Jesus, Son of God? | Alan Watts

  • Опубликовано: 3 июн 2022

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @michaelw.2909
    @michaelw.2909 Год назад +52

    " These things you will do and greater than I " Jesus Christ
    You can not know the truth through knowledge... it's all by Grace !

    • @octobergaming5767
      @octobergaming5767 Год назад

      True is the true knowledge is important not just only grace even Jesus preached knowledge

    • @michaelw.2909
      @michaelw.2909 Год назад +3

      @@octobergaming5767 ... all knowledge is learned ignorance.
      The truth has nothing to do with concepts ... with you going to the mind ... it's not in the mind.

    • @octobergaming5767
      @octobergaming5767 Год назад +1

      @@michaelw.2909 god Is knowledge god is love, knowledge is understanding god is understanding, you can’t option knowledge only by grace knowledge is true that god is truth you see the pattern here

    • @michaelw.2909
      @michaelw.2909 Год назад +1

      @@octobergaming5767 ... knowledge is the sword of suffering
      The knowledge in man is the forbidden fruit ...for it is the experience of opposites in consciousness that one sees or knows opposites ... instead of seeing Divinity inherent in all of Life.
      Your own Consciousness presence is already the divine... but it can not be known through concepts ... or subject/object relating.

    • @octobergaming5767
      @octobergaming5767 Год назад

      @@michaelw.2909 and without this knowledge I’d be in a spiral forever looking for divinity, knowledge is important in someone’s enlightenment

  • @motowmotow
    @motowmotow 2 года назад +48

    God can not be all knowing all seeing and everywhere at once and not be a part of you also, therefore we all are in some part God and in some part everything is connected to everything else.

    • @maxokream6269
      @maxokream6269 2 года назад +4

      We are the entirety of our existence so I agree God must exist within us

    • @quilodinerro
      @quilodinerro Год назад +4

      @@maxokream6269 we are not God we are creation of God.
      If I create a computer am I then within that computer?

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад +1

      We are made in God’s image, but that image has been corrupted due to sin, and we have become spiritually dead and therefore separated from God. This is why Jesus - YHWH in the flesh - came, because only in Him can we be restored back to our true image/representation of God.

    • @Ivan.Wright
      @Ivan.Wright Год назад +6

      @@quilodinerro Your analogy doesn't take into account the dynamics of God. The analogy would work if you made the computer out of yourself (which you realize that's what you're doing when you expand the boundaries of what you call "you", you are literally the universe and we are One)
      God was in a state of Void before anything was manifest, the only "material" that could have been used was God's own self.

    • @quilodinerro
      @quilodinerro Год назад

      @@Ivan.Wright why couldn’t have God made new material 🤣
      Why do you assume He made the world out of himself.

  • @deaomler7911
    @deaomler7911 Год назад +12

    Exactly, he said everything I can do you can do AND MORE!
    He came to tell us who we are and to be a brother.

    • @kaywhite803
      @kaywhite803 Год назад +2

      So can you walk on water? Heal the paralyzed? Give the bling sight? Turn water into wine? Or better things then these?

    • @YESHUA_is_king_21
      @YESHUA_is_king_21 3 месяца назад +1

      He came to die for us on the cross so that we won't have to go to HELL!

    • @jidrit999
      @jidrit999 17 дней назад


    • @YESHUA_is_king_21
      @YESHUA_is_king_21 17 дней назад

      @@jidrit999 no your not

    • @YESHUA_is_king_21
      @YESHUA_is_king_21 17 дней назад

      @@jidrit999 He says be still and know that I am God not us

  • @rainierwolfcastle7289
    @rainierwolfcastle7289 Год назад +8

    Alan has such a magical way of explaining concepts and thoughts

  • @normanvanrooy3113
    @normanvanrooy3113 Год назад +13

    It was written that Jesus said "I am the vine and you are the branches" ... for me that says it all in a nut shell. The Kingdom of God compared to a tree with an infinite spreading of branches or a yeast that multiplies or a river and its delta system or the stars spiraling in galaxies within galaxy clusters and the pattern goes on and on fractally connected to all things inside outside upward downward betwixt and between what our minds cannot imagine both hidden and seen.

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад +1

      If you knew Jesus you would know Allan Watts is of the devil. No one comes to God except through Jesus. We are not the branches if we do not abide in Him and abiding in Him means taking up our cross, and submitting to Gods will. That means understanding that we are NOT God and that God is worthy of our praise and honor and while life.

    • @normanvanrooy3113
      @normanvanrooy3113 Год назад +2

      @@YeshuaSaves3 When I was a young man having been raised in a nondenominational Evangelical mission I was a deeply committed Christian with viewpoints about Jesus Christ and salvation much like yours. The idealism and certainty of my correctness became a prison and the bars of doctrine which imprisoned my heart and distorted my vision was confining the true image of God within my soul that was seeking a genuine sense of authenticity. I dropped out of my 3rd year in college to sort things out and took a job in Alaska working in the Bering Sea with king crab and shrimp processing. The purpose was to reassess my presuppositions and come to a better understanding of the reality or non reality of God through Jesus Christ. I dropped all pretensions of what was right and what was wrong theologically. Since the Gospels contain the spoken words of Christ I limited my scripture reading to those four books. I read them over and over allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to me and help me to understand. I was taught much that had been overlooked by my Evangelical past and also taught many things that contradicted some of the accepted tenants of every Evangelical faith tradition.
      I would share them with you but am afraid you are not at the stage of openness and wisdom in your spiritual development to understand the information without you raising internal self defenses shields to bar any contradictory facts from having any purchase with you. And that is okay. It is like putting new wine into old wine skins as our Lord often spoke of.

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      I have been on the stage of openness ever since age 13. I experimented with all sorts of drugs and religions and they all lead to destruction. Those were a prison in themselves since they left me in my sin.
      The point of searching for the truth is to eventually find it. If you are always searching but never find then you’re lost. You need to clamp onto something or else your whole endeavor is in vain!
      The Bible is Holy Spirit led so if you got teachings that were contradictory to Gods word then we can know for sure what you heard was not from The Holy Spirit but another.
      Gods word is the truth and the sin that it reveals is wisdom to our souls. If it wasn’t for the Bible I wouldn’t have realized that sex before marriage, pornography, drug abuse, lying, stealing etc were truly wrong! I would excuse all of those actions without thinking twice!
      Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Freedom and sin can’t go hand in hand. You are either free or still trapped and imprisoned by sin, you can’t have both desires.

  • @dverygrateful1
    @dverygrateful1 2 года назад +49

    This is a big universe. We don't know squat.
    Grow and study be the best you possible.

    • @mingoia2132
      @mingoia2132 2 года назад +9

      Or awaken and be yourself

    • @isaacchirgwin5943
      @isaacchirgwin5943 2 года назад

      @@mingoia2132 ether or. Fulfillment of the individual is relative.

    • @lebnewman8152
      @lebnewman8152 2 года назад +2

      How d o you know it is a Big universe have you seen the whole thing w with your own eyes NO althoughs o that is blind FAITH although you don't extend that same measuring tool to the only God claiming to be that

    • @howlin7489
      @howlin7489 Год назад +1

      @@lebnewman8152 it's not blind faith. It's science lol

    • @quilodinerro
      @quilodinerro Год назад

      @@howlin7489 science believes that nothing made everything.
      Nothing made space , time and matter

  • @Dynamicawareness
    @Dynamicawareness Год назад +2

    The religious sleep 😴 so deeply that have eyes and can not see and ears they can not hear

  • @NormayzLed
    @NormayzLed Год назад +4

    In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He came to save us.

