would love to see more on proper technique for swinging the ripstick as some of these weighted training tools tell you to swing fast and then swing out of your shoes. my worries to swing to hard and lose the proper swing technique which may harm my golf swing.
would love to see more on proper technique for swinging the ripstick as some of these weighted training tools tell you to swing fast and then swing out of your shoes. my worries to swing to hard and lose the proper swing technique which may harm my golf swing.
You’ll be surprised at how good you’ll swing it with an overspeed stick. Most golfers will naturally move in a better sequence to create more speed.
Happens to me all the time
I would also love to see content on that. I have a Rypstick but have found I add speed but keep adding issues to my swing by using it flat out.
Do you lift the left foot when hitting irons? Love your videos!
You absolutely can do 👍🏼
Thanks bud!