Male advantage in women's boxing | Fiona McAnena on LBC

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Fiona McAnena busts myths about Disorders of Sexual Development (DSDs) and male sporting advantage on LBC with Matthew Wright.

Комментарии • 157

  • @stephenjarvis8420
    @stephenjarvis8420 Месяц назад +118

    And here we go again, a man talking over a woman who is far more knowledgeable than he is. Good on Fiona for hanging in there.

    • @jennd9091
      @jennd9091 Месяц назад +15

      I don't know how she stayed so polite and remained calm and focused. I wanted to get my rolling pin out,

  • @jennd9091
    @jennd9091 Месяц назад +65

    LET WOMEN SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @PlaceboDomingo
    @PlaceboDomingo Месяц назад +39

    Fiona did incredibly well to set out her case so clearly in spite of the constant interruptions and being spoken over by the interviewer - very frustrating to listen to, but well done!

  • @pollyparrot9447
    @pollyparrot9447 Месяц назад +59

    'It's a very complicated issue … I have to say we're half an hour through it and I'm still none the wiser …' . He'll never be any wiser if he won't learn to listen.

    • @TERFClub
      @TERFClub Месяц назад +2

      He doesn’t want to listen he’s already made up his mind to be dishonest and quite frankly rude.

  • @bettiezyx
    @bettiezyx Месяц назад +98

    He's not very good at listening and keeps interrupting.

    • @lindalaw5466
      @lindalaw5466 Месяц назад +6

      Mathew Wright- all wrong really. He has a daughter- when will he wake up?

    • @raydology9584
      @raydology9584 Месяц назад

      ​@@lindalaw5466he's not got aware experience he famous for his ability to talk not listening.

    • @harry011984
      @harry011984 Месяц назад

      Matthew is talking nonsense, I am afraid.

  • @wolfhugs2221
    @wolfhugs2221 Месяц назад +66

    Fiona and Helen are two of the very best people to speak to on this subject. Every interview is infuriating because the (usually male) interviewers talk down and don't listen. Matthew appears to an absolute plonker.

    • @raydology9584
      @raydology9584 Месяц назад +2

      In "lives matter" only one seems to.

    • @PatOBrien-d6p
      @PatOBrien-d6p Месяц назад

      No they are only the very best people on this subject if you want a one sided , unchallenged opinion masquerading as medical expertise on a subject they pretend to be experts in.

  • @sammemrys8195
    @sammemrys8195 Месяц назад +26

    Good on Fiona for persisting despite the interviewer's rudeness.

  • @peterfroggatt9595
    @peterfroggatt9595 Месяц назад +55

    Matthew Wright at classic worst here, he's completely ignoring the only thing that matters here which is the chromosome test thats what defines whether the athlete is male or female and wher or not they should be allowed and that's the only evidence we actually have around this, everything else is just hypothesis and noise. He keeps talking over fiona when she tries to explain this. The IOC are playing silly beggars with the boxing federation they have fell out with because of corruption allegations therefore ignoring and refusing to undertake there own test which is the only test that matters..

    • @Joley964
      @Joley964 Месяц назад +6

      I used to really like him 😢

    • @raydology9584
      @raydology9584 Месяц назад

      ​@@Joley964I bet now you would throw him back in the water!.

    • @Joley964
      @Joley964 Месяц назад +1

      @@raydology9584 Haha,not like him in that way 😂
      I just used to watch his tv show,it was my favourite 😬🤷‍♀️

  • @Joley964
    @Joley964 Месяц назад +68

    Let her speak Matthew.

    • @andrewcowie4005
      @andrewcowie4005 Месяц назад +17

      And he might Learn something.

    • @Joley964
      @Joley964 Месяц назад

      @@andrewcowie4005He already knows 🤷‍♀️

    • @andrewcowie4005
      @andrewcowie4005 Месяц назад

      Yes I believe so, his motivation is not to get the truth as he states it is just to wind people up.

  • @Diane-1912
    @Diane-1912 Месяц назад +74

    This very rude fella is so condescending.

  • @pollyparrot9447
    @pollyparrot9447 Месяц назад +61

    How about allowing Ms McAnena to answer the question you asked before interrupting her to ask another?

    • @TERFClub
      @TERFClub Месяц назад

      Whoever she formed a sensible reasonable response he interrupted. Pompous rude prick.