  • @musicloverforever8475
    @musicloverforever8475 Год назад +4

    Sending Much Love and Light to you all.
    Have a Blessed Day

  • @thirst4truth204
    @thirst4truth204 2 года назад +61

    Love Alan watts he was cosmic consciousness !

  • @jksfghy
    @jksfghy Год назад +2

    He is God! He filled our cup which is very empty! Only He is able to carry and atone for the entire world and the history of all people throughout!

  • @kramnam4716
    @kramnam4716 Год назад +5

    Yes! Exactly! You too can do the things I have done and greater! If you had as much faith as a mustard seed. Etc.. strive to live by his example. Love one another , forgive one another . Render not evil unto evil. We could walk on water, turn water into wine, make whole the sick.. if we but understood. He was showing us the way.. we are all sons and daughters of the Light if we choose to be.

    • @lorefox201
      @lorefox201 Год назад +1

      This is all true, but I'm afraid you'd be surprised of the kind of things that's necessary to do to live in imitation of Christ.

    • @KaliRaized
      @KaliRaized Год назад


    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      The reason Jesus said we will do “greater” things is because there are many of us, enough to spread the Word of God throughout all the world. He also said this because through His death, we gain the Holy Spirit, which goes inside of us and gives us the ability to truly represent God and who He is by spreading His Word.

  • @InnerLuminosity
    @InnerLuminosity Год назад +3


  • @god-la-7wins-verdad-942
    @god-la-7wins-verdad-942 Год назад +4

    “Don’t you know that ye are the ‘sons of God’”- Matthew?:?

  • @Seven_Eleven_1927
    @Seven_Eleven_1927 2 года назад +92

    Boy the devil surly is cunning. John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus is God himself in flesh form.

    • @optimchs1
      @optimchs1 2 года назад +21

      The devil is not a well founded biblical belief, it's a zoroastrian creation that was adopted by early Christians. Also James and Paul directly contradict each other on whether it's faith in Jesus or doing good deeds that gets you into heaven. Just saying, the bible can be used to argue a lot of viewpoints because it's written by so many authors that disagree on the religion.

    • @normanvanrooy3113
      @normanvanrooy3113 2 года назад +3

      David Bentley Hart who is one of today’s most respected theologians and New Testament Scholars has translated the NT as no others have with careful attention to 1st and 2nd Centuries use of the Greek language and in an appendix at the end he lays out a very nuanced translation and explanation of the original Greek raising the distinct possibility or likelihood that it has been misinterpreted leading to the modern Evangelical Christian claim about exclusivity.

    • @Greatlyhumbled
      @Greatlyhumbled 2 года назад +3

      @optimchs1 actually Paul, Peter, John, and James all agree with Jesus on the fact that it is Love that “gets you to heaven” (or rather fills you with heaven)
      In fact Jesus said love your enemies SO THAT you can be a son of God. To walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
      Paul says you can have all faith to move mountains, and wisdom to understand deep mysteries, but have no love and still be nothing. Just a noisy gong and clanging cymbal.
      James says the same. John says the same. Peter says the same “add these things to your faith” says Peter and he goes down the list. Hope, love, kindness, gentleness. Etc. Which is the fruit of the spirit that Paul talks about.
      Paul said let that gentleness and meekness of Christ(the spirit) be known to all men.
      James says faith without works is dead. The works were love. He also says not many should be a teacher because it comes with a larger obligation to keep yourself pure in speech.
      The apostles don’t disagree with Jesus. Even if sometimes they disagree with each other.

    • @optimchs1
      @optimchs1 2 года назад

      @@Greatlyhumbled “While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, ‘Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages and the money given to the poor.’ And they rebuked her harshly.
      ‘Leave her alone,’ said Jesus. ‘Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.'”
      -Mark 14:3-9 (NIV)
      “Do as I say, not as I do” does not seem to have been included among the Son of Man’s teachings, and so the disciples’ puzzled and angry reaction to this incident is fully understandable. When a woman anointed Jesus with lavishly expensive perfume, the disciples doubtless thought they were only following his teachings when they chastised her for this waste of money that could otherwise have been spent on more worthy causes. But then Jesus leaps to the woman’s defense, rebuking the disciples as though they had done something wrong by pointing this out, and rather selfishly saying he should get to enjoy it since he would be gone soon anyway. (In line with the theory that Mark’s was the first gospel and that later writers took it upon themselves to “correct” his theologically difficult passages, John 12 portrays Judas as saying this because he wanted to steal the money for himself. This does not alter the underlying moral, however, nor does it solve the inconsistency.)
      No apologist source that I am aware of addresses the apparent discrepancy between the strict rules Jesus enjoined others to follow and this wasteful indulgence he granted himself. Like many others in the Bible, this contradiction must be marked as unresolved.

    • @optimchs1
      @optimchs1 2 года назад +1

      @@Greatlyhumbled In the New Testament, good works are often considered to be synonymous with following the Jewish law, and in the early days of Christianity, fierce debates often raged over whether that law still needed to be followed. The Pauline letters generally held that the Old Testament law had been abolished (see Galatians 2:16, 3:11-12); but in another amusing Biblical self-contradiction, one which raises the specter of interpolation, the book of Romans cannot agree even with itself on this issue.
      “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin…. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.”
      -Romans 3:20,28 (NIV, emphasis added)
      “All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.”
      -Romans 2:12,13 (NIV, emphasis added)
      A starker contradiction could scarcely be imagined. Romans 3 says that no one who obeys the Jewish law will be declared righteous, but that a man is justified by faith without observing the law. Romans 2 says the polar opposite, that those who obey the law will be declared righteous, and that a man who merely hears the law without following it (i.e., someone who tries to justify themself through faith alone) will be duly punished.
      The gospels contain one more contradiction on the issue of faith vs. good works. This one is due to Jesus Christ himself, and centers around the matter of a glaring inconsistency between Jesus’ words and his deeds.
      In Matthew 19, a young man comes to Jesus and asks what he must do that he may be granted eternal life in Heaven. Jesus lists five of the Ten Commandments and tells him to make sure to keep them. The young man replies that he has done so, and asks if there is anything else he must do.
      “Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'”
      -Matthew 19:21 (NIV)
      This endorsement of good works as a means to attain Heaven raises some difficulties for those who would argue that faith alone is sufficient for salvation. But leave that issue aside for the moment. Keeping in mind Jesus’ advice here, skip ahead to two days before Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. Mark chapter 14 relates a very unusual incident at this point in his life:

  • @peachdaisy3478
    @peachdaisy3478 Год назад +2

    He said that even bigger things we would do.

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      Yes, because there is many of us that can spread His Word throughout all the earth, and because through His death, the Holy Spirit will be in us and through Him we can spread the Gospel more efficiently and in a more Godly way.
      Jesus didn’t mean “greater” as in “better” or “more powerful.”

  • @John-uq7uu
    @John-uq7uu Год назад +3

    ... DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH....READ EVERY HOLY BOOK. !!!! And you will realize that all of the prophets come with the same message.....WORSHIP GOD AND,,LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR !!!!¡! THE BAHAI PROPHET,,,,,, reveals that God has sent many prophets and all of them were met with rejection and hatred by the ignorant humans who claimed they were waiting for a new Messiah... the Baha'i faith is the only one that acknowledges all of the great Prophets of God !!!! Because humanity is evolving God sends us new Prophets with the messages to fit Humanity's situation ... this makes perfect sense . If you are a true Seeker,,,. Check out the Baha'i faith

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      The prophets of the Old Testament understood that the messiah was more than just a man with good teachings.

