Professor, you are wrong about one thing. I think the Chinese government knows exactly what the US is, and the US knows what China's rise will do to the neoliberal hegemony and they are shaking in their boots. China took a hard look at what happened to America since Reagan and they nope the hell out. They found the neoliberal capitalist hellscape of America to be unacceptable and decided not to go down that route, and I applaud them for it.
@@franklay5605 If you have nothing else to add to the conversation except to imply someone is stupid without putting up some shit, then STFU. The fact is that this new cold war is to protect neoliberal capitalist hegemony and everyone in the world can see it for what it is. It has nothing to do with democracy, freedom, liberty or whatever the western corpo-state media likes to feed their audience. The professor is wrong headed in the way she is still trying to frame the argument as though it is merely a disagreement on the way the world should be organized, and that China and the US is merely having two equally valid arguments. I simply pointed out that this is the wrong framing because it is still working within the framework of the capitalist cultural hegemony. "Freedom" in western liberal ideology is actually freedom for the capitalist to exploit everyone, and we are commanded to all suffer for it. The actual framing should be neoliberal capitalist imperialism vs. the far more equitable and humane socialism that China practices. That's why they bring down the ban hammer on their tech companies starting to go awry and doing things that are harmful to their society and common prosperity, and that's the right thing to do. Or else China will end up with their own zuckerbergs. That drills down to the truth of the matter.
The West always complains that China has not become a liberal democracy because China has one million corp of members of the Communist Party that makes all decisions in every section of Chinese society. This perception needs to be corrected if one delves into how China decides issues on local and national levels. First, it is essential to know that local governments are elected by the population. People in villages know their candidates in terms of knowledge and experience, as they often eat in the same places, walk on the same sidewalks and work in the same companies. Small cities, as well as large cities, see themselves as competitors. Cities draft businesses and work with them to be successful because successful companies hire more people who pay taxes that enrich their city. Successful companies also buy and sell products that improve the cities. The cities are as entrepreneurial as the entrepreneurs themselves. So the towns help provide markets, cut red tape in administration, and help hire the best staff possible. The village secretaries of the Communist Party, in many cases, are usually very dedicated to pursuing their goals for success. It is not unusual for successful businesses to help start-ups in their cities as their democracy is a whole process network. Issues in China start from the bottom up. Anyone can come up with a problem or a solution to a problem that is considered by the local bodies and if approved, may be considered nationally for action. China is constantly trying to be more efficient. This tendency started over 2,000 years ago when The Qin Dynasty first unified the Chinese into one empire. They began to develop the best way to get the best administrators of the empire as well as the best standing army. This meritocratic system is an essential part of Chinese society. Favoritism became very limited. China may find a way to have popular elections on a national level if they find the means of making sure that all candidates are qualified for the position in question. Thus far, Meritocracy has brought the Chinese people to be the biggest economy several times in its history. Within the next 30 years China will again become an economic as well as a cultural beacon for humanity through peaceful development and win-win cooperation.
Not 1 million. 1 million × 10. There's 10 million communist party members. My mother and father both are members during the ww2 and after. My father join PLA at 15 to fight japs. Mother is a teacher.
When the reporter asked if China will ever become more liberal like Japan, Korea, the basic assumption is that the U.S. system is better, but is it? Look at all the problems a two party system has, during election, the candidates will do whatever it takes to win the election, because it’s winner takes all. The government is actually controlled by some special interest groups, not by the people as it seems. Political gridlock, blame all problems to others, the lists just goes on and on. Why should China takes on such a system?
You r so right. China system has worked very well, the leadership team is the best n capable n qualified leaders. This is the key factor for China's success...
Take away point: The Chinese Party doesn't change, but policies change all the time. Why do you need political pluralism when pluralism is built into the system.
@MetaView7 CCP'S policies change all the time because they have no integrity. They change in order to protect their power base; so whatever businesses they are involved in can keep making money. Money to be sent overseas to their families enjoying freedom in USA, Australia, NZ, UK, Singapore....
Americans can choose a party but not the policy because all parties work for the oligarchs. The US is a plutocracy, not a democracy. Spending $8 trillion on war but no money for the homeless and the infrastructure is evidence of working for oligarchs, not the people. People in China cannot choose a party. Still, the party would listen to the people and change the policy accordingly because the party is working for the people, not the oligarchs. By the definition of democracy, "by the people, for the people," China is more democratic than the US. So, the US vs. China is plutocracy vs. democracy, and democracy indeed prevails.
Excellent. Voting is an aspect of democracy to ensure the govt serves the people's interests. When you can vote but the govt only serves the oligarchs, is it still a democracy?
Seriously....does the US know it has to start by first....stop their unilateral sanctions!!! There is no point for dialogue when they say one thing and turns around and does exactly the opposite. What is the point of a dialogue when one party only thinks of war as a first resort when they cannot get their way. These cannot be overcome....because US does not respect anyone except itself. Until that changes ...nothing will.
True, China leaders don't waste time meeting with untrustworthy politicians. They have much more issues to work on in making its populations' lives n wellbeings better n better n more developments efforts for the other countries who are respectful n trustworthy too. 👀🔎🧐🤔😍🙏🙏🙏
There is no point in dialogue when one country CONSTANTLY LIES over and over and over again. NO country in the world trusts China. Literally NO ONE. Not even their best friend Russia haha. Why do you think that is? That China has NO FRIENDS in the world. Is it "Asian hate" LOL. China? You have become the world's enemy and your people don't even seem to get it, which is so sad. Brainwash your own people and make them think you have friends in the world. EVERYONE hates China under the CCP. Barbaric, inhumane, filthy place - I saw it with my own eyes when I lived there. Dystopia trying to fool you all.
The roots of China's economic development model can be traced to Singapore's. After his retirement from politics, Goh Keng Swee who was one of the founders of Singapore, adviced China on economic development for many years.
The host’s questioning reflects how ignorant he is of China, it’s people, society, civilization, tendencies and government: 1. He kept going back to the question of “liberalization”, “freedom” and “democratization”. When will the west accept the reality that China likes the system they have. In fact, the Chinese people like it very much, 90+% approval. China has no desire nor reason to consider the inferior system from the west. I wish the professor would have been more blunt. 2. China’s demographic time-bomb. Another standard talking point from the west. It’s a dumb question and I’m glad that the professor dismissed it quickly and deftly. I got the sense that the host was a bit annoyed that the professor artfully debunked all his talking points. The best remedy to cure the host’s ignorance would be for him to book a flight to China and spend 6 months there with open eye and mind. His views of China would be totally different at the end of the trip.
Go int any American university, its political science classes, and you'll find out where all of those fancy sounding words come from. It's all bullshit.
I'm happy we have someone like ms. Jin Keyu sharing her knowledgeable view and giving some insight about China to the western audience that doesn't know anything about China other than reading things from the western media only. Hope we more and more people like ms. Jin.
No, there are plenty of people like me who know about China from living there, actually. It was my first hand experience that made me see it for what it really is - a bullying regime hiding behind a bunch of fakery. I was fooled at first but after living there for years, the mask was finally torn off and the CCP showed its true colors. Never again. Never been soooo grateful for my US passport as when I lived in China. I still sleep with it on my bedside table now that I'm long gone and breathe a sigh of relief every morning I wake up not in China. I went it with an open mind but then learned the truth.
@@Jess-Truth To some extent what you are saying is right many overseas mainland Chinese she needs to think before she speaks unlike most Americans who let the mouths do the talking before the brains are engaged.
@@yttean98 I presume you are implying that even overseas Chinese have to conceal certain truths relating to the CCP? Whereas those from other nations can be more carefree...although you put a pejorative spin on it. I was out to dinner the other night and there were a few Chinese-born people there. One was mentioning they had read the Falun Gong book and she found "nothing bad" in there, in fact she said it was very helpful practice. Even the mention of this was quite confronting to the others who had been lead to believe by the Chinese propaganda dept that it was some kind of evil death cult where practitioners were imprisoned and even mentioning it was risky. Anyone who values truth surely cannot be a fan of the CCP.
Great interview, host not constantly interrupting, not casting his own view on the guest. This type of interview not happen often when western media interviewing a Chinese.
@liu3gz, it is not rare at all to have this Chinese economist expressing her views without constant interruption. However, it is extremely rare to see any ordinary Chinese expressing their opposition to communism on Chinese TV. Can you provide links to 5 videos showing that this Chinese economist was constantly interrupted by interviewers? I had watched this same Chinese economist being interviewed by Gideon Rachman (Chief foreign affairs commentator for the Financial Times) on the Intelligence Squared Channel from the beginning to the end of that 43 minute-long interview and I did not see her being constantly interrupted by Gideon as you have alleged. I hope you are not trying to play the victim card and portraying communist China as the victim of some Western foul play.
