon in the cold war - rational argument is fruitless.
United Fruit Company (UFC) for decades controlled Guatemala thru pliable dictators, to exploit it’s lands for plantation - “banana republic”
1953 UFC turned to EB to help them get rid of the new regime led by Colonel Arbenz (A) in Guatemala that aimed to get the lands back to the people.
EB plotted a scheme to twist the local regime into an alleged communist threat at the shores of the US:
1) EB sent reporters to Guatemala who were clueless and knew little of the situation there to meet selected local politicians to tell them that A was a communist controlled by Moscow
2) EB arranged a violent anti American demonstration at that time
3) EB created fake independent new agency - Middle American Information Bureau - creating fake news that Moscow planning to use Guatemala to attack the US
EB and UFC in cooperation with Eisenhower and CIA secretly plotted a coup - trained and armed a rebel army to install a new leader Colonel Armas:
1) terror campaign against A - bombing by CIA pilots
2) propaganda to present this as a liberation of Guatemala by “freedom fighters for democracy”
EB was reshaping reality by manipulating public opinion:
1954 staged the liberation of Guatemala with fake found communist books with Nixon giving a speech of congratulation.
CIA concerned that USSR is experimenting with psychological methods to actually alter memories and feelings of people - “brainwashing” - CIA decided to do it themselves:
CIA started experimenting with patients suffering with depression, using new methods of mind altering drugs (LSD) and ECT (electrifying) to erase memory; then reciting positive affirmations - total failure.
The psychoanalysts became very popular in Hollywood and treated a wide range of people from the industry. Tried to cure Marilyn Monroe without avail - This high profile failure made people question psychoanalysis.
In the 60’s Herbert Marcuse (philosopher trained in psychoanalysis) accused society of evil and destructive behaviour instead of the forces within individuals themselves:
1) western-american society was fundamentally corrupt (planned obsolescence, waste of resources for endless and pointless production of goods, making people to crave constantly) - leading to eruption of aggression and destructiveness in individuals.
2) very idea to control people is wrong - human innate desires and feelings are not inherently bad - society made them dangerous by repressing and distorting them.
Martin L. King - “proud to be maladjusted”
One of the children of AF’s experiment commits suicide in AF father’s house, another one becomes alcoholic - most personal failure in AF life work
BLESS YOU, I can't hear a single thing in this video without captions and I have to watch it for a class
You take really good notes!!! 👍
@@ahhhh913 What class did you watchthis for?
I am glad I found this, and I am shocked this is still on RUclips after 6 years. By now one would think they would have removed the content for going against their propaganda.
Too late for outrage. These people are already made into heroes. Everybody wants to be Don Draper...
I like how Ann Bernays says "Tap into their deepest desires and deepest fears" at 32:32 and taps her dog, who is visibly confused.
genius remark!
There is something monstrous and inhuman about the entire approach right back at Freud
Freude, Marx, Lenin....
All this talk of dangerous forces inside of people... don't these demons realise they themselves gave in to their darkest nature? Abhorrent.
Thanks for posting this documentary.
Yes, it bothered me that dangerous forces were mentioned over and over without actually stating what these forces supposedly are. Makes it seem like a boogey man to drive other agendas. I guess that’s what the film is essentially saying but I do think the producers were neglectful in examining these so-called dangerous forces. Do they mean evil? Selfishness? Sloth? Deception?
Keep in mind, what we know about MK Ultra is only a tiny fraction of a single area. If what was released was the least damning, it makes one wonder how terrible the things were that are still hidden. Also, there were two main areas that were being studied and, to this day, we don't even know what the second one is or have any information about. If mind control (intended not just to control our own population but other world leaders), creating unwilling assassins, creating new ways to torture and interrogate, finding ways to discredit those who speak out against the government, and using micro chips in an attempt to control people like robots was the LESS damning of the two, it boggles the mind what the other area of study involved.
I know. It’s sick. Pray for the end. Are WW3. But hope god take them all out.
This has not been proven or debunked, but insiders told that the other area involved paranormal psychic experiments, as well as alien technology, time-space altering machinery, tapping into other domains, realities and worlds.
@@DanRad44 interesting. If that information has been kept secret, it makes you wonder what they discovered.
The COVID hysteria, BLM riots and transgenderism that's taken off in the last 4 years since you made this comment has been a real hoot, hasn't it?