  • @daniels5511
    @daniels5511 2 года назад +15

    Christ makes it explicitly clear, in His own words that he's God. "Before Abraham was, I am".
    This 'Jesus the guru' stuff doesn't hold water.

    • @kingsleyd8930
      @kingsleyd8930 2 года назад +2

      You must be Christian. Let me help you. I am an isrealite. There is no christains in the Bible.
      John 14:26
      But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
      Joh 17:1 KJV These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:
      If Jesus was God he wouldn't pray to his father. It's just common sense.

    • @kingsleyd8930
      @kingsleyd8930 2 года назад

      Also. Christ and Jesus are two separate persons. Jesus became the christ when when he was baptized. Clearly can see that in John and throughout the Bible.

    • @conradgreener3889
      @conradgreener3889 2 года назад +3

      Jesus was saying he was god and had always existed, and would never not exist, but the unsaid (or more correctly, hidden) message was that ALL of us are god, and can remember this by following Jesus' example.

    • @jcherry52
      @jcherry52 2 года назад +1

      In his full speech he actually agrees with you but he takes it a step further see we are all god in a way.

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      The first part is correct. The “god” part is 1000% false, unbiblical, and blasphemy.

  • @AaronGlenn88
    @AaronGlenn88 Год назад +4

    If anyone come after me, let him take up his cross daily, deny himself, and follow me.
    Jesus alone deserves glory and worship and power and majesty and blessing and honor and riches forevermore!!!!!
    The perfect lamb!!!
    This watts fellow is off in the weeds of human intellect calling it spiritual

  • @kcycle1308
    @kcycle1308 Год назад +10

    So spot on. "You are too"

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      Spot off.
      You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Here is the truth, we have all fallen short of the glory of God. We have all sinned and there is none good. Jesus is The only way to God The Father and His sacrifice cleanses us of our sins to make that possible. Otherwise we remain condemned and are separated from God.

  • @victoriaalbastra6325
    @victoriaalbastra6325 2 года назад +8

    Exactly! Unity

  • @merleglessner1942
    @merleglessner1942 2 года назад +5

    Jesus died on the cross as the Lamb of God for me. Then He came back to life as proof that He was Truth. I chose to believe Him.

    • @merleglessner1942
      @merleglessner1942 Год назад

      Please reconsider your opinion. It goes against the Bible which nobody can prove wrong. Somehow you have been blinded to the truth. Jesus died for us both, and His resurrection means that we also can be born again to live forever more.

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      @Alana Marie
      No, it hasn’t been “disproven.”

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      @Alana Marie
      And unfortunately, you will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. Wiccan is Satanic and demonic. Jesus is the only way; He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and if you reject Him, you reject life itself.

  • @Dynamicawareness
    @Dynamicawareness Год назад +4

    Absolutely So as he is so are you🔥 1 John 4:17

  • @dopelessstreetcast4689
    @dopelessstreetcast4689 Год назад +1

    We are all allowed to ascend pay close attention

  • @ilovechrist9780
    @ilovechrist9780 2 года назад +3

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16 from the Bible 💕💕💕

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      So why does he call us all his sons and daughters in another verse if he only has one son?

  • @annetteku1
    @annetteku1 2 года назад +17

    Well Jesus Said you are crafted in as New branches on the fig tree or the vine... adopted together With me as my brothers and sisters
    As I am a son of God, so are you too, who are With me and do as I do

    • @roberthilton2817
      @roberthilton2817 2 года назад +5

      We are not equal to Jesus. We are not part of the Holy Trinity. Only God is good. Father, Son and Holy Spirit

    • @isaiahpichardo1980
      @isaiahpichardo1980 Год назад +4

      @@roberthilton2817 you just heard facts and completely disregarded it with your own idea

    • @samuelhenkle574
      @samuelhenkle574 Год назад

      @@isaiahpichardo1980 he is just regurgitating the brainwashing lessons he has learned since childhood. It’s what they do. No critical thinking, just believe everything you here and let a book dictate your life. Oh but don’t forget the book doesn’t tell you how to achieve being a better person, it just commands that you do knowing you will fail.

    • @melaniestarkey7868
      @melaniestarkey7868 Год назад +3

      Yes we are the children of God his sons It's true. And ye shall do even GREATER works.

    • @cosm8927
      @cosm8927 Год назад +1

      @@roberthilton2817 "only god is good. I am devil. I am against god"
      This what you are saying

  • @MrChrispy777
    @MrChrispy777 Год назад +2

    "And ye shall be as gods."
    So said the serpent, in the Garden of Eden. So Eve took a bite, and then Adam, and suddenly, their eyes were opened. This was the Cosmic Consciousness that Alan Watts was referring to.

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      Yes exactly and then Genesis 3:22 if ya keep going God says now they have become as us knowing good and evil. So he confirmed it and that there's more than 1 God. Then he got angry and cursed them and kicked them out the garden and made them mortal in this dimension separated from the tree of life.

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      Also a verse in Psalms says we are gods referred to by Jesus in the book of John when the pharisees sought to stone him for blasphemy and he said isn't it written in your scriptures that ye are gods?

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      Also we were made in the image of god

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      You have absolutely zero idea what you’re talking about…
      Except the “we are made in the image of god” part, which doesn’t even mean or imply that we are “gods.” We are not “gods,” and the Bible nor Jesus never calls us humans “gods.” You read those verses, yet you don’t understand the context or point of those specific verses you reference.

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      @@Nighhhts so tell me you're expert interpretation. All I did was quote scripture. Even included a quick summary of the context.

  • @create773
    @create773 Год назад +1

    It’s funny how the speaker is so assertive in what he says.
    “You must be born again to see the kingdom of God” John 3:3

  • @dverygrateful1
    @dverygrateful1 2 года назад +8

    Why do so many hold on to something made up to control them.

    • @npcnobody4926
      @npcnobody4926 2 года назад

      You see religion as controlling. Most religious people find that giving up their life to God is actually freedom

    • @LiberPater777
      @LiberPater777 2 года назад +4

      Because it's easier not to think for oneself.

    • @GenesisG70LaunchEdition
      @GenesisG70LaunchEdition 2 года назад

      @@npcnobody4926 naw I see it as a cult… because that’s what it is.. it’s one large pyramid scam.. it’s a story passed down from time to time.. no way possible the Bible is accurate.. let me ask you this… you go to church every Sunday… give them 10% of your paycheck… and the pastor lives on a hill in a mansion driving a lambo why you sit in your shit hole apartment driving a Prius.. it’s sad times we live in where people actually think praying is going to save you… how about get off your lazy ass and work… I’m a successful man who’s never believed in the Bible.. god or Jesus…. I have my life because of hard work.. not because Jesus helped me get to where I am!!

    • @bro4539
      @bro4539 2 года назад +1

      Don't knock it till you try it, brother. Some things are meant to be controlled so that better things can be freed.

    • @josephercastor8026
      @josephercastor8026 Год назад

      @@npcnobody4926 religion has nothing to do with the creator of spiritual enlightenment because religion is full of deception

  • @kensmith8152
    @kensmith8152 2 года назад +6

    Gurus don’t have writings predicting their future existence and death and resurrection, not to mention doing miracles

  • @yvettelopez3554
    @yvettelopez3554 Год назад +1

    On point, and why don't we get it?
    We are All One ❣️

  • @marvymarier8988
    @marvymarier8988 2 года назад +6

    He is right .
    Love is the message. Don't worship the messenger .