  • @haitch2676
    @haitch2676 Месяц назад +57

    He desperately wants to shut her up doesn’t he? Think he’s scared of the TRAs coming for him

    • @Joley964
      @Joley964 Месяц назад +17

      You’re right

    • @haitch2676
      @haitch2676 Месяц назад +15

      @@Joley964I hate being right, I hate it. You can hear in his condescending tone of voice too

    • @Joley964
      @Joley964 Месяц назад +1

      @@haitch2676Yes,he’s “done so much research “ but apparently not used his eyes 🤷‍♀️

    • @haitch2676
      @haitch2676 Месяц назад +15

      @@Joley964from all his research, he thinks the whole world sees this….. “boxer” as a woman. Not sure who he’s been asking but it wasn’t me or anyone I know

    • @993Redveg
      @993Redveg Месяц назад

      What has he to fear from the TRA's? Unlike the TERFs who are female, he is male, like them, and should be able to hold his ground with them.

  • @leonorachristina279
    @leonorachristina279 Месяц назад +29

    She didn’t claim he was male. She very carefully said “allegedly”. If he wasn’t so concerned about his own thoughts maybe he could have listened properly from the start instead of constantly interrupting.

  • @laf4891
    @laf4891 Месяц назад +37

    I used to like Matthew Wright. What a plonker

  • @jennd9091
    @jennd9091 Месяц назад +18

    GOD WELL DONE FIONA !!!! He is such a man talking all over a woman. He knows what a man and a woman is

  • @carolrichardson5259
    @carolrichardson5259 Месяц назад +25

    Dreadful way to interview if your guest cannot make a point without interruptions. He is clearly biased. He said at the end he is non the wiser! Because he would not listen to her and let her finish a sentence.

    • @PatOBrien-d6p
      @PatOBrien-d6p Месяц назад

      She made points he challenged them and she couldn’t argue her case because it’s based on falsehoods and rhetoric which is why she was keen to layout the usual dog whistles prior to specifics about this case

  • @JuliePip
    @JuliePip Месяц назад +25

    For Christ's sake, give her a chance to explain. He asks questions, doesn't let her answer. None the wiser?🤣, I think his mind is firmly made up,that much was obvious.

  • @goonies_neversay_die352
    @goonies_neversay_die352 Месяц назад +19

    Please, never speak to this guy again.. regardless of who is right and who is wrong, this is not how an interview should work.

  • @siobhannoble8545
    @siobhannoble8545 Месяц назад +16

    "Matthew Wright is leading Britain's conversation." That right there sums up his attitude. He controls the narrative and everyone else has to follow along.

  • @joen4642
    @joen4642 Месяц назад +23

    9:16 'noone knows the chromosones of Khelif' well that's the problem isn't it? 🤯

    • @jrr239
      @jrr239 Месяц назад +2

      Reportedly they were sex tested as XY (MALE) following previous IBA (International Boxing Association) 'testing', after which they were both banned. Iman appealed their decision, and then withdrew the Appeal. Why withdraw your Appeal if you are right? The other person involved is Lin Yu-ting who did not appeal the IBA decision. Again, if one is right, why would you not Appeal? The IOC are clearly operating Women's Boxing at the Olympics on the basis of self-ID, because for example, World Athletics & World Rugby rulings on men v women in their sports is crystal clear. Caster Semenya is said to have DSD (Different Sexual Development), but was banned by World Athletics due to their high Testosterone, although they recently won an appeal at the ECHR. But they're still not allowed to race at current Testosterone levels, bc they refuse to reduce their T to the equivalent of Women's Testosterone. But this is not just about Testosterone! This is about the significant advantages XY Chromosomes and male puberty have over Women (XX Chromosomes) full stop I.e significantly faster, stronger, more powerful. In short, larger hearts & lungs, bigger muscle mass, bigger bone density, less body fat than XX, bigger red blood cells which absorb oxygen and give XY an aerobic advantage over XX. Typically bigger height, bodies, feet, arms & hands means greater agility & reach etc. The list of advantages is endless. The IOC agree with reference to some Women's Olympic competitions but not with Women's Boxing. Funny that 🤔🙄

  • @eindhovendegekste168
    @eindhovendegekste168 Месяц назад +14

    Listening is an art this guy has not mastered yet.
    For god sake, man.

  • @hayley7090
    @hayley7090 Месяц назад +13

    Wright should shut his trap. He might learn something.

