I know they play it off as a joke but that part with Ryan and McConnell was genuinely terrifying. Two senior politicians who are meant to protect the people just turn spineless so their party can save face
oh like the democrats with Hillary, also Bannon isn't a racist, he and ben Shapiro are friends, ben is a jew, Andrew Breitbart was a jew and he and Breitbart were also friends, he worked under him. using one hearsay rumour to paint the guy as racist is irresponsible especially when we have proof that would show that he most likely isn't a racist.
Trevor Noah, not only a great comedian, but also--and importantly--a moral beacon in times of political darkness, cravenness and hypocrisy. Thanks, Trevor, you are great! Of course, who in his/her right mind EXPECTED Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to have any moral rectitude? NOT ME and probably not a single Democrat.
Waggish Sagacity lol yeah! let's look to the far left and media bullshit for our moral beacon, because that's the only and all right in life. no bias. all facts. let's protest too while we are at it! because confirming those of different beliefs are the natural libral way!
What? You will critizise everyone as long as it comes out of the Republican party. If it is neocn it is bad because of that. If it is establishment It is bad because of THAT If it is conservatove it is bad because of THAT. What did you expect? He's gonna fill his administration with moderats and liberals? Also this whole white nationalist thing is a HOAX... There is no such thing as "white" nationalism. (How is "white" a nation anyways?) There is nationalism period
Anna Elizabeth it sure is Anna it sure is... And what's even more discouraging is people who claim to not be racist don't have a clue what's going on SMH!
Oh, they didn't nominate Bernie, oh I don't like either, oh they're both just as bad, ohhh I don't like how she talks. Thanks for guys who didn't vote for these totally rational reasons. Well done.
solountipomas You must be kinda dumb if you think what I said defended Hitler. Also you should run around relating everyone you disagree with politically to Hitler, thats not remembering, it's diminishing your credibility. Same goes for all the people that run around calling everyone racist, sexist, xenophobics, ect... You are erasing the meaning behind Hitler if you so carelessly make references to him.
Historians have made so many comparisons to Hitler and Trump that it would be foolish to ignore the correlations. And when you say that doing so damages someone's credibility, and erases the "meaning behind Hitler", you just sound like a bible-thumper chastising someone for taking your Lord's name in vain. Nobody is making "careless" references to Hitler, these are proven similarities, and you Trumptards running around trying to cover it up are just making your complacency for a White Nationalist takeover of the government more evident.
Spencer poore Only if you believe the bs they are saying about them all. Why would they tell you the truth? They just spent a year telling us Trump was "unfit" and yet he won. They have to bring him down. Look deeper into Bannon. Both cited 3 articles...out of 1000s and they were all opinion pieces. He "grabbed" his wife...o the horror. Maybe she was acting crazy or trying to strike him...chargers were dropped. A bad night with one's wife is not a bad person. Andrew Britebart was Jewish and they were partners but they say he's anti-Semitic...it's all a smear.
Robert Toddford Williams Robert Toddford Williams That excuse of "Oh, I have an X friend therefore I'm not X" is Bull crap. I remember reading up on this black guy who was friends with a KKK member. And a quote from that KKK member was "I have more respect from this black man than I do, 'white n******.'" Having a X friend does not cancel you out from being a bigot.
The fact that Paul Ryan didn't have the balls to stand up for himself and his party actually offends me. I used to be a very staunch Republican. Back in '12, I expected Romney to win because of Ryan. It seemed as though he was a straight forward guy who would tell you what he's real opinions are about the government. But the fact that he's either too scared to stand up to the annoying orange (Trump) or too scared of the party's reaction is just purely shameful.
Trump is really the big show of how people will eat their pride, dignity and self-respect. I don't mind the people who wanted Trump for whatever reason, but it's all the Republicans who said so many things against him and stand so far away from how he thinks and what he says and they still went along with it.
Paul Ryan? A straight forwald guy? Are you kiding? He would give his liver away for contributions. Also the honest people have a tendency of being called racist. Now except if they are not white. In that case they're being ignored.
KoDan It's more of racist people tend to think "I'm just being honest". It's like how "I don't have to be politically correct" translates to "I can just be an asshole now".