  • @Justin-fq2vx
    @Justin-fq2vx 2 года назад +139

    No no no!! We are NOT like Jesus. He was perfect without sin, holy and righteous and that's Not like us. The only reason people won't accept that is their too self righteous to understand how unworthy they are and how undeserving they are of God's love. Jesus proved Himself to be the son of God by many miracles and by defeating death on the Cross! None of us are God and can never be. Turn away from your sins and trust in what Jesus did on the cross to save you.

    • @lebanonchristian3951
      @lebanonchristian3951 2 года назад +6

      Jesus is son of God

    • @jcguerra333
      @jcguerra333 2 года назад +2

      Everything in it’s time. Peace and blessings to you brother.

    • @Justin-fq2vx
      @Justin-fq2vx 2 года назад +6

      @@cheerlads9684 yes through his power. Jesus said those who believe in me will do greater works than these. He wasn't saying those who believe in Him are perfect like Him or never mess up. That's what I was getting at is Jesus is the son of God and He was perfect

    • @TheRealKoolair
      @TheRealKoolair 2 года назад +2

      Agree. We will not be fully like him until the resurrection.

    • @tonyvillazana-harris6715
      @tonyvillazana-harris6715 2 года назад +3

      Facts Also he proved it by all the Prophecies he fulfilled even up to the ones of now he prophesied and others he left the mantle to prophesied of things that are happening now and there’s still a few that need to happen so far he is succeed in everything he or someone else has prophesied

  • @kevinmitchell8650
    @kevinmitchell8650 2 года назад +11

    Jesus is the Son of the Living God!!!

  • @debramacnab2662
    @debramacnab2662 Год назад +1

    I met Him in person. The night I was going to be murdered by a theif... my opinion is not an opinion... it is a personal experiance that saved my life that night. HE COUNCILED ME. HE IS THE ONLY! BEGOTTEN SON OF THE LIVING GOD.

  • @mikebrisebois
    @mikebrisebois Год назад +2

    It’s so amazing you know all this. I can’t believe you were there! Amazing

    • @zap2747
      @zap2747 Год назад +3

      “In my opinion”

  • @jonjon2bad453
    @jonjon2bad453 Год назад +4

    Cosmic consciousness is a real thing and you all can experience this quite brofound

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      I experienced it and it fell short to the glory that is revealed in Christ Jesus the Messiah.

  • @LoveWins
    @LoveWins 2 года назад +10

    Cosmic consciousness! I love it!! This makes more sense to me than anything else I have heard. This speaks volumes.

    • @lizzettorres1111
      @lizzettorres1111 Год назад +2

      He was the best, is the best and everything he says doesn't just make sense it's the truth. You should listen to his lectures.

    • @raincore80
      @raincore80 Год назад +1

      I hope this is a joke

    • @lizzettorres1111
      @lizzettorres1111 Год назад

      @@raincore80 What's funny about it, have you had a spiritual awakening or cosmic consciousness as Alan Watts called it, and do you know anything about the Bible, who wrote it, why they wrote it, what the scrolls really said? The Romans, and not Romans as in Italian's, ruled the majority of the world back then and it didn't look like it does now, the church was the Gov't and the church is still part of the Gov't, anyway if you think the Bible or any religion are the truth I suggest you do some research or sit quiet and listen we all carry the truth within us.

    • @jl5034
      @jl5034 Год назад +1

      @@raincore80 The joke is a life full of fear of God and full of faith in organized religion.

    • @marioortiz7953
      @marioortiz7953 Год назад

      Dumb and blind people 😒

  • @hurleyjc
    @hurleyjc 2 года назад +2

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

  • @fantasycuts1683
    @fantasycuts1683 Год назад +1

    Jesus was not a man but "LOVE" itself in the form of a man and he showed that every human, like he was born, is capable of achieving that love which is within a man. His life was an example of what a man truly is and his act of rising from the dead confirms that LOVE is eternal. Therefore GOD IS LOVE and LOVE IS GOD.

  • @leeblack8630
    @leeblack8630 2 года назад +3

    The blind lead the blind and they both fall into ditch.

    • @josephercastor8026
      @josephercastor8026 Год назад

      Jesus said close your eyes so your 3rd eye can turn on and see

    • @leeblack8630
      @leeblack8630 Год назад

      Good heavens... Where did he say that?

  • @johnnyfrantz6333
    @johnnyfrantz6333 Год назад +6

    Alan is one of these 50-60s dolts. Jesus himself knew who he was and affirmed it.

    • @837haja
      @837haja Год назад

      What’s a dult?

  • @fistofthenorthstar3155
    @fistofthenorthstar3155 2 года назад +1

    As I figured out, Jesus never said he is a God as we represent him. 🤔

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад +1

      Jesus said “before Abraham was, I am”
      He also said that if you have seen him you have seen The Father.
      Also, whenever anyone bowed and worshipped him he never stopped them even though Ángels who are not God make sure no one worships them.

  • @skither4305
    @skither4305 Год назад +1

    God loves you

  • @Truthseaaker
    @Truthseaaker Год назад +6

    "You are gods" Satan told Adam and Eve in the garden of eden. Blasphemy. Jesus was not "a son of god" he was THE son of God.

  • @truthhurtz333
    @truthhurtz333 Год назад +3

    very very accurate, do ur history jesus means hail zues, his real name was yashua the ethiopian coptic church are the first christians, they predicted his arrival hundreds of years before he was born, and told his story in their bible before the english and roman empire modified those texts to suit their agenda...the first bible the first christians....jesus spent time in egypt studying acient mysteries of chemistry and alchemy and also travelled to tibet and india while mastering, qi gong, rakee, reincanation and healing while teaching on his way back to the middle east, the house he lived in with his mother in ancient coptic cairo still stands today as a shrine...u wont read that in your bible....

    • @jordanmyers487
      @jordanmyers487 Год назад

      Funny how the Romans documented his death too and reported a shaking of the earth after his death. So I guess the Roman’s agenda was to look like fools? 🤔
      Bud, all I can say is the Devil has deceived you rather well. I know there’s more to the Bible that wasn’t included in what we’ve had. That’s only because The Bible cuts straight to the chase of what’s most important. It’s true none of us were around during those times. You’re allowed to have your thoughts on this as well as anyone else and I appreciate you’re history lesson. Just think you shouldn’t leave it at that and give it further thinking.

    • @truthhurtz333
      @truthhurtz333 Год назад

      @@jordanmyers487 🤣😂🤣i dont believe a word of the modern bible or any other book of religion, the entire book are plajorised and has texts identicle to many of its scriptures that predate the bible by thousands of years, (THAT MEANS IT WAS COPIED) all from the sumerian tablets, the emerald tablets the enuma elis, the egyptian and tibetan book of the dead, the bible wasnt written and completed till after 900ad, all of his friends matthew make luke peter etc were all illeterate men, they never had a scribe follow them around writtimg what they said. the letter j sound was not introduced the middle east till the 1500s, the bible wasnt finished untill 900ad, aint nobody decieved by your devil buddy hell was added to the bible it doesnt exist, the rapture was also added to the bible in 1835 by william james darby as a footnoote which was adopted by pastors to push influence in joining modern christianity, THATS A FACT! thats history saying this not me or your devil. as for jesuses death in the first bible jesus wasnt even crucified nore was he i dont believe any of the lies the romans wrote, you want to preach something, how about you tell me about the book of deutoronomy where god tells people to murder rape and dash childrens heads on rocks. or talk about the book of enoch or book of adam or the gospel of the holy 12 or all the other books excluded from that foolishness...