I applaud you for pointing our her fallacy in believing the Chinese people could express themselves freely as in the USA. She wants to promote her version of China when the facts don't support her claims. She won't change the minds of people who see the truth or Communist rule in any society. @@karllarsen8797
It's important to understand that in 1912, China adopted Western democracy when it became a republic (the Republic of China). It did not turn out well. The Chinese learned a very important lesson: Western democracy, pluralistic democracy, will not work for China. Of course, Western democracy did work for Taiwan, but we must also understand that the island of Taiwan is nothing like the massive mainland with its billion plus population and multitude of ethnic minorities. Keeping such a large nation unified is far more difficult than keeping Taiwan unified. At any rate, China has learned never again to entertain the notion of becoming a Western democracy. Not in 1949 when the ROC fell to the Communists, not in 1978 when China opened up to the West, and not in 2001 when China joined the WTO. The Chinese do indeed respect and honour a strong authoritarian government. This has been the case throughout China's 3,500-year history and through 16 great dynasties. The CPC may be regarded as the latest dynasty. That said, modern China does have a unique democratic (non-pluralistic) system that is fully supported by the people. Numerous Western studies bear this out... Edelman Trust Barometer 2023 shows that 89 percent of Chinese trust their government. _China has the most trusted government in the world._ The Global Happiness 2023 survey from Ipsos shows that _China is the happiest country in the world_ at 91 percent. Latana’s Democracy Perception Index 2023 shows that _China is one of the most democratic countries in the world,_ well ahead of USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. China is #6 at 73 percent. Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School in 2020 reported that _95.5 percent of Chinese are satisfied with their government._ A 2019 UC San Diego study shows a high level of satisfaction among the Chinese across a range of aspects up to 95 percent. A November 2019 Ipsos survey shows that _95 percent of Chinese believe their country is on the right track._ Western countries, especially the United States, can only dream of having such numbers.
Another reason Taiwan democracy worked is because it had the full support of the US due to the anti-communism policy against mainland China. If you looked democracy in other parts of Asian such as India and Philippines, they didn't work so work despite having an additional advantage of having a large English speaking population.
@@chuckt6381 It's even debatable that democracy works in Taiwan. Corruption runs deep in the government. Taiwan's parliament resembles "Fight Club." And Taiwan's economy has been stuck with wage stagnation since going democratic 30 years ago.
@@horridohobbies Your narrative/view is less fact based. The 95% should not counted as fact. But I believe Kishore Mahbubani would smile at you. Joining WTO how many promises CCP has fulfilled? My hope is waiting 3 - 5 year you would hold same view on CCP Cina. If democratic social process is not fit Cina it won't fit human being. A social process would never pick up a race sex. Hope such idea is ot insulting enough to Cina People prodemocracy people. In China only Wu Mao or Little Pink Red would hold similar view like yours.
Dr. Jin is a very good educated scholar. She did deep study about China. Thank you so much for bringing Dr.Jin to the program and also letting her express her view of China without biased and interrupting her.
Many ordinary Chinese would dream of having the same privilege as Dr Jin to express their views of communist China without being arrested, imprisoned for many decades, and tortured or mistreated whilst being imprisoned by the Chinese communist government.
The US 'model' is not perfect because it doesn't change for the past hundred years. Whereas the Chinese system has been evolving from the Soviet system to its present system. And the leaders in US are more keen to have themselves be president but they are not serving the people and the country after elected. Whereas the Chinese leaders main goal is to develop the country and uplift the lives of its people.
Great, then stop sending Chinese students to be educated in the US, please, and stop having wealthy Chinese buy up property here. The reverse is not happening AT ALL.
@@jer33.33 chinese leaders main goal is to develop the country and make sure its citizen are satisfied as a way to legitimize their rule. they are also afraid of uprisings from its citizens which happened so many times during its past dynasties when government don't perform and corruption rampant. so its kinda give and take.
Very encouraging to see a scholar who is both articulative and knowledgeable to help the world better understand China. Her responses are very logical and insightful. Hope to see more of her interviews!
@kl7296, My understanding of communist China is as follows: 1) Communist China is an authoritarian dictatorship that does not allow any views opposite to those of communist Chinese leadership to be expressed on Chinese television. 2) Communist China is a signatory of UNCLOS (The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) but refused to turn up to the arbitration in the Hague to answer the allegations of the Philippines' government that communist China's claim on the South China Sea and its occupation and militarization of some reefs in the South China Sea are illegal under UNCLOS. 3) Despite the decision handed down by the Arbitral Tribunal in the Hague in favor of the Philippines government, communist China has continued to illegally claim most of the South China Sea as its own maritime borders and to illegally occupy some of the reefs within this South China Sea. Furthermore, despite communist China's professing its yearning for peace, Chinese Coast Guard vessels have rammed and sunk a number of fishing boats of both the Philippines and Vietnam in violation of UNCLOS. 4) Chinese private companies are just fronts for the ill-gotten wealth of extremely corrupt criminals like Xi Jinpingpong. As soon as any private Chinese company says or does something displeasing to the communist dear leaders, the CEOs of such companies would either disappear from public view or just suddenly die of unspecified illnesses. Do I understand communist China correctly or do I have some misunderstanding of the true nature of communist China?
Your understanding is precisely the reason she wrote the book. Western beliefs echoes their imagined incriminations & ignorance repeated yr after yr.@@karllarsen8797
WTO foolish by Western corporate greeds to allowed China entry. They are successful with force labor, force IP handover, reverse engineer IP then flood the market with cheap knockoffs just to names some flaws.
@@karllarsen8797you have the stereotypical view feed to you by Western media propaganda. Keep watching and reading only the western media and you’ll continue to walk down the path of ignorance.
The collective West seem to be stuck in the question of their assumption that opening economy will lead to the democratic reforms in China. This assumption is deeply rooted the believe that western system is better than Chinese system (to the larger context, better than any other systems) to the point that Westerns can not or not willing to understand how China in short forty years became the second largest economy in the world, lifting billion people of poverty without firing one shot. What the real question they should ask is how and why so called western democracy not the answer to China and many other nations. American sense of superiority and its hegemony has made its political elites ignorant to say the least. They can not understand what the world is heading, let alone any meaningful strategy and policies.
We the west is entering the same stage as late Qing dynasty. The view to China today from the west is getting closer to the chinese's view then to the west.
If China is so superior then why do all your elites study and buy property in western countries?? And why does no one want to study in authoritarian China? The only ones who go are poor people from developing countries China gives scholarships to so they can control them with money. NO ONE wants to go there otherwise. All companies are pulling out investments from China. Why do you think that is, wumao? China became the world's second largest economy thru exploitation of its own workers and inhumane labor practices and cheating. People are not impressed by their immorality.
Her take away point: The Chin Party doesn't change, but policies change all the time. Why do you need political pluralism when pluralism is built into the system.
China is a work in progress on every front. But its growth and reforms are endemic to Chinese culture. In some ways, China is ahead of Western Societies. Governance in China has been a 5,000-year experiment that has produced a Social democratic meritocracy. Local elections and decentralized power has created a state entrepreneurial system unequaled by any country in the West. Yet the Chinese participatory democracy is still behind the Western advancements in healthcare systems, social security, and minimum wage. It still needs to be an advanced society. These problems are being tackled along with climate change and pollution.
Modern China does have a unique democratic (non-pluralistic) system that is fully supported by the people. Numerous Western studies bear this out... Edelman Trust Barometer 2023 shows that 89 percent of Chinese trust their government. _China has the most trusted government in the world._ The Global Happiness 2023 survey from Ipsos shows that _China is the happiest country in the world_ at 91 percent. Latana’s Democracy Perception Index 2023 shows that _China is one of the most democratic countries in the world,_ well ahead of USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. China is #6 at 73 percent. Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School in 2020 reported that _95.5 percent of Chinese are satisfied with their government._ A 2019 UC San Diego study shows a high level of satisfaction among the Chinese across a range of aspects up to 95 percent. A November 2019 Ipsos survey shows that _95 percent of Chinese believe their country is on the right track._ Western countries, especially the United States, can only dream of having such numbers.
An "entrepreneurial system unequaled by any country in the west"?? 🤣🤣🤣 You are delusional. The place is rife with fraud and corruption and fakery. Guanxi runs everything and only if you are in with the party, you get stuff. Fake environmentalism, trashing the environment, exploitation of the poor, crushing of minorities - the place is a hellscape. I know because I lived there. Totalitarian, inhumane, shithole hiding behind tall shiny buildings on the coast. Never again.
@@gelinrefira We would like to teach them honesty but all they seem to know how to do is CHEAT and STEAL. Shut down the borders in western countries and stop letting them in to our universities. They can cheat at home in China where immorality is normal for them. Get them out of our country.
China almost have it ...If only 50% of people in western countries were allowed to vote ie. intellectuals business men,,,professors ,union leaders .,,,,mayors of councils and we the people can vote if we are interested enough to take a rudimentary exam ,,,,not far from what China is now ,,,,,America may soon have a dictator,,,,,and UK is mash
It cannot be said which country or which system is better. Because all technological creations come from ordinary people. The system of government is just one way they run the country. Can't say who is better than whom. Because everyone makes mistakes. What we need to examine is the ability of the state to correct mistakes. This is what the government should do. Because all great powers disintegrate from within. Regardless of any external factors. Because every decision depends on the leader's choice. Like whether to fight or not to confront. Only in the leader's mind. The mistakes made are all the responsibility of the people at the bottom. Both the U.S. and Chinese governments have made mistakes. Talking about who is good and who is bad. It is a false topic. Because there will never be a result. Only time will test step-by-step answers.