Max Kopplin His followers have become a frightening cult. They start boycotts against any politician, CEO, or journalist who opposes their orange Jesus. I just saw a #neverpepsi hashtag on Twitter because the ceo simply said that her employees are now frightened. Anyone not with trump is apparently a paid stooge. They'll stay on the fence unless the public tide turns against him. Otherwise it can damage their careers.
Roy's got a point, and I agree with him. Instead of making incremental and mostly pointless effort, let the problem grow and spread. Let it be so that the issue will be so blatant and dangerous that the US will be in actual peril. Then, people will be able to actually see what the fuck has been going on and fix it. Meanwhile, all the already decent privileged people should help those around them as reasonable as possible to tide over these years. This is the most efficient way to root out the underlying problem America has.
technically there is, but what youre proposing is a very dangerous idea. The country is already a powderkeg (just look at all the racist-inspired acts when trump was just DECLARED president), and letting it run rampant for years could very much lead to a civil war of sorts. And sadly, no the privileged will not assist anyone, if they were so "kind" then we wouldnt be in the situation in the first place. They will just lock their doors, trade some stocks, and take more money from everyone so that they can stuff more $100s into their pillows (or whatever the fuck people do with billions of dollars they couldnt possibly spend in their whole life)
Benjamin! Right ON! I agree! The white Americans who voted for Trump decry how frustrated & outraged they've been to feel so marginalized under President Obama....yet they don't realize they got 1% of 1% of the continuous, lifelong crap that minorities & women have dealt with our entire lives. They felt 'powerless' for a few years, & it hurt. Well, now they know how we've ALWAYS felt, but at least we've been responsible enough not to turn our country over to a band of Neo-Nazis just to get revenge. I can see this problem getting bigger & bigger & bigger, until it boils over into something huge (dare I say bigly & tremendous!) that the country will be FORCED to deal with. I know it's going to be difficult, but it's time white privileged Americans really took a look in the mirror & admitted what we've known all along -- racism never went anywhere, it just got good at being sneaky & subversive. By the way, I'm white, but I am not in denial.
thatguyofdark Call me cynical, but I'm a bit tired of this back and forth with little to no progress made (or "progress" made with too many compromises just to appeal to bureaucracy). Ripping a band aid off might cause immense pain and maybe a bit of skin tearing, but you'd see directly what is below that tape. It's time for us, America, to finally face the demon we possess in the heart of our nation and rid of it once and for all. My definition of "privileged" is quite wide though, not restricted to just the wealthy. Those with knowledge, those in vital spots of work places, those in education, those in service...etc, they are the cogs and wheels of our society, and if they are not bothered with or under threat by this phenomenon we are seeing now, they are considered "privileged" to me. A small effort, a tiny bit of extra kindness, or simply a subtle action by the privileged to those who are scared really makes a difference. Ani Bell Let us all work together, then, to help those around us as much as possible.
Benjamin Huang At this point i dont even know anymore. As a black guy with the constitution of a football player, I think ill just keep my head down and try to avoid the coming shit storm. I think i may be more cynical than you, because ive had very little faith in the american people doing the right thing, and when they elect a blatantly racist, sexist, lying billionaire as president, i gotta fold my cards.
Something about Bannon. I thought Trump said he was going to drain the swamp if elected. It looks to me like Trump went to the swamp already and pick Bannon from the bottom of that swamp, to add to it instead of draining it. I sure hope someone can offer him a makeover before he goes to Washington. He truly needs something done. I rather him and Trump both be in that swamp.
The Plain Truth Bernie was an Independent before joining and using the the Dems to further his political ambition. Would you expect to join a club at the last minute and expect wholehearted support from those who have been there for decades and garnered camaraderie and loyalty? Grow up, you silly twit. Bernie is a pragmatist and understands the situation.
***** What values? 5% of humankind, hosting 25% of it's incarcerated, at great expense in family cohesion, societal stability and public funds? Hillary's "scandals" where mountains made out of molehills.