  • @maryskelcher8979
    @maryskelcher8979 Месяц назад +13

    He is the most annoying interviewer ever

  • @maureenparnaby1912
    @maureenparnaby1912 Месяц назад +16

    Listened live and switched him off! Interruptions! Tiresome

  • @lesley-anneweir307
    @lesley-anneweir307 Месяц назад +13

    The International Boxing Association statements (published online by media sources which have not been ideologically captured by trans rights activists- yes, I’m looking at you, BBC) are to the effect that this competitor failed lab screening tests because they have XY chromosomes and were, accordingly, disqualified from the World Championships. Khelif started the appeal process but abandoned it, so the ruling of ineligibility remains in place. The IBA specifically said it was wasn’t a testosterone test. Testosterone levels can vary but a DNA test shows immutable chromosomes.
    The IOC at first said this is not a DSD issue but later corrected themselves and said it’s not a transgender issue. Which, by implication, means it is, in fact, a DSD issue. DSDs which don’t confer sporting advantage would not result in a test fail for the purposes of female categorisation in sport. DSDs which do, would. So we can conclude that Khelif failed because he has XY chromosomes and is a biological male, who has the sporting advantage which that confers. And, guess what! The women he boxes against are saying he’s a male. Have you ever been punched in the face by a man? I have. Numerous times. I’ve also been punched in the face by women. I have 15 years experience of kickboxing and I know the difference. No biological male should be in the ring with a female. Boxing is a potentially lethal sport. Males have a 160% punching power advantage over females, on average, as well as denser bones and faster reflexes. Females also lack a protective brow ridge which makes a punch to the orbital region riskier for females than for males.
    This interviewer is lazy, not to mention rude, and hasn’t done the research. I’m disgusted by the poor quality of “journalism” on display here.

  • @sammemrys8195
    @sammemrys8195 Месяц назад +10

    That interviewer should have done a bit of research before speaking. It took only a few minutes to look up the fact that the International Boxing Association tested the individual in question and determined he was male and therefore banned him from boxing in the female category. Without the benefit of any research at all, he was utterly convinced of his own opinion.

    • @993Redveg
      @993Redveg Месяц назад +5

      Glad you referred to Khalif using the male pronoun. A win for those of us who are reality based. Could not agree more that he should not be fighting females. He is a MALE with DSD, MALE, Mr Wright, goddit??? Don't keep gaslighting Fiona and say that she said he was a female with DSD, clearly she didn't. As a male with DSD, Khalif should be fighting in the male category, IF he qualifies to compete in that category at Olympic level. My guess is that he falls far short of that.

    • @alibrown6268
      @alibrown6268 Месяц назад +2

      He's pushing a narrative the establishment want promoted

  • @JenP123
    @JenP123 Месяц назад +9

    Interviewer /interviewee …. One asks questions, the other answers questions. Matthew Wright deliberately spoke over Fiona and actually argued against or cut her off mid point every single time. Like “I’m not listening I’m not listening” way of going on. Too inconvenient for him to hear a broader perspective. Hope he listens back and is ashamed .

  • @onetwo19
    @onetwo19 Месяц назад +9

    What the hell? Why is a sex test intrusive but a drug test not? It is about fairness and safety not identity.

  • @shaggybuckaroo
    @shaggybuckaroo Месяц назад +9

    This guy is an example of what is so wrong these days...

  • @ktwashere5637
    @ktwashere5637 Месяц назад +10

    I'd like to listen to this but the comments are that the man talks over a woman constantly. I got better things to listen to.
    To summarise: this boxer should be in the men's division. And would probably come last. Hence why HE has been entered as a woman.

  • @shellygardener5936
    @shellygardener5936 Месяц назад +5

    Text book demonstration of staying calm and articulate in the face of arrogant ignorance. Well done Fiona!

  • @nyxthirteen4277
    @nyxthirteen4277 Месяц назад +9

    Why interview someone if you are going to talk over them, jeesh, mega cringe.

  • @juliecolton2512
    @juliecolton2512 Месяц назад +8

    She couldn't get a word in edge-ways! Good grief!

  • @Dan-kb2oz
    @Dan-kb2oz Месяц назад +8

    Just just just let me jump in and change the question repeatedly because you're winning on that point, so I need to change it. Appalling Matt.

  • @runningraven
    @runningraven Месяц назад +5

    Can the dude listen for like five seconds without interrupting?! 🙄😡

  • @sobraine123
    @sobraine123 Месяц назад +7

    Did this interviewer do any research before interviewing ?

  • @minhearg8331
    @minhearg8331 Месяц назад +4

    Matthew Wright's testosterone levels were working to the max here as he tried to browbeat his female opponent.