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      Jesus definitely does not mean “hail zeus.” It’s ironic that you say “do your history [research],” yet your “history [research]” is as thin as graphene.
      “Jesus” means “YHWH saves” or “YHWH is salvation,” and is a transliteration of the Latin “Iesus,” which is a transliteration of the Greek “Ἰησοῦς (Iēsoûs)” which is a transliteration of the Aramaic “יֵשׁוּעַ (Yēšūă),” which is a transliteration of the Hebrew “יְהוֹשֻׁעַ (Yĕhōšúa),” also known in English as “Joshua.”
      Do some actual research instead of watching Zeitgeist.

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      Can’t even see your comment…
      Honestly, it doesn’t matter anyway because you’re wrong about everything you said.

    • @truthhurtz333
      @truthhurtz333 Год назад

      @@NighhhtsOH U SAW IT, NOW UR UPSET😂🤣, AND NO SON! the gospel of the holy 12 is the first to proove im right..that came b4 the bible and it tells truths about jesuses life after the age of twelve that the bible says nothing about..... the bible mentions nothing about yashuas life between the age of 12 to 32...what u said about iesus being a greek transliteration meaning jesus of the aramaic yeshua is an assumption, yes yeshua means joshua, we all know that, and the rest of the crap you wrote is irrellavant. THE FACTS ARE THERE! STOP BN A LAZY ARROGANT FOOL AND GO READ THEM.....JESUS was a man who did not get crucified in the first bible, JESUS WAS A STORY THAT BELONGS TO THE FIRST BIBLE!!! ITS NOT OF ROMAN ORIGIN!!!!!!! and GOD is A DEVINE ENERGY! not some dude in a white robe chillen on a for god in your bible, the transliteration was wrong its god(s) plural meaning multiple gods, meaning different storys put together about powerful was plajorised, re written and munipulated to control the world and fools like u...

  • @YESHUA_is_king_21
    @YESHUA_is_king_21 3 месяца назад

    The gospel is good news for all of us!

  • @harrytuttleheatingengineer7515
    @harrytuttleheatingengineer7515 2 года назад +2

    I remember the night I ate 500 ug of lsd.
    I had grown up hating my biological father for abandoning me and hurting my mother. That night I forgave him for what he did. I remember a distinct breaking feeing happening in my chest.once that grudge was removed I felt an overwhelming love for all beings. I remember that night saying to myself “this is Christ”.
    I grew up in the church and I new his words well. So strange to feel his message emanating from within my own being.
    Love you all🙏

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      So was taking the drug “feeling Christ” or was it the fact that you were finally open to forgiving someone “feeling Christ”. If the latter (which I know to be the case) then you don’t need the drug to feel Christ and in fact the drug only brings confusion (trust me I have had my fair share of lsd and shrooms).
      All that shrooms and lsd brought me was feelings of knowing something and then never being able to articulate it in real life nor make any practical use of it. My desire to go back to a trip to feel something only brought destruction to my life.

    • @harrytuttleheatingengineer7515
      @harrytuttleheatingengineer7515 Год назад

      @@YeshuaSaves3 I could just feel that forgiving and loving was the proper way for me to exist within this world. It’s like I was a fish tank that had a clogged filter.
      my filtration system was repaired and restored .I stopped collecting grudges . It’s not like I don’t see the opportunity to be angry and bitter, I’m just choosing to not give energy to that side of
      Myself anymore.

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      Right, we are told to stay sober minded. From personal experience and hearing others experience on lsd and shrooms I know that’s not the way to go about “finding truth”. You open up doors for demons and the enemy to confuse you from what is already right in front of us ordained by God.

    • @harrytuttleheatingengineer7515
      @harrytuttleheatingengineer7515 Год назад

      @@YeshuaSaves3 only a fool deals in absolute’s.
      All I hear is a rigid view wishing to spread to another mind.
      I believe god created the natural world and all that is inside of it.
      Psychedelics help people accept the fact they are dying of cancer.
      Clearly a medicinal compound.
      The same compound can give you a terrifying experience which appears to have no benefit to the person experiencing it.
      In between the two extremes is the stage .
      That sucks you had a negative experience on one of those compounds which basically shut you down from engaging with psychedelics ever again.
      I’ve had my ass handed to me in a hat on psychedelics.
      As hard as that was to go through I would never take any of my experiences back.
      They have led me to becoming who I am today. And I love the person I am today.
      So that means all things in my past are being included in that.

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      I have absolutely seen demon possessed people who have been freed at the name of Jesus. I have cast out demons myself, the spiritual realm is very real and absolute. Having a Star Wars philosophy is a little shallow to say the least.
      I know that all that is claimed in the Bible is shown in the real world. I know that Jesus’s words sets people free if you knew my testimony and the millions of others you would know. That’s absolute.
      I have prayed for healing in others and they were absolutely healed. You speak of that which you do not know, I know God and walk with Him. He gives me dreams which come true, He shows me my hidden faults and guides me in His ways.
      I’m sorry to say Harry but although you have probably been alive longer than me I have found The Truth and am living it.
      Can I ask you, do you think you are a good person?

  • @H0LL0W3D
    @H0LL0W3D 2 года назад +5

    Jesus was God made flesh, just as the beginning of the Gospel of John says.
    John 1:1
    1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
    John 1:14
    14 - "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

    • @jairogonzalez5979
      @jairogonzalez5979 2 года назад

      I been there bro .. u have to keep seeking .. keep bro there’s more to it .. if it’s not ur time to fully grasp it, u won’t , if the time comes . U will see, and u will be disturbed. But don’t be afraid, Jesus Himself said once he finds , he will be disturbed . Because we been lied too over and over again. He is the son of God, and once u realize what that truly means , u won’t believe it . Because it’s beautiful

    • @victormiller1334
      @victormiller1334 2 года назад +1

      @@jairogonzalez5979 yes. Jesus Christ is God. God made man in his image and likeness. God came down from heaven in the image and likeness of Man. (This is why Christ is called God's only begotten Son)
      Now man raises up into the image of Christ becoming the sons of God.

    • @H0LL0W3D
      @H0LL0W3D 2 года назад +1

      @@jairogonzalez5979 I'll be praying for you. 🙌

  • @carsonkendall
    @carsonkendall 2 года назад +27

    That gnostic view of Jesus.. So Sad to hear this misrepresentation of our savior.

    • @natureisallpowerful
      @natureisallpowerful 2 года назад +13

      Its not a misrepresentation, it's a well thought out opinion. And I believe has a true meaning. Just like you have your beliefs 👍🙏

    • @Alex-iu7dl
      @Alex-iu7dl 2 года назад

      @xxx Turdle Kingz xxx get away with your fanatic preaches

    • @abrahamkassis3138
      @abrahamkassis3138 2 года назад

      Yea man i agree...

    • @lebanonchristian3951
      @lebanonchristian3951 2 года назад +1

      They always try to do that on purpose

    • @fortmyersfruitforest5214
      @fortmyersfruitforest5214 2 года назад +2

      Alan watts a true wolf in sheeps clothing pushing his listeners further from the truth

  • @jessxxy
    @jessxxy Год назад

    Jesus is my best friend 🙏 😇 ❤️

  • @RosettaRedfeather
    @RosettaRedfeather Год назад

    Exactly. “These things I have done you can do also”

  • @antymonkrakuski7854
    @antymonkrakuski7854 2 года назад +13

    We can be son of God, but we are not Gods like Jezus! :p It's an important difference...