I honestly feel a bit sorry for Paul Ryan. During the campaign he was against Trump, but now that Trump has become president, instead of rebelling or refusing Trump as a leader, he's just hopelessly accepting it. It's a very depressing example of "if you can't beat them, join them"
Well no, he could stand up on principle for the sane part of the republican parti, lead republican-side resistance to the extremities of the Trumpites. Fight to reclaim/rebuild a moderate centre-right parti or lead them to form a a new parti separate from the Trumpeters. Republicans are like four parties in one right now. Christian Right, White Nationalist Right, Free Market Industrialist Capitalist Right & Croni Capitalist/Corporatist Finance Right.
paul ryan is a shitty human being. where was he when trump made the comments about Mexicans? muslims? women? he could've gotten ridden of him, but he didn't. he's part of the problem.
... the fucking honeybadger meme?! .. REALLY? first they drag pepe through the dirt and now the innocent honeybadger? where does this end? trump coming onto the stage pointing into the crowd and yelling "its dat boi!" and all of a suddon chris christie pops up and screams "oh shit waddup?" -.-
They ARE clean. Probably got messed up from the clean air the Republican admin. said there was around the WTC on 9/11. Yea, that act that Gulliani stated never happened before Obama's term in office. Unless he's also on the wagon of stating it was the US Gov't that did it (with Bush as Prez!!) Dunno
Mercury Black - they did mention Carson as someone who didn't want to stick around this Administration. Because he had declined the job citing lack of experience, which is ironical in itself since he ran for President.
If anyone saw those ads with the nun crying 'Shame!' and ringing a bell and tailing a guy...I see that happening to both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
i love how everyone in my country is talking about how insane or dangerous trump is, they never talk about the even more insane people he is gonna put on his political team :( trump president wasnt scary to me before, but ted cruz, eric trump, steve bannon, sarah palin, rudy gulliani and so many more are all very very scary to me
So you're saying Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are spineless careerists who care more about their pension than the country? What else is new? 8 years of straight up refusing to do their job just to spite their opponent. It's preeschooler levels of incompetence and malice. And they are what we now have as the "moderates" in a Trump administration? Fuck me.
A New Perspective Films the fear mongering started a long time ago. Long before Trump announced his candidacy even! And that was a prime exemplification of the fear mongering.
All I can say is that most Americans didn't vote for him. It's a fucked up system that he still gets to be President, but the numbers are in, even the people who voted mostly didn't vote for him.
You know, you guys could do one from a Republican's perspective! Like how awesome it is to see all the liberals crying but we feel cold and empty inside because we sold our souls and abandoned our principles to get Trump and now we are also stuck with him for four years.
xlioilx that's bullshit and you know it. www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2016/11/15/anti-defamation-league-decries-stephen-bannon-while-other-jewish-groups-stay-silent/
Well stil the fact that its a comedy channel doesnt change the fact that bannon is a very dangerous man i mean i would rather have killary in there then bannon.
MultiLorddave indeed, but when that happen i think the blend will be a little different, If liberal tears become scarce i will have to drink the few i can get mixed with the blood and sperm of my enemy children (if you know what i mean *PTSSS* _spirit cooking_)
YoTrevor, I love your videos bro. you see things exactly as they are and you are a very smart guy. Your the voice of many Americans, stay strong and keep it up bro.
We should amend the constitution, and add the " separation of Meme and State"
Almo Blue Pure gold! Thank you.
u sir have won the internet!
won't likely happen, some bullshit conservative like Bachmann will go against it.
Paul Ryan has remarkably good posture for someone without a spine
He also has remarkably good grooming for a scumbag.
I know they play it off as a joke but that part with Ryan and McConnell was genuinely terrifying. Two senior politicians who are meant to protect the people just turn spineless so their party can save face
Krish D. Daaaaaamn
oh like the democrats with Hillary, also Bannon isn't a racist, he and ben Shapiro are friends, ben is a jew, Andrew Breitbart was a jew and he and Breitbart were also friends, he worked under him. using one hearsay rumour to paint the guy as racist is irresponsible especially when we have proof that would show that he most likely isn't a racist.
iyke ewnaho he's not racist cause he's friends with a Jew? That's dumbest excuse I've ever heard.
Guess what people, America has been renewed for four more seasons!!
Ben Wasserman with a three hour christmas special
depending on whether Putin finally decides to back stab Trump and launch his new nuclear weapon.