Wow, talking about self-censoring, if you copy the link of this video, and share it, the person you shared it with will encounter video not found. I guess anything about positive China is not allowed in YT 😅. Talking about open society and media. Onto the subject itself, very realistic views of China and its economies, like the way she she presented herself and answered the journo difficult questions in a positive way, the journo’s approach as usual is with the western lens instead of neutral lens, it’s like guilty until proven otherwise. But like the content 😊 very unlike Washington Post.
Of course you have drug addicts, homeless people, mass shootings, school shootings everywhere. Yes, american society is extremely healthy at the moment.
David J Lynch is excellent. His questions have relevance to all Americans and is guided by his deep knowledge and core belief system. One interesting note from the Professor, China is not modeling themselves after US, more a technocratic system like Germany.
America does not care what economic models communist China follows. America only cares about fair, reciprocal trading access to the Chinese market, the theft of Western intellectual properties by communist China, the use of trade access to the Chinese market by Western companies as a political tool to force Western countries to kowtow to communist China's geopolitical goals, and China's illegal military activities in the South China Sea and across the Taiwan Straits.
Dr.Keyu Jin is a classic example of China's alacrity, preparing itself for decades for their surge. I also notice how well they have made use of modern education while the western socities have gone into a deep slumber.
Why is it human nature to think or say, "Do it my way and you'll succeed" all the time? The US has less than 25% of China's population, the UK 5%, Germany 6%, even the whole of Europe has just over half, and then we have the culture, history, actual experience with wars, colonization, imperialism, serfdom, slavery, current social and economic development stage and a host of other factors too long to list here. Is it human nature to want to meddle? The Chinese seem to have less of that problem. They learn from the west, from anyone for that matter, when they need to. Interesting that they study the German model rather than the American, per Ms. Keyu They send their kids abroad to study other people's experiences and technology. I suppose what saves the Chinese is their most precious personal trait--pragmatism. It is said that the French stir their coffee anti-clockwise because they drive on the right, the British stir their tea clockwise because they drive on the left and the Chinese stir whatever they're drinking to dissolve the sugar.
Curious: Why does China have NO FRIENDS in the world today if it is so great. Literally all its neighboring countries hate the place. Do you think that's because it's so "peaceful" and non-meddling?? And why are every country's computer systems around the world hacked by the Chinese government if its so non-meddling?? 🤣🤣🤣China is probably the worst meddler in the world. It just tries to do so in secret. Absolutely ZERO INTEGRITY. What do you expect when you entire regime is built upon FRAUD.
How many times have you heard western voters scream liars, cheats and conspiracy at their politicians but yet insist other nations to follow their political model
My favorite story is The Boy Who Cried Wolf. That was the one of most important ethics to learn before other things. It helps me now and ever since these people speaking without honesty. God bless Aesop, the ancient Greek philosopher.
Touché, professor Jin. "Half of China's exports is the supply chain to the rest of the World". The other half China keeps for itself which is evident in it's consumer society. Maybe I'll read her book despite its boring title.
China's economic development largely is created by the Chinese gov't. China did not do it as Korea, Japan, Singapore or the US style. The leader observed "know-how" around the world adopted and adapted it into Chinese characters and social-cultural economics. it has a long plan which divided into every 5 years plans. The harmony and hard work lead them to success and that shakes the world. And it is just the beginning.
Thank you for an engaging interview. Some of the questions were of very high quality and Mr. Lynch is respectful. He showed genuine interest in the views of Professor Jin and did not interrupt her at all. Sadly, some interviewers in the corporate media are not shy to show their strong political view that differs from the interviewee. Professor Jin has shown that the new generation of Chinese can be rational, knowlegeable, worldly and articulate. Most importantly, they want collaboration, not confrontation; they want mutual benefits but not a zero sum game.
Inarguably, the United States is imploding from within - precipitated by a political system which had effectively been hijacked and controlled by the powerful plutocrats. Political lobbying has metastasised, like cancer, across the political divides to become a big industry in the United States. It breeds a culture which has turned the United States from a democracy into a plutocracy. “The special interest lobbying enhanced the power of elite groups. And that was a key factor shifting the nation's political structure toward an oligarchy in which the average Americans have little or no independent influence,” observed Martin Gilens and Benjamin in their 2014 study. Behind the “fanfares of elections”, and the big money, nothing is going to change. President are elected every 4 years. Senators are elected to six-year terms, and every two years approximately one-third of the senators will face election or reelection. Members of the house of representatives serve a 2-year terms. Worst, the fanfares had been reduced to nothing more than “beauty pageants” featuring the Democratic and Republican candidates, who are just two sides of the same coin. Superficially different, but fundamentally not. The result is a dysfunctional government deeply divided by the plutocrats and partisan politics; and the shockingly lack of direction and congruence of objectives amongst the constituents of America’s political power base. But more unfortunately, this failed political system is being unashamedly promoted as the “beacon of democracy”.
China learns alot about Singapore (with 70% Chinese majority) and makes the model even better for themselves. Many Chinese government officials and scholars are sent to Singapore each year on learning trips. Imagine a CN with many pockets of better-than-Sg cities. Sg is not a "democracy" in US's terms. But is Sg any lesser than any city in US or West? During Covid, CN locked themselves outwards but remained open inwards with zero covid policy. During the period, the world is fortunate to have CN to be able to continue manufacturing and producing goods for the world. The US and the West gated HuaWei and as a result halted the proliferation of 5G outside CN. But within CN, 5G adoption has leap-frogged with many apps and usage in business and everyday lives. The only truth staring in the face of US and West now is CN far more advanced and improved in comparison. The decline in CN demographics due to declining births will be mitigated by mass technological adoption. On the other hand, US and the West are stuck with motherhood and misguided ideologies.
I think she managed to capture what a normal Chinese people on the streets feel which i often feel western media missed. Politics is actually not high on our priority list.... House to stay in, food for our families, stable and good jobs and education are .
America wanted to meet Chinese defence minister Li, but on the other foot, they are continuing to sanction Li. Isn't that hypocricy to disgusting levels? Isn't that trying to stab China at the back while shamelessly smiling in front? America needs to go back to least learn to be more cultured and refined.
Lots of Chinese learn English at school. Lots of them study in US. Lots of American books and movies are translated into Chinese. Yes, Chinese knows American well better than American knows about China. Even when Chinese newspaper reports American news , the original English version would be shown alongside to support its truthfulness.
For the most advanced semiconductor chips, if US restricts ASML EUV tools to TSMC as US are doing to China, TSMC would not able to manufacture 5 nanometer or 3 nanometer chips today. For the data security, Microsoft Windows implanted a lot of network back-doors under the US government requests. That's what Microsoft Executives told us. It was on a SFO bay area news paper, Mercury News, when Windows was hit by ransomware. On a magazine, Linux Journal, it reported that Linus Torvalds was approached by NSA and asked him to implant network back-doors in Linux OS so that US government can monitor/collect any data they want from the Linux systems, from whoever owns/uses the Linux systems. Why news media like Washington Post, New York times do not report these kind of news?
So beautiful and smart. Don't worry about USA, nothing to prove to them just tell USA take care of their own citizen well instead of talking the China bad on the daily bases. Under Xi Jinping 800 millions people outside of poverty. Also minorities in China litteraLy have free education untill they finish university, they also have extra credit to attain the best Chinese university. I have lived in USA and China, I prefere China, I feel safe in there and I felt part of a bigger world. It's not about individualism, but rather community.
@Michael Marchal. You didn't get a green card 😃 so you went back to China ? Xi Jinping's daughter has been here jn USA since 2010.Not sure she has a green card or not.
@@ggc7318No USA is a crap show, that's why. I found it uninteresting in general. China is a better country for me. America for you, good on you. Not for me!😂
Professor Jin your equanimity is admirable. I have viewed numerous video in which you are featured speaker. Your focus is laser sharp while I scream at the screen! 😅 Best wishes. May the blessings of the cosmos be yours.
Kotkin "the collision between the Leninist poltics /organization and the private wealth/dynamics" Yu "the synthesis between centralized poltics and decentralized economy" Either Yu is an unintentional mouthpiece for the CCP or a genius with a greatest insight.
China's population is shrinking but even by 2070, China will still have a billion people. Its labour force will still be larger than the entire population of the United States. China still has decades of robust growth ahead. The IMF's GDP growth forecast for China in 2023 and 2024 is 5.2 and 4.5 percent, respectively. This vastly outstrips the forecast for the G7 economies (all with less than 2 percent GDP growth). The report came out in April 2023. If you call this muddling along, fine. But China isn't the only country facing economic challenges. So are the USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc. Over the past 30+ years, China has demonstrated a remarkable ability to overcome its challenges. _Never bet against China._
China doll educated in the West, terrified of telling the truth to the old, white, man...... @11:08, in answer to that guy's assertion: the Chinese 20-family of aerial vehicles, J-20, Y-20, Z-20 and H-20. All top of the notch technologies.
The most selfish people I have ever met in my life are Chinese people. They will let someone die on the street and not help. It is shocking. And all they care about is MONEY. No morals, no values, just MONEY. Sick state of mind.