@@sethmoking , lol yeah I can't wait until they fake an alien invasion. XD
It's madness how we try to reinvent the wheel. Thousands of years ago, a guy named Siddhartha Gautama, aka Buddha (as many other wise people, really, that keep telling us):
Suffering/dissatisfaction is an innate characteristic of existence.
The origin, cause of this is the "craving, desire or attachment".
The cessation of this can be attained by eliminating all "craving, desire, and attachment".
Noble Eightfold Path (meditation, mindfulness, honest/ethical way of living... the usual suspects) is the means to end this.
Could you please explain your answer?
@today is not yesterday Jesus, Sidhartha, Plato... They are all hinting at it but people will just settle for the mere tribal allegiance to the imagery and custom in their land
What do you mean by Fallen man (I'm not native english, but understand most of it). Buddha has taught me some very interesting things, i dont understand how someone could hate him, even less want him to die (?!?!) To me he is the most inoffensive of all the religious figures, like he was sitting in a cave meditating.... Who could feel any rage against such a person?
Desires and attachments are issues of balance, not to be disdained but carefully assessed. Buddha treats them as an alcoholic treats beer. That's not balance, it's simple abstinence, which I don't agree with at all. If I weren't attached to certain people and animals around me, I'd be poor. If I didn't crave the love of my kin I'd be empty. If I desired nothing I wouldn't move.
@@pappapaps the fact that suffering comes from desires, cravings doesn't mean that ALL desires are to be avoided hence "right effort". Wholesome will can and should be deployed or, as you say, we wouldn't move :)
Now it’s all algorithms and artificial intelligence.
@Always watching Now is Cambridge Analitic (or similiar) and facebook.... More dangerous than ever.
i feel bad for the AIs XD
or so you are meant to be believe.
And 77th brigade.
Kinda always was
So let me get this straight...they ignored what the soldiers went through during WW2 as a possible reason for their breakdowns in favor of past repressed memories, they ignored all the historical events that took place in Germany that gave rise to Hitler & the Nazis such as the punishments leveled in the Treaty of Versailles which were inordinately against Germany and instead of trying to help people with what they knew, they used what they knew to manipulate them? I don't even know what to say to that. That's just flat out evil.
Not quite... but close enough. Reality is strange than fiction.
Would also add if you listen to Matthias Desmit on Mass Formation on current times it will fill in a bit more of the picture.
These elitists think they are better than everyone and thus must manipulate us... because they are evil.
@@IntheL1ght Nope... 😂Slightly worrying if this is what you have taken from this set of documentaries.
@@jakedovey1586 what have you taken from them?
It’s funny how some of these guys were so afraid of something that they became exactly what they were afraid of. It really shows that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
It would be more accurate to view at as, the Germans cracked down on them for this behaviour, they fled to America and carried on that same behaviour, only this time pathologising Americans so they wouldn't resist it like the Germans did.
To borrow someone else's quote, there are few things as dangerous as evil convinced of its own righteousness.
the banality of evil is alive and well today; so called 'good' people 'just following orders'. Highly recommend the 5 part series Never Again - to be found on CHD channel.
They never had good intentions
They had a bad heart
That peoe don't think rationaly. They just rationalize their feelings
'Ordinary people' were supposed to have had a different psychological constitution from 'non-ordinary' people. Democracy has never been a solution to a stable society: it is merely an assurance that all citizens have input regarding the leadership and policy which affects them. Regulating the forces which affect citizens depends upon the type of democracy: a spectrum from communist to socialist or capitalist. 'People' i.e. the masses erupt when their lives are impacted and they have no recourse but to attack whatever perceived threat exists. Horrifically, this is where the masses are easily manipulated by those who present the information and this is where democracy is undermined: who provides you with the information upon which you base your decisions?
It was a crusade against all that was vital, all that was human.
Monstrous and utterly inhuman
It's creators and main proponents saw the majority of the US population as literally cattle.
The true fear we all have is that it’s not irrational behaviour that creates genocide and atrocities but clear rational thought.
Severely brainwashed society.. still occurring till this present day.. more and more people started to realize it.. how we respond is what really matters to change the course of humanity..