David Rojas Then it'll take a hiatus before returning after the apocalypse
Ben Wasserman with a gritty reboot soon after
AaronBurley The Walking Deadplorables
Trevor Noah, not only a great comedian, but also--and importantly--a moral beacon in times of political darkness, cravenness and hypocrisy. Thanks, Trevor, you are great!
Of course, who in his/her right mind EXPECTED Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to have any moral rectitude? NOT ME and probably not a single Democrat.
The abortion, terrorist lover is talking about morality. Hahahahaha LOVE LIBTARDS!!!
Conservatives trying to sound tough and smart while trying to claim the moral high ground, and failing at all three as usual.
This just in: tolerant liberals burn down Chicago and Detroit over Trump election! Let's target the korean owned liquor stores, my niggas!
Waggish Sagacity lol yeah! let's look to the far left and media bullshit for our moral beacon, because that's the only and all right in life. no bias. all facts. let's protest too while we are at it! because confirming those of different beliefs are the natural libral way!
What a bunch of cucks
Wow it stopped being funny. This is too real
You will critizise everyone as long as it comes out of the Republican party.
If it is neocn it is bad because of that.
If it is establishment It is bad because of THAT
If it is conservatove it is bad because of THAT.
What did you expect?
He's gonna fill his administration with moderats and liberals?
Also this whole white nationalist thing is a HOAX...
There is no such thing as "white" nationalism. (How is "white" a nation anyways?)
There is nationalism period
google white nationalism before you try and sound intelligent
You sound like an idiot and a sheep for suggesting that people just lay down and accept things that they disagree with.
Anna Elizabeth it sure is Anna it sure is... And what's even more discouraging is people who claim to not be racist don't have a clue what's going on SMH!
+Zero Large The time to stand up is past. The election is over. Your obligation as a democrat is to accept the result.
So seriously guys I just realised that Donald Trump Is still president it's been a week when's the joke over?
It was over when he got the nomination.
Perdunn dude you are lucky you Trump I'm still stuck with Zuma
Tendai Manomano
2024 according to Donald Trump.
Perdunn maybe it could change if the electors vote against him.
I am obsessed with all the late night shows after Donald trump won the presidential election! America is my new favourite comedy show!
Ledki1 same, these shows keep me from getting consumed by my thoughts about the future.
Ledki1 lol same
Ledki1 so does that make me a celebrity then? Gasp...will people ask for my autograph? Squeeeeeee
Ledki1 I've been obsessed for the past year, this whole election has been hilarious to watch, well the ending was a little disappointing
mine too
Comparing Rudy Giuliani's ranting with the famous painting of "The Scream" is hilarious. Trevor and staff are doing amazing work.
Propaganda is still propaganda.
+The Trump Train! Facts are still Facts.
Best comparison ever...I'm still laughing. It just missed Halloween, too.
And he's still screaming years later!
Ryan is correct. Trump will pick the best people for HIM. No one else, though.
Oh, they didn't nominate Bernie, oh I don't like either, oh they're both just as bad, ohhh I don't like how she talks.
Thanks for guys who didn't vote for these totally rational reasons.
Well done.
I think Rudy Giuliani has been reading Mein Kampf a bit too much.
Over used Hitler reference.
The Trump Train! Better over used than forgotten. I found funny that you defend both, Trump and hitler.
I'm unsure if he can read already. He is still growing up, you know
solountipomas You must be kinda dumb if you think what I said defended Hitler. Also you should run around relating everyone you disagree with politically to Hitler, thats not remembering, it's diminishing your credibility. Same goes for all the people that run around calling everyone racist, sexist, xenophobics, ect... You are erasing the meaning behind Hitler if you so carelessly make references to him.
Historians have made so many comparisons to Hitler and Trump that it would be foolish to ignore the correlations. And when you say that doing so damages someone's credibility, and erases the "meaning behind Hitler", you just sound like a bible-thumper chastising someone for taking your Lord's name in vain. Nobody is making "careless" references to Hitler, these are proven similarities, and you Trumptards running around trying to cover it up are just making your complacency for a White Nationalist takeover of the government more evident.
