Why the Pawn System Needs Improvement - Dragon's Dogma 2

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Today we will review one of the worst features in Dragons Dogma 2. Dragon Dogma 2 is a great game, it has many good things, but the Pawn System is not one of those. While the game excels in some things, it still has flaws as I mentioned in the review.
    As a fan of the game I wish that for the next game they decide to give more color to this system, maybe they don't have to remove it, but I will love for it to be more unique and something that can be called an actual feature.
    I believe the game has had a lot of critics due to the microtransactions and the bad performance in some areas, yet in general it has not been that criticized in other areas where it lacks, and although I like the game, I think the Pawns System is one of those.
    I hope you enjoyed the video, see ya next time!!

Комментарии • 29

  • @monkeylungs3479
    @monkeylungs3479 4 месяца назад +18

    The pawn system is one of the best parts of the game.

  • @mrmaggot6699
    @mrmaggot6699 4 месяца назад +14

    I understand you don't like the pawn system, which is fine. But you can't really say it "the pawn system is a lie" and then never elaborate on how the player is supposedly being lied to. It seems like you just don't like it and called it a lie because it makes for a catchy phrase/thumbnail.

    • @ashengames111
      @ashengames111  4 месяца назад +1

      Noted, since people seem to be agreeing with you I changed the title.
      The title implied that is a lie since in my opinion they called it a “System” which is a differentiating factor compared to other RPGs, and yes, it has some differences as being able to rent the character/pawn of another player which is cool. But as far as personality and customization of your party, aside for your own pawn, this mechanic is behind other RPGs like Dragon Age or Mass Effect for example. Where companions can be customized, have their own personalities that can actually develop according to your choices and you can also pick their skills and how they behave in a fight. The Pawns are supposed to develop their personalities, yet what they actually do is get knowledge of the location of the mission/items and get better at killing monster when they get a badge, which is actually what they do already with levels and gear, and I have never looked for a pawn with a badge although some had it….
      So the lie that I implied in the thumbnail refers to the way I see the pawn system, which in my opinion is a subpar version of companions, not that I don’t like it, I just think is not deep or good enough to substitute companions. Although some of the mechanics implemented are cool, like your pawn telling you about their adventures in another world or pawns guiding you to missions, which I like more than having a marker on the map.
      In the video I mention this at the start :
      “You are supposed to be renting a companion but they’re more like mix between a talkative Alexa and a second grade Google Maps.
      Some people do not like to play coop, so the The Pawn System was invented, I get it, is the bridge between single player and playing in a group, in other words, what has been known since before the time of Jesus as Companions. The only difference that RPGs companions tend to have personalities and a backstory.”
      But as mentioned, I changed the title to something else….

    • @PauloCesar-oz6dy
      @PauloCesar-oz6dy 4 месяца назад +1

      I mean, at least there is a lore reason for why pawns don't have a personality. Capcom is known for their gameplay, not it's history. Which is not a problem, except for dragon's dogma, who caught to much attention from the rpg community, which tends to prefer history over good gameplay (Skyrim). When I saw the amount of hype sorrounding dd2 I new people would be disappointed

    • @wetnoodleman
      @wetnoodleman 4 месяца назад

      @@PauloCesar-oz6dy seems like a lazy attempt to do less work on the pawns

    • @PauloCesar-oz6dy
      @PauloCesar-oz6dy 4 месяца назад

      @@wetnoodleman I think their focus is where it should be. With dumbass pawns we already have players letting them do all the work, imagine if they were smarter

  • @criticviking
    @criticviking 4 месяца назад +5

    The pawns learn by doing and look what you're doing and once they get enough badges they can single handely take down monsters all by themselves. they are suppose to be like a blank canvas which then get taught by players and the more they fightand learn the better they will become on taking down foes. It is not a lie its the same system as last game i don't get why you think theyre normal companinions they are pawns.

  • @Aanteatur
    @Aanteatur 4 месяца назад +8

    Hmmm...🤔 nah I like the pawn system. For myself I like to often play the "field general" giving orders during combat and synchronizing with my squad. I'm a battle junkie anyway so that fits just fine with me 😂 plus it just feels like a proper adventuring party as you get stronger and tactics can be better utilized. But that's just me and I do sometimes still go solo just for that experience.

    • @ashengames111
      @ashengames111  4 месяца назад

      I get what you mean, I hope for another game like Dragon Age Origins. I loved that you could give orders but also give them like a plan of how to behave according to conditions. I just wish they actually put more time in the Pawn System, I kind of feel like is a step backwards from normal companions....

    • @shaser3684
      @shaser3684 4 месяца назад +1

      But it's not Dragon Age, tho I like DAO very much, but these are not the same gameplah loops.
      I'd argue that the pawn system is more immersive as the ai of the pawn evolves with what you do and their personality. You are WITH companions. You don't control your companions.