The Germans tried and were destroyed by the powers that have since become the core of this issue. Looking back at that period makes a lot more sense after watching this documentary, and noting which group all these people are, instead of the pop culture narrative about them just randomly persceuting people for the sake of it.
@@sh-hg4eg the germans tried? You cant do it by force or in an authoritarian way.. thats what tge german did and they failed..
Most ppl would have a mental breakdown to realize everything they’re working towards is a lie. Whole world a lie. It’s too heavy so they ignore it and max out on pleasures to distract
Hi JustAdamCurtis, thanks for sharing these videos! Is it possible to put 'English Subtitles" as an add-on feature? I am unfortunately unable to make out all the words with a accent :( It would be appreciated.
The captions should work now.
I hope the families of the soldiers who were interviewed by psychiatrists gave their permission for the publication of their interviews - which the narrator said were filmed without their knowledge ("They made a filmed record of the experiment, using hidden cameras" 2:23-2:29). If a therapist today secretly filmed and then broadcast hir sessions with patients this would be considered highly unethical. These distressed soldiers and their families deserve the same consideration.
2:25 "They made a film record of the experiment using hidden cameras." Forgot to mention they used scripts, too.
These things are still working. Everyone around me is buying $1000 Pro stands.
Pro stands?
@@Vingul Google or RUclips Apple Pro stands.
@@soulreaperichig0 I looked into it and still don't really get what those are.. I get your point all the more for it.
Yeah and just look at the over abundance of audio products. I'm in the Home studio/headphone/amp/dac niche and it blows my mind just how much sh** there is, like the guy towards the end of the video said: "That all do the same thing!!" Hundreds if not thousands of microphones, amps, dacs, headphones, but yet we have people bickering and arguing constantly over what's "better." What they don't realize is that they're just propping up their own confirmation bias and/or cognitive dissonance. It's a classic case of buyer's remorse, where they'll do anything to justify the more expensive purchase, even if that means lashing out at someone (me) who's simply reviewing gear, and giving my opinion - in an attempt to help them save money! The irony is crazy to me. People are honestly f'd up in the head man.
@@HomeStudioBasics im going to sell my cheap amp and guitar.. all those thing are not neccessary.. the advertisement really fuck up our minds.. we are so brainwashed.. they know how to lure us in their cognitive tyranny
thank you for uploading. amazing documentary.
I learn so much from Adam Curtis's films and yet for me personally I'd like to see some engagement with the mysteries of human consciousness.
Read all books of endall beall
I don't suppose anybody knows the title of that absolute eargasm that begins at 41:13
pls :(
Hidden camera's? I'm sure they all noticed the massive lighting rigs used in filming back then. Check out the massive shadows
Ikr, not to mention the fatass cameras back then. Man has one right in his face
Maybe the camera was behind a two way mirror and the lights just explained away somehow else
The clip of that soldier is in a film called “Let there be light”(1946), and it’s on RUclips. It’s actually a very interesting film. Everybody knew they were filming.
I recommend Laurence A. Rickels' Nazi Psychoanalysis: Volume I: Only Psychoanalysis Won the War . "Psychoanalysis was a symptom of everything the Nazis reviled: an intellectual assault on Kultur largely perpetrated by Jews. It was also, as this remarkable revisionary work shows, an inescapable symptom of modernity, practiced, transformed, and perpetuated by and within the Nazi regime. A sweeping, magisterial work by one of the most incisive and interesting scholars of modern philosophy, theory, and culture, Nazi Psychoanalysis studies the breadth of this phenomenon in order to clarify and deepen our understanding not only of psychoanalysis but of the twentieth century itself.
Tracing the intersections of psychoanalysis and Nazism, Laurence A. Rickels discovers startling conjunctions and continuities in writers as diverse as Adler and Adorno, Kafka and Goethe, Lacan, H. Rider Haggard, and Heidegger, and in works as different as Der Golem, Civilization and Its Discontents, Frankenstein, Faust, and Brave New World. In a richly allusive style, he writes of psychoanalysis in multifarious incarnations, of the concept and actual history of "insurance," of propaganda in theory and practice, of psychological warfare, Walt Disney, and the Frankfurt School debates-a dizzying tour of the twentieth century that helps us see how the "corridor wars" that arise in the course of theoretical, clinical, social, political, and cultural attempts to describe the human psyche are related to the world wars of the century in an intimate and infinitely complicated manner.