Even if you voted for Trump you can't deny these potential cabinet members are terrible!
Spencer poore Only if you believe the bs they are saying about them all. Why would they tell you the truth? They just spent a year telling us Trump was "unfit" and yet he won. They have to bring him down. Look deeper into Bannon. Both cited 3 articles...out of 1000s and they were all opinion pieces. He "grabbed" his wife...o the horror. Maybe she was acting crazy or trying to strike him...chargers were dropped. A bad night with one's wife is not a bad person. Andrew Britebart was Jewish and they were partners but they say he's anti-Semitic...it's all a smear.
Robert Toddford Williams unfit people can still win. also did you just deny this whole videos sources????
Markus Feder , lol, i can't put it another way, you're a dumbass.
Robert Toddford Williams Robert Toddford Williams
That excuse of "Oh, I have an X friend therefore I'm not X" is Bull crap. I remember reading up on this black guy who was friends with a KKK member. And a quote from that KKK member was "I have more respect from this black man than I do, 'white n******.'"
Having a X friend does not cancel you out from being a bigot.
'r/The_Donald' ...
The fact that Paul Ryan didn't have the balls to stand up for himself and his party actually offends me. I used to be a very staunch Republican. Back in '12, I expected Romney to win because of Ryan. It seemed as though he was a straight forward guy who would tell you what he's real opinions are about the government. But the fact that he's either too scared to stand up to the annoying orange (Trump) or too scared of the party's reaction is just purely shameful.
Max Kopplin lol that wasn't 08 it was 2012
Trump is really the big show of how people will eat their pride, dignity and self-respect. I don't mind the people who wanted Trump for whatever reason, but it's all the Republicans who said so many things against him and stand so far away from how he thinks and what he says and they still went along with it.
Paul Ryan?
A straight forwald guy?
Are you kiding?
He would give his liver away for contributions.
Also the honest people have a tendency of being called racist.
Now except if they are not white. In that case they're being ignored.
KoDan It's more of racist people tend to think "I'm just being honest". It's like how "I don't have to be politically correct" translates to "I can just be an asshole now".
Max Kopplin His followers have become a frightening cult. They start boycotts against any politician, CEO, or journalist who opposes their orange Jesus. I just saw a #neverpepsi hashtag on Twitter because the ceo simply said that her employees are now frightened. Anyone not with trump is apparently a paid stooge. They'll stay on the fence unless the public tide turns against him. Otherwise it can damage their careers.
"By electing Trump, America bought a ticket on the racism train so hell, we might as well take the express." Shit! That was deep.
Roy's got a point, and I agree with him. Instead of making incremental and mostly pointless effort, let the problem grow and spread. Let it be so that the issue will be so blatant and dangerous that the US will be in actual peril. Then, people will be able to actually see what the fuck has been going on and fix it.
Meanwhile, all the already decent privileged people should help those around them as reasonable as possible to tide over these years. This is the most efficient way to root out the underlying problem America has.
technically there is, but what youre proposing is a very dangerous idea. The country is already a powderkeg (just look at all the racist-inspired acts when trump was just DECLARED president), and letting it run rampant for years could very much lead to a civil war of sorts. And sadly, no the privileged will not assist anyone, if they were so "kind" then we wouldnt be in the situation in the first place. They will just lock their doors, trade some stocks, and take more money from everyone so that they can stuff more $100s into their pillows (or whatever the fuck people do with billions of dollars they couldnt possibly spend in their whole life)
Benjamin! Right ON! I agree! The white Americans who voted for Trump decry how frustrated & outraged they've been to feel so marginalized under President Obama....yet they don't realize they got 1% of 1% of the continuous, lifelong crap that minorities & women have dealt with our entire lives. They felt 'powerless' for a few years, & it hurt. Well, now they know how we've ALWAYS felt, but at least we've been responsible enough not to turn our country over to a band of Neo-Nazis just to get revenge. I can see this problem getting bigger & bigger & bigger, until it boils over into something huge (dare I say bigly & tremendous!) that the country will be FORCED to deal with. I know it's going to be difficult, but it's time white privileged Americans really took a look in the mirror & admitted what we've known all along -- racism never went anywhere, it just got good at being sneaky & subversive. By the way, I'm white, but I am not in denial.
thatguyofdark Call me cynical, but I'm a bit tired of this back and forth with little to no progress made (or "progress" made with too many compromises just to appeal to bureaucracy). Ripping a band aid off might cause immense pain and maybe a bit of skin tearing, but you'd see directly what is below that tape. It's time for us, America, to finally face the demon we possess in the heart of our nation and rid of it once and for all.