Keyu Jin is one smart lady. Her interview is very enlightening. Her insights of China and the US is well said. Definitely there are some miss-understandings between the two, although there are some undercurrents do agree with each other. I do agree with her that collaboration and developing in a competitive way would be much more beneficial and in the end, all other countries would benefit too.
A superb job by Keyu Jin who brings the true reality and a different perspective than the general public preconceived view. Really standing up and popping these myth one after another.
Thank you, Keyu Jin & Washington Post. I feel much more comfortable about hanging onto my I-Click shares. I remember getting a bit lost in London, at 21, & passing The London School of Economics. I feel so awed to listen to one of its professors, 40 years later. ( I guess the reason I remember it, so vividly, is because I felt a sense of, " Oh, okay, I'm safe, if that's what that is").
If China were a western European country, the US wouldn't care. It's an inhumane totalitarian, authoritarian shithole absent of human rights. It's good for NO ONE to have China to be the dominant power in the world. If you care about the well being of human beings.
VIewers be informed, Keyu Jin is the daughter of a former minister level CCP official. As such, she enjoyed a priviledged princeling-like life, she would defend that type of lifestyle. Her education and credentials are the result of priviledge, the normal Chinese citizen cannot get even a piece of it.
Excellent observation on using vocational schools similar to Germany. There is social stigma on vocational schools in the English speaking world. In the US, the community colleges provide an excellent method for letting people get "intermediate" degrees and allow adults to upgrade their skills at a minimal cost.
Your book has been timely, giving a fresh perspective on understanding China. Hope this will break barriers and establish a common ground and a more level playing field in relationship especially from US
Mr. Lynch asks the right questions, getting great answers for deep understanding about China. I view economist Premier Zhu Rongji the architect of China's miraculous rise. One can observe tremendous potential in many aspects of development. It seems that certain sparks or new way of thinking is needed to bring about blosomming growth. Perhaps Prof. Jin will help China achieve another miracle.
I would propose that many of the younger so called unemployed can afford to be "laying back". Many of them have up to six elders (parents and grandparents) who are willing and able (i.e. assets rich and good income) to provide for or spoil these younger kids.
Yes, please say "bye bye" and stop sending your people here to steal all our innovations. Good luck on your own, haha. All you have are little pinks memorizing scripts from Beijing on what to say in comment sections. A clear sign of a failed state.
There is no need for that. Chinese kids start learning English language from kindergarten age. For almost four decades, all undergraduates and postgraduates in China take compulsory English language grading exams... This policy was modified in 2022 to include several other major international languages options. The ratio of the number of Chinese tertiary students studying overseas vs the number of foreign students studying in China each year is greater than 10:1? Also, it's a myth that Chinese cannot access information sources outside of China. They can, as long as they need to, or want to, and many do so regularly for work, study, or simple curiosity. Furthermore, before Covid, close to 190 millions Chinese travel overseas (for all sorts of reasons... business, study or tour), every single year! (Large number of Chinese tourists have been going for holidays abroad each year since 2000. The total number of Chinese passport holders now probably exceeds the population of the USA?😉)
@@btgan9227 still after 40 years of learning English ,all the travelling ,and a huge number of students getting further éducation in the West as you mentionned ,only 6 % of the population can speak the language.
@@georgeszurbach444 Their graduates read English pretty well. Use your commonsense, like most Asian countries, eg. Japan, S Korea, where English is not their first language, there is no need for the general population to speak English on a regular basis, ... except for those engaged in international commerce, media, tourism, R&D, etc.
These tech firms are banned because they refused to comply with that country's regulations. There's a saying "if you're in Rome, you have to act like Roman". It makes sense that a firm wants to operate in another country, it needs to accept local rules. Right?
@@AT-lt1euyou are absolutely right! None of the above mentioned US social media companies were willing to comply with Chinese regulations, consequently they chose to leave China instead of being banned! Also, Google not only refused to comply Chinese laws but also refused to keep their data base in China, and, they notoriously announced their quitting China in a blatant way!
Chinese government didn’t ban those western tech companies. They chose not to do business in China because they didn’t want to comply the local regulations.
FB, YT and Google were not banned in China. They decided to pull out of the Chinese market because they were not willing to comply with the rules that every other company that operate in China need to follow. Meta and Google still have R&D operations in China.
The actual understanding n expectation in USA at that time was not the one opined openly by USA/West ( expect China to evolve into democracy). What US/West thought then was that China will then be tied down to " low value production perpetually in the US/West dominated world"
Thanks for putting this out. After listening to Prof Jin’s straightforward answers I have hopes for a better relationship in the future between the west and China if we in the west can get over our desire for the world to embrace our system as the desired one. I’m an old timer so it probably won’t happen in my lifetime and I fear the problem may be our egotism here in the west.
Professor, you are wrong about one thing. I think the Chinese government knows exactly what the US is, and the US knows what China's rise will do to the neoliberal hegemony and they are shaking in their boots.
China took a hard look at what happened to America since Reagan and they nope the hell out. They found the neoliberal capitalist hellscape of America to be unacceptable and decided not to go down that route, and I applaud them for it.
You think and you know are two different things you said the Professor is wrong about one thing I think you are wrong most of the time
@@franklay5605 If you have nothing else to add to the conversation except to imply someone is stupid without putting up some shit, then STFU.
The fact is that this new cold war is to protect neoliberal capitalist hegemony and everyone in the world can see it for what it is. It has nothing to do with democracy, freedom, liberty or whatever the western corpo-state media likes to feed their audience.
The professor is wrong headed in the way she is still trying to frame the argument as though it is merely a disagreement on the way the world should be organized, and that China and the US is merely having two equally valid arguments. I simply pointed out that this is the wrong framing because it is still working within the framework of the capitalist cultural hegemony. "Freedom" in western liberal ideology is actually freedom for the capitalist to exploit everyone, and we are commanded to all suffer for it.
The actual framing should be neoliberal capitalist imperialism vs. the far more equitable and humane socialism that China practices. That's why they bring down the ban hammer on their tech companies starting to go awry and doing things that are harmful to their society and common prosperity, and that's the right thing to do. Or else China will end up with their own zuckerbergs. That drills down to the truth of the matter.
@@franklay5605 She is one hundred percent wrong when she said the US isn’t bent on suppressing China’s development.
@@indeficit2 If USA can not compete, it plays dirty.
@@franklay5605 I'm Chinese born in China and I can tell u she's 100% wrong.
The West always complains that China has not become a liberal democracy because China has one million corp of members of the Communist Party that makes all decisions in every section of Chinese society. This perception needs to be corrected if one delves into how China decides issues on local and national levels. First, it is essential to know that local governments are elected by the population. People in villages know their candidates in terms of knowledge and experience, as they often eat in the same places, walk on the same sidewalks and work in the same companies. Small cities, as well as large cities, see themselves as competitors. Cities draft businesses and work with them to be successful because successful companies hire more people who pay taxes that enrich their city. Successful companies also buy and sell products that improve the cities. The cities are as entrepreneurial as the entrepreneurs themselves. So the towns help provide markets, cut red tape in administration, and help hire the best staff possible. The village secretaries of the Communist Party, in many cases, are usually very dedicated to pursuing their goals for success. It is not unusual for successful businesses to help start-ups in their cities as their democracy is a whole process network.
Issues in China start from the bottom up. Anyone can come up with a problem or a solution to a problem that is considered by the local bodies and if approved, may be considered nationally for action. China is constantly trying to be more efficient. This tendency started over 2,000 years ago when The Qin Dynasty first unified the Chinese into one empire. They began to develop the best way to get the best administrators of the empire as well as the best standing army. This meritocratic system is an essential part of Chinese society. Favoritism became very limited. China may find a way to have popular elections on a national level if they find the means of making sure that all candidates are qualified for the position in question. Thus far, Meritocracy has brought the Chinese people to be the biggest economy several times in its history. Within the next 30 years China will again become an economic as well as a cultural beacon for humanity through peaceful development and win-win cooperation.
Not 1 million. 1 million × 10. There's 10 million communist party members. My mother and father both are members during the ww2 and after. My father join PLA at 15 to fight japs. Mother is a teacher.
When the reporter asked if China will ever become more liberal like Japan, Korea, the basic assumption is that the U.S. system is better, but is it? Look at all the problems a two party system has, during election, the candidates will do whatever it takes to win the election, because it’s winner takes all. The government is actually controlled by some special interest groups, not by the people as it seems. Political gridlock, blame all problems to others, the lists just goes on and on. Why should China takes on such a system?
You r so right. China system has worked very well, the leadership team is the best n capable n qualified leaders. This is the key factor for China's success...
I came to US from China 23 years ago, I like US a lot, it give me a better life, but I think government should have more control over peoples.
US gives you a better life? Dare you walk alone in the US streets in the middle of the night? You could in China without fear ! I’m a Malaysian
@@dannywong2441 i got robbed once,I see your point, so what? I just need to be more careful, don’t go near bad area.
@@yechuichen6782 The point is China is a hands down safer place. There are some areas China needs to learn from US. But safety is not one of those.