Though some have used its appropriation by the Nazis to brand psychoanalysis with the political odium of fascism, Rickels instead finds an uncanny convergence-one that suggests far-reaching possibilities for both psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic criticism. His work, with its enormous intellectual and historical span, makes a persuasive argument that no element of modernity-not psychoanalysis any more than Marxism or deconstruction, cultural revolutions or technological advances-can be adequately understood without a thorough consideration of its Nazi component."
Laurence A. Rickels is professor of German and comparative literature at the University of California at Santa Barbara. His books include The Vampire Lectures (1999), The Case of California (2001), and the edited volume Acting Out in Groups (1999), all published by Minnesota.
seems I found my next book for my kindle. Thanks!
A lot of the plot lines and settings of the old British 60s TV series “The Prisoner” were clearly statements (of horror) about psychology being used like this to “reprogram” people.
The newer US series Nowhere Man from 1995 is also about reprograming. After seeing this and some other documentaries, it seems there's nothing fictitious about it. It's practically a documentary itself
Another one to check out is the movie The Manchurian Candidate.
It seems to me again that conforming to the golden rule is all that is needed,to treat people the way you want to be treated and not to treat people the way you wouldn’t want to be treated,that is not society imposing some unreasonable request,It’s the same reasonable request that people are asking from society and each other.
"Sexual liberation is a form of political control" -E Michael Jones.
Free the nipple!
The book 'The Pink Swastika' is weak reference material for a book of such grandeur as 'Libido Dominandi'. Don't forget the globalist want you to identify with the idea of being white. Lol
@@rickyseedo4067 "globalist" i think you mean capitalist
@@user-co2ps4yo7k 'the globalists want you to identify with the idea of being white' is a ridiculous quote from Alex Jones during his interview with Richard Spencer. Obviously the group with the most objection to white identity are the Jews
The premise that democracy is the pinnacle of rationality, & anything which opposes it is driven by "evil irrationally", & people must be manipulated to not threaten the established order is an extremely dangerous premise.
The fruits of that premise is playing out in front of our own eyes today. You can't twist it any other way, the reality is that people aren't ruled by equality but rather by the subjective morals of the established order which covers itself with the slogan of "equality".
the work of these men and women are why people are such garbage today only worrying about themselves and products.
54:06 "It was society that made these drives dangerous, by repressing them and distorting them. Anna Freud and her followers had increased that repression by trying to make people conform to society. In so doing, they made people more dangerous, not less."
How do we repress maga for instance. No need to distort them they’re distorting themselves constantly with reverse PR.
@@mtn1793 Yeah, except what they are really doing is succumbing to propaganda from a foreign adversary. They're such obedient and well-trained consumers.
5:25 says it all. If this is damn near seventy six years ago when he's saying this, then we've reached looneyville for sure in the 21st century.
Wow! I'm red pilling off the scale!
Chronic human stupidity is to blame. To understand this amazing doc you need to be intelligent. Ten years and look at the views, for this it’s a joke. Meanwhile videos of cute cats receiving millions. Most humans are stupid, we are a limited intelligence species.
So do Algorithms replace psychoanalysis?
Great point
Nearly four inches in New models and she moans right after. I can't 😂
Abraham Ortiz Where's that mentioned. I didn't find that.
Manish Kumar about 23:50.
And if anyone hates their brother cue it up to about 15:35 and send the link. Lol.
Phillip Dean Haha
That one was brilliant
Facts are convenient or not. But the truth will set you free. History is an object in the mind. History is written for those who look back.
Tigerr Bebes history is written by those who look back and interpret what they observe to suit their own purpose. It is read by those wishing to learn about and from past events. What is written by historians is entirely subjective and should not be regarded as a set of facts.
Credulity is the most dangerous of all human behaviour as it leads to the development of paradigms based on possibly false information fed by those wishing to control people.
History is good. But you need to be careful they have changed it
why would this documentary not banned ? i mean if people listen to this whole doc then they will get enlightened
I answered this question in another thread you originated. Please tell me what you think.
This should be REQUIRED viewing for educators followed by discussion. A couple of the newer directions of understanding human nature that shed light ... the moral implications of exceeding Dunbar's Number, and the persistence and salience of dark-triad personality traits which make up a majority of the would-be managers of populations beyond the community level.