My definition of "privileged" is quite wide though, not restricted to just the wealthy. Those with knowledge, those in vital spots of work places, those in education, those in service...etc, they are the cogs and wheels of our society, and if they are not bothered with or under threat by this phenomenon we are seeing now, they are considered "privileged" to me. A small effort, a tiny bit of extra kindness, or simply a subtle action by the privileged to those who are scared really makes a difference.
Ani Bell Let us all work together, then, to help those around us as much as possible.
Benjamin Huang
At this point i dont even know anymore. As a black guy with the constitution of a football player, I think ill just keep my head down and try to avoid the coming shit storm. I think i may be more cynical than you, because ive had very little faith in the american people doing the right thing, and when they elect a blatantly racist, sexist, lying billionaire as president, i gotta fold my cards.
Well said, Huang.
Roywood Jr. hit the nail right on the head. It will be easier to combat the racism now that it is as clear as day.
I voted for trump and I regret already.
I'm interested what is making you regret it?
I'm with horse, why?
Dave SOLEMI took 18 months to pull your head outta your ass? fuckin joke!!!
jethrotull n
Lol, why are you Trump supporters so angry. Geez, Trump won, so what if someone regrets their decision. Don't they have the right too.
God help us all.....
Something about Bannon. I thought Trump said he was going to drain the swamp if elected. It looks to me like Trump went to the swamp already and pick Bannon from the bottom of that swamp, to add to it instead of draining it. I sure hope someone can offer him a makeover before he goes to Washington. He truly needs something done. I rather him and Trump both be in that swamp.
I subscribed and love it.. VERY ACCURATE AND HILARIOUS
Always lol :)
Cruz for a cabinet position? With Trump, Pence and Bannon in the white house, that creates our Four Horsemen of the apocalypse.
His choice for Secretary of Health and Hospitals terrifies me.
I love Trevor he's awesome!!! Keep up the good work Trevor... best part of my day is your show
So the reps are sucking up to Trump now, even though he basically uprooted their shitty party. Wow.
The Plain Truth
Bernie was an Independent before joining and using the the Dems to further his political ambition. Would you expect to join a club at the last minute and expect wholehearted support from those who have been there for decades and garnered camaraderie and loyalty? Grow up, you silly twit. Bernie is a pragmatist and understands the situation.
nonnanevrotica thats tge swamp Trump wanted to clean. . . at the moment he keeps on adding to it
***** What values? 5% of humankind, hosting 25% of it's incarcerated, at great expense in family cohesion, societal stability and public funds? Hillary's "scandals" where mountains made out of molehills.
I honestly feel a bit sorry for Paul Ryan. During the campaign he was against Trump, but now that Trump has become president, instead of rebelling or refusing Trump as a leader, he's just hopelessly accepting it. It's a very depressing example of "if you can't beat them, join them"
Ian Calandro it's either he suck it up or the only govt job he'll have is as a postman.
Ian Calandro party loyalty in a nutshell
Well no, he could stand up on principle for the sane part of the republican parti, lead republican-side resistance to the extremities of the Trumpites. Fight to reclaim/rebuild a moderate centre-right parti or lead them to form a a new parti separate from the Trumpeters. Republicans are like four parties in one right now. Christian Right, White Nationalist Right, Free Market Industrialist Capitalist Right & Croni Capitalist/Corporatist Finance Right.
Or that he's a pussy.
paul ryan is a shitty human being. where was he when trump made the comments about Mexicans? muslims? women? he could've gotten ridden of him, but he didn't. he's part of the problem.
I love Trevor so much 😂💖
"He got out of the white house like a black dude in a horror movie".... i fell out of my chair by this point xD
Elections have consequences. Never let anyone tell you that both sides are the same.