    • @EstebanBrenesV
      @EstebanBrenesV 4 месяца назад

      @@ashengames111 You are clearly wrong, and not only theoretically but factually, all that you said comes from the way you see the pawn system, the way you in the video treat your pawns and what you expect them to do, I can as a matter in fact and I am sure many peoplecan prove you wrong with footage of pawns beign useful, interacting with each other and actually beign better in some vocations than others, I also found so many useful pawns by using the search function that make for a very varied effective group that fit my playstyle and I am not the only one as it seems for the comments. It is not a step backwards because it is not what you expect from them, you clearly dont like it say it how it is.
      And just for the record funny enough 12 years ago I started a road to become a game analyst guess which system and which game started that professional path of mine? so yeah I can tell you first hand the pawn system is legit.

    • @ashengames111
      @ashengames111  4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for your opinion although I do not agree with it, and congrats on making it as a game analyst, no sarcasm intended, I think it must be hard to make it.
      Yes, pawns can be useful and I did not expect less and they sometimes interact with each other. One of the best things about them is the way they guide you if they have been on a mission, which is an immersive way of indicating where an objective is. When they interact with each other is really is really cool, but that not a real innovation either. I also find seeing other peoples characters and being able to hire them as a cool mechanic in theory.
      However, I still think is a very shallow system, the things you mentioned is something that regular companions already do, you can also pick which ones you want to have in your party with different personalities and a backstory.
      They are supposed to develop personalities, but they have 4 inclinations and they make comments according to those inclinations and some experiences they had, would you say that you pick pawns according to their personalities? Do you remember something about the personalities of the last pawns you picked? Personally I only remember those that I really liked aesthetically as the beastren warrior shown in the video. I wouldn’t bet that the personality of my pawn is any different to other straightforward pawn.
      “ I also found so many useful pawns by using the search function that make for a very varied effective group that fit my playstyle”
      Even picking pawns without looking at the gear or with subpar abilities is easy to make successful party, some combinations that I have tried have worked better, but in my opinion the game is easy enough to make most combinations work.
      What do you like about this system vs regular companions in an RPG?

    • @EstebanBrenesV
      @EstebanBrenesV 4 месяца назад +1

      @@ashengames111 as a matter in fact I do, my pawn is straightforward but it has a tendency to let me do stuff and sit around because I use commands and always use wait when I want to guve the final blow, when I do not she goes ahead and takes care, I had one other straightforward called sarif he was always eager to go to locations to the point he went ahead alone and waited for me on the place instead of guiding me, and while I am no youtuber I do have a record of this, and even sarif was at the end of my playthroguh as one pawn that I reiterated times re hired, Erin was another one a particular mage that was good at healing, this I managed by testing and also by listening to their conversations, oh and btw the more time a party is together with the same pawns the more they align to thier personalities and more sinergy they even comment on it. Your problem is you are seeing them simoly as a system, they are not that shallow as a metter in fact each combination is comolex, and btw the specialization also affects personality, my advice dont hire pawns that look goofy, peiple that does pawns to get them hired usually dont focus on their gameplay and their pawns dont learn thereforw dont develop, hire pawns based on characteristics and on what you want them to do, then spend the time to teach them how to fight with you, you want them to support ask for help, you want them to take the lead tell them go, you want them to listen to to use wait them do and then use go, you want them to back ypu up, use To Me, the commands work but also remember each pawn is different, dont use them as tool because they will behave as such. And if you use them as a system guess what they will do?

  • @pbonfanti
    @pbonfanti 4 месяца назад +7

    I disagree fully, i dont want another player disrupting my gameplay, so a group of pawns is just what i need, they are useful, and easy to manage. When someone sends me to a nursing home i happilly will atend the call of the arisen.For someone who wants a storyteling experience with companions, just play BG3, Dragon Dogma, is just a sucessor to the beat n up fantasy arcade games like Shadows of Mystara.

    • @SeasoningTheObese
      @SeasoningTheObese 4 месяца назад

      Shadows of Mystara is best enjoyed with 4 players.

  • @wetnoodleman
    @wetnoodleman 4 месяца назад

    pawns need more personality and to interact with the arisen more, for example I really wish that pawns would ride in the back of an ox cart with you rather than walking along side. Yes I know if you affinity with your pawn to max they will sit with you but it should've been something they do with the start among other things they should do to give you more immersion that they actually exist and aren't just companions who follow you around and fight with you

  • @desmondjefferson2127
    @desmondjefferson2127 4 месяца назад +1

    The perfect name for this game is "Inventory Dogma 2"

  • @silencekali3732
    @silencekali3732 4 месяца назад +1

    I disagree other than them just simply not helping me when I most need it(being mauled by wolves and dullahan)

  • @TheInstinctWithinV2
    @TheInstinctWithinV2 4 месяца назад +3

    There is shhomting about the POWn sistemm. Damn, bro, the Finnnish accent isn't just strong, it's Herculean.