  • @aliasgrape4274
    @aliasgrape4274 Месяц назад +6

    The not everybody procreates quip from that man is ridiculous . Fiona said that it’s not been problem down the ages working out who is male and female when it comes to procreating . Matthew then says not everyone procreates ….We all know that not everybody procreates what a ridiculous thing to bring up and clearly many people do procreate or else we wouldn’t see the human population grow the way it has. It’s at times like this I wonder do some men simply carry resentment towards women because we are the ones who give birth for the species , it’s like it is a trigger for some men. Those men seem to have a mental block and don’t consider that very thing is not exactly a walk in the park for women , many things can go wrong with our reproductive organs , women die in childbirth , our bodies can be damaged in pregnancy but sure go ahead be secretly resentful Matthew . Well done Fiona I don’t think I could have tolerated that man in the dignified way you did.

  • @Wendyj55
    @Wendyj55 Месяц назад +5

    When he said, "I thought we were ALL "assigned" at birth." ... did he really 🤔🤔 ..I think not. He knows very well what is what here but is playing the useful idiot for the TRAs

  • @deethy19
    @deethy19 Месяц назад +5

    Oh shut up and let her finish!🤬

  • @zeno2712
    @zeno2712 Месяц назад +5

    If only the world was as simple as Wright and his little brain thinks it is.

  • @Casseopia777
    @Casseopia777 Месяц назад +4

    What a bully he is. Distasteful interview. Why invite someone on the show if all you want to do is prevent the interviewee from speaking?

  • @JayneWilliams-mo1hk
    @JayneWilliams-mo1hk Месяц назад +4

    Awful interviewer deliberating interrupting and arguing having already made up his mind rather than keep an open mind and listen. She couldn’t finish a single sentence.

  • @Flaxxseed
    @Flaxxseed Месяц назад +4

    People who deny they can tell who is male and who is female are so stupid, like come on, we all know you can!

  • @samanthatracy9096
    @samanthatracy9096 Месяц назад +3

    It would have been good if he had let her speak rather than keep interrupting her. Shocking interviewer.

  • @alicecrowe9257
    @alicecrowe9257 Месяц назад +3

    Maybe he’d actually be wiser if he just stopped talking and bloody listened to an expert…

  • @kathleeningham308
    @kathleeningham308 Месяц назад +3

    'I'm half way through, and I'm still none the wiser', says Wright. Yeah, that's because you're not too bright, and your listening skills are shot to bits.

  • @StuartGrant-fm6ti
    @StuartGrant-fm6ti Месяц назад +2

    Let her finish talking Mathew the reason we've got 2 ears is so we can listen twice as much as we talk...

  • @sn4rff
    @sn4rff Месяц назад +3

    kinda wish someone could make matthew wright shut up, for just a minute.

  • @bluetech2809
    @bluetech2809 Месяц назад +1

    Fiona should have said to Matthew "what scientific evidence do you to say that Khelif is biologically female at all other than someone happened to write in on the birth certificate?"

  • @amandag5072
    @amandag5072 Месяц назад +3

    This from the man who used to call women with children, "breeders", when he had his TV show.

  • @rimfiredragon2283
    @rimfiredragon2283 Месяц назад +3

    This guy is terrible.....he does not interview a person....if only he would shut up and let her speak.

  • @Sandy-oj7ig
    @Sandy-oj7ig Месяц назад +2

    This man is a propagandist. Why would you invite someone on to ask questions to, seemingly to inform the public ALL sides of a very serious issue, but instead talk over them, not ask questions and try to discredit them. This man is not curious nor does he have any integrity which is vital in real journalism. 4th estate is dead in the west.

  • @chrisharwood5456
    @chrisharwood5456 Месяц назад +15

    Mathew if you don’t know whether Imane is XX or XY why do you keep calling them “she”???🥴

    • @jrr239
      @jrr239 Месяц назад +7

      Because he's being 'kind' 🙄and has no backbone 🤬

  • @zeno2712
    @zeno2712 Месяц назад +4

    A man talking over a women... nothing new here.

  • @annboyce1090
    @annboyce1090 Месяц назад +3

    Interviewer displays a level of ignorance and discourtesy that is appalling! I have not listened to him before and will not again.

  • @michellej1372
    @michellej1372 Месяц назад +5

    So frustrating to listen to.

  • @kevinmcneeley879
    @kevinmcneeley879 Месяц назад +2

    FFS! I hate when stupid people cannot stop talking. This guy needs to pipe down and let his guest try to explain.