Thank you all at the daily show for keeping up the good fight for facts, and true, American morals!
... the fucking honeybadger meme?! .. REALLY?
first they drag pepe through the dirt and now the innocent honeybadger?
where does this end?
trump coming onto the stage pointing into the crowd and yelling "its dat boi!" and all of a suddon chris christie pops up and screams "oh shit waddup?" -.-
Mark Abrams Haha!
ugh poor Pepe
more like "oh shit wallup?"
Somewhat related... I was sweeping the floor at work and found Tic Tacs under a shelf. It was a very dark moment. I went to a very dark place.
Bye, Felicia???? Trump declaring his cabinet is on fleek???
This is so good ... Trevor is a genius! I just love the guy.
the funniest thing is that he clearly wasn't banking on being president, and now he like "oh shit, I just wanted the free advertisement".
*sigh* well, the whole world's fucked huh?
noranyaa2205 l lol no we still need to fuck mars before we are fucked
noranyaa2205 yes
noranyaa2205 tell me about it man!
Steve Bannon looks like the Head of Security in Orange is the New Black... Coincidence? I think not...
U hit the nail right on the spot Noah, I was equally disgusted when I heard Paul Ryan speak. OMG what pple will do for power.
Trump: Pull a Hillary.
James Madison OMG Madison
Mitch McConnell looks like a turkey.
Or maybe a turtle about to pull his head back into his shell.
Oh my God he does kind of look like Pistachio from The Master of Disguise I never even realized that
Caitlyn Marsolek no..he's a human turtle hybrid...💯
He looks like someone who's just been told that, if he doesn't play ball, they'll release the pictures to the press.
A no-chin, weak-necked, morally ambiguous turkey....yeah, I see it.
Hope Gulliani cleans his dentures before stepping out to represent this nation.
They ARE clean. Probably got messed up from the clean air the Republican admin. said there was around the WTC on 9/11. Yea, that act that Gulliani stated never happened before Obama's term in office. Unless he's also on the wagon of stating it was the US Gov't that did it (with Bush as Prez!!) Dunno
So nobody is gonna comment on the discrimination against John Oliver from the "Our last names are first names" club???
What? No comment on Ben Carson, the sloth man himself, being the chief of education? Really?
Mercury Black - they did mention Carson as someone who didn't want to stick around this Administration. Because he had declined the job citing lack of experience, which is ironical in itself since he ran for President.
He declined? That's good to hear. Got worried there for a second
If anyone saw those ads with the nun crying 'Shame!' and ringing a bell and tailing a guy...I see that happening to both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
Surprise Paul Ryan can still walk and stand after having no spine.
"Snuck up on you like a Trump victory" 😂
Trevor is really coming into his own. Lately he's become awesome!
Mitch O'Connell's deer in the headlights face... :-D
i love how everyone in my country is talking about how insane or dangerous trump is, they never talk about the even more insane people he is gonna put on his political team :( trump president wasnt scary to me before, but ted cruz, eric trump, steve bannon, sarah palin, rudy gulliani and so many more are all very very scary to me
wow you people are fucking pussies
flying guillotine I can't speak for everyone, but as a heterosexual male, what else should I fuck? And dammit, I make sure it's by consent!
Chunkboi Best response you could have given.
It puts a smile on my face when I see Roy wood Jr
So you're saying Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are spineless careerists who care more about their pension than the country?
What else is new?
8 years of straight up refusing to do their job just to spite their opponent. It's preeschooler levels of incompetence and malice. And they are what we now have as the "moderates" in a Trump administration? Fuck me.
Human Scream Portrait. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Love you, Trevor.
Damn straight Trevor! Keep spreading the word!
And the fear, and fear mongering begins...
A New Perspective Films the fear mongering started a long time ago. Long before Trump announced his candidacy even! And that was a prime exemplification of the fear mongering.
How do you fear monger an already terrifying thing xD
Don't underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
After all, they got Trump to president.
All I can say is that most Americans didn't vote for him. It's a fucked up system that he still gets to be President, but the numbers are in, even the people who voted mostly didn't vote for him.
It's good that people like Trevor expose these people for who they really are because they are not who they claim to be !