Multiple viewings and still finding connections I had no idea were there. The idea that PR and Bernays were basically doing early CIA propaganda is crazy but makes perfect sense. Everything is built upon early United States systems of power
The Marcuse book "5 Lectures; Psychoanalysis, Politics & Utopia'" has cleared up a lot of Freudian thought for me. It parallels and contrasts info in this video series.
interesting summary paragraph.So that it made me to watch the documentry. A good work keep it up.
Arthur Millers speech is gold
Another documentary that had parts shown in this one on the treatment of PTSD in soldiers. Let There Be Light. It’s on RUclips
18:48 - I see Dictor von Doomcock has been at the public relations game for quite a while now
39:36 this quote is golden
Anyone know the name of the tone cluster-y dissonant string piece? @ 49:35 "
Howard E Hunt...the perfect little soldier of the regime. Organizer of the burglar of the Watergate and of the murder of JFK.
how can i find this documentary with subtitle?
21:18 "There's the typical house wife, not following instructions" hahahaha
Just seeing this today. Shared
As I am watching this I can’t help myself from going to a 711 to get a red bull and a bag of lays
The “ptsd” is caused by the fact that they are fighting abstract wars. They arent killing a neighboring tribe that is trying to take their water access and women, nor are they killing to take their women and water access. They fight for “abstract” (bullshit) reasons thatbhave nothing to do with them.
Also back in the day u could see your enemy.. think Romans vs gauls . Now they're drones and shit bombs from miles away
Absolutely brilliant
Eckhart Tolle is one of the best at exposing the unconscious insanity that is common in all people and therefore considered normal.
Better than him and long before, is Erich Fromm! The Frankfurt School.......The book "Escape from Freedom" published 1941. Tells all and much more than this rigged documentary! Not to mention, Fromm's book "The Sane Society".....It's all there and always was! We were warned!
Tolle teaches great stuff in that he brings mindfulness to westerners in a way most can understand and relate to. But I don't believe he is an enlightened being and suspect that he's a marketing genius as well. You may have to double check but I heard his wife/partner is in marketing
@@jamessaratore1416 you are right on this one
Eckhart is a schill... or unwitting accomplice... he has lost credibility with me... he is little more than a profiteer in my book.
@@jamessaratore1416 Exactly. He's not. He's ferocious at making money.
Maybe BBC should come out with another documentary in the future, titled 'The Century of the Selfie'.
Suhrd Joshi lol
21:00 is where the video starts discussing the cake mix and egg marketing phenomenon. This is the source Adam Ruins Everything was talking about.
William B
So I really don't need to have eggs around for baking? Dammit, these clowns are the reason my mixes just sit in the cubbard!
It’s so interesting to think who are the relatives now of the people in this video.
"Mental breakdown" is simply getting rational in this manipulative madness... -,-
It would great if had caption subtitles... as a not english speaker helps would help to have. Great content as I could understand.
All of this about “democracy this”, “democracy that”, “we must do this to keep democracy” etc makes me think that maybe democracy isn’t such a good thing
political parties aside a republic is superior to democracy, but in context, the issue wasn't with democracy but that the few tried to enforce what they believe is best on the masses.
@@Simon-pl2zi which is exactly why they were booted out of Germany.
Democracy is an oligarchy where the public doesn't know the oligarchs names
Globalisation destroyed the nation state democracy decades ago unfortunately.
Democracy = international oligarchy.
@@parmenidesofelea9092 exactly right.
i am at ease with myself.
This should be posted to Brand New Tube
Does anyone know where I can find the soundtrack for this?
Aaron Copland: Billy the Kid (ballet)
Arvo Pärt: Spiegel im Spiegel, Für Alina, Fratres
Dmitri Shostakovich: 24 Preludes and Fugues (Shostakovich), Prelude 1 (C major)
Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90, beginning of the third movement (poco allegretto)
Kano: She's a Star (from the album New York Cake)
Louis Armstrong: What a Wonderful World
Ralph Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis
Raymond Scott: Portofino 2 (from Manhattan Research Inc.)