  • @iangalbraith1993
    @iangalbraith1993 Месяц назад +3

    Sorry but Matthew is a fool. Legal and libel? Eh is that why both athletes did NOT appeal IBU decision? Hmmm wonder why?

  • @s.p.2314
    @s.p.2314 Месяц назад +3

    This guy has no ability to listen and has already his own narrative on Imane Khelif.

    • @Joley964
      @Joley964 Месяц назад +2

      I think he knows jolly well what sex Mr Khelif is but he can’t say because he’s “frit” 😂

  • @JamesBrown-jn9zx
    @JamesBrown-jn9zx Месяц назад +1

    It’s not about you, Matthew: give her a chance to develop her theme.

  • @marysalluce9685
    @marysalluce9685 Месяц назад +7

    interruptus maximus

    • @993Redveg
      @993Redveg Месяц назад +3

      arrogantus maximus Matteo.

    • @993Redveg
      @993Redveg Месяц назад +3

      Sorry, that should be "..Matteus". All the same, he is a presumptuous bore who should be put in his place.

  • @CrystalShadow
    @CrystalShadow Месяц назад +2

    What a rude and incompetent interviewer he is. Not fit to do that job! 😡

  • @9395gb
    @9395gb Месяц назад +2

    Just test Khelif and Yu-Ting. Why are we debating this?

  • @SunnyVale-mt1ty
    @SunnyVale-mt1ty Месяц назад +3

    Stop interrupting!

  • @ingridreaves2916
    @ingridreaves2916 Месяц назад +3

    Good grief. What a horrible interviewer.

  • @swk862ssu4
    @swk862ssu4 Месяц назад +1

    Who’s this interviewer? He’s lousy at his job, he’s not letting her talk.

  • @fionamitchell2783
    @fionamitchell2783 Месяц назад +2


  • @AeronwenTrewent
    @AeronwenTrewent Месяц назад

    Matthew Wight showing himself as stupid, why isnt he embarrassed to do this?

  • @raydology9584
    @raydology9584 Месяц назад

    The fact he keeps saying she is with the problem is.

  • @lo2779
    @lo2779 Месяц назад +1

    Matthew what the heck is this nonsense? Can you listen or do you like hearing yourself talk? 🤦‍♀️ It's not a complicated matter

  • @nickthepostpunk5766
    @nickthepostpunk5766 Месяц назад +1

    I did think the interviewers perspective was mostly poor. However, I do think it’s a fair point that if we don’t know the boxer is male we should be careful in making it clear that the argument is that IF the boxer is male then this is an issue.

    • @claireharris8784
      @claireharris8784 Месяц назад +5

      For safeguarding purposes, Khelif should be suspended until a sex test is done. To let Khelif proceed is putting women in danger if he is male.

    • @nickthepostpunk5766
      @nickthepostpunk5766 Месяц назад +2

      @@claireharris8784 I think the IOC’s position on this issue has been less than transparent, coherent, and ideology free. And I agree that there is surely an argument for testing.

    • @JayneWilliams-mo1hk
      @JayneWilliams-mo1hk Месяц назад +3

      I mean, if you can’t or won’t prove you meet the eligibility criteria you shouldn’t be allowed to compete.

    • @nickthepostpunk5766
      @nickthepostpunk5766 Месяц назад +1

      @@JayneWilliams-mo1hk the boxers did all meet the criteria: its the criteria that are in effect being questioned.

    • @TERFClub
      @TERFClub Месяц назад +1

      They could have offered to take another sex test. Results take a day. But they won’t. And we all know why.

  • @suninaries571
    @suninaries571 Месяц назад +3

    Terrible interviewer

  • @matthewrowe9903
    @matthewrowe9903 Месяц назад

    Just test thats will end this plus i assume mat here refuses to accept the IBA findings because of a Russian his racism and bigotry is troubling

  • @sh8nn0n92
    @sh8nn0n92 Месяц назад +1

    Y=GUY- dsd or t- 🗣️🗣️

  • @karp6130
    @karp6130 Месяц назад +1

    "We can all see who's male and female". No you can't, that's bullsh*t.

    • @joen4642
      @joen4642 Месяц назад +4

      @@karp6130 what about in this case? He is fighting a woman.. are you okay with that?

    • @haitch2676
      @haitch2676 Месяц назад +5

      You can’t tell men from women? Must make your life very difficult

  • @chrisharwood5456
    @chrisharwood5456 Месяц назад +6

    Is Mathew being deliberately contrary here ???🥴