    • @peterhenare4389
      @peterhenare4389 2 года назад +1

      So are you saying we are not gods?

    • @antymonkrakuski7854
      @antymonkrakuski7854 2 года назад +1

      @@peterhenare4389 Yes, we aren't Gods, we are creation.
      P. S. But evolution in my opionion was true, not magical creation (for clarity) :)

    • @isaacchirgwin5943
      @isaacchirgwin5943 2 года назад +1

      @@antymonkrakuski7854 everything is a god in comparison to something and what we call God (the all) could be the conscious encapsulation of everything and all existence.
      Just an opinion though if you disagree fair enough.

    • @oneofus9478
      @oneofus9478 2 года назад

      Jesus never was God and would never choose to be. God is God. Everyone and thing else are sons n daughters suns n moons derived from what is God someway somehow cause what we call life, existence, experience to happen in which we know is true because we are here doing so.
      Nobody knowing God wants to be God...because we are free thanks to God and the more we know God the more we know freedom. Love also isn't just a subjective thing.
      Eternity is truth
      Freedom is not freedom without Us
      Eternity is truth yet without another it would be pointless.
      To cause effects you must know things to affect...otherwise there can be no change and therefore no difference and therefore no experience of something in which effectively derived from it being caused by that which simply seemed to seek more than itself and by some miracle it seems it realised such a thing...
      Because I know I am but I am not the most high and don't want to be anything more than I am which is one of us.
      Anyone faced with the freedom to choose to be God and being God will provide the path to get what you choose...will change their choice when they realise what they are truly doing when you have these desires.
      We're giving up our being. Our created, caused, given and never taken away from self...and God not only doesn't want that...but wouldn't want that I'm sure. But more importantly could not do that.
      Because you are a miracle that we forever remember and forget
      But it us Us that are here. Jesus consciousness certainly is the way...the truth is within

    • @maxokream6269
      @maxokream6269 2 года назад

      @@oneofus9478 you sound like you’ve been told your whole life that you’re incapable of such things. This comment section is full of it, and it’s my belief we are all able to be much closer to god than we are taught and have more control over what we call life by just thinking a certain way. God would empower us and want us to have the best lives possible right? Anything is possible through god

  • @jackgonzales-alexander1104
    @jackgonzales-alexander1104 2 года назад +11

    Bruh… the hardcore religious fanatics in the comments kill me! ‘Alan Watts is wrong about this…’ 🤣🤣🤣

    • @doejon6821
      @doejon6821 2 года назад

      Have an open mind and watch the hidden teachings of Jesus Christ, it’s a blue screen /w words when you go on RUclips

    • @H0LL0W3D
      @H0LL0W3D 2 года назад +1

      I feel so appreciated. I'll be praying for you!

    • @amirmohamed1104
      @amirmohamed1104 2 года назад +1

      Jesus he is not a God that is why he connects everything with a father. He came to teach the people about God samething as a Abraham, David, Noah Mohamed etc. So he is a messenger not a God.

    • @sarahs3988
      @sarahs3988 2 года назад +4

      @@amirmohamed1104 except He is God, He is the manifestation of God, if God made a copy of Himself in human form, it would be Jesus. He said "before Abraham was I AM" and the pharisees tried to stone him because he called himself God. I AM was the name of God given to Moses. They wouldn't even write His name I AM let alone say it because it was that holy. When Jesus made that statement there was no doubt what he was saying.
      When asked by one of his disciples if he could see God, Jesus said, have I not been with you so long, if you have seen me you have seen the Father. And many other statements. Including the whole chapter of John 1.

    • @lebanonchristian3951
      @lebanonchristian3951 2 года назад

      @@amirmohamed1104 jesus was the only and true son of God

  • @joshuabarbour5278
    @joshuabarbour5278 Год назад

    This is where it gets sticky. Why can it not be both? My head, my rules and I choose both ways of thinking. Either way, he knew that the ones that knew him truly wouldn't be arguing about it.

  • @chipmeister111
    @chipmeister111 Год назад +2

    hello my fellow gods n' goddesses. much love.

    • @ryangarber7180
      @ryangarber7180 Год назад +1

      It's not too late to change your mind bro. You just broke His first commandment

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      ❤️ & ✨️

    • @BlissNBeyond
      @BlissNBeyond  Год назад


    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      If we are all gods then who is right? Who are you to tell one god that murdering is wrong?
      God is eternal and Holy (which means totally OTHER) it says in the Bible that God dwells in unapproachable light. We can never be God but God can dwell in us. Submit to Him for out of your own heart comes wickedness and all sorts of evil.
      That’s why you may find it ok to do drugs, sleep around, kill babies in the womb, cuss, your compass is off and you’re not in The Way who is Jesus Christ.

  • @markygreen8829
    @markygreen8829 2 года назад +3

    Mind blown

  • @Er-ik
    @Er-ik 2 года назад +8

    That don’t make any sense. 😅

    • @isaacchirgwin5943
      @isaacchirgwin5943 2 года назад +4

      What didn't you understand?
      From his opinion he was saying that Jesus realised that he is the son of God but all of man is too the son of God. But because his believers placed him in a position so high above others it made them neglect their own divinity among god's creation as it came to be believed that Jesus is the only son of God, when from what I gather from what Allen Watts was saying that Jesus was a very true son of God (even the absolute truest) and tried preaching that connection with all of creation to all of those who would listen. Since he was deified to such abstraction it makes it difficult to truly digest his beliefs in a manner that was intended.
      This though is Allen Watts belief and I would be lying if I said I disagree but I also firmly believe no one alive today truly knows Jesus because honestly we'ed have to be there to meet him and ask him what he truly ment and believed.

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      Jesus is literally the Son of God; we, however, are sons by adoption and in image, which has been corrupted. We are made in His image, which has been corrupted by sin, but Jesus is His express image, meaning that Jesus is God Himself in the flesh.
      We are not divine whatsoever, therefore, not only was Watts wrong, he didn’t make any sense, because he completely misunderstood, misrepresented, and misinterpreted the entire point of Jesus being the “Son of God.”

    • @isaacchirgwin5943
      @isaacchirgwin5943 Год назад

      @@Nighhhts this is Alan Watts opinion and I'd be lying if I said I didn't partially agree. Opinion being the main thing I'm saying here.
      If that is your firm belief I am not going to say that you're wrong because who am I to say I'm correct or Alan Watts is.
      I was more or less explaining Alan Watts opinion and interpretation of Jesus not what is the reality because i and pretty much everyone on the planet couldn't know because you'd literally had to have been there to know unequivocally.
      Bit off a side note but I believe Mankind is the combination of the divine and the primal animal. Just my opinion though not trying to start a theological argument.

  • @lizzettorres1111
    @lizzettorres1111 Год назад +1

    Exactly and it's proven that Jesus did say we are all sons and daughters of God but you have to take into consideration the times he lived in, how people spoke 2000 yrs ago and their thinking process, they were barbaric it was the medieval ages.