The Gold Diggers' Song (We're in the Money) (from the film Gold Diggers of 1933)
Ennio Morricone: Quelle foto (from the film Le foto proibite di una signora per bene)
Felix Slatkin: The Green Leaves of Summer
The John Barry Seven: Hit and Miss
Psychologists and Psychiatrists involved in mental health treatment today have not progressed very far past those in the same field long ago. It's best to avoid any official diagnosis - who is anyone to tell you what mental illness you have? Do all you can to look for natural treatments and alternatives to help yourself feel better. One small step at a time. The medications are a form of imprisonment and change the chemistry of the brain, but also put you at the bidding of the person writing the prescription. Many of the medications have horrifying side-effects, but quite often doctors do not warn about this. Facial ticks, inability to speak clearly are two side-effects that diminish a patient's self-respect, as well as making life more difficult generally. Many clients in mental health told me that they wished there was a way to see if you might be treated by adding or removing certain foods from the diet. That's what scientists might spend some time doing - something useful for a change.
24:00.... wonder what freud would say about this clip?
@JustAdamCurtis any plans to have this video closed captioned?
I'm deaf and cannot hear the video.
If you watch this and suddenly an ad comes up trying to manipulate you into buying their shit by appeal to your emotions🤔
So Bernays thought people were irrational. But he was a person too, so by his own logic he was also irrational, and therefore it would be irrational to think everyone was irrational. But I bet he didn't think that.
they projected monsters onto everyone, because they were monsters. this video helped explain why there's no free will.
It also explains why the Germans kicked them out.
Another Happy merchant who is manipulating the masses? It never gets old.
2500 years and counting.
Hey Adam Curtis, could you please add auto-generated subtitles?
Dwight D. Eisenhower telling not to be histerical, hysterically 30:54
please make the subtitle
TikTok brought me here 🔥
What used to be abnormal is now going to be normal
Humanity is on a path where reality is stranger than fiction
Hi. Could you enable captions please?
If you want to get to the truth, always follow the money.
You mean a bunch of cartel bankers create the federal reserve?
Amazing work just amazing
A democratically elected government was overthrown for the benefit of the owners and major shareholders of the American Fruit Company . The US taxpayers dollars were used to put workers back into misery . Lower standard of living for the workers in Guatemala meant more profits for American Fruit Company and their compradores in Guatemala . This is the crux of the matter regarding virtually every regime change after ww2 and even prior .
7:41 How could Antonio Salieri live that long??
This is mind fucking... It's so confusing to me.I don't know it's mind blowing....I don't know what to do with this information
I actually underwent ego dissolution before I had any idea what it was so this documentary gave me a fuck ton of closure
It means don't be a bad debt slave!
You can submit, conform to the sheep and live a fake life....
@JL-CptAtom Evola>Spengler>Moldbug>Hoppe>Nietzsche>Hitler. Hitler is preddy low brow reading and there are plenty of traditionalist critiques to be made of him.
Get other people to know it.
@crabdabs8497 your ego made you post that comment lol. Ironic.
39:44 ''He was doing it for the American way of life..'' /notices her necklace ....
Share all of these videos on your social media!!!
This (and the previous video too) seem to talk about very high-level/conceptual ideas, rather than real "nuts-n-bolts" on how to apply Freud's theories to advertising.
Does anyone have any recommended books/videos/etc that gets more into the real techniques and strategies used rather than the zoomed-out talking ABOUT it that makes up this video?
Gustave Le Bon- Mass Psychology
Gustave Le Bon- Psychology of Revolution
Sigmund Freud- Group Psychology and Ego Analysis
Sigmund Freud- Civilization and Its Discontents
Edward Bernays- Propaganda
Jean Baudrillard- Simulacra and Simulation
George Ritzer- The McDonaldization of Society
Joseph Nye Jr.- Soft Power
Peter Diamond, Hannu Vartiainen - Behavioral Economics and Its Applications
If you are interested in the phenomenon of leadership:
Niccolo Machiavelli- Prince
Dick Morris- The New Prince
Archie Brown- The Myth of the Strong Leader
culture of narcissism, christopher lasch
Amazing how no ethical questions were raised. A case of secrecy and and trust the experts?
So, you get hooked on advertising slogans that pump you up so you can 'be the person you always knew you were' and lead a fulfilled life while helping stabilize society. How could that possibly go wrong?
And rather than products, we are being sold identities. We have become the products. No choice, I guess, when most of us are too poor to be able to buy anything.