    • @ashengames111
      @ashengames111  4 месяца назад

      My accent is so thick that it switches nationalities XD I actually went to watch some videos about how to dial down the finnish english accent to get some tips

  • @TheRavenShadowsWolf
    @TheRavenShadowsWolf 4 месяца назад +1

    The pawn system isn't the only thing wrong with this game. It's a symptom. Not the disease.
    * AI is NOT smart enough to "learn" a damned thing that Devs keep insisting it can. It never will be. Frankly the pawn system won't even let you tell them to shut the fuck up. Now they actively want to lead me all over the map; in a day night cycle that's actively sadistic... sure. You go do whatever you want to do buddy. I'm trying to find us a camp site within ten miles so we don't freaking DIE. They got rid of Assassin as a CARDINAL SIN.
    - There are Cyclops' Ogres and Minotaurs that all have multiple health bars - which WOULDN'T have appeared until Level 50 (or you could stay away from them up to that point) in the first game. In this one they're randomly EVERYWHERE. Any time I step out of Vernsworth I'm basically praying not to get screwed. I wasn't even level 10 before I started seeing them. It's like, do you WANT me to keep playing or not??? Any time I take an oxcart (which whoever came up with the genius idea they can be attacked - Fire him. Her or it. Pronto! It's NOT fast travel if it can be interrupted. And if it can be interrupted it should cost 10 gold. Not 100-200) There are players that don't even know you can BUY A HOME! Ferry stones cost 10 freaking K gold. They changed Greenswarish so it DOESN'T heal the blocked off part of the health bar anymore if you take damage; and every single freaking enemy hits you for a good chunk of it. Why? Apparently there are 2 ACTUAL romances, and Grigori is JUST as likely to pick someone else as your "beloved" as he was in the first game, rather than the one you wanted and pursued. Warfarer DOES NOT equate Assassin; and there was NO REASON to give it the most gimped stats. For the trade off of being able to switch your weapons. Whoopie. You can't use any capstone ability - and you take up an augment slot to get that ability. Yay? Trickster has no point. At all. They changed it so that you actively have to SEEK OUT the capstone abilities by vein of Teachers. Like Gothic and Risen. I absolutely could not/cannot play those games because I refuse to accept that if I have the money (which is always hard to earn because none of you devs have ever heard of a BALANCED ECONOMY) and I'm the appropriate level or whatever else need be, I can't just LEARN the skill. Damn it. It doesn't fucking matter if you grind all the ranks, you could be level 300 before you figure out where the asshole even is. (I should NOT have to look it up, and there was NOTHING wrong with how it was in the first game. Do you know HOW LONG it took to grind out the ranks??? That's enough punishment to make it "worth it") The level cap is 999 but good luck getting any player to SEE it. The scale for EXP should be capped each level. So should the devotion. It doesn't have to go beyond like 5 K. Yes, you SHOULD be maxed level by HALFWAY through the game. Why? So you can actually get a feel for what the hell you can do at that level and get to ENJOY it. It's like you guys don't THINK when you do the level scaling; How fun is this to actually play. Because I know designing this shit is WORK for you. I bought the damned game for ENTERTAINMENT.
    * Apparently if you do complete one of the romances, she up and disappears from the game. Whoohoo. That leaves maybe only one actual romance. And it's not even the more attractive looking girl... (Ulrica's fine, but damn did they render her as the plain Jane) End of the day there are a LOT of stumbles in this game that basically make it all but EXACTLY the same as the first. With a few differences. No, I'm not just talking about the graphics. I didn't have much hope that they'd fix every issue I had with Dark Arisen and the original, but Jesus Christ, did you have to make some of what was actually good WORSE?

  • @Sixth_SSense
    @Sixth_SSense 4 месяца назад +1

    They are overpowered tbh

  • @RpgBlasterRpg
    @RpgBlasterRpg 4 месяца назад +2

    Dragon's Dogma 2 is a unfinished game, just like Phantom Pain, should Capcom had delayed the game with three more years, this could had been perfect

  • @lenosantos5175
    @lenosantos5175 4 месяца назад +1

    I liked.

  • @SkRo0L3w5e
    @SkRo0L3w5e 4 месяца назад +1

    You’re just wrong

  • @Christian-zf7gc
    @Christian-zf7gc 4 месяца назад

    Tbh coop would be so much better than the pawn system.

    • @shadowscall7758
      @shadowscall7758 4 месяца назад

      No, it wouldn't. Multiplayer doesn't need to be shoved into every game, and even if you don't use it, it still takes dev time away from the other parts of the game.

    • @Christian-zf7gc
      @Christian-zf7gc 4 месяца назад

      @@shadowscall7758 so does the pawn system which is more annoying than helpful.