  • @streetsurvivor687
    @streetsurvivor687 2 года назад +2

    The Bible was written in codes and in metaphors, it wasn't meant to taken literally. Jesus is a metaphor for the Sun. Ie: Jesus is the bearer of light, the morning star, the light of the world☀️The Sun gives us light. Jesus is the most high, at 12 noon the Sun is the most high🌤Jesus is your raisin Savior, the Sun is our raisin savior, the Sun gives you energy, Vitamins, information, you can't live without the Sun🌞Jesus walked on water, the Sun rays walks on water🌊 Jesus is God's only Sun, the Sun is God's only Sun🌝not son. Holy Bible derives from Greek, Helios Biblios, which means Sun Book🌞The characters in the bible never existed they don't even have last names📜

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      All false… do more research. Metaphors are used to as a figure of speech to help one fully comprehend what is being stated.
      Jesus is not a “metaphor for the Sun.”
      Jesus is the “bearer of light” because “light” is a metaphor for “purity,” “holiness,” and “savior,” all of which Jesus is.
      Jesus is not called the “morning star,” He is called the “Bright and Morning star.” What’s the difference? Satan is called the “morning star,” while Jesus is called the “Bright and Morning Star,” because Satan is an imitation of Jesus; Satan wants to be like God, but unlike God, Satan will never be equivalent. Satan’s light is false and is a speck compared to Jesus, who is light itself. Jesus is the embodiment of goodness and holiness.
      Jesus being the “Light of the world” is a metaphor for Him being the “Savior of mankind,” as no darkness can withstand or be in His presence.
      Jesus being called “the most High” is a metaphor for Him being “greater than anyone or anything else in all existence; there is none equal.”
      Jesus being the “Risen Savior” is simply Him overcoming death and thereby sin.
      Sun rays don’t “walk on water.” I think you may need to research what a metaphor is, because that verse where Jesus walked on water wasn’t a metaphor.
      The Bible was never referred to as “Helios Biblios,” and just because it was written in Greek doesn’t mean the Bible is known as the “Sun Book.” It was written in Greek because Koine Greek was the most spoken and written language of the time. Very simple.
      “They don’t even have last names.”
      Barely anyone at that time had last names, and they were never referred to by last names, they were referred to as “someone from somewhere,” or someone followed by their occupation,” which included those who had the same name yet different occupations. Example: “Jesus of Nazareth,” “Aaron the Levite; “Simon the tanner,” “Simon, the son of Jonah.”
      Smh… it’s better to just remain silent at this point. Your arguments are unfounded and logically fallacious.

  • @4BrycesBattle
    @4BrycesBattle 2 года назад +4

    LOVE THIS!!!!

    • @fredyh357
      @fredyh357 2 года назад

      Why ?? It’s not even true what he is saying about Jesus Christ we’re nothing like him

    • @4BrycesBattle
      @4BrycesBattle 2 года назад

      @@fredyh357 psalms
      82 - 6 Ye are God's.

  • @audrichavez
    @audrichavez 2 года назад +4

    The devil is at it again

  • @jasonmillis8954
    @jasonmillis8954 2 года назад +1

    Jesus was not just some guru he was actually prophesied in hundreds of prophecies in the Old testament that came to pass as him being Messiah.

  • @chase_h.01
    @chase_h.01 Год назад +2

    Not a one of us has ever left this planet and you're going to tell me in the vastness of this universe you already got it figured out? Give me a break..
    The truth is every time science has advanced forward it has only informed us that we are even smaller and further from the center of its seemingly infinite expanse than we previously realized.

    • @837haja
      @837haja Год назад

      There is a difference between what is within you, and what is outside of you. There are two moments. Internal and external. One is easy to understand as it is finite. The other not so much as it is the father in detail.

  • @guygrdnr
    @guygrdnr 2 года назад +3

    Here is where I have to speak up. Jesus is the
    "Son of GOD"

    • @EdgarGarcia-qc3ce
      @EdgarGarcia-qc3ce 2 года назад +1

      Exactly Jesus is an extension of GOD like an offspring everyone else or humanity in general are his creation. Huge difference

    • @josepadilla4103
      @josepadilla4103 2 года назад


  • @loveistruth5713
    @loveistruth5713 2 года назад +14

    That's just a straight up lie... Hebrews1 who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; 4Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
    5For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?
    6And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.
    7And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.
    8But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; 20And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 9Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.😇✌️🌻

    • @josepadilla4103
      @josepadilla4103 2 года назад +1


    • @josepadilla4103
      @josepadilla4103 2 года назад


    • @k8eekatt
      @k8eekatt 2 года назад

      Thank you Jesus, you made a way to the Father for us, through the Holy Spirit. Draw us Lord

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      I need to know what begotten means I guess. Does anyone know? I'm about to Google it.

    • @loveistruth5713
      @loveistruth5713 Год назад +1

      @@QueenV.420 that's a very good question Vanessa. To begotten means to be The Offspring of your parents. Jesus by his very nature is The Offspring of God therefore making him equal with God you are an offspring of your parents and you are equal and the same as your parent, you are not less than your parents even though you have a have a different position in the family. Good example God is light. And Jesus is the light of the world .
      . what's really cool it says in Ephesians that when we are born again we become light in the Lord. What a wonderful thing to know that you are adopted into Abba father's family. And nothing can separate us from his love in Christ Jesus.😇✌️🌻

  • @elitisthavoc3949
    @elitisthavoc3949 Год назад +1

    Satan has a velvet tongue. Jesus Christ is God and King of the universe!

  • @kasturipillay6626
    @kasturipillay6626 2 года назад +1

    Love Alan Watts..he was a very enlightened soul. 😊😊🙏

  • @johnperez3622
    @johnperez3622 2 года назад +6


  • @yahwehsaviour9083
    @yahwehsaviour9083 2 года назад +4

    New age nonsense

  • @ModernFactsDaily
    @ModernFactsDaily 2 года назад

    Jesus didn’t sin. We can’t be like him. He is the pure lamb.

  • @kcmacneil9008
    @kcmacneil9008 2 года назад +1

    Ahh god is all of us and everywhere. God is what gives us hope when we are truly alone

    • @josephercastor8026
      @josephercastor8026 Год назад

      Because God is you, you are distracted to the fact by being around other egos

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      So you’re just saying that humanity gives you hope? Or are you admitting that God is transcendent giving you hope?

    • @josephercastor8026
      @josephercastor8026 Год назад

      @@YeshuaSaves3 We are God

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      Ok, so please explain to me how it was creating the universe. If God is all powerful, all knowing, omniscient then you should know exactly how you did it, why you did it, and you wouldn’t be lost, yet here we are.
      I used to believe as you do but the fruits of my life were evil.

    • @josephercastor8026
      @josephercastor8026 Год назад

      @@YeshuaSaves3 If there is no receiver then is there a message, if so, for what, or whom?

  • @behemoth97123
    @behemoth97123 Год назад

    I love watts. Hearing him speak is so enlightening. Funny reading all the comments that he's a deceiver. Yet not one person will forgive him lol

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts Год назад

      He is a deceiver, but he’s dead, so there is no point in forgiving him. He needed to ask God for forgiveness, and I’m sure he did not; if you die without Christ, you die eternally, because eternal life exists only in Christ as Jesus is life.