Been working on that Trump impression Noah?
It shows man, I cracked up at limearitas.
Trevor, you're funny, and your commentary has been spot on. I love you man, but you do a horrible Trump.
That Mconnel stuff was creepy. Its like some Alzeimers stuff or something.
Rudy Juliani or however you spell it need to get his lower teeth fixed.
I've never thought I would feel this ashamed to be an American. My heart cries for what is to come.
Dont be ashamed to be American, most people voted for Hillary
🙏🙏🙏 for my country.many prayers!
i love the show and i love trevor, but fucking hell he really needs to work on that trump impression
You know, you guys could do one from a Republican's perspective! Like how awesome it is to see all the liberals crying but we feel cold and empty inside because we sold our souls and abandoned our principles to get Trump and now we are also stuck with him for four years.
Oh man I lost it when the camera cut back to Trevor screaming after showing Giuliani's scream speech hahahaha
Trevor keep up the good work. you are brilliant and hilarious too.
Ew that badger guy is so sloppy gross.
You reminded me! Subscribing...
Who's forcing you to watch?
xlioilx that's bullshit and you know it.
The funniest joke ever, a comedy channel talking politics... Got to enjoy this with a cup of Liberal Tears, noting better than that.
Well stil the fact that its a comedy channel doesnt change the fact that bannon is a very dangerous man i mean i would rather have killary in there then bannon.
The daily show has been doing political comedy longer than you've been alive.
Fresh Liberal tears, OMFG thanks... I love the sweet taste of fresh squished liberal tears in the morning.
Enjoy. When survival of the fittest finally comes back, I'm sure you'll be a prime candidate to live, what with your sissy tear drinking.
MultiLorddave indeed, but when that happen i think the blend will be a little different, If liberal tears become scarce i will have to drink the few i can get mixed with the blood and sperm of my enemy children (if you know what i mean *PTSSS* _spirit cooking_)
Looks like I'm gonna need more popcorn than I previously thought..
How can Elton John not be a prominent member of the "My last name is a first name club"?
Well done.. Way to speak up!
2:15 I can't believe you didn't include a still from "The Thing With Two Heads" featuring Rosie Grier and Ray Milland. That would have been perfect.
My motto is "it's a mountain Charlie" and sometimes "we're on a bridge Charlie"
Roy's brief statement near the end was funny but chilling at the same time
Damn.. the moment when you watch daily show trying to get some laugh but you end up sit there and think
This program getting grimmer and grimmer
Life as a whole feels like that sometimes
Man Trevor, you can spin shit with the best of them. So proud of you!
Daily show is gonna have a lot of fun in the coming years
I don't get it. Aren't there any rules in place in the US to prevent offenders and law breakers from holding political office???
My mommy said never to trust people with two first names Lol Love you .
Anyone else watching from Canada 🇨🇦 eh
"Wait, Trump's appointing *that* guy? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!"
- Honey Badger, 2016
Your Trump impersonation is fucking amazing! 😂😂😂 keep doing what you guys do! I fucking adore you!
At this point I've accepted the fact we're all screwed, so I'm just gonna sit back and laugh all the way down.
Redwood Jr.? As in the candy cigarettes jingled in the GTA Vice City game commercial? LOL
I really never have seen this before !
Steve Bannon lookin like Darth Vader without his helmet.
VERY well said. This is such a disgrace in ethics, morals and values.
Trevor Noah will never create anything as funny as that Honey Badger video.
I knew they would use the scream as soon as I saw the picture of Rudy, it fits so perfect :D
*Bannon walks into cabinet meeting* "...there's not even a single cabinet in here..."
excellent observations, keep the eyes in the back your head open
i was literally thinking to myself "rudy looks just like the scream portrait" give me a job trevor.
I know Trevor ... does anybody else feel like we're in the live version of The Emperor has no Clothes.
it's great to see you guys today is tthe new "my luggage!"
One word: excellent!
Most perfect 'deer in the headlights' ever. Good ol mitch.
that was actually quite profound Roy😂
YoTrevor, I love your videos bro. you see things exactly as they are and you are a very smart guy. Your the voice of many Americans, stay strong and keep it up bro.
Good commentary.