It's rare for the rest to give a Chinese economist to express herself without constantly interrupting! Great job!
It isn't just the Chinese they interrupt. A journalist was Shockingly Rude to Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPM, when he was in China last week.
You mean a CCP shill
Take away point: The Chinese Party doesn't change, but policies change all the time.
Why do you need political pluralism when pluralism is built into the system.
@MetaView7 CCP'S policies change all the time because they have no integrity. They change in order to protect their power base; so whatever businesses they are involved in can keep making money. Money to be sent overseas to their families enjoying freedom in USA, Australia, NZ, UK, Singapore....
@@MetaView7what pluralism? If you were talking about the system 10 years ago, sure it was. But not anymore…
Americans can choose a party but not the policy because all parties work for the oligarchs. The US is a plutocracy, not a democracy. Spending $8 trillion on war but no money for the homeless and the infrastructure is evidence of working for oligarchs, not the people.
People in China cannot choose a party. Still, the party would listen to the people and change the policy accordingly because the party is working for the people, not the oligarchs. By the definition of democracy, "by the people, for the people," China is more democratic than the US.
So, the US vs. China is plutocracy vs. democracy, and democracy indeed prevails.
Plutocracy 🤭🤭🤭I love it..
Absolutely right. 😂😂
The best description! Parties change all the times but not policy.
An amazing analysis
The lobby system makes policy
Excellent. Voting is an aspect of democracy to ensure the govt serves the people's interests. When you can vote but the govt only serves the oligarchs, is it still a democracy?
Seriously....does the US know it has to start by first....stop their unilateral sanctions!!! There is no point for dialogue when they say one thing and turns around and does exactly the opposite.
What is the point of a dialogue when one party only thinks of war as a first resort when they cannot get their way.
These cannot be overcome....because US does not respect anyone except itself. Until that changes ...nothing will.
True, China leaders don't waste time meeting with untrustworthy politicians. They have much more issues to work on in making its populations' lives n wellbeings better n better n more developments efforts for the other countries who are respectful n trustworthy too. 👀🔎🧐🤔😍🙏🙏🙏
True. Chinese government does not want to waste time to talk to U.S.A. USA never keep their promise.
There is no point in dialogue when one country CONSTANTLY LIES over and over and over again. NO country in the world trusts China. Literally NO ONE. Not even their best friend Russia haha. Why do you think that is? That China has NO FRIENDS in the world. Is it "Asian hate" LOL. China? You have become the world's enemy and your people don't even seem to get it, which is so sad. Brainwash your own people and make them think you have friends in the world. EVERYONE hates China under the CCP. Barbaric, inhumane, filthy place - I saw it with my own eyes when I lived there. Dystopia trying to fool you all.
@voicefrompeople So is that why so many Chinese emigrated to the USA ? 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
The roots of China's economic development model can be traced to Singapore's. After his retirement from politics, Goh Keng Swee who was one of the founders of Singapore, adviced China on economic development for many years.
Agree, although a Canadian now, I was a Singaporean who lived through the years of Goh Keng Swee's secondment to China as China's economic Advisor
Are you SG citizen?
Singapore has an authoritarian and totalitarian system, but none of the Western critics have a problem with it.
@@MetaView7 Well, Singapore was not invited to the World Democratic Summit 2023.
Keep in mind: A Chinese expert always know more about US then a US expert knows about China.
However, China lacks knowledge about other countries such as India and those in Europe
The US they do understand
The host’s questioning reflects how ignorant he is of China, it’s people, society, civilization, tendencies and government:
1. He kept going back to the question of “liberalization”, “freedom” and “democratization”. When will the west accept the reality that China likes the system they have. In fact, the Chinese people like it very much, 90+% approval. China has no desire nor reason to consider the inferior system from the west. I wish the professor would have been more blunt.
2. China’s demographic time-bomb. Another standard talking point from the west. It’s a dumb question and I’m glad that the professor dismissed it quickly and deftly.
I got the sense that the host was a bit annoyed that the professor artfully debunked all his talking points.
The best remedy to cure the host’s ignorance would be for him to book a flight to China and spend 6 months there with open eye and mind. His views of China would be totally different at the end of the trip.
China "likes" the system they have, but the people of China do not
Go int any American university, its political science classes, and you'll find out where all of those fancy sounding words come from. It's all bullshit.
I'm happy we have someone like ms. Jin Keyu sharing her knowledgeable view and giving some insight about China to the western audience that doesn't know anything about China other than reading things from the western media only. Hope we more and more people like ms. Jin.
No, there are plenty of people like me who know about China from living there, actually. It was my first hand experience that made me see it for what it really is - a bullying regime hiding behind a bunch of fakery. I was fooled at first but after living there for years, the mask was finally torn off and the CCP showed its true colors. Never again. Never been soooo grateful for my US passport as when I lived in China. I still sleep with it on my bedside table now that I'm long gone and breathe a sigh of relief every morning I wake up not in China. I went it with an open mind but then learned the truth.
She is a well-known CCP mouthpiece. Her daddy is a CCP big shot back in Beijing.
I am sure that receiving news from CCTV will give one a more accurate view of communist China and its true intentions?
Professor Jin, not only a brilliant intellectual but give an excellent presentation for me to share and understand the political system of China.
Professor Keyu answers every question instantly which is a sign of how knowledgeable she is.
She is one smart cookie.
My take was she was evasive when asked about the CCP's power over corporations. "I'm sure they do have...but I'm not an expert" Really?
@@Jess-Truth To some extent what you are saying is right many overseas mainland Chinese she needs to think before she speaks unlike most Americans who let the mouths do the talking before the brains are engaged.
@@yttean98 I presume you are implying that even overseas Chinese have to conceal certain truths relating to the CCP? Whereas those from other nations can be more carefree...although you put a pejorative spin on it.
I was out to dinner the other night and there were a few Chinese-born people there. One was mentioning they had read the Falun Gong book and she found "nothing bad" in there, in fact she said it was very helpful practice. Even the mention of this was quite confronting to the others who had been lead to believe by the Chinese propaganda dept that it was some kind of evil death cult where practitioners were imprisoned and even mentioning it was risky.
Anyone who values truth surely cannot be a fan of the CCP.
@@yttean98 For her to do that could get her in BIG trouble. It's understandable for her to skirt the hard questions.
Great interview, host not constantly interrupting, not casting his own view on the guest. This type of interview not happen often when western media interviewing a Chinese.
it is not rare at all to have this Chinese economist expressing her views without constant interruption. However, it is extremely rare to see any ordinary Chinese expressing their opposition to communism on Chinese TV.
Can you provide links to 5 videos showing that this Chinese economist was constantly interrupted by interviewers? I had watched this same Chinese economist being interviewed by Gideon Rachman (Chief foreign affairs commentator for the Financial Times) on the Intelligence Squared Channel from the beginning to the end of that 43 minute-long interview and I did not see her being constantly interrupted by Gideon as you have alleged. I hope you are not trying to play the victim card and portraying communist China as the victim of some Western foul play.
@@karllarsen8797Not her, but other pro-China panelists.
I applaud you for pointing our her fallacy in believing the Chinese people could express themselves freely as in the USA. She wants to promote her version of China when the facts don't support her claims. She won't change the minds of people who see the truth or Communist rule in any society. @@karllarsen8797
It's important to understand that in 1912, China adopted Western democracy when it became a republic (the Republic of China). It did not turn out well. The Chinese learned a very important lesson: Western democracy, pluralistic democracy, will not work for China.
Of course, Western democracy did work for Taiwan, but we must also understand that the island of Taiwan is nothing like the massive mainland with its billion plus population and multitude of ethnic minorities. Keeping such a large nation unified is far more difficult than keeping Taiwan unified.
At any rate, China has learned never again to entertain the notion of becoming a Western democracy. Not in 1949 when the ROC fell to the Communists, not in 1978 when China opened up to the West, and not in 2001 when China joined the WTO.
The Chinese do indeed respect and honour a strong authoritarian government. This has been the case throughout China's 3,500-year history and through 16 great dynasties. The CPC may be regarded as the latest dynasty.
That said, modern China does have a unique democratic (non-pluralistic) system that is fully supported by the people. Numerous Western studies bear this out...
Edelman Trust Barometer 2023 shows that 89 percent of Chinese trust their government. _China has the most trusted government in the world._
The Global Happiness 2023 survey from Ipsos shows that _China is the happiest country in the world_ at 91 percent.
Latana’s Democracy Perception Index 2023 shows that _China is one of the most democratic countries in the world,_ well ahead of USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. China is #6 at 73 percent.
Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School in 2020 reported that _95.5 percent of Chinese are satisfied with their government._
A 2019 UC San Diego study shows a high level of satisfaction among the Chinese across a range of aspects up to 95 percent.
A November 2019 Ipsos survey shows that _95 percent of Chinese believe their country is on the right track._
Western countries, especially the United States, can only dream of having such numbers.
Another reason Taiwan democracy worked is because it had the full support of the US due to the anti-communism policy against mainland China.
If you looked democracy in other parts of Asian such as India and Philippines, they didn't work so work despite having an additional advantage of having a large English speaking population.
@@chuckt6381 It's even debatable that democracy works in Taiwan. Corruption runs deep in the government. Taiwan's parliament resembles "Fight Club." And Taiwan's economy has been stuck with wage stagnation since going democratic 30 years ago.
Looks like a bot wrote this nonsense 😅😂
@@Dr_MKUltra You can't formulate a cogent response, so you must resort to insults and innuendoes. You are so intellectually honest. Not.
@@horridohobbies Your narrative/view is less fact based. The 95% should not counted as fact. But I believe Kishore Mahbubani would smile at you.
Joining WTO how many promises CCP has fulfilled? My hope is waiting 3 - 5 year you would hold same view on CCP Cina.
If democratic social process is not fit Cina it won't fit human being. A social process would never pick up a race sex.
Hope such idea is ot insulting enough to Cina People prodemocracy people. In China only Wu Mao or Little Pink Red would hold similar view like yours.
Dr. Jin is a very good educated scholar. She did deep study about China. Thank you so much for bringing Dr.Jin to the program and also letting her express her view of China without biased and interrupting her.
Many ordinary Chinese would dream of having the same privilege as Dr Jin to express their views of communist China without being arrested, imprisoned for many decades, and tortured or mistreated whilst being imprisoned by the Chinese communist government.
Keyu Jin clear & concise, she knows her stuff well
The notion that the American "model" is superior is total nonsense.
You mean a model that cannot house 500k people is not more superior than the other model that uplifted 800 million out of poverty? Shocking.
The US 'model' is not perfect because it doesn't change for the past hundred years.
Whereas the Chinese system has been evolving from the Soviet system to its present system. And the leaders in US are more keen to have themselves be president but they are not serving the people and the country after elected. Whereas the Chinese leaders main goal is to develop the country and uplift the lives of its people.
Great, then stop sending Chinese students to be educated in the US, please, and stop having wealthy Chinese buy up property here. The reverse is not happening AT ALL.
@@jer33.33 chinese leaders main goal is to develop the country and make sure its citizen are satisfied as a way to legitimize their rule. they are also afraid of uprisings from its citizens which happened so many times during its past dynasties when government don't perform and corruption rampant. so its kinda give and take.
@@irone7050 Exactly. No one is good Samaritan. It's the balance of sources of power.
Very encouraging to see a scholar who is both articulative and knowledgeable to help the world better understand China. Her responses are very logical and insightful. Hope to see more of her interviews!
My understanding of communist China is as follows:
1) Communist China is an authoritarian dictatorship that does not allow any views opposite to those of communist Chinese leadership to be expressed on Chinese television.
2) Communist China is a signatory of UNCLOS (The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) but refused to turn up to the arbitration in the Hague to answer the allegations of the Philippines' government that communist China's claim on the South China Sea and its occupation and militarization of some reefs in the South China Sea are illegal under UNCLOS.
3) Despite the decision handed down by the Arbitral Tribunal in the Hague in favor of the Philippines government, communist China has continued to illegally claim most of the South China Sea as its own maritime borders and to illegally occupy some of the reefs within this South China Sea. Furthermore, despite communist China's professing its yearning for peace, Chinese Coast Guard vessels have rammed and sunk a number of fishing boats of both the Philippines and Vietnam in violation of UNCLOS.
4) Chinese private companies are just fronts for the ill-gotten wealth of extremely corrupt criminals like Xi Jinpingpong. As soon as any private Chinese company says or does something displeasing to the communist dear leaders, the CEOs of such companies would either disappear from public view or just suddenly die of unspecified illnesses.
Do I understand communist China correctly or do I have some misunderstanding of the true nature of communist China?
@@karllarsen8797 right, you people believe this shit so usa now is deep in shit
Your understanding is precisely the reason she wrote the book. Western beliefs echoes their imagined incriminations & ignorance repeated yr after yr.@@karllarsen8797
WTO foolish by Western corporate greeds to allowed China entry. They are successful with force labor, force IP handover, reverse engineer IP then flood the market with cheap knockoffs just to names some flaws.
@@karllarsen8797you have the stereotypical view feed to you by Western media propaganda. Keep watching and reading only the western media and you’ll continue to walk down the path of ignorance.
The collective West seem to be stuck in the question of their assumption that opening economy will lead to the democratic reforms in China. This assumption is deeply rooted the believe that western system is better than Chinese system (to the larger context, better than any other systems) to the point that Westerns can not or not willing to understand how China in short forty years became the second largest economy in the world, lifting billion people of poverty without firing one shot. What the real question they should ask is how and why so called western democracy not the answer to China and many other nations. American sense of superiority and its hegemony has made its political elites ignorant to say the least. They can not understand what the world is heading, let alone any meaningful strategy and policies.
Hear Hear!!
We the west is entering the same stage as late Qing dynasty. The view to China today from the west is getting closer to the chinese's view then to the west.
If China is so superior then why do all your elites study and buy property in western countries?? And why does no one want to study in authoritarian China? The only ones who go are poor people from developing countries China gives scholarships to so they can control them with money. NO ONE wants to go there otherwise. All companies are pulling out investments from China. Why do you think that is, wumao? China became the world's second largest economy thru exploitation of its own workers and inhumane labor practices and cheating. People are not impressed by their immorality.
Amerikanische Regierung müsste sich vielleicht darauf besinnen, mehr für die eigene Bevölkerung und deren Zufriedenheit zu entwickeln, finde ich.
She is so good. Hope US and the west can listen to her view
She is the most qualified economist to talk about China where she was born n brought up
Her take away point: The Chin Party doesn't change, but policies change all the time.
Why do you need political pluralism when pluralism is built into the system.
China is a work in progress on every front.
But its growth and reforms are endemic to Chinese culture. In some ways, China is ahead of Western Societies. Governance in China has been a 5,000-year experiment that has produced a Social democratic meritocracy. Local elections and decentralized power has created a state entrepreneurial system unequaled by any country in the West. Yet the Chinese participatory democracy is still behind the Western advancements in healthcare systems, social security, and minimum wage. It still needs to be an advanced society. These problems are being tackled along with climate change and pollution.
Yea they don't need westerners to teach them anything. In turn, westerners should be learning from China today.
@@gelinrefira You are so wise.
Modern China does have a unique democratic (non-pluralistic) system that is fully supported by the people. Numerous Western studies bear this out...
Edelman Trust Barometer 2023 shows that 89 percent of Chinese trust their government. _China has the most trusted government in the world._
The Global Happiness 2023 survey from Ipsos shows that _China is the happiest country in the world_ at 91 percent.
Latana’s Democracy Perception Index 2023 shows that _China is one of the most democratic countries in the world,_ well ahead of USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. China is #6 at 73 percent.
Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School in 2020 reported that _95.5 percent of Chinese are satisfied with their government._
A 2019 UC San Diego study shows a high level of satisfaction among the Chinese across a range of aspects up to 95 percent.
A November 2019 Ipsos survey shows that _95 percent of Chinese believe their country is on the right track._
Western countries, especially the United States, can only dream of having such numbers.
An "entrepreneurial system unequaled by any country in the west"?? 🤣🤣🤣 You are delusional. The place is rife with fraud and corruption and fakery. Guanxi runs everything and only if you are in with the party, you get stuff. Fake environmentalism, trashing the environment, exploitation of the poor, crushing of minorities - the place is a hellscape. I know because I lived there. Totalitarian, inhumane, shithole hiding behind tall shiny buildings on the coast. Never again.
@@gelinrefira We would like to teach them honesty but all they seem to know how to do is CHEAT and STEAL. Shut down the borders in western countries and stop letting them in to our universities. They can cheat at home in China where immorality is normal for them. Get them out of our country.
Having elections do not make a Nation democratic. We need a government that is in tune with and address the concerns of common people.
China almost have it ...If only 50% of people in western countries were allowed to vote ie. intellectuals business men,,,professors ,union leaders .,,,,mayors of councils and we the people can vote if we are interested enough to take a rudimentary exam ,,,,not far from what China is now ,,,,,America may soon have a dictator,,,,,and UK is mash
It cannot be said which country or which system is better.
Because all technological creations come from ordinary people.
The system of government is just one way they run the country.
Can't say who is better than whom.
Because everyone makes mistakes.
What we need to examine is the ability of the state to correct mistakes.
This is what the government should do.
Because all great powers disintegrate from within.
Regardless of any external factors.
Because every decision depends on the leader's choice.
Like whether to fight or not to confront.
Only in the leader's mind.
The mistakes made are all the responsibility of the people at the bottom.
Both the U.S. and Chinese governments have made mistakes.
Talking about who is good and who is bad. It is a false topic. Because there will never be a result.
Only time will test step-by-step answers.
The point is : you run yours, I run mine. Just leave me alone !!@@energymf1991
Great interview. Thank you Washington Post
Wow, talking about self-censoring, if you copy the link of this video, and share it, the person you shared it with will encounter video not found. I guess anything about positive China is not allowed in YT 😅. Talking about open society and media.
Onto the subject itself, very realistic views of China and its economies, like the way she she presented herself and answered the journo difficult questions in a positive way, the journo’s approach as usual is with the western lens instead of neutral lens, it’s like guilty until proven otherwise. But like the content 😊 very unlike Washington Post.
Professor, you should share more of your insights which I find authentic, knowledgeable and data driven, to much wider audiences. Good luck.
She has been living in the West almost all her life. Her insights are the canned ones from CCP.
She is a joke.
She's a CCP shill. You don't sound very intelligent. Or you are a bot.
Professor Jin, the western world needs your voice!
Do you really believe that American society is very healthy right now?
Yes, American society is very healthy for us - American oligarchs
Healthier than Chinas at least 😂
Of course you have drug addicts, homeless people, mass shootings, school shootings everywhere. Yes, american society is extremely healthy at the moment.
@@blockraven22 LOL no it is not.
@@blockraven22 China doesn't have a problem with mass shootings........
Sick Men of the West 🤔🤔🤔
It's so nice to see such knowlegeable and insightful responses to often ignorant and insulting questions.
David J Lynch is excellent. His questions have relevance to all Americans and is guided by his deep knowledge and core belief system. One interesting note from the Professor, China is not modeling themselves after US, more a technocratic system like Germany.
America does not care what economic models communist China follows. America only cares about fair, reciprocal trading access to the Chinese market, the theft of Western intellectual properties by communist China, the use of trade access to the Chinese market by Western companies as a political tool to force Western countries to kowtow to communist China's geopolitical goals, and China's illegal military activities in the South China Sea and across the Taiwan Straits.
Dr.Keyu Jin is a classic example of China's alacrity, preparing itself for decades for their surge. I also notice how well they have made use of modern education while the western socities have gone into a deep slumber.
Prof is very wise in speaking language and presentation that both sides can listen
We get everything wrong.
now "why?"
Why is it human nature to think or say, "Do it my way and you'll succeed" all the time? The US has less than 25% of China's population, the UK 5%, Germany 6%, even the whole of Europe has just over half, and then we have the culture, history, actual experience with wars, colonization, imperialism, serfdom, slavery, current social and economic development stage and a host of other factors too long to list here. Is it human nature to want to meddle? The Chinese seem to have less of that problem. They learn from the west, from anyone for that matter, when they need to. Interesting that they study the German model rather than the American, per Ms. Keyu They send their kids abroad to study other people's experiences and technology. I suppose what saves the Chinese is their most precious personal trait--pragmatism. It is said that the French stir their coffee anti-clockwise because they drive on the right, the British stir their tea clockwise because they drive on the left and the Chinese stir whatever they're drinking to dissolve the sugar.
US is on its way to become a trans nation. Kamala Harris goes everywhere to talk about trans. Do you want to follow that way ?
Curious: Why does China have NO FRIENDS in the world today if it is so great. Literally all its neighboring countries hate the place. Do you think that's because it's so "peaceful" and non-meddling?? And why are every country's computer systems around the world hacked by the Chinese government if its so non-meddling?? 🤣🤣🤣China is probably the worst meddler in the world. It just tries to do so in secret. Absolutely ZERO INTEGRITY. What do you expect when you entire regime is built upon FRAUD.
How many times have you heard western voters scream liars, cheats and conspiracy at their politicians but yet insist other nations to follow their political model
Chinese tea don't need sugar...😁
My favorite story is The Boy Who Cried Wolf. That was the one of most important ethics to learn before other things. It helps me now and ever since these people speaking without honesty. God bless Aesop, the ancient Greek philosopher.
Touché, professor Jin. "Half of China's exports is the supply chain to the rest of the World". The other half China keeps for itself which is evident in it's consumer society. Maybe I'll read her book despite its boring title.
Great interview!!!
well said Ms Jin hope to listen to you more
Best interview on China economy ever. Please do more interviews to share your insight with more people.
Great discussion, Ms Jin is Bright and logical. Hope to see more of her
Great interview and fantastic responses from the guest Keyu Jin.
China's economic development largely is created by the Chinese gov't. China did not do it as Korea, Japan, Singapore or the US style. The leader observed "know-how" around the world adopted and adapted it into Chinese characters and social-cultural economics. it has a long plan which divided into every 5 years plans. The harmony and hard work lead them to success and that shakes the world. And it is just the beginning.
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Korea, Japan and Singapore' economic development model was also a form a State Capitalism like China.
Excellent interview. Real content and great moderation to bring it out
I have never understood China better than after hearing Keyu speak👏
KeYu is a living legend ! Inspiring. There’s hope for humanity
It's not INTERNATIONAL ORDER BASE ON UNO CONVENTION but USA BASE ORDER, base on the interest of USA n her allies. 😂😂😂
Thank you for an engaging interview. Some of the questions were of very high quality and Mr. Lynch is respectful. He showed genuine interest in the views of Professor Jin and did not interrupt her at all. Sadly, some interviewers in the corporate media are not shy to show their strong political view that differs from the interviewee. Professor Jin has shown that the new generation of Chinese can be rational, knowlegeable, worldly and articulate. Most importantly, they want collaboration, not confrontation; they want mutual benefits but not a zero sum game.
Great talk - agree with everything prof said
I learned so much about China in 30 minutes.Thanks Yin.🎉
Spoken like a true communist.
Inarguably, the United States is imploding from within - precipitated by a political system which had effectively been hijacked and controlled by the powerful plutocrats. Political lobbying has metastasised, like cancer, across the political divides to become a big industry in the United States. It breeds a culture which has turned the United States from a democracy into a plutocracy.
“The special interest lobbying enhanced the power of elite groups. And that was a key factor shifting the nation's political structure toward an oligarchy in which the average Americans have little or no independent influence,” observed Martin Gilens and Benjamin in their 2014 study.
Behind the “fanfares of elections”, and the big money, nothing is going to change. President are elected every 4 years. Senators are elected to six-year terms, and every two years approximately one-third of the senators will face election or reelection. Members of the house of representatives serve a 2-year terms. Worst, the fanfares had been reduced to nothing more than “beauty pageants” featuring the Democratic and Republican candidates, who are just two sides of the same coin. Superficially different, but fundamentally not.
The result is a dysfunctional government deeply divided by the plutocrats and partisan politics; and the shockingly lack of direction and congruence of objectives amongst the constituents of America’s political power base.
But more unfortunately, this failed political system is being unashamedly promoted as the “beacon of democracy”.
Wao..!! The professor has a wonderful mind and excellent approaching to China. Congratulations..
China learns alot about Singapore (with 70% Chinese majority) and makes the model even better for themselves. Many Chinese government officials and scholars are sent to Singapore each year on learning trips. Imagine a CN with many pockets of better-than-Sg cities. Sg is not a "democracy" in US's terms. But is Sg any lesser than any city in US or West?
During Covid, CN locked themselves outwards but remained open inwards with zero covid policy. During the period, the world is fortunate to have CN to be able to continue manufacturing and producing goods for the world.
The US and the West gated HuaWei and as a result halted the proliferation of 5G outside CN. But within CN, 5G adoption has leap-frogged with many apps and usage in business and everyday lives.
The only truth staring in the face of US and West now is CN far more advanced and improved in comparison. The decline in CN demographics due to declining births will be mitigated by mass technological adoption.
On the other hand, US and the West are stuck with motherhood and misguided ideologies.
I think she managed to capture what a normal Chinese people on the streets feel which i often feel western media missed. Politics is actually not high on our priority list.... House to stay in, food for our families, stable and good jobs and education are .
America wanted to meet Chinese defence minister Li, but on the other foot, they are continuing to sanction Li. Isn't that hypocricy to disgusting levels? Isn't that trying to stab China at the back while shamelessly smiling in front? America needs to go back to least learn to be more cultured and refined.
Lots of Chinese learn English at school. Lots of them study in US. Lots of American books and movies are translated into Chinese. Yes, Chinese knows American well better than American knows about China.
Even when Chinese newspaper reports American news , the original English version would be shown alongside to support its truthfulness.
For the most advanced semiconductor chips, if US restricts ASML EUV tools to TSMC as US are doing to China, TSMC would not able to manufacture 5 nanometer or 3 nanometer chips today. For the data security, Microsoft Windows implanted a lot of network back-doors under the US government requests. That's what Microsoft Executives told us. It was on a SFO bay area news paper, Mercury News, when Windows was hit by ransomware. On a magazine, Linux Journal, it reported that Linus Torvalds was approached by NSA and asked him to implant network back-doors in Linux OS so that US government can monitor/collect any data they want from the Linux systems, from whoever owns/uses the Linux systems.
Why news media like Washington Post, New York times do not report these kind of news?
So beautiful and smart. Don't worry about USA, nothing to prove to them just tell USA take care of their own citizen well instead of talking the China bad on the daily bases. Under Xi Jinping 800 millions people outside of poverty. Also minorities in China litteraLy have free education untill they finish university, they also have extra credit to attain the best Chinese university. I have lived in USA and China, I prefere China, I feel safe in there and I felt part of a bigger world. It's not about individualism, but rather community.
Apparently Keyu Jin prefers the West because she lives there haha. Some advocate for China when she refuses to live there haha
@Michael Marchal. You didn't get a green card 😃 so you went back to China ?
Xi Jinping's daughter has been here jn USA since 2010.Not sure she has a green card or not.
@@ggc7318 I am French idiot
@@fs5775Don't worry for her she leaves many countries at the same time. Don't be silly.😂
@@ggc7318No USA is a crap show, that's why. I found it uninteresting in general. China is a better country for me. America for you, good on you. Not for me!😂
Professor Jin your equanimity is admirable. I have viewed numerous video in which you are featured speaker. Your focus is laser sharp while I scream at the screen! 😅 Best wishes. May the blessings of the cosmos be yours.
Super professional host and insightful knowledge shared by the guest! I really enjoyed watching it.
Kotkin "the collision between the Leninist poltics /organization and the private wealth/dynamics"
Yu "the synthesis between centralized poltics and decentralized economy"
Either Yu is an unintentional mouthpiece for the CCP or a genius with a greatest insight.
China's population is shrinking but even by 2070, China will still have a billion people. Its labour force will still be larger than the entire population of the United States. China still has decades of robust growth ahead.
The IMF's GDP growth forecast for China in 2023 and 2024 is 5.2 and 4.5 percent, respectively. This vastly outstrips the forecast for the G7 economies (all with less than 2 percent GDP growth). The report came out in April 2023.
If you call this muddling along, fine. But China isn't the only country facing economic challenges. So are the USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc. Over the past 30+ years, China has demonstrated a remarkable ability to overcome its challenges. _Never bet against China._
this WAPO dude pretends that US govt is not fascist:) US Corps tell the govt what to do. that is called fascism. smh
China doll educated in the West, terrified of telling the truth to the old, white, man......
@11:08, in answer to that guy's assertion: the Chinese 20-family of aerial vehicles, J-20, Y-20, Z-20 and H-20. All top of the notch technologies.
Thanks for promoting understanding.
Great interview! Thank you
The US was NOT naive. It's just too selfish.
The most selfish people I have ever met in my life are Chinese people. They will let someone die on the street and not help. It is shocking. And all they care about is MONEY. No morals, no values, just MONEY. Sick state of mind.
Keyu Jin is one smart lady. Her interview is very enlightening. Her insights of China and the US is well said. Definitely there are some miss-understandings between the two, although there are some undercurrents do agree with each other. I do agree with her that collaboration and developing in a competitive way would be much more beneficial and in the end, all other countries would benefit too.
Do you expect USA to lift the hundreds of sanction against China? 😊😊 30:33
A superb job by Keyu Jin who brings the true reality and a different perspective than the general public preconceived view. Really standing up and popping these myth one after another.
Good to hear Dr. Jin again…honest and to the point
"honest" 🤣🤣🤣
Just read her book. It is enlightening and a realistic book on China.
Thank you, Keyu Jin & Washington Post. I feel much more comfortable about hanging onto my I-Click shares.
I remember getting a bit lost in London, at 21, & passing The London School of Economics. I feel so awed to listen to one of its professors, 40 years later.
( I guess the reason I remember it, so vividly, is because I felt a sense of, " Oh, okay, I'm safe, if that's what that is").
Excellent conversation.
An honest author, many valuable viewpoint
good job, little pink, here's your 50 cents
@@fs5775 you could give your opinions, be polite please, shamed for you!
@@xinxinlu2769 shame on you for not using critical thinking skills and just spitting out what your government tells you to think. very sad!
Excellent interview. Really LOVE Keyu. so smart and savvy and pro-Chinese. thank God.
"US goal is not suppress china's growth?" On which planet you are living?
I agree. US goal is to suppress every country that is expected to surpass them including its allies. e.g. Japan
If China were a western European country, the US wouldn't care. It's an inhumane totalitarian, authoritarian shithole absent of human rights. It's good for NO ONE to have China to be the dominant power in the world. If you care about the well being of human beings.
I wish Keyu Jin could be a spokesperson for I-Click, in the West, to help the stock. I have that one.
This is an amazing interview. Bravo!! Professor Jin, you are my role model.
I wish I could read this book so much though unfortunately I cannot find it even in book shops.
Professor Jin is simply amazing. Seeing the China economy from the world perspective rather than from just the side of the West.
one thing I believe is that there is no reason to think the American political structure is the best for human beings.
Sounds like Mr Lynch need some deeper digging and be a more intelligent and a less biased economics interviewer! He is no much to Dr Keyu Jin.
Exactly. They are ignorant to say the least.
Good morning Prof Keyu Jin♥️🇨🇳🙏😇🌹
VIewers be informed, Keyu Jin is the daughter of a former minister level CCP official. As such, she enjoyed a priviledged princeling-like life, she would defend that type of lifestyle. Her education and credentials are the result of priviledge, the normal Chinese citizen cannot get even a piece of it.
@RH-mk3rp and why does she prefer to live in the UK. She should move back to China
keyu is a good bridge between China and the west.
Keyu Jin is very updated and knowledgeable. Thanks 😊
Excellent observation on using vocational schools similar to Germany. There is social stigma on vocational schools in the English speaking world. In the US, the community colleges provide an excellent method for letting people get "intermediate" degrees and allow adults to upgrade their skills at a minimal cost.
Your book has been timely, giving a fresh perspective on understanding China. Hope this will break barriers and establish a common ground and a more level playing field in relationship especially from US
Mr. Lynch asks the right questions, getting great answers for deep understanding about China. I view economist Premier Zhu Rongji the architect of China's miraculous rise. One can observe tremendous potential in many aspects of development. It seems that certain sparks or new way of thinking is needed to bring about blosomming growth. Perhaps Prof. Jin will help China achieve another miracle.
I would propose that many of the younger so called unemployed can afford to be "laying back". Many of them have up to six elders (parents and grandparents) who are willing and able (i.e. assets rich and good income) to provide for or spoil these younger kids.
Well done, Keyu! An eye opener for sure.
Very eloquently articulated insights, Keyu! 👍👍👍👍👍
I've got one,this is a good book!
🎵🎶🎵Bye bye American Lie (Pie )😂😂😂
Yes, please say "bye bye" and stop sending your people here to steal all our innovations. Good luck on your own, haha. All you have are little pinks memorizing scripts from Beijing on what to say in comment sections. A clear sign of a failed state.
The Chinese Party doesn't change, but policies change all the time.
Why do you need political pluralism when pluralism is built into the system.
I suggest you visit China one day and explain to the chinese people through conferences what Chinese get wrong about America.
There is no need for that.
Chinese kids start learning English language from kindergarten age.
For almost four decades, all undergraduates and postgraduates in China take compulsory English language grading exams... This policy was modified in 2022 to include several other major international languages options.
The ratio of the number of Chinese tertiary students studying overseas vs the number of foreign students studying in China each year is greater than 10:1?
Also, it's a myth that Chinese cannot access information sources outside of China. They can, as long as they need to, or want to, and many do so regularly for work, study, or simple curiosity.
Furthermore, before Covid, close to 190 millions Chinese travel overseas (for all sorts of reasons... business, study or tour), every single year!
(Large number of Chinese tourists have been going for holidays abroad each year since 2000. The total number of Chinese passport holders now probably exceeds the population of the USA?😉)
@@btgan9227 still after 40 years of learning English ,all the travelling ,and a huge number of students getting further éducation in the West as you mentionned ,only 6 % of the population can speak the language.
Their graduates read English pretty well.
Use your commonsense, like most Asian countries, eg. Japan, S Korea, where English is not their first language, there is no need for the general population to speak English on a regular basis, ... except for those engaged in international commerce, media, tourism, R&D, etc.
It is how and where to use your money matters. If you put it in weapons development. You need wars. If you put it in people, it will serve the people.
If China can ban Facebook, RUclips, Google……why can US not ban TikTok, WeChat, etc. ? Just a simple question.
These tech firms are banned because they refused to comply with that country's regulations. There's a saying "if you're in Rome, you have to act like Roman". It makes sense that a firm wants to operate in another country, it needs to accept local rules. Right?
@@AT-lt1euyou are absolutely right! None of the above mentioned US social media companies were willing to comply with Chinese regulations, consequently they chose to leave China instead of being banned! Also, Google not only refused to comply Chinese laws but also refused to keep their data base in China, and, they notoriously announced their quitting China in a blatant way!
Chinese government didn’t ban those western tech companies. They chose not to do business in China because they didn’t want to comply the local regulations.
FB, YT and Google were not banned in China. They decided to pull out of the Chinese market because they were not willing to comply with the rules that every other company that operate in China need to follow. Meta and Google still have R&D operations in China.
Please google why google, youtube, facebook are not avaliable in china
The actual understanding n expectation in USA at that time was not the one opined openly by USA/West ( expect China to evolve into democracy).
What US/West thought then was that China will then be tied down to " low value production perpetually in the US/West dominated world"
a well balanced and intellectual interview, thanks to the host and Prof. Jin!
Thanks for putting this out. After listening to Prof Jin’s straightforward answers I have hopes for a better relationship in the future between the west and China if we in the west can get over our desire for the world to embrace our system as the desired one. I’m an old timer so it probably won’t happen in my lifetime and I fear the problem may be our egotism here in the west.
Ms Jin, you has become my idol. Really appreciate you sharing all these knowledges and insights 🙏🏻