  • @drgnflyangeltruthseeker8556
    @drgnflyangeltruthseeker8556 Год назад

    AMEN Brother, They don't teach us that in church

  • @Hypnose420
    @Hypnose420 Год назад

    Jesus was the man with a master plan

  • @matthewbeyer8861
    @matthewbeyer8861 2 года назад +1

    Does this not make logical sense in the means, times and speed of spreadable information in that point in history?.... imagine what this man(Alan Watts) as is/was could have done/spread/influenced in the same circumstances 🤔

  • @hmp5952
    @hmp5952 2 года назад +1


  • @karmmark9585
    @karmmark9585 Год назад

    It's wild that we (humanity) argue back and forth about this subject but will never ever figure it out (while living that is) until we pass because NO ONE living today knows ANYTHING about what follows after this life. SIMPLY BECAUSE we ( meaning us living today right now in this very moment) don't exist after this life (as far as we know RIGHT NOW), we exist in this PRESENT time, so therefore no one living right now as a living human knows anything about what follows. That is just the truth. HOWEVER, I will say that it is important to live by faith (but that is SOLELY my opinion.) But the very FACT is that nobody LIVING TODAY KNOWS anything about what follows this life and I do not question faith as I've been through a lot and I believe that there is a higher guiding power that has kept me safe (just my opinion). In fact a higher guiding power that has kept me safe not only from the darkness in this world, but from myself which says a lot (but again that's JUST my opinion). BUT, what I would like to focus on also is the FACT that even in scripture the word "MIGHT" is used often. Not the definition of the word meaning "strength" (though that is written) but the definition of the word meaning "MAYBE" and that is simply because even those who wrote the scripture were not 100% certain about what followed this life. As that is up to (in my opinion and according to scripture) the mysterious and most high power, God. But that is my opinion).
    As humans we see visions. We have elaborate thoughts and elaborate dreams. But those things alone are unexplainable. Not the CONTENT of those things, because the content of those things can be connected to memories or experiences or the unintentional/ intentional fabrication of thoughts and science can/may be able to explain the possible processes of those physical mental experiences. BUT the VERY EXISTENCE and FABRIC of those things, meaning dreams, visions etc, are in fact unexplainable. As in we don't TRULY KNOW the intention or root source of those things and why we are actually able to partake in the experience of those things. No one living knows. Like I said scientifically we can/ may be able to point out the physical processes as to why we dream or have visions/daydream. But we can't explain WHY we are ACTUALLY ABLE to partake in the phenomenal experience of dreaming itself. No matter the mental / physical experience of the dream/Vision itself.

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      No one except the one who died and rose again. I choose to trust in Him because He knows!

  • @mikefromspace
    @mikefromspace Год назад

    3300 year old Torah codes on Rabbi Glazerson's channel and others, do prove the coder could see present day events. That's power.

  • @blondboozebaron
    @blondboozebaron Год назад

    G is an incomplete whole with one square angle drawn in Earth.
    O is a Whole measure.
    D is a split whole with two square angles drawn in Earth.

  • @martinsmith8926
    @martinsmith8926 2 года назад

    Children of GOD, care not for foolish opinion!

  • @cheese3471
    @cheese3471 Год назад

    Whooooof alan watts for the win again!!

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      I didn’t know spreading lies was all we needed to do to win? I’d be a winner for most of my life until I turned to Christ!

  • @natureisallpowerful
    @natureisallpowerful 2 года назад

    This has Always been my opinion about jesus,he was someone who was awake,open and had a spiritual awakening. Just like us

  • @ptrack6512
    @ptrack6512 Год назад +1

    I believe the manipulation from the church was exactly for this reason.
    Nicely done

  • @mikek7625
    @mikek7625 2 года назад

    Jesus was a miracle. His mother got pregnant, not by man. That's God for you

  • @me-ds2il
    @me-ds2il Год назад

    Son of God is what everyone can become. Some get on the wrong path of life leading to sons of Belial. So let's get that right first of all

  • @jaikai4989
    @jaikai4989 2 года назад +1

    I agree if we were made in gods design then he made us like himself good like
    We are all god and goddesses they just don’t want us to realise what power we truely have I meen the would hold no power of us if we realised that we are gods

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      Exactly and God also created good and evil the Bible says he created it all. Hence why he can understand good and evil and why we have bad and good and we also understand it when Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and became as the gods. ☯️ basically the laws of the universe positive and negative.

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      The more Power humans have the more corrupt they become. We are made to be humble for the seeking of power and pride only brings destruction as is shown throughout history.
      We are made in the image and LIKENESS of God which means we are not God but only made like Him. The Bible says that there is none good but God for all have sinned against God and have strayed away from His calling. If you want to be more like Jesus then follow in His humility.
      2 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit,(A) if any tenderness and compassion,(B) 2 then make my joy complete(C) by being like-minded,(D) having the same love, being one(E) in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.(F) Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,(G) 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.(H)
      5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:(I)
      6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,(J)
      did not consider equality with God(K) something to be used to his own advantage;
      7 rather, he made himself nothing(L)
      by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,(M)
      being made in human likeness.(N)
      8 And being found in appearance as a man,
      he humbled himself
      by becoming obedient to death(O)-
      even death on a cross!(P)
      9 Therefore God exalted him(Q) to the highest place
      and gave him the name that is above every name,(R)
      10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,(S)
      in heaven and on earth and under the earth,(T)
      11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,(U)
      to the glory of God the Father.

  • @jamescheney1721
    @jamescheney1721 Год назад

    Jesus is so important and is so beautiful! His faults are none and He is The King Of Kings, He will be found if you seek Him

    • @siola4677
      @siola4677 Год назад

      Huh and what for exactly?

  • @ForeignSpices
    @ForeignSpices Год назад

    John 3:16 for God so loved the World, He sent His One and ONLY begotten Son....

  • @candyecoleable
    @candyecoleable Год назад

    Missed the entire Gospel. Jesus is the way,the truth, and the life! Our only salvation.

  • @tominoski2581
    @tominoski2581 2 года назад

    Nothing is impossible with god.

  • @sirvaant
    @sirvaant Год назад

    Jesus Christ is the way the Truth and the life!

  • @whatif2133
    @whatif2133 2 года назад

    Jesus NEVER said to worship him the way people do today! He even said that they would not get the sense of it. We are ALL sons of God. Christ Consciousness is important but he was setting an example. He said of our day "at first they will be shocked then they will be mistified".

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of The Father.

  • @anewamericaallnewagain6089
    @anewamericaallnewagain6089 Год назад +1

    Indeed 👀

  • @bikeman9419
    @bikeman9419 Год назад

    Jesus is our saviour, he opened the gates of Heaven for all of us.

    • @QueenV.420
      @QueenV.420 Год назад

      So I've always wondered about the ppl that lived before Jesus came...they couldn't get to heaven or their animal sacrifices did the same trick?

  • @iantreadwell9511
    @iantreadwell9511 Год назад

    Ignorance = separation from source.

  • @matthewnoah1814
    @matthewnoah1814 Год назад

    Jesus is the Word the Word was with God the Word was God he was with God in the beginning all things were created through Him and the word became flesh and dwelt among us!! Jesus is the Son of God who is God come in the flesh!

  • @ramon3580
    @ramon3580 Год назад

    Yeshua hamashiach was seen by so many people through his resurrection that it's not just in the Bible it's in the Roman archives of history that would hold up in court today!!

  • @sherifdeenajayi6814
    @sherifdeenajayi6814 Год назад

    People that claim that Jesus is not like other humans and he is exalted over us by anything other than his faith and his works which we can emulate are outrightly disregarding his own teachings that we are all gods. He himself never claimed he wanted to be worshipped.

  • @me3said2aweyah68
    @me3said2aweyah68 Год назад +1

    "Quoting shouts you can't think for yourself"

    • @Journal2Awakening
      @Journal2Awakening Год назад

      Or…. What someone else said resonates with you….

    • @YeshuaSaves3
      @YeshuaSaves3 Год назад

      Ironic since you’re quoting…
      Jesus is The Only